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SAVIOR Payroll Software

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Dear Customer

We thank you and appreciate your choosing SAVIOR Payroll Software. SAVIOR Software Payroll
is available for different data bases and Operating Systems. It is understood that you possess
valid user license of the Oracle or SQL Server software. SAVIOR Payroll software is suitable for
operation with Oracle 7.3 and later versions or SQL Version 8.6 and later versions

SAVIOR system is an ideal companion for use with SAVIOR Reader and SAVIOR Time Office
Software. SAVIOR Readers and SAVIOR Time Office Software and SAVIOR Payroll Software are
inter-linked so effectively by SAVIOR communication software that they always give value for money
for our customers. By going for SAVIOR Readers, SAVIOR Time Office Software and SAVIOR
Payroll Software, customers always get “one window” solution for all their time office related prob-

We have been in the field of computerized Time Office Management for more than a decade.
However we launched SAVIOR Payroll Software somewhat later. We have developed it keeping in
view all normal requirements. We hope you will find it an effective aid to improve the efficiency of
your Time Office.


Customer Support Department



Page No.
1. Introduction 1-2
2. Master Maintenance 2-5
3. Loan/Advance Entry 5-6

4. Capturing Data 6-6

5. Data Maintenance 7-8

6. Processing 8-9
7. Formula Setting 9-11
8. User Privilege 11-14

9. Arrears Voucher 14-14

10. Form 16 15-15

11. Form 16 Deposit Voucher 16-16
12. Loan Adjustment voucher 16-16
13. Report 18-20

Total Solution For Attendence

& Payroll Management & Access


User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD

Payroll (Oracle/SQL)
The purpose of this PAYROLL software is to provide proper computerized maintenance of salary. It can easily
capture the employee’s attendance data from the SAVIOR TIME OFFICE software and generate all the
payroll-related reports like Pay slip, PF, FPF, ESI, Bonus, Advance Statement, Loan Statement etc.

On loading the PAYROLL software the screen looks as shown in Fig.1:

Fig. 1

Here you enter your valid Username and Password then click Ok button. You should also select the Data
Server (either Oracle 7.x,8.x or Microsoft SQL Server).

If the Username, Password and the Data Server are all valid, then you will get the operating screen of Payroll
otherwise you will get the message accordingly that will indicate the login failed.

Once you get the Payroll operation screen you will find a screen as shown in Fig. 2. The commonly used
options are available as large icons, arranged vertically on the left hand side of the screen.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
PF No. : If the employee is covered under the PF scheme, his/her PF number (as provided by the Govt.
authority) should be entered here.

ESI No. : If the employee is covered under the ESI scheme, his/her ESI number (as provided by the Govt.
authority) should be entered here.

HRA : This is the House Rent Allowance. The software facilitates two types of entries:

a. Fixed Amount

b. Calculated according to the formula as defined by you in the payroll setup under utilities (more about
Formula under the section Formula Entry).

If you specify the amount in the HRA field and leave the formula field in front of it empty, the software will
calculate the HRA as a fixed amount. But if any formula is specified in the formula field, then the calculation will
be in accordance with the formula.

E.g. If you want to calculate the HRA as 30% of the BASIC, you can define the code of that formula through
payroll formula setting option. The code and formula is A = (BASIC * HRA) / 100. Then input the HRA value
30 and the formula as A an the software will calculate the amount automatically at the time of processing.

PF : This is the amount of the Provident Fund and the entry is same as the HRA.

FPF : This is the amount of the Family Pension Fund and the entry is same as the HRA.

ESI : This is the amount of the Employees State Insurance and the entry is same as the HRA.
OT RATE Per Hour : This is required for the calculation of the overtime.

FORMULAS : Here you choose formula for HRA, PF, FPF, ESI, OT Rate / Hours and all Deduction &
Earning which should be previously declared through Formula setting option (more on formulas under the
section Formula Setting).

DEDUCTIONS: The software asks for ten possible types (can be defined by the user) of DEDUCTIONS.
You can describe the Name/Reason of the deduction, the fixed amount or the formula for the calculation of the
deduction. The concept of calculation using the formula is same as that of HRA.

EARNINGS : The software asks for ten possible types ( can be defined by the user ) of EARNINGS. You
can describe the name of the earnings, the fixed amount or the formula for the calculation of the said earning.
The concept of calculation using the formula is same as that of the HRA.

This option facilitates for modification of informations of the existing employee’s record. Selecting the Modify
button the details of the selected row is displayed. So before you click the Modify button first you should click
on the desired row in the displayed table. You can also make use of the Find Paycode No. button to quickly
jump to the desired record.

This option facilitates for deletion of selected employee record. Similar to the Modify option, first you should
click on the desired record in the table. For quick searching you can use the Find Paycode No button.

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When you click Delete button then the above screen appears.If you click Yes button then selected employee
record will be deleted.


You should specify the Paycode for which you want to make an entry. On specifying the valid paycode, the
Card No., Name and the Department appears automatically. The details of the Advance/Loan already taken
by the employee also appears on the appropriate side (you can select the Loan ID./Advance ID. if more than
Advance/Loan are taken). If you want to delete any Advance/Loan already given then you can select the
appropriate Advance/Loan ID from the drop down list and then click the Delete button. Please note that if you
delete the Advance/Loan entry for a month for which you have captured and processed data in Payroll then
after deleting the entry you should Capture and Process the data once again for that employee for that month

For both, Advance and Loan, the number of installments will be calculated by the system itself.

While making entry for Advance/Loan, whatever date you specify as the Installment Date, the deduction will
start from that month only and will continue till the balance amount becomes zero.

In case you make more than one Advance entry for an employee in the same month, then the total Advance
deduction amount will be the sum of the individual installments for the month.

In case of Loan, suppose you have made an entry for which the deductions will be done for ten months. Now
before this Loan is recovered in full, you make another Loan entry, then in that case the previous balance Loan
amount will be merged with this new Loan amount and the instalment of deduction will be the new instalment
amount only.
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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
On selecting Advance/Loan button, the above screen further changes to the one as shown in Fig 6.


This option is used to capture the attendance data from the SAVIOR Time Office software. On selection, the
software asks for the employee Paycode range i.e. the employees for whom you want to capture attendance
data and the date range i.e. the starting and ending date for which you want to capture data. The Data Capture
Screen looks as shown in Fig.7.

Click the Capture button for capturing the data from SAVIOR Time Office software. While capturing data for
different Paycodes, the system will show the Paycode for which it currently capturing data. When this is
completed, the screen like Fig. 8 appears. Now click OK button.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
After capturing data from the SAVIOR Time Office if you want to do any modifications manually (in Atten-
dance, Deductions or Earnings for a particular month and year for a particular employee) in the captured data
then select the Data Maintenance option for doing so. This option can be run only after capturing data from the
SAVIOR Time Office software. The screen looks similar to the Fig. 9.

Fig. 9
Enter Paycode and then choose Month & Year and press tab button. The system will display all the details of
particular employee.

Days Worked : This is the number of days Present in the month.

Absent / LWP : This is the number of days absent or leaves without pay.

O.T.Hours : This is the total Over Time Hrs. in the month.

Late Hours : This is the total Late Hrs. for the month.

Early Hours : This is the total Early Hrs. for the month i.e. the total Early Departure
hour of the month.
Advance : This is the Advance amount to be deducted.
Loan : This is the Loan amount to be deducted on the month.
CL : This is the number of Casual leaves taken in the month.
SL : This is the number of Sick leaves taken in the month.
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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
PL / EL : Total Privilege leave or Earned leave taken in the month.

Late Days : This is the total Late days of the month.

Early Days : This is the total Early days of the month i.e. the total number of days the employee has departed
earlier than the shift end time (after accounting for the Permissable Early Departure) .

Other Leave : Any other type of leave taken in the month.

Holidays : This is the number of Declared Holidays in the month.

WO : This is the total number of Weekly Offs in the month.

BASIC : Basic amount for the month.

DA : Dearness Allowance for the month.

HRA : House Rent Allowances for the month.

PF : Provident Fund deductions.

FPF : Family Pension Fund deductions.

ESI : Employee’s State Insurance deductions.

DEDUCTIONS : 10 types of possible deductions, which were discussed earlier.

EARNINGS : 10 types of possible earnings, which were discussed earlier.

Please note that after you make any changes through the Data Maintenance option do not run the Capture
option again else all your manual changes will be lost.


After capturing the attendance data from the SAVIOR Time Office you have to run the processing option so
that the system makes all the calculations, which you can view in the different reports provided under the
Report Generation option. On selecting the processing option the screen looks like the Fig. 10.

Fig. 10

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
You should enter the month and year for which you want to do processing. Suppose you want to process the
data of August 2001 then choose this month and year and then click Process button for processing of August
2001 data.

When the processing is complete, the following message appears on the screen. Click the OK button to gain
access of the menu.

You can define the formula under given field names. Each formula should have an unique code. These formulas
are used for computing elements of salary as defined in the master. When you choose Formula Setting option
then screen looks like the figure shown in Fig. 11.

Append : If you want to add new formula then click Append button then

the screen similar to Fig. 12 will be displayed.

Permissible operations while setting up the formula are Add (+), Subtract (-),

Multiply (*), and Divide (/) Use the signs shown in the bracket while defining the formula.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
1. All formulas must be included within the parenthesis i.e. ( )
2. There should be at least one blank space before and after any field name or operator sign.
3. You can make conditions in the Formula by using the standard IF-THEN-ELSE structure as shown in the
example :
IF ( ( BASIC / MON_DAY ) * TDAYS ) >> 6500 THEN ( 6500 * PF ) / 100 ELSE ( ( ( BASIC /
MON_DAY ) * TDAYS ) * PF ) / 100
Please note that for Greater Than symbol “>” use “>>” , for Less Than symbol “<” use “<<”, for Gerater
Than Equal To symbol “>=” use “>=” and for Less Than Equal To symbol “<=” use “<=” signs.
4. If you want to include an already defined formula in some other formula then you should write the formula
code within <>. For example suppose you have defined a formula A=(((BASIC/
MON_DAY)*TDAYS)*HRA)/100. Now you want to use this formula, defined as A, in another
formula J, then you should define the formula as

J=IF ( ( ( BASIC / MON_DAY ) * TDAYS ) + <A> ) < 6500 THEN ( ( ( ( ( BASIC / MON_DAY ) *
TDAYS ) + <A> ) * ESI ) / 100 ) ELSE 0
5. For writing formula for OT, kindly note that OT Rate has to be converted to rate per minute. So proper
conversion has to be done.
In the Formula code select the formula code like A for deduction. You can set formula for HRA, PF, FPF, ESI,
OT Rate / Hour, All 10 types of Deduction and Earning.

Modify : If you want to Modify existing formula then click Modify button then the screen similar to Fig 12 will
be displayed. When you change the formula then click ok button.

Delete : If you want to Delete the existing formula then click Delete button. Then the selected formula will

Close : If you want to exit from the formula setting then click the close button.
The Formula definition screen looks like the screen shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 12

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD

Make sure that the formula is properly set here before using it for computation in the Payroll Master or Manual
Data Maintenance.

You can input maximum 200 characters in each formula.

Before deleting a formula, make sure that the same is not used in the Master or Manual Data Maintenance.


Using this option you can Create, Modify or Delete Users (by selecting the User Privilege tag) for the Payroll
and grant permission for the various options available in the software. You can also set the Setup parameters by
selecting the Setup tag. On selecting the Utility option the screen as shown in Fig. 13 will appear.

Fig. 13
On selecting the Append or Modify button the screen that will appear is shown in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14
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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
In the Setup screen, two tags are visible. One is Setup and another is User Privilege.

In Fig. 14, the screen shows the options with the Setup tag active. The ESI Employer Contribution is the rate
of contribution of the Employer. Rate of round off ESI is the value by which the ESI amount will be rounded.
You can also specify which figures are to be rounded. Max. PF limit is the maximum limit after which the PF will
be deducted only on this value. In the date field you can specify the date on which the changes are made. After
you make any changes in this screen you must click the Apply button to make save the changes.

The figure 15 to 17 shows the Setup screen with User Privilege tag active.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD

Whichever option boxes you mark with Tick sign, the user will be able to access only those options when he/
she logs in.

After you make a new entry or change the existing record, you must click on the Apply button to save the

In case you try to delete any user, the system prompts you for a confirmation and if you select OK there, that
user will be deleted from the system.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD

When any increment is to be given with effect from previous month(months), then you have to make the Arrear
entry. The Arrear Entry option is available under the Data Maintenance option of the Payroll menu. On selec-
tion of the Arrear Entry option, the screen similar to Fig. 19 will appear.

In this entry screen, you should enter the Paycode for which the entry is to be made. Then you should specify
the Month and Year in which the Arrear is to be paid. The next information to be entered is the Month and Year
from which to which this Arrear is to be given. Thereafter you should fill the amount columns i.e., Basic, D.A,
H.R.A and Earning Field 1 – 10 with the monthly incremented amounts. Remember that these are the incremented
amounts for one month only and the system will calculated the actual earnings depending upon the days
payable for the months between the months specified in the Applicable From and Applicable To boxes. These
calculated earnings will be shown in the boxes under the Earnings head and in front of the respective Rates after
you click the Apply button. You should also check the appropriate boxes under Include in PF and Include in
ESI heads for calculation of PF and ESI on these arrear earnings. After clicking the Apply button, if you want
to change any of the values calculated by the system, you can change them manually and after final checking
click the OK button to save the entry. You can Delete or Modify any of the entries already made you should
specify the Paycode and the Payable in the month values only and then select Edit or Delete buttons depending
upon the need.

The entries made here will be available in the Arrear report.

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10. FORM 16.

: Certificate U/S 2003 of the Income Tax Act-1961 for tax deducted at sources from income chargeable under the head salaries.

A separate Voucher as Form16 voucher will be provided under the Voucher Menu of the Payroll S/W main menu. The Voucher
will spread over two screens(Fig19(a) & Fig 19(b) and a navigating button will be provided on both the screens to change
over from one to another. The Saving button will be on the Second screen only. The user can delete any previously entered
voucher by getting the data on the screen first and then click the Delete button.

All the available informations that can be entered in the Form16 will be as per the field headings shown in the Form 16

Fig 19(a)

Fig 9(b)
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A separate Voucher as Form16 Deposit voucher(Fig 20) will be provided under the Voucher Menu of the
Payroll S/W main menu. Through this voucher one can deposit the amount in installments to the Income Tax
Department for any financial year.

Fig. 20

Fig. 21
Loan Adjustment Voucher(Fig.21) under Data Maintenance menu can be used for adjusting loan instalment
amount for a particular period, which is not yet processed, of already approved loan(s)

The voucher will ask for Paycode and Month & year for which Loan instalment amount is to be adjusted for
the specified Month & year and subsequently loan instalment amount for the consecutive years will automati-
cally adjusted. Month & Year entered here should be that period which is not yet processed.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
13 Reports
After doing the processing you can generate various types of reports through the Report option. On selecting
the Report option the screen looks like Fig.19

Sorting : In this option you generate a report through sorting order like paycode, Employee Name, Department
+ Paycode and Department + Name wise sorting.

Selection : You can make selection of data for reports. You can make selection of Paycode, Company, Depart-
ment and Category. The selection screen looks like Fig. 21.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
Salary Register

Salary Register shows the details of all the earnings, deductions, gross pay and net pay of a month in the form
of a register.

On selecting the salary register option, if you want to generate the report for employee paycode range or
particular department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate button for gener-
ating the report.

Salary Slip

The salary slip shows the details of all earnings, deductions, gross pay and net pay for all the employees of a
month. For each employee a separate slip will be printed.

On selecting the salary slip option, if you want to generate the report for employee paycode range or particular
department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate button for generating the

PF Statement

This report shows the details of provident fund (PF) for number of days, amount on which provident fund and
family pension fund (FPF) calculated, employee’s contribution, employer’s contribution etc.

On selecting the PF Statement option, if you want to generate the report for employee paycode range or
particular department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate button for gener-
ating the report.

ESI Statement

This report shows details of Employee State Insurance (ESI) amount calculated. It shows the employer’s
contribution, the employee’s contribution, amount on which ESI deducted etc.

On selecting the ESI Statement option, if you want to generate the report for employee paycode range or
particular department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate button for gener-
ating the report. This report generation is based on the declaration of the employee state insurance in the
master maintenance.

If you want the ESI report of those employee’s whose earning gross salary is less than 3000.00. In the
PAYROLL software, there is a provision for this type of conditional ESI statement printing.

BONUS Statement

This report shows the details of earning of every month, total amount on which bonus is to be calculated and
bonus amount. The formula for Bonus is based on the basic salary multiplied with total payable days divided
by the Bonus Rate percentage.

On selecting the BONUS Statement option, if you want to generate the report for employee paycode range
or particular department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate button for
generating the report.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
ADVANCE / LOAN Statement

This report shows the status of advance / loan (the advance / loan amount, number of instalments paid and total
number of installments etc.).

On selecting the ADVANCE / LOAN Statement option, if you want to generate the report for employee
paycode range or particular department or category then click Selection option. After Selection click Generate
button for generating the report.

Look wise it is very much similar to the Salary Slip with the difference that it contains only the Earnings and
Deductions given as Arrear payment made through the Arrear Entry option under the Data Maintenance menu.

SUMMARY Statement

This report gives the department wise breakup of the various Earnings and Deductions. It shows the Basic,
DA, HRA, Over Time and Other Earnings (sum of all the ten extra earnings fields), Total Earnings. On the
deduction side, it shows the ESI, PF, Loan, Advance, Other Deductions (sum of all the ten extra deduction
fields), Total deduction and the Net Pay.

You cannot select any Sort order for this report. It will always come sorted on Department.

Loan Application Form

This report shows the details of the Loan details of the loan entries made between the date range specified
during the report generation. It shows the Paycode, Employee name, Date of Appointment, Basic Pay rate,
Loan granted and Instalment rate of loan deduction.

Loan Deduction Statement

This report shows the Loan Instalment deduction details for the given month. It gives the employee details like
Paycode, Employee’s Name, Parent’s Name, Department, Date of Joining and the Instalment amount of Loan
deducted. At last it also prints the Grand Total of the Instalment Amounts.

Loan Statement

The Loan Statement report gives the Loan Outstanding details on a particular month as selected. It shows the
employee details such as Paycode, Employee Name, Department, Date of Appointment, Basic Pay rate, Total
Loan granted, Instalment rate and the Balance Outstandings.

Advance Deduction Statement

This report shows the Advance amounts deducted for the month as selected by you.
MASTER Information

Master Information report gives you a picture of the details that you have entered during the Payroll Master
creation. It gives the details of the Basic, DA, HRA, PF, FPF, ESI, OT, the Earnings (Max. 10) and the
Deductions (Max. 10) rate details entered in the Payroll Master.

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User Manual Payroll Ver.5.2.1/5.3.1 STJ Electronics Pvt. LTD
Form 16
: This is a Statutory report required by Income Tax Department and it is a Certificate U/S 2003 of the Income
Tax Act-1961 for tax deducted at sources from income chargeable under the head salaries.
P.F. Return Statement (Form 6A)

This is a statuary report required by the P.F office on yearly basis. This report basically shows the P.F deduc-
tions for all the employees during the given period in a consolidated form.

P.F. Return Statement (Form 3A)

This is also a statuary report yearly required by the P.F office. This report shows the employee wise monthly
details of the P.F deductions during the selected period. It shows both Worker’s as well as the Employer’s

P.F. Form 5

This report a statuary report required by the P.F Office for allocation of P.F number for the newly joined
employees. So this report contains the list of only those employees who have joined between the dates speci-
fied as From and To dates. The date of joining will be taken from the Employee master of the Time Office

P.F. Form 10

This statuary report is required by the P.F office to take consequential action for those employees who have left
their service during the specified date range. So this report contains the necessary details of only those employ-
ees whose date of leaving the service falls between the From and To date. The leaving date can be entered
through the Time Office Software.

E.S.I. Return Statement (Form 6)

This is a statuary report required by the E.S.I office on yearly basis. This report gives the details of the E.S.I
deduction in a consolidated form for the selected period for the employees who are covered under the E.S.I

Bonus Payment Form

This report shows the bonus paid to the employees during the From date and To date. Calculation will be done
on the Net Pay for the months. The bonus rate will be entered before the report generation.

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Absent/ LWP- 7
Advance- 7
Arrear Entry- 14 Holiday-8
Advance Loan Statement-19 L
Arrear Report-19
Late Hour-7
Advance Deduction Statement- 19 Lone-7
B Late Days-8
Loan Adjestmenet-16
Loan Application Form-19
Bonus Statement-18
Loan Deduction Statement-19
Bonus Payment Form-20
Loan Statement-19
Card No- 3
Capturing Data- 6 Master Maintenance-2
CL- 8
Master- Information-19
DA- 3,8
Deduction- 4,8 OT Rate Per Hour-4
Delete- 4 OT Hour-7
Data Maintenance- 7 Other Leaves- 8
Days Worked- 7 P
E Paycord-3
PF No-4
ESI No-4
ESI- 4,8
Early Hours-7
PF Statement-18
ESI Statement-18
PF Return Statement-20
ESI Return Statement(form16)-20
PF Form 5 - 20
Report- 17
Formula Setting-9
Form (16) -15,20
Form16 Deposit Vouvher - 16

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Salary Register- 18
Sallary Slip- 18
Summary Statement-19

User Privileges - 11

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Loan Adjustment Voucher(Fig.21) under Data Maintenance menu can be used for adjusting loan installment
amount for a particular period, which is not yet processed, of alredy approved loan(s)

The voucher will ask for Paycode and Month & year for which Loan installment amount is to be adjusted for
the specified Month & year and subsequently loan instalment amount for the consecutive years will automati-
cally adjusted. Month & Year entered here should be that period which is not yet processed.

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