1st Quarter 2015: Looking Forward: The Most Eagerly-Anticipated Sports Venue Openings

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1st quarter 2015

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1st quarter 2015
playing surfaces buyers' guide

Looking forward: the most

eagerly-anticipated sports venue openings
Venue profiles: Derby Arena, Orlando Citrus Bowl, Groupama Arena
Temporary stadia & major sporting
www.psam.uk.com events, Safety & security and Effective audio
© Copyright Nigel Young/Foster + Partners

ou P


Mott MacDonald

Delivering successful venues

We’ve been making our mark on international sports for
seven decades with roles on some of the world’s most
spectacular stadia and leisure facilities. Our international
expertise and technical skills cover every aspect of sports
facility development, from feasibility studies, master
project management, operation and maintenance.

We also provide specialist knowledge in overlay design,

reuse and adaption of existing venues, temporary and
permanent venues, legacy planning and sustainability,
contributing to long-term success.

Key projects
Multifunction Sports Complex,
Suzhou Park, China
Building services, energy planning and LEED
consultancy for 45,000 seat stadium, 13,000 seat
arena and sports complex.

Wembley Stadium, UK
Multidisciplinary engineering services, project
outh A

management and cost consultancy for award-winning

90,000 seat stadium.
ium, S
B Stad

Soccer City, South Africa


Principal structural engineer for 94,000 seat venue,

delivered for the 2010 World Cup.




FEATURES in this issue

Katie McIntyre reports on a selection of sports venue projects In this special roundtable, we gain valuable insights from
due for completion in the next two years. industry experts on the key challenges for designers, operators
and technology suppliers when it comes to sports venue safety
and security.
In this Q&A, Rinco van Rijn, Senior Manager Marketing
Communications at Philips Lighting, details their latest SAFETY IS KEY 101
developments in LED lighting. Juraj Marton outlines Colosseo EAS’ multimedia and security
solutions for sports venues, which assist in the creation of a
safe and secure environment.
Pere Pons and David Carrion, Software Business Developers
at Absen Optoelectronic Co Ltd, discuss using LED display EFFECTIVE VENUE MANAGEMENT 102
operating software to generate revenue and enhance the fan PACIFA decision’s Julien Piwowar explains how their innovation
and viewer experience. solutions are aiding facility managers with safety & security
management and ticketing/marketing applications.


Musco explains how their LED solution is ‘amping up’ the Preformed Marking Ltd outlines their recent completion of
stadium and arena experience worldwide. non-slip steps at Charlton Athletic FC’s stadium.


VENUES UPDATE In this special roundtable, we hear expert opinion on effective
audio solutions for stadia and arenas.
Katie McIntyre details a selection of sports venue projects
either already underway or proposed in the Middle East.

venues in focus
In this Q&A, three industry experts provide their insights on the The US$207m reconstruction of the historic Florida Citrus Bowl
key design and operational considerations when it comes to has delivered a new world-class stadium for football, soccer
Temporary Stadia & Major Sporting Events. and special events.


With Qatar having already hosted two world championships March 2015 saw the opening of the first Olympic legacy
within the last two months and having many more sporting project to be completed in the UK since the 2012 Games; the
events to follow, NUSSLI discusses the use of their futuristic-looking Derby Arena, which is both a velodrome and
modular concepts. multipurpose arena.


In this feature, we look at six companies’ innovative products
Hungary’s striking new Groupama Aréna, home to Ferencvárosi
and solutions that can be used to make sports facilities
TC, has already secured a number of records and earned the
more efficient.
title of ‘Europe’s most modern arena’.


Welcome 6


soccerex 91



Facility Watch stadiums 8

PanStadia & Arena Management, in partnership with global
design practice Populous, detail their year-long project to
explore the future in sports and entertainment venues.


The beauty and power of rugby has been redefined at the
very heart of Twickenham Stadium thanks to the latest
transformations designed by KSS.

HKS Architects' Paul Hyett explains the importance of designing
host stadia that are conducive not only to the global sporting
event but to their local community.


John Rhodes and Micheal Day discuss HOK’s recent acquisition
of 360 Architecture, along with their approach to expanding the
firm’s international presence and the future of venue design.

Facility Watch ARENAS 42

advertisers’ index/next issue 120

Flip OVER... 121

For the NEW Playing Surfaces Buyers' Guide which covers
the last 35 pages of this issue.

Cover: Groupama Arena

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KEEP IN TOUCH espite the fact that we are only a few months into 2015, we have already

At PanStadia & Arena

D witnessed the official openings of a number of eagerly-anticipated sports
venues, including: Hungary’s Groupama Arena; Orlando's new Citrus Bowl and the
Management Facebook page UK’s first Olympic Legacy project to reach completion, the Derby Arena; all of
which feature in this edition.
Join the PSAM In terms of the next 24 months, which will see the opening of many world-class
LinkedIn group stadia and arenas, we take a look at projects including: the city of Edmonton’s
Rogers Place, the centrepiece of which will be the multi-purpose Rogers Arena;
Follow us on Twitter Macau’s Studio City Event Centre, a USD$3.2bn, Hollywood-inspired, gaming and
@panstadiaarena entertainment complex; and the Taipei Dome, which will include a 40,000-seat
covered baseball arena.

Subscribe to receive In terms of major sporting event news, with the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™ to be
held during the months of November and December, and the 2019 AFC Asian Cup
printed copies quarterly
having been awarded to the United Arab Emirates, we focus on a selection of host
venue projects.
This issue also marks the commencement of our new series of special
Visit our Stadia & Arena roundtable-style features, in which industry experts provide their invaluable
conference/exhibition insights. We kick things off with roundtables on: ‘Safety & Security’; ‘Effective
Audio Solutions for Stadiums’; and ‘Temporary Stadia & Major Sporting Events’.
In addition, we hear from Stephen Gough, CEO of the Melbourne Cricket Club and
Razvan Burleanu, President of the Romanian Football Federation, on their roles, the
Sign-up for FREE digital
challenges they face and the best-practices they employ.
issues & weekly updates:
www.psam.uk.com/ I trust you will find the following pages of interest and if you have any sports venue
contact/free-digital-issue projects that you would like to see featured in the pages of PanStadia & Arena
Management or if you would like to join one of our forthcoming roundtables on
‘Roofing Design & Engineering’, ‘Pitch Management’ or ‘Tailoring regional design
to grow international content (sports & events) in the Asian market’, then please
contact myself directly via email at: [email protected]

*please make sure you are registered Katie L McIntyre

(see details above) so you can receive
Publication Director & Editor
complimentary digital copies of each
issue, as well as our weekly digest and PanStadia & Arena
latest news announcements. Management Magazine

in association with PanStadia & Arena Management is

published quarterly by Alad Ltd and
Content contacts Commercial contacts
Publication Director Project Director:
distributed in the USA by Asendia, & Editor: Katie McIntyre Sam Wibrew
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offices. Periodicals postage paid at m +44 (0)7970 712 538 e [email protected]
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facility watch
Stadiums Cairns: Rectangular Stadium
Study commissioned from Coffey Sport and Leisure.
Owner: Cairns Regional Council.
Darwin: TIO Stadium
Proposal by AFLNT (Chief Executive Tony Frawley) for
upgrade of TIO Stadium at Marrara Sporting Complex.
ASIA & AUSTRALASIA Capacity 20,000 Expanded main grandstand, portable stands on the
Cost A$66m scoreboard side, kitchen and dining facilities, new
AUSTRALIA Canberra Stadium changerooms and resurfacing. Designs and feasibility
Adelaide: Coopers Stadium Crumbling home of the ACT Brumbies and Canberra study (A$50,000) completed for submission to the
Various proposals for soccer stadium of Adelaide United Raiders. Maintenance costs of A$2m per annum. Federal and Northern Territory Governments
(Chairman Dario Fontanarosa). Adelaide Entertainment Naming rights in prospect and then new under cover Cost A$80m
Corporation has proposed ETFE roof and link to the Oval, multi-purpose stadium in Civic for Raiders, Brumbies, Parramatta: Pirtek Stadium
creating a sports precinct to bid for the Commonwealth soccer, concerts, conferences, netball and basketball. Major upgrade includes rebuilding the players changing
Games. Interim enhancements could involve increasing Expandable to 45,000 for any future World Cup bid. rooms, 2,000 extra capacity behind the existing terraces
pitch size and capacity. Capacity 25,000-35,000 at the north and south ends (4,000 in total), seating
Capacity 25,000 (17,000) Completion 2020 upgrade throughout, Wi-Fi connectivity, new turf,
Cost A$75m Fremantle Oval Precinct LED screens and signage. Finance: Commonwealth
Ballarat, Victoria: Eureka Stadium Development to maximise community use and commercial Government ($20m), Venues NSW ($6m), Parramatta
Long-term plan to upgrade to hold AFL games of north exploitation for Fremantle Football Club, South Fremantle City Council ($3m).
Melbourne club. City funding being considered but city Football Club, the Western Australian Department of Cost A$29m
requires state or federal funding for main plan. A precinct Sport and Recreation, and the AFL. Masterplan: Coffey Perth: New Perth Stadium
approach with basketball and netball integrated. Commercial Advisory, Cox Architects, WT Partnership. Design revealed. Five tiers. Bronze façade uses anodised
Capacity 15,000 Geelong: Simonds Stadium aluminium. LED lighting for home team colours by night.
Cost A$50m Phase 4 of redevelopment for home of Geelong Football A multi-purpose stadium and sports precinct located
Brisbane: Eagle Farm Racecourse Club. Finance: State ($70m). Additional funding sought on the Burswood Peninsula as part of a Peninsula wide
Part of $110m for racing infrastructure improvements from city and AFL Alternative training venue for Cats. transformation. A State Government of Western Australia
across Queensland. Course reconstruction - new Cost A$90m committed project, with backing of Western Australia
drainage, irrigation, fencing, running rails, timing Capacity 36,000+ Premier Colin Barnett. The design was revealed in July
equipment and growing medium. Vehicle and pedestrian 2014 by Premier and Minister for Sports and Recreation
Completion 2017
tunnels. Stabling and inner training track facilities. – www.perthstadium.com.au/winning-new-perth-
Gold Coast City: Carrara Stadium stadium-design-revealed – East-west orientation. Field:
Owner: Racing Queensland (Chairman Kevin Dixon). Commonwealth Games 2018: athletics competition and
Cost A$22m 165m x 130m, roof covers 85% of seats. The widest
the opening and closing ceremonies. Capacity will be range of seating and hospitality options of any stadia
Completion 2015 temporarily increased from 25,000 to 40,000. A new in Australia. Premium facilities: Field Club – a terrace
Brookvale, NSW: Brookvale Oval warm-up track will also be constructed. Owner/operator: DWÀHOGOHYHOZLWKWKHDELOLW\WRYLHZWKHKRPHWHDP
Purpose-built grandstand, concessions, corporate Stadiums Queensland. ZDUPLQJXS²DQ$XVWUDOLDQÀUVW&RDFKHV&OXE²SDWURQV
hospitality for home of NRL team Manly Sea Eagles. Capacity 40,000 SRVLWLRQHGDGMDFHQWWRWKHKRPHWHDPFRDFKHVER[6N\
Capacity 4,350 View Lounge and a range of other function spaces to
Cost A$10m maximise views of the Perth city. Procurement: Public
Procurement Process (PPP) for the Design, Build, Finance
and Maintain (DBFM) contract. The State Government
John Laing) in July 2014. Can accommodate AFL, rugby
union and league, soccer, cricket and entertainment
events. New Perth Stadium Project Director: Ronnie
Hurst.VenuesWest appointed as Governance Agency.
It will oversee the selection of the stadium’s operator,
which will establish agreements with end-users. Physical
pre-construction works are complete. Formwork and
concrete: CASC (A$30m). Steel: Civmec (A$73m). The
associated transport infrastructure budget is A$339.2m.
Capacity 60,000 (expandable to 70,000)
Cost A$820.7m (sport precinct +A$81.7m)
Completion 2018

8 facility watch stadiums asia and australasia


General Admission Seats

Loges Seats

Players Seats

VIP Seats

‘The BOX Seat’ and ‘Box Seat’ are

registered trade marks. The BOX Seat is
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patent registrations.

Rockhampton, Queensland: NRL Stadium Suzhou: Multi-purpose stadium Noida Stadium

Central Queensland Stadium committee set up to Sports and entertainment arena as part of sporting Upgrade for cricket ground. Six-storey building as part
consider sites and manage licensing and approvals complex.. of three-stage sports hub development (Rs 70 crore).
stages. Project is dependent on the success of the region Capacity 13,000 Area: 3,300m2. Plus shooting range - 2,000m2 on two
in getting its own NRL team (league expansion news Completion 2017 ÁRRUV(TXLSSHGZLWKDSUDFWLFHUDQJHIRUPPSLVWROV
due end 2014). Stadium and 1,000-seat convention Guangdong, Zhuhai: Tennis Center and accommodate more than 40 shooters at a time.
centre. Jobs: 425 (operational). Developer: Capricorn For WTA Elite Trophy 2015-2019. Centre court and pro (Rs 11 crore).
Enterprises (CEO Mary Carroll). Architect: Populous. IDFLOLWLHVLQÀUVWSKDVH0DWFKFRXUWV7UDLQLQJFRXUWV Capacity 20,000
Finance: State Government. 12. Architect: Populous. Punjab: Shahbaz Park & Sports Stadium
Capacity 20,000 Capacity 5,000 (centre court), 1,000 (secondary) Main stadium and community sports facilities.
Cost A$130-150m Cost US$84m Surat: Multipurpose Stadium
Completion 2015 Completion 2015 Client: Surat Municipal Corporation (SMC). Consultants:
Sydney: Allianz Stadium Tata Consulting Engineers, Micon Engineers, Kothari
Naming rights deal is helping fund upgrade to Sydney Associates.
Football Ground. Proposed level-one deck to connect to FIJI Cost Rs 100 crore
the eastern and western stands, forming a continuous Waila City Rugby Stadium Completion 2016
upper bowl to provide extra seats at the goal ends. Housing project masterplan with infrastructure and
Developer: Sydney and Cricket and Sportsground Trust. leisure, including a rugby stadium. Construction spans
Capacity 60,000 (55,000) a decade. The Housing Authority has advertised for INDONESIA
expressions of interest from development consortiums. Jakarta: BMW Stadium
Sydney: Blacktown Olympic Park (BOP) In Papanggo subdistrict in North Jakarta. Area: 30
Proposed upgrade to host a new AFL franchise in western Capacity 25,000
Cost A$1bn hectares. Finance: Jakarta provincial budget. Developer:
Sydney. 170 metre by 150 metre main oval with a second Jakarta Sports And Youth Department. Design and
Capacity 10,000 (current) INDIA Capacity 50,000
Sydney: ANZ Stadium Arsapara Cricket Stadium Cost US$105m
Masterplan for upgrade of former Olympic Stadium. Under construction. Finance: grant of Rs5 crore from Completion 2016
Operator: STADIUM Australia Operations Pty Ltd (ANZ Board of Control for Cricket. Client: Assam Cricket Assoc.
Stadium Managing Director Daryl Kerry). Contractor: Cost Rs 25 crore
Laing O'Rourke. Architect: BVN Donovan Hill. Engineer: Bhopal Cricket Stadium JAPAN
of the Stadium’s lower seating bowl to improve construction of an international level cricket stadium. Soccer stadium for one of the original J. League
VSHFWDWRUYLHZLQJDQGSOD\LQJÀHOGGLPHQVLRQV members south of its current home Expo Stadium, in
Delhi: Nehru Stadium
EULQJLQJVSHFWDWRUVDVFORVHDVÀYHPHWUHVWRWKH Facelift. Synthetic track, swimming pool, courts for the Expo Commemoration Park. Community facilities
ÀHOGRISOD\DWWKHQRUWKHUQDQGVRXWKHUQHQGVRI basketball and tennis. Area: 18 acres. and role as emergency evacuation centre. Finance: club
the Stadium through the installation of moveable Cost Rs 7 crore fundraising from sponsor companies. Construction:
grandstands and creating a perfect rectangle for Takenaka Corp. Operator Gamba.
Completion 2015
rugby league, rugby union and football; increasing the Capacity 40,000
eastern and western boundaries to provide longer Goa: Goa Soccer stadium Cost ¥14 billion
straight-hit boundaries in cricket and a more traditional Developer: Goa FA. Finance: government. Possible sites Completion Autumn 2015
include Guirim and Curca. Tenant: I-League club.
oval shape for AFL. New and refurbished player and Tokyo: Kasumigaoka National Stadium
spectator facilities including restaurants, bars, terraces Greater Noida Cricket Stadium In 2014 around 40,000 Japanese sports fans made
and eateries. Development of the precinct outside the In construction near the F1 GP track. Uttar Pradesh
the pilgrimage to bid a fond Sayonara to the national
Stadium, which is expected to include new precinct Cricket Association are committed to playing matches.
stadium. Demolition of the stadium started in July
bars, cafes and restaurants for Stadium patrons to Suggestion of increase eventually to 100,000 capacity.
2014, and construction of the new National Stadium
enjoy before and after events. Capacity 40,000
is scheduled to begin in October 2015. It will be used
Capacity 80,000 Completion 2015 for the 2019 Rugby World Cup, as well as hosting the
Capacity A$350m Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Stadium Opening and Closing Ceremonies, athletics, football
Completion 2018 International standard cricket stadium on land donated and rugby competitions for the 2020 Olympic and
by government to Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA). Paralympic Games. Debate continues over design and
Tasmania, Bellerive: Blundstone Arena Finance: Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI).
Cricket stadium upgrade. New entrance and stand on capacity. Ambition to incorporate green technologies.
eastern side. Elite training and gym. Owner: Cricket Kochi: Ambedkar Stadium Architect: Zaha Hadid Architects (international design
Tasmania (CE David Johnston). Architects: Suters Renovation. Pitch: synthetic (Limonta). Owner: FRPSHWLWLRQZLQQHU $UFKLWHFWKDVVLQFHLVVXHGUHÀQHG
and ARTAS. Kerala Football Association. Staged improvements design to make the stadium more adaptable and
Cost A$22m LQFOXGHÁRRGOLJKWV sustainable.
Cost Rs 30 crore Capacity 80,000
Completion 2015
Kozhikode: EMS Corporation Stadium Cost US$1,470.857m
Townsville, Queensland: Townsville Stadium Floodlights, media rooms and dressing rooms for Completion 2019
New stadium for North Queensland Cowboys (Chief
Executive Peter Jourdain). City and NRL keen but
grandstand: 3,000. VVIP lounge: 200, a VIP lounge. Some permanent, some temporary stadiums. Legacy:
Finance: city and National Games Secretariat. Parking: temporary parts will be re-used for community and
($150m) possible for the stadium and a combined
&RPPHUFLDOVSDFHLQWKHÀUVWÁRRUVTP schools sport. Capacity main stadium 10,000, stadium2
entertainment centre. Proposal for a multiplex theatre. Architect R K Remesh.
Capacity 25,000-30,000 5,000, stadium3 3,000 (legacy 1,000), stadium4 2,500
Cost Rs 31 crore (legacy 0).
Cost A$300m
Lucknow Cricket Stadium Capacity 20,500, legacy 3,500 (total)
International cricket stadium and cricket academy project Cost US$66.754m
CHINA to be developed on a public-private-partnership model. Dream Island Archery Field
Beijing: National Speed Skating Stadium Residential and commercial as main part of development. Tokyo 2020: archery. Legacy: integrated into
Part of bid for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games and Owner: Lucknow Development Authority (LDA). the parkland surroundings, to host national and
scheduled regardless of the result. West of the Olympic Consultants: Innovest Advisory Services Pvt, Uttarakhand international archery competition events. Owner: Tokyo
Park and south of the National Tennis Center. For both Infrastructure Development Company and Infrastructure Metropolitan Government.
athletic training and public recreational use. 'HYHORSPHQW)LQDQFH&RPSDQ\/WG$UHDDFUHV Capacity 7,000
Capacity 12,000 Cost Rs 400 crore Cost US$15.84m
Completion 2016 Mumbai: Motorsport venue
Multipurpose race circuit and regeneration project. Musashino Forest Sport Centre
Hangzhou Sports Park Under construction in the Tama district of Western
Feasibility study underway. Project team: Capita
Stadium plus open space, walking trails, a tennis Tokyo. Tokyo 2020: modern pentathlon. Owner: Tokyo
Symonds, Populous, Delhi Integrated Multi Modal
Transit System (DIMTS). Metropolitan Government. Legacy: sports, concerts and
extreme sports area. Area: 400,000m2. Architects: NBBJ other cultural events.
and CCDI. Navrangpura Sardar Patel Stadium Capacity 8,000, legacy 6,600
Cost US$282.857m
stands and common areas – to cricket stadium to
Hong Kong: Multi-purpose stadium take part in Essel Group’s Indian Cricket League (ICL). Completion 2016
Proposed stadium at heart of 24 hectare sports hub as Owner: Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). Sea Forest Waterway
SDUWRIUHGHYHORSPHQWRIDLUSRUWVLWH2IÀFHFRPPHUFLDO Cost Rs 100 crore Tokyo 2020: rowing and canoe-kayak (sprint). Legacy:
and retail space, public recreation and smaller sports rowing and canoe competition plus leisure. Construction
ground (5,000) and indoor arena (4,000) also on site. RIDGGLWLRQDOSHUPDQHQWVWUXFWXUHVUHTXLUHG
Finance: public private. Capacity 24,000 (10,000 seated), legacy 2,000
Capacity 50,000 Cost US$78.069m
Cost HK$19bn
Completion 2018

10 facility watch stadiums asia and australasia

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Seaside Park Hockey Stadium

Newly built in Ohi Seaside Park. Tokyo 2020: hockey.
AUSTRIA Brussels: Stade Constant Vanden Stock
Proposed upgrade for RSC Anderlecht’s soccer
Vienna: Allianz Stadium
Legacy: remodelled as a hockey stadium with 4,000 New stadium for SK Rapid Vienna. On the site of the old stadium. May be one or two phases. Contact: Chris
capacity. Owner: Tokyo Metropolitan Government Gerhard-Hanappi Stadium, which fans helped demolish Lioen, Commercial and Marketing Director. New
Capacity 10,000 (legacy 4,000); stadium 25,000 at invitation of the club. Footprint rotated 90 degrees TV truck compound, press area, security and more
Cost US$28.286m so that side stands are on west and east sides. Club parking. New VIP tribune – 1,315 gold, 1,207 silver
ZLOOSOD\WKHLUÀ[WXUHVDWDQDOWHUQDWLYHYHQXHZKLOHWKH and 1,062 bronze level. New stadium project will
facility is being constructed. Naming rights: The Allianz take capacity to 30,000. Architects: M & J-M Jaspers
Korea Group Austria. Overall predicted revenues: €3.6m – J.Eyers & Partners and DDS & Partners Architects
Seoul: Gocheok Dome Baseball Stadium (Jean-Michel Jaspers and Christian Sibilde). Project
annually. Construction: Stabag.
Domed baseball stadium to replace Dongdaemun engineer: Matthieu Mallié.
ballpark. Capacity 28,000
Cost €40-50m
Capacity 30,000 Cost €53m
Completion 2016 Waregem: Regenboogstadion
Completion Spring 2015 Renovation to all-seater, both end grandstands and
parts of main stands.
Nilai: Velodrome Baku: Olympic Stadium Completion 2015
Indoor velodrome to be built by youth and sports ministry.
Plovdiv: Botev Plovdiv FC Stadium
NEW ZEALAND Work on Botev Plovdiv's renovated soccer stadium
Proposed enlargement of the playing area of the problems with Corporate Commercial Bank AD (owner
Dunedin ground for Otago Cricket (Chief Executive Ross Tsvetan Vasilev). Concession owner: Botev Plovdiv (35
Dykes) and to make it a test venue. Owner: Dunedin years).
City Council. Cost €10m
Capacity 6,500 (3,500) Completion 2015
Sofia: National Stadium
Sports Minister Mariana Georgieva. Possible host of
Islamabad: Benazir Bhutto Stadium Euro 2020 games. Bulgarian Football Union, Bulgarian
Cricket Stadium in construction after delay over
:LOOKRVWHYHQWVRIWKHÀUVWHGLWLRQRIWKH(XURSHDQ club Slavia and German investment company IFS have
environmental concerns as the land is in the National
Games, which now includes athletics in a programme signed a preliminary agreement. On the site of Slavia's
Park Area at Shakarparian. Land lease: CDA (30% of
hosting 6,000 athletes in total. The Azerbaijan national stadium. Volleyball and basketball facilities. Replaces
stadium income). Developer/operator: Pakistan Cricket
soccer team will occupy the ground afterwards. Hotels Vasil Levski national stadium which will now be used for
Board. Area: 35 acres. Area: 35 acres.
alongside. Parking: 3,600+. Construction: State Oil athletics only.
Capacity 50,000
Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) - chief engineer Capacity 40,000
Peshawar Soccer Stadium Tural Ramazanov. Six-storey building, four zones. Cost €40m
Proposed stadium with central government support.
Piles: 1720. Concrete: 350,000m3. Reinforced steel:
Cost Rs30m 52,500 tons. Facade and roof steel: 19,000. Pitch: SIS.
Developer: Ministry of Youth and Sports. Entrances: 26.
Brazzaville: All-Africa Games Stadium
PHILIPPINES Architect: Heerim.
Main stadium for 50th anniversary of All-Africa Games.
Manila Football Stadium Capacity 68,700
Architect: PTW. Site also has 10,000-seat arena and
Home for national soccer team. Location to be decided. Cost US$640m
2,000-seat aquatics centre.
Owner: Philippine Sports Commission (PSC). Funding: Completion Spring 2015
Capacity 60,000
annual operating costs FIFA. Dalga: National Team Stadium Cost US$500m
Capacity 75,000 %DVHIRUQDWLRQDOWHDPÀQDQFHGE\$))$ Completion 2015
Cost P300m Capacity 6,000
FC Gabala Stadium
TONGA Stadium, training base (5 natural, 1 synthetic pitches) CROATIA
and Academy of Football Administration (education). Zagreb: Maksimir Stadium
Nuku'alota: National Stadium Area: 7 hectares. Proposed upgrade to soccer stadium. Architect: Branko
8SJUDGHDKHDGRIWKH3DFLÀF*DPHV1HZ Kincl, consulting company JKS Frankfurt and architect
Capacity 15,000
Zealand-funded feasibility study and design. Z. Psczulny. Parallel development of shopping centre
Capacity 5,000 below the stadium. Parking: 3,107 + 158 disabled.
Cost $NZ2m BELARUS Suites: 24. Club seats: 1,110.
Minsk: Dinamo Stadium Capacity 51,432 (disabled 181, media 172)
Auxiliary stadium with warm-up ground, a sector for EIRE/REPUBLIC
ALGERIA hammer, javelin and discus throwing along with dressing OF IRELAND
Algiers: Baraki Stadium rooms and climbing wall. Perimeter will be covered Bohemians Stadium
Soccer stadium, including practice facilities. VIP with structures made of light materials. Turf: natural. Stadium for Bohemians after sale of Dalymount Park.
KRVSLWDOLW\DUHDVFRQIHUHQFHURRPVDQGRIÀFHV New lighting, press centre, a physical culture complex, Developer: Andorey Developments.
Architect: Atelier Tom Sheehan & Partners (ATSP). a medical centre, dressing rooms and halls for boxing, Capacity 10,000
Developer: Wilaya. Manager: DJSL. Engineers: GLI, weightlifting and sports games. Catering facilities such
DVVD, Designer: ABDI, QS: AD economist. Contractors: Bryanstown: Drogheda Stadium
as retail outlets, bars, cafes and restaurants as well as
CRCEG (China). Proposed for Drogheda United (Vincent Hoey). Uncertainty
parking lots, including for buses, will be constructed.
Cost €100m (overall €210m) over land allocation and rival alternatives.
Backs bid to host the 2019 European Olympic Youth
Oran Stadium Capacity 10,000
Festival. Design: Minskproject. Developer: Tourism
Main stadium plus athletics stadium (5,000), Department of the Minsk City Hall. Cork: Páirc Uí Chaoimh Stadium
swimming complex, arena (3,000), tennis stadium, GAA stadium upgrade as part of Marina Park (€67m).
YHORGURPHRXWGRRUÀHOGVVFKRROVDQGVWDUKRWHO Roofs on both stands, new dressing rooms, pre-match
Main stadium sits in natural contours of former quarry. BELGIUM warm-up area, medical facilities, restaurants, meeting
Single level access to two terraces. Architect: ATSP. Brussels: National Stadium and conference rooms, media facilities and a museum
Developer: DJSL (Oran). Construction manager: DLEP. New national stadium back on the cards to enhance bid as well as new and additional turnstiles. Developer:
Engineers: GLI, DVVD. QS: AD economist. Contractors: to host games of EURO 2020, although political niceties Cork County Board. Project manager: Malachy Walsh
MCC (China). may once again intervene. Anderlecht keen to become and Partners. Architect: Scott Tallon Walker. GAA
Cost €261m (€98m for main stadium) a tenant team and have offered to help fund. Multi- centre of excellence, next to the stadium, full-size
Completion 2015 functional but no athletics. all-weather pitch, new gymnasium, dressing rooms,
Capacity 60,000 video, performance assessment and rehab facilities.
Cost €300m Community access.
Completion 2018 Capacity 45,000
Cost €22m
Completion 2016

Dublin: RDS Arena Bristol: UWE Stadium Stadiums
International design competition won by Dublin-based For Bristol Rovers FC. To be built on land leased from asia and
Newenham Mulligan Architects and London-based the University of the West of England at its Frenchay AUStralasia
Grimshaw Architects. Five designs anonymously campus. Council permission received. Supporters’ environment
VKRUWOLVWHGZLWKWKHZLQQHUFKRVHQE\DÀYHSHUVRQ club bar, shop, banqueting and hospitality suite,
expert jury. RDS, with Leinster Rugby, will work to convenience store, crèche, gym, jogging track, teaching
complete the design that will host professional rugby area (19,000ft2). Facilities available to university on
matches, equestrian sports, music concerts and non-matchdays. Possible share with Bristol RUFC. Gillingham FC Stadium
other sporting opportunities. Capacity from its current Parking: 1,270. Finance: Sale of old Memorial Stadium Proposed stadium and training facilities for 40 acres
18,500 to 25,000. Six-month time frame until choice to Sainsburys supermarket approved by council. at Mill Hill about a mile from the existing stadium
of concept architect. Client: RDS (Chief Executive Funding: private. in Redfern Avenue. Also be suitable for rugby and
Michael Duffy). Tenants: Leinster Rugby (Chief Capacity 21,700 concerts. Club (chairman Paul Scally) working with
Executive Mick Dawson), RDS Dublin Horse Show. Cost £40m Medway Council and has applied for permission to carry
Capacity 25,000 Completion 2016 out a scoping assessment of the site, ahead of a more
Cost €20m Burnley: Turf Moor detailed assessment of the scheme's environmental
Completion 2016 (start) Proposed redevelopment of David Fishwick Cricket impact. Finance: supermarket, residential development.
Field Stand into a StadiArena venue with 1,500 (indoor) Capacity 24,000
Limerick FC
Medium-term plan to build new stadium for Eircom capacity for rock concerts, exhibitions and large private Grimsby: Grimsby Town FC Stadium
League team playing at Hogan Park. functions. Grimsby Town FC (Club Director John Fenty) is looking
Capacity 7,000 Capacity 1,500 (indoor) again at building a new stadium, this time on land
Cambridge Community Stadium off Peaks Parkway on the edge of the town. Public
Proposed community stadium for Cambridge United, consultation events in February/March. Club is
ENGLAND Cambridge City and Cambridge Rugby Club. Site under emphasising plans to avoid disruption of residential area.
Barrow: Barrow Building Society Stadium discussion. Feasibility study: Cambridgeshire Horizons. Capacity 12-14,000
Five-year plan from owner Mark Casson to redevelop Capacity 10,000 Cost £22m
the Barrow AFC’s stadium. New stands on the Popular Cost £12-£16m Leeds: Headingley Stadium
Side (currently a terrace), the Main Stand (seats and Yorkshire County Cricket Club's 20-year masterplan.
Carlisle United Stadium
standing) and the Steelworks/Crossbar End (standing) ,QVWDOODWLRQRIÁRRGOLJKWVDQGWKHUHEXLOGLQJRIWKH
City council’s ten-year business plan proposed to include
sections of the ground. New fan, corporate and North/South Stand, adjoining the rugby ground. This
town centre stadium. Club and council in discussions.
hospitality facilities. Architect choice by mid-December. will become the centrepiece of the project. Phase One:
Update on out of town stadium and shopping centre at
Previously planned ground improvements, including the (UHFWLRQRIIRXUSHUPDQHQWÁRRGOLJKWS\ORQV3KDVH
Kingsmoor Park.
Capacity 12,000
Cost £10m with Leeds Rugby to incorporate a three-tiered seating
Completion 2018 (start 2015) Castleford Tigers Stadium
Stadium for Rugby Super League Club Castleford area to accommodate 5,060 seats, enhance corporate
Basingstoke Town FC Stadium Tigers (CE Steve Gill) as part of £135m Five Towns facilities and new permanent concession units. Phase
Proposed relocation to land at Old Common (owned 3DUNUHJHQHUDWLRQSURMHFWLQIRUPHUFRDOÀHOGVDUHDLQ Three: To incorporate an additional 915 seats in the
by council), with all-weather training (£500,000) and West Yorkshire. Adjacent to Junction 32 of the M62. upper tier of the North East Stand. Phase Four: The
community facilities. On hold until autumn 2015. Other Replaces Wheldon Road ground, which opened in 1926. development of a new pavilion in the North West area
existing Camrose ground. Council. Designed to meet Super League requirements, include state-of-the-art corporate facilities, new dressing
Cost £10m the purpose-built stadium will provide administration, rooms, a Members’ Long Room, plus the creation of a
Bath: Recreation Ground changing facilities, restaurants and hospitality areas, main entrance to the stadium on Kirkstall Lane. Phase
Design for new Rec Stadium being readied to go to with a mixture of both seating and standing terraces. Five: The erection of a translucent cantilever roof to
planning permission application. 150th anniversary in Developers: Lateral Property Group (MD Philip Lunn), cover the White Rose Stand on the western side of the
2015. East Stand will remain temporary. West Stand, :DNHÀHOG0'&DQGWKH7LJHUV0DLQFRQWUDFWRU*0, ground. Phase Six: Landscaping on the White Rose
North Terrace and Clubhouse will be demolished and Construction Group plc. Stand and North East stand concourses.
redeveloped to improve facilities. The team’s brief is Capacity 10,000 Capacity 20,000
to incorporate the space within the existing footprint. Completion 2017 Keighley: Cougar Park
Design team: Wilkinson Eyre Architects, engineering Chelmsford: Essex County Cricket Ground First phase is to rebuild the 1930s main stand. Second
FRQVXOWDQWV%XUR+DSSROGHQYLURQPHQWDOGHVLJQÀUP A redevelopment deal has been signed at the club which phase is modern changing rooms and redevelopment
Boyer Planning and project management specialist phase of the build. A block of 62 apartments will be 6\QWKHWLFWUDLQLQJSLWFKZLWKÁRRGOLJKWLQJ …P 
Capita Symonds. built around the ground on the old car park which will Planning awarded by Bradford Council. Finance being put
Boston: Boston United Stadium ÀQDQFHDQHZSDYLOLRQPHGLDFHQWUHFOXEVKRSFULFNHW together. Architect: Riverside Design Studio Architects.
Community stadium as part of The Quadrant. school, car park, public square and bridge. Plus all round Cost £1.6m
Developer: Chestnut Homes. Architect: WMA Architects stadium upgrade. Legal: Birketts. Liverpool: Anfield Stadium
and Planners. Planning permission granted. All-weather Cost £85m 8SJUDGHRIPDLQVWDQG  DQG$QÀHOG5RDGVWDQG
3G pitch, educational facilities, conference and Capacity 8,000 (4,500) (+4,800). Planning permission for main stand obtained.
EDQTXHWLQJIDFLOLWLHVDFDIpHGXFDWLRQDQGFRPPXQLW\ Completion 2015 Club and council working together on avenue and plaza
Cheltenham Racecourse
New 6,500-capacity stand in place of the circa 1920s Hillsborough Memorial. Architect: KSS. Planning: Turley.
Capacity 5,000 Construction: Carillion.
‘A&R’ stand. State-of-the-art new grandstand alongside
Bournemouth: Goldsands Stadium Cheltenham’s existing main grandstand to include new Capacity 58,800 (+13,300)
$)&%RXUQHPRXWKORRNLQJWRH[SDQGE\E\ÀOOLQJ annual members’ facilities, general public viewing areas, Cost £150m
in the corners of the stadium. First stage to 15,000. private boxes, a Super Club and the Royal Box. Elevated Completion 2016
Capacity 18,000 walkways to ease mobility for customers and provide a Liverpool: Everton Stadium
Bristol: Ashton Gate Stadium multi-tiered ‘amphitheatre’ experience around the parade Everton FC (Chief Executive Robert Elstone) is working
Four phase development of the stadium is underway. A ring. The current royal box, which was built in 1952, and with Liverpool City Council to progress a stadium and
new DESSO Grassmaster pitch with undersoil heating 55 other boxes, which were built in the 1920s and 1930s, regeneration opportunity at Walton Hall Park. The council
has been installed, the Wedlock Stand demolished and will be demolished. The plans have been approved by and the club are working with Liverpool Mutual Homes
the replacement stand due to open summer 2015. Cheltenham Borough Council. Developer: Jockey Club. (LMH) and Everton in the Community to develop ideas for
3KDVHPRGLÀFDWLRQRI'ROPDQ6WDQGVHDWLQJGHFN Funding: successful retail bond open to the public £25m. the site in collaboration with the local community. This
concourse and roof extension Jan - Jul 2015. Phase 3, the Construction: Kier. Engineer: Furness. could lead to a formal planning application being lodged
demolition of Williams Stand begins in May 2015 with the Capacity 21,700 in the next 12 months. Finance: led by Everton FC.
new stand completed by summer 2016 at which point the Cost £45m Capacity 50,000
internal refurbishment of the Atyeo Stand will complete Completion Spring 2016
the development. The new stadium will include sports London: Craven Cottage Stadium
Fylde: Football stadium Riverside stand rebuild to open up river walk, add
bar, museum, 18 hospitality boxes, over 1250 restaurant
Proposed stadium for AFC Fylde, plus sports spectator facilities, taking advantage of river views
covers as well as new conference and exhibition facilities.
and science park on 32-acre site close to M55. and passing trade, and increase capacity. Planning
Ground share between Bristol City FC and Bristol Rugby
Supermarket and and other leisure. Executive boxes, permission received. River works licence obtained from
Club. Construction: Barr.
function room. Go-ahead from national planning unit. Port of London Authority. Architect: KSS.
Capacity 27,000 (21,500)
Planning consent sought from Fylde Council. Developer: Capacity 30,000 (25,000)
Cost £45m Mill Farm Ventures. Planning: PWA. Architect: Frank
Completion 2016 Whittle Partnership (FWP).
Capacity 6,000


Warner Stand, Lords Cricket Ground.

London: Lionel Road Stadium. Brentford London, Chelsea: Stamford Bridge Manchester: FC United Stadium
New community stadium for Brentford FC (Chairman Chelsea seeking to expand in absence of new ground. Planned soccer stadium for non-league team with
&OLII&URZQ DIWHUVDOHRI*ULIÀQ3DUNWRUHVLGHQWLDO Footprint surounded by cemetry and railway. Study community facilities on the Ronald Johnson playing
homes builder (Regen). Council, London major and into expansion amidst new precinct reportedly ÀHOGV/LJKWERZQH5RDG0RVWRQ)LQDQFHVXSSRUWHUORDQ
GLA permission received. Land purchase hold-up. commissioned. Consulting: Herzog & de Meuron, stock scheme. Transport consultant: Singleton Clamp
For both soccer and possibly rugby (London Welsh). Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands. & Partners.
Development partner: Willmott Dixon. Capacity 60,000 Capacity 5,000
Capacity 20,000 London: Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Cost £5.7m
Cost £70m Planning permission received for proposed new stadium. Completion 2015
Completion 2016 Spurs working with Haringey council to get optimum Northampton: Franklins Gardens
London: Lords Cricket Ground development for club and community. Leisure facilities, North Stand plans approved. Land preparations in
MCC decided to develop Lords in the existing footprint. public space, supermarket and housing near current 2014, full construction in summer 2015. Barwell Stand
Begins Warner Stand in 2014, completes in 2027 with White Hart Lane site. Success in latest legal battle over UHSODFHV\HDUROG6WXUWULGJH3DYLOLRQ*URXQGÁRRU
Compton and Edrich stands. Warner stand: planning Compulsory Purchasing Order for the remaining land SXEOLFEDUDQGWZRÁRRUVRIKRVSLWDOLW\VXLWHVDQGER[HV
permission received - 2,922-seats, match control on the site. Two-phase construction with works during 1HZFRQWUROURRPDQGÀUVWDLGURRP([WHQVLRQRIPHGLD
facility, bars, restaurant (135) overlooking the ground. both season and close season, maintaining capacity. facilities around the ground. Contractor: Buckingham.
Roof: transparent insulated tensile fabric, supported One year out at another stadium in 2017-18. Planning: Capacity 15,500 (+1,926)
on cantilevering American White Oak glulam beams. Savills. Architect: KSS Group, Make Architects and Cost £5.5m
Resiting of Nursery Ground, new main entrance, pavilion Martha Schwartz Landscape Architects. Project manager: Completion 2015
extension, new banqueting and staff space, food ‘street’ AYH Arcadis (Paul Mitchell). Engineer: Buro Happold. Northampton: Sixfields
and subterranean car-parking, access routes, waste Contractor (civil, engineering, structure): M Anderson Planning approved and groundbreaking carried out
management, catering and storage. Funding: MCC Construction (£50m). for New East Stand on soccer stadium, home of
resources and borrowing. Architect: Populous. (Philip Capacity 56,000 Northampton Town FC. Executive boxes, improved
Johnson). Construction: BAM. Cost £400m concessions. Conference centre and gym. These latter
Capacity 32,000 (29,500) Completion 2018 will be shared by a 100-room hotel to be built at a later
Cost £180-200m Macclesfield: Town Stadium date, attached to the stand, and designed to bring
Completion 2027 The stadium links a regeneration plan in South non-matchday revenue to the club. Athletics club sited
London: Old Oak Common QPR Stadium 0DFFOHVÀHOGZLWKUHVLGHQWLDOUHWDLODQGHPSOR\PHQW next to stadium moving to Moulton Sports. Developers:
Greater London Authority is drawing up plans for long- facilities. Approved by Cheshire East cabinet. Planned The County Group (COO Simon Patnick), Northampton
term development of Old Oak Common. Developer: QPR as zero carbon by incorporation of sustainable energy Town Football Club and Northampton Borough Council.
and Stadium Capital Developments have announced sources at the design stage. Construction: Buckingham.
plans for a new 40,000 seater stadium as part of a major Manchester: Belle Vue Capacity +2,000 (total 8,500)
regeneration project in the Old Oak area in West London. New speedway stadium for Aces, next door to greyhound Completion 2015
The scheme has the provisional title of New Queens Park. VWDGLXP'LIÀFXOW\REWDLQLQJSODQQLQJSHUPLVVLRQ Northfleet: PHB Stadium
Capacity 40,000 basketball (2,000), hockey pitch and community facilities, Replace wooden main stand, which is now unsafe.
London, QE Park: Olympic Stadium sports health research institute. Public consultation took Commercial and operational facilities. Improved
Conversion to multi-use stadium following 2012 place in summer 2014. external areas and access. Planning application with
2O\PSLFV5HFRQÀJXULQJURRI PVSDP2) Capacity 7,000 (1,800 seated in grandstand) Gravesham council.
to complete by spring 2015 for Rugby World Cup. Cost £7.3m (£6m) Capacity 6,000 (2,000 seated)
Retractable seating solution on all four sides. UEFA Completion 2015 Plymouth: Higher Home Park
category 4 football Stadium. Installing hospitality Manchester: Etihad Stadium (main) Planning approved for new stand at Argyle’s stadium.
and VIP facilities. Operator: E20 Stadium Partnership Planning permission given after successful public Part of major leisure development which includes
(London Legacy Development Corporation and London consultation phase for the expansion of the North and 10-screen cinema and ice rink. Developer Akkeron.
Newham Council). Tenants: West Ham (Ian Tompkins), South Stands to increase matchday capacity. South Stand Cost £50m (grandstand £10m)
residents. Finance: West Ham £15m, Newham £40m, Additional matchday jobs: 110. Architect: Populous.
UK government £60m. Roof contractor: Balfour Beatty Construction: Laing O'Rourke.
(£41m). Cable specialist: PFEIFER. Electrical and Capacity 62,170 (47,670)
plumbing: Imtech G&H (£25m). Roof preparatory work:
Carey’s (£1.5m). Construction: Balfour Beatty (£113m).
Operator: VINCI. Hospitality: Delaware North.
Capacity 54,000 (soccer), 71,000 (cricket),
74,000 (athletics), 90,000 (concerts)
Cost £186m (£150m, £100m)
Completion May 2015

16 facility watch stadiums EMEA


and design

the Future
in Sports
and Entertainment
PanStadia &Arena Management magazine, in
partnership with global design practice Populous, are
delighted to announce a year-long project to explore
the future in sports and entertainment venues,
culminating in a special presentation at the 2nd edition
of our Stadia & Arena Asia Pacific event being held at
the Singapore Sports Hub this September.
hat will sports and entertainment Tomorrow’s Stadia,
W venues look like in the future? Will
single-use or multipurpose venues be
Arenas AND
most popular? How will stadia ensure
Sports Venues
their financial sustainability? What role Take a look at the project’s introduction
will digital media play in the spectator in the following pages to see how
and player experience? global architectural knowledge and
experiences are influencing tomorrow’s
As the project title suggests, stadia, arenas and venues. With
With the project
“Tomorrow’s Together” seeks to offices in the US, Australia and the UK,
developing in each
understand and develop what it is Populous’ design leadership comes
edition of the
that has drawn people together from every corner of the globe.
magazine in 2015,
to experience amazing occasions
Populous’ architects Greg Sherlock, Populous will
for thousands of years. While the
Chris Paterson and Paul Shakespeare, present their vision
attraction of experiencing events
shared their initial reaction to the of tomorrow’s
‘together’ is likely to remain
project: “At Populous we have a history global venue experience at the
unchallenged, developments in
of looking at challenges and coming up second edition of PanStadia & Arena
architecture and engineering, science
with innovative ways of approaching Management’s live event, Stadia
and technology will mean that the
them. This project with PS&AM has and Arena Asia Pacific, taking place
nature of this ‘togetherness’ could
really allowed us to think about how our at the Singapore Sports Hub this
change dramatically.
global experiences can give us insights September, 28-30.
Using their 30-years of experience at into the future, what has been achieved
the forefront of stadium and arena in this sector in the past, and what it
Has this project got your creative
design, Populous are ideally placed to will really mean for people to come
juices flowing? Or have you got a
uncover the trends and developments together in these venues in the future.
question that you’d love to pose to
that will affect how our venues will It is also a fantastic opportunity to
the Populous design team? If so,
look and operate in the future; from engage with PS&AM’s readership on the
please email PS&AM’s Publication
revenue-generation and technology, ground, and discover together what the
Director & Editor, Katie McIntyre, at:
to sustainability and personalised future for our fans, our industry and our
[email protected]
digital experiences. society might look like.” Q

The experiences that draw people together have been
at the heart of Populous’ 32–year history and form the
place to start a conversation on future venue
starting point for the ‘Tomorrow’s Together’ project. As design. From a European football perspective,
Paul Shakespeare suggests that:
they think about what the future of venue design will “Differences in finances, salary caps and
TV rights deals results in divergent operational
bring, three leading Populous designers – Chris and development models. In Europe, for
example, financial fair play regulations are
Paterson (Australia), Greg Sherlock (USA) and Paul encouraging clubs to invest in their stadia to
increase match day revenue.”
Shakespeare (UK) – begin by asking themselves two In the United States, Greg Sherlock
agrees and Chris Paterson notes that in
important questions... Australia and Oceania, these investments
are particularly visible in hospitality and
technology trends. Chris sees the
Q1. What has the potential to Greg Sherlock adds that “as potential for more multi-purpose venues
reshape the way we design sports technologies are changing the world and and suggests that “the need for venues to
and entertainment venues? society, environments which are versatile host multiple sporting codes and teams is
Trends directly related to sport, enough to adapt, accept and manifest strong in the Australian market.”
entertainment and beyond are reshaping innovation are the future.” Greg adds that “the impact of university
what it means to be an athlete, a In the UK, Paul Shakespeare raises athletic programs is the most evident
musician, a fan, to attend a game and to the nature of the activity as another differentiator between regions. The US
design venues for these future audiences. factor in attracting fans to the physical collegiate platform and grooming of student-
Part of the equation is access to high space; “Content is why we go to these athletes serves as evolutional grounds to
quality broadcasting, as Chris Paterson venues in the first place. It is the event that inspire the youth to perform – and results in
notes: informs the physical form of the venue that additional investments in stadia and trickle-
“Broadcast media and the revenue houses those events. How this could change up trends, or trends that have started on the
impact of live sport will drive significant is really exciting.” collegiate level and are now shaping
changes to the design of future venues, Q2. What trends are having the professional athletics.”
as the venues compete with – or offer an greatest impact by region? All three designers are excited to see
alternative to – a sophisticated broadcast It’s clear that regional differences offer how the conversation progresses in the
product.” opportunities for learning and this is an ideal coming weeks and months.

Meet the Populous CHRIS

In the next issue…
design team PATERSON An interview with Populous’
Populous are a group of Australia design team on the biggest
innovators, thought-leaders
and visionaries from all
trends in venue design and
around the world, who share GREG experience. If you have
a passion for creating the SHERLOCK questions you’d like PS&AM
places where millions of
Principal, to ask the team, please send
people unite. USA
What the team says: them to [email protected]
‘This project has given us the
opportunity to dive deep into PAUL
the trends that are shaping SHAKESPEARE Populous
the way we communicate, Associate
enjoy events and view sport Principal, UK @Populous
and entertainment.’

Discover more…
For a behind-the-scenes, in-depth look at the conversation our design team is
having about the venues of the future, visit www.populous.com/venuesofthefuture
for exclusive videos, updates and information.

Scunthorpe: Iron Arena Wimbledon AFC Stadium FRANCE

Masterplan issued for out of town football and leisure New stadium for AFC Wimbledon on their old Plough Bordeaux: Nouveau Stade
development on a site near the Scunthorpe United's Lane ground (now Greyhound Stadium). House buyer For Girondins de Bordeaux. Piling and early
present Glanford Park ground. All-seater stadium with to take over current site. Planning application to be construction underway. Operator: Stade Bordeaux
FOXEDQGH[HFXWLYHIDFLOLWLHVDJ\PRIÀFHVSDFHDQG submitted after endorsement of Merton Council’s Atlantique. Design/build/operate: Vinci Concessions,
areas for commercial development as well as a club proposed designation of the site. Phased construction Vinci Construction and Fayat, associated to architects
venue and supporters’ bar. A sweeping curve on the DQWLFLSDWHG$VTXDVKÀWQHVVFOXEZLWKFRQWHPSRUDU\ Herzog and de Meuron. Finance: 30-year PPP contract.
main stand designed by FWP is enhanced by a striking training facilities. Developer: AFC WImbledon (Chief Will host matches of EURO 2016. Owner: City of
truss which pays homage to Scunthorpe’s steelwork Executive, Erik Samuelson), Greyhound Racing %RUGHDX[2IÀFLDOVRXQGSDUWQHU%RVH \HDUV 
history. Plan also includes a 120-bed hotel, a multi-use Authority Acquisition Ltd and Galliard Homes. Parking: Business seats: 3,000. Loges: 1,000.
indoor arena, community sports pitches, indoor and 330 car + cycle parking. Capacity 43,000
outdoor crown green bowling facilities and a potential Capacity 11,000 (expandable to 20,000) Cost €200m
transport interchange hub with a new rail station. Cost £16m Completion April 2015
Architect: Frank Whittle Partnership (FWP). Wolverhampton: Molineux Stadium Dijon: Stade Gaston-Gérard
Capacity 12,000 Three phase expansion to 35,700 for Wolverhampton Reconstruction of three-storey east stand (5,112).
Sheffield: Olympic Legacy Park Stadium Wanderers FC. First phase demolition and replacement Loges capacity: 204. Architect: Jean Guervilly, Sarl
2QWKH'RQ9DOOH\6WDGLXPVLWH7HQDQWWHDP6KHIÀHOG of the Stan Cullis (North) Stand with two-tier stand Herve Regnault.
Eagles RLFC (Chairman Ian Swire). Main stand (£16m). Second phase of Steve Bull stand on hold Capacity 20,000
(capacity 2,500) will have a 50-bed hotel, restaurant until funds available. Construction: Buckingham Group Cost €18.27m
and hospitality facilities along one side of the ground, (Kevin Underwood). Project Manager: Drivers Jonas Completion 2017
and there are plans to develop joint facilities with Deloitte. Architect: AFL (masterplan). Evry-Essonne: National Rugby Stadium
6KHIÀHOG·VVHFRQG8QLYHUVLW\7HFKQLFDO&ROOHJH 87&  Capacity 31,700 (28,500) Proposal for national stadium on site 25km south of
within the stadium complex. Pitch: synthetic - capable Worcester City FC Stadium Paris. Permission granted to purchase the development
of supporting Super League, Rugby Union Premiership Plans with City of Worcester for approval of site. Competitive dialogue opened for build and
and international level, school and UTC. Also in the multipurpose stadium at Perdiswell Sports Centre maintain contract. Developer: French Rugby Federation
Park will be an Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre site. Pitch: synthetic. Standing and covered stands. (FFR). Retractable roof and removable pitch. Architects:
(AWRC) and clinical facilities run by the National Community use and pool. Club playing at Aggborough, Populous and Ateliers 2/3/4. Events: 17-20.
Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine (NCSEM). The home of Kidderminster in the meantime. Capacity 82,000
Olympic Legacy Park project leader: Richard Caborn. Capacity 4,130 Cost €600m
Executive Director for Strategic Planning and Business Completion 2015 Completion 2017
Workington Stadium
of Community, Development and Education: Ian Anniss. Major renovation under way. Roof, pitch and seats
Proposed stadium for Workington soccer and rugby
Finance: mixture of private and public (regional growth removed. New upper tier in the Lepagnot. Will host
league and possibly a speedway. Requires council
fund, council), EURO 2016 matches. Owner: City of Lens. Operator:
funding from sale of land.
Cost £6m Racing Club de Lens.
Cost £12m
Completion 2016 Capacity 38,223
York Community Stadium Cost €111.2m
Swindon: Abbey Stadium
New speedway stadium to be built adjacent to existing Completion end of 2015
site. Designed with broadcasters in mind. Owner: Lyon: Stade des Lumières
Gaming International (CE Clarke Osbourne). Detailed Roof going on. 50-acre development for soccer club
planning complete, on site by mid 2015. Olympique Lyonnais, with training centre and two hotels.
Completion 2016 Will be a host venue for EURO 2016 matches. In
Taunton: County Ground Decines-Charpieu area of city. Octagonal stadium will
New Somerset Pavilion. Raised and covered seating All-seater for York City FC (Jason McGill) and York have transparent roof. Developer: OL Group (director
EHKLQGWKHERZOHU·VDUP0HHWVVSHFLÀFDWLRQVIRU Athletics Club. York City Knights Rugby League Club general Patrick Iliou). OL Group and Vinci are negotiating
holding one-day internationals. Canopy roof, potential for not interested in the commercial offer. Combined contract for construction/operation. Marketing partner:
VRODUSDQHOV)OH[LEOHFHQWUDOURRPDWÀUVWÁRRUOHYHOIRU with community sports facilities, university athetics, SportFive (10-year deal). Events: 30-35. Parking: 7,000.
corporate use as well as press box use for international swimming pool. Partners (York Teaching Hospital Architect: Populous.
matches. Suites: 5. Café-bistro area with access from Capacity 57,628
NHS Foundation Trust, York St John University, Be
the main car park and concourse areas for use during Independent (CIC) and Explore York Libraries and Completion 2015
match and non-match days. Media Centre with excellent Archives Ltd) will make use of the building on non- Nancy: Stade Marcel Picot
views across the ground. Rooftop terrace area used for matchdays. Project manager: Tim Atkins. Council Major renovation planned as part of preparation to
corporate entertainment and also an excellent vantage has approved extra £4m funding. Detailed planning host EURO 2016 games but stadium not included so
point for TV cameras. Owner: Somerset CCC (Chief application. Developer/operator: Greenwich Leisure work uncertain. Owner: Community of Grand Nancy.
Executive Guy Lavender). Demolition of old pavilion will Ltd (Chris Symons). Construction: ISG. Operator: AS Nancy Lorraine.
complete in December. Capacity 8,000 Capacity 31,973
Capacity 1,300 Completion autumn 2016 Cost €60m
Cost £3.8m Paris: Arena 92 Stadium
Completion 2015 Rugby stadium for Racing Métro 92 in Nanterre in the
Truro Stadium
ETHIOPIA western suburbs of Paris. Has secured funding. Spectators
Proposed stadium at Langarth, Threemilestone,
Tender out for contractor. Area: 67,000m2. Coffee Turf: synthetic. Transport: 80% public. Multipurpose for
near Truro for soccer and rugby. Main grandstand concerts (38-tonne truck door). Jobs: 500. Architect:
bean shaped 'Adey Abeba' stadium and sports village.
(4,200) and temporary. Pitch: synthetic. Conference Christian de Portzamparc (competition winner). Sound
First design dropped. Athletics track, aquatics centre,
FHQWUH  RIÀFHVDQGUHVWDXUDQW7HQDQWV design: Jean-Paul Lamoureux. Conference rooms (100-
residential village, sports halls, arenas, retail and
Cornish Pirates (Chairman Ian Connell), Truro City 500), clubs, restaurants. Loges: 100. Business seats:
commercial zones, and the headquarters of the
Football Club, Truro and Penwith College (£2m), 3,000. Technology: e-ticketing, RFID and Bluetooth access
Federal Sport Commission. Modern ticketing and
Cornwall College and the Royal Cornwall Hospital. control, TV network, Wi-Fi, smart purse. Developer: Racing
access control. Developer: Federal Sports Commission.
Council no longer offering funds. Outline planning Arena. Engineering: Egis. Construction: Vinci.
Finance: national government. Design: MH Engineering
granted. Feasibility study: Gardiner & Theobald LLP. Capacity 32,000 (rugby), 41,000 (concerts)
Plc (GM Mesele Halle).
Developers: Inox Group (MD Rob Saltmarsh), Henry Capacity 60,000 Cost €351m
Boot Developments (Julian Painter). Completion 2016
Cost US$100m
Capacity 6,000 (10,000 concerts)
Completion 2016 Paris: Parc des Princes
Cost £14m Major renovation under way as part of preparation to
Wakefield Trinity Stadium host EURO 2016 games. PSG wants new stadium to be
Stadium for the Rugby League Wildcats and 100-acre FINLAND 60,000-capacity. Owner: City of Paris. Operator: SESE.
business park near Stanley. Previous project was Helsinki: Olympic Stadium Capacity 50,000 (40,058)
referred to the UK Secretary of State, which was a 5HQRYDWLRQDQGH[SDQVLRQ:LGHQLQJRIWUDFNURRÀQJ Cost €70-90m
blow to receiving a Super League licence. Developer: over stands, new infrastructure. Work must be Completion 2015
Yorkcourt Properties. monitored by Finnish National Board of Antiquities to
Paris: Roland Garros
Capacity 12,000 ensure preservation. Structural engineering: Sweco.
Enlarging, modernising and rethinking of the historic
Cost £19m Cost €2m
Roland Garros site at Porte d’Auteuil. French Tennis
Completion 2018 Federation chose to stick with Roland Garros. Area: 35
acres. Courts: 35 outside. New 5,000-seat stadium and
a new press centre. Main Philippe Chatrier court will be
redesigned and feature a retractable roof.
Cost €273m
Completion 2016

Rennes: Stade de Villejean
Athletics stadium under construction on campus of
Universitaire de Villejean. Architect: Chabanne et
Europa Point Football Stadium
Proposed national football stadium, UEFA Category STADIUMS
Partenaires. Finance: Le Département d’Ille-et-Vilaine EMEA
four, at the southernmost point of Europe. Also for
€5.5m, CNDS (Centre National de Développement
tourism, retail and community. Project public exhibition
du Sport) €2m, La Région Bretagne €3m, Rennes
and presented to the Development and Planning
Métropole et la Ville de Rennes €1.5m.
Commission. UEFA support because Victoria Stadium
Capacity 1,000 Al-Samawah: Al-Samawah Olympic Stadium
is unsuitable for competitive international football.
Cost €12m Next: environmental impact assessment. Architect: RFA FIFA standard soccer stadium. Design and construction
Completion 2015 Fenwich Ibribarren. management: Hill International (US$2.2m). Developer:
Strasbourg: Stade de la Meinau Capacity 10,000 Ministry of Youth and Sports.
Major renovation planned as part of preparations to Capacity 20,000
host EURO 2016 games (although the city is not on the Cost IQD 70.9bn (US$61m)
shortlist). Owner: Community of Strasbourg. Operator: GREECE Completion 2016
Community of Strasbourg. Athens: AEK Athens Stadium Baghdad: Al Risafa Sports Stadium
Capacity 36,645 Proposed temple 'Ayia Sophia' of football and of greek New soccer stadium in Al Sadr City to FIFA standards.
Cost €160m sport according to AEK owner Demetri Melissanidi. Owner: Ministry of Youth and Sports. Project
Toulouse: Stadium Municipal $WWKHVLWHRILWVROGVWDGLXPDW1HD)LODGHOÀDQRUWK management: Hill International (IQD3.3-3.8m).
Major renovation coming to a close as part of of Athens city centre. AEK obliged to develop park Capacity 30,000
preparations to host EURO 2016 matches. City chosen as part of deal to use land. Planning also requires Cost IQD116bn (US$100m)
as reserve. Owner: City of Toulouse. construction 4m below street level - height 17.9m. Completion 2016
Capacity 37,050 Environment, Energy and Climate Change ministry
Basrah: Al-Menaa Stadium
funding local infrastructure upgrade. Home for AEK and
Cost €56m Football stadium with practice facilities. Roof: PTFE tensile
New Philadelphia teams. UEFA 4-star. Religious-leaning
Completion 2015 membrane cable type with outer compression ring.
Owner: Iraq Ministry of Youth and Sports. Design/build:
towers hold up a fabric roof. Two tiers. Club seats:
Anwar Soura/360 Architecture. Structural design/skin:
GERMANY 1200. Suites: 40. Underground parking: 400-500.
Thornton Tomasetti.
Chemnitz: Stadion an der Gellerstrasse Parking lot: 250. Area 65,000m2. Finance: €20m Attica
Capacity 30,000
For FC Chemnitzer. Demolition of old stadium, 5HJLRQDO$XWKRULW\½(FXPHQLFDO3DWULDUFKDWHRI
Constantinople (symbolic). Cost US$86m
construction of modern soccer stadium with catering, Completion 2015
Cost €65m Karbala Olympic Stadium
(Stefan Nixdorf). Construction: BAM Sports.
Completion 2016 Muted colours and texture to blend with the surrounding
Capacity 14,070 (7,900 seated) mosques and houses. 73 arcades represent the number of
Cost €23m martyrs killed in the Karbala tragedy. Two-layer translucent
Completion 2015 HUNGARY skin allows air to circulate through the concourse. Client:
Freiburg: SC Freiburg stadium Budapest: National Stadium Ministry of Youth. Architect: Bahdir kul architects.
Proposed by city council in Wolfswinkel. City to vote Inside the walls of Ferenc Puskas stadium. Track Capacity 30,000
on project. Operation: SC Freiburg. Finance: public, removed to provide space for updated spectator Completion 2015
including infrastructure. facilities. Athletics, swimming and velodrome next door.
Capacity 35,000
Najaf Stadium
Capacity 65,000 Football stadium. Landscaping to connect the
Cost €70m Cost €300m stadium to the city. Passive cooling towers. Owner: Iraq
Completion 2018 Completion 2017 Ministry of Youth and Sports. Construction: Anwar Soura
Leipzig: Red Bull Arena expansion Miskolc: Diósgyöri VTK Stadium General Contracting. Architect: 360 Architecture.
Capacity increase to meet growing demand. Soccer stadium on current site, to include a new centre Capacity 30,000
Capacity 55,000 (currently 44,345) of excellence for youth players. DVTK MD Tamas Szabo. Cost US$83.75m
Regensburg: Continental Arena Capacity 15,000 Completion 2015
New soccer stadium for SSV Jahn, a third division Cost US$27m
club. Naming rights: Euro 200,000 (5 years). Four Completion 2016
grandstands visually pulled together by red facade. ISRAEL
Architect: agn Niederberghaus & Partner (Stefan Haifa Stadium
Nixdorf). Design and build: BAM Sports. IRAQ At base of Mount Carmel. Architects: Mansfeld Kehat
Capacity 24,000 Al Diwaniyah: Al Sunbula Stadium and KSS.
Overall project constitutes the construction of VfL Centre hall (2,500) secondary stadium (2,000) and training
outdoor facilities. Soccer stadium for VfL’s women’s and Sport. Architect: Bahadir Kul Architects. Construction:
U23 teams. TV standard lighting and undersoil heating. Renaissance Construction.
Architect: KHS Architekten. Construction: Ed. Züblin and Capacity 30,000
STRABAG Sportstättenbau. Cost US$100m
Capacity 5,200 Completion 2016
Cost €26.8m
Completion July 2015
Zwickau FC Stadium Haifa Stadium, Israel
One main stand for soccer. Architect: ARC.
Contractor sought.
Capacity 10,000
Cost €18m
Completion 2016

Cape Coast Stadium
with natural turf, two outdoor basketball courts,
gymnasium, athletes’ hostel, LED screen and audio
system. Contractor: Jiang Xi International (China).
Capacity 15,000
Completion Summer 2015
Tema Stadium
Upgrade with support from Greenwich Council for
Culture and Olympics, London, England. Owner: TEMA
Metropolitan Assembly. Information technology centre
and construction of spectators’ seats to increase
capacity from 7,000 to 10,000.
Capacity 10,000


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ITALY Turin: Stadio Filadelfia

Park and soccer stadium for Fondazione Torino Calcio.
Florence: Fiorentina Stadium Refurb of stadium that was Torino’s home from 1926
Tripoli: National Stadium
Club working with city to develop plan for new stadium. One of the stadiums due to host the African Cup of
until 1963 and then training. Five design and build
Milan: AC Milan Stadium Nations in 2017. Two venues are planned for the
companies in the frame. Architect: Studio Zoppini
Proposed as part of redevelopment of the Portello capital Tripoli. In addition to the National Stadium,
Associati. Area: 26,500m2.
area of the city. 7-days a week stadium, hotel, sports the project includes an indoor pool, a multi-purpose
Capacity 3,600
college, restaurants, children’s playground, green areas, arena and Family Sportsworld. The complex, which is
Cost €23m being built around a circular basin of approx. 500m
community spaces. Planned in collaboration with the
Milan Polytechnic Architecture Department. Encouraging Completion October 2016 diameter, is designed with a symbolism focusing on the
travel by public transport. Visually consistent with city Udine: Stadio Friuli number 3 in deference to the historic genius loci, as
scape - height won’t exceed 30m from ground level, Major redevelopment of home of Udinese soccer club represented by the city’s name (tri-polis = city of three).
10m underground. Minimise noise escape. Jobs: 500. – granted a 99 lease by council – to provide better Architect: GMP - Volkwin Marg and Hubert Nienhoff.
Design: Arup. fan experience. Removal of athletics track. New Associate Partners: Hans-Joachim Paap, Jochen Köhn.
Capacity 48,000 lounges and restaurants. Funding secured (Istituto Structural design (outline design): Werner Sobek
Completion 2018 per il Credito Sportivo). Reduced capacity (7,000) Ingenieure, Stuttgart. Structural design (scheme and
during construction. detailed design): Schlaich Bergermann und partner,
Milan: Internazionale Stadium Capacity 25,000 (41,000) Stuttgart. Services engineering (outline design):
Proposed new stadium as part of investment from Bechtold Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Berlin. Project
Cost €40m
a Chinese consortium. Developer: China Railway commissioned by: Masterplan Libya, Tripolis, Kronberg.
Construction Corporation. Completion July 2015
Client: Lidco – Libyan Investment and Development Co.
Completion 2017 Tripolis. General contractor: Porr Libya.
Naples: San Paolo Stadium KaZakHstan Capacity 71,000
Napoli has decided to stay at San Paolo and upgrade Aktobe FC Stadium Completion 2016
with city’s help. Napoli will gain ownership rights (99 For football club FC Aktobe to replace 13,500-seat
years) so that it can exploit the stadium commercially. Aktobe Central Stadium, Design and feasibility study for
Development of Fuorigrotta area around the stadium for UEFA category four stadium under way, for a planned LITHUANIA
non-matchday events and services. Napoli museum. construction start in 2016. Vilnius: National Stadium
Rome, Tor di Valle: Stadio della Roma Capacity 32,000 Ministry of Finance given the job of reviving national
A brand new stadium and training centre in Tor di Valle in Completion 2017 stadium project. Financial aid sought from EU.
southwest Rome for the football team AS Roma. 14,800- Cost €50m
seat detached section behind one of the goals for the
hard-core ''ultra'' supporters, replacing the Curva Sud from
the Stadio Olimpico. Floating stone facade reminiscent LUXEMBOURG
of Colosseum. Polycarbonate roof. Super premium lower Luxembourg Football Stadium
bowl club: 600. Luxury boxes, plus commercial areas Football stadium in Kockelscheuer. Finance: City of
and training grounds outside the stadium. Green: carbon Luxembourg and the state. Master plan April 2015,
neutral. Currently the club rents the city’s Stadio Olimpico SUHOLPLQDU\GHVLJQ6HSWHPEHUÀQDOSODQ-DQXDU\
for its home matches. The new stadium will be developed ÀQDOSURMHFW-XQHFRQVWUXFWLRQHDUO\
Finance: naming rights, sponsors and priority seating, Capacity 10,000
bank loans and equity. Feasibility 2013, approval 2014, Cost €30-35m
build 2015. Project manager: Eurnova (Luca Parnasi). AS Roma's Stadio della Roma Completion 2019
Architect: Dan Meis, Woods Bagot.
Capacity 55,000-60,000
Cost €210m
Completion 2016

24 facility watch stadiums EMEA




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MALAWI Belfast: Windsor Park Stadium Doha: Sport City Stadium

Redevelopment of Northern Ireland’s National Football Design draws inspiration from traditional Arab tents. A
Blantyre: National Stadium Stadium as well as Ravenhill Rugby Ground and the retractable roof, partly retractable pitch and retractable
Publicly-funded modern stadium with help from Chinese
GAA’s Casement Park, £110m set aside for the three stands for multi-use after hosting 2022 FIFA World Cup.
construction companies.
building projects through the department of Culture, Capacity 47,560
Capacity 40,000
Arts and Leisure. Architect: Hamilton Architects. Foundation Stadium
Cost US$70m Planning : RPS. Client: Irish FA (President Jim Shaw) Soccer stadium for FIFA World Cup™ 2022. Plus
Completion December 2015 Funding: £25.2m government funds. A new leisure swimming pool and indoor pavilion on same site. Green:
complex will now be incorporated into the new Windsor photovoltaic and solar thermal panels. Aiming for LEED
MOROCCO Park stadium development. Works include: demolition Gold. Design consultant: RFA Fenwick Iribarren.
of the south stand, replacement of the south and Capacity 26,000 (40,000 for World Cup)
Tangier: City of Sports east stands with newly constructed stands to provide Completion 2018
City of Sports complex under construction with tennis greater enclosure, refurbishment of the west and north
compound, Olympic swimming pools, multi sports halls, VWDQGVUHSODFHPHQWRIKLJKPDVWÁRRGOLJKWVZLWK
hotels and a football stadium. lower level lighting, integrated at stadium roof height, ROMANIA
Cost £44m new headquarters for the Irish Football Association, Bucarest: Craiova Stadium
conference and community facilities. Proposed replacement of Oblemenco stadium to create
Capacity 18,000 UEFA 4-star venue. The two-tier concept design includes
NETHERLANDS Cost £29.2m Club/VIP seating.
Completion Summer 2015 Capacity 40,000
Rotterdam, Nieuw Stadion
A new home for Feyenoord FC. Panel of experts had
recommended the Feyenoord Founders Consortium OMAN RUSSIA
(FFC) - BAM, AM and Siemens - as design/build partner, North A’Sharqiyah: A’Rustaq Sports Complex Kaliningrad Stadium
however the parties could not reach agreement and Public facilities and football stadium. One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA
FFC has withdrawn. The project foresees the current Capacity 12,000 World Cup™ 2018. Developer: Ministry of sport.
stadium as the basis of a roofed stadium capable Technical construction arm: Sport Engineering.
of hosting non-football events. with retractable roof. South Al Batinah: Al Sa’ada Sports Complex Capacity 35,000
Business/Club seats: 6,300. Skyboxes/suites: 90. Expansion of complex and doubling of current stadium’s
capacity. Cost £320m
Underground parking: 1,500. Any work will need to be Completion summer 2015
planned as a staged construction without disrupting the Capacity 18,000
Musandam: Khasab Sports Complex Kazan Stadium
tenant team. Related developments include transport One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA
infrastructure and DOCK sport and leisure and International standard football stadium, hockey, tennis,
covered pool (800), gymnasium (1100). World Cup 2018, all of which require construction or
residential. Start: 2016. refurbishment. Developer: Ministry of sport. Technical
Capacity 70,000 Capacity 17,000
construction arm: Sport Engineering.
Cost €313m Capacity 45,000
Completion 2018 POLAND Cost £320m
Lodz : Widzew Lodz Stadium Completion summer 2015
Soccer stadium for Widzew Lodz, which is designed to Krasnodar: FC Krasnodar Stadium
NIGERIA boost matchday attendances. Municipal authorities ran For soccer team next to Youth Academy. Circular
Minna: Minna Stadium tender. Construction: PRM Mosty Lodz (PLN29m). exterior. Option to close roof opening. Architect: GMP.
Developer: Niger State Government (Commissioner for Capacity 18,000 (17,200) Construction: ESTA. Pitch: SIS Pitches
Sports Daniel Shashere). Cost €35m Capacity 36,000
Capacity 10,000 (expandable to 15,000) Completion 2016 Cost US$290m
Cost N2.4bn Completion 2015
Completion 2015 QATAR Krasnodar: FC Kuban Stadium
Stadium for soccer team but capable of staging other
Al Khor City: Al Bayt Stadium events including rugby. Angled roof to retain noise. On
NORTHERN IRELAND Initial works underway on stadium and precinct. Design
podium with surrounding landscaped parking. Envelope
is based on a traditional black and white Qatari nomad
Conversion to all-seater stadium for Gaelic sport and Lissitsky. Plates of solid and perforated metal peel away
World Cup. A modular design includes an upper tier of
Ulster rugby. Floodlights, premium and corporate from the bowl. Facade material: TECU Gold. Architect: AFL
removable seats. Retail spaces and restaurants will sit
facilities and other amenities. Finance: NI Government Architects, Tecnion, Syntesis Rus.
alongside landscaped paths for use by local residents
and the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA). Construction: Capacity 45,000
and there will be dedicated women-only facilities
Heron Buckingham joint venture. ZLWKLQWKHFRPSOH[*UHHQHQHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\DQGJUHHQ Moscow: Luzhniki Stadium
Capacity 38,000 building materials, with renewable energy to power Renovation under way. Tear up and start again to create
Cost £100m the venue. Client: Supreme Committee for Delivery & a new stadium. Construction manager: Big Sports Arena
Derry: Brandywell Stadium Legacy and the Aspire Zone Foundation. Luzhniki (Moscow Department of Construction). Will
Stadium for Derry City FC with 3,600 seat stand along Capacity 32,000 (60,000 for World Cup) KRVWRSHQHUDQGÀQDORI),)$:RUOG&XS
the Lone Moor Road side. Replaces existing uncovered Completion 2018 Capacity 81-88,000
seated area and the old Glentoran Stand. New Cost US$550m
Al Wakrah Stadium
changing and treatment facilities. Turf: synthetic 4G. Soccer stadium 15km south of Doha for the 2022 Completion 2017
Showgrounds area to be revamped with new greyhound FIFA World Cup™. Upper tiers will be removed after the Moscow: VTB Arena
track, bookmaking, spectator and kennel facilities. World Cup. Area (precinct): 586,000m2. Sports centre & Stadium and arena combination on site of Dynamo
Demolition and redevelopment of Brandywell Sports community hub. Green: renewable energy & structural stadium, designed to retain historic elements of
Centre. Tenants: Ballymoor FC, Oak Leaf boxing and the GHVLJQHIÀFLHQF\WDUJHWWLQJ*6$6DQG/(('FHUWLÀFDWLRQ Petrovsky park. Also two levels of retail and one of
Over the Hill Club. Funding: city council, regional funds. Developer: Qatar 2022 Supreme Committee (Hassan parking. Developer: Dynamo Mangement Company.
Capacity 6,000 Al Thawadi, Secretary General). Project manager: KEO. Architects: MANICA Architecture and SpeeCH.
Cost £8.8m Design consultant: AECOM. Architect: AECOM and Zaha Construction: Codest International (US$707m).
Completion 2016 Hadid Architects. Programme manager: CH2M Hill. Capacity 27,000 (stadium)
Belfast: Glentoran Stadium Enabling works: HBK Contracting Co. Completion 2017
Glentoran Chairman Terence Brannigan looking to move Capacity 40,000 (World Cup) 20,000 (legacy)
Stadium site.
Capacity 8,000
Cost £10m
Belfast: Kingspan Stadium
Staged upgrade for Ravenhill rugby stadium. Ticket
changing and treatment rooms, indoor training surface
and media facilities. Funding secured. Three new
Aquinas 3,200 seats. New grandstand 3,200 seats.
Naming rights: Kingspan Group (10 years). Construction:
Gilbert-Ash NI.
Capacity 18,200
Completion 2015

VTB Arena, Moscow, Russia

26 facility watch stadiums EMEA


Moscow: PFC CSKA Stadium Yekaterinburg Stadium Gran Canaria Stadium

Two-tier soccer stadium with large corner towers. Main One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA Athletic track out and lower bowl remodelled to improve
facilities grouped at one end. World Cup 2018, all of which require construction or sightlines and get soccer crowd closer to the action.
Capacity 30,000 (stadium) refurbishment. Developer: Ministry of sport. Technical Staged works. Owner: Cabildo of Gran Canaria.
Completion 2015 construction arm: Sport Engineering. Capacity 33,070 (+1,820)
Nizhny Novgorod Capacity 35,000 Cost €3m
For 2018 FIFA World Cup. Developer: Town (planning Cost US$320m Completion 2016
department Alexander Bodrievsky). Prime Ministerial Completion summer 2015 Madrid: Estadio La Peineta
decree signed. Tenant team: FC Volga Nizhny Novgorod, Multi-business stadium with local transport (metro)
moving from Lokomotiv Central Stadium (17,850). links. Tenant and operator: Atletico Madrid. Club moving
Stands will have gas infrared heaters. Green: BREEAM
SCOTLAND out of Vicente Calderon. Area: 85,000m2. Suites: 94
standard (Jones Lang Lasalle). Developer: Ministry of Aberdeen Community Stadium (1,500). Developer: City of Madrid. Architect: Cruz y Ortiz.
sport. Technical construction arm: Sport Engineering. Club and council worked on outline plans for community Construction: Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas.
Construction: Stoitransgaz (Director Vadim Gurinov). stadium at Loirston Loch near Cove (King’s Links
Capacity 70,000
Capacity 45,000 sport rejected). Feasibility study conducted (£600,000).
Cost US$270m
Cost US$414m Council go-ahead granted and minister agreed.
Completion December 2015 Madrid: Santiago Bernebeu
for club and community. Finance: sale of Pitodrie
Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg Arena stadium for development, council contribution, Remodelling for Real Madrid. Club currently working
New home for Zenit on Krestovsky Island, north west of grants, naming rights. Construction: Barr Construction with lawmakers on getting permission to build.
the city. 'Space ship' facade taking shape. For 2018 FIFA (preferred bidder). Consultant: Gardiner & Theobald. Architect: GMP Architects and L35 Ribas (winners
World Cup. Will be only Eastern European stadium with a Architect: Miller Partnership. of the ‘International Tender for Architectural Ideas
UHPRYDEOHÀHOGDQGVOLGLQJURRIWRDOORZLWWRKRVWVSRUWLQJ Capacity 21,000 for the remodelling of the Santiago Bernabéu’). New
or cultural events in all conditions. Government cash in Cost £38m skin, retail mall and sliding roof. Planning permission
question after criticism of project. Height: 75m. Diameter: sought. Funding: commercial sponsorship (International
Completion 2017
289m. Area: 287,000m2. Commercial: 50,000m2. Petroleium Investment Co.).
Architect: Kisho Kurokawa. Construction: Transstroy. Dumbarton: Community Stadium
For Dumbarton Football Club at Young's Farm, which Malaga Stadium
Glazing (120,000m2): AGC. Qatari owner Sheikh Abdulla Bin Nasser Al-Thani has
Capacity 68,000 sport, 77,000 concerts is bounded by the River Leven to the east, the A82 to
the north and a railway line to the west. Hospitality and outlined plans for a new stadium and training academy.
Cost US$1.1bn Capacity 65,000
Completion 2016 dedicated training facilities, plus additional playing
pitches for community use and car parking. Non-football Cost £300m
Rostov am Don Stadium related uses could include gym/leisure facilities, a hotel, San Sebastian: Estadio Anoeta
One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA FRQIHUHQFLQJIDFLOLWLHVDUHVWDXUDQWDVKRSDQGRIÀFHV Four-phase upgrade while continuing to operate.
World Cup 2018, all of which require construction or Capacity 4,000 (1,000 standing) Removal of athletics track and new roof, followed by
refurbishment. Developer: Ministry of sport. Technical grandstand rebuilds.
construction arm: Sport Engineering. East Kilbride Stadium
Proposal by East Kilbride Community Trust (EKCT) to Capacity 32,000
Capacity 45,000 Cost €40m
Cost US$320m build a multi-million pound stadium. Location could be
South Lanarkshire Council-owned site at Langlands Completion 2016
Completion December 2017
West. Valencia CF Stadium
Samara Soccer Stadium Edinburgh: Academicals Rugby Club Valencia Foundation has sold a stake to Meriton Holdings
Groundbreaking ceremony 21 July attended by Russian Edinburgh Academicals Rugby Club, the second oldest (Peter Lim) so a scaled back version of the stadium may
Centre) region in the north of the city. Cosmos theme new facility in Stockbridge, Edinburgh. It will contain ÀQLVKHGDQGRQKROGVLQFHDIWHUÀQDQFLDOGLIÀFXOWLHV
featured throughout (area is heart of Russia's aviation conference facilities and a rugby museum, with of club. Three-tier (22,000 bottom tier, 18,000 middle,
and space industries). Tenant: Krylia Sovetov (Wings associated retail. Planning agreed 2013, S75 with 25,000 upper) soccer stadium in NE Valencia. Architects:
of the Soviets) football club. One of the 12 stadiums to City of Edinburgh Council 2014. Planning permission Reid Fenwick Associates. Engineer: Arup Sport. Mestalla
be used for the FIFA World Cup 2018. Green: BREEAM granted. Finalising design and layout, researching best stadium to be sold to property developers.
standard (Jones Lang Lasalle). Developer: Ministry of practice, setting leasing arrangements, applying for Capacity 65,000 (75,000)
sport. Technical construction arm: Sport Engineering. building warrants, Architect: Michael Laird Architects. Cost €200m (€300m)
Capacity 45,000 Jobs: 100.
Cost US$320m Capacity 5,000 (2,500 seated)
Completion summer 2017 Cost £8m
Saransk Stadium Completion 2015 Siteki Soccer Stadium
One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA Developer: National Football Association of Swaziland
World Cup 2018, all of which require construction or
Paisley: St Mirren FC (NFAS). NFAS reported that it is trying to secure a
New in Ferguslie area. Seeking buyer of Love title deed for the construction of a stadium in the
refurbishment. Developer: Ministry of sport. Technical
Street ground. Shiselweni region.
construction arm: Sport Engineering.
Capacity 10,000
Capacity 45,000
Cost US$320m SWEDEN
Completion summer 2015 SLOVAKIA Helsingborg: City Stadium
Sochi: Fischt Stadium Bratislava: National Stadium Project to rebuild the Olympia soccer stadium. Project
Conversion from Winter Olympics mode to be one of Public/private partnership proposal. International tender manager: Karnfastigheter (Catharina Branden).
the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA World for design and construction of UEFA standard stadium to Construction: Peab AB (US$44.4m).
Cup 2018. Roof removed. Additional tiers and sports play internationals. Finance: government subsidy. Cost US$140m
infrastructure to be added. Developer: Ministry of sport. Capacity 35,000 Completion mid-2015
Technical construction arm: Sport Engineering. Cost €69.12m
Capacity 45,000
Cost US$100m
Completion summer 2015 Lausanne Football Stadium
Vladikavkaz: Alania Stadium Krugersdorp: Amakhosi Stadium Rectangular Tuilliere Lausanne stadium as part of
Proposed new stadium for Kaizer Chiefs. larger redevelopment in north of city. Training areas,
Soccer stadium for Spartak club (President Valery
'HYHORSHU/HÀND restaurant and media. Architects: MLZD and Sollberger
Gazzayev). Design build: Murad Kader (Turkey).
Capacity 55,000 Boegli.
Capacity 32,000
Completion R1.2bn Capacity 12,000
Cost Rubles 300m
Completion 2015 Cost €70m
Vladivostok Stadium SPAIN Completion 2019
Proposed soccer stadium as part of sports and leisure Barcelona: Camp Nou Stadium Zurich football stadium
development by local authority. Super upgrade for Barcelona’s Catalan home voted for by Proposed soccer-dedicated stadium. Possible standing
Capacity 16,000 club members in April. The project has some similarities area. Developer: city.
Volgograd Stadium to a previous Foster+Partners design. Stadium specialist Capacity 16,000 (international), 20,000
One of the twelve stadiums to be used for the FIFA consultants: ISG, AEG, ICON Venue Group and Ryder (domestic)
World Cup 2018, all of which require construction or /HYHWW%XFNQDOO$VZHOODVDUHFRQÀJXUHGVSHFWDWRU Cost Sfr150m
refurbishment. On site of Central Stadium. Part of sports bowl, there will be a new ring of boxes and restaurants Completion 2017
complex. Basketball to be added. Green: BREEAM overlooking the pitch, along with ‘superboxes’ and other
standard (Jones Lang Lasalle). Developer: Ministry of 9,3VHUYLFHVEHWZHHQWKHÀUVWDQGVHFRQGWLHUV7KH
sport. Technical construction arm: Sport Engineering. quality of the VIP services will be vastly improved both
Construction: Stoitransgaz (Director Vadim Gurinov). in terms of quantity and quality (3,500 new seats would Dar-es-Salaam: National Stadium
Capacity 45,000 create a total of 5,700 luxury seats). Contractor: Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co Ltd.
Capacity 106,000 Capacity 60,000
Cost 15-20bn rubles (US$431-575m)
Cost €600m Cost US$54.6m
Completion summer 2015

28 facility watch stadiums EMEA


Kaunda Stadium Victoria Falls Cricket Ground Toronto: BMO Field

Capacity 40,000 Local council has granted planning approval for a Upgrade for municipal stadium that hosts
Cost US$20m stadium near the iconic site to become country’s third international soccer and rugby. Maple Leaf Sports
Completion June 2015 international Test ground. Also home for domestic side and Entertainment (MLSE) scheme approved by city
Matabeleland Tuskers and open for touring teams council. Finance: city C$10m, MLSE C$95, C$20
to practise. sought from other government bodies. Naming
TURKEY Capacity 4,000+ rights available from 2017. First phase to May 2015:
Antalya Stadium 8,400 new seats in the East grandstands, additional
Soccer stadium. Area: 85,000m2. Construction: Akay. washrooms and concession stands. New suites,
Capacity 33,000
Completion 2015
AMERICAS private clubs and the expansion of the Rogers Club,
as well as a new concourse on the second level
Bursaspor: Timsah Stadium connecting the stadium. Larger HD video board
New home for Bursaspor FC. Substantial construction
BRAZIL in North end. Designed to take temporary seating
Rio de Janeiro: Olympic Stadium system of 10,000 (40,000). The second phase to
Temporary capacity update of 2007 Pan-American May 2016 will see the addition of a full-size canopy
‘crocodile’ associated with club. Architect: Sozuneri
Games stadium for Olympic athletics. covering all seats with the exception of the North
Architects. Finance: city. Area: 150,000m2.
Capacity 60,000 (45,000) grandstand and a new sound and lighting system.
Capacity 45,000
Cost €70m Rio de Janeiro: Olympic Hockey Centre An optional third phase will enable BMO Field to
Completion 2015 Two stadiums in Deodoro zone.. accommodate CFL. Project manager: ICON Venue
Capacity 10,000 (centre 1), 5,000 (centre 2) Group. Architect of Record: Gensler. Construction:
Istanbul: Vodafone Stadium PCL Construction.
New stadium for Besiktas soccer team on site of existing Rio de Janeiro: Olympic Tennis Centre
Developer: City of Rio de Janeiro. Tender out for Capacity 30,000 +8,400
facility by the Bosphorus. Convention and cultural centre.
Build-operate-transfer model. Naming rights: Vodafone. construction and operation of the 2016 Barra da Tijuca Cost &P
Capacity 42,000 Olympic Park Tennis Centre. Legacy: Olympic Training Completion 2016 (option May 2017)
Centre for high-performance athletes, the main sporting
Cost €120m
legacy of Rio’s Olympic Games to Brazil and to the city.
Completion 2015 Finance: Federal Government. Construction: R$139,9m GRENADA
Trabzonspor: Akyazi Stadium permanent, R$29,7m temporary, R$13,1m dismantling of St George’s: National Stadium
5HSODFHV+XVH\LQ$YQL$NHUVWDGLXP%XLOWRQDUWLÀFLDOO\ temporary structures, operations and maintenance of the Under construction for athletics and football. Next
created land on the shore of the Black Sea. Tennis Centre before, during and after the Games until to cricket ground. Funding: Chinese government.
Capacity 42,000 May 2017. Eight permanent courts and eight temporary. Construction: CCCC (China).
Completion 2015 Main court 10,000, temporary 5,000, 3,000. 13 outdoor Capacity 7,000
courts, seven with 250 seats each (six permanent). Cost US$31.49m
Capacity 20,000 Completion August 2015
Abu Dhabi Stadium Completion 2015
to build a new sports stadium with retractable roof as Phoenix Stadium
part of the Capital City District development next to CANADA First ever professional soccer stadium in Haiti. Operator:
Khalifa City. Elk Stadium Foundation L’Athletique D’Haiti (FLADH). Developer:
Capacity 65,000 Delos Living (Morad Fareed).
Stadium planned near the partially built promenade
Dubai: Al Wasl Sports Club use. Feasibility study under way. Developer: Elk Grove Cost US$5m
Proposed upgrade to become air-conditioned stadium. City Council.
Developer: Dubai Sports Council. Cost &P
Capacity 25,000
Hamilton: Tim Horton's Field
Juarez: Tricentenario Stadium
Running late on construction timeline and opened with Downtown ballpark for Juárez Indios, with scoreboard
WALES restricted capacity - pitch in place but no seats or rails. and retail. Area: 503,000ft2.
Aberystwith Town FC Stadium Complete rebuild for home (Ivor Wynne Stadium) of Capacity 13,500
3ODQVIRUVWDGLXPÁDWVDORQJWKHULYHUVLGHRIWKH the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and for 2015 Pan American Cost US$10.3m
ground. New 550-seat stand, clubhouse, ancillary Games soccer. Funding: $54.1m from city, $22.3m from
province, $69.1m from Ottawa. Ticats annual rental: Mexico City: Chivas de Guadalajara Stadium
rooms, community facilities, dedicated youth centre. New soccer stadium with family-friendly facilities.
Finance: Tai Ceredigion housing association. Turf: $1.2m (includes naming rights). Additional 17,500
temporary seats to handle Grey-Cup sized crowds. The Construction: ICA.
synthetic (£400,000). Capacity 45,000
Cost £13m winning bidders for the stadium build, a consortium
called Ontario Sports Solutions, includes Bouygues Cost 833m peso, US$76.3m
Ebbw Vale: Circuit of Wales
Building Canada Inc. and Kenaidan Contracting Ltd. Mexico City: Los Diablos Rojos Ballpark
Work beginning on motorsport circuit with a green theme.
Capacity 22,500 In Magdalena Mixhuca sports complex. Steel and PTFE
Council positive but Welsh parliament involved. Funding:
Cost &P roof structure resembling devil trident. Architet: JAHN,
Public/private partnership. £2m loan from Welsh
Completion April 2015 ADG (Alonso de Garay). Green: passive systems, water
government so far. 3.5 mile track for all kinds of auto
Montreal: Baseball Project use reduction.
sport, hotel, retail and commercial. Developer: Heads
Study funded by a group comprised of the Board of Trade Capacity 16,000 (13,000 seats, 3,000 berm)
of the Valleys Development Company. Construction
SUHOLPLQDU\ )&&DQG$OXQ*ULIÀWKV&RQWUDFWRUV of Metropolitan Montreal (BTMM), the Montreal Baseball Completion 2017
Cost £280m Project (MBP), EY and BCF LLP. Costed as $500m to buy Monterrey: Estadio de Fútbol
Capacity 15,000 team and $500m for an open-air ballpark. Construction well under way for soccer and athletics
Capacity 36,000 in the Parque La Pastora recreational and leisure
Newport: Dragons Stadium destination. Developer: Estadio Internacional Monterrey
New stadium on site of Rodney Parade going through Cost &P
Regina, Saskatchewan: Mosaic Stadium (César Esparza). Architect: Populous. Construction: Maiz
planning permission. Includes an 84-room hotel, 105
Open air stadium for Roughriders. (Dome stadium Mier. Roof: 55 metre cantilevered.
($430m) was subject of feasibility study by Stadium Capacity 80,000
and public gym. Architect: S&P. Planning: RPS. Cost
consultant: Gleeds. Transport: Pinnacle. Boxes: 20. Consultants International and Global Spectrum ($1m) but Cost US$200m
Capacity 15,000 rejected. WS Atkins, Pattern Design Architects and P3A Completion 2015
Cost £40m supplied early designs. On the Evraz Place grounds west
of the existing Mosaic Stadium. Design work continues.
ZIMBABWE of three phases of the Regina Revitalization Initiative. of america
Southern Province: Livingstone Stadium Transparent roof, general admission lounge, 68% of AL: Birmingham Dome
Soccer stadium and community sport facilities. seats in sunken lower bowl. Funding: province $80m, Downtown dome stadium with convention space.
Capacity 30,000 city $73m, team $25m, loan from province $100m. Developer: BJCC Board of Authority (Executive Director
Completion 2015 Construction manager: PCL Construction Management Jack Fields). Architect: Populous plus local architect.
Tsholotsho Stadium ,QF &RQVWUXFWLRQDQG)LQDQFH7HDP/HDG +.66SRUWV Capacity 57,500 (expandable 70,000)
Football stadium for Tsholotsho FC who are playing & Entertainment (Lead Design Engineer and Sports Cost US$550m (Finance: city $66m)
Completion 2015
Castle Lager Premier Soccer League season. Securities (Financial Advisor).
Completion 2015 Capacity 33,000 (expandable to 40,000)
Cost &P
Completion 2017

AL, Birmingham: University of Alabama CA, Oakland: Cisco Field
Stadium Proposed stadium for MLB team to replace McAfee STADIUMS
New horseshoe-shaped, on-campus football stadium Coliseum. Planning on site in suburban Fremont EMEA
with a downtown view, for UAB Hornets (Athletics purchased from Cisco. City looking at other land environment
Director Brian Mackin). Capacity: 27,511 (seats), 2,500 parcels, possible environmental impact report for a
(lawn end zone). Suites: 33. Loge boxes: 24 (4). Parking proposed 39,000-seat ballpark near Jack London
for 300. Finance: $60m bonds, $15m donations. Square. Architect: HOK (formerly 360 Architecture) and
Cost US$75m Gensler. FL: Daytona International Speedway
AL, Troy: Veterans Memorial Stadium Capacity 32,000-36,000 Daytona Rising project to transform mile long
Renovations in north end zone to improve offering to Cost US$300-$400m grandstand. Suites: 31. Club seats: 520. Rest rooms:
athlete students. Athletic director John Hartwell. 10-14 CA: Sacramento Republic FC Stadium 1,891. Escalators: 40. Fibre optic: 151 miles. Screens:
VXLWHVDQHZORFNHUURRPFRDFKHVRIÀFHVHTXLSPHQW Construction of soccer stadium under way at Cal Expo 1,611. Owner: International Speedway Corporation.
URRPZHLJKWURRPDGPLQLVWUDWLRQRIÀFHVPHHWLQJ that will house Sacramento Republic FC. 4,500 season Architect: Rossetti. Construction: Barton Malow.
rooms, video and technology areas, recruiting lounges, tickets sold. MLS ambitions. Capacity 101,500
an academic centre. Capacity 8,000 Completion January 2016
Cost US$25-28m Cost US$3m FL, Fort Myers: Lee County Sports Complex
Completion 2015 Completion 2015 Renovation to Hammond Stadium and Lee County Sports
AL, Tuscaloosa: Sewell-Thomas Stadium Complex, spring training home of the Twins and home
CA, San Diego: Football Stadium
Renovation and expansion of ballpark for University RI)ORULGD6WDWH/HDJXHDIÀOLDWH)RUW0\HUV0LUDFOH
Long-term look for new stadium focussed by imminent
of Alabama. New locker rooms, a weight room and Architect: Populous. Two phases, one year each. New
an indoor batting facility. New seating, a revamped player development academy, renovations to clubhouse,
have met with a stadium task force created by San
concourse, skyboxes and club lounges, press box. QHZSOD\LQJÀHOGVGHJUHHERDUGZDONDQGFRQFRXUVH
Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and with Oakland
Finance: $15m revenue bonds, $27.6m foundation/ for Hammond. New parking lot. Phase 2 includes
Athletics franchise to discuss joint stadium in Carson.
gifts. Architect: Davis Architects Inc. Area: 129,000ft2. expanded concourses, improved concessions and
CA, San Jose: Avaya Stadium restrooms, clubhouse expansion, premium seating, store,
Cost US$42.6m ($30m) New stadium for Quakes soccer team, moving from Buck
Completion November 2015 group seating, press box improvements. Construction:
Shaw in Santa Clara. Naming rights deal will make it the Manhattan Twins Joint Venture.
AZ, Phoenix: Sun Devil Stadium ÀUVW
YHQXHLQ0/67HDPERXJKWODQG Capacity 9,300 (8,000)
Redevelopment for home of Arizona State University from council. Planning and approval done, construction
sport. North end zone will be demolished in December. under way. One end open. Large outdoor bar, double- FL, Gainsvile: Florida State Indoor Facility
Exact renovation plans uncertain but could include sided scoreboards. Architect: HOK (formerly 360 Practice facility for Gators football, avoiding
shading to make bowl more comfortable for spectators. Architecture). Wi-Fi: Ruckus. Capacity: 18,000 seated + abandonment due to weather. Training rooms,
Finance: real estate project University Athletics 5,000 on grass berms at ends. Finance: team. Food & equipment storage, camera platforms (3). Pitch:
Facilities District. Beverage: Ovations Food Services. synthetic. Roll-up doors give access to new outdoor
Cost US$300m (est) Capacity 18,000 training pitches (natural turf). Redesign for entrance to
baseball stadium and practice facility. Athletics Director:
Completion 2016 Cost US$60m
Jeremy Foley. Architect: Davis Architects. Contractor:
AZ, Mesa: Hohokam Stadium Completion 2015 %UDVÀHOG *RUULH
Update (including Fitch Park) to host Oakland Athletics CO, Boulder: CU Athletics Facilities Cost US$15m
spring training after Chicago Cubs move out. All seats Upgrade to athletic department facilities (Dal Ward Completion September 2015
replaced, many widened. New patio areas. Inner Athletic Center and the CU Recreation Center), including
FL, Miami: Dolphin Stadium
clubhouse to be expanded with weight room and Renovation to host marquee events. Financial deal with
Cost U$143m
dining areas. Hydrotherapy room to include a hot tub, Miami-Dade for bonus payments to Dyork
CO, Fort Collins: CSU football stadium olphins for hosting big events (20 years). Canopy to
an underwater treadmill and a polar plunge pool. Privately funded replacement of the 32,500-seat
$JLOLW\ÀHOGSDUWQDWXUDOJUDVVDQGSDUWDUWLÀFLDO5HWDLO shade fans, new seats, new video boards, concourse
Hughes Stadium for Colorado State University. Funding and concession improvements.
Ovations. Architect: Gensler Architects (Jason Boyer). must reach halfway before a start can be made. Stadium
Capacity 10,500 (13,00) Cost US$350m
planning/visioning committee formed (Rick George, Completion 2016
CA, Los Angeles: Farmers Field (Dave Bradford director of CSU Parking Services). Campaign to reinstate historic, city-owned structure
Anschutz Entertainment Group has shelved its plans Multipurpose sports facility. Classroom space: 55,000ft2. damaged in 1992 hurricane. City commission
to build an NFL football stadium, a new convention hall Finance: donations, bonds. Construction: Mortenson considering plans.
and parking structures on city-owned land downtown. Construction. Architectural consultant: Populous. Miami MLS Soccer Stadium
They were seeking an NFL team. Legislative support Capacity 43,000 potential The proposed soccer stadium would see MLS back in
granted but construction was dependent on a team Cost US$220m ($226.5m) Miami. Initital PortMiami scheme rejected. Three other
being attracted to the city. Completion 2017 sites are being considered: land abutting Marlins Park,
CT: Hartford Ballpark to Miami International Airport’s auto-rental and mass-
Completion 2016 (proposed) Groundbreaking mid February for AA minor league WUDQVLWKXEDQGE\)ORULGD,QWHUQDWLRQDO8QLYHUVLW\
CA, Los Angeles: Inglewood NFL Stadium ballpark on Main Street to house the Rock Cats in at Tamiami Park. Developer: David Beckham group
Proposed by Stan Kroenke, the owner of the St. Louis downtown and to propel economic regeneration. After (Beckham exercising option on MLS franchise, Simon
Rams, on the former site of Hollywood Park racetrack public consultation the city sought proposals from Fuller). Finance: private. Architects: Arquitectonica
and casino. City council has approved. Developers: developers interested in building the ballpark as well as (Principal Bernardo Fort-Brescia) and HOK (formerly
Stockbridge Capital Group (Terry Fancher). City of other retail and residential development. City donating 360 Architecture).
Champions Revitalization. Project to develop 300 land. Suites: 18. Two party decks, two picnic areas.
DFUHVIRUVKRSSLQJPDOORIÀFHKRWHOUHVLGHQWLDO Upkeep: US$250,000 fund and $150,000 annual. Rent:
FL: Orlando Soccer Stadium
entertainment/performance venue and a NFL stadium. $100,000 pa. Finance: bond sale (total to pay $117m to
City SC, that has played in the Citrus Bowl but will play
See St Louis. 2042). Owner: Stadium Authority. Developer: Centerplan
2014 at ESPN Wide World of Sports (Disney). City voting
Capacity 80,000 Construction (part of DoNo Hartford LLC). Overall project
on project agreement. Team will be a tenant and pay
Completion 2018 cost $350m.
annual rental for 25 years. Finance: City and County
CA, Los Angeles (Industry): NFL Stadium Capacity 6,000
tourism taxes ($20m), Orlando City SC $30m. Waste
Proposed new NFL stadium at the 60/57 freeway Cost US$56m service: Waste Pro. Construction manager: Barton Malow.
junction. Nestles into hillside, with all suites and VIP Completion March 2016 Architect: Populous. Club seats: 2,500. Suites capacity:
areas on one side and integrated into the adjacent CT: Uconn Basketball Development Center 300. Area: 290,000sqft (120,000 bowl).
retail promenade. Multisport, 365 day venue. Green: Will be built on the site of the old Memorial Stadium. Capacity 18,000
/(('FHUWLÀFDWLRQ6XLWHV'HYHORSHUDQGÀQDQFH Will serve as a practice and development facility. Cost US$84m (construction $69m)
Majestic Realty Architects: Aedas, Populous. Funding: $24m raised so far. Completion Summer 2015
Capacity 75,000-80,000 Capacity 43,000 potential FL, St. Petersburg: Carillon Ballpark
Cost US$800m Cost US$32m Proposed by developer CityScape (Darryl LeClair) for Tampa
DC, Washington: DC United Stadium structure. Part of retail and residential development.
Public private partnership (30 years) to build stadium 5HWUDFWDEOHRUÀ[HGWUDQVSDUHQWURRIRSWLRQV(7)(URRI
for soccer team DC United (COO Tom Hunt) in the and wall. Consultants: HKS and Hunt Construction.
Buzzard Point area. MLS team has been looking for a Capacity 35,000
number of years. Land acquisition under way ($89m). Cost 86P UHWUDFWDEOH 86P À[HG
Finance: half team, half city. Complex land deal.
Environmental study under way. Architect: Populous.
Capacity 20-25,000
Cost US$150m
Completion 2017-18


The beauty and power
of rugby has been
redefined at the very
heart of Twickenham
Stadium thanks to the
latest transformations
designed by KSS.

Continuing the design language

that KSS established for the
RFU in 2013, three floors of VIP
hospitality have been redesigned
in a dramatic yet sympathetic
transformation, providing a
coherent journey from bars to
restaurants. Dark stained timber
panelling, white lacquer walls
Above & below: A bolder palette of finishes and linear lighting capture the
with a stronger influence of the red rose flow and energy of the games
also run throughout 500 linear metres of motion, whilst highly detailed
corridor serving a total of 65 executive bars and striking artwork
boxes with improved wayfinding throughout. reinforce the England Rugby
brand and enhance events held
in these prestigious spaces all
year round.

Photo credit: Gareth Gardner


his year’s RBS 6 Nations tournament

T has revealed the next phases
in the Rugby Football Union's (RFU)
refurbishment at the home of England
Rugby, Twickenham Stadium. The
transformation has brought to reality the stadium on a match day, hosted by
ambitious improvements for the fan the RFU President.
experience and will sustain the stadium
for the 2015 Rugby World Cup and Refreshed Style
beyond as part of a longer 25-year plan. Throughout the Executive Boxes, the
A complete design solution involving refreshed functional circulation is
architecture, hospitality design and significantly enhanced with a variety of
brand integration has benefited key old and new facts, figures and memories
central areas in the West Stand, both of the milestones and highlights of rich
internally and within the stadium bowl. rugby history. These were established
This has resulted in a greater visual by KSS working closely with the World
connection between hospitality spaces Rugby Museum based at Twickenham
and Twickenham’s hallowed turf through Stadium, adding interest and depth to the
full-height glazing, and reconfigured guest’s journey on the way to their seats.
bowl stairs and seating zones for guests, As kick-off approaches, an extension
coaches, broadcasting and match day to the Players’ Facilities – completed
officials. From a powerful 10m-high by KSS in 2013 – featuring a new
interpretation of the 2009 Gerald Laing sculptural external tunnel, welcomes
sculpture reflecting England Rugby's The Council Room features all RFU
Presidents since the union was founded the teams into the ground. Where, two
core values out into the bowl where new large screens totalling 240sqm – the
in 1871 within the panelling.
balcony glazing and white cladding to the same size as a tennis court – all work to
original concrete structure completes heighten the experience for fans, staff
the full match day experience. and players alike.
subtle details, such as the deconstructed
rose running through the Council Room's With less than 200 days to go until the
Dramatic yet
bespoke designed broadloom carpet. start of the 2015 Rugby World Cup, and
Sympathetic Radial oak veneered and high grade as the main host to ten games including
Transformation leather furniture with a delicate rose the Final, Twickenham Stadium is on
Hidden doors for cloakrooms and cornice is included in the President's track to welcome the world to the home
storage within the panelling sit alongside Suite, which is the most exclusive area of of England Rugby. Q

An extension to the Players’ Facilities, features a new sculptural

external tunnel, welcoming teams to the ground.

© Virtual Planit/RFU/England Rugby/ Paul Hazlewood
GA, Atlanta: Atlanta Stadium IN, Evansville: Roberts Stadium watch
Octagonal retractable-roof stadium downtown for the City consulting on renovation/replacement of FEATURE
2017). Replaces Georgia Dome. Premium seating and Cost US$30m (Renovation estimate) environment
other amenities to drive revenue. Screen: 62,000ft2. IN: Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Developer: Georgia World Congress Authority. Operator: Proposed new grandstands and possibility of
AMB Sports and Entertainment. General Manager: Scott ÁRRGOLJKWLQJ6HHNLQJSXEOLFIXQGLQJ
Jenkins. Costs: design services $73m, systems and Cost US$100m KY, Louisville: Dr. Mark & Cindy Lynn Stadium
equipment $71m, preconstruction $102m, construction )RUPHQ
$948m. Funding: hotel tax $200m, NFL $200m,
IN: Indianapolis Soccer Stadium
on campus parallel with Interstate 65 between the
Proposed soccer stadium for Indy Eleven. Multipurpose
personal seat licenses, Falcons. In a deal making its 6ZDLQ6WXGHQW$FWLYLWLHV&HQWHUDQG3DSD-RKQ
ambitions. Team seeks tax dollar help in the form of
way through government channels, $50m in stadium- Cardinal Stadium. Identical locker rooms for each
bonds paid for by an event tax. Proposal going to vote
related infrastructure improvements are included. The WHDPFRDFKHV
in senate. Currently plays at Carroll Stadium at IUPUI.
Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation has pledged $15m room. Training Center: 15,500ft2. Press/Suite
to be invested in the communities surrounding the Cost 18,500
Area: 1,450ft2.
stadium – Vine City, English Avenue and Castleberry; Cost US$87m Capacity 5,300
and that is being matched by another $15m from Invest IN, Kokomo: Ballpark Cost US$18.5m
Atlanta’s Westside Tax Allocation District. (The Westside New baseball stadium downtown. Construction running Completion 2015
TAD currently has $53m). Study: Populous. Architects: into environmental objections by FEMA, which may
HOK, Goode Van Slyke Architecture, Stanley Beaman & delay completion. Also for schools, community events LA, New Orleans, Behrman Soccer/
Sears, tvsdesign. Food and beverage: Levy Restaurants. and soccer. Rugby Complex
Geotechnical construction: Hayward Baker. Cost US$111.5m Initially delayed, the project has started up again. 5 NCAA-
Capacity 60,000 (expandable to 80,000) Completion May 2015 UHJXODWLRQVL]HGÀHOGVRQHVHUYLQJDVDFRPSHWLWLRQÀHOG
Cost US$1.2bn Capacity 9,000 (4,200)
IN, South Bend: Notre Dame Stadium
Completion 2017 Campus Crossroads Project is three buildings Cost US$12.8m
GA, Cobb County: SunTrust Park (750,000ft2) that will surround the Stadium. The vision Completion Summer 2015
Major League Baseball stadium and integrated mixed- is to group community facilities and to beautify the MA: Malden Ballpark
use development at the northwest intersection of I-75 stadium’s facade. The 33-month construction will begin Proposed ballpark for minor league team (Atlantic
and I-285. Broke ground September 2014. The Braves after the conclusion of the 2014 football season. The /HDJXH 'HYHORSHUSXUFKDVLQJODQGSDUFHOV$UWLÀFLDOWXUI
will develop the remaining parcels surrounding the project is designed so that new premium seating (3,000 and winter bubble to cap the surface and for community
stadium, crafting a world-class entertainment district to 4,000 additional club seats) will help fund the project. use in off-season. Developer: Boston Field of Dreams
featuring retail, restaurants and hotel options. Plans 5HEXLOGRIWKHÀHOGIURPEDVH7XUI)LHOGWXUI,QVWDGLXP (Alexander Bok). Preconstruction: Turner Construction.
call for the stadium to be owned by the Cobb-Marietta broadcast infrastructure and possibly big screens. Capacity 6,000
Coliseum and Exhibit Hall Authority, which also owns Cost US$400m Cost US$30–$35m
the Cobb Galleria Centre and Cobb Energy Performing KA, Lawrence: Memorial Stadium Completion 2016
Arts Centre. Ballpark nestles into hillside, trees around 3URSRVHGUHQRYDWLRQRI0HPRULDO6WDGLXPIRU-D\KDZNV
 MD: Baltimore Soccer Stadium
SDUNLQJ,QWLPDWHFRQÀJXUDWLRQZLWKKLJKHUSHUFHQWDJH football. Consulting: HNTB. Track can be removed after Maryland Stadium Authority investigating market for a
RIVHDWVFORVHWRÀHOGWKDQDQ\RWKHU0/%EDOOSDUN building of $39m complex in west Lawrence for soccer, MLS team with feasibility study ($100,000). 42-acre
HYHQWVSOD]DDQGÀHOG$LUFRQRQHYHU\OHYHO5RRIIW KA, Manhattan: Snyder Family Stadium Capacity 17,000-20,000
Architect: Populous. Construction manager: American Overhaul to the north end of football stadium at Kansas
State University. New Vanier Football Complex. Third Proposed new downtown ballpark to replace
 major enhancement in recent years. New locker room,
VUHS+HHU\ 80-year-old Municipal Stadium, home of the
weight room, video room and meeting areas, as well as Hagerstown Suns. Funding: county and city $16m.
Capacity 41,500 Study: Ripken Design.
ends. New video boards in northwest and northeast Cost US$30m
Cost US$672m corners. Fan deck, new restrooms and a wider concourse. Completion 2015
Completion 2017 Architect: Populous. Construction: Mortenson, GE
Johnson Construction MD: Salisbury Sea Gull Stadium
GA: Augusta Stadium For Sea Gulls football team at Salisbury University.
Voters will decide on riverfront ballpark for Augusta Cost US$65m
Greenjackets plus retail, food & beverage, meeting
VSDFHVRIÀFHKRWHOUHVLGHQWLDODQGSDUNLQJ KY: Churchill Downs Racetrack renovations will also add bathrooms, an athletic training
Requires transfer of public land. Feasibility study: 20 private, open-air, all-inclusive Winner’s Circle Suites clinic, ticket booths, concession stands and storage.
Rosser International, CSL International. Developer: in a premium location under the Twin Spires between Capacity 4,800
LLC. Cost US$19m
Winner’s Circle and the creation of a new Courtyard that
Cost US$38.7m Completion 2015
will accommodate temporary premium seating during
Completion 2015 Derby Week. Architect: Populous. Project manager: MI, Lowertown: St. Paul Saints Ballpark
IA, Des Moines: Jack Trice Stadium PC Sports. Future home for the St. Paul Saints who currently reside
Phase two of renovation project at Iowa State University Cost US$4.2m at Midway stadium. Delayed by soil pollution and funding
²XSJUDGHVDQGVHFRQGGHFNWRWKHVRXWKHQG]RQH Completion April 2015 gap. Construction: Ryan. Finance: state $25m.
5HSODFHDQGUHQRYDWHWKHH[LVWLQJVRXWKHQG]RQH KY, Lexington: Commonwealth Stadium Capacity 7,250
VHDWLQJXSJUDGHWKHVRXWKHQG]RQHFRQFRXUVH Renovations at University of Kentucky with a Kentucky Cost US$63m (US$54m)
infrastructurreate a singlular concourse experience for feel, using Kentucky limestone and reclaimed barn wood. Completion May 2015
fans. Upgrade to south video board and sound system New decorative exterior and landscaping. Concourses MI, Minneapolis: Vikings NFL Stadium
components and construct additional premium seating widened, new restrooms and concessions. New premium Football stadium to host Superbowl 2018. 40%
(club, suite or lounge] and storage. Enhanced arrival seating options on the south side, including clubs at the completed. 80% of concrete poured. Peak construction
Athletics: Jamie Pollard Finance: donations. Architect: new training table for student-athletes will be housed Metrodome site, where Vikings played since 1992.
Neumann Monson Architects. Sports architect: in the hospitality areas, which will be available to the Retractable roof rejected in favour of largest PTFE
HNTB Architecture. Construction manager: The Big Blue Nation as rentable spaces for special events roof in the world for an outdoor experience inside.
:HLW]&RPSDQ\ outside of game days. Sideline suite level atop the Finance voted through by senate. Option to bring MLS
Capacity 61,000+ south stands - approximately 20 luxury suites. A press team to the stadium. Other possible events include
Cost US$65m box will be above the suite level with areas for media state high school football and soccer championships,
Completion August 2015 seating, television and radio broadcasts and additional amateur sports and concerts. Team playing at TCF
IL, Chicago: Wrigley Field VIP seating. New game-day locker room, training room Bank Stadium in interim ($250,000 per game). Spaces
Cubs to upgrade player facilities, add a big screen in DQGPXOWLSXUSRVHUHFUXLWLQJURRPLQWKHHDVWHQG]RQH for shops, restaurants, NFL team museum and Hall of
5,700ft2. Hotel development across street but no XQGHUWKHHDVWHQG]RQHVHDWLQJDUHDZKLFKZLOOEHWKH Sports Facilities Commission. Architect: HKS ($34m).
FRQQHFWLQJEULGJH&LW\FRXQFLODSSURYDOLVÀUVWVWHSLQ new student seating section. Athletics Director: Mitch Contractor/construction manager at risk: Mortenson or
getting full planning permission. Barnhart. Funding: bonds, possible state support, fund- +XQWDQG.UDXV$QGHUVRQÀQDOLVWVLQVWDGLXPDXWKRULW\
Cost US$500m raising. Construction in two phases. Consultants: IMG competition ($690m). Envelope design: Studio Five
College, International Stadia Group, Lexington Center Architects. Envelope manufacturer: AMG Architectural
IL, Woodstock: Lakewood Sportsplex Corp. Architect: Ross Tarrant Architects and HNTB *ODVVDQG*OD]LQJ P )XQGLQJ9LNLQJVP
Proposed minor league ballpark for McHenry County (Gerardo Prado). Construction ($89m): Skanska USA state $348m, city $150m. Operating costs: city and
K-Nines. City providing land for a stadium. Finance: Building (80%) and Congleton-Hacker. team. Suites: 150. Club seats: 7,500.
Private investors now sought. Developer: Equity One Capacity 61,000
Sports Development. Capacity 65,000 (expandable to 72,000)
Cost US$110m Cost US$1.04bn (US$977m)
Cost US$40m
Completion September 2015 Completion 2016


Sketch stadium design in Iraq.

Paul Hyett of HKS Architects explains the importance of designing host stadia that
are conducive not only to the global sporting event but more importantly to their
local community; reflecting their environs.
usic, food, language, poetry, making ‘there’ special yet particular. responds to. An architecture of integrity
M literature, song, dance, clothes
and furniture: these are just some of
Against that endeavour, architects
can indeed challenge the processes of
will generate local pride and command
external respect. An architecture that
the essential ingredients that define globalisation and, through our work, is so grounded in its response to its
a culture... that imbue a people with imbue projects with a character that physical, cultural and social context
a collective ‘identity’ – a sense of is relevant to making an ‘architecture will, quite simply, be meaningless
belonging, and a sense of place. of place’ - an architecture that makes anywhere else.
Architecture has a central role in this sense of the essential qualities of ‘there’
process – at once shifting and shaping responding to local climate, topography National Identity
space and informing ‘space making’ and culture, that utilises local materials and Ambition
through the varied agendas contingent and engages local craft.
to context. Architecture should be placed at the
Some aspects of ‘global’ cannot, of cutting-edge in the shaping of cities,
However, traditional identity is being course, be ignored. Architecture must regions and nations as ambitious modern
increasingly challenged by the processes always respond to new and expanding places, which express a collective
of globalisation. Modern products programmatic challenges; including identity that will ever continue to evolve.
of media and manufacturing are large building typologies such as
constantly effacing the characteristics hospitals and stadiums, which have Major public buildings, such as stadiums,
of ‘place’ and ‘back-drop’ that evoke the little precedent in a newly developing will contribute enormously to this
‘particular’. Modern mass production of country. Architecture must also respond process. They should always be bold and
cars, planes and the hamburger, each, in to new agendas, such as eco-sustainable innovative. Certain in their expression,
their way, contribute towards a process design, but through all of this it should they should lift the spirits of all who
of ‘cultural unification’ – as do corporate remain locally relevant and confidently use them, all who pass by and all who
hotels and denim trousers. ‘There’ as a contemporary. Nothing can be more visit. But, above all, they should be
concept in ‘place making’ is lost to the inappropriate and potentially inadequate buildings of that place that show a
point of becoming ‘everywhere’. than to transfer the architecture of quintessentially local response to the
somewhere else to a new location. challenge of ‘place making’.
The Challenge However, beyond reinforcing the cultural Major Tournaments
Invited many years ago as RIBA President identity of context, it is necessary to
to address the Sri Lankan Institute of recognise that ‘identity’ is dynamic
and the Challenge
Architects’ annual conference on the rather than static, always evolving of Legacy
topic of ‘Traditional Identity in a Global in response to the conditions that a International sporting events impose
Context’, I became pre-occupied with place, in the widest sense of that term, requirements that are universally

and design

Minnesota Multi-Purpose Stadium,

home to the Minnesota Vikings.

applicable to any site around the the challenges of legacy generate The solutions to this will be as varied
world; the temporary condition they embarrassing levels of waste, cost and as the contexts themselves, but as
create and their subsequent legacy will ultimately architectural compromise designers our ambitions must (at least)
frequently be at odds with the cultural with the legacy offering. address some common goals: we
and urban norms of any particular should design public spaces that are
place. Stadium precincts, particularly If the architecture of the stadium is appropriate to local customs and that
those capable of hosting major considered symbolic of place and support the kind of public life that is
events, can be hostile places, they are its culture, we must ask how can particular to that place; the built fabric
space and infrastructure hungry, yet the stadium precinct contribute to should moderate the climate, so that
contribute little to cultural and urban and sustain cultural and public life in spaces are comfortable to occupy
life. History shows that, time and again, legacy mode? – often this means borrowing from
indigenous building typologies; we must
build-in a degree of flexibility, to allow
Le Grande Stade du Rugby, Evry, for unforeseen cultural nuances to
France, in association with Arte enrich a place over time; and we should
Charpentier Architects. activate these places with facilities that
are needed and will be used.

The ’Stadium’ and the ‘Major
International Sporting Event’ are global
phenomena, the modernising effect of
which can be extremely positive. It can
also, however, pose a threat to cultural
and traditional identity, with the notion
of ‘there’ being eroded by the notion
of ‘everywhere’.
However, ‘there’ can be special, and
particular to its context, by adapting
‘global’ programmatic challenges
that hitherto have no local precedent
into relevant and contemporary
architecture, which both reinforces and
expresses a discrete sense of identity.
And, in addressing the wider precinct
in legacy, we are concerned with the
‘place making’ that will sustain cultural
life and identity. Q


MI, Biloxi Baseball Stadium NV: Henderson Stadium District OH, Cincinnati: Nippert Stadium
Minor league baseball stadium along U.S. 90. City Proposal for multi-phased project to include four University of Cincinnati is fund raising for restoration
working with Beau Rivage casino, Southern League and venues – modest stadium, NBA arena, NFL stadium of Nippert, home of Bearcats (playing in Paul Brown
team ownership who are importing a team for 2015 and ballpark – on federal land south of the M Resort during construction). New press box, suites, scholarship
season. Operator: MGM Resorts International. Finance: in Henderson County, South Nevada. Feasibility study club seats and loge boxes /patio suites. West and east
$15m Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, agreed. Developer: Las Vegas National Sports Complex concourses will have new restrooms and concessions.
Council $21m. Architect: Dale Parters. Parking garage: (Christopher Milam). Skywalks to connect upper deck with gameday plaza.
$5.4m. Construction: WG Yates & Sons ($29.13m). Capacity 25,000 Finance: donations, premium seating. Construction:
Capacity 6,000 Cost US$1.3bn Turner Construction (Bob Grace).
Cost US$36m NV, Las Vegas: University of Nevada Stadium Capacity 40,000 (35,000)
Completion August 2015 UNLV investigating the need, size, cost and funding of Cost US$86m
MO, St. Louis: NFL Stadium an on-campus stadium. (Previous deal with Majestic Completion August 2015
To keep Rams in town. See Inglewood. Part of fell through.) Consultant: Conventions Sports & Leisure OH, Cleveland: FirstEnergy Stadium
redevelopment of the north riverfront on a 90-plus acre International ($325,000). The stadium board has until Modernisation, with two new video boards in each end
site on the edge of the Mississippi River. Consulting: 30 Sep to submit a report to state lawmakers on the zone, new audio system. Increase in lower bowl’s seating
Barrett Sports Group, Columbia Capital Management, venue’s feasibility, scope and cost. capacity and improved sightlines. Two new escalators.
Downtown Now!, FleishmanHillard, SMG. Capacity 60,000 Dramatic graphics throughout the stadium, honouring
Capacity 64,000 Cost US$500m (stadium) US$2bn (overall) current and former Browns. Improved general-admission
Completion 2017 NV, Las Vegas Soccer Stadium concession areas, new hospitality and fan-engagement
In downtown Symphony Park area to bring Major League opportunities. Construction: Turner Construction (Jason
MT, Billings: Bobcat Stadium -RQHV*0&OHYHODQGRIÀFH 
Six-phase blueprint for upgrade at Montana State Soccer (MLS) to Las Vegas. Voters will have their say.
Developers: City of Las Vegas, The Cordish Companies Completion 2015
University (athletic director Peter Fields). Finance
DFKLHYHGIRUÀUVWSKDVHQHZHQG]RQH3KDVHRQH and Findlay Sports & Entertainment. Council will vote OK: Gaylord Family Oklahoma
38 SkySuites on two levels above the existing east on a binding proposal in December. Jobs: 1,200 (525 Memorial Stadium
grandstand ($9m). Phases two to six: adding capacity construction, 700 permanent). Finance: private 69%, Master plan update by Populous to provide roadmap
around the bowl, new indoor practice, gym and medical public 31%. Depends on Findlay-Cordish partnership for venue’s success. Plans approved by Board of
facilities. being awarded an MLS team. Owner: city. Operating Regents. Stadium master plan subject to ongoing
costs: Findlay-Cordish partnership (30 years). review. Brief includes team facilities, disability seating,
Capacity 22,000
Capacity 24,000 press box, south end zone, seating, suites, club and
Cost US$100m
Cost US$200m premium, entry and arrival. Development of Sooner
MS, Jackson: JSU Dome brand. South-end zone connected to east and west,
For Jackson State University to host football and
NY, New York: NTC Flushing Meadows
Retractable roof (PTFE) will be built on to the Arthur ADA space increase, +43 restrooms, +69 concessions,
basketball games, as well as concerts on campus. escalators, 16 moving stairways, 18 elevators.
Ashe Stadium (22,547) at an estimated cost of $150m.
6SRUWV+DOORI)DPHRQÀUVWÁRRU3DUNLQJ Expanded concourses, new west stadium concourse
Architect: Rossetti. Construction: Hunt. Roof: 210,000ft2
Finance: up to $75m state-issued bonds. and technology. South end will house new team
PTFE membrane retractable roof. Support for the roof
Capacity 50,000 facilities. Screen: SoonerVision 8,750ft2. Fan plaza:
comes from eight columns on concrete bases, each
Cost US$200m supported by 20 piles driven 150-200-ft deep. The 46,000ft2. Barry Swift Center +50,000ft2 space. Weight
MS, Oxford: Vaught-Hemingway Stadium URRIZLOOFORVHIURPWZRVLGHVRQJOLGHVLQÀYHWRVHYHQ room and high performance centre: 30,852ft2. Finance:
Enclosure of north end zone and adding suites (30) minutes. Roof cost: US$100m+. Roof supplier: Birdair. private funding.
and skyboxes on the south and west sides. Athletic Structural steel: Canam-Heavy. Multi-year project to Capacity 90,000 (82,112)
department (Assistant Athletic Director Kyle Campbell) redevelop the Billie Jean King National Tennis Center Cost US$370m
authorised by The University of Mississippi's College (NTC). Developer: USTA. Two new stadiums, one to Completion 2015
Board to hire AECOM Technology Corp. for $2.4 million to replace the Louis Armstrong Stadium in its current PA, Harrisburg City Soccer Stadium
design the expansion. Finance: donations to Ole Miss' location and a Grandstand Stadium at the southwest Soccer stadium project at the north end of City Island to
Forward Together athletics fundraising campaign. The corner of Flushing Meadows. New courts, walkway, help revitalise downtown Harrisburg and bring revenues
university is also building a new basketball arena and parking and an elevated viewing platform that will to Pennsylvania's Capital City. Finance: Dauphin County,
plans to pay for the stadium expansion from the same provide better seating and viewing options for fans. +DUULVEXUJ&LW\WHDP$OVRIRUUXJE\ODFURVVHDQGÀHOG
campaign. Suites: 90. Restaurants: 5. hockey, concerts and community-related activities.
MS, Starkville: Polk-Dement Stadium Capacity +10,000 Tenant: City Islanders USL PRO team (CEO Eric Pettis).
On existing Dudy Noble Field site for Mississippi State Cost US$550m Consultants: R.S. Mowery, By Design Consultants
University baseball (athletics director Scott Stricklin). Completion 2016-2018 and K&W.
Open-air concourse with a two-tiered grandstand. Design NY, New York: Queens Soccer Stadium Capacity 4,500 (7,000 concerts)
team: Wier Boerner Allin Architecure, Populous, Janet New York City FC playing in Yankee Stadium while Cost US$14m
Marie Smith. Finance: $20m donations, $20m ticket VHHNLQJWREXLOGDVRFFHUVSHFLÀFVWDGLXPLQ4XHHQV Completion 2016
sales and premium seating. Skyboxes: 25. Left Field or or Brooklyn. MLS Commissioner Don Garber has PA, Reading: Ballpark
Lofts (1,000ft2 apartments behind Left Field Lounge: presented plans to build a 25,000-seat stadium at Ballpark for Reading Phillies to replace FirstEnergy
25. Left Field Lounge will have also have a walkway Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Designed to allow Stadium as part of proposed RiverView at Reading
through the middle where those who do not know lounge upgrade to 35,000. The plans call for parkland used for development.
owners can walk through and not block anyone’s view. the project to replaced acre-for-acre. Jobs: 150 full-time, Cost US$70m
New locker rooms, training rooms, equipment rooms 700 part-time.
Capacity 25,000 New owners of Pawsox intend to take the Triple A
Completion 2016 (starts) franchise out of Pawtucket. Target site for new stadium
entry plaza. Additional and bigger concession areas and
UHVWURRPVERWKLQWKHJUDQGVWDQGDQGRXWÀHOG+'YLGHR NY, Elmont: Belmont Park Soccer Stadium is a piece of freed-up I-195 land near the intersection of
ERDUGULEERQERDUGVDQGÀHOGOLJKWLQJ A proposed plan to the Empire State Development Dyer and Dorrance streets in Providence.
Cost US$40m Corporation for a soccer stadium in the underused SC, Columbia: Spirit Communications Park
Belmont Park. Tenant team: New York Cosmos. Included Columbia City Council voted to work with Hardball
NC, Charlotte: American Memorial Stadium in the proposal are plans for 9 new restaurants,
Renovations to house the Charlotte Independence pro Capital to bring a minor league team to play in city-
250,000 square feet of retail space and a 4.3-acre owned baseball stadium as part of the Bull Street
soccer team. Team may play in temporary 4,300-seat
park. Construction jobs: 500. Full-time jobs: 3,000. development. Suites: 16. Club seats: 135. Club lounge:
facility at Charlotte’s Ramblewood Soccer Complex
Expected $200m annual revenue after build. 7,000ft2. Jobs: 35 full-time, 550 part-time. Finance:
(Nussli Group).
Capacity 25,000 Hardball Capital $6m, city bonds $29m. City to earn
Cost US$4m
Cost US$400m (privately funded) % of naming rights, licensing fees and concession
Completion 2016 sales. Developer/operator: Hardball Capital (30-year
Completion Spring 2016
NJ, Monmouth County: Kessler Field deal). Construction manager: CCEB Venue Partners -
A four-storey building behind the Monmouth stadium NY, Syracuse: University Stadium Contract Construction, Construction Dynamics, EnviroAg
stands is planned. Restrooms, concession stands, Press Syracuse University task force continues to examine the
Sciences, Barton Mallow. Architect: Populous.
box, scoreboard operations, broadcast booth and many potential for a new stadium to house its football and
Capacity 8,000 (14,000 concerts)
other media uses. Finance: $11.25 private. Donors still basketball teams. Studies on a stadium in the Kennedy
Square area or on renovation of Carrier Dome. State Cost US$35m
required. Athletic Director Marilyn McNeil. Construction Completion 2016
will start once funds are acquired. funding would be required. Consultant: Irwin Raij.
Capacity 4,000 Capacity 40,000 Columbia: Williams-Brice Stadium
Cost US$500m New Spring-Brooks Plaza, new indoor and outdoor track
Cost US$15m
facilities, and a new standalone soccer complex right
Completion 2015/2016 OH, Akron: MLS Stadium
outside Stone Stadium. Indoor football practice facility
NM, Portales: ENMU Football Stadium Proposed retail village and retractable-roof stadium
will be transformed to accommodate track. Staged
Proposed replacement for 45-year old stadium. for MLS expansion team. Developer: Wolstein Sports &
completion 2015-2016.
Funding: student vote on fee increase. Also for schools Entertainment Group LLC (Paul Garofolo). Finance: $7m
per year tobacco tax, Wolstein $100m. Cost US$32.5m
use and with City Manager’s support. Completion January 2016
Cost US$18m Capacity 20,000-25,000
Cost US$327m (stadium $110m-$165m)

SD, South Dakota State University Stadium TX, Frisco: The Star in Frisco, Texas watch
New stadium to replace Coughlin Alumni Stadium as Doubling as HQ and training facility for Dallas Cowboys FEATURE
home of Jackrabbit football. Phased construction of four and community facility for Frisco. Indoor stadium STADIUMS
sides. Fan facilities on three sides. Upper tiers offering DQGRXWGRRUÀHOGV)LQDQFH)ULVFRFLW\DQGYDULRXV environment
suits with operable windows, lounge boxes outdoors economic development bodies as part of 25-year
DQGFOXEDUHD)LQDQFHGRQDWLRQVDQGERQGÀQDQFH deal. Cowboys will pay maintenance – $1.5m per year
Capacity 19,300 – and annual lease ($100K) and any cost overrun.
Cost US$60m Construction: Manhattan Construction. Architect and WV, Morgantown:
Completion 2016 interiors: Gensler. Masterplan: O’Brien Architects. West Virginia University Ballpark
Property marketing: Lincoln Property Company of Upgrade from Hawley Field at University Town Center.
SD, Madison: University of South
Dallas. Team now in Big 12 Conference. Also high school
Dakota Stadium Capacity 12,000
ODQHRXWGRRUWUDFNDQGÀHOGFRPSOH[DVZHOODVQHZ and American Legion games. Possible share with
Cost US$115m minor league team. Locker rooms for Home & Away,
of general upgrade of athletics facilities, which includes Completion 2016 Training area for pre/post-game treatment/taping. Turf:
training facilities. Could be ready to host the 2016 TX, Sugar Land: StarTex Power Field synthetic. Design/build: Mascaro/DLA+.
Summit League Outdoor Track & Field Championships Ballpark for Atlantic League’s Sugar Land Skeeters. Capacity  À[HG
in May 2016. Owner: city. Construction: Opening Day Partners. Cost US$10-$12m
Completion 2016 Capacity 7,500 Completion 2015
TN, Johnson City: ETSU Football Stadium Cost US$30m
The State Building Commission has approved a project UT, Logan: Romney Stadium US VIRGIN ISLANDS
to build a new football stadium for East Tennessee Renovation for Utah State Athletics. Funding phase prior St. Croix: Paul E. Joseph Stadium
State University. Planning under way. Finance: student to construction. New premium seating, club amenities Demolishing the existing stadium (under way) and
IHHV ÀUVWSKDVH  and press box structure on west side to include suites, UHEXLOGLQJSUREDVHEDOOÀHOGDQGVSRUWVFRPSOH[WR
Capacity 10,000 club seats and loge boxes. The west concourse will also LQFOXGHVHDW/LWWOH/HDJXHEDVHEDOOÀHOGDVVRFLDWHG
Cost US$18m be renovated, including additional concession stands OLJKWLQJDSUHVVER[DQGRWKHUDPHQLWLHVDQHQWU\SOD]D
TN, Nashville: First Tennessee Park and public restrooms. East side could include additional ZLWKWLFNHWERRWKVUHVWURRPVDFRQFHVVLRQEXLOGLQJ
For Sounds. Approved in Sulphur Dell, a historic baseball concession offerings and restroom facilities along with DQRSHQSDYLOLRQDORFNHUDQGPDLQWHQDQFHEXLOGLQJ
site near Germantown (chosen against The East Bank, HQKDQFHGIDQWUDIÀFÁRZ1HZYLGHRERDUGVRQERWK and a permanent St. Croix Christmas Carnival Village.
near LP Field and The North Gulch, near Interstate 40). the north and south ends, new public address system. Finance: V.I. Public Finance Authority $17.5m. Client: VI
Consulting: Populous. Developer: The Sports Authority. The plan envisages an overall increase in capacity. Dept of Sports, Parks and Recreation. Architect: Steven
+LJKHIÀFLHQF\ÁRRGOLJKWLQJDQGVRXQGGLUHFWHGWRZDUGV Study: Conventions, Sports and Leisure International. E. Hutchins. Design consultant: Populous. Design and
GRZQWRZQVWURQJSHGHVWULDQOLQNVÀ[HGVHDWVSOXV Preliminary design: VCBO Architects. build: General Engineering Corp.
berm seating. Guitar-shaped big screeen. Funding: bond UT, West Valley City: Real Monarchs Stadium Cost US$20m
issue $65m. Parking: 1,000. Real Salt Lake owner Dell Loy Hansen has signed a Capacity 3,500
Capacity 10,000 letter of intent with city manager Wayne Pyle. 60-day
Cost US$87m negotiating window. Work in tandem with Maverik
TX: Amarillo Ballpark Center. Hansen withdrew in February from deal for VENEZUELA
Property swap between Coca-Cola and Amarillo club and Utah State Fairpark to add a multi-use sports Caracas: Estadio Nacional de Fútbol
Economic Development Corp. looks likely to allow stadium to the fair park. On a hillside in Caracas providing views of the city to the
go-ahead on downtown baseball stadium. Stadium Capacity 8,000 north-east. Lightweight, brightly coloured bicycle wheel
construction won’t occur until after developers Cost US$20-23m canopy roof. Architect: Rogers Stirk & Partners. Phase
begin building a $69 million convention center hotel Completion 2016 one of the project involves creating a masterplan for an
and $13 million parking garage near Amarillo City VA, Fredericksburg area known as La Rinconada. The stadium will be built in
Hall and Amarillo Civic Center Complex. Developer: Multi-purpose stadium in Celebrate Virginia South the park alongside existing sports facilities, including a
Wallace Bajjali ($11.8m). Operator (lease): Southern development. Aimed at sports tourism market and listed racecourse designed by Arthur Froehlich in 1959.
Independent Baseball. KRPHWRPLQRUOHDJXHEDVHEDOOWHDP$UWLÀFLDOWXUI Engineer: Arup. Roof: Schlaich bergermann und partner.
TX, Prairie View: A&M University Stadium the Hagerstown Suns and Diamond Nation. Architect:
New stadium will continue the design theme of the Pei Partnership Architects and HKS.
Cost US$29m Jamaica, Clarendon: Herb McKenley Stadium
and concert space. Home Grandstand (9,000), away Work under way but Minister of Transport and Works
grandstand (6,000). 500 premium club seats, a Completion 2015
Presidential Suite, an Athletic Director’s Suite and VA, Loudoun: Edelman Financial Field WUDFNIRRWEDOOÀHOGEDVNHWEDOODQGQHWEDOOFRXUWV
ten luxury suites. The press level will have TV / radio Stadium for Loudoun Hounds in Atlantic League of Capacity 12,000
broadcasting capabilities complete with booths for audio Professional Baseball and Virginia Cavalry FC of the Cost US$200m
visual control, statistics, replay, print and digital media. North America Soccer League. Developer: VIP Sports
7ZRVWRUH\ÀHOGKRXVHZLWKVSRUWVPHGLFLQHVXLWHIRXU and Entertainment. Delayed by changes at developer. Trinidad: Couva Velodrome
team meeting rooms, locker rooms for football, men’s Capacity 5,500 Indoor and outdoor tracks plus conference rooms,
Completion 2016
RIÀFHVVXSSRUWVSDFHVVWXG\KDOOVDQGDFRQIHUHQFH wood cycling track with embankment of 42 degrees to
VA: Potomac Nationals Ballpark the International Cycle Union (UCI) standard Category 1.
room. Construction: PBK
New ballpark for Potomac Nationals in Prince William +RVSLWDOLW\VXLWHER[HVZLWKSULYDWHVHDWV2IÀFLDO9,3
Capacity 15,000 (expandable to 30,000)
County in I-95 corridor. Meanwhile $300,000 upgrade Media seats. Concessions outlets (food and beverages,
Completion June 2016 WRFXUUHQW3ÀW]QHU6WDGLXPDSSURYHGE\3DUN$XWKRULW\ merchandising). Ticket booths. Multipurpose room(s) for
TX, Waco: The Clyde Hart Track and Skyboxes: 14 (500). Architect: AECOM. HYHQWRUJDQLVHUVUHIHUHHVMXGJHVDQGRWKHURIÀFLDOV
Field Stadium Capacity 7,000 Massage room for athletes. Opposite the Ato Boldon
2QFDPSXVWUDFNDQGÀHOGIDFLOLW\DW%D\ORU8QLYHUVLW\ Cost US$25m Stadium. Will meet standard for World Championships.
Phase two includes 10,300ft2 team building containing Completion 2015 Developer: Ministry of Sport.
rooms, storage space and improved landscaping. Proposed minor league ballpark and a slavery and
Architect: Populous.
Cost TT$145-$200m
freedom heritage site as part of $200m Shockhoe Completion 2015
Capacity 5,000 Bottom development.
Cost US$18.1m
WI, Franklin: Rock Sports Ballpark
Completion 2015
New baseball stadium at Rock Sports Complex (CEO
TX, College Station: Kyle Field Michael Zimmerman) to serve a Frontier League
Upgrade for Kyle Field at Texas A&M University. Design baseball team and community. New home of the
study and architect: Populous (Craig Kaufman). Sound Richmond Flying Squirrels, who currently play at the
canopies at east and west ends. Increased seating Diamond.
capacity, improved amenities - x2 concessions, x4 Cost US$10.5m
women's facilities, safety plan. Video board: 47x163ft. Completion 2015
Expansion to 106,500-plus seats for next season
stadium will be the largest in Texas and the SEC. Proposed ballpark for Green Bay Bullfrogs (owner Jeff
Escalators (21) and lifts (13): KONE. Finance: $232m 5R\OH ,QYHVWLJDWLQJÀQDQFH&RQVWUXFWLRQSDUWQHU
seat license revenue, $75m student ticket revenue and Smet Construction.
fees, $18m facilities access agreement, $125m gifts Cost US$15.7m
from 12th Man Foundation.
Capacity 102,500 (83,002)
Cost US$450m
Completion 2015



John Rhodes and Micheal Day are international market leaders for HOK’s
Sports + Recreation + Entertainment practice. In this Q&A, they discuss HOK’s
recent acquisition of 360 Architecture, their approach to expanding the firm’s
international presence and the future of venue design.

HOK acquired 360 Architecture in approach to finding the right clients; In addition to looking toward our own
January and launched the firm’s new clients that have a vision, that want to multidisciplinary staff, we are also
Sports + Recreation + Entertainment be highly engaged in the design process looking outside the boundaries of
practice. What were the drivers behind and that are committed to creating traditional consultant teams to engage
the acquisition and how has that something unique for their community. experts in other fields that can offer
influenced the structure of the new We don’t pull designs off the shelf fresh perspectives, explore new ideas
S+R+E practice? or offer cookie cutter solutions. The and challenge how we look at the
HOK was looking for a innovations we have pioneered for overall venue experience. This has
strategic approach to seating bowl design, premium products manifested itself in unexpected ways,
re-enter the sports market and amenities have all resulted from such as partnering with kinetic designer
and 360’s portfolio of work very specific qualities and needs of and inventor, Chuck Hoberman, to
was unparalleled in terms of creativity the client, the site and the fans in that develop the roof concept for the new
and innovation. 360 was beginning to particular region. Atlanta Stadium, engaging biologists
develop a portfolio of international from Biomimicry 3.8 to reduce the
We have built a portfolio of highly
sports projects in the Americas and the environmental impact of our buildings
successful projects by remaining
Middle East. Leaders from both firms and engaging athletes in new ways
focused on working with these types
realised that HOK could offer global throughout the design process.
of progressive clients. The trust and
market access and resources that would partnership we share is what delivers This level of collaboration has resulted
provide valuable synergies for clients. results. As we look at international in new approaches at the larger
The US base for the Sports + Recreation opportunities, this will be the guiding development level, as well as on a
+ Entertainment practice is shared principle in the projects and clients smaller scale, impacting how individuals
between San Francisco, Kansas City we pursue. interact with a space in really powerful
and Columbus. Our international sports ways. We are relentlessly pursuing
expertise is centred in our London, Dubai What is unique about how you these opportunities to enhance the
and Asia Pacific offices. This expertise approach the design process? collaborative process and challenge
can be accessed through any of HOK’s Sporting venues have evolved traditional thinking.
24 offices worldwide. into centrepieces of mixed- We have historically pursued
use developments with international projects through
What is your approach to expanding an increasing number of strategic partnerships with
HOK’s presence in the international components and stakeholders. HOK’s firms located in the region.
sports market? expertise in so many different markets This is something we plan to continue.
Our team has worked enables us to break down barriers On each project, our regional design
extensively to define where between disciplines and project types partners are an invaluable resource,
we fit within the international to respond to the larger needs of a strengthening the overall team and
marketplace and the unique community. Our work on the Dubai Expo enhancing our ability to design a venue
strengths that we offer together as 2020 master plan is a prime example of that responds to a region’s unique
one HOK. We have a strategic, targeted this cross collaboration. cultural and geographic influences.


Design of the new 65,000-seat stadium in Basrah, Iraq, was inspired by regional influences of the date FACILITY
palm tree and traditional woven goods, while providing a functional response to the local climate. The FEATURE
project was designed in collaboration with Cairo-based architecture firm, RMC, and constructed by
Abdullah Al Jiburi General Contracting Company.

The Chicago Bulls new training facility, the Advocate Center,

provides players with premier facilities for conditioning,
practice and rehabilitation in downtown Chicago.

John Rhodes Micheal Day

What is the greatest driver in the

future of sports venue design?
Fan experience. How do we
get people off their sofas to
a venue for a sporting event?
How do we create a unique
experience that they can’t get at home?
The variety of seating products in
venues is increasing, driven largely
by the desire for personalisation. It
is our objective to optimise the event As the only US stadium to house two NFL franchises, MetLife Stadium
experience for each individual. We provides unparalleled flexibility in accommodating the needs of the New York
are developing tools to tailor the fan Giants and Jets. The venue was designed in collaboration with Bruce Mau, the
experience in ways that have never been Rockwell Group and architect-of-record, Ewing Cole.
done before.
As new technologies surrounding
fan experience continue to rapidly
evolve, we are also looking for ways to
design for flexibility so that the venue
continues to adapt throughout its life.

What is your measure for success

for HOK’s Sports + Recreation +
Entertainment practice as you
move forward?
It isn’t about the size or
volume of projects we
deliver, but rather creating
venues that are impactful and
offer value to the fans, the owner and
the community.
We have been fortunate to work on cultural influences, to Shell Place in Ft. It is a unique privilege to design venues
many projects across the world, from McMurray, Canada, which was designed that create such a sense of pride within
a new stadium in Basrah, Iraq that to emulate the undulating movement a community. For all of us, that is the
was designed to celebrate unique of snow drifts and the northern lights. ultimate metric for success. Q


Hong Kong Arena
Blackpool: Ocean Arena
At the sports park being developed at the former Kai Tak Blackpool council is seeking development partners to
ASIA & AUSTRALASIA airport site. Potential to hold events such as Sudirman build an ‘Ocean Arena’ on the town’s prime Central
Cup. Discussions around capacity, especially for badminton Station site. A super casino bid for the site collapsed in
AUSTRALIA which attracts nearly 6,000 at Hong Kong Coliseum. 2008.
Brisbane: Queensland State Velodrome Capacity 4,000 Bristol Arena
Commonwealth Games 2018: track cycling. At the Completion 2019 Multipurpose arena on 'arena island' in Temple Quarter
Sleeman Sports Complex in Brisbane beside the SuperX Enterprise Zone on site of old diesel depot. Part of city
BMX track. International competition standard timber centre regeneration near Temple Meads station. RIBA
track and wet weather facilities, café. Architect: Cox JAPAN international design competition winners: Populous,
Architecture. Client: Queensland Government. Tokyo: Olympic Aquatics Centre working with local architects Feilden Clegg Bradley
Cost A$55m Tokyo 2020: swimming, diving and synchronised Studios, BuroHappold Engineering and Vanguardia
swimming. Legacy as Tokyo Tatsumi International Consulting. Consultant: AECOM. Preliminary work:
Floreat: State Netball Centre
Swimming Centre. Owner: Tokyo Metropolitan Government. £250,000. Programme manager: Stuart Woods. The
for Netball plus nine competitors’ changing facilities and
Capacity 20,000, legacy 5,000 local enterprise partnership is working with the mayor to
associated amenities. WA. Operator: VenuesWest. Cost $363.189m advance the project. Operator: SMG and Live Nation.
Ariake Arena Capacity 12,000
Capacity 1,050
Part of the Waterfront sports area. Tokyo 2020: Cost £91m (£80m)
Cost A$26m
volleyball. Legacy: large gymnasium for national Completion 2017
Completion 2015
volleyball league, international competitions. Owner: Leicester Community Sports Arena
Convention and Exhibition Centre Tokyo Metropolitan Government. For Leicester Riders basketball team (Director Kevin
Commonwealth Games 2018: netball in 5,000 seat Capacity 15,000, legacy 12,700 Routledge) on council-owned land on Charter Street,
capacity arena. Overlay works only. The International Cost $199.131m adjacent to Leicester College’s Abbey Park campus.
Broadcast Centre (IBC) and Main Press Centre (MPC) will Operator: Community Sports Arena Ltd (125-year lease)
also be located in this venue, forming the Main Media
Water Polo Arena
Temporary structure. Tokyo 2020: water polo. Finance: city council £1.5m, Leicester College £0.5m,
Centre. Owner: Department of Public Works. Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership £0.84m, Riders
Capacity 6,500
Coomera Sport and Leisure Centre £0.5m. Jobs: 50.
Commonwealth Games 2018: gymnastics, basketball and Youth Plaza Arenas A and B
Tokyo 2020: badminton, basketball. Legacy: large Capacity 2,000+
netball. Outdoor courts, change rooms, administration and Cost £4.2m
gymnasiums. Owner: Tokyo Metropolitan Government.
a café. Indoor courts: 9. Gym: 2,500m2. for a dedicated Completion 2015
Capacity A 7,000 (legacy 5,700); B 18,000
gym. Area: 10,000m2. Green: systems to minimise the (legacy) 16,300 Milton Keynes: National Badminton Centre
use of light, power and water. Architect: BDA Architecture/ Cost $411.84m The National Badminton Centre will move two miles from
Peddle Thorp (Director Peter Brook). its current location to upgrade facilities and increase
Capacity 7,500 (temporary) the supply of courts for the growing demand. A 12-court
Cost A$52m
Melbourne and Olympic Park
club, athlete accommodation, 6 indoor tennis courts, 6
(AUS$298m) and the Melbourne & Olympic Park Trust
Copenhagen: Royal Arena
Multipurpose arena in Ørestad South. Plinth containing Capacity 2,500
(AUS$40m). The project includes the refurbishment of Cost £20m
recreational spaces for urban setting, platform and semi-
Rod Laver Arena and a new 5,000-seat show arena. Completion 2015
Phase 2 developments also include construction Commission checking state funding element is not against Preston Riverworks Arena
of footbridge over Batman Avenue and a new FRPSHWLWLRQODZ3ODQQLQJDQGÀQDQFLDOSURFXUHPHQW Blue sky 20-year project for river area includes concert
Administration & Media building. Construction on Stage Davis Langdon, AECOM (James Clark) with IPW. Drawings arena proposal.
2 is expected to begin after the 2015 Australian Open. with City Council for approval. 25 year operator lease Sheffield Community Arena
The Administration and Media Building open design EOI available, no city subsidy. Operator: AEG Worldwide and )XWXUHKRPHRIWKH6KHIÀHOG6KDUNVEDVNHWEDOOWHDP
is available at: www.tenders.vic.gov.au Live Nation in the running. Green: BREEAM. Architects: Finance: private. Multipurpose for sport, culture and
Cost A$338m 3XN, HKS. Engineers: Arup, ME Engineers. Landscaping: business. Courts: 3. See Olympic Park Stadium for more
Port Macquarie Indoor Stadium Planit. Area: 35,000m2. Finance: City of Copenhagen and details about the Park.
New PCYC facility, three additional courts, a kiosk and investment fund Realdania. Naming rights: Royal Unibrew. Capacity 3,000
spectator seating. Upgrades to supporting infrastructure Capacity 12,500 (sport), 15,000 (concert)
and additional parking. Cost Dkr650m (Dkr200m)
Cost A$6m Completion Q3 2016 FINLAND
Sydney: SICEC Tampere Central Arena
New venue to replace 28-year-old Sydney Entertainment Multi-purpose to be built above the existing railroad
Centre as part of redevelopment plans for Sydney EIRE/REPUBLIC track near the city’s main railway station. Underground
International Convention and Entertainment Centre parking connected to Sori Bridge (700). Suites: 50.
(SICEC). Linking to Tumbalong Park and Exhibition Centre.
OF IRELAND Conferenc area and restaurants: 2,500m2. Integrated
The Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority has asked Cork: Concert Centre training for ice hockey teams. Architect: Daniel
for feedback on the plans. Tendering process ongoing. An Bord Pleanala has granted planning permission for Libeskind. Wooden facades and turf roof. Owners:
Concept plan: Cox Architecture (Nick Tyrrell). Cork concert centre on Albert Quay in Cork city centre. Ilves-Hockey, Tamhockey, Kirves Sijoitus Oy and Arena
Developer Owen O’Callaghan. (Heineken Ireland and Bam Holding Tampere Oy. Operator: Tampere Central Arena
Capacity 12,000
have also proposed a concert venue on the site of the Ltd (Rikard Bjurström). Finance: Tampere City €22m,
Completion 2015
former Beamish brewery.) Area: 100,000ft2. Jobs: 300 private €91m (€50m loans).
(construction), 40 (permanent), 150 (part-time). Capacity 12,000 (hockey), 15,000 (concert)
Capacity 7,500 (5,000 seated)
CHINA Cost €50m
Cost €124m (€95m) (plus €12.5m car park)
Suzhou: Multi-purpose stadium Completion 2017 (starts 2014)
Multi-function sports and leisure facility. Developer: Dublin: National Indoor Arena
Suzhou Industrial Park Sports Industry Development Co. National Indoor Athletics Training Centre, National
Ltd (SIPSID) Building services, energy planning and LEED Gymnastics Training Centre and National Indoor Training FRANCE
green building consultancy services: Mott MacDonald. Five Centre, synthetic pitches catering for over 20 multi- Bordeaux Arena
facilities on a single campus – a 45,000 capacity stadium disciplinary sports. Covered synthetic pitches with Multipurpose hall. Developer: Communauté urbaine de
and 13,000 seat sports and entertainment arena, an ancillary changing and conditioning facilities. Developer: Bordeaux (CUB). Build and operate consortium: Group
international-standard swimming complex, an athletics National Sports Campus Development Authority (NSCDA). Lagardère Unlimited, DV Construction, Rudy Ricciotti
Design and build: Heron Buckingham JV and KSS. architects and Bouygues energy. Funding: City of Bordeaux.
track and training centre and a retail mall and hotel.
Completion 2016 Capacity 10,000
Capacity 13,000
Completion 2017 Cost €49.2
Completion 2017


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Cergy-Pointoise: Aren'ice
Designed to look like an iceberg this arena will host the
Moscow: Legends Arena Cardiff: Ice Arena Wales
future national ice hockey centre and headquarters Hockey ice palace plus seats, one small arena (3,000) Dual ice pad, home for Cardiff Devils, as part of
of the French Federation (FFHG). Two rinks. Supports and a training rink (500). Aims to become a new home International Sports Village at Cardiff Bay. Area:
tennis, handball, basketball, boxing and cultural events. for one of Moscow's KHL teams. In Park of Legends 4,000m2. Cardiff Council is supplying land to kick start
Architect: Chabanne & partners. Owner: Communauté sport and entertainment block of former ZIL industrial the development. Developer: Greenbank Partnerships
d 'agglomération Cergy Pontoise. Design, construction, site. Also hockey museum and aquatics centre. (development director Jonathan Smith). New operating
ÀQDQFLQJPDLQWHQDQFHDQGRSHUDWLRQ8&3$JURXS&)$ Developer: TENG. Service company: SitiServis. Finance: company to be created by Greenbank (Operations
FIDEPPP2 and COFELY. Area: 15 230 m². City of Moscow, Government of the Russian Federation. Director Chris Hartrey). Construction: Kier.
Capacity 3,000 (hockey), 4,500 (concert) Capacity 12,000 Capacity 3,100
Cost €32m Completion 2015 (arena) Cost £200m (scheme) £16m (arena)
Completion 2016 Completion 2015
Nizhny Vovgorod Arena
Dunkerque Arena Based on Minsk Arena (Belarus) design.
Two halls with combined 10,700 seats plus VIP seats Capacity 15,000
and boxes. Walkways serving the stands, shopping and
reception areas. Arena is designed to contribute to the AMERICAS
development of the two clubs USDK handball and BCM SCOTLAND
Gravelines Dunkirk basketball. Architects: Chabanne Edinburgh: RHASS Arena BRAZIL
and Partenaires, AvantPropos, AB + Architects. Proposed arena development as part of Royal Highland Rio: Olympics 2016 Handball Arena
Design and construction: VINCI construction France Agricultural Society for Scotland (RHASS – chief Inside the Olympic Park in Barra da Tijuca, west zone
(subsidiaries ADIM Nord Picardie, SOGEA CARONI and executive Ray Jones) move to Norton Park. Architect: of Rio de Janeiro. Comprehensive tendering process
DUMEZ EPS). Operator: VINCI facilities. Make. Design: Edaw. for architectural and engineering services has begun
Capacity 10,700 (£2.5m). Requires the implementation of ‘nomadic
Capacity 10,000
Cost €112.4m architecture’ so that the venue can be disassembled
Cost £275m (arena £50m+)
Completion Autumn 2015 and its components used to build four schools, each
Lyon: Arena Villeurbanne-Lyon with a 500-student capacity. Area: 35,000sqm. Will also
Multipurpose arena for basketball tenant with Tony Parker SPAIN host goalball. Cost breakdown: construction R$121.1m,
academy on site. Owner negotiating with construction operation R$6m, disassembly R$19.7m, assembly
Barcelona: Palau Blaugrana at schools R$31.2m. Funding: Federal Government.
companies. Architect: Gensler (Ron Turner), Groupe-6. Multipurpose arena, including for Barcelona basketball
Operator: Global Spectrum Europe. Finance consultant: Developer: RIOURBE.
club. Referendum amongst members in April. On current
AMB Consult. Project manager: G2 Strategic. Owner: SPSM. Capacity 12,000
site of Miniestadi. Plus smaller pavilion and ice rink.
Area: 39,300m2. Loges: 180 places. Business seats: 1,420. Capacity 10,000 (12,000 concerts) Cost R$ 178m
Capacity 8,500-13,300 (basketball/concert), 7,000- Completion end 2015
12,000 (hockey), 2,000-4,000 theatre) Cost €100m
Completion 2019 Rio: Olympics 2016 Velodrome
Completion 2015 Permanent venue. Legacy: Olympic Training Centre. Tender
Paris: Bercy is for build and operate. Funding: central government.
Two phase upgrade for the well-known sports and Also outdoor training velodrome. Project delivery: Rio
concerts arena. Loges: 52.
SWEDEN Olympic Equipment Consortium, formed by the following
Capacity 21,000 (17,000) Partille: Ice Arena companies: Arqhos Consultoria and Projetos LTDA,
Cost €110m Arup do Brasil Consultoria LTDA, BlacBackheuserand
Completion 2015 LeonidioArquiteturaand CidadeS/C, Conen Consultoria
bowling alley and a restaurant. Area: 16,100m2.
and Engenharia LTDA and JLA Casagrande Serviços and
Construction: Skanska. Consultoria de Engenharia LTDA. Study: AECOM.
ITALY Capacity 4,000 Capacity 5,000 (+800 temporary)
Bologna: Palazzetto Sport Cost 328m SEK Cost R$136.9m
Proposed upgrade with rehab centre, wellness centre, Completion September 2016 Completion 2015
edutainment. Owner: Development S.r.l. 77. Architect: Uppsala: Gränby Arena
A + U PERFORMA with Arup and Arup Sport Italia. Multi-purpose arena, mainly for hockey tenant Almtuna IS.
Area: 25,000m2. Request for interest in development issued. Competitive CANADA
Capacity 15,000 dialogue expected summer 2014. The European Edmonton: Rogers Arena
Commission checked that state funding element is not Deal back on between city and owner of Oilers NHL team.
against competition law. Architect: Aros Arkitekter. Arena and recreation centre in 35-year deal. New home
kazakHSTAN Capacity 8,000 (hockey), 10,000 (concert) IRUWKH2LOHUVDQGRIÀFHWRZHUVDSDUWPHQWVDFDVLQR
Almaty: Ice Palace Cost 625m SEK ($97m) shops and restaurants ($1bn). Escalators: 15. Elevators:
Venue for 28th Winter Universiade 2017. Owner: Board Completion 2015 15. Centre-hung HD scoredboard. Concessions: one
of Construction. per 88 spectators. Community rink ($23m) and home
Capacity 12,000 ice for MacEwan University (1,000). Accessible seats
SWITZERLAND (and equivalent facilities): 69. Public private partnership
Cost US$232m
bid to replace Rexall Place, the third-oldest arena
Completion October 2016 Biel: Stades de Bienne
in the NHL. Optional community ice rink next door.
Almaty: Curling Arena Under construction. Double stadium plan for ice hockey
City hiring architect and paying down loan with lease
Venue for 28th Winter Universiade 2017. Owner: Board and football with shared facilities and roof. Spaces for
payments. Council has rezoned about 6.5 hectares
of Construction. other ice sports, including curling. Design and build:
for the arena and surrounding development. 52% of
Capacity 3,000 HRS Hauser Rutishauser Suter AG.
seats in lower bowl. Suites: 56.Mini Suites: 24. Club
Cost US$127m Capacity 7,000 seats: 4,100. Loge seats: 1,116. Seat width: 19-22".
Completion October 2016 Cost €50m Area: 1,110,900ft2. Levels: 7. Height: 141ft. Concourse
Completion 2015 widths: 39ft (main), 18-19ft (upper). Green: LEED Silver
(minimum). Developer, operator: Katz Group. Owner:
ROMANIA City of Edmonton. Project manager: ICON Venue Group.
Constanta Arena UKRAINE Architect: HOK (formerly 360 Architecture). Construction:
For tenant handball team HCM. Also on site: indoor Kharkiv: Arena PCL Construction (Mike Staines). Operator: Oilers
Olympic pool (2,000), gymnasium (1,000), hotel, In the ground but uncertainty around construction during Entertainment Group. Finance: city $350m, provincial
pedestrian plaza landscaping and water elements. political crisis in eastern Ukraine. A multi-functional sports $100m. Lease payments $5.5m per annum, 30 years.
Parking: 2,000. Area: 37,500m2. DUHQDLQFOXGLQJVSHFWDWRUVHDWLQJZLWKPRELOHDQGÀ[HG Structural steel (9,000 tonnes, 10,000 pieces): Structal
Capacity 10,500 stands and VIP skyboxes, two halls for training and sports Heavy Steel.
Cost €70m school. Sports: basketball, handball, volleyball, hockey, Capacity 18,641 (hockey), 20,734 (concert)
and martial arts. Variable capacities from 5,062-7,086. Cost &P &P
Also available for concerts and other public events. Completion Autumn/Fall 2016
qatar Exhibition space: 7,000m2. Turnaround time: 10 hours.
Hull, Quebec: Centre Multifonctionnel
Seats, elevators, and entrance ramps for disabled people. Centre Multifonctionnel in downtown Hull for ice hockey
Al Sadd sports hall
Design based on the sports arena in Klaipeda (Lithuania). team, replacing Robert Guertin Arena. Opening tenders
One main and two training halls for World Handball
Developer VETEK GC entered into contract for development came in high. Discussions about retender/rethink. Finance:
Championships Handball followed by conversion to an
of arena construction documentation with COWI, a mix of city and Quebec government funds. Suites: 40.
ice hockey rink. Tenant: Al Sadd Club. Other sports:
Lithuanian and Danish company. Designer: KTM ‘MIR’ Capacity 4,000
volleyball, badminton and gymnastics. Architect: James
company of Kharkiv.
Cubit and Partners (Yasser Al Khalil). Green: 4-star Cost &P
Capacity 7,086 seats (basketball)
GSAS. Area: 16.000 m2. Completion 2015
Capacity 7,700 Cost UAH 350m
Completion 2015 Completion 2015-2016

Kitchener Arena AZ: McKale Center
Kitchener Rangers interested in expanding Memorial For University of Arizona. Enclosed concourses wrap arenas
Auditorium or building new arena. Preparing business around 36-year-old McKale Center in a proposed
plan and detailed development proposal. Architect: BBB upgrade plan. Improved locker rooms, equipment rooms, environment
Capacity 10,000 (extension) bathrooms, air conditioning and premium seating. A
Cost &P new gift shop to be located at the south end of Cherry
Peterborough Hockey Arena Avenue parking garage. DE, Smyrna: Delaware Sports & Ent Complex
Hockey arena to replace the aging Northcrest Arena Cost US$155m Delaware University and Delaware Civic Center Corp are
with a multipurpose facility. Possible location: Morrow CA: Riverside Arena proposing $92.1m complex, to include a 14,829-seat
Park. Possibly to host Agricultural Society's annual Proposed arena project as part of downtown convention football stadium and a 7,500-seat arena, which would
Peterborough Exhibition. Two ice pads and support for center expansion to more than three times the current house the DSU basketball teams. Finance package
community and college sports. size. Arena workshops in progress. sought: $40m state bond, $11.6m private, $3.5m
Cost &P Capacity 6,000 consortium. Management: Global Spectrum. Events:
Ottawa: RendezVous Arena CA, San Francisco: Warriors’ Arena 155 per year including minor league hockey.
Arena for Ottawa Senators as part of proposed New sports and entertainment center at Mission Bay Capacity 14,829 (stadium) 7,500 (arena)
RendezVous development on Lebreton Flats. Community as part of Golden State Warriors’ (co-owners Joe Lacob Cost US$92.1m
facility appropriate for market. Architect: Rossetti and Peter Guber) plan to return to San Francisco. Retail: FL, Fort Myers: Edison State College Student
(Matt Rossetti). Developers: Senators and Windmill 100,000ft2. Plazas: 3.2 acres. View deck with vistas to Activity Center
Development Group. %D\2IÀFHELRWHFKODEVSDFH3DUNLQJ%LNHV On campus at the corner of Summerlin Road and
Quebec City: Amphitheatre Multifonctionnel Finance: private. Updated design revealed. Lead Architect: Cypress Lake Drive. Movable lower bleachers so the
New arena in the hope of bringing back an NHL team and David Manica of MANICA Architecture. Full details at: center can double as a three-court recreation center for
to replace Colisee arena ’relic’. Also for 2022 Olympic warriors.com/sf. students, and host concerts, performances, graduations
bid. 25-year deal with Quebecor Inc. to manage the Capacity 18,064 and other large-scale events. Plans call for a weight
facility and help pay for the city’s $187m share of the Completion 2018 DQGÀWQHVVFHQWHUORFNHUURRPVFRQFHVVLRQVWDQG
building cost – $33m naming rights ($63.5m if NHL team CA: Sacramento State University campus VN\ER[HVKRVSLWDOLW\VXLWHDQGRIÀFHVIRUFRDFKHVDQG
arrives), $3.3-5m annual rent depending on tenant team. Proposed expansion of University Union Well includes athletics department staff. A second phase includes
TV studio ($40m) incorporated. Feasibility study: SNC arena for ceremonies, concerts and special events. a nearby 25,000ft2 student union facility, a space for
Lavalin. Design team: Populous, ABCP Architecture and Capacity 5,000-6,000 students to meet and socialise that’s sorely lacking on
GLCRM & Associates, SNC-Lavalin, Thorton Tomasetti Cost US$175m (overall) campus. Area: 85,000ft2. Architect George Flynn.
and M-E Engineers. Project manager: Genivar. General CA, Sacramento: Entertainment and Capacity 3,500
contractor: Pomerleau. Finance: mix of city ($50m) and Cost US$20m
Sports Center
federal (state 45%). Completion fall 2016
Entertainment & Sports Center (ESC) for Kings
Capacity 18,482 FL, Tampa Bay: Amalie Arena
(President, Chris Granger) basketball (35 years)
Cost &P at Downtown Plaza. Demolition completed, with Tampa Bay Lightning adding 160 loge seats at the north
Completion 2015 groundbreaking expected soon. See-through entrance end, new concession stands, remodeled restrooms and
Rothesay Arena and a silver exterior with diamond-shaped windows. Jobs: a larger outdoor deck. Two club level lofts doubling to
New arena attached to the existing facility (which will 11,000 (construction), 4,000 (permanent). City subsidy 80 people, rebuild stair tower in the northwest corner
EHWXUQHGLQWRDÀHOGKRXVH 2QHLFHVXUIDFHDQLQGRRU resurrected plans for a downtown arena, which NBA to allow access to the terrace level and the Bud Light
walking track and meeting rooms. Finance: all three supported. Open concourses, several levels of suites and Party Deck from the club level. Modernise locker rooms,
levels of government an atrium entrance with a view of the arena bowl from performers and media spaces, IPTV, digital menu boards
Cost &P the street. Finance: city $233m +$32m land (+$21.9m at concessions and a master system for controlling the
Completion Autumn/Fall 2015 SD .LQJVP'HYHORSPHQWRIKRWHORIÀFHWRZHU arena’s video monitors.
Sudbury Arena and retail. Six outdoor digital billboards. Owner’s Cost US$25m
To replace old arena (1951). representative and project manager: ICON Venue Group. Completion 2017
Capacity 6,000 Contractor: Turner Construction. Architect: AECOM. FL, Tampa Bay: Sun Dome
Cost &P Capacity 17,500 Renovation for 30-year-old home to USF basketball and
Cost US$477m concerts. Centre-hung scoreboard, concessions and
Completion fall 2016 restrooms in new concourse and club-levels. Finance:
COLOMBIA CT, Hartford: XL Center $8.5m cash and 20-year funding.
Medellin: Velodrome New multi-purpose arena. Either demolish and build Capacity 10,000
Velodrome for Institute of Sport and Recreation. Modular new (+1,000 seats in the lower bowl and a better truck- Cost US$35m
roof connects performance area with Park of the Wheels loading area) or expand existing into area of atrium and GA: Savannah Arena
precinct public space. Modules encourage diversity of exhibition hall. Developer: Capital Region Development City has hired consultant for a forthcoming arena
use between infrequent major sport events. Authority. Potential to be home to UConn Huskies men's feasibility study. The study will include a full project
Cost US$25m and women's basketball and hockey teams. Architect: management plan to outline the general concept,
Completion December 2015 SCI Architects. project scope, site options, and also possible
Cost US$250m-US$500m funding sources. Depends on positive vote on SPLOST
DC, Georgetown: John R. Thompson Jr. funding for public projects.
PERU Athletics Center IA, Mason City: Events Center
Peru, Lima: Coliseum of Lima Georgetown University’s Board of Directors has City Council supporting pre-application downtown
Volleyball arena at draft stage and feasibility. In the Villa approved the next phase of the project, now under redevelopment project to include hotel, performing arts
Deportiva Nacional (VIDENA), the Pan American Sports construction (formal groundbreaking 12 September pavilion, retail outlets, apartments and a multipurpose
Center for 2019 PanAmerican Games. 2014). The four-storey, 144,000ft2 building will be ice arena. Tenant: North Iowa Bulls. Finance: city, state,
Capacity 10,000 constructed adjacent to McDonough Arena. Facilities private.
Completion Late 2016 will include: practice courts, locker rooms, team Capacity 2,400 (sport),, 5,000 (concert)
men’s and women’s basketball, locker rooms for four IL, Chicago: DePaul University
UNITED STATES additional varsity sports, weight-training and sports Basketball Arena
OF AMERICA medicine rooms for all varsity athletes, the Student-
AK, Anchorage: UAA Arena Athlete Academic and Leadership Center, an auditorium
Proposed sports centre for the University of Alaska and team meeting facilities for all varsity programs,
Anchorage. Possible tie-in with UAA Seawolf ice hockey to as well as a new venue for the Georgetown Athletics
replace Sullivan Arena. Hall of Fame. Part of Georgetown’s US$1.5bn “For
Cost US$80m Generations to Come” fundraising campaign (Director of
AL, Tuscaloosa: Sewell-Thomas Stadium Intercollegiate Athletics, Lee Reed).
Renovation and expansion of ballpark. New locker rooms, Cost US$62m
a weight room and an indoor batting facility. New seating, Completion August 2016
a revamped concourse, skyboxes and club lounges.
Architect: Davis Architects Inc.
Cost US$30m
Completion 2015 Multi-use arena for the DePaul University (Athletic
Director Jean Lenti Ponsetto) basketball team at
McCormick Place. Owner: Metropolitan Pier and
Exposition Authority (MPEA). Funding: MPEA and DePaul
$70m each, city $33m for land. Architect: Pelli Clarke
Pelli Architects – Fred Clarke ($7.2m).
Capacity 10,000
Cost US$173m
Completion late 2016

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IL, Rockford: MetroCentre MD, Baltimore County: UMBC Arena FEATURE

([WHULRUIDoDGHXSGDWHQHZER[RIÀFHDQGPDLQ University of Maryland, Baltimore County (Joe Rexing,
entrance, video scoreboard, 11 corporate suites, club director of facilities management) is replacing Retriever
boxes, 200-person group terrace, retail centre, additional Activities Center (1973), home of the men's and women's environment
bathrooms, and new concession stands and food courts. basketball and volleyball teams. New events and
Client: MetroCentre Authority. Renovation to support convocation center on campus near the present site
purchase of American Hockey League franchise, the of the UMBC Stadium and baseball's Alumni Field and
elevation of the Rockford IceHogs into the American softball stadium, will host sports and community events. NC, Charlotte: Time Warner Cable Arena
+RFNH\/HDJXHDQGD\HDUDIÀOLDWLRQDJUHHPHQWZLWK Capacity 5,000 Updates to keep the arena competitive and to bid
the Chicago Blackhawks. Cost $85m on hosting the 2017 and 2018 NBA All-Star Games.
Cost US$23m Completion 2017 Home of Charlotte Hornets. Restaurant renovations,
IL, Champaign: State Farm Center ME: Bowdoin University Arena bathroom improvements, new lighting, visitor locker
Six phase, three-year transformation of basketball University’s future building plans include a new hockey URRPXSJUDGHVPRYLQJWKHWLFNHWRIÀFHDQGVFRUHERDUG
arena at University of Illinois, as well as renovating arena. Masterplan: Doug Voigt of Skidmore, Owings LPSURYHPHQWVORZHUERZOUHFRQÀJXUH)LQDQFH
the Assembly Hall ($70m) Design Study: AECOM. Seat and Merrill. city. Owner: city. Operator: Charlotte Bobcats.
replacements followed by construction of suites and loge ME, Portland: Forefront Arena Cost $US27.5 (US$44m)
premium seating areas. Team may have to play away Arena/convention centre as part of the Forefront NC, Charleston: Carolina First Center
at beginning of 2015-16 season. Building will become development at Thompson’s Point. Tenant: Maine Red North Carolina Center for Health & Wellness and
habitable 12 months of the year. Claws pro basketball team. Tax breaks under discussion. multipurpose convocation centre, Kimmel Arena at
Cost $165m Cost $100m (total development) College of Charleston. For intercollegiate basketball
Completion autumn 2016 MI, Detroit: Redwings Arena teams and student health and recreational programmes.
IN, Buffington: Harbor Arena Architect: Betsch Associates. Area: 270,000ft2. Finance:
Multipurpose proposal. Developer: Majestic Star Casino. Naming gift $2m and college budget.
Planning request with Northwest Indiana Regional Capacity 5,000
Development Authority (RDA). Cost US$35m
KS, Hutchison Arena NC, Raleigh
Renovation to sports arena built in 1962 to keep the Indoor practice facility for N.C. State’s football and track
National Junior College Athletic Association men’s teams. Near Carter-Finley Stadium 90,000ft2.
national championship basketball tournament for Cost US$14m
25 years. More upper-level seating for people with Completion 2015
disabilities, undersized practice gymnasium into ND, Fargo: Scheels Center
new home team locker rooms, renovating an existing Ground has been broken on the new hockey arena To replace Bison Sports Arena for North Dakota State
sports medicine area and weight room into meeting and 45-block entertainment district driven by University basketball (Athletic Director Gene Taylor). Includes
or hospitality space, upgrading heating, plumbing and Downtown Development Authority. Replaces Joe Louis a two-court basketball practice and a separate indoor track-
electrical systems and adding air conditioning to the Arena (20,058), fourth oldest NHL venue. Finance: DQGÀHOGIDFLOLW\ P ZHVWRIWKHDUHQD P DVSDUW
seating bowl. New main entrance and lobby, concession $284.5m in property taxes, the rest from developer of the Sanford Health Athletic Complex. Finance: Sanford
stands, more restrooms, elevators to reach the upper Olympia Development (Steve Marquardt). Owner: city. Health ($10m corporate gift) and fundraising. Architect: T.L.
OHYHODQGRIÀFHDQGPHHWLQJVSDFH7ZRIXOOVL]HSUDFWLFH Operator: Olympia. Construction: JV Barton Malow, Stroh Architects and Interiors (Terry Stroh).
gyms, a new weight room and mechanical and storage Hunt Construction Group and White Construction. Capacity 5,700 (5,830)
space. Architect: Sink Combs Dethlef (Chris Kastelic). Detroit Employment Solutions Corp. to develop training Cost $41m
Cost $29m programmes to get Detroit residents ready to take Completion 2015
KY, Lexington, University of Kentucky: construction jobs. Jobs: 5,500 (1,100 permanent). Event NE, Omaha: UNO Community Arena
Rupp Arena space: 650,000ft2. University of Nebraska Omaha on-campus arena
Replacement project announced by Lexington mayor Capacity 18,000 (and separate training rink) as home to UNO hockey,
but consideration being given to renovation rather than Cost $450m (+$200m other development) basketball and volleyball as well as concerts and
replace. Plan to remove shops and convention centre MI: Kalamazoo Arena community ice (one third time). Split bowl seating plan
from around Rupp. Five year project anticipated. All chair- Proposed downtown arena for WMU and the Kalamazoo so that top tier can be closed off for smaller events.
back seating, wider concourses, more restrooms and Wings as part of mixed use development. Early Student, club and suite seating. Liquor license applied
upgraded concessions, luxury suites and other levels community meetings taking place. Architect: Eckert for. Finance: $39m donations, $3.6m university funds
of premium seating. New scoreboard. Market analysis Wordell Architecture, Engineering and Interior Design and $39m bonds. Architect: Lempka Edson Architects.
for a 24,000 to 30,000-seat arena. Feasibility study: (Jason B. Novotny). Area: 215,000ft2. Capacity 7,500
IMG College and International Stadia Group. Operator: Capacity 6,800 Cost $87.9m ($76.3m)
Lexington Center Corp. (CEO Bill Owen). UK’s contract Cost $82m Completion fall 2015
with Lexington Center expires in 2018. Architect: NBBJ MN: Crookston Arena NH, Hanover: Dartmouth College
(Robert Mankin). M+E: ME Engineers. Construction: Hunt. Developer: Crookston Civic Arena, LLC. Construction: Memorial Field
Start in 2014. Donlar Construction. Replacement of the 91-year-old west stands with an
Capacity 23,500 MN, Minneapolis: Target Center improved and accessible seating structure for the
Cost $250-$300m Agreement between city’s economic development historic stadium. Preservation of the historic ivy-covered,
Completion Autumn 2016 department, Timberwolves, Lynx and AEG to take the brick façade. Director of Athletics and Recreation: Harry
MA, Boston: TD Garden arena through to 2032 in ‘as new’. Redesign of exterior, Sheehy. Wider aisles and concourses, handrails, modern
Concourse renovation project on levels 4 and 7. High- QHZJDWKHULQJVSDFHVDQGSHGHVWULDQÁRZPRUHFOXEV restrooms, a premium chairback section on the 50-yard
GHQVLW\ZLÀUHGHVLJQHGFRQFRXUVHKRVSLWDOLW\]RQHVDQG improved amenities, loading docks and increased line, and accessible seating on three levels connected
concession stands, and updated food and beverage capacity for concerts and family shows. Finance: by an elevator. New press box accessible by elevator with
concepts. Finance: Delaware North Companies. Minneapolis $48.5m, Timberwolves and Lynx $43m, upgraded technology for video streaming, television and
Development of a new ProShop on level 2 of the arena, AEG Facilities $5.5m. Jobs: 200 full-time, 700 part-time. radio broadcasts, and video scoreboard operation.
renovation of the Legends Club. Architect: Rossetti (Keyy Incremental annual income: $100m. Events: 200. Capacity 11,000 (13,000)
Deines). Network and signage: Cisco. Portable food and Cost $97m Cost $12.5m
beverage carts: 25. Retail area: 12,000ft2. Completion 2016 Completion 2015
Cost $70m MS, Oxford: Ole Miss Basketball Arena NH, Durham: Cowell Stadium
Completion Summer 2015 University of Mississippi Arena, the new home of the University of New Hampshire building new grandstand with
MD: Baltimore Arena Ole Miss Basketball Teams. Located on the west side of DERXWQHZVHDWVRQWKHZHVWVLGHRIWKHÀHOG1HZ
Various proposals from developers to replace 45-year- Vaught-Hemingway Stadium. Area: 230,000ft2 bathrooms, concessions and a dedicated student section.
old 1st Mariner Arena. Private funding interest from training facilities, Courtside Club, Arena Club and All- ([LVWLQJJUDQGVWDQGUHQRYDWLRQDQGÁRRGOLJKWVIRUWKH
Whiting--Turner. Likely to extend convention center, and American Suites. Replaces C. M. Tad Smith Coliseum 2014 season. Finance: donations $5m, internal $20m.
add arena. Also suggested for Inner Harbor. Research (1966). Five-storey parking garage: 800. Finance: Capacity 10,000 (6,500)
phase. Maryland Stadium Authority centre suggested a donations (Foundation) $95m. Design: AECOM. Cost $25m
18,500-seat arena with no major league basketball or Construction: BL Harbert International ($68.9m). Completion Winter 2015
hockey franchise, 500-room hotel to create a destination Capacity 9,600 NH, Durham: Wallace Wade Stadium
package. Arena income projection: $48.1m-$50.3m Cost $105m Duke University’s board of trustees have approved
annually. Arena jobs: 730-760. Parking: 500 Completion January 2016 XSJUDGHV3OD\LQJÀHOGWREHORZHUHGWRPDNHURRPIRU
Cost $900m Study commissioned by Downtown Jackson Partners replace the Finch-Yeager Building with a stadium press
and the Central Mississippi Planning and Development tower. Finance: donations.
District. Consultant: Populous (Russ Simons). Capacity 44,000 (33,940)
Capacity 15,000-18,000 Cost $15m
Cost US$100m Completion 2016


NJ: Monmouth University MAC SD, Madison: TX: Fort Worth Arena
Multi-Activity Center of 152,400ft2. Anchor arena. University of South Dakota Arena 9RWHUVZLOOGHFLGHRQ1RYHPEHURQÀQDQFLQJPHDVXUHV
Architect: Ewing Cole Cherry Brott. Developing initial construction plans for a new which may begin a process towards building a new
Capacity 4,800 basketball and volleyball arena (connected to renovated multipurpose arena adjacent to the Will Rogers Memorial
NM, Albuquerque: Sports & DakotaDome (16,000), a track and soccer complex Center. Finance: Private donors led by businessman Ed
Entertainment Arena (1,000). Competition court, three practice courts, Bass have offered to fund half the cost. Events: annual
City looking for new options after proposal for 10,000 ORFNHUURRPVRIÀFHVDWUDLQLQJURRPDQGDVWXGHQW Stock Show Rodeo, equestrian and livestock events,
seat arena did not get expected funding. athlete academic centre with a computer lab, hall of concerts, sporting events and family shows. Operator:
NV, Henderson: Silver State Arena fame. Athletic Director: David Sayler. Planning and (YHQW)DFLOLWLHV)RUW:RUWK QRWIRUSURÀW 
Proposed as part of the planned Las Vegas National Construction Director Cathy Wagner. Suites: 14. Cost US$450m
Sports Complex in Henderson on a 485-acre Capacity 6,000 Capacity 14,000
site in West Henderson. Finance: International Cost US$32.5m Completion 2019
Development Management and China Security & SD: Mitchell Events Center TX, Huntsville: Propst Arena
Surveillance Technology. Events Center Building Committee has unveiled a Makeover of the Von Braun Center. Construction
Cost $650m design. Capacity: 5,280. No funding package or location manager: Jeffords Associates. Construction: Vratsinas
NV: Las Vegas Arena has been proposed. Construction. Finance: City and $5m donation (Propst).
Centrepiece of revitalisation of area between New York Capacity 5,280 Cost US$24.5m
New York and Monte Carlo resorts. Design to capture Cost US$15m VA: Richmond Arena
energy of The Strip. Monumental glass entry facade Proposed new arena and redevelopment of the
SD: Rapid City Arena
with a giant LED overlay up to 118ft. Skin colour and existing Coliseum site. Big enough to attract minor
Citizens voting on $180m, 19,000 capacity arena
EDQGLQJUHÁHFWVGHVHUWPRXQWDLQV%DOFRQLHVIRU league hockey, professional women’s basketball, and
proposal. Civic center board of directors purchased a
dramatic views, covered VIP drop-off points, Lightweight early-round NCAA men’s basketball tournaments plus
preliminary design for a new arena ($385,000). Re-
screen for shade and wind protection. Bunker clubs, concerts. Consulting team: Barrett Sports Group,
purposing of Barnett Arena as well as future expansion
suits, in-bowl sponsor zones, private lobbies. Multiple Populous, Weston Sports & Entertainment.
opportunities over the next 40 years at the civic
locker and dressing rooms, complete broadcast facilities Capacity 15,000
center.$70 million worth of defects or shortcomings
and staging innovations. Events: 100. Green: LEED
Gold. Finance: private ($200m bank facility secured).
ARC International (Donovan Broberg), Crawford Plans for unnamed NBA or NHL team to re-locate
Project Manager: ICON Venue Group. Developer: Las
Architects (David Murphy). Construction consulting: to Virginia Beach. Proposed sports authority and
Vegas Arena Company - AEG (CEO Dan Beckerman) and
Mortenson Construction and J Scull Construction multi-purpose sports and entertainment venue. VB
MGM Resorts (CEO Jim Murren). Architect: Populous.
Capacity 20,000 ($115,000). Reports will be considered in the autumn. SHUPLWWHGWRLVVXHERQGVIRUÀQDQFH-REV
Capacity 6,000 during construction, 55 permanent and 322 part-time
Cost US$375m ($350m)
Cost US$54-180m employees post-construction. Developer group: United
Completion 2016
SD: Sioux Falls Events Center States Management. Finance: private (city to pay for
NY, Long Island: Nassau Veterans infrastructure).
Proposals at early stages. ’Coliseum committee’
Memorial Coliseum proposing arena in north of city. Capacity 18,500
Will be relaunched after revitalisation programme. Cost US$350m
Capacity 14,000+
Long Islanders hockey team will move to Barclay Center
in 2015. Developer: Nassau Events Center plc. Cost US$100m+ WA: Seattle Arena
TN: University of Memphis Center Proposed arena near Safeco Field on land owned by
Events: 300.
6WXGHQWUHFUHDWLRQDQGÀWQHVVFHQWUH$UHDIW2 Chris Hansen. Department of Planning preparing a report
Completion 2017 (start 2015)
along Southern Avenue. Four-court divisible gym, two- based on submissions, ready in May 2015. The county
NY, Watertown Municipal Arena and city are positive, should a professional team be
wall, six racquetball courts, a quarter-mile indoor track, secured. Part of effort to bring NBA and NHL to Seattle
DGGLWLRQDODGPLQLVWUDWLYHRIÀFHVSDFHIRUWKHFLW\·V but not reliant on this. Environmental Impact Statement
Parks and Recreation Department, a new front desk a lane pool, a recreational pool, an outdoor leisure
pool, training facilities, large group exercise areas, to complete. The Nordstroms and Steve Ballmer also
and entrance facing William T. Field Drive, a relocated revealed as investors. Opposed by Mariners. Cash
concession stand with seating, a hospitality room FODVVURRPVRIÀFHVDMXLFHEDUDQGDZHOOQHVVDQG
QXWULWLRQDUHD7KUHHIXOOVL]HWXUIÀHOGVEDVNHWEDOODQG also suggested to improve Key Arena to attract future
for performers and entertainers, a main locker room professional sport team. Finance: city $200m parking
DVHFRQGÁRRUVSHFWDWRUDFFHVVSRLQWWRFROODSVLEOH tennis courts will make up the outdoor component
of the center. Three phases of construction. Finance: taxes, Hansen consortium $290m and cost
bleachers. Developer: City Council. Study: Stantec of any franchise. Previously, the NBA team moved to
Consulting Services ($550,000). student fee increase.
Cost US$62m Oklahoma City. Muckleshoot Indian Tribe also completed
Cost US$US8.2m (US$7m) a study for a $450m arena near Emerald Downs.
Completion 2015 Completion 2018
Capacity 20,000
OH, Cincinnati: Fifth Third Arena TX, Arlington: University of Texas Center Cost US$490m
University of Cincinnati department of Planning, Design Proposed University of Texas at Arlington events centre.
3ULYDWHÀQDQFH WI: Milwaukee: BMO Harris Bradley Center
and Construction exploring options for redesigning Fifth
Capacity 7,000 Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce has
Third Arena. Better seating options along with upgrades
Cost US$40m (budget) hired the sports and entertainment arm of the Hammes
Co. to provide advice on whether a new, multipurpose
roofs, concessions, suites and specialty club spaces. TX, Edinburg: Bert Ogden Arena sports arena should be built, or whether the BMO Harris
Architect: Populous. UC's trustees will review designs Publicly-owned basketball arena for the Rio Grande Bradley Center should be renovated. Bucks' lease ends
at the end of the summer and decide whether to move Valley Vipers near Interstate 69C/Expressway 281 2017 and NBA wants arena to league standards by then.
forward with the renovation of the 25-year-old arena. and Alberta Road. City of Edinburg and Vipers have Bucks have hired consultants to help prepare plans for
Cost US$50m signed memorandum of understanding. Four month a new sports and entertainment complex. Architect:
OH: Dayton Arena WLPHWDEOHWRFRQWUDFW%DVNHWEDOOVSHFLÀFIRUJUHDWIDQ Populous, HNTB and Eppstein Uhen. Fan-centric arena
Proposed for Dayton Bombers hockey team and experience. Screen: 40x20ft. Restaurant, lounges, and a year-round public space.
community teams and skating. suites, concessions. Jobs: 150. Finance: Vipers $25m,
Capacity 5,500 city $30m (special tax zone). Annual rent $350,000,
WY: University of Wyoming Arena
Two-phase renovation for Arena-Auditorium. Phase one
Cost US$30m 30-year lease. Investment group will donate land to a
includes all new seating in the lower bowl below the
SC, Charleston: North Charleston Coliseum city-established corporation before construction begins.
concourse level. Padded chair-back seats 22 inches
Proposed upgrades to keep the 12,000-seat arena Design and build: Cantu Construction and Development
wide (18 inches). New lights, screens, sound, court
modern and competitive for at least the next 15 to Company.
20 years. Two easy-access food courts on opposite Capacity 8,500
improvements. Much-improved practice facilities and
sides of the building. Deeper and larger suites, a new Cost US$68m ($55m) locker-room, strength and conditioning and sports-
arena bowl sound system and the addition of catwalks Completion October 2016 medicine areas. Phase two includes new grand
with wider platforms, which would allow for expanded TX: El Paso Arena entrance to the Arena on the east side of the building,
Cost US$19m proposal. Consultant: HKS Urban Design Studio. Events: Cowgirl fans, Club Area, UW Intercollegiate Athletics Hall
SD, Madison: Bahn Arena 120. Finance: public and private $60-$70m. of Fame and renovation of concession and rest room
Hockey practice arena adjacent to the Kohl Center for Capacity 12,750 areas. Club seats: 500. Finance: 36 private donors
University of Madison-Wisconsin hockey teams. Cost US$180m $10m, Wyoming State $15m. Construction manager:
Concrete and steel construction, precast tiers. Ice Haselden Construction.
mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations are Completion 2015
team lounge, hockey locker rooms.
Cost US$27.7m

48 facility watch ARENAS americaS


Looking forward
Katie McIntyre reports on a selection of sports venue projects due for completion
between 2015 and 2017.
he next 24-months are set to bear witness to a number of some of the most
T eagerly-anticipated sports venue openings. To follow are just a small selection: The BOX Seat at
Nouveaux Stade
Avaya Stadium: 1st cloud-enabled venue de Bordeaux
in professional sports Designed by Herzog and de Meuron –
Designed by HOK, the European-style way it captures the momentum and the architecture firm behind Beijing’s
Avaya Stadium features covered seating excitement that surrounds the MLS “The Birds Nest” – Nouveaux Stade
that holds in the sound and creates an game day experience.” de Bordeaux is being described
energetic atmosphere for fans. Every as a “monumental and graceful
Premium seating options within the architectural piece – elegantly suited
aspect of the open-air stadium is tailored
stadium include club, patio and luxury to the grand landscape of Bordeaux”.
to the MLS experience, offering fans
suites. The Premier Midfield and Premier
exceptional sightlines to the field from Arranged in a randomised pebble
Midline seating sections boast 3,200
every angle. mosaic, featuring crystal white
upgraded, plush seats. Club seating
Avaya technology will power new offers food and beverage delivery and custom colour greys, three
ways for fans to connect to the game, service and provides an authentic ranges from The BOX Seat collection
including a mobile application and a community experience just feet from have been installed throughout
fan engagement wall. Additionally, the the pitch. Patio suites feature 680sqft the stadium.
Quakes will work closely with Avaya Labs of suite space, with comfortable couch- The BOX Seat 901 model with soft
to bring new technology into the stadium. style seating and private wait staff. ‘tip-up’ action flows seamlessly row
“The partnership with Avaya will Field-level luxury suites offer high- to row throughout the expansive
create a very tech-forward, innovative end furnishings and are customisable general admission areas. The
experience for fans that will be the envy with sliding glass doors and an open compactly designed seat enables the
of stadiums from across the world,” said floor plan. widest space between rows, halving
Earthquakes President Dave Kaval. A two-acre 7UP Epicenter Fan Zone the time taken to reach vendor
features a double-sided video display and facilities and vastly increasing venue
The venue’s interactive experience and
access to the 3,650sqft bar, which has revenue potential.
extensive fan amenities were on display
for the crowd as the Earthquakes hosted been touted as the largest outdoor bar in VIP’s will be treated to The BOX Seat
their first pre-season game at the North America. The Supporter’s Section 908 model – a fully padded seat
stadium against the L.A. Galaxy. adjacent to a “Beers of the World” with armrest, providing the ultimate
concession space has an open terrace solution to spectator comfort.
“We created spaces throughout the
standing area that offers a rallying point The Presidents Bay and Players
stadium to accommodate every type
for die-hard fans to simultaneously seats commanded the excellence of
of fan, from families and corporate
socialise and watch the game. The BOX Seat 990 model. Expertly
partners to die-hard Earthquakes
fans,” said Brad Schrock, Director of “The opening of Avava Stadium is a upholstered with meticulous
sports, recreation and entertainment seminal moment for our club,” said attention to detail, the 990 padded,
for HOK. “Although the stadium is open Kaval. “We are excited to deliver a leatherette Director’s chair integrates
air, the roof is designed to capture first-class experience to our fans at effortlessly with the established BOX
the sound from cheering fans, which every match. We now have a true home seat rail but sits firmly in a league of
creates an incredible energy. In every for all Earthquakes fans to enjoy.” its own.

The San Jose Earthquakes’ new 18,000-seat, Major League Soccer (MLS)
stadium emphasises the fan experience by creating an intimate atmosphere
that brings spectators close to the action, physically and technologically

Arthur Ashe Stadium: A retractable roof top sports
on an 18-year-old open-air stadium openings

roofs ahead!
We’re experiencing a renaissance; a
golden age in sports design in which
more and more venues are offering
open-air experiences by way of the
retractable roof. With investments
in the billions, venue owners are
naturally looking to maximise the
fan experience and offer additional
value to their patrons.

Canam-Heavy, the Canam Steel

Corporation division that specialises
in large scale and highly technical
projects, continues to carve out
a solid reputation as an expert
retractable roof delivery partner.

Recent Canam projects include the

Marlins Park roof that comprises
7,700 tons of steel components
Arthur Ashe Stadium, a 23,000-seat tennis venue in Flushing, New York, USA, has seen and gracefully parts open in
its share of weather-related interruptions since opening in 1997. To improve the fan and fourteen minutes. Slated to finish
player experience, the U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) decided to add a retractable roof. in 2016, the retractable roof over
Arthur Ashe Stadium will shield
Canam-Heavy was a building partner in the construction of the stadium’s steel frame
tennis fans and players from
when it was originally built in 1997. And almost 20-years later, the new roof is once
inclement weather in just five
again being entrusted to the company. With many technical challenges involved –
minutes. And the New Atlanta
the existing frame was not designed to carry a roof load – Canam-Heavy’s in-house
Stadium, which is set to welcome
engineering teams were needed right from the pre-project phase. The chosen
spectators in 2017, is designed
solution: a steel superstructure, which will support the roof components and give the
to spiral open and shut in under
appearance that the roof is an integral part of the stadium. Designed to open and close
eight minutes.
in five minutes, the roof will be completed in 2016.

Stadio della Roma, Rome, Italy Credit: AS Roma/MEIS

The 52,500-seat Stadio Della Roma will be one of world’s most state-
of-the-art football stadiums. With a focus on both intimacy and “home
pitch advantage”, the design integrates one of international football’s
most tightly organised seating bowls with world-class amenities and
technology to rival the best new stadiums in all of professional sports.
Intended to evoke one of Rome’s most beloved and iconic landmarks,
the Coliseum, the design incorporates an ultra-modern, steel and glass
stadium, wrapped in a stone “scrim”. This scrim, a floating stone screen
that envelops the stadium, is a dynamic contemporary interpretation
of the stone arches of the famous arena. A translucent glass and
Teflon-coated fabric canopy protects the entire seating bowl from
the elements.
This modern coliseum will anchor a 365-day-a-year destination of
shops, restaurants and bars, including a Nike Superstore and an
interactive AS Roma Hall of Fame. Situated just north of the stadium
will be a state-of-the-art training and wellness facility dedicated to
AS Roma’s first team training. In addition to two full-size and one
half-size training pitches, the centre will employ the latest and most
sophisticated training technology and equipment.
Working together as a cohesive and synergistic sports and
entertainment complex, Stadio Della Roma will take its place as
Rome’s newest iconic destination and a dynamic new home to the
world’s most passionate football fans.


tapei dome – taipei, taiwan Anfield Stadium:

Main Stand Expansion
Project Statistics – liverpool, UK
Location Taipei, Taiwan Project Statistics
Client Far Glory Group Opening During the 2016/17
Capacity 40,000-seat season
Cost AUD$110m Capacity 54,000
Opening date Late 2015 – 2016 Architect KSS

Populous has designed a major sports stadium and entertainment dome in the
heart of Taipei, as part of a $500m mixed-use development, which will signal the
way of the future for sports and entertainment facilities in Asia. The expansion of the Main Stand will see
Anfield's capacity increase by around
The Dome includes a 40,000-seat covered baseball arena, and more than
8,500 seats, taking the full stadium
200,000sqm of integrated themed retail, offices, apartments and a hotel on an
capacity to 54,000.
historic site, the old Song Shan Tobacco Factory site, in the centre of the Taiwan
capital. The design includes direct views to the historic Song Shan Factory, an On completion, the Main Stand will
integral part of the development. become one of the largest all-seater
single stands in European football, with
This significant win for Populous has come after almost five years of initial
a full range of facilities for premium
feasibility work and negotiations with both the Taipei Government and the successful
seat hospitality and general admission.
development contractor, the Far Glory consortium, one of the biggest developers
in Taiwan.
The Taipei Dome will create a major sport and cultural designation point within
Taiwan and is the first project in the country that integrates new development with
Craven Cottage:
an historic precinct. Riverside Stand
Another KSS project is the Riverside
National Indoor Arena (NIA) Credit: NIA Ireland Stand expansion, which will be a
for Ireland flagship development for Fulham
FC and will increase the capacity of
The NIA facilities - being developed
Project Statistics Craven Cottage to 30,000 providing
by KSS - will include a National Indoor an additional 4,300 seats.
Opening Completion planned
Athletics Training Centre, National
for 2016 The new facilities will take advantage
Gymnastics Training Centre, National
Capacity TBC of the excellent river views and
Indoor Training Centre and covered
synthetic pitches catering for over improve the unique atmosphere of
20 multi-disciplinary sports. the ground.

Project Statistics
Opening TBA
Capacity 30,000
Architect KSS


AmphithEAtre Multifonctionnel De Quebec,

Quebec City, Canada
Located just outside of downtown Quebec City, the new 18,000-seat arena consists of approximately 64,000sqm
of space with premium seating availability to include 900 club seats in the lower bowl on the main concourse
level and 2 suite levels with 80 total suites and nearly 100 loge box seats. The arena, which is a joint venture of
Populous and Quebec City firms, ABCP Architecture and GLCRM & Associates, features an array of premium
seating options, auxiliary entertainment and dining features.
The venue will seat just over 18,000 for hockey, with nearly 10,000 of those seats in the lower bowl.
Additionally, a multitude of concert configurations are accommodated, ranging from nearly 20,000 for a
centre-stage concert to 3,700 for an intimate theatre experience. Both public concourses are open to the seating
bowl, keeping fans connected throughout the duration of the event. In addition to generously sized concession
and toilet facilities, general fans are provided with two open bar areas with views to the exterior.
The facility will offer a diverse array of premium spaces. The primary club space is located at the lower
concourse level, providing 900 centre-ice seats with upscale food service and a dynamic feature bar. There are
two dedicated suite levels. The lower level features 73 private suites fully encircling the level, with seven more
at the upper level. The lower suite level will also host a gourmet restaurant with open views to the main entry
hall below, as well as smaller meeting rooms for different events.
For the VVIP, a 'bunker' suite resides at the event floor. The suite provides an 'up close and personal' view of the
players and the on-ice atmosphere, while providing the most premium amenity offering in the facility. The project
is pursuing LEED Certification.


Orlando City Soccer Club Project Statistics

Downtown Stadium Project Cost USD$84m
Through a public/private partnership, a new Major Seating Capacity Approximately 20,000
League Soccer stadium is being constructed in Square Footage 348,000
Downtown Orlando, FL, which will be the future home
Groundbreaking October 16, 2014
of Orlando City Soccer Club (Orlando City SC) and host
Opening March 2016
to other major national events throughout the year.
Main Video 68’ x 38’
Groundbreaking commenced on October 16, 2014, Board
with the stadium scheduled to open for the 2016 Suites Two levels of high-end premium suites
MLS season. The venue will have an initial capacity
Club Seating Club seating for 1,500 in the lower and upper bowls
of approximately 20,000, will be LEED-certified
Supporters' Safe standing room for 3,700 fans
and will reflect the character and culture of the
community, especially the surrounding Parramore
Supporters' A dedicated level of bars and amenities, looking out on
neighbourhood, to provide an unparalleled and truly
Terrace Central Boulevard, for supporters on the north side of the
unique fan experience. stadium, along with two openings in the seating bowl with
Orlando City SC Stadium is being designed and views of the pitch
constructed by Populous, Barton Malow, and ICON Team Store 2,000sqft anchor team store adjacent to the plaza along
Venue Group, who are widely renowned for previous Church Street
works on venues such as Wembley Stadium, Yankee Canopy Metal deck canopy will amplify sound and create a unique
Stadium and multiple other MLS stadium projects. district identity
Once completed, it will be operated by the City of Technology Distributed antenna system for maximum Wi-Fi
Orlando and owned by the Central Florida community. connectivity
Community funding partnerships include the City Scoreboard Club Club directly underneath scoreboard, with bar below, will
of Orlando, Orlando City Soccer Club and Orange, offer views of downtown
Seminole and Osceola counties. Pitch 1DWXUDOJUDVVDOORZVIRU·[·ÀHOGRISOD\

The soccer stadium is part of the Blueprint Initiative Public Art Integrated design elements to celebrate Orlando’s culture
within stadium
that ensures the local community benefits from the
Construction Barton Malow Company
construction with 24% of the contracts going to
minority- or women-owned business enterprises.
Architect Populous
Owner’s ICON Venue Group

Kyle Field Renovation, Texas A&M College Station, top sports
Texas, USA openings
When completed later this year, Kyle and endurance of the program. Plazas 2015-2017
Field will represent the most extensive and walkways surrounding the stadium
redevelopment of a collegiate athletic will celebrate the legacy of the team,
be completed without impacting Texas
facility in history and will serve as a students and alumni.
A&M’s football schedule, allowing the
benchmark for future redevelopment The east side of the stadium will team to continue to play in their beloved
projects at colleges across the nation. continue to be the home of Texas A&M’s
Centred around “The Home of the 12th venue without interruption.
famous student section. On the north
Man”, this project embodies the belief side of the stadium will sit Kyle Field The 7,661sqft scoreboard that will perch
that at Texas A&M, fans don’t just watch Park. Developed as a metaphor for a atop the new south endzone structure is
the game, they effect the game. football field, this spacious plaza will the largest in college football.
The renovation and expansion of Texas honour the great moments, teams and
Finally, to enhance the noise level and
A&M University’s historic Kyle Field players that have been an important
intimidation factor at Kyle Field, the
represents one of the most extensive part of Texas A&M’s history. In addition,
field is being lowered and seating moved
redevelopments ever of a collegiate this public space will serve as the
closer to the action. Iconic canopies
football stadium. The USD$485m primary pre- and post-game gathering
shade the reconstructed seating bowl
project was phased to ensure the space for Aggies.
on the west side and the legendary
Aggies played every game on their The best experiences will lead to new student section, the “12th Man” on the
home field throughout construction, and revenue-generating heights on the west east, redirecting crowd noise to the
the final phase will be unveiled for the side of the stadium. There, premium field. These canopies are being added to
2015 season. seat holders will find the best offerings create a more comfortable, intimate and
in collegiate football. A fully landscaped, amplified fan experience. In addition, the
Kyle Field will boast the finest suites,
upscale tailgating and gathering area stadium’s four corners will be filled in
clubs and premium seating options in
will lead to a majestic entrance for with fans so that the noise is amplified,
college football, and a seating capacity
premium ticket holders. High-quality providing the opportunity to create the
of 102,512; the third largest in the U.S.
concessions, merchandising options most intimidating environment in all of
With the storied history and palpable and the Hall of Champions will also collegiate athletics – an environment
culture of Texas A&M football in mind, reside on this side of the stadium, which which has come to be associated with
the design of the stadium is one that is composed of 76 suites, a high end Aggie nation.
juxtaposes the team’s far-reaching private club that services 3,500, 3,100
legacy with a vision for the future. The seat field box area, and 3 sizes of loge When completed, Kyle Field will serve
stadium design will feature a brick, boxes that provide a truly unique game as a living monument to the uniqueness,
glass and limestone façade that will day viewing environment. The entire the culture and the storied history that
communicate the power, prominence redevelopment, from start to finish, will is Texas A&M.

For further information, go to:


Project Statistics
Project size 1,250,000 GSF
1,000,000 GSF (New)
Number of seats 102,512
Owner Texas A&M University
Architect Populous
Credit: Populous


Studio City Event Centre at Asia’s New Entertainment Capital:

Studio City, Macau
The opening of Studio City marks a new
era of entertainment for Asia. In January
2015, Melco Crown Entertainment
Limited (SEHK: 6883) (NASDAQ: MPEL)
a developer, owner and operator of
casino gaming and entertainment resort
facilities in Asia, unveiled details of its
thrilling new cinematically-themed gaming,
entertainment and leisure destination resort
in Macau: Studio City, which is slated to open
in the third quarter of 2015.
The US$3.2bn, Hollywood-inspired, gaming
and entertainment complex will transport
the visitor into a stunning cinematic
world with breath-taking entertainment
offerings, delivered by the world’s leading
entertainment partners, positioning
this new destination resort as Asia’s
entertainment capital.
Studio City will encompass the pinnacle of
international and Asian leisure-destination
inspired entertainment, supported
and endorsed by icons of Hollywood’s
entertainment industry. It is destined to redefine Asia’s entertainment destination landscape by offering the most spectacular
entertainment in its awe-inspiring Studio City Event Centre.
Studio City Event Centre is one of the dazzling amenities at Studio City that promises to bring the most exciting and exceptional
live entertainment experience to Asia. Featuring state-of-the-art acoustics that are theatre-quality and equipped with dedicated
control room and satellite broadcasting infrastructure, the 5,000-seat multi-purpose event centre is the ideal venue for
hosting the best regional and international concerts, theatrical productions, top sporting events, award shows and other
special events.
The world-class venue, with its comprehensive range of facilities and services, and high level finishes throughout, will make
Studio City Event Centre one of the top arenas in Asia and a must-stop destination for all Asian Tours. Its differentiating
features include:
X State-of-the-art acoustics installed in the arena that are theatre-quality. The reverberation time of the arena is less than
1.7 seconds throughout the frequency spectrum between 100hz to 20khz
X First-class premium seating level complete with 16 private VIP suites, 242 luxury club seats, and a deluxe club lounge
X Plush floor-seating for a luxurious VIP experience
X Ability to configure the venue flexibly, and accommodate the weight of large shows
The venue will be managed by Global Spectrum, which is part of Comcast-Spectacor, one of the world’s largest sports and
entertainment companies.

SunTrust Park, Cobb County, Georgia, USA

Designed by Populous, the new home of the Braves will bring together a classic ballpark
feel, modern amenities, and southern hospitality, creating a fan experience unlike any
other. An intimate setting of 41,500 seats will be designed to maximise sightlines.
The ballpark will feature a three “deck” design with the middle and upper decks
cantilevered over each lower deck to ensure all seats are closer to the action. An
extensive canopy – approximately three times larger than most ballparks – along with
several indoor spaces and clubs will ensure the most comfortable environment during
any type of weather. Wider concourses, most with direct views to the field, will allow
easy access around the ballpark to specialty food and beverage areas.
SunTrust Park’s architecture will pay tribute to the natural environment while
integrating into the existing topography of the site, which features a gently sloping
terrain, allowing the home plate side of the park to nestle into the hillside.
The project will be the first of its kind – a lifestyle destination that will seamlessly
integrate a state-of-the-art baseball stadium with an engaging multi-use community.
This will create a vibrant atmosphere with unique shops, restaurants and entertainment
venues that is accessible 365 days a year.

top sports

Rogers Place –
Edmonton, Alberta,
BMO Field Renovation – Toronto, Ontario Project Statistics
Project Statistics Groundbreaking March 2014
Groundbreaking September 2014 Opening Autumn/Fall 2016
Opening Phase 1 Scheduled Completion – May 2015 Owner City of Edmonton
Phase 2 Scheduled Completion – May 2016
Design/ Edmonton Arena
Owner City of Toronto Construction Corporation (Subsidiary
Operator Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Partner of the Katz Group)
Primary Tenant Toronto FC Operator Oilers Entertainment
Project Manager ICON Venue Group Group
Architect Gensler Primary Tenant Edmonton Oilers,
Construction PCL Construction
Edmonton Oil Kings
Manager Project Manager ICON Venue Group
entertainment events. Renovations include expanded seating, upgrades to Architects
premium spaces, technology improvements and a roof covering the majority Construction PCL Construction
of the seating bowl. Manager Management, Inc.
Project Cost Phase 1: USD$70m Functions Multi-purpose arena
Phase 2: USD$40m anchoring a downtown
Seating 30,000 Fixed Seats entertainment district
Capacities 40,000 With Temporary Seating with CAN$1.5bn of
development currently
under construction
Project Cost Total Project:
Rogers Place (the
Arena): CAN$480m
Winter Garden:
Pedestrian Walkway:
LRT Connection:
Downtown Community
Arena: CAN$23m
Arena Land: CAN$25m
Seating Hockey Setup: 18,641
Capacities Small Concert:
Centre Stage Concert
Setup: 20,734


Sacramento Entertainment &

Sports Center (ESC)

Sacramento ESC – Sacramento, California

Project Statistics
Groundbreaking October 29, 2014
Opening October 2016
Las Vegas Arena –
Owner City of Sacramento
Las Vegas, Nevada
Tenant Sacramento Kings
Project Statistics
Project Manager ICON Venue Group
Groundbreaking May 1, 2014
Architect AECOM
Opening Spring 2016
Construction Turner Construction
Manager Owner Las Vegas Arena
Functions The state-of-the-art entertainment venue is an indoor-outdoor multi-use
(Owned by AEG
facility, which will accommodate sporting and entertainment events, such as
and MGM Resorts
professional and collegiate sports, concerts, ice shows, indoor rodeo, trade
shows, large graduations, family shows and other indoor entertainment. It
Project Cost USD$477m
Sales Agent AEG
Capacity 17,500
Project Manager ICON Venue Group
Architect Populous
Construction Hunt-PENTA Joint
Manager Venture
Functions Multipurpose
entertainment venue
available to host
NBA and NHL teams,
concerts, boxing, mixed
martial arts, award
shows and other major
Project Cost USD$375m
Seating Boxing/UFC: 20,000
End Stage 12,000 – 18,000
Concerts Centre Stage Concert:
19,500 – 20,000
Hockey: 17,500
Basketball: 19,000

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lights Stephen Gough Razvan Burleanu

In this special roundtable-style feature, we hear from Mr Stephen Gough, CEO

of the Melbourne Cricket Club (MCC) and Mr Razvan Burleanu, President of the
Romanian Football Federation (RFF) on their role, the challenges they face and
how they overcome them through technological innovations and best-practices.

Stephen Gough, CEO, Melbourne Cricket Club

The Melbourne Cricket Club Day Test match is one of the nation’s we have been able to make the park a
(MCC) is the club charged with premier events, where in 2013, a world multi-use facility and it has never looked
the responsibility of managing record attendance of 91,112 for a day of better. Through the implementation
the iconic Melbourne Cricket cricket was achieved. of a water recycling facility, we have
Ground (MCG). As stadium manager, Of course, the MCC also manages a delivered water to the park, stadium
the MCC is constantly striving to membership base of some 102,000 and nearby Richmond Football Club
ensure the MCG and its facilities remain people. We’re the largest sporting club oval, which has significantly reduced our
world-class. in Australia. Not only does membership water consumption, while providing a
provide access to sporting events at reliable water source for the parkland.
Since commencing as CEO of the MCC
the MCG, but we also run different We have also invested heavily in reducing
in 2000, we have worked hard to
sporting sections, 13 in total, under the our environmental footprint, with
develop the MCG into one of the biggest,
MCC banner. the stadium currently undergoing an
most recognisable and modern sports
AUD$8m energy efficiency upgrade.
stadiums in the world. The MCG is a very public facility.
Fortunately, my previous role at Carlton The stadium’s history and status
make it one of the highest profile
Investment in
Football Club, provided the perfect Technology & the
training ground, as we also managed buildings in Australia. Everyone has a
our own venue, albeit much smaller vested interest in it. Along with usual Stadium Experience
than the MCG. Working for a football considerations with regards to facility Perhaps our most recent major
club gave me a good understanding of maintenance and upgrades, its global achievement has been to invest
the issues facing our key stakeholders, profile and heritage values places significantly in improving the fan
particularly those confronting the clubs additional pressure on meeting people’s experience at the MCG. Last month, we
that play at the MCG. expectation on our operations. unveiled plans to turn the MCG into one
of Australia’s most technically-advanced
Running a Major, Ongoing Improvements and connected stadiums for fans,
World-Class, at the MCG members and stakeholders. Together
While getting the stands, seating areas with partners Cockram, IBM and Cisco,
Multi-Purpose Venue we will deliver a range of technology
and patron amenities right is integral,
One of the biggest challenges we face there are plenty of other stakeholders infrastructure throughout the year. Our
at the MCC is running a multi-purpose to consider. For example, for the aim is to connect fans and improve the
venue amongst all of the contracts players and sports officials the MCG experience of the four million people
and relationships that come with the playing surface is a vital consideration. who visit the MCG each year.
stadium. At the same time we are An ongoing challenge is catering to the The project will deliver a state-of-the-art
continually looking at ways to develop demands of so many different groups! exterior lighting system, high definition
the facilities.
Another focus for us is to continue to TV screens and a cutting edge Wi-Fi
The MCG is a venue that serves so improve the sporting precinct that we’re network, allowing fans to stay connected
many masters. The Australian Football a central part of. Set in parkland on the wherever they are within the stadium.
League (AFL) plays a minimum of 45 edge of the CBD, access to the MCG is But technology is just one part of the
home and away matches, plus finals at unparalleled, whether you’re coming stadium experience, which is why
the MCG every season between late- by foot, train, tram or vehicle. Our we’ve also announced an AUD$14m
March and September. Four AFL clubs – challenge is to continue to support this investment in food and beverage with
Collingwood, Hawthorn, Melbourne and sporting hub with car parking facilities our hospitality partner EPICURE over
Richmond – play their home matches at for major events held at Rod Laver the next seven years. This investment
the MCG. Arena, Hisense Arena and AAMI Park, is based on a shared vision of delivering
Then we have cricket played here from as well as the events we hold at MCG. fans an affordable, family-friendly food
October through to March, where I’m proud of the improvements we and beverage offering at all MCG events.
Cricket Australia and Cricket Victoria have made to Yarra Park. Since taking As a result, sports fans will be able to
maintain use of the ground. The Boxing over management of the park in 2010, purchase popular food and beverage


The MCG hosts an array of events, including the AFL Grand Final (below). FEATURE

items at prices not seen for a decade

or more – an unrivalled initiative in the
venue industry.
This year, in particular is a massive
one for the MCG. On top of the
regular schedule of cricket and
football matches, we’re also hosting
the ICC Cricket World Cup, a State of
Origin match and three International
Champions Cup soccer matches. These
events bring with them international
attention and an expectation from
visitors to the stadium, so our focus will
be to ensure the MCG remains one of the
greatest stadiums in the world! Q

Razvan Burleanu, President, Romanian Football Federation (RFF)

My finale is played out every The Starting Whistle interdepartmental working groups
day. Beyond the responsibilities Each day at the RFF is to me a real to major events that we are included
and the general attributions football game, which in most cases in: similar to the areas of the pitch,
that the role of President of exceeds regular time, if we are to where specific contributions are
a national football association brings continue the metaphor. The starting required to achieve collective success,
with it, I must confess that the list of whistle puts me permanently in similar to the fullbacks who double
daily challenges is a much larger one, situations such as group management, as wingers or similar to the defensive
and my schedule as the President of the interaction with representatives of the midfielders who cover the centre
Romanian Football Federation, at the end affiliated members, of the media and of backs when they get to attack.
of one year, is infinitely more complex the business environment. I don’t think I work with institutional development
than the narrow and rigorous lines that I will have too much warming time, but experts, trainers and European
one's job description could describe. I am glad that my training, meaning projects specialists, people with
First of all, being invested in this role my formation and experience from a remarkable professional path in
by the vote of the members of the before becoming the President of the best-practices and good governance,
Federation, was solid and thoroughly which ensure projects are completed
Romanian Football Federation in March
made, as if waiting for this daily match. efficiently and effectively. I also
2014, I started on a fairly special path.
I discovered a far more obtuse and I learned during this first year have the external support of leading
farther away from the optimal functional that it is imperiously necessary to financial experts. Moreover, the
parameters than I had imagined from the carefully coordinate the “locker-room communication team includes
outside. After 24 years of seclusion in atmosphere”, the particular way in dedicated and creative individuals; the
inertial practices, I began to implement a which my team works and in which marketing department, that did not
new way of thinking and of acting. there are people with a very strong exist in the organisational chart until
football background, former players last year, has great ideas and their
More importantly. I was in the shoes of and coaches, as well as experts from involvement is extremely necessary.
the one who not only wishes to build, football’s administrative activities. Both of these departments contribute
together with his team, on empty land, Beyond the unavoidable technological greatly to ensure our progress is
but who also, in most situations, has adjustment that I enforced at the known by all stakeholders. I am
to clean and work at the same time, to level of the organisation, we are referring to all of them because my
eliminate the counterproductive areas in continuously working on establishing daily match is won, every time, with
order to facilitate further development. more efficient procedures for the the help of these teammates. The
beneficiaries of our activities. objectivity, integrity, high training and
I became the youngest president of
performance standards, the values,
a football association in Europe and
FIFA & UEFA: mission and common vision have
before me laid the most spectacular of
Best-Practices transformed us into this strong team.
challenges! But, after one year of activity,
we are able to refer to good practices, We are constantly connected to UEFA We do not have opponents, other than
to a coherent working and informational and FIFA best-practices, which we the objectives that we establish and
flow, to the premises of implementing control, at management level, through the projects that we build. And the
ample strategies at the institutional monthly evaluations and weekly referees are the Romanian football
level, with direct effects on the concrete meetings reviewing the status of the supporters! That is precisely why
development of Romanian football. ongoing projects. Moreover, we allocate every day is a finale to me! Q


In this Q&A, Rinco van Rijn, Senior Manager Marketing
Communications at Philips Lighting details their latest
developments in LED lighting.

How is LED pitch lighting the pitch lighting installation at stadia

benefitting venues? and arenas.

LED lighting adds value to a stadium by What is really unique, is that the
creating a stunning impression – outside ArenaVision LED system is bridging
Philips first showcase installation of
and in – and provides flexibility to the worlds of entertainment lighting
ArenaVision LED at Ekinox Arena in
enable the venue to be multi-functional. and the so far static high-quality pitch
France, home to JL Bourg Basket of the
Properly designed sustainable LED lighting. It opens the door for new or
LNB basketball league.
lighting can also significantly increase a increased revenue potential by offering
a flexible lighting solution that can be Credit: Gregory Picout
venue’s bottom-line profitability.
designed and optimised for TV coverage.
Increasingly, we are equipping stadia
It provides the venue with lighting
with LED lighting in all areas, not just immersive lighting experience. Designed
effects, which will make visitors arrive
pitch lighting. There are many benefits to provide players, fans and TV
earlier and stay longer, and offers new
to this. Firstly, energy efficiency means broadcasters with the best possible
sponsoring opportunities.
reductions in maintenance costs, experience, the system also allows
especially in general-, hospitality and ArenaVision LED can easily be total dynamic control of the lighting.
retail-, and infrastructural lighting. In integrated into the light show of any This broadcast-friendly lighting also
fact, savings of more than 70% are event, providing cost savings on rental enables the use of super slow motion
possible if the lighting solution includes equipment and real ease-of-use for the replays (for example, the ArenaVision
control and intelligent lighting systems. event organiser. LED flicker rate is at 0.2%, whereas the
There are also significant cost savings norm issued by the Premier League is
In our first showcase installation of
to be made with pitch lighting in terms at 7%), without the flicker synonymous
ArenaVision LED at Ekinox Arena in
of energy and maintenance. with conventional lamps, providing fans
France, we have turned pitch lighting
Secondly, LED technology is enabling with more in-depth action shots.
into a real entertainment experience,
the use of intelligent lighting systems with the system having been easily There is hardly a luminaire in this
that are fully controllable and offer integrated into the pre- and post-match compact design and with the
complete flexibility. There will be no light show of JL Bourg Basket. The specifications of the ArenaVision LED
more black-outs like during the Super system is adding an additional show and its light weight of less than 40kg,
Bowl two years ago, as LED lighting element to the team’s home matches, including the driver box, available on
systems can instantly be switched on/ creating excitement for the audience the market. Other high-end sports
off, dimmed, and, in the case of a Philips and players, and offering an instant on/ LED lighting floodlights are very
system, can also create entertaining off, fully flexible, high-quality flicker- heavy and/or large sized, making the
lighting effects, increasing the free pitch lighting solution. installation tricky.
excitement of a game.
The new LED floodlights deliver The system has also been recognised by
LED lighting systems can be configured flawless lighting, achieving exceptional iF Design, with ArenaVision LED winning
to react to the environment, for vertical illuminance on the players and a golden iF Design award in 2015.
example, by using intelligent sensors. good uniformity. The high quality of
They can improve the safety in the light produced enhances visibility in What types of services does Philips
venue by supporting crowd control in the stadium and aids the production Design Team offer?
case of emergencies and can generate of better-quality broadcast images,
new revenue streams by increasing the Philips Design Team has built an
ensuring television viewers do not miss
attractiveness of the venue both for extensive portfolio over the past fifteen
a single moment.
audiences and other events. years, with experience of the healthcare,
Philips’ ArenaVision LED floodlighting hospitality and retail sectors. The
system is supporting the latest FIFA Team’s approach is characterised by
How does Philips’ LED pitch lighting
and national league requirements for combining deep insight into peoples’
system differ from your competitors?
TV broadcasting standards; with a CRI needs and turning these into experience
Our LED lighting systems offer several value of higher than 85, which complies propositions that are realised by
benefits, as previously mentioned, and with the requirements for broadcasting technology. This has resulted in several
with our latest-generation ArenaVision issued by sport associations like UEFA services that can be offered to arenas,
LED, we are adding these features along or FIFA. Besides this, it features a supporting venues that are continuously
with high-quality flicker-free lighting to control platform to create a completely looking for ways to stay competitive and

Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge stadium recently SPORTS
became the first English Premier league club to use LIGHTING
Philips’ ArenaVision LED floodlights.

improve their business opportunities. on operational costs, add safety to of all major soccer stadia around the
This is achieved by offering better their venues, generate new revenue globe. Other client venues include ski
experiences to their visitors, from streams by becoming multipurpose and slopes, horse racing tracks and the
home-to venue-to home, with a focus on give them full control and flexibility Singapore F1 Grand Prix.
the experience during the event itself. of their lighting installations, not only Our latest LED pitch lighting project for
on the pitch, but also in the hospitality a major stadia was at Stamford Bridge,
One example is the ‘Experience Flow’.
and retail areas, façade lighting and home of Chelsea FC, which was the
Key within this service is improving
infrastructural lighting. first English Premier League club to use
spectator flow within the venue,
ensuring fans can find and access all Modern venues face several challenges. ArenaVision LED floodlights, enhancing
service offerings. The additional benefit One the one hand, there is always the the beautiful game for both players
for improved flow is linked to safety quest for operational cost reductions and fans. Other clubs will soon be
and security; with better flow enabling and continuous improvement in venue joining them, including Hull City, another
faster and safer evacuation in case operations. On the other, there are Premier League club, which will install
of emergency. high requirements from broadcasters the solution this summer.
Philips support their customers in the on lighting quality to support the We have also installed LED pitch lighting
development of these experiences. We newest TV standards and effects, in several indoor arenas, such as Brose
deploy our design capabilities to define like, for example, ultra-high definition Bamberg (Brose Baskets) in Germany,
improvement opportunities. The design (4K standard) or super slow-mo. Our Ekinox Arena (JL Bourg Basket), Reze
team will research the context of the innovations are always driven by the Arena (Reze Basket International) and
venue, including the building layout and needs of our customers, and in long- Saint Raphaël VHB (SRVHB Handball) in
functionality, and focus on understanding term projects, our innovative power is France. Our solutions were also utilised
the needs of the visitors and other the insurance for our customers to have during the Handball World Cup 2015 in
stakeholders. In this way, we are working the latest innovations in place. Qatar and this summer we will replace
together with the venue management the pitch lighting at PSV Eindhoven to
For the future, we predict new business
and their partners, such as architects LED. We also have some more well-
models focusing on the deployment of
and hospitality service providers. known football and other sports venues
Smart Technology, including sensors that
in the project pipeline.
The end result is a holistic experience measure the environment and smart
vision for the venue (using the systems to analyse the data and provide In addition, we are the lighting partner
experience flow tool), covering controls to create more functionality and for Allianz Arena (Bayern Munich),
all aspects of the experience. In customisation. These new propositions where we recently installed a complete
the realisation of the vision, the will be enabled by applying Smart new dynamic façade lighting solution.
Team’s contribution will focus on Lighting to enhance the experience for New York’s Madison Square Garden
the deployment of our technology in the visitors, when and where needed, and recently got a facelift courtesy of Philips
systems and lighting. which can be customised around a wide too, with new LED façade lighting.
variety of events in the venue. The LED floodlights are located in the
How have pitch lighting systems building’s cove channels and around the
evolved over the last decade and what What types of sports venue projects roof ring, which can be used to present
future advancements do you predict? are you working on at present? dynamic light shows and effects on
Since Philips first provided dedicated Philips has been involved in high-end the venue’s façade. They can also be
lighting solutions for sports lighting sports lighting since 1953. Since then, programmed to promote the home
to the 1953 Olympics, the technology there has never been a major sports team's colours. Q
has leapfrogged from static, inefficient event, whether a FIFA World Cup or
lighting to fully flexible, controllable, Olympics, that we haven’t been involved
The full version of this Q&A can be
energy-efficient lighting systems in. More than 70% of English Premier
found online at: www.psam.uk.com/
and solutions. Our latest-generation League stadiums are equipped with
systems enable customers to save Philips Lighting, as are more than 55%

Absen A97 LED perimetral banner
system at the BayArena (Bundesliga)

real-time led Pere Pons David Carrion

Pere Pons and David Carrion, Software Business

Developers at Absen Optoelectronic Co Ltd, discuss using
LED display operating software to generate revenue and
enhance the fan and viewer experience.
Screengrab of Absen LDSperimetral SOCIAL software
new generation of LED perimeter possible to use the software to
A displays solutions and operating
software has emerged as a key aide to
manage all the different screens
in the same stadium, not just the
helping clubs and brands generate more perimetral banners.
revenue and improve the interactive
As the software can manage any
experience for their fans and customers,
number of sequences and playlists
both onsite and watching on television.
it can be customised for any kind
One company at the leading edge of of sports and one key quality
this development is Absen who has Pere adds is that “you can receive
enjoyed significant success with its new images during the match and
A97 LED perimetral banner system, include them on the fly, you don’t
including in the Bundesliga through its need to completely pre-load anything
partners Sportsfive. The system was therefore enabling you to make live
Enhanced fan
the perfect combination for Sportsfive changes during a match easily”. engagement
and the German clubs they work with as Another version of the software called
The industry reaction has been
it meets UEFA’s strict stadium standard Absen LDSperimetral SOCIAL has also
tremendous with major sports projects
requirements and is TUV-EMC certified. been developed, which uniquely allows
already secured throughout Europe,
for the use of real-time display messages
One year ago the company launched including in Portugal where through
and supports Twitter interaction
a professional perimeter banner their local partners Olivedesportos, the
(messages and pictures). David notes
controlling software known as Absen Portuguese Football League uses the
that the software allows the user to
LDSperimetral. Developed by their software and the Absen A97 Stadium
define specific positions for displaying
software team and headed up by Pere LED perimeter display system for six
the approved tweets thereby offering
Pons and David Carrion, the software Primera Liga club matches each week.
“an opportunity for fans to show their
was specifically designed for real-time
Absen also takes their aftersales support support to the team and for brands to
control over perimetral banners and
very seriously. On the relationship with interact live with the audience”. This can
fascias that allowed the displaying of
the LED display manufacturer, Julien significantly help a sports club interact
multimedia and social content in the
Neuwerth, Director of Publitronic SA in with their fans around the world and also
sports venue.
Switzerland comments: opens up a powerful revenue generator
Interestingly, the software not only works from brands looking to capitalise on this
with Absen’s own perimetral banners but
also with 99% of the other perimeter
systems in the market, thereby offering a
“ One of the most important points
for me is that Absen aftersales
support is excellent and fast at
real-time visibility with clever marketing.
The interest in the software continues
responding: They constantly look to increase around the world and David
complete solution to the venue simply by
at improving the software based on predicts significant growth “not just in
upgrading their software.
football but in other major sports such
Pere emphasises that “the system is
very user friendly and this ease of use
our feedback.

Outside of Europe there have also been
as basketball, cricket, rugby and tennis.
It is a very exciting time for us”. Q
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email: [email protected]
live or online event”. The openness clubs in Mexico through their local
website: www.absen.com
of the system means that it is also partners INSOLED.

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The Palace of Auburn Hills

– home to the NBA’s Detroit
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CREATING A solution

Musco’s LED solution amps up the stadium and arena experience worldwide.
uality. Efficiency. Affordability. design direct the light from thousands spectator viewing and significantly
Q Service. When it comes to Musco’s
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of LEDs with pinpoint precision in a way
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enhance the quality of TV pictures.”

lighting, those are the pillars that have and viewing experience.” The Palace of
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Auburn Hills
almost 40 years. Innovative LED
Musco’s system was also recently
Since 1976, Musco has researched Lighting Solution: installed at The Palace of Auburn Hills,
the unique lighting needs for players, Twickenham Stadium home to the NBA’s Detroit Pistons.
spectators, television broadcasts and In 2014, Musco installed its innovative The new system reduced energy
the surrounding environment, which lighting solution using the LED light consumption by 77%, offers instant
has led to significant improvements source at the 114-year-old Twickenham on/off and dimming capabilities, and
in the cost of ownership and energy Stadium, which itself has undergone a allows for special effects during
efficiency. Combining its expert system major revamp to ensure world-class player introductions.
design and lighting application expertise facilities ahead of its hosting role during
with the evolving LED light source, the 2015 Rugby World Cup. Musco’s lighting solution at The Palace
Musco has pioneered new, innovative has created a much more aesthetically-
lighting solutions using the LED light Musco’s cutting-edge luminaires enhanced experience for players and
source for more than seven years. dramatically reduce glare, are much fans. Maintenance costs are eliminated
From major professional sports venues, more energy-efficient, offer dimming with Musco’s comprehensive ten-year
like NRG Stadium, The Palace of Auburn controls for tailored light levels, warranty, which includes guaranteed
Hills, PNC Arena and Billie Jean King eliminate flicker for superior slow- aiming of the fixtures and light levels,
National Tennis Center; to significant motion playback, feature instant on/off and is all backed by a global team of
monuments and structures, such as The controls for special effects and create a trained technicians.
White House, Mount Rushmore and the stage-like atmosphere for spectators.
“We are pleased to utilise Musco’s
East Span of San Francisco’s Bay Bridge, Richard Knight, Stadium Director, Rugby customised lighting system at The
Musco’s systems have ushered in a new Football Union (RFU), said: “Continuing Palace of Auburn Hills,” said Mario
era of lighting solutions. our aim of being at the forefront of new Etemad, Executive Vice President, Palace
“We’ve optimised the system around technology, Twickenham became one of Sports and Entertainment. “It helps
the light source to meet the unique the first stadiums in the world to have reduce our energy consumption and, at
needs of sports facilities,“ said Jeff the Musco LED floodlights installed. the same time, delivers a memorable fan
Rogers, President of Musco World. “Our “They are a low energy and low experience when viewing event action at
advanced optics and superior system maintenance solution that will improve the arena and from home.” Q


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Katie McIntyre details a selection of sports venue projects either already
underway or proposed in the Middle East.
ost to the 2022 FIFA World Cup™,
H Qatar will field a bevy of world-
class venues for this mega sporting
Lusail Stadium
Speaking about the appointment, Hassan standing suburban concept, and instead
event, which, after much debate, has Al Thawadi, SC Secretary General, said: anticipates the grid of this future city, of
finally been confirmed to take place “We are excited to announce that the which it will be an integral part.
between November and December; with design contract has been awarded to “The project also pioneers the idea of an
the final to be held on 18 December – Foster + Partners for Lusail Stadium. ongoing life for the stadium beyond the
Qatar’s National Day. We look forward to working with them big event. The environmental strategies,
in creating an iconic, contemporary particularly those that address the
A statement on behalf of the Supreme
stadium inspired by Qatari culture. players as well as the spectators, will
Committee (SC) for Delivery & Legacy,
Lusail Stadium will be the centrepiece also be of international interest to
confirmed: “We welcome the decision of
of the tournament, an architecturally the sporting public as well as those
FIFA’s Executive Committee in relation
innovative stadium, which maintains concerned with the architecture.”
to the timing of the 2022 World Cup in
sporting functionality and delivers on
Qatar. We are satisfied the process has Located in Lusail City, 15km north
our sustainability commitments.
reached its conclusion. Regardless of of Doha, the stadium will have a net
the change in dates, we will continue “With this design award, our vision for seating capacity of 80,000 spectators
to develop the cooling technology the first FIFA World Cup in the Middle and, in adherence with the SC’s
promised during the bid, ensuring our East is taking on further shape, with five commitments to providing a level
commitment to deliver a true legacy stadiums currently in different stages of playing field for all of the teams, will
as a result of the first World Cup in the construction across the country.” contain an open-air pitch that can be
Middle East remains." cooled to an optimal 26°C using cooled
The design competition involved some
In an eagerly-awaited step under its of the world’s leading architects and shaded spectator stands and
stadium development programme, the and stadium design consultants who state-of-the-art green technologies.
SC concluded its international design presented their concepts for Lusail,
competition for Lusail Stadium – which which is the largest proposed venue for
is the proposed host venue for the the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™. Khalifa International Stadium is
opening ceremony and final match – by currently being redeveloped to fulfil all
Lord Foster, Chairman and Founder requirements for the hosting of FIFA
awarding the Design Architect services
of Foster + Partners, said of the 2022 World Cup matches.
contract to Foster + Partners. The
award: “It is an honour to design Credit: Supreme Committee (SC) for
practice will carry out the architectural
this centrepiece stadium – we are Delivery & Legacy
design work as part of a team of sports
delighted to have won the international
and stadium design experts, which
competition. This is an exciting step
includes ARUP and Populous.
forward in stadium design – it will be
the first to break the mould of the free

Lusail Stadium: the proposed host venue

for the opening ceremony and final match
of the 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar™.
Credit: Foster + Partners


Qatar 2022: First come – first served! middle east
PFEIFER has been successfully tendering for the first roof structure in a row of at least eight stadiums to be sports
built for the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar; the Khalifa International Stadium.
Whereas the other 2022 projects are being built from scratch, this stadium will undergo a refurbishment
process, including a new bowl and roof fit for the games. The lighting arch on the East Stand had to go; the old roof structure
on top of the West Stand made from cables and fabric is already history as well.
Old? The dismantled roof had only been in place for some 10 years! It is now being replaced not because of low quality of works
at that time but because of changing requirements for international competitions. These call for a roof that covers all of the
seating, not only half of it.
PFEIFER had already been responsible for the installation of the old roof on Khalifa. And because of the successful cooperation
and good experience, the client came back. After the award of the new contract, there have been changes to the roof structure
because of the integration of an ETFE insert on the South side. It is in these types of situations where PFEIFER brings added-
value to projects; in this instance, by making proposals for the modified and optimised connections of the roof structure.
All necessary preparations and procurement for the materials have been done and PFEIFER is looking forward to the
installation of the new cable net structure during 2015.

Khalifa International Stadium

The Aspire Zone Foundation, one of Excellence credited with helping festivities secured Qatar’s reputation for
the SC’s stakeholders, is leading the top footballers from around the world hosting excellence. Now, a new chapter
renovation of Khalifa International recover from injuries, is also based here, in the story of the nation and Khalifa
Stadium, which will feature 40,000 as are numerous other world-class International Stadium is being written,
seats for spectators in 2022, along with sporting facilities. with Qatar to host the first ever FIFA
a number of upgraded facilities. Projacs The history of Khalifa International World Cup™ to be held in the Middle East
is serving as project manager and Dar Stadium has mirrored Qatar’s growth in 2022. The stadium is currently being
Al-Handasah as design consultant. and development. The stadium was redeveloped to fulfil all requirements for
The sweeping arc and undulating roof the first of its kind in Qatar, and has the hosting of matches through to the
of the stadium are visible from afar, been a source of pride and a symbol quarterfinals. In addition, revolutionary
providing a striking introduction to the of the country’s sporting ambitions cooling technologies are being installed,
Aspire Zone. Named after the former for generations of Qataris and the guaranteeing a comfortable and cool fan
Emir, Sheikh Khalifa Bin Hamad Al Thani, expatriates who happily call the country experience and ideal conditions for players
Khalifa International Stadium forms 'home'. Originally built as a 20,000-seat and match officials.
an integral part of the vast sporting stadium in 1976, the venue hosted the New facilities at the stadium will
facility. Located approximately 14km Gulf Cup that same year. It returned to include the 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and
from the centre of Doha, the Aspire hosting prominence in 1992, receiving an Sports Museum, which will celebrate
Zone is home to the Aspire Academy, upgrade to again host the Gulf Cup. Qatar’s culture of sport and the global
which is the training ground for many As the pace of Qatar’s development sports heritage represented by the
of the young players who are expected quickened in the new millennium, the Olympic Games.
to form the backbone of Qatar’s 2022 stadium again emerged as a national The renovation of the stadium is being
squad. Aspetar, a FIFA Medical Centre touchstone, gaining global renown. In undertaken in part to take advantage
2006, Qatar brought the Asian Games of the ‘Green’ technologies that have
– the world’s second-largest multiple- blossomed in recent years. To ensure
sport event – to the Middle East for the that Qatar achieves its goal of hosting
first time. With tens of thousands of an environmentally-friendly FIFA World
spectators on hand, and a continental Cup™, the stadium will target GSAS and
television audience tuning in LEED certifications.
at home for the opening
Underscoring Qatar’s commitment to
ceremony, the
sustainability, fans will have the option
stadium and the
of taking the brand new metro to
matches. Sports City station, located
directly adjacent to Khalifa International
Stadium, will prove crucial in reducing the
tournament’s carbon footprint.
The redevelopment of Khalifa
International Stadium, along with the
Aspire Zone Foundation’s other expansion
plans, ensure that the stadium and
surrounding areas will remain sport
and fitness destinations for generations
to come, in line with the SC’s plans to
create a long-lasting legacy of sporting
development for Qatar.


Al Bayt Stadium Al Wakrah Stadium

The Aspire Zone Foundation will also from area to area and family to family, Located approximately 15km south of
deliver Al Bayt Stadium – Al Khor City greeted visitors who stepped inside, Doha, Al Wakrah is one of the oldest
and the surrounding precinct. In 2022, enveloping them in the warmth of continuously inhabited areas in Qatar.
the venue will have the capacity to their hosts and inviting them to relax Taking the dhow boats that carried
host 60,000 spectators, and will fulfil and shelter from the elements. This generations of Qatari fishermen and pearl
all FIFA requirements for hosting FIFA is echoed in the interior of Al Bayt divers as inspiration, the design of Al
World Cup™ matches through the semi- Stadium, where the Sadu pattern will Wakrah Stadium and the approximately
final round. Dar Al Handasa is serving as provide visitors from abroad with a 586,000m2 surrounding precinct weaves
design consultant for Al Bayt Stadium taste of traditional Qatari design, and together the city’s cultural heritage with
– Al Khor City and the surrounding remind local fans of their heritage. Qatar’s progressive outlook, as defined
precinct, with Projacs serving as in the Qatar National Vision 2030 (QNV
Of necessity, the tents upon which
project manager. 2030). In addition to the stadium and
Al Bayt Stadium – Al Khor City are
precinct, Al Wakrah’s seafaring identity
Al Bayt Stadium – Al Khor City perfectly modelled, are uniquely sustainable and
will be incorporated into the 2022 FIFA
embodies the spirit of Qatar. Using suitable to the deserts in which they are
World Cup Qatar™ fan experience.
the latest technologies and breath- found. Despite the relative simplicity
taking innovations, it tells the story of of their design, they were expected to The venue will feature a natural grass
a nation that has welcomed visitors fulfil a number of requirements: they pitch, cooled to an optimal temperature
into its warm embrace, in times of both had to be quick and easy to erect and of 26°C, with spectator stands cooled to
scarcity and plenty, and treated them deconstruct; light enough to be carried a supremely comfortable 24-28°C.
as family – regardless of differences by pack animals; they needed to be airy AECOM designed the stadium in
in background, history or culture. and cool in the summer, and warm and association with Zaha Hadid Architects,
For centuries, Qatar has been home to cozy in the winter. while AECOM also serves as design
both nomadic and settled populations. Al Bayt Stadium shares this dedication consultant and KEO International
The nomadic population lived primarily to sustainability witnessed in the Consultants as project manager.
in the desert and herded animals. The generations who lived in Bayt Al Al Wakrah Stadium’s carbon footprint was
country’s settled population primarily Sha’ar. To achieve Qatar’s goal of considered from an early stage, with the
lived along the coastline, engaging in hosting an environmentally-friendly venue’s structure having been designed
pearl diving, fishing and trading with 2022 FIFA World Cup™, the stadium and to minimise the amount of materials
neighbouring villages, towns and cities. precinct will incorporate green building required and the embodied carbon of
Although located close to Qatar’s materials that minimise embedded these materials taken into account.
coast, Al Bayt Stadium – Al Khor City will carbon and incorporate energy usage The stadium and precinct buildings all
introduce fans and visitors from around best-practices. Employing the latest incorporate energy usage best-practices,
the world to the culture of the desert. construction techniques and materials, minimising natural resource demand
The stadium’s name is derived from the stadium will target both LEED and before, during and after the World Cup.
‘Bayt Al Sha’ar’, a tent traditionally GSAS certifications.
used by nomadic peoples in Qatar and Further echoing Bayt Al Sha’ar, parts
neighbouring countries. Historically, of the stadium will be transportable. In the world that lack adequate sporting
the distinctive exterior – black with line with the SC’s legacy commitments, infrastructure. This spirit of giving, so
prominent white stripes – served a the stadium’s upper tier will be deeply embedded in Qatari culture,
number of purposes. The width and demountable. In the years after 2022, will repeat itself across all of the
number of white stripes identified the upper tier will be removed and stadiums being delivered by the SC and
the tribe of the owner. The tent was the modular sections will be used to its stakeholders, creating a legacy of
easily spotted from afar. For those build stadiums in countries around football development across the world.
travelling through the sometimes harsh
landscapes of the desert, the sight of Parts of Al Bayt Stadium will be
a black-and-white striped tent on the transportable: in line with the SC’s
horizon meant an invitation to enjoy the legacy commitments, the stadium’s
hospitality of the tent’s owner, whether upper tier will be demountable.
known to the traveller or not. Al Bayt
Credit: Supreme Committee for
Stadium – Al Khor City will carry on
Delivery & Legacy
this tradition, beckoning football lovers
near and far, bringing them together to
put aside their differences in a global
celebration of the beautiful game.
The tent’s exterior was also optimised
for staying cool in the summer and
warm in the winter, just as Al Bayt
Stadium – Al Khor City will maintain ideal
temperatures for player performance
and fan comfort year-round.
Bayt Al Sha’ar interiors contrasted
sharply with their monochromatic
exteriors. The red, woven interiors, in
a traditional Sadu pattern that differed

middle east
Following the 2022 FIFA World Cup™, Al Wakrah Stadium’s modular, projects
20,000-seat upper tier and associated cooling systems will be
disassembled and distributed to developing nations. The remaining
20,000-seat stadium will become the new home of Al Wakrah Sports Club. 2019 AFC Asian Cup
Credit: Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy The United Arab Emirates (UAE) recently won
a unanimous vote to host the 2019 AFC Asian
Cup; having been in competition with Iran to
To minimise cooling requirements, player Frank Leboeuf. On days when
organise the tournament.
state-of-the-art computer modelling matches are not taking place, the
techniques are being applied to stadium facilities will serve as a It will mark the second time that the UAE
optimise the structural design. social hub, offering a shaded and has organised the continent’s showcase
Furthermore, renewable energy will cooled promenade and seating tournament, having previously staged it
be generated within the precinct, areas for residents and visitors. The in 1996.
making a significant contribution to precinct surrounding the stadium The UAE bid proposed to organise the
the energy required to operate the will also serve to strengthen the tournament in three cities: Abu Dhabi, Dubai
stadium. To ensure that FIFA and the bonds of the local community, with and Al-Ain – which all have stadiums capable of
SC’s sustainability requirements are abundant new retail space that will hosting such an event – and also promised to
met, Al Wakrah Stadium will target cater to entrepreneurs and owners build a new 25,000-capacity stadium in Dubai.
GSAS 4 Star and LEED certifications. of small and medium enterprises,
Following the World Cup, the The bid document proposed the host stadiums
fostering sustainable growth and
stadium’s modular, 20,000-seat to be: Mohammed Bin Zayed Stadium and
contributing to the diversification
upper tier and associated cooling Zayed Sports City Stadium in Abu Dhabi;
of Qatar’s economy, in line with the
systems will be disassembled and Sheikh Khalifa International Stadium and
QNV 2030. Hazza Bin Zayed Stadium in Al Ain; Dubai
distributed to developing nations. The
remaining 20,000-seat stadium will The new metro system and other International Cricket Stadium and the
become the new home of Al Wakrah public transportation options will proposed new 25,000-capacity stadium
Sports Club, whose football team’s ensure easy access to the precinct in Dubai.
kit has been donned by the likes both for fans during the 2022 FIFA The expanded 2019 instalment of the
of Qatari football legend Mansoor World Cup Qatar™ and for the people tournament will see 24 teams competing
Muftah and French international of Al Wakrah for generations to come. instead of the usual 16. Q

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The US$207m reconstruction
of the historic stadium has
delivered a new world-class
venue for football, soccer
and special events.
Feature-writer, Steve Traiman,
provides insights from
the management and
stadium architect.

Photos courtesy of Orlando Venues

& HNTB/Jim Simmons Photography
© 2015 unless otherwise stated

venue in
he City of Orlando (Florida)
T and Orange County funded
the major share of the US$207m
orlando citrus bowl
Project Team & Fact File
NEW orlando
citrus bowl
reconstruction of the historic 80-year- Facility Orlando Citrus Bowl
old, 75,000-capacity Florida Citrus Location Orlando, FL, USA
Bowl Stadium. It reopened as the new Opening date November 2014
Orlando Citrus Bowl in November
Construction cost US$165m
2014 to host the annual Florida
Owner City of Orlando
Classic football game and two holiday
bowl games. Operator City of Orlando
Architect HNTB
In terms of funding the project, Allen
Associate Architect Rhodes + Brito
Johnson, Executive Director, Orlando
Venues, told PS&AM: “Funding sources Contractor Turner Construction
for the project, including US$165m basic Structural engineer Walter P. Moore
construction costs, were US$168m Steel contractor Banker
Tourist Development Tax, US$21m Electrical & fire alarm TLC Engineering for Architecture
Orlando Community Redevelopment systems
Agency, US$6m Florida Citrus Mechanical systems TLC Engineering for Architecture
Sports, US$3.5m Levy Restaurants, Signage & branding RLR Associates
US$2m Civic Facility Authority A/V & sound WJHW
Repair & Replacement fund balance, system design
and US$7.2m proceeds from the F&B concessionaire Levy Restaurants
redevelopment/sale of land.” Capacity 65,000 to 75,000 for special events
Johnson also advised: “Orlando Venues Major tenants Florida Citrus Sports for Russell Athletic Bowl, Buffalo Wild Wings
and MLS expansion team, Orlando City Citrus Bowl, Florida Classic and Orlando Kickoff Game (2016);
SC Lions, worked together to host the Orlando Sports Foundation for AutoNation Cure Bowl (inaugural game
Lions’ inaugural season at the Orlando December 19, 2015); MLS Orlando City SC Lions (2015 season); Feld
Citrus Bowl until their new stadium Entertainment's Monster Jam.
in downtown Orlando opens next Key amenities 25,000ft² club space on each side (10,000 enclosed) with 5,000
March for the new MLS season (see club seats, 33 luxury east and west suites (45 including hospitality &
game day operation boxes), 20,000ft² party deck, 3 state-of-the-art
sidebar entitled ‘New MLS Orlando City
Panasonic video boards provided by ANC.
Soccer Stadium’). Their 2015 season
opened with a March 8 sell-out before
62,000-plus fans, with 17 regular needs for the reconstruction of the old upgrades to concessions, restrooms,
season games sand three non-MLS Citrus Bowl were numerous. In order to technology, video displays and new,
‘friendlies’ scheduled. retain our signature annual events and larger team facilities.
also attract new high-profile events, “At the outset we gathered the key
“The first non-sports event was Feld
like neutral-site college football games, stakeholders in Kansas City at architect
Entertainment’s Monster Jam that
drew a capacity crowd in January. We NFL preseason match-ups and big name HNTB headquarters for a design
anticipate booking more family shows, concerts, modernising the stadium was workshop that was crucial for setting
concerts, conferences and trade shows absolutely imperative. the tone, scope and direction for this
going forward.” massive project.
“With that in mind, we added amenities
When asked about the main project and enhancements that both patrons “Many of the stadium’s distinct features
drivers, Johnson commented: “The and promoters expect, including – including an airy Florida feel, vibrant

New South side stadium view.


Dramatic new East Façade.

façade and 20,000-square-foot party The Architect’s Views addition in 1989, increasing capacity
deck – resulted from those early by 18,809.”
Rick Strawn, Principal in Charge with
meetings. We accomplished our goals
HNTB for the last 33 years, told PS&AM: In 2008, the Orange County Commission
and the collective feedback since the
“Our Fernando Vazquez was project and Orlando City Council approved
new stadium opened in November has
designer who came up with the overall a US$1.1bn three-part venues
been overwhelmingly positive.”
vision that really ‘wowed’ the city. improvement package. Included were a
Steve Hogan, Executive Director of Our nearby Lake Mary office helped new arena for the NBA, the new Amway
Florida Citrus Sports (FCS) – the primary with capabilities and credentials for Center; a new performing arts centre;
tenant since 1947 – commented: “Since politically connected minority firms for and a reconstruction of the Citrus Bowl.
the new stadium opened last November the project.
19, we have hosted the annual Florida Strawn advised: “HNTB was awarded
“Associate architect, Rhodes + Brito, the job in late 2008. But the project was
Blue Florida Classic matchup between
a black-owned Orlando firm, was the put on hold by the city in 2009, when
Bethune-Cookman University and
first of 18 sub-consultants that helped the economy went bust. It rebounded in
Florida A&M; the Russell Athletic Bowl
us meet the goal of 31% minority and late 2012 and we basically started over
December 29; and the New Year’s
women-owned firms. with fresh eyes and new direction from
Day Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl
(formerly Capital One Bowl). “We had just finished the new NFL the city to totally transform the image
49ers’ Levi’s Stadium with Turner of the building.
“A third bowl game, the AutoNation
Construction and jumped right into
Cure Bowl presented by the Orlando “The result is a building that looks
the Citrus Bowl. There was a lot of
Sports Foundation, joins the roster in essentially ‘new’ and completely
dedication on everyone’s part to get it
2015 and in 2016 we’ll be the neutral different than the facility it
done in 10 months.”
site for the NCAA football, ESPN- replaced. Although the city was the
televised Monday night opening season Strawn added: “HNTB has been engaged client and owner, Florida Citrus Sports
game between Florida State and in studies for improving the stadium (FCS) had a voice in the design as they
Old Miss.” since 2003 and had done the upper deck put their own dollars into the project.

venue in
NEW orlando
citrus bowl

“Design parameters from FCS included

all items required for a national
college championship game, the most
important of which was providing
65,000 seats. As we increased the
tread depth from 26 to 33 inches, this
seat count became increasingly difficult
to meet due to the loss in the number
of rows of seating in the lower and
mid-bowls. We were also tied into a
dimension to work within by keeping the
upper decks, the only original stadium
elements that remain today.
“Creation of a north end-zone ‘party
deck’ gave us the ability to add
approximately 4,200 temporary
bleacher seats if ticket sales for
an event dictated the need. This
brought the seat-count to just over
65,000. There were FCS requirements
for the number of lockers, the number
of seated press positions, suites, etc;
a long list.”

Effective Teamwork
When it came to all parties pulling
together to deliver the project, Strawn
explained: “The main directive totally
transformed the image of the stadium.
Our ‘punch list’ included all new lower-
and mid-level seating bowl; loge
boxes and club seating; restrooms,
concourses and concessions; team
facilities building; structural-steel
circulation towers, stairs; plaza party
deck (approximately 30ft above the
field) and videoboards; operations
and main kitchen facilities; team and
Smaller corner Party Deck area. officials locker rooms; and renovate
upper level.
“It was necessary to eliminate the
One of two main Clubs. non-code compliant four-storey ramp
towers, which were replaced with fixed
white steel frames that enclosed the
new vertical transportation system of
escalators and elevators. Open and airy,
they give a new look and image to the
east and west sides.
“Orlando Mayor, Buddy Dyer, took a
real hands-on approach for key design
elements. With new 25,000sqft clubs,
each with 2,500 seats, on the east
and west sides, he wanted to give the
‘common fan’ premium space. This led
to a 20,000sqft Party Deck in the north
end zone, and four 2,500sqft party
spaces in each corner, which he called
‘Everyman Clubs’.
“We renovated the 24 existing private
suites, added 12 more on the west

side, plus eight more convertible
for non-game events including two New MLS Orlando City Soccer Stadium
40-person super suites.” The City of Orlando and MLS expansion team, Orlando City Lions, are building a
US$84m, 19,500-seat stadium in downtown to open for the 2016 MLS season
In terms of the project’s 'green' next March. (See p56 for further project information.)
credentials, Strawn advised:
“LEED Certification was an early For 2015, the Lions are playing their seventeen ‘home’ games and three ‘friendlies’
goal. Green features include a in the newly reconstructed Orlando Citrus Bowl. The March 8 home opener against
sustainable site; water efficiency; fellow league newcomers New York City FC was sold out with 62,000-plus fans
energy optimisation; materials on hand.
and resource conservation; indoor Funding for the new venue was completed in October 2013, when the Orange County
environmental quality and health; Board of Commissioners approved the use of US$20m in tourist development tax
and environmentally preferred funds to complete the package.
operations and maintenance.”
Global design firm, Populous, noted that the stadium will be expandable to
Regarding delivery of the 25,000-seats in the future, with 300 specialty suite seats; 1,800 club seats;
final finished stadium, Strawn restaurants, pubs and retail space, including a balcony-style bar just below the video
commented: “We were fortunate scoreboard with a 360-degree view. Also planned is a festival plaza lined with palm
there were no major obstacles during trees on the south end of the plaza, just outside the main entrance.
construction. We had to redesign First partnership deals include: Heineken as the Official Beer, with naming rights to the
some elements, and just-in-time south side ground level bar; and Panasonic as Official Technology Partner, providing
delivery of all materials was the on-field and dozens of flat panel TV screens in suites, offices and work areas.
key to not having to delay the tight
timetable. Getting enough manpower In December 2013, the NCAA announced that the 2016 and 2017 NCAA Women’s
on the site was a concern, but Turner College Cup Championship would be held at the new stadium.
had over 1,000 for the end push. Just before the March 8 opening game, Club President and Founder, Phil Rawlins,
said: “Today we demonstrate how Orlando City and the City Beautiful continue to
“It was a true teamwork effort
defy expectations. We’re humbled by the response of our supporters, partners and
for all involved to get the job done
community. Today we also kick off an exuberant celebration leading into our historic
and deliver a state-of-the-art new
home opener and inaugural season. The excitement is palpable throughout the city
stadium welcomed by the owners,
and we’re thrilled to see all our hard work come to fruition.”
teams and fans alike.” Q

Sellout Orlando City MLS season opener.

January 1 Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl.

Credit: Tony Firriolo

New open, airy Main Concourse.

78 facility watch venue in focus new orlando citrus bowl


EVENTS David Manica Paul May Daniel Cordey

In this Q&A, three industry experts provide

their insights on the key design and
operational considerations when it comes to
Temporary Stadia & Major Sporting Events.
he three industry experts providing their insights for this key industry feature are: David Manica (above left), Principal, MANICA
T Architecture; Paul May (above centre), Executive Director & Chairman, Trivandi; and Daniel Cordey (above right), Chairman,
AGES (Association of Global Event Suppliers).

Modular and temporary quality – we focused heavily on the

How do you believe modular building
building components will play visitor experience and allowed the iconic
technology could benefit the
an increasing role in the make- locations to speak for themselves.
sport industry?
up of major events and stadia
MANICA has spent a lot projects, and this is because they bring The temporary infrastructure
of time focused on the a range of significant advantages. In the required to host sports
positive ways modular and case of London 2012, our whole venue events needs to be in the
prefabricated construction master plan was driven by the need to right place, at the right time.
techniques could be applied to avoid ‘white elephants’, to achieve a Furthermore, the quality needs to be
temporary or portable venues in the high level of efficiency and to showcase high. Safety and reliability are key,
sport industry. We all know that the London as an impressive backdrop. there is no tolerance in this respect.
rotating cycle of world sport events Consequently, we relied very heavily on Modular building technology fulfils all
encourages and fosters a never ending both modular construction techniques of these requirements. Modularity not
cycle of new build opportunities for host and on temporary event infrastructure. only enables to build to the right size,
cities. But those venues are most often Entire venues were designed to be faster and more cost-effectively, it is
underutilised or even abandoned post fully demounted after the Games and often a well proven technology with
event at great cost and expense. For their components are now being re- high reliability. Also, modular building
me, it was exciting to see London’s used on other sporting projects and technology is able to adapt from one
more creative approach to some of venues within the UK and across the event to another, and provides flexibility
their smaller Olympic venues – utilising globe. This approach enabled us to to venue organisers. Modular building
a number of temporary facilities in and reduce cost and minimise build times, technology can often be ‘hired’ for a
around the city centre. The temporary as well as delivering on some really specific period of time and therefore
venues promoted a wonderful challenging sustainability targets. This reduces the infrastructure cost to
atmosphere and a respectable legacy. was achieved without compromising what is indispensable. Furthermore,

London 2012 was an exemplar for sucessful temporary stadia usage. and major
Credit: Trivandi sporting

There are various challenges.

Most at regulatory level, such
as building codes, taxation of
services or liability issues. As
large events can take place anywhere
on the planet, the regulatory framework
changes from one event to another. In
most countries there are no building
codes for temporary works or at least
no adequate ones, for instance, the seat
shells used for London 2012 cannot
be used for the Rio Olympic Games.
Additionally, some tax authorities label
temporary infrastructure as ‘services’,
others as ‘works’. And this is all before
you bring temporary import procedures
into the equation. Such factors make
modular technology is easy for the believe the answer to a truly sustainable
international business more difficult
organisers to operate. With the support temporary solution provides robust and
than it should be. That’s one of the
and supervision of experts, organisers high quality materials and finishes that
reasons why the recently formed
can operate and use most of the are modular in nature, pre-engineered
Association of Global Event Suppliers
infrastructure with their own staff. and prefabricated, and easily connected
(AGES), wishes to develop – together
and unconnected for reuse later.
with governmental bodies such as the
What do you believe will be the
There is often a delicate IOC – common standards and codes of
greatest challenges for this kind
mix between permanent practise for the future.
of approach?
infrastructure, demountable
Another challenge is the early
I think one of the greatest components and temporary
involvement of industry know-how
challenges for the industry commodities, and the trick is to get
in the design and planning process.
as it relates to modular/ the balance right and to make them
Organisers could benefit significantly
temporary facilities actually fully integrated. Success happens as
from involving them in developing
relates to people’s preconceptions a result of careful and well-informed
‘smart solutions’, but this needs to be
of what “temporary” means. It’s planning. On London 2012, there was
at an early stage to enable the suppliers
been my experience that the terms a really clear legacy plan and a solid
to develop an interesting business case
“temporary” or “portable” are too understanding of the opportunities
for new products. Our members are
often associated with products that presented by demountable and
however very pleased to see the change
are of lower quality. Instead of working temporary solutions. Temporary
in mind-set with the IOC now promoting
toward sustainable and reusable infrastructure can also have its
temporary infrastructure as part of its
building components, the temporary limitations and so we made sure that we
new Agenda 2020.
solutions more often than not have been had a clear picture of these, which we
considered as “disposable”. I personally then factored into our approach.
This kind of construction technique is
used in other building industries, but
why have stadia been slow to pick up
on it?
There are some historic
examples where temporary
elements have been used
successfully but we are now
seeing an increasing interest in properly
integrated temporary solutions.
London 2012 is a great case study for
stadium owners who are considering
their options, as it showcased all
aspects of permanent, demountable
Crystal Hall, Baku 2012: a multi-functional arena based on the modular stadia© and temporary. The London Aquatics
concept developed by NUSSLI. Initially conceived for temporary use, it is now used Centre is an example that successfully
for many events, including concerts and the first European Games. Credit: NUSSLI combined all three elements, whilst the
Riverbank Arena (the Hockey Stadium)
is a case study for a large and very
successful temporary venue. The range
and quality of temporary solutions
is improving all the time as suppliers


update their stock and clients and Empire Field Stadium, Vancouver 2010: a modular stadia© solution for temporary
regulators place greater expectations use, it was constructed in 2010 and dismantled a year later.
on the marketplace.
Credit: NUSSLI
There is a difference
between the temporary
event infrastructure needed
to upgrade or extend an
existing venue, as oppose to creating a
complete temporary venue, such as the
beach volleyball venue for the London
Olympics. And the difference is even
larger if such a venue is to become a
fully operational, large-scale modular
stadium for semi-permanent use, or
even a fully covered modular arena, such
as the Crystal Hall in Baku (pictured),
which is now for permanent use.

There are many examples of modular

stadia solutions. Some were used for
a few months and then dismantled,
and others remain in place, like Brita with the contractor in a partnership, way, but they will be different in many
Arena (also pictured) in Wiesbaden. defining the share of risks and operational aspects, as well as in
The construction techniques and responsibilities. This model cannot be durability. Temporary structures will
building procedures are usually applied everywhere. reduce the overall cost of permanent
different depending of the expected venues if they are designed well, i.e.
time of use. Stadia for short-term use to fit the purpose and the desired
Can temporary structures be used
are mostly functional, scaffolding- period of time. If the venue designer
to reduce the costs of permanent
based with modular space units and a provides a detailed functional
venue builds?
minimal architectural design. Whereas description of the required temporary
for permanent use, structural steel Re-use is not the only benefit infrastructure, then the international
construction with prefabricated of this approach. We have industry of infrastructure suppliers
elements and modular technology units found substantial savings will offer the best suitable products
comes into play. There is a wide range related to the delivery on a hire basis, inclusive of the service
of design elements and other technical schedule and overall quality of fit out as to install, operate and dismantle the
features that can be added as per the well. Modular pre-engineered buildings products. It would not make sense to
owner’s requirements. allow interior building components to be design and build a venue just to match
fabricated in the controlled conditions a one-time requirement of an event.
It is correct that semi-permanent or of a factory while the construction
permanent modular solutions take of other non-modular aspects of the
more time to develop. Two factors building are in process on site. So as an How big can you go with temporary
play an important role: to build a example, while a conventional approach structures?
modular, modern stadia fast and cost- to construction requires that the As big as you like! Inevitably,
efficiently, the builder needs to have building structure be completed before very large temporary
a comprehensive knowledge about interior fit out can begin, a prefabricated venues will often include
the design, planning, construction and approach allows for interior spaces modular construction
operation of a stadia, and furthermore and building components (like suites, components which can be demounted
needs to have the capabilities to toilets, etc.) to be built off site, while (such as steel framework and precast
apply fully integrated procedures to the supporting super structure is being concrete elements) in combination
guarantee timelines, quality, safety and completed on site. This compression with pure temporary event
costs of the project. In addition, the and overlap of the overall construction infrastructure such as seating, tents
builder needs to build up an adequate schedule can decrease the delivery and cabins. The London 2012 Olympic
supply chain, specific engineering time of the project by an estimated Stadium is a good example where this
capabilities and quality and interface 20%. And, since “the sun always shines was the case.
management. Often the builder also in the factory”, the quality and delivery
needs to invest in certain building schedule of the modular components Technically, there are
components and hardware. All this is can be more rigorously controlled. no limits. One can build
a challenge and takes time. And, on temporary seating higher
the other side, designing and building Absolutely, temporary
than any permanent
a stadia is usually a complex task solutions are relatively
grandstands, or one can build
involving many different parties. Still, inexpensive and, if well
temporary dome shell structures
most of the projects are developed the planned, they can provide a
to cover a 20,000-seat arena. But
really good quality outcome.
traditional way, which is adapted to the generally speaking, the cost difference
classic construction environment. The Temporary structures can be between a temporary and a permanent
design and construction of a modular used either for a short time structure will be smaller the bigger
stadia is an all-in-one solution, where period or for permanent use. the structures are and the more
the owner or investor works closely They have to be safe either sophisticated the venue fit-out is.

Do temporary stands offer the stadia
and major
same level of comfort and safety as sporting
permanent stands? events
Some temporary seating
suppliers used London 2012
as an opportunity to invest
in new, higher specification
stock which provide a really good
level of comfort and experience
for the spectator and other users.
From a safety perspective, the new
seating products had to comply with
The Green Guide as well as strict
structural requirements and received
a high level of safety oversight.
There is no difference in
terms of safety, as both
need to fulfil the same
safety codes, especially
for indoor solutions. The market
offers many different categories and
qualities of temporary stands, so Modular pre-engineered buildings allow interior building components to be
there is no answer to this question. fabricated in the controlled conditions of a factory while the construction of other
Actually, temporary seating may non-modular aspects of the building are in process on site.
even offer greater comfort as
permanent solutions.

What is the future for

temporary stadia?
One of our recent concepts
incorporates both modular
prefabricated components
and purpose-built traditional
construction techniques. But instead
of building a stadium as a single
building, our unique S.E.E.D. concept
(as pictured below and featured Credit: MANICA Architecture.
in the PS&AM Showcase Special
2014, p48-50) unites a collection of
smaller buildings together for the MANICA Architecture’s SEED Stadium Concept takes sustainability to the next level by
one-time sport event to create a utilising a combination of temporary, re-locatable and re-purposable building types to
world-class stadium. create a world-class mega sporting event environment like any other.


Brita Arena, Wiesbaden 2008: Semi-permanent stadium solution based on the

modular stadia© concept developed by NUSSLI. Built by NUSSLI in 2007.
Credit: NUSSLI

Then, after the world event is various building structures can be The industry of temporary
completed, the prefabricated repurposed as a truly sustainable infrastructure works strongly
stadium components are dismantled legacy for the community. believes that the demand of such
and the various building structures infrastructure will increase. The
can be easily readapted to become We are already seeing an requirements for an event will increase and
civic buildings that improve the increased level of interest become more and more specific and, on the
standard of living for the local in temporary solutions as other side, the timeline will become shorter
citizens, including schools, hospitals, clients continue to confront and the funds will be limited. The temporary
low-income housing, etc. In this way, their budget and sustainability industry can offer customised solutions
the prefabricated components for challenges. This will lead to the need driven by cost and/or time constraints.
the large spectator crowd (such for greater integration between the However, the market for large scale modular
as the seating tiers and modular permanent and temporary elements stadia solutions – for semi-permanent
toilet and concession pods) can be and suppliers will need to respond or permanent use – will be more difficult
reused by other cities, but the core through the continued investment in to develop. The product itself has a large
infrastructure and investment in the new and more attractive products. potential but the business case needs to fit. Q


84 feature temporary stadia and major sporting events

You are invited to one of the
summer’s biggest birthday parties.

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Qatar has already made a name for itself as a preeminent host for sporting events,
with two world championships having taken place in Doha within the last two
months and many more sporting events to follow.

A modular stadium with a capacity of 45,000 seats will be

located on a man-made island in the harbour of Doha. It will
be completely dismantled after the 2022 FIFA World Cup™

INA organises the Sustainability in

F 25m World Swimming
Championships every even-
the Spotlight
The 2022 FIFA World Cup™ in Qatar,
numbered year. In December
however, will be on an entirely different
2014, over 900 swimmers
scale from anything seen before in
from every continent met in
the country. For this mega event, the
Doha for the five-day sprint
organisers will consciously focus on
‘sustainability’; their bid addressed up
NUSSLI furnished the venue, front what will happen with the stadiums
Aspire Swimming Complex, when the tournament is over. In order to
with the necessary address this issue, NUSSLI prepared a
spectator infrastructure, study which provides for the expansion
which it tailored precisely to of the existing and new stadiums
the size of the event. so that they reach FIFA-approved
“We built the entire stadium capacity.
grandstand system around NUSSLI equipped the Aspire Swimming A completely modular stadium on an
the pool. This means that we started Complex with additional grandstands. artificial island in the harbour is also
with one grandstand in the empty One of them was built in the unused half envisaged for the duration of the 2022
diving pool at a depth of 5m below the of the pool FIFA World Cup™.
surface and built the other grandstand
Post-event, both the stadium expansions
in the water in the unused half of
awarded the 2015 Men’s World and the modular stadium will be reduced
the 50m swimming pool,” explained
Championships to Qatar and NUSSLI was to a reasonable size. The study also
Bernd Helmstadt, Director of Sales
again involved in this considerably larger demonstrates future uses for the seating,
for the NUSSLI Group. The result was
event. For all three main venues and the which can be dismantled and re-used in
a compact arena which, because of its
two side venues, NUSSLI planned and arenas in the Middle East, Asia or Africa.
proximity to the competition, offered
installed all of the overlay structures: Alternatively, it can be made available
the best view and a unique ambience.
the media centre; as well as the event to smaller clubs for their own stadiums,
Just a few weeks later, in January infrastructure for the outdoor areas: with capacities of 5,000, 10,000 or
2015, Doha once again hosted a World fencing, tents, toilets, screening areas, 15,000 seats. All but 0.5% of the total
Championship event. The International camera platforms, commentators 250,000 seats would be removable and
Handball Federation (IHF) had likewise seating and wheelchair spaces. find a new home post-event. Q

86 feature temporary stadia AND MAJOR SPORTING EVENTS



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In this feature, we look at six companies’ innovative products and solutions,
which sports venues are employing to manage their facilities more efficiently
and increase their revenue streams.

colosseo eas: multimedia & security solutions Mobile Media

As the global leader in multimedia and Colosseo SMP has achieved this level Content: The next
security solutions for sports venues, of integration, and venues now have generation ticketing
Colosseo EAS is constantly innovating a strong and reliable tool which easily experience
and enabling new possibilities in handles the distribution of content
game presentation and monetising to every screen and any other end One of the main challenges of
of advertisements. The Single devices in the venue, including mobile/ sports entertainment is to ‘crowd’
Media Platform (SMP) is Colosseo’s cell phones, tablets and wearable a venue in the shortest time, at the
constantly evolving flagship product personal devices. best price. Without full venues it is
and the power source behind the complicated to persuade investment
When it comes to content, the Colosseo in sports properties. Euroleague
revolution in multimedia solutions. SMP is a truly revolutionary solution knows this, and since 2014 is counting
The SMP is currently the world’s only for game presentation and overall on Mobile Media Content and
fully integrated platform capable of infotainment before, during and Ticketing3D to support its ticketing
controlling and processing the complete after the game. The operators have innovation process.
distribution of all multimedia data inside completely synchronised control at
their fingertips. Camera switching, Ticketing Online, the first fan
a venue. Let’s take a closer look at the
effect lights, multi-cam replays, stats, experience: Ticketing3D features
benefits. Modern venues are filled with
custom graphics, etc, are all controlled a unique HD-3D model of the
a multitude of various screens, such
by the SMP. The SMP also provides Barclaycard Centre (Madrid), the
as centre-hung video boards, ribbon
automated reporting for advertising host venue for the Euroleague Final
boards, perimeter boards, IPTV, TV and
partners and distributes real-time Four 2015. This model delivers a
outside plaza boards. Aside from this,
content, like player tracking, statistics top buying experience allowing fans
there are numerous outputs during live
and multi-camera instant replay to IPTV to compare different individual seat
games, such as cameras, statistics,
and personal devices. sights and prices.
lights, audio, video, etc. Running all of
these multimedia sources during a game Quality Ticketing Software:
The benefits of Colosseo’s SMP are
is challenging and venues still using Ticketing3D fits with any kind of sales-
unrivalled and truly revolutionary.
a number of subsystems to control ticketing platform, including solutions
It enables sports venues to operate
the various screens are expending such as crowd-pricing analytics,
at a new level of efficiency, optimise
an unnecessary amount of time and relocation or design rectifications,
their monetising of advertisements
resources while operating at a less than customer retention and conversion
and provides fans with a significantly
optimal level. more interactive live game experience.
Imagine a platform which is able to A new era of infotainement and venue
process every one of these inputs and technology performance has begun
simultaneously distribute them. The and Colosseo is leading the way!




LG: Digital Signage FEATURE

Manchester City FC wanted to TOP SIX
deliver an enhanced experience INNOVATIONS
and heightened level of
engagement for fans on match
days through new digital signage
platforms around the stadium. As
Manchester City’s official digital
display partner, LG Electronics
was tasked to deliver the
innovative signage solution.
In order to engage all 60,000
spectators, the design needed to
take into account a large scale
stadium expansion project in the
South Stand, high ambient lighting
due to the sun passing directly
overhead during the course of the
day and the viewing angles of all Rapid Retail: Innovations for a better fan
three tiers of seating. experience, greater footfall, improved
The result is two bespoke designed safety and increased revenue
97.5m² LED displays on the Top sports arena
North side of the stadium and an operators think more www.rapidretail.co.uk
innovative mid-tier asymmetrical creatively in terms of
LED ribbon around the centre. engaging with fans
while safeguarding and
Featuring a 16mm pixel pitch and
developing revenue
8,000 NIT brightness, the two
streams. Yet this approach
flagship screens are the largest
needs to promulgate
in any club football ground in
further: arena managers
Europe and effectively deliver
at all levels need to learn
club messaging, partner content
from other industries.
and real-time data, such as
social media integration and live Take the traditional club
match statistics. shop: more often than
not, although it is open
The asymmetric ribbon is
all week, the number of
approximately 466mm long and
customers using the shop on non-match days is minimal, yet bills for light, heat
is the first of its kind in Europe
and wages still need to be covered. Rapid Retail encourage managers to think:
on a mid-tier LED system. The
“This is dead space most of the time, what else can I do with it?” The next step is
asymmetric design is ideal for a
to convert that former retail space into an area that is more useful: sports bar,
multiple of axis viewing angles,
snack or food outlet, so that fans are encouraged into the ground, even when there
whilst ensuring that colour
is nothing happening on the pitch. In turn, this helps them to feel more respected
reproduction and intricate design
as customers, it encourages more family involvement, and the club can bring in
details, desired by brands, are
extra revenue.
displayed accurately.
So, what about sales from the all-important merchandise? This area is vital, with
many football clubs earning a third or more of their income from commercial
agreements. So, simply move the merchandise to other areas of the stadium, where
fans can browse the goods in smart, purpose-built shops or kiosks, away from
queues for tickets and refreshments. Taking a leaf out of Manchester City FC’s book,
you could even place a retail unit outside the ground, removing bottlenecks and
overcoming potential safety issues.
As a supplier and service provider, Rapid Retail learns from other industry sectors,
and that knowledge and desire to improve is passed onto our own customers, which
is how the fans should be treated too.

rates. It is a flexible tool allowing new plans or as a completely new station.

configurations in a reduced time. It includes tracking metrics so
Sponsorship Upgrading: The 3D model sponsors will know exactly how brands
represents a new channel of sponsorship are exposed.
activation working as a new full virtual The Euroleague stands out as the first
stadium for advertising. It can be offered sports governing organisation using this
as an added value for sponsorship advanced technology.


Ungerboeck: Venue & Event Management Software

Ungerboeck Software International
(USI) is the world leader in end-to-
end venue and event management
software for associations,
conferences, universities, stadia,
arenas etc. For most organisations,
USI delivers the capabilities of three
to five separate software packages
at a fraction of the cost, including
room scheduling and conference
registration, CRM, booth sales,
booking, CAD floor plans, budgeting,
event management, operations,
financials and more.
Available in six languages, www.ungerboeck.com
Ungerboeck's software drives
increased revenue and decreases
costs for over 40,000 event professionals in 50 countries. The company supports its worldwide client base from its
headquarters in St Louis, Missouri, USA and regional offices in Germany; United Kingdom; France; Australia; China; and Hong Kong.

Ungerboeck’s Top 6 innovations and strategies to manage venues

more efficiently and maximiSe revenue:
#1 INVEST IN PURPOSE-BUILT EVENT SOFTWARE: Get ROI with scalable, best-in-class CRM and booking and event software that
can manage the end-to-end sales to invoice process rather than just ‘making do’ with a generic software.
#2 THINK SPECIAL EVENTS: Think beyond match days and include traditional/non-traditional events in your portfolio to
maximise your venue’s utilisation.
#3 OFFER FULL FLEXIBILITY: Make sure your spaces and equipment are flexible enough for different kinds of event types and
formats at short notice to attract non-traditional/special and short lead business.
#4 ‘WOW FACTOR’ ATTENDEE EXPERIENCE: From high density Wi-Fi to mobile attendee apps, there is a vast playing field of
ways to improve and extend attendee experience before, during and after the event.
#5 GO MOBILE: Make yourself available for booking enquiries outside standard office times thanks to online, mobile technology.
#6 BE VISIBLE ON THE WEB: Show your presence in the online world with a great, engaging website, and be active on social
media, blogs or any other important industry platforms to increase your venue’s visibility.

Star Events: Event Structures

Star Events Ltd offers the widest range
of temporary structures for sporting,
commercial and entertainment events.
Whether you’re looking for a small standard
structure or a fully bespoke offering, their
team can provide the tools for success.
Any venue with a roof (fixed or retractable)
can install an Active Roof Technology™
system from Star Events. Usually coupled to
a lightweight steel rigging grid, these systems
provide the following benefits:
X Much faster turnarounds between events
X No impact on conventional sports modes
X Elimination of roof overloads by riggers
X Avoidance of damage to corrosion and fire
protection coatings by riggers
X Massive reduction in the need for staff to
work at height www.stareventsltd.com
Verification of all suspended loads in
real-time; essential for legal compliance in an increasing number of territories
With very low maintenance and easy training of venue staff as operators, return on investment is assured. In many cases
additional events can be squeezed into busy schedules. Further information is available on request.
Gravity works everywhere and so does Star Events!



The Soccerex Asian Forum, which is being held in Jordan this May, will focus on
major event hosting and infrastructural development across the continent.
ootball’s presence across Asia and Committee for Delivery and Legacy and address this potential by looking, in
F the Middle East has never been
greater. The game’s rapid expansion
Kushal Das, General Secretary of the All
India Football Federation, instrumental
detail, at the requirements involved in
developing and establishing new leagues
has snowballed in recent times with figures in the development of football in with a panel discussing: ‘Founding,
the continent set to host some of the Asia. HRH Prince Ali Bin Al Hussein, FIFA developing and establishing a league’.
game’s most prestigious tournaments Presidential candidate and President of A wide variety of exhibitors and
over the next seven years. The Asian Jordan FA, will also be in attendance delegates will be in attendance, creating
game is experiencing unprecedented with the event taking place only weeks a thriving environment in which to
infrastructural development, as the before the FIFA presidential elections. promote your business and expand your
continent prepares to build the next The stadia industry is constantly network of industry contacts, with over
generation of football stadia with six evolving and this year’s agenda 300 senior decision makers.
tournaments already confirmed in will focus on the industry’s newest
the region and twenty Asian-based With the 2020 Tokyo Olympics also
developments, with panels addressing approaching, the region is bracing
tournaments to be awarded over the stadia and infrastructure’s impact
next six years. itself for an extensive period of stadia
on match day experience and fan construction and development, and
Given the enormous business potential engagement, as well as the introduction the Soccerex Asian Forum 2015 is the
of the Asian football market, Soccerex of stadia Wi-Fi. The conference will must-attend event for those in the
are delighted to announce that the 2015 also include presentations from industry looking to benefit. With a mix
edition of their Asian Forum will be senior delegations from the Supreme of tournament hosts and infrastructure
returning to the banks of The Dead Sea, Committee for Delivery and Legacy, the experts set to attend, the Forum
Jordan, 3-5 May, taking place at the King 2017 U-17 FIFA World Cup in India and promises to be a fantastic opportunity
Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre. Jordan’s U-17 FIFA Women’s World Cup to learn, network and do business with
in 2016, headed up by the tournament’s the game’s leading figures. Q
Industry Elite LOC CEO, Samar Nassar.
The Forum brings together the
Founding, Developing & For more information on exhibiting,
industry’s elite, with government
Establishing a League registering as a delegate or how to
figures, LOC chiefs and tournament
align your brand with the football
officials, networking alongside senior The rise of the Indian and Chinese Super
industry, please call the Soccerex
figures such as Nasser Al Khater, Leagues, as well as Australia’s A-League
Team on: +44 (0)208 987 5522 or
Executive Director for Marketing and will offer huge commercial potential
email: [email protected]
Communications for the Supreme in these markets. The conference will


Martin Murphy Martin Girvan

ROUNDTABLE Steven Fleming Erin Morrow

In this special roundtable-style feature, we gain valuable

insights from industry experts on the key challenges for
designers, operators and technology suppliers when it
comes to sports venue safety and security.
he industry experts providing their insights are, Martin Murphy, Stadium Director, AVIVA Stadium, Dublin, Ireland;
T Martin Girvan, Inspector, Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA); Steven Fleming, Manager – Sports Event Security,
International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) and Erin Morrow), Product Director, MassMotion.

Sports venues are increasingly Many security challenges now differently and their decision-making will
looking to generate revenue from face major event organisers. be different? Fire engineers are going to
non-sporting events. What are the The sport safety and security want to insist on seeing proof that your
challenges and how can spectators industry is growing rapidly in building layout is suitable for different
be assured of an enjoyable and size, scale and complexity. One essential purposes, and commercial managers
safe experience? area to get right for any major event are going to want to see that the event
is the need for good communication will work in practical and financial
The main asset of any and timely information to be shared terms. When you have the ability to
stadium is the playing with the public. No matter how big the query an existing computer model and
surface. Protecting the pitch event, public awareness campaigns explore multiple different scenarios in a
whilst balancing the need for at a local and national level about single day, then verifying the stadium’s
additional revenue opportunities is one ticketing, transport, as well as other suitability for other events becomes
of the biggest challenges for stadia. It information, like prohibited items, almost routine.
is important that suitable facilities are can significantly enhance the overall
available for non-sporting events. They spectator experience. As well as this, How can stadiums be designed
must be as good as facilities of good communication and developing to meet the current all-seated
competing non-sporting venues. an integrated, coordinated approach requirement for soccer, whilst
between all event stakeholders can recognising that some spectators may
Most sports grounds have a ensure a positive experience as soon as be compromising their own safety
short window of opportunity people leave their front door. by choosing to stand, especially in
where it is possible to upper tiers?
host non-sporting events; Over the next few years, I expect
off season is often too short or at technology to play a vital role in sport Safety must be the No. 1
times when outdoor events are not and significantly enhance the overall priority for all venues. Upper
attractive. One of the considerations is experience of spectators, as well as the tiers are not designed for
whether the field of play is being used way security professionals interact with standing and the stewards
for performances or audiences, and fans. One of the main challenges in this must prevent it.
how to protect the ground and/or allow area will be for venues to ‘design in’ not It is important to recognise
for pitch re-growing time. just current but also anticipating future that each country has its own
technological developments. With legislation that will impact on
The demographic of the audience technology usually having a lifespan of
may also be different to the usual the design. It’s also necessary
around three years, this will be difficult to consider the requirements of the
crowd. Concerts may attract a much but essential for major events and
younger or older audience and if the sport’s governing body.
venues to stay ahead of the curve and
pitch is being used for audiences, the identify new and potential threats to As we have seen recently
capacity of the ground will increase their event. with many football clubs in
and the movement of the crowd will the UK and Germany, there
be different to that in seated stadia. In a sports or concert is a growing movement in
Developing specific safety plans for stadium, you will probably sport that standing areas can actually
these events is essential to ensure the have planned for crowds enhance the spectator experience.
safety and enjoyment of spectators. arriving for a game all at However, venues should assess whether
The SGSA is publishing specific once and only circulating at half time; standing areas per se were ever the real
guidance for alternative uses of sports but what about using other areas for issue – or whether it was the design and
grounds, available in April. an exhibition where people will behave operations around it. With this in mind, I


expect that many fans and professional I think one of the main
football clubs, particularly in some benefits of fan consultation safety and
European countries, will continue to around stadium design security
encourage and integrate safe-standing and overall management
areas into sports venues over the next is giving your core audience a sense
few years. As a result, I think we will of ownership of your venue. As well, As we have seen in the lead up to some
see a gradual relaxation of the current by involving fans in the decision- events recently, security preparations
all-seater requirements for new stadia. making process, venue operators have the potential to become the main
and managers can understand what focus rather than the sport itself. This
For venues looking to deal with the
the expectations are of those that should not be the case and, if it does,
issue of standing spectators however,
actually attend the venue. In Germany, this could even impact on ticket sales
I think this has as much to do with
for example, clubs must now appoint as well as the overall success of the
fans being allowed to stand, as well as
a full-time fan coordinator. Since event. Whilst it is impossible to 100%
them choosing to. In my view, better
2006, they have had a fan concept guarantee the safety of an event,
training and education, as well the right
in place based upon 4 key pillars: fan through early planning, continuous risk
security design, would equip security
embassies, fan websites, fan guide assessments and including security at
and major event staff with the right
and FARE programmes. This role is an earlier stage of the event life cycle,
skills and environment to appropriately
an essential one for many venues in organisers can create an environment
and professionally challenge standing
Germany, as this provides a mediator
fans. I also think that by hiring the right where those attending feel safe and
between fans and clubs, particularly
people and distributing the information secure without feeling intimidated
when it comes to match-day
throughout the stadia will help or violated.
operations and handling safety and
educate fans as to the risks they take
security at the stadium. Safety is always going to be
when standing.
the overriding concern of
Balancing design and safety – how engineering designers – as
What are the benefits of consulting
can stadiums be designed to ensure indeed it should be – but it
with fan/spectator groups
safety, security and comfort for is now possible to test the new ideas
when designing and managing
all spectators? for maximising revenues and verify
sports grounds?
that they do not compromise safety.
Safety must be the first
All stakeholders should be With MassMotion you can try out
priority of any venue. Safety
consulted when designing different events on screen; maybe see
standards are well
a stadium. Venues should if it is feasible to have extra shops and
established in guidance
consult and be seen to food outlets without compromising
documents such as the “Green Guide”
consult with all of the main user spectator comfort or safety. Mistakes
in the UK, as well as FIFA and UEFA
groups. It is part of fan engagement, and misjudgements are a lot easier to
technical guidelines on Stadia.
creates good communications rectify at the design phase, than later
networks and greater involvement of We recognise that there on in the project. Sometimes a wider
the supporters. Spectator groups can is a connection between aisle or moving the pay gates can be
also offer good advice on aspects of the safety, security and the difference between an idea working
design and what is important to them. customer service. Enhancing safely and visitors having a positive
the customer experience at sports experience or not!
The benefits of engaging
grounds, making the concourses
with supporter groups are
more welcoming, providing better Please discuss concourse circulation
significant, whether at the
facilities, nicer toilets, a variety of and the impact of vendor operations.
design phase or as part
catering, painting the walls and adding
of the ongoing management of the
family areas can encourage positive Concourses and
ground. The SGSA believes spectators
behaviour, which improves safety circulation space can
have a role to play and offer a unique
and security. be challenging. Vendor
insight into how safety messages are
operations must be positioned
responded to. Encouraging people to stay longer at
so that the kiosk or outlet and
venues brings safety benefits, reduces
Following entry issues at the associated queues do not interfere with
the pressure on transport networks
Liverpool v Everton derby in early the venue’s escape routes.
and brings an increase in secondary
2014, the Council’s Ground Safety
spending on catering and merchandise. When it comes to crowd
Advisory Group (GSAG) produced
recommendations for future derby This can be done through management, it is important
fixtures. Representatives from both a number of ways. Firstly, to factor in crowd flow in two
team’s supporter groups were involved appointing the security main areas: inside the stadium
and the GSAG developed a framework consultant at the start of and within the stadium ‘perimeter’.
for how to work together to enhance the design process can ensure that For example, facilities on a stadium
the supporter experience for future security is designed in from the very concourse can vary greatly compared
derby games. A fan engagement start and avoid any additional costs to those situated outside around
strategy was then implement at the later on. All too often, this does not the stadium perimeter, representing
next derby fixture and resulted in happen. It is also important to have a different challenges when it comes to
supporters responding to the pre- balance between safety and design, venue safety. For concourse safety and
match communication by changing as security plays an important role in crowd flow, it is important for events to
their behaviour and enjoying a better ensuring comfort and peace of mind try and design-in vendor operations to
match experience than previously. for anyone involved at an event. minimise safety risks like bottlenecking.


Of course it does – footfall What are your thoughts on the design How important is security
and sightlines are hugely impact of pedestrian modelling for checkpoint processing?
important in drawing in new and renovations of stadia?
customers. But, with accurate Unfortunately it is now a
pedestrian simulation, you can prove Spectator modelling is feature of major events that
it and monetise it. Prime sites can be an essential element in they have become potential
priced accordingly, or layouts adjusted understanding crowd targets. Spectators generally
to avoid dormant space. I see crowd dynamics and calculating the understand the need for high security
analysis as an essential tool for the long- safe access and egress of spectators and can take comfort from the presence
term and profitable management of a particularly in an evacuation situation. of security at major events.
stadium, not just at the design stage. 3D There are a number of key
modelling and great visualisation makes We’ve worked with
engineering teams that are principles to remember
the information easy for non-technical when it comes to security
people to understand and can give using MassMotion for use
on both new build projects checkpoint processing,
confidence in new ideas. including: earlier ticket checking to limit
and where stadium owners have
wanted to upgrade existing facilities. non-ticket holders trying to access
In one case, clients wanted to develop stadia; thorough training of staff and
MassMotion is the leading 3D pedestrian the land surrounding the stadium. clear communications with the public;
modelling tool that simulates spectator Using MassMotion, it was a fairly customer-service approach to security;
flow in the design phase to ensure straightforward job to model how checkpoint design and organisation;
stadiums are efficiently designed crowds could still exit safely in an need to accommodate diverse
for maximum safety, security and emergency, allowing them to move audience at screening checkpoints; and
comfort. By putting intelligent agents ahead with the transformation of anticipating crowd flow and pressure.
into computer models that harness empty, economically-dormant space As well as this, I expect the technology
the massive computing power we all into a vibrant commercial area used at security checkpoints will become
now enjoy at our desktops, Oasys increasingly sophisticated in the future.
MassMotion brings modelling into every
stage of design and ongoing operational
management of a stadium.
Credit: Oasys MassMotion


safety and

Whilst I don’t think this will be obvious

to fans, I expect technology such as
wearable items like Google glasses and
micro-cameras to become standard use
by safety and security staff.
Optimising processes is a
critical part of design. Rules of
thumb will get you part of the
way but simulation enables
designers to test layout options and
sensitivities such as chow up profiles
and processing times. Pedestrian
simulation coupled with discreet event
process simulation enables designers
to identify the best number and best
locations for security and pay gates.
MassMotion is unique in its ability to
model both in the same 3D environment.
The outcome is the right balance
between the expense of installing and
staffing extra barriers and the safety
Aviva Stadium and enjoyment of stadium visitors.

What is the importance of site access

and egress especially with regard to
transit interfaces?

It is important to ensure
that transit interfaces are
minimised, that segregated
routes are available
and that crowd contra flows are
eliminated. Directional signage is an
important element.
When it comes to egress
and transit, post-event
communication and well-
coordinated integrated travel
options are essential to the overall
experience and success of an event or
venue. Satisfying the increased demand
around an event by, for example, having
more train carriages on routes around
the venue, complemented by more
frequent buses, is one way to improve
safety of travelling fans and reduce the
risk of crushing or overcrowding.
There are some exciting
developments in transport
hubs around the world at the
moment, as cities gear up for
massively increased passenger flows;
and we can borrow from what their
designers are learning. Transit interfaces
are an integral part of the design, not
a bolt-on. Pedestrian modelling does
not stop at the gate: crowds come
from somewhere and they have to go
to somewhere. In Toronto, for instance,
we’ve been modelling the entire central
business district surrounding the central


rail station. This area also happens to

include two major league stadiums and Video Surveillance
the model has been used to understand Large-scale events at stadiums are
the interaction between the venues and a major challenge for any organiser.
transit for the entire district. One of the main issues regarding the
planning and execution of such events
Are the any particular trends you
is to ensure the safety of visitors at all
see developing in sport safety and
times. Video surveillance technology Roland Meier
major event security?
is an indispensable toll to this end,
Whilst drones are a and the multifocal sensor technology scene. Furthermore, with mutlifocal
particular trend at the Panomera® from Dallmeier is being sensor technology, the aspect ratio
moment, I think the threat chosen as the best solution in many can be adapted individually: it is not
these devices pose will be stadiums around the world. We talked bound to fixed formats such as 16:9
minimised as the year goes on and as to Roland Meier, Head of Panomera® or 4:3. Formats such as 11:5, 4:4 or
security companies develop technology Multifocal Sensor Systems at Dallmeier, 8:1 are also possible. This is one of the
to neutralise them. Cyber-attacks, to find out more. features that enables Panomera® to
however, I think will pose a greater be adapted perfectly to any operational
threat to sports stadia and major Roland, how is the response in the area, so that it is suitable for large
events, particular with the growth in market to MFS technology? stadiums as well as smaller ones.
mobile devices and digital media now Another advantage is that multiple
being used in sport. As we have seen The response in the market Panomera® cameras can be cascaded
recently, sport – particularly football – to multifocal sensor (up to 360°) and combined to deliver
is becoming more ‘tribal’ so venues and technology is extremely a single image. For the operator, this
clubs need to be aware of the threat positive, as it addresses image always behaves as if it were
that new extreme fan groups could definite needs. Contrary to single- captured by a single camera.
pose. This will come into focus over the sensor cameras, several lenses with
next few years, particularly as more different focal lengths are used. This Are you working closely with the
countries open up to hosting more patented technology makes it possible football clubs and associations?
major events and different cultures. to monitor large areas and distances
comprehensively, and to do so in real- We’re working closely with
time with uniform image resolution various football clubs and
How will technology affect major international cooperative
event safety and venue security and consistent focal depth. Functions
like zooming and panning are fully associations to better
staff over the next decade? address the specific needs of stadium
available even for past events since the
whole picture is constantly recorded security. For instance, we’re a member
I think we can expect
in highest resolution (“permanent and of ESSMA (European Stadium & Safety
to see huge changes in
overall”), which allows clear views of Management Association), and I
security technology that
who committed a specific action, e.g. recently attended the UEFA-EU safety
will revolutionise sport
who lit a bengal firework. The stadiums and security conference. This is an
event staff roles over the next few
no longer have to penalise entire groups, annual meeting for representatives
years, resulting in a new industry
rather punishments can be meted out to of European police and governmental
challenge: the widening gap between
the responsible individuals. agencies, UEFA’s security officers,
staff knowledge and skills, and the
national football associations and clubs
levels required to effectively use this
Can you give us some more details on taking part in the UEFA Champions
new technology.
this patented sensor technology? League and UEFA Europe League group
Due to the realities of sport event stages, as well as National Football
scheduling, at the moment the Each sensor defines its own Information Points and stadium
majority of security staff that keep us contrast, white balance, owners. I presented our multifocal
safe are usually employed on a part- exposure, sharpness and sensor technology and there was a
time, sometimes zero hours basis. focus. This enables the system huge interest. A lot of national football
Unsteady hours and challenging wages to deliver a considerably more effective associations are approaching us now
result in high staff turnover rates, dynamic response, and the highest and our list of stadium references
resulting in skill shortages and little possible image quality for the entire around the world is growing steadily.
knowledge transfer between events.
Compounding this, there is growing
reliance upon volunteers – who are
often older – to support safety and
security functions.
Whilst the rapid and continuous
growth of the technology will
ultimately benefit sport and safety and
security at venues, it is important that
major event professionals recognise
their responsibility to provide ongoing
training and education of the end-
user to use the new resources and
technology at their disposal.


About Dallmeier safety and
Dallmeier has at its disposal more than market with new developments and roundtable
30 years of experience in transmission, extraordinary innovations. The world’s
recording as well as picture processing first DVR for example, which introduced
technology and is an outstanding digital recording to the entire CCTV
For further information, go to:
pioneer of CCTV/IP solutions worldwide. industry, came from Dallmeier. The
www.dallmeier.com or
This profound knowledge is used in the multifocal sensor system Panomera® www.panomera.com
development of intelligent software will have a similarly ground-breaking
and high quality recorder and camera effect. This
technologies enabling Dallmeier to not unique and
only offer stand-alone systems, but novel camera
complete network solutions up to large- technology will
scale projects with perfectly integrated revolutionise
components. Right from the beginning the market
the company always focused on own and open up
innovative developments and highest completely new
quality and reliability. Dallmeier is possibilities to
the only manufacturer in Germany the video security
that develops and manufactures all
industry. This
components on its own. This includes
and the extensive
the entire product range, from cameras
experience in
to picture storage and transmission
the CCTV and IP
to intelligent video analysis and even
field have led to
individually adjusted management
a top position in
systems. Quality made by Dallmeier,
the international
made in Germany!
market for digital
Over the years, Dallmeier has video surveillance
repeatedly given fresh impetus to the systems. Q

BLACKLIST SUPPORT WITH LIVE FACE-SEARCH #1 in Facial Recognition Turnstiles
with several large scale installations for
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TAURON Arena, Kraków

Turnstiles featuring:

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Juraj Marton, Colosseo's Product & Marketing Manager, outlines their

multimedia & security solutions for sports venues, which assist in the
creation of a safe and secure environment.
olosseo EAS is a global leader in assistance of CCTV and our Face-Maps to relax and enjoy the live action.
C multimedia and security solutions
for sports venues, and considers venue
feature, which assigns a face to every
individual seat based on the ticket.
This is an effective approach that
eliminates anonymity without being
security to be one of the pillars of our In this way, problematic persons are overly invasive.
product portfolio. easily recognised and complications
easily avoided. The Colosseo Biometric Face Recognition
Let’s take a closer look at how Colosseo System is a One-Step technology that
ensures a safer environment inside Once an individual is on the watch list, completes its tasks immediately upon
sports venues. The first and most their movements inside the venue can entry. The system is also equipped to
important aspect is prevention, which also be tracked with our Face-Search- oversee accredited entry for employees
is the core strategy of our Biometric Live feature, which uses live video to and VIPs, which is another critical
Face Recognition System. The Colosseo find the person of interest. The security component of ensuring overall venue
system is able to identify and process team can then be automatically updated safety and enhancing the fan experience.
a face in 0.5 seconds, which means with any necessary information. It has proven to be the most efficient
blacklisted persons are immediately solution available and is invaluable,
turned away. Creating a Safe & especially in situations where it is
The Colosseo Biometric Face Recognition Secure Sports Venue important to avoid forming excessively
System can also assist in compiling The benefits of providing a safe and long lines and overly rigorous security
databases. For example, in the event secure environment for fans are checks, which are uncomfortable and
that individuals who are not blacklisted endless. The presence of the system unnecessary. The ability to provide a
cause trouble inside the venue, they automatically discourages potential safe atmosphere is critical to a sports
can be added to a ‘watch list’. These vandalism and unacceptable behaviour, venue’s success and Colosseo has every
individuals are then monitored with the while giving fans the peace of mind angle covered! Q

The latest generation of Colosseo’s

Biometric Facial Recognition turnstiles
installed at TAURON Arena in Krakow.


Julien Piwowar, President of PACIFA decision explains how their innovation
solutions are aiding facility managers both with safety & security management
and ticketing/marketing applications.

PACIFA Manager
is a standalone 3D
platform built to
manage the main
steps of an event;
from pre-event
planning to post-event
analysis and reporting.

ACIFA decision is a European PACIFA Manager exact counting at any turnstile, all with
P company that creates and develops
innovative tools to improve the daily
Jacques Fillols, Head of Security at a 5-second refresh. This allows the
safety manager to make a quick and
Stade de Reims, said of PACIFA Manager:
work of venue managers. The firm has “Regarding the flow of supporters: educated decision by providing clear
patented software in safety and security [whether for] 10,000, 15,000 or details of the situation and simplifying
management, with six-years of know- 20,000, we know where to put the communication channels.
how in developing 3D technologies to additional staff and it’s an extremely The Head of Security for the French
help stadium managers, both in security important tool for us.” Football Team used PACIFA’s connected
and ticketing/marketing applications.
PACIFA decision has worked with software a few years ago and he
In terms of how our software is numerous European Football Clubs believes that “thanks to these type
assisting venue managers with their with this tool and achieved incredible of tools, managing and operating a
safety and security management, let’s cost-savings on staff expenditures. stadium effectively has never been
first look at: How is it possible to quickly This sentiment is echoed by the Head so easy”. He highly approves of
and efficiently manage your staffing of Security at Valenciennes, who has the software, as he commented in
needs, and how to know exactly if witnessed a significant reduction in national newspaper L'Equipe in 2012:
you need 232, 250 or 267 people to operational costs, as he explained: “Managing the dynamic of movement
correctly host your venue’s next event? “Using the PACIFA decision software is a fundamental element of security
solutions has allowed me to reduce my in a stadium. This type of innovation
To answer this problematic question,
operating costs by 15-20% per event. allows the hosting of spectators in a
PACIFA decision has developed two
It’s very effective.” safer way.”
connected tools. The first being PACIFA
Manager, which is a standalone 3D Key to PACIFA decision’s success is
platform built to manage the main steps PACIFA Mobile that all of their products can be all
of an event; from pre-event planning During events, a venues Head of Security linked, as company President, Julien
to post-event analysis and reporting. can use the PACIFA Mobile software to Piwowar summarised: “Venues can
This software simulates the expected follow the crowds entrance progress have a dynamic 3D application to
crowd numbers according to the back in real-time and re-allocate the correct efficiently manage crowds, staff and
office ticketing sales for each event and number of staff to the right locations gate entrances, all interacting with their
the number of staff needed to control to ensure the best safety and security CCTV system. They can also use our 3D
the crowds’ entrance (including bag measurements. The software uses Wi- applications to sell tickets online with
inspections and body searches). With Fi technology to provide the user with a unique seat-by-seat choice, which
all of this data, our specific algorithm live information directly to their tablet. is linked to their business seats and
allows you to optimise your exact The safety manager can also track their hospitalities areas with a high-quality of
staffing needs for each event, right staff’s movements in real-time, view experience on every device, such as web
down to the exact number required. live CCTV video streams or know the browsers or IOS solutions.” Q

102 safety and security pacifa decision


Preformed Markings
NOT JUST security

Ltd recently completed

non-slip steps at
Charlton Athletic
FC’s stadium. IN THE PAN
he closed season of 2014 saw
T Preformed Markings Ltd working
flat out to complete the treatment
of non-slip steps at Charlton
Athletic FC, in time for the start of
the new season. Every step in the
stands of the stadium were treated
with Plastiroute Step Safe® and
Premark® Anti-Skid to provide safe
ingress and egress from the ground
via all of the stairways. The project
formed part of a multi-million pound
facelift for the ground, affectionately
named “The Valley”, due to its
location, and provided a much needed
boost to the players and supporters.
“All interventions have to be justified
and offer solutions,” said facilities
manager, Andy Curtiss. “The
treatment of the steps has improved
the look of the ground dramatically,
and is regularly commented on by
visitors and visiting club officials.”

The ground had not had the benefit

of large scale investment for some
time, and although the majority
of the funding was invested in the
playing surface, the remedial works
to the common areas has made a
significant difference.
Preformed Markings held a seminar
at the ground in November, with
many attendees from football and
other sporting arenas in attendance,
which has led to a number of new
projects being considered for the
2015 closed season.
Jerry Peachment, Manager for
Stadium Development at Preformed
Markings Ltd said: “We have
received many enquiries and we are
working closely with many sports
venues on health & safety solutions,
spectator information systems and
refurbishment projects.
“The installation at Charlton has For further information on Preformed
been a huge stepping stone for Markings Ltd, Tel: 01932 359270,
the company, and suggests a email: info@preformedmarkings.
growing interest in the practical co.uk or visit the website at:
solutions being offered by our www.preformedmarkings.co.uk
Surrey-based company.” Q


Delegates learned how SGL Arena

is remarkable because it makes
good use of groundwater, which is
pumped up from around the stadium
and used for heat production. And
how the roof is also very important
for power supply with its integrated
photovoltaic system.


The first ESSMA Summit

was held in Germany’s
Allianz Arena back in
January, with over 200
members representing
25 countries in attendance.
The Summit was officially opened in the Allianz Arena with a welcome speech by John
he first ESSMA Summit was
T organised by the Association in
cooperation with event partners ECA,
Beattie, ESSMA President.

EPFL and ICSS. The two-day Summit took

place January 27-28 at Munich’s Allianz The Summit officially opened in the challenge every day: with around
Arena. More than 200 participants from Allianz Arena with a welcome speech 45 games taking place at the venue
over 25 different countries were present by Mr John Beattie, ESSMA President, every season; on top of approximately
to experience stadium tours, keynote who was delighted to see such a huge 420,000 visitors taking part in guided
speakers, nine different workshops and attendance. Next up were the different tours. Mr Muth advised that, in total,
intensive networking. Summit stakeholders: Mr Michele some 1,320 events took place at Allianz
Centenaro, General Secretary at ECA; Arena during the 2013/14 season.
On Day 1, the Summit commenced
Mr Alberto Colombo, Head of Marketing,
with an optional tour of Augsburg
FC’s 30,660-seater SGL Arena, which
Media & Communications at EPFL; and Stadiums and the
Mr Helmut Spahn, Director General at Fan Experience
opened in 2009. Delegates learned
the ICSS.
how this carbon-neutral sports venue Mr Paul Turner, Director of Event
is remarkable because it makes good The first keynote speaker of the Operations & Security at Dallas
use of groundwater, which is pumped afternoon and host of the event, Cowboys, gave an inspiring presentation
up from around the stadium and used Allianz Arena Managing Director, Mr about the 80,000-capacity AT&T
for heat production. And how the roof Jürgen Muth, shared the magnificent Stadium located in Arlington, Texas,
is also very important for power supply venue’s story. He explained how having USA, and which sports a retractable
with its integrated photovoltaic system. two clubs in one stadium means a roof. He explained how his department



ESSMA’s General Assembly took place

at the end of Day 1, with John Beattie
and Dimitri Huygen, ESSMA Managing
Director, outlining the Association’s
history, purpose and growth.

On Day 2, all participants had
Paul Turner, Director of Event Operations
the opportunity to choose three
& Security at Dallas Cowboys, gave
workshops from a total of nine; each
an inspiring presentation about the
covering different stadium-related
80,000-capacity AT&T Stadium.
topics. Amongst the speakers were
representatives from: Spartak Moscow,
Celtic Glasgow, Olympique de Marseille,
Rugby Football Union, Wembley Stadium,
is the watchdog for the overall guest Mr Kraus outlined how Allianz tries to KAA Ghent, Ferencvárosi Torna Club,
experience and that his job is to ensure play an important role in the total fan Bayer 04 Leverkusen and Valencia CF.
there is an infrastructure to consistently journey by bringing fans to the stadium, After this, visitors had the choice to take
deliver the best experience. During his letting them enter through a fast-track part in a technical stadium tour of Allianz
presentation, Mr Turner also shared his lane and by engaging volunteers to let Arena or to visit the FC Bayern Munich
vision on how technology can enhance the fans sense a positive experience. Training Ground (Säbener Straße).
the fan experience.
After a warm-hearted welcome,
Last but not least, the ESSMA General
The second part of the afternoon the Bayern Munich staff told
started with a session by Mr Oliver Assembly took place with Mr Beattie
attendees about the history of the
Kraus, Global Brand Manager at Allianz and Mr Dimitri Huygen, ESSMA Managing
training facilities, explaining how the
SE, who shared the company’s ‘Allianz Director, during which the Association’s headquarters opened in 2008, just
Stadium Family’ vision. He explained history, purpose and growth was fourteen months after construction
how Allianz Arena Munich, Allianz explained to the audience. The day was began. They went on to describe how
Stadium Sydney, Allianz Park London closed with a social evening, during the Säbener Strasse site offers Bayern’s
and Allianz Riviera Nice are just some which participants were able to witness teams – from Bundesliga seniors down
of the projects they are supporting. the real Allianz Arena experience. to the Under-8s – great training and
playing conditions; with the players able
to hone their skills on five grass pitches,
Participants had the opportunity to choose three workshops from a total
one of which is a Desso GrassMaster
of nine; each covering different stadium-related topics, on Day 2. Amongst
hybrid turf pitch. The staff went on to
the speakers were representatives from: Spartak Moscow, Celtic Glasgow,
explain how a big part of the training
Olympique de Marseille, Rugby Football Union, Wembley Stadium, KAA Ghent,
sessions are open to the public, to show
Ferencvárosi Torna Club, Bayer 04 Leverkusen and Valencia CF.
they are a family club, and even with
such a big fan base, they succeed in
staying close to their fans.
After a tour around the training ground,
representatives from each of Bayern
Munich’s head office departments
gathered to explain the daily organisation
of the club and to answer all questions
posed by the Summit delegation.
Speaking at the close of the Summit, Mr
Paul Turner, Director of Event Operations
& Security at Dallas Cowboys, said in
conclusion: “This was really amazing.
Over 200 people attending is a sign of
the credibility that ESSMA has, the value
that it brings to its members and other
people that are interested in stadium
management in Europe.” Q


2015 has seen the opening of the first Olympic legacy project to be completed in
the UK since the 2012 Games. The futuristic-looking Derby Arena – which is both
a velodrome and multipurpose arena – is clad in gold, silver and bronze, stamping
its Olympic credentials.
erby City Council marked the “We’re offering a brilliant opportunity and, just like its neighbour, the venue
D official opening of its iconic new
GBP£27.5m Derby Arena on March
to see the Arena in all its glory, try
first-hand what it has to offer and most
is hoping to secure a lucrative naming-
rights deal. The multi-use Arena includes
20, 2015, with a series of events to importantly, give the Arena’s visitors fitness and wellbeing facilities, as well as
‘unwrap’ the facility to the public and and Derby people the opportunity to a sports infield the size of 12 badminton
wider sports venue sector. help us shape the running and operating courts, which is surrounded by a national
Councillor Alison Martin, Cabinet Member of this fabulous venue.” standard 250m indoor cycling track.
for Leisure and Culture, commented The futuristic-looking 14,500m² The geometry of the cycle track, which
prior to the opening: “I’m truly excited to (156,000sqft) Derby Arena sits next is the centrepiece of the Arena, was
announce the opening date for the iconic, to Derby County FC’s iPro Stadium designed by a specialist track building
world-class, venue that is Derby Arena. (formerly known as Pride Park Stadium) company from Germany who also
The initial ‘unwrapping’ event promises
to be something quite special.

The 4,500m² (156,000ft²)

Derby Arena.


Derby Arena includes fitness and wellbeing FOCUS
facilities, as well as a sports infield the size
of 12 badminton courts, which is surrounded DERBY ARENA
by the ‘jewel in the crown’ that is a national
standard 250m indoor cycling track.

Derby Arena:
key construction
The futuristic-looking building
derby arena has a footprint of 14,500m² or
Project Statistics
The vast structure incorporates
Opened March 2015
1,700 tonnes of steel; that’s the
Location Derby, UK equivalent of 200 London buses
Construction cost GBP£28m
If the steel was to be laid out end-
Owner & Operator Derby City Council
to-end it would stretch the length
Architect FaulknerBrowns Architects of a marathon
Design team Mace Ltd
If all the wood for the track was
Civil, structural, mechanical & Arup
put end-to-toe it would reach
geotechnical engineering:
from Derby to Leicester
Transport, acoustics & fire Arup
consultancy X
265,000 nails were hand-driven
Contractor Bowmer & Kirkland into the 250m track over a six
Construction manager Scott Millington week construction period
The track has no finish as such
Amenities 7KHPñ VTIW $UHQDKRXVHVRQO\WKHÀIWK racing lines
The geometry of the track was
netball, wheelchair basketball, volleyball, martial arts, table building company from Germany
Planks of wood for the track
came from the Russian pine


sourced, fabricated and installed the

timber to create the track. Planks of Terraplas at Derby Arena
wood for the track which, laid end-
to-end, would stretch from Derby to
Leicester, came from the Russian pine
forests of Siberia.
265,000 nails were hand-driven into
the 250m track, over a six week
construction period. The track has no
finish as such other than the coloured
painted racing lines.

UK’s First Olympic

Legacy Project
Derby Arena is one of the UK’s first
Olympic legacy projects to be carried
out since London 2012. The Arena’s
indoor velodrome is one of only five in
the UK, joining the National Cycle Centre
Manchester, Wales National Velodrome
Terraplas supplied approximately 2,500m² of their terracover“V”® product and
(Newport, South Wales), London
accessories to the Derby Arena to protect their sprung wooden sports floor;
Olympic Velodrome and the Sir Chris
contributing extensively to the ability of this state-of-the-art facility to be fully
Hoy Velodrome, Glasgow.
The Arena marks the first phase
The terracover“V” system provides the Arena with the ability to drive forklifts
in Derby’s Leisure Strategy, which
over the floor during the fitting of additional seating, to erect structures on the
proposes the most exciting and
floor and for use during future maintenance, all without risking damage to their
significant leisure developments for the
sports hall playing surface.
city in the last 40 years. The Strategy
builds on the city’s sporting heritage, Robert Else, Chairman of Terraplas commented: “It is a great pleasure for
placing it firmly ‘on the map’, and Terraplas to work with this local high-profile venue. The initial week of Graduation
contributing to the local economy by events demonstrated how terracover“V” can be implemented by the Arena
helping to regenerate and redevelop to facilitate a plethora of alternative events, ensuring a continuous flow of
areas of the city. Central to the Strategy additional revenue.”
is the development of two iconic
sporting hubs, Derby Arena and Derby
Aquatics Centre. In the wake of the that will complement the iPro Stadium honour for us to be working on the
London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic and also function as a stand-alone first Olympic legacy project. As a
Games, the facilities will provide an facility. The sculptured form will be Derbyshire-based company it gives us
exciting and innovative legacy for Derby. very striking, exhibiting fluidity and a real sense of pride to work with the
movement to reflect the activities City Council to build this exciting Arena,
Sport England part-funded the Arena, taking place inside.” which will be available to everyone in
with a GBP£3m investment made the region.”
through its Iconic Facilities Olympic and He added: “Flexibility was the key to
Paralympic legacy fund, with the balance success for the Arena. We needed to
Award-winning Arena
being funded by Derby City Council. make the best use of the infield area
for recreational sport, competitions, The iconic Arena has already begun
The multipurpose venue will host a wide receiving plaudits too, one being the
events and concerts, whilst maximising
range of concerts, conferences, product ‘Brighter City of Derby’ award for Best
access to the velodrome to ensure
launches and cultural events, offering a New Build of 2014.
that we created a facility that appeals
5,000-capacity through a combination of
to international athletes and puts Described as “bold, striking and
seated and standing. In velodrome-mode,
Derby on the sports map. Our team ambitious”, the judges commented
the facility has fixed seating for 1,700.
has experience from London 2012, that the siting of this important sports
Manchester Commonwealth Games and and entertainment venue gives it a
Design Team the acclaimed Apeldoorn centre in the striking and imposing position next to
Derby City Council named Mace as the Netherlands, so we knew we could pull the city’s football stadium and makes
successful design team for Derby Arena it off for Derby.” an important statement about Derby’s
back in August 2011. The Mace bid offered sporting ambitions.
the Council excellent value for money Michael Hall, Partner and Architect at
FaulknerBrowns, added: “It’s been a Councillor Alison Martin, Cabinet Member
and was sympathetic to the need of the
great privilege to be involved in such a for Leisure and Culture, said: “Derby
city and of the Pride Park site. Mace had
special project. The innovative way in Arena is one of the most stunning sports
previously worked on the refurbishment
which track cycling and multipurpose venues in the country, clad in beautiful
of Derby’s Council House, as well as on
activities have been combined together Olympic colours. I’m absolutely delighted
the London 2012 velodrome.
is a world first.” that the Derby Civic Society has selected
Speaking before the official opening, Derby Arena for this prestigious award
Mace Project Director, David Grose, said: Bowmer & Kirkland Director, Robert recognising our ambitious plans to
“We have designed an iconic building Kirkland, commented: “It is a great deliver on the London 2012 Legacy.” Q

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Alan Shirley Ralf Köhler Cedric Montrezor Jim Griffiths
In this special roundtable, we
hear expert opinion on effective
audio solutions for stadiums..
ndustry experts: Alan Shirley, Bose; Ralf Köhler, d&b
I audiotechnik; Cedric Montrezor, L-Acoustics; and Jim
Griffiths, Vanguardia Consulting, provide their insights.

How can sports venues ensure

the most effective, quality audio
First and foremost, for an
effective stadium or arena
audio solution you must
demand speech intelligibility.
It doesn’t matter how loud or how much
low frequency your system provides
if the audience cannot understand the
words of the announcer. Advances
in both loudspeaker coverage and
intelligibility prediction with sound-
system design modelling software make
providing excellent speech quality in
every seat much easier and more cost
effective as compared to the techniques
of 10 years ago.
The key to good speech intelligibility
is reducing the average distance from
loudspeaker to listener. Generally, sound
levels decrease by 6 decibels (which is
perceived as a significant reduction) for
every doubling of distance, with high
frequencies attenuated even more. To
this end, we highly recommend using
distributed line-array loudspeaker
designs for venues in which building
structures allow rigging over seating
areas (as compared to scoreboard or
cross-field solutions).
first priority. The second is to consider and technical issues, such as weight
Getting the intention clear
material that enhances audience load limits on rigging points. At this point
right from the start is
participation at an event: what else modelling software, such as L-Acoustics
imperative. A performance
can be added? This is not just stings Soundvision, can be used to predict
audio system is a key
and walk out music; it could also which system is going to best meet their
strategic component to enhance visitor
benefit from clear communication operational requirements. Once the
experience in a stadium or arena,
and dialogue about what is happening, system has been chosen and is ready
for any kind of event. Let’s face it,
coupled with a constant stream of for install, the most important issue for
regardless of the occasion; be it sport,
exciting entertainment. the management team is getting their
or entertainment, the sofa is the most
The first thing that owners/ project done on time, on budget and
powerful and compelling competitor
managers need to do is to with the least amount of down time so
these venues have. Making the visitor
assess their venue’s event as not to interrupt revenue streams.
experience as engaging and pleasurable
as possible is crucial. Being able to hear style: what kind of music, From an acoustic consultant
and, more importantly, understand what advertising or announcing do they point of view there are
is really going on at an event can make a have at sporting events? What kind of many drivers for sound
huge difference to the whole experience. visiting artists come through? Once they systems that need to be
From an owner and management point have a clear idea of their audio needs, considered by stadia owners and
of view, having a clear understanding of they should sit down with their audio facility mangers. Whilst of course the
the information they need to transmit consultant to assess audience size, safety requirements of intelligibility
to their audience, with audio, is the venue geometry, zoning requirements are paramount, today’s audio systems



need to be designed for production and maintained to ensure consistent

music quality to enhance the audience results throughout its lifetime.
experience and atmosphere. The
Once the venue owner has
sound system is an integral part of
assessed the various types
fan engagement and links to the suite
of productions they will
of other technologies (video, Wi-Fi
need for their sporting event
interaction, etc.), now a requirement
(announcements, advertising, warm-
for stadium facilities. The Vanguardia
ups, inter-game entertainment), as
atmosphere wheel (see graphic on
well as the visiting events they expect
previous page) outlines the variables
to host (tours, special events), they
that need to be considered in a sound
should ask potential audio providers to
system design and the important
the following: 1. Lay out the technical
integration of the audio system with the
specifications: i.e. what are the SPL and
acoustics of the bowl is essential.
intelligibility requirements? 2. Specify
What are the main questions the advanced control and monitoring
a venue should ask a potential needs: how to make it easy to use so
audio provider? that the venue doesn’t need to hire
rocket scientists to run it, who will
I would first ask about
configure and test the system? 3.
the potential provider’s
Design the system: define the various
experience in designing Credit: Bose
audience zones, define different
similar projects and their
audience configurations and how to
track-record of delivering customer
address them, ensure that the system
satisfaction. Secondly, I would ask how on the client brief so that we can
has flexibility built-in and it is easy to
the system will be modelled to select prepare concept designs with a series
maintain. 4. Address rider-friendliness:
proper loudspeaker coverage and of options with associated benefits in
ensure that the system will not just be
predict intelligibility. Enquire how the terms of quality, functionality, flexibility
usable by visiting events and artists, but
installed system will be measured to and budget.
that it will also 'attract' those visiting
verify that the original design goals and
artists, thereby ensuring a steady
specifications are met. Lastly, ask about How easy is to retrofit an audio
stream of revenue for the venue.
exact warranty conditions and after- solution?
installation service support. How can sports venues ensure If the existing audio cable
Ask whatever questions it the most effective, quality audio infrastructure can be utilised
takes to be sure the provider solution? and the building structure
really understands what is Often Vanguardia’s role is has sufficient load ratings
expected of the system and client adviser/designer and for which loudspeakers need to be
can deliver on their promise. This is we are regularly asked ‘What suspended, then a retrofit of the audio
almost certainly more detailed than is the best sound system?’ system is relatively straightforward.
simply looking at levels and coverage Our answer is that it depends what the If either of these elements need to be
over the areas to be addressed; client wants and we start on the task updated, then the scope of the retrofit
there are many other infrastructure of developing a client brief. It is critical project may increase substantially.
considerations to make a system work to understand the client’s current and This very much depends on
effectively. Equally, the provider needs future operational requirements and the structure of the venue, for
to consider how the system will be run expectations. Our initial role is focused example, how easy or difficult
it is to suspend equipment
from roofs and install the required
Toyota Center Houston: the infrastructure. Primarily this is a budget
world’s first L-Acoustics K2 consideration; if there is nothing to
arena install. support loudspeakers positioned where
they are needed, the cost could be
prohibitive. On the other hand, where
the infrastructure exists, a retrofit can
be achieved in a cost-effective manner,
exactly as with the d&b audiotechnik
system in Sydney’s ANZ Stadium. (As
featured in the Winter ‘13/14 edition of
PanStadia & Arena Management.
While renovations can be
tricky, one of the positive
aspects is that we can
actually get into the space
and do a demo for management. In new
builds, we have to rely on Soundvision
to model it for them. In some stadiums,
management has even been able to hear
first-hand what an L-Acoustics sound


is d&b.

Muse, O2 Arena, London, England


They say the linear frequency response and the astonishing pattern control of
d&b systems are one thing, whilst the comprehensive control electronics along
with remote control is another, which altogether help in realizing the same sound
quality that is appropriate for each seat in the venue. Whatever: d&b as usual.

system can accomplish in their venue

when a top touring act comes through
with their L-Acoustics touring system.
In most cases, arenas are built to be
multi-use by design, which means
renovation projects go smoothly and
we are able to obtain optimum rigging
point and power for a new system using
Soundvision to model.
We often use the old adage ANZ Stadium, Sydney.
of ‘pay me now or pay me Credit: Scott Willsallen
double later’. Whilst of course
it is always possible to retrofit
trends in audio technology. Significant audio system would be significant,
a system, the cost is often prohibitive.
advances have been seen in the digital particularly if it includes control
How can stadia ensure their audio signal matrix/processing with the ever desks, stage monitors, microphones
solution is future-proofed? advancing digital market. Contractual and trained staff to run it. For a small
methods of procurement later in the number of events per year the costs
To allow easy upgrading in the programme of a new or refurbished are likely to be prohibitive in comparison
future, I would recommend stadium can help to secure a future- with renting the services when needed.
investing in the best possible proofed system.
audio and data cabling The really truthful answer here is
infrastructure and building in extra Sports venues that invest in a quality that this will differ considerably on a
safety-factors in the loudspeaker sound system to improve speech case-by-case basis, which is the only
support structures. Also, I recommend intelligibility and music/media effective way to consider the question.
using a digital audio network, such sound, do so for the sports audience, At L-Acoustics, we’ve seen
as Dante™, so that audio signal paths covering the fixed stadium seating that our K2 sound system is
can be easily reconfigured and scaled areas. What are the benefits of going an investment that quickly
without the cost and hassle of rewiring one step further and investing in a returns value to a venue like
using traditional audio cabling. sound system that is rider-friendly the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas,
This depends on who has and can cover the field area? which installed K2 in 2014. First, K2
the best crystal ball and The mixed-application offers exceptional speech intelligibility,
can predict future headline concept is good in theory, enhancing the fan experience for the
trends. Otherwise, making but not always cost-effective high-profile NBA basketball games
sure the most relevant and up-to-date for many venues. “Concert that are the staple of Toyota Center’s
technology is being employed, that rider-friendly” requirements usually programming. The K2 system also has
it will be both supported and further add substantial cost to a stadium or the L-Acoustics Panflex technology,
developed in the future, has to be a arena sound system. Plus, many of the which allows us to adjust sound to be
major consideration. Current audio top artists will tour with a production sent only to the audience areas, avoiding
systems are becoming more dependent system leased for the entire tour, and any reflective surfaces, which means the
on software control to tailor their unless you have provided the exact sound is crystal clear. Knowing that one
performance, the capabilities of which system specified on the rider, they will of the chief complaints of audiences in
are still evolving. Being sure suppliers decline use of the house system. Keep an arena is muddy sound, achieving clear
are stable, have long-term development in mind that concert stage placement and consistent sound is a way to set
plans in place and continuously consider also dictates loudspeaker locations your venue apart. Lastly, the K2 is widely
future compatibility is an area to look that are different than those used for accepted by touring artists, opening up
carefully at. regular sporting events. So, I would just a consistent revenue stream by making
carefully check my return on investment a venue attractive to top flight acts.
One of the main steps Toyota Center is hosting world-class acts
calculations for this hybrid option.
venues can take to ensure such as The Who, Imagine Dragons and
future-proofing is to choose This starts as a logistical Sam Smith, for example.
a system that has an open consideration: how long does
infrastructure: does the system allow it take to install a visiting Whilst at present there is
3rd party control? Can it be used production into the venue? a general reluctance in the
with various cabling? Is it open to Does it take weeks to build and remove music industry to use in-
different networking protocols? Is it a stage and the supporting structures house stadium systems, I
interconnectible with other building for a single concert? If so, a venue might consider there is growing pressure for
management systems? Additionally, not be available for any other purpose such production systems to be designed
having a rider-friendly system opens the for a long period. The underlying issue and installed on the basis of: reduced
venue up to multiple streams of revenue being whether providing an installed load-in time, environmental and costs
and allows venues to diversify their sound system for concerts would save implications of trucking and enhanced
offering, giving the system a longer life. down time, releasing the venue for other sound quality as the system would be
uses and revenue streams. tailored for the specific bowl. Q
Future-proofing starts
with understanding the Inevitably this depends on the number
For the full roundtable, please visit
client’s future operational of concerts a stadium or arena might
our website at: www.psam.uk.com/
requirements and having stage during any year. The cost of
knowledge and experience of the future investing into a complete production


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Hungary’s striking new Groupama Aréna, home to Ferencvárosi TC, has already
secured a number of records and earned the title of "Europe's most modern arena"
as Katie McIntyre reports.

roupama Aréna is the brand new In April 2014, Lagardère Unlimited

G multi-purpose stadium in Budapest,
Hungary. Home to Ferencvárosi TC (FTC)
Groupama ArEna Stadium Solutions (LUSS) signed a
minimum ten-year stadium operation
Fact File
‘Fradi’ soccer club of the Hungarian Field size ïP
and club marketing contract with
League, it is the country’s second largest ïIW the venue. (The deal encompasses
stadium – Ferenc Puskás Stadium :LWKDFDSDFLW\RI the operation, management and
being the largest. The venue sits on  IRU marketing of the stadium.) Then, in
the site of the club’s former Albert 8()$ ),)$PDWFKHV record time, LUSS developed and
Flórián Stadium, which was demolished Built ² PRQWKV secured a long-term naming-rights
in 2013 to make way for its shiny Opened $XJXVW contract, together with the club, with
new reincarnation. Construction cost FEQ+8) French insurer Groupama.
The stadium has already secured DSSUR[LPDWHO\½P
LUSS is currently involved in
a number of records: having been Architect ÉJQHV6WUHLW6]DEROFV
.RUPRV 6$02.IW
consulting, operations and marketing
completed ahead of time; without excess services in several stadiums
cost; and at record speed on account of Main contractor 0DUNHWeStWŊ=UW
worldwide, including Commerzbank-
the numerous technical innovations that Arena in Frankfurt, Friends Arena in
were employed. Stockholm and two stadiums in Brazil.
Upon completion, the venue earned the sporting and non-sporting events all “As the Lagardère Group has
title of ‘Europe’s most modern arena’; year round. more than 25-years experience in
befitting of the home ground of FTC,
marketing and sales and stadium
which is a national institution in Hungary, Exemplar Project operation, LUSS aims to develop
boasting an illustrious history as 28-time
With a seating capacity of 23,698, more partnerships with clubs and
Hungarian League champions and having
Groupama Aréna is seen as a model stadium owners all over the world,
remained one of the most popular
project for Eastern Europe. The offering extensive services for
soccer clubs in the country to this day.
state-of-the-art stadium features the growth, such as providing new media
Groupama Aréna is much more best technical equipment, innovative tools for stadium operations with our
than simply a stadium, as it can also solutions, as well as a huge variety of centralised digital department,” said
be operated as a state-of-the-art world-class hospitality areas that can Jens König, LU responsible for stadium
multipurpose venue for a wide range of cater for up to 1,400 visitors. operation projects.


Design Goals Admission is controlled exclusively by identification system using vein

the stadium’s Fortress system – which sensors, where the individual
In terms of Groupama Aréna’s design, physical or physiological
is well-known across Western Europe
the management team’s clear objective and the USA – that uses tickets with characteristics of the fan are
from the outset was to ensure the barcodes, printed or read from the measured. The scanner measures
highest level of security in the new screen of a mobile/cell phone or RFID and records the vein structure for
stadium, especially for ‘high risk’ card. As the technology progresses, identification. The system is not
games. This has thankfully been the system will also be capable of capable of secret data collection,
achieved, as Co-Managing Director of interoperating with mobile devices unlike those that store fingerprints.
LUSS, Csaba Siklósi, advised: “FTC now equipped with NFC chips. Instead, it is designed to determine
has a stadium for every fan group, from whether the person entering is
faithful supporters to new customer The access control system is the same as the holder of the
groups like women and families.” supplemented by a biometric patron card.


Striking Facade is supported by the transmission and 4 regulations. That meant having a
The mesh on the arena’s façade is lit transmission processing system (part separate media entrance, interview
by programmable, RGB controlled, LED of Stadium Vision) suitable for closed- rooms and an opportunity for flash
luminaires by BelLight, which are fitted circuit transmissions and the use of interviews,” said Siklósi.
onto individually manufactured design fixed cameras, by which high-quality
poles, and switched on/off with the live footage can be projected during the Exciting Times Ahead
assistance of the building management match and the break, programmed onto Groupama Aréna is capable of hosting
system (BMS) by Honeywell and the screens by the IT system. not only FTC matches, but also
Welltech. It is this system that allows seminars, conferences, congresses
the stadium to appear in the matching Enhanced Fan and concerts, and has already held
colours of the given event, such as in Experience more than 100 events since opening,
FTC's team colours. The system is also The stadium features a number of thus introducing a new 3-pronged
capable of displaying moving colour systems to further ensure an enhanced stadium operation model to Hungary,
effects, for example, if there is a goal, fan experience, including the ability to encompassing: matches, events and
the facade will ‘rock’ the stadium by a send text messages that are displayed VIP hospitality.
stroboscope effect. on the screens. During the matches, The venue’s concert and event
“Groupama Aréna boasts a number of anyone can send messages via this programme highlights for 2015 include,
systems that are in use at only a small system and fans can follow all of the Nitro Circus – Moto Mayhem, which
number of venues in Western Europe. action and events through the stadium’s is coming to European stadiums for
One major highlight is the stadium’s mobile apps; which have been developed the very first time in 2015, including
goal-line technology; which was utilised for iOS and Android platforms. Groupama Aréna on June 14.
to great effect during the FIFA World In terms of venue safety and security The most exclusive part of the stadium
Cup in Brazil. Each half of the field is technology employment, any kind of can be found on levels 3 and 4, where
equipped with a total of seven cameras, disturbance happening in the stadium the 34 Sky Boxes are located; 80% of
which are all focused on the goal can be quickly zoned in on through which were sold within 6 months. There
mouth," said Csaba Siklósi, Co-Managing the 58 fixed and six DOME (high- are 1,240 VIP GOLD seats on level 2
Director for LUSS. resolution) LogiPix cameras. The and 994 VIP BRONZ seats providing the
Another technological ‘high’ is the recordings are stored for 72 hours, best views.
stadium’s unique TracAB match analysis as required by the Hungarian Football
Association regulations. In conclusion, Csaba Siklósi, advised:
system, which monitors the position, “As this is a club with an illustrious
speed and movement of the players in A number of technologies have been history, a museum and a shop were
real time; a world ‘first’. The recorded introduced at the stadium that have also opened. Our great pride is the Fradi
data is used by the coaching staff to never been used in Hungary before, such Museum, which offers an interactive
ensure the best results for the team as full Wi-Fi coverage thanks to Net54, exhibition, a complex and unique
on the pitch. and the Stadium Vision system (by Cisco collection to the visitors. Groupama
Fortress’ cashless payment system is Systems/Net54/ Vilati), that integrates Aréna meets every need and the
also utilised in the stadium, meaning the entire multimedia system and the spectators are guaranteed to have an
money must be loaded onto the patron’s camera system with full coverage enjoyable experience. The rest is up to
card, so that when payment is made, of the stadium, which also enables the football team.” Q
only the card needs to be presented to face recognition.
the server, which speeds up the process. “This is a multifunctional facility, in
Fixed and mobile automated machines which everything had to be set up
can be used to top-up the cards. in accordance with UEFA Category
Events held in Groupama Aréna can be
shown on the stadium’s 220 LG screens,
even if the match is not televised. This



Advertisers’ Index
Absen Optoelectronic 27
your next
Arena Projekt
Bose Corp
ur Q2/Summer ‘15 issue will feature a selection of exciting sports venue
Colosseo EAS
O profiles, including a number of FRANCE 2016 host venue projects, such as
Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux, as well as a UK Country Focus highlighting the
Dallmeier Electronic 99 many stadia, arena and sports venue projects underway.
d&b Audiotechnik 113 Continuing our series of industry roundtables, this edition will feature one
ESSMA 87 in which panellists will discuss the latest Innovations in Roofing Design &
Gardiner & Theobald 61 Engineering and another will focus on Stadium & Facility Directors, their day-to-
Geiger Engineers 49 day activities, best-practice usage and more.
Green Sport Alliance 121 Other features will include: Top 6 initiatives to increase a venues F&B revenue; the
HKS Architects 25 growing use of LED technology; BIM in stadia design; ticketing & access control
for stadia, arenas and major sporting events; as well as fan engagement & fan
IAVM 85 enhancement strategies & solutions.
KSS Design Group 34
In addition, this issue will feature an in-depth Q&A interview with Billy Hogan
L-Acoustics 111 (pictured below), Liverpool FC's CCO, in which he will describe Anfield’s stadium
Leyard Europe 12-13 developments, as well as the latest innovations being employed by the Club to
Melco Crown Entertainment 55 ensure the best fan experience.
Mott MacDonald IFC
Musco Lighting 69
An official preview of our live event, Stadia & Arena Asia Pacific 2015 - detailing
One Systems 46
the conference program, confirmed speakers, sponsor and exhibitor details etc.
PACIFA decision 94-95
Special Sports Arenas Supplement – showcasing the leading suppliers of arena
PFEIFER Seil Und Hebetechnik GmbH 73
solutions, as well as upcoming arena new builds and renovations.
Philips Lighting 11
Populous 18
Soccerex 67
Stadia & Arena Asia Pacific 2015 22-23
Terraplas 109
The Product People 9
Ungerboeck Software (USI) 5
Venue Management Association 43
Walter P Moore 7

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Guide which covers the last 35 pages
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Liverpool FC’s CCO, Billy Hogan

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