E N G I N e o P e R A T I o N A L C o M P e T e N C e # 4 o P e R A T e M A I N A U X I L I A R y M A C H I N e R y A N D A S S o C I A T e D C o N T R o L S y S T e M S
E N G I N e o P e R A T I o N A L C o M P e T e N C e # 4 o P e R A T e M A I N A U X I L I A R y M A C H I N e R y A N D A S S o C I A T e D C o N T R o L S y S T e M S
E N G I N e o P e R A T I o N A L C o M P e T e N C e # 4 o P e R A T e M A I N A U X I L I A R y M A C H I N e R y A N D A S S o C I A T e D C o N T R o L S y S T e M S
Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D Answer
1. Cylinder oil is used for _________. 2-stroke engine 4-stroke and 2 4-stroke engine gasoline engine A
stroke engine
2. An air compressor is equipped prevent reduce the increase inject water vapor C
with an intercooler and an overheating of first compressed air compressor into the
aftercooler to___________ . stage valves charge density efficiency compressed air
3. What component of the freshwater Shell Evaporator Ejector Condenser B
evaporator on board use to boil
seawater, using the main engine
jacket cooling water?
4. One of the major components of gear screw impeller piston C
centrifugal pump is___________.
5. The high pressure cut-out switch accumulation of restricted suction a stoppage of lack of refrigerant C
will stop the refrigeration refrigerant in the filter condenser cooling
compressor when there is______. crankcase oil water flow
6. If the bowl of a disk type purifier will act as oil solids will be oil will be lost oil has a tendency C
centrifugal purifier when operated a clarifier at the deposited only at through the water to emulsify in the
as a separator is not primed, discharge ring the intermediate discharge ports bowl
the______. top disk
7. The storage tank for liquid purging tank receiver dehumidifier charging tank B
refrigerant in a refrigeration
system is called __________.
8. Part of centrifugal disc purifier use top disc bowl main cylinder distributor D
to hold discs in place and directs
the flow of dirty liquid to the
bottom then to the discs as the oil
flows upward is called
9. The high pressure side of the compressor to the compressor to the evaporator to the expansion valve to B
refrigeration systems starts from condenser expansion valve compressor the compressor
the _______.
10. The dehydrator of a refrigeration before expansion after evaporator before liquid after oil separator A
system is located____________. valve receiver
11. A suitable location for the steam supply line drain line from a vacuum drag line horizontal run of D
installation of an impulse type to a feedwater high point in the from the drain line from the
steam trap would be in heater main steam line atmospheric drain lowest point at the
the__________ - expansion loop tank to the main outlet of the heat
condenser exchanger
12. Which of the listed types of steam Thermostatic Bimetallic Ball float Impulse D
traps operates on the principle
that hot water flashes to steam
when its vapor pressure is
13. A material use to protect the Intake filter Air cleaner Unloader Paper cartridge A
internal parts of air compressor
from solid particles which can be
sucked along with fresh air is
14. Air leaking into a flash type gasketed joints, gasketed joints, gasketed joints, salinometer, valve B
distilling plant could occur cooling tubes, and valve stem, and cooling tubes, and steam, and gage
through_______. valve stem gage glass gage glass glass packing
packing packing
15. Unloader in air compressor is use equalize first stage prevent excessive drain water from release excess oil B
to________. and second stage load on the motor cylinder from the
pressure during starting compressor
16. Which of the listed operations will An increase in the Closing of the Closing of the A decrease in the A
cause an automatically controlled suction pressure solenoid valve expansion valve suction pressure
refrigeration compressor to
17. A high reading at a salinity cell carryover in the chill shocking is leakage at the faulty operation of A
located in the loop seal between first- stage necessary to second- stage the brine
two stages of a flash type remove scale condenser overboard pump
evaporator indicates_____.
18. Component of an engine used to scavenging flaps turbocharger engine blower scavenging valve B
increase scavenging air is called
19. The operation of a thermostatic change in the action of a float difference in fact that hot water A
steam trap depends upon amount of vapor within a chamber movement of two under pressure
the__________. produced within an dissimilar tends to flash into
enclosed chamber bimetallic strips steam when its
not fastened vapor pressure is
together rapidly reduced
20. The low pressure side of a expansion valve to condenser to the expansion valve to evaporator to the A
refrigeration system is considered the compressor expansion valve the evaporator condenser
to exist from the ______.