Chapter 34 - Interchange Ramp Terminals Supplemental - 601
Chapter 34 - Interchange Ramp Terminals Supplemental - 601
Chapter 34 - Interchange Ramp Terminals Supplemental - 601
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ISBN 978-0-309-36997-8 [Slipcased set of three volumes]
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 34-1
5. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................34-108
Exhibit 34-102 Example Problem 9: Control Delay and LOS for Each O-D
Movement ........................................................................................................... 34-53
Exhibit 34-103 Example Problem 10: O-D Demand Information for the
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-54
Exhibit 34-104 Example Problem 10: NEMA Flows (veh/h) for the
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-54
Exhibit 34-105 Example Problem 10: NEMA Flows for the Interchange
Without Channelized Right Turns .................................................................. 34-55
Exhibit 34-106 Example Problem 10: SPUI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-107 Example Problem 10: TUDI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-108 Example Problem 10: CUDI Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-55
Exhibit 34-109 Example Problem 10: CDI Critical Flow Ratio Calculations ..... 34-56
Exhibit 34-110 Example Problem 10: Parclo A-4Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-56
Exhibit 34-111 Example Problem 10: Parclo A-2Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-112 Example Problem 10: Parclo B-4Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-113 Example Problem 10: Parclo B-2Q Critical Flow Ratio
Calculations ........................................................................................................ 34-57
Exhibit 34-114 Example Problem 10: Interchange Delay for the Eight
Interchange Types ............................................................................................. 34-58
Exhibit 34-115 Example Problem 11: Interchange Configuration and
Demand Volumes .............................................................................................. 34-59
Exhibit 34-116 Example Problem 11: Signal Timing Plan ................................... 34-59
Exhibit 34-117 Example Problem 11: Physical Configurations Examined ........ 34-60
Exhibit 34-118 Example Problem 11: Congested Approaches to Diamond
Interchange ......................................................................................................... 34-60
Exhibit 34-119 Example Problem 11: Discharge from the Diamond
Interchange Under the Full Range of Arterial Demand ............................... 34-61
Exhibit 34-120 Example Problem 11: Discharge from the Southbound Exit
Ramp Under the Full Range of Ramp Demand ............................................ 34-62
Exhibit 34-121 Example Problem 11: Congested Approaches to the TWSC
Intersection ......................................................................................................... 34-62
Exhibit 34-122 Example Problem 11: Effect of Arterial Demand on Minor-
Street Discharge at the TWSC Intersection .................................................... 34-63
Exhibit 34-123 Example Problem 12: Turning Movement Demands ................. 34-64
Exhibit 34-150 Example Problem 17: Weighted Average Control Delays ........ 34-89
Exhibit 34-151 Default Values of Saturation Flow Rate for Use with the
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection .................................. 34-93
Exhibit 34-152 Mapping of Interchange Origins and Destinations into
Phase Movements for Operational Interchange Type Selection
Analysis............................................................................................................... 34-94
Exhibit 34-153 Phase Movements in a SPUI .......................................................... 34-94
Exhibit 34-154 Phase Movements in a Tight Urban or Compressed Urban
Diamond Interchange ....................................................................................... 34-95
Exhibit 34-155 Default Values for yt ....................................................................... 34-95
Exhibit 34-156 Phase Movements in a CDI ........................................................... 34-96
Exhibit 34-157 Phase Movements in Parclo A-2Q and A-4Q Interchanges ...... 34-97
Exhibit 34-158 Phase Movements in Parclo B-2Q and B-4Q Interchanges ........ 34-97
Exhibit 34-159 Estimation of Interchange Delay dI for Eight Basic
Interchange Types ............................................................................................. 34-99
Exhibit 34-160 Illustration and Notation of O-D Demands at an
Interchange with Roundabouts ..................................................................... 34-100
Exhibit 34-161 Notation of O-D Demands at Interchanges with
Roundabouts .................................................................................................... 34-101
Exhibit 34-162 O-D Flows for Each Interchange Configuration ....................... 34-102
Exhibit 34-163 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo A-2Q Interchanges ................................................... 34-103
Exhibit 34-164 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo A-4Q Interchanges ................................................... 34-103
Exhibit 34-165 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo AB-2Q Interchanges................................................. 34-103
Exhibit 34-166 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo AB-4Q Interchanges................................................. 34-104
Exhibit 34-167 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo B-2Q Interchanges.................................................... 34-104
Exhibit 34-168 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Parclo B-4Q Interchanges.................................................... 34-104
Exhibit 34-169 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for Diamond Interchanges ........................................................ 34-105
Exhibit 34-170 Worksheet for Obtaining O-D Movements from Turning
Movements for SPUIs ..................................................................................... 34-105
Exhibit 34-171 Worksheet for Obtaining Turning Movements from O-D
Movements for Parclo A-2Q and Parclo A-4Q Interchanges ..................... 34-105
Exhibit 34-172 Worksheet for Obtaining Turning Movements from O-D
Movements for Parclo AB-2Q Interchanges................................................. 34-106
Chapter 34 is the supplemental chapter for Chapter 23, Ramp Terminals and VOLUME 4: APPLICATIONS
Alternative Intersections, which is found in Volume 3 of the Highway Capacity 25. Freeway Facilities:
Manual (HCM). This chapter provides 17 example problems demonstrating the Supplemental
26. Freeway and Highway
application of the Chapter 23 methodologies for evaluating the performance of Segments: Supplemental
distributed intersections, including restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT), median 27. Freeway Weaving:
U-turn (MUT), and displaced left-turn (DLT) intersections. It also presents a 28. Freeway Merges and
procedure for interchange type selection, which can be used to evaluate the Diverges: Supplemental
29. Urban Street Facilities:
operational performance of various interchange types. Finally, this chapter Supplemental
provides worksheets for converting origin–destination (O-D) flows to turn 30. Urban Street Segments:
movement flows, and vice versa, for various interchange types. 31. Signalized Intersections:
Methodologies for the analysis of interchanges involving freeways and 32. STOP-Controlled
surface streets (i.e., service interchanges) were developed primarily on the basis Intersections:
of research conducted through the National Cooperative Highway Research 33. Roundabouts:
Program (1–3) and elsewhere (4). Development of HCM analysis procedures for Supplemental
34. Interchange Ramp
alternative intersection and interchange designs was conducted through the Terminals:
Federal Highway Administration (5). Supplemental
35. Pedestrians and Bicycles:
36. Concepts: Supplemental
37. ATDM: Supplemental
This section describes the application of each of the final design, operational
analysis for interchange type selection, and roundabouts analysis methods
through the use of example problems. Exhibit 34-1 describes each of the example
problems included in this chapter and indicates the methodology applied.
Major Street 16
5 8P 6
4P 1
3 8 18
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-3
Example Problem 1:
Interchange Volumes and
= Lane Width
400 ft
= Through Channelization
= Right
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
156 185 135 = Left
795 797
200 ft
212 200 ft 96 = Through + Right
781 870
80 210 204 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ University Drive
= Left + Right
400 ft
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and level of service (LOS) for
this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all right-turning movements and 75 ft for all left-turning movements.
Arrival Type 4 is assumed for all arterial movements and Arrival Type 3 for all
other movements. Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
Heavy vehicles account for 6.1% of both the external and the internal
through movements, and the peak hour factor (PHF) for the interchange is
estimated to be 0.90. Start-up lost time and extension of effective green are both
2 s for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no
buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange. The grade is 2% on the NB
and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-D movements through this diamond interchange are calculated on the
basis of the worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all
movements utilize the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning
movements at the two intersections. The results of these calculations and the
PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-5.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The estimated saturation flow
rates for all approaches are shown in Exhibit 34-7 and Exhibit 34-8.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-9 first provides the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase at the two intersections on the assumption that Phase 1 of the first
intersection begins at time zero. On the basis of the information provided in
Exhibit 34-9, the relative offset between the two intersections is Offset 2 – Offset 1
+ n × cycle length = 9 – 19 + 160 = 150 s. Next, the exhibit provides the beginning
and end of green for the six pairs of movements between the two intersections
and the respective common green time for each pair of movements. For example,
the EB external through movement has the green between 0 and 63 s, while the
EB internal through movement has the green twice during the cycle, between 150
and 53 s and between 116 and 150 s. The common green time when both
movements have the green is between 0 and 53 s, for a duration of 53 s.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-10 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues.
The lost time due to demand starvation is calculated by using Equation 23-
38. The respective calculations are presented in Exhibit 34-11. As shown, in this
case there is no lost time due to demand starvation (LDS = 0).
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-16 summarizes the results
for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, all the movements have v/c
and queue storage ratios less than 1; for these O-D movements, the LOS is
determined by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra distances are measured according
to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e.,
EDTT = 100 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.9 s/veh]. Intersection-wide performance measures
are not calculated for interchange ramp terminals.
Exhibit 34-17 2%
grade = _________
= Pedestrian Button
Example Problem 2:
Intersection Plan View = Lane Width
400 ft
= Through
= Right
grade = _________
800 ft 350
120 275 = Left
200 ft 1055
300 165 = Through + Right
200 ft
1013 188
218 250 800 ft
= Left + Through
grade = _________ Newberry Avenue
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 800 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. The eastbound and
westbound left-turn radii are 80 ft, while all remaining turning movements have
radii of 50 ft. The arrival type is assumed to be 4 for all arterial movements and 3
for all other movements. Extra distance traveled along each freeway loop ramp is
1,600 ft. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
There are 11.7% heavy vehicles on both the external and the internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is estimated to be 0.95. Start-up lost
time is 3 s for all approaches, while the extension of effective green is 2 s for all
approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses,
bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this parclo interchange are calculated on the basis of the
worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-163 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize
the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the
two intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-19.
Exhibit 34-20
Maximum Lane Lane Utilization
Example Problem 2: Lane
Approach V1 V2 V3 Utilization Factor
Utilization Adjustment
Eastbound external 0.2660 0.2791 0.4549 0.4549 0.7328 Calculations
Westbound external 0.2263 0.2472 0.5265 0.5265 0.6332
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-20. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15.
The left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-
20 through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated
according to Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of these
calculations for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-21 and Exhibit 34-22.
Exhibit 34-21
Northbound Southbound
Example Problem 2:
Value Left Right Left Right
Saturation Flow Rate
Base saturation flow (s0, pc/hg/ln) 1,900 1,900 1,900 1,900 Calculation for Northbound
Number of lanes (N) 1 1 1 1 and Southbound Approaches
Lane width adjustment (fw) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Heavy vehicle and grade adjustment (fHVg) 0.990 0.990 0.990 0.990
Parking adjustment (fp) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Bus blockage adjustment (fbb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Area type adjustment (fa) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Lane utilization adjustment (fLU) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Left-turn adjustment (fLT) 0.899 1.000 0.899 1.000
Right-turn adjustment (fRT) 1.000 0.899 1.000 0.899
Left-turn pedestrian–bicycle adjustment (fLpb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Right-turn pedestrian–bicycle adjustment (fRpb) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Turn radius adjustment for lane group (fR) 0.899 0.899 0.899 0.899
Traffic pressure adjustment for lane group (fv) 0.990 0.980 1.006 0.956
Adjusted saturation flow (s, veh/hg/ln) 1,674 1,658 1,701 1,617
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-23 provides the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase followed by the beginning and end of green for the four pairs of
movements at the two intersections. Phase 1 of the first intersection is assumed to
begin at time zero (in this case the offset for both intersections is zero, and
therefore the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero).
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-24 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-29 presents the resulting
delay, v/c ratio, and RQ for each O-D movement. As shown, O-D Movement F
(which consists of the EB external left movement) has v/c and RQ ratios greater
than 1, resulting in LOS F. For the remaining movements, the LOS is determined
by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra distances are measured according to the
Exhibit 23-9 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT =
1,200 / (1.47 × 25) + 5 = 37.7 s/veh]. Intersectionwide performance measures are
not calculated for interchange ramp terminals.
Exhibit 34-30 2%
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button
Example Problem 3: = Lane Width
Intersection Plan View
400 ft
= Through
= Right
600 ft
grade = _________
104 56 68 = Left
860 1020
295 65 = Through + Right
2000 801
300 135 460 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ 22nd Avenue
= Left + Right
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 300 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all turning movements except the eastbound and westbound left
movements, which have radii of 75 ft. Extra distance traveled along each freeway
ramp is 60 ft. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on both the external and the internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is 0.97. Start-up lost time and
extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis
period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated on the basis of the
worksheet provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize
the signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the
two intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-32.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of these calculations
for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-34 and Exhibit 34-35.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-36 first provides the beginning and ending of the green time for
each phase at the two intersections, on the assumption that Phase 1 of the first
intersection begins at time zero. In this case, the offset for both intersections is
zero; therefore, the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-37 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues. As shown, the SB-L movement has additional lost time of
5.5 s due to the downstream queue.
The lost time due to demand starvation is calculated by using Equation 23-
38. The respective calculations are presented in Exhibit 34-38. As shown, in this
case there is no lost time due to demand starvation.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c ratio
and queue storage ratio are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the
LOS for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-43 presents a summary
of the results for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, v/c and RQ for
parts of O-Ds E, H, I, and M exceed 1; therefore, these O-Ds operate in LOS F.
O-D E and O-D I include the EB external through movement, while O-D H and
O-D M include the WB internal left. These movements have v/c ratios exceeding
1. The remaining movements have v/c and queue storage ratios less than 1; the
LOS for these O-D movements is determined by using Exhibit 23-10. After extra
distances are measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be
obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 60 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.2 s/veh].
Intersectionwide performance measures are not calculated for interchange ramp
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-44
= Lane Width
Example Problem 4:
Intersection Plan View
400 ft
= Through
= Right
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
120 185 180 = Left
925 1085
285 200 = Through + Right
110 125 210 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ Archer Road
= Left + Right
400 ft
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 400 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 50
ft for all turning movements except the eastbound and westbound left, which are
75 ft. Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on both external and internal through
movements, and the PHF for the interchange is estimated to be 0.97. Start-up lost
time and extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the
analysis interval, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians
utilize the interchange. The grade is 2% on the NB and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated by using the
worksheet given in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Since all movements utilize the
signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the two
intersections. The results of these O-D calculations and the PHF-adjusted values
are presented in Exhibit 34-46.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above in Exhibit 34-6. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The
left- and right-turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equations 23-20
through 23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius
calculated by Equation 23-19. The remaining adjustment factors are calculated as
indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of the saturation
flow rate calculations for all approaches are presented in Exhibit 34-48 and
Exhibit 34-49.
Common Green and Lost Time due to Downstream Queue and Demand
Starvation Calculations
Exhibit 34-50 presents the beginning and end times of the green for each
phase at the two intersections. Phase 1 of the first intersection is assumed to
begin at time zero. In this case the offset for both intersections is zero; therefore
the beginning of Phase 1 for the second intersection is also zero.
The next step involves the calculation of lost time due to downstream
queues. First, the queues at the beginning of the upstream arterial phase and at
the beginning of the upstream ramp phase must be calculated by using Equation
23-33 and Equation 23-34, respectively. Exhibit 34-51 presents the calculation of
these downstream queues followed by the calculation of the respective lost time
due to those queues. As shown, there is no additional lost time due to
downstream queues.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. Next, the v/c and
queue storage ratios are checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. Exhibit 34-57 summarizes the results
for all O-D movements at this interchange. As shown, the v/c ratio exceeds 1 for
O-D Movements E, F, and I, all of which include the EB external through and
right movements. Therefore, these O-D movements operate in LOS F. The
remaining movements have v/c and queue storage ratios less than 1; the LOS is
determined by using Exhibit 23-10 for these movements. After extra distances are
measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be obtained from
Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 80 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.6 s/veh]. Intersectionwide
performance measures are not calculated for interchange ramp terminals.
Exhibit 34-58
Example Problem 5: DDI
Geometry, Lane, and Volume
The Question
What are the control delays, experienced travel time, and LOS for this
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates as
a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 75 ft
for right-turn movements and 150 ft for left turns.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles for all movements, and the PHF for the
interchange is 0.95. Start-up lost time and extension of effective green are both 2 s
for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses,
bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Exhibit 34-59 provides basic signal timing information for the DDI. The cycle
length is set at 70 s for this pretimed signal. The arterial street free-flow speed is
35 mi/h.
The DDI is timed with two critical phases to allow the northbound and
southbound through movements to be processed through the interchange
sequentially. The signalized right-turn movements from the freeway move
concurrently with the inbound through movement into the interchange at each
crossover, and the left turns move concurrently with the outbound through
movements. Overlap phasing is used to reduce the lost time for the through
movement while providing adequate clearance times for the turning traffic. In
the methodology, this results in additional lost time applied to the ramp
movements (Step 4 of DDI methodology in Chapter 23).
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-D movements through this diamond interchange are calculated by using
the worksheet in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. Because all movements utilize the
signal, O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning movements at the two
intersections. The results of these calculations and the PHF-adjusted values are
presented in Exhibit 34-60.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/hg/ln by using Equation 23-14. The lane
utilization of the approaches external to the interchange is obtained as shown
above. Traffic pressure is calculated by using Equation 23-15. The left- and right-
turn adjustment factors are estimated by using Equation 23-20 through Equation
23-23. These equations use an adjustment factor for travel path radius calculated
by Equation 23-19. The DDI adjustment factor is applied to the internal and
external through movements at both crossovers. The remaining adjustment
factors are calculated as indicated in Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The
estimated saturation flow rates for all approaches are shown in Exhibit 34-62.
With the effective green time and saturation flow adjustments complete, the
volume-to-capacity ratios for each lane group are calculated from Equation 23-
48. Because this is an isolated DDI, no adjustments due to closely spaced
intersections apply. Because all turning movements from the freeway are
signalized, Step 6 for estimating performance of YIELD-controlled turns also does
not apply. The results are shown in Exhibit 34-64.
Control delay and its various components (uniform delay, incremental delay,
and initial queue delay) are calculated by using the procedures in Chapter 19,
and the results are shown in Exhibit 34-64.
From these results, the performance measures are aggregated for each O-D
movement. The naming convention for converting turning movements to O-Ds is
followed. Furthermore, for each O-D movement, the EDTT is calculated with
Equation 23-50. The LOS for each lane group can then be determined from
Exhibit 23-10. The results of all steps are shown in Exhibit 34-65.
In the exhibit, the extra distance traveled is 100 ft for the left turn from the
freeway (Movements A and D), reflecting some out-of-direction travel distance at
the interchange. Similarly, 40 ft of added travel distance is applied to the arterial
through movements (I and J) to account for the two crossover shifts. For an
actual site, these distances should be measured from design drawings or aerial
images. The EDTT is then calculated on the assumption of a travel speed of 35
mi/h for that added distance. Note that the methodology does not consider
delays for the free-flow right-turn bypass movements onto the freeway, which
are therefore assumed to be zero. Intersectionwide performance measures are not
calculated for interchange ramp terminals.
Exhibit 34-66
Example Problem 6:
Geometry, Lane, and Volume
1,200 550
1,600 M1 M2 850
1,500 M6 M5 900
1,300 500
350 M4 200
The Question
What are the control delays, experienced travel time, and LOS for the turning
movements off the freeway for this interchange if they are controlled by YIELD
The Facts
The basic assumptions for this freeway are the same as for Example Problem
5. Similarly, Steps 1 through 5 are unchanged for the signalized movements.
Capacity of YIELD-Controlled Movement
Step 6 of the interchange methodology evaluates the capacity of the YIELD-
controlled movement in three regimes: (a) Regime 1blocked by conflicting
platoon when the conflicting signal has just turned green, with zero capacity for
turning movement; (b) Regime 2gap acceptance in conflicting traffic after the
initial platoon has cleared, with gap acceptance controlled by the critical gap,
follow-up time, and conflicting flow rate; and (c) Regime 3no conflicting flow
when the conflicting signal is red, with full capacity, controlled by the follow-up
time of the YIELD-controlled approach.
For each regime, the methodology computes the proportion of time the
regime is active, as well as the capacity that applies over that period of time. The
evaluation is performed for the two right-turn movements (M4 and M8) and the
two left-turn movements (M3 and M7).
In Regime 1, the capacity is equal to zero, since no YIELD-controlled
movements can enter the interchange while the opposing queue clears. The
duration of the blocked period is estimated from Equation 23-51. For an isolated
interchange, Equation 23-52 and Equation 23-54 are used to estimate the time to
clear the opposing queue and the time for the last queued vehicle to clear the
conflict point, respectively. The calculation results are shown in Exhibit 34-67.
The combined capacity of the YIELD-controlled movement is estimated from
Equation 23-46 or Equation 23-47. With that capacity and the movement demand,
a volume-to-capacity ratio can be estimated. The control delay for the movement
is then estimated by using the control delay procedure for roundabouts given in
Equation 22-17. The computations of other terms contributing to the experienced
travel time service measure are consistent with Example Problem 5. The results
are shown in Exhibit 34-70.
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________ Exhibit 34-72
Example Problem 7:
Intersection Plan View
600 ft = Pedestrian Button
= Lane Width
= Through
520 2%
grade = _________
= Right
210 600 ft
= Left
200 ft 837
184 = Through + Right
200 ft
865 = Left + Through
600 ft 80 165 = Left + Right
grade = _________ University Drive
= Left + Through + Right
_____________ 600 ft
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange, and it operates
as a pretimed signal with no right turns on red allowed. Travel path radii are 87
ft and 50 ft for all left-turn and right-turn movements, respectively. Lane widths
are 10.3 ft for all lanes. There is no extra distance traveled along the freeway
ramps. The grade is 2% on the eastbound and westbound approaches.
There are 3.4% heavy vehicles on all eastbound and westbound movements.
There are 5% heavy vehicles on all northbound and southbound movements. The
PHF for the interchange is 0.95. Start-up lost time and extension of effective
green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis period, there is no
parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this SPUI are calculated on the basis of the worksheet
provided in Exhibit 34-170. O-Ds can be calculated directly from the turning
movements at a SPUI because it has only one intersection. The O-Ds and the
corresponding PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-74.
Supplemental Uniform Delay Worksheet for Left Turns from Exclusive Lanes with
Protected and Permitted Phases
Uniform delay for the eastbound and westbound left-turn movements must
be calculated with a supplemental worksheet since both of these exclusive left-
turn lanes have both protected and permitted movements. The intermediate
calculations and uniform delay for the eastbound and westbound left turns are
completed according to the methodology of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections,
and are shown in Exhibit 34-77.
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the movement delay for the corresponding
movement, as shown in Exhibit 34-82. Next, the v/c and queue storage ratios are
checked. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS for the respective O-D is
F. As shown, no movements have a v/c ratio or RQ exceeding 1, and therefore the
LOS result is based on the second column of Exhibit 23-10. Intersectionwide
performance measures are not calculated for interchange ramp terminals.
Exhibit 34-82 O-D Movement ETT (s/veh) v/c > 1? RQ > 1? LOS
Example Problem 7: O-D A 27.9 No No B
Movement LOS B 63.6 No No D
C 53.0 No No C
D 56.0 No No D
E 31.0 No No C
F 25.4 No No B
G 29.1 No No B
H 34.6 No No C
I 54.6 No No C
J 51.0 No No C
grade = _________ 0%
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button Exhibit 34-83
= Lane Width Example Problem 8:
400 ft = Through Intersection Plan View
200 ft
98 = Right
800 ft
600 ft 0%
grade = _________
165 280160 185 135
156 = Left
400 795 797
200 ft 200 ft
220 150 200 ft
212 200 ft 96 = Through + Right
780 781 870
60 105 180 80 210 204 600 ft = Left + Through
grade = _________ University Drive
University Drive
200 ft
400 ft
Spring Street
= Left + Through + Right
grade = _________
D= 300 ft D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay, queue storage ratio, and LOS for this interchange
and the adjacent intersection?
The Facts
The closely spaced intersection operates as a pretimed signal with no right
turns on red allowed. Travel path radii at the interchange are 50 ft for all right-
turning movements and 75 ft for all left-turning movements. Extra distance
traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft.
There are 6.1% heavy vehicles on eastbound and westbound through
movements of the interchange and all movements of the adjacent intersection.
The PHF for the interchange–intersection system is 0.97. Start-up lost time and
extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the analysis
period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the
interchange. The grade is 2% on the northbound approach.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
The O-Ds for the interchange are obtained as explained in Example Problem
1 and were presented in Exhibit 34-5.
Saturation flow rates are calculated on the basis of reductions in the base
saturation flow rate of 1,900 pc/h/ln by using Equation 23-14. The saturation
flows for each lane group of the adjacent intersection are estimated according to
Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. The results of the saturation flow rate
calculations for all movements of the adjacent intersection and the interchange
are presented in Exhibit 34-86 through Exhibit 34-88. Note that turn radius and
traffic pressure adjustments are not considered in the adjacent intersection.
The next step is the calculation of lost time due to downstream queues. At an
adjacent intersection, additional lost time due to interchange operations may
occur at the intersection’s eastbound, southbound left-turn, and northbound
right-turn approaches. Furthermore, the interchange westbound internal link
and southbound ramp may experience additional lost time due to operations at
the adjacent closely spaced intersection.
To estimate whether these approaches experience additional lost time, the
procedure determines the queue at the beginning of the intersection’s eastbound
through arterial phase, southbound left-turn phase, and northbound right-turn
phase. They are calculated by using Equation 23-24 and Equation 23-25. The
resulting queues are subtracted from the downstream link length (link between
the closely spaced intersection and the interchange) to determine the storage at
the beginning of each phase. Exhibit 34-90 presents the calculation of lost time
due to downstream queues. The results indicate that the southbound left-turn
and northbound right-turn movements of the adjacent intersection experience
additional lost time of 2.10 and 3.07 s, respectively.
tA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.25 0.25
Qe (veh) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.39 15.6
Qb (veh) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Q3 (veh) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Q (veh) 15.4 9.3 9.1 5.9 9.5 9.8 4.4 15.5 18.8
Lh (ft) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
La (ft) 800 200 300 200 800 800 200 800 200
RQ 0.48 1.16 0.76 0.73 0.30 0.30 0.55 0.48 2.36
Delay for each O-D is estimated as the sum of the movement delays for each
movement utilized by the O-D, as indicated in Equation 23-2. The v/c and queue
storage ratios are checked next. If either of these parameters exceeds 1, the LOS
for all O-Ds that utilize that movement is F. The final delay calculations and
resulting LOS for each O-D and each lane group are presented in Exhibit 34-97
and Exhibit 34-98. As shown, the v/c ratio and RQ for all O-Ds are all below 1, and
therefore the LOS for all O-Ds is determined by using the second column of
Exhibit 23-10. The LOS for each lane group at the adjacent intersection is
assigned on the basis of Chapter 19, Signalized Intersections. After extra
distances are measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion, EDTT can be
obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 100 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 = 1.9 s].
Intersectionwide performance measures are not calculated for interchange ramp
grade = _________ = Pedestrian Button
Exhibit 34-99
Example Problem 9:
Intersection Plan View
= Lane Width
400 ft
grade = _________ = Through
= Through + Right
400 ft
Street = Left + Through + Right
Freeway 2%
grade = _________
D= 500 ft
The Question
What are the control delay and LOS for this interchange?
The Facts
There are no closely spaced intersections to this interchange. This
interchange has 3% heavy vehicles and a PHF of 0.97. During the analysis period,
there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize the interchange.
Extra distance traveled along each freeway ramp is 100 ft. The grade is 2% on the
NB and SB approaches.
Calculation of Origin–Destination Movements
O-Ds through this diamond interchange are calculated by using the worksheet
provided in Exhibit 34-169 in Section 4. The results of the O-D calculations and
the resulting PHF-adjusted values are presented in Exhibit 34-100.
resulting control delay and LOS for all movements are shown in Exhibit 34-102.
After extra distances are measured according to the Exhibit 23-8 discussion,
EDTT can be obtained from Equation 23-50 [i.e., EDTT = 100 / (1.47 × 35) + 0 =
1.9 s]. Intersectionwide performance measures are not calculated for interchange
ramp terminals.
O-D Control Delay (s/veh) EDTT (s/veh) ETT (s/veh) LOS Exhibit 34-102
A 44.2 1.9 46.1 D Example Problem 9: Control
B 30.9 −1.9 29.0 C Delay and LOS for Each O-D
C 31.1 −1.9 29.2 C Movement
D 44.5 1.9 46.4 D
E 47.9 1.9 49.8 D
F 34.5 −1.9 32.6 C
G 33.8 −1.9 31.9 C
H 47.1 1.9 49.0 D
I 47.9 0.0 47.9 D
J 47.1 0.0 47.1 D
The Question
Which interchange type is likely to operate better under the given demands?
The Facts
This interchange will have two-lane approaches with single left-turn lanes on
the arterial approaches. Freeway ramps will consist of two-lane approaches with
channelized right turns in addition to the main ramp lanes. Default saturation
flow rates for use in the type selection analysis are given in Exhibit 34-151. The
O-D movements of traffic through this interchange are shown in Exhibit 34-103.
Outline of Solution
Mapping O-D Flows into Interchange Movements
The primary objective of this example is to compare up to eight interchange
types against a given set of design volumes. The first step is to convert these O-D
flows into movement flows through the signalized interchange. The interchange
type methodology uses the standard NEMA numbering sequence for
interchange phasing, and Exhibit 34-152 in Section 3 demonstrates which O-Ds
make up each NEMA phase at the eight interchange types. Exhibit 34-104 shows
the corresponding volumes for this example on the basis of the O-Ds from
Exhibit 34-103. Since this interchange has channelized right turns, Exhibit 34-105
shows only the NEMA phasing volumes utilizing the signals.
Exhibit 34-109
Value Signalized Right Turns Channelized Right Turns
Example Problem 10: CDI
Critical Flow Ratio Calculations Critical flow ratio for the arterial
0.373 0.333
movements at Intersection I, AI
Critical flow ratio for the ramp
0.282 0.165
movements at Intersection I, RI
Sum of critical flow ratios at
0.655 0.498
Intersection I, Yc,I
Critical flow ratio for the arterial
0.430 0.368
movements at Intersection II, AII
Critical flow ratio for the ramp
0.221 0.118
movements at Intersection II, RII
Sum of critical flow ratios at
0.651 0.486
Intersection II, Yc,II
Maximum sum of critical flow ratios,
0.655 0.498
The CUDI critical flow ratios are calculated by using Equation 34-9. Exhibit
34-108 shows these calculations for a CUDI with the given O-D flows.
The CDI, Parclo A-4Q, Parclo A-2Q, Parclo B-4Q, and Parclo B-2Q all use
separate controllers. For these interchanges the critical flow ratios are calculated
for each intersection, and then the maximum is taken for the overall interchange
critical flow ratio. These numbers are all calculated by using Equation 34-14 and
the default saturation flows. Exhibit 34-109 through Exhibit 34-113 show the
calculations for these interchanges utilizing two controllers.
As demonstrated by Exhibit 34-114, a Parclo B-4Q would be the best
interchange type to select in terms of operational performance for the given O-D
flows at this interchange. For the final interchange type selection, however,
additional criteria should be considered, including those related to economic,
environmental, and land use concerns.
Operational Characteristics
A two-way STOP-controlled (TWSC) intersection was introduced 600 ft west
of the first signalized intersection of the interchange. Ramp metering signals
were installed on both of the freeway entrance ramps. Right-turn storage bays
were introduced on all approaches to the interchange that accommodated right
turns. The demand volumes were modified to introduce conditions that varied
from undersaturated to heavily oversaturated. The signal timing plan was
modified to accommodate the distribution of volumes. Exhibit 34-115 shows the
interchange configuration and demand volumes. The demand volumes are
referenced to the total directional arterial demand d, which varies from 600 to
1,800 veh/h. The turning movement volumes entering and leaving the arterial
have been balanced for continuity of traffic flow. The turning movements
entering and leaving the freeway were set at 25% of the total approach volumes
and were adjusted proportionally to match the arterial demand volumes. The
cross-street entry demand from the TWSC intersection was held constant at 100
veh/h in each direction, with 50% assigned to the left and right turns. No through
vehicles were assigned from the cross street at this intersection.
Exhibit 34-115
Example Problem 11:
Interchange Configuration and
Demand Volumes
Exhibit 34-116 shows the signal timing plan for both intersections of the
diamond interchange. A simple three-phase operation at each intersection is
depicted in this table. No attempt has been made to optimize the phasing or
timing since the main purpose of this example is to demonstrate self-aggravating
phenomena that are not recognized by the Chapter 23 procedures. The ramp
metering signals installed on each of the entrance ramps were set to release a
single vehicle at 10-s intervals, giving a capacity of 360 veh/h for each ramp.
Movement Green (s) Yellow (s) All Red (s) Exhibit 34-116
Entry through/left 20 4 1 Example Problem 11: Signal
Entry and exit through/right 45 4 1 Timing Plan
Ramp 20 4 1
Cycle length (s) 100
Exhibit 34-117
Example Problem 11: Physical
West intersection
Configurations Examined only
Full diamond
interchange with
ramp metering
Exhibit 34-118
Example Problem 11:
Congested Approaches to
Diamond Interchange
capacity reduction that results from interaction between the elements within this
system. The extent of the capacity reduction will be estimated by the relationship
between demand (input) and discharge (output) on the various segments.
Exhibit 34-119 shows the westbound arterial discharge from the diamond
interchange (through plus left turns) as a function of arterial demand d. Note that
the discharge tracks the demand at low volumes, which indicates that all arrivals
were accommodated. As the demand increases, the discharge levels off at a point
that indicates the capacity of the approach. When the approach is a part of an
isolated intersection, the capacity nears 1,600 veh/h. A much lower capacity
(about 850 veh/h) is attainable in the case of the diamond interchange with ramp
metering. A number of self-aggravating phenomena reduce the capacity. Some
westbound vehicles are unable to enter the east intersection because of backup
from internal westbound left-turn bay spillover. Other westbound vehicles are
unable to exit the interchange because of backup from the ramp metering signal
and because of blockage of the intersection by left-turning exit ramp vehicles.
The net result is a substantial reduction in capacity that would not be evident
from application of the Chapter 23 methodology.
Exhibit 34-120 shows the effect of the demand volume on the southbound
exit ramp discharge at the west signal of the diamond interchange. With an
isolated signal, the discharge levels off at the approach capacity. As shown, the
capacity is reduced slightly when the signal is part of a diamond interchange.
The reduction was not as apparent as it was for the arterial movements because
the blockage effects are not as significant. Some left turns were unable to enter
the intersection because of backup from the east signal. The right turns from the
ramp were not subject to any blockage effects.
600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800
300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Ramp Demand (veh/h)
Demand Intersection Diamond
Exhibit 34-121
Example Problem 11:
Congested Approaches to the
TWSC Intersection
Exhibit 34-122
Example Problem 11: Effect of
Arterial Demand on Minor-
Street Discharge at the TWSC
(a) Northbound
(b) Southbound
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The geometry is as pictured in Exhibit 23-42, with the main street running
east–west. The distance from the main intersection to each U-turn crossover is
2,000 ft. The storage bay length for each left-turn crossover is 300 ft. The PHF is
0.92. Free-flow speed on the major street is 60 mi/h. The truck percentages are
zero, and there are no significant grades on any approach. Exhibit 34-123 shows
the vehicular demands (veh/h).
Exhibit 34-123
Example Problem 12: Turning
Movement Demands
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, 95% queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found by using Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-124
Example Problem 12:
Demands Converted to the
RCUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-125
Example Problem 12: Flow
Rates in the RCUT Geometry
2,000 + 2,000
𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇 = + 15 = 60.4 s/veh
1.47 × 60
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
The minor-street left-turn and through movements experience LOS E
because of the distances from the main intersection to the U-turn crossovers and
the major-street free-flow speed. Chapter 23 explores the sensitivity of EDTT and
LOS to these factors. It shows that, over typical ranges, there is some change in
EDTT and LOS as a result of these factors but that achievement of a LOS better
than D or E for minor-street left-turn and through movements with this design
will be difficult.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the six movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The main street runs north–south. The distance from the main intersections
to the U-turn crossover is 700 ft. The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-
turn crossovers are 400 ft. The PHF is 0.90. The free-flow speed on the major
street is 60 mi/h. The truck percentage is 5.9% on the EB approach and 6.1% on
all other approaches. The grade on the EB approach is 2%, there are no
pedestrians, and there are no nearby traffic signals. Exhibit 34-126 shows the
vehicular demands (veh/h).
Exhibit 34-126
Example Problem 13: Turning
Movement Demands
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found with Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-127
Example Problem 13:
Demands Converted to the
RCUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-128
Example Problem 13: Flow
Rates in the RCUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Interesting factors to examine in this problem are the base critical headway
and base follow-up time at the U-turn crossover and the minor-street left-turn
demand. Recalculation of the example by using the default values for base
critical headway and base follow-up time for minor-street left turns (7.1 s and 3.5
s, respectively) results in control delay at the U-turn crossover rising from 10.0 to
18.6 s/veh. In turn, this changes the EDTT value for the minor-street left-turn
movement to 52.7 s/veh, which is still LOS D. It is apparent that the base critical
headway and base follow-up time values used in the U-turn crossover analysis
could affect LOS by one level.
In general, the RCUT design requires extra travel time for the minor-street
left-turn and through movements while minimizing delays for the major-street
movements. Chapter 23 shows, for the conditions in this example, how far the
minor street can be pushed before it reaches LOS F. In this case, a demand of
more than 250 veh/h minor-street left turns in conjunction with 250 veh/h minor-
street right turns results in LOS F. If these are peak-period flows and typical K-
and D-factors apply, these demand levels translate to annual average daily traffic
values of 8,000 to 10,000 veh/day. Of course, better levels of service can be
achieved on the minor-street approach with an additional lane. Chapter 23 also
illustrates that minor-street left-turn LOS at an RCUT with STOP signs will rarely
achieve better than LOS D. It is apparent that the LOS constraint at an RCUT will
typically be the minor-street approach, which serves more movements than the
major-street left-turn crossover or the U-turn crossover.
The Intersection
An RCUT with signals in a suburban area has four approaches.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection and for the
facility as a whole?
The Facts
The main street runs north–south. The distance from the main intersections
to the U-turn crossovers is 800 ft. The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-
turn crossovers are 400 ft. The median is 40 ft wide. All crossovers have a single
lane. The major street has two through lanes and exclusive right-turn lanes at the
main junction in each direction. The minor street has two lanes on each of the
approaches to the main junctions. The PHF is 0.93. Free-flow speed on the major
street is 50 mi/h. The truck percentages are 3.7%. Grades are flat on all
approaches. There are no pedestrians, and there are no significant volumes
turning on a red signal. Exhibit 34-129 shows the vehicular demands (veh/h).
The signals are pretimed as part of a longer RCUT corridor. The arrival type
is 6 on the major street at the U-turn crossover signals in both directions and 3 for
the minor street. At both southbound signals, the cycle length is 90 s, with 60 s of
major-street green, 20 s of minor-street or crossover green, 4 s of yellow, and 1 s
of all-red. At both northbound signals, the cycle length is 60 s, with 25 s of major-
street green, 25 s of minor-street or crossover green, 4 s of yellow, and 1 s of all-red.
Exhibit 34-129
Example Problem 14: Turning
Movement Demands
The solution follows the 10-step procedure outlined in Chapter 23. Once the
v/c ratio, queue-to-storage ratio, and experienced travel time have been
determined for a movement, its LOS will be found with Exhibit 23-13.
Exhibit 34-130
Example Problem 14:
Demands Converted to the
RCUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-131
Example Problem 14: Flow
Rates in the RCUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Use of the top portion of Exhibit 23-48 gives the results in Exhibit 34-133.
One of the concerns at an RCUT is the possibility of uneven lane distribution
on a multilane minor-street approach or a multilane U-turn crossover. The
results above were produced by assuming a relatively even lane distribution on
the two-lane minor-street approaches. On the westbound minor-street approach,
there was a demand of 200 veh/h to turn right and 130 veh/h to turn left or make
a through movement. Placing all of the right-turn vehicles in the right lane and
all of the other vehicles in the left lane would add just 0.3 s/veh of control delay
to those movements, which indicates that for situations like the one in this
example, lane distribution may not matter too much.
The effect of the saturation flow adjustment factor for U-turns can also be
examined. The default suggested in Exhibit 23-52 for this case, with a 40-ft-wide
median, is 0.85. If field data showed that the factor should be 0.8, control delay
for each movement using a crossover would increase by 0.7 to 0.9 s/veh from the
results in Exhibit 34-133. On the other hand, if field data showed that the factor
should be 0.9, the control delay for each movement using a crossover would
decrease by 0.6 to 0.7 s/veh, compared with the results in Exhibit 34-133. Overall,
the U-turn saturation flow adjustment factor only makes a small difference in
this problem.
The Intersection
An MUT with STOP signs at the U-turn crossovers in a suburban area has
four approaches.
The Question
What is the LOS for each of the 12 movements at the intersection?
The Facts
The main street runs north–south. The distance from the main intersections
to the U-turn crossovers is 600 ft. The storage bay lengths for the left-turn and U-
turn crossovers are 500 ft. Both U-turn crossovers have a single lane. The major
street has two through lanes at the main junction, with shared right-turn lanes.
The minor street has one through lane and one exclusive right-turn lane on each
approach to the main junction. The PHF is 0.95. Free-flow speed on the major
street is 40 mi/h. The truck percentages are 2.6%. Grades are flat on all
approaches. There are 100 pedestrians per hour on each crosswalk at the main
junction, and there are no turns on red at the signal due to the pedestrians.
Exhibit 34-134 shows the vehicular demands (veh/h). The signal is actuated and
not coordinated. The yellow time is 4 s and the all-red is 1 s. Maximum green
times are 30 s for east–west phases and 50 s for north–south phases.
Exhibit 34-134
Example Problem 15: Turning
Movement Demands and
Average Interval Durations
Exhibit 34-135
Example Problem 15:
Demands Converted to the
MUT Geometry
Exhibit 34-136
Example Problem 15: Flow
Rates in the MUT Geometry
𝐸𝑇𝑇 = ∑ 𝑑𝑖 + ∑ 𝐸𝐷𝑇𝑇
Use of the middle portion of Exhibit 23-50 gives the results in Exhibit 34-138.
MUT and RCUT intersections are particularly aided by right turns and U-
turns on red because the demands for those movements are relatively higher
than at conventional intersections. If right turns on red were allowed from the
minor-street approaches in this case, where there are exclusive right-turn lanes,
the Chapter 23 example results in Part C show the effects on ETT. If 40% of the
right-turning volume (which includes the traffic that will eventually turn left) is
able to turn on red, with an estimated zero control delay, ETT will be reduced by
more than 11 s/veh for some of the minor-street movements, which will change
LOS by one level in some cases.
The Intersection
The intersection of Speedway Boulevard (east–west) and Campbell Avenue
(north–south) has multiple failing movements and heavy left-turn demands.
Many of the nonfailing movements are close to failing, and future traffic growth
is a concern. Exhibit 34-139 provides the intersection volumes and channelization,
and Exhibit 34-140 provides the signalization information. Volumes (hourly flow
rates) listed in Exhibit 34-139 are only valid during the peak 15-min period.
Exhibit 34-139
Example Problem 16:
Intersection Volumes and
Exhibit 34-140
Example Problem 16:
Intersection Signalization
The Question
Will displacing the left turns on the major street significantly improve
performance of this intersection?
The Facts
No other signalized intersections exist within 1 mi. The intersection is
controlled by a fully actuated signal, with no right turns on red allowed. There
are no heavy vehicles, and the PHF is estimated to be 0.92. The start-up lost time
and the extension of effective green are both 2 s for all approaches. During the
analysis period, there is no parking, and no buses, bicycles, or pedestrians utilize
the intersection.
The analyst wishes to evaluate potential improvements when the east–west
left turns are displaced 350 ft upstream of the main intersection. These upstream
locations are now classified as the supplemental intersections. In the HCM
context, a DLT intersection analysis can be considered an extension of the urban
streets procedure. Thus, definitions of volume, geometric, and signalization data
for an urban street having three intersections are necessary at this stage.
Exhibit 34-141
Example Problem 16: Flow
Rates at the Supplemental
and Main Intersections
Exhibit 34-142
Example Problem 16: Lane
Geometries at the
Supplemental and Main
Green (s) 18.7 36.3 17.0 11.8 4.8 16.4 12.7 42.3
Yellow (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Red (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
After the overall new timing plans are determined, the signalization offsets
can be recalculated according to Step 5. The following steps represent the offset
computation process for DLT intersections in Chapter 23:
1. Determine the travel distance for (i.e., segment length of) the displaced
left-turn roadway TDDLT, in feet. The displaced left-turn roadway is the
roadway used by displaced left-turning vehicles as they travel from the
upstream crossover at the supplemental intersection to the stop bar at
the main intersection. In this case, the distance is 350 ft.
2. Compute the left-turn travel time TTDLT with Equation 23-61:
𝑆𝑓,𝐷𝐿𝑇 × 1.47
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑇 = = 6.8 s
35 × 1.47
3. For the upstream supplemental intersection, obtain the duration between
the reference point and the start of the displaced left-turn phase LAGDLT,
in seconds. For the downstream main intersection, obtain the duration
between the reference point and the start of the major-street through
phase LAGTH, in seconds. These durations should be based on input
phase splits instead of output phase durations.
In this example, the reference point at all intersections is assumed to be
the end of the major-street through phase. From Exhibit 34-143, the
supplemental intersection’s displaced left-turn phases always begin
exactly when the major-street through phases end, so that LAGDLT is equal
to zero.
Exhibit 34-143 indicates that at the main intersection, after the major-
street through phase ends, the signal must cycle through all minor-street
phases before reaching a point where the major-street through phase
begins. However, Exhibit 34-143 illustrates average phase durations. To
determine the window of green time that is guaranteed to occur on the
major street, it is necessary to observe what the timing plan would be if
actuated phases were driven to their maximum durations. Exhibit 34-144
illustrates this timing plan.
Exhibit 34-144
Example Problem 16:
Maximum Phase Times at the
Main Intersection
Green (s) 8.0 21.0 1.0 15.0
Yellow (s) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
Red (s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
9. If any offset value is lower than zero, increment the offset value by the
cycle length to obtain an equivalent offset within the valid range.
In this example, the new offset value of 45 s is not lower than zero. Thus,
when the offset is set to 45 s at the supplemental intersections, displaced
left-turn vehicles are expected to pass through the main intersection
without stopping.
Validity Checks
Chapter 23 cites a number of conditions that would invalidate the DLT
analysis method. If any of these conditions are met, the analysis results are
unreliable, and alternative tool analysis is recommended:
• Displaced left-turn vehicles are significantly delayed at the main
• Displaced left-turn approach’s through and left-turning movements are
not served by exactly the same signal phasing and timing,
• Green times at the main intersection are not long enough to serve
displaced left-turning vehicle demands fully, or
• Side street green durations do not exceed the sum of (a) main street travel
time between supplemental and main intersections and (b) displaced left-
turn queue clearance time.
The Question
Will displacement of left-turn movements on all four approaches
significantly improve performance of this intersection?
The Facts
The facts of the example problem are the same as in Example Problem 16.
The analyst wishes to evaluate potential improvements when left turns on all
four approaches are displaced 350 ft upstream of the main intersection. In this
case, two partial DLT analyses must be performed: one for the major street and
one for the minor street.
Exhibit 34-146
Example Problem 17: Flow
Rates at the Supplemental
and Main Intersections
Exhibit 34-147
Example Problem 17: Lane
Geometries at the
Supplemental and Main
After the overall new timing plans are determined, signalization offsets can
be recalculated according to Step 5. The following steps represent the offset
computation process for DLT intersections in Chapter 23:
1. Determine the travel distance for (i.e., segment length of) the displaced
left-turn roadway TDDLT, in feet. The displaced left-turn roadway is the
roadway used by displaced left-turning vehicles as they travel from the
upstream crossover at the supplemental intersection to the stop bar at
the main intersection. In this case, the distance is 350 ft.
2. Compute the left-turn travel time TTDLT by using Equation 23-61:
𝐹𝐹𝑆𝐷𝐿𝑇 × 1.47
𝑇𝑇𝐷𝐿𝑇 = = 6.8 s
35 × 1.47
3. For the upstream supplemental intersection, obtain the duration between
the reference point and the start of the displaced left-turn phase LAGDLT,
in seconds. For the downstream main intersection, obtain the duration
between the reference point and the start of the major-street through
phase LAGTH, in seconds. These durations should be based on input
phase splits instead of output phase durations.
In this example, the reference point at all intersections is assumed to be
the end of the major-street through phase. From Exhibit 34-148, the
supplemental intersection’s displaced left-turn phases always begin
exactly when the major-street through phases end, so that LAGDLT is
equal to zero.
From Exhibit 34-148 at the main intersection, after the major-street
through phase ends, the signal must cycle through the minor-street
phase before reaching a point where the major-street through phase
begins. For partial DLTs, it is necessary to observe what the timing plan
would be if actuated phases were driven to their maximum durations,
but for full DLTs, no phases are allowed to be actuated at the main
intersection. Thus LAGTH is equal to 18 + 4 + 1 = 23 s. This means that the
major-street through phase begins 23 s after the reference point.
Since the major-street and minor-street demands were all relatively heavy in
Example Problems 16 and 17, the failure of the full DLT configuration to
outperform the partial DLT configuration was surprising. However, when the
same exercise was performed with 800-ft spacings between supplemental and
main intersections, the full DLT (25.3 s/veh) outperformed the partial DLT (28.4
s/veh) by more than 10%. This shows that the DLT results are sensitive to
intersection spacings and that intersection spacings should be taken into
consideration in designing a new DLT facility.
Exhibit 34-150
Move- Flows Delays
Example Problem 17:
ment Orig. Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5 Weighted Average Control
EB L 761 761 15.8 Delays
EB TH 437 859 437 1,352 0.6 14.5 10.4
EB R 422 422 14.6
WB L 486 486 17.5
WB TH 340 1,397 340 667 17.9 12.8 0.5
WB R 328 328 12.9
NB L 739 739 15.2
NB TH 439 439 864 1,618 13.1 0.6 14.2
NB R 425 425 13.2
SB L 500 500 17.4
SB TH 364 364 1,226 717 12.2 13.8 0.5
SB R 353 353 12.3
Total 5,594
Movement Int 1 Int 2 Int 3 Int 4 Int 5
EB L 12,024 0 0 0 0
EB TH 515 6,337 14,061 0 0
EB R 0 6,161 0 0 0
WB L 0 0 8,505 0 0
WB TH 25,006 4,352 334 0 0
WB R 0 4,231 0 0 0
NB L 0 0 0 11,233 0
NB TH 0 5,751 0 518 22,976
NB R 0 5,610 0 0 0
SB L 0 0 0 0 8,700
SB TH 0 4,441 0 16,919 359
SB R 0 4,342 0 0 0
Total 162,373
Average 29.0
Notes: EB = eastbound, WB = westbound, NB = northbound, SB = southbound, TH = through, L = left, R = right,
Orig. = original (non-DLT) intersection, Int = intersection.
Validity Checks
Chapter 23 cites a number of conditions that would invalidate the DLT
analysis method. If any of these conditions are met, the analysis results are
unreliable, and alternative tool analysis is recommended:
• Displaced left-turn vehicles are significantly delayed at the main
• The displaced left-turn approach’s through and left-turning movements
are not served by exactly the same signal phasing and timing,
• Green times at the main intersection are not large enough to serve
displaced left-turning vehicle demands fully, or
• Side street green durations do not exceed the sum of (a) main street travel
time between supplemental and main intersections and (b) displaced left-
turn queue clearance time.
The operational analysis for interchange type selection can be used to
evaluate the operational performance of various interchange types. It allows the
user to compare eight fundamental types of interchanges for a given set of
demand flows. The eight signalized interchange types covered by the
interchange type selection analysis methodology are as follows:
1. SPUI,
2. Tight urban diamond interchange (TUDI),
3. Compressed urban diamond interchange (CUDI),
4. Conventional diamond interchange (CDI),
5. Parclo A—four quadrants (Parclo A-4Q),
6. Parclo A—two quadrants (Parclo A-2Q),
7. Parclo B—four quadrants (Parclo B-4Q), and
8. Parclo B—two quadrants (Parclo B-2Q).
Other types of signalized interchanges cannot be investigated with this
interchange type selection analysis methodology. Also, the operational analysis
methodology does not distinguish between the TUDI, CUDI, and CDI types. In
general, the interchange type selection analysis methodology categorizes
diamond interchanges by the distance between the centerlines of the ramp
roadways that form the signalized intersections. This distance is generally
between 200 and 400 ft for the TUDI, between 600 and 800 ft for the CUDI, and
between 1,000 and 1,200 ft for the CDI.
The method is based on research (4). The research also provides a
methodology for selecting unsignalized interchanges. Since unsignalized
interchanges are not covered by Chapter 23, users should consult the original
source for this information.
The methodology is based on the estimation of the sums of critical flow
ratios through the interchange and their use to estimate interchange delay. A
combination of simulation and field data was used to develop critical
relationships for the methodology.
The sum of critical flow ratios is based on an identification of all flows served
during a particular signal phase and the determination of maximum flow ratios
among the movements served by that phase. The models are similar to those
used in Chapter 19 for signalized intersections; they are modified to take into
account the fact that each signal phase involves two signalized intersections.
Interchange delay is defined as the total of all control delays experienced by all
interchange movements involved in signalized ramp terminal movements
divided by the sum of all external movement flows. Additional information is
available in the source report (4).
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 6.0.1 Page 34-91
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
Page 34-92 Version 6.0.1
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Step 1: Mapping O-D Flows into Interchange Movements
Since the primary objective of an interchange type selection analysis is to
compare up to eight interchange types against a given set of design volumes,
conversion of a given set of design origin and destination volumes to movement
flows through the signalized interchange is necessary first. The methodology
identifies volumes by signal phase by using the standard NEMA numbering
sequence for interchange phasing. Thus, movements are numbered 1 through 8
on the basis of the signal phase that accommodates the movement. Not all
configurations and signalizations include all eight NEMA phases, and for some
interchange forms some movements are not signalized and do not, therefore,
contribute to interchange delay.
As for the operational analysis methodology, to simplify the mapping
process, the freeway is assumed to be oriented north–south and the surface
arterial east–west. If the freeway is oriented in the east–west direction, rotate the
interchange drawing or diagram clockwise until the freeway is in the north–
south direction. In rotating clockwise, the westbound freeway direction becomes
northbound and the eastbound freeway direction becomes southbound; the
northbound arterial direction becomes eastbound and the southbound arterial
direction becomes westbound. The methodology allows for separate
consideration of freeway U-turn movements through the interchange. Thus, 14
basic movements must be mapped for each interchange type.
For interchange types using two controllers, phase movements through the
left (Intersection I) and right (Intersection II) intersections of the interchange are
separately mapped and used in the procedure.
Exhibit 34-152 indicates the appropriate mapping of O-D demand volumes
into phase movement volumes for the eight covered interchange types. The
designation of the O-D demands is shown in Exhibit 34-162. The mapped phase
movement volumes are then used in Step 2 to compute critical flow ratios.
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
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Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
Page 34-94 Version 6.0.1
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-154
Phase Movements in a Tight
Urban or Compressed Urban
Diamond Interchange
𝑣2 𝑣4 𝑣5
𝐴 = max [( + ) − 𝑦3 , ( + 𝑦7 )] Equation 34-5
𝑠2 𝑛2 𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑠5 𝑛5
𝑣1 𝑣6 𝑣8 Equation 34-6
𝑅 = max [( + 𝑦3 ) , ( + − 𝑦7 )]
𝑠1 𝑛1 𝑠6 𝑛6 𝑠8 𝑛8
𝑦3 = min ( ,𝑦 ) Equation 34-7
𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑡
𝑦7 = min ( ,𝑦 ) Equation 34-8
𝑠8 𝑛8 𝑡
where y3 and y7 are the effective flow ratios for concurrent (or transition) Phases 3
and 7, respectively; and yt is the effective flow ratio for the concurrent phase
when dictated by travel time.
For preliminary design applications, the default values of Exhibit 34-155 are
recommended for yt. The distance between the two intersections is measured
from the centerline of the left ramp roadway to the centerline of the right ramp
For Phase Movements 2 and 6, the number of assigned lanes (n2 and n6) is
related to the arterial left-turn bay design. If the left-turn bay extends back to the
external approach to the interchange, the number of lanes on these external
approaches is the total number of approaching lanes, including the left-turn bay.
If the left-turn bay is provided only on the internal arterial link, n2 or n6, or both,
would not include this lane.
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 6.0.1 Page 34-95
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-156
Phase Movements in a CDI
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
Page 34-96 Version 6.0.1
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-157
Phase Movements in Parclo A-
2Q and A-4Q Interchanges
Exhibit 34-158
Phase Movements in Parclo B-
2Q and B-4Q Interchanges
For all conventional diamond, Parclo A, and Parclo B interchanges, the sum
of critical flow ratios is computed as follows:
𝑌𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = max(𝑌𝑐,I , 𝑌𝑐,II ) Equation 34-14
𝑌𝑐,I = 𝐴I + 𝑅I Equation 34-15
𝑣1 𝑣2 𝑣5 𝑣6 Equation 34-17
𝐴I,II = max [( + ),( + )]
𝑠1 𝑛1 𝑠2 𝑛2 𝑠5 𝑛5 𝑠6 𝑛6
𝑣4 𝑣8 Equation 34-18
𝑅I,II = max ( , )
𝑠4 𝑛4 𝑠8 𝑛8
Yc,I = sum of the critical flow ratios for Intersection I,
Yc,II = sum of the critical flow ratios for Intersection II,
Yc,max = sum of the critical flow ratios for the interchange,
AI = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for Intersection I,
AII = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for Intersection II,
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 6.0.1 Page 34-97
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
AI,II = critical flow ratio for the arterial movements for the interchange,
RI = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for Intersection I,
RII = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for Intersection II, and
RI,II = critical flow ratio for the exit-ramp movements for the interchange.
Note that when values of AI, AII, RI, and RII are computed, the movement
volumes vary for Intersections I and II, even though the phase movement
designations are the same (Exhibit 34-152).
Some of the phase movement volumes do not exist in either Intersection I or
II. A value of 0 is used for the volume in each case where this occurs.
Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental
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Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Delay estimates can be related to LOS. For consistency, the same criteria as
used for the operational analysis methodology (4) are applied. Because LOS F is
based on a v/c ratio greater than 1.00 or a queue storage ratio greater than 1.00,
this interchange type selection methodology will never predict LOS F, because it
does not predict these ratios. Users should be exceedingly cautious of results
when interchange delay exceeds 85 to 90 s/veh.
In evaluating alternative interchange types, the exact distance, Dʹ, may not be
known for each of the alternatives. It is recommended that all lengths be selected
at the midpoint of the range shown in Exhibit 34-159 for this level of analysis.
Interpretation of Results
The output of the interchange type selection procedure for signalized
interchanges is a set of delay predictions for (a) various interchange types, (b)
various distances Dʹ between the two intersections, or (c) various numbers and
assignments of lanes on ramps and the surface arterials.
Although a lower interchange delay is generally better, a final choice must
consider a number of other criteria that are not part of this methodology,
including the following:
• Availability of right-of-way,
• Environmental impacts,
• Social impacts,
• Construction cost, and
• Benefit–cost analysis.
This methodology provides valuable information that can be used, in
conjunction with other analyses, in making an appropriate choice of an interchange
type and some of the primary design parameters. However, the final design will
be based on many other criteria in addition to the output of this methodology.
Users are also cautioned that while the definition of interchange delay is
similar for the interchange type selection methodology and the operational analysis
methodology, different modeling approaches to delay prediction were taken, and
there is no guarantee that the results of the two methodologies will be consistent.
Chapter 34/Interchange Ramp Terminals: Supplemental Operational Analysis for Interchange Type Selection
Version 6.0.1 Page 34-99
Highway Capacity Manual: A Guide for Multimodal Mobility Analysis
Exhibit 34-160
Illustration and Notation of
O-D Demands at an
Interchange with
Movement Diamond Parclo A-2Q Parclo B-2Q Parclo B-4Q Exhibit 34-161
1 C, D, L, N C, D, N -- C Notation of O-D Demands at
Interchanges with
2 D, H, L, M, N D, N H, M, N H, M
3 E, F, I E, F E, F, I E, F, I
4 D, E, F, H, I, L, M, N D, E, F, I, N E, F, H, I, M E, F, H, I, M
5 -- -- C D, N
6 -- F C --
7 A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M
8 J, M A, F, H, J, M A, C, H, J, M A, H, J, M
9 -- -- A, B, M A, M
10 -- G B -
11 D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N
12 D, E, I, N D, E, G, I, N B, D, E D, E, I, N
13 A, B, K, M A, B, M -- B
14 A, E, K, M, N A, M E, N E, N
15 G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J
16 A, E, G, H, J, K, M, N A, G, H, J, M E, G, H, J, N E, G, H, J, N
Movement SPUI Parclo AB-4Q Parclo A-4Q Parclo AB-2Q
1 C, D, L, N C C, D, N --
2 D, H, L, M, N H, M D, N H, M
3 E, F, I E, F, I E, F, I E, F, I
4 D, E, I, N E, F, H, I, M D, E, F, I, N E, F, H, I, M
5 A, B, K, M D, N -- C, D, N
6 A, E, K, M, N -- -- C
7 G, H, J A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M
8 A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, H, J, M A, C, H, J, M
9 -- -- -- --
10 -- -- -- G
11 -- D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, I, N
12 -- D, E, I, N D, E, I, N D, E, G, I, N
13 -- A, B, M A, B, M A, B, M
14 -- A, M A, M A, M
15 -- G, H, J G, H, J G, H, J
16 -- A, G, H, J, M A, G, H, J, M A, G, H, J, M
Note: -- indicates movements that do not exist for a given interchange form.
Exhibit 34-162
O-D Flows for Each
Interchange Configuration