A Veterinary Technician's Guide To Exotic Animal Care, 2nd Edition
A Veterinary Technician's Guide To Exotic Animal Care, 2nd Edition
A Veterinary Technician's Guide To Exotic Animal Care, 2nd Edition
List of Figures, ix
List of Tables, xv
Foreword, xvii
Preface, xix
Acknowledgments, xxi
Chapter 1. AVIAN 1
Introduction, 1 Microbiology, 21
Husbandry, 1 Radiology, 24
Environmental Concerns, 1 Other Diagnostic Imaging Modalities, 25
Nutrition, 4 Parasitology, 25
Transport, 7 Surgical and Anesthetic Assistance, 27
Grooming, 8 Health Maintenance and Disease, 29
Bird Bands and Microchipping, 10 Respiratory and Gastrointestinal Bacterial/Fungal
History, 12 Infections, 29
Restraint, 13 Feather Picking and Feather Loss, 31
Physical Examination, 15 Trauma, 31
“Put It Down,” 18 Egg-Binding, 32
Diagnostic Sampling, 19 Heavy Metal Toxicosis, 32
Blood Collection, 19 Other Diseases, 33
Bone Marrow Aspiration, 21 Zoonotic Diseases, 34
Introduction, 79 Radiology, 93
Anatomy and Physiology, 80 Parasitology, 94
Husbandry, 81 Vaccinations, 94
Environmental Concerns, 81 Therapeutics, 95
Nutrition, 82 Surgical and Anesthetic Assistance, 98
Transport, 83 Health Maintenance and Disease, 99
Grooming, 83 Gastrointestinal Diseases, 99
History, 83 Respiratory Diseases, 99
Restraint, 85 Neoplasia, 100
Physical Examination, 86 Cardiovascular Diseases, 103
Diagnostic Sampling, 89 Reproductive Diseases, 104
Blood Collection, 89 Urogenital Diseases, 103
Bone Marrow Aspiration, 91 Bacterial Diseases, 104
Splenic Aspirate, 92 Emerging Diseases, 104
Urine Collection and Interpretation, 92
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
contents vii
Index, 221
About the Authors, 234
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
List of Figures
Chapter 1. AVIAN
Figure 1.1 A typical flight cage used for a breeding Figure 1.14 Companion birds should be transported
pair of parrots, 2 in a modified pet carrier, 8
Figure 1.2 Parrot cages come in many sizes and Figure 1.15 Long claws that need trimming on a
colors, 3 cockatoo, 9
Figure 1.3 Plexiglas cages make good transport Figure 1.16 Recommended length to trim a parrot’s
carriers, 3 claw, 9
Figure 1.4 Natural wood perches, 4 Figure 1.17 A Dremel tool is recommended for claw
Figure 1.5 Many outdoor cages are made from trimming on larger parrot species, 9
galvanized wire and held together with J-clips, 4 Figure 1.18 An electrocautery unit can be used to
Figure 1.6 Pelleted diets are readily available in pet trim claws on birds that weigh <150 grams, 10
stores, 5 Figure 1.19 A blood feather, 10
Figure 1.7 Many companies offer trial sizes that can Figure 1.20 A recommended method for trimming
be provided to avian clients, 5 wing feathers, 11
Figure 1.8 Compacted seed treats, 5 Figure 1.21 Proper technique for holding small caged
Figure 1.9 For many parrot species a diversified diet is bird, 13
recommended, 6 Figure 1.22 Proper technique for holding larger par-
Figure 1.10 Foraging “toys,” 6 rot species, 14
Figure 1.11 Proper placement of a gavage feeding Figure 1.23 A Plexiglas restraint board being used to
tube in a parrot, 7 examine an avian patient, 14
Figure 1.12 Sipper water bottles, 8 Figure 1.24 A foam “pool noodle” can be used to
reduce the “stabbing” danger from long, sharp beaks, 14
Figure 1.13A A cuttlebone provides a calcium source
for smaller birds, 8 Figure 1.25 Smaller birds can be weighed in a
container, 15
Figure 1.13B A mineral block is a calcium source for
larger birds, 8 Figure 1.26 Lice eggs (nits) on the feathers of an
avian patient, 15
Figure 1.27 Bird with self-induced feather damage, 16 Figure 1.38 Endotracheal tube in place on a blue and
Figure 1.28 Instruments and equipment used to gold macaw, 28
properly examine a bird, 16 Figure 1.39 A radiosurgery unit, 28
Figure 1.29 Using an avian beak speculum to exam- Figure 1.40 Conductive thermal heating blanket, 29
ine the choana, 17 Figure 1.41 Convective heating unit, 29
Figure 1.30 Thermal trauma to the crop and surface Figure 1.42 Use of monitoring equipment during
epithelium, 17 avian surgery, 29
Figure 1.31 Normal keel versus thin keel, 18 Figure 1.43 A critical care unit, 30
Figure 1.32 The uropygial gland, 19 Figure 1.44 The upper respiratory system of birds is
Figure 1.33 Proper technique for collecting blood very extensive, 30
from a bird’s jugular vein, 20 Figure 1.45 Components needed to nebulize avian
Figure 1.34 Location of the basilic vein, 21 patients, 31
Figure 1.35 Proximal tibiotarsal bone, 24 Figure 1.46A “Pool noodle” used to make a neck
Figure 1.36A Budgerigar that is infested with Knemi- extender, 32
dokoptes spp. mites, 26 Figure 1.46B Use of pool noodle to prevent avian
Figure 1.36B Mite species that affects the nonfeath- self-trauma, 32
ered areas of the bird, 26 Figure 1.47 Proper placement of an intraosseus
Figure 1.37 Noncuffed endotracheal tube, 28 catheter, 33
Figure 2.6 Appropriate restraint for a chelonian, 48 Figure 2.14 Blood collection in a green iguana via the
jugular vein, 56
Figure 2.7 Restraining the head of a chelonian for
examination, 48 Figure 2.15 Blood collection from the subcarapacial
vein of a chelonian, 57
Figure 2.8 Appropriate restraint of a crocodilian, 48
Figure 2.16 Blood collection from the heart of
Figure 2.9A Anatomy of a snake, 50
a snake, 59
Figure 2.9B Anatomy of a chelonian, 51
Figure 2.17 Blood collection from the ventral coccy-
Figure 2.10 Femoral pores on the ventral thigh of a geal vein of an axolotl, 60
male green iguana, 52
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
list of figures xi
Figure 2.18 Blood collection from the heart of Figure 2.21 A well-defined caseous abscess on the
an axolotl, 60 dorsum of a snake, 71
Figure 2.19 Thermal burn in a green iguana, 63 Figure 2.22 Coccidiosis in a bearded dragon, 74
Figure 2.20 Severe articular gout in a gecko, 70
Chapter 3. FERRETS
Figure 3.1 A standard sable ferret, 81 Figure 3.8 The lateral saphenous vein is an excellent
Figure 3.2 An albino ferret, 81 site for collecting blood from a ferret, 91
Figure 3.3A Grasping the nape of a ferret is an excel- Figure 3.9 Ferret cephalic vein, 96
lent way to gently restrain these animals, 86 Figure 3.10 Ferrets can be “masked down” with iso-
Figure 3.3B Most ferrets will yawn when scruffed, 86 flurane or sevoflurane, 98
Figure 3.4 Ferret tattooed with two ink dots in the Figure 3.11 It is important to create an appropriately
right ear, 87 sized sterile field for a surgical procedure, 98
Figure 3.5 Generalized hair loss (alopecia) is one of Figure 3.12 Ferret diagnosed with CDV, 100
the most common clinical signs associated with adre- Figure 3.13 The ferret prostrate, when enlarged can
nal gland disease, 88 easily be palpated, 101
Figure 3.6 Female ferrets with adrenal gland disease Figure 3.14 An enlarged left adrenal gland at
can develop significantly enlarged vulvas, 89 surgery, 102
Figure 3.7 The cranial vena cava is a preferred site for Figure 3.15 Insulinoma in a ferret, 102
collecting blood from a ferret, 90
Chapter 4. RABBITS
Figure 4.1 Soft-Paws diminish a rabbit’s ability Figure 4.7 Proper method for supporting a
to scratch, 109 rabbit’s rear, 116
Figure 4.2A Typical outdoor housing for pet Figure 4.8 A “bunny burrito” can be used to restrain
rabbits, 110 rabbit patients, 116
Figure 4.2B Morant pen, 110 Figure 4.9 Proper method for carrying a rabbit, 116
Figure 4.2C Indoor rabbit housing, 111 Figure 4.10 Rabbits should be transported in a plastic
Figure 4.3 A timothy grass–based pellet diet, 113 pet carrier, 117
Figure 4.4 Grass hay is recommended to maintain the Figure 4.11A A rabbit’s ear, showing the central
overall health of a rabbit, 113 artery and marginal ear vein, 118
Figure 4.5 Water bottles should be cleaned and Figure 4.11B Collecting blood from the marginal ear
refilled on a regular basis, 114 vein, 118
Figure 4.6A A lion-headed rabbit, 115 Figure 4.12A Blood collection from a rabbit’s jugular
vein, with patient in dorsal recumbency, 118
Figure 4.6B A dwarf rabbit, 115
Figure 4.12B Blood collection from a rabbit’s jugular Figure 4.17 Nasogastric tube in place, 126
vein, with patient in ventral recumbency, 119 Figure 4.18 Rabbit glottis observed through an endo-
Figure 4.12C Collecting blood from the cephalic vein scope prior to intubation, 127
of a rabbit, 119 Figure 4.19A Maloccluded incisors of a rabbit, 130
Figure 4.12D Collecting blood from the saphenous Figure 4.19B Maloccluded rabbit molars, showing
vein of a rabbit, 119 enamel projections and irritated lingual surface, 130
Figure 4.13 Rabbit being induced and maintained Figure 4.20 Examination of a rabbit’s teeth using an
using a face mask, 120 otoscope, 130
Figure 4.14A Typical ear presentation of a rabbit with Figure 4.21A Examining a rabbit’s teeth using an
Psoroptes cuniculi, 123 endoscope, 131
Figure 4.14B A Psoroptes cuniculi mite, 123 Figure 4.21B Trimming a rabbit’s teeth using a
Figure 4.15 Cuterebra spp. larvae removed from a Dremel tool, 131
rabbit, 124 Figure 4.21C Rabbit’s teeth after trimming, 131
Figure 4.16 Flushing a rabbit patient’s nasal lacrimal Figure 4.22 Dental instruments for use with
duct, 125 rabbits, 131
Figure 5.5 Vitamin C supplements, 143 Figure 5.14 Guinea pigs’ claws should be trimmed on
a regular basis, 147
Figure 5.6 Hamster food can be purchased as a pel-
leted diet or with a seed base, 143 Figure 5.15 Guinea pig with alopecia, 147
Figure 5.7A Proper method for restraining a guinea Figure 5.16 Collecting blood from the cranial
pig, 144 vena cava, 148
Figure 5.7B Proper restraint of a guinea pig requires a Figure 5.17 Mice are susceptible to ectoparasites and
firm grasp around the shoulder and neck, 144 often present with alopecia, 154
Figure 5.8 Proper method for restraining a gerbil, 145 Figure 5.18 Maintaining a hamster on gas anesthesia,
using a face mask, 155
Figure 5.9 Skin degloved from a gerbil’s tail, 145
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
list of figures xiii
Figure 5.19 An induction chamber being used to Figure 5.22 Bite wound abcess in a hamster, 160
induce a rabbit for general gas anesthesia, 155 Figure 5.23 Gerbil presenting with “sore nose,” 160
Figure 5.20 Mouse under general anesthesia, in prep- Figure 5.24 Mammary tumor in older female rat, 161
aration for surgery, 155
Figure 5.25 A rat with a body bandage to prevent
Figure 5.21A Guinea pig presenting with subman- self-trauma, 161
dibular abscess, 158
Figure 5.21B Aspirated purulent material collected
from a submandibular abscess, 158
Chapter 6. HEDGEHOGS
Figure 6.1 The quills of an African hedgehog cover Figure 6.5 Collecting a blood sample from the cranial
only their dorsum, 166 vena cava of a hedgehog, 172
Figure 6.2 Close-up of hedgehog quills, 166 Figure 6.6A Lateral radiograph of a hedgehog, 173
Figure 6.3 Hedgehogs are well suited for a terrestrial Figure 6.6B Dorsoventral radiograph of a
existence, 167 hedgehog, 173
Figure 6.4 Hedgehog vena cava, 171
Chapter 8. FISH
Figure 8.1 Fish have both paired and unpaired Figure 8.3C Fish eosinophil (Eo), lymphocyte (L),
fins, 191 and erythrocyte (Er), 195
Figure 8.2A A marine Koran angelfish with severe Figure 8.3D Fish monocyte (M), 195
head and lateral line erosions, 192 Figure 8.4A Synthetic pads serve as the mechanical
Figure 8.2B A freshwater cichlid with severe head and filter, 197
lateral line erosions, 192 Figure 8.4B Ultraviolet radiation serves as a chemical
Figure 8.3A Fish heterophil (H) and filter, 197
thrombocyte (T), 194 Figure 8.4C Plastic balls serve as a biologic filter, 197
Figure 8.3B Fish neutrophil (N) and Figure 8.5 A wide variety of commercial fish food is
erythrocyte (Er), 194 available at local pet retailers, 203
Figure 8.6 Goldfish with a swim bladder Figure 8.15 Intracoelomic injections are an excellent
problem, 204 way to provide essential medications to fish, 212
Figure 8.7 A hands-on examination of a fish, 206 Figure 8.16 Fish being anesthetized for examination
Figure 8.8 Gill biopsy in a cichlid, 207 and diagnostic testing, 214
Figure 8.9 A skin scrape in a cichlid, 207 Figure 8.17 Recirculating anesthesia machine
for fish, 214
Figure 8.10 A fin biopsy in a cichlid, 208
Figure 8.18 Severe ulcerative dermatitis in a koi, 205
Figure 8.11 Ventral tail vein venipuncture in
an oscar, 209 Figure 8.19 Dactylogyrus spp. isolated from the gills
of a goldfish, 216
Figure 8.12 Cardiac venipuncture in a goldfish, 209
Figure 8.20 Oranda goldfish with caudal chamber
Figure 8.13 A lateral survey radiograph of an oscar
amputated at surgery, 216
with a renal tumor, 211
Figure 8.21 An osteoma in a royal plecostamus asso-
Figure 8.14 A lateral survey radiograph of an oranda
ciated with the pectoral fin, 217
goldfish with a swim bladder problem, 211
Figure 8.22 An ovarian adenocarcinoma in a koi, 217
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
List of Tables
Chapter 1. AVIAN
Table 1.1 Avian Hematological Reference Table 1.2 Avian Plasma Biochemical Reference
Ranges, 22 Ranges, 23
Chapter 3. FERRETS
Table 3.1 Ferret Basic Information, 80 Table 3.4 Urinalysis Results in the Ferret, 93
Table 3.2 Ferret Hematological Reference Table 3.5 Injectable Analgesic and Anesthetic Dos-
Ranges, 84 ages for the Ferret, 97
Table 3.3 Ferret Serum Biochemistry Reference
Ranges, 85
Chapter 4. RABBITS
Table 4.1 Rabbit Basic Information, 108 Table 4.5 Recommended Amounts of Mixed Critical
Table 4.2 Rabbit Complete Blood Count Reference Care TM Feed, 126
Ranges, 120 Table 4.6 Rabbit Surgery Preparation, 127
Table 4.3 Rabbit Serum Biochemistry Reference Table 4.7 Rabbit Premedication, Sedation, and
Ranges, 121 Chemical Restraint Agents, 128
Table 4.4 Rabbit Normal Urinalysis Values, 122 Table 4.8 Rabbit Injectable Anesthetic Agents, 128
Table 5.3 Gerbil Basic Information, 139 Table 5.13 Rat Complete Blood Count Reference
Ranges, 151
Table 5.4 Rat Basic Information, 140
Table 5.14 Rat Serum Biochemistry Reference
Table 5.5 Mouse Basic Information, 141
Ranges, 151
Table 5.6 Guinea Pig Complete Blood Count Refer-
Table 5.15 Mouse Complete Blood Count Reference
ence Ranges, 148
Ranges, 151
Table 5.7 Guinea Pig Serum Biochemistry Reference
Table 5.16 Mouse Serum Biochemistry Reference
Ranges, 148
Ranges, 151
Table 5.8 Retro-Orbital Blood Collection, 149
Table 5.17 Basic Surgery Guidelines for Rodents and
Table 5.9 Hamster Complete Blood Count Reference Pocket Pets, 156
Ranges, 150
Table 5.18 Premedication and Sedation Drug Doses
Table 5.10 Hamster Serum Biochemistry Reference for Rodents, 156
Ranges, 150
Table 5.19 Injectable Anesthesia in Rodents, 156
Table 5.11 Gerbil Complete Blood Count Reference
Table 5.20 Analgesic Doses for Rodents, 157
Ranges, 150
Chapter 6. HEDGEHOGS
Table 6.1 Hedgehog Basic Information, 167 Table 6.4 Hedgehog Complete Blood Count Refer-
Table 6.2 Hedgehog Daily Diet, 169 ence Ranges, 172
Table 6.3 Injectable Anesthetic Agents Used in Table 6.5 Hedgehog Serum Biochemistry Reference
Hedgehogs, 170 Ranges, 172
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
As technicians, we are the first to have contact with mation on blood draw and injection sites for
clients and their animals. As with dogs and cats, it administering medications, parasites that are
is important that we gather all necessary informa- most common to the species, and anesthetics that
tion in order to treat exotic animals. Often, we are commonly used with the species.
see clients who have acquired a new and exciting I have been working with exotic animals for
exotic species without having much knowledge many years, and most of my knowledge on the
about the husbandry, diet, and diseases associated subject of exotics has been gained through hands-
with those animals. It is our role as technicians to on training and gleaning information from a
provide that knowledge and guide our clients in variety of resources, each concentrating on one
the care of their new pet. species. This book compiles in one reference
We can also help educate clients before they information on all the common exotic pets seen
make the purchase of that exotic animal. Techni- in private practice. As a technician, I find this a
cians need to know what questions to ask with valuable directory, which helps me either recall
regard to the nutrition, diet, and housing of the or learn new information about the species that I
animal, and A Veterinary Technician’s Guide to might encounter in the clinic.
Exotic Animal Care provides that knowledge base The knowledge and information provided in
in one convenient reference. A Veterinary Tech- this book is invaluable to our practice, as tech-
nician’s Guide to Exotic Animal Care includes nicians work with veterinarians to expand their
specifics on birds, reptiles, amphibians, rodents, exotic animal clientele. I definitely recommend
fish, sugar gliders, rabbits, ferrets, and hedgehogs, adding A Veterinary Technician’s Guide to Exotic
all animals that have become very popular house- Animal Care to your reference library.
hold pets in the last few years. —Dianna Lydick, BS, RVT, CVT
In addition to husbandry, diet, and disease
information, this reference provides great infor-
This is a much-needed second edition of A Vet- vent one of the most common causes of death in
erinary Technician’s Guide to Exotic Animal Care. pet exotic animals: improper husbandry/nutrition.
Over the past 10 years there has continued to be an Examination of the patient and, more importantly,
evolving body of knowledge as to the proper care education of the owner are the primary objectives of
and treatment of avian and exotic animal species. the first visit. The education process, which often is
While maintaining the foundation of informa- the responsibility of the veterinary technician, may
tion regarding birds, reptiles, ferrets, rabbits, include handouts, educational video, and recom-
rodents, hedgehogs, sugar gliders, and fish found mended Internet websites.
in the first edition, this edition expands in criti- Veterinarians actively seek technicians who
cal areas to elevate the reader’s understanding of have an interest in working with exotic animal
these diverse animal groups. This continues to be species. To gain clinical confidence, veterinary
a basic text covering the most common exotic ani- technicians must initially be motivated to become
mal species treated in small-animal hospitals. The experienced in handling and collecting diagnostic
chapters cover important information required by samples from the animals mentioned in this text.
owners, while focusing on the skills needed by the Basic knowledge learned about dogs and cats will
veterinary technician/nurse (hereafter veterinary serve the interested exotic animal technician well,
technician) who works with these animals. with confidence quickly growing in proportion to
Today’s pet owners demand quality care for the number of animals treated.
their animals and expect both veterinarians and As mentioned, this second edition is more
veterinary technicians to have basic knowledge detailed and up-to-date and provides a signifi-
of handling, diseases, husbandry, and nutrition. cantly increased number of full-color figures, line
This text provides the essential information in a drawings, and tables. Each chapter covers the fol-
systematic formula that covers the basic respon- lowing main topics: husbandry, nutrition, restraint,
sibilities of veterinary technicians; and full-color physical examination, diagnostic sampling, thera-
photos and line drawings improve understanding peutics, and disease. There are references at the
of educational and technical concepts. end of each chapter for individuals who seek more
Exotic companion-animal owners should be detailed information on a particular topic. For the
encouraged to seek veterinary care for their animals reader’s benefit, some products, medications, and
when first purchased and, at least, on a yearly basis manufacturers are listed in the text. These recom-
for health examinations. The initial visit helps pre- mendations are based on what the authors have
found to work best, but are not meant to endorse What has not changed since the first edition
a particular company. Occasionally, manufactur- was published is that veterinary practices have a
ers aren’tmentioned because a drug is generic and continuing demand for interested and qualified
produced by many companies. This edition con- technicians in the area of avian/exotic animal medi-
tinues to provide the basic guidelines veterinary cine. The authors continue to encourage veterinary
technicians need to perform quality exotic animal technicians to get involved in this exciting, grow-
pet care. ing, and challenging field of veterinary medicine.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance The authors would like to thank the review-
of Mr. Michael Broussard. We would also like to ers of the current edition: J. Jill Heatley, DVM,
thank Ms. Bess Maher at AAHA Press for her MS, Dipl. ABVP (Avian), Dipl. ACZM; Dianna
patience and support in successfully guiding this Lydick, BS, RVT, CVT; and Tiffany Wolf, DVM.
much-needed text to completion. Thanks to Susie Many thanks also go to the First Edition
Tully, Claudia Rose Tully, Fiona Elizabeth Tully, Advisory Group: Dr. Laurel Collins, ABVP, Dr.
Lorrie Hale Mitchell, Mary Mitchell, and R. J. Richard Goebel, Dr. Charles Hickey, Dr. Clayton
Mitchell for providing moral support and putting McKinnon, and Dr. Hal Taylor.
up with the authors’ constant emotional demands
while working on this project.
Chapter 1
There are close to 9,000 different avian species worldwide. These are not
different breeds of the same species, like dogs and cats, but are, in fact,
entirely different animals within the class Aves. Upon first learning of this
difference, it would seem impossible to become qualified to treat so many
different types of birds. With this in mind, a technician must learn and
become knowledgeable about basic avian husbandry, diagnostic sampling,
and patient care. Most veterinary practices see only companion avian spe-
cies (e.g., parrots, macaws, and cockatiels) and caged birds (e.g., finches and
canaries). These are the species that technicians need to become familiar with
and comfortable handling and treating. Through experience and modifica-
tion of technical skills, the transition between avian species is easy to make,
if needed, for wildlife or zoological avian species (e.g., toucans, flamingos,
penguins, and ostriches). Companion avian species need to be examined
yearly, groomed regularly, and vaccinated on a regular schedule. As with
other exotic species, the presentation of the patient in the exam room allows
the technician to provide husbandry and nutritional information to the cli-
ent. Captive-reared companion avian species are excellent pets, with each
species having advantages and disadvantages to ownership—similar to the
physical and personality differences observed in cat and dog breeds. If placed
on a proper diet and maintained on that nutritional regimen, most pet birds
live long, healthy lives.
Environmental Concerns
Many new pet bird owners purchase their pets with a few preconceived
ideas that have been learned from a lifetime of misinformation. One of these
misconceptions is that birds are sensitive to cold ture of a house rises and falls with the seasons of
and drafts. In reality, avian species are much more the year. Birds should not be moved from an air-
sensitive to heat than they are to cold or drafts. conditioned environment into an outdoor flight
Birds have an ability to acclimatize to almost any during the peak months of summer or winter,
environment over time, especially cooler weather. because they are not acclimatized to the environ-
Although many birds come from arid, tropical, ment. Placing a bird near an air-conditioner’s vent
and subtropical regions of the world, there are is also not advised, because air near a vent is con-
microenvironments within these areas that pro- siderably cooler/warmer than the surrounding air
vide protection from the oppressive heat. Many of temperature, which creates added physical stress
these microenvironments range from 75° to 85°F. on the bird to compensate for the constant change
If parrots are allowed to stay outside in a protected in temperature that occurs as the system shuts off
cage against the prevailing wind with a roof and and on to maintain the thermostat setting. It is
nest box, they will acclimatize to temperatures best to place the cage in a room in which there is
that drop into the lower 30°F range (Figure 1.1). interaction with the other family members, away
If temperatures drop lower than freezing, owners from direct vent airflow.
should be advised to provide a heat lamp for tem- Interaction with members of the family is
perature regulation. important, but also normal sleep can have as
Birds will respond to indoor temperatures much much or more impact on a bird’s psychological
the same as they do to outside seasonal variations. well-being. If a psittacine species (e.g., parrot) is
They will molt feathers in the spring as the hot- housed in a room in which lights and conversa-
ter summer months approach and will molt and tion occur well past dusk, a separate cage should
produce more down feathers in the autumn as the be placed in a quiet part of the house for sleeping.
cooler winter months approach. Although owners On most days psittacine species should be allowed
might complain about the extra feather loss in the sleep time that corresponds to the number of
spring and autumn, this is not an unusual finding. nighttime hours. Inconsistent sleep time has been
Even with air-conditioning, the ambient tempera- associated with psychological disorders in parrots,
including feather picking.
Cage design has been elevated to an art. Many
different cage designs are manufactured from
different products, ranging from brass wire to
Plexiglas (Figures 1.2 and 1.3). Most cages are
designed for indoor use only, and most, if not all,
commercial cages should be used only indoors.
Owners usually buy cages for indoor use based on
individual taste, the ability of the cage to reduce
spread of litter and dust into the surrounding envi-
ronment, and how well the cage blends with the
interior design of their house. The only require-
Figure 1.1 A typical flight cage used for a breeding ment from a health point of view is that the cage
pair of parrots. be of appropriate size for the bird(s) that it will
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 3
Figure 1.2 Parrot cages come in many sizes and Figure 1.3 Plexiglas cages make good transport carri-
colors. ers and reduce the incidence of cage litter falling on the
house. When choosing the size of a cage, owners into contact with this abrasive surface. Abrasive
should be advised to take into consideration the perches for larger birds (e.g., scored cement, terra-
addition of perches and toys. There has been a ten- cotta) can dull the tip of the claw, but again,
dency for owners to “love their birds too much” the soft weight-bearing part of the bird’s foot is
by adding too many perches and toys for the size against the rough surface. If an abrasive perch is
of the cage. An abundance of these items increases used for a parrot species, only one of the rough
the chance for injury and does not allow for ade- perches should be in the cage, with the majority
quate exercise space. Perches and toys should be of roosting areas made of natural wood branches.
appropriate for the bird’s size. Budgerigar toys and Newspaper is the substrate of choice to line the
perches are inappropriate for an Amazon parrot. cage bottom. This substrate is cheap and allows the
Natural wood perches, cut from hardwood trees owner to observe the bird’s fecal material, thereby
(e.g., oak, maple, or hickory), are recommended monitoring the pet’s eating habits and gastrointes-
for pet birds (Figure 1.4). The natural wood can tinal system. Newspaper also gets dirty, making it
be readily replaced, and it also provides a variable readily apparent to the owner that routine clean-
diameter and foot surface for the birds to use, ing of the cage is required. Although newspaper is
which helps to exercise their feet. Tell your clients a great substrate in a cage, newspaper with colored
never to use sandpaper on the perches, because inks can be toxic and therefore should be sepa-
this causes irritation to the foot area that comes rated from the bird via a grate. Other substances
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 5
nectar. As always, it is up to the owner to research Pet owners should be guided to make fresh
the nutritional requirements of his or her pet and water available at all times. They should also be
make sure to provide a proper diet. The diversified aware that water containers should be cleaned
diet not only supplements a variety of nutritional daily and refilled with a fresh supply. To prevent
components, it also psychologically stimulates the “poop soup,” sipper bottles that attach to the side
bird with different sizes and textures of the food- of the cage are recommended for parrot species
stuffs that it eats. (Figure 1.12). The birds cannot dump the con-
Foraging is another form of feeding a bird in a tainer in the bottom of the cage or defecate in
stimulating manner. A number of foraging devices their water. Tell owners to touch the bird’s beak
have been manufactured in recent years to chal- and tongue to the tip of the sipper tube when it
lenge parrots to work for their food (Figure 1.10). is first introduced to make sure the animal knows
A significant amount of highly recommended that water is available at the end of this strange
information exists for owners and technicians in stainless steel device.
the form of articles and electronic media on the Tell owners that they may provide stick treats,
advantages of providing a foraging environment but the stick and wire must be removed from the
for companion avian species. A psychologically cage after the bird has finished eating the attached
stimulated bird is a happy bird that might exhibit seeds. Spray millet, millet on the natural seed
fewer vices, such as feather picking and stimulated head, is a welcome treat for smaller psittacine spe-
reproductive activity. cies, such as lovebirds and cockatiels.
Anorexic birds can be fed using a “ball-tipped” Make your pet owners aware that calcium sup-
gavage needle. The stainless steel gavage needle plementation (Figures 1.13A and 1.13B) is a must,
can be easily disinfected but is unyielding when and for smaller birds, a cuttlebone will provide
passed down the esophagus into the crop. It is the source. The soft side faces the bird, and the
very important that one becomes experienced bird eats the bone, as calcium is required in the
using a “ball-tipped” gavage needle before using diet. These are not beak-sharpening devices, but
it to administer food or medicine to a bird (Figure calcium sources. For larger birds, a mineral block
1.11). will provide the calcium supplement, because they
Figure 1.9 For many parrot species a diversified diet Figure 1.10 Foraging “toys” are psychologically stimu-
is recommended. lating for caged birds.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 7
Figure 1.11 Proper placement of a gavage feeding tube in a parrot. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
can crush a cuttlebone in seconds. If your own- their cage, transport cage, or plastic pet carrier.
ers want to place a vitamin or mineral supplement If the cage is small enough and easily carried,
in the water or on the bird’s food, guide them to this is the best method to transport the bird.
strictly follow the instructions provided with the Having the bird in its own environment creates
product. Often, birds will not drink or eat sub- a sense of familiarity and allows the veterinary
stances that have been tainted, which can reduce technician an opportunity to evaluate the enclo-
the required nutritional intake of these animals. sure. Transportation of the cage in which a bird
If the bird does drink the water and eat the food lives applies to birds that weigh <150 grams
with the supplement, both containers need to be (e.g. finches, canaries, budgerigars, cockatiels).
cleaned daily because of vitamin degradation and A transport cage or plastic pet carrier is recom-
predisposition to bacterial growth. mended for larger birds (e.g., parrots, macaws). A
plastic pet carrier can be modified by attaching a
Transport wooden dowel or branch across the bottom half
Bird owners should be reminded always to trans- of the carrier as a perch (Figure 1.14). Newspaper
port their animal(s) to the veterinary clinic in should be placed on the bottom of a transport
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 9
Figure 1.18 An electrocautery unit can be used to Figure 1.19 A blood feather. The feather extending
trim claws on birds that weigh <150 grams. out of the sheath can be safely trimmed.
cut or broken, grasp the base of the feather with that will need to be trimmed. The main feathers
hemostats and pull straight out. Digital pressure to be trimmed are the primary flight feathers on
should be applied to the feather follicle for 2 to 3 both wings and, to a lesser extent, the secondary
minutes to aid in hemostasis. flight feathers (Figure 1.20). The feathers should
Owners might have many reasons for want- be trimmed under the dorsal covert feathers so the
ing their bird’s wing feathers trimmed. The main cut feather cannot be seen when the wing is in the
reason is to restrict flight capabilities, thereby pre- normal position. Adequate flight restriction can
venting an unwanted escape. Often, birds that be obtained in short, fat birds (e.g., Amazon par-
are flighted will be more independent, spending rots, African gray parrots) with bilateral trimming
less quality time with the owner and increasing of the primary flight feathers. In young African
the possibility of flying into walls, ceiling fans, gray parrots, this is extremely important, because
and glass doors. The owner should always be cau- they often fall and cut open their chest over the
tioned that trimming a bird’s wing feathers will keel bone. Many Amazon parrots have pretty
restrict flight, but will not prevent it. Precautions orange secondary flight feathers that owners like
against flight should always be maintained when to keep. Long, thin birds (e.g., cockatiels and con-
the bird is outdoors. In recent years, body har- ures) need to have their primary and secondary
nesses have been made for pet birds, and these flight feathers trimmed to achieve adequate flight
should be placed on a bird at an early age to expe- restriction. Many companion avian species need
dite recognition and acceptance of these devices. their wings trimmed twice a year.
The groomer should ask how the owner would
like the wing feathers trimmed and what he or Bird Bands and Microchipping
she wants to accomplish with the restricted flight. Companion birds are required to be identified,
The more restrictions an owner places on a non- as stated by the Wild Bird Conservation Act.
flighted bird, the greater the number of feathers The most common method of identifying pet
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Figure 1.20 A recommended method for trimming wing feathers on companion avian species. Illustration by
Michael L. Broussard.
and cage birds is by leg bands. Unfortunately, leg (prior to the presenting problem and since it has
bands often become entangled in cage structures been ill), must be determined. If there are any
and toys. A safer option is removing the band and supplements or treats offered, this should be noted
inserting a microchip into the pectoral muscle. on the form. It is important to ask the owner how
This protects against leg injury or possible death, often the water is changed and the source of the
and the bird can still be identified. water. There have been cases of embryonic and
neonatal deaths that were caused by well water
and automatic watering systems that contained
As with other animal species, it is very important A review of the total pet household, including
to get a thorough history from the owner prior to other birds, must be noted in the history. This
examining the avian patient. Identification is the information would incorporate birds that are
first important information that the technician housed together, new bird additions to the aviary
needs to obtain from the owner. Identification or household, recent attendance by the owner at
includes the name of the patient, species of bird, bird shows/fairs, and quarantine procedures.
and the age (if known). Birds can be obtained Once you have the information about the
from a number of sources, so it is important to environment and history, you should review the
know how long the animal has been at that par- patient’s past and current health problems. If the
ticular house and where it was acquired in order bird was recently purchased, the new owner might
to determine the overall patient health. Find out not know the entire patient disease history. An
whether the owner can provide a vaccination his- investigative phone call to the previous owner can
tory, when the bird last molted, and the character give you or the veterinarian important informa-
of feces. Most birds coming into the clinic will be tion that could help make a final diagnosis.
companion animals, but some are breeding birds Before an avian patient is restrained to per-
that are seldom, if ever, handled. Ask the owner if form a physical exam, the technician determines
the bird is a pet bird or a breeding bird and how an overview of the animal’s general disposition
often it is taken out of the cage. Most breeding from a distance. The bird should be examined for
birds are housed in outdoor flights, but a specific perching ability, ease of breathing, awareness of
understanding of where the bird is maintained the surroundings, and stool characteristics. It is
is needed to determine if there has been possible common for birds to have a very liquid stool when
exposure to wild avian species or vermin. Because excited or in unfamiliar surroundings. The owner
most owners will bring the patient in a plastic pet should be asked about any abnormalities in the
carrier, the history should include the type and patient’s fecal color and consistency. Often a bird
size of cage, substrate, toys and perches, disinfec- is presented in the cage in which it is housed and
tants used, and regularity of cleaning the cage. a number of droppings are on the paper substrate
Once the environment has been determined, at the bottom for the veterinarian or technician to
nutrition is the next major area of questioning. evaluate. If possible, this “hands-off” evaluation
The specific brand, type, and amount of food, as is best achieved when looking through a one-way
well as how much the bird eats on a daily basis mirror or a small window in the exam room door.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 13
The bird will act more natural when it is alone in When working with large parrots, experience
the room with the owner, rather than with some- and the use of proper capture techniques help alle-
one it does not trust. Any abnormalities should be viate the fear of having fingers crushed by a large
noted in the patient’s record. parrot’s beak. Most injuries occur when the per-
son trying to capture a large parrot is distracted or
hesitates and is not concentrating on the primary
goal of properly restraining the patient. For com-
One of the greatest causes of anxiety for many vet- panion birds, capture should always be achieved
erinarians and veterinary technicians in this field through the use of a towel, which allows you to
is the capture and restraint of either a small bird or hide your hand as you maneuver it around the
a large parrot. When catching a small bird, many back of a bird’s neck. If the bird has never been
are afraid of causing a sudden unexplained death;
captured with a towel or is friendly, the towel
on the other hand, handlers of large parrots usu-
should be presented from the front of the animal.
ally have a fear of personal injury. However, it is
The frontal presentation will not scare the bird,
important to emphasize that it is the rare avian
will allow it to see the towel during capture, and
patient that dies from a “heart attack” or fear asso-
might prevent the bird from developing a fear of
ciated with the capture event. The technician must
capture. If the bird is difficult to capture, it is rec-
remember that sick birds are being presented to
ommended that you quickly grasp the back of the
the veterinary clinic for care and treatment. Dur-
bird’s neck with a toweled hand while the bird is
ing the initial assessment and history evaluation,
one must decide if the patient is in a condition to biting the side of the transport carrier. Large birds
be handled for further examination.
When an avian patient, or any exotic animal
patient, is so ill that capture and restraint might
cause death, the owner needs to be fully informed
of the possible consequences. To reduce stress on
small birds during capture, the overhead light
should be turned off after the technician has estab-
lished the location of the bird. In the dark, birds
do not often move or see the hand prior to cap-
ture. The lighting of the room should be returned
to normal once the patient is in the technician’s
hands. This method of capture works extremely
well when a bird is free-flying in the room or with
large, difficult-to-catch parrots. Small birds (<120
grams) can be held in one hand. The head is main-
tained between the forefinger and middle finger,
as the bird rests in dorsal recumbency in the palm
of the hand, with the thumb, ring finger, and pin- Figure 1.21 Proper technique for holding small
kie loosely holding the body (Figure 1.21). caged bird.
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Figure 1.31 Normal keel versus thin keel. Pectoral musculature helps determine the body
condition of an avian patient. A full-bodied bird with a well-developed pectoral mass usu-
ally indicates good health. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
and range of motion. The nails and plantar surface Use the following criteria to decide whether to put
of the feet are the final areas that are assessed for any off evaluating an avian patient until a later time:1
abnormal physical characteristics.
As with other animals, after the examination is • If the bird is panting or breathing rapidly, first
complete, any abnormal findings are recorded and alter your grip on its head, so the head is free
a list of differential diagnoses is established. Based to move. The bird should immediately begin to
on the top differential diagnoses, diagnostic tests turn its head in search of something to bite. If it
are prioritized to confirm a diagnosis or to deter- does not, PUT IT DOWN.
mine the severity of disease. • A paper towel, or a corner of the towel being
used to restrain the bird, can be placed into its
“Put It Down” mouth. It should immediately begin to bite at
If the bird has an increased respiratory rate, exces- this, demonstrating that it has sufficient oxygen
sive vocalization, or difficulty breathing during reserves to do so. If it lets the material lie lamely
the physical examination, you might have to “put in its mouth, PUT IT DOWN.
it down” until it is able to withstand the rigors of • Have the bird grasp your hand or finger with both
the evaluation process. of its feet. (This should be part of the physical
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 19
Figure 1.32 The uropygial gland is located at the caudal dorsal aspect of many
avian species. This gland aids in feather grooming and waterproofing. It is very
well developed in aquatic avian species. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
Figure 1.33 Proper technique for collecting blood from a bird’s jugular vein. Illustration
by Michael L. Broussard.
without compromising its health or killing the Other veins or venous sinuses that can be used for
bird. (See Chapter 2 for additional information blood collection in avian patients are the basilic
on preparation of blood smear, estimate of white vein (Figure 1.34), the median metatarsal vein, or
blood count, and determination of differential the occipital venous sinus. Blood collection tech-
cell count.) This is a totally false assumption that niques used for other animals should be followed
has been perpetuated within the profession. With with avian patients. The right jugular vein can be
the technology available today, blood samples can observed in a featherless tract of epithelium in the
be easily obtained (even from the smallest avian right lateral cervical region. A 3 cc syringe with
patient) that will provide usable diagnostic infor- a 26-gauge needle is recommended as the instru-
mation. Approximately 1% of the bird’s blood ment of choice for birds weighing more than 30
volume can be taken safely for diagnostic testing, grams and less than 2 kilograms. For birds less
or 1 ml/100 grams of body weight. than 30 grams, a 1 cc syringe is recommended,
Each particular avian species has a vein that is because of the low volume of blood that can be
recommended as the choice site for blood collec- safely removed from the patient. Unless the patient
tion. In companion avian species, this is the right is extremely fractious, no general anesthesia is
jugular vein (Figure 1.33). Birds do have a left jug- required when drawing blood. Once the blood has
ular vein, but it is less developed than the right. been retrieved in the syringe, it should be placed
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 21
Figure 1.34 Location of the basilic vein for blood collection and intravenous administra-
tion of therapeutic agents. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
in a Microtainer tube (Becton Dickinson Micro- thetized patient (Figure 1.35). The needle is slowly
biology Systems, Cockeysville, MD) and gently rotated with gentle pressure toward the medullary
agitated to allow exposure to the anticoagulant. cavity. When a sudden reduction of pressure is felt,
This procedure needs to be performed quickly the medullary cavity has been reached, and the tech-
because avian blood has a tendency to coagulate nician then removes the stylet of the spinal needle. A
rapidly. Table 1.1 lists the hematological reference 6 cc syringe is placed on the needle, and bone mar-
ranges for parrot species, and Table 1.2 lists the row is drawn into the needle with short quick pulls
plasma biochemical reference ranges for common on the plunger. In birds the common amount of
parrot species. For hematological testing or com- bone marrow aspirated will fill the hub of the needle.
plete blood counts, a purple top Microtainer tube Pressure is released off the plunger, and the needle
is recommended, and for plasma biochemistries, a removed from the bone. Remove the needle from
green top Microtainer tube should be used.2 the syringe and draw about 4–5 cc of air into the
syringe, place the needle back on the syringe, and
Bone Marrow Aspiration eject needle contents on a clean microscope slide.
The site of choice in avian patients for bone mar-
row aspiration is the proximal tibiotarsal bone. A Microbiology
22-gauge, 1.5" spinal needle is placed at the lateral Microbiological sampling techniques that are
aspect of the proximal tibiotarsal bone of an anes- used on other animals can be applied to the avian
Hematocrit (%) 42–53 43–49 44–54 43–58 42–51 43–56 43–50 43–55 43–54 43–54 n/a
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 15.1–16.9 14.4–16.7 13.4–15.3 12.1–14.6 12.0–14.8 12.1–14.8 14.1–16.0 11.9–15.1 n/a 14.2–15.5 n/a
Mean Corpuscular
143–155 163–170 115–124 128–142 154–170 135–147 157–170 155–166 n/a 154–164 n/a
Volume (fl)
Mean Corpuscular
32.3–45.6 49.8–58.2 25.9–30.9 24.9–36.0 45.0–55.5 30.0–40.1 51.3–54.2 40–48 n/a 41.4–46.0 n/a
Hemoglobin (g/dl)
Mean Corpuscular
Hb Concentration 23.16–31.78 32.8–35.31 19.80–26.75 18.91–25.61 24.12–32.91 23.5–28.6 31.2–34.0 21.9–29.3 n/a 25.8–28.7 n/a
Heterophils (%) 45–72 32–71 41–67 47–72 45–72 45–72 46–70 41–71 48–72 55–74 47–70
Lymphocytes (%) 25–50 20–65 22–58 27–58 20–50 22–49 23–57 28–52 18–52 19–70 20–63
Monocytes (%) 0–1 0–1 0–2 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–4
Eosinophils (%) 0–1 0–0.05 0–0.05 0–2 0–2 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–1 0–4
Table 1.2 Avian Plasma Biochemical Reference Ranges2
Amazon Eclectus
Value Gray
Parrot Budgerigar Cockatiel Cockatoo Conure Parrot Lovebird Macaw
Albumin (g/dl) 0.2–2.4 0.3–2.4 0.9–1.2 0.8–1.8 0.3–0.9 0.3–0.9 1.1–2 0.3–0.9 0.3–2.4
Alkaline Phosphate
12.0–92.0 8.0–100.0 24.0–96.0 12.0–100.0 24.0–104.0 24.0–104.0 32.0–111.0 n/a 12.0–100.0
Amylase (U/L) 415–626 184–478 302–560 113–870 288–876 192–954 562–684 n/a 239–564
Aminotransferase 112–339 155–380 160–372 130–390 145–346 147–360 144–339 130–343 60–165
[AST] (U/L)
Bile Acids (mol/L) 12.0–85.0 35.0–110.0 45.0–105.0 37.0–98.0 35.0–90.0 30.0–110.0 34.0–88.0 30.0–80.0
Calcium (mg/dl) 8.3–11.7 8.5–13.0 8.5–11.0 8.3–10.9 8.4–11.0 8.4–11.0 8.1–11.9 8.6–11.5 8.3–11.0
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 100–250 150–220 120–220 90–195 90–200 83–190 100–261 125–195 96–264
Creatinine (mg/dl) 0.1–0.5 n/a n/a 0.1–0.5 0.1–0.8 0.1–0.8 n/a 0.1–0.8 0.1–0.7
Globulin (g/dl) 1.2–3.6 1.6–3.7 1.1–1.7 2.5–3.8 2.5–3.8 2.5–3.8 2.0–3.32 2.5–3.8 2.1–3.8
Phosphorus (mg/dl) 3.5–6.9 n/a 3.7–7.1 4.0–7.7 4.2–7.8 4.0–7.9 n/a n/a 4.0–7.8
Protein, Plasma (g/dl) 2.7–4.4 2.6–4.5 2.1–4.3 2.1–4.8 2.6–2.8 2.4–4.9 3.2–4.3 1.8–3.7 2.4–4.4
Uric Acid (mg/dl) 1.9–9.7 2.3–9.8 4.0–12.2 3.5–10.4 3.6–10.7 2.7–10.2 2.0–11.0 3.2–10.2 1.5–11.0
24 A v e t e r i n a r y T e c h n i c i a n ’ s G u i d e t o E x o t i c A n i m a l Ca r e
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1 | Av i a n 25
this procedure. Common presentations that are located, length of procedure (particularly for
require radiographs include trauma, fractures, MRI), and the need to monitor the patient from
heavy metal toxicosis, respiratory distress, gas- outside the room when the images are obtained.
trointestinal stasis (proventricular dilatation It is always recommended that you use diag-
disease), swallowing a foreign body, and nonspe- nostic imaging personnel who are familiar with
cific neurologic signs. Digital radiographic units performing examinations on avian patients and
are recommended, but if not available, high- interpreting those results.
detail film is a must when radiographing any
small exotic animal species, especially birds. The Parasitology
same radiology techniques used for other com- External Parasites
panion animals need to be followed with avian As discussed earlier, many new bird owners believe
species. This would include always getting two that all avian species commonly have external
views, on perpendicular planes, of the desired parasites, particularly lice. It is important that vet-
area of interest. Closing the pop-off valve and erinary clinic personnel inform these owners that
maintaining the patient in an inflated state when it is rare for pet avian species to become infested
the radiographic image is acquired will increase with any type of external parasite. Caged birds
the contrast of internal organs and body systems. are seldom exposed to environments where they
would contact the parasites that live on the skin
Other Diagnostic Imaging Modalities or feathers. Outdoor aviaries, where people breed
In recent years there has been an increased usage parrot species, might provide the opportunity for
of ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT), the transmission of lice or mites from infested
and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on avian native birds. Raptors, waterfowl, and other fowl
species. As with traditional radiographic imaging, will commonly present with ectoparasites, at
it is recommended that the avian patient be placed which time the owner should be guided to initiate
under general anesthesia for these alternative diag- treatment of the bird and environment. Most of
nostic imaging procedures. Because of the air sac the external parasites that are mentioned in this
system of birds’ lower respiratory tract, US images section can be treated with ivermectin, with the
are difficult to obtain within the body cavity. The recommended dose being 0.2 mg/kg orally or sub-
liver and heart can be imaged through ultraso- cutaneously for 2 to 3 treatments, 14 days apart
nography, because there is a continuous tissue (Ivomec, Merck AgVet Division, Rahway, NJ), or
window caudal to the keel through the liver into fipronil, spraying on the skin under the wings and
the heart. Because the window is very small, heart repeating in 30 days (Frontline, Merial, Duluth,
assessment using echocardiography is limited. CT GA).3
and MRI procedures can be performed on birds If birds are maintained indoors, there is very lit-
and offer a significant amount of information in tle chance of exposure to external parasites. Aviary
cases for which these diagnostic modalities are birds and other avian species that are maintained
recommended. Preparation of the patient prior to in flights have a better chance of being diagnosed
the MRI and CT procedures is important because with parasitic arthropods. There are two common
of machine platform movement, cool air tem- ectoparasites that infest caged birds: Sternostoma
peratures within the room where the machines tracheacolum and Knemidokoptes spp. Sternostoma
Internal Parasites
As with external parasites, internal parasites are
uncommon in companion birds that are hand-raised
and maintained indoors. Birds that live in breeding
flights, and especially birds that have access to the
ground, have a better chance of exposure to internal
parasite eggs and larvae. All birds should have direct
fecal and fecal flotation examinations as part of a
complete health check. Psittacine species infected
Figure 1.36B This mite species affects the nonfeath- with the protozoan parasite Giardia psittaci will
ered areas of the bird. present with chronic to intermittent watery diar-
rhea and with loose, malodorous mucoid stools.3
Another protozoan parasite that is diagnosed in
tracheacolum is also known as the tracheal/air sac avian patients (particularly doves, pigeons, and rap-
mite, and it mainly affects canaries and finches. tors) is Trichomonas gallinae. Whereas giardiasis is
Birds diagnosed with the tracheal mite show signs of associated with the intestinal tract, trichomoniasis
respiratory distress and make a clicking sound when is found as white plaques or necrotic masses in the
breathing. Ivermectin is the treatment of choice for mouth and esophagus.4 Metronidazole (Flagyl, G.
birds infested with Sternostoma tracheacolum. D. Searle Co., Chicago, IL; this is a generic product
Knemidokoptes spp. lives in the featherless sold by many companies) can be used to treat both
areas around the face and legs (Figures 1.36A Giardia psittaci and Trichomonas gallinae.
and 1.36B). Common names for these arthro- Two coccidian parasites can be diagnosed in
pod parasites are scaly face and scaly leg mites. caged birds. Atoxoplasma spp. organisms are diag-
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 27
nosed in canaries, finches, and mynah birds. The (Droncit, Haver/Diamond Scientific, Shawnee, KS;
diagnosis is usually made during a pathology this is a generic product sold by many companies).
examination of a dead juvenile bird that has died Nematodes, as with most of the parasites that
shortly after appearing depressed and fluffed. affect avian species, commonly affect birds that live
Atoxoplasma spp. organisms are shed in the feces in outdoor environments. Ascarids have a direct life
of adults that show no signs of infection. Treat- cycle, in which simply ingesting eggs can infect a
ment of any coccidian disease is difficult; often bird, whereas Capillaria spp. and Syngamus trachea
the best outcome is a reduction of shedding and need earthworms as an intermediate host. Ascarids
exposure to unaffected birds. Trimethoprim/sul- and Capillaria spp. live in the intestinal tract, and
fadiazine (Roche Pharmaceuticals, Nutley, NJ; Syngamus trachea are found in the oral cavity and
this is a generic product sold by many companies) esophagus. Birds infested with intestinal parasites
is the recommended treatment for avian coccid- will be depressed and emaciated. In most cases,
ian parasitic diseases. Sarcocystis falcatula is the nematode eggs are shed in the feces and can be seen
other coccidian parasite diagnosed in companion in a fecal flotation exam. It is important to treat the
avian species. This parasite usually affects aviary bird and, if possible, the environment.
birds housed outdoors in breeding flights. The life
cycle of Sarcocystis falcatula involves the opossum
(Didelphis virginiana) and cockroaches. As with
Atoxoplasma spp., Sarcocystis falcatula is usually
diagnosed during a pathology examination of a Surgical preparation techniques for birds are
dead bird. The extensive life cycle requirements similar to those for other species treated at a small-
of the parasite make environmental management animal hospital. There are a few main differences
extremely important if the owner wants to prevent regarding avian species, and they will be covered
exposure and infection within an aviary. in this section. The normal body temperature for
Hemoproteus spp., Plasmodium spp., and Leuko- birds ranges from 103° to 105°F. To maintain this
cytozoon spp. are parasites that might be noted in high body temperature, birds eat often, and the
red blood cells of wild-caught psittacine species, food rapidly passes through the digestive tract.
raptors, doves, and pigeons. These parasites are For this reason, fasting is recommended only
transmitted through the bite of infected arthro- for 2 hours prior to surgery. For isoflurane or
pods. Unless there is an overwhelming infestation sevoflurane anesthesia, birds are induced via a
of these parasites, treatment is not recommended. face mask and then intubated with a noncuffed
Before the Wild Bird Conservation Act was endotracheal tube (Figure 1.37). A noncuffed
passed in the early 1990s, a vast number of large endotracheal tube is recommended because most
psittacine species were being imported into the avian species have complete tracheal rings and an
United States. Wild-caught cockatoo species and inflated cuff could induce pressure necrosis on
African gray parrots were often diagnosed with the epithelium lining of the trachea. The glot-
tapeworms. With the passage of the conservation tis is readily observed at the base of the tongue
act, the number of these species being diagnosed once this anatomical structure is extended using
with cestodes has diminished. Treatment of cestode hemostats (Figure 1.38). The neck should be
infestations can be accomplished with praziquantel extended when placing the endotracheal tube
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 29
Figure 1.44 The upper respiratory system of birds is very extensive. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
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1 | Av i a n 31
infections, whereas other raptors are less suscep- treatable medical problems before making a diag-
tible to this often-fatal fungal infection. nosis of psychological feather picking.
It is essential to identify the organism and find A number of parasitic, infectious, and noninfec-
out what drug(s) will effectively treat bacterial tious diseases can initiate and perpetuate feather
and fungal infections (Figure 1.45). Stabiliza- loss in a pet bird. It is only through the thorough
tion of the patient and boosting its physiologic and diligent understanding of a case that the cor-
status through supportive care will aid in the suc- rect treatment can be provided to the patient. If it
cessful treatment of these cases. If birds are not is determined that the problem is psychological,
diagnosed or treated properly for the appropriate environmental and nutritional changes can be rec-
length of time, the bacterial and fungal infec- ommended to the owner for a possible resolution
tions can kill them or cause irreversible anatomic of the problem. If the initial recommendations
damage. are unsuccessful, veterinarians can prescribe psy-
chotropic, antidepressant, or antihistamine drugs.
Feather Picking and Feather Loss Researchers are investigating the possibility of
One of the most frustrating avian case presenta- hypersensitivity reactions in pet birds and agents
tions for veterinarians to treat is a bird suffering that might cause allergic reactions.
from feather loss or self-inflicted feather picking. Elizabethan collars have been used with some
If the head feathers are intact, this usually means success in preventing birds from pulling feath-
that the animal is pulling or traumatizing its own ers. An alternative to Elizbethan collars are “neck
feathers. If the head feathers are also affected, stretchers” that are made out of foam “pool noo-
this often indicates a generalized health problem. dles” or hexalite cast material (Figures 1.46A and
The veterinarian will give a bird with feather loss 1.46B). Though helpful, both of these alternatives
a complete physical examination, incorporating are just physical barriers and do not actually treat
a good owner history, to make sure there are no the underlying cause of feather picking. The pri-
mary cause should be identified and treated for
long-lasting resolution of this frustrating disease.
There are many situations in which birds can
become injured through traumatic accidents. Fly-
ing into ceiling fans, sliding glass doors, walls,
and cars; getting burned in water or being burned
by hand-feeding formula; and being bitten by a
cagemate (or other animal such as a dog or cat)
are the most common causes of traumatic injury
to avian patients. Upon presentation, a trau-
matized patient should be quickly assessed and
stabilized. Only when the patient is stabilized
Figure 1.45 Components needed to nebulize avian should extensive treatment or diagnostics take
patients. place. Maintaining hydration status and treating
Dystocia, or egg-binding, is the inability of a hen
to complete the process of laying an egg. The egg
usually is caught in the shell gland of the oviduct
and needs to be removed by the veterinarian.
Figure 1.46A A foam “pool noodle” can be used to Cockatiels are one of the most common pet bird
make a neck extender. species that present with this problem. Treatment
for egg-binding includes heat, humidity, calcium,
oxytocin, and propulcid. After the hen has been
stabilized and the therapeutic agents have been
given an appropriate length of time to take effect,
a slow, gentle push on the egg toward the cloaca
often aids in its expulsion from the vent, usu-
ally with the bird under general anesthesia for
increased relaxation of the abdominal muscles
and cloaca. Aspiration of the egg contents and
subsequent collapse of the shell might aid in the
passage of misshapen or abnormally large eggs.
In birds that have a history of egg-binding or lay-
ing a large number of eggs, a salpingectomy is
advised to prevent a possible future life-threaten-
ing condition.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 33
often identify heavy metal foreign bodies within patient’s condition until the danger is over, which is
the gastrointestinal tract. Chelation therapy can often more than a six-month period.
be initiated immediately if heavy metal toxicosis is
suspected. The use of calcium disodium ethylene- Other Diseases
diaminetetraacetate should be carefully monitored, There are many other diseases that infect compan-
because it has been reported to cause gastrointes- ion avian species. Common viral diseases include
tinal and renal toxicosis.5 Removal of the foreign polyoma virus, psittacine beak, and feather dis-
body(ies) through the use of laxatives or surgery ease. It is believed that bornavirus might be
will accelerate the treatment process. Uptake of associated with proventricular dilatation disease. A
the serologic heavy metal by bone tissue will often herpesvirus may be the underlying etiologic agent
cause a relapse of the disease after the initial treat- responsible for causing papillomatosis in large par-
ment, because the body will absorb the dead bone rot species and macaws, an idea not universally
cells containing the material. The relapse condition accepted. Reputable diagnostic laboratories have
must be mentioned to the owner—noting that peri- tests to identify polyoma virus, psittacine beak
odic rechecks and blood testing will monitor the and feather disease, and bornavirus. A vaccine
for polyoma virus is available to protect birds from respiratory secretions and fecal material from
this devastating disease. It is important to vacci- infected birds. If an owner develops spiking temper-
nate both young and older birds to maintain aviary ature episodes and a chronic respiratory condition,
health and protect the reputation of bird breeders. a physician must be notified of the ownership of
birds. The Compendium of Measures to Control
Chlamydophila psittaci Infection Among Humans
(Psittacosis) and Pet Birds (Avian Chlamydiosis),
The primary zoonotic disease associated with pet 2010, is published by the public health veterinar-
birds is Chlamydia psittaci. Avian chlamydiosis is an ians in conjunction with the Centers for Disease
intracellular bacterium that presents as a number of Control and Prevention, and outlines human and
disease conditions in birds, but is a respiratory con- avian disease conditions, diagnostic methods, and
dition in humans. The organism is spread through treatment regimes.6
1. Describe basic husbandry recommendations for a pet bird. Include cage size, location, cage
environment, and recommended ambient temperature of the area in which the cage is placed.
2. Describe the recommended diet for most companion avian species.
3. What is the recommended technique for capturing and restraining a large parrot? A canary?
5. Describe the proper method of performing a physical examination on an avian patient.
6. For most pet birds, how is the body condition evaluated?
7. If a bird gets stressed during the physical examination, what are the five criteria used to “put it
down” and place it in a critical care unit?
8. How much blood can be safely collected from an avian patient?
10. What common anatomical sites are bacterial cultures collected from and what pathogenic
organisms are often isolated?
11. Describe the common diagnostic imaging modalities used for avian species. List advantages and
disadvantages of each regarding avian patients.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
1 | Av i a n 35
17. What is avian chlamydiosis and what are the consequences if humans are infected by the bacterial
Lightfoot T. Avoiding disaster in the critical patient. Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Asso-
ciation of Avian Veterinarians, 1998:265–71.
A ltman RB, Clubb SL, and Dorrestein GM. Hematologic and plasma biochemical reference ranges
of common psittacine species. In: Quesenberry KE, ed. Avian medicine and surgery. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 1997:1005–7.
Carpenter JW. Exotic animal formulary, 3rd ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier/Saunders; 2003:564.
Clyde VL, and Patton S. Diagnosis, treatment, and control of common parasites in companion and
aviary birds. Seminar in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine 1996;5(2): 52–64.
McDonald SE. Lead poisoning in psittacine birds. In: Kirk RW, ed. Current veterinary therapy IX,
small animal practice, Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1988:713–18.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Compendium of measures to control Chlamydophila
psittaci infection among humans (psittacosis) and pet birds (avian chlamydiosis); 2010.
Further Reading
age LJ, and Duerr RS. Hand-rearing birds. Ames, IA: Blackwell Publishing; 2007.
Tully TN, Dorrestein GM, and Jones AK. Handbook of avian medicine, 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: Saunders/
Elsevier; 2009.
Chapter 2
For the past decade, reptiles and amphibians have been considered one of
the fastest-growing segments of the pet trade. Those that have a fear of these
animals might find this hard to believe, but the numbers don’t lie. The most
recent American Veterinary Medical Association pet survey statistics sug-
gest that there was a 25.5% increase in the number of reptiles being kept as
pets in the United States between 2001 and 2007. This increased number of
animals being maintained in captivity has expanded the need for qualified
veterinarians and veterinary technicians to provide the quality medical and
surgical care that pet owners have come to expect from our profession. A cer-
tified veterinary technician with experience in working with these animals
will prove to be valuable in the employment market.
Proper identification of a reptile or amphibian is essential to case manage-
ment. As a veterinary technician, you might be expected to provide your
client with information about the natural history of an animal and to make
suggestions regarding the environmental and nutritional needs of that ani-
mal. Unfortunately, many reptiles and amphibians have been assigned 3 to
4 different common names, depending on who collected or sold a particular
animal. It is not uncommon to enter different pet handling the animal or working in its environ-
stores and find the same species being sold under ment); this might be beyond the scope of young
different names. Clients can become frustrated children and explains why these animals don’t
while researching the particular needs of an ani- make good first pets. The other reason is that
mal if they are searching for literature under an pet reptiles and amphibians require significantly
uncommon (nonscientific) name. The scientific more attention regarding their husbandry and
classification of animals (taxonomy: genus and management than do other pets, such as birds,
species) is an important tool that can be used dogs, and cats. Many of the successes and failures
to determine the needs of a particular animal, experienced by your clients are directly related to
because it provides a “real identity” to the ani- their ability to accommodate their pet reptile’s
mal. Of course, with more than 8,000 different nutritional, psychological, and environmental
species of reptiles and 5,000 species of amphib- requirements.
ians, learning all of these scientific names would The single most important factor in maintain-
be impossible. Fortunately, the number of reptiles ing a healthy reptile or amphibian in captivity is
and amphibians available through the pet trade is providing an appropriate environmental tempera-
closer to 200, and most pet retailers carry only 15 ture range (ETR). Reptiles and amphibians are
to 30 different species. Because the actual num- ectotherms and depend on their environmental
ber of reptiles and amphibians that are likely to temperature to regulate their core body tempera-
present to a veterinary hospital is not overwhelm- ture. Establishing an appropriate ETR for a reptile
ing, it should be possible for individuals working or amphibian requires knowledge of the animal’s
with these animals to develop a resource library native environment and living habits.
to become familiar with both their scientific and Reptile and amphibian species are found
common names. The scientific classification of throughout much of the world’s temperate and
animals is dynamic and can change, so keeping tropical climates. To survive within these climates,
up with new and updated literature is recom- reptiles and amphibians have adapted to specific
mended. A list of scientific and common names niches. An arboreal lizard (such as a green iguana)
can be found in Table 2.1. and a burrowing lizard (such as a skink) from Cen-
tral America might be found in the same geographic
location, but they are exposed to different ETRs
because of their different behavioral patterns. A
Environmental Concerns green iguana might experience temperatures greater
It is interesting that reptiles and amphibians have than 100°F in the trees and 85°–90°F in the shade,
been marketed as first pets for children. There are whereas a subterranean animal might experience
two primary reasons this should be discontinued. temperatures less than 85°F in its burrow. Research-
First, reptiles and amphibians can harbor poten- ing the origin and specific needs of a reptile will
tially zoonotic pathogens (e.g., Salmonella spp.) as improve one’s ability to care for these animals in
a component of their indigenous intestinal micro- captivity. Providing an appropriate ETR for a reptile
flora. Fortunately, the potential for exposure to or amphibian can be accomplished using a number
these pathogens can be minimized by practicing of commercially available products. Recommenda-
standard disinfection (e.g., hand washing after tions for heating products should be based on the
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Class Reptilia
Box Turtle Terrapene carolina Green Plumed Basilisk Basiliscus plumifrons
Red-Ear Slider Trachemys scripta elegans Jackson’s Chameleon Chamaeleo jacksonii
Gopher Tortoise Gopherus polyphemus Leopard Gecko Eublepharis macularius
Desert Tortoise Gopherus agassizii Panther Chameleon Furcifer pardalis
Leopard Tortoise Geochelone pardalis Prehensile-Tailed Skink Corucia zebrata
Mata-Mata Chelus fimbriatus Veiled Chameleon Chamaeleo calyptratus
Red-Footed Tortoise Geochelone carbonaria Ball Python Python regius
Snapping Turtle Chelydra serpentina Boa Constrictor Boa constrictor constrictor
Sulcatta Tortoise Geochelone sulcatta Burmese Python Python molurus bivittatus
Class Amphibia
Order Gymnophiona
Aquatic Caecilian Typhlonectes natans
Indonesian Caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis
anatomy and natural behaviors of the reptile or eters are those that have a thermal probe that can
amphibian. For example, the large surface area be moved within the vivarium to assess tempera-
of the turtle’s carapace serves as a heat collection ture. The “stick-on” thermometers commonly used
device when the animal basks under radiant light. for aquariums are not recommended because they
Therefore, the use of substrate heat sources (e.g., provide only limited information regarding the
hot rocks and undertank heating pads) will be of temperature in a limited area within the vivarium.
limited value. Historically, “hot rocks” have been recom-
The preferred method of providing heat for rep- mended for reptiles; however, these heating
tiles and amphibians is radiant light. Reptiles and elements have been associated with severe ther-
amphibians naturally bask under the radiant light mal burns and are not typically recommended. In
of the sun to store heat, which serves to maintain many cases, the hot rock was the only source of
their core body temperature. Variable-wattage heat for the reptile in its enclosure. Reptiles will
incandescent bulbs can be used to provide an gravitate to environmental heat to regulate their
appropriate ETR (Figure 2.1), and although reptiles core temperature. Many hot rocks can generate
and amphibians both regulate their core body tem- excessively high temperatures (>110oF) or “hot
peratures from their environmental temperature, spots” that can severely burn an animal. Large
amphibians do not require the higher temperature reptiles that can actually cover a hot rock can
sought by reptiles and thus require lower-wattage trap the heat and develop a significant burn. This
bulbs to set their temperatures. Always provide a problem is not exclusive to hot rocks. Snakes given
barrier between the light source and the animal to direct contact with an incandescent bulb (e.g.,
prevent contact with the heat source. Thermom- radiant heat) in an environment where the tem-
eters should be used to measure the temperature perature is not regulated have also been known
and ensure that the ETR is appropriate for that to wrap themselves around the bulb and severely
particular species. The best types of thermom- burn themselves. The veterinary technician should
be able to make recommendations for clients that
would prevent these disasters from occurring.
Newer-generation hot rocks are offered for sale
and claim not to generate the excessive tempera-
tures observed in the past. Another disadvantage
of the hot rock is that it provides only a single
point source of heat. Hot rocks have been used
successfully with other heat sources (e.g., radiant
light) to provide a basking area for “sun-loving”
species. Hot rocks should be used only for basking
lizards that do not “cover up” the hot rock, and
the surface temperature of the hot rock should
Figure 2.1 Variable-wattage incandescent lighting can
be monitored closely. Burying the hot rock in the
be used to provide an appropriate ETR for any reptile.
Typically, a higher-wattage bulb will be placed on one substrate within the vivarium can also minimize
side, with a lower-wattage bulb on the other. A ther- any potential complications. Hot rocks should
mometer is essential to confirm the temperature range. never be recommended for amphibians.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 41
Undertank heating pads are commonly used wild, and is the preferred method for providing
for snakes and lizards. Undertank heating sources heat for these animals in captivity.
can be placed on one side of an animal’s enclo- Full-spectrum lighting has received a great deal
sure, leaving the other area unheated. This will of attention in the reptile and amphibian litera-
effectively provide the animal with an appropriate ture because of its role as an “artificial sun” in the
ETR. When these devices are placed under a glass management of captive animals. Captive reptiles
enclosure, the heat generated can be much higher and amphibians are typically housed indoors,
than on the pad’s surface, leading to burns. The which limits the benefits they can obtain from
temperatures generated by these heating devices the sun. For this reason, it is important that they
should be monitored closely. have an artificial source of “sunlight.” It is impor-
The reptile’s and amphibian’s metabolism, tant to note that not all forms of artificial light are
immune system, and behavior are directly related similar. Veterinary personnel working with reptile
to their ability to maintain their core body tem- and amphibian patients need to develop a work-
perature. A reptile or amphibian maintained at an ing understanding of the important components
inappropriate ETR will become hypothermic and of sunlight and the types of artificial lights that
have a decreased metabolism, resulting in inactiv- are best for these animals, to ensure that techni-
ity and limited growth. A reptile or amphibian cians can make the appropriate recommendations
with decreased immune function will be unable to to their clients regarding the care of their pets.
mount an effective immune response against bac- Reptiles and amphibians depend on the sun
terial, viral, and fungal pathogens. Many of these to provide them with three different sources
animals are classified as “poor-doers.” Successful of radiation: ultraviolet (290–400 nm), visible
treatment (e.g., antibiotics) of infectious diseases (400–700 nm), and infrared (>700 nm). Visible
in reptiles requires that the animal be maintained light is important because it amplifies the colors
at an appropriate ETR for their metabolism to that reptiles and amphibians see, which can have
effectively distribute the medication to the target an effect on feeding behaviors and reproduction.
tissues. The quality of visible light varies among different
Recommendations for providing a reptile or types of lightbulbs. For example, fluorescent bulbs
amphibian with an appropriate ETR will depend typically produce a better-quality visible light
on the species, so it is important to research the than incandescent bulbs. Infrared radiation gen-
specific needs of an animal to ensure the most erates the “environmental heat” that is important
appropriate recommendation is being made. In to ectothermic reptiles and amphibians. Incandes-
general, temperate species of reptiles and amphib- cent and metal halide bulbs are typically the best
ians thrive at temperature ranges between 75° at generating infrared radiation.
and 85°F and 70° and 78°F, respectively; tropical Ultraviolet radiation can be divided into ultra-
species of reptiles and amphibians at 78° to 90°F violet A (320–400 nm), ultraviolet B (290–320
and 74° to 80°F, respectively; and desert species of nm), and ultraviolet C (<290 nm) wavelengths.
reptiles at 85° to 95°F. Radiant light (e.g., incan- Ultraviolet A has been associated with managing
descent lamps or ceramic heat emitters) most different behaviors in reptiles and amphibians;
closely resembles the radiant heat generated by the however, there is much we still don’t know about
sun that reptiles and amphibians encounter in the it. Ultraviolet C is a potent form of irradiation.
It does not play a direct role in the management be replaced every 9–12 months because they lose
of captive reptiles and amphibians, but is used in their effectiveness over time. It is important to
ultraviolet sterilizers (germicidal) for aquatic sys- research the different bulbs available commer-
tems. Ultraviolet B (UVB) plays an important role cially, because the quality of the bulbs can vary.
in the endogenous synthesis of vitamin D in ver- The bulbs that typically produce UVB include
tebrates that possess the photochemical structures fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent bulbs, and
in their skin capable of initiating the process. metal halide bulbs.
Not all vertebrates have the ability to do this. Environmental humidity is often overlooked
Cats, for example, do not synthesize vitamin D by pet reptile owners. Most recommendations for
using this process, but instead acquire their vita- relative humidity in captive settings are based on
min D through the consumption of prey. It has the climate that an animal originates from: tropi-
been speculated that carnivorous reptiles must do cal 80%–95%, temperate 60%–70%, and desert
the same, but some researchers have shown that 40%–50%.3 Many reptiles are dependent on envi-
“meat-eating” reptiles have the capacity to synthe- ronmental moisture to aid with shedding and to
size vitamin D when exposed to UVB radiation.1,2 maintain hydration. When animals are predis-
An animal that derives its vitamin D from pho- posed to low relative humidity, they are prone
tochemical synthesis requires regular exposure to to dysecdysis (difficulty shedding), dehydration,
UVB radiation to ensure that it will synthesize respiratory infections, and behavioral anomalies.
adequate levels of vitamin D. Humidity can be maintained or increased in an
Vitamin D serves several functions in the body, enclosure by using large-surface-area water bowls,
including the absorption of calcium at the level bubbling or heating water in a mason jar, covering
of the intestine and maintaining cardiovascular the enclosure lid with a plastic sheet, and routine
health. To date, there has been limited research to misting. A hygrometer should be placed in the cage
assess the role of UVB in the endogenous synthesis to closely monitor the relative humidity. Envi-
of vitamin D in reptiles (e.g., <15 species studied ronmental humidity levels are considered more
out of >3,000 species) and amphibians; therefore, important in amphibians because they are more
it is best to assume that reptiles and amphibians susceptible to desiccation than reptiles. Humid-
require exposure to UVB radiation to synthesize ity levels for temperate and tropical amphibians
vitamin D and provide it to them. should be maintained between 60% and 80% and
To ensure that a captive reptile or amphib- 70% and 90%, respectively.
ian is provided the maximal UVB radiation, the Reptiles and amphibians have developed vari-
bulb should be positioned within 12–18 inches ous behaviors that enable them to fill a certain
of the animal and not directed through glass. niche in their environment. Attempts should be
Glass refracts short-wavelength light, effectively made to provide the animal with “cage furniture”
inhibiting UVB radiation penetration. Reptiles that encourages these behaviors. For example,
should be provided a 12-hour light, 12-hour dark- green iguanas are arboreal (tree-climbing) ani-
ness cycle under normal conditions; however, mals that naturally climb into tree branches to
individuals interested in breeding these animals bask under radiant sunlight. When these animals
should establish photoperiods that mimic natural are placed in an enclosure that does not contain
seasonal cycles. Full-spectrum lightbulbs should branches, they are more likely to be stressed. Stress
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 43
(e.g., salamanders) or herbivorous (e.g., tadpoles). thyroidism. A rapidly growing insectivore, such as
Carnivores are the easiest animals to accommo- a leopard gecko, will develop muscle tremors and
date, because they will accept whole prey such as seizures and possibly die when offered a calcium-
other reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals, deficient diet. This problem can be prevented by
which are a nutritionally balanced food resource. properly preparing the feeder invertebrate. Many
A common mistake that pet owners make when pet retailers offer invertebrates apples or potatoes,
feeding carnivores is to offer live prey. When a believing that they are providing the prey items a
reptile or amphibian is not hungry, it will rarely balanced diet; however, these foods provide little
kill the prey item. If left unattended, the prey more than carbohydrates and moisture and do not
could become hungry and feed on the reptile or correct the mineral deficiency. A solution to this
amphibian, which could prove fatal. To prevent problem is to offer a balanced commercial inver-
this from occurring, recommend to your clients tebrate diet. Research evaluating these diets has
that they offer only prey items that are not alive. proven that they can significantly improve the
Snake owners are the most likely to complain that nutritional value of the prey item.4 Recommend
their snake won’t feed on prekilled prey; however, that your clients offer the commercial diet for a
because snakes use olfaction to detect their prey minimum of 24 hours prior to feeding the prey
items they can be trained to eat prekilled prey. items to the reptile or amphibian (Figure 2.3). This
Another common group of carnivores—the should ensure that the invertebrate will be “gut-
insectivores—feed exclusively on invertebrates. Six loaded.” There are also mineral supplements that
invertebrates are commercially available, including can be used to “dust” the prey items and increase
the domestic cricket (Acheta domestica), mealworm their nutritional value. These mineral supplements
(Tenebrio molitor), superworm (Zoophobias morio), should be used according to label recommenda-
earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris), greater wax moth tions.
larva (Galleria mellonella), and soldier fly larva Herbivores are the hardest group of reptiles to
(Hermetia illucens). These invertebrates are often accommodate in captivity because of the limited
offered for sale without having been nutritionally availability of quality vegetables and fruits. In the
prepared. All living creatures require energy, and wild, herbivorous reptiles select their diet from a
if feeder invertebrates are not offered food, they variety of available resources, whereas in captivity
will provide little nutritional value to the reptile they are limited to what is available.
or amphibian they are fed to. Commercially avail- Romaine lettuce and mustard and collard
able invertebrates are adequate in protein and fat, greens are most frequently recommended as the
but are deficient in specific amino acids, vitamins, base diet for captive herbivores. Other plant prod-
and minerals (especially calcium). One exception ucts, such as spinach, broccoli, green beans, kale,
is soldier fly larvae, which have more than ade- squash, dandelion leaves, and other dark leafy veg-
quate calcium levels. Unfortunately, if the reptile etables, can be used to further diversify the diet.
or amphibian eating them doesn’t penetrate their Certain plant products, such as kale and spinach,
cuticle, they won’t gain access to any real nutri- should be limited in the diet because they contain
tion and will tend to pass the dead larvae intact. oxalates and can bind valuable dietary calcium in
The most common nutritional disorder observed the digestive tract and increase the likelihood of a
in insectivores is secondary nutritional hyperpara- mineral deficiency.5 Other plant products, such as
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 45
broccoli, contain goitrogens, which can alter thy- Reptiles can elicit quite an array of emotions in
roid metabolism and should likewise be limited. people. Clients with dogs or cats might not appre-
The key to success with herbivore diets is to pro- ciate sharing a waiting room with a large reptile. To
vide a diverse selection of food products to increase prevent potential disaster in your veterinary hospi-
the nutritional value offered to the animal. Fruits tal, recommend that reptile and amphibian owners
should not constitute more than 10%–15% of the transport their pets in a closed, secured enclosure.
animal’s diet, because they are devoid of protein Snakes and lizards travel well in ventilated burlap
and essential minerals. or cotton bags (e.g., pillow cases). Larger snakes,
In recent years, commercial herbivore diets have lizards, and tortoises may be transported in large
been manufactured that improve our ability to plastic boxes or garbage cans with airholes. Semi-
provide a more balanced diet. Many of these diets aquatic reptiles (e.g., red-eared slider turtles) and
are marketed as complete and recommended as a amphibians (e.g., bullfrog) should be transported
sole source of nutrition; however, little is known in a plastic box (with airholes) with a level of water
about reptile nutrition and a more diverse diet that covers the animal’s feet. Semiaquatic animals
should be recommended. A diet that combines maintained in deep water for transport are prone
a commercial product (25%–40%) with high- to drowning. Totally aquatic amphibians (e.g.,
quality plant sources, such as romaine lettuce and Surinam frog) should be transported in a plas-
mustard and collard greens, may be used. tic enclosure with sufficient dechlorinated water
There are a number of commercially available to cover the animal. Recommend to your clients
nutritional supplements for reptiles and amphib- that they not change the bedding of the enclosure
ians. The available supplements might contain before transporting the animal, so that the veteri-
calcium, calcium and phosphorus, vitamins, nary technician can examine the fecal and urine
amino acids, or a combination of these nutrients. material.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 47
For small specimens, place your thumb and
index finger on either side of the ramus (man-
dible), allowing the animal’s body to rest in the
palm of your hand. Never constrict the animal’s
body when you are restraining it, because reptiles,
except crocodilians, lack a diaphragm and you
can suffocate them. For larger specimens, again
place your index finger and thumb on the cor-
ners of the mandible and use your second hand to
hold the rear legs against the animal’s tail (Figure
2.4). Never grab a lizard by the tail. Some species
(e.g., green iguana) have the ability to “drop” their Figure 2.4 Appropriate restraint for a large lizard.
tail (tail autotomy) as a defense mechanism that
allows the animal to avoid capture by a predator.
Clients are not impressed when their pet lizard’s
tail is broken because of poor restraint technique.
Place your index finger and thumb under the
mandible and use your other hand to support the
snake’s body (Figure 2.5). One person is required
for every 2–3 feet of snake. Large constrictor spe-
cies should never be handled without assistance.
Although it is rare, these large, powerful snakes Figure 2.5 Appropriate head restraint for a snake.
are capable of seriously injuring a careless indi-
vidual. Only trained professionals should handle the shell (Figure 2.7). Do not exert excessive force
venomous snakes, and access to antivenom should when restraining chelonians, because you could
be arranged at a local hospital. easily damage their cervical spine. In those cases
when the animal cannot be physically managed,
CHELONIANS the veterinarian can provide an appropriate seda-
Most chelonians can be handled by grasping the tive or anesthetic.
middle of the shell (Figure 2.6). Many of the biting
turtles (e.g., snapping turtles) should be grasped at CROCODILIANS
the rear of the shell. For a physical examination, Crocodilians are lightning-fast and can inflict a
the head and neck can be gently withdrawn from nasty bite. They can also use their tail as a weapon.
Amphibians have a very delicate and sensitive
integument. The epidermis is covered by a protec-
tive mucous barrier, similar to that of fish, which
protects these animals against pathogens. There
are also amphibians, such as poison-dart frogs,
Figure 2.7 Restraining the head of a chelonian for that produce toxins in these mucous secretions.
examination. This animal has an aural abscess. To prevent danger to yourself and the animal,
wear a pair of examination gloves that have been
moistened with dechlorinated water or distilled
water to prevent both damage to the animal’s
protective mucous barrier and toxic exposure to
the handler. Large amphibians (e.g., Argentine
horned frogs and hellbenders) can inflict a nasty
bite, and precautions should be taken when man-
aging these large specimens. Most amphibians
can be grasped in the palm of the hand and exam-
ined. Anurans can be restrained by grasping them
with your index finger and thumb in the axillary
region. Some salamanders can detach their tail, as
described with lizards and, therefore, should never
Figure 2.8 Appropriate restraint of a crocodilian. be grasped by the tail.
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 49
Figure 2.9A Snake anatomy. Knowledge of a reptile’s anatomy is essential to interpreting the physical examination
findings. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard. Illustration adapted from Reptile Medicine and Surgery (Elsevier
it helps direct additional testing. Although rep- heart of most reptiles and amphibians is located
tiles are difficult to auscult, it is important to be within the pectoral girdle. For lizards, salaman-
thorough and consistent with every patient and ders, and frogs/toads, the Doppler should be
perform this assessment. placed in the axillary region and directed medi-
An ultrasonic Doppler is the best way to mea- ally. Monitor lizards are an exception; their heart
sure heart rate in reptiles and amphibians. The is located more distally in the chest. A snake
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 51
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 53
with small blood volumes, lithium heparin might and minimize “smudgeocytes.” To do this, add
be the best choice, because it can be used to store 1 drop of bovine albumin and 5 drops of whole
the sample for both a CBC and plasma chemistry blood into a test tube. Mix the solution by gently
analysis. If serum is to be used for the chemistry rotating/rocking it. Once the solution is mixed,
analysis, no anticoagulant is needed. use a hematocrit tube to collect some blood from
Red blood cell estimates are not typically done the tube and make your smears using standard
for reptiles and amphibians unless there is a prob- glass microscope slides. Blood smears can also be
lem. This is because manual counts need to be made using coverslips (without bovine albumin).
performed and standard hematologic machines In reptiles, there has been no significant difference
cannot count nucleated erythrocytes. Fortunately, in the number of “smudgeocytes” noted between
most veterinarians are comfortable reviewing samples premixed with albumin and made with
packed cell volume (PCV) to get an appreciation slides and those made with coverslips, although
of the erythrocyte numbers; PCV values for rep- both techniques had significantly fewer “smud-
tiles and amphibians are typically between 20% geocytes” than smears made using glass slides that
and 40%. When veterinary technicians read man- were not pretreated with albumin.8
ual differentials for white blood cell counts, they Once the slides/coverslips are made, the sim-
should note what they see with the erythrocytes. plest way to estimate the white blood cell (WBC)
Immature erythrocytes in reptiles and amphib- count is the following:
ians, as with those of fish and birds, are smaller,
have a higher nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, and 1. Count the number of WBCs on 10 fields at
have a basophilic cytoplasm, compared with 400× (10× eyepiece and 40× objective). The
mature erythrocytes. It is important to document fields should represent a section of the blood
and consider large differences (3–4+) that are smear where the cells fill (but don’t overfill)
noted in color (polychromasia) or size (anisocyto- the slide and are evenly distributed.
sis) of erythrocytes when interpreting the overall
2. Take the total number of WBCs counted and
erythrocyte status of a patient.
divide that number by 10 to get an average
CBC in reptiles and amphibians requires special
number of cells per field.
care. Because all of the blood cells are nucleated
in reptiles and amphibians, standard hemato- 3. Take the average number of cells per field and
logic equipment cannot be used. Instead, manual multiply that by 2,000 to get an estimated
counts must be done. To perform a manual count WBC count.
in these animals, start by making a high-quality
blood smear, using standard microscope slides or After the WBC estimate has been completed,
coverslips. Blood cells from reptiles and amphib- perform a differential to determine the represen-
ians are more fragile than those of mammals; tative WBCs. The WBC types found in reptiles
therefore, it is important to use caution when include the heterophil and monocyte (Figure
making blood smears to minimize the likelihood 2.12A), and lymphocyte (Figure 2.12B), eosino-
of cell rupture (“smudgeocytes”). Premixing a phil, and basophil. The azurophil is an azure
blood sample with 22% bovine albumin (Gamma staining cell that is within the monocyte lineage.
Biologics, Houston, TX) can stabilize the cells With the exception of the heterophil, the reptilian
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 55
withdrawn off the caudal vertebrae. In some cases, (ear) and shoulder. The jugular vein can typically
the venipuncturist must “walk the bone” to iden- be found along an imaginary line drawn between
tify the blood vessel. Always be conscientious of those two sites. The vessel is generally shallow, 3–6
your patient when collecting a sample and be as mm in depth from the surface of the skin. Again,
“quick and kind” as possible. Some lizard species clean the venipuncture site with an appropriate dis-
use tail autotomy as a defense mechanism against infectant to remove any excess organic debris. A
predators and will drop their tail if handled inap- 22- to 25-gauge needle fastened to a 3 ml syringe
propriately. should be used to collect the sample. The needle
The jugular vein is an excellent site for col- should be inserted parallel to the skin (Figure 2.14).
lecting larger volumes of blood from lizards. The The ventral abdominal vein is a vessel still used
jugular vein of lizards, like that of birds, is located by some veterinary personnel to collect blood sam-
on the lateral aspect of the neck. The jugular vein ples from lizards, but it is more difficult to sample
is not typically visible in a lizard, but knowing the from and generally provides smaller sample vol-
landmarks will help ensure success with collecting umes than the jugular or ventral tail veins. The
blood from this site. The primary landmarks to ventral abdominal vein is located on the ventral
use for jugular venipuncture are the tympanum midline within the body cavity. The site should
Figure 2.13 Blood collection in a green iguana via the ventral tail vein. Illustration by Michael L.
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Figure 2.15 Blood collection from the subcarapacial vein of a chelonian. Illustration by Michael L.
place a finger or spatula/tongue depressor over the performed without sedation. The technician should
head of the animal to hold it in place if it is not withdraw the leg and place one or more fingers prox-
holding still. The technician should apply nega- imal to the elbow to facilitate exposure. The needle
tive pressure as he or she inserts the needle and should be inserted perpendicular to the posterior
should monitor the hub of the needle closely. If aspect of the biceps tendon and negative pressure
a clear fluid enters the hub, lymph is being col- applied immediately after penetrating the skin. This
lected. In this case, replace the needle and start venipuncture site is a “blind-stick.” One drawback
again. Because there are a number of spinal nerves of this site is that the brachial vein is closely associ-
and soft tissues and the spinal cord in the vicinity ated with lymph, and if a diluted or “mixed” sample
of the subcarapacial vein, the technician should is collected, it cannot be used for hematologic eval-
use caution when inserting and redirecting the uation. The femoral vein is located on the ventral
needle. surface of the thigh. This vessel is often accessible in
The brachial vein is located on the posterior tortoises that have pulled into their shell. A 22- to
aspect of the forelimb. This venipuncture site has 25-gauge needle of varying length (depending on
been used with great success with tortoises, espe- the size of the animal) can be used to collect the
cially the giant tortoises, and collection can be sample. The site should be prepared using standard
asepsis. The needle should be inserted perpendicu- be pumped into the syringe with each heartbeat.
lar to the thigh over the femur. Once inserted, the If a blood sample is not collected after inserting
needle might need to be “walked” over the femur the needle, it is important to withdraw the needle
to locate the vessel. If the blood that is collected is and start over. Do not be overly aggressive when
bright red, the sample likely came from the femoral collecting a blood sample from the heart, because
artery. If this is the case, apply direct pressure to it is possible to lacerate the heart or large vessels
the injection site for 2 minutes to ensure proper and cause significant bleeding or death.
hemostasis is achieved. The ventral coccygeal vein is located on the ven-
The dorsal coccygeal vein is located on the dor- tral midline of the tail. Collection of blood from
sal midline of the tail. The tail should be extended this site is usually possible only in larger snakes (>1
and a 25-gauge needle inserted on the dorsal meter). The snake’s body should be supported by
midline in a cranial direction. Again, this site is a set of hands every 3–4 feet of body length. The
closely associated with lymph, and a mixed sample tail should be grasped by the individual collecting
could be collected. The ventral coccygeal vein can the sample. The sample should be collected in the
be approached using the same strategy outlined in proximal one-third of the tail. Care should be taken
the lizard section. not to damage the hemipenes of a male by staying
on the midline. A 22- to 25-gauge needle should
Snakes be inserted at a 45° angle under a ventral scale and
Blood samples are routinely collected from the advanced to the caudal vertebrae. Negative pressure
heart, ventral coccygeal vein, and jugular vein of should be applied and the needle retracted until
snakes. Cardiocentesis is the preferred method blood is visualized in the hub of the needle.
and provides large volumes of blood if necessary. Jugular veins are typically recommended only as
The heart is located approximately one-third to sites for intravenous (IV) catheterization in snakes;
one-quarter the distance from the head. This pro- however, some have found that these vessels can
cedure is routinely performed on snakes weighing also be used for venipuncture. The landmarks for
more than 200 grams without sedation. It is essen- the jugular veins are the interior edges of the right
tial that there be enough assistance to restrain the or left ribs approximately 6–9 (ventral) scales cra-
snake during the procedure to prevent injury to nial to the heart. The venipuncture site should be
the animal and the handlers. The animal should prepared using standard asepsis. A 25-gauge needle
be positioned on its dorsum and the heart local- can be used to collect the sample.
ized by visual inspection or palpation. Snakes are The palatine vessels are often identified as
quite capable of moving their heart cranially or potential venipuncture sites in snakes; however,
caudally, so it is important to “immobilize” the experienced phlebotomists do not use them
heart by inserting an index finger cranial to the because sample volumes are typically small, there
heart, and the thumb caudal to the heart. A 22- is potential for accidental bites, and it is possible
to 25-gauge needle of variable length, based on to damage the oral cavity of the snake when col-
the size of the snake, should be inserted under the lecting from them. Rottweilers have large lingual
scale at the most distal point of the beating heart vessels that can be used for blood collection, but
(ventricle) (Figure 2.16). Apply negative pressure technicians don’t use that site for the same reasons
once the needle is inserted. The blood will literally that were just mentioned.
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Figure 2.16 Blood collection from the heart of a snake. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 61
they were developed to grow pathogenic bacteria radiographs can be used to collect images of small
from humans. Because reptile core body tempera- reptiles and most amphibians. The introduction
tures can vary from this standard (37°C), it has of digital radiography has simplified collecting
been suggested that different temperatures be used images for reptiles and amphibians, allowing mul-
to isolate bacteria from reptiles and amphibians. tiple images to be taken and processed in seconds
Unfortunately, establishing an incubator tem- to minutes. Individuals with this capacity can
perature that parallels a reptile’s or amphibian’s use this method to take as many images as are
body temperature would be difficult. One possible necessary in a short period of time to obtain the
solution would be to place one sample in a 37°C information they need to direct their cases.
incubator and another at the animal’s body tem- It is important always to collect at least two
perature to accommodate organisms that thrive at radiographic images when evaluating a reptile
lower temperatures. Regardless of the technique or amphibian patient. This will help to resolve
selected, one should always consider a negative the fact that these animals are three-dimensional
culture from a contaminated wound the possible and that the images are each only two-dimen-
result of human inability to provide the organism sional. The most common radiographic images
an appropriate temperature. taken are via the dorsoventral (ventrodorsal) and
lateral approaches. In chelonians, a third image,
Radiology the anterior-posterior or cranial-caudal approach,
Radiographs serve as an important diagnostic tool should also be collected. This allows for inde-
in reptile and amphibian medicine. Radiographs pendent review of the lungs, which is especially
are routinely used to assess a variety of health con- important in chelonian cases with suspected
ditions in these animals, including reproductive pneumonia.
(e.g., dystocia), skeletal (e.g., fracture), gastrointes-
tinal (e.g., foreign body), renal (e.g., renomegaly), Parasitology
and respiratory (e.g., pneumonia) problems. Stan- External Parasites
dard safety protocols should be employed when Imported reptiles routinely have ectoparasites,
radiographing reptiles and amphibians. The such as mites, ticks, and leeches. These para-
animal might need to be anesthetized for the pro- sites survive by ingesting blood from their host.
cedure, although some animals will remain still Heavily parasitized juvenile animals can develop
if placed in a darkened room, given blinders, or life-threatening anemia. Many of these ecto-
placed in a tube (e.g., snakes). parasites also serve as vectors for other diseases,
A radiographic technique chart should be including bacterial and possibly viral infections.10
established based on the capacity of a facility’s radio- The diagnosis of an ectoparasite infestation can
graphic machine. A high-capacity radiographic unit be made during a thorough physical examination.
capable of producing 300-milliampere exposures at Leeches are readily identifiable on aquatic reptiles
times of at least 1/60th of a second is recommended. and amphibians. These large ectoparasites should
The kVp settings should be adjustable by incre- be grasped with forceps and gently separated from
ments of two to provide finite detail. A thorough the host. The open lesion where the leech was
understanding of reptile and amphibian anatomy attached should be cleaned and disinfected (e.g.,
is essential to radiographic interpretation. Dental 0.5% chlorhexidine).
Ticks are typically not as large as leeches, Animals and parasites have evolved to “live
but are readily identified on external examina- together,” even though the parasite steals nutri-
tion. There are three primary life stages of the tion from the host. In captivity, when a reptile or
tick: larva, nymph, and adult. The nymphal and amphibian is exposed to the stress of an inadequate
adult stages are differentiated from the larval environment and diet, parasites can become more
stages based on the number of appendages (lar- problematic. Parasites will continue to acquire
val: 6; nymphal and adult: 8). The tick burrows energy from the host, regardless of the host’s
its mouthparts into the host to facilitate feeding. change in appetite. In these cases, the parasites
Tick removal can be accomplished by grasping can become life-threatening. A fecal examination
the mouthparts where they insert into the host should be performed to identify potential parasites
and pulling them out perpendicular to the rep- so that an appropriate treatment can be initiated.
tile’s skin. Once the parasite is removed it should A fecal saline direct smear and a fecal flotation
be properly disposed of. should be performed on all fecal samples. The
Mites are the smallest of the ectoparasites (1–2 direct smear will enable the reviewer to identify
mm) and can be easily overlooked; a magnifying bacteria and protozoa, and the fecal float is used
glass or loupe might be helpful in some cases to to identify larger parasite ova (e.g., roundworms).
spot the mites. Mites can be found anywhere on A fecal examination should always be repeated in
the reptile host, although they tend to accumulate 2 weeks, and again in 4 weeks, to determine if
around the eyes, mouth, and gular fold (snakes). A the animal is really negative (because shedding
cotton-tipped applicator soaked in mineral oil can can be transient). There are a number of treatment
be used to remove a mite to confirm the diagno- protocols that have been established for treating
sis. The treatment protocols for ectoparasites vary parasites in reptiles and amphibians (Table 2.3).
(Table 2.3). Neither ivermectin nor its derivatives
should be given to chelonians, as it may be fatal.
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 63
fer using the tibia for this procedure. The catheter SURGICAL AND ANESTHETIC
can be inserted on the tibial plateau. The gular ASSISTANCE
scutes are a good site for IO catheter placement in
Anesthesia and analgesia are relatively new con-
cepts in reptile and amphibian medicine. Only a
IM injections are routinely administered into
decade or so ago, individuals “anesthetized” rep-
the epaxial muscles along the spine or in the large
tiles by placing them in a refrigerator or freezer to
muscle groups in the front limbs. Reptiles and
severely restrict their metabolism. This technique
amphibians have a renal portal system that can
should never be used because it does not provide
be affected by drug administration in the tail or
the animal consistent anesthesia or analgesia and
rear limbs. To avoid these complications, always
can prove fatal. Prior to any anesthetic procedure,
administer medications in the cranial one-half of
the body. The muscle masses of reptile and amphib- the animal should be assessed and determined to
ian limbs are relatively small compared with those be stable. Basic health monitoring should include
of mammals; therefore, injections should be per- evaluating the hydration status, heart and respira-
formed sparingly and injection sites (e.g., right leg, tory rates, and baseline blood work.
left leg) should be alternated. Tricaine methane sulfonate (MS-222) and clove
Reptiles and amphibians are difficult to pill. oil are commonly used anesthetics for amphib-
Fortunately, there are a number of commercial ians. These compounds can be delievered through
compounding pharmacies that can compound an immersion/bath. The water used for the bath
a therapeutic into a liquid and simplify admin- should come from the animal’s enclosure to mini-
istration. Administering oral medications is a mize changes in water quality. The water depth for
straightforward process for reptiles. The glottis is the bath should be set to the level of the elbow of
located at the base of the tongue, and it is easily the patient. If kept in deep water, the amphibian
seen and therefore easy to avoid when dosing with could drown. These compounds are absorbed via
a syringe or passing a tube. the skin, primarily through the ventral abdominal
patch, or gills (e.g., axolotls). Both anesthestics pam to provide sedation and is an anticonvulsant.
have been found to provide general anesthesia; Tiletamine has been used in snakes and croco-
however, MS-222 is considered to be safer and dilians with some success, but recoveries are still
provides a longer duration of anesthesia. Doses prolonged. Tiletamine, like ketamine, should not
for MS-222 in amphibians can vary depending be used for surgical anesthesia in reptiles, but as
on whether the animal is terrestrial (0.5–2 g/L) or an induction agent in combination with an inhal-
aquatic (100–500 mg/L), and whether it has gills ant anesthetic. A dose of 3–5 mg/kg is routinely
(100–200 mg/L) or not. used with good results.
The anesthetics and analgesics used for domes- The alpha-2 agonists, such as medetomidine
tic species (e.g., dogs and cats) are routinely used and dexmedetomidine, are also routinely used for
in reptiles and amphibians, including the disso- reptiles and amphibians. These drugs can be used
ciatives, propofol, and inhalant anesthetics. The with the dissociative anesthetics to provide a more
most common dissociatives used in reptile and “complete” anesthesia. The alpha-2 agonists pro-
amphibian anesthesia are ketamine and tiletamine vide visceral analgesia and muscle relaxation, which
plus zolazepam. Ketamine has been used success- complement the dissociatives. These anesthetic
fully in reptiles and amphibians. Recommended agents can cause cardiopulmonary depression, so
doses vary with reptile and amphibian order, it is important to monitor animals closely during
health status, and size of the animal. A dose of their anesthetic procedure. Doses can vary by spe-
5–10 mg/kg ketamine can be given for short pain- cies and whether they are used in combination
less procedures or as a preanesthetic to facilitate with other anesthetics. Typically, medetomidine
intubation; a slightly higher dose might be needed doses are 0.025–0.1 mg/kg and dexmedetomidine
for chelonians: 10–20 mg/kg. In most species, the doses are 0.01–0.05 mg/kg.
animals will be induced within 10–20 minutes. Propofol has gained in popularity with veteri-
Ketamine provides little to no visceral analgesia; narians because it provides general anesthesia with
therefore a preoperative and postoperative analge- a rapid recovery. The primary disadvantage of pro-
sic should be considered for painful procedures. pofol is that it must be administered intravenously
A dose of 55–88 mg/kg has been recommended or intraosseously, which can be difficult in smaller
for surgical anesthesia, but ketamine alone should patients. An IV butterfly catheter can be used to
not be considered an adequate surgical anesthetic administer boluses to an animal as the procedure
in these species.11 There have been a number of warrants. A dose of 10–14 mg/kg IV in lizards
side effects reported with ketamine use, includ- and snakes provides reasonable general anesthesia
ing respiratory arrest, bradycardia, and prolonged for 15–30 minutes. A dose of 12–15 mg/kg IV is
recovery (1–4 days). Many of these side effects are recommended for chelonians.12 This anesthetic has
associated with the administration of high doses been used in amphibians with success, too. Intra-
(>100 mg/kg), but they can also occur at lower coelomic injections of propofol (35–45 mg/kg)
doses. Many anesthetic complications can be pre- have been found to provide sedation to surgical
vented by properly evaluating the animal prior to anesthesia in frogs and salamanders.
a procedure and monitoring the animal closely Inhalant anesthetics have reduced many of the
during the procedure. Tiletamine is a more potent risks associated with injectable anesthetics. Unlike
dissociative agent that is combined with zolaze- injectable anesthetics (e.g., ketamine), which can-
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 65
not be controlled once administered, delivery tored closely, can become apneic (stop breathing)
of an inhalant anesthetic through a precision and die. In the incremental approach, the inhal-
vaporizer can be controlled based on need. Ani- ant anesthetic is delivered in increments to ensure
mals under general inhalant anesthetics should a smooth procedure. The animal is started at
be intubated. Endotracheal tubes ensure that the 2%–3% (4%–5% sevoflurane) and the level
appropriate anesthetic and oxygen rates are being increased or decreased based on the animal’s sta-
administered. Endotracheal tube size will vary tus. The potential disadvantage of this technique
with the order and size of the animal. Cheloni- is that induction can take a long time when the
ans and crocodilians have closed tracheal rings, patient holds its breath and it is more likely to
like birds, and should not have their endotracheal struggle as it moves to stage 3 anesthesia. Main-
cuff inflated. The majority of reptile and amphib- tenance levels for isoflurane and sevoflurane are
ian cases presented in private practice are animals between 1.5% and 3.0% and 3.0% and 5.0%,
under 5 kg and can be maintained using a non- respectively, but will vary from patient to patient.
rebreathing system. When a procedure on a larger Anesthetic recovery for animals placed under gen-
animal (>5 kg) is required, a circle system, similar eral anesthesia (alone) is typically within 10–20
to that used in dogs, can be used. minutes after discontinuation of the gas.
The most common inhalants used in veterinary Monitoring of the reptile or amphibian dur-
practice are isoflurane and sevoflurane, and both ing an anesthetic or surgical procedure is often
of these anesthetics have been used successfully in performed by the veterinary technician. The respi-
reptiles and amphibians. Our knowledge about the ratory rate can usually be monitored by direct
metabolism of these gases in reptiles and amphib- visualization of the body wall in snakes and lizards,
ians is limited and often related to our knowledge whereas the gular area and “pumping” action of the
of it in mammals. The elimination of isoflurane legs are used to monitor respiration in chelonians.
and sevoflurane is exclusively through the respira- Auscultation of the heart is very difficult in
tory system. There are two trains of thought about reptiles. Placement of the stethoscope bell directly
anesthetizing an exotic animal: “full-throttle” and on the scales results in an irritating friction-
incremental anesthesia. generated sound. Esophageal stethoscopes can be
The “full-throttle” approach is based on the used; however, most reptile and amphibian patients
desire to deliver a high percentage of anesthetic are too small to accommodate these large tubes.
immediately. Many veterinarians will turn the Crystal ultrasonic Dopplers simplify monitoring
vaporizer directly to 5% (8% sevoflurane). This the heart rate by producing a sound that verifies
method is often used to induce fractious animals, cardiac function. Pulse oximeters have gained in
because they are anesthetized sooner, and it also popularity in veterinary hospitals and provide not
delivers high doses to animals that hold their only the heart rate but also arterial oxygen satura-
breath. This helps expedite the process of mov- tion. ECGs can also be used.
ing a patient from stage 1 anesthesia to stage 3 There are a number of different probes that can
anesthesia, skipping through stage 2 anesthesia, be purchased with these systems. For mammals,
where animals tend to struggle. The potential C-clip probes are often used, but for reptiles these
disadvantage of this technique is that the animal probes have limited usefulness because the signal
can become deeply anesthetized and, if not moni- cannot penetrate the colored scales. The cloacal
probes appear to work best for reptiles. Although maintaining a reptile or amphibian on inhalant
these devices can simplify the role of the veteri- anesthetics. Reptiles and amphibians normally
nary technician, placement and repositioning breathe by movement of their body wall (intercos-
might be required during the procedure. tal muscles), limbs, and viscera; amphibians can
The mucous membrane color and hydra- also respire through their skin. When reptiles or
tion status should also be monitored on a reptile amphibians are under general anesthesia, they
or an amphibian during a surgical procedure. might not be capable of breathing on their own
Amphibians should be kept moist throughout the and must be ventilated using positive pressure.
procedure to prevent desiccation. If there is con- Typically, 4–5 breaths a minute will be satisfac-
cern that an animal might experience significant tory. When a reptile or amphibian is ventilated,
blood loss during a procedure, it should be given it is important to use a pressure of less than 12
fluids (e.g., IV or IO) or a blood transfusion. cm of water to prevent their simple saclike lungs
Reptiles should be provided with heat during from rupturing.11 The veterinary technician plays a
a surgical procedure. Water-circulating heat pads vital role in the surgery and is often responsible for
provide good results and are unlikely to cause managing a number of tasks, including presurgi-
thermal burns. When working with these heat- cal preparation of surgical supplies, preparing an
ing elements, it is important to recognize that a aseptic surgical site, assistance during the surgical
reptile’s sharp claws could tear the heating pad, so procedure, and anesthetic monitoring.
protection (e.g., a towel) should be used. Reptiles Preparing the surgical suite for a reptile or
are dependent on the environmental tempera- amphibian patient should follow the basic tech-
ture to maintain their metabolism and ability to niques used for preparing the suite for mammalian
process anesthetics and recover from surgery. patients. The surgical packs should be sterilized by
Maintaining a reptile at an inappropriate temper- the same methods (e.g., autoclaved, gas) used to
ature will prolong the recovery, with full recovery prepare surgical equipment for domestic species.
times lasting 1–3 days in some cases. Selection of the appropriate suture material will
Amphibians do not tolerate excessive heat. reduce the possibility of incision dehiscence and
When performing a procedure on an amphibian, poor healing. The absorbable synthetic sutures
it should be done at an appropriate temperature for can be used for ligation and suture placement
that animal, typically 74o –78oF for tropical spe- internally, and nylon sutures can be used to close
cies and 68o –74oF for temperate species. Setting skin incisions. Chromic catgut and stainless steel
the ambient room temperature to an appropriate should not be used in reptiles or amphibians. In
level is preferred over using heat lamps or heating reptiles, the skin is considered the primary clos-
pads, which can overheat the animal and promote ing layer because it is unlikely to tear, whereas in
desiccation. mammals the linea alba is the primary closing
Reptiles and amphibians have very unusual layer. Skin sutures should remain in a reptile or
respiratory systems. The lungs of a reptile or amphibian patient for 4–6 weeks. This prolonged
amphibian are much simpler than those of mam- healing time is associated with the slower metabo-
mals or birds, and reptiles and amphibians lack lism common to ectotherms.
a true diaphragm. These anatomical features are The veterinary technician serves a primary role
important to consider when anesthetizing and in monitoring asepsis during the surgical proce-
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2 | reptiles and amphibians 67
dure. The surgical suite can become very busy, the anesthesia. Incisions should be irrigated liber-
and it is important that the technician ensure that ally to improve the veterinary surgeon’s view of
no individual compromises the sterility of the the surgical site. When performing a lavage in the
procedure. Preparation of the surgical site should coelomic cavity of the reptile or amphibian, it is
follow standard protocol, wiping from the cen- important to remember that it lacks a diaphragm
ter of the surgical site in a circular motion until and that excess irrigation fluid can place pres-
a desired area has been sterilized. Preparing the sure on the animal’s lung(s), making it difficult to
skin of reptiles can be difficult because of the breathe. To prevent this problem, lavage limited
scales, but attempts should be made to remove amounts of fluid at a time, removing any excess
heavy debris. The skin of an amphibian is very with sterile gauze or suction. Be careful when
thin, so minimal pressure should be applied when using suction because tissues can be damaged if
preparing the site. The surgical site should be pre- they are pulled into the suction tube.
pared with a nonirritating solution, such as dilute After the surgical procedure is completed, the
chlorhexidine or betadine, followed by isotonic animal should be moved to a clean, warm, quiet
sterile saline. Alcohol should never be used to area to recover. Remove the animal from the anes-
disinfect a surgical site on a reptile or amphib- thetic machine and allow it to recover on room
ian, because it creates an evaporative surface air. Reptiles are stimulated to breathe when their
that can lead to significant body heat loss. blood oxygen levels decrease to a threshold; main-
During a surgical procedure, the veterinary taining them on oxygen will only prolong the
technician is often expected to manage hemo- recovery.13 The animal should not be extubated
stasis. Hemostasis is essential in the reptile or until it has started to swallow. Animals that have
amphibian patient because any excess loss of blood had a coeliotomy or fracture repair should not be
could prove to be life-threatening. In most cases, provided with climbing branches until the veteri-
simply applying direct pressure using a sponge is nary surgeon feels that the animal is not in danger
sufficient. Do not wipe or smear the blood ves- of wound dehiscence.
sel, because this might cause an irritation or
further damage the blood vessel. If direct pres-
sure (30–120 seconds) is insufficient to stop the
hemorrhage, the veterinary surgeon will consider The majority of the diseases encountered in pet
other techniques such as suture or radiosurgery reptile and amphibian medicine are directly related
(Ellman International, Oceanside, NY). to inappropriate husbandry and are discussed
Incision irrigation and lavage are other impor- below. Animals maintained under inappropriate
tant functions that the veterinary technician temperatures, provided inadequate diets, or held
performs when assisting the veterinarian during under less than optimal housing conditions are at
the surgical procedure. The irrigating or lavage an increased risk of developing disease.
fluid should be isotonic (e.g., normal saline) and
prewarmed to the animal’s body temperature Husbandry-Related Problems
(37oC is sufficient) to prevent cold stress. Cold Thermal Burns
stress can rapidly result in a cascade of physiologic Reptiles will often seek heat to maintain their
changes that can alter the animal’s response to core body temperature. If an animal is placed in
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 69
however, patterns of shedding differ among spe- thorough history will often guide a veterinarian
cies. Chelonians and lizards routinely shed their in the diagnosis of this disease. Animals suffer-
skin in pieces, whereas snakes shed their skin in ing from SNHP are often young, fast-growing
one entire piece. Most of the problems associ- animals or reproductively active adult females
ated with shedding (dysecdysis) are reported in maintained at an inappropriate ETR (which
snakes, although dysecdysis can occur in all rep- reduces metabolism) and/or offered a calcium-
tiles. Causes of dysecdysis in reptiles have been deficient diet, excessive phosphorus diet, or not
associated with low environmental humidity and exposed to ultraviolet B wavelength light (which
temperature, ectoparasites, traumatic wounds, aids in synthesis of vitamin D).
systemic disease, mishandling, and the lack of an On physical examination, the animal often has
adequate surface to assist with shedding. muscle tremors and fasciculations, “swollen” man-
Treatment for dysecdysis should include cor- dibles and long bones (fibrous osteodystrophy),
recting any environmental and medical problems and might suffer from seizures. Clinical diagnosis
and soaking the animal in a shallow, warm (82°– is made from a thorough history, physical exami-
84°F) water bath. The depth of the water bath nation, and radiographs. These animals should be
should not exceed half the height of the animal. considered critical care cases, and therapy should
Never use a human water receptacle (e.g., bathtub be initiated immediately. Medical management
or sink) to soak a reptile because of the potential includes supplemental calcium and vitamin D
for introducing zoonotic pathogens (e.g., Sal- therapy, fluids to rehydrate animals, enteral sup-
monella spp.). After soaking, a soft cotton towel port to maintain energy demands, and treatment
can be used to gently wipe the animal down and of secondary problems, such as splinting patho-
remove any excess shed. Do not pull at skin that logic fractures.
is not ready to come off because you could dam-
age the underlying skin. Owners should be made Hypovitaminosis A
aware of the importance of checking the spectacles Chelonians offered inappropriate diets often
or eye caps to make sure that they are removed develop hypovitaminosis A. Animals presenting
after every shed. Retained spectacles can develop with hypovitaminosis A are often young, fast-grow-
into subspectacular abscesses, which can lead to ing animals or long-term wild caught specimens
the loss of the eye if not managed appropriately. maintained at inappropriate temperatures and
offered a restricted, vitamin A–deficient diet. On
Nutritional Diseases physical examination, the animals will often have
Secondary Nutritional Hyperparathyroidism unilateral or bilateral blepharoedema (swelling of
The most common nutritional disease reported the eyelids), a nasal and ocular discharge, diarrhea,
in reptiles is secondary nutritional hyperparathy- pneumonia, aural abscesses, and hyperkeratosis.
roidism (SNHP). SNHP may occur as a result of Vitamin A deficiency leads to changes in the epithe-
a calcium-deficient diet, phosphorus-rich diet, lial lining of the respiratory tract, oral cavity, skin,
or vitamin D deficiency. In this disease process, and urinary tract. The resulting squamous metapla-
the parathyroid glands are activated and release sia reduces the tight junctions formed by the cells
parathormone, which mobilizes calcium from the and allows for opportunistic pathogens to invade.14
skeleton for the animal to meet its daily needs. A Diagnosis is often made from the history, physical
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 71
Abscesses Mycoplasmosis is a bacterial infection that has
Abscesses are a common finding in animals that been associated with severe disease in cheloni-
are managed under inappropriate conditions. ans. Affected animals might present with nasal
Abscesses are often the result of an infectious and ocular discharge, conjunctivitis, palpebral
origin (e.g., bacterial infection), foreign body, or edema, and pneumonia. Mycoplasmosis has also
parasite. Abscesses in reptiles and amphibians can been identified in squamates and crocodilians.
be found anywhere on the body and are commonly There are several diagnostic tests available to con-
located on the toes and tail and in the oral cav- firm mycoplasmosis in reptiles, including culture,
ity. Abscesses are often firm, well-circumscribed an ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ),
lesions (Figure 2.21). Diagnosis of an abscess is and a PCR ( polymerase chain reaction) assay.
often made from the history, physical examina- Microbiologic culture can be used to confirm an
tion, and the results of an aspirate or biopsy of the infection, but it is difficult and time-consuming
mass. Reptile and amphibian abscesses are typi- to isolate this bacteria. Currently, parallel testing
cally caseous or “cheesy” in nature, rather than using both the ELISA and PCR assays provides
liquefactive as in mammals. This difference is the highest degree of sensitivity. Treatment may
related to the reduced enzymatic firepower that be attempted using tetracyclines and fluoroqui-
reptile cells possess in relation to higher verte- nolones. Mycoplasmosis has been associated with
brates. declines in native tortoise populations in the
Successful management of an abscess in a United States, and treatment of wild specimens is
reptile or amphibian requires incision and curet- not recommended.
tage. Simply initiating systemic antibiotic therapy
will be insufficient, because the inciting cause, or Viruses
nidus, if bacterial, is often located in the center of As diagnostic techniques to identify viruses
the abscess and will be unaffected by any drugs. A improve, more and more of these pathogens
local anesthetic line, or ring block using lidocaine, are being associated with disease in reptiles and
amphibians. The viruses that have received the tive treatment for this disease. Affected animals
most attention in pet reptile and amphibian med- should be euthanized to prevent the spread of the
icine are paramyxovirus, retrovirus, herpesvirus, disease to other snakes.
and ranavirus. Bearded dragon adenovirus was first reported
Paramyxoviruses are primarily associated with in Australia in the early 1980s. The virus was not
viperid snakes, although they have also been characterized in the United States until more than
identified in nonviperid snakes.18,19 This virus a decade later. Since that time, the virus has spread
is typically spread from contact with respira- through the bearded dragon population in the
tory secretions. Affected animals display clinical United States and should be considered endemic.
signs associated with respiratory disease, such as Transmission of the virus is primarily by the direct
nasal and oral discharge, open-mouth breathing, route (fecal-oral), although vertical transmission
increased lung sounds, and possible neurologic might also be possible. Affected animals might
signs, including tremors and seizures. Diagnosis present with anorexia, weight loss, limb paresis,
can be made antemortem from a blood test or diarrhea, and opisthotonus. Concurrent depen-
postmortem from a histologic diagnosis.20 Mixed dovirus and coccidial infections have also been
results have been found among different labo- observed in neonatal bearded dragons.22 Biopsies
ratories using the antemortem serologic test for of the liver, stomach, esophagus, and kidney may
paramyxovirus, so caution should be used when be collected to confirm diagnosis (antemortem).
interpreting the results.21 There is no effective On histopathology, basophilic intranuclear inclu-
treatment for this virus. sion bodies are strongly suggestive of adenoviral
Inclusion body disease primarily affects snakes infection. Antemortem diagnosis can also be made
in the family Boidae (e.g., boas and pythons). using PCR (fecal shedding). There is no effective
Historically, this virus was attributed to a ret- treatment for adenoviral infections, although
rovirus, although this has not been confirmed. supportive care (e.g., fluids, enteral nutrition, anti-
The method of transmission of this disease is biotics) can be useful in stemming the secondary
unknown, but it appears contagious and it is effects of the disease.
suspected that snake mites (Ophionyssus natricis) The incidence of herpesvirus infections in che-
play a role in its dissemination. Affected boa con- lonians has been on the rise since originally being
strictors present with chronic regurgitation, but isolated from sea turtles in 1975. Herpesvirus infec-
might develop neurologic signs, including loss tions have been identified in freshwater, marine,
of righting reflex, tremors, and disorientation, as and terrestrial species of chelonians. Transmis-
the disease progresses. Affected pythons develop sion of the herpesvirus is believed to be via the
severe neurologic signs, similar to those described horizontal route, although it has been suggested
for the boas, that progressively worsen. Animals that a vertical route of transmission is also pos-
typically succumb to this disease as a result of sible. Affected animals might present with rhinitis,
secondary infections and starvation. Diagnosis conjunctivitis, necrotizing stomatitis, glossitis,
can be made antemortem from surgical biopsies enteritis, pneumonia, and neurological disease.
and seeing inclusions in the cytoplasm of lym- Molecular diagnostics, electron microscopy, and
phocytes on a blood smear, and postmortem from viral isolation have been used to diagnose her-
histopathologic examination. There is no effec- pes infections in chelonians. Affected animals
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 73
should be given appropriate supportive care (e.g., to animals. Affected animals typically present
fluids, enteral nutrition, and antibiotics) to con- with yellow crusts that can be found anywhere on
trol clinical signs. Acyclovir has been used with their body. The crusts can progress into pyogranu-
some success by reducing viral replication. How- lomatous inflammation. Diagnosis can be made
ever, there is no effective treatment for this virus. from biopsy samples submitted for histopathology
Affected animals should not be released into the and culture. Treatment needs to be aggressive and
wild, to prevent translocation of the virus to naïve should include both topical (chlorhexidine and
chelonians. miconazole cream) and systemic (itraconazole, 5
Ranaviruses are members of the family Irido- mg/kg by mouth once daily) treatment.
viridae. These viruses have historically been an Chytrid fungi are a problem in both captive and
important pathogen in amphibians, more speci- wild populations of amphibians. This fungus has
ficially anurans. In recent years, they have been been attributed to worldwide population declines
found to cross over into other classes of animals, in amphibians. Affected animals lose their ability
including reptiles and fish. They have been found to regulate their fluid balance, because the patho-
in both wild and captive chelonians (e.g., box gen has a predilection for the keratinized tissues
turtles). Clinical signs in affected animals might associated with their ventral abdominal patch,
include anorexia, depression, upper and lower and become susceptible to other opportunistic
respiratory tract disease, cervical cellulitis, and infections. Diagnosis can be made from histopa-
death. This virus will likely become more prev- thology and culture. A PCR assay is also available.
alent in both wild and captive populations over Topical and systemic antifungals should be used
time as natural habitats of turtles are further to treat affected animals.
encroached upon by humans and animals, and as
turtles are brought into captivity without appro- Parasites
priate quarantine methods. Cryptosporidium serpentis is considered a “plague”
of captive snake collections. This apicomplexan
Fungi parasite has been associated with both high mor-
Fungi are being diagnosed more frequently in bidity and mortality in captive collections. Affected
captive reptile and amphibian cases. The appar- snakes commonly regurgitate their meals, have a
ent increased prevalence can be attributed to midbody swelling, and are dehydrated. A variety
better diagnostic testing and a greater aware- of methods can be used to diagnose cryptosporidi-
ness of these pathogens among veterinarians. osis in snakes. Acid-fast cytology of a regurgitated
Although most cases are associated with oppor- meal or fecal sample is often diagnostic; however,
tunistic infections, there has been a rise in cases multiple samples might be needed to confirm the
attributed to obligate fungal pathogens in both presence of the parasite, because they can be tran-
reptiles and amphibains. siently shed. Because there is currently no effective
The Chrysosporium anamorph of Nanniziopsis treatment, affected animals should be culled.
vriesii has been found to infect snakes, lizards, Cryptosporidium saurophilum is a more recently
and chelonians. Bearded dragons appear to be diagnosed species associated with lizards. Whereas
very susceptible. Often called “the yellow fungus” C. serpentis is associated with the stomach, C. sau-
in these lizards, this fungal pathogen can be fatal rophilum is associated with the intestine. Currently,
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 75
United States attributed to reptiles (turtles).24 dure. They should also not handle the animals near
Attempts to certify the animals (turtles) as Salmo- human food preparation sites or wash receptacles
nella-free in the United States failed because the (e.g., sinks and bathtubs) and should not allow the
animals were found to be latent shedders of the animal to roam free within a human domicile.
organism (i.e., they could test negative one week There are other species of bacteria (Gram-
and positive weeks or months later). In 1975, the positive and Gram-negative) that have been
United States Food and Drug Administration put isolated from both clinically healthy and dis-
an inter- and intrastate shipping ban on turtles eased reptiles that can cause disease in humans,
with a carapace under 4", effectively halting the including Aeromonas spp., Campylobacter spp.,
sale of turtles in the United States. The ban on tur- Citrobacter spp., Edwardsiella spp., Escherichia
tles proved to be successful as follow-up research coli, Klebsiella spp., Mycobacterium spp., Pasteu-
indicated a 77% decrease in turtle-associated sal- rella spp., Proteus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and
monellosis.25 Streptococcus spp. The population at risk is similar
In the late 1980s and through the 1990s, reptile- to that defined for Salmonella spp. and includes
associated salmonellosis again received national infants, immunocompromised individuals, and
attention. Many of the cases during this period the elderly—although clinically healthy adults
included infants, with one infant dying. These can also develop infections under certain cir-
cases differed from the turtle-associated salmonel- cumstances. Humans can be exposed to these
losis cases because the infants did not have direct pathogens through wound contamination (e.g.,
contact with the reptile in their household. Own- scratch or bite wounds), water exposure, or fecal-
ers should be warned of these potential hazards oral exposure. Adhering to strict hygiene practices,
and should practice strict hygiene, including hand such as hand washing, wearing protective gloves
washing after handling their pet or cleaning its when cleaning reptile/amphibian enclosures, and
environment, removing fecal wastes and cleaning not handling or allowing the animals near human
the reptile’s/amphibian’s habitat with an appropriate food preparation sites should prevent disease.
disinfectant, and wearing gloves during the proce-
1. Why is an environmental temperature range important for reptiles? Describe different methods for
providing a temperature gradient for reptiles.
2. Why is ultraviolet B radiation (UVB) important for reptiles? What recommendations would you
make to clients to ensure their pet reptile is provided with an appropriate source of UVB?
3. Describe the three different types of feeding strategies used by reptiles. Why is it a challenge to
meet the needs of these animals in captivity?
4. What are the recommended techniques to restrain a snake, chelonian, and lizard?
6. Describe the proper methods of performing a physical examination on a lizard, snake, and
10. How can you minimize the likelihood of “smudgeocytes” in a reptile blood smear?
11. How are erythrocytes and leukocytes different between reptiles and mammals?
15. What are the different routes for replenishing fluids in a reptile patient?
16. What are common infectious disease presentations in reptiles? Why are viral infections on the
17. Which zoonotic disease in reptiles has been associated with high morbidity in humans?
1. Acierno M, Mitchell MA, Roundtree M, and Zachariah T. Evaluating the effect of ultraviolet B
radiation on 1,25 hydroxyvitamin D levels in red-eared sliders (Trachemys scripta elegans). American
Journal Veterinary Research 2006;67:2046–49.
2. Acierno M, Mitchell MA, Roundtree M, Zachariah T, Kirchgessner M, and Sanchez-Migallon
Guzman D. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in corn
snakes (Elaphe guttata guttata). American Journal Veterinary Research 2009;67:294–97.
3. Frye FL, and Boyer TH. Captive Reptile Husbandry. In: Frye, FL, ed. Reptile care. Neptune City,
NJ: Tropical Fish Hobbyists Publications, Inc.; 1991:23–26.
4. Allen ME, Oftedal OT, and Ullrey ED. Effect of dietary calcium concentration on mineral compo-
sition in fox geckos (Hemidactylus garnoti) and Cuban tree frogs (Osteopilus septentrionalis). Journal
of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 1993;24:118.
5. Donoghue S, and Langenberg J. Nutrition. In: Mader, DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Phila-
delphia: WB Saunders; 1996:148–74.
6. Boyer TH. Metabolic bone disease. In: Mader, DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 1996:385–92.
7. Jacobsen ER. Blood collection techniques in reptiles: Laboratory investigations. In: Fowler, ME, ed.
Zoo and wild animal medicine: Current therapy 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1993:144–52.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
2 | reptiles and amphibians 77
8. Myers D, Mitchell MA, Fleming G, et al. Determining the value of bovine albumin as a blood
cell stabilizer for pancake tortoises (Malacochersus tornieri) blood smears. Journal of Herpetological
Medicine and Surgery 2009;18.
9. Wright KM. Amphibian husbandry and medicine. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1996:436–59.
10. Lane TJ, and Mader DR. Parasitology. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadel-
phia: WB Saunders; 1996:185–203.
11. Bennett RA. Anesthesia. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saun-
ders; 1996:241–47.
12. Divers SJ. The use of propofol in reptile anesthesia. Proceedings of the Association of Reptile and
Amphibian Veterinarians, 1996:57–59.
13. Diethelm G, and Mader DR. The effect of FlO2 on post anesthetic recovery times in the green
iguana. Proceedings of the Association of Reptile and Amphibian Veterinarians, 1999:169–70.
14. Frye FL. Nutritional disorders in reptiles. In: Hoff GL, Frye FL, and Jacobson ER, eds. Diseases of
amphibians and reptiles. New York: Plenum Press; 1984:640–42.
15. Fowler ME. Comparison of respiratory infection and hypovitaminosis A in a desert tortoise. In:
Montali RJ, and Migaki G., eds. Comparative pathology of zoo animals. Washington, DC: Smithson-
ian Institute; 1980:93–97.
16. Mader DR. Gout. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
17. Lloyd ML, and Flanagan JP. Recent developments in ophidian paramyxovirus research and recom-
mendations on control. South Padre Island, Texas. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo
Veterinarians, 1990:151–56.
18. Ahne W, Neubert WJ, and Thomson I. Reptilian viruses: Isolation of myxovirus-like particles from
the snake Elaphe oxycephala. Journal of American Veterinary Medicine 1987;34:607.
19. Jacobsen ER, Gaskin JM, Simpson C, et al. Paramyxo-like virus infection in a rock rattlesnake.
Journal of American Veterinary Medicine 1980; 177(9):796.
20. Schumacher J. Viral diseases. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 1996:224–34.
21. Allender MC, Mitchell MA, Dreslik MJ, et al. Measuring agreement and discord among hemagglu-
tination inhibition assays against different ophidian paramyxovirus strains in Eastern massasauga
(Sistrurus catenatus catenatus). Journal Zoo Wildlife Medicine 2008;29:358–61.
22. Kim DY, Mitchell MA, and Bauer R. An outbreak of adenoviral infection in inland bearded drag-
ons (Pogona vitticeps) coinfected with dependovirus and coccidial protozoa (Isospora sp.). Journal
Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 2002;14:332–34.
23. Popoff MY, and Leminor L. Antigenic formulas of the Salmonella Serovars, 7th revision. World
Health Organization Collaborating Center for Reference Research on Salmonella, Pasteur Institute,
Paris, France, 1997.
24. Lamm SH, Taylor A, Gangarosa EJ, et al. Turtle-associated salmonellosis I: An estimation of the
magnitude of the problem in the United States, 1970–1971. American Journal of Epidemiology 1972;
25. Cohen ML, Potter M, Pollard et al. Turtle-associated salmonellosis in the United States. Effect
of public health action, 1970–1976. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1980;
26. Jacobson ER. Use of chemotherapeutics in reptile medicine. In: Jacobson ER, and Kollias GV, eds.
Exotic animals. New York: Churchill Livingston; 1988:35–48.
27. Jacobson ER. Antimicrobial drug use in reptiles. In: Prescott JF, and Baggot JD, eds. Antimicrobial
therapy in veterinary medicine. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1993:543–52.
28. A llen DG, Pringle JK, and Smith D. Handbook of veterinary drugs. Philadelphia: JB Lippincott;
29. K lingenberg RJ. Therapeutics. In: Mader DR, ed. Reptile medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB
Saunders; 1996:299–321.
30. Jacobson ER. Snakes Veterinary Clinics of North America Small Animal Practice 1993;23:1179–1212.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Chapter 3
The ferret, Mustela putorius furo, belongs to the order Carnivora and the
family Mustelidae. These animals initially became popular as pets in the
United States during the 1970s. Over the next two decades their numbers
increased significantly, with estimates of more than 7 million ferrets being
kept as pets in 1990.1 More recent surveys conducted by the American Vet-
erinary Medical Association suggest that their popularity has continued to
rise into the new century, with a 6.5% increase in pet ferret numbers being
reported between 2001 and 2007 (http://www.avma.org/reference/market
stats/ownership.asp). The ferret has endeared itself to humans because of
its “spunky” disposition and small stature. The ferret has also become quite
popular in urban domiciles (e.g., apartments) that might be too small to
house dogs or cats.
Domestication of the ferret is not recent; it has been recorded that ferrets
were used for hunting more than 2,000 years ago.2 The ferret was originally
introduced into the United States more than 300 years ago.3 In other parts of
the world, such as England, the ferret serves in a working role as a hunter of
rabbits and rodents. Male ferrets are called hobs, females, jills, and their young,
kits. Sexing ferrets is straightforward; males have a prepuce on their ventral
abdomen, similar to dogs, and females have a vulva ventral to their anus. The
ferret is also used extensively in research.
Although the domestic ferret continues to gain in popularity in the United
States, it cannot legally be kept as a pet in all states. The ferret has developed
an unfortunate reputation in certain areas as dangerous around children or a
threat to native wildlife. In California, a 1933 law regulating the importation
of mustelids is responsible for the current prohibition on pet ferrets in Cali-
fornia. Local ordinances in certain “ferret-legal” states might also prohibit
ferrets as pets, so it is important to research the laws in your state and local
Table 3.1 Ferret Basic Information nonretractable claws, which it uses to dig and bur-
Body Weight
row, and ferret owners are often scratched by their
Adult Male (Hob)
pets while playing with them. Ferret owners might
Intact 1.0–2.0 kg3 request to have their pet declawed; however, the
Neutered 0.7–1.1 kg procedure would be very painful and should never
Adult Female (Jill) be performed.
Intact 0.5–1.0 kg3 The majority of ferrets offered for sale in pet
Neutered 0.5–0.7 kg shops are de-scented and neutered. These proce-
Birth Weight (Kit) 8–10 grams3
dures are commonly done to minimize the odor
Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration associated with these animals. Although the
Rectal Body Temperature 100°–103°F overwhelming majority of ferrets presented to vet-
Normal Heart Rate 170–230 beats/minute erinary hospitals will have had these procedures
Normal Respiratory Rate 25–40 breaths/minute done at the commercial breeders, there remain
Reproductive Cycle some private breeders who will sell their animals
Sexual Maturity 4–8 months of age3 intact. Removing the scent glands (anal glands)
Gestation 41–42 days3 and neutering/spaying a ferret are similar to the
Estrous Cycle Induced ovulator procedures described for dogs and cats, respec-
Weaning Age 6–8 weeks tively. Neutered animals might weigh significantly
Life Span 4–9 years average, up to less than their intact counterparts (Table 3.1). Fer-
11–12 years
rets can lose a significant amount of weight during
the summer months, only to gain the weight back
in the winter. Indoor domestic ferrets can expe-
municipality to protect yourself and your clients. rience a 10%–30% weight change, whereas an
In many states, the wildlife and fisheries depart- outdoor intact animal can fluctuate by as much as
ment regulates permits for domestic ferrets; it 40% of its body weight.3
should be contacted regarding official regulations. More than 30 hair coat color variations are rec-
Success in working with the ferret, as with all ognized in the domestic ferret. The most common
exotic species, requires veterinary technicians to colors, sable and albino, are naturally occurring
develop a basic knowledge of the anatomy and patterns, whereas many of the other variations are
physiology of the animal (Table 3.1), so that they the result of selective breeding (Figures 3.1 and
can perform a thorough physical examination, 3.2). Ferrets undergo routine spring and fall sea-
administer medical therapy, and answer an own- sonal molts, similar to domestic dogs. Ferrets have
er’s questions about his or her pet. very thick skin and a technician might find it dif-
ficult to inject vaccinations or subcutaneous fluids
Anatomy and Physiology between the shoulders. This thick skin over the
The technician should become familiar with those nape of the neck is a site where ferrets bite during
anatomical characteristics in the ferret that differ reproduction and territorial fighting.
from other domestic mammals. The ferret has a The ferret has a pair of anal glands that pro-
long, tubular body that enables it to maneuver duce a musky odor. Commercial breeding farms
through burrows when hunting prey. It has sharp, de-scent and neuter kits prior to shipping them
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 81
Environmental Concerns
Ferrets may be maintained indoors or outdoors.
They are primarily maintained indoors in the
United States, whereas they are often maintained
outdoors in Europe. Ferrets kept outdoors should be
protected from extremes of heat and cold. During
the summer months, animals should be provided
shelter and fresh water and should be removed from
direct sun. Ferrets do not tolerate temperatures
over 88°–90°F. In the winter, animals should be
provided a shelter with straw or hay. When the tem-
perature drops below freezing (32°F), ferrets should
be brought into a warm shelter.
Ferrets should be given a well-ventilated, spa-
cious enclosure. Glass fish tanks are not suitable
for ferrets because they do not allow for ade-
Figure 3.2 An albino ferret. Note the general loss of quate ventilation. Animals maintained in glass
pigment throughout the hair coat and irises. enclosures often develop respiratory problems.
Galvanized metal cages or wood-frame cages are
to pet stores, whereas private breeders will often routinely used to house ferrets. Galvanized metal
leave that option to the new owner. is composed of zinc and could expose those ani-
Female ferrets are induced ovulators and mals that lick and chew the bars to heavy metal
must be bred by a male to stimulate ovulation. toxicity. Reports of heavy metal toxicity in ferrets
A female that is not bred or spayed could develop are rare, but should be considered in animals that
a life-threatening estrogen-induced anemia. Male display neurologic signs, vomiting, diarrhea, or
ferrets have a j-shaped os penis. Because of the hematochezia.
The enclosure should be large enough to pro- Commercial ferret harnesses can be used to walk
vide the animal an area to sleep, eat, exercise, an animal indoors or outdoors.
and have a latrine. Ferrets urinate and defecate
in corners and can be trained to use a litter box. Nutrition
Owners should be advised that they might need As mentioned, ferrets are true carnivores, as
to place a litter box in multiple corners to ensure evidenced by their relatively short gastrointes-
their pet will use it. Litter pans should have low tinal tract. The gastrointestinal transit time of
sides to allow an animal easy access. Fecal and the ferret is rapid (3–4 hours), so food quality
urine material should be removed from the litter is important to ensure maximal nutritional ben-
pan daily. Clients should be taught what to watch efit. The diet of a ferret should consist primarily
for when evaluating fecal and urine output in fer- of high-quality protein and fat. The exact nutri-
rets. Because several gastrointestinal diseases are tional requirements for the ferret have not been
associated with changes in fecal appearance and established, although it is generally accepted that
consistency (e.g., coronavirus infection: green, adult altered animals require 30%–40% protein
mucoid diarrhea; gastric ulcers: melena), the cli- and 18%–20% fat.5 Breeding animals and young,
ent’s ability to describe fecal changes can be fast-growing kits require significantly more pro-
important to the veterinary personnel working tein (minimum 35%) and fat (minimum 25%).
on a diagnosis. Also, because cystic calculi and Although readily accepted by ferrets, carbohy-
prostatomegaly are found in captive ferrets, his- drates (e.g., sweets) should be minimized in the
torical information regarding the production of animal’s diet. Carbohydrates, especially simple
urine and whether a ferret is straining to urinate sugars, can also prove problematic in ferrets with
are important pieces of information to guide vet- insulinoma. Feeding simple sugars can exacerbate
erinary personnel toward a diagnosis. the disease by increasing insulin levels and further
Ferrets naturally tend to burrow and hide when decreasing glucose levels. The provision of simple
they sleep, and it’s important to tell clients to pro- sugars (e.g., Karo syrup) to a ferret with an insuli-
vide their pet with a sleeping shelter. A number of noma should be reserved for emergency cases (e.g.,
commercial ferret hammocks or slings can be pur- animal is severely depressed, seizures). The short
chased, although most old towels or shirts work gastrointestinal tract of the ferret is not dependent
fine. Owners should be advised to observe their on dietary fiber, as is the case with herbivores.
pet closely to ensure that it does not attempt to Most commercial ferret diets contain minimal
ingest any of the material. Cardboard box shelter quantities of fiber.
can be provided to animals that are at risk with A number of commercial diets can provide a
the cloth material. ferret with adequate nutrition. In recent years,
Ferrets should remain in their cage and only be commercial ferret diets have been offered for
allowed to roam free in a home under close super- sale at retail pet stores. Ferret owners should be
vision. These animals are capable of fitting into encouraged to read the labels of commercial diets
small crevices between furniture and ventilation to ensure that the appropriate levels of protein
systems and are notorious for getting into trouble. and fat are offered, based on the animal’s age and
The ingestion of foreign material is the most com- reproductive status. Commercial feline growth
mon problem reported in unsupervised ferrets. diets are also routinely recommended for ferrets.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 83
Again, the ingredient list should be evaluated bathing; however, they may be bathed once a
and recommendations made based on the ani- month, if desired. The most appropriate shampoo
mal’s needs. The list of ingredients should start is one that is pH balanced, such as a commercial
with poultry products rather than vegetable (corn) ferret or kitten shampoo. Excessive bathing might
products. Canine diets should never be recom- lead to the development of dry, pruritic skin.
mended for ferrets, because they do not provide In the wild, ferrets use their sharp nails to dig;
adequate protein or fat and contain significant however, in captivity the need for this activity is
amounts of carbohydrates. A ferret can be offered reduced, so regular nail trimming is recommended
food ad lib. Ferret diets can be supplemented with to avoid painful scratches when interacting with
lean meats such as chicken or beef, or meat-based owners. Ferret nails can be trimmed in the same
(onion salt–free) baby foods. fashion as described for dogs and cats. If the nail
Ferrets should be offered fresh, clean water is cut short and the animal bleeds, an appropriate
daily. Water can be offered in heavy ceramic water styptic powder can be applied. On occasion, vet-
bowls or hanging sipper bottles. The bowl should erinary personnel are asked about the possibility of
be placed in a corner where it is unlikely the fer- declawing a ferret. Ferret nails are nonretractable,
ret will tip it over. Water sipper bottles should be like dog nails. Therefore, an onchiectomy should
placed in an area of the cage that is readily acces- never be performed on this species.
sible to the animal. Water-soluble vitamins are not Ferrets can develop significant dental tartar
necessary for ferrets that are fed a good-quality over time. To prevent potential dental problems,
commercial ferret or feline growth diet. the animal’s teeth should be brushed regularly.
Commercially available toothbrushes and tooth-
Transport paste available for use in dogs and cats can also
Owners should know that ferrets should be trans- be used to clean ferret teeth. Ferrets with dental
ported in a carrier when they visit the veterinarian. tartar should be scheduled for a scaling (tartar
If these animals are allowed free roam in a car removal) to minimize the risk of long-term gingi-
during transport, they could get into a particular val and dental disease. These types of procedures,
area that makes them difficult to retrieve, or they as with dogs and cats, require general anesthesia.
could ingest foreign material (e.g., coins) lying on
the floor of the automobile. Ferrets should also be
maintained in a transport carrier while they are
in the waiting room to prevent contact with other A thorough history is essential to making an
animals or a dog or cat attack. Tell owners that appropriate diagnosis for any exotic animal case,
they can reduce their ferret’s stress during trans- because many of the problems identified in exotic
port by placing a towel in the carrier to provide animals are directly related to inappropriate hus-
the animal a place to burrow and hide. bandry. A veterinary technician should first collect
the signalment, including age, sex, and color vari-
Grooming ety. Knowledge of the animal’s age and sex can
Ferrets naturally have a musky odor, which is be useful when developing a differential diagnosis
especially evident in intact animals during the list. For example, an adult intact female ferret with
breeding season. Ferrets do not require regular a history of weakness and lethargy might be suf-
fering from an estrogen-induced anemia, whereas including whether the animal is housed indoors or
an adult male or female kit would be very unlikely outdoors, if it has supervised or unsupervised run
to develop the same problem. Knowledge of the of the house, cage size and material, cage location
color variety is also important because differences in the house, whether ferrets are housed singly or
in physiologic parameters, such as hematology, together, substrate used in the cage, how often the
can vary (see Tables 3.2 and 3.3). cage is cleaned and the type of disinfectant used,
After the technician defines the signalment, whether a litter pan is used, the brand of cat litter,
he or she should focus on collecting background and the types of cage furniture (e.g., ferret ham-
information, including where the animal was mock) and toys. Questions about the animal’s
acquired, length of time owned, if the owner has nutrition are also important and should include
other pets, if he or she recently acquired another type of food (e.g., ferret or cat), brand, amount
ferret, the interaction between the owner and the fed, frequency, supplements, water source, and
pet, and the animal’s vaccination history (canine how often the food and water are changed.
distemper virus and rabies) and heartworm pre- Finally, questions should focus on the animal’s
vention status. This information should provide current health status and should include past
the technician with an initial understanding of the medical history, current presenting problem, and
client’s knowledge of the pet ferret. duration of the complaint. Although it is natural
The next set of questions should focus on how to want to focus on the problem at hand, a great
the animal is managed at home (husbandry), deal of information could be overlooked if the
Hemoglobin (g/dl) 17.8 (16.3–18.2) 16.2 (14.8–17.4) 14.3 (12.0–16.3) 15.9 (15.2–17.4)
Leukocytes (103/µl) 9.7 (4.4–19.1) 10.5 (4.0–18.2) 11.3 (7.7–15.4) 5.9 (2.5–8.6)
Eosinophils (%) 2.4 (0–7) 2.6 (0–5) 2.3 (0–7) 3.6 (1–9)
Monocytes (%) 4.4 (0–9) 4.4 (2–8) 6.6 (3.4–8.2) 4.5 (1.7–6.3)
Basophils (%) 0.1 (0–2) 0.2 (0–1) 0.7 (0–2.7) 0.8 (0–2.9)
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 85
technician fails to collect the historical informa- on the table, because this often stimulates the ani-
tion in a thorough and systematic way. mal to struggle. Ferrets will often yawn while being
scruffed, which will facilitate examination of the
oral cavity.
Adult pet ferrets rarely bite, but might if they
Employing the appropriate technique when restrain- are in pain. A ferret will often make a hissing
ing a ferret is essential to the protection of the sound to warn of their dissatisfaction prior to
veterinarian, the technician, and the animal. Ferrets attempting to bite. Animals that are too diffi-
can be safely restrained by scruffing—a technique cult to handle can be sedated using anesthetics.
commonly used by the jill to move her kits. Scruff- Kits, on the other hand, are naturally very playful
ing is accomplished by grasping the skin over the (and teething) and are likely to bite. Fortunately,
dorsal cervical area (nape) with the index finger and their bite is similar to a puppy or kitten bite and
thumb (Figures 3.3A and 3.3B). Once the animal rarely breaks the skin of the handler. Moribund
is scruffed, it will often relax and offer little resis- and cooperative animals can simply be restrained
tance. The handler’s second hand should be placed on the examination table; however, any invasive
along the spine to protect it from injury. Do not procedure (e.g., vaccination, rectal temperature,
hold the rear legs or allow the animal to place them injection) will require scruffing.
Figure 3.3A Grasping the nape of a ferret is an excel- Figure 3.3B Most ferrets will yawn when scruffed,
lent way to gently restrain these animals. which allows veterinary personnel to examine the oral
by restraint. The ferret should be mobile, aware
Ferrets are stoic animals and might not display of its surroundings, and its breathing pattern con-
overt clinical signs until late in the course of a sistent and not labored. Ferrets are naturally nasal
disease; therefore, the veterinarian will perform breathers, so open mouth breathing is an indica-
a thorough physical examination on every ani- tion of a problem. Coughing, sneezing, and nasal
mal presented to the veterinary hospital. Proper discharge also should be considered abnormal
restraint is essential for a veterinarian to perform a findings. A ferret presenting with dyspnea should
thorough physical examination, so it is important immediately be placed in an oxygen cage or pro-
for a veterinary technician to be on hand to assist vided oxygen via a face mask.
in the procedure. Physical examination of the fer- When removed from the carrier, the animal
ret follows the standard protocol recommended should be bright, alert, and responsive. If the fer-
for domestic species. ret is limp or nonresponsive, this behavior should
The ferret should be observed from a distance be considered abnormal and managed as an emer-
to assess those functions, such as locomotion, gency. A thorough physical examination can always
behavior, and respiration, that could be altered be delayed while stabilizing the patient.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 87
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 89
mm) and free of discharge or staining. Jills that 100° and 103°F. Animals that struggle during the
are intact or have adrenal disease might develop examination could have a falsely elevated body
an enlarged and turgid vulva (Figure 3.6). Often temperature.
these animals will have a purulent vulvar dis- After the examination is completed, the tech-
charge. The penis of the hob might be difficult nician should record abnormal findings, and a
to extract from the prepuce in an animal that is problem list with differential diagnoses should
awake. If there is a history of stranguria, hema- be established. Based on the top differential
turia, or anuria, the animal should be sedated to diagnoses, diagnostic tests are prioritized to con-
thoroughly examine the penis. firm a diagnosis or to determine the severity of
Auscultation of the heart and lungs is an impor- the disease.
tant component of the physical examination. In
most mammals, the heart is located at the point of
the elbow, whereas in the ferret the heart is located
in the mid-thoracic region between ribs 6 and 8. Blood Collection
Placement of the stethoscope bell housing in the Obtaining a blood sample from a ferret might
appropriate location is vital to evaluating the heart. prove challenging at first, but with experience the
The ferret heartbeat is much more rapid than that procedure will become routine. Ferrets that are
of domestic mammals, and a sinus arrhythmia is a not effectively immobilized using simple restraint
common finding. should be anesthetized. The advent of inhalant
Checking the rectal temperature of a ferret can anesthetics in veterinary medicine has simpli-
be a real challenge. A digital thermometer is pre- fied this procedure, allowing for rapid induction
ferred over a glass thermometer, because of the and recovery. The site chosen for venipuncture
risk of breakage and injury to the animal. The fer- will depend primarily on the volume of sample
ret’s normal body temperature should be between required and the technician’s skill level. Most
clinical laboratories can perform complete blood
counts and serum chemistry analysis on 1–2 ml
of blood, significantly reducing the volume of
blood required for testing. In certain cases, such
as a blood transfusion, the technician might need
to collect a larger volume of blood. The blood vol-
ume of a ferret has been estimated to be between
5% and 6% of the animal’s body weight, and up
to 10% of the animal’s blood volume (5–6 ml/kg
of body weight) can be safely collected at one
A number of different venipuncture sites have
been described to collect blood samples from
the ferret. The volume that can be collected and
Figure 3.6 Female ferrets with adrenal gland disease the quality of the sample might vary from site to
can develop significantly enlarged vulvas. site. In general, the cranial vena cava and jugular
vein are the preferred sites for sample collection, mately half its depth. Apply negative pressure to
because large volumes of blood can be collected the syringe once the needle has entered the tho-
from them relatively easily. Other sites include the rax until blood fills the syringe. In cases where
cephalic and saphenous veins and the tail artery. a large volume of blood is required, such as for
The cephalic vein should be reserved for intrave- a transfusion, a 25-gauge butterfly catheter can
nous catheterization and used for venipuncture be attached to a 12 or 20 ml syringe to facilitate
only as a last resort. Some have recommended collection.
clipping a nail to collect a blood sample, but this The jugular vein should also be considered when
should not be performed because it is painful and large volumes of blood are required. There are two
yields lymph-diluted samples. restraint techniques that can be used to prepare an
To collect a sample from the cranial vena cava, animal for jugular venipuncture. The first tech-
place the animal in dorsal recumbency. A total of nique is similar to that described for cats, where the
three people will be required to collect the sample animal’s front legs are held over the edge of the table
if the animal is not anesthetized: two handlers and the neck is stretched up. The second technique
and one sample collector. One handler should is performed on an animal in dorsal recumbency
grasp the head and stretch it forward with one and restrained using the same technique described
hand, while using his or her second hand to pull for the cranial vena cava technique.
the front legs back. The second handler should Animals that are difficult to manually restrain
restrain the animal’s rear legs. The technician should be anesthetized. The jugular vein of the
should anesthetize an animal that struggles dur- ferret courses in a more lateral direction than
ing restraint before performing the procedure. that in dogs and cats. Shaving the hair over the
The landmarks for the venipuncture site are the ventral cervical area can facilitate visualization of
manubrium and first right rib. The site should be the vein; however, the ferret jugular vein is often
aseptically prepared, using an appropriate anti- surrounded by fat and difficult to see. The site
septic to prevent the introduction of bacterial should be aseptically prepared using an appro-
contaminants into the thorax. A 25-gauge needle
fastened to a 3 ml syringe should be used to col-
lect the sample (Figure 3.7). The needle should be
inserted at a 45° angle to the body at the juncture
of the manubrium and first right rib and directed
toward the right rear leg. The cranial vena cava
can also be approached by inserting the needle
at the junction of the manubrium and left first
rib and directing it toward the right rear leg;
however, many veterinarians prefer the former
technique, because it doesn’t require passage of
the needle through mediastinal tissues. The level
of the cranial vena cava can vary from animal to
animal; however, most samples can be collected Figure 3.7 The cranial vena cava is a preferred site
by inserting the 5/8", 25-gauge needle to approxi- for collecting blood from a ferret.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 91
bone marrow, including estrogen-induced ane- cally prepared. This procedure will introduce a
mia, neoplasia, and adrenal gland disease. Animals needle into the abdomen, so it is vital that sterile
with a nonregenerative anemia, thrombocytopenia, techniques be followed closely.
leukopenia, or pancytopenia are good candidates The spleen can be immobilized by grasping
for this diagnostic procedure. it through the skin and holding it between the
There are a number of sites that can be used to thumb and index finger. A 22- to 25-gauge needle
collect a bone marrow sample (humeral, femur, fastened to a 3 ml syringe can be used to collect
iliac crest); however, the proximal femur and proxi- the sample. The needle should be inserted into the
mal tibia are the most frequently used sites because spleen and negative pressure applied by rapidly
of accessibility. Ferrets undergoing a bone marrow pulling the plunger back several times. The nee-
aspiration should be given general anesthesia. For dle should be removed from the spleen and the
the proximal femur bone marrow aspirate, place sample prepared for cytology. Remember that
the ferret into lateral recumbency and shave the fur the sample is in the needle, and pulling back on
over the proximal femur. The site should be asepti- the plunger, once the needle is removed from the
cally prepared using an appropriate antiseptic, and spleen, can result in the sample being pulled into
the procedure should be performed using sterile the syringe and lost. Always remove the needle
techniques. The veterinarian will make an incision, from the syringe, then pull air into the syringe,
using a #15 scalpel blade, over the greater trochan- refasten the needle, and spray the sample onto
ter of the femur. A 20- or 22-gauge 1–1.5" spinal microscope slides. Different types of stains can be
needle can be inserted into the femur to collect the used to evaluate the slides (e.g., Diff Quik, Gram
sample. A 6 ml syringe can be fastened to the spi- stain), so it is important to ascertain which stains
nal needle to aspirate the sample. For the proximal the laboratory or pathologist reading the cytology
tibia, the same restraint, site preparation technique, prefers.
and equipment can be used. The landmark for the
tibia is the tibial plateau. The needle can be inserted Urine Collection and Interpretation
in a slight posterior direction so that it will slip into The collection of uncontaminated urine is essen-
the medullary cavity of the tibia. tial to evaluating the true status of a sample.
Free-catch urine samples are often contaminated
Splenic Aspirate with bacteria and can be misinterpreted by the
Splenomegaly is a common finding in adult fer- novice. Fortunately, cystocentesis can be per-
rets. A splenic aspirate is a relatively noninvasive formed relatively easily on an unanesthetized
technique compared with biopsy, and can be ferret. The animal should be placed in dorsal
used to collect a sample for cytology. It is impor- recumbency and the ventral abdomen aseptically
tant for clients to understand, however, that this prepared. The urinary bladder is located cranial
technique can lead to seeding the abdomen with to the pelvis and should be identified prior to
cancerous cells. Animals that are fractious should attempting this procedure. If the bladder cannot
be anesthetized to prevent splenic laceration. The be palpated, it is best to delay the procedure until
ferret should be restrained in right lateral recum- sufficient urine accumulates within the bladder.
bency, and the left side of the body wall in the Using your index finger and thumb, gently grasp
area of the spleen should be shaved and asepti- the abdomen in the area of the bladder and move
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 93
your hand in a cranial to caudal motion. The sterile water or saline is infused through the tip of
urinary bladder should palpate like a water-filled the catheter while searching for the urethra to facili-
balloon. A 25-gauge needle fastened to a 3 or 6 ml tate the dilation of the urethral tip.
syringe can be used to collect the sample. Isolate Ferret urine should be yellow and have little
the bladder between your index finger and thumb turbidity (Table 3.4). These animals are true car-
and insert the needle perpendicular to the body nivores and should have a urine pH between 6.5
wall. Maintain a steady hand and prevent exces- and 7.5.9 Animals with alkaline urine might be
sive movement of the needle within the abdomen. predisposed to calculi formation. There should be
Urinary catheterization can also be used to col- no blood or bacteria from a sample collected via
lect a urine sample, but this procedure is difficult cystocentesis or catheterization.
in ferrets and requires anesthesia. In the female,
the urethral opening is located approximately 1 cm Radiology
cranial to the clitoral fossa.8 A vaginal speculum Radiographs serve as an important diagnostic tool
can be used to visualize the urethral opening and in ferret medicine. Standard safety protocols should
introduce an appropriate-sized catheter (e.g., 3.5 be employed when radiographing ferrets. Fer-
French). This procedure is best performed with the rets should be anesthetized to ensure that quality
ferret in sternal recumbency with the caudal half of radiographs are taken. Isoflurane is the anesthetic
the body elevated (e.g., place a rolled towel under of choice. A ferret radiographic technique chart
the abdomen). In the male, the penis must be gently should be established based on the capabilities of
exteriorized from the prepuce. An appropriate-sized a facility’s radiographic machine. A high-capacity
catheter (e.g., 3.5 French) can be introduced into radiographic unit capable of producing 300-mil-
the urethra and sutured to the skin to maintain ure- liampere exposures at times of at least 1/60th of
thral patency. This procedure is best performed with a second is recommended. The kilovoltage peak
the ferret in dorsal recumbency. Identifying the tip (kVp) settings should be adjustable by increments of
of the urethra can be difficult in hobs, especially 2 to provide finite detail. A thorough understand-
if there is pathology associated with this structure. ing of ferret anatomy is essential to radiographic
Some veterinarians have used a technique whereby interpretation.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 95
weeks, 10 weeks, and 14 weeks. A booster vaccine chloride at 0.5–2.0 mg/kg, IM or IV.4 When the
should be administered annually to adult ani- postvaccination reaction becomes life-threatening
mals. Ferrets >12 weeks of age with an unknown (e.g., severe dyspnea from inflammation in the
vaccine history should be given 2 vaccinations 3 airway), a potent steroid (e.g., prednisone or dexa-
weeks apart to stimulate an appropriate humoral methasone) and oxygen should be given. Animals
response. that have had a previous vaccine reaction should be
Ferrets are susceptible to rabies and should premedicated with oral diphenhydramine hydro-
be vaccinated against this devastating disease. chloride 15 minutes prior to the vaccination. As
There is one USDA-approved vaccine (Imrab 3, a matter of protocol in some veterinary practices,
Rhone-Merieux Inc., Athens, GA) for use in fer- all ferrets are premedicated with diphenhydramine
rets. The rabies vaccine should be administered to hydrochloride prior to being vaccinated. In addi-
a kit at ≥12 weeks of age and a booster adminis- tion, it has been recommended that only one vaccine
tered annually. The vaccine can be administered per visit be given to ferrets to limit the occurrence
subcutaneously or intramuscularly, and adminis- of vaccine reactions. In cases when the veterinarian
tration should align with local rabies ordinances. or client is concerned about the severity of a vaccine
Again, the vaccination site should be recorded in reaction in a ferret, alternatives to vaccination, such
case vaccine reactions are noted later. Vaccinated as monitoring antibody titers, can be done.
ferrets are currently protected under the same
statutes as dogs and cats, whereas an unvacci-
nated ferret should be managed as a wild animal
under circumstances of questionable rabies expo- There are no approved therapeutics for the ferret
sure. Ferret owners should be made aware that, in the United States. Current recommendations
by law, unvaccinated ferrets that bite a human are should follow those described for cats. The same
supposed to be treated like a wild animal, which routes of administration apply, including per os
could include euthanasia for rabies testing. (PO), subcutaneous (SC), intramuscular (IM),
Postvaccination hypersensitivity reactions are intraosseus (IO), and intravenous (IV). Animals
not an uncommon occurrence in ferrets. These that are critical require routes of administration
hypersensitivity reactions have been reported fol- that provide rapid drug delivery, such as IM, IO,
lowing single vaccinations, especially with some or IV, whereas less critical animals can be given
of the former ferret distemper vaccines (Fervac-D, therapeutics PO or SC. Intravenous injections
United Vaccine, Madison, WI), and vaccinations should be administered through an IV catheter
combining a distemper vaccine and rabies vaccine. to limit the likelihood of perivascular contamina-
Ferrets that experience a hypersensitivity reaction tion. The preferred site for IV catheterization is the
might develop gastrointestinal signs, includ- cephalic vein (Figure 3.9); however, if it is not pos-
ing vomiting and diarrhea, become dyspneic, or sible to catheterize this vein, the lateral saphenous
develop other systemic signs (e.g., depression, vein or jugular vein can also be used to provide
lethargy, and erythematous skin). IV access. Intraosseus injections can be given into
Treatment of a ferret experiencing a vaccine the femur or tibia. It should be noted that catheter
reaction should follow the standard protocol for placement into the tibia is more direct than into
mammals and include diphenhydramine hydro- the femur. Intramuscular injections are routinely
administered into the epaxial muscles along the rate is especially important to consider in patients
spine or in the muscle bellies (e.g., quadriceps or that are not eating or drinking. Animals that are
hamstring: semimembranosus, semitendinosus, mildly dehydrated (<5%) can be administered flu-
biceps femoris) of the rear limbs. ids PO or SC, whereas an indwelling IV or IO
The muscle masses of the ferret limb are relatively catheter should be placed in any animal that is
small in comparison with those of other mam- greater than 5% dehydrated.
mals; therefore, the volume of the injection should Intraperitoneal delivery of fluids can also be con-
be limited. It is very difficult to orally administer sidered for more critical cases where IO or IV access
tablets or capsules to a ferret. Fortunately, there might not be possible. Fluids should not be admin-
are a number of commercial pharmacies that can istered orally to any animal with gastrointestinal
compound oral therapeutics into flavored liquids disease. Giving fluids to a patient with delayed gas-
to simplify delivery of the drug. trointestinal emptying or diarrhea could exacerbate
Fluid administration protocols for ferrets these disease conditions. Subcutaneous fluids can be
should follow those described for dogs and cats. administered in the SC space between the shoulder
The fluid maintenance rate for ferrets is 80–100 blades or along the lateral body wall. The cephalic
ml/kg/day. It is important to recognize that fluid and lateral saphenous veins are routine sites for cath-
replacement in a ferret, or in any vertebrate for eter placement.
that matter, should include both the daily main- The jugular vein can also be used if the other ves-
tenance needs of the patient and a correction for sels become unavailable. Ferrets that are alert and
its deficit (% dehydrated). The daily maintenance responsive will require sedation for this procedure,
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 97
which can be accomplished by masking the animal Ferrets that are very active and chew at the catheter
with isoflurane anesthesia. A moribund animal will might require an Elizabethan collar, which is com-
not require sedation. The animal should be placed in mercially available or can be fashioned from exposed
sternal recumbency for cephalic catheter placement, radiographic film. The catheter should be flushed
although the animal may be placed into lateral regularly (e.g., q4h) with 0.9% heparinized saline.
recumbency for lateral saphenous catheterization. The animal should be observed regularly to ensure
One individual will need to “hold off” the vessel by the catheter remains patent and the animal does not
grasping the animal at the elbow for the cephalic become entangled in its fluid line.
vein and above the hock for the lateral saphenous Blood transfusions might be required in ani-
vein. IV catheters often become damaged when mals with severe anemias (PCV <15%). Because
they are inserted through tough skin. To avoid this ferrets lack distinct blood groups, they can be used
problem, make a puncture in the skin lateral to the as universal donors. Blood can be collected from an
vessel using a 22-gauge needle. A heparinized 22- to anesthetized blood donor from either the jugular
24-gauge catheter can be introduced into the skin vein or anterior cranial vena cava, using a 23-gauge
puncture and threaded into the vessel. An injec- butterfly catheter fastened to a 6 or 12 ml syringe.
tion port should be fastened to the catheter, and the The syringe should be preloaded with an anticoagu-
device can be secured to the animal’s leg using tissue lant (e.g., acid-citrate dextrose) at a ratio of 1 ml of
glue and appropriate bandage material. anticoagulant to 6 ml of blood.10 The blood should
Placement of a tongue depressor splint can reduce be administered to the recipient animal via a syringe
the likelihood of catheter failure. To do this, place pump or slow bolus through a cephalic or jugular
a tongue depressor on the posterior aspect of the catheter. The animal should be observed for any
forelimb. Measure the distance from the toes to reactions to the transfusion. The volume of blood
the elbow. Cut the tongue depressor to fit this dis- that can be collected from the donor and the volume
tance. Trim the cut end to minimize the potential required by the recipient can be determined using
for splinters. Secure the tongue depressor to the limb the formulae described in small animal medicine.
with tape, and then incorporate it into the bandage.
Table 3.5 Injectable Analgesic and Anesthetic Dosages for the Ferret11
Drug Dose Comments
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 99
scrub and warmed sterile saline. Avoid using alcohol procedure. The techniques used to remove a gas-
to prepare the surgical site because it can result in tric foreign body (e.g., endoscopy, gastrotomy) or
significant heat loss. The surgical site should be cov- small-intestine foreign body (enterotomy) should
ered with a sterile drape until the surgeon begins. follow protocols described for domestic species.12,13
The surgical instruments used to perform surgery
on dogs and cats can also be used for ferrets. Gastric Ulcers
Gastric ulcers are often reported in ferrets that
experience chronic stress. A number of different
etiologies have been associated with gastric ulcers
Gastrointestinal Diseases in the ferret, including primary gastritis, neopla-
See “Emerging Diseases,” below, for information sia, infection (e.g., Helicobacter mustelae), foreign
on other common gastrointestinal diseases. body ingestion, and inappropriate drug use (e.g.,
corticosteroids). Ferrets that present with gastric
Ingestion of Foreign Bodies ulcers are often inappetent, vomiting, and have
The curious nature of the ferret, in combination melena or diarrhea. Many of these animals also
with its voracious appetite, is likely the reason why grind their teeth and hypersalivate, symptoms
it ingests foreign material. Ferrets should always be that appear to be associated with upper gastro-
monitored closely when they are outside of a cage. intestinal pain. Diagnosis of gastric ulcers should
Kits are notorious for ingesting foreign material, follow standard protocol. A complete blood count
including metal, paper, and plastic, whereas adults and serum chemistry panel should be performed
are more likely to develop trichobezoars. Taking to evaluate the animal’s general health. Animals
time to ask the client about the different types of with chronic gastric ulcers could be anemic. Sur-
material a ferret might be exposed to in its envi- vey radiographs can be beneficial in identifying
ronment can be helpful when pursuing these potential causes of the gastric ulcer. Endoscopy
cases, especially if the material is not radiopaque can be used to visualize the ulcers and collect
(e.g., plastic). Affected ferrets might exhibit leth- biopsies for culture and histopathology. This
argy, inappetence, vomiting, or diarrhea. The technique is preferred when attempting to deter-
degree to which they express certain clinical signs mine if an animal has H. mustelae. Ferrets should
will vary based on the location and extent of the fast for at least 3 hours before the technician
obstruction (e.g., partial vs. complete). The veteri- performs radiographs or endoscopy to ensure no
narian will thoroughly evaluate ferrets suspected food remains in the stomach. Treatment for gas-
of ingesting a foreign body by performing a physi- tric ulcers depends on the etiology. In cases when
cal examination and surveying radiographs. In a biopsy is not possible, empirical therapy is initi-
some cases, the foreign material and secondary ated that includes antibiotics (metronidazole and
gas accumulation (e.g., ileus) will be palpable. A amoxicillin), an H2 antagonist, and a gut protec-
contrast series might be necessary if the suspected tant such as sucralfate.
foreign material is not evident on survey radio-
graphs. Surgical correction is necessary to remove Respiratory Diseases
the foreign material. The veterinary technician Ferrets are susceptible to many of the same respi-
should stabilize the surgical candidate prior to the ratory infections that are common to dogs and
cats. Animals that develop clinical signs associ- enza virus (H5N1) and swine (H1N1) influenza
ated with respiratory disease, such as coughing, virus. The human influenza virus primarily affects
sneezing, and dyspnea, should undergo diagnos- the upper respiratory system of ferrets, and clini-
tic testing in accordance with those described in cally ill animals might exhibit signs of sneezing,
other species. coughing, difficulty smelling (nasal discharge and
Ferrets are susceptible to canine distemper not using olfaction as they normally would), inap-
virus, with mortalities approaching 100%. This petence, and lethargy. Humans can infect their
virus replicates in the respiratory tract of the ferret, pets and vice versa. Diagnosing this viral infec-
and affected animals develop a chronic cough.14 tion in ferrets is not commonly done; instead,
Anorexia, lethargy, and pyrexia are also common affected animals are provided supportive care (e.g.,
findings, especially early in the development of fluid therapy, enteral support, antibiotics against
clinical signs. Ferrets with canine distemper can secondary bacterial infections), and a presumed
also develop symptoms associated with the skin diagnosis comes through a response to therapy.
(e.g., crusting under the chin and hyperkeratosis of Affected animals should also be kept away from
the footpads) (Figure 3.12), eyes (e.g., blindness), infants, the elderly, and those individuals with
and the central nervous system (e.g., incoordina- reduced immune function. The H5N1 (avian) and
tion). Diagnosis is typically achieved in animals H1N1 (swine) influenza viruses can also cause
with clinical disease by submitting fecal samples severe systemic disease in ferrets, ultimately lead-
for polymerase chain reaction testing. Treatment ing to their death.
is unrewarding, and affected animals should be
humanely euthanized. Prevention can be achieved Neoplasia
through routine vaccination (see “Vaccinations”). Neoplasia is a common finding in ferrets and can
Ferrets are susceptible to the human influenza affect any age group.15 The most common neoplas-
virus, as well as the highly pathogenic avian influ- tic diseases reported in ferrets are adrenal gland
neoplasia, insulinoma, and lymphoma. Adrenal
gland disease seems to be by far the most common
disease presentation for adult ferrets, with insuli-
noma being the second most common presentation
among adult animals. There are a number of poten-
tial etiologies for the high incidence of neoplasia
in ferrets, including genetics, early-age spay/neu-
tering, diet, photoperiod, and infectious agents; to
date, no specific cause has been identified.
Adrenal gland disease is most commonly diag-
nosed in adult ferrets (>3 years of age). Currently,
there is no documented sex predilection associated
with the disease. Ferrets affected with adrenal gland
disease often present with focal or generalized alo-
Figure 3.12 This ferret was diagnosed with CDV. pecia, pruritis, thinning of the skin, and weight
Note the severe hyperkeratosis of the footpads. loss. A majority of the animals remain active with
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 101
Figure 3.13 The ferret prostate, when enlarged, can easily be palpated. Hobs with an enlarged pros-
tate often present for stranguria. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
the disease. Hobs that are affected with adrenal noted in them. In both genders a pancytopenia
gland disease can develop secondary prostatic might develop. To diagnose adrenal gland disease,
disease, which can affect their ability to urinate a series of diagnostic tests should be performed,
(Figure 3.13). In severe cases, hobs can present for including a complete blood count, chemistry
stranguria; clients might complain that the ferret panel, radiographs, ultrasound, and measure-
acts as if it wants to urinate, but can’t. These ani- ment of steroid hormone concentrations. Current
mals will often vocalize as they strain because of recommendations for treatment of adrenal gland
the pain associated with their inability to evacu- disease focus on surgical intervention as the best
ate their bladder. Because ferret adrenal gland chance for eliminating the cancer, although some
disease is associated with increased production successful medical therapies (e.g., leuprolide ace-
of sex hormones, hobs might also display sexual tate) have been reported. Adrenal gland neoplasia
aggression (e.g., aggression toward or attempts is most commonly identified in the left adrenal
to mount other ferrets). Jills with adrenal gland gland, but can occur in both glands. It is not
disease often develop a swollen vulva, and sexual uncommon to perform a unilateral adrenalectomy
behaviors (e.g., standing for coitus) might also be (Figure 3.14) only to have the contralateral gland
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 103
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
3 | Ferrets 105
and coughing.18 In more severe cases the pathogen Other diseases that appear to be emerging in
can move from the upper to the lower respiratory ferrets remain classified based on clinical presen-
tract. A novel Mycoplasma spp. has been identified tation or diagnostic testing and require additional
in affected animals.18 Treatment for this disease research, including oral ulceration syndrome,
should include antimicrobials with good specific- acute hemorrhagic syndrome, and aplastic ane-
ity against Mycoplasma spp. and supportive care. mia/bone marrow hypoplasia syndrome.18
1. What are the terms used to define a male, female, and juvenile ferret?
7. What are some common venipuncture sites in a ferret? How much blood can you collect from a ferret?
10. What are the different routes for replenishing fluids in a ferret patient?
11. What preanesthetic recommendations would you make to a client to minimize complications with
an anesthetic event?
13. What are the common presenting signs of a ferret with adrenal gland disease?
15. Which parasite of dogs is also found in ferrets? How can you diagnose it?
1. Rupprecht CE, Gilbert J, Pitts R, et al. Evaluation of an inactivated rabies virus vaccine in domestic
ferrets. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 1990;193:1614–16.
2. Fox JG. Taxonomy, history and use. In: Fox JG, ed. Biology and diseases of the ferret. Philadelphia:
Lea and Febiger; 1988:3–13.
3. Brown SA. Basic anatomy, physiology and husbandry. In: Hillyer EV, and Quesenberry KE, eds.
Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997:3–13.
4. Fox JG. Normal clinical and biological parameters. In: Fox JG, ed. Biology and diseases of the ferret.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1988:159–73.
5. Bell J. Ferret nutrition and diseases associated with inadequate nutrition. Proceedings of the North
American Veterinary Conference, Orlando, FL, 1993:719–20.
6. Thorton PC, Wright PA, Sacra PJ, et al. The ferret, Mustela putorius furo, as a new species in toxicol-
ogy. Lab Animals 1979;13:119–24.
7. Kawasaki TA. Laboratory parameters in disease states in ferrets. Proceedings of the North American
Veterinary Conference, 1992:663–67.
8. Quesenberry KE. Basic approach to veterinary care. In: Hillyer EV, and Quesenberry KE, eds. Fer-
rets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997:14–25.
9. Williams CSF. Practice guide to laboratory animals. St. Louis, MO: CV Mosby; 1976:66.
10. Hoefer, HL. Transfusions in exotic species. In: Hohenhaus AE, ed. Transfusion medicine. Philadel-
phia: JB Lippincott; 1992:625–35.
11. Brown SA. Ferret drug dosages. In: Bauck L, Boyer TH, Brown SA, et al., eds. Exotic animal for-
mulary. Lakewood, CO: American Animal Hospital Association; 1995:5–11.
12. Orsher RJ, and Rosin E. Small intestine. In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of small animal surgery. Phila-
delphia: WB Saunders; 1997:593–612.
13. Van Sluys FJ. Gastric foreign bodies. In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of small animal surgery. Philadel-
phia: WB Saunders; 1997:568–71.
14. Pearson RC, and Gorham JR. Viral disease models. In: Fox JG, ed. Biology and diseases of the ferret.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1988:305–14.
15. Brown SA. Neoplasia. In: Hillyer EV, and Quesenberry KE, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clini-
cal medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997:99–114.
16. Hillyer EV. Urogenital diseases. In: Hillyer EV, and Quesenberry KE, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and
rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1997:44–52.
17. Fox JG. Systemic diseases. In: Fox JG, ed. Biology and diseases of the ferret. Philadelphia: Lea and
Febiger; 1988:255–73.
18. Johnson-Delaney K. Emerging ferret diseases. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 2010;20:1–4.
Further Reading
Fox JG. Anesthesia and surgery. In: Fox JG, ed. Biology and diseases of the ferret. Philadelphia: Lea and
Febiger; 1988:289–30.
Heard DJ. Principles and techniques of anesthesia and analgesia for exotic practice. Vet Clinic of North
Am/Small Animal Practice 1993;23:1301–27.
Hillyer EV, and Brown SA. Ferrets. In: Birchard SJ, and Sherding RG, eds. Saunders manual of small
animal practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994:1317–44.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Chapter 4
the urethral opening, which in many cases is near that provides protection to the plantar surface of
or over the anus. The penis can be pushed out of the foot. In the “Rex” breed this fur is absent,
the urethral opening by applying gentle pressure which predisposes these animals to sore hocks.
to the base of the prepuce. This fur has developed to protect the feet in the
The female might have a large “dewlap” or rabbit’s natural habitat, not in wire-bottomed
fold of skin under her chin. During nesting, the cages. Large, obese rabbits can develop sores on
female sometimes removes hair from the dewlap the ventral surface of their hocks, because that
as a source of soft nest material. The external part of the leg is in contact with the cage surface
genitalia are cranial to the anus, and the urogeni- when they are resting.
tal orifice is located between the folds of skin at Owners and rabbit handlers must be cautious
this site. The ears make up a large percentage of of the sharp claws, especially the claws on the rear
the rabbit’s body. At no time should the animal legs. When struggling, a rabbit will kick forward
be picked up by the ears. Regarding other parts with the rear legs and scratch, sometimes severely,
of the rabbit’s body, they have footpads like cats, an unprepared holder. Declawing rabbits is not
dogs, and rodents. Their feet are covered with fur recommended. The underlying tissue support and
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 109
Environmental Concerns
Pet rabbits are very sensitive to heat. When edu-
cating a rabbit owner, emphasis must be placed on
their pet’s intolerance to heat. It would be most
appropriate to give owners this information in the
spring, when many of these pets are purchased.
They have a well-developed hair coat that pro-
tects them against cold weather, but they quickly
overheat when environmental temperatures are
high. When a rabbit is housed outside in a nonair-
conditioned house or apartment or in a car (when
traveling), the owner must implement precautions
to prevent hyperthermia. The rabbit should not be
Figure 4.1 Soft-Paws can be placed on a rabbit’s
maintained in outdoor temperatures over 90°F or claws to diminish its ability to scratch its owner.
humidity over 90%. Common housing precautions
against heat stress include providing a shaded enclo-
sure (roof or natural setting), placing 2-liter soda nature of a natural hunter when a prey animal (the
bottles filled with frozen water in the cage, keeping rabbit) is observed. If rabbits are allowed to roam
the rabbit in an air-conditioned room during the the house, plants and electrical cords need to be
summer months, and providing a fan for an animal removed or made inaccessible. These animals
housed outside. During the winter months, when can maneuver behind furniture and “dig” under
humans need extra clothing, pet owners might erro- rugs; hiding cords under rugs does not prevent
neously assume that extra measures are needed to the rabbit from gnawing on them. The recom-
keep their pet rabbits warm. If a plywood “house” mendation for allowing pet rabbits to roam free
is placed in the animal’s enclosure and lined with within a given area includes making it impossible
hay, this should protect the animal in temperatures for the rabbit to escape, and observing the animal
down to 32°F (Figures 4.2A, 4.2B, and 4.2C). while it is out of the cage. A special wire enclo-
Rabbit owners will house their pets either pri- sure or grazing ark can be made with wire sides
marily inside or primarily outside. Animals that and top for use outside. The open bottom of the
are housed inside can be allowed to roam out- special enclosure allows the animal to graze pro-
side in the grass within a fenced enclosure. No tected and unattended. Because the grazing ark is
exposure to other animals such as dogs or cats mobile, the owner can move the enclosure to fresh
is recommended because of the unpredictable grass as needed.
Figure 4.2A Typical outdoor housing for pet rabbits. The cage protects the rabbit from predators and inclement
weather. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
Figure 4.2B Morant pen. This outdoor hutch allows the rabbit access to the sun and
grass while providing shelter in the event of a storm. Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 111
Figure 4.2C Indoor rabbit housing. This pop-up style rabbit hutch has a place for food and water. Illustration by
Michael L. Broussard.
A rabbit can be house-trained to use a litter tray the house. It is preferable to have a rabbit cage to
as soon as it is brought into a house. If the rabbit put the rabbit in at night and establish the latrine
will be housed in a cage and allowed to free-roam, location within that enclosure. The tray should
it is best for the animal to use a litter box that has have low sides and be filled with a preferable sub-
been placed in its cage. Close the cage and allow strate (recycled paper substrate, hay, straw), and,
the rabbit to develop a sense of location for its when first acquired, the new pet should be placed
latrine. Once the latrine area has been established, in the tray every few minutes.1 Litter training is
place a litter box in that location again, allowing possible with most rabbits, but owners should be
the rabbit to use the litter box a number of times informed that these animals are very territorial,
before opening the cage door. When the cage door and adult bucks might mark different areas of the
is finally opened, the rabbit should go back to the house with strong-smelling feces to identify their
cage to defecate and urinate in the litter box. If the territory.
rabbit is free-roaming within the house, the owner These animals are prey species in their natural
will have to determine where the rabbit’s latrine setting and propagate readily. Pet rabbits should
is and place the litter box in that location. The not be housed together after they reach sexual
rabbit will dictate where the litter box is placed in maturity, because of their strong territorial nature.
It is not uncommon for two males housed together mon sequel for rabbits in outdoor environments
to viciously fight when they reach sexual maturity. that develop open wounds. There have been rare
Fighting can even occur when a male and a female reports of rabbits that are housed outside being
are housed together, with the female fighting the exposed to and becoming infected with rabies.2
male rabbit in her territory. If a breeder asks about
breeding without causing fighting, tell the client Nutrition
to always bring the female rabbit into the male’s Rabbits normally feed in the early morning and
enclosure for the act of breeding, and then return in the evening. Pet owners should be made aware
the doe to her cage. that rabbits also eat their feces to reinoculate their
Commercial cages are available to house rabbits digestive system with good bacteria. The process
indoors. These relatively small cages are excellent of eating feces is called coprophagy, and this
for the dwarf and mini breeds, but lack the exercise usually occurs 3–8 hours after eating.3 These soft
space needed for the larger breeds. If owners prefer and sweet-smelling feces, or cecotropes, are often
to build the rabbit cage, inform them that two func- produced in the early hours of the morning. The
tional spaces are needed: one space for resting and cecotropes contain high levels of vitamins B and
sleeping, and the other for exercise. As mentioned K and have twice the protein and half the fiber of
earlier, rabbits are susceptible to foot/leg problems regular hard feces.4
(sore hocks) if they are large and are housed in a Rabbits should be fed free-choice timothy or
wire-bottom cage. The cage bottom must have a grass hay and a regulated grass-based pelleted
solid surface in part of the area, and the other sec- diet (Figures 4.3 and 4.4). These pellets can be
tion (which is usually wire) should be covered with purchased with protein contents that range from
a layer of substrate—either hay or large pine shav- 10%–12% to 22%–24%. Pellets containing 16%
ings. The sides of the cage must be made of wire to protein are the most commonly fed. Recommend
allow for ventilation. The top can be made of wire, that your clients offer pellets with a fiber content
but if the cage is to be kept outdoors, the area in of more than 16% to guard against anorexia and
which the rabbit sleeps needs to be covered with diarrhea. A higher fiber content helps reduce the
plywood or corrugated fiberglass roofing material onset of obesity, which is common in pet rabbits.
to protect against precipitation. Owners should be Free-choice feeding of pellets also encourages obe-
encouraged to clean the cage every one to two days. sity; therefore, sedentary pet rabbits should be fed
Because rabbits are natural prey species, own- 1/8 to 1/2 cup per day, depending on their size.4
ers should be informed that living with dogs and The exceptions to this rule are lactating does and
cats is a potential danger. At no time should rab- growing young, which need as much food as they
bits be allowed to commingle with dogs or cats, will eat. Tell the pet owner to wait 5 days after
and they should be allowed out of their cage only birth and then start increasing the amount of pel-
under supervision. Rabbits and birds can live in lets by 150 grams, or 5 ounces, per day.4 If there
the same house without any problem, but rabbits are no pellets left in the food container over the
should not be housed with guinea pigs. Without next 5-day period, they should add 150 grams
any ill effects to themselves, rabbits can carry more food. They should reduce the amount of
and transmit Bordetella bronchiseptica, a disease pellets in the diet only when some of the pellets
that is deadly to guinea pigs.1 Fly-strike is a com- remain the next morning.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 113
Figure 4.3 A timothy grass–based pelleted diet is rec- Figure 4.4 Grass hay is recommended to maintain the
ommended for pet rabbits. overall health of a rabbit.
At weaning, it is recommended that the doe be eaten when placed in the litter box (remove soiled
removed from the cage to reduce the stress of a hay), when pelleted food is hidden in the hay, or
new environment on the young. There has been an when the hay is lightly misted with water.5
emphasis on the importance of fiber in a rabbit’s Water is extremely important, and access to
diet to prevent obesity, diarrhea, and hairballs. clean tap water needs to be provided. Rabbits easily
Timothy hay is recommended as the best source learn to drink from inverted water bottles that have
of rabbit fiber and is universally available along a stainless steel tube extending down into the cage
with other grass hays (e.g., orchard grass, prairie (Figure 4.5). These water containers are commonly
grass). Overall, the best daily diet for pet rabbits sold as Lix-it bottles. Rabbits, like most animals,
is a measured timothy grass–based pellet with drink from water bowls, but their low profile often
free-choice grass hay and a treat of dark green contaminates the water bowl with food and feces.
leafy vegetables.4 To increase or improve hay Drinking from the water bowl will also moisten the
consumption, tell clients to introduce a variety of dewlap on large females, predisposing them to bac-
grass hays to young rabbits and offer at least half terial and fungal dermatitis. The water bottle must
a body size in volume per day. Often more hay is be kept clean and full of fresh water at all times.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 115
Figure 4.8 A “bunny burrito” can be used to restrain
The rabbit physical examination should always
rabbit patients.
take place on a properly restrained animal.
This is easier said than done on many rabbit
patients, but veterinary technicians should heed
this advice to prevent tragedies from occurring.
Observation of the animal in the carrier initiates
a physical examination (Figure 4.10). Observe
and note the animal’s attitude, posture, and
physical activity (if any) in the record. Closely
examine the hair coat and skin next, looking
for hair loss, skin lesions, and ectoparasites.
Rabbits are susceptible to respiratory disease,
ear mites, and ocular trauma. You must con-
sider these disease problems during an external Figure 4.9 When carrying a rabbit, support the rear
physical examination of the eyes, nose, and ears. legs and apply a firm grip to the dorsal cervical area.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 117
Blood Collection
Rabbits can be difficult patients from which to
obtain blood for diagnostic testing. Covering a
Figure 4.10 Rabbits should be transported to and rabbit’s eyes might help reduce movement of the
from the veterinary clinic in a plastic pet carrier. Al- patient and the stress associated with restraint.
ways back a rabbit into a cage or carrier. In many older textbooks, the larger rabbit spe-
cies were used to show how to collect blood from
the marginal ear vein or central ear artery (Figure
One major problem rabbits often present with is 4.11A and 4.11B). In larger rabbit species, these
malocclusion of the incisors or molars. Rabbit sites are effective for obtaining blood at volumes
patients generally do not like people looking in necessary for diagnostic tests, but this is not the
their mouths, especially if they have dental prob- case with smaller, popular companion rabbit spe-
lems. Proper restraint is emphasized for the oral cies. Although the marginal ear vein and central
examination. You can manipulate the lips with a ear artery might be considered as sites of blood
tongue depressor, which will allow you to observe collection in small rabbit breeds, they are often
the front teeth. Rabbit patients have been known too small to collect any significant amount of
to bite an unsuspecting veterinarian or techni- blood. The ear vein and artery have a tendency
cian during this procedure, so use caution. An to develop thrombi, leading to vascular ischemia,
easy way to examine the molars in the back of a which ultimately causes necrosis of the affected
rabbit’s small mouth is to use an otoscope with area on the dorsal surface of the ear. For this
an appropriate-sized head. This is about the only reason, only experienced phlebotomists should
way to simplify a difficult operation. collect blood from these areas.
Hydration status of the animal can be checked Other recommended venipuncture sites are
during the oral examination through mucous the jugular vein (site of choice for smaller rabbit
membrane capillary refill time or packed cell vol- breeds) (Figures 4.12A and 4.12B), the cephalic
ume percentage, or corneal moisture. Palpation of vein (Figure 4.12C), and the lateral saphenous vein
the body and extremities is necessary to look for (Figure 4.12D). The jugular and lateral saphenous
possible fractures and lymph node or organ enlarge- veins are the blood collection sites of choice for
ment. The examination should be completed with a most rabbit patients. Because rabbit fur is dense
neurologic assessment, auscultation of the heart and and difficult to shave and the skin is easily ripped
respiratory system, and examination of the external by the blade of a clipper, it is preferable to pluck
reproductive structures and anus. the hair over the vein rather than shave it, after
Figure 4.11A A rabbit’s ear, showing the central ar- Figure 4.11B Collecting blood from the marginal
tery and marginal ear vein. ear vein.
Figure 4.12A Blood collection from a rabbit’s jugular vein, with patient in dorsal recumbency.
Illustration by Michael L. Broussard.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 119
Figure 4.12B Blood collection from a rabbit’s jugular Figure 4.12D Collecting blood from the saphenous
vein, with patient in ventral recumbency. vein of a rabbit.
which an alcohol wipe can be used to help identify attached into the vessel and allow the blood to
the collection site. The vein should be clamped drip from the needle into an open blood tube.6
with two fingers proximal to the venipuncture The cephalic vein is accessible, more so in larger
area to increase vascular pressure and dilate the breeds than in smaller breeds, because of the short
vessel. A small-gauge (25-, 26-, or 27-gauge) antebrachial length and small vein size in the
needle is used to penetrate the vein from which diminutive rabbits. This is also true of the saphe-
blood is being collected. If blood collection is slow nous vein, which courses across the lateral aspect
owing to vessel size, using a heparinized needle of the tibia. Again, always pluck the hair over the
will help prevent blood clotting in the syringe. collection site instead of shaving to prevent clipper
To avoid collapse of the vein or artery caused by trauma to the skin.
excess pressure during collection with a syringe or As stated, the site of choice for blood collection
vacutainer tube, insert a needle without a syringe in most rabbit species of varying sizes is the jugular
vein, but ear veins can also be used, and they can Table 4.2 Rabbit Complete Blood Count
be used for intravenous catheter placement. Reference Ranges6,7,8
Although some rabbit patients do not need to Cell Types Normal Range
be sedated for blood samples to be obtained, it Erythrocytes 5.1–7.9 x 106/μl
might be easier to give the patient a small amount Hematocrit 36–48%
of sedation to reduce stress and possible injury Hemoglobin 10.0–15.5 mg/dl
to the patient or veterinary personnel. Isoflurane Leukocytes 5.2–12.5 x 103/μl
inhalation anesthesia (induction 5%, then main- Neutrophils 20–74%
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 121
Table 4.3 Rabbit Serum Biochemistry occurs; therefore, the sample should be monitored
Reference Ranges6,7,8 for quality during collection.
Analytes Normal Range
Table 4.4 Rabbit Normal Urinalysis Values nal abscesses, and reproductive, gastrointestinal,
Urinary Parameters Normal Results
and respiratory diseases. It is recommended that
rabbits be sedated or maintained under general
Urine Volume
Large 20–350 ml/kg/day anesthesia for the radiographic procedure. This
Average 130 ml/kg/day prevents injury and stress to the patient and usu-
Specific Gravity 1.003–1.036 ally prevents poor radiographic images owing to
Average pH 8.2
patient movement. Most importantly, it reduces
Crystals Present Ammonium Magnesium
Phosphate, Calcium Carbonate
the chance of human skeletons (hands and fin-
Monohydrate, Calcium gers) showing up in the film. Isoflurane is the
Anhydrous Carbonate general anesthesia of choice for rapid induction
Casts, Epithelial Cells, Absent to rare
and recovery.
or Bacteria
Leukocytes or Occasional
Erythrocytes Present Other Diagnostic Imaging Modalities
Albumin Present Occasional in young rabbits Rabbits can be imaged using ultrasound (US),
computed tomography (CT), and magnetic reso-
nance imaging (MRI). These advanced imaging
modalities allow greater interpretation of dis-
Microbiology ease conditions within the skull and body cavity.
Rabbits are predisposed to Pasteurella multocida Ultrasound imaging is useful for determining and
infections that usually present as respiratory dis- evaluating reproductive tract disorders (e.g., uter-
ease. P. multocida infections are so common in ine adenocarcinoma). Preparation of the patient
rabbits that they are often called “snuffles,” because for US, CT, and MRI is similar to that described
of the nasal and ocular discharge associated with for obtaining traditional radiographic images. In
the disease. To culture the organism for isolation, some cases in which the patient is compliant, US
introduce a mini-tipped culturette into the deep examinations can take place using light sedation
nasal sinuses to the level of the medial canthus and proper restraint.
of the eye.7 If the rabbit is too fractious, sedation
is recommended. Abscesses that may or may not Parasitology
be caused by P. multocida, Staphylococcus aureus, External Parasites
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus spp., or Bacteroi- The advent of new ectoparasitic medications allows
des spp. have to be cultured on the interior wall the use of one product to effectively treat or pre-
of the lesion, because most rabbit abscesses are vent many different parasites that infest rabbits.
sterile in the center. All other culture procedures One example of these new products is imidaclo-
used to collect fungal and bacterial organisms in prid and moxidectin topical solution (Advantage
rabbit patients are similar to those employed on Multi for cats 9 weeks of age and older, 5.1–9 lbs;
dogs and cats. Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Division,
Shawnee Mission, KS) used at a dose of one 0.4 ml
Radiology tube, placing the contents on the skin between
Many rabbit case presentations require radiographic the scapulas, once a month. This solution will treat
evaluation, including fractures, malocclusion, inter- or prevent fleas, Psoroptes cuniculi, Cheyletiella
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 123
parasitivorax, Listrophorus gibbus, and Trichostron- tin (Ivomec, Merck AgVet Division, Rahway, NJ)
gylus spp. at 0.4 mg/kg SC once every two weeks for three
Psoroptes cuniculi, or the rabbit ear mite, is a very treatments, or once and repeated in 18 days.11 The
common finding in pet rabbits (Figures 4.14A and crusts should not be cleaned, because the under-
4.14B). The animal usually presents with thick lying tissue is very irritated. After the mites have
crust originating from the base of the external ear been killed and healing takes place, the crust
canal extending up to, and sometimes out of, the usually sloughs in one piece. Topical treatment
ventral aspect of the pinna. Identification of the of the infestation is not necessary if ivermectin is
mite can be made through a direct examination of being used, but it might help as adjunct therapy to
the ear crust or observation of the mites within the expedite the healing process. The use of fipronil is
ear canal, using an otoscope. Treat with ivermec- contraindicated in rabbits. Do not use it, because
it has been associated with neurologic disease and
death in these animals.
Cheyletiella parasitivorax is commonly called
walking dandruff, or the rabbit fur mite. This
ectoparasite can also infect humans and other
companion animals. C. parasitivorax is rather
large, and the dandruff and debris that are col-
lected from a suspect case can be examined under
a microscope by picking up the material on a
piece of scotch tape. This is commonly called
the “Scotch Tape” test in dermatology. The life
cycle of the rabbit fur mite is about 5 weeks, and
avermectin is the treatment of choice. The pet’s
environment should also be treated with flea-
Figure 4.14A Typical ear presentation of a rabbit control products to prevent reexposure. Other mites
with Psoroptes cuniculi.
have been diagnosed in rabbits, including Sarcoptes
scabiei, Notoedres cati, and Demodex cuniculi, but
these are relatively uncommon findings.11
Fleas also feed on rabbits. As with other com-
panion animals, signs of infestation include dried
bloody flea feces (“flea dirt”), itching, and the
appearance of fleas themselves. Treatment is similar
to that for cats, and the owner must be reminded to
treat the environment as well as the patient.11
Large maggot larvae and smaller fly larvae
affect rabbits. The large maggot larvae from flies
(Cuterebra spp.; Figure 4.15) are usually noted
as a swelling in the ventral cervical, axillary, or
Figure 4.14B A Psoroptes cuniculi mite. inguinal area or the dorsal rear.11 Maggots must
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 125
Fluid Therapy
For rabbit patients the cephalic or lateral saphe-
nous veins are recommended for indwelling
catheter placement when providing fluid ther-
apy. In dwarf breeds, 24- or 27-gauge catheters
can be used, whereas in larger breeds (e.g., New Figure 4.16 Flushing a rabbit patient’s nasal lacrimal
Zealand white) a 22-gauge catheter is optimum. duct.
If an intravenous catheter cannot be placed
because of a dehydrated or hypotensive condi-
tion, an intraosseous (IO) catheter is the best patients. It is recommend to feed 50 cc of mixed
option.12 The IO catheter of choice for rabbits Critical Care for Herbivores (Oxbow Pet Prod-
is a 20-gauge, 1" spinal needle, which should be ucts, Murdock, NE, and Lafeber Company,
inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur, Cornell, IL) per kilogram of body weight divided
passed parallel to the long axis of the femur or between 4 and 6 feedings per day (Table 4.5).13 To
into the tibial plateau and passed parallel to the feed supportive liquid diets a “catheter tipped”
long axis of the tibia.12 The IO catheter should 50 ml syringe is recommended. Once it is filled,
be maintained in place similar to the way an IV a small amount (5–10 ml) is injected into the oral
catheter would be maintained, but placement cavity through the side of the mouth. The patient
can be validated through radiographic imag- should be allowed to swallow the liquid before it
ing. Maintenance fluid requirements of 75–100 is given more. Usually a maximum of 20 ml of
ml/kg/day have been published and should be supportive diet is provided to the patient at each
provided in critically ill patients as a continu- feeding.
ous infusion.12 Colloidal fluids (e.g., hetastarch) If the rabbit patient cannot or will not accept
should be provided for hypoproteinemic patients the supportive diet through syringe feeding, a
or when crystalloid (e.g., lactated Ringer’s solu- nasogastric tube can be put in place. The naso-
tion) is unable to increase blood pressure.12 gastric tube can be used once (e.g., to remove air
Subcutaneous fluid administration, 1–2 times from the stomach or administer food or medica-
daily at 50–100 ml/kg, can be provided if the tion), or it can be maintained in place for a period
rabbit is stable, and preferably, if the rabbit is of time (e.g., long-term food supplementation).
drinking, oral fluids should be accessible.12 Four to eight French tubes (it is recommended to
use nasogastric tubes manufactured for rabbits)
Critical Care Diet can be placed in both conscious and anesthetized
Commercially produced, supportive liquid diets animals. The tube should be premeasured to the
can provide nutrition to critically ill anorexic level of the seventh rib and marked at the level of
Table 4.5 Recommended Amount to Feed 50 ml of Mixed Critical Care™ for Herbivores (Oxbow Pet
Products, Murdock, NE) per Kilogram of Body Weight Divided Between 4 and 6 Feedings per Day13
Number of Feedings per Day
0.5 8 ml 6 ml 5 ml 4 ml
0.9 15 ml 11 ml 9 ml 8 ml
1.4 23 ml 17 ml 14 ml 11 ml
2.3 38 ml 28 ml 23 ml 19 ml
3.2 53 ml 40 ml 32 ml 27 ml
the nose. The tube should not be placed any fur- procedure. Presurgical antibiotic therapy is depen-
ther than the nasal marking on the tube. A local dent on the procedure being performed and the
anesthetic agent is applied to the tube and inside patient’s medical history. Intravenous or intraos-
the nasal opening into which the tube is being seous catheters can be placed prior to surgery, and
inserted. The latex catheter is then placed in the also in emergency situations, if fluid replacement
nares and pushed through the upper respiratory or therapeutic agents need to be quickly assimi-
sinus into the esophagus and finally into the lated. All veins that were mentioned as sites for
stomach. The place marked prior to tube inser- venipuncture can be used for intravenous catheter
tion should be immediately outside the nasal placement, but the larger veins (e.g., cephalic and
opening when the procedure is finished. The tube saphenous) are recommended.6 Complications,
can then be sutured to the top of the head, and such as venous thrombi and eventual skin slough-
an Elizabethan collar placed on the patient if it ing of the affected area, make the ear vessels a
tries to disturb the sutured area (Figure 4.17). poor choice for indwelling catheter placement. If
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 127
an intravenous catheter cannot be placed because Table 4.6 Rabbit Surgery Preparation
of vascular complications, an intraosseous cath- 1. Warm the immediate environment with the use of
eter should be placed in the greater trochanter circulating water blankets or heat lamps.
of the femur. Rabbit daily fluid requirements 2. Clip the minimum amount of hair from the body surface
range between 50 and 100 ml/kg/day and can at and around the surgical site.
be replaced daily, divided into 2 equal amounts, 3. Use warmed surgical scrub solution for surgical site
or continuously provided through an infusion preparation.
pump.6 If the patient does not accept the catheter, 4. Avoid alcohol rinses for surgical preparation,
substituting warmed saline.
a collar should be applied.
5. Cover the exposed surface of the animal with a drape.
Preparation of the surgical area is important
and difficult when clipping thick, fine rabbit fur. 6. Minimize the duration of surgery and anesthesia.
Acepromazine 0.25–1.0 mg/kg IM or SC* Good for preanesthetic use and for mild
Diazepam 1–5 mg/kg IM or IV Preanesthetic/tranquilizer
Fentanyl-Droperidol 0.13–0.22 ml/kg IM or SC Excellent restraint, good analgesic qualities
Medetomidine 0.25 mg/kg IM Sedatic
Reversal agent:
Atipamezole (0.001 mg/kg SC, IV, IP)
Midazolam 1–2 mg/kg IM, IV Preanesthetic/tranquilizer
Xylazine 1–5 mg/kg IM or SC Good sedation/analgesia
Might produce respiratory depression and slow
heart rate
Reversal agent:
Yohimbine (0.2 mg/kg IV)
Diazepam/Ketamine Diazepam (0.5 mg/kg) and Good for sedation and adjunct to supplemental
Ketamine (10–20 mg/kg) IV inhalation anesthesia
Medetomidine/Ketamine 0.35 mg/kg IM and 5 mg/kg IV Anesthesia: Surgical depth approximately
19 minutes
Tiletamine-Zolazepam 5–25 mg/kg IM Light sedation and general anesthesia
High dose could cause severe depression, slow
recovery, and possible nephrotoxicity
Xylazine/Ketamine 1. Xylazine (3–5 mg/kg) and Good for some surgical procedures
Ketamine (20–40 mg/kg) IM
2. Xylazine (3mg/kg) and Xylazine can cause respiratory depression and
Ketamine (10 mg/kg) intranasal hypotension
Intranasal administration good for short-term
become too large, gastric motility is affected, not fed and subsequently develop a negative
and the animal becomes anorexic. Treatment energy balance, hepatic lipidosis will occur.
includes antibiotics, cisapride (0.5 mg/kg SC Prevention of hairballs in rabbits is initiated
q8.12h) to stimulate gastric motility, and syringe through owner education on proper dietary
feeding the patient. A recommended recipe for requirements. Since the recommendation of grass
syringe feeding is one cup rabbit pellets, one 8 oz. diets, there appears to be a significant reduction
can Ensure, and one 8 oz. container fruit yogurt; in the number of rabbit patients presenting with
blend and feed via syringe. If obese rabbits are trichobezoars.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 129
“Sore Hocks” or Ulcerative Pododermatitis
Ulcerative pododermatitis is an infection of the There are not many cases of diseases being trans-
plantar surface of the hock. This condition is usu- mitted from rabbits to their human caretakers.
ally the result of poor husbandry practices by the Although uncommon, such disease transmission
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Figure 4.21A Examining a rabbit’s teeth using an Figure 4.21B Trimming a rabbit’s teeth using a
endoscope. Dremel tool.
Figure 4.21C Rabbit’s teeth after trimming. Figure 4.22 Dental instruments for use with rabbits.
can and does occur. Common bacterial patho- that exhibit hair loss. The most common der-
gens that can be transferred include Salmonella matophyte isolated in pet rabbits is Trichophyton
spp., Pasteurella multocida, and bacteria through mentagrophytes, which is extremely zoonotic to
scratches or bites. Dermatophyte (ringworm) children and older adults.
infections can cause dry, crusty lesions on rabbits
2. What would you recommend to owners if they complain their rabbit is scratching them with its
sharp claws?
5. Describe how one properly restrains a rabbit for a physical examination. What are the possible
consequences if the rabbit is not properly restrained?
7. What is the procedure for collecting blood from a rabbit? Bone marrow? Cerebrospinal fluid?
10. Describe diagnostic imaging modalities used to examine rabbits. What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?
11. What are the common rabbit parasites and treatment options for each of them?
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
4 | Rabbits 133
1. Donnelly TM. Basic anatomy, physiology and husbandry. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW,
eds. Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/
Elsevier; 2004:136–46.
2. Willsey AL, Cherry B, Rudd RJ, and Trimarchi CV. Rabies virus infection in a pet guinea pig and
seven pet rabbits. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association 2005:227, 932–5.
3. Cheeke PR. Rabbit feeding and nutrition. Orlando, FL: Academic Press; 1987:15–33.
4. Brooks D. Nutrition and gastrointestinal physiology. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds.
Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier;
5. Hromanik D. Application of Hay Science. Exotic DVM 2003;5.4:40–41.
6. Mader DR. Basic approach to veterinary care. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Fer-
rets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier;
7. Benson KG, and Paul-Murphy J. Clinical pathology of the domestic rabbit. In: Rupley AE, and
Reavill DR, eds. The vet clinics of North America, exotic animal practice, clinical pathology and sample
collection. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1999:539–51.
8. Johnson-Delaney CA, and Harrison LR. Rabbits. Exotic companion medicine handbook for vet-
erinarians. Lake Worth, FL: Wingers Publishing; 1996:9–10.
9. Harkness JE, and Wagner JE. The biology and medicine of rabbits and rodents, 3rd ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lea & Febiger; 1989.
10. Harkness JE, and Wagner JE. The biology and medicine of rabbits and rodents, 4th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Lea & Febiger; 1995.
11. Quesenberry KE. Rabbits. In: Birchard SJ, and Sherding RG, eds. Saunders manual of small animal
practice. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1994:1345–47.
12. Ramer JC, Paul-Murphy J, and Benson KG. Evaluating and stabilizing critically ill rabbits—Part II.
Compendium for Continuing Education 1999;21:116–25.
13. Oxbow Pet Products, Critical Care™ for Herbivores Educational Brochure; 2003.
14. Hess L. Dermatologic diseases. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and
rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:194–202.
15. Heard DJ. Anesthesia, analgesia and sedation for small mammals. In: Quesenberry, KE, and Car-
penter, JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:356–69.
16. Harcourt-Brown FM, ed. Rabbits. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine 2007;16(3).
17. Capello V, and Lennox AM. Dentistry of exotic companion mammals. Journal of Exotic Pet Medi-
cine 2008;17(2).
Chapter 5
Guinea Pigs,
Hamsters, Gerbils,
Rats, and Mice
Information on the guinea pig and small pet rodent (hamsters, gerbils, rats,
and mice) has been compiled into one chapter. Because there are many
similarities in care, husbandry, diagnostic testing, and treatment for these
animals, some information is true for all rodents, in which case it is described
in just one area of the text, and readers are referred to that specific section.
When information is unique to a specific species, that information is covered
Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are native to the Andean highlands of north-
central and northwestern South America.1 Three main breeds are maintained
as companion animals: (1) the English, or common, which is characterized
by short, straight, fine hair; (2) the Abyssinian, with rough, wiry hair in
rosettes or whorls; and (3) the Peruvian, with long, straight, silky hair (Fig-
ures 5.1A and 5.1B). Of all rodent species, guinea pigs might be the best
choice for pets. They are usually nonaggressive, rarely bite, enjoy being held,
and are long-lived in comparison with many other rodents.
Figure 5.1A Many different breeds of guinea pig can Figure 5.1B This is a Red Dutch guinea pig.
be purchased as pets. This photo shows a Tort and White.
With the advent of commercial guinea pig diets owners, because the irritation promotes saliva-
and supplies from a large number of companies, tion and anorexia.
it has never been easier to properly care for these
rodents. Cavies (a common name for guinea pigs) HAMSTERS
belong to a group of animals that requires an exter- The golden or Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus aura-
nal source of vitamin C. Often, the vitamin C is tus) is a very popular pet because of its small size
incorporated into the diet, but if the diet is deficient and cute appearance, especially the teddy bear.
in the daily requirement of this essential vitamin, The golden hamster is the most popular pet
supplementation must be provided in the water species of hamsters, but there are also Chinese,
or on the food. Vitamin C deficiency is one of the European, Hungarian, and Siberian dwarf ham-
most common health problems treated by veteri- sters. Although cute and small, these rodents can
narians. This information, along with basic dietary be territorial and aggressive, and they can bite
suggestions and husbandry techniques, should be their owners. Reduction of the animal’s natural
provided to the owner during the cavy’s first veteri- aggressive personality is usually achieved through
nary examination. To determine the health status routine handling. To reduce fighting between
of the patient and to answer basic questions, a tech- pet hamsters, animals should be housed in sepa-
nician should be familiar with baseline guinea pig rate cages. All gender combinations will fight or
physiologic information (Table 5.1). succumb to immunosuppression initiated by psy-
As with other animals in the order Rodentia, chological stress as a result of a dominant animal
guinea pigs have open-rooted teeth, which grow within the environment. Females that have given
continuously; thus, they need a normal occlusive birth will often cannibalize their young if dis-
surface to wear properly and prevent overgrowth. turbed.
It is common in cavies to have malocclusion of Hamsters are nocturnal animals and like to
the cheek teeth, which causes enamel projections exercise during the night. If the exercise wheel is
to rub against the tongue surface. This condi- not oiled, the squeaking apparatus may disturb
tion is commonly called “slobbers” by guinea pig the owner. These animals are notorious for escap-
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 137
Amounts of Food and Water Daily Food Consumption 6 g/100 g body weight/day
ing their enclosure. The owner must be made To properly sex hamsters, rats, mice, and gerbils,
aware of the importance of purchasing an escape- the distance from the anus to the genital opening
proof cage with an appropriate screen top that can is measured. This distance in males is twice that of
be fastened securely. female animals.2 Females have three openings in this
Veterinary technicians need to be aware of a area (urinary, genital, and anal), whereas males have
few anatomical differences found in hamsters. (See two openings (urogenital and anal).2 Male guinea
the baseline hamster physical information listed in pigs have a urethral opening between two large
Table 5.2.1) The most prominent are the large cheek scrotal sacs cranial to the anus that when observed
pouches that can store large pellets, seed, or bedding appear as an i from the anus. The dot on the i is
material. It is very common for hamsters to have full the prepucal opening. The female guinea pig has a
cheek pouches, which deform the face, but this is Y-shaped depression in the tissue cranial to the anus.
a normal behavior pattern for these animals. Male
hamsters have two small, symmetrical black spots GERBILS
on the lateral flank region of the body. These are One of the friendliest small rodent pets is the
lateral flank sebaceous glands. The glands are testos- Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) (Figures
terone dependent and are better developed in males 5.2A and 5.2B). The most common color of pet
than in females.2 The only open-rooted teeth in gerbils is tannish brown (agouti), but other hair
small rodents, including hamsters, are the incisors. coat colors are available. If multiple animals are
Amounts of Food and Water Daily Food Consumption 15 g/100 g body weight/day
in the same enclosure with different hair coat col- environment. Owners should be encouraged to
ors, like-colored individuals will usually associate regularly clean the enclosure to maintain healthy
with each other.1 animals in an artificial setting. Food, water, and
These animals are native to a very dry environ- husbandry management for gerbils is similar to
ment; therefore, they do not drink much water that for other small rodents. (See the baseline ger-
and produce little waste that would soil their bil physical information listed in Table 5.3.2)
Figure 5.2A Gerbils make excellent companion Figure 5.2B Gerbil in a typical cage.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 139
There is an androgen-dependent midventral scent (Refer to the baseline rat physical information
gland on a gerbil’s body. This scent gland should not listed in Table 5.4.1,2 )
be mistaken for an abnormal dermatologic lesion. Rats are continuous, polyestrous rodents that
should be bred in polygamous or monogamous
RATS setups because of the males’ aggressive territorial-
Rats, like mice, are common laboratory animals ity behavior.1 When breeding rats in a polygamous
and are also propagated for reptile food. Unlike ratio, there might be 1 male with 2–6 females.
mice, rats have excellent pet characteristics that Females are removed from a polygamous cage
include a personable disposition and a charming prior to parturition. A monogamous pair is main-
intelligence. The common rat species maintained tained together with the young until weaning.
as a companion animal is Rattus norvegicus, with
the white rat and hooded rat being the most com- MICE
mon variations. Although rats have an excellent Although not a common companion animal, mice
temperament for companionship, they can inflict (Mus musculus) are maintained in captive condi-
a serious bite if provoked. Also, as with other ani- tions as pets and for use as reptile food. The African
mal species, humans can be allergic to their hair, pygmy mouse is a genus of mouse that is commonly
skin dander, urine, and salivary proteins.2 Rats maintained as a pet.2 A number of behavioral and
are not as territorial as other rodent species and physical characteristics make mice undesirable pets,
are very social. Food, water, and husbandry man- including aggressive, protective behavior, often
agement is similar to that for other small rodents. resulting in painful bites to the owner; territorial
Amounts of Food and Water Daily Food Consumption 10 g/100 g body weight/day
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 141
Amounts of Food and Water Daily Food Consumption 15 g/100 g body weight/day
pigs, such as dogs and cats, should be kept in an animal could escape into the house. If a hamster
area that will prevent an attack and exposure to does escape, the best way to capture it is to place
Bordetella spp. bacteria. food in the center of the room. Once it has been
As with all rodents and pocket pets, guinea determined in which room the animal is hiding,
pigs’ bedding must be changed on a regular basis, the room should be sealed. Because hamsters are
because feces, urine, food, and water soil the envi- nocturnal animals, capturing them at night—in
ronment. Hardwood shavings, composite recycled a dark room, with a flashlight—might work best.
paper materials, pellets, and shredded paper may This technique will work for the capture of other
be used as bedding material. Guinea pigs are also small rodents and pocket pets as well.
susceptible to submandibular abscesses, commonly
called “lumps.” These abscesses are caused by hay,
straw, or woodchips that are eaten and puncture the
gingival surface, seeding bacteria within the oral
cavity. The bacterial infection migrates into the sub-
mandibular/cervical area, forming large abscesses.
If a patient presents with these abscesses, the diet
should be reviewed in order to help identify and
eliminate the initiating cause of the problem.
Small Rodents
As discussed previously, hamsters commonly
chew their way out of enclosures. It is impor- Figure 5.3 Typical mouse cage, with recycled paper as
tant that the housing be “hamster-proof,” or the a substrate.
The recommended cage size for hamsters, mice, week. If the plastic tube housing systems are used,
and gerbils is 20" × 20" × 6–10" high.1 Owners routine cleaning of the sections, using hot water
should be informed that the cage should pro- and a mild detergent, is called for. Ventilation is
vide enough room for the animal to exercise and essential in all small-rodent housing to prevent
should contain an exercise wheel and a hiding box irritation of the respiratory tract from the ammo-
(Figures 5.4A and 5.4B). For proper ventilation, a nia vapors generated by urine.
screen top is recommended. Hardwood shavings,
commercial recycled paper pellets (CareFresh; Nutrition
Absorption Corp., Ferndale, WA), and shredded Guinea Pigs
papers are the primary substrate choices for rodent A commercial guinea pig feed (20% crude protein
cages, with cleaning occurring one to two times a and 16% fiber) is the best basic diet, along with free
choice of timothy hay.2 Many companies manufac-
ture timothy hay guinea pig pellets, and this should
be the base diet. Discourage owners from using any
rodent diet that contains seed. The dietary source
should be fresh and supplemented with ascorbic
acid (vitamin C). If the diet is not fresh (within 30
days of milling date), there is a possibility that the
vitamin content has degraded and is not adequate
for the pet’s daily requirements. Supplemental
vitamin C will aid in the cavy’s general health; it
requires 7–10 mg/kg/day and, if pregnant, 20–30
mg/kg/day. Kale, cabbage, and oranges are very
good dietary sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C tab-
Figure 5.4A A typical cage that can be purchased lets manufactured specifically for guinea pigs are
from a pet store. available commercially through Oxbow Pet Prod-
ucts (Murdock, NE). Commercial vitamin C drops
can be mixed into the sipper bottle water to provide
additional vitamin C (Figure 5.5). Any vitamin C
supplement that is added to the water must be refor-
mulated and changed daily, because the half-life of
vitamin C is only 24 hours in glass bottles of clean
water.1 Timothy hay, alfalfa cubes, small amounts
of green vegetables, and apples are all treats that
these animals eat on a regular basis.2 Treats should
be limited to 1–2 tablespoons over a 24-hour
period, with the bulk of the dietary requirements
coming from guinea pig chow.2 Feeders and sipper
Figure 5.4B An exercise wheel. tubes should be suspended on the side of the cage
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 143
to prevent fecal contamination and dumping of the nance. Treats may be offered in the form of nuts,
contents onto the cage floor. raisins, apples, and greens, at no more than ½ tea-
spoon per 24 hours.1
Small Rodents Sipper bottles and small food containers that
The nutritional requirements for most small fit on the side of the enclosure reduce spillage and
rodents are the same. A number of commercial urinary/fecal contamination. Water and feed con-
hamster/rodent pellets are available (Figure 5.6). tainers should be cleaned daily and replenished
The formulas that contain at least 16% protein with fresh contents.
and 8% fiber provide for optimum health.1,2 The
owner should be informed that any seed-based Transport: All Rodents
rodent diet is unacceptable for health mainte- There are a number of options for transporting
small rodents. If the cage is small, it may be used,
or there are a variety of small plastic and wire car-
riers suitable for these animals.
The same basic background information is
Figure 5.6 Hamster food can be purchased as a pel- required for guinea pigs as for other animals that
leted diet or with a seed base. The recommended diet are examined at the veterinary clinic. How long
for hamsters is a pelleted diet. the animal has been owned, where it was acquired,
how often it is handled, and the character of the is recommended that this section be referred to
feces and urine are a few of the questions that when examining these animals.
should be asked for background information.
Husbandry questions include where the animal is
housed; whether it is allowed to roam unobserved
in the house; cage location, type, size, material, GUINEA PIGS
substrate, furniture, and toys; how often the Guinea pigs should be restrained by grabbing the
cage is cleaned; and the disinfectant used. When animal around the shoulders with one hand, lift-
investigating the diet, it is important to ask own- ing the animal up, and supporting the rear with
ers if pellets are fed, how much, and also what the the other hand (Figures 5.7A and 5.7B). The han-
animal is actually eating. Supplemental offerings dler must be careful not to squeeze too hard with
and frequency of feeding are very important data the hand around the neck and chest, because
for the case workup. To round out the nutrition
section, the technician should find out about the
water supply, how often the water is changed,
and how much the animal drinks on a daily
basis. Because vitamin C is a required nutrient
for guinea pigs, it is very important to ask about
vitamin C supplementation and the age of the
animal’s food. Vitamin C will degrade over time
and when exposed to extreme heat. Recently pur-
chased food that has been stored properly is likely
to have maintained the nutritious value of that
Because animals can transmit diseases among Figure 5.7A When restraining a guinea pig, the ani-
mal must be supported in the rear.
one another, the technician’s final questions
should center on other pets in the household—
if new animals have been added to the family
or if the animals are housed together. Finally, a
description of any previous problems and a com-
plete chronological description of the presenting
problem are needed to complete the history form.
The same questions used to obtain a history for
guinea pig patients can be used for other small
rodents and pocket pets. The history and physical
examination information in the following rodent Figure 5.7B Proper restraint of a guinea pig also re-
and pocket pet sections will not be repeated. It quires a firm grasp around the shoulder and neck area.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 145
Hamsters and other small rodents can be restrained
by pinching the skin on the scruff. It is important
to get a tight hold of the skin to prevent escape or
injury. Hamsters’ eyes can prolapse with a tight
grip, but gentle pressure on the globe, pushing into
the orbit, usually resolves the problem.
Figure 5.8 Proper method for restraining a gerbil.
A gerbil should be restrained by cupping a hand
over the animal’s back and immobilizing its head
between the forefinger and middle finger, with
the thumb supporting the rear of the animal
(Figure 5.8). Never attempt to restrain a gerbil
by its tail, because the skin is easily removed
(Figure 5.9).
To restrain a rat, the animal should be picked up
with one hand placed over its back and rib cage, Figure 5.9 A gerbil’s tail should never be pulled, be-
while restraining its head with the thumb and cause as a defensive response, the skin will deglove.
forefinger directly behind its jaws (Figure 5.10).
The other hand grasps the tail, stabilizing the ani-
mal (Figure 5.11). As with other rodents, the skin
on the dorsal cervical region can also be used to
pick up rats.
To restrain a mouse, the tail should be grabbed
with the thumb and forefinger, allowing the
mouse to hold on to an object with its front feet.
When the mouse securely attaches itself to an
object, the other hand then grabs the dorsal skin Figure 5.10 The proper method for restraining a rat.
Figure 5.11 A rat’s body should be supported when it Figure 5.12A Proper method for capturing and re-
is being examined off a table. straining a mouse. A mouse can be grabbed by the tail.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 147
find, and if the cranial vena cava is used in cavies Neutrophils 22%–48%
Lymphocytes 39%–72%
for blood collection, it might lead to bleeding
Eosinophils 0%–7%
complications. The position to collect from the
Monocytes 1%–10%
jugular vein is similar to the technique used for
Basophils 0%–2.7%
cats. Reference ranges for complete blood counts Platelets 260–740 x 103/µl
and serum chemistry panels are listed in Tables Serum Protein 4.2–6.8 g/dl
5.6 and 5.7, respectively.3 Albumin 2.1–3.9 g/dl
Globulin 1.7–2.6 g/dl
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 149
ster patient would be approximately 0.7 ml/100 using the thumb and forefinger. The taut skin on
grams of body weight. Clipping the hair and disin- the lateral aspect of the thigh allows exposure of
fecting the topical skin surface will properly prepare the saphenous vein. A 23-gauge needle is used to
the blood collection sites. General anesthesia is a puncture the vein, and blood is collected in a micro-
consideration whenever blood is being collected hematocrit tube as it flows from the vessel.3
for diagnostic testing in these small animals. Usu- The jugular vein and ear vessel can be used in
ally, inducing the animal in a closed chamber larger rodents and pocket pets for blood collec-
and maintaining the patient in a mask will allow tion. To collect blood from the jugular vein, a 3 cc
the technician plenty of time to collect the blood syringe and 25-gauge needle are needed, whereas
sample. Table 5.8 describes the technique used for a microhematocrit tube is used to collect blood
retro-orbital blood collection in small rodents. from the ear vessel. Blood samples obtained from
On smaller rodents, the saphenous vein or lat- nail and ear clips are not considered appropriate
eral vein of the tarsus can be used for multiple diagnostic samples. Cardiac puncture is recom-
blood collections without the use of anesthesia. The mended only for terminal cases, when the animal
patient must be properly immobilized in a restraint is maintained under general anesthesia, because
tube (35 cc syringe) with the leg extended and the of possible complications involving the lungs and
skin held tight on the medial aspect of the thigh heart vessels. Reference ranges for complete blood
counts and serum chemistry panels for hamsters
are listed in Tables 5.9 and 5.10, respectively.1
Table 5.8 Retro-Orbital Blood Collection3 The collection of samples for diagnostic testing
1. Stabilize head at base of skull and point of jaw. in gerbils is similar to the techniques used in other
2. Occlusion of the jugular vein may distend the venous rodents. The reference ranges for complete blood
plexus. counts and serum chemistry panels for gerbils are
3. Retract the dorsal lid of the eye with the index finger. listed in Tables 5.11 and 5.12, respectively.2,3
4. Collection: The collection of samples for diagnostic test-
amsters—a microcapillary tube or small-bore
ing in rats is similar to the techniques used with
Pasteur pipette is inserted midway along the
superior border of the eye and advanced to the other rodents. The reference ranges for complete
plexus located posterior to the globe.4 blood counts and serum chemistry panels for rats
ice and Gerbils—a microcapillary tube or small-
are listed in Tables 5.13 and 5.14, respectively.2,3
bore Pasteur pipette is inserted at the medial
canthus. The collection of samples for diagnostic test-
ats—the middorsal approach, similar to that used ing in mice is similar to techniques used for other
with hamsters, is considered the most direct access
to the dorsal anastomotic vein.
rodents. The reference ranges for complete blood
5. Once the tube is placed in the correct position, the
counts and serum chemistry ranges for mice are
tube can be gently rotated until the conjunctiva is listed in Tables 5.151,2 and 5.16, respectively.
punctured and the orbital venous plexus is penetrated.
6. The tube is filled by capillary action. Bone Marrow Aspiration: All Rodents
7. Slight pressure may be placed over the eye to aid in Marrow samples can be obtained from the ilium,
hemostasis after the bleeding.
tibia, sternum, femur, or the bones of the proxi-
8. 0.5 ml may be collected from an adult mouse or gerbil.
mal one-third of the tail.4 Preparation of the
Table 5.9 Hamster Complete Blood Count Table 5.11 Gerbil Complete Blood Count
Reference Ranges1 Reference Ranges2,3
Cell Type Normal Range Cell Type reference Range
Table 5.10 Hamster Serum Biochemistry Table 5.12 Gerbil Serum Biochemistry
Reference Ranges1 Reference Ranges2,3
Analyte Normal Range Analyte reference Range
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 151
Table 5.13 Rat Complete Blood Count Table 5.15 Mouse Complete Blood Count
Reference Ranges2,3 Reference Ranges1,2,3
Cell Type Normal Range Cell Type reference Range
Table 5.14 Rat Serum Biochemistry Reference Table 5.16 Mouse Serum Biochemistry
Ranges2,3 Reference Ranges1,2,3
Analyte reference Range Analyte reference Range
Fecal Examination and Anal Tape Test: during the recovery period. Once the guinea pig
Small Rodents has been treated and no mites remain, new toys
Routine fecal parasite evaluations should be per- should be purchased.
formed on small rodents when presented for a Lice and mites, including T. caviae, can
health examination or an abnormal stool. Com- be treated with imidacloprid and moxidec-
mon protozoal organisms that can be detected tin (Advantage Multi for cats [orange], Bayer
using a direct fecal examination include Giardia HealthCare, Shawnee Mission, KS, 0.1 ml/kg
spp., cryptosporidiosis, and Spironucleus muris.3 topically, every 30 days for 3 treatments) or iver-
Hymenolepis diminuta is a tapeworm that can mectin (Ivomec, Merck & Co., Inc, West Point,
cause constipation in hamsters.3 This tapeworm PA, 0.5 mg/kg SC, and repeat in 10 days. Unfor-
can be detected during a fecal examination, at tunately, T. caviae and other guinea pig parasites
which time the owner must be informed that it is are becoming resistant to ivermectin treatment
a zoonotic parasite. alone, so 4–5 treatments of ivermectin (10 days
Rodent pinworms, specifically Syphacia muris apart) are needed, with the owner cleaning the
and Syphacia obvelata, are commonly diagnosed environment twice a week. To aid in treatment
using the sticky side of clear cellophane tape to of difficult mite and lice infestations, lime sul-
make an impression of the anus. The sticky sur- fur dip (2.5% solution, apply once per week for
face will pick up the banana-shaped pinworm 4–6 weeks) is also prescribed as an adjunct ther-
eggs, which can then be observed under a micro- apy. The combined treatment protocol is usually
scope. effective.
Guinea pigs are exposed to ectoparasites
Parasitology through direct contact. Most of the animals
External Parasites that are affected are recent purchases from a pet
Guinea Pigs store. If fleas are a problem, a pyrethrin-based
Guinea pigs can be infested by mites, lice, and fleas. cat flea powder is effective, especially after the
The most significant ectoparasite is the sarcoptic environment is treated and the patient has been
mite, Trixacarus caviae.3 Guinea pigs infested with bathed. As with rabbits, newer antiparasitic
T. caviae have intense itching episodes that result medications appear effective in treating guinea
in hair loss and skin lesions, primarily involving pigs that present with ectoparasites. Imidaclo-
the thighs and back.3 Treatment of guinea pigs prid and moxidectin (Advantage Multi for cats
diagnosed with T. caviae is difficult, because the 9 weeks of age and 5.1–9.0 lbs, topical solution,
environment and the animal must be treated at Bayer HealthCare LLC, Animal Health Divi-
the same time. Pet owners should be advised to sion, Shawnee Mission, KS) can be used to treat
clean the enclosure at least twice a week during guinea pigs diagnosed with fleas, mites, or lice
the treatment period, and all toys and bedding at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg once every 30 days for 3
material should be removed. It is also impor- treatments. As with other treatments, it is very
tant to discuss the zoonotic potential of T. caviae important that the owner maintain a clean envi-
with the owner. During the treatment phase, the ronment for the patient with regular cleaning of
owner should wear latex gloves, and exposure to the cage, at least 2 times a week, while it is on the
other family members and pets should be limited medication protocol.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 153
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 155
Table 5.17 Basic Surgery Guidelines for procedure being performed. In Table 5.20, anal-
Rodents and Pocket Pets9 gesic drug doses are listed for small animals.
1. Obtain accurate body weight.
20–40 50–80 50–80 50–80 50–80
All doses are mg/kg and should be given IM.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 157
is placed in ventral recumbency with the head orrhage in the joints and gingiva, malocclusion,
elevated. With a pair of hemostats, the tongue is rough hair coat, alopecia, anorexia, lameness, and
retracted, allowing for visualization of the glottis bruxism. The appropriate vitamin C supplemen-
with the aid of the rat speculum. A drop of lido- tation for guinea pigs is 15–25 mg/day, and for
caine is then placed on the glottis using a catheter pregnant animals 30 mg/day.6 Vitamin C can be
sheath, after which one should wait approximately ingested in the food and water or on the food as a
60 seconds prior to the intubation attempt. For supplement. Fresh cabbage, kale, and oranges are
most adult rats a soft 16- to 20-gauge catheter sources of supplemental vitamin C.6
sheath can be used, through which a stiff piece of
fishing line is passed to act as a guide. The tongue “Bumblefoot”
should be retracted again and the glottis visualized “Bumblefoot,” or infectious pododermatitis, is
using the speculum attached to an otoscope head. usually the result of footpad trauma progressing
Insert the fishing line into the trachea, remove into a chronic Staphylococcus aureus infection.6
the speculum, and feed the endotracheal tube The initiating cause of many bumblefoot infec-
through the fishing line into the trachea. Be care- tions is inadequate caging substrate, particularly
ful not to bend the very flexible catheter sheath wire-bottom cages and abrasive bedding mate-
that is now serving as an endotracheal tube. The rial. Owners must be informed of the guarded
endotracheal tube can then be tied in place and prognosis in resolving these foot infections. Surgi-
verified through the use of positive pressure venti- cal debridement, topical and systemic antibiotic
lation. Similar placement of an endotracheal tube treatment, and bandaging of the affected feet are
can be performed on a mouse. required to improve the chances of recovery. To
prevent recurrence, the owner should be advised
to change the substrate and floor of the cage into
a solid floor with nonabrasive bedding.
Scurvy “Lumps”
Guinea pigs lack the ability to endogenously Lumps is a common term given to a disease of the
synthesize ascorbic acid. Therefore, to maintain cervical lymph nodes that results in abscessation
proper health, it is essential that a dietary supple- owing to a Streptococcus zooepidemicus infection
ment of vitamin C be provided. Common signs (Figures 5.21A and 5.21B). S. zooepidemicus is
associated with vitamin C deficiency include hem- part of the normal flora of guinea pig conjunctival
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 159
medical community and general public: “wet-tail.” should be considered as a differential diagnosis,
A number of conditions and bacterial organisms especially if an asymmetrical mass is present. Treat-
can contribute to this condition, but the primary ment is removal of the affected tissue, if possible, to
organisms implicated in this disorder are different increase the quality of life for the small rodent.
for young and adult animals.
In young hamsters (3–10 weeks old) proliferative Ocular System
ileitis is commonly caused by Lawsonia intracellu- Hamsters might present with one or both eyes pro-
laris.7 This disease must be treated aggressively with truding from the socket(s). If the animal is grabbed
fluid therapy, antibiotics, and force-feeding. One of too tightly on the back of the neck, the eyes will
the recommended antibiotic regimes is enrofloxacin start to bulge out of the sockets. If the eyes do
(10 mg/kg PO q12h for 5–7 days).7 Fluid therapy prolapse from the socket, the eye and ocular area
is very important to combat electrolyte imbalances should be moistened with ophthalmic wash and
caused by diarrhea, dehydration, and anorexia. An lubricant (the lid margins retracted) and the globe
electrolyte and glucose injection, at a dose of 40–60 gently returned to its normal anatomical location.
ml/kg SC q24h, should help maintain fluid and The animal should then be maintained on antibi-
electrolyte levels within the body.7 Force-feeding a otic ophthalmic treatment for a week to 10 days.7
finely ground mixture of one-half fruits and veg- If the problem recurs, a tarsorrhaphy or enucleation
etables and one-half hamster pellets, at a dose of may be indicated.
20–30 ml/kg q24h PO, will increase the caloric
intake and energy level of the patient.7 Trauma
When an improper antibiotic is selected to treat If two or more hamsters are housed together in the
adult hamsters that present with diarrhea, nor- same cage, it is not uncommon for bite wounds to
mal flora can be killed, resulting in overgrowth of occur (Figure 5.22). These wounds often become
Clostridium difficile. Penicillin, lincomycin, and baci- infected and should be treated by shaving the hair
tracin are all antibiotic choices that will contribute to around the wound, culture of the affected area,
the death of normal gut flora in hamsters, leading to flushing with a dilute antimicrobial solution, then
enterotoxemia.7 treating with a topical antibiotic along with sys-
Tyzzer’s disease, caused by the bacterium Clostrid- temic antibiotic therapy.
ium piliforme, brings about significant gastrointestinal
illness in hamsters and gerbils, but not in rats and GERBILS
mice.7 Tyzzer’s disease is commonly transmitted “Sore Nose”
between animals in displays and holding areas. This “Sore nose” in gerbils is a disease condition thought
gastrointestinal bacterial infection primarily affects to be caused by an increased secretion of porphy-
immunosuppressed, stressed animals. rins.5 The harderian gland secretes porphyrins,
which act as a primary skin irritant around the nasal
Neoplasia opening. The irritated skin area is susceptible to sec-
The average life span of a hamster is 2 years. The ondary bacterial infections caused by Staphylococcus
short life span and aging process increase the preva- spp. Treating the resulting infectious dermatitis and
lence of tumors in these small rodents. If an animal reducing stress to the animal will usually resolve the
is more than 18 months of age, neoplastic disease problem (Figure 5.23).
Figure 5.22 Hamsters that are housed together often Figure 5.23 “Sore nose” is a common clinical disease
fight and may develop bite wound abscesses. presentation of gerbils.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 161
As with many small rodents, mammary tumors
are a common presentation in older female mice.
The most common mammary tumor found in
mice is the adenocarcinoma.7
mentagrophytes, do not commonly affect guinea the disease condition. Again, owners should be
pigs; but if diagnosed, environmental cleaning instructed to use caution to prevent exposure and
and patient treatment are required to resolve possible contamination.
1. Which rodent requires vitamin C supplementation, and how is this vitamin provided to prevent a
5. Describe nutritional recommendations for each rodent species commonly kept as a companion
6. How would you properly restrain a rodent patient for a physical examination?
8. How and where is blood collected from each rodent species for diagnostic sampling?
9. What are the proper procedures for collecting bone marrow and urine from rodent patients?
12. Describe common external parasites diagnosed in pet rodents and recommended treatment
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
5 | rodents 163
Guinea Pig
1. Harkness JE. Pet rodents: A guide for practitioners. Lakewood, CO: AAHA Press; 1997.
2. Johnson-Delaney CA, and Harrison LR. Guinea pigs. Exotic companion medicine handbook for vet-
erinarians. Lake Worth, FL: Wingers Publishing; 1996:1–20.
3. Quesenberry KE, Donnelly TM, and Hillyer EV. Biology, husbandry and clinical techniques of
guinea pigs and chinchillas. In: Quesenberry, KE, and Carpenter, JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and
rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:232–44.
4. Cualiffe-Beamer T, and Les E. The laboratory mouse. In: Poole TB, ed. The UFAW handbook on the
care and management of laboratory animals. Essex: Longman Scientific & Technical;1994:290–91.
5. Chrisp CE, Suckow MA, Fayer R, et al. Comparison of the host ranges and antigenicity of Crypto-
sporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium wrairi from guinea pigs. J Protozool 1992;39:406–49.
6. O’Rourke DP. Disease problems of guinea pigs. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Fer-
rets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier;
7. Adamcak A, and Otten B. Rodent therapeutics. Vet Clinics of North America. Exotic Animal Practice.
January 2000;3:221–35.
8. Bennett RA. Soft tissue surgery. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and
rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:316–29.
9. Heard DJ. Anesthesia, analgesia and sedation for small mammals. In: Quesenberry KE, and Car-
penter JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO:
Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:356–69.
1. Wong R, Gray-Allan P, Chifa C, and Alfred B. Social preference of female gerbils (Meriones unguicu-
latus) as influenced by coat color of males. Behavioral Neural Biology 1990;54: 184–90.
2. Johnson-Delaney CA, and Harrison LR. Small rodents: Exotic companion medicine handbook for vet-
erinarians. Lake Worth, FL: Wingers Publishing; 1996:38–46.
3. Bihun C, and Bauck L. Small rodents, basic anatomy, physiology, and clinical techniques. In: Que-
senberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Ferrets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd
ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier; 2004:286–98.
4. Morrisey JK. Parasites of ferrets, rabbits and rodents. Seminar on Avian Exotic Pet Medicine
5. Donelly TM. Disease problems of small rodents. In: Quesenberry KE, and Carpenter JW, eds. Fer-
rets, rabbits and rodents: Clinical medicine and surgery, 2nd ed. St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier;
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
Chapter 6
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 167
(>88°F) can lead to heat stress, which can be fatal. commercial hedgehog diets. These products are
Owners should be informed that if they live in envi- not regulated, and there can be extreme differ-
ronments where the ambient temperature is higher ences in the quality of the foods. For example,
or lower than that considered acceptable for a one commercial product has 15% protein and
hedgehog, they might need to provide supplemen- another has 35% protein. This is a >100% differ-
tal heat or cooling for their pet. ence in protein. Hedgehogs fed one of these diets
The preferred housing for these small, spiny might be provided too much protein, depend-
animals is a glass-sided enclosure with a com- ing on what else is in their diet, and the animal
mercial screen top that can be secured with tabs fed the lower-protein diet may not receive suffi-
or screws. The “hedgehog house” should have cient protein. Because hedgehogs are omnivores,
enough floor surface area to include a small hid- like humans, diversity in their diet is best. A
ing box, a specific hedgehog exercise wheel (wire recommended diet for adult hedgehogs is pro-
wheels are dangerous), and a pan or shallow dish vided in Table 6.2, and should be followed if a
for swimming. Plastic-sided cages with appropri- commercial diet is not available. Hedgehogs are
ately sized wire bars (not too large, or they will capable of digesting chitin and have a relatively
allow escape or injury) can also be used. The low metabolism. Advise owners to avoid high-fat,
cage substrate of choice is shredded newspaper soft, or high-sugar foods to avoid obesity, a com-
or a pelleted paper product. Woodchips, ground mon problem in hedgehogs.
corncob, ground walnut shell, and cloth towels
are not recommended for hedgehog cage flooring, Transport
because these materials might be inappropriately Hedgehogs can be transported in their enclo-
ingested or cause string strangulation of the sure, if small enough, or carriers suitable for small
limbs. Instruct the client to clean the enclosure mammals (e.g., guinea pigs, rats).
and substrate regularly, because glass tanks have
poor ventilation, and a buildup of urine and fecal Grooming
material can lead to respiratory problems. Hedgehogs may develop long claws that require
routine trimming. If the claws need to be trimmed,
Nutrition the same technique as described for a rat (Chapter
Hedgehogs need fresh water daily. Although they 5) can be used. In most cases the hedgehog will
can learn to drink from sipper tubes, a small need to be sedated. An alternative method for an
shallow dish might be preferred as a water con- alert hedgehog is to place the animal on a screen
tainer. These animals are naturally insectivores/ and trim the claws as they extend through the mesh.
omnivores, and their diet should reflect their
dietary wants and nutritional needs. Commer-
cial pelleted hedgehog diets can be used, but they
should be used in combination with vegetables, A thorough history is essential to making an
fruits, and insects. When insects are offered, they appropriate diagnosis for any exotic animal case,
should be “gut loaded” to maximize their nutri- because many of the problems identified in exotic
tional value. It is important to read the labels of animals are directly related to inappropriate hus-
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 169
Table 6.2 Hedgehog Daily Diet2 and should include types of food (e.g., commer-
1. 3 heaping teaspoons high-quality cat/kitten chow
cial, live foods), brand, amount fed, frequency,
2. 1 heaping teaspoon fruit/vegetable mix
supplements, water source, and how often the
Finely chop all ingredients and mix together: food and water are changed.
½ teaspoon leafy dark greens (spinach, kale, leaf Finally, questions should focus on the animal’s
¼ teaspoon diced carrot, ¼ teaspoon diced apple, current health status and include past medical
¼ teaspoon diced banana, ¼ teaspoon diced grape history, current presenting problem, and dura-
or raisin
tion of complaint. Although it is natural to want
¼ teaspoon vitamin/mineral powder (e.g., Vionate)
to focus on the problem at hand, a great deal of
3. 6 small mealworms or 1–2 crickets
information could be overlooked if the techni-
cian doesn’t collect the history using a thorough
and systematic approach.
bandry. A veterinary technician should first collect
the signalment, including age and sex of the hedge-
hog. Knowledge of the animal’s age and sex can
be useful when developing a differential diagnosis The spines on these small mammals make restraint
list. For example, an adult intact female hedgehog difficult. The animal handler should wear light-
may be more likely to suffer from a reproductive weight leather gloves (gardening or work gloves)
neoplasia than a young, immature animal. to prevent injury to the technician or veterinarian
After defining the signalment, the history examining the patient. Some hedgehogs are docile
should focus on collecting background informa- enough to be examined without “balling up,” but
tion, including where the animal was acquired, there is always a possibility that they will become
length of time owned, if the owner has other frightened and curl, causing pain to the handler.
pets or hedgehogs, if he or she recently acquired Most hedgehog patients need to be anesthetized
another hedgehog, and the interaction between with isoflurane or sevoflurane to facilitate the physi-
the owner and the pet. This information should cal examination process. General anesthesia is quick
provide the technician with an initial understand- and, in most cases, reduces stress to the animal
ing of the client’s knowledge of the pet hedgehog. and handler. The patient is induced in an induc-
The next set of questions should focus on how tion chamber or large mask and maintained using
the animal is managed at home (husbandry), an appropriately sized mask to fit over its snout.
including whether the animal is housed indoors If the hedgehog will be kept under anesthesia for
or outdoors, if it has supervised or unsuper- an extended time, it should be intubated. In some
vised run of the house, cage size and material, cases, it is preferable to give injectable preanesthetics
cage location in the house, whether animals are to induce or extend anesthesia. A list of appropriate
housed singly or together, substrate used in the preanesthetics can be found in Table 6.3.
cage, how often the cage is cleaned and type of Other methods have been used to uncurl and
disinfectant, whether a litter pan is used, and examine these animals without using general anes-
types of cage furniture (e.g., shelter). Questions thesia: (1) Rocking back and forth while holding
about the animal’s nutrition are also important the animal in ventral recumbancy a few inches over
the table; as the head extends from the curl, put one globes and pupils, which make fundic exams dif-
thumb on the back of the neck and the other on the ficult, even with mydriatics. The ears might have
back to encourage uncurling. (2) Stroke the rump cerumen (earwax), which should be removed and
spines in a circular pattern or backward motion. (3) examined for the presence of ear mites.
Hold the animal facedown over the examination The oral cavity should be moist and pink.
area. The hedgehog can be “scruffed” by holding Examine the teeth for excess tartar. Because
the spined skin for restraint. These physical han- neoplasia is so common in hedgehogs (e.g., squa-
dling techniques are not recommended unless the mous cell carcinoma), it is important to look for
animal is very ill or docile. masses in the oral cavity or any crusting around
this area. The integument and spines should be
examined closely. Any masses should be examined
further, using fine needle aspirates and cytology
The animal must be properly restrained. It is or biopsy. Crusts and quill loss are common with
important that the technician or veterinarian be dermatologic diseases such as mite infestations or
able to examine the entire animal without concern ringworm. Again, if these types of lesions are seen
about being stuck by quills. A complete physical on the examination, they should be noted and
examination will be performed on each hedgehog further evaluated using appropriate diagnostic
patient that enters the clinic. The questions used to tests (e.g., skin scrape and cytology and dermato-
obtain the clinical history and physical examina- phyte culture, respectively).
tion procedures for hedgehogs are similar to those The areas where the submandibular, prescapu-
used for other small mammals. It is recommended lar, axillary, lumbar, and popliteal lymph nodes
that the examination begin with the nose, eyes, and are located should be palpated. In healthy hedge-
ears. There should be no nasal discharge and the hogs, the lymph nodes will be small and not
nose should be moist. The eyes should be clear and palpable. Abdominal palpation should include
free of discharge. Positioning of the eyes should all four abdominal quadrants. Internal anatomy
be noted, because severely dehydrated hedgehogs of hedgehogs is similar to that of other domestic
(>8%) will have sunken eyes. The corneas should pets, so veterinary technicians can rely on their
be transparent. If there are any concerns about experience with those species to determine what
corneal ulcers, a fluorescein stain should be per- is normal or abnormal. The limbs should be pal-
formed. The anterior chamber can be examined by pated for any abnormal structures or crepitus.
using a direct light source. Hedgehogs have small Examine the nails closely. Because hedgehogs
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 171
are held on soft substrates in captivity, their nails superficial veins, including the lateral saphenous
tend to grow and curl under or around the foot- and cephalic veins. However, it is best to reserve
pads. Check the body temperature of a hedgehog the cephalic vein for intravenous catheter place-
using a plastic (not glass) thermometer. Hedge- ment. For larger volumes of blood, the jugular vein,
hog body temperatures are typically 97°–100°F. cranial vena cava, and femoral veins can be used.
Finally, auscult the hedgehog. Heart and respi- The cranial vena cava is the preferred venipunc-
ratory rates are typically 160–220 and 30–40, ture site for hedgehogs, because most of their other
respectively. Of course, the stress associated with vessels are small and surrounded by subcutaneous
travel to the clinic and the examination itself can fat. The cranial vena cava can be approached from
alter these numbers. either the right or left side of the thoracic inlet. A
3 cc syringe with a 5⁄8", 26- or 25-gauge needle can
be used to collect the sample. The venipuncture
site should be aseptically prepared using standard
Blood Collection techniques. The needle should be inserted at the
Using a 1 or 3 cc syringe with a ¼" 26-gauge level of the first rib and manubrium (sternum)
needle, blood samples can be collected from the (Figures 6.4 and 6.5). The vessel is not typically
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 173
Internal Parasites
Routine fecal flotation and direct fecal para-
site examinations are used to diagnose internal
parasites. Isospora eriniacei and Eimeria rastegaiv
are the common coccidian parasites identified
in hedgehogs.4 To treat coccidia, sulfadimethox-
ine is recommended (2 to 20 mg/kg, orally, daily
for 2–5 days, skip 5 days and repeat).4 Ponazuril
(20 to 30 mg/kg, orally, every other day for 3
treatments), a coccidiocide, can also be used to
Figure 6.6B Dorsoventral radiograph of a hedgehog. eliminate coccidians.
Commonly identified nematode species include fore, premedication with atropine, 0.01–0.04 mg
the lungworm (Crenosoma striatum), intesti- /kg intramuscularly, should be administered,
nal nematodes (Capillaria erinacei), tapeworms especially if a face mask is used for the procedure.
(Hymenolepis erinacei), and flukes (Brachylaemus Although there a variety of anesthetic agents
erinacei). The treatment of choice for nematodes is (e.g., ketamine, dexmedetomidine, propofol,
fenbendazole (10–25 mg/kg orally) or ivermectin buprenorphine, butorphanol) that can be used
(0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously or orally).4 Cestodes for hedgehogs, inhalant anesthetics are by far the
should be treated with praziquantel (7 mg/kg most commonly used. Injectable anesthetics can
subcutaneously or orally) and might require addi- be used to preanesthetize the animal or in situa-
tional treatments to fully resolve.4 These parasites tions when an inhalant anesthetic is not available.
are less commonly seen now that the majority of For procedures that will induce pain, an appro-
hedgehogs are bred in captivity. priate analgesic protocol should be established.
Hedgehogs should be fasted for a minimum
of 12 hours prior to an anesthetic procedure,
although special precautions should be taken
Because hedgehogs are covered with spines and (e.g., IV dextrose) for an animal susceptible to
go into a defensive posture when upset, treatment a hypoglycemic episode (e.g., chronic disease,
can be difficult. Oral medications that are flavored starvation). A water source can be left with
to be palatable are the recommended treatment of the hedgehog up to the time of the procedure.
choice. The patient readily accepts this type of Hedgehogs should be maintained on a water-
treatment without stress and trauma. If subcuta- recirculating heating pad during any anesthetic
neous injections are used, tissue absorption can procedure and recovered in a warmed environ-
be affected by the thick fat layer under the skin. ment to prevent hypothermia, which can lead to
For this reason, subcutaneous injections should be torpor in these animals.
given ventrally, where the fat layer is less dense. For short procedures, such as venipuncture or
Because hedgehog veins are short and small, an radiography, inhalant anesthetics can be used to
intraosseous catheter placed in the proximal femur facilitate sample collection. Hedgehogs can be
or proximal tibia is recommended for critical placed in an induction chamber and anesthe-
patients. The approach is through the trochanteric tized. Inducing anesthesia via face mask at 5%
fossa in the femur or off the tibial tuberosity with isoflurane or 8% sevoflurane expedites the pro-
the tibia. A 1.5", 20- or 22-gauge spinal needle can cess of getting the animal through the sedation
be used to insert the catheter.7 phase, which is the time when they struggle.
Once the hedgehog has lost its righting reflex,
it can be maintained at 1%–2% isoflurane or
2%–3% sevoflurane. Anesthetized hedgehogs
should be intubated to gain control over their
Hedgehogs require general anesthesia for a respiration. Hedgehogs can be intubated using
thorough physical examination or for a surgical pro- a 1.0–3.5 mm OD endotracheal tube, depend-
cedure. These animals have a tendency to salivate ing on their size. A laryngoscope can be used to
excessively while under general anesthesia; there- increase visualization of the airway. The animal
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 175
Neurologic Disease
Neoplasia is by far the most common disease
Hedgehogs are susceptible to a demyelinat-
presentation in hedgehogs. These animals are sus- ing paralysis. The etiology of this disease is not
ceptible to many of the same types of neoplasias known; however, it typically occurs in young adult
reported in domestic pets, including osteosar- animals (18–24 months of age). Affected animals
coma, squamous cell carcinoma, lymphosarcoma, have a progressive ascending ataxia. Over time
neurofibromas, adenocarcinomas, and leukemia. the hedgehogs lose weight and become unable to
Because there are many neoplastic diseases that move. This disease appears always to be fatal. Ani-
affect hedgehogs, any abnormal mass should be mals presenting with these clinical signs should be
biopsied for disease determination. Some internal given a thorough workup. It is likely at some point
neoplasias can present as nonspecific diseases, so in the near future that an etiology will be identi-
all sick hedgehogs should have a complete diag- fied if enough cases are thoroughly evaluated.
nostic workup. As with other animal species, the
older the animal, the more predisposed it is to Cardiac Disease
neoplastic disease. Hedgehogs are considered geri- Hedgehogs are susceptible to developing cardio-
atric when they reach 3 years of age. myopathy. Affected animals often present with a
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
6 | hedgehogs 177
SElf-Study Questions
2. How long do hedgehogs live? What is the primary disease process affecting their longevity?
6. Describe the techniques used to perform restraint and a physical examination on a hedgehog
1. Smith AJ. Husbandry and nutrition of hedgehogs. Vet Clinics of North America (Exotic Animal Prac-
tice) 1999;2(1):127–41.
2. Johnson-Delaney C, Harrison LR. Hedgehogs: Exotic companion medicine handbook for veterinarians.
Lake Worth, FL: Wingers Publishing; 1996:1–14.
3. Hoefer HL. Hedgehogs. Vet Clinics of North America (Small Animal Practice) 1994;24(1): 113–20.
4. Larsen RS, Carpenter JW. Husbandry and medical management of African hedgehogs. Veterinary
Medicine (October 1999): 877–88.
5. Ness RD. Clinical pathology and sample collection of exotic small mammals. Vet Clinics of North
America (Exotic Animal Practice) 1999; 2(3):591–620.
6. Gerson L, Boever WJ. Acariasis (Caparinia spp.) in hedgehogs (Erinaceus spp.): Diagnosis and treat-
ment. Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine 1983;14:17–19.
7. Brown SA, and Rosenthal KL. Self-assessment color review of small mammals. Ames: Iowa State Uni-
versity Press; 1997:14–15.
8. Graczyk TK, Cranfield MR, Dunning C, Strandberg JD. Fatal cryptosporidiosis in a juvenile cap-
tive African hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris). Journal of Parasitology 1998;84: 178–80.
9. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. African pygmy hedgehog–associated salmonellosis—
Washington, 1994. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly 1995;44:462–3.
10. Craig C, Styliadis S, Woodward D, Werker D. African pygmy hedgehog–associated Salmonella
Tilene in Canada. Canada Communicable Disease Report 1997;23:129–31.
11. Riley PY, and Chomel BB. Hedgehog zoonoses. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2005;11:1–5.
Chapter 7
Figure 7.1 Sugar gliders are maintained as companion Figure 7.2 Modified sugar glider claw, which is used as
animals. Photograph courtesy of Javier Nevarez, DVM. a grooming tool. Photograph courtesy of Javier Nevarez,
Figure 7.3 The pendulous testicles of a male sugar Figure 7.4 Scent glands of a sugar glider are also
glider. found on the cranial ventral body wall.
Sexual maturity of female sugar gliders is reached ing into their paws to brush their hair coat.1 This
at approximately 8–12 months after they leave the sneezing should not be confused with a disease
pouch.1 Once sexually mature, they cycle every 29 condition.1 Sugar glider sounds have been classi-
days.1 fied as crabbing, barking, chirping, and hissing.1
Sugar gliders groom themselves on a regular The noises are similar to their identifying terms
basis and will use saliva generated from sneez- but are emitted based on different conditions.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
7 | sugar gliders 181
Crabbing, a loud irritating noise, is produced and strict supervision must be maintained when
when the animal is frightened or believes it is in sugar gliders are handled by small children or
danger. Barking is an apparent form of commu- released from their enclosure.
nication, whereas chirping is a low purring sound
made when the animal is content.1 As mentioned
earlier, the hissing or sneezing sound is made
when the sugar glider is generating saliva for Cage dimensions for adult sugar gliders should be
grooming and should not be considered a disease at least 18" × 18" × 24" with the size of the wire
condition. Sugar gliders are nocturnal animals, as openings not more than 0.5–1.0". The cage size
evidenced by their extremely large eyes. Because recommended for 1–2 young sugar gliders (joeys)
these animals are awake at night, they have a ten- that are less than 5 months out of the pouch is
dency to bark—especially the males during a full 20" × 30".1 The smaller cage size encourages exer-
moon. Leaving a light on in an adjacent room cise, reduces stress, and promotes bonding for
will help reduce this bothersome behavior early young animals.1 Any cage material that meets
in the morning. As it is with other animals, it is the specified dimensions will work, but polyvinyl
important for the technician to know the normal chloride–coated stainless steel wire mesh is recom-
physiologic values in order to assess the patient’s mended. To prevent trauma, the owner must be
health status (See Table 7.1). advised to be sure no protruding wires or openings
These animals are extremely sensitive to pesti- are found within the enclosure, with the rectangu-
cides, cedar shavings, branches from toxic trees, lar cage openings being no larger than 0.5" × 1".1
and bright direct light (either artificial or sun- Young joeys require a nesting cloth that cannot
light). Dogs and cats should be kept at a distance, be pulled apart and is easily washable for sleeping,
warmth, and security. The nesting cloth, along Coral, FL) as 75% of overall diet (i.e., 30–60
with a suspended heat lamp, will help reduce the g/day/animal), a calcium-based multivitamin,
incidence of hypothermia in young sugar gliders. and fresh fruits and vegatables.1 Calcium-based
A pine box approximately 6" × 8" × 6" is needed multivitamin supplements (Glide-A-Mins, Pock-
for adult animals to sleep in during the day. This etPets, Cape Coral, FL) should be applied as
box can be a premanufactured bird nesting box. indicated on the container instructions or sprin-
Shredded paper makes an excellent nontoxic box kled lightly on fruits and vegetables every other
substrate. Old towels or cloth can unravel, leaving day.1 No more than 25% of the diet should be
loose strings to choke the animal or strangulate fresh fruits and vegetables.
a foot or tail. Tree branches need to be included As mentioned previously, a separate “din-
in the enclosure for the animal to climb on dur- ing” area established in a container will keep the
ing its play and exercise time. The branches can enclosure free of food debris that results from the
be obtained from nontoxic species of hardwood messy feeding habits of these animals. Any fruits
trees (e.g., maple, hickory, manzanita). The ambi- and vegetables left at the end of the day should be
ent temperature range that should be provided for removed and the dining container cleaned prior
sugar gliders is 75°–80°F.1 to the next day’s meal. To help young sugar glid-
Toys manufactured for rodents will provide ers adapt to a pellet diet, a fruit sauce (e.g., apple)
entertainment and exercise for sugar gliders and can be placed on top of the offering. Treats can be
are recommended. Although sugar gliders are given periodically, but only those manufactured
relatively clean and odor-free, owners should be for sugar gliders are recommended.
aware that the cage will develop an unpleasant
smell if not cleaned about twice a week because of Grooming
accumulation of food and excreta. Sugar glider nails can be trimmed using human
nail clippers in a similar manner to that described
Nutrition for rats (Chapter 5). Owners must be aware that
Sugar gliders are messy eaters; therefore, plac- the trimming of nails may reduce their pet’s abil-
ing their food in a separate container within the ity to climb.
enclosure that they can crawl into to eat will keep
the food and surrounding substrate clean. Two
food dishes and a sipper bottle should be used to
feed and provide water for sugar gliders. Because The same basic background information is
sugar gliders appear sensitive to chlorinated required for sugar gliders as for other animals
water, owners should provide bottled or filtered that are examined at the veterinary clinic. How
water in the sipper bottle and change it daily.1 long the animal has been owned, where it was
One food dish is used for dry food, and the other acquired, how often it is handled, and the charac-
is for moist food. The recommended daily diet ter of the feces and urine are a few of the questions
for a sugar glider should be 15%–20% of the that should be asked for background information.
animal’s body weight.1 The diet should include a Husbandry questions include where the animal is
sugar glider pellet (NutriMax, VetsPride, Nash- housed; whether it is allowed to roam unobserved
ville, TN; Glider-R-Chow, PocketPets, Cape in the house; cage location, type, size, material,
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
7 | sugar gliders 183
substrate, furniture, and toys; and how often the ine the entire animal without stress to the patient
cage is cleaned and the disinfectant used. When or veterinarian. A complete physical examination
investigating the diet, it is important for the techni- will be performed on each sugar glider patient
cian to ask if commercial products/table foods are that enters the clinic. The physical examination
fed, how much, and also what the animal is actually procedures for sugar gliders are similar to those
eating. The same needs to be asked regarding live used for other small mammals.
(prey) foods (e.g., mealworms). Supplemental offer-
ings and frequency of feeding are very important
data for the case workup. To round out the nutrition
information, the technician should find out about Blood Collection
the water supply, how often the water is changed, Recommended sites for blood collection, which is
and how much the animal drinks on a daily basis. best accomplished under general anesthesia, are
Because diseases are transmissible between ani- the jugular vein, cranial vena cava, and medial
mals, the final questions should center on other tibial artery.1 Blood volumes of up to 1% of the
pets in the household: if new animals have been animal’s body weight can be safely collected
added to the family or if the animals are housed using a 1 cc syringe and a 26-gauge needle. Ref-
together. Finally, a description of any previous erence ranges for complete blood counts and
problems and a complete chronological descrip- serum chemistry panels are listed in Tables 7.2
tion of the presenting problem are needed to and 7.3, respectively.1 The technique used to col-
complete the history form. lect blood from the cranial vena cava is described
in Chapter 5 in the “Guinea Pig” section. When
collecting blood from a sugar glider patient, only
0.9% of an animal’s body weight in grams can be
Sugar gliders are restrained by holding the head safely removed.1 The amount of blood collected
between the thumb and middle finger and rest- will depend on the condition of the patient.
ing the index finger on top of the head.1 The
body will then lie in the palm of the restrainer’s Bone Marrow Aspiration
hand. Isoflurane anesthesia is the agent of choice This is not a common procedure performed on
for general anesthesia of these small marsupials. sugar glider patients. Methods that have been
Placing the patient in an induction chamber using described for other small animals (e.g., dogs, cats)
5% isoflurane with 1.5 L flow of oxygen will allow should be used for sugar gliders while taking into
the animal to become anesthetized with minimal account the relative size of their anatomical struc-
stress. The animal can then be maintained on tures. A spinal needle should be used to access the
approximately 2%–3% isoflurane, using a face marrow cavity of sugar glider bones. The spinal
mask and 1.5 L flow of oxygen. needle will have a stylet inside the cannula that
will prevent plugging with bone and/or cartilage.
The animal must be properly restrained. It is Microbiological samples can be obtained from
important that the veterinarian be able to exam- sugar glider patients as with other small animals.
Table 7.2 Sugar Glider Complete Blood Count Since the normal flora of sugar glider anatomical
Reference Ranges1 areas/body systems (e.g., reproductive, gastroin-
Cell Type Reference Range
testinal, integument) have not been determined,
critical assessment of the microbial isolates relative
Erythrocytes 7.0–8.8 x 106/µl
to the disease condition of the patient is highly
Hematocrit 39.7–47.7%
recommended. Microbiological assessment of
Hemoglobin 13.9–17.1 g/dl
sugar glider disease conditions is as important as
Leukocytes 2.1–8.5 x 103/µl
with other small animal patients.
Neutrophils 0.2–2.4 x 103/µl
Lymphocytes 1.6–6.0 x 103/µl
Eosinophils 0.04–0.16 x 103/µl
The analysis of urine can provide important
Monocytes 0–3.0 x 103/µl
insight into disease presentations such as cystitis,
Platelets 602–904 x 103/µl
hematuria, and stranguria. Urine can be collected
by cystocentesis (ventral percutaneous approach)
or free catch on a smooth metal or plastic tray.
Table 7.3 Sugar Glider Serum Biochemistry
Reference Ranges1,2,3 Radiology
Analyte Reference Range Radiographic images are obtained in a manner
Serum Glucose 152–171 mg/dl similar to that used with other small mammals.
Blood Urea Nitrogen 15–18 mg/dl
With most sugar glider cases, quality radiographic
Creatinine 0.6–0.8 mg/dl
images require the patient to be placed under gen-
Total Bilirubin 0.1–0.7 mg/dl
eral anesthesia. This will ensure that the animal is
motionless and positioned in a manner whereby
Serum Calcium 8.7–9.1 mg/dl
desired organ systems/structures can be evaluated.
Serum Phosphorous 5.0–6.0 mg/dl
A minimum of two survey radiographs should be
Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) 96–136 IU/L
obtained from each patient. Radiographic inter-
Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) 54–99 IU/L
pretation is similar to that for domestic pets.
Alkaline Phosphatase 89–115 IU/L
Creatinine Phosphokinase 1,080–1,636 IU/L
Injection Sites
Sodium 138–143 mEq/L
Intravenous injection sites on sugar gliders include
Potassium 4–5 mEQ/L
the cephalic and lateral saphenous veins. Quadriceps,
Chloride 105–108 mEq/L
biceps, and cervical epaxial muscles are commonly
Cholesterol 111–123 mg/dl
used as intramuscular injection sites. Administra-
Magnesium 1–2 mEq/L
tion of subcutaneous therapeutic agents is performed
Amylase 2,117–3,350 IU/L along the dorsal midline between the scapulas.
Total Protein 6.74–7 g/dl Subcutaneous fluids can be administered at approxi-
Albumin 3.12–4.64 g/dl mately 2% of the body weight every 8–12 hours.1
Globulin 2.9–3.1 g/dl Other diagnostic procedures performed on
sugar gliders are done in a manner similar to those
used on other small mammals.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
7 | sugar gliders 185
Table 7.4 Dosages of Common Therapeutic Agents Used for Sugar Gliders1,2,3
Drug Dosage Comments
Amoxicillin 30 mg/kg PO, IM q24h x 14 days
Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid 12.5 mg/kg PO divided q24h
Ciprofloxacin 10 mg/kg PO q12h x 7–10 days
Clindamycin 5–11 mg/kg PO Higher dose for osteomyelitis
Enrofloxacin 5 mg/kg PO q12h
Itraconazole 5–10 mg/kg PO q12h
Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole 15 mg/kg PO q12h x 7–10 days
Antiparasitic Medication
Fenbendazole 20–50 mg/kg PO q24h x 3 days Repeat in 14 days
Ivermectin 0.2 mg/kg PO, SC Repeat in 10–14 days
Metronidazole 25 mg/kg PO q12h x 7–10 days
Selamectin 6–18 mg/kg topically Repeat every 30 days
Buprenorphine 0.01–0.03 mg/kg IM
Butorphanol 0.1–0.5 mg/kg IM q6–8h
Diazepam 0.5–1.0 mg/kg IM Treat seizure activity
1.0–2.0 mg/kg PO
Meloxicam 0.1–0.2 mg/kg PO q12h
Other Therapeutic Agents
Atropine 0.01–0.02 mg/kg SC, IM
Bismuth subsalicylate 1 ml/kg PO q8–12h x 5–7 days
Calcium glubionate 150 mg/kg PO q24h
Calcium gluconate 100 mg/kg SC q12h x 3–5 days Diluted in saline to 10 mg/ml
Cisapride 0.25 mg/kg q8–24h PO, IM Use with stool softener
Dexamethasone Anti-inflammatory: 0.1–0.6 mg/kg SC, IM, IV
Shock: 0.5–2.0 mg/kg SC, IM, IV
Diphenhydramine 0.5–2.0 mg/kg PO, SC q8–12h
Enalapril 0.5 mg/kg
Furosemide 2–4 mg/kg
Metoclopramide 0.05 mg/kg PO, SC q8h
Sulfadimethoxine 10 mg/kg PO q12h x 7–10 days
Vitamin A 500–5,000 IU/kg IM
Vitamin B complex 0.02–0.2 ml/kg SC, IM
Vitamin E 10 IU/kg SQ
*For compounding oral formulations tutti frutti and other fruit flavors recommended.
IM: intramuscular; IV: intravenous; PO: per os (oral); SC: subcutaneous.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
7 | sugar gliders 187
1. What are the second and third digits on each hind foot used for?
3. Describe the external anatomy of both male and female sugar gliders.
4. What are the husbandry and dietary recommendations for sugar gliders?
1. Brust DM. Sugar gliders: A complete veterinary care guide. Association of Sugar Glider Veterinar-
ians. http://www.sugarglidervetinfo.com/default.html. Veterinary Interactive Publications;(2009).
2. Pye G, and Carpenter JW. A guide to medicine and surgery in sugar gliders. Vet Medicine (Octo-
ber 1999):891–904.
3. Ness RD. Clinical pathology and sample collection of exotic small mammals. Vet Clinics of North
America (Exotic Animal Practice) 1999; 2(3):591–620.
Chapter 8
The popularity of ornamental fish dates back more than 2,000 years in
China. In the United States, interest in ornamental fish rose during the
1940s with the advent of aviation and the importation of fish from around
the world. The advancement of aquarium technologies, such as filtration
and nutrition, has enabled this hobby to continue to flourish today. In 2001,
at the time of the first edition of this text, the American Veterinary Medi-
cal Association market research statistics for pet ownership in the United
States estimated there were more than 6,000 fish per 1,000 households. In
its most recent survey (2007), the number of fish per 1,000 households has
increased by 50%, with more than 9,000 fish per household. As numbers
of the animals continue to rise, there will be increased demand for veteri-
narians and veterinary technicians to provide medical and surgical care for
these animals.
Most ornamental fish are maintained in aquariums within the home,
although the popularity of outdoor ponds continues to rise. Historically,
ornamental fish were considered replaceable pets; however, as the value of
these animals has risen, pet owners have sought the advice of veterinary
professionals to manage their valuable collections. Another contributing
factor to the change in the human-animal bond as it relates to fish is
associated with the longevity of these animals. Improved husbandry (e.g.,
filtration, water treatment methods) and nutrition have helped maximize
longevity in fish. Fish that historically were short-lived (1–2 years) in the past
are now being kept alive for significantly longer periods (4–6 years). Goldfish
and koi are known to live well into their 20s and 40s, respectively. As these
animals live longer and owners become attached to their pets, veterinarians
and their technicians will be expected to give the same high-quality care that
they provide for other domestic species.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 191
barrier that might occur in alert fish when they to certain niches. For example, the anal fin of
struggle. the knifefish is a large single fin located on the
The scales of a fish are located in the dermis ventrum of the animal and serves as the primary
and provide protection over the musculature. Sev- source of locomotion. Spines might be associated
eral types of scales are found on teleosts, including with some fins and serve as a defense mechanism.
ganoid, cycloid, and ctenoid. The ganoid and The lionfish (Pterois volitans) produces venom that
cycloid scales are found on the more primitive can be injected into a potential predator, causing
species of teleosts, whereas the ctenoid scales are significant pain and discomfort. Knowledge of
found on the more evolutionary advanced fish. the species that produce venom is essential to pre-
The scales serve as a protective armor, and damage vent injury to the handler. Fish can damage their
to or loss of the scales might result in introduction spines when captured in a net. To prevent this,
of opportunistic infections. Handling should be fish can be scooped into a plastic cup or bucket to
minimized to avoid traumatizing the scales. facilitate removal from an aquarium.
Teleosts typically have two sets of paired fins, Gills are the primary respiratory organs of
the pectoral and pelvic fins, and three unpaired most fish, although certain species use accessory
fins: the dorsal, anal, and caudal fins (Figure 8.1). organs to aid in the absorption of oxygen. Gills
Some fish can have two dorsal fins. There are serve to absorb oxygen, excrete waste products
also some groups (e.g., salmonids, characins, and (e.g., ammonia and carbon dioxide), and regu-
catfishes) of fish that have an additional small adi- late ion and water balance. It is important to note
pose fin between their dorsal fin and caudal fin. that, unlike other vertebrates that excrete end
Fins are used for steering, balancing, and brak- products of protein catabolism (e.g., uric acid or
ing. Certain species have modified fins to adapt urea nitrogen) through the kidneys, fish excrete
these products through the gills. Therefore, dam-
age to the gills from infectious diseases or poor
water quality can exacerbate problems for fish
because of their inability to release systemic tox-
ins. Teleosts have four pairs of gills, and the gills
are located under the operculi (gill plates) in the
branchial chambers. The gills are attached to a
bony gill arch, and each gill comprises primary
and secondary lamellae. The secondary lamella is
the site of gas exchange. Exposure to parasites and
toxic compounds, such as ammonia, results in the
excessive production of mucus, which can impede
gas exchange (see “Diagnostic Sampling”). Fish
Figure 8.1 Fish have both paired (pectoral [Pt] and
possess a two-chambered heart: a single atrium
pelvic [Pv]) unpaired fins (dorsal [D], caudal [C], and
anal [A]). These structures function in locomotion and
and a ventricle. The heart is located ventral to the
steering. Injuries to the fins can lead to opportunistic pharynx and cranial to the liver. Unoxygenated
infection, difficulty in acquiring food, and increased blood is pumped from the heart to the gills, where
stress from bullying by other fish. it is oxygenated and distributed to the rest of the
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 193
maintain the buoyancy of the fish. There are two can lead to less effective results with freshwater
different types of swim bladders: physostomous fish.
and physoclistous. Physostomous swim bladders Determining the sex of a fish depends on
have a duct that connects the swim bladder to the whether the animal is sexually dimorphic or not.
esophagus. Air in the swim bladder is controlled For example, in some livebearers, males have a
via gas flow through this duct. Physoclistous gonopodium, which serves as an intromittent
swim bladders do not have a connecting duct, organ (e.g., penis). The gonopodium is located
but instead have airflow regulation through the on the anal fin and lies parallel to the body. In
blood supply (rete mirabile). The swim bladder other fish, males develop specific colors or struc-
is located in the dorsal coelomic cavity; the only tures (e.g., growths on their head or fins) during
structure more dorsal is the kidney. Fish that the breeding season that help separate the sexes.
have problems with their swim bladder frequently During this period, females often develop a
present with buoyancy issues (e.g., floating on the round abdomen because of the increased size of
surface or sunk to the bottom). their ovaries. Because there are more than 25,000
Fish possess a single kidney that is divided different species of fish, it is not possible to learn/
into an anterior and a posterior segment. The know all of the intricacies of determining sex in
kidney is located retrocoelomically in the dor- fish, so it is best to research the methods for the
sal body wall. The kidney functions primarily species presenting at your hospital. In cases when
as an osmoregulatory and hematopoietic organ. sex of the fish needs to be determined, endoscopic
The anterior kidney and the interstitium of the sexing can be done.
posterior segment serve as the primary sites for Fish possess a defense mechanism—composed
blood cell and immunoglobulin production; of free and fixed phagocytic macrophages located
fish do not possess bone marrow. The posterior in the spleen, heart, and kidney—that filters for-
kidney primarily regulates electrolyte and urine eign material from the blood. The erythrocytes
output. Fish that are found in a saltwater or of fish are oval-shaped with a centrally located
hypertonic environment tend to lose water and nucleus. When using a Wright-Giemsa or Diff-
absorb salts. To prevent dehydration, these fish Quik stain, the cytoplasm has a pale pink/orange
must drink water and excrete excess electrolytes, color and the nucleus a deep purple color.
such as sodium and chloride, through the kid- Thrombocytes have a small nucleus and a
ney and gills. Fish that live in a freshwater or spindle-shaped cell. Typically, the cytoplasm of
hypotonic environment constantly absorb water a thrombocyte is clear. These cells are analogous
by osmosis. To prevent overhydration, freshwa- to platelets in mammals and are responsible for
ter fish excrete large volumes of dilute urine. blood clotting. In some fish, these cells can be
This physiology is important to consider when difficult to discern from small lymphocytes.
developing treatment plans for fish. Fish from a Because of their “sticky” nature, the cytoplasmic
saltwater environment are more likely to ingest membranes of thrombocytes tend to get stuck on
medications (e.g., antibiotics) that are placed in a slide and deform when a blood smear is made.
the water, whereas freshwater fish are less likely to This is generally a sufficient finding to sepa-
do the same because they don’t “drink the water.” rate a thrombocyte from a well-formed, round
Not considering this during the treatment plan lymphocyte.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 195
hunting prey. In some cases, they consume suffi- fluorescent light. The primary benefits to the fish
cient gravel to cause a foreign body obstruction in come from the provision of well-defined visible
the stomach or small intestine/stomach interface. light. This is especially important for fish bred
Affected animals typically present with anorexia, in captivity, because it maximizes their color and
and a diagnosis can be made using survey radio- allows for standard breeding rituals to occur. The
graphs. If there is a complete obstruction, surgery infrared or heat component of artificial light is
to remove the foreign material is required. Fish not required if a heating element is provided. It
that are “gravel sifters” occasionally ingest gravel is preferred to use a heating element to stabilize
that can lead to an obstruction, but this is rare. temperature rather than light, because tempera-
Gravel size and depth are an important consider- ture can fluctuate when the light is turned on
ation for live plants. Some plants will die if they and off. Ultraviolet B radiation is not considered
do not have sufficient substrate depth to establish important for fish because it does not penetrate
roots, whereas others will perish if their roots are water very deeply, although there have been no
buried too deeply. The aesthetic component is studies evaluating its effect on fish.
really a decision to be made based on preference;
however, to minimize the potential for problems, Filtration
gravel should be of a sufficient depth to maintain In nature, waste products produced by fish,
live plants, if desired, and plants should be large plants, and other sources are carried away by flow-
enough that they can’t be ingested. ing water, reducing the potential dangers to fish.
Live plants have their own following among In the home aquarium or pond, wastes and toxins
aquarists. Although live plants can add oxygen to can accumulate, leading to a dangerous situa-
the water, remove carbon dioxide and nitrates, and tion for fish. Filtration is the key to maintaining
add beauty, they can also introduce disease. Many healthy water for fish in an aquarium or pond.
live plants are infested with snails (gastropods). There are three primary types of filtration, includ-
These unwanted visitors can harbor a variety of ing mechanical, biologic, and chemical (Figures
bacterial and parasitic disease agents. Clients 8.4A, 8.4B, and 8.4C). The different types of fil-
should be made aware of this and educated about tration work independently of one another, but
the importance of inspecting their plants before should be used in combination to maximize water
adding them to an aquarium or pretreating the quality.
plants with a commercial anti-gastropod product. Mechanical Filtration. Mechanical filtration
Lighting is an important consideration for removes organic debris from the water by passing
aquariums. Fish are built to be exposed to light it through a filter material, such as floss, fiber, or
cycles common to their origin. For example, fish a paper cartridge. The amount of work that this
at the equator are used to a more standard light type of filter can perform depends on the type
cycle than those found near the poles, where and (pore) size of the filter material and the motor
light duration increases or decreases between sea- or pump that is moving the water past the filter
sons. In captivity, it is easiest to manage fish on a material. A densely packed fiber or small pore size
12-hour light and 12-hour dark cycle. A variety in the paper cartridge will restrict the size of waste
of lights are available for aquariums. In general, that can pass. Maintenance of these filters involves
the most recommended variety is a high-quality cleaning or replacement of the floss or cartridge.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 197
degrades into ammonia. In an aquarium, ammo- oxygen depletion, owners should aerate the water
nia levels can build to dangerous levels for fish, with a fountain or airstone during the times when
leading to illness or death. Ammonia is an irritant a problem might occur.
to the gills and skin of fish. Fish suffering from Antibiotics can have negative effects on biologic
ammonia toxicity might become tachypneic, gasp filters. These types of compounds are routinely
at the surface, try to jump out of the aquarium, or used to empirically treat aquariums and ponds;
rub against rocks and plants. however, they are not specific and kill beneficial
Total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN) is divided into bacteria and pathogens alike. If there is concern
two forms, ionized (NH4+) and un-ionized (NH3). about the biologic filter, it is recommended to shut
The un-ionized form is more toxic than the ion- off the biologic filter to protect the bacteria essen-
ized form.1 The quantity and form of ammonia tial to its function.
found in water are dependent on biologic, chemi- A biologic filter requires time to become
cal, and physical factors.2 Biologic factors include established. The amount of time depends on the
the number of fish, the amount of food offered, temperature of the water and the organic load on
live plants, and so on. Chemical factors include the system. For example, a system maintained at
pH and alkalinity. When the pH is low, or acidic, 23°C takes 4–6 weeks to become established.
the majority of ammonia in the water is ionized, Commercial microbial products are available that
whereas when the pH is high, or basic, the un- claim to expedite the establishment of the micro-
ionized or more toxic form is common. Tempera- flora. Unfortunately, there is no hard evidence to
ture affects the amount of each form of ammonia support using these products. Water samples, filter
in the water; as water temperature increases, the pads, or aquarium substrates from established sys-
amount of un-ionized ammonia also increases. tems have also been used to seed a tank. However,
Several factors can affect the function of a bio- the addition of these products might also lead to
logic filter, including water temperature, water the introduction of pathogens.
oxygen content, and drugs/therapeutics. In out- Chemical Filtration. A number of different
door ponds when the water temperature drops types of chemical filters are available in the pet
below 65°F, nitrite is not converted into nitrate as trade. Chemical filtration refers to those filters
rapidly because Nitrobacter bacteria do not toler- that remove toxic compounds by binding them
ate the cold. Owners should be advised to closely or converting them into nontoxic substances. The
monitor nitrite and nitrate levels during those original form of chemical filtration was activated
times when the water temperature might drop. To carbon. Carbon can bind a number of different
prevent excess work for the biologic filter, owners substances (nonspecific). When the binding sites
should stop or reduce the amount of food being are full, they no longer act as filters and will need
offered to the fish. All of the bacteria essential to be replaced or cleaned. Placing the carbon
to the biologic filter need oxygen (aerobic condi- in vinegar (acetic acid) will acidify it and break
tions). In the home aquarium, oxygen levels are the bonds with any chemicals that have formed,
often adequate; however, in outdoor ponds, oxy- allowing it to be reused in the tank after being
gen levels can become depleted, depending on rinsed thoroughly. Other forms of chemical fil-
the time of day or season. (See “Oxygen” under tration are more specific, such as the resins that
“Water Quality.”) To prevent a problem with bind only ammonia. Other forms of chemical fil-
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 199
tration, such as ultraviolet sterilizers and protein Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate. Ammonia is
skimmers, alter or trap compounds. Ultraviolet produced in fish as an end product of protein
sterilizers expose compounds to short-wavelength catabolism and is excreted directly across the
light, altering their form and rendering them gills into the aquatic medium. Ammonia is also
harmless. Protein skimmers trap protein in bub- derived from feces, uneaten food, and decaying
bles so that they can be separated from the water organic matter. Ammonia nitrogen can occur in
and removed. Chemical filtration, in combina- two forms: ammonium (NH4+) and ammonia
tion with mechanical and biologic filtration, can (NH3). Ammonia is the more toxic form to fish.1
improve water quality dramatically, creating a The relative concentration of each form varies
healthy environment for fish. with water pH and temperature.2
Ultraviolet (UV) sterilizers can be used to con- Ammonia is soluble in water, and minimal
trol certain pathogens and algae. A UV sterilizer amounts are lost through evaporation. In a closed
has a UV bulb encased in a waterproof sheath system, such as an aquarium or backyard pond,
within a cylinder. As water passes through the ammonia levels can build up to toxic quantities
cylinder, the water is exposed to ultraviolet light, (>1 ppm). Even low levels of ammonia can be toxic
which can alter the DNA or RNA of a micro- to the gills and skin, resulting in increased suscep-
organism. The amount of time that it takes for tibility to infection. (See “Diagnostic Sampling.”)
the water to pass the bulb and the bulb wattage Owners should be advised to closely monitor
determine the effectiveness of the UV sterilizer. ammonia levels in new systems or systems that
A low-wattage bulb in a short cylinder will have contain a large number of fish. Ammonia should
little effect on pathogens. These systems have also be tested weekly using a standardized commercial
been used with great success at controlling patho- test kit, which is available at local pet retailers. In
gens and algae in outdoor ponds. an established system, the ammonia level should
be zero. If the ammonia level begins to rise, then
Water Quality the system should be reevaluated. Overfeeding
Water quality is very important to the health of a fish, and overstocking an aquarium can overburden
and poor water quality can prove fatal. Two types of the biologic filter. Severe temperature fluctua-
systems can be used: open and closed. In open water tions and insufficient oxygen levels can also result
systems, the water in the aquarium is continually in a significant loss of the biological filter. This
replenished using a freshwater source. A person who is especially common in ponds that have signifi-
lives by the ocean might collect seawater for a home cant summer algal blooms. New systems require
marine aquarium, although this is not recommended time to become established, and new fish should
because of the potential contaminants in the water. be added gradually to prevent an overload of the
Open water systems are rarely used because they are biologic filter.
labor-intensive and require regular exchange of the Because ammonia is a common waste product
entire system. The majority of home aquariums use produced by fish and excessive decaying food,
closed recirculating systems, which recirculate the most problems can be prevented by limiting the
same water over and over again using a filter. In the stocking numbers in an aquarium and by offer-
closed system, freshwater is added only after evapora- ing only the quantity of food that the fish will
tion or at the time of a water change. consume within a 2- to 5-minute period. In cases
when ammonia levels are creating problems, the less than 0.5 ppm are generally regarded as safe;
first recommendation technicians should give levels less than 3.0 ppm are associated with stress
their clients is to remove 25%–50% of the water and can predispose fish to opportunistic infection;
from the system and replace it with fresh, dechlo- levels greater than 5 ppm are considered toxic.
rinated water. There are commercial products When fish show clinical signs associated with
available that can chelate the ammonia source, nitrite toxicity, they should be removed from the
but they are only a temporary solution. The pri- toxic water and placed into a fresh, dechlorinated,
mary cause of the elevated ammonia level must be well-oxygenated system. Fish with methemoglo-
diagnosed and corrected. binemia have reduced oxygen carrying capacity and
Ammonia is a colorless, odorless substance that require well-oxygenated water. This can be accom-
can cause significant mortality in a home aquar- plished by placing into the hospital tank a fine-mist
ium. Most inexperienced aquarists tend to single airstone that creates a break in water surface ten-
out infectious diseases when they experience fish sion, increasing water oxygen levels. A significant
losses; however, poor water quality (e.g., excessive water change (25%–50%) should be made in the
ammonia or nitrite) is often a primary or second- original aquarium or pond and the biologic filter
ary cause of mortality in these animals, and water reestablished.
should be tested on a regular basis. In the nitrogen cycle, nitrite is further oxidized
The nitrogen cycle eliminates ammonia by con- to nitrate (NO3) by Nitrobacter spp. and Nitro-
verting it into less toxic compounds. Ammonia spira spp. Reports of nitrate toxicity are rare in
is initially oxidized to nitrite (NO2) by bacteria fresh- and saltwater fish, but elevated levels can
(Nitrosomonas spp. and Nitrospira spp.) within be stressful and predispose the animals to oppor-
the aquatic system. Nitrite is also toxic to fish and tunistic pathogens. Nitrate is used by plants and
can be rapidly absorbed across the gills. Affected algae as a food source. Nitrate can be removed
animals develop a methemoglobinemia and have from an aquatic system by performing regular
characteristic “brown-blood,” gasp for air at the water changes.
water surface, and die suddenly. Nitrite levels in “New Tank” Syndrome. “New tank” syndrome
an aquatic system might rise soon after treatment is a common problem reported by beginner/novice
of the water with antibacterial compounds or a aquarists who overload a newly established biologic
reduction in water temperature. Antibiotics added filter. “New tank” syndrome occurs primarily when
to the water are nonselective and will kill both fish are overstocked in a new aquarium. The high
pathogenic and commensal organisms. These density of fish creates a high ammonia load on the
compounds can kill enough bacteria associated new system. This is often coupled with overfeeding,
with the biologic filter to prevent the oxidation of which leads to additional organic load on the sys-
ammonia and nitrite. Nitrosomonas spp. will recol- tem and a rise in ammonia levels. In most cases, the
onize before Nitrobacter spp., so ammonia levels owners report acute death of the fish and the clini-
should be expected to decrease before nitrites. cal signs are consistent with ammonia and nitrite
Nitrobacter spp. are more sensitive to temperature toxicity. These problems can be prevented if the
fluctuations than Nitrosomonas spp.; therefore, new owner is patient and realizes the importance
elevated nitrite levels are often detected soon after of providing a break-in period for the filter (4–6
a reduction in water temperature. Nitrite levels weeks). Owners should be made aware that fish
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 201
should be stocked gradually, usually 1–2 fish per tral, and values above 8.0 are basic. The pH in
week. A standard rule of thumb for freshwater most aquariums and ponds should fall between
stocking density is 1–1.5" of fish per gallon of 6.5 and 8.5. In the extreme ranges (<4 or >10),
water, whereas in saltwater systems the stock- water would be so acidic or basic that it would
ing density should be 2–2.5" of fish per gallon of burn the fish. This means that the difference
water. With the advent of new filtration systems, between 7.0 and 8.0 is much more significant
stocking densities will continue to increase; how- than you might expect, because the pH values are
ever, if the filter becomes compromised or fails, based on a logarithmic scale. Therefore, if the pH
the results would be disastrous. is allowed to fluctuate, fish will become stressed
Oxygen. Fish acquire free oxygen directly and more susceptible to disease.
from the water. Oxygen diffuses into water at the The pH of natural bodies of water varies based
surface when the surface tension of the water is on the substrate, watershed, and other environ-
broken. The amount of available or dissolved oxy- mental factors. Fish from Central and South
gen (DO) within the system can be measured America thrive in water that is neutral or slightly
using special equipment. In most cases, a DO >5 acidic, whereas fish from Africa and Asia thrive
ppm is sufficient to maintain fish. In most home better in neutral to alkaline water.
aquariums, there is sufficient DO. Water should always be tested prior to replace-
Oxygen depletion is a major concern in out- ment in an aquarium. A number of factors can
door ponds during the summer months. During affect the pH in an aquarium or pond, includ-
the day, plants produce their own food (pho- ing the biologic filter, fish density, vegetation,
tosynthesis) by taking carbon dioxide from the and algae. Biologic filtration actually produces
water and using energy produced by the sun. As acid when ammonia is converted into nitrite. If
plants make their food, they release oxygen into the water has a low buffering capacity and the
the water. During the night when plants or algae aquarium or pond biologic filter is converting a
cannot undergo photosynthesis, they actually large amount of ammonia, the pH could become
consume oxygen. In ponds with a large number very acidic. Fish produce carbon dioxide (CO2 ) as
of plants or phytoplankton, oxygen levels in the a waste product. When an aquarium or pond is
water can fall to dangerously low levels for the heavily stocked with fish, the amount of CO2 can
fish. Another factor that can affect oxygen lev- build up in the water. Carbon dioxide promotes
els in water is temperature. Oxygen is lost to the acid production and can actually decrease the pH
atmosphere more rapidly in warm water than in (acidic). Plants and phytoplankton (algae), which
cold water. The use of aerators or fountains, espe- use photosynthesis during the day to make energy,
cially at night, will help maintain adequate levels use CO2 as their primary substrate. However, at
of oxygen in a pond. night, plants and algae use oxygen (like fish) and
Water pH. The pH of water is calculated as the expel CO2 as a waste product. In a system with a
negative logarithm of hydrogen ions. In simplest large amount of plants and phytoplankton, the pH
terms, pH can be divided into three categories: can drop to a dangerously low level. Fish die-off
acid, neutral, and basic. The range of pH values in ponds is often associated with high CO2, low
fits on a scale of 1–14. Values below 7.0 represent pH, and low oxygen levels. When plants or fish
acidic water, values between 7.0 and 7.9 are neu- die, they also release compounds that can lower
the pH. To prevent this from becoming a problem, conditions. Calcium appears to protect fish that
owners should be advised always to remove dead are exposed to a low pH or elevated ammonia by
fish or plants immediately. altering osmoregulatory functions.3 Calcium and
Chlorine. Chlorine is a gas that is added to magnesium are essential to growth and develop-
our municipal water supplies to protect us from ment of young fish.4 Calcium and magnesium can
bacteria and other harmful organisms. Unfortu- also protect fish from heavy metal exposure by
nately, chlorine is toxic to fish. When a fish is competing for gill absorption sites. Copper is rou-
placed in chlorinated water, the chlorine crosses tinely used to treat ectoparasites on fish. Calcium
the gills and blocks the fish’s ability to absorb and magnesium will compete with the copper for
oxygen, which causes suffocation. This whole absorption sites, reducing the effectiveness of the
process can take minutes to hours, depending copper. Distilled water should never be used to
on the amount of chlorine in the water. Sodium replenish water in an aquarium, because it is defi-
thiosulfate can be added to tap water to neu- cient in these essential cations.
tralize chlorine, immediately making the water Alkalinity. In natural water systems such as
safe for fish. Municipal water supplies add vari- lakes, fish are exposed to a relatively stable pH
able amounts of chlorine at different times of the because of buffers. The most common buffers
year, depending on the source of water. If owners in aquatic systems are bicarbonate (HCO3) and
have questions about the timing or amounts of carbonate (CO32−). Other buffers that can occur
chlorine that are added, they should be advised in water in lesser amounts are hydroxide (OH−),
to call their local water company. They should silicates, phosphates, and borates. The quantity
always test the water before replacing it in the of buffers within a system depends on location.
aquarium or pond to ensure that the chlorine has Some municipal water supplies contain minuscule
been removed. amounts of buffers, whereas others might have
Chloramine. Chloramines are also routinely large quantities of buffers. Commercial buffers
added to municipal water supplies for sterilization can be added to an aquarium or pond to increase
purposes. Chloramines are formed by combining the total alkalinity in the system, creating a more
chlorine with ammonia. Commercial dechlorina- stable pH.
tors can be added to tap water to neutralize chlorine; Total alkalinity also plays an important role in
however, the ammonia will remain in the water. the chemistry of potential toxins such as lead, zinc,
Ammonia is toxic to fish and can prove fatal to fish and copper. Heavy metals are absorbed from the
at levels higher than 1 ppm. A functional biologic water by the gills and are fatal to fish. Bicarbonate
filter will convert the ammonia to nitrate. and carbonate can actually bind the heavy met-
Hardness. Hardness is a measure of the amount als, rendering them harmless. This is important
of divalent cations, primarily calcium and magne- to remember when treating fish with nonchelated
sium, in the water. In natural waters, the divalent copper. If the alkalinity is high, the unchelated
ions are derived from limestone, salts, and soils. The copper can be bound and rendered useless.
normal range for hardness in freshwater systems is Monitoring Water Quality. For new tanks, own-
0–250 mg/L, whereas in saltwater systems the total ers should test water weekly for ammonia, nitrite,
hardness can exceed 10,000 mg/L.3 Calcium and nitrate, pH, alkalinity, and hardness. If problems
magnesium play an intricate role in water quality occur, they should test the water more frequently,
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 203
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 205
Because there are a number of different types Because fish are typically anesthetized for the
of filters, questions should be asked to determine hands-on component of the examination, abnor-
type of filter, length of usage, and owner’s general malities in breathing, locomotion, and mentation
knowledge of filtration. Information should be might not be seen. Any abnormal findings should
ascertained regarding aquarium decorations, such be recorded prior to a hands-on examination.
as plants, rocks, logs, and toys. The addition of A fish can be captured with a net or a gloved
new live plants might introduce disease. hand, or it can be scooped into a plastic cup or
Most fish-owning clients have a limited knowl- bucket. Animals in a large aquarium must be
edge of water chemistry; therefore, veterinary caught with a net. Netting a fish can be a very
technicians must be patient with their clients when traumatic experience. It is best to reduce the light-
taking a history of water quality. Questions must ing in the room when capturing a fish to prevent it
be asked regarding the source of the water, how from swimming into the tank walls and injuring
often the water is changed, and water quality tests itself. Once the fish is captured, it should be trans-
that have been performed. Veterinary hospitals that ferred into a bucket with water collected from the
work with ornamental fish should have water qual- primary aquarium.
ity test kits and should perform the appropriate A hands-on physical examination of a fish
water tests during the visit. should be performed in a thorough and rapid
The final history questions should focus on the manner (Figure 8.7). The veterinarian will wear
fish. Questions regarding types of fish, number of examination gloves to minimize the potential
fish, and length of ownership are all important. spread of zoonotic pathogens through open cuts
Many infectious disease cases are the direct result on his or her hands and to protect the fish skin
of adding new, unquarantined fish. Types of other from the oils found on human hands. Generally,
aquatic organisms, such as snails, must also be a fish is anesthetized for a physical examination
addressed because these animals can also intro- and diagnostic tests are collected at the same time.
duce disease. Owners should be asked whether Tricaine methane sulfonate is the anesthetic of
the fish are eating and if any abnormal behaviors choice (see “Diagnostic Handling”). If the fish is
have been noted, such as whirling, inverted swim- already moribund, anesthesia can be skipped. The
ming, jumping, tachypnea, or lethargy. The final physical examination should be performed out of
questions should address the number of affected water to improve visualization of the animal. The
fish, specific lesions, and duration of the present- fish should be replaced into the water bucket every
ing disease. 30–45 seconds during the procedure to allow it
to respire and to rewet the gills and body. The
fish should be cupped in the hand with minimal
restraint, because the protective mucous layer and
A fish physical examination will be performed in scales can be damaged from minor manipulation.
two stages: a hands-off examination and a hands- Handlers should have a basic knowledge of the
on examination. The hands-off examination fish they are working with to prevent injury to them-
should be done while the fish is in its transport selves and other hospital staff. Many ornamental
container. Observe the fish for abnormalities in fish have spines associated with their fins, which can
behavior, breathing, locomotion, and attitude. cause pain upon puncture and become a source of
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 207
Fish that present with a history of tachypnea (Figure 8.8). The gill filaments should be placed
or gulping air at the water surface should have onto a microscope slide with a drop of 0.9% saline
their gills examined. Common differentials for or water from the fish’s aquarium/recovery bucket,
such cases include poor water quality, bacterial covered with a coverslip, and reviewed under a light
infections, and parasite infestations. Fish suffering microscope. Samples can also be stained to review
from ammonia toxicity appear irritated, gasp at the tissues for the presence of bacteria. Once the
the water surface, and may rub against rocks in the procedure has been completed, the animal should
enclosure as a result of the irritation caused by the be recovered in dechlorinated, fresh water.
toxin. Affected animals can die suddenly. Anytime Fish that present with a history of scraping
a fish presents with breathing at the water surface, against materials in the aquarium, increased
a thorough evaluation of the gills should be done. mucus production, hemorrhage on the skin, or loss
A gill biopsy is a simple diagnostic test that of scales should have a skin scrape done to deter-
can provide significant information regarding the mine the underlying cause of disease. Common
patient’s status. Fish should be anesthetized for a gill differentials for these types of cases include poor
biopsy to provide appropriate sedation and analge- water quality, bacterial infections, and parasite
sia, and MS-222 is the anesthetic of choice for this infestations. A skin scrape is a simple diagnostic
procedure. Once a fish is anesthetized, it should be test that can be used to identify specific pathogens
removed from the anesthetic solution using gloved on the surface of a fish integument. Once again,
hands and placed onto a dechlorinated, moist paper the animal should be anesthetized to reduce stress.
towel. A pair of fine iris scissors should be inserted The animal can be restrained by hand or placed
under the operculum and gently lifted, enabling on a moistened paper towel. A microscope slide
the veterinarian to insert his or her thumb under should be placed at a 45° angle on the skin at the
the operculum to provide direct visualization of the site of the lesion(s) and gently dragged in a caudal
gills. Iris scissors should be reinserted under the oper- direction (Figure 8.9). The material collected from
culum, and 4–6 gill filaments should be collected the skin scrape should be placed on an additional
Figure 8.8 A gill biopsy in a cichlid. To perform the Figure 8.9 A skin scrape in a cichlid. Place the mi-
procedure, insert your free thumb under the operculum croscope slide at a 45° angle to the skin at the site of the
and lift. Insert a pair of iris scissors under the opercu- lesion and draw the slide caudally. Dragging the slide
lum and clip 4 to 6 primary lamellae to examine. cranially will damage scales.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 209
fewer “smudgeocytes” than smears made only be performed in a consistent manner. Seventy
using glass slides (not pretreated with albumin). percent ethyl alcohol should be applied to the
Once the slides are made, estimating white ventral surface of the fish and the area flamed.
blood cells and differential count is easiest if you Once the alcohol has burned off, the fish should
do the following: be opened using sterile scissors and forceps. After
the coelomic cavity is exposed, samples can be
1. Count the number of white blood cells on 10 collected using either a sterile swab or sterile
fields at 400× (10× eyepiece and 40× objective). biopsy techniques.
The fields should represent a section of the There are many opinions about the most
blood smear where the cells fill (but don’t appropriate culture media and incubation tem-
overfill) the slide and are evenly distributed. peratures for isolating bacterial pathogens from
2. Divide the total number of white blood cells fish. A standard blood agar plate can be used
counted by 10 to get the average number of as the initial plate, or other specialized plates
cells per field. can be used if a specific pathogen is suspected.
Salt should be supplemented to the plate when
3. Multiply the average number of cells per field
attempting to isolate pathogens from marine fish.
by 2,000 to get the estimated white blood Plates should be incubated at 25°C and 37°C.
cell count. Although it is often argued that the 25°C incuba-
4. Perform a 100- or 200-cell differential to tion temperature is preferred because it mimics
determine the proportions of white blood the temperature of the ectothermic host, bacteria
cells. The more cells counted (200 vs. can grow at a range of temperatures and most
100), the tighter the results will be. These grow faster and more proficiently at higher tem-
proportions can then be multiplied by the peratures (37°C). Exceptions to this are water
estimated white blood cell count (see step 3) molds and fungi. These organisms can be out-
to estimate absolute values of the different competed at 37°C and tend to grow better at
cell types. 20°–25°C. Culture plates should be evaluated for
growth at 24- and 48-hour time periods. A Gram
Microbiology stain should be performed on any isolate. Bio-
Microbiologic samples can be collected from a chemical identification of the organism should
fish during an antemortem or postmortem exam. follow standard microbiologic protocol.
Antemortem samples are routinely collected from
specific lesions on the skin, fins, or eyes. Contami- Radiology
nation is a significant concern in these cases, and Several case presentations require radiographic
results should be interpreted accordingly. A sterile evaluation, including foreign body ingestion, neo-
swab can be rubbed over the affected area to col- plasia (Figure 8.13), internal abscesses, and swim
lect the sample. The sample should be refrigerated bladder disease (Figure 8.14). Fish should be anes-
until it is plated, which should occur within 24 thetized during the procedure to prevent thrashing
hours. and damage to the mucous barrier and integu-
Postmortem cultures routinely involve internal ment. Tricaine methane sulfonate is the anesthetic
organs. To ensure sterility, the necropsy should of choice. The fish should be recovered as soon as
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8 | fish 211
the procedure is completed. The techniques used to tions can also be administered via a stomach tube.
perform the radiographs will vary from machine to A red rubber feeding tube can be used for this pro-
machine. High-detail films should be used to pro- cedure. The distance from the mouth to just distal
vide the best radiographic image. to the opercula should be measured and marked,
thereby denoting the approximate location of the
Parasitology stomach. The tube should be inserted to the level
Parasites are a common finding in fish. Although the of the mark, and the medication delivered. If the
majority of the parasites encountered with captive tube is not passed through the esophagus, it will
fish are found externally (e.g., skin and gills), there be seen passing out one of the opercula.
are certainly endoparasites (e.g., gastrointestinal, Intramuscular injections are administered
liver) reported in these species, too. As mentioned into the epaxial muscle surrounding the spine.
previously, screening for parasites should be done The needle is inserted between scales. Irritating
as a component of the general examination of a fish
(see “Diagnostic Sampling”). Skin scrapes, fin biop-
sies, and gill biopsies are invaluable for evaluating
fish for external parasites. Fecal examinations, both
direct saline fecal smears and fecal flotations, can
be used to screen fish for gastrointestinal parasites.
Because fish serve as intermediate hosts for a vari-
ety of parasites (e.g., trematodes, nematodes), some
parasites can be identified/confirmed only using
histopathology at postmortem.
Figure 8.13 A lateral survey radiograph of an oscar
with a renal tumor.
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8 | fish 213
intramuscular injection) or to perform a proce- although for longer procedures animals should
dure. Fish that are mishandled might develop be maintained on a recirculating anesthetic sys-
an injury to their integument, damaging their tem. A simple system consisting of a submersible
dermis (scale loss) and increasing their suscepti- electric pump, flexible tubing, and two reservoirs
bility to opportunistic pathogens. Gloves are also (one for anesthetic and one for recovery) can be
beneficial to handlers and will protect them from used to maintain a fish during a surgical proce-
potentially zoonotic diseases such as Mycobacte- dure (Figure 8.17). The tubing should be placed
rium spp. directly into the animal’s mouth to irrigate the
Monitoring fish during an anesthetic procedure gills. The recirculating pump can be moved from
can be difficult. In most cases, opercular move- the anesthetic solution to nonanesthetic solution
ment, loss of equilibrium, sensitivity to painful as the depth of anesthesia varies.
stimuli, fin color, and gill color are used to assess Clove oil has been used for centuries by
the patient. In larger specimens, a pulse oximeter, humans for a variety of ailments, including as
EKG, or crystal Doppler can be used to moni- a topical anesthesia for dental pain. Because
tor heart rate, although the heart of a fish can MS-222 is regulated for food fish and there is a
continue to pump for a period of time after the withdrawal period associated with it, aquacultur-
animal is dead. In the case of waterborne anesthet- ists have shown increased interest in clove oil as
ics, dechlorinated water can be used to irrigate the an unregulated anesthetic. The active component
gills and “lighten” the plane of anesthesia. of clove oil is eugenol, which can provide surgical
The most widely used anesthetic agent for fish levels of anesthesia for fish; however, the duration
is tricaine methane sulfonate (MS-222). It is a and quality of anesthesia are not as good as those
benzocaine derivative with a sulfonate radical. provided with MS-222. The safety index of this
Tricaine methane sulfonate is absorbed across drug is also considered to be lower than that of
the gill epithelium and biotransformed in the MS-222.
liver and possibly the kidney.7 The drug and its Quinaldine sulfate is another water-based
metabolites are excreted primarily through the drug that can be used to anesthetize fish. Quin-
gills. The stock solutions are very acidic and aldine sulfate, like MS-222, is strongly acidic
should be buffered prior to being used. Sodium in solution and should be buffered before use.
bicarbonate (baking soda) can be used to buffer The dose used for quinaldine sulfate is simi-
the anesthesia water, and it should be added at lar to that used for MS-222, although some
an equal weight to the MS-222. Induction with consider quinaldine to have a lower margin of
MS-222 is generally accomplished with 100–150 safety. Quinaldine is not metabolized by the fish
ppm. For some larger fish, a higher dose (200 and is excreted unchanged. Quinaldine can be
ppm) may be needed. Maintenance of anesthesia used for many basic procedures, but is not rec-
during a procedure can typically be done using ommended for surgical procedures that require
50–100 ppm MS-222. total loss of movement.
For short anesthetic procedures, such as physi- Inhalant anesthetics have been used with vari-
cal examination and basic diagnostics, anesthesia able success. An inhalant anesthetic, such as
can be infused over the gills (through the mouth isoflurane, can be poured directly into the aquatic
or under the opercula) via a syringe (Figure 8.16), medium in the concentrated form or “aerated” in
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 215
Viral Diseases
Viral diseases in ornamental fish are rare. The Figure 8.18 Severe ulcerative dermatitis in a koi. The
pathogenicity of viruses can vary with tem- Aeromonas salmonicida isolated from this lesion was
resistant to the majority of antibiotics it was screened
perature. Most viral infections in fish are
host-specific. In many cases, young, naive fishes
become sick, and older animals become carriers.
The most commonly reported virus in ornamen- rus spp.) flukes will become hypoxic, gulping air at
tal fish is lymphocystis, an iridovirus that infects the surface and coughing (Figure 8.19). Fish infested
fibroblasts.10 Affected animals develop large with skin parasites, such as ich (Ichthyopthirius mul-
coalescing nodules that can occur anywhere on tifiliis), rub against hard surfaces, lose scales, and
the body. The virus is self-limiting. In most cases, hemorrhage in the area of parasite attachment. Fish
the fish resolve spontaneously; however, in cases with endoparasites are often anorexic, in poor condi-
where the lesions affect the eyes or mouth (i.e., tion, and fail to thrive. The diagnostic tests routinely
the vision or ability to eat), the animal may die. used to identify ectoparasites include a skin scrape,
Lymphocystis can be diagnosed on gross exami- fin biopsy, and gill clip. A fecal float and direct saline
nation or histopathology. There is no effective smear should be performed to evaluate a fish’s endo-
treatment, although the mass can be surgically parasite status.
debulked if the tumor affects the animal’s ability
to eat, see, or swim. Water Molds
Saprolegnia spp. is a common water mold isolated
Parasites from tropical ornamental fish and cold-water
Parasites are routinely identified on imported aquaculture species. Water molds are primar-
ornamental fish. When parasitized animals are ily opportunists; they often infect open wounds,
added to an established aquarium, the parasites although primary infections are also possible.
will soon spread to the other tank inhabitants. Affected fish generally present with white, cot-
Both ectoparasites and endoparasites are reported ton-like lesions on fins and skin. A skin scrape or
in fish. The clinical signs associated with a para- biopsy of an affected area can be used to confirm
site infestation will vary, depending upon the a diagnosis of water molds, which are classified
location of the parasite. Fish with gill (Dactylogy- based on their branching nonseptate hyphae.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
8 | fish 217
self-study questions
7. What are common questions that should be included in an anamnesis for fish?
11. What diagnostic tests would you perform to evaluate a fish presenting for dyspnea and rubbing
against materials in its aquarium?
14. If a goldfish presents for “bobbing” at the water’s surface, which anatomic structure is most likely
15. Which group of pathogens is most commonly associated with zoonotic disease from tropical fish?
1. Russo RC. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. In: Rand GM, and Pertocelli SR, eds. Fundamentals of
aquatic toxicology. New York: Hemisphere, 1985:455–71.
2. Emerson K, Russo RC, Lund RE, and Thurston RV. Aqueous ammonia equilibrium calculations:
Effect of pH and temperature. Journal of Fish Research Board of Canada 1975;32: 2379–83.
3. Tucker CS. Water analysis. In: Stoskopf MK, ed. Fish medicine. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;
4. Piper RG, McElwain JB, Orne LE, McCraren JP, Fowler LG, and Leonard JR. Fish hatchery man-
agement. United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC; 1982.
5. Tomasso JR, Davis KB, Parker NC. Plasma corticosteroid and electrolyte dynamics of hybrid striped
bass (white bass x striped bass) during netting and hauling stress. Proceedings of the World Maricul-
ture Society, 1980; 11:303–10.
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8 | fish 219
6. Stoskopf MK. Clinical pathology. In: Stoskopf MK, ed. Fish medicine. Philadelphia; WB Saunders;
7. Stoskopf MK: Anesthesia of pet fishes. In: Bonagura JD, ed. Kirk’s current veterinary therapy XII.
Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1995:1365–69.
8. Gratzek JB. Aquariology: The science of fish health management. Morris Plains, NJ: Tetra Press;
9. Miller S, Mitchell MA, Heatley JJ, Wolf T, Lapuz F, Lafortune M, and Smith JA. Clinical and car-
diorespiratory effects of propofol in the spotted bamboo shark (Chylloscyllium plagiosum). J Zoo Wild
Med 2005; 36(4):673–76.
10. Dunbar CE, and Wolf K. The cytological course of experimental lymphocystis in the bluegill. Jour-
nal of Infectious Disease 1996; 116:466–72.
11. Nemetz TG, and Shotts EB. Zoonotic diseases. In: Stoskopf MK, ed. Fish medicine. Philadelphia:
WB Saunders; 1993:214–20.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 223
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 225
blood collection, 147–148 rate, 29, 50–51, 185 Hob, 79, 89, 93, 101
cage, 140–141, 144 sound, 51 Hock, 108, 112, 130
environmental concerns, 140–141 two-chambered, 191 Home management, 46, 84
external parasites, 152 ultrasound image, 25 Hot rock, 40
health maintenance and disease, 136, vessel, 149 “Hot spots,” 40
157–158 Heartworm, 94, 103 House mouse louse, 154
history, 143–144 Heat, 109, 127, 168, 185, 381 Housing, 111–112, 115, 144, 159, 168.
internal parasites, 154 ceramic, 41 See also Cage
restraints, 144–145 environment, 40–41 Human influenza virus, 100
zoonotic diseases, 161–162 external, 185 Humerus, 120
Gular fold, 49 lamp, 182 Humidity, 42, 69, 109, 166
Gulping air, 207, 216 pad, 68 Humoral defense, 190
Gut protectant, 99 radiant, 41 Hunting, 79, 203
Gyrfalcon, 30 rock, 68 Husbandry. See also specific types of
sensitivity, 2 exotic animals
supplemental, 168 bird band, 10–11
H thermostatically controlled, 204 dysecdysis, 68–69
Hair, 80, 83, 84, 87, 109, 116, 132, Heat-related death, 140 environmental concerns, 1–4, 38–
137–138, 147 Hedgehog. See also specific topics on 43, 81–82, 109–112, 140–142,
ball, 113, 127–128 anatomy, 165–167 167–168, 194–203
clipping, 127 cage, 168–169, 176 grooming, 8–10, 46, 83, 114, 143,
comb, 179 diagnostic sampling, 171–174 168, 182
losing, 153 disease, 175–176 microchipping, 10–11
Hammock, 82, 84 health maintenance and disease, nutrition, 4–7, 43–45, 82–83, 112–
Hamster. See also specific topics on 175–176 114, 142–143, 168, 182, 203
antibiotics, 159 history, 168–169 prey bite, 68
cage, 137, 142 husbandry, 167–168 thermal burn, 67–68
ectoparasite, 153 physiology, 165–167 transport, 7–8, 45, 83, 114, 143, 168,
health maintenance and disease, restraint, 169–170 203–204
158–159 surgical and anesthetic assistance, Hyacinth, 14
life expectancy, 159 174–175 Hydration, 16, 31, 42, 87, 117, 129, 146
restraints, 145 therapeutics, 174 Hydrochloride, 95
Hand-feeding, 16 zoonotic diseases, 176 Hydroxide, 202
H2 antagonist, 99 Hematochezia, 81 Hygrometer, 42
Harderian gland, 159 Hematology, 21, 51–52, 84, 208 Hyperkeratosis, 26, 69, 100, 173
Hardwood shavings, 141–142 Hematopoiesis, 88 Hyperplasia, 102
Harness, 82 Hematuria, 89, 184 Hypersalivation, 88, 99, 102, 158, 167
Hay, 81, 109, 112–113, 141–142 Hemipene, 51, 54 Hypersensitivity, 31, 95, 166
Health maintenance. See also specific Hemorrhage, 105, 157 Hyperthermia, 29, 109
types of exotic animals Hemostasis, 9–10, 67, 143, 185 Hyperuricemia, 70
bacterial infection, 29–31 Hepatomegaly, 17, 88 Hypervitaminosis A, 70
fungal infection, 29–31 Herbivore, 43–45 Hyphae, 216
husbandry, 67–69 Herpesvirus, 33, 72–73 Hypnotization, 121
infectious disease, 70–74 Hetastarch, 125 Hypoglycemia, 98, 174
malocclusion, 129–130 Heterophil, 53–54, 194 Hypotension, 125
parasite, 215 Hibernation, 167 Hypothermia, 28, 41, 98, 174, 182, 195
“sore hock,” 130 Hiding, 82, 83, 140, 142, 168 Hypovitaminosis A, 30, 69–70
ulcerative pododermatitis, 130 Hissing, 180–181
urogenital disease, 103–104 Histologic diagnosis, 72
“wool block,” 127–128 Histopathology, 215
Heart, 65, 117, 171, 191, 193, 208. See History. See also specific types of exotic Ich, 215
also specific types of exotic animals animals Identification, 10, 12, 24, 37–38, 210
attack, 13 environmental concerns, 12 Ileitis, 159
beat, 89 health problems, 12 Ileus, 88, 99
echocardiography, 25 medical, 84, 169 Ilium, 149
location of, 50 nutrition, 12 Imidacloprid, 122, 152–154
murmur, 17, 51 physical examination, 12–13 Immune system, 30, 41, 43, 190, 195
physical examination, 49 restraint, 13 Immunofluorescent antibody testing, 176
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 227
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 229
Premedication, 155 surgical and anesthetic assistance, 86, 117, 129, 146
Premolar, 158, 166 126–127 bacterial infection, 29–31, 150
Prepuce, 79, 92, 108, 137, 166 therapeutics, 124–126 capacity, 19
Probe, 40, 51, 65–66 zoonotic diseases, 130–132 compromise, 145
Probiotic supplement, 158 Rabies, 84, 95, 112, 167 depression, 28
Progenitor cell, 91 Radiation, 40–42, 69, 196, 216 disease, 99–100, 116, 122, 160, 175,
Prostate, 81, 88, 101 Radiography, 51, 61, 70, 99, 101–103, 187
Prostatomegaly, 81, 82 174, 176 distress, 25, 145
Protein, 44–45, 82–83, 112, 143, 168, survey, 104, 196 epithelium, 30
190, 192, 197, 199, 203 Radiology, 25, 32. See also specific types fungus infection, 29–31
diet, 70 of exotic animals infection, 161
high-quality, 82 Radiopaque dye, 125 monitor, 29
plant-based, 103 Radiosurgery, 28, 67 organs, 192
salivary, 139 Raisins, 143 problems, 81, 168
Proteincatabolism, 191 Ramus, 47 rate, 29, 171
Protozoa, 26, 62, 124, 152–153 Ranavirus, 72–73 sound, 17–18
Proventricular dilatation disease, 25, 33 Range of motion, 18, 49 Restraint. See also specific types of exotic
Pruritus, 94, 154, 173 Rat. See also specific topics on animals
Psittacine species, 26–27, 33. See also cage, 139 fear of, 13
specific types of ectoparasite, 153 free-flying, 13
Psychology, 2 health maintenance and disease, 160 head, 13
Psychotropic drugs, 31 life expectancy, 160 quill, 169
Pulse, 146 restraints, 145 rear leg, 121
Pulse oximeter, 65, 213 “Real identity,” 38 Retained spectacle, 69
Punctum, 124 Recovery, 67 Retina, 15
Puncturing, 205 Recumbency, 13, 121, 157 Retrovirus, 72
Pupil, 87, 170 Red blood cell, 52–53, 209 Rhinitis, 72, 161
Pyogranulomatous inflammation, 73 Regurgitation, 73, 127, 155 Rib cage, 46
Pyrexia, 100 Rehydration, 69 Righting reflex, 72, 98
Reinfestation, 26, 173 Ringworm, 161, 170
Renal system, 33, 70, 74, 104 RNA, 199
Q Reproduction, stimulated, 6 Roaming, 109
Quadricep, 124, 184 Reproductive tract, 6, 17, 80 Rodent, 68. See also specific types of
Quality, 15, 41, 191–192, 202 cycle, 195 cage, 139–142, 144, 157
Quarantine, 70 disease, 103, 122, 187 diagnostic sampling, 147–154
Quill neoplasia, 169 disease, 157–161
anointing, 165 structures, 117 health maintenance, 157–161
“ball of,” 165 Reptile and amphibian, 45, 48, 59–60, history, 143–144
defense, 165–166 63–67. See also Amphibian; husbandry, 140–143
hypersensitivity reaction, 166 specific types of nutrition, 142–143
losing, 170, 173 blood collection, 52–54, 52–60 physical examination, 146–147
restraint, 169 cage, 42–43, 46 restraints, 144–146
superimposed, 173 diagnostic sampling, 51–62 surgical and anesthetic assistance,
disease, 67–74 155–157
health maintenance, 67–74 therapeutics, 154
R history, 46 zoonotic diseases, 161–162
Rabbit husbandry, 38–46 Roundworm, 62
anatomy, 107–109 physical examination, 49–51 Ryukin, 216
cage, 108, 112, 116 restraint, 46–47
diagnostic sampling, 117–124 surgical and anesthetic assistance,
disease, 127–130 63–67
health maintenance, 127–130 taxonomy, 37–38 Salamander
history, 114–115 therapeutics, 62–63 blood samples, 59
husbandry, 109–114 transportation, 45 restraint, 48
physical examination, 116–117 zoonotic diseases, 74–75 surgical anesthesia, 64
physiology, 107–109 Respiratory sinus, 29 Salivary gland, 160
restraint, 115–116 Respiratory system, 42, 49, 66, 69, 73, Salivation, 136, 165, 174, 180–181
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 231
Swim bladder, 192–193, 203, 210, 216 Territorialism, 107, 111–112, 136, Tropical species, 41, 66
Swimming, 168 139–140, 167 Tumor, 17, 87, 102, 160–161. See also
Swine (H1N1) influenza virus, 100 Territory marking, 107 specific types of
Syrinx, 28 Testicle, 179 Turtle, 40, 47, 73, 75
Systemic disease, 69 Tetracycline, 190 Tympanum, 49
Therapeutics, 124–126. See also specific Tyzzer’s disease, 159
T types of
Tablet, 124 Thermometer, 28, 40, 89, 171
Tachypnea, 207 Thoracic inlet, 16
Tachypneic, 216 Thrombi, 117 Ulceration, 208
Tail, 46–48, 55, 145, 149 Thrombocyte, 193 Ultrasonic (US) Doppler imaging, 25,
alopecia, 87, 94 Thrombocytopenia, 92 50–51, 65, 101, 102, 103, 104,
artery, 90, 91 Tibia, 92, 120, 125, 149, 174, 185 122, 213
caudal vein, 208 Tibiotarsal bone, 21 Undertank heating pad, 40–41
“whipping,” 46 Tick, 49, 61–62, 173 Un-ionization, 198
Tang, 192 Tiletamine, 64 Urethra, 93, 103, 108, 121, 137, 179
Tapeworm, 27, 152–153, 174 Tissue, abnormal, 24 Urinalysis, 103, 172, 184
Tarsorrhaphy, 159 Tomia, 49 Urinary tract, 69, 88, 92–93, 104, 121,
Tartar, 83, 87, 170 Toothbrush, 83 187
Tattoo, ink, 87 Toothpaste, 83 Urine, 45, 82, 88, 101, 111, 139–140,
Taxonomy, 37–38, 190 Topical cream, 68, 71, 94 168. See also specific types of
Teeth, 46, 51, 87, 146, 170 Torpor, 174 exotic animals
broken, 49 Tortis, 45 acidic, 103
brushing, 83 Total ammonia-nitrogen (TAN), 198 alkaline, 93
canine, 166 Toxicity, 48, 187, 196, 198, 207 collection, 92–93, 121–122, 150
cheek, 129, 136 heavy metal, 25, 32–33, 81, 202 culture, 103
front, 117 renal system, 33 diluted, 193
grinding, 99 systemic, 191 free-catch, 92, 172, 184
open-rooted, 136–137 tree, 181 output, 193
overgrown, 129 Toy, 3, 84, 182 physical examination, 45
peg, 107 Trachea, 25–28, 91, 127, 157 uncontaminated, 92
Teething, 85 Transilluminator, 49 Urolith, 103
Teleost, 191 Transportation. See also specific types of Urolithiasis, 103
Temperament, 139 exotic animals Uropygial gland, 17
Temperate species, 66 cage, 7–8
Temperature carrier, 83
ambient, 182 filter, 203–204
body, 27–29, 38, 40–41, 60–61, 89, media, 104 Vaccination, 94–95
195 stress, 204 diseases, 33–34
environmental, 40, 60, 66, 195 Trap compound, 199 history, 12, 84
fluctuation, 199, 204 Trauma, 31–32, 140, 157 injection, 80
freshwater coldwater species, 195 disease, 187 scruffing, 85
hot rock, 40 hand-feeding, 16 Vaginal speculum, 93
incubation, 61, 210 ocular, 116 Vascular ischemia, 117
indoor, 2 radiology, 24 Vascular “quick,” 114, 143
marine tropical fish, 195 spinal cord, 115 Vegetables, 5, 44, 83, 113, 142–143,
outdoor, 2, 109 wound, 69 168, 182
range, 41, 66, 182 Treats, 6, 142 Vein. See specific types of
rectal, 85, 89 Tree branch, 42 Venipuncture, 54–55, 89–90, 98, 117,
regulation, 2 Trematode, 62, 211 119, 174, 208
shedding, 69 Tremor, 72 Venom, 47, 165, 206
spiking, 34 Tricaine methane sulfonate (MS-222), Venous sinus, 20
surface, 40 63–64, 205, 207, 210–213 Ventilation, 2, 17, 81, 112, 142, 168
tropical freshwater fish, 195 Tricep, 154 Ventral abdominal vein, 55–56
water, 198 Trichobezoar, 99, 128 Ventral percutaneous approach, 184
Terminus, 15 Trimethoprim, 27, 68 Ventral shell, 51
Terrestrial existence, 166 Trochanteric fossa, 174 Ventricle, 191
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.
index 233
Dr. Thomas N. Tully Jr. graduated from Louisiana State University in 1982 with a BS in animal science.
After receiving his veterinary degree from the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine in 1986, he practiced
as an associate veterinarian at veterinary hospitals in Florida and Louisiana.
Since 1987, he has been on the faculty at the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine, teaching in the
Zoological Medicine Section of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences. Currently Dr. Tully is
a professor in the Veterinary Clinical Science Department and is hospital section chief of the Bird, Zoo,
and Exotic Animal Service. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (Avian)
and the European College of Zoological Medicine (Avian).
Dr. Tully has coedited four books, Ratite Management, Medicine and Surgery, two editions of The
Handbook of Avian Medicine, and Manual of Exotic Pet Medicine; he has coedited two issues of Veterinary
Clinics of North America, and coauthored the text A Technician’s Guide to Exotic Animal Care. He has
authored and coauthored numerous chapters in other veterinary medical texts. He is also coeditor in
chief of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine.
Dr. Mark A. Mitchell graduated from the University of Illinois in 1990 with a BS in veterinary science.
After receiving his veterinary degree from the U of I College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992, he practiced
as an associate veterinarian in Champaign, Illinois, and worked on a Master of Science degree in wildlife
epidemiology. He received his MS in 1997 from the University of Illinois. Dr. Mitchell continued his
training in wildlife epidemiology at Louisiana State University and received a PhD in 2001. From 1996
to 2007, he was on the faculty at LSU, working alongside his friend and mentor Dr. Tom Tully.
In 2007, Dr. Mitchell returned to the U of I. Currently, he is a professor in the Veterinary Clinical
Medicine Department and is chief of staff of the Small Animal Hospital and section head of Companion
and Zoological Animal Medicine. He is a diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine
Dr. Mitchell has coedited two books, Manual of Exotic Pet Medicine and A Technician’s Guide to
Exotic Animal Care. He has also authored and coauthored numerous book chapters, scientific articles,
and abstracts. He is currently the editor in chief of the Journal of Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
and coeditor in chief of the Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine.
This electronic publication is intended for use only by the original purchaser.