Audit Test Shalgalt
Audit Test Shalgalt
Audit Test Shalgalt
• Periodically review all food safety procedures and instructions, to ensure they remain current
• Review requests to change FSMS-related procedures and work instructions and direct the Food Safety
Team through such reviews
• Manage the Food Safety Team and ensure that processes needed for the FSMS are established,
implemented, and maintained
• Report to the President and top management on the performance of the FSMS and any need for
• Ensure the promotion of awareness of customer requirements pertaining to food safety throughout the
• Develop the Company’s prerequisite programs and ensure that PRPs are implemented, monitored,
and communicated to the appropriate parties, and periodically review PRPs.
• Assemble Food Safety Teams, as needed
• Prepare a Flow Diagram for each product or process category covered by the Food Safety
Management System and verify the accuracy of those diagrams
• Conduct hazard analyses
• Ensure that inspection requirements are included on Purchase Orders
• Evaluate suppliers’/vendors’ food safety systems; monitor and report on supplier food safety
performance on an ongoing basis
• Review all rejections by the Food Inspector
• Review revisions to manufacturing practices, to ensure potential food safety hazards have been
adequately addressed
• Confirming the nonconformity and determine the disposition of nonconforming materials
• Oversee the internal food safety audit program – select internal audit personnel, review results of food
safety audits, ensure that corrective actions are understood, and supervise corrective actions
• Reporting on corrections and corrective actions taken at Management Review meetings
• Collect, analyze, and publish measurement data, to determine the root cause of process and product
food safety problems and recommend action to resolve those problems
• Initiate and supervise product recalls, to ensure adequate implementation and effectiveness
• Supervise hazard analyses, report results of analyses to top management, and periodically review food
safety-related processes to ensure hazards are accounted for and controlled
Top management:
• Business Goals,
• Business area coverage. – Domestic / Exports.
• Statutory & regulatory compliance
• Purpose / objectives / sustainability of business ?
• Customer focus,
• Food safety policy,
• Resource provision,
• Whistleblower system / culture
• Internal, external issues
• Interested parties & their interest
• Risk assessment & mitigation
• Appointment of FSTL & Team members
• Responsibility & Authority
• MRM attendance & review,
• Communication – External & Internal,
• FSMS planning,
• Emergency planning,
• Food fraud,
• Food defense
• Allergen Management issues
• improvements and updates
ISO/TS 22003-2013 TABLE A.1
BII Farming of Grains and Pulses, FII Food Broking/Trading , H Servises, J Equipment
ISO 19011
1. Representation of the audit team with the auditee
2. Preparation of final audit report
3. Ensuring audit plan is prepared and shared with client during opening meeting
4. Ensuring the audit team reaches auditee location on time
5. Authorizing changes in audit plan as directed by the organization
6. Ensuring audit is carried out as per audit plan
7. Opening and closing meeting records such as attendance are taken on time
8. Resolving conflicts at site
9. Presenting audit observations on-time
10. Chairing closing meeting as per the instructions of top management of client org
11. NC CA are carried out and closed within the time frame
12. Ensuring audit records are maintained
13. Ensuring logistics and accommodation were done and appropriate
14. Ensuring on time audit activities at site
15. Ensuring audit post activities are carried out
16. Ensuring closing meeting carried out on time
• There is no nonconformity and further investigation is needed to determine how the organization determines
and implements its cleaning process
• In this situation there is no enough evidence to raise non-conformity further probing with regards to cleaning
and competence of the operator to be checked.
Incident 1.
During Stage 2 audit at M/s Zoor Pvt Ltd., manufactures of Cheese products. During FSTL audit of Mr. Kumar. You point out
the Organization has not reviewed the risks and opportunities. He says the Organization procures milk from farmers located
near the processing plant. Till date there was not incidences of any risk, thus analysis was not done.
Grade: Minor
Evidences: During the interview with FSTL, it was mentioned that no analysis was done because there was no risks occurred
until the date.
Standard requirements: ISO 22000: 2018 Clause 6.1, 6.1.2, and 6.1.3 and FSSC additional requirements 2.5.1 risk during
the purchase of materials.
Incident 2:
During surveillance audit of M/s Dairy Super Ice cream manufactures, during stores audit, you notice In-process ice cream mix of different
flavors being stored in different color drums being stored at 1-4 deg C, when you enquire with stores manager Mr. Khan, he says this mix
was remaining from previous batch which would be used for re-work during next batch for same flavor mix preparation. You enquire further
why these re-work materials are not identified, he says he has 10 years’ experience in this industry and it is not a requirement.
Grade: Major
Non-conformity statement: During the audit in storeroom, rework materials were not been labelled and identified.
Evidences: During the interview with Stores manager, it was informed that this mix was remaining from previous batch which would be
used for re-work during next batch for same flavor mix preparation. These re-work materials are not identified.
Standard requirements: ISO/TS 22002-1 clause 14 including 14.1, 14.2 and 14.3
Rework shall be identified and labelled to allow traceability. Traceability records for rework shall be maintained.
Clause no Questions
7.1 What does the waste disposal procedure
7.1 What non conformities did you have to
take corrective actions?
7.3 When did you update the agreement with
the disposal company?
7.3 How often does your vendor pick up the
waste from your org, any records?
7.4 How have you planned your flow diagram
including drainage flows
7.4 How often do you disinfect the area of
disposal collection?
7.4 How often have you planned to do
maintenance of your waste disposal
7.4 How do you dispose the waste packaging
7.2 When did you update your sanitation
programme for waste disposal?
7.1 How often do you conduct waste
management training?
7.2 e Does the risk analysis include risks
related waste disposal?