Fiat Lux Academe: Cavite
Fiat Lux Academe: Cavite
Fiat Lux Academe: Cavite
Suhay No. 2-3: Preparing, Conceptualizing and Focusing a Research Plan
February 15 -26, 2021
Essential Question/s
Glancing Back
Focused Discussion
Task 1
Essential Understanding
Learning Log
Point of Clarification
Glancing Back
I noticed that you learned well from the previous lesson about “Inquiries and Investigations” based
on the positive results of your task/activities.
Before we start this weekly lesson, let me ask you this. What is the importance of research in
our daily life as a student?
Congratulations! You have reached the final course in your research journey: the Inquiries,
Investigation and Immersion.
It is sure that you have learned so much about qualitative and quantitative research methods from
your previous research classes. With that, you are now ready to carry out your best research
ideas about any topic that interests you the most! In this Suhay, you will study how to prepare a
research plan and how to execute it to achieve your goals and objectives as a young researcher.
This will serve as your most valuable guide towards a successful research work.
You may have heard that research is complicated and that it is difficult to do. Many students, and
even professionals, would have that hesitation to doing a research. That is only one of the many
cliché misconceptions about research. Research is just any other task that we do. It is like a
celebration or a party that in order to be meaningful and successful, serious planning and careful
execution are necessary. It needs time and proper organization of things and ideas.
Preparedness is the key!
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On your paper, write random words that come to your mind. Any word will do. Take your thoughts
in the situation where you find yourself most interested in. Do this in three (3) to five (5) minutes.
The random words that you have written on the box are your personal interest. These are the
topics or subjects that first inspire your interest. These are the concepts and constructs that your
mind has which will serve as the baseline of your formal research topic.
Now, go back and look at the random words that you have written. Study them and think of each
word again. Choose and encircle only three (3) from the random words that appear to be relevant,
timely and interesting for you. At this time, you just have decided your research interest. It
pertains to personal interests that have been screened and chosen by means of their meaning,
coverage, relevance and focus.
After refining your research interest, you will be able to have a preliminary topic. This topic is
already researchable, but should still be narrowed where gaps will arise. Check how to perform
a few more steps below to construct your research topic.
Perform the same steps with your own topic interests. Write it on a separate paper, then attach it
to your Suhay. Do this in 30 minutes.
Well done! You have transformed your personal interest into research interest and now you have
a preliminary topic for your research work. You are now geared-up towards the next steps of the
research process.
5. Refine it by adding the element of time, Indoor agriculture supports healthy lifestyle
place and relationship. and promotes practical living.
The previous task is your good starting point in pushing through with your research work. This is
your springboard towards the next bigger leaps! The next parts of this learning material will be
focusing on the “research plan” itself and how to prepare it.
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Focused Discussion
In its simplest definition, a research plan is a document that includes preliminary and basic
information about the research work that you would like to do. It may contain details about the
topic that you intend to do, its importance or significance, the steps that you have already done,
and the next actions that you are going to do in order to meet your targets or until you have
answered your research questions. Technically, this is not a research proposal yet but more
likely a concept paper.
Although there is no institutionalized formatting of a research plan just yet, the following are its
I. Basic Information
This part of the research plan contains your basic information. For a Senior High School Learner
like you, it would be beneficial to include the following information:
A. Complete Name
B. Learner Reference Number (LRN)
C. School and Address
D. Track and Strand E. Complete Home Address
II. Background
Short presentation of basic concepts and information about the research topic shall be
presented in this section. Include few relevant readings and literature which serve as major
background of your paper. Cite also your motivation for the topic and the reasons and
importance of your study.
III. Objectives and Methods
Cite in this section the long term and short term objectives or targets of your research work.
Indicate also whether you are using quantitative, qualitative or mixed method of research.
IV. Working Framework
Through an illustrative illustrations or diagrams, show the variables or concepts that are
involved in your paper. Show the connections and relationship and role of these important
constructs in achieving the results of the study. The Input-Process-Output Model is commonly
used. However, feel free to execute your creativity and ideas in crafting the framework for your
V. Assumptions
This part contains the expected outcome of the study. What results do you anticipate? It is
better that you construct positive results regarding the research that you plan to undertake. This
can be in numbered form, bulleted, or in a paragraph or two.
VI. Timetable
You may have heard about Gantt chart of activities. This section contains the same concept but
in simplified and detailed format in order for you to plan things out even more systematically and
productively. A timetable guides you to be able to work on important activities necessary for you
to complete your research. Please study the example timetable below to get ideas on how a
plan looks like and what information can be included.
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VII. List of References
Present here the references that you used in the formulation of the research plan. Use the
American Psychological Association (APA) 6th or 7th edition style/format in constructing the
entries. Ensure that the entries are alphabetically sequenced. Please revisit the styling book, so
you will be guided in making the citations. These tasks seem not so new to you, right? These are
a few concepts and tasks which you have encountered already in your previous research classes.
After having a good background about the definition, parts, and purposes of a research plan, it
is now time for you to give it a try!
From the previous activity, you have constructed three (3) preliminary research topics. Now,
choose one of them that you find most interesting. Write this activity on a separate paper, then
attach it to your Suhay.
This preliminary research topic will serve as your initial research topic which you are about to
plan for. Now, on a typewriting/intermediate paper, write a draft of your own research plan with
the parts that were discussed earlier.
A research plan should begin after you can clearly identify the focus of your argument.
Narrow the scope of your argument by identifying the specific subtopic you will research.
A broad search will yield thousands of sources, which makes it very difficult to form a
focused, coherent argument. It is simply not possible to include every topic in your
research. If you narrow your focus, however, you can find targeted resources that can be
synthesized into a new argument.
You just finished your research plan following the given guidelines. Your work is a great
step towards a successful research! The following scoring rubric will help you evaluate
your work and for you to see where your work needs enhancement. One of your
classmates shall also evaluate your work as well as your subject teacher.
Evaluate your work using the scale given below. Once you are done, ask one classmate to do
the same. Take note that if going out of the house is not yet allowed, try other means like sending
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your work to your classmate. You may also ask any member of the family who can perform the
Write the scores on your notebook.
4 - Exceeds Expectations
3 - Meets Expectations
2 - Fairly Meets Expectations
1 - Does Not Meet Expectations
To know your final scores, you have to add the points in every success indicator and divide it by
three. You would have to know the sum of all the average scores that you obtained in every
section of the research plan to know your overall score. From this activity, you can identify
which part of your research plan you should improve, enhance or still develop.
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Rate yourself from 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest while 5 being the highest) on the level of
understanding that you are able to attain for this module:
1 2 3 4 5
Please write any questions or points of clarification about the content of this module:
________________________________________________________________________ ____
Apodaca, D. (2019). Inquiries, Investigations and Immersions. Makati City: Diwa Learning
Systems Inc.
Baraceros, E. (2016). Practical Research 2. Quezon City: REX Book Store, Inc.
Dela Cruz, A. (2018). Applications and Practices of Research for Senior High School. Quezon
City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Faltado III, R. (2016). Quantitative Research. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Prieto, N. (2017). Practical Research 2. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Solano, I. (2019). Practical Research 2. Makati City: Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
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