Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines
Any machine, which converts heat energy in to useful mechanical energy, is
known as an engine.
The machines may be a gas turbine, steam turbine and an engine.
All the engines comes under two classifications, they are
i) Internal combustion engine
ii) External combustion engine
If the combustion of fuel takes place in a combustion chamber and the heat energy
is taken to a machine through pipe line there the heat energy is converted in to
mechanical energy is known as external combustion engines.
Ex: gas turbine and steam engine.
Head: (cylinder head) The head is fitted on the top of the cylinder block. In two
stroke engines only spark plug is fitted in the cylinder head.
In four stroke engine inlet valve , exhaust valve and spark is fitted in the cylinder
head.- The head is built with two ports, one port, which allows the charge in to the
cylinder block, is known as inlet port and the second port that allows the exhaust gases to
leave the cylinder block is known as exhaust port. In case of petrol engine spark plug is
fitted in the head, in diesel engines fuel injector is fitted to inject the diesel into the
cylinder block. The cylinder head material; is aluminium alloy
Connecting rod: The small end of the connecting rod is connected to the piston
and the big end of the connecting rod is connecting to the crankshaft. The connecting rod
converts the reciprocating motion of piston in to rotary motion of crankshaft. The
connecting rod is made of I-beam cross section to provide maximum rigidity with
minimum weight.
Crankshaft: The big end of the connecting rod is connected to the crankshaft.
The power transmission starts from the crankshaft. The crankshaft is rigidly fixed in the
crankcase. The other end of the crankshaft is connected to a clutch.
Top dead center (TDC): The top most position of the piston at the cover end is
known as top dead center.
Bottom dead center (BDC): The lower most position of the piston at the crank
end is known as bottom dead center.
Stroke length (l): Rotate the
crankshaft slowly, the piston starts moving
slowly towards the top dead center, Further
rotation of crank shaft moves the piston
towards the top and suddenly it changes its
direction (it starts moving in down ward
direction), The momentary stopping of the
piston indicates the position of TDC.
Rotate the crankshaft further; the
piston starts moving in down ward direction,
this movement continues till the piston
reaches the bottom dead center. Here also the
piston reaches the Bottom and suddenly it changes its direction, the point at which it
stops is known as BDC.
Clearance volume: When the piston is at TDC position the cylinder volume
above it, it is known as clearance volume and it is denoted by Vc
Swept volume: The volume swept by piston while traveling from TDC to BDC in
known as swept volume and is denoted by Vs.
Vs = ( d2 / 4 ) l cm3
Compression ratio: It is the ratio of total volume of cylinder (Vs.+ Vc) to the
clearance volume (Vc). it is denoted ‘ r’.
r = (Vs.+ Vc) / Vc
The compression ratio of petrol engine varies from 7 to 10.
The compression ratio of diesel engine varies from 15 to 24.
Summary: We understood the meaning of “IC engines”, we have discussed some of the
important classification of IC engines based on different parameters, function of various
parts of IC engines, and also looked into some of the important definitions.
Review questions:
1. What is an internal combustion engine?
2. How do you classify internal combustion engines?
3. Name the important components of internal combustion engine? And state their
4. Define the terms i) Bore ii) Stroke iii) Top dead center iv) Bottom dead center
v) Clearance volume, and vi) Compression ratio.
different strokes are i) Suction stroke ii) Compression stroke iii) Power or Expansion
stroke iv) Exhaust stroke.
Suction stroke: The suction stroke is completed by rotating the crankshaft from 0o to
180o. During suction stroke the inlet valve opens and exhaust valve should kept in closed
condition. When the piston starts moving from TDC to BDC, The volume above the
piston increases, results in decrease in pressure (vacuum), This decrease in pressure
draws the petrol and air mixture from the carburetor and delivered it to the cylinder, this
process is continuous till the pressure inside the cylinder becomes equal to atmosphere.
At the end of suction stroke the cylinder is completely filled with petrol and air mixture.
At the end of suction stroke the inlet valve closes. The line AB in the PV diagram
represents suction stroke (volume of mixture filled in the cylinder).
Compression stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 1800 to 3600 completes The
compression stroke. During compression stroke both inlet and exhaust valves are closed.
In this stroke the piston travels from BDC to TDC. When the piston starts moving from
BDC to TDC the mixture is compressed, and the pressure increases in the cylinder. The
line BC represents the compression stroke.
At or near the before the end of the compression stroke, the spark occurs, this spark
ignites the petrol and air mix. The combustion of mixture releases hot gases, which will
increase pressure at constant volume. The line CD represents increase in the pressure at
constant volume.
Power stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 3600 to 5400 completes the power stroke.
During power stroke (expansion stroke) both inlet valve and exhaust valve are in closed
position. The high-pressure gases produced due to combustion, will exert pressure on the
top face of the piston, the piston moves rapidly in the down ward direction performs
power stroke.
Exhaust stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 5400 to 7200 completes the exhaust stroke.
At the beginning of exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and the upward movement
of the piston pushes the exhaust gases out the cylinder. At the end of the exhaust stroke
the exhaust valve closes.
Thus one cycle completes by rotating the crankshaft from 00 to 7200.
i) Suction stroke: The suction stroke is completed by rotating the crankshaft from 0o to
180o. During suction stroke the inlet valve opens and exhaust valve should kept in closed
position. When the piston starts moving from TDC to BDC, The volume above the piston
increases, results in decrease in pressure (vacuum), This decrease in pressure draws the
air from atmosphere and fills the air in to the cylinder, this process is continuous till the
pressure inside the cylinder becomes equal to atmosphere. At the end of suction stroke
the cylinder is completely filled with air. At the end of suction stroke the inlet valve
closes. The line AB in the PV diagram represents suction stroke (Volume of air filled in
the cylinder).
ii) Compression stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 180o to 360o completes the
compression stroke. During compression stroke both inlet and exhaust valves are closed.
In this stroke the piston travels from BDC to TDC. When the piston starts moving from
BDC to TDC the air is compressed, both pressure and temperature of the air increases. At
the end of the compression stroke the temperature of the air reaches the ignition
temperature of diesel. The line BC represents the compression stroke.
Before the end of the compression stroke, the fuel injector starts injecting the
diesel in to the combustion chamber. The heat of the compressed air burns the injected
diesel. The combustion takes place at constant pressure. The line CD represents increase
in the pressure at constant pressure.
iii) Power stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 360o to 540o completes the power stroke.
During power stroke (expansion stroke) both inlet valve and exhaust valve are in closed
position. The high-pressure gases produced during combustion, will exert pressure on the
top face of the piston, the piston moves rapidly in the down ward direction performs
power stroke. The energy is supplied to the flywheel during power stroke. This energy
propels the vehicle
iv) Exhaust stroke: Rotation of crankshaft from 540o to 720o completes the exhaust
stroke. At the beginning of exhaust stroke, the exhaust valve opens, and the upward
movement of the piston pushes the exhaust gases out the cylinder. At the end of the
exhaust stroke the exhaust valve closes.
Thus one cycle completes by rotating the crankshaft from 0o to 720o, i.e., two
revolutions of the crankshaft.
Summary: We have discussed about the construction of working of 4-stroke petrol and
diesel engines with help of theoretical pressure-volume diagram for the cycles.
Review questions:
1. With a neat sketch explain the working four-stroke petrol engine.
2. With a neat sketch explain the working four-stroke diesel engine.
The two-stroke petrol engine works on the principle of Otto cycle. The piston performs
two strokes to complete one cycle.
The two strokes are i) First stroke or down ward ii) Second stroke or upward stroke.
The parts of two-stroke petrol engine are cylinder, piston, head, crankcase, connecting
rod, crankshaft, spark plug, inlet port, transfer port and exhaust port.
Cylinder: The cylinder liner is made in the form of barrel (hollow cylinder).
The head is connected at the top of the cylinder. A crankcase is connected at the bottom
of the cylinder. The cylinder liner is provided with cooling fins for cooling purpose; an
exhaust port is located opposite to the transfer port. One end of the transfer port is
connected to the cylinder and the other end is connected to the crankcase through which
the charge enters.
Head: A spark plug is fitted at the top of the head. Fins are provided in the head
for cooling purpose.
Crankcase: The crankcase is fitted at the bottom of the cylinder. An inlet port is
provided in the crankcase to allow the charge from carburetor to the crankcase, another
port is known as transfer port, which transfers the charge from transfer port to the
cylinder. The crankcase of two-stroke engine should be an airtight chamber, which
prevents the leakage of air in or out of the cylinder.
Piston: The opening and blocking of the ports are done by the movement of the
piston in the cylinder. The piston is fitted with only compression rings (2 or 3 rings)
In two-stroke petrol engine some charge is present either in the cylinder block or in the
crankcase. To start a two-stroke engine, power is supplied either by using a kicker or by
electric start.
During upward stroke, the piston reciprocates from bottom dead center to top
dead center. As the piston moves upward volume below the piston increases results in
decrease in pressure in the crankcase. Due to pressure difference charge (petrol & air) is
drawn from the carburetor. As the piston moves further upwards covers both exhaust and
transfer port, now the charge is subjected to compression. Before the end of the
compression stroke the spark (crank angle 20 o before TDC) occurs in the combustion
chamber. Due to combustion of charge, the pressure increase, which pushes the piston
downwards i.e. the working stroke of the piston. As the piston moves rapidly in the down
ward direction compress the charge present in the crankcase.
As the piston moves further down wards, first it uncovers the exhaust port. Due to
pressure difference the high-pressure gases leaves the combustion chamber. As the piston
moves further down wards, it uncovers transfer port, which allows the compressed charge
in the crankcase to the cylinder. The fresh charge is deflected upwards by the deflector
provided on the top of the piston and pushes the remaining exhaust gases present in the
cylinder. The process of removal of exhaust gases from the cylinder is known as
Head- Only fuel injector is fitted in the head. In air-cooled engine fins are
provided in the head for cooling purpose. The head is fitted above the cylinder block.
Cylinder block- it consists of 3 ports namely exhaust port, inlet port and transfer
port. The piston reciprocates in the cylinder block. The exhaust port is located opposite to
transfer port. The piston is fitted with only compression rings. Around the cylinder block
fins are provided for cooling purpose.
Crankcase- The crankcase is fitted below the cylinder block. The crankshaft is
fitted inside the crankcase. The crankshaft is supported by two bearings (ball or roller
bearings) on either side of crankshaft.
In two-stroke petrol engine some charge is present either in the cylinder block or in the
crankcase. To start a two-stroke engine, power is supplied either by using a kicker or by
electric start.
During upward stroke, the piston reciprocates from bottom dead center to top
dead center. As the piston moves upward volume below the piston increases results in
decrease in pressure in the crankcase. Due to pressure difference air is drawn from the
atmosphere. As the piston moves further upwards covers both exhaust and transfer port,
now the air is subjected to compression. The temperature of the air during compression
increases just above the ignition temperature of the diesel. Before the end of the
compression stroke the fuel is injected and begins to burn. Due to combustion of charge,
the pressure increases, which pushes the piston downwards i.e. the working stroke of the
piston. As the piston moves rapidly in the down ward direction compress the air present
in the crankcase.
Downward stroke or exhaust stroke: As the piston moves further down wards, first it
uncovers the exhaust port. Due to pressure difference the high-pressure gases leaves the
combustion chamber. As the piston moves further down wards, it uncovers transfer port,
which allows the compressed air in the crankcase to the cylinder. The fresh air is
deflected upwards by the deflector provided on the top of the piston and pushes the
remaining exhaust gases present in the cylinder. The process of removal of exhaust gases
from the cylinder is known as scavenging. As the piston reaches BDC pushes all the air
present in the crankcase, thus completes the down ward stroke.
In the next cycle again the piston moves from TDC to BDC.
The petrol engine works on the principle of Otto cycle and the diesel engine
works on the principle of diesel cycle.
In petrol engine during suction stroke petrol and air mixture is fed in to the
cylinder, where as in diesel engine only air is fed in to the cylinder.
In petrol engine, the carburetor prepares correct air fuel mix and is delivered to
the cylinder, In case of diesel engine fuel injector injects diesel directly in to the
In petrol engine the air fuel mix is ignited by the spark given by the spark plug. In
case of diesel engine, the heat of the compressed air burns the injected diesel in
The compression ratio of petrol engine varies from 6 to 9, whereas in case of
diesel engine the compression ratio varies from 15 to 24.
The petrol engine is cheaper than a diesel engine.
The maintenance cost of diesel engine is more than a petrol engine.
The diesel engine gives more pollutants than petrol engine.
The petrol engine runs smoother than a diesel engine.
The petrol engine produces less vibration than a diesel engine.
The diesel engine gives more mileage than a petrol engine.
Summary: we have discussed about the construction and working of two stroke petrol
and diesel engines with the help of sketches. We have also discussed about the differences
between petrol and diesel engines.
Review questions:
1. With a neat sketch explain the working two-stroke petrol engine?
Prepared by: Dr. Shiva prasad KV.,
Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 13
IC Engines and Reciprocating Machine (AuEng2272) Dilla University
In 4 - stroke engine the oil consumption is less, whereas In 2 - stroke engine oil
consumption is more.
In 4 - stroke engine number of components are more hence it is costly, whereas in
2 - stroke engine number of components are less hence it is cheap.
The 4 - stroke engine needs more maintenance than a 2 – stroke engine.
The 4 – stroke engine needs more space than a 2 – stroke engine.
The power developed within the piston –cylinder arrangement by the combustion
of fuel is known as the indicated power. The pressure acting on the piston varies
throughout the working cycle. To record the variation of pressure for one cycle of
operation, a device called piston indicator is mounted by drilling a small hole on the
cylinder cover. It mainly consists of a small plunger and a cylinder. The plunger
displacement is proportional to the pressure acting on it from inside against the spring
force on the other side. The movement of the plunger transmitted to a stylus through
linkages. The stylus traces out a graph on a recording drum, which rotates at a constant
speed. The graph thus obtained is called the indicator diagram. The area of the indicator
diagram is proportional to the work done in a cycle.
The right hand side of the equation is nothing but the area within the loop on the
pressure-volume diagram.
The mean effective pressure is defined as the equivalent constant pressure which
has to be acting on the piston during the expansion stroke, to give the same work output
as the varying pressure, in one cycle.
From the indicator diagram, the mean effective pressure can e calculated as,
pm =s.a/l.
where, s = spring constant of the spring used in the piston indicator,
l = length of the indicator diagram,
a = area of the indicator diagram.
Note that, spring constant is the pressure required to cause unit deflection of the
i) When pm is expressed in N/ m2 pm L A n
IP = kW
60 x 1000
pm = mean effective pressure, L = stroke length,
A = area of cross-section of the piston, n = number of cycles per minute,
N = crank shaft speed,rpm = N/2 for a four stroke engine,
It consists of a drum, which is mounted on the crankshaft. A rope is wound on the drum.
One end of the rope is connected to a spring balance, and the other end, to a weight-
loading device.
The torque on the brake drum is given by,
T = (W - S) x R
W = weight on the rope, N.
S = spring balance reading, N.
R = mean radius of brake drum, m.
Brake power is given by,
BP = kW
60 x 1000
Frictional power:
Mechanical efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of brake power to indicated power
Brake power
ηmech =
Indicated power
Thermal efficiency:
In IC engines, energy is supplied to the engine by burning fuel. But all of the energy that
is supplied is not converted into useful mechanical work. Some of the energy supplied is
lost through hot exhaust gases, some due to the cooling of the engine and some through
radiation and convection heat losses. The fraction of the energy supplied that is available
as useful work determines the thermal efficiency of the engine. The thermal efficiency
can be calculated either for the indicated power, or for the brake power. Accordingly they
are referred to as indicated thermal efficiency, and brake thermal efficiency.
Heat supplied to the engine per sec = mass of fuel burnt x calorific value.
Indicated power
η indicated thermal =
mf x CV
Brake power
η brake thermal =
mf x CV
mf = Mass of fuel used in kg / sec. CV = Calorific value of fuel kJ / kg
Specific fuel consumption (SFC):
It is the mass of fuel supplied per hour in order to get unit power output.
SFC = kg/kW-hr
SFC can be calculated on indicated power basis or on brake power basis.
Summary: We have discussed the differences between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. We
studied how various performance parameters of IC engines are evaluated.
Review questions:
1. Define i) Mean effective pressure ii) Indicated power iii) Brake power
iv) Mechanical efficiency v) Indicated thermal efficiency vi) Brake thermal
2. Explain how indicated power and brake power are measured in an IC engine.
BP = ———— kW
BP = ————
2 π x 250 x 700
BP = —————— = 18.32 kW
60 x 1000
ipm LAn
IP = ———— kW i = Number of cylinders
60 π d2 π x (0.25)2
A = —— = ———— = 0.049m2
4 4
FP = IP – BP
FP = 24.54-18.32 = 6.22 kW
BP 18.32
ηmech = —— = ——— =0.7465 or 74.65%
IP 24.54
v) Indicated thermal efficiency
IP 24.54
ηind thermal = ———— = —————— = 0.4299 or 42.99%
mf x CV 0.0013x43900
vi) Brake thermal efficiency
BP 18.32
ηbrake thermal = ———— = —————— = 0.321 or 32.1%
mf x CV 0.0013x43900
Problem 2: The following are the details of a 4-stroke petrol engine. (i) diameter of brake
drum=60.03cm, (ii) full brake load on drum=250N, (iii) brake drum speed = 450 rpm,
(iv) calorific value of petrol = 40MJ/kg, (v) brake thermal efficiency=32%, (vi)
mechanical efficiency=80%, specific gravity of petrol=0.82. Determine – (i) brake
power, (ii) indicated power, (iii) fuel consumption in liter per second, and (iv) indicated
thermal efficiency.
Given data: N = 450 rpm n = N/2 for a 4 stroke engine = 450/2 = 225 cycles/min
( W – s ) = 2500 N
D = 600.3 mm = 0.6003 m.
Specific gravity of petrol = 0. 82 Density ρ = 0.82 x 1000 kg/ m3
CV= 40 MJ/ kg = 40 x 103 KJ/Kg.
Prepared by: Dr. Shiva prasad KV.,
Assistant Professor, School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 20
IC Engines and Reciprocating Machine (AuEng2272) Dilla University
BP = ————
2 π x 450 x 75.03
BP = —————— = 3.536 kW
60 x 1000
BP BP 3.536
ηmech = —— IP = —— = —— = 4.42 kW
IP ηmech 0.8
ηbrake thermal
ηmech = —————
ηind thermal
BP 3.536
mf = ———————— = ———————— = 0.2762 x 10-3 kg / sec
ηbrake thermal x CV 0.32 x 40 x 103
Problem 3: A four-cylinder two-stroke petrol engine develops 30kW at 2500 rpm. The
mean effective pressure on each piston is 8bar, and mechanical efficiency is 80%.
Calculate the diameter and stroke of each cylinder, stroke to bore ratio is 1.5. Also
calculate the fuel consumption if brake thermal efficiency is 28%. The calorific value of
fuel is 43900 kJ/kg.
BP BP 30
i) ηmech = —— IP = —— = —— = 37.5 kW
IP ηmech 0.8
IP = 37.5 kW
ii) iPm LAN l = 1.5 d
IP = ———— kW i = Number of cylinders
60 A = (πd2 ) / 4
ηbrake thermal = ————
mf x CV
BP 30
mf = ———————— = —————— = 2.44 x 10-3 kg / sec
ηbrake thermal x CV 0.28 x 43900
Problem 4: A person conducted a test on a single cylinder two-stroke petrol engine and
found that the mechanical efficiency and brake thermal efficiency of the engine are 0.7
and 0.2 respectively. The engine with a mean effective pressure of 6bar ran at 300
rev/min consuming fuel at a rate of 2.2kg/hr. Given that the calorific value of fuel is
42500 kJ/kg and that the stroke to bore ratio of the engine is 1.2, find the bore and stroke
of the engine.
ηbrake thermal = ————
mf x CV
BP BP 5.19
ηmech = —— IP = —— = —— = 7.42 kW
IP ηmech 0.7
IP = ———— kW
1 x 600 x 1.2 d x (πd2 / 4 ) x 300
7.42 = ————————————————
d = 0.138 mt = 138 mm
FP = IP – BP
Inline engine designs:
Straight engine, with all of the cylinders placed in a single row
V engine, with two banks of cylinders at an angle, most commonly 60 or
90 degrees.
Flat engine, two banks of cylinders directly opposite each other on either
side of the crankshaft.
W engine. Combination of V and straight, giving 3 banks, or two V's
intertwined giving 4 banks.
Opposed piston engine, with multiple crankshafts
X engine.
Radial designs, including most:
Rotary engine designs. Mostly seen on pre-World War II aircraft.
Pistonless rotary engines, notably:
Wankel engine.
Wankel engine
The Wankel engine is a type of internal combustion engine using
an eccentric rotary design to convert pressure into rotating motion. The design was
invented by German engineer Felix Wankel in 1929.
The four-stage cycle of: intake, compression, ignition and exhaust occurs in a
moving combustion chamber between the inside of an oval-like shaped housing, and a
Parts are :
1. Intake port
2. Exhaust port
3. Casing (oval shaped)
4. Combustion chamber
5. Shaft Gear
6. Rotor
7. rotor gear
8. Eccentric shaft
9. Spark plug
The central drive shaft, called the "eccentric shaft" or "E-shaft", passes through
the center of the rotor and is supported by fixed bearings. The rotation of each rotor on its
own axis is caused and controlled by a pair of synchronizing gears. A fixed gear mounted
on one side of the rotor housing engages a ring gear attached to the rotor and ensures the
rotor moves exactly 1/3 turn for each turn of the eccentric shaft. The power output of the
engine is not transmitted through the synchronizing gears. The force of gas pressure on
the rotor goes directly to the center of the eccentric part of the output shaft.
As the rotor rotates orbitally revolving, each side of the rotor is brought closer to
and then away from the wall of the housing, compressing and expanding the combustion
chamber like the strokes of a piston in a reciprocating piston engine.