On The Wings of Ecstasy
On The Wings of Ecstasy
On The Wings of Ecstasy
Cover design
LOTUS Media,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695014.
Ph: 0471-3208478, 09447036991
Published by
Rishi Prakasana Sabha
T.C. 38/351, VYASA : 196
Valiachalai Street,
Thiruvananthapuram - 695036.
Phone : 0471 - 2479457
Printed by
Sri Bharathi Printers,
Bangalore - 560079.
Pr eface
The Lamp
The Venerable P
Prr esence
The Vision
The Tr easur
To Kno
Knoww O ne
ne’’s SSelf
One elf
Tr ue H ome
The P rimor
Primor dial F
rimordial ir
The Buddha
Be still, He comes!!
Still is the mountain
Still is the deep sea
Still is the windless woods
Still is the contemplating Mind
In the womb of stillness is born
The dark beauty, the ethereal joy!
He the dark one is effulgent!
Yes, have you heard dear
Dark and yet effulgent!
He is dark and radiant!
He is still and dynamic
He is manifold and one
He is bewitching yet formless
Be still within and behold
In the stillness of the mind He comes!
On the Wings of Ecstasy 34
He my lord by boundless
Grace forcefully entered my
Heart and took over the control
My body then and there
Became a willful instrument
In the hands of Sadguru.
His grace as a cool stream
On the Wings of Ecstasy 41
The Guru
To be in the presence
Of Guru is to get illumined
Inwardly with the light of God.
Guru is none other than
Our own real Self shooting
Out in a comely form to
Pull our mind towards Him.
This is the most mystical
Incarnation of divine grace.
When the mind moves to the centre
The flame in the centre swallows it.
That flame is the Inner Guru
Once the Inner monitor
Takes over the Control the
Person can never go wrong.
Infallible is His guidance.
A person whose attention
Is sharp enough to listen to
This Infallible inner voice
Is a free person.
He is liberated from
The trap of ignorance.
On the Wings of Ecstasy 47
Thou Ar
Artt That
The Struggle
Walking in G od
To walk is to be still,
To walk is to meditate
When the body moves agile
God was there as profound energy.
The fresh dawn hours when
The whole nature is alive
With divine stillness and peace rejuvenating
I walked listening to
The melody of warbling birds
Nay I listened to the very silence
Some secret pep was set free
Within the centre of my body
There issued forth a stream of
Invigorating energy from
That centre bathing me in peace.
God was there around me
Wafting a divine fragrance
There was no separate me
To feel Him, yet the
Feeling was deep as one’s own existence.
On the Wings of Ecstasy 57
To SSee
ee GOD
To see God is to be filled
With light, energy and joy.
To see God is to behold love
Pure, in the heart of all
To see God is to move about
With a lilt in one’s heart
To see God is to be free,
Fearless and agile like a child.
To see God is to be aware
Of a vast ocean of joy in one’s heart
To see God is to bury one’s mind
In the primordial ground of creation
To see God is to be free
Of the ego movement.
To see God is to be
Free of envy towards all
To see God is to see
The Self in all beings.
To see God means to have
The inner lake still and deep
To see God means to be
Awake always to the Real
To see God is to be
God, yet to be NOTHING.
On the Wings of Ecstasy 59
A Sacred Place
The Effulgence
The Sun
Royal Road to P
Road eace
On the Wings of Ecstasy 67
Seek H im B
Him ehind The M
Behind ind
Living Flame
To be without ‘I’ is
Freedom here and now.
To be without the ‘I’ is
To be the real ‘I’ which is
Existence, awareness and bliss.
Moment by moment pay attention
To the feeling of ‘I’ ‘I’.
Watch its every movement
As a tiger would, its prey.
Burn this virulent offshoot
With the fire of watchfulness.
Watchfulness is the radium-
Ray of the Real Self.
Switch it off, you are in dark.
Keep it aflame, you move in light,
Nay you are light.
Moment by moment live
With this flame of awareness.
Be a living flame of
Awareness, Peace and Existence.
On the Wings of Ecstasy 71
T ime
Invoke Him
Royal R oad to P
Road eace
The SSupr
upr eme Yoga