The purpose of this project was to find and address the challenges faced by visually impaired
persons when trying to communicate electronically. An emailing system was proposed and
built. Email System for the visually impaired is a software system that aims to empower the
blind and the visually impaired. It makes use of artificial cognitive intelligence to mimic
human intelligence by converting user supplied voice message into text and then creating an
email message to send to the desired recipient. Also, the software system is capable of
reading aloud new mail and adding recipients to a local user directory. This intelligent
behavior is powered by cloud based services that handles the Artificial Intelligence that
processes the conversions from text to speech and vice versa. Research was done by
interviewing people from the Jairos Jiri home and using various online sources to conduct a
literature review that evaluates current systems and identifies gaps in these systems The
information gathered was used to design the system and the design to implement the system.
A speedy internet connection is recommended for this system to work smoothly.
I, Shingirai Effort Sikula, hereby declare that I am the sole author of this dissertation. I
authorize the Midlands State University to lend this dissertation to other institutions or
individuals for the purpose of scholarly research.
This dissertation, entitled “Email System for the Visually Impaired” by Shingirai Effort
Sikula meets the regulations governing the award of the degree of BSc Honours Computer
Science of the Midlands State University, and is approved for its contribution to knowledge
and literary presentation.
I would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Mzikamwi for his guidance during the course of this
course. He helped me write a document that’s meaningful and without him I would have not
completed this project. I extend my gratitude to the members of the Computer Science
department for the support they have given me. Last but not least, I thank the Midlands State
University for the resources it has provided me. Without it this project would not be a
To my beloved niece, Nyasha.
Table of Contents
Abstract .......................................................................................................................................
Declaration .................................................................................................................................
ii Approval ..................................................................................................................................
Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................................
Dedication ..................................................................................................................................
1.6 Instruments and Methods .....................................................................................................
3 Drawbacks.............................................................................................................. 8 Drawbacks.............................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Benefits of the new system .........................................................................................
3.6.1 Functional Requirements ............................................................................................
4.8.1 Physical Security .........................................................................................................
5.3 Testing................................................................................................................................
5.4 Installation..........................................................................................................................
5.5 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................
References ................................................................................................................................
39 List of Acronyms
AI Artificial Intelligence
ER Entity Relationship
JSON JavaScript Object Notation
OS Operating System
STT Speech-to-Text
TTS Text-to-Speech
List of Tables
Table 1.1: Tools .........................................................................................................................
Budget............................................................................................................ 4
Figure 4.3 System Architecture ...............................................................................................
40 Appendix B: Interview
Questions ............................................................................................ 41
1.1 Introduction
Nowadays people rely on communication, be it using instant messengers, social networks or
email. Communication helps us maintain relationships, do business and spread news. With the
availability of computers, cell phones, and an internet connection, communicating has become
unbelievably easy. All this convenience can only be enjoyed by people who are not blind or
people without crippled hands. They too deserve to be part of this new age or at least a part of
it since science can only do so much to help people with disabilities. The fact that disabled
people cannot always enjoy all that can be enjoyed by a person with no disabilities is
understood, but society must put in an effort for these people to at least enjoy all they can. By
the time this document is written, a phone call is the only form of communication that the
blind can use to communicate with other people not in the same place.
This chapter looks into the background of the study and the problem definition and aim of this
project, its objectives, limitations and feasibility. Lastly, there is a work plan showing when
each and every activity starts and ends.
(Russell and Norvig, 2010) Artificial Intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or
software, and the branch of computer science that develops machines and software with
intelligence. This project applies AI to mimic human cognitive intelligence. AI is seen in our
day to day lives, i.e. on social media adverts and social media suggestions. It is characterized
by the use of high-performance computers to train computers and process large amounts of
data. Since the computational power needed to execute AI algorithms is expensive, one can
always use cloud-based services that expose different types of AI to software developers.
Examples include Microsoft cognitive services, Google cognitive services, IBM cognitive
services, and Amazon cognitive services. This project will be using Microsoft cognitive
services because it is the author's preferred service. Google, IBM and Amazon’s services are
just as good.
● To use the voice to compose email messages
● To convert received email message to audio output.
● To read out attachments (if readable)
● To send email message as an attached voice note if the voice cannot be converted to text
Tool/Service Purpose/Description
Microsoft Cognitive Services API A cloud based AI API which can be called
from any software or website.
This project will use two information gathering methods namely interviews and observations.
Some information is also obtained from internet sources.
1.7 Delimitations and Limitations of the research
This system provides people with impaired vision with a communication platform that use
electronic mail technology. It does not provide them the ability to participate on trending
social media platforms and requires the user to have a device that support the necessary
hardware and software. Also, for the system to properly work and please the user, it requires a
speedy internet connection with high latency. This study assumes a user has a connection that
surpass 500 kilobytes per second.
A conservative estimate will be $10 per day when the system is fully implemented.
But during development it is free as the system will only use 1 concurrent request per
time and the developer is sure he will not exceed the free 5 hours.
• The mail server will cost $10 per month for every 30000 emails sent. It works as a pay-as-
you-go service. Therefore, any costs that will be incurred later on will be dealt with then.
Cost during development $0
Project proposal
Figure 1.1: Project Gantt chart
1.11 Conclusion
All the problems were identified and the objectives stated very well and the next phase is the
literature review. This chapter made a budget of the system development and also looked into
some of the limitations of this project. Later on in the chapter is a justification on why
building the system is necessary. Lastly, there is a time plan showing the lifespan of the
development process and the phases involved. The next chapter will review literature of other
systems similar to this one.
2.1 Introduction
(Fink, 2010) Literature reviews are designed to provide an overview of sources you have
explored while researching a particular topic and to demonstrate how research fits within a
larger field of study. As such, this chapter is a comparison between E-mail systems that exist
and an E-mail system that this project proposed. In the context of visually impaired persons,
different E-mailing systems will be reviewed so as to determine their benefits and drawbacks.
After that, one can now clearly see where there is a need for improvement and where
development can fork from. Also, there is an outline of the foreknowledge of the proposed
system and the source of that knowledge.
Today, there are more than four billion E-mail accounts and more than two and a half billion
E-mail users (THE RADICATI GROUP, INC., 2019). This makes E-mail the most spread
communication technology on the internet. This staggering statistic is because E-mail is
universal. One can do business, use it to sign up to social media and other services.
Only a handful of websites and applications target the visually impaired. A survey shows that
there are more than 250 million visually challenged people around the globe (World Health
Organization, 2018). That is, around 250 million people are unaware of how to use the
internet or E-mail. The only way by which a visually impaired person can send an E-mail is
by having to dictate the entire content of the mail to a third person (not visually challenged)
and then the third person will compose the mail and send on the behalf of the visually
impaired person.
But this is not a correct way to deal with this problem. It is very less likely that every time a visually
challenged person can find someone for help. What most of these websites and applications fail to
produce is a system that is fully supported by voice alone, a system that completely eliminates the use
of a keyboard, mouse or another form of pointing device, not to mention assistance from another
2.3 Evaluation
This segment of the chapter examines the email systems that are in use and try to enlist their
respective drawbacks and advantages so as to know where there is a need for improvements.
These drawbacks will be addressed by the system being developed. It is worth mentioning that
the majority of E-mail clients are web-based and that they are almost the same: even the user
interfaces and functionality are common between each of them. Because of that, web-based
electronic mail clients will be evaluated as one. Drawbacks
The very fact that this software requires visual perception is a major drawback. Using a screen
reader requires a user to first open a page or window. That alone requires visual perception.
The screen reader software then reads out the page or window content in a sequential manner
and therefore the user can make out the contents of the screen only if they are in basic HTML
format. Thus the new advanced web pages which do not follow this paradigm in order to
make the website more user-friendly only create extra hassles for the visually impaired
people. Also, users have to remember keyboard shortcuts which make the software not user-
friendly. Messages are composed using the keyboard and again, this requires visual perception
that the visually impaired lack.
Pranjal Ingle et al proposed and developed an E-mail system that the visually impaired can
use. According to their paper, the system uses Interactive Voice Responses (IVR), Speech to
Text conversion (STT) and Text to Speech conversion (TTS). The user interacts with the
system by using mouse clicks as described in their paper. (Ingle, Kanade and Lanke, 2016)
“User will be very well guided with the help of voice commands, while registration all the
necessary fields to be filled will be read by site, by clicking on that box he would have to fill
in them. For example, if the cursor moves over register icon it would sound ‘register button’,
after clicking on the register button it would sound like ‘you are on registration page’”.
(Kumari et al, 2017) also wrote a paper with the same title as Pranjal Ingle et al. Their systems
are somewhat identical. Both use voice and mouse clicks as input sources. Also, the two
systems authenticate a user by evaluating a text-encoded-audio value as a password. Below is
a snippet from their paper on how the system works. NB: Red arrows indicate actions invoked
by the user using a mouse or pointing device.
Figure 2.1 System Architecture for E-mail for the visually impaired Drawbacks
The major drawback of the Voice-based E-mail system for the blinds is that the systems rely
on mouse click events, which require visual perception for them to be executed. This alone is
the whole basis for building this software project. TTS and STT conversions are done locally
by the user device which results in a poor performance application because a lot of time is
done processing the text to speech and vice versa. The software is only available on the
Desktop platform. Desktops and laptops are more expensive and less accessible than mobile
2.3.3 The ‘dictate’ option
Microsoft office package has an option where a user dictates the content that he or she wants
to compose and/or send. This is quite handy if one has to do multiple things concurrently and
doesn’t want to waste time. The problem with this option is that it first requires a user to click
the dictate tab. Which is not an option for the visually impaired. Besides that, the ‘dictate’
option is only available to Office 365 subscribers. That subscription costs at least $69.99 per
year (, 2019). That’s quite an investment, not to mention that it’s not
suited for the visually impaired. Paying that amount to only use a part of the package is not a
wise choice, let alone paying for a part that does not meet what the visually impaired require.
The diagram below is an abstraction of the new system showing the participants and services
involved in the system. A detailed overview of the system architecture and all the components
involved are included in the next chapter when the analysis will be dealt with in depth.
• User authentication using voice/facial recognition is secure and a viable option for the
visually impaired. Gmail and other e-mail clients alike authenticate a user using a
written password.
• The proposed system is incredibly cheap and will be free to the end users.
• The proposed system is depended on voice input alone. It won’t use any pointing device
or the keyboard.
• The proposed system is platform independent. It will be supported on both desktop and
mobile platforms.
• The user must have an internet connection with at least 1 MB/s connection speed. Some
users might not afford it. This connection speed is necessary for the system to respond
• Users who cannot understand English will have a hard time using this system because
the STT and TTS will only support the English language only. The message recorded in
a language other than English will be sent as an audio message attached to the Email. All
messages sent out will have a notice at the end that informs the recipient of
the specialty of the sender and instructs recipients to respond in English or via an audio
message in a local language.
• E-mail message should only contain voice notes, text message and text documents. All
other file formats will not be supported.
2.6 Conclusion
This chapter briefly explained the background of electronic mail and how many people are
incapable of using it. But it mainly focused on assessing the different E-mail client software
on how it fails to cater for the visually impaired. Eliminating any pointing device or keyboard
input is the primary object of this project. This was done to better understand where there is a
need for improvements. Benefits and shortcomings of the proposed project were also listed.
Lastly, there was a section on the foreknowledge required to successfully complete this
3.1 Introduction
This chapter enlists the techniques used to gather information about the project. Such
information is necessary to determine the functional and non-functional requirements of the
system. Also, the requirements are presented later on in this chapter. This chapter also analyse
the current electronic mail systems so as to find were there are weaknesses (in the context of
visually impaired persons). From that can the rational of the proposed system be derived.
There is also an evaluation of possible alternatives that could have been chosen, and reasons
why they were not favourable.
3.2.1 Interviews
Several blind people form Jairos Jiri were interviewed on what they expect the software to
accomplish. Questions about the challenges they current face were asked. Information about
the different options they have was deduced from these interviews. The questions asked can
be found in the ‘interviews’ section. All this data and information is useful in developing a
software system that will be acceptable to end users. In short, questions were mainly about the
challenges and expectations that the blind wanted fixed or addressed.
3.2.3 Internet Research
Crucial information can be found on the internet. This Study use various sources that are only
available online. Examples include research papers from other universities, software
documentation and software tools. The literature review found in the previous chapter heavily
depended on sources from other countries. These sources are not available in the library but
are only available on the internet. Also, statistics about email usage were gathered from
internet sources. In regards to web services, this project will incorporate two web services to
function, namely Microsoft Cognitive Services and Mailgun. Documentation and help on
using these services is found online.
Now let us consider the two systems mentioned in the literature review. The first one created
by Pranjal Ingle et al, had some functionality that is not found in the traditional email
platforms. One example is the ability to read out new mail using TTS and using STT to
compose text mail. The major weakness of this system is that the user has to invoke this
functionality by using the mouse. Only after a mouse click can the text be read out or an audio
be recorded.
Email system for the visually impaired by Kumari et al is much like the system by Pranjal
Ingle et al. It primarily relies on mouse events to properly function. Again, this is the major
weakness of their system. Both systems have a common weakness from a performance
standpoint. They both do the TTS and STT conversions on the user device. Battery life of the
user device is heavily affected and also this results in a significant delay due to the heavy
The proposed system will address all the aforementioned weaknesses present in the current
systems by removing the dependency on click events. All program flow will be ushered by
voice suggestions and interactive voice responses thereby making the system/platform more
3.4 Rationale of Proposed System
The dictionary definition of rationale is “a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of
action or belief”. In the context of this study, there are several reasons for undertaking this
project. The first one has to do with society. Developing an email system that targets the
visually impaired will empower them and to some extent works against the marginalisation
they face. They will be able to take part in the digital world. Secondly, the existing systems
are bloated with weaknesses that have to be addressed. This system aims to do exactly that. In
terms of the costs of developing this new system, it is very cheap because the services used
are cheap and the development tools are already available. Computers, software and the
knowhow are all available.
3.5.1 Outsourcing
Outsourcing is subcontracting an external firm to provide with services or products. A
business may have the capacity to produce the product or service outsources. But there are
circumstances where subcontract is a better business choice. Outsourcing a software product
can be an advantage because the in-house developers can concentrate on more pressing issues
within the organization because subcontracting saves time. On the other hand, outsourcing can
result in giving control of critical business operations to a third party who might not put care
and effort that would otherwise be given if the product was handle inside an organization.
Also, this can present security and privacy issues.
But outsourcing does not fit in the context of an email system for the visually impaired. This
is because the visually impaired community do not belong or are they all a part of a common
organisation committed to meet their needs. The organisation in question that can outsource
does not exist.
3.5.2 Improvement
Another option is to improve a system that is already available. This can be done by adding
new functionality, changing the system flow, changing interfaces etcetera. But all the systems
analysed in this chapter are proprietary. There cannot be any alterations and replications.
Besides that, some of them are not available in a country like Zimbabwe, e.g. Email for the
visually impaired by Pranjal Ingle et al and also they are closed source projects. Meaning you
cannot make changes to the code that you don’t have access to.
3.5.3 Development
Taking aside the obvious fact that developing the proposed system is affordable, there are
other reasons why development is the best option to choose. Because of the reasons why it is
not appropriate to take the outsourcing or the improvement alternatives, the development
alternative was deemed the most appropriate. Developing new system beats the hassles of
trying to get a copyright to an existing system. Also, a new build will be more superior
because it can be built using latest standards and latest software libraries which have been
stripped off of bugs and had major performance enhancements. Development of a new system
is can be thought of as an ‘improvement’ or ‘correction’ or ‘evolution’ of previous systems.
• Compose mail using audio
• Read mail audibly
• Store user mail in an encrypted form for security and privacy purposes the following case
diagram illustrates how these requirements can be incorporated into this system.
Read mail
Delete mail
Compose mail
Sort mail
Notify User
3.7 Conclusion
This chapter presented different methods used to gather all the information necessary to
successfully complete this project. An analysis of the current systems (their weaknesses and
reasons why outsourcing or improvement are not viable) painted a clear picture of where the
new system need to focus. All the weaknesses of present systems will be addressed in the
design and implementation of the new system, together with the requirements mentioned in
the requirements analysis.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes a blueprint from which the actual system will be built. This includes
the design of the flow of data within the system, the relationship(s) between the different
entities within the system, the security specifications and pseudo code for the actual software
project. There are mock diagrams used that show the vocal menu design. This phase in
necessary in the implementation of the system since this project is following a waterfall model
which dictates that each phase be thoroughly documented and only when a certain level of
satisfaction is reached then you can continue to the next. There is a clear description of how
the database tables (entities) will be structured. Also, the DFD of the new system helps in
coming up and implementing a proper system flow.
the sender is a special user and that any response be in clear language that is easily convertible
to audio. If the user chooses the option to read some mail, it is transformed to voice and then
read out by the application. If mail has attached content, best effort is made to read it out.
Some attached content cannot be made to an audio format. Examples include images.
4.2.2 Data Analysis
Data analysis examines how data flows within a system, the processes that manipulates that
data, and the formatting and storage of the data. It can also encompass a contextual view of
the system which can be in the form a Context Diagram. A Context Diagram defines the
boundary between the system, or part of a system, and its environment, showing the entities
that interact with it. It can be thought of as a high level illustration of a system. Data analysis
makes use of a Data Flow Diagram(DFD). According to Techopedia (2019) DFDs are used to
graphically represent the flow of data in an information system by describing the processes
involved in transferring data from input to file storage and reports generation. DFDs are more
detailed compared to context diagrams.
The following diagram is a context diagram of the system that was derived from the description
of the current system.
AI Cognitive
Figure 4.1 Context Diagram of System
The context diagram above shows that users for the email system mainly send and receive
mail to and fro the mail system. The system is the one responsible for all the text-to-speech
conversions and vice versa. On the far right of the figure is the recipient, Usually a normal
The make use of the traditional email software like Gmail and Outlook to indirectly interact
with the system. As such, there are no end user interfaces or functionality that will target this
audience. Just the contact details of the recipients are accommodated in the system.
The following diagram is a Data Flow Diagram built from the information presented in the
description of the system and the process analysis presented earlier. It describes the system in
depth by showing the process that act on data and where the data is retrieved or saved. From
this DFD can some entities that need to be represented in a database be derived.
Figure 4.2 DFD of Proposed System
4.3 Architectural Design
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, defines architectural design as “the
process of defining a collection of hardware and software components and their interfaces to
establish the framework for the development of a computer
system.” In other words, it is PROCESSES a definition of the relationship and
structure of different modules STT of a
system. The figure below depicts the
architectural design of this Run Command system.
Audio Reply
Parse Message
Audio message
Audio Command
Email Message
Database 24
JSON Std. Electronic Mail
Mail Service
Entity Attribute(s)
User Name<varchar>
Email Address <varchar>
Facial/vocal id<blob>
Last login <date>
Recipient Email Address<varchar>
Speed Dial<int>
Message Source Address<varchar>
Read/Unread <Boolean>
Date Delivered <date>
Attachment Type<varchar>
Name <int>
Table 4.1 System Entities
4.5.1 Entity Relationships
An entity is a distinct real world item and a relationship is any meaningful dependencies
between entities. To best describe entities and relationships between entities in an organisation
or system, one can use the Entity relationship model (ER Model). Each entity has a set of
attributes and these need to be shown in the ER diagram. In the context of the email system in
From the ER diagram, it can be seen that a user can compose several messages and each
message can have several recipients. But a message can or cannot have an attachment. But
there cannot be an attachment without a message.
Figure 4.6 EER Diagram
In the figure above, the TTS and STT stand for text-to-speech and speech-to-text respectively. The
three primary options, that is sending, reading and adding new recipients, will be presented as
audible messages and the user will select one interactively. The squares represent system modules
that will be implemented independently.
4.7 IVR Design
Since this system is primarily for the people with no visual perception, it will have no
graphical user interface (GUI) and no text user interface but will have a voice-user interface
(VUI). This will be accomplished by the use of interactive voice prompts and vice responses
to control the flow of the program.
The system will first dictate available options then a user selects one using the number of that
option. And upon a valid selection, an action is invoked or new options are spoke out. The
following diagram depicts this phenomenon.
Do Wait for
something response
Example: When a user successfully logs into the system, the or she is presented with options
1. Compose mail
2. Open mailbox
3. Add recipients
4. More
The following listing shows the various menu options and their respective sub menus. No screenshots
are present because the system uses VUI.
1. Compose Mail
1. Select Recipient
2. Compose Draft
3. Back
2. Open Mailbox
1. All Inbox
2. Unread
3. Sent
4. Back
3. Add Recipients
4. Exit
When the user selects option 1, another options menu is dictated, prompting the user to select
recipients. This looping continues for the lifetime of the program execution.
The pseudo-code presented here is at a high level. The actual low-level details of the program logic
will be dealt with in the implementation phase.
Send message
Else go to [1]
Else If response is read_message
Open message
Convert text to speech
Play oudio
If reply selected
Go to [1]
Else if response is add_contact
Record contact details
Convert to text
Save contact details
updates and regularly updating libraries that the code of the system depends on. This is
because new software usually comes with bug and security fixes. Just to add another layer of
security, the passwords and all sensitive information will be transmitted via a secure channel,
it also is stored in an encrypted form.
4.9 Conclusion
After going through the design of the data flows within the system, the architecture and
database design, the interface designs, pseudo code and security considerations, the
implementation of the system can now begin. The System will be implemented by using the
design outlined in this chapter. The programming can be developed basing from the
pseudocode presented here and the database tables can be made by mirroring the entities and
relationship mentioned earlier.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter outlines how the actual system is built. This involves righting the code, testing
various test cases, installation of the new system and maintenance. Various programming
languages were used to build this system but C# programming language is the primary
language. Also included in this chapter is how users will be trained, changeover strategy from
existing systems (if any) and recommendations for future/further development of the system.
5.2 Coding
Coding is the building of a computer program that performs a certain task. The proposes
system was built using C# programming language and Java programming language. C# ode
handles the connection to the two web services (Microsoft cognitive services API and
Mailgun API). All this will be written using the visual studio code editor because it is free,
easy to use and has a lot of documentation and help. The key modules that need coding are the
menu, the interactive voice response loop and the selection options. SQLite RDBMS is used
because of its ease of use on map to classes in C#. Also, using a heavy duty RDBMS like
MySQL, Microsoft SQL server or Oracle database is not appropriate for keeping a local
contact list for the application hence the use of SQLite database system.
5.3 Testing
In the context of software development, testing is verifying and validating a software program
for bugs. This testing also checks weather the software meets the requirements laid out in the
previous chapter. In general, software testing is classified in two steps namely validation and
verification. The verification checks weather a software system has correctly implemented all
the tasks that it is meant to do while validation checks weather the software suits what the
users require. The tests described in this chapter follow the sequence outline the diagram
below. The tests are done as a series of iterations where one can go back to the previous
testing phase when the current phase fails i.e. when testing different system modules, the
various units that make up that module ae recoded and retested until the module tests have
passed. Tests go from unit testing, module testing, integration testing, system testing and
integration. Each of these test will be dissected and explained in the following sub sections
Unit Testing
Fig 5.1: Testing Phases
This system was black-box tested by an independent candidate. The tests range from checking
the behaviour of the system when subjected to valid input and again to invalid input. Invalid
input in this system will be words that rhyme or utterances that cannot be converted to text.
Another form of test that was conducted is a compatibility test. This is changing the
parameters of the infrastructure that the system runs on i.e. processor, architecture or
operating system. For the system to pass this test it should work the same when these
parameters ae altered. The only parameter than cannot and should not be compromised is the
internet connection speed.
Unfortunately, the system is voice based and there are no graphical user interfaces that can be included
The following functions were tested by the developer to ensure they behave (return) appropriately when
subjected to certain input (function arguments):
getAudioStreamFromText(Text t) returns audio
getTextFromAudioStream(AudioStream as) returns a string of characters
sendMessage(Message m) return true when successful the actual
implementation of sending a message is as follows
After the conversion of audio to text then a message objet is created. This object is passed on
to the send message function which sends the email message to the recipient specified in the
createMessage(Text t, receiver r) returns a message object sendMessage(Message
m) return true when successful
5.4 Installation
Now that the system has been fully implemented, there is need to install it on user devices: the
installation of the system in its operating environment. There are several means (strategies)
with which a new software system can be introduce to a working environment. All have their
disadvantages and disadvantages and the use of each depends on the circumstances present i.e.
the existence of another system that is like the system that wants to be introduced. The best
changeover strategy must be chosen so as not to disrupt the normal functions of an existing
systems operation.
system is fully introduced to an environment. This strategy works best in scenarios where
there is need to minimise loss by risking rolling out an entire system only to later see it fail.
5.5 Maintenance
(Geekforgeeks, 2019) Software Maintenance is the process of modifying a software product
after it has been delivered to the customer. This is done to improve the software and fix faults.
Developers might discover that there is need to improve the design so that it integrates with
latest technologies, correct faults or increase security. Software maintenance is grouped into
corrective maintenance, adaptive maintenance, perfective maintenance and preventive
maintenance. All these types of software maintenance will be used on this system if need be.
As a new system reach more different users, different suggestions arise from new users. These
might be request to add new futures. Perfective changes are due to the evolution of
requirements and features that are in an existing system.
5.6 Recommendations
No software system is perfect because software can contain bugs that have not been
discovered; and software can become obsolete or unusable since technology is ever changing.
The following are recommendations that might be considered to further the development of
this project.
• As stated in earlier chapters, the system requires a fast internet connection. Some users might
not be able to afford it, let alone an internet connection. A practical solution is using
compression techniques to reduce the size of data that is transferred hence reducing the
minimum bandwidth required.
• The system is voice dependent and audio is not easy to convert to text since it might be
distorted. An alternative is to design a brail keyboard.
• In the future the system must need only one installation and all subsequent update should be
done automatically from a dedicated update server instead of manual updates.
5.7 Conclusion
This chapter touched on the implementation of the actual software. It shows how it was coded
and showed the various test performed before deploying the project i.e. unit tests done by
testing individual functions during a white box test. The various strategies to change over to
the new system proposed that a direct conversion was the best. Maintenance options and
recommendations are also included in this chapter. This chapter is the final chapter of this
study. Please find a compact disk on the back cover of this dissertation.
1. Fink, A. (2010.) Conducting research literature reviews.
2. GeeksforGeeks. (2019). How to write a Pseudo Code? - GeeksforGeeks. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 Apr. 2019].
3. Ingle, P., Kanade, H. and Lanke, A. (2016). Voice based e-mail System for Blinds.
International Journal of Research Studies in Computer Science and Engineering, 3(1).
4. Kumari, D., Pai, N., and Nayak, P. (2017). Voice-based E-mail system for blinds. N.M. A.M.
6. Russell, S. and Norvig, P. (2010). Artificial intelligence. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice
9. Techopedia – Data Flow Model 2019, Techopedia, Accessed 1 April 2019 <>
10. THE RADICATI GROUP,INC. (2019). EmailStatistics Report. [online] Available at:
Executive-Summary.pdf [Accessed 7 Feb. 2019].
11. World Health Organisation (2019) Vision impairment and blindness, [Online]. Available at: [Accessed:
7 Feb. 2019].
Please refer to the audio file attached to this documentation or follow this link
Appendix B: Interview Questions
Interviewer name…………………………………………………………
Interviewee name………………………………………………………
Interviewee profession….……………………………………………….
Q1. Explain how you can communicate with someone who is far away, say in Harare.
...... ...............................................................................................................................................
............. ........................................................................................................................................
.................... ................................................................................……………………………….
Q2. Do you think a new communication platform is necessary for the visually impaired?
…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
………… ………………………………………………………………………………………
……………… …………………………………..
…… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
………… ………………………………………………………………………………………
……………… …………………………………………………………
Appendix C: Code Snippets
using RestSharp;
using RestSharp.Authenticators;
namespace MailSys.Properties
class App
SpeechConfig config;
HttpBasicAuthenticator authenticator;
Dictionary<String, Object> textMenu;
//App Constructor
//Initializes the Speech configuration
this.config = SpeechConfig
("YourSubscriptionKey", "YourServiceRegion");
l.Add("Choose a Recipient");
l.Add("Draft a Message");
d.Add("Compose new message", l);
List<String> l2 = GetNamesOnNewMessages();
d.Add("Open Mailbox", l2);
textMenu = d;
private void DictateOptions(List<String> options)
{ int i = 1;
foreach(string option in options)
String txt = i + ". " + option;
private void PlayTextAsAudio(String text)
private List<String> GetNamesOnNewMessages()
return new List<string>();
private List<Message> GetNewMessages()
return new List<Message>();
private String SendMessage(Message message)
if(message.GetRecipient() == null || message.GetRecipient().Equals(null))
return "false";
RestClient client = new RestClient();
client.BaseUrl = new Uri("");
client.Authenticator = this.authenticator;
// Starts speech recognition, and returns after a single utterance is recognized. The end
of a
// single utterance is determined by listening for silence at the end or until a maximum
of 15
// seconds of audio is processed. The task returns the recognition text as result.
// Note: Since RecognizeOnceAsync() returns only a single utterance, it is suitable only for
// shot recognition like command or query.
// For long-running multi-utterance recognition, use
StartContinuousRecognitionAsync() instead.
return result;
// Starts speech recognition, and returns after a single utterance is recognized. The end
of a
// single utterance is determined by listening for silence at the end or until a maximum
of 15
// seconds of audio is processed. The task returns the recognition text as result.
// Note: Since RecognizeOnceAsync() returns only a single utterance, it is suitable only for
// shot recognition like command or query.
// For long-running multi-utterance recognition, use
StartContinuousRecognitionAsync() instead.
return result;
switch (response)
case "one":
//compose new mail
Object obj = app.textMenu["Compose new message"];
switch (task2.Result.Reason)
case ResultReason.RecognizedSpeech:
switch (resp)
case "one":
case "two":
break; case
"three": //go
back back1 =
true; break;
break; default:
while (!back1);
case "two":
break; case
case "four": //exit
dontExitApp = false;
while (dontExitApp);