Workplace Hazard Assessment Form: Task Hazard(s) PPE Required Notes Department
Workplace Hazard Assessment Form: Task Hazard(s) PPE Required Notes Department
Workplace Hazard Assessment Form: Task Hazard(s) PPE Required Notes Department
Entering high noise area Noise in excess of 85dB Foam, cap, or earmuff type Both ears, all production All persons
hearing protection areas, prior to exposure area
Chemical mixing Caustic burns Chemical gloves, apron, Only authorized employees Authorized
goggles and face shield, are to mix chemicals. Read Employees
rubber boots, sleeves MSDS prior to using any
Immediate notification if
First aid/CPR Bloodborne pathogens/ Air Latex / non-latex examination exposed to body fluids. See Any staff required
borne diseases gloves, safety eyewear, CPR Bloodborne Pathogen Control to render first aid.
device protective mask Program
Grinding, sanding, chipping, Debris in eyes, burns, Safety glasses / goggles, face Use point of operation area Maintenance
abrading lacerations to face and shield, gloves, arm protection, guarding when available.
other non- protected body Safety toed leather boots
Grinding, sanding, chipping, Hand lacerations, Leather or thick cloth work When using powered tools Maintenance
abrading impingement gloves
Welding, brazing Eye hazard, burns Welding helmet, apron, See selection chart for proper Maintenance
gloves, chaps lens shade
Must be licensed
Work on live electrical Electrical shock Reference NFPA 70-E Maintenance and trained.
Exposure to traffic Body injuries ANSI Class II Safety Vest Wear near road ways or high Drivers, helpers
traffic areas Supervisors all