Constitution and By-Laws of The Infanta District Teachers and Employees Association
Constitution and By-Laws of The Infanta District Teachers and Employees Association
Constitution and By-Laws of The Infanta District Teachers and Employees Association
Section 1. The association shall be known as the Infanta District Teachers and
Employees Association, which shall have an office in the Central School.
Section 1. All public school teachers and employees of the Department of Education
in the district of Infanta under permanent or provisional status including job-orders are eligible
members of the association upon payment of membership fee and other dues.
Section 2. The school heads of the different schools of the district automatically become
the members of the organization, a mutual benefit system instituted herein.
Section 4. A general life-time membership fee of one hundred pesos (Php 100.00)
shall be paid by the member.
Section 5. An annual fee of one hundred pesos (Php 100.00) shall be paid by each
member as revolving fund.
Section 4. Special dues include town fiesta as determined by the Committee Chair.
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Section 2. The election shall be done by special ballot system.
Section 4. The Commission on Election shall promulgate rules and regulations in the
conduct of the election.
Section 5. Any interested member of the association shall file his certificate of
candidacy to the Advisory Board individually one (1) week before the specified date of the
election. No member is allowed to file his certificate of candidacy for two (2) positions.
Section 7. The incumbent officers shall be five (5) years without prejudice to re-
Election for two terms only.
Section 1. The officers of the association shall be the President, the Vice-President,
the Secretary, the Treasurer, Auditors, Business Managers, PROs and three (3) Committee
Section 2. The President of the association shall have the following duties and
a. He / She shall call every meeting through the secretary and presides over
meetings and decide on all issues and concerns raised which his office is
required to address, or in case of tie of which his vote is necessary to
break the tie;
b. He / She shall defend the rights of every member, order all approved dues
to be collected from among the members, and likewise cause or order the
speedy payment of benefits to all members entitled to it.
c. He / She shall see to it that the provisions of this constitution and all
resolutions, and motions adopted by the body be strictly followed and
complied with;
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d. He / She shall approve and sign all documents pertinent to the accounts of
the association, and all papers needing signature of his office for that
i. He should turn over all the records (Treasurer’s records) to the incoming
treasurer during the induction of the next incoming officers.
Section 3. The Vice-President shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. He / She has all the powers and perform all the duties of the president in
the absence of the latter.
b. He / She performs duties/responsibilities delegated to him/her by the
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d. He / She shall see to it that all obligations of the organization shall be
approved by the board.
e. He / She shall submit a report of the financial condition of the association
to the meeting of the organization / board.
f. He / She shall jointly make deposits and withdrawals with the President,
and Auditor.
Section 6. The Auditor shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. He / She shall examine, audit and verify the books and records of the
b. He / She shall in close collaboration with the treasurer, prepare the
financial statement and affix their signature thereof.
c. In case they agreed with the treasurer, they should prepare and audit
sheet based on their findings and submit copies to the President, who, in
turn shall cause it to be discussed.
d. He / She shall perform functions as are attached to the office of the
Section 7. The Public Information Officer shall have the following duties and
a. He / She shall cause the publication of all the activities of the association
in the annual report, school organ, magazines, or any local papers after
such publication has viewed by the President and the Board of Directors.
Section 8. The Business Managers shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
a. He / She shall take charge of all approved activities of the association in
close collaboration with all the officers and particularly to the President.
Section 1. The order of business during meeting shall be:
a. Opening Prayer
b. Roll Call
c. Reading of previous minutes
d. Unfinished business
e. Committee Reports
f. Financial Statements
g. New Business
h. Other Matters
Section 2. Any approved business shall have a concurrence of at least majority of those
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Section 3. The officers shall set rules and procedures in the conduct of meetings.
Section 4. Upon written request of five (5) officers or members of the association,
submitted to the secretary, a meeting can be called.
Section 5. There should be at least three (3) professional meetings, one at the opening
of the school year, another one at the end of the first semester, and the third at the end of the
school year and as the need arises.
Section 1. All members of the association are entitled to receive benefits instituted in
this constitution, and/or in the approved resolution.
Section 2. That when an active member dies, an amount of two hundred pesos (Php
200.00) should be collected from each member as an aid to the bereaved family and the same
shall be delivered to the nearest kin/heir of the deceased within the earliest possible time.
Necrological services- gifts of love shall be given.
That the nearest kin of the active member, the kin being not an active member of the
association particularly the biological father, mother, spouse or children in case of death, should
be given an aid in the amount of fifty pesos (P 50.00) collected from each member. Double
benefits should be given to beneficiary only wherein both husband and wife are members.
Section 3. Only members who have paid their dues or fees regularly or otherwise have
paid in full their obligations shall be entitled to his benefits.
Section 4. Retirees of the district of Infanta who are members of the association are
included in the benefits as provided by the constitution. That when a retiree dies, an amount of
one hundred pesos (Php 100.00) should be collected from each member as an aid to the
bereaved family.
Section 5. Five percent (5%) of the total collection will go to the common fund and the
rest will be given to the bereaved family.
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Section 6. The excess amount from the collection or contribution shall go to the mutual
fund of the association and it should be used for other services and for paying expenses of the
association such as transportation, seminars, meetings, trainings, and other related-activities of
the association.
Section 7. An amount of one hundred pesos (100.00) shall be collected to all active
members as medical aid contribution for an active member who undergoes a major surgical
operation, dialysis or is suffering from cancer or major circumstances.
Section 8. Members may voluntarily give aid to all or any member as cited above but
shall in no case be considered as falling within the intentions of Section 2 and 7 of this article.
Section 1. The association may organize an annual gathering to keep the members
informed of the activities, programs, and financial status of the association through an Annual
Financial Report.
Section 2. The annual district gathering shall be under the direct control of the officers,
in close collaboration with the Board of Directors, and Board of Advisers.
Section 1. The officers as defined in Article IV shall be elected on the next election and
the elections thereafter. However, the elected Sub-Secretary, Auditors, Public Relation Officers,
and Business Managers shall compose the membership of the different commissions and
perform the duties therein as enumerated in Article IV, immediately upon the final ratification of
this Constitution.
Section 2. The membership fee as of this membership year, school year 2021 -2022
shall be paid within fifteen (15) days from the final ratification of this Constitution.
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Section 2. Special income such as donations, unexpended proceeds of income
generating projects, expended funds for any activity of the association shall be deposited to the
general funds.
Section 3. There shall be no transfer of funds from one fund to another except upon the
action of the two-third vote of all members in a regular meeting.
Section 1. This Constitution shall be signed by the Officers, Board of Directors and
Board of Advisers.
Section 2. At least a copy be furnished to each school if every member could not be
furnished an individual copy.
Section 3. A copy should be furnished to the Club Treasurer and be kept as a copy of
the Association.
Section 1. This constitution should take effect immediately after its ratification.
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Ratified on _____________ at the District Conference Hall, Infanta Integrated School, Infanta, Pangasinan
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