UGC-Canara Bank Scholarship Management System User Manual

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(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

UGC-Canara Bank Scholarship Management System

User Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Options for Universities/Institution................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Linking Student to User Institution : ............................................................................................................................ 2
2.1.1 Link Student Initiation .......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1.2 Submit for Approval........................................................................................................................................ 4
2.1.3 Verification by scholar: ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.Correction if Ben Code Rejected.................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Modify Candidate Data ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Monthly Payment confirmation .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.1 Monthly payment initiation .................................................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2 Monthly payment approval ................................................................................................................................ 10
2.5 Stop payment marking .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.6 Stop payment revocation .......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.1 Stop payment revocation initiation ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.2 Stop payment revocation approval ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.7 HRA modification initiation ....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.7.1 HRA modification initiation .................................................................................................................................... 13
2.7.2 HRA modification Approval................................................................................................................................ 13
2.8 PGGATE updates First Class Details ........................................................................................................................... 14
2..9 Discontinue option .................................................................................................................................................. 15
2.10 JRF to SRF upgradation............................................................................................................................................ 16
2.11 Withheld option...................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.12 Withheld Removal: ................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.13 Contingency Modification ....................................................................................................................................... 19
2.13.1 Contingency Modification Initiation .................................................................................................................. 19
2.13. 2 Contingency Modification – Approval .............................................................................................................. 20
2.14 Mark Exception Initiate .......................................................................................................................................... 21
2.15 Delete Exception..................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.16 User Management .................................................................................................................................................. 29
2.16.2 Change Password ............................................................................................................................................. 29
2.16.3 Create User ..................................................................................................................................................... 29
2.16.4 Modify User Details ........................................................................................................................................ 30
2.16.5 User Activation/Deactivation ........................................................................................................................... 31
Glossary ............................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

1. Introduction
This user manual covers the processes and options to be followed by the user institutions
for the data input as required for the disbursement of following scholarship/fellowship
schemes administered by UGC

i) Maulana Azad National Fellowship(MANF)

ii) National Fellowship for SC students(NFSC)
iii) Post Doctoral Fellowship for SC/ST(PDFSS)
iv) Post Graduate Scholarship for Professional Courses for SC/ST
v) Indira Gandhi Post Graduate Scholarship for Single Girl Child(SGC)
vi) Emeritus Fellowship
vii) Post Doctoral Fellowship for Women(PDFWM)
viii) JRF in Science, Social Science and Humanities(NET-JRF) & CSIR
ix) D S Kothari Fellowship
x) Post Graduate Scholarship for University Rank Holders(URH)
xi) Basic Scientific Research Fellowship(BSR)
xii) Dr. S Radhakrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship(DSRPDFHS)
xiii) ISHAN UDAY- Spl Scholarship Scheme for North Eastern Region(NER)
xiv) National Fellowship for Students of Other Backward Classes(NFOBC)
xv) Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child for Research in Social Sciences(SVSGC)
xvii) BSR Faculty

2. Options for Universities/Institution

2.1 Linking Student to User Institution:
(Initiated by University/institution user and approval by UGC user.)

2.1.1 Link Student Initiation

Master Data Enhancement >> Master Data >> Link Student
This option is used for linking the candidates in the portal. User has to select the
scheme then enter student ID and click fetch button.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

 For those candidates who are approaching first time for

Fellowship/scholarship, user institution has to enrich the master data
already available, like updating account no: IFSC code etc.
 Presently linking will be allowed only within 24 months from date of
result/ cut off date of selected batch for fellowship schemes and 12
months from date of result/ cut off date for scholarship schemes for
linking the Scholarship ID to UGC portal.
 For those who were receiving the payment through Canara Bank earlier,
University/Institution need not enter the account number/IFSC code while
linking, as their account details/IFSC code are already available. For the
scholars who were submitting the certificates to Canara Bank Branches,
the Student ID needs to be linked to UGC Portal as per new Procedure.
Presently linking for the existing candidates will be allowed within 24
months from date of last certificate uploaded.
 If any University/Institution wants to link scholar ID to portal beyond the
above parameter, then the University/Institution may request for
exception in the UGC Portal through a specific as explained in pint N….
Once UGC approves the same, University/institution will be able to link
the Student ID within the time period mentioned in the exception.
 Upon linking a candidate, system will generate a payment schedule which
is a projection of payments for the particular Student ID. System will
display payment schedule of a candidate on screen while linking the
candidate. User should verify the payment schedule and click on save.
The linking can be entered by Maker/Checker ID.
Select the Scheme and enter Student id
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.1.2 Submit for Approval

(By User Institution Checker ID)
This option is used for final submission of student details to UGC for approval.
Master Data Enhancement >> Master Data >> Submit for approval
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.1.3 Verification by scholar:

(By scholars/candidates)

Submission to UGC can be done only after verification of linking by the scholar
through their or after 24 hours whichever is earlier.
For this purpose the Scholar is given an option to verify the data that has been
entered by the University/Institution User. The same can be done through
Canara Scholar Corner. Link of Canara Scholar Corner is as under.

Click on “Scholar’s Corner”

Scholar can login with their user ID and verify the details.
If the data entered is correct, Scholar may approve the data so that
University/Institution User may do submit for Approval. In case any of the data
entered by University/Institution user is wrong, the scholar may reject linking.
University/Institution user may “Link Student” again with the correct details. If
Scholar has not rejected the data, University may submit the data linking for
approval, a24 hours after initiating the Link Student. University cannot change
anything in the student details once it is submitted to UGC. In case of any
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
amendment, University can also reject the data before submitting to UGC for
approval. This option can be exercised using either Maker/Checker ID.
Approval of the linking will be done by UGC.

Registration process in Scholar’s corner by the student

i) The Scholar may visit the link and click on “Scholar’s Corner”
ii) Click Registration Button, enter your details correctly.

 Scheme: e.g.: NFSC/ST, NET JRF etc

 Student ID: The Student ID as registered with the University
under the UGC Portal
 There is an option to Find Student ID also. Those who don’t
know exact Student ID, may use the FIND STUDENT ID option to find the
correct ID
 DOB: To be entered in the format DD/MM/YYYY
 Email: The mail ID that has been registered with University in
the UGC Portal.
iii) After entering the data, click Register Button and save the data.
The message will come as REGISTRATION SUCCESSFUL
iv) The password will be sent to the registered mail id. Check the
registered Email ID for the password.
v) GOTO and click on “Scholar’s corner”.
Enter the email ID as the user-ID and the password that has been received in
the mail and LOGIN.
vi) The password Change option will appear on first time login.
vii) Enter the new password.
Criteria for new password are as under.
a. Should have minimum 8 characters
b. Should have minimum 1 Upper case Character
c. Should have minimum 1 Lower case Character
d. Should have minimum 1 Number
For e.g.: Rahulaj1
viii) After setting the new password, LOGIN again with the email ID and New

2.2.Correction if Ben Code Rejected

(Initiated by University/institution user and approval by UGC user.)
After approval of linking validation of account and registration of
beneficiary code will be done through PFMS.
This option is used to correct the account number, IFSC code and
AADHAAR number of the students whose beneficiary code could not be
created because of either wrong account number/IFSC code/AADHAAR
number. User has to select the scheme and fetch the details of students,
whose Beneficiary Code got rejected. User may click on EDIT and change
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
the IFSC Code and/or Account Number wherever change is required and
click update. This option can be exercised using either Maker/Checker ID.
Master Data Enhancement >> Master Data >> Correction if
BenefCode Rejected
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.3 Modify Candidate Data

(Initiated by University/institution user and approval by UGC user.)

This option can be used for modification/updation of email ID, mobile

number and Address of a student. This option can be exercised using
either Maker/Checker ID. These updations have to be approved by UGC.

Master Data Enhancement >> Master Data >> ->Modify Candidate Data
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.4 Monthly Payment confirmation

(By University/institution maker user. To be approved by University/institution
checker user )
 This option is used to confirm the list of candidates under a particular scheme for
whom Fellowship/ Scholarship is to be disbursed for the month.
 This option will be available to universities/institutions upto 15th of every month

2.4.1 Monthly payment initiation

(By User Institution maker ID)
Transaction Data Entry >>Monthly payment Confirmation >> Initiate

 This option is to initiate the monthly payment confirmation by the user institutions
 There are two types of confirmation viz. one for current month payment and
another for previous month arrears.
o For current month User has to select the scheme name and month as current
month and click on fetch, the no. of candidates and total amount will be
Then User has to click submit button.
o For arrear payment, User has to select previous month arrears, enter the
Student ID for which arrear payment is to be initiated and click on fetch. The
pending payment details will be shown.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
User may select the payments to be initiated and submit. This option is to be
done through Maker Id . Approval is to be done by the University/Institution
Checker ID.

2.4.2 Monthly payment approval

(By User institution checker user)

Transaction Data Entry >>Monthly payment Confirmation >> Approve

 This option is used to approve the list of candidates generated under a particular
scheme for whom Fellowship/ Scholarship is to be disbursed for the month. This
option is to be done using University/Institute Checker ID.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.5 Stop payment marking

(By University/institution maker/checker user. No Approval required)

Transaction Data Entry >>Stop Payment>> Stop payment Marking

 This option is used to mark the stop payment of candidates.

 This option is for marking stop payment. Stop payment can be marked payment
component wise and also for upgradation from JRF to SRF.
 User has to select the scheme name, enter student id, specify the period, select the
component for which payment has to be stopped and select the reason then click
submit button.
 This option can be exercised by Using Either Maker/Checker ID. No approval by
checker is required for stop payment.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.6 Stop payment revocation

(By University maker user. To be approved by University/Institution checker

This is for revoking the stop payments.

2.6.1 Stop payment revocation initiation

(By user Institution maker user)
Transaction Data Entry >>Stop Payment>> Stop Payment revocation

 This option is used to initiate the revocation of stop payment earlier marked.
This option can be done using Maker ID only. The approval is to be done by
University/Institution Checker ID.
2.6.2 Stop payment revocation approval
(By University checker user)
Transaction Data Entry >>Stop Payment>> Stop Payment revocation
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
 This option is used to approve the revocation of stop payment initiated by user.
This option can be done using University Checker ID only
2.7 HRA modification initiation
(By University maker ID . To be approved by university checker ID)

2.7 HRA modification initiation

(By User institution maker ID. To be approved by User Institution checker ID)
This option is to modify the HRA for a candidate

2.7.1 HRA modification initiation

(By User Institution Maker ID)

Transaction Data Entry >>HRA Modification>> Initiate

 This option is used to initiate the HRA modification of students. This

option can be done using University Maker ID only. The approval is to
be done by University/Institution Checker ID.

2.7.2 HRA modification Approval

(By university checker ID)
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
Transaction Data Entry >>HRA Modification>> Approve

 This option is used to approve the HRA modification of the students

initiated by user. This option is to be done by the
University/Institution Checker ID

2.8 PGGATE updates First Class Details

(By University maker/checker ID. To be approved by UGC user)

Transaction Data Entry >> PGGATE Update First Class Details

 This option is to be used for upgrading the candidates of PGGATE who

are securing 60% or more in a semester based on which upgraded
payment amount will be generated.
o The User has to enter student id and then click on fetch to view
the details.
o Then select the semester it will show the period then click on
submit button.
o This option can be done using Maker/Checker ID. The approval
is to be done by UGC.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2..9 Discontinue option

(By University maker/checker ID. To be approved by UGC user)

Transaction Data Entry >> Discontinue

 This option is used to Discontinue the scholarship/fellowship of

candidates. Once approved, it cannot be reverted back. Hence user
has to exercise caution while exercising this option.
o User has to select the scheme name, enter the student ID then
click on fetch button.
o Then they have to enter discontinue date and reason and click
on Mark Discontinued button.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
o This option can be done using either Maker/Checker ID.
Approval is to be done by UGC.
o User has to e

2.10 JRF to SRF upgradation

(To be initiated by User Institution maker/checker ID. To be approved by UGC)
Transaction Data Entry > JRF to SRF Upgrade

 As per the revised process w.e.f Oct 2018 system will calculate by
default the fellowship as per the SRF rate after a defined period
without the need of SRF certificate for the schemes as below
i) Maulana Azad National Fellowship(MANF)
ii) National Fellowship for SC students(NFSC)
iii)Post Doctoral Fellowship for SC/ST(PDFSS)
iv) Post Doctoral Fellowship for Women(PDFWM)
v) JRF in Science, Social Science and Humanities(NET-JRF) & CSIR
vi) Basic Scientific Research Fellowship(BSR)
vii) Dr. S Radhakrishnan Post Doctoral Fellowship(DSRPDFHS)
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
viii) National Fellowship for Students of Other Backward
ix) Swami Vivekananda Single Girl Child for Research in Social
x) BSR Faculty
 But if the date of upgradation is on date prior to October 2018 then
upgradation certificate has to be uploaded by the
 In this option, the date of SRF upgradation is to be entered. The same
has to be approved by UGC. This option can be done using either
Maker/Checker ID. Approval is to be done by UGC.

2.11 Withheld option

(By University maker/checker ID. No approval required)
Transaction Data Entry >>Witheld

 This option can be used to withheld all scholarship/fellowship payment for a

particular Scholar ID .
 Withheld option can be revoked by University/institution at a later date. The
difference between Discontinue option and withheld option is that discontinue
option cannot be revoked but withheld option can be revoked.
 This option does not need any approval.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
 This option can be done using either University Maker/Checker ID.

2.12 Withheld Removal:

(By University maker/checker ID. To be approved by UGC)
Transaction Data Entry >>Withheld Removal

 This option is to remove Withheld request that has been entered by University.
This option can be done using either Maker/Checker ID. Approval is to be done
by UGC.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.13 Contingency Modification

(Initiated by University maker ID . To be approved by University checker ID)

2.13.1 Contingency Modification Initiation

(By User Institution Maker ID)
Transaction Data Entry >> Contingency Modification>> Initiate

 This option can be used to modify the Contingency amount that is shown in the
schedule for the scholar.
 Contingency amount will be divided in 4 monthly slots ie March, June, September
and December of each year.
 System by default divide the contingency amount for the year in four equal parts
under four quarters.
 If the student submits a claim that is different from the amount available in the
contingency slot, University/Institution User may modify the amount accordingly.
 The modification can be done upto maximum contingency amount payable for the
 The modification is to be done using a MAKER ID and the same is to be approved by
University CHECKER ID.
 Once the modification is approved, Monthly payment confirmation is to be done for
the modified records.
 System will be paying the differential amount if any.
 The contingency payable year will be calculated from the Date of Commencement.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.13. 2 Contingency Modification – Approval

(By University checker ID)

Transaction Data Entry >>Contingency Modification>> Approve

This option can be used to approve the Contingency amount that is shown in the schedule
for the scholar. This is to be done using the Checker ID of the .
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.14 Mark Exception Initiate

(Initiated by University/institution user and approval by UGC user.)

Master Data Enhancement >> Master Data >> Mark Exception Initiate

This option is to be used to seek exception from UGC for handling some exceptional cases
like processing arrears beyond 12 months, Linking scholar ID to portal after 60moths from
the date of result etc. This option can be exercised using either Maker/Checker ID.

The Exception parameters are mentioned as under

i) Max Period allowed for linking after date of result/cut off date

Maximum number of months from date of result/cut off date within which the linking is
allowed.Presently the parameter is set to 24 months from date of result/ cut off date
for fellowship schemes and 12 months for scholarship schemes for linking the
Scholarship ID to UGC portal. If any University wants to link scholar ID to portal
beyond the parameter, then the Universities may request for exception in the UGC
Portal. Once UGC approves the same, University/institution will be able to link the
Student ID within the time period mentioned in the exception.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
ii) The period for minimum latest certificate allowed for linking for existing
branch based candidate

For the scholars who were submitting the certificates to Canara Bank Branches, the
Student ID needs to be linked to UGC Portal as per new Procedure. This parameter is the
maximum number of months from the latest date of certificate uploaded by the branch
within which the linking is allowed. Presently the parameter is set to 12 months from date
of last certificate uploaded, for linking the Scholarship ID to UGC portal. If any University
wants to link scholar ID to portal beyond the parameter, then the Universities may
request for exception in the UGC Portal. Once UGC approves the same,
University/institution will be able to link the Student ID within the time period mentioned
in the exception.

iii) Date up to which initiation of Payment Confirmation allowed in a month

At present Universities are supposed to mark the Monthly payment Confirmation process
in the Portal from 1st to 15th of every month. If University wants to initiate the payments
after 15th of any month because of any operational exigencies, then the request can be
given to UGC for extending the timeline using exception functionalities. Once UGC
approves the same, University/institution will be able to initiate monthly payment
confirmation upto the date mentioned in the exception.

iv) Date upto which approval of Payment Confirmation allowed in a month

The Universities are supposed to do the Monthly payment Confirmation process from 1 to
15th of every month. If University wants to approve the payments after 15th of any
month because of any operational exigencies, then the request can be given to UGC for
extending the timeline. Once UGC approves the same, University/institution will be able to
approve monthly payment confirmation upto the date mentioned in the exception.

v) Number of months allowed prior to current month for arrear marking

At present, we are allowing the University for marking payment arrears for max 12months
prior to the current date. The Universities may request for exception in the UGC Portal if
any arrear prior to 1 year is to be processed. Once UGC approves the same,
University/institution will be able to process the arrears from the time period mentioned in
the exception.

vi) Number of hours allowed to Candidate for verification of Master Data

The Universities are linking the student ID in UGC Portal and submitting the same for
approval from UGC. Before submission, the scholars have been provided with the facility
in Scholar’s Corner, to cross-verify the details that the University has entered. After
verifying the details the Scholar may reject the linking if any details entered are wrong.
University may link the ID again with the correct details. If the details are correct scholar
can approve the linking. This option will be available to the Scholar for a defined time
period At present, this time is set as 24hours. After 24 hours, if the scholar has not
rejected/approved the data, then University/Institution may submit the ID for approval to
UGC. This time period is parameterized, through the exception option.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

vii) Number of months allowed prior to current month for marking stop
payment for a scheme.

At present stop payment can be marked w.e.f 3 months prior to current month, if the
payment is not yet credited. This can be parameterized through this option.

viii) Date upto which stop payment is allowed in a month

At present stop payment can be marked only from 1st to 15th of a month. In case the
option for stop payment is to be restricted to a specific period of a month, it can be
parameterized through this option.

The procedure of marking exception is explained for some of the parameters as under.

Mark Exception for linking

 User may select the scheme and select “FOR INDIVIDUAL STUDENT”.
 Enter the student ID and ENTER.
 Select the parameter that requires exception

 Example : If University wants to link a scholar ID whose selection was in Jan 2013,
Exception is to be marked as under.
o Select Exception parameter : Max Period allowed for linking after date of
o Unit Enter New Value: should be the number of months since the scholar got
selection ie IF scholar got selected in JAN 2013 and university is raising
exception in APR 2019, then the new value should be 75.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
o From Date: The date from which University will be allowed to do the linking
as per exception
o Remarks: Reason of Delay in submitting the documents should be entered

 On submission the exception is to be approved by UGC.

 Once UGC approves the exception, University will be able to link the scholar ID
within the time period mentioned in the Exception request.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

Mark Exception for arrears

 Select the scheme and click on “For individual Student”

 Enter Student ID and click on Show details button

(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

 Select Exception Parameter as “No. of months allowed prior to current month for
arrear marking”
 Enter new value i.e. the number of months from which payment is pending to
current month
 If payment is pending from jul 16 and exception is marked in apr 18 then total no.
of months should be counted from jul 16 to apr 18 i.e. 22 months
 In the option Enter Remarks Please enter the reason for delay. Then click on submit
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

 On submission, the exception is to be approved by UGC.

 Once UGC approves the exception, University/Institute, User may do monthly
payment Confirmation for the pending payment within the time period mentioned in
the Exception request.

2.15 Delete Exception

 If University has entered any exception request with wrong parameters, then this
option can be used to delete the existing exception request.
 Universities/Institutions can raise fresh request with correct parameters after
deletion of existing exception request.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

2.16 User Management

2.16.2 Change Password

User Management > Change Password

University/Institute User may change the Login Password through this option

2.16.3 Create User

(Initiation by User Institution maker/checker ID. Approval by UGC user)

User Managment > Create User

 University/Institute may request for Creation of User through this option.

 For exercising this option the User institution should have minimum one user ID.
 For creation of first user ID in the portal the user institution has to take up with
UGC by a separate letter.
 UserID / EmailID, Name, Mobile, Designation, Department, Type of user
(Maker/Checker), University Name are to be entered. The Scholarship/Fellowship
schemes that are to be allotted for the new user is to be selected. Then the
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)
supporting document of size less than 5KB is to be uploaded in PDF Format and
click on create.
 Supporting document should be a letter of request for user creation from the
competent authority duly mentioning the details of officer/employee of the
institution for whom user ID to be created
 Type of user can be maker or checker.
 The Maker ID can be used to initiate transaction data entry options like Monthly
Payment Confirmation, HRA modification stop payment revocation etc.
 The Checker ID can be used to approve transaction data entry options like Monthly
Payment Confirmation, HRA modification stop payment revocation etc.
 Please note that the transactions done by an ID cannot be approved using the same
 The options under Master Data Enhancement and User Management will be
available for all users irrespective of the Role.
 The User creation is to be approved by UGC. Once UGC approves the User creation,
the password will be sent through Email, to the new User ID that has been created.
 User may Login through that password and change the password after Logging in.

2.16.4 Modify User Details

(To be initiated by User Institution checker ID. To be approved by UGC)

User Management >>Modify User Details

 Universities/Institutions may modify the User details using this option.

 User may change the Mobile, Designation, Role can be modified using this option.
 The Scholarship/Fellowship schemes that are to be allotted for the user is to be
 Then the supporting document of size less than 5KB is to be uploaded in PDF
Format and click on Modify.
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

 The User modification is to be approved by UGC.

 Once UGC approves the User Modification, the password will be sent through
Email, to the new User ID that has been modified.
 User may Login through that password and change the password after Logging in.

2.16.5 User Activation/Deactivation

(To be initiated by User Institution checker ID. To be approved by UGC)

User Management>>User Report/Activate/Deactivate

 This option can be used for Activation/Deactivation of University/Institution user.

 The User Ids that are inactive and University/Institute has not sent request for
Reactivation will be available under the report User Activation Request Pending.

 The active user can go to this option and “Request Activation”. The User Activation
is to be approved by UGC.
 Once UGC approves the User Activation, the password will be sent through Email, to
the new User ID that has been modified.
 User may Login through that password and change the password after Logging in.
 The User Activation Request already sent by University/Institution and Pending with
UGC for approval or Rejected by UGC will be available under the report Approval
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम /A Government of India Undertaking)

1) Linking student-By linking a particular candidate, a university/institution is
identifying the candidate with itself and confirming that he/she is bonafide
candidate of the university/institute
2) Cut off/date of result- Cut off date/date of result is the minimum date from
which payment will be started for a batch of candidates and is decided by UGC.
3) Payment Schedule-Payment schedule shows the details of the period and
applicable components payable to candidates in their entire tenure. The amount
shown in payment schedule is tentative and actual payments may vary
depending upon the various inputs as given by the universities.
4) Beneficiary Code- It is a unique code allotted to each beneficiary by PFMS on
the basis of account number or Aadhaar Number.Beneficiary code is mandatory
for DBT payment.

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