Methods of Research MIDTERM EXAM

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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur




Subject: Methods of Research (ME 310)

Instruction. Choose the correct answer of the following questions from the box below:

Analytical designs Historical analysis Experimental design

Concept analysis Comparison Case study design

Descriptive design Correlational research design Control

Ex Post Facto Ethnography Ethnographic Observation

Qualitative data Qualitative designs Quantitative designs

Naturalistic inquiry Legal analysis Questionnaires

Quasi-experimental design Quantitative techniques Research

Single-subjects designs Tests Survey research

Structured observation Standardized Interview Emergent design

Variable Unobtrusive measures True experimental design

Theoretical objectives Factual Objectives Application Objectives

Pure research Basic Research Descriptive Research

Correlation research Explanatory Research Exploratory studies

Structured Approach Unstructured approach Objectives

“It’s time to rise above those negative circumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved.”


Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

1. It is a qualitative or a quantitative entity that can vary or take on different values.

2. Were applied when the subjects are unaware of being participants in the study.
3. It has the unique characteristic of randomly assigning subjects to different
4. The specific procedures of a qualitative design are identified during the research
rather than before it is conducted which is why it is called?
5. It refers to the use of scores as data. It involves subjects’ response to either
written or oral questions to measure knowledge, ability aptitude, or some other
6. It is where the investigator selects a sample of subjects and administers a
questionnaire or conducts interviews to collect data.
7. It is a where researcher directly observes visually and auditory, some
phenomenon and then systematically records the resulting observations.
8. It is an oral, in- person administration of a standard set of questions that is
prepared in advanced.
9. It offers an alternative by specifying methods that can be used with single
10. It refers to the plan and structure of the investigation used to obtain evidence to
answer research questions.
11. It encompasses a variety of instruments in which the responds to written
questions to elicit reactions beliefs, and attitudes.
12. It approximates the true experimental type. Its purpose is to determine cause
and effect.
13. It emphasizes a priori categories to collect data in the form of numbers. Its goal
is to collect data to provide statistical descriptions, relationships and
14. It gathers and analyze numerical data.
15. Are less structured than quantitative ones. It investigates behavior as it occurs
naturally in non-contrived situations, and there is no manipulation of conditions or
experience, hence, the term ‘naturalistic inquiry’.
16. It makes use of narrative or verbal data.
17. It was defined as a discovery-oriented approach that minimizes investigator
manipulation of the study setting and places no prior constraints on what the
outcomes of the research will be (Guba, in Patton, 1993).
18. It focuses on selected law and court decisions to better understand the “law” and
legal issues.
“It’s time to rise above those negative circumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved.”


Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

19. It involves a systematic collection and criticism of documents that describe past
events. The analysis examines causes and trends and often relates the past to
current events.
20. It is when the researcher manipulates what the subject will experience.
21. It is a design is used to explore possible relationships among variables that can
be manipulated by researcher.
22. It is the work of describing a culture. Its central aim is to understand another way
of life from the native point of view. It means learning from people.
23. It has the distinctive feature of observing phenomena in naturally occurring
situations over an extended time and writing extensive field notes to describe
what happened.
24. It describes existing phenomena by using numbers to characterize individuals or
a group.
25. It is technically a form of descriptive designs, but because it is used extensively
in education, it is classified as a distinct type of research.
26. It is the cornerstone of experimental design.
27. It is the study of education concepts such as “open education”, “ability grouping”,
or “leadership” to describe the meaning and appropriate use of the concept.
28. Between subjects who had the treatment and those who did not will help
determine the effect of the treatment being studies.
29. It distinguishes traditional qualitative research, wherein a single case is studied in
depth. It can be an individual, one group of students, a school, a program, or a
30. It investigates problems through an analysis of documents. The researcher
identifies studies and then, synthesizes the data to provide an understanding of
events that may or may not have been directly observable.
31. Research comes from the French word recerche which means to travel through
or to survey.
32. Those researches whose objectives are theoretical aim to formulate new
theories, principles, or laws. Such type of research is exploratory because it
explains the relationships of certain variables.
33. This objective by nature is descriptive. These researches describe facts or
events which happened previously. Such type of research is done in history.
34. The research having application objectives does not contribute a new knowledge
in the field of human knowledge but suggests new applications. By application,
we mean improvement and modification.
35. is also concerned with the development, examination, verification and refinement
of research methods, procedures, techniques and tools that form the body of
research methodology.
“It’s time to rise above those negative circumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved.”


Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur

36. is completely theoretical, that focuses on basic principles and testing theories. It
tends to understand the basic law.
37. Attempts to describe systematically a situation, problem, phenomenon, service or
program, or provides information about, say, the living conditions of a community,
or describes attitudes towards an issue.
38. Is to discover or establish the existence of a
relationship/association/interdependence between two or more aspects of a
39. It attempts to clarify why and how there is a relationship between two aspects of
a situation or phenomenon.
40. are also conducted to develop, refine and/or test measurement tools and
41. It is more appropriate to determine the extent of a problem, issue or
phenomenon; the unstructured, to explore its nature.
42. The description of an observed situation, the historical enumeration of events,
an account of the different opinions people has about an issue, and a description
of the living conditions of a community are examples of qualitative research.
43. A problem is any significant, perplexing and challenging situation, real or artificial,
the solution of which requires reflective thinking.
44. The research problem serves as the foundation of a research study: if it is well
formulated, you can expect a good study to follow. According to Kerlinger.
45. Objectives are the goals you set out to attain in your study. Since these
objectives inform a reader of what you want to achieve through the study, it is
extremely important to word them clearly and specifically.
46. The literature review is an integral part of the entire research process and makes
a valuable contribution to almost every operational step.

47. -50. Write a pick-up line about Research.

“It’s time to rise above those negative circumstances and believe what God says about you. You are blessed, favored, loved.”


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