Light: Chapter 5 Year 4 (KSSR) Chapter 6 Year 5 (KBSR)
Light: Chapter 5 Year 4 (KSSR) Chapter 6 Year 5 (KBSR)
Light: Chapter 5 Year 4 (KSSR) Chapter 6 Year 5 (KBSR)
Translucent Opaque
Object that allows Object that does
some light to pass not allow any light
through it to pass through it
Type of
Object that allows
all light to pass
through it.
Factors affecting the size of shadows
❖When the distance shadow
between the object and Shadow
the light source increases, cone
the size of the shadow shadow
❖When the distance
between the object and Light source
the light source decreases, Object
the size of the shadow
The position of the Factors affecting the
light source shape of shadows
Reflection of an image
in a mirror
1. Which statements
explain the properties of
3. What are the
P Light travels in a straight characteristics of a
line surface that reflects
Q Light can be reflected light well?
2. Diagram above shows
R Light can be destroyed the side mirror of a car. A. Dark and soft
S Light cannot be What is the function of
refracted B. Rough and uneven
the mirror?
C. Dull and smooth
A. P and Q A. Gives light
D. Shiny and smooth
B. R and S B. Absorbs light
C. Q and S C. Refracts light
D. Q and R D. Reflects light
Question 4. If the object is placed at position P,
Q, R respectively, predict the size of
the shadow.
shadow P Q R
Shadow A.
Light source
Object Q
R C.
Screen D
Teacher Halim asks his pupils to carried out an investigation to investigate how the distance between object and source of light affect the
shadow’s size. Diagram 1 below shows the arrangement of apparatus for this investigation. The result of the investigation are as in the
Diagram 2 below.
The size of
shadow (cm)
bayang 45
Shadow’s 40
Source of Bol
Sumbercah a size 35
ayalight 30
nScreen 25
Distance of ball
10 20 30 40 from light
Diagram 1 Diagram 2 source (cm)
a) What is the aim of this investigation? i) Manipulated variable:_________________________
____________________________________________ ii) Responding variable:_________________________
b) State the pattern of changes of shadow’s size if the distance d) Write one hypothesis based on this investigation.
of the ball from the light source increases. ____________________________________________
e) Predict what would happen if the ball is replaced with a
c) Based on this investigation, state the: transparent glass
Diagram 3 below shows an investigation to study the properties of light. The apparatus use are candle cardboard with
hole and cardboard holder.
Diagram 1
c) What would happen if cardboard B is moved a bit to the
a) What is the properties of light studied in the above left?
investigation? ____________________________________________
c) Give one tool that can replace candle in this
b) What can be observe when the student look through the investigation?
hole A when the card board is arranged at the same height? ____________________________________________
e) Write a conclusion based on the investigation?