Texas400 Tutorial: Use Selection 25 in PDM To Search Through Source Code
Texas400 Tutorial: Use Selection 25 in PDM To Search Through Source Code
Texas400 Tutorial: Use Selection 25 in PDM To Search Through Source Code
TexAS400 Tutorial
Use selection 25 in PDM to search through source code.
There are a couple of ways to search through source code for information you are looking for (ie. program names, files, attributes, etc.).
The 1st way is to do a search on a single or multi-program file level through the work with members option, in which you search only
specific program(s) for your information. The other way is to do a search through an entire object such as QRPGLESRC or QDDSSRC.
In using the 1st method, start the Program Development Manager (STRPDM), and use option 3 to 'Work with members'.
Selection or command
Now type in the needed information for the file and library to which you want to
From here, type in 25 in the Opt space of the Member you would like to do the search on.
If you would like to check all the programs listed on this members screen, simple hit
F13 (Shift F1) and you will see that 25 is filled in on all the options.
File . . . . . . QRPGLESRC
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Parameters or command
Now hit Enter, and you will see the Find String screen. In the blank to the right of "Find",
type in the information you are seeking and press enter. In this example we are looking for
Find String
Find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ABP001___________________
Parameters . . . . . . . . . . .
F18=Change defaults
You can see now that the search found the PF in program ABC102. Hit Enter to continue the
search, and it will look through all the files you have chosen and will pop up the screen
SEU==> ABC102
FMT FX FFilename++IPEASF.....L.....A.Device+.Keywords+++++++++++++++++++++++++
0003.00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------
0011.00 C EndIf
0012.00 C EndDo
0014.00 C Return
0015.00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------
0016.00 *---------------------------------------------------------------------
Another method to conduct the search is through Option 2 of the PDM. Here is where
you work with objects. Once again, type in your Library name, and for Object name, type in Q*.
This will list all of the Q objects, such as QDDSSRC, QRPGSRC, etc...
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The next screen you see will contain the specified objects. Now all you need to do is type
in 25 in the object you want to do the search in, and it will search through all files/programs
Position to type . . . . .
Parameters or command
Now hit Enter, and the search will begin through all the members associated with the object you
have chosen to search. You will notice the same result as above was located in the search.
So there you have it, 2 different ways of conducting a search for information using Option 25 in
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