Complex salts: These are the salts that contain at least one complex radical. These are the
compounds in which the central metal atom or ion is linked with coordinate bonds with
surrounding species that are rich in electrons. The complex ions retain their identity in solid
state as well as in dissolved state. e.g., Potassium ferrocyanide, K4 [Fe(CN)6].
Double Salts
These are the addition molecular compounds which are stable in solid state but dissociate into
constituent ions in the solution. e.g., Mohr’S salt, FeSO4·(NH4)2SO4 .6H2O is dissociated into
Fe2+, NH+4 and SO2-4 ions. So, they give all constituent ions upon dissolution.
Other examples are carnallite KCl.MgCl2.6H2O, potas alum K2SO4. Al2(SO4)3.24H2O etc.
Terms Related to Coordination Compounds
1. Complex ion or Coordination Entity
It is an electrically charged species in which central metal atom or ion is surrounded by
number of ions or neutral molecules.
(i) Cationic complex entity It is the complex ion which carries positive charge. e.g.,
(ii) Anionic complex entity It is the complex ion which carries negative charge. e.g.,
2. Central Atom or Ion
The metal atom or ion to which a fixed number of ions or groups are bound is called central
atom or ion. It behaves as Lewis acid. e.g., in [(NiCI2(H2O)4]. Ni is central metal atom.
3. Ligands
Ligands are electron donating species (ions or molecules) bound to the central atom in the
coordination entity.
These may be charged or neutral. Ligands are of the following types:
(i) Monodentate It is a ligand, which has one donor site, i.e., the ligand bound to a metal ion
through a single donor site. e.g., H2O, NH3, etc.
(ii) Bidentate It is the ligand. which have two donor sites.
(generally bidentate)
(iii) Polydentate It is the ligand, which have several donor sites. e.g., ethylene diamine
tetraacetate ion [EDTA]4- is hexadentate ligand.
or [Cu(en)2] Cl2
4. Coordination Number
It is defined as the number of coordinate bonds formed by central metal atom, with the
In polydentate ligands.
5. Coordination Sphere
The central ion and the ligands attached to it are enclosed in square bracket which is known
as coordination sphere. The ionisable group written outside the bracket is known as counter
6. Coordination Polyhedron
The spatial arrangement of the ligands which are directly attached to the central atom or ion,
is called coordination polyhedron around the central atom or ion.
7. Oxidation Number of Central Atom
The charge of the complex if all the ligands are removed along with the electron pairs that are
shared with the central atom, is called oxidation number of central atom.
1. Name of the compound is written in two parts (i) name of cation, and (ii) name of anion.
2. The cation is named first in both positively and negatively charged coordination
3. The dissimilar ligands are named in au alphabetical order before the name of central metal
atom or ion.
4. For more then one similar ligands. the prefixes di, tri, tetra, etc are added before its name.
If the di, tri, etc already appear in the complex then bis, tris, tetrakis are used.
5. If the complex part is anion, the name of the central metal ends with suffix ‘ate’.
6. Names of the anionic ligands end in ‘0’, names of positive ligands end with ‘ium’ and
names of neutral ligands remains as such. But exception are there as we use aqua for H2O,
ammine for NH3, carbonyl for CO and nitrosyl for NO.
7. Oxidation state for the metal in cation, anion or neutral coordination compounds is
indicated by Roman numeral in parentheses.
9. If the complex ion is a cation, the metal is named same as the element.
10. The neutral complex molecule is named similar to that of the complex cation.
(i) [Cr(NH3)3(H2O)3]Cl3
Triamminetriaquo chromium(III) chloride
(ii) [Co(NH2CH2CH2 NHCH2H2)3]2(SO4)3
tris (ethane-l,2-diamine) cobalt (III) sulphate
(iv) K4 [Fe(CN)6]
potassium hexacyanoferrate (II)
• The central metal or the metal atoms in coordination compounds show two types of
valency. They are the primary and secondary valency.
• The primary valency is equal to the charge or oxidation state of metal ion, and it is also
called ionisable valency.
• Secondary valency is non ionisable valency and it is equal to the coordinate number of
central atom or ion.
• Secondary valency is fixed for every central atom or ion. It means that the coordination
number is fixed.
• The metal atom or ion satisfies both its primary and secondary valencies. Primary valency
is always satisfied by negative ions and secondary valency can be satisfied by ion or neutral
molecules. It means, negative ion can satisfy both primary and secondary valencies.
• The secondary valencies are directional in nature or they are pointed towards a fixed
position in space. So, they determine geometry and isomerism in complex compounds. But,
primary valency is non directional in nature.
• Secondary valency to the central atom or ion is represented by solid thick line and the
primary valency is shown by dotted lines.
Consider cobalt(II) amine complexes in which primary valency is 3 and secondary valency or
C.N. is 6. Cobalt has a primary valency (oxidation state) of three and exhibits secondary valency
(coordination number) of 6.
1) CoCl3.6NH3 Complex: In this compound, the coordination number of cobalt is 6 and
NH3 molecules satisfy all six secondary valencies. Chloride ions satisfy the 3 primary valencies.
These are non-directional in character. It is ionised to give three chloride ions and one
[Co(NH3)6]+3 complex ion.
2) CoCl3.5NH3 complex: In this compound, cobalt has the coordination number of 6. However,
we see that the number of NH3molecule decreases to 5. The chloride ion occupies the
remaining one position. This chloride ion exhibits the dual behaviour as it has primary as well as
secondary valency.
It ionises to give two chloride ions and [Co (NH3)5Cl] +3 complex ion.
3) CoCl3.4NH3 complex: In this compound, two chloride ions exhibit the dual behaviour of
satisfying both primary and secondary valencies. It ionises to give only one Cl– ion and
[Co(NH3)4Cl2]+3 complex ion.
Limitations of Werner’s Coordination Theory
• It does not explain why all metals cannot form coordination compounds.
• It does not explain the directional properties of bonds in various coordination compounds.
• It does not explain the colour, the magnetic and optical properties, and bonding in
coordination compounds.
It is number that represents the total number of electrons surrounding the nucleus of a metal
atom or ion in a complex. It is the sum of all electrons from metal atom or ion and the bonding
electrons from the surrounding electron-donating atoms and molecule.
Consider the complex [Co(NH3)6]3+ . Here the number of electrons in the trivalent cobalt ion
Co+3 = 24 and the number of bonding electrons from six surrounding ammonia molecules, each
of which contributes one electron pair = 2 × 6 =12. So, EAN = 24+12 =36 (equal to electrons
in nearest inert gas Kr)
Sidgwick observed that the metal atom tends to surround itself with sufficient number of
ligands so that EAN is equal to the atomic number of nearest inert gas found in the same period
in which the metal is situated. The EAN rule is often referred to as the “18-electron rule” since
the total number of valence electrons (6 for Co3+ and 2 × 6 = 12 for 6 NH3) is 18.
In ferrocyanide complex ion [Fe (CN)6]-4, number of electrons in Fe+2 = 24 and number of
elctrons donated by six cyanide ions = 12. So, EAN= 24+12 = 36 (Kr configuration).
In [Ni(CO)4], E.A.N. = Number of electrons in Ni + number of electrons donated by CO groups
= 28 + 8 = 36.
EAN equal to the number of electrons in nearest inert gas is obeyed by most of the complexes.
But, in some complexes, EAN is close but not equal to the atomic number of nearest inert gas.
For example, in [Fe (CN)6]-3,
EAN = number of electrons in Fe+3 + number of electrons donated by six cyanide ions
= 23 + 12 = 35
In [PdCl4] 2- , E.A.N. = 46 – 2 + 8 = 52 (close but not equal to Atomic Number of Xenon (Xe)
ie 54). Such complexes which do not obey EAN rule are less stable.
Sidgwick Model
This is the model based on EAN given by Sidgwick. According to this model, the central atom
or ion accepts electron pairs from the surrounding ligands or electron rich species until it
achieves the EAN equal to atomic number of nearest inert gas, and gets stabilized. The metal
atom or ion makes coordinate covalent bonds towards it. The number of coordinate bonds
determines stability of the complexes.
1) Many complexes are quite stable even though they do not obey E.A.N. rule.
2) The ligand donates electron pair and metal accepts them. Due to this transfer of electrons,
negative charge on metal ion increases and the decrease in stability of complex due to this
process is not explained by this model.
1) This theory can easily predict the co-ordination number of central metal atom or ion.
This theory was proposed and developed by Linus Pauling to explain the structure and
magnetic properties of coordination compounds. The postulates of VBT of complexes are given
1. The central metal atom (or) ion makes the required number of vacant orbitals available for
accommodating the electrons donated by the ligands.
2. The number of vacant orbitals is equal to the coordination number of the metal atom or ion
for the given complex.
3. The vacant orbitals of the metal atom (or) ion undergo a suitable type of hybridisation to
yield a set of equivalent hybrid orbitals of definite geometry. So, the geometry of complex is
determined by the mode of hybridization in central metal atom or ion.
Mode of hybridization Geometry
sp3 tetrahedral
dsp2 square planar
sp3d trigonal bipyramidal
sp3d2 octahedral (outer orbital)
d2sp3 octahedral (inner orbital)
4. The empty orbitals hybridized before participation in bonding and the type of hybridisation
depends on the nature of metal and nature of ligands.
5. Under the influence of strong field ligands, the inner shell d orbitals are involved in
hybridization to form inner orbital or low-spin or spin-paired complexes (with (n-1)d, ns and
np orbitals). But, when the approaching ligands are relatively weak, the metal utilises its outer
d- orbitals to give outer orbital or high-spin or spin-free complexes (with ns, np and nd orbitals).
6. The inner orbital complexes with no unpaired electrons are diamagnetic and outer orbital
complexes with unpaired electrons are paramagnetic in nature.
Consider [Co(NH3)6]3+.
In this central metal atom Co atomic no. is 27. The electronic configuration of Co =
There is involvement of two 3d, one 4s and three 4p orbitals in hybridization. So, electrons are
arranged in d2sp3 hybrid orbitals by pairing up of electrons in first three d orbitals. All six
hybrid orbitals are made vacant, and each of them accepts a pair of electrons from ligand
molecule. There are no unpaired electrons. So, the complex is diamagnetic.
Consider [Ni(CN)4]2-
All electrons are paired so complex will be diamagnetic in nature.
Consider [CoF6]3-
In this central metal atom Co atomic no. is 27. The electronic configuration of Co =
There is involvement of one 4s, three 4p and two 4d orbitals in hybridization. So, electrons are
arranged in sp3 d2 hybrid orbitals. All six hybrid orbitals are vacant, and each of them accepts
a pair of electrons from ligand molecule. There are three unpaired electrons in 3d orbitals. So,
the complex is highly paramagnetic.
Consider [CoCI4]–
2. It doesn’t explain existence of inner orbital and outer orbital complexes with the same
ligands in different conditions.
� For anionic ligands end in "-o"; for anions that end in "-
ide"(e.g. chloride), "-ate" (e.g. sulfate, nitrate), and "-ite" (e.g.
nirite), change the endings as follows: -ide -o; -ate -
ato; -ite -ito
3. Greek prefixes are used to designate the number of each type of ligand in the
complex ion, e.g. di-, tri- and tetra-. If the ligand already contains a Greek prefix
(e.g. ethylenediamine) or if it is polydentate ligands (ie. can attach at more than
one binding site) the prefixes bis-, tris-, tetrakis-, pentakis-, are used instead. (See
examples 3 and 4.) The numerical prefixes are listed in Table 2.
4. After naming the ligands, name the central metal. If the complex ion is a cation,
the metal is named same as the element. For example, Co in a complex cation is
call cobalt and Pt is called platinum. (See examples 1-4). If the complex ion is an
anion, the name of the metal ends with the suffix –ate. (See examples 5 and 6.).
For example, Co in a complex anion is called cobaltate and Pt is called platinate.
For some metals, the Latin names are used in the complex anions e.g. Fe is called
ferrate (not ironate).
Iron Ferrate
Copper Cuprate
Lead Plumbate
Silver Argenate
Gold Aurate
Tin Stannate
5. Following the name of the metal, the oxidation state of the metal in the complex
is given as a Roman numeral in parentheses.
C. To name a neutral complex molecule, follow the rules of naming a complex
cation. Remember: Name the (possibly complex) cation BEFORE the (possibly
complex) anion.See examples 7 and 8.
1. [Cr(NH3)3(H2O)3]Cl3
The ammine ligands are named before the aqua ligands according to
alphabetical order.
Since there are three chlorides binding with the complex ion, the
charge on the complex ion must be +3 (since the compound is
electrically neutral).
From the charge on the complex ion and the charge on the ligands, we
can calculate the oxidation number of the metal. In this example, all
the ligands are neutral molecules. Therefore, the oxidation number of
chromium must be same as the charge of the complex ion, +3.
2. [Pt(NH3)5Cl]Br3
3. [Pt(H2NCH2CH2NH2)2Cl2]Cl2
4. [Co(H2NCH2CH2NH2)3]2(SO4)3
Solution: The sulfate is the counter anion in this molecule. Since it takes 3
sulfates to bond with two complex cations, the charge on each complex cation
must be +3.
Again, remember that you never have to indicate the number of cations and
anions in the name of an ionic compound.
5. K4[Fe(CN)6]
Solution: potassium is the cation and the complex ion is the anion.
Since there are 4 K+ binding with a complex ion, the charge on the complex
ion must be - 4.
Since each ligand carries –1 charge, the oxidation number of Fe must be +2.
The common name of this compound is potassium ferrocyanide.
6. Na2[NiCl4]
Solution: The complex ion is the anion so we have to add the suffix –ate in
the name of the metal.
7. Pt(NH3)2Cl4
Answer: diamminetetrachloroplatinum(IV)
Solution: This is a neutral molecule because the charge on Pt+4 equals the
negative charges on the four chloro ligands.
8. Fe(CO)5
Answer: pentacarbonyliron(0)
9. (NH4)2[Ni(C2O4)2(H2O)2]
10. [Ag(NH3)2][Ag(CN)2]
Answer: diamminesilver(I) dicyanoargentate(I)
You can have a compound where both the cation and the anion are complex
ions. Notice how the name of the metal differs even though they are the same
metal ions.
1. hexaammineiron(III) nitrate
2. ammonium tetrachlorocuprate(II)
3. sodium monochloropentacyanoferrate(III)
4. potassium hexafluorocobaltate(III)
1. [Fe(NH3)6](NO3)3
2. (NH4)2[CuCl4]
3. Na3[FeCl1(CN)5]
4. K3[CoF6]
1. [CoBr(NH3)5]SO4
2. [Fe(NH3)6][Cr(CN)6]
3. [Co(SO4)(NH3)5]+
4. [Fe(OH)(H2O)5]2+
1. Pentaamminebromocobalt(III) sulfate
3. Pentaamminesulfatocobalt(III) ion
4. Pentaaquahydroxoiron(III) ion