BLR 211 - Fde
BLR 211 - Fde
BLR 211 - Fde
This creates a
BLR-211 (Final the sum of P60,000 and partnership obligation.
Examination) issued a receipt identifying
the amount collected as
P60,000. 1/1
Total points101/130
EXAM PROPER: a. General partnership
101 of 130 points
b. Limited partnership
a. A cannot be compelled
to share the P60,000 with
3. Any external thing over c. Partnership by
B and C.
which the rights of estoppel
possession, use, and
enjoyment are exercised. b. A can be compelled to
share with B and C their d. None of the above
38. Those who takes active
c. B and C should part and known to the
a. Money automatically sue X to public as a partner in the
collect the P120,000. partnership.
b. Property
d. B and C can deduct 1/1
c. Industry from the capital of A
their share of P60,000.
a. Ostensible partner
d. None of the above
25. It comprises all the
partners may acquire by b. Secret partner
30. It is one where it will their industry or work
exist until the purpose is during the existence of the c. Liquidating partner
accomplished. partnership.
d. Dormant partner
0/1 1/1
62. The following are the
a. Partnership with a a. Universal partnership remedies of capitalist
fixed term of all profits. partners against an
industrial partner who
engaged in business for
b. Partnership for a b. Universal partnership himself: I. The capitalist
particular undertaking of all present property. partners may exclude the
industrial partner from the
c. Partnership at will c. Particular partnership partnership plus damages.
II. The capitalist partners
d. De facto partnership may avail themselves of
d. None of the above. the benefits which the
industrial partner may have
77. A, B and C are general 70. Arises if all the obtained plus damages.
partners in ABC partners consented to the
partnership. X is a debtor misrepresentation of a third
to the partnership in the person who is not a real 0/1
amount of P180,000. A
a. Only I is correct 34. A is a managing a. De facto partnership
partner of A and B
b. Only II is correct partnership. X is indebted b. De jure partnership
to A for P25,000 and the
partnership for P75,000.
c. Both are true When both debts mature, X c. Real partnership
pays A P10,000 and the
d. Both are false latter issues a receipt for d. Ordinary partnership
his personal credit. The
payment for P10,000 shall
66. Suppose instead of be applied. 101. The certificate of
profit, the partnership limited partnership shall
suffered loss in the same state the following, except:
amount of P150,000, the 1/1
share of the capitalist
partners in the loss shall 1/1
be: a. To the whole debt
owing to A.
a. The term for which the
1/1 partnership exist.
b. 1/4 in favor of A and
3/4 in favor of
partnership. b. The amount of cash
a. In accordance to their and a description of and
profit sharing agreement. the agreed value of the
c. Debt owing to the other property
b. In accordance with partnership. contributed by each
their loss sharing limited partner.
agreement. d.1/2 in favour of A and
1/2 in favour of the c. The time, if agreed
c. In proportion to their partnership. upon, when the
capital contribution. contribution of each
33. Those who cannot be general partner is to be
d. Equally among them. held liable to third persons returned.
for partnership obligations.
d. The additional
37. Those who do not take
active part in the business 1/1 contributions, if any, to
be made by each limited
or affairs of the partnership
though they share in the partner and the times at
a. Limited partner which or events on the
profits or losses.
happening of which they
shall be made.
b. Capitalist partner
39. Those whose
c. Industrial partner
a. Managing partner connection with the
partnership is not known to
d. General partner the public.
b. Ostensible partner
17. It is one which has not 0/1
c. Dormant partner complied with all the legal
requirements for its
d. Silent partner creation. a. Ostensible partner
a. Only I is correct. a. Secret partner
b. Only II is correct. b. Partner by estoppel
a. A-P5,000; B- P5,000; a. Only I is true.
a. To have the b. Only II is true
b. A-P3,333; B- P3,333; partnership property
applied to discharge the
C-P3,333 c. Both are true
liabilities of the
c. A-P3,500; B-P2,500;
b. To have the surplus, if
any, applied to pay in d. Both are false
d. A-P6,000; B-P4,000; cash the net amount
C-none owing to the respective
c. To continue the 97. I. The use by the
business in the same person or partnership
name either by continuing the business of
themselves or jointly the partnership name, or
92. I. The legal personality with others during the the name of a deceased
of the expiring partnership agreed term of the partner as part thereof,
persists for the limited partnership and for that shall make the individual
purpose of winding up and purpose may possess the property of the deceased
closing of the affairs of the partnership property. partner liable for any debts
partnership. II. After contracted by such person
dissolution, all the or partnership. II. The
d. To be indemnified for
transactions of the liability of a third person
damages caused by the
partnership should only becoming a partner in the
partner who did not
pertain to liquidation partnership continuing the
caused the dissolution
which will happen over a business to the creditors of
short period of time. the dissolved partnership
shall be satisfied our of the
partnership property only,
1/1 unless there is a stipulation
to the contrary.
a. Only I is correct
95.I. Generally, in the 1/1
b. Only II is correct pursuit of a partnership
business, its capital is a. Only I is correct
c. Both are true either increased by its
profits earned or decreased
by losses sustained. II. As b. Only II is correct
a general rule, upon the
dissolution of a
d. Both are false commercial partnership the
succeeding partners or
parties have the right to c. Both are true
d. Both are false d. His contribution is d. Partnership by
industry. estoppel
81. A partnership is
dissolved, except: 31. A, B and C are partners
contributed the following:
A- P6,000.00; B -P4,000;
1/1 50. X and Y verbally
and C-industry. They agreed to form a contract
agreed that the profits and or partnership 18 months
a. Death of a partner. losses shall be distributed from today, each one to
as follows to wit: A-35%; contribute P15,000. At the
B-25%, and C-40%. How arrival of the said date, if
b. Insolvency of a shall the loss of the
partner or of the one refuses to go ahead
P10,000 be distributed? with the agreement, can the
other enforce the
1/1 agreement?
c. Partnership business
can only be carried on at
a loss. a. A- P6,000; B-P4,000; 0/1
a. Yes, since the
b. A- P3,500; B - P2,500; agreement is to be
d. Partnership business C- P4,000 enforced after one year
has become unlawful from the making thereof,
the same should be in
writing to be
c. A- P3,333; B- P3,333;
C- P3,333
105. A limited partner shall b. Yes, because the prior
be liable as general partner agreement was
unless: d. A- P5,000; B-P2,500; voluntarily made.
b. Only II is true.
d. To receive on account
of resulting claims
against the partnership,
84. I. The dissolution of 67. With still the same with general creditors, a
the partnership discharges facts, as industrial partner, pro rata share of the
the existing liability of any the share of C in the loss assets.
partner. II. The individual shall be:
property of a deceased
partner shall be liable for
all obligations of the 1/1
partnership incurred while 79. Three of the following
he was a partner, but a. Just and equitable are property rights of a
subject to the prior under the circumstances. partner. Which is not?
payment of his separate
b. As agreed upon by the 1/1
partners before the loss
1/1 was realized.
a. Right to specific
partnership property.
a. Only I is correct. c. In proportion to his
capital contribution.
b. Right to participate in
b. Only II is correct. the management.
d. None, he being an
industrial partner.
c. Right to demand
formal accounting of
partnership affairs.
c. Both are true.
d. Both are false.
d. Right of
123. A limited partner shall
have the same rights as a indemnification
16. It is one where persons, general partner to, except:
by words spoken or written 19. May contribute money,
or by conduct, represents property or industry to a
themselves, or consents to 1/1
common fund.
another representing them
to anyone, as partners in an a. Have the partnership
existing partnership or with 1/1
books kept at the
one or more persons not principal place of
actual partners. business of the a. Limited partner
partnership, and at a
1/1 reasonable hour to
inspects and copy any of b. General partner
a. Partnership by c. Both limited and
estoppel b. Have on demand true general partner
and full information of
all things affecting the d. Both limited and
partnership, and a formal industrial partner
account of partnership
b. Partnership by
prescription affairs whenever
circumstances render it
just and reasonable.
c. Closed partnership 115. Is one formed by two
c. Have dissolution and or more persons having as
d. Partnership sole winding up by decree of members one or more
court. general partners and one or
more limited partners.
d. None of the above.
11. A group of men
pursuing a learned art as a 93. Where a partnership
common calling in the contract is rescinded on the a. General partnership
spirit of public service. ground of fraud or
misrepresentation of one of
the parties thereto, the b. Real partnership
1/1 party entitled to rescind is
entitled to, except: c. Limited partnership
a. Business
1/1 d. Partnership by
b. Service estoppel
a. The partnership is c. The partnership debts
void. are paid out of the
a. On the dissolution of a common fund and the
partnership. separate properties of the
b. The partnership is limited partners.
b. When the date
specified in the
c. The partnership is still
certificate for its return
has arrived. d. The limited partners
may ask for the return of
d. The partnership is their capital
c. After he has given six
valid and unenforceable. contributions.
months' notice in writing
to all other members, if
78. It is one where it will no time is specified in
exist until the purpose is the certificate, either for
accomplished. the return of the
contribution or for the 42. Those who are not
dissolution of the really partners but
1/1 partnership. represent themselves, or
consent to another or
a. Partnership with a others representing them to
d. After he has given
fixed term anyone as partners in an
nine months' notice in
existing partnership or in
writing to all other
one that is fictitious or
b. Partnership at will members, if no time is
specified in the
certificate, either for the
c. Partnership for a return of the contribution 1/1
particular undertaking or for the dissolution of
d. None of the above a. Real partner
46. Those who contribute b. Partner by estoppel
money or property or both
money and property to the 120. The following are
characteristics of a limited c. Secret partner
common fund.
partnership, except:
d. De facto partner a. The right to manage 0/1
the operation of the
59. Those who contribute partnership.
a. Obligation to share
money or property and with the other partners
industry or both money, b. The right to have the the share of the
property and industry to partnership books kept at partnership credit which
the common fund. the principal place of they have received from
business of the an insolvent partnership
partnership, and at a debtor.
1/1 reasonable hour to
inspect and copy any of
them. b. Obligation of a
a. Industrial partners managing partner to
credit to the partnership
b. General partners c. The right to have on the payment made by a
demand true and full debtor who owes them
information of all things and the partnership.
c. Limited partners affecting the partnership,
and a formal account of
partnership affairs c. Not to engage in any
d. Capitalist- industrial
whenever circumstances busines which is of the
render it just and kind in which the
reasonable. partnership is engaged.
20. The following are
disqualified to form a
d. The right to have d. Pay for damages
universal partnership,
dissolution and winding suffered by the
except one:
up by decree of court. partnership without their
10. When two or more
persons bind themselves to 91.It means the
contribute money, dissociation by a partner,
a. Brother and sister
property, or industry to a inclusive of resignation or
common fund, with the withdrawal, from the
b. Husband and wife partnership that thereby
intention of dividing the
profits among themselves. dissolves it.
c. Those guilty of
adultery or concubinage. 1/1
d. Those guilty of the
same offense, if the a. Corporation a. Dissolution
partnership is entered
into in consideration of b. Partnership b. Liquidation
the same.
a. To receive the profits P150,000. After exhausting 21. X and Y verbally
to which the signing partnership assets, there is entered into a partnership
partner would otherwise a balance recoverable with each of them
be entitled. from. contributing P2,000 each
and some personal
properties in the amount of
b. In case of dissolution, 1/1
the assignee may require P500 each. The partnership
contract is:
an account from the date
of liquidation. a. A and B only
c. In case of fraud in the b. A, B and C
management of the
a. Unenforceable because
partnership, the assignee c. A, B and C can get the amount involved
may avail himself of the reimbursement from A exceeds P500.00.
usual remedies provided and B
by law;
b. Void because it is not
d. B and C only a public instrument.
d. In case of dissolution,
to receive the assignor's
interest ; and 118. It is also known as c. Valid
special partner.
74. The following are the d. Void, because it is not
rights of partners, except: 1/1 registered with the SEC.