Amazon Clone Using React: Objective
Amazon Clone Using React: Objective
Amazon Clone Using React: Objective
You will be building an e-commerce application using React, which is inspired by Amazon.
Project Context
Businesses, in any field, have a lot of competition. They are always on the lookout for a
proven way to increase their business revenue. Restaurants, retail shops, vape stores -
whatever a business may want to sell, if the business doesn’t have an e-commerce website,
they are leaving money on the table!
The world has moved online – a fact that businesses have to accept and put up a website to
address. Amazon is a prime example of a website with all the key elements making up a
good e-commerce site.
The e-commerce website of Amazon was initially put together with simple HTML, CSS and
JavaScript. But as time progressed and different frameworks came into the limelight, the
website got a makeover.
Through this project, we’ll discover a way to build a functional clone of Amazon’s
e-commerce website, relying on React and Firebase.
Project Stages
The project consists of the following stages:
High-Level Approach
• The first task, once we get the development environment ready, will be to set up the
React Router.
• Once we have everything in place, we can start off with creating the website header,
which will basically serve as the navigation bar, as in most modern websites.
• Next up is the home page building. In this project, we’ll be keeping it simple by
showing all our sample products on the homepage.
• Then we’ll be setting up the React Context API. The Context API is a component
structure provided by the React framework, which enables us to share specific states
across all levels of the application. In our project, we’ll need to manage two states:
basket (to manage the shopping cart) and user (for managing the details of the
currently logged in user).
• For setting up the payments functionality, we’ll be using APIs provided by Stripe.
• Handling our database and authentication needs to be supported and we’ll be using
Firebase for the same. Basically the database will be used to store the login
information for the users, but the resource can be used for storing product information
as well.
• Once we have Firebase setup, we can work on the Login page of our application.
• Successful implementation of the above requirements will lead to completion of the
core implementation of our e-commerce solution. Next up, deploy!
At the end, we’ll have a result similar to the one shown
Primary goals
• Create header/navigation bar to navigate between pages.
• Create a home page to display products.
• Create a login page for user login.
• Add functionalities like basket, payment and authentication.
"Clever Programmer organization"
Task 1
Environment setup
Before the start of any development procedure, we need to set up the environment
according to our application needs.
• Install Node.js on your machine.
• Install and set up a React application.
• Start the development server to verify prior installation.
• Like any typical application, the source code should be in a src folder. Delete the 3
optional files from that folder: App.test.js, logo.svg and setupTests.js. You’ll not
be needing them.
• Remove all the content of the App.css file.
• Remove the unnecessary code from the App() function of App.js and add the below
code to the App() function.
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
• Download Node.js
• Create a New React App – React
• 5 things you need to know for React
• Why use React? and not angular,vue
• Quick tutorial for React, want a lighter tutorial?
Expected Outcome
The main objective of this milestone is to make sure that you have the required
development environment in place.
On completion of the above requirements,run the application using npm start and the end
result should be as shown in the screenshot below.
Task 2
Navigation with the React Router
React is a single page application. Which means that it doesn’t support multiple routes by
default. Routing is the ability to move between different parts of an application when a user
enters a URL or clicks an element (link, button, icon, image etc) within the application. It
enables us to transition from one view to another.
As mentioned earlier, moving between pages is one of the most salient features to be taken
care of. So, in order to enable navigation in our application, we’ll take the aid of a node
package named react-router-dom.
• Install React Router.
• Make a new component called “Home”. Components are independent and reusable
bits of code. They serve the same purpose as JavaScript functions but work in isolation
and return HTML via a render function. Traditionally, every component has a .js file
and a .css file. Follow the BEM (Block Element Modifier) convention when naming
your components. We’ll be working on functional components throughout this project.
In simple words, functional components are javascript functions. By writing a
javascript function, we can create a functional component in React Apps.
• Add the following code to your new component:
• Then, import the Home component and use it at Route path = "/".
• react-router-dom
• Block Element Modifier
• How To Create Custom Components in React
• How to handle Routing in React apps with React Router
• For the curious cats out there: Types of React Components you should know
Expected Outcome
Your app should be able to render the data from the Home component by default at The output should be as shown below.
Task 3
Creating the navigation bar
Now that we have our development environment and the React router in place, it’s time to
begin the actual job! We’re going to start off by building the navigation bar of our web app.
• We need a couple of icons in the navigation bar, like the search icon and the basket
icon. React has a UI framework called Material-UI, which helps in building our
frontend. Install the @material-ui/core and the @material-ui/icons packages.
• Create a new component called Header. As mentioned earlier, we’ll be working on
functional components throughout this project. Fulfill the following requirements:
• Add the amazon logo to the navigation bar.
• Add a search bar. The search bar should also have a search icon. It need not be
functional at the moment.
• Create the navigation section of the header. Add the following sections:
– Login
– Returns & Orders
– Amazon Prime
– Shopping Basket
• Add the necessary code in the .css file of the component so that it looks similar
to the one of Amazon.
• Include only the Header component in the App.js and use it at Route path = "/".
• Material-UI - Installation
• Material-UI - Usage
• The entire structure of a modern React app
• React Components
• Components in react
• Custom components
Expected Outcome
On completion of this milestone, the header of your webapp should look similar to the one
shown below.
Task 4
Creating the homepage
It’s time for us to work on the homepage. The homepage of any website serves as the
default page of that website. That is reason enough for the homepage to be really expressive
as well as creative.
• Go to your Home.js, i.e., you Home component, and do the following:
– Similar to the image shown below, add an image to be displayed at the top of
the landing page. You need to add this image in your home component.
– If you observe the given image properly, you’ll notice that there’s a gradient
style applied to the landing page image, which continues to turn into a greyish
shade. You need to apply a similar gradient to the image you added. Go to or observe the image given below to get an idea about what we’re
As you can see, since the products have a white background, it's easy to spot the
contrast between the background of the rectangular components for ‘Gaming
Accessories’, ‘Computers & Accessories’, etc., and the surrounding greyish
– Create a Product component. As mentioned before, you’ll need two files:
Product.js and Product.css. To attain reusability, pass parameters (referred
to as props in React.js) like id, title, image, price and rating to your
functional component (we’ll be discussing functional components throughout
this project, but you are free to explore other alternatives).
– Utilize the Product component in your Home component to render out a few
sample products. Use proper flex CSS styles where required to get the desired
(similar to products) result. You can refer to the image below to
get an idea about how your component should look like on rendering.
[Note: We are not expecting you to integrate database features to your application yet,
such that it can access the product information from a database. We’ll be discussing
that in the optional milestones.]
• Customize React components with props
• CSS Gradients
Bring it On!
• Can you add a new component called Selection for example? In the given image
below, you can see that there’s a ‘Gaming Accessories’ selection, another for
‘Computers & Accessories’, etc. Your functional component in Selection.js will need
4 props: id, title, image, route. The given route in the component is to be
responsible for redirecting the users to a page with the content related to the
Selection component’s link they clicked. For example, on, if you click on
Show full collection as given in the image below for “Gaming Accessories”, it redirects
you to a page with such products.
Expected Outcome
On completion of this milestone, you should have a home page ready with sample products,
which are rendered on the page at by default.
The result should be similar to the web page shown below.
Task 5
Setting up React Context API
The Context API provides a way to share data values between components without having
to pass a prop through every level of the app tree. The React Context API is a component
structure provided by the React framework. It basically solves the problem of prop drilling.
• Create a file StateProvider.js with the following contents:
import React, { createContext, useContext, useReducer } from "react";
// Prepare the dataLayer
export const StateContext = createContext();
• State and Lifecycle in React
• React Context API: What’s it all about?
• Learn React Context in 5 Minutes - A Beginner's Tutorial
• An Introduction To React's Context API
Expected Outcome
You should be able to configure React Context API, along with the reducer, so that the
components can access the basket and user info.
Task 6
Adding the Basket functionality
What’s more exciting than adding items to your basket when you're shopping? In this
milestone, we’ll be adding this functionality to our application.
• In your Product.js, import the useStateValue hook from the StateProvider.
• You need to use the useStateValue hook to bring in a state named basket (for
example) and also get a dispatch function which allows you to dispatch actions to
change the state in the reducer.
• You need to dispatch the item information to the data layer. Your code should look
similar to the code block shown below:
• Also, you need a onClick function for executing the above dispatch code.
• In the reducer.js you need to add something similar to this to the switch
(action.type) block:
return {
basket: [...state.basket, action.item],
• Import the useStateProvider to your Header component and make use of the basket
information to show the number of items in the basket.
• Organizing state in Redux
• What Even Is A Dispatch Function?
Expected Outcome
You should be able to see the updated count of the number of items in the basket beside the
basket icon. Suppose we’ve got 4 items in the basket, then the desired result will be as
shown below.
Task 7
Setting up Firebase and Authentication
Firebase is a great service provided by Google for configuring the backend of any web
application with all the general necessities like database preparation, authentication using
various methods, etc. In this milestone, we’ll be preparing our database and setting up
authentication using email and password.
[Note: Use the references provided to implement the following requirements.]
• Create a project on Firebase.
• Setup the database and setup sign-in method using Email/Password.
• Register your application and set up Firebase hosting.
• Install necessary Firebase dependencies in your local setup.
npm install -g firebase-tools && npm install firebase && firebase login
• Open the Firebase SDK snippet section in your Firebase project and copy paste the
necessary configuration in a file named firebase.js.
• In this file, utilize the below code to make use of Firebase authentication and database.
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const db = firebaseApp.firestore();
const auth = firebase.auth();
export { db, auth };
• Create a new component named Login. Style the component so that it looks similar to
the one shown below.
• Setup up database and connect it to your application, additional reference
• Firebase authentication - 1, 2
• OnAuthStateChanged To Listen For Login/Register
• AuthStateListener in Firebase
• An example for authentication for React apps using firebase
• Sign-out feature using firebase authentication
Bring it On!
• Configure other sign-in methods like FB sign-in, Google sign-in, etc.
Expected Outcome
You should be able to create a Firebase project and prepare database and authentication for
your application. Also, you should have a functional Login component in place.
Task 8
The Checkout page
Now it’s time for us to work on the checkout page. So, let’s get right into it.
• Create a Checkout component on the Checkout page. The Checkout component
renders this page and will use two more components. Let’s name them
CheckoutProduct and SubTotal for example.
• As you can see in the above image, we need the components styled as shown. [Note:
You are free to refer to too.]
• The mentioned components should be functional as desired. The SubTotal component
should be able to calculate the total price and display the same and the Remove From
Basket button of the CheckoutProduct component should be functional such that on
clicking the button, the product is removed from the basket and the price is deducted
from the SubTotal component.
Expected Outcome
You should have a fully functional Checkout Page at your disposal. With a few products in
the basket, the Checkout page might look something like this:
Task 9
Task Title
Spice It Up!
• Integrate Stripe in your React application.
• Give a new name to your e-commerce application and make a new logo for it. Use that
logo in place of the Amazon logo.
• Change the styles of all the visual components.
• Integrate Firebase database functionality for storing product information in the
database provided by Firebase and fetch the product information when required to
display on the website.
• Integrating Stripe in your React app with React Stripe.js
• Retrieving data from database
• Add real-time database with your React app (refer only)
Bring it On!
• Reach out to local businesses and present them your product and offer them the
chance to make their business go online! This might spark a potential freelance career.
Expected Outcome
You should be able to integrate payment functionality using Stripe in your React
application. Also, you should be able to customize the website to your needs and make it
look like your own.
Task 10
It’s time to deploy our website and show it to the world!
• Build your React application.
firebase deploy
• Deploy and Host a React app on Firebase
• Deploying on Firebase
• Difference between deployment and hosting
Bring it On!
• Get your own domain name and configure it with your deployed application.
Expected Outcome
You should be able to deploy your React application to Firebase so that it’s accessible to
everyone on the internet.