Forgues Susan L-201410 MED

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Susan L. Forgues

A thesis submitted to the Graduate Proogram in the Department of Education

in conformity with the requirements for the

Degree of Master of Education

Queen’s University

Kingston, Ontario, Canada

(October, 2014)

Copyright © Susan L. Forgues, 2014


Flying a military aircraft is a cognitively complex activity. Military pilots must not only be able

to fly the aircraft but they also must be able to seamlessly integrate the aircraft into a wide range of

operational situations, working to complete complex missions in hostile terrain and under difficult

circumstances. The overall goal of this thesis is to examine the specific cognitive abilities and/or

demographic characteristics of Canadian Forces pilot candidates in aircrew selection using three aptitude

test batteries.

There were three purposes of this study: to investigate relationships amongst the three aptitude

test batteries completed by the pilot candidates, to determine if there were specific indicators that defined

successful pilot candidates, and to examine the patterns of performance in flight simulator testing.

Analysis of the relationships identified three factors, which were significant in a number of analyses and

confirmed that candidates who were successful at aircrew selection possessed a number of common

abilities. Specific groups of candidates were also identified based on their performance in the simulator.

Candidates who scored well on Psychomotor Ability and Spatial Reasoning subtests were successful at

pilot selection and Gender was consistently a significant factor in aptitude testing, with female candidates

experiencing greater difficulty passing selection.

The development of systemically complex aircraft may have reduced the need for strong

psychomotor abilities and instead generated an increased requirement for improved problem solving

abilities and situational awareness. The current study demonstrated some movement towards this new

dynamic by showing the importance of a Reasoning factor based on problem solving and critical thinking

abilities, and an ability to work quickly and accurately under time constraints. Successful completion of

pilot selection required candidates to be competent in a number of ability domains. More diverse abilities

testing may select military pilot candidates whose performance during flight training is of a higher calibre

as a result of their expanded skill set and who are better equipped to meet the challenges of today’s

complex and ever-changing air environment.


Completion of this thesis would not have been possible without the support of my family and the

professors, staff and graduate students at the Faculty of Education of Queen’s University. Thank you to

my husband Pierre for his unwavering support and input. As always, we worked together and I am so

thankful you were willing to proofread chapters and review data analysis over the past months. Thank you

also to my Mom who listened politely as I recited a litany of difficulties to which she provided thoughtful

and useful solutions and encouragement.

I owe Dr. John Kirby, my supervisor, a great debt of thanks for his unwavering support and

encouragement from the very beginning of my Master’s degree. Although military pilot selection is well

outside his area of research, Dr. Kirby never hesitated to explore new avenues of inquiry and investigate

new data analysis methods. The quality of this thesis is a reflection of his professionalism and dedication.

Thanks also to Dr. Richard Reeve for his assistance and membership on my committee. To Danielle

Lapointe-McEwen, Sean Cousins, Sana Tibi, Mary Bouchard, Yan Wei, Jess Chan, and Natalie Simper:

thank you for being my sounding boards and general escape from the vagaries of writing and studying. I

wish you success in your own endeavours wherever they may take you.

The Canadian Forces was the driving force behind the acquisition of this archival dataset and I

want to thank Susan Truscott for the research idea, Major-General David Miller for his assistance in

getting the data released to me, Dr. Wendy Darr at DGMPRA who provided critical information and

assistance throughout the thesis-writing process, Lieutenant - Colonel Klammer for her review of the

finished product, and Major Dawn Herniman whose guided tour through the Aircrew Selection Center in

Trenton made all the difference in my approach to writing about the subtests.

To my close friends Val Arthur and Lisa Boyd, thank you for always taking my calls and

listening to the updates on my progress (or lack thereof). Finally, thank you to Chance who was with me

through most of the journey but not the end; I miss you.

Table of Contents

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... ii  
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................... iii
List of Figures ……………………………………………………………………………………………...v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................... vi  
List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................. viii  
Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1  
Chapter 2 Literature Review ......................................................................................................................... 3  
Chapter 3 Method ....................................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 4 Results …………………………………………………………………………………………39
Chapter 5 Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………………63
Appendices ………………………………………………………………………………………………..88

List of Figures

Figure 1 Scree plot for the Factor Analysis

Figure 2 The two-class model for Latent Class Analysis of CAPSS scores
Figure 3 The three-class model for Latent Class Analysis of CAPSS scores
Figure 4 The four-class model for Latent Class Analysis of CAPSS scores
Figure C1 Scree plot for the Factor Analysis.

List of Tables

Table 1 The Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test Legacy Ability Domains and Corresponding
Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Stratum II Broad Ability Domains
Table 2 The psychomotor ability tests used by Wheeler and Ree (1997)
Table 3 Number and Gender of candidates completing CAPSS Testing by Session
Table 4 Subtests of Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Tests (RAFAAT) Grouped by Legacy
Domain (n = Number of Candidates Who Completed Each Subtest)
Table 5 Descriptive Statistics for Aptitude Tests Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) and All
Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Tests in Six Ability Domains
Table 6 Principal Axis Factor Analysis with Direct Oblimin Rotation for RAFAAT Group 1 and
CFAT Subtests (N = 1007)
Table 7 Correlations between Factor Scores and RAFAAT Group 2 Subtests
Table 8 Descriptive Statistics for Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)
Table 9 Correlations between CAPSS, CFAT, and RAFAAT Group 1 and 2 Subtests
Table 10 Correlations between Factor Scores and CAPSS Scores (N for Individual Measures)
Table 11 Between-Subjects Effects For Aircrew Pass/Fail on Demographic Variables and Factor
Scores (N = 851)
Table 12 Chi-Square Gender/CAPSS Pass/Fail – Actual Count (Expected)
Table 13 Structure Matrix for Discriminant Function Analysis (N = 851)
Table 14 Classification Results for Discriminant Function Analysis: Number of Candidates
Table 15 Hierarchical Regression Analysis Predicting Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System
(CAPSS) Session Four Score (N = 850)
Table 16 Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Two-Class
Model on CFAT Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic
Table 17 Chi-Square Analysis of LCA Two-Class Model by Gender; Actual Count (Expected in
Parentheses) and Percent of Each Gender
Table 18 Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Three-Class
Model on CFAT Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic

Table 19 Chi-Square LCA three classes: Gender by Class membership – Actual count (expected)
and percent of each Gender
Table 20 Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Four-Class
Model on CFAT Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic
Table 21 Chi-Square Analysis of LCA Four Class Model by Gender; Actual Count (Expected in
parentheses) and Percent of Gender
Table 22 Summary of Results: Levels of Significance for Factor Scores and Gender
Table 23 Summary of Research Question Three Results: Levels of Significance for Statistically
Significant Subtests and Gender for Mplus Latent Class Analyses
Table B1 Correlations for Canadian Forces Aptitude Tests (CFAT) and Royal Air Force Aircrew
Selection Test (RAFAAT) Subtests by Ability Domain – Page 1
List of Tables (continued)
Table B2 Correlations for Canadian Forces Aptitude Tests (CFAT) and Royal Air Force Aircrew
Selection Test (RAFAAT) Subtests by Ability Domain – Page 2
Table C1 Factor Loadings for Exploratory Factor Analysis (Principal Axis Factoring with Oblimin
Rotation) for the CFAT and RAFAAT Group 1 Subtests (N = 1024)
Table D1 Average Latent Class Probabilities for Most Likely Latent Class Membership: Three-
Class Model
Table E1 Model Fit information for Mplus Latent Class Analysis
Table E2 Standard Error Ranges for Two, Three, and Four Class Models

List of Abbreviations

CAPSS Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System

CFAT Canadian Forces Aptitude Test

RAF Royal Air Force

RAFAAT Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test


Chapter 1


Flying a military aircraft is a cognitively complex activity. Military pilots must not only be able

to fly the aircraft but they also must be able to seamlessly integrate the aircraft into a wide range of

operational situations, working to complete complex missions in hostile terrain and under difficult

circumstances. In light of the wide array of cognitive demands placed on military pilots, the aptitude

testing and selection of pilot candidates needs to be a rigorous, multi-faceted process designed to assess

the skills and capabilities of the pilot candidate in a variety of domains (Damos, 2003; Hilton & Dolgin,

1991; Wickens, 2007). Selection systems are methods of prediction, which can be tracked over time to

maximize the quality of learning and achieve a greater degree of success in a chosen field (Cook & Ward,

1996). Selection systems act like filters to increase the likelihood of success in training or they can be

used to select candidates who can master a satisfactory level of performance in a core skill at a faster rate

(Cook & Ward, 1996).

The overall goal of this thesis is to examine the specific cognitive abilities and/or demographic

characteristics that are markers for success of Canadian Forces pilot candidates in aircrew selection. The

archival dataset used in this research comprised pilot candidate scores on three groups of measures: the

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) which measures verbal and spatial abilities as well as problem

solving acumen; the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System or CAPSS, a computerized simulator

that replicates tasks performed in flight; and selected subtests of the Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude

Test (RAFAAT), an ability test battery developed in the United Kingdom.

The aptitude testing system designed to select Canadian Forces military pilots has, as its

theoretical centre, a framework that assesses the general cognitive abilities of pilot applicants through a

comprehensive aptitude test battery. The Review of Literature opens with a presentation of several

influential theoretical models of human intellectual assessment and an overview of the foundation of


aptitude testing. The concept of executive function (EF) is discussed as a construct consisting of

interrelated but distinct components involved in goal-directed behaviour in novel situations. The

importance of a comprehensive and accurate job analysis is highlighted because it identifies actual task

competencies and personnel requirements.

The literature review continues with the examination of the ability domains used to classify

cognitive capabilities according to the types of tasks and measures used to assess them. Where possible,

recent empirical evidence assessing pilot performance in these ability domains, and how that performance

may be influenced by EF, is presented. Specifics of simulator testing are also profiled given its

importance in the aptitude testing of Canadian Forces military pilot candidates. The chapter concludes by

outlining the research questions of the current study and describing other related studies concerning pilot

selection in the Royal Canadian Air Force.


Chapter 2

Literature Review

Human Cognitive Abilities – Assessing Intelligence

General cognitive abilities influence how much and how quickly individuals learn, and predict

their ability to react in innovative ways (Hunter, 1986). Charles Spearman (1904) coined the term g to

designate general mental ability. Since Spearman, a myriad of theories and taxonomies has emerged in an

effort to provide an organising scheme of human cognitive abilities. Several prominent theories have also

contested the inclusion of g in an intelligence model, including Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities

theory (Thurstone, 1958) in which he proposed intelligence was based on seven primary abilities – spatial

reasoning, perceptual speed, number facility, verbal relations, word fluency, memory, and inductive

reasoning - and not on a single general reasoning factor. Sternberg (1986) distinguished three classes of

intelligence: analytic, creative, and practical; Gardner’s (1993) Theory of Multiple Intelligences was built

on the premise that there was not one general trait of overall mental competence but many types of

intelligence, ranging from musical skills to kinaesthetic intelligence. Despite these dissenting views,

recent taxonomic models have been constructed around the concept of g. Arthur Jensen wrote:

“The best single predictor of individual differences in the rate of learning and the level that can be

attained in a great many areas of knowledge and skills that people regard as being of a mental

nature is g …any group differences in g are really aggregated (or accumulated) individual

differences.” (cited in Miele, 2002).

The C-H-C Model. Of particular interest for this thesis is the Cattell – Horn – Carroll (C-H-C)

Theory of Cognitive abilities, cited as “…the most comprehensive and empirically supported

psychometric theory of the structure of cognitive and academic abilities to date” (Alfonso, Flanagan, &

Radwan, 2005, p. 185). Beginning in the early 1960’s, Cattell and Horn proposed the existence of two

types of intelligence: fluid intelligence – Gf – which encompassed the basic abilities in reasoning as they


related to higher mental processes, and crystallized intelligence – Gc – representing the extent to which an

individual has been able to learn from experience and education (McGrew, 2009).

In 1993, Carroll presented a comprehensive, empirically based synthesis of factor-analytic

research on the structure of human cognitive abilities. Carroll described a Three-Stratum Theory in which

First Stratum abilities represented greater specialisations of abilities as a result of experience and learning.

Second Stratum factors represent moderate specialisations of ability that can govern or influence

behaviours in a given situation and Third Stratum abilities reflected differences in the performances of

individuals in broad classes of tasks (Carroll, 1993). An example of the Three-Stratum Theory is provided

by McGrew (2009): A Third Stratum ability would be g under which fluid intelligence, Gf, would be

considered an integral Stratum II component; general sequential or deductive reasoning would then be a

First Stratum ability.

The two theoretical approaches were combined to create the C-H-C theory of intelligence, a

model that has had significant impact on the structure of cognitive testing. The C-H-C model has a single

overarching Stratum III cognitive factor – g, then branches into Stratum II (broad) ability domains, which

comprise up to ten broad abilities. An additional six have been suggested for inclusion so as to address

human sensory domains (McGrew, 2009). In addition to Gf and Gc, the following Stratum II ability

domains are of particular interest for this thesis: Gv - Visual-spatial abilities; Gsm - Short-term memory;

Glr - Long-term storage and retrieval; Gs - Cognitive Processing Speed; Gt - Decision/reaction time or

speed; and, Gp - Psychomotor Abilities. Stratum I or identified narrow abilities are described in McGrew

(2009) and cover a wide range of cognitive abilities, including many that are detailed in the ability

domains that are examined in this thesis.

Executive Function. The concept of Executive Function (EF) has been studied extensively in

neuropsychological theories of behaviour control, specifically as it relates to the cognitive functions

associated with voluntary control of behaviour (McCabe, Roediger, McDaniel, Balota, & Hambrick,

2010). EF is not specifically named in the current theories of intelligence, including the C-H-C taxonomy,


but some of its constructs like working memory (WM), attention, and inhibition, are represented in the

Stratum II broad ability domains.

EF facilitates goal directed behaviour and adaptation to novel and complex situations, and allows

the inhibition of automatic responses in favour of controlled, measured behaviour (Causse, Dehais, &

Pastor, 2011). EF has been defined in a number of different ways: as a family of top-down mental

processes needed for concentration/attention and when reliance on instinct or intuition would be ill-

advised (Diamond, 2013); the ability to control cognitive actions by inhibiting impulsive task responses

and manipulating/organising complex information held in working memory (Richland & Burchinal,

2013); those capacities that enable a person to engage successfully in independent, purposive, self-serving

behaviour (Barkley, 2012).

There is also lack of agreement on whether EF should be considered as a unitary construct or as a

set of independent components (Best & Miller, 2010). Zelazo, Carter, Reznick, and Frye (1997) proposed

a problem-solving framework for EF that illustrated the manner in which distinct EF processes operate by

integrating information in order to solve problems and achieve goals. In this model, four temporally

distinct phases in EF problem solving are employed in the following sequence: problem representation,

planning, execution, and evaluation.

In the models of Miyake et al. (2000) and Diamond (2013), the EF construct consists of the

following distinct but interrelated components: inhibition, working memory (WM), and shifting. The

inhibition component assists the individual in not relying on learned behaviours, instinct or intuition when

confronted with novel and/or complex situations (Miyake et al., 2000). WM, as described by Baddeley

(1986), represents a general cognitive workspace for concurrent processing and storage demands that are

involved in complex learning activities, while shifting denotes cognitive flexibility or the ability to shift

between states or tasks (Diamond, 2013).

Situational awareness is the perception of elements in the environment at a certain time and

space, to include the comprehension of their meaning and the projection of their status in the near future


(Endsley & Bolstad, 1994; Vidulich, 2003). The accuracy of situational awareness depends on working

memory (WM) to integrate incoming information with a coherent interpretation of current events to

facilitate the prediction of the future status of a specific process or system (Sohn & Doane, 2004).

McCabe et al., (2010) identified a common attention construct present in both WM capacity and EF tasks

called executive attention.

Süß, Oberauer, Wittman, Wilhelm, and Schulze (2002) concluded that WM capacity was, in fact,

the best predictor of intelligence and reasoning ability. They also argued that determining which specific

function of WM – storage capacity, processing capacity, or both – is used to successfully perform

reasoning tasks is not well understood (Süß et al., 2002). Task specific skills are necessary if an

individual is to perform to a high level and these skills form the core of the job analysis component of

ability assessment.

Theories of intelligence have evolved since the 1960s to make them more related to the constructs

of cognitive psychology; thus the Stratum II abilities refer to terms such as short-term memory and long-

term memory. More complex cognitive constructs, such as attention, working memory (and its various

subsystems), metacognition, self-regulation, and executive function do not yet feature prominently in

theories of intelligence, except that some authors argue that they are synonymous with g (Causse et al.,

2011). These constructs are often discussed under the general label of Executive Functions and appear to

be relevant to the skills required to fly airplanes (Causse et al., 2011).

Job Analysis

Whereas the constructs of human intelligence and cognition (like the Cattell-Horn-Carroll model

or EF) can be thought of as a theoretical framework, job analysis represents the pragmatic framework of

selection systems. Job analysis is an important component of assessment that should be incorporated into

any selection system because it is critical to identify the actual job requirements and so refine the

structure of the selection batteries for each role (Bailey, 1999; Cook & Ward, 1996; Kantor & Carretta,

1988). The work of Fleishman and Quaintance (1984) on the development of ability dimensions and


measurement systems provided the foundation for the classification of tasks based on ability

requirements, a critical step in the development of selection measures. In the ability requirements

approach, tasks are described, contrasted, and compared in terms of the abilities they are thought to

require of the operator, and then clustered into ability groups alongside other tasks with similar ability

requirements (Fleishman & Quaintance, 1984).

The first step in developing new selection systems or implementing new technology is a thorough

understanding of the task and a validation of the cognitive models of performance (Cook & Ward, 1996).

Job analyses identify specific knowledge, skills, aptitudes, and other attributes required to perform

specific tasks to a high standard (Darr, 2010a). When the Royal Air Force in the United Kingdom revised

its selection system in the 1980’s, they engaged subject matter experts – individuals with a thorough

knowledge of the operational job requirements – who broke down each role into tasks, which were then

weighted by their importance to mission success (Bailey, 1999).

Damos (1996) observed that job analyses of operational pilots were difficult to find, but essential

to answering the question ‘what is the job of the pilot?’ In 2010, the Canadian Forces completed a pilot

job analysis for each of the three pilot streams – Jet, Rotary Wing (Helicopter), and Multi-Engine – to

determine commonalities and variations in the underlying knowledge and skills, associated with each

stream (Darr, 2010a). Appendix A contains an excerpt from the job analysis of the Rotary Wing stream

and includes a list of competency groupings. Psychomotor, mathematics, and reading skills, which would

be considered Stratum II abilities Gp, Gq, and Grw respectively (McGrew, 2009), topped the list of skills

that, if ignored in the selection process, would result in trouble for the novice pilot. The ability to operate

under stress, to attend to multiple stimuli, to analyse the current situation, and anticipate changes were

identified as the top three abilities that distinguished superior rotary wing pilots from average pilots (Darr,

2010a). These latter abilities relate to the inhibition and WM components identified by Richland and

Burchinal (2013) as being part of EF and are related to the CHC Stratum II broad abilities of Gs -

Cognitive Processing Speed; Gt - Decision/reaction time or speed, and Gsm - Short-term memory.


The Mental Abilities of Pilots

In this section of the literature review, ability domains are introduced. An ability domain can be

considered as a broad collection of similar aptitudes; domain based composite scores were found to be

more robust and reliable as they were comprised of a number of scores, each of which was derived from

tests covering a range of similar aptitudes (Bailey, 1999; Carroll, 1993). Some of the ability domains

described here correspond to CHC Stratum II broad ability domains; for others there are some similarities

at the Stratum I narrow abilities level and these correspondences are noted where applicable. Ability

domains are the selection framework used by many air forces in selecting pilots and represent the

outcome of the theoretical approach to assessing intelligence combined with specific job requirements.

The examination of the mental abilities of pilots begins with a description of the ability domains

identified by the Royal Air Force and, where available, empirical evidence showing the results of pilot

aptitude testing in these domains followed by an overview of EF and its role in pilot performance,

Aircrew-ability domains. As a result of the task analyses completed by the Royal Air Force, six

aircrew-ability domains were identified (see Table 1 from Royal Air Force, 2007). These domains, known

as the Legacy Cognitive Model, are defined in Table 1 and the corresponding CHC Stratum II broad

abilities are identified. As part of ongoing research into aptitude testing, Canadian Forces military pilot

candidates who completed Aircrew Selection between 2008 and 2013 also completed these tests. These

data are the focus of the research for this thesis. The following sections examine the evidence assessing

the roles of these ability domains in identifying pilot aptitudes.

Verbal Reasoning. Defined as the ability to interpret and reason with verbal information, verbal

reasoning includes the assimilation and integration of information, inference, deduction, and evaluation of

information (Southcote, 2004). Many journal articles addressed verbal reasoning skills as part of early

cognitive development but none were found that specifically addressed the role of verbal reasoning in the

pilot selection process. The ability of pilots to communicate was identified in the Darr (2010a) Job

Analysis as an important consideration in the selection of helicopter pilots. Communication was defined


as the ability to understand instructions in English and to speak clearly and this requirement was based on

the ratings of Instructor Pilots who completed the job analysis.

Table 1

The Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test Legacy Ability Domains and Corresponding Cattell-Horn-
Carroll (CHC) Stratum II Broad Ability Domains (McGrew, 2009)

Ability Domain Definition CHC Stratum II


Verbal Reasoning The ability to use and interpret written or spoken information, Gc, Grw

comprehend meaning from, and reason with, grammar,

syntax, vocabulary, and sentence forms.

Numerical The ability to use and interpret information presented in the Gf, Gsm, Glr
form of tables, graphs, and equations.

Spatial The ability to form three-dimensional representations and Gf, Gv

manipulate diagrammatic information in ‘the mind’s eye’.

Work Rate The ability to work accurately through routine tasks under Gf, Gs, Gt

time constraints.

Attentional The ability to deal with multiple tasks involving auditory Gf, Gs, Gt
and/or visual information, to concentrate over periods of

time, noting changes, and paying attention to detail.

Psychomotor The ability to perform tasks requiring eye-hand coordination Gf, Gp, Gps

and eye-hand-foot coordination with speed and accuracy.

Note. Gc – crystallised intelligence; Gf – fluid reasoning; Grw – reading and writing; Gsm – short-term
memory; Glr – long-term storage and retrieval; Gv – visual processing; Gs – cognitive processing speed;
Gt – decision and reaction speed; Gp – psychomotor abilities, Gps – psychomotor speed.

The current test battery for Canadian Forces pilot candidates contains a single test of verbal

reasoning, the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) verbal reasoning subtest administered to all

applicants to the Canadian Forces regardless of occupation. That the verbal reasoning domain is not


included in the domains tested by the RAFAAT may be less an indication that it is not important for

pilots, and more a reflection of the restricted sample considered for pilot selection. Applicants who do not

score high enough on the CFAT simply do not proceed to aircrew selection (Darr, 2009).

Numerical Reasoning. Aptitude tests assessing numerical reasoning ability test a candidate’s

ability to comprehend, interpret, and use numerical information in a logical way (Southcote, 2004). Darr

(2010b) observed that, with respect to measures capturing mathematical reasoning, the CFAT-Problem

Solving (PS) subtest appeared to be relevant as it included a timed test requiring candidates to complete

several mathematical problems. Within the RAFAAT test battery, there are two subtests in the numerical

reasoning ability domain administered to Canadian Forces pilot candidates, one measuring mathematical

reasoning, and the other mathematical computation.

Boccio (2009) highlighted the involvement of mathematical reasoning in aviation and the

arithmetic skills required by pilots in order to obtain a private pilot endorsement from the Federal

Aviation Administration in the United States. Boccio listed the following as required mathematical

proficiencies: the ability to mentally estimate quantities; to convert units between different systems of

measurement (e.g. knots to miles-per-hour or nautical miles to statute miles); to calculate angles to

intercept desired navigation tracks; to perform vector operations to calculate headwinds, tailwinds, and

cross-winds; to calculate square roots (e.g. to determine hydroplaning speed); and to read and interpret


Several published studies were found that concerned numerical reasoning requirements for pilots,

however they were reports of rankings of pilot abilities completed by Instructor Pilots as part of more

comprehensive studies identifying abilities that are critical for pilot success (Carretta, Rodgers, & Hansen,

1993; Youngling, Levine, Mocharnuk, & Weston, 1977). In Damos (2011), USAF pilots gave

mathematical computation a moderate rating of cognitive ability relevance to pilot qualification but

considered mathematical reasoning to be a little relevance.


Spatial Reasoning. Measures of spatial reasoning are a mainstay in pilot aptitude testing. Cooper

and Regan (1982) defined spatial ability as competence in encoding, transforming, generating, and

remembering internal representations of objects in space and in assessing their relations to other objects

and spatial positions, while Dror, Kosslyn, and Waag (1993) suggested spatial ability encompassed the

ability to rotate objects in mental images, to extrapolate motion, to scan imaged objects, to encode spatial

relations between objects, and to extract the visual features of an object in the presence of visual noise.

However, there is consensus that pilots should possess strong spatial aptitudes (Boer, 1991; Carretta,

2011; Carretta & Ree, 2000a; Dror et al., 1993). Boer (1991) concluded that pilots needed good spatial

abilities not only because tasks such as navigation and air-to-air combat require them, but also because

good spatial ability frees mental capacity for other tasks.

Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) identified three distinct categories of spatial tests: spatial perception

(the ability to determine spatial relations despite distracting information); mental rotation (the ability to

rotate quickly and accurately two or three dimensional figures in imagination); and spatial visualization

(the ability to manipulate complex spatial information when several stages are needed to produce the

correct solution). These categories are mirrored in the subtests of the Spatial Reasoning domain

developed by the Royal Air Force. A fourth category of spatial reasoning subtest has been added to the

RAFAAT subtest battery; spatiotemporal ability, defined as the ability to comprehend and manipulate

spatial forms that have a dynamic quality (Southcote, 2004).

Dror et al. (1993) examined the spatial abilities of 16 male United States Air Force (USAF)

pilots, age range 23 – 46 years (M = 30) and 16 male non-pilot control subjects from Harvard University

and Armstrong Laboratories in Arizona, age range 21 – 44 (M = 29). Handedness and education levels

were matched between the pilot and non-pilot subjects. The participants completed four spatial tests:

mental rotation, motion extrapolation, motion scanning, and spatial relations. The mental rotation, motion

scanning, and spatial relations subtests correspond to the Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) categories while

the motion extrapolation subtest is more a test of spatiotemporal ability as defined by Southcote (2004).


In the mental rotation tests, the participants were required to determine if two sequentially

presented objects were identical images or mirror images. Dror et al. determined that pilots were faster

overall than non-pilots, F (1, 30) = 6.75, p = .01. In the motion extrapolation task, participants had to

track a ball on the computer screen and then extrapolate its future position. In the motion scanning test,

participants saw a ring composed of black and white squares; an arrow appeared briefly then disappeared,

prompting participants to decide whether the arrow had been pointing at a black square or not. Dror et al.

(1993) found no significant differences between the pilots and non-pilots in these two motion tests.

The final task assessing spatial relations abilities comprised two subtasks. In both subtasks, the

stimuli comprised a narrow, horizontal bar and small X (0.4 cm2). In the categorical subtask, participants

had to decide whether, when the X appeared on the screen, was it above or below the bar. Exposure time

was not specified however participants were tested at two difficulty levels: in the difficult trials, the X just

touched the bar and in the easy trials, it was placed more than 2 cm above or below the bar. In the more

complicated metric subtask, participants had to determine if the X was within ½ inch (1.27 cm) of the bar.

Dror et al. found that pilots were better at judging metric spatial relations and were less affected by task

difficulty in the metric task than were non-pilots; the pilots also made fewer errors during difficult metric

conditions than non-pilots. There was no evidence that pilots judged categorical spatial relations better

than non-pilots, however this may have been a result of the task simplicity (judging whether the X was

simply above or below the bar). Overall, Dror et al. (1993) concluded that pilots possessed exceptional

abilities in the mental rotation of objects and did not require as much extra time as the non-pilots when

orientation differences increased. The faster rotation abilities of the pilots indicated that they seemed to be

better at accessing spatial information in their memory and at shifting the locations of representations.

The results of the Dror et al. (1993) study provide a comprehensive overview of pilot spatial

abilities however there are several areas that could be addressed should this type of testing be redone. The

pilots Dror et al. (1993) tested were a restricted sample given that all USAF pilots must complete the Air

Force Officer Qualifying Test, which requires that they meet minimum standards on several spatial


aptitude composites. The results may have been different if civilian pilots had been used in the study as

there is no spatial testing completed as part of civilian pilot licensing. Also, no details were provided

concerning the professional backgrounds of the non-pilot candidates in the Dror et al. study and, although

the researchers matched education levels between the pilot and non-pilot groups, proficiency in

mathematics/science was not controlled in the spatial testing results.

Several studies (Lubinski, 2010; Nagy-Kondor & Sörös, 2012; Onyancha & Kinsey, 2007) have

documented a link between proficiency in mathematics/science and spatial abilities. A final observation

on the Dror et al. study concerns gender. In 1993, there were few serving female USAF pilots, however

today the number of female pilots is likely large enough that they could be included in a spatial testing

experiment to determine if gender is significant. Historically, females have scored poorly on mental

rotation tests compared to their male counterparts (Hunter & Burke, 1994; Maccoby & Jacklin, 1974) so a

study including female USAF pilots may substantiate or refute this gender discrepancy.

Work Rate. The domain definition of Work Rate provided by Southcote (2004) as the ability to

work accurately through simple routine tasks under time constraints is vague concerning the specific

cognitive abilities tested within the domain. In 2007, Southcote expanded the definition to include the

specific aptitude of Perceptual Speed, defined as the ability to scan and search a visual scene quickly

(Southcote, 2007). The CHC Stratum II broad ability equivalent is Gs, cognitive processing speed, which

is primarily concerned with the time it takes to complete the task successfully, e.g. locating a particular

letter in an array of random letters. The aptitude tests in the Work Rate ability domain can be

characterised as clerical in nature (Southcote, 2004).

The vague and varied definitions of the Work Rate aptitudes made it difficult to identify

empirical studies that examined the specific pilot abilities it encompasses. The RAFAAT subtests Table

Reading and Visual Search assess a candidate’s ability to read tables quickly and accurately, and to search

for targets (letters or shapes) amongst distracters (Southcote, 2004). These subtests are scored solely on

the number of correct responses in a limited time. The Work Rate domain may also include the Executive


Function (EF) components of working memory and shifting, depending upon the complexity of the task

and the presence of distracting stimuli or secondary tasks to perform.

The fourth subtest in the RAFAAT Work Rate domain, entitled Vigilance, is considered a

measure of both the Work Rate and Attentional Capability domains because it requires the pilot

candidates to respond to both a single-step task and a multiple-step task concurrently. Southcote (2004)

identified the single-step routine task as the Work Rate component of the subtest. In this task, candidates

enter the coordinates of a star that must be cancelled, scoring points for the number of tasks completed

but also losing points if they make errors. The multi-step priority task requires candidates to press a

coloured key and then enter the coordinates of a cell where an arrow has appeared. Scoring for this task is

based on the accuracy and speed with which they complete both the routine and priority tasks. Southcote

(2004) identified this composite score as a measure of Attentional Capability, insofar as it tests

candidates’ abilities to deal with multiple tasks simultaneously, which also tasks WM resources.

Attentional Capability. The Attentional Capability aptitude domain comprises a broad range of

abilities including working on multiple tasks concurrently, paying attention to details, and noting changes

in those details over time (Southcote, 2004). The subtests of the RAFAAT Attentional Capability domain

assess information processing abilities, situational awareness, working memory, and decision making

(Royal Air Force, 2007).

Information processing. Barkhuizen, Schepers and Coetzee (2002) defined information

processing as the process whereby any system associates or transforms new information in order to align

it with stored information, prior to the creation of new information. They also considered information

processing to be a function of intellectual ability that is representative of an individual’s cognitive

capacity. Bellenkes, Wickens, and Kramer (1997) identified attentional control, and its two

subcomponents, perception and response, as critical components of a pilot’s information processing

system. Perception uses selective attention, defined as the decision to pay attention to or ignore events

within and outside the aircraft, to trigger and execute a response (Bellenkes et al., 1997). Wickens (2007)


expanded this two-component information-processing model to include situational awareness, working

memory, and decision-making. Wickens (2007) considered these three components as overlapping

components in a pilot’s information processing system. The remainder of this ability domain section

examines these components - situational awareness, working memory, and decision-making - as they

relate to the attentional capabilities and information processing systems of pilots.

Situational awareness and working memory. The concept of situational awareness (SA) was

earlier defined as one of the activities EF regulates through WM and shifting. A 2004 study by Sohn and

Doane concerning WM processes and SA reinforced the interconnectivity of these information-processing

components as defined by Wickens (2007). Sohn and Doane (2004) administered a series of tasks

(memory span, situation recall, and SA) to 52 novice and expert pilots in order to assess the role of WM

capacity and long-term working memory (LT-WM) in SA and whether those roles varied as a function of

pilot expertise. The 26 novice pilots in the study had an average of 85.7 total flight hours in contrast to the

expert pilots who had an average of 1116.8. No gender information was provided.

Two span tasks were administered as tests of WM capacity. In the spatial span task, participants

were shown a set of five English letters (F, J, L, P, and R) and their mirror images one at a time in

different orientations. Participants had to remember the orientation of each letter in the order they were

presented while also deciding whether the image was normal or reversed in orientation. In the verbal span

task differed in that participants were asked to recall seven English letters (G and Q were added) in the

order of presentation rather than according to orientation.

The situation recall task and the SA task were both considered as measures of LT-WM. In the

situation recall tasks the pilots were given either pictures or verbal descriptions of cockpit situations, and,

after completing a 30 second intervening task, were asked to recall the depicted flight situation. In the SA

task, the pilots viewed consecutive screens detailing a goal description (desired flight situation – altitude,

airspeed, and/or heading) followed by pictures of cockpit instrumentation, whereupon they had to decide

whether the aircraft in the cockpit pictures would reach the specified goal/flight situation.


Sohn and Doane concluded that WM capacity was critical for novice pilots whereas acquired LT-

WM skills were important for expert pilots. In particular, because WM capacity predicted novice pilot

SA, Sohn and Doane suggested that screening tests assessing the WM capacity dimension of a student’s

cognitive abilities might be useful in customising flight training (Sohn & Doane, 2004).

The Sohn and Doane (2004) study provided empirical evidence concerning the role of WM and

SA in pilots with different expertise levels, however there are several caveats that must be addressed in

the application of these results. Although little information besides total flight hours was provided for the

two groups of pilots provided, it may be that the novice pilots were students at the flight schools and the

expert pilots were their instructors. The unlicensed students would have been much less familiar with

cockpit instrumentation with only a rudimentary understanding of the implications of flight instrument

readings used in testing. A more useful gauge of the role of WM in SA may have been to compare

moderately experienced civilian pilots who had all met a single flight test standard with the more

experienced pilots. Including instructors in the experiment introduces confounding variables given that

they are much more experienced than the students in terms of the type of flying they had completed i.e.

cross country trips and instrument flying, and the instructors would have most likely flown several

different types of aircraft, giving them more familiarity with cockpit instrumentation and better recall of

the depicted flight situations in the situation recall/LT-WM task.

The use of total flight hours as a measure of expertise is open to debate. O’Hare (2003) observed

that there were few differences in the information acquisition or decision making prowess between novice

and experienced pilots when they were grouped based on total flight hours. In contrast, a number of

differences in these cognitive processes were noted when pilots were grouped on the basis of cross-

country flight experience as was done by Wiggins, Stevens, Howard, Henley and O’Hare (2002). In this

study, novice and experienced pilots were identified based on task-specific experience i.e. cross-country

flying rather than general flying experience leading to performance differences in problem-solving,

information acquisition, and decision-making (Wiggins et al., 2002).


Decision-Making. Wickens (2007) included decision-making in the action section of the

information processing system. Barkhuizen and Schepers (2002) considered the rate of decision making

as a function of the complexity of available information and, like Wickens, considered pilots to be

information processing devices interposed between the external environment and the controls of the

aircraft. Zelazo et al. (1997) also included decision-making in their problem-solving model of executive

function (EF). Decision-making is often characterised as the act of choosing between alternatives under

conditions of uncertainty (O’Hare, 2003). At its most basic, decision-making comprises preparation and

execution where preparation entails sensing and organizing information, while execution entails analysing

and responding to the needs of the situation (O’Hare, 2003).

Aeronautical decision-making (ADM) will be discussed in detail in in the Review of Literature

section entitled EF and pilots. ADM concerns the decision-making processes of pilots, when, in the face

of uncertainty, the pilot must seek and acquire information from available sources, then process this data

to reach a wise decision from a limited number of alternatives (O’Hare, 2003). ADM is an extensive field

of research (e.g., Li & Harris, 2001; O’Hare, 1992, 2003) and should be considered as an integral

component of the pilot’s information processing system.

The abilities assessed in the Attentional Capability domain provide a comprehensive introduction

to the final ability domain addressed in the literature review: psychomotor ability. Chaiken, Kyllonen, and

Tirre (2000) identified situational awareness and mental capacity as contributors to an individual’s

psychomotor abilities. Ree and Carretta (1996) argued that WM, information processing, and

psychomotor ability measure an aspect of g and are therefore important predictors of success in pilot


Psychomotor Ability. Subtests in the psychomotor ability domain assess different kinds of

physical coordination and the ability to perform physical acts with both speed and accuracy (Southcote,

2004). Current computer-based testing of psychomotor ability enables test designers and administrators to

present dynamic visual displays and to compile large data sets of psychomotor scores quickly and


accurately (Fatolitis, Jentsch, Hancock, Kennedy & Bowers, 2010). Aptitude testing researchers like

Fleischman (1972) and Carroll (1993) did not consider psychomotor ability to be a cognitive ability,

however, current research includes psychomotor ability as a cognitive construct; its components,

including tracking and coordination, are highly correlated with g (Chaiken et al., 2000; Carretta, 2011;

Ree & Carretta, 1994). Measures of psychomotor coordination have remained a mainstay in pilot testing

batteries in most Air Forces, as they are strongly related to flying tasks (Carretta & Ree, 1997; Carretta,

2011; Griffin & Koonce, 1996; Olson, Walker, & Phillips, 2010).

Wheeler and Ree (1997) examined the test results of 1,099 USAF pilot trainees; 98% were male

(n = 1077), all were college [university] graduates between 23 and 27 years of age. The candidate testing

took place between 1982 and 1993. The psychomotor tests, described in Table 2, included in the study

were computer-based and classified as either tracking or reaction time tests. These psychomotor ability

scores were used as predictors of pilot candidate performance on two flying training scores. The first

score was the pass/fail final school grade on Undergraduate Pilot Training (UPT), a yearlong course

comprising ground school and basic flying training on a single engine fixed wing aircraft (n = 1099). The

second score was the mean score of daily flying and flight test averages on the primary and advanced

flight training courses that followed UPT (n = 833).

The factor analysis completed by Wheeler and Ree produced a measure of general psychomotor

tracking ability, p, and three lower order factors of specific psychomotor tracking ability named for the

specific psychomotor test: two-handed coordination, complex coordination, and time sharing. The general

factor p, was found to be a predictor of both performance criteria in both flying training scores, however

the correlation between p and UPT pass/fail rates was small, r = .285, as was the correlation between p

and daily flying/check ride average scores, r = .287 (both p < .01). Adding the lower order psychomotor

tracking factors to p did not result in a significant contribution to either outcome.


Table 2

The psychomotor ability tests used by Wheeler and Ree (1997)

Test name Aptitude Brief description Scoring


Two-hand Rotary A target travels an elliptical path on a computer The scores are the horizontal
coordination pursuit/
screen. The participant uses two joysticks – one and vertical tracking distance
for vertical movement, one for horizontal errors.
movement – to keep a cross on the target as it


Complex Control The participant uses a dual-axis right control The three scores for the test
Coordination precision;
joystick to keep a cursor horizontally and are horizontal distance
vertically centred on a cross on the screen. tracking error, vertical
Simultaneously, participants use a left single- distance tracking error, and

axis joystick to centre a vertical bar at the base the tracking distance error for

of the screen. bar at the base of the screen.

Time Sharing Rate control Two-part test: In part 1, participants keep Three scores: Tracking errors
and reaction
randomly moving cross-hairs on an airplane without digit cancellation;
target. In part 2, candidates repeat the tracking tracking errors during digit

task from part 1 and cancel digits that appear at cancellation; and digit

random intervals on the screen using a keypad. cancellation reaction time.

Note. Test information is taken from Carretta and Ree (1997) and Wheeler and Ree (1997).

While Wheeler and Ree (1997) focused solely on the relationship between a general psychomotor

ability factor, p, and specific psychomotor tracking abilities, Carretta and Ree (1997) addressed the nexus

of cognitive and psychomotor tests. The 354 United States Air Force non-pilot personnel completed

psychomotor ability tests that included a pursuit-tracking task, a complex coordination task and a time

sharing/attention splitting task. The cognitive tasks were taken from the Armed Services Vocation

Aptitude Battery and comprised Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Mathematics Knowledge, and

Paragraph Comprehension. Caretta and Ree (1997) observed significant correlations between

psychomotor and cognitive scores, the highest being between Arithmetic Reasoning and psychomotor

ability, r = .46, p < .05. Chaiken et al. (2000) also found a significant overlap between psychomotor

abilities and cognitive abilities, concluding that individuals with high psychomotor abilities learned faster,

and that cognitively able individuals tended to do very well on psychomotor tests (Chaiken et al., 2000).

As comprehensive as the Wheeler and Ree (1997) study was, the test data were collected over a

period of 11 years, during which time there were significant changes to the Undergraduate Pilot Training

(UPT) program. Manning (2002) detailed a number of changes in the length of the course, varying

between 49 weeks and 55 weeks in length. There were also changes in the hours allocated to the different

aircraft types the students flew during UPT (range 173.3 - 260 total hours). Both these changes may have

had a bearing on the pilot candidates’ pass/fail scores.

EF and pilots. Much of the time, pilots find themselves in complex and/or novel situations

requiring EF support for decision-making, problem-solving, reasoning, and planning activities (Causse et

al., 2011). “EFs appear critical for handling the flight, monitoring the engine parameters, planning the

navigation, maintaining up-to-date SA [situational awareness], correctly adapting to traffic and

environmental changes, and performing accurate decision making by inhibiting wrong behavioural

responses” (Causse et al., 2011, p. 219). Causse et al. (2011) examined the link between three EF

composites – shifting, inhibition/level of impulsivity, and updating/working memory (WM) – and pilots’

flight navigation performance and decision-making capabilities during landing. The participants were 24

male, native French-speaking pilots who held visual flight rules (VFR) flight ratings (M age = 43.3 years,

SD = 13.6). Mean total flight experience was 1,676 hours (range 57 – 13,000 hours); all pilots in the study

had flown within the previous two-year period.

The EF composites were assessed using a five-test neuropsychological battery. Target-hitting

measured psychomotor reaction time; a Two-Back test (i.e. does the current stimulus match the stimulus

shown two items ago?) assessed WM; a deductive reasoning test involving syllogisms measured overall


reasoning performance; a card-sorting test evaluated shifting abilities; and a Stroop test measured

inhibition. The level of impulsivity of the pilots was measured by a self-report impulse-scale that assessed

quick decision-making (11 items), motor skills/acting without thinking (11 items), and non-

planning/impulsiveness (12 items).

Flight performance testing comprised a 45-minute navigation flight scenario on a PC-based flight

simulator in which the pilots completed a takeoff, flew to a specified waypoint using navigation

instruments, and received instructions to land at a designated airport. Performance in navigation was

measured using the angular deviation from the ideal flight path, summed from take-off until arrival at the

navigation waypoint. Before reaching the designated airport for landing, the pilots received

meteorological information concerning crosswind conditions on landing. The pilots were required to

calculate the crosswind limitations of the simulated aircraft and make a decision to land as planned or to

fly to a diversion airfield with better wind conditions. This landing decision produced a binary variable:

‘correct’ if the pilot opted for the diversion airport as the crosswind landing limits of the aircraft had been

exceeded, and ‘incorrect’ if the pilot opted to land at the original airport, thereby exceeding the aircraft’s


Causse et al. (2011) determined that deductive reasoning performance was most predictive of

pilot performance as measured by flight path deviations and the go/no go decision to land. The

researchers attributed this result to the role of fluid intelligence, which plays an essential role in adapting

to novel problems (McGrew, 2009). Causse et al. also concluded that updating ability using WM

resources predicted pilot performance during the navigation phase, a finding they had expected given that

flying takes place in a dynamic, constantly changing environment. Causse et al. (2011) did not find a

significant contribution from shifting or inhibition to pilot performance, however, the researchers

conceded this might have been a result of the flight scenario not requiring pilots to use these EF skills.

WM updating performance was also significant in the landing decision scenario, confirming the

pilots’ ability to integrate new meteorological information concerning crosswind speeds into an


established flight scenario. This finding supported that of Morrow et al. (2003) who showed that poor

WM performance degraded the ability of pilots to follow air traffic control instructions. A high level of

impulsivity was also predictive of the pilots’ poor landing decisions and has been identified as a

contributor to hazardous aeronautical decision-making resulting in pilot error, the causal factor

responsible for 85% of crashes in general aviation (Causse et al., 2011).

The Causse et al. (2011) study of EF and pilot performance overlooked the large range in pilot

flight experience, which may have confounded some of the results attributed to EF, specifically WM

updating. Furthermore, a more complex scenario may have compelled the pilots to involve the shifting

and inhibition components of EF in their flight performance, providing a more reliable indication of their

role in pilot performance. Notwithstanding these limitations, the study provides a comprehensive

introduction to pilot testing. The identified EF composites – inhibition, WM, and shifting/cognitive

flexibility – are among the pilot aptitudes tested in the specific aircrew-ability domain subtests that were

detailed in the previous section.

Sex Differences in Abilities Testing

Sex differences manifest in a number of ability domains including spatial abilities and

psychomotor abilities, and the cause of these differences has been the focus of a great deal of research.

For example, Ingalhaliker et al. (2013) modelled the structural connectome or neural connections of the

brains of 949 youths using diffusion tensor imaging, and determined that there are genetic differences in

the basic structure of the human brain. They concluded that male brains are structured to facilitate

connectivity between perception and coordinated action, whereas female brains are designed to facilitate

communication between analytical and intuitive processing modes. The research of Ingalhaliker et al.

(2013) was part of a larger study, which included testing in several behavioural and aptitude domains. The

female subjects outperformed males on attention, word, and social cognition tests while males performed

better on spatial processing and sensorimotor speed.


Sex differences in spatial abilities. Sex differences in spatial abilities have been found in the area

of spatial visualization, particularly in mental rotation and mental folding tasks (Ganley & Vasilyeva,

2011; Harris, Hirsch-Pasek, & Newcombe, 2013; Hult & Brous, 1986; Nazareth, Herrera, & Pruden,

2013; Voyer, Voyer, & Bryden, 1995). Both tasks require the dynamic spatial transformation of objects

with respect to their spatial structure (Harris et al., 2013). Again, explanations for why males outperform

females on these types of spatial tasks are wide ranging. Better spatial acuity for males may be correlated

with more males participating in sports requiring high spatial visualization skills including basketball,

squash, and soccer (Hult & Brous, 1986). Males are also exposed to an increased number of sex-typed

activities like mechanical drawing, building models, and carpentry (Nazareth et al., 2013). Finally, the

propensity of males to use spatial skills more often in solving math problems, particularly geometry may

be correlated with better spatial abilities (Ganley & Vasilyeva, 2011).

Strong spatial abilities, particularly in mental rotation tasks, play an important role in navigation,

which is the ability to process spatial information (Cherney, Brabec, & Runco, 2008). Navigation is a

critical skill for pilots because, during flight, they continually assess spatial relationships between

landmarks and perform mental rotations of those landmarks according to the structural properties of the

available cues in the environment (Verde et al., 2013). Verde et al. tested the mental rotation abilities of

41 pilots (20 male and 21 female) from the Italian Air Force and 38 non-pilots who were college students

with no flight experience. All participants completed a timed mental rotation test and a sense-of-direction

questionnaire containing self-referential statements about aspects of their environmental spatial cognition

e.g. knowledge and use of cardinal points, outdoor and indoor orienting ability, preference for landmark-

centred geospatial representations.

Verde et al. found that gender differences in mental rotation capability were present in the non-

pilot group but not the pilot group. Additionally, both male and female pilots had faster responses on the

mental rotation tests than the non-pilots. Verde et al. hypothesized that this difference may have been a

result of working memory constraints, specifically cognitive load; gender differences emerge only in high


visuo-spatial working memory load tasks like mental rotation tasks, and females have been found to have

lower visuo-spatial working memory capacity than males (Halpern, 1992).

Sex differences in psychomotor abilities. Carretta (1997) and Carretta and Ree (2000b)

investigated whether pilot selection instruments measured the same factors for all groups and concluded

that, based on the Basic Attributes Test (BAT) data between 1993 and 1996, all mean score differences

favored men and were statistically significant. The largest effect sizes were for psychomotor coordination

(two handed coordination and complex coordination tests) at 1.68. Overall, female applicants were less

likely to meet or exceed minimum scores on Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) and BAT

(Carretta, 1997; Carretta & Ree, 2000b). These findings mirrored those of Burke (1995), who observed

larger mean score differences favouring males on psychomotor tests used for military pilot selection.

Simulator Testing in Pilot Selection – Work Sample

The era of information technology spurred a cultural shift that has transformed education,

aptitude testing, and personnel selection by making computerized virtual environments available to

almost everyone (Bartram & Bayliss, 1984; Macedonia, 2002). Burke et al. (1995) reviewed computer-

based assessment (CBA) in aptitude testing and noted that computerization improved the accuracy of

assessment, reduced test administration time, and facilitated tailoring test items to subjects’ ability levels.

In addition to facilitating more efficient, multi-aptitude test batteries, improved CBA permitted the

inclusion of work sample tests in the form of flight simulation-based assessment (Burke et al., 1995;

Carretta & Ree, 2008). Simulator-based testing has an intuitive appeal as a selection measure because it

bears a strong resemblance to parts of the job for which the applicant is being selected (Carretta & Ree,

2000b). The flexibility of simulators allows for the testing of pilot candidates in a variety of realistic

scenarios, which in turn permits the identification of those who may possess the aptitude to succeed in

flight training (Gress & Wilkomm, 1996; Hunter & Burke, 1995).

Simulators used for aircrew selection provide candidates with an immersive experience in which

they can demonstrate aptitude in a variety of domains including spatial reasoning, attentional capability,


and psychomotor ability. These correspond to the following CHC Stratum II broad ability domains: Gf,

Gv, Gsm, Gs, Gt, Gq, Gp, and Gps (see McGrew, 2009). Until October 2013, pilot applicants in the

Canadian Forces were required to complete a number of sessions in the Canadian Automated Pilot

Selection System (CAPSS) single engine aircraft flight simulator. Research by the Canadian Forces has

found that CAPSS is a good predictor of pilot success in the early phases of training but less so in the

more advanced flying training phases (Darr, 2009; Woychesin, 2000). Specifics of CAPSS and the testing

regimen completed by the candidates are detailed in the Method section of this thesis.

The Current Study

This introductory chapter concludes by highlighting other studies that address topics related to

pilot selection using the data analysed for this thesis and presents the three research questions that guided

the current data analysis.

Recent Reports on Canadian Forces Pilot Selection

The archival dataset used in the completion of this thesis has been the subject of other studies

completed for the Canadian Forces. Darr (2009) completed a psychometric examination of the Canadian

Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS) with a focus on test or measurement bias. Darr’s analysis

revealed a significant difference in the distributions of CAPSS scores for men and women, with males’

scores being negatively skewed. Darr (2009) questioned the fairness of selection decision based on

CAPSS for female candidates and recommended that CAPSS be combined with other predictors of

psychomotor ability for reducing adverse impact and sub-group differences.

Darr (2010b) also examined the predictive validity of the RAFAAT using CAPSS scores as an

interim outcome. Her research comprised candidates’ scores for 11 RAFAAT subtests (n = 455), the

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) (n = 291), and CAPSS (n = 421). She found large sex differences

only for the RAFAAT Sensory Motor Apparatus subtest, which was also the strongest predictor of

CAPSS scores. Darr cautioned against using CAPSS as a proxy measure of flying training performance,


recommending that RAFAAT predictive validity should be assessed using flying training outcomes

including academic grades or flying ratings.

Herniman (2013) focused on the role of executive functioning (EF) in pilot selection and its

predictive validity for pilot training success as part of a pilot selection battery. Herniman examined pilot

candidate scores on CFAT, RAFAAT, and ExamCorp, a battery of computer-based measures of EF. She

found that the inhibitory and sustained attention components of EF were predictive of academic

performance during early flying training but not flying performance. She recommended that the role of

EF be examined in later stages of flying training when pilot candidates fly more complex aircraft in more

complicated flight scenarios as these situations require higher levels of multi-tasking and decision making

abilities as well as improved situational awareness.

Johnson and Catano (2013) investigated the role of cognitive ability, previous flying experience,

and CAPSS in predicting success in the three phases of Canadian Forces pilot training academic and

flight performance. The cognitive ability testing analyzed in their research comprised candidate scores on

the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test and CAPSS simulator scores. They determined that cognitive ability

had a direct effect on academic achievement in early flying training; its effects on later flying training

were mediated by the job knowledge acquired in the earlier phases. Johnson and Catano (2013) found that

CAPSS was a more effective predictor of early flying training. Also, CAPSS predicted later flying

training performance better for candidates who had little previous flying experience, accounting for 14%

variance in their flight training performance compared to 3% for candidates with previous flying


Research Questions.

Research for this thesis comprised analysis of an archival dataset of aptitude testing and

demographic data collected at the Canadian Forces Aircrew Selection Centre in Trenton, Ontario between

2008 and 2013. Analysis focused on answering three research questions:

• What are the relationships amongst the aptitude tests completed by the pilot candidates?


• Are there specific demographic variables or aptitude test indicators that defined

successful pilot candidates?

• Are there patterns of performance evident in the flight simulator testing that differentiate

successful candidates from unsuccessful candidates?


Chapter 3


This chapter is organized in three sections. The initial section contains a description of the

participants whose demographic data and aptitude test scores comprise the dataset. This is followed by a

description of the individual aptitude test batteries completed by the candidates and includes a description

of each test, the aptitude abilities it assesses and its reliability. The final section of this chapter details how

the aptitude tests were administered and explains the differences in n between the measures.


The dataset received from the Canadian Forces contained data for 1172 pilot candidates. Once the

duplicate data had been removed, demographic information and aptitude test scores were available for

1067 candidates. Demographic data, available for the majority of candidates, included Age at Testing,

Gender, and Educational Background. Age of the pilot candidates ranged between 17 and 49 years (n =

919); the mean age at testing = 22.6 years (SD = 5.3 years). Gender information was available for 1040 of

the 1067 candidates (97.4%); 921 males and 119 females completed testing. Highest educational level

achieved was available for 953 pilot candidates (89.3%). There were over 150 separate courses and

degrees contained in the original data; these were recoded into three levels: candidates who completed

high school (n = 510) were coded as 1; CEGEP/college graduates were coded as 2 (n = 108), and

candidates who completed university/graduate school (n = 335) were coded as 3.


There were three groups of measures: the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT), the Canadian

Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS), and the Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test or



Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT). Canadian Forces Recruiting Centers across the

country administer the CFAT to all persons applying to be enrolled in the Canadian Forces, regardless of

chosen occupation. All pilot candidates had completed the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) prior

to their arrival at aircrew selection. The CFAT is a cognitive ability test used to screen Officer and Non-

Commissioned Member applicants to the Canadian Forces and to classify applicants into various military

occupations (Donohue, 2006). The CFAT is a speeded test; items increase in difficulty as the test

progresses; test items that are not completed are scored as incorrect (Black, 1999).

The following information on the CFAT is taken from the practice version of the CFAT produced

by Director Military Personnel Operational Research (DMPORA). The first section of the test assesses

the candidates’ verbal skills, specifically the ability to understand words and their meanings. This section

comprises 15 multiple-choice questions for which the candidate chooses which one of four answers is the

best one. The answers are marked on an answer sheet; the score on the verbal skills section of the CFAT

is the number of correct answers. The second section tests candidates’ spatial awareness. There are two

types of problems in this section: in the one called PATTERN, the candidate is to find the form that can

be made by folding a cardboard pattern and fitting it together. In the second, called FORM, the candidates

are to determine what the cardboard pattern would look like if the form were unfolded. The CFAT

Aptitude test spatial ability score is the number of correct answers. The third section of the CFAT

concentrates on problem solving. The 30 questions are multiple choice and the candidates must choose

which one of the four answers is the best one. The problems are numerical, verbal and spatial in nature

and the score is the number of correct answers.

The dataset contained scores on the CFAT for 1052 candidates. Gender information was not

available for all candidates; n = 920 male pilot candidates; n = 118 female pilot candidates. Black (1999)

found Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of .87, .88, and .91 for the Verbal Skills, Spatial Ability, and

Problem-Solving scales respectively.


The Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS). Until October 2013, applicants

seeking entry into the pilot occupation in the Canadian Forces were required to complete four one-hour

sessions on the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS). CAPSS is a computerized

simulator of a single engine light aircraft, which presents pilot candidates with the information necessary

to perform flight manoeuvres using instrument flying procedures (Woycheshin, 2000). Each session

reflected an increasing complexity with respect to flying manoeuvres and flight patterns. A number of

basic flight manoeuvres were tested: basic flight instruments and controls; straight and level flight,

straight climb, straight descent, take off, climb out and level off, level turns, standard rate turns, climbing

turns, descending turns, and airport traffic patterns.

Candidates were assessed on their accuracy in maintaining assigned altitude, airspeed, and

heading, their speed of response in correcting errors, and the smoothness and coordination of the

operation of the flight controls (Woychesin, 2000). Based on their accuracy, applicants received a score

ranging between .000 and 1.000 on each session, with a higher score reflecting better performance. The

CAPSS selection score was based on a cut-off score of .70 on session 4 (Darr, 2010). In order to obtain

the CAPSS Pass/Fail variable, CAPSS 4 session scores at or above .70 were coded as 1 (pass) and scores

that were below the cut-off were coded as 0 (fail).

The number of candidates completing the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)

changed for each of the four sessions as detailed in Table 3. Differences in n resulted from poor scores on

the early simulator sessions. In some cases, CAPSS testing ceased for candidates with scores lower than

.2 on sessions 1 and 2, which affected four male candidates and five female candidates. Also, ‘crashing’

(exceeding the flight limitations of) the CAPSS five times on the same maneuver resulted in immediate

cessation of testing for that candidate.


Table 3

Number and Gender of candidates completing CAPSS Testing by Session

CAPSS Session (n total) n Male candidates n Female candidates

1 (1026) 888 111

2 (1014) 884 107

3 (1013) 884 106

4 (1011) 882 106

Note. Gender information was available for 92.6% candidates (998/1011). Changes in n were caused by
candidates’ failure to achieve required performance levels to move to the next CAPSS session.

Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Tests (RAFAAT). The Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude

Test subtests were administered by the Aircrew Selection Center in Trenton, Ontario the day before the

candidates completed their CAPSS simulator sessions. Candidates were informed that their performance

on the RAFAAT subtests would be used for research purposes only and would not be used in the

selection process. The Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test (RAFAAT) comprised a battery of tests

developed by the RAF for use in the selection of personnel for Pilot, Navigator, Air Traffic Controller and

Air Engineer. All tests are self-administered on the Officer and Aircrew Selection computer-based


Information on the subtests comes from Royal Air Force (2007), Royal Air Force Aptitude

Testing System (2013), and Southcote (2004). The subtests assess five ability domains: Numerical

Reasoning, Spatial Reasoning, Work Rate, Attentional Capability, and Psychomotor Ability as detailed in

Table 1 in the Literature Review of this thesis. Within each domain, the subtests are described and their

associated reliabilities are reported as determined by the Royal Air Force. No reliability information was

available for candidate testing by the Royal Canadian Air Force.

Numerical Reasoning domain. Numerical reasoning subtests assess the candidates’ ability to

interpret and reason with numerical information, to identify patterns in presented information, and solve


problems using a logical approach. Subtests included in this domain are Mathematical Reasoning and

Numerical Operations.

Mathematical Reasoning. Mathematical Reasoning is a test of a candidate’s ability to solve

mathematical problems. Candidates are required to solve aircraft-related, time/speed/distance problems,

which require mathematical reasoning skills rather than the ability to perform mental arithmetic. The

duration of the test is 18 minutes. Scores reflect the number of correct answers, range 0 - 24. Bradshaw

(1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) found a test-retest reliability coefficient of .75, n = 832.

Numerical Operations. Numerical Operations is a test of mental arithmetic. Each item is a basic

arithmetic problem based upon the following operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Candidates use a numerical keypad to answer each test question. The average test duration is 2.5 minutes.

Scores reflect the number of correct answers, range 0 - 50. Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004)

found a test-retest reliability coefficient of .92, n = 40.

Spatial Reasoning domain. This domain assesses candidates’ ability to form mental pictures and

mentally manipulate spatial information. Subtests included in this domain are Critical Reasoning; Angles,

Bearings, and Degrees; Directions and Distances; Instrument Comprehension 1; and Instrument

Comprehension 2.

Critical reasoning – diagrammatic subtest. The three parts (verbal, numerical, and diagrammatic)

of this subtest are designed to assess general reasoning aptitude. The diagrammatic test was the only

portion used in testing Canadian Forces candidates. This subtest assesses spatial reasoning aptitude and

the ability to manipulate diagrammatic or pictorial information. The test is 15 minutes in duration. Scores

reflect the number of correct answers, range 0 -16. Bailey and Southcote (2007 cited in Royal Air Force,

2007) found the internal consistency reliability for CRBD to be .362 (Cronbach’s Alpha) and .406 (KR-


Angles, bearings & degrees. The Angles, Bearings, and Degrees score should be interpreted as a

measure of one part of the spatial aptitude and should be used only in conjunction with other spatial tests


in order to give a more reliable estimate of spatial ability. The test comprises two parts: Angles, Bearings,

and Degrees 1 (Angles) measures a candidate’s ability to judge the size of angles. Angles, Bearings, and

Degrees 2 (Bearings) measures the ability to judge the bearing of one object from another. Both parts

include practice questions and actual multiple-choice test items. The tests are timed: 3.5 minutes for each

of the two subtests. Two scores are produced – one for Angles, Bearings, and Degrees 1 and one for

Angles, Bearings, and Degrees 2. The executive score is the combined number of correct items, range 0 –

30 for each of the two tests, total range 0 - 60. Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) found a test-

retest reliability coefficient of .64 for Angles, Bearings, and Degrees 1, n = 125, and .84 for Angles,

Bearings, and Degrees 2, n = 123.

Directions and distances. Directions and Distances is a spatial reasoning test of the candidate’s

ability to use and interpret verbal descriptions of spatial relations. The candidate reads a paragraph of text

giving the relative distance and directional relationship of a variety of objects and then answers questions

regarding the distance and bearing of two objects in particular. Alternatively, the paragraph might

describe a route taken by an ‘actor’ and the question asks the distance and bearing of the actor’s final

position from a given point. The test duration is 11.5 minutes. Scores reflect the number of correct

answers, range 0 - 15. Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) reported a test-retest reliability

coefficient of .93, n = 41.

Instrument comprehension 1 and 2. These two subtests assess candidates’ spatial visualization

abilities using spatial, numerical, and verbal information. Part 1 presents five three-dimensional pictures

of an aircraft in different orientations and two pictures of aviation instruments – artificial horizon and

compass. The candidate must inspect the instrument readings and identify which of the five aircraft

orientations accurately corresponds with the instrument readings. Part 2 presents six aircraft instruments

(altimeter, artificial horizon, airspeed, vertical speed, compass, turn & bank) in the top half of the screen

while in the bottom there are five verbal descriptions of an aircraft’s orientation. The candidate must

inspect the instrument readings and select the description that corresponds with the readings. The test is


timed: 9 minutes per subtest. Two scores are produced, one for each part. The scores are based on the

number of correct answers. Bailey and Southcote (2007, cited in Royal Air Force, 2007) found a test-

retest reliability coefficient of .698, p < .01, n = 580.

Work Rate domain. Subtests in the Work Rate domain assess the ability of candidates to scan

and cross-reference tables quickly and accurately or search for a target amongst a number of distractors

(Southcote, 2007). Subtests included in this domain are Table Reading, Visual Search 1 - Letters, Visual

Search 2 - Shapes, and Vigilance.

Table reading. Table Reading requires candidates to look up hard copy table chart data for

answers to a set of multiple-choice items to test work rate and ability to work accurately through simple

tasks under a time constraint; each part of the test has a time limit of three minutes. The test consists of

two parts: Part 1 requires candidates to cross-reference two given row and column numbers to find a third

tabulated value in a numerical reference table. Part 2 requires candidates to use a set of tables that

describe the relationship between wind velocity, wind angle, drift correction, and ground speed for

different airspeeds. In the questions, one of the values is missing; candidates must solve for that value

using the table. The score is the total number of correctly answered items from both parts, range 0 -86.

Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) reported a test-retest reliability coefficient of .73, n = 843.

Visual search 1 and 2. These subtests are measures of the candidates’ ability to look for a target

amongst a set of distracters. Visual Search 1 involves searching for a particular letter in the matrix of

letters. Visual Search 2 involves searching for a specified shape in a matrix of shapes. The candidate is

shown a matrix of tiles; on each tile is a large object (e.g. letter E or a shape) and a small reference

number in the bottom right corner. Candidates are given the tile object to search for in a matrix of tiles,

and must enter the reference number once it is found. Each part of the test has a time limit of 1.25

minutes. There are two scores – one for each part, range 0 – 74 – reflecting the number of correctly

identified targets. Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) reported a test-retest reliability coefficient of

.73, n = 125 for VIS 1 and .71 (n = 125) for VIS 2.


Vigilance. The Vigilance subtest is a measure of ability to detect infrequently occurring events

under high workload. Candidates are presented with a 9 x 9 matrix on the screen. Each cell in the matrix

is identified by two reference numbers (1-9) running along the top and down the left-hand side of the

matrix. Candidates are required to attend to two tasks, one routine and the other priority. The routine task

involves the cancellation of stars and the priority task the cancellation of arrows. An arrow is cancelled by

a two-step procedure. The test duration is 8 minutes. Scoring is a derived from three scores: the first

score, range 0 – 589, is based on the number of stars cancelled correctly; the second score, range 0 – 700,

is based on the errors made while cancelling the stars; the third score, range -400 - +316, is based upon

the speed and accuracy of the cancelling both the stars and arrows. The alpha reliability has been reported

as .908 (Bailey & Southcote, 2007 cited in Royal Air Force, 2007)

Attentional Capability. Attentional Capability assesses the efficiency with which an individual

can deal with visual and auditory information in real time. It is related to working memory capacity and

attentional flexibility (Royal Air Force, 2007). Subtests included in this domain are Digit Recall; Colours,

Letters, and Numbers; and Digit Recognition.

Digit recall. This subtest captures attentional capacity, particularly the ability to retain

information in short-term memory. The task requires candidates to remember a string of digits presented

on the screen for five seconds, and to accurately enter this information from memory. The total test

duration is 4 minutes. The score is the total number of correctly reported digits, range 0 - 135. A reported

digit is judged to be correct if it is entered in the same position as originally presented. Bailey and

Southcote (2007, cited in Royal Air Force, 2007) found the alpha reliability to be .877.

Colours, letters, and numbers. Colours, Letters, and Numbers is a triple task test designed to

assess how effectively candidates are able to multi-task under increasingly demanding conditions. The

test is based on the following three sub-tasks: a simple continuous monitoring and tracking task

(Colours), a short-term verbal memory task (Letters), and a mental arithmetic task (Numbers). In the

Colours task, coloured diamonds move in straight lines across the screen and enter three coloured vertical


bands. When a diamond is masked (in a band of the same colour) it may be cancelled by pressing a same-

coloured key on the keyboard. In the Letters task, a target string of 5 – 8 letters is presented briefly; it is

removed and after 12 seconds four different answer strings are presented. The candidate must key in a

letter corresponding to the correct letter string. The numbers task is simple mental arithmetic; candidates

enter their answer using the numeric keypad. The test is 22 minutes in duration.

Scoring varies by subtest. In the Colours subtest, candidates are rewarded for correct responses

but penalized for incorrect responses. For the Letters task, candidates receive 1 point for each correct

answer with no penalties. For the Numbers task, candidates are awarded 1 point for each correct answer

but lose 1 point for each incorrect answer. The individual test scores are combined into one overall score.

An internal-consistency reliability coefficient of .506 (Cronbach’s Alpha) was found; the test –retest

reliability coefficient for CLAN was .764 (n = 2254) (Bailey & Southcote, 2007 cited in Royal Air Force,


Digit recognition. Digit Recognition is a test of candidates’ working memory. Candidates are

shown a string of digits for a few seconds. The string of digits is then removed and immediately afterward

the candidates are asked to indicate, using a keypad, how many times a particular digit appeared in the

string. The size of the string presented increases throughout the test, beginning with seven digits and

increasing to 15. The test duration is approximately 4.5 minutes. The score is the number of correct items,

range 0 - 15. Bradshaw (1997, cited in Southcote, 2004) reported a test-retest reliability coefficient of .77,

n = 125.

Psychomotor Ability. Psychomotor ability pertains to different kinds of physical coordination and

encompasses the ability to perform physical acts with both speed and accuracy. Subtests included in this

domain are Control of Velocity and Sensory Motor Apparatus.

Control of velocity. Control of Velocity is a pursuit-tracking psychomotor test measuring hand-

eye coordination. Candidates must follow red circular targets as they follow an oscillating path

descending from the top of the screen. Candidates use a pointer controlled by a joystick to hit as many of


the descending targets as possible. There is an element of anticipatory tracking as the candidate is aware

of only a portion of the track at any given time. Test duration is five minutes. The candidate scores one

point for each target hit (maximum score 250). An alpha reliability or .938 was found; the test-retest

reliability was determined to be .801, p < .01, n = 2266 (Bailey & Southcote, 2007, cited in Royal Air

Force, 2007).

Sensory motor apparatus. Sensory Motor Apparatus is a compensatory tracking test that

measures hand-eye-foot coordination. Candidates use a joystick and rudder pedals to move a pointer

(small circle) both horizontally and vertically on a computer screen. In the center of the screen is a

graticule (cross-hair). During the test, the pointer appears to move about the screen in a random manner

and the candidate’s task is to bring the pointer back to the center of the graticule using the joystick and

rudder pedals. The test duration is five minutes. Performance on the SMA is indicated using an error

score. The screen is separated into two areas, an inner area and an outer area. If the candidate fails to keep

the pointer in the inner area then an error is recorded; thus higher scores equal more errors. For purposes

of analysis, the scores were reversed (subtracted from 300) so that the lower scores represent poorer



These five ability domains are the Legacy Domains as they were the initial set of ability-domain

classifications developed for use by the Royal Air Force (Bailey, 1999). These domains comprise two

separate groups of RAFAAT subtests that were administered to pilot candidates at the Canadian Forces

Aircrew Selection Center (see Table 4). The RAFAAT Group 1 subtests were administered to a larger

group of pilot applicants between 2008 and 2013; the Group 2 subtests were administered to a smaller

number of candidates in 2012 and 2013. All candidates who completed the subtests of RAFAAT 2 also

completed the subtests of RAFAAT 1.


Table 4

Subtests of Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Tests (RAFAAT) Grouped by Legacy Domain (n = Number
of Candidates Who Completed Each Subtest)

RAFAAT Group 1 RAFAAT Group 2

Numerical Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning (n = 560)

Numerical Operations (n = 544)

Spatial Reasoning Spatial Reasoning

Critical Thinking - Diagrammatic (n = 1067) Angles, Bearings, and Degrees (n = 557)

Directions and Distances (n = 544)

Instrument Comprehension 1 (n = 544)

Instrument Comprehension 2 (n = 544)

Work Rate Work Rate

Table Reading (n = 1053) Vigilance (n = 583)

Visual Search 1 – Letters; (n = 1053)

Visual Search 2 – Shapes (n = 1053)

Attentional Capability Attentional Capability

Recall Numbers (n = 1053) Colours, Letters, and Numbers (n = 560)

Digit Recognition (n = 544)

Psychomotor Ability

Control of Velocity (n = 1024)

Sensory Motor Apparatus (n = 1036)


Chapter 4


This chapter is organised according to the three purposes of this study: to investigate relationships

amongst the three aptitude test batteries completed by the pilot candidates, to determine if there were

specific demographic variables or aptitude test indicators that defined successful pilot candidates, and to

examine the patterns of performance in the flight simulator testing completed as part of the pilot selection


Relationships amongst the measures

Descriptive statistics for the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) and the Royal Air Force

Aircrew Aptitude Test (RAFAAT) Group 1 and Group 2 subtests are presented in Table 5. The RAFAAT

Group 1 subtests can be identified by the larger number of candidates who completed them. A correlation

table for these measures can be found in Appendix B. In general, higher correlations were observed

within the same ability domain. Exceptions include Instrument Comprehension 1 and 2 (Spatial

Reasoning domain) having correlations of .191 and .179 (p < .01) respectively with the Spatial Ability

subtest of the CFAT. Correlations of Digit Recognition, identified as an Attentional Capability subtest,

are low with all other subtests, including another Attentional Capability subtest: Colours, Letters, and

Numbers, r = .130, p < .01.

A principal axis factor analysis with direct oblimin rotation was conducted to determine the

dimensions underlying candidate abilities on the CFAT and RAFAAT Group 1 subtests (n = 1024).

RAFAAT Group 2 subtests were not included because n dropped substantially, (n = 513). The one, two,

three, and four factor solutions were evaluated with the following criteria: eigenvalues > 1.0, scree plot,

variance accounted for, and interpretability. The scree plot for the factor analysis is in Figure 1 and shows

that there are four eigenvalues > 1.0; there is a large difference between the first and second unrotated


factors but then the differences diminish. Note that the eigenvalues are those provided by SPSS that come

from a principal components solution.

Table 5

Descriptive Statistics for the Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) and All Royal Air Force Aircrew
Aptitude Tests in Six Ability Domains

Domain N Min. Max. Mean S.D.

CFAT verbal skills VR 1052 2 15 10.65 2.53

CFAT spatial ability SR 1052 4 15 11.64 2.19

CFAT problem solving VR/SR 1052 3 30 24.32 3.71

Mathematics Reasoning NR 560 1 21 9.87 3.738

Numerical Operations NR 544 13 50 34.79 8.67

Critical Thinking Diagrammatic SR 1067 1 15 7.23 2.25

Angles, Bearings, and Degrees SR 557 20 56 42.37 5.73

Direction and Distance SR 544 1 15 8.28 2.61

Instrument Comprehension 1 SR 544 1 23 11.45 4.05

Instrument Comprehension 2 SR 544 3 19 12.31 3.03

Table reading WR 1053 15 86 60.48 10.18

Visual Search 1 letters WR 1053 36 74 56.92 5.87

Visual Search 2 shapes WR 1053 0 72 55.60 6.11

Vigilance WR 583 -3 215 145.25 28.47

Recall Numbers AC 1053 59 134 97.56 13.07

Colours, Letters, and Numbers AC 560 -1676 674 119.10 219.34

Digit Recognition AC 544 4 15 9.75 2.00

Control of Velocity PA 1024 0 141 103.46 15.50

Sensory Motor Apparatus PA 1036 25 297 181.29 43.66

Note. VR – Verbal Reasoning; SR – Spatial Reasoning; NR – Numerical Reasoning; WR - Work Rate;

AC - Attentional Capability; PA - Psychomotor Ability.


The one factor solution (see Appendix C) had large factor loadings for both of the Work Rate

measures and two of the four subtests in the Verbal and Spatial Reasoning domains. Both Psychomotor

Ability subtests had only moderate loadings. The two-factor solution showed a strong Work Rate factor

and a combined Verbal/ Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Ability factor while the four-factor solution

had a singleton in factor four, the CFAT Spatial Ability subtest. The three-factor solution showed three

clear factors in which almost all of the tests were involved, and so it was selected (see Table 6;

correlations between factors are shown in Table 7). Details of the one, two, and four-factor solutions can

found in Appendix C.

Figure 1. Scree plot for the Factor Analysis.

The first factor of the three-factor solution was defined by the three subtests from the Work Rate

ability domain, and the second factor by the two psychomotor subtests from the RAFAAT battery. The

Critical Reasoning subtest from the RAFAAT battery and the Problem Solving subtest from the CFAT


had the largest loadings on the third factor, with smaller loadings from the CFAT Verbal Skills and

Spatial Ability subtests.

Table 6

Principal Axis Factor Analysis with Direct Oblimin Rotation for RAFAAT Group 1 and CFAT Subtests
(N = 1007)


Measure Domain 1 2 3

Table Reading WR 0.603 0.150 0.149

Visual Search 1 - Letters WR 0.910 -0.074 -0.077

Visual Search 2 - Shapes WR 0.780 -0.004 -0.064

Recall Numbers AC 0.217 0.032 0.132

Sensory Motor Apparatus PA -0.062 0.791 -0.039

Control of Velocity PA 0.037 0.486 0.004

Critical Reasoning - diagrammatic SR 0.116 0.170 0.324

CFAT Problem Solving PS/SR 0.017 -0.052 0.747

CFAT Spatial Ability SR 0.077 -0.011 0.289

CFAT Verbal Skills VR -0.055 0.010 0.260

Note. WR - Work Rate; AC - Attentional Capability; PA - Psychomotor Ability; VR - Verbal Reasoning;

SR - Spatial Reasoning; PS – Problem Solving. Bold denotes factor loadings > .300.

Recall Numbers, the sole subtest from the Attentional Capability domain, did not contribute to the factor

structure. The three factors were labeled as Work Rate, Psychomotor Ability, and Problem

Solving/Spatial Reasoning (shortened to Reasoning). Regression factor scores were calculated for use in

subsequent analyses.

A correlation table for these three factor scores and the RAFAAT Group 2 subtests is shown in

Table 7. Although the RAFAAT Group 2 subtests were significantly correlated with the three factors,

they did not align well with them. The Mathematics Reasoning and Numerical Operations subtests from


the Numerical Reasoning domain had strong, significant correlations with the Reasoning Factor, but

Numerical Operations was also strongly correlated with the Work Rate factor. A similar split occurred

with the Colours, Letters, and Numbers subtest (Attentional Capability domain). Three of the four Spatial

Reasoning subtests were also split between the Reasoning factor and the Work Rate factor, but the fourth,

Instrument Comprehension 1, clearly correlated with the Psychomotor Ability Factor. Overall, the three

factors identified for the RAFAAT Group 1 subtests did not distinguish clearly among the Group 2


Table 7

Correlations between Factor Scores and RAFAAT Group 2 Subtests

Work Psycho Reason Math. Num. ABD Dir. & Inst. 1 Inst. 2 Vigil. CLAN Digit
Rate -Motor Reason Ops Dist. Recog.
Factor 1 1007 .344** .456** .264** .435** .410** .276** .106* .456** .447** .509** .217**
Work Rate
Factor 2 1007 1007 .536** .291** .170** .354** .324** .455** .361** .314** .365** .033
Factor 3 1007 1007 1007 .592** .423** .470** .439** .326** .489** .387** .512** .076
Math. 515 515 515 560 .420** .377** .318** .220** .410** .266** .422** .045
Reason. (NR)
Numerical 513 513 513 544 544 .269** .147** .046 .308** .220** .432** .110*
Ops. (NR)
ABD (SR) 513 513 513 557 544 557 .287** .298** .397** .311** .411** .092*

Directions 513 513 513 544 544 544 544 .276** .359** .224** .304** .086*
Dist. (SR)
Inst. Comp. 1 513 513 513 544 544 544 544 544 .301** .124** .220** -.057
Inst.Comp. 2 513 513 513 544 544 544 544 544 544 .319** .440** .106*
Vigilance 551 551 551 544 544 544 544 544 544 583 .434** .116**
Colours, 515 515 515 560 544 557 544 544 544 544 560 .130**
Letters (AC)
Digit Recog. 513 513 513 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01; NR: Numerical Reasoning; SR: Spatial Reasoning; ABD: Angles, Bearings,
and Degrees; WR: Work Rate; AC: Attentional Capability. Ability domains for subtests are in the left
column. Shaded areas = n for factor/subtest; bottom of chart is n for individual correlations. Bold =
correlations between subtests of different ability domains> .400.

Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS) Testing. The pilot candidates completed

four sessions on the CAPSS simulator over several days as part of the selection process. Table 8 shows

the descriptive statistics for CAPSS. The decrease in n over the sessions is a result of candidates failing to

make the required score in order to proceed to the next session. Correlations between the individual

CAPSS sessions, CFAT subtests, and the RAFAAT Group 1 and Group 2 subtests are in Table 9.

Table 8

Descriptive Statistics for Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)

N Min. Max. Mean S.D.

CAPSS Session 1 1026 .01 .99 .718 .181

CAPSS Session 2 1014 .00 .99 .680 .208

CAPSS Session 3 1013 .03 .99 .691 .241

CAPSS Session 4 1011 .02 .99 .640 .282

The correlations between all four CAPSS sessions and the RAFAAT subtests in both the Spatial

Reasoning and Psychomotor Ability domains were significant, p < .01, as was the Table Reading subtest

in the Work Rate domain. The highest correlations were found between the two Psychomotor Ability

subtests and CAPSS, all ps < .01, and the highest correlation overall was between the Sensory Motor

Apparatus subtest and CAPSS Session 3, r = .506.

The final analysis completed for research question one focused on the correlations between the

three factor scores and the four CAPSS simulator scores, shown in Table 10. Work Rate had a significant

correlation only with CAPSS session 4, however the correlation was very weak. Psychomotor Ability had

strong, significant correlations with all CAPSS sessions. Reasoning had significant correlations with all

CAPSS sessions, however they were weak to moderate in strength


Table 9

Correlations between CAPSS, CFAT, and RAFAAT Group 1 and 2 Subtests

Subtest (N for subtest) Domain CAPSS 1 CAPSS 2 CAPSS 3 CAPSS 4

(n = 1026) (n = 1014) (n = 1013) (n = 1011)
CFAT Verbal Skills (n=998) Verbal Reasoning -.008 .021 .050 .015

CFAT Problem Solving (n=998) Verbal/Spatial .024 .060 .152** .103**

Mathematics Reasoning (n=513) Numerical Reasoning .063 .091* .126** .141**

Numerical Operations (n=497) Numerical Reasoning -.072 -.079 -.051 -.018

CFAT Spatial Ability (n=998) Spatial Reasoning .118** .146** .156** .144**

Critical Reasoning (n=1009) Spatial Reasoning .090** .127** .161** .151**

Angles,Bearings,Degrees (n=510) Spatial Reasoning .130** .139** .222** .192**

Directions & Distances (n=497) Spatial Reasoning .129** .159** .179** .187**

Instrument Comp. 1 (n=497) Spatial Reasoning .287** .350** .413** .338**

Instrument Comp. 2 (n=497) Spatial Reasoning .135** .160** .183** .174**

Table Reading (n=995) Work Rate .106** .132** .140** .183**

Visual Search 1– Letters (n=995) Work Rate -.004 .010 -.006 .033

Visual Search 2– Shapes (n=995) Work Rate .012 .034 .018 .034

Vigilance (n=536) Work Rate .043 .051 .097* .115**

Recall Numbers (n=995) Attentional Capability -.003 .008 .067* .053

Colours,Letters,Numbers (n=513) Attentional Capability .041 .027 .053 .080

Digit Recognition (n=497) Attentional Capability -.069 -.084 -.095* -.055

Control of Velocity (n=991) Psychomotor Ability .158** .184** .229** .158**

Sensory Motor Apparatus (n=1005) Psychomotor Ability .367** .439** .503** .465**

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01


Table 10

Correlations between Factor Scores and CAPSS Scores (N for Individual Measures)


Factor (N) (n = 1026) (n = 1014) (n = 1013) (n = 1011)

Work Rate (n = 1007) .052 .060 .061 .091**

Psychomotor Ability (n = 1007) .373** .423** .500** .447**

Reasoning (n = 1007) .137** .159** .252** .208**

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01; Shaded areas = n for factor/subtest; bottom of chart is n for individual
correlations. Bold = correlations between subtests of different ability domains > .400.

Summary. The relationships between the CFAT and RAFAAT subtests were explored using

correlations and factor analysis. In general, higher correlations were observed between subtests in the

same ability domain. There were some exceptions however, most noticeably with the Digit Recognition in

the Attentional Capability domain, which not only had low correlations with other subtests in that

domain, but also with all other subtests. The factor analysis of the CFAT subtests, and RAFAAT Group 1

subtests identified three factors, which in turn, did not correlate distinctively with the RAFAAT Group 2

subtests. The CAPSS simulator scores were significantly correlated with several of the CFAT and

RAFAAT subtests, particularly those in the Psychomotor Ability domain. These results were consistent

when the CAPSS scores were correlated with the three factors; the strongest correlations were with the

Psychomotor Ability factor. Correlations were also significant but more moderate with the Spatial

Reasoning subtests, a finding confirmed by the significant but moderate correlations between CAPSS

scores and the Reasoning factor.

Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates

Until October 2013, pilot candidates were considered successful at aircrew selection if they

passed testing on the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System or CAPSS. CAPSS exposes candidates

to a sample of the flight skills required to fly a single-engine, light aircraft and the CAPSS cut-off mark

for selection was a score of .70 on session 4 (Darr, 2010). To facilitate analysis, an aircrew selection

Pass/Fail variable was created in the data set: CAPSS 4 session scores at or above .70 were coded as 1

(pass) and scores that were this score were coded as 0 (fail). Three methods of analysis were used to

determine if there were specific demographic variables or aptitude test indicators that defined successful

pilot candidates: MANOVA, discriminant analysis, and regression. The MANOVA, using the three

factors identified in Table 6 and the three demographic variables (n = 851), was significant, Wilks’ λ =

.831, F (6, 844) = 28.633, p < .01. Significant univariate effects (see Table 11) were obtained for Gender,

Factor 2 (Psychomotor Abilities), and Factor 3 (Reasoning).

Table 11

Between-Subjects Effects For Aircrew Pass/Fail on Demographic Variables and Factor Scores (N = 851)

Dependent Variable F p ηp2

Age at Testing 1.498 .221 .002

Gender (male = 1; female = 2) 19.654 < .001 .023

Education Level 1.896 .196 .002

Factor 1 – Work Rate 2.978 .085 .003

Factor 2 – Psychomotor Abilities 153.782 < .001 .153

Factor 3 – Reasoning 18.275 < .001 .021

Note. Education Level: 1 = High school; 2 = College/CEGEP; 3 = University.

A chi-square test was conducted to examine the Gender effect identified in the MANOVA. The

results shown in Table 12 were significant, χ2 (1, n = 986) = 23.075, p < .01, indicating female candidates

experienced greater difficulty passing CAPSS testing (30/104 or 28.8%) than male candidates (474/882 or



Table 12

Chi-Square Gender/CAPSS Pass/Fail – Actual Count (Expected)


Gender Male 408 (431) 474 (451)

(n = 882)
74 (51) 30 (53)
Gender Female
(n = 104)

A discriminant analysis was completed using the same variables and ability factor scores as

predictors of group membership; the significance of the function is of course identical to that of the

MANOVA. The structure matrix is in Table 13 and the classification results are in Table 14.

Table 13

Structure Matrix for Discriminant Function Analysis (N = 851)

Predictor Variable Correlation with Function

Factor 2 – Psychomotor Ability .943

Gender (male = 1; female = 2) -.337

Factor 3 – Reasoning .325

Factor 1 – Work Rate .131

Education Level .105

Age -.093

Note. Education Level: 1 = High school; 2 = College/CEGEP; 3 = University.

The structure matrix is defined largely by the Psychomotor Ability factor consistent with the results of the

MANOVA. The discriminant analysis correctly classified 68.4% of the candidates. Generally, it was

better able to classify candidates who passed CAPSS testing than those who failed.


Table 14

Classification Results for Discriminant Function Analysis: Number of Candidates (Percentage)

Pass/Fail Aircrew Selection: Predicted Group Membership

Fail = 0; Pass = 1 0 1

0 254 153 407

(62.4%) (37.6%)

1 116 328 444

(26.1%) (73.9%)

The final analysis for research question two was a hierarchical regression using the demographic

variables and three factor scores to predict the CAPSS session four (continuous variable) scores. These

variables were chosen because the number of candidates was higher (n = 850) than the number of

candidates who completed the RAFAAT Group 2 subtests (n = 513). The results are in Table 15.

Demographic variables were entered in Step 1, the three factor scores were entered in Step 2, and the

candidate scores from CAPSS sessions 1, 2, and 3 were entered in Step 3. The three-step model accounted

for 66% of the variance.

In Step 1, all three demographic variables were significant, p < .01, however only 6% of variance

was accounted for. Step 2 accounted for a further 16.6% of the variance, with Psychomotor Ability being

the only significant ability factor; the demographic variables were reduced in magnitude. Step 3 added a

further 44.1 % of the variance, with both CAPSS 2 and 3 being significant. Step 3 decreased the

magnitude of the demographic variables further, with none being significant. Of the ability factors, only

Psychomotor Ability was significant, p < .05.


Table 15

Hierarchical Regression Analysis Predicting Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)
Session Four Score (N = 850)

Step Predictor ΔR2 (Step) β Step 1 β Step 2 β Step 3

1 Age at Testing .058** -.108** -.073* -.025

Highest Education Level .102** .066 .043

Gender (M = 1; F = 2) -.225** -.090* .009

2 Work Rate .166** -.041 .014

Psychomotor Ability .464** .071*

Reasoning Ability -.044 -.022

3 CAPSS Session 1 .441** -.042

CAPSS Session 2 .371**

CAPSS Session 3 .506**

Total R2 .665**

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01. Education Level: 1 = High school, 2 = College/CEGEP, 3 = University.

Summary. Candidates who were successful at CAPSS testing had several common

abilities/characteristics that separated them from those who were not. The MANOVA identified Gender,

Psychomotor Ability, and Reasoning as significant components of strong CAPSS performance. These

results were confirmed by the discriminant analysis in which Psychomotor Ability dominated the

structure matrix with Gender and Reasoning making moderate contributions. The regression analysis

showed that in Step 3 only the Psychomotor Factor remained a significant predictor of CAPSS Pass/Fail.

Patterns of Performance on the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS)

The third research question concerning patterns of performance in the CAPSS simulator was

investigated using latent class analysis (LCA) in Mplus (Mplus Demo Version 7.2, 2014). Latent class

analysis focuses on grouping participants with similar performance patterns across a set of variables

(Geiser, 2013). Mplus methodology and model fit information criteria are shown in Appendix D. Once

the latent classes were identified, they were compared in terms of demographic variables and aptitude test

scores. Because of the exploratory nature of this investigation, a variety of solutions were attempted with

different numbers of classes.

Two-class model. Results of the LCA Two-Class Model are depicted in Figure 2.

Candidate scores

LCA Class 1 n = 689
LCA Class 2 n = 320
1   2   3   4  

CAPSS sessions

Figure 2. The two-class model for Latent Class Analysis of CAPSS scores.

Specific model fit information criteria for the two-class model are shown in Appendix E. Based on model

fit information criteria, entropy scores, and the probability of latent class membership, the two-class

model provided the best model fit for the CAPSS data. Members of Class 1 performed well across all

sessions, whereas those in Class 2 started with lower scores and continued to decrease. One-way analyses

of variance (ANOVA) were used to compare classes on the demographic and aptitude variables (see

Table 16). MANOVA was not used because of the differences in n across measures. Table 16 and

subsequent tables show the N’s in each class for the RAFAAT Group 1 subtests and demographics; the

N’s for each class are approximately half as large for the RAFAAT Group 2 subtests.


Table 16

Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Two-Class Model on CFAT
Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic Variables

Class 1 Class 2
Variable Domain n = 689 n = 320 df F ηp2
Higher scores Lower scores
M (SD) M (SD)
CFAT Verbal VR 10.66 (2.44) 10.54 (2.70) 1, 997 .507 .001
CFAT Spatial SR 11.86 (2.09) 11.25 (2.33) 1, 997 17.05** .017
CFAT Problem Solving VR/SR 24.49 (3.73) 24.01 (3.57) 1, 997 3.620 .004
Factor 1 – Work Rate WR .0452 (.906) -.0589 (.929) 1, 979 2.761 .003
Factor 2 – Psychomotor PA .2459 (.741) -.4620 (.704) 1, 979 199.783** .170
Factor 3 - Reasoning VR/SR .0931 (.794) -.1784 (.755) 1, 979 25.598** .026
Mathematics Reasoning NR 10.16 (3.79) 9.48 (3.71) 1, 512 3.77 .007
Numerical Operations NR 34.61 (8.41) 35.21 (9.31) 1, 496 .519 .001
Critical Reasoning SR 7.49 (2.26) 6.86 (2.12) 1 , 1008 17.42** .017
Angles, Bearings,Degrees SR 42.81 (5.61) 41.76 (5.76) 1, 509 4.04* .008
Directions and Distances SR 8.57 (2.56) 7.74 (2.57) 1, 496 11.79** .023
Instrument Comp. 1 SR 12.71 (3.84) 9.56 (3.50) 1, 496 81.04** .141
Instrument Comp. 2 SR 12.72 (3.00) 11.81 (2.86) 1, 496 10.767** .024
Table Reading WR 61.32 (10.01) 58.54 (9.48) 1, 994 17.11** .017
Visual Search 1 WR 56.92 (5.70) 56.85 (6.17) 1, 994 .03 .000
Visual Search 2 WR 55.66 (6.22) 55.52 (5.92) 1, 994 .11 .000
Vigilance WR 146.86 (27.06) 143.32 (30.25) 1, 535 1.91 .004
Recall Numbers AC 98.02 (12.80) 96.87 (13.85) 1, 994 1.65 .002
Colours, Letters,Numbers AC 126.37 (230.82) 108.29 (204.90) 1, 512 .78 .002
Digit Recognition AC 9.64 (1.90) 10.02 (2.23) 1, 496 4.17* .004
Control of Velocity PA 105.71 (13.95) 99.31 (17.08) 1, 990 38.96** .038
Sensory Motor Apparatus PA 194.63 (39.99) 155.52 (36.80) 1, 1004 218.83** .179
Gender -- 1.06 (.23) 1.21 (.41) 1, 985 52.47** .051
Age at Testing -- 22.32 (4.85) 22.76 (5.25) 1, 877 1.50 .002
Education Level -- 1.83 (.93) 1.81 (.92) 1, 900 .10 .000
Note: * p < .05; ** p < .01; VR: Verbal Reasoning; SR: Spatial Reasoning; NR: Numerical Reasoning; WR: Work
Rate; AC Attentional Capability; PA: Psychomotor Ability. Gender: Male = 1, Female = 2; Education: 1 = High
school, 2 = CEGEP/College, 3 = University/Graduate school.


Members of Class 1 performed significantly better than those in Class 2 on the CFAT Spatial Ability

subtest and had higher factor scores on Factor 2 Psychomotor Ability and Factor 3 Reasoning. The Class

1 candidates also had better scores on all five RAFAAT Spatial Reasoning subtests, the Table Reading

subtest from the Work Rate domain, and both Psychomotor Ability subtests. Class 1 members were also

more likely to be male. The less successful candidates (Class 2) scored higher on Digit Recognition, but

this was only at the .05 level.

A chi-square test was conducted to examine the Gender effect with class membership in the two-

class LCA. The significant Pearson chi-square value = 49.919, p < .001 indicated that males and females

were not evenly distributed across classes. As shown in Table 17, 71.5% of male candidates were in Class

1 (high CAPSS scores), whereas only 37.5% of females were. The opposite pattern was shown in Class 2

(low scores).

Table 17

Chi-Square Analysis of LCA Two-Class Model by Gender; Actual Count (Expected in Parentheses) and
Percent of Each Gender

LCA Class 1 (High scores) LCA Class 2 (Low scores)

n = 689 n = 320

Gender Male 632 (600) 250 (282)

71.7% 28.3%

Gender Female 39 (78) 65 (33)

37.5% 63.5%

Several of the variables that distinguished Class 1 from Class 2 in the LCA were the same as

those that distinguished successful from unsuccessful candidates in research question two. The RAFAAT

Psychomotor Ability subtests, which comprised Factor 2, showed the largest differences between Class 1

and Class 2 candidates as it did in the MANOVA (Table 11) and the Discriminant Analysis (Table 13) in

classifying successful and unsuccessful candidates. The Reasoning Factor (CFAT Problem Solving and


RAFAAT Critical Thinking subtests) was also a predictor of CAPSS success in the MANOVA, although

it made only a moderate contribution to the structure matrix of the discriminant analysis. Gender was also

significant; female candidates were overrepresented in the low scoring Class 2 and had greater difficulty

passing CAPSS.

Three-Class Model. Results of the LCA Three-Class Model are depicted in Figure 3.

Candidate scores

0.5   LCA class 1 n = 586
LCA class 3 n = 304
0.2   LCA class 2 n = 119
1   2   3   4  

CAPSS sessions

Figure 3. Latent Class Analysis three-class model of CAPSS scores.

One-way ANOVAs with follow-up Bonferroni t-tests were used to compare classes on the

demographic and aptitude variables (Table 18). Members of Class 1 performed significantly better than

those in Classes 2 and 3 on the CFAT Spatial Ability and Problem Solving subtests and had higher factor

scores on the Psychomotor Ability and Reasoning factors. The Class 1 candidates also had significantly

higher scores on all of the five Spatial Reasoning subtests, the Table Reading subtest, and both

Psychomotor Ability subtests. Class 3, the candidates who started with high CAPSS scores but dropped,

had higher scores on two of the five spatial reasoning subtests and both psychomotor ability subtests than

the low scoring Class 2 candidates. However, they also had significantly lower scores on the CFAT

Problem Solving subtest. Gender was significant, F (2, 985) = 25.48, p < .01 indicating that Class 1

candidates were more likely to be male.


Table 18

Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Three-Class Model on CFAT
Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic Variables

Class 1 Class 3 Class 2

n = 586 n = 304 n = 119 Post hoc
Variable (Domain) df F ηp2
Higher scores High-low Lower scores
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)

CFAT Verbal (VR) 10.67 (2.45) 10.57 (2.56) 10.55 (2.73) 1, 997 .192 .000
CFAT Spatial (SR) 11.93 (2.09) 11.37 (2.24) 11.16 (2.34) 1, 997 10.33** .020 1>3=2
CFAT Problem Solving 24.67 (3.65) 23.73 (3.76) 24.28 (3.44) 1, 997 6.51** .013 1>3
Factor 1 – Work Rate .0587 (.892) -.0569 (.936) -.0421 (.959) 1, 979 1.78 .004
Factor 2 – Psychomotor .3136 (.731) -.2985 (.704) -.6050 (.680) 1, 979 121.38** .199 1>3>2
Ability (PA)
Factor 3 – Reasoning .1412 (.778) -.1892 (.796) -.1590 (.719) 1, 979 20.51** .040 1>3=2
Mathematical Reasoning 10.09 (3.64) 9.78 (4.11) 9.51 (3.39) 2, 512 .79 .003
Numerical Reasoning 34.59 (8.08) 34.14 (9.53) 37.61 (9.01) 2, 496 3.79 .015
Critical Reasoning 7.57 (2.20) 6.96 (2.23) 6.76 (2.24) 2, 1008 11.45** .022 1>3=2
Angles, Bearings, 43.15 (5.56) 41.86 (5.41) 40.78 (6.44) 2, 509 5.90* .023 1>3=2
Degrees (SR)
Directions and Distances 8.61 (2.56) 7.97 (2.66) 7.58 (2.57) 2, 496 5.58** .022 1>3=2
Instrument 12.88 (3.84) 10.16 (3.78) 9.60 (3.25) 2, 496 36.66** .129 1>3=2
Comprehension 1 (SR)
Instrument 12.76 (2.97) 12.09 (2.96) 11.61 (2.87) 2, 496 5.10** .020 1>3=2
Comprehension 2 (SR)
Table Reading (WR) 61.59 (9.95) 58.81 (9.76) 58.89 (9.48) 2, 994 9.48** .019 1>3=2
Visual Search 1 – 56.95 (5.64) 56.71 (6.02) 57.13 (6.41) 2, 994 .27 .001
Letters (WR)
Visual Search 2 – 55.70 (6.18) 55.67 (6.08) 55.08 (6.00) 2, 994 .52 .001
Shapes (WR)
Vigilance (WR) 146.73 (21.18) 145.20 (27.82) 141.84 (33.29) 2, 535 .87 .003

Recall Numbers (AC) 97.98 (12.94) 96.71 (13.14) 98.42 (14.10) 2, 994 1.15 .002

Colours, Letters, and 124.91 (221.94) 122.32 (204.39) 91.44 (250.58) 2, 512 .60 .002
Numbers (AC)
Digit Recognition (AC) 9.59 (1.91) 9.92 (2.08) 10.19 (2.32) 2, 496 2.84 .011
Control of Velocity 105.98 (14.05) 101.28 (16.13) 98.49 (16.85) 2, 990 17.53** .034 1>3>2
Sensory Motor 198.47 (39.49) 164.79 (36.42) 146.67 (36.25) 2, 1004 135.66** .213 1>3>2
Apparatus (PA)
Gender 1.05 (.22) 1.16 (.37) 1.24 (.43) 2, 985 25.48** .049 1<3<2
Age 22.18 (4.75) 22.83 (5.28) 22.92 (5.26) 2, 877 1.98 .005
Education 1.80 (.93) 1.85 (.93) 1.82 (.93) 2, 900 .24 .001

Note: * p < .05; ** p < .01; VR: Verbal Reasoning; SR: Spatial Reasoning; NR: Numerical Reasoning;
WR: Work Rate; AC Attentional Capability; PA: Psychomotor Ability. Gender: Male= 1, Female= 2;
Education: 1=High school, 2= CEGEP/College, 3= University/Grad school.


A chi-square test was conducted to examine the Gender effect with class membership in the

three-class LCA. The significant Pearson chi-square value = 48.946, p < .001 indicated that males and

females were again not evenly distributed across classes. As shown in Table 19, 61.5% of male

candidates were in Class 1 (high CAPSS scores) compared to 27.9% of females. The opposite pattern was

shown in Class 2 (low CAPSS scores). More than forty-five percent of female candidates were found in

Class 3 (whose CAPSS scores started high then decreased) compared to 28.3% of male candidates.

Table 19

Chi-Square LCA three classes: Gender by Class membership – Actual count (expected) and percent of
each Gender

Class 1 (n = 586) Class 3 (n = 304) Class 2 (n = 119)

Higher scores High to low scores Lower scores
542 (511) 250 (266) 90 (105)
Male n = 882
61.5% 28.3% 10.2%
Female n = 104 29 (60) 47 (32) 28 (12)
27.9% 45.2% 26.9%

Four-class model. The final Latent Class Analysis completed in Mplus was a four-class model

shown in Figure 4.

Candidate scores

LCA Class 1 n = 515
0.4   LCA Class 4 n = 242
0.3   LCA Class 3 n = 138
0.2   LCA Class 2 n = 114
1   2   3   4  

CAPSS sessions

Figure 4. Latent Class Analysis four-class model of CAPSS scores.


This model contained a class of candidates (Class 4) who started with average CAPSS scores and

maintained those scores throughout testing. One-way ANOVAs revealed significant main effects for the

CFAT Spatial Ability and Problem Solving subtests, the Psychomotor Ability and Reasoning factors, all

five Spatial Reasoning subtests, Table Reading from the Work Rate domain, both Psychomotor Ability

subtests, and Gender as shown in Table 20. The Recall Numbers subtest from the Attentional Capability

domain was also significant, p < .05, but, surprisingly, it was the low scoring Class 2 candidates who had

the highest mean scores. Class 2 candidates also had the second highest scores on the CFAT Problem

Solving subtests, outscoring the Class 3 candidates (high to low scores) and those in Class 4 (medium


Bonferroni post hoc testing revealed that Class 1, the high scoring class, was significantly

different from the other three classes on seven of the eleven statistically significant subtests while the

Class 4 candidates (who maintained moderate CAPSS scores) had significantly higher scores than Class 3

(high changing to low CAPSS scores) on two of the eleven statistically significant subtests and the two

factor scores. Gender was also significant for Class 4, with more male candidates than Class 3 (high to

low scores) and Class 2 (low scores).

A chi-square test of independence revealed a statistically significant Pearson chi-square value =

48.946, p < .001, indicating that, once again, males and females were not evenly distributed across

classes. As shown in Table 21, 53.9% of male candidates were in Class 1 (high CAPSS scores), whereas

only 24% of females were. The opposite pattern presented in Class 2 (low CAPSS scores). Class 3, whose

members started with high scores but decreased rapidly, contained approximately 28% percent of female

candidates compared to 12% of male candidates. In Class 4, the numbers of male and female candidates

were as expected, with only a slightly higher percentage of male candidates than female candidates.


Table 20

Summary of Analysis of Variance Results Comparing Latent Class Analysis Four-Class Model on CFAT
Subtests, Factor Scores, RAFAAT Subtests, and Demographic Variables

Class 1 Class 4 Class 3 Class 2

Variable n = 515 n = 242 n = 138 n = 114 df F ηp2 Post hoc
(Domain) High scores Medium High-Low Low scores testing
M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) M (SD)
CFAT Verbal
10.68 (2.43) 10.71 (2.41) 10.29 (2.84) 10.61 (2.72) 1, 997 .97 .003
CFAT Spatial 12.00 (2.09) 11.39 (2.15) 11.30 (2.33) 11.21 (2.32) 1, 997 8.26** .024 1>4=3=2
CFAT Problem 24.69 (3.67) 24.15 (3.67) 23.27 (3.75) 24.42 (3.43) 1, 997 5.73** .017 1>3
Solving (VR/SR)
Factor 1 – Work .0656 (.889) .0155 (.959) -.1513 (.870) -.0386 (.962) 1, 979 2.11 .006
Rate (WR)
Factor 2 – .3529 (.729) -.0871 (.702) -.4995 (.655) -.6094 (.682) 1, 979 92.43** .221 1>4>3=2
Psychomotor (PA)
Factor 3 – .1631 (.778) -.0699 (.785) -.3250 (.784) -.1339 (.712) 1, 979 17.00** .050 1>4>3=2
Reasoning (VR/SR)
Mathematical 10.31 (3.71) 10.02 (3.97) 8.89 (3.77) 9.52 (3.36) 3, 512 3.13* .018 1=4>3=2
Reasoning (NR)
Numerical 34.80 (8.17) 34.40 (9.35) 33.55 (9.02) 37.36 (8.85) 3, 496 2.37 .014
Reasoning (NR)
Critical 7.62 (2.21) 7.12 (2.35) 6.79 (1.93) 6.75 (2.23) 3, 1008 42.82** .025 1>4=3=2
Reasoning (SR)
Angles, Bearings, 43.53 (5.46) 41.85 (5.55) 41.24 (5.44) 40.98 (6.37) 3, 509 6.13** .035 1>4=3=2
Degrees (SR)
Directions and 8.76 (2.56) 8.06 (2.66) 7.74 (2.57) 7.54 (2.47) 3, 496 5.88** .035 1>4=3=2
Distances (SR)
Instrument Comp. 13.09 (3.87) 10.79 (3.78) 10.03 (3.75) 9.51 (3.17) 3, 496 25.05** .132 1>4=3=2
1 (SR)
Instrument Comp. 12.94 (2.89) 12.06 (3.18) 11.96 (2.74) 11.57 (2.85) 3, 496 5.35** .032 1>4=3=2
2 (SR)
Table Reading 62.04 (9.95) 59.51 (9.77) 57.41 (9.32) 58.81 (9.59) 3, 994 10.61** .031 1>4=3=2
Visual Search 1 – 56.92 (5.63) 56.98 (5.93) 56.47 (6.02) 57.13 (6.45) 3, 994 .323 .001
Letters (WR)
Visual Search 2 – 55.69 (6.23) 55.92 (6.32) 55.19 (5.49) 55.14 (5.99) 3, 994 .67 .002
Shapes (WR)
Vigilance (WR) 147.58 (27.01) 146.92 (25.66) 140.90 (31.06) 141.16 (33.26) 3, 535 1.80 .010

Recall Numbers 97.93 (12.61) 98.22 (13.25) 94.70 (13.86) 98.78 (14.07) 3, 994 2.79* .008 1=4=3=2
Colours, Letters, 129.81 (230.89) 133.59 (216.14) 84.15 (169.46) 98.37 (254.14) 3, 512 1.21 .007
Numbers (AC)
Digit Recognition 9.62 (1.88) 9.90 (2.12) 9.66 (2.03) 10.25 (2.32) 3, 496 1.80 .011
Control of 105.96 (14.22) 104.05 (14.69) 99.46 (16.71) 97.76 (16.92) 3, 990 13.36** .039 1=4>3=2
Velocity (PA)
Sensory Motor 200.51 (39.49) 175.65 (36.12) 154.62 (35.48) 146.91 (36.17) 3, 1004 99.95** .230 1>4>3=2
Apparatus (PA)
Gender 1.05 (.22) 1.09 (.29) 1.21 (.41) 1.25 (.43) 3, 985 20.35** .059 1=4<3=2

Age 22.11 (4.56) 22.53 (5.43) 23.42 (5.37) 22.74 (2.43) 3, 877 2.31 .008

Education 1.82 (.93) 1.79 (.91) 1.90 (.94) 1.81 (.93) 3, 900 .38 .001

Note: * p < .05; ** p < .01; VR: Verbal Reasoning; SR: Spatial Reasoning; NR: Numerical Reasoning; WR: Work
Rate; AC Attentional Capability; PA: Psychomotor Ability. Gender: Male = 1, Female = 2; Education: 1 = High
school, 2 = CEGEP/College, 3 = University/Graduate school.

Table 21

Chi-Square Analysis of LCA Four Class Model by Gender; Actual Count (Expected in parentheses) and
Percent of Gender

Class 1 Class 4 Class 3 Class 2

(n = 515) (n = 242) (n = 138) (n = 114)
High scores Medium scores High to low Low scores
475 (447) 215 (212) 107 (121) 85 (101)
Gender Male
53.9% 24.4% 12.1% 9.6%
Gender Female 25 (53) 22 (25) 29 (14) 28 (12)
24% 21.2% 27.9% 26.9%

Summary. Overall, the two-class model provided the best model fit for the CAPSS testing data

but there were patterns evident in the performance of the candidates in the high and low scoring classes in

all three latent class analyses. Those with high CAPSS scores were predominantly male, and the

candidates with higher scores on the Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Ability subtests, and the

Psychomotor and Reasoning factors. The opposite was true for the low scoring candidates.

In the three-class LCA, a class of candidates emerged who started well but whose scores dropped

steadily. These Class 3 candidates had the lowest mean scores of all four classes on half of the RAFAAT

subtests, the lowest factor score on the Reasoning factor, and contained a larger percentage of female than

male candidates. Class 4 in the four-class LCA (candidates who maintained medium scores throughout

testing) were roughly even for the percentage of male and female candidates but had higher mean scores

on all 16 RAFAAT subtests and the Psychomotor and Reasoning factors than their Class 3 counterparts

who started with high scores then dropped.

Summary of Results

The relationships amongst the ability measures (CFAT and RAFAAT) were analysed using

correlations. Contrary to expectations, there were low but significant intra-domain correlations between

RAFAAT subtests (Digit Recognition and Colours, Letters, and Numbers in the Attentional Capability

domain) as well as high inter-domain correlations (CFAT Problem Solving and RAFAAT Mathematics

Reasoning). Factor Analysis was used to assess the relationships between the demographic variables,

CFAT subtests, and RAFAAT Group 1 subtests. The analysis identified three factors, which were

significant in a number of analyses. These results are summarised in Table 22.

Table 22

Summary of Results: Levels of Significance for Factor Scores and Gender

Ability Scores1 MANOVA2 Discrim. Hierarchical Regression4
Domain (Significant Analysis3
correlations) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Work Rate (RAFAAT

Table Reading, Visual WR .131 N/A

Psychomotor Ability
(Sensory Motor /Control PA ** ** .943 N/A ** *
of Velocity

Reasoning (RAFAAT
Critical Reasoning and VR/SR ** ** .325 N/A
CFAT Problem Solving)

Gender N/A N/A ** -.337 ** *

1 2 3
Note. Table 10; Table 11; Table 13; Discriminant analysis column contains structure matrix outcomes;
Table 15. N/A indicated not applicable or not done.

Correlations between the CAPSS scores and factor scores showed that both Psychomotor Ability

and Factor 3 Reasoning were significant, p < .01, however the correlations between the CAPSS scores

and Psychomotor Ability were much stronger than those for Reasoning. The Table Reading subtest in the

Work Rate ability domain was significantly correlated with all four CAPSS session scores and, although

it was one of the subtests in Work Rate, neither of the other subtests was significant nor was the Work

Rate factor.


MANOVA, discriminant analysis, and hierarchical regression were used in the second research

question to determine if there were specific demographic variables or aptitude test indicators that defined

successful pilot candidates. The results, summarised in Table 22, identified Psychomotor Ability in the

MANOVA and the regression analysis as the main predictor of successful completion of CAPSS.

Psychomotor abilities also defined the discriminant analysis structure matrix, with only small

contributions from Gender and Reasoning.

Research question three identified different subgroups within the data set. In general these groups

corresponded to more or less successful candidates, with intermediate groups being added in the three and

four class analyses. The only group that differed from this pattern was Class 3 in the four-class solution,

which started with high scores and then declined. The groups differed on many of the predictor measures.

Table 23 is a summary of the p values for these significant subtests, factors, and the demographic variable

Gender that were associated with overall higher performance on CAPSS.

Candidates with higher scores on the CFAT Spatial Ability and Problem Solving subtests and on

the Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Ability subtests were more likely to pass CAPSS testing as were

those who did well on the Table Reading subtest in the Work Rate domain. Gender was also a significant

factor in the candidates’ CAPSS performance. Female candidates obtained lower scores on the CFAT and

RAFAAT subtests and were overrepresented in the lower scoring classes of CAPSS performance in each

LCA, and in the classes that started with high CAPSS scores but dropped over the course of testing.


Table 23

Summary of Research Question Three Results: Levels of Significance for Statistically Significant Subtests
and Gender for Mplus Latent Class Analyses

Ability LCA 2 LCA 3 LCA 4

CFAT Spatial Ability SR ** ** **

CFAT Problem Solving VR/SR ** **

Factor 2 – Psychomotor PA ** ** **

Factor 3 – Reasoning VR/SR ** ** **

Critical Reasoning SR ** ** **

Angles, Bearings, and Degrees SR * * **

Directions and Distances SR ** ** **

Instrument Comprehension 1 SR ** ** **

Instrument Comprehension 2 SR ** ** **

Table Reading WR ** **

Sensory Motor Apparatus PA ** ** **

Control of Velocity PA ** ** **

Gender --- ** ** **

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01. VR: Verbal Reasoning; SR: Spatial Reasoning; PA: Psychomotor Ability


Chapter 5


The goal of this thesis was to examine the specific cognitive abilities and demographic

characteristics that are markers for success of Canadian Forces pilot candidates in aircrew selection. The

first research question examined the relationships amongst the test batteries used in pilot selection: the

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) which is administered to all Canadian Forces members regardless

of occupation; the Royal Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test (RAFAAT) administered solely to pilot

candidates; and the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS), a single-engine aircraft flight

simulator. The second research question focused on the specific demographic variables and aptitude test

indicators that differentiated successful candidates from unsuccessful candidates. The third, and final,

research question addressed the patterns of performance evident in CAPSS flight simulator testing.

In the remainder of this chapter, each of these research questions is addressed in turn. The

implications of these findings are reviewed, followed by an overview of the limitations encountered

during this research, and recommendations for future research directions in abilities testing for military

pilot candidates.

Relationships Amongst of the Measures

Examining the relationships amongst the test batteries was an important first step in this research

as it showed how the subtests were statistically associated with each other and facilitated the

identification of common underlying factors that were used in subsequent analyses. The relationships

amongst the subtests of the CFAT and RAFAAT test batteries yielded both expected and unexpected

results. The subtests are grouped into ability domains developed by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and are a

broad collection of similar aptitudes (Bailey, 1999). It was therefore expected that subtests found within

the same ability domain would correlate well with each other and form factors that were consistent with

C-H-C theory (e.g. McGrew, 2009). The results confirmed this expectation, however, all correlations

were weak to moderate. One of the highest correlations found amongst the subtests was an inter-domain

correlation between the RAFAAT Mathematics Reasoning subtest and the CFAT Problem Solving

subtest. While both subtests assess numerical reasoning abilities, the Mathematics Reasoning subtest is

focused on solving aircraft related problems, whereas the CFAT Problem Solving subtest contains more

generic number-based problems that are verbal and spatial in nature. This diverse content may also

explain why it had statistically significant correlations with every other subtest except Digit Recognition.

Although the Problem Solving subtest was grouped in the Spatial Reasoning domain for this study, the

diverse nature of its questions suggest that it could also be placed in either the Numerical Reasoning or

Verbal Reasoning ability domains.

One of the weakest correlations was found between two Attentional Capability domain subtests:

Digit Recognition and Colours, Letters, and Numbers. The Digit Recognition subtest is described by the

RAF as a test of working memory (WM) whereas Colours, Letters, and Numbers is considered to be a

divided attention task. This disparity in subtest content may explain the weak correlation and suggests

that Digit Recognition may be testing abilities similar to those assessed by the subtests in the Work Rate

domain, as it had significant correlations with all four subtests in that ability domain.

Correlations between the CAPSS scores and the CFAT Spatial Ability and Problem Solving

subtests as well as those between CAPSS and the Spatial Reasoning subtests of the RAFAAT batteries

were statistically significant, albeit weak to moderate. Stronger correlations were found between CAPSS

and the two Psychomotor Abilities subtests. Unexpectedly, the Table Reading subtest (the Work Rate

domain), which is considered to be a clerical-type task, had significant correlations with all four CAPSS

sessions. Subtests in the Work Rate domain are described as assessing the ability to work accurately

through simple routine tasks under time constraints. This ability aligns well with Gs, the cognitive

processing speed Stratum II broad ability in the C-H-C model (McGrew, 2009) and is an ability that the

Work Rate domain shares with simulator testing. This overlap may account for some of the similarity in

the abilities being tested, however, the Table Reading subtest does not assess any of the other C-H-C

abilities identified as components of simulator testing, i.e., Gt (decision and reaction time), Gv (visual


spatial abilities), and Gp (psychomotor abilities), leaving the reason for the relationship between these

two very different aptitude tests largely unexplained. The other subtests in the Work rate domain, the

Attentional Capability subtests, and the Numerical Reasoning subtests had very weak correlations with

the CAPSS scores.

Factor analysis. The factor analysis of the CFAT and RAFAAT Group 1 subtests identified three

clear factors with a simple structure. These three factors, identified as Work Rate, Psychomotor Ability,

and Reasoning, correspond roughly to the Stratum II broad abilities Gs (cognitive processing speed), Gp

(psychomotor abilities), and a combined Gv (visual-spatial abilities)/Gt (decision and reaction time)

respectively, and accounted for slightly better than half the variance in the aptitude test scores. The

Reasoning factor was defined by the CFAT Problem Solving and RAFAAT Critical Thinking subtests

which cover a wide range of reasoning abilities. This may explain why it had some of the largest,

statistically significant correlations with a number of ability domains.

Only Recall Numbers, the sole subtest from the RAFAAT Attentional Capability domain, did not

group in any of the factors. The Attentional Capability domain assesses candidates on information

retention, how they deal with multiple tasks simultaneously, and their attention switching capability

(Southcote, 2004). The Recall Numbers subtest measures short-term memory or information retention

only so its limited scope may account for its poor fit within the factor analysis. The Recall Numbers

subtest had moderate, statistically significant correlations with all four Work Rate domain subtests

suggesting that it may be a test of candidates’ ability to work accurately through a routine task rather than

an assessment of information retention.

The RAFAAT Group 2 subtests had significant correlations with the three identified factors,

however they did not load cleanly like the Group 1 subtests and several subtests had strong correlations

with more than one factor. For example, Numerical Operations from the Numerical Reasoning domain

was strongly correlated with the Reasoning factor but also strongly with the Work Rate factor. Three of

the four Spatial Reasoning subtests were also split between the Reasoning and Work Rate factors, and the


fourth, Instrument Comprehension 1, was strongly correlated with the Psychomotor Ability factor. This

suggests that a reassessment of the abilities that are tested by the Group 2 subtests, particularly those of

the Work Rate and Attentional Capability domains, may provide a more accurate assessment of

candidates’ abilities.

Early simulators, like those that predated CAPSS, were designed to test candidates’ psychomotor

abilities (Macedonia, 2002) so it was not surprising that the current study found the Psychomotor Ability

factor had strong significant correlations with all four CAPSS simulator sessions. The CAPSS scores

were also moderately correlated with the Spatial Reasoning subtests, including the CFAT Spatial Ability

and RAFAAT Critical Reasoning subtests that were part of the Reasoning factor. These correlations also

hint at the involvement of problem solving, cognitive processing speed (Gs in the C-H-C model), decision

making (Gt), and visual spatial abilities (Gv) which Grimm and Wilkomm (1996) found were measured

in more complex simulations.

In summary, the correlations between the CFAT and RAFAAT indicated that, generally, higher

correlations were observed between subtests in the same ability domain. The factor analysis of the CFAT

subtests and RAFAAT Group 1 subtests identified three distinct factors, however the Group 2 subtests did

not align well with the three factors, indicating a revision of the domain and subtest content may be

necessary in order provide a better assessment of candidate abilities. Not surprisingly, the CAPSS

simulator scores were significantly correlated with the Psychomotor Ability and Spatial Reasoning

subtests however, there were unexplained correlations with the Table Reading from the Work Rate

domain subtest as well. The significant correlations of the CAPSS scores with the Reasoning factor

underscored the role of problem solving and critical thinking in simulator testing. These results reinforce

the requirement to select pilot candidates who demonstrate aptitude in a wide range of abilities and not

only those traditionally associated with pilot selection: psychomotor ability and spatial reasoning.


Successful and Unsuccessful Candidates

The second research question examined the ability of the CFAT and RAFAAT subtests to

distinguish successful pilot candidates from unsuccessful candidates. When the data used in this research

were collected, success at aircrew selection was based on candidate scores on CAPSS. Analysis of

demographic information and the three factors identified several commonalities in successful candidates.

The MANOVA identified the Psychomotor Ability factor, the Reasoning factor, and Gender as

having significant effects on whether the candidates passed or failed aircrew selection testing. Male

candidates and those who had high scores on the CFAT Spatial Abilities subtests and the RAFAAT

Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Abilities subtests did well on CAPSS. The Work Rate factor,

candidate age, and Education Level were not significant. The discriminant analysis indicated that the

dimension distinguishing between successful and unsuccessful candidates was largely defined by

Psychomotor Ability with only small contributions from Gender and the Reasoning Ability factor.

Psychomotor ability has consistently been identified as a key component in pilot performance (Darr,

2010a; Carretta & Ree, 1997a; Olson et al., 2010) and its significance in the current research supports the

findings of Chaiken et al. (2000) who concluded that individuals with high psychomotor abilities learned

faster, and that cognitively able individuals tended to do very well on psychomotor tests.

The first two steps of the hierarchical regression analysis, using the same variables as the

MANOVA and discriminant analysis, accounted for almost a quarter of the variance in CAPSS session 4

scores. The three demographic variables initially were significant but, when the Psychomotor Ability

factor was added, the variance accounted for quadrupled and the significance of the demographic

variables was reduced dramatically. In the final step, when the CAPSS scores were added to the

regression, a further 45% of variance was accounted for, however only the Psychomotor Ability factor

from the earlier two steps remained significant.

Gender was a significant factor in identifying successful candidates, with female candidates

experiencing more difficulty passing CAPSS testing, however its significance varied amongst the three


analyses. The MANOVA identified Gender as having a significant effect on passing CAPSS testing and

the discriminant analysis confirmed its role in classifying successful candidates. However, in the

hierarchical regression, Gender was a strong predictor only before the ability variables were entered. Its

significance decreased when the three factor scores were entered, and when the CAPSS scores from the

first three sessions were entered in the final step, Gender was eliminated as a predictor. These results

indicate that much of the Gender variance is shared with the ability tests and relatively little of the

variance is due to gender alone. These findings are consistent with those of Burke (1995) who observed

large differences (d > 0.5) favouring males on both spatial and psychomotor ability tests.

Overall, high scores on the subtests in the Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Abilities domains

were the best predictors of success on CAPSS testing. Discriminant analysis confirmed that psychomotor

ability was the major characteristic of successful candidates and that the Reasoning factor and Gender

were found to be only moderate predictors of success in CAPSS testing.

Patterns of Performance on the Canadian Automated Pilot Selection System (CAPSS).

The third research question focused on whether patterns of performance in the CAPSS simulator

would identify homogeneous sub-groups within the larger sample that constituted meaningful groups or

classes of individuals. This analysis was instrumental in identifying groups of candidates whose

performance differed from those who scored consistently high or consistently low on the four CAPSS

sessions. Assessment of CAPSS performance also confirmed the findings of previous analyses in

differentiating between successful and unsuccessful candidates.

In the two, three and four-class models of Latent Class Analysis (LCA), members of the class

with the highest CAPSS scores in each model were predominately male candidates and those who had

scored well on the CFAT Spatial Ability and Problem Solving subtests and had high factor scores on the

Psychomotor Ability and Reasoning factors. The high scoring CAPSS candidates also did well on the

RAFAAT Spatial Reasoning subtests. Conversely, the lowest scoring class in each of the models had a

higher than expected number of female candidates and contained the candidates who had low scores on


the aforementioned ability tests and factors. The two-class model containing a high scoring group and a

low scoring group provided the best model fit for the CAPSS data however, the three and four-class

models showed distinct groups that did not follow the performance patterns of either the top group or the

bottom group.

Of particular interest were the Class 4 candidates in the four-class LCA model. These 242

candidates had CAPSS session 1 scores of just below .70 (the pass mark needed on CAPSS 4) and

fluctuated only slightly over the following CAPSS sessions to finish testing with scores near .60. More

importantly however, the Class 4 candidate scores on the CFAT and RAFAAT subtests were consistently

higher than the either the candidates in Class 3 (who started with high CAPSS scores then dropped

precipitously) or the Class 2 candidates (who had low CAPSS scores throughout). It is possible that Class

4 candidates may have passed CAPSS testing if given one more session in the simulator. They certainly

would have passed pilot selection on the basis of their RAFAAT scores. Unfortunately, because they

failed CAPSS testing, these candidates were not selected for pilot training and the Air Force missed the

opportunity to train a number of pilot candidates whose high subtest scores in a number of ability

domains may have enabled them to successfully complete pilot training.

Implications for Pilot Selection

The present results indicate that candidates who were successful at aircrew selection possessed a

number of common abilities. The Psychomotor Ability factor was a significant predictor of the pilot

candidates’ ability to pass CAPSS testing and dominated the discriminant analysis structure matrix.

Additionally, the high scoring candidates in all three Latent Class Analysis models of CAPSS

performance had high psychomotor subtest scores. Simulators like CAPSS are excellent tests of

psychomotor abilities and are representative of the types of basic flying manoeuvres that are tested in the

early stages of pilot training. However, more complex flight scenarios, like those found in the later stages

of training, as well as the development of systemically complex aircraft, have reduced the need for strong

psychomotor abilities and instead generated an increased requirement for improved problem solving


abilities and situational awareness (Ebbatson, 2009; Wiener, Chute, & Moses, 1999). The current study

demonstrated some movement towards this new dynamic by showing the importance of a Reasoning

factor, based largely on the CFAT Problem Solving subtest, in identifying candidates who were

successful at CAPSS testing. The Work Rate subtest Table Reading that assesses cognitive processing

speed (Gs from the C-H-C model) was also statistically significant for the candidates with high CAPSS

scores in all three LCA models.

Spatial ability was found to be a consistent contributor to success in pilot selection. The CFAT

Spatial Ability subtest and all five spatial reasoning subtests of the RAFAAT test battery were

contributors to the pass /fail performance of the pilot candidates and all three latent class analyses

identified high scores on the spatial ability subtests as one of the characteristics of the candidates who had

the highest CAPSS scores. These results support the findings of the pilot job analysis completed by Darr

(2010) in which spatial awareness was identified as one of the characteristics that distinguished superior

helicopter pilots from average ones. Spatial ability plays an essential role in map reading and navigation

activities (Cherney et al., 2008), both of which are crucial skills for pilots operating in complex flight

environments. Spatial testing, particularly mental rotation and spatial visualization abilities, should

therefore remain as one of the essential ability domains in which pilot candidates are tested.

Although abilities like spatial reasoning and psychomotor abilities were clearly identified in the

CFAT and RAFAAT batteries, tests of other aptitudes considered important for pilots, including WM,

situational awareness, and decision making (Wickens, 2007), are missing in the RAFAAT battery. Sohn

and Doane (2004) confirmed that WM was critical for novice pilots particularly because it predicted

situational awareness, defined by Endsley and Bolstad (1994) as the perception of elements at a certain

time to include their meaning and the projection of their status in the near future. The RAF considers

Digit Recognition in the Attentional Capability domain to be a test of WM, but testing candidates on their

ability to remember how many times a specific digit appeared in a previously viewed number string is a

low level WM task. There are no RAFAAT tests that specifically assess situational awareness. The


Instrument Comprehension 2 subtest, part of the Spatial Reasoning domain, is similar to the test Sohn and

Doane (2004) used in their situational awareness study, however, the Instrument Comprehension subtest

is missing the critical temporal component. As such, Instrument Comprehension is included in the Spatial

Reasoning domain leaving situational awareness largely untested by the RAFAAT battery.

Causse et al. (2011) identified EF as a critical component of the complex and constantly changing

air environment in which a pilot operates, providing support for its inclusion in pilot selection batteries.

While the subtests of the CFAT and RAFAAT do not specifically identify EF as one of the cognitive

constructs being assessed, its components as described by Diamond (2013) and Miyake et al. (2000),

appear to be present. For example, the RAFAAT subtest Colours, Letters, and Numbers in the Attentional

Capability domain assesses the EF components of inhibition, WM, and shifting. Although this subtest was

not statistically significant in any of the analyses completed for this research, the development of ability

tests that focus on situational awareness, selective search, and switching attention between tasks should be

a priority for future pilot selection research. The cRontribution of EF to flight performance is not well

defined. Herniman (2013) found that components of EF were predictive of academic performance but

were not predictive of student flight performance during basic flying training. This may indicate that EF

may only make a difference once basic flying skills have been acquired and the pilot candidates move on

to more complex flight scenarios which were not included in Herniman’s study. Additional research into

the role of EF in flight performance will assess the need for its inclusion in pilot selection test batteries.

Amongst the demographic variables, Gender was consistently a significant factor in aptitude

testing, particularly in the Psychomotor Ability domain, and female candidates experienced greater

difficulty passing CAPSS testing. Each LCA found Gender to be significant, with female candidates

consistently overrepresented in the lower scoring class. These findings are consistent with those of Darr

(2009) who determined that using CAPSS testing as the selection criterion resulted in a lower selection

rate for female candidates. The female candidate scores were also generally lower on the CFAT and

RAFAAT subtests, confirming earlier research by Carretta and Ree (1997) who found large mean


differences favouring male pilot applicants, particularly for measures of psychomotor ability, spatial

ability, and technical knowledge. Their research determined that female pilot applicants were also less

likely to meet or exceed the minimum scores on the aptitude tests used in pilot selection. In the current

study, the consistent overrepresentation of female candidates in the low scoring CAPSS class in the LCA

models, and the lower scores on the aptitude tests across all ability domains in this study indicates that

Gender remains a predictor of success or failure during pilot selection.

New technologies. The role of new technologies was discussed briefly in reference to

psychomotor ability testing. Technologically complex subsystems in the form of computerized displays,

weapons arrays, countermeasures systems, and digital communication generate enormous amounts of

information that are presented to the pilot for immediate analysis. It follows therefore that pilot selection

systems must assess the pilot candidates’ abilities to keep pace with these new processing demands. In the

current results, candidates with the highest CAPSS scores in all three latent class analyses had high

Reasoning factor scores and high scores on the Table Reading subtest from the Work Rate ability domain.

The Work Rate domain assesses cognitive processing speed and, to a lesser degree, WM, both of which

have been identified as mission-critical abilities for pilots completing complex tasks (Causse et al., 2011).

As such, ability testing for pilots should include subtests that assess the ability to process large amounts

of information and to make timely decisions in the presence of distractions and secondary tasks.

Limitations and Future Directions

The current results are based on a restricted sample of pre-screened military pilot candidates and

therefore, the results may not be generalisable to more diverse samples of pilots, e.g. civilian pilots or

university students studying aviation. All candidates in the archival dataset had been previously selected

based on their performance on the CFAT and personality testing using the Trait Self Descriptive

Inventory (Darr, 2011). Range restricted samples can produce estimates of correlations that are artificially

lower than they would be in an uncensored sample (Shah & Miyake, 1996) however, Shah and Miyake


(1996) also found that the use of a range restricted sample, in this study a group of pre-screened pilot

candidates, may reveal domain-specific effects more clearly, as it did in the current analysis.

The Royal Air Force developed the RAFAAT selection battery, which was then purchased by the

Canadian Forces and, after a lengthy trial period, was implemented as the selection system for pilots.

Candidates who completed the RAFAAT testing during the trial period did so as part of a research

initiative and therefore not all of them completed every subtest. The candidate data used in this study

were compiled during the aforementioned trial period. Before completing the RAFAAT battery, pilot

candidates were advised that their results would be used for research only and would not be the basis of

their selection for pilot training. Whether this disclosure had effects on the candidates’ outcomes is

unknown, however researchers may want to assess the correlations between the outcomes of this study

and the outcomes when the RAFAAT battery was used as the selection criterion for success at pilot

selection to determine its impact.

The RAF initially based their ability domains on the skills that experienced pilots determined

were needed to be successful at flight training; specific subtests were allocated to each of the identified

domains. The current study showed that not all the RAFAAT subtests were well connected with the

ability domains originally created by the RAF, which lends support to the RAF decision to change the

ability domains. In 2013, the RAF introduced a new RAFAAT cognitive model that was developed in

recognition of the critical role cognitive processing speed and multi-tasking abilities play in operating

technologically complex aircraft (Royal Air Force Aptitude Testing System, 2013). The Royal Canadian

Air Force has also adopted this new model. There are seven ability domains that include Strategic Task

Management, Perceptual Processing, Short Term Memory and Capacity, Symbolic Reasoning, and

Central Information Processing; the Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor Ability domains that were used

in this thesis are still part of the new model. While many of the subtests used in the current analysis

remain, albeit grouped into the new ability domains, many new subtests have been added that assess

switching capabilities, cognitive updating skills, and system analysis capacity (Royal Air Force Aptitude


Testing System, 2013). This modification brings the ability domains used in pilot selection more in line

with the C-H-C model of human intelligence and aligns them with current cognitive psychological theory

that is focused on EF development and its ability to facilitate goal directed behaviour and adaptation to

novel and complex situations (Best & Miller, 2010; McCabe et al., 2010; Richland & Birchinal, 2013).

The subtests of the RAFAAT examined for this thesis, along with those in the new ability

domains adopted by the Canadian Forces, are now the sole measures used by the Royal Canadian Air

Force to select pilot candidates for flight training. Although no specific rationale behind the transition

away from CAPSS to RAFAAT testing has been offered, CAPSS had low predictive validity with success

on the advanced phases of pilot training (Johnson & Catano, 2013). A single engine simulator was a

reasonable job sample of the basic flying manoeuvres tested in the early phases of military flight training,

however in the later phases, student pilots fly more complex manoeuvres including multi-aircraft

formations, aerobatic sequences, and low-level navigation. The subtests of the RAFAAT may better

reflect the abilities pilot candidates require in order to succeed in the more advanced phases of flight


Previous flying experience data were not included for the pilot candidates in this study so it is

unknown whether the subtests that focused on aircrew-specific knowledge like the flight instruments and

aircraft orientations presented in the RAFAAT Instrument Comprehension 1 and 2 helped candidates with

previous flight experience achieve higher scores on these ability tests. Analysis of the effect of previous

flying experience on the outcomes of the RAFAAT subtests may have identified specific ability domains

in which these candidates excelled and may also have provided an improved degree of prediction of pilot

selection outcomes. Darr (2009) examined the effect of previous flight experience on CAPSS testing and

found that twice as many applicants with previous flight experience passed (591/702 or 84.2%) compared

to those with no flying experience (344/805 or 42.9%).

There were also no data available on flying training outcomes for the candidates who completed

the ability testing in the current study. The predictive validity of the Spatial Reasoning and Psychomotor


Ability domains that differentiated successful from unsuccessful pilot candidates may have been greatly

improved if these data had been available and may have also confirmed the role of Reasoning and Work

Rate for the candidates who went on to be successful in pilot training. Abilities in these specific domains

may also have been significantly correlated with higher levels of performance on certain phases of

advanced flight training e.g. formation flying, low level navigation, and instrument flying, which would

provide valuable information for those who research and develop pilot selection batteries.


“Critical assessment of the pilots’ requisite level of information processing and reaction time will

ensure an objective method of pilot selection” (Barkhuizen et al., 2002, p. 70). In the new aircraft being

brought into service with the Canadian Forces, digital instrument presentations and moving-map displays

have supplanted traditional cockpit instrumentation and these innovations may necessitate additional

refinements to the pilot selection system as the operational requirements for Air Force pilots continue to

evolve. The results of the analyses completed for this thesis show that successful completion of pilot

selection required candidates to be competent in a number of ability domains, including Work Rate,

Spatial Reasoning, and Psychomotor Ability. Monitoring and evaluation of the flight training

performance of the pilot candidates who had higher scores on the subtests in these domains will assess the

continued importance of these abilities and may also suggest new directions for pilot candidate

assessment that will focus on the specific abilities pilots need to take full advantage of widespread

technological innovation.

The cessation of CAPSS testing and the development of a more comprehensive RAFAAT

cognitive model may help select pilot candidates who possess the abilities needed to successfully

complete more complex flying activities which involve cognitive processing speed, working memory, and

situational awareness, all components of EF. The results of this research show that subtests assessing

cognitive processing skills, like the CFAT Problem Solving subtest and the RAFAAT Critical Thinking

subtest, contributed to success in CAPSS testing and may therefore be predictors of success in flight


training. Future research may wish to focus on whether the predictive validity of the new RAFAAT

ability domains for success in advanced flying training is an improvement over that obtained for CAPSS


Finally, Gender differences in ability testing were a consistent outcome in the current results,

particularly in the area of Psychomotor Ability and CAPSS testing. CAPSS testing is no longer used as a

selection measure but candidate performance on the RAFAAT battery should be monitored. These data

may verify whether testing pilot candidates in multiple ability domains as recommended by Darr (2009)

affects the lower selection rate for women that was present when CAPSS testing was the sole measure of

success at pilot selection.

Robust and comprehensive aptitude testing may result in a cadre of military pilot candidates who

possess abilities across a wide variety of domains. More diverse abilities testing may also result in student

pilots who complete military pilot training in a shorter period of time, and whose performance during

flight training is of a higher calibre as a result of their expanded skill set. In either case, once the student

pilots receive their wings and proceed on operational flight training, they will be better equipped to meet

the challenges of today’s complex and ever-changing air environment.



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Appendix A

Job Analysis Rotary Wing (Helicopter) Stream

This appendix contains an excerpt from the job analysis of the Rotary Wing stream completed by the

Canadian Forces in 2010. The knowledge, skills, aptitudes and other characteristics (KSAOs) identified

by Darr (2010a) are shown below and organised into competency groupings (in bold). Where a

competency refers to a combination of related KSAOS, it is labeled to best represent the underlying

construct that reflects that combination (Darr, 2010a). Interestingly, the ability to attend to multiple

stimuli was considered a psychomotor ability competency and not a cognitive capacity, unlike the Royal

Air Force Aircrew Aptitude Test (RAFAAT) where it is considered part of the Attentional Capability


i. Cognitive Capacity

a. Math skills (basic calculations);

b. Reading skills;

c. Ability to perform basic mental calculations.

ii. Psychomotor Ability

a. Psychomotor skills (Hand/Feet coordination);

b. Ability to attend to multiple stimuli (auditory, visual);

c. Attention to detail.

iii. Communication

a. Ability to communicate (verbal).

iv. Thinking Skills

a. Analytical thinking;

b. Decision making.

(Darr, 2010a, p. 18)


Appendix B

Correlation Matrix

Table B1

Correlations for CFAT and RAFAAT Subtests by Ability Domain – Page 1

Domain Ability Test VR Mathematics Reasoning Spatial Reasoning

CFAT Math Numerical CFAT CFAT Critical Angles, Directio Inst. Inst.
Verbal Reasoning Operations spatial prob. Thinking Bearings, n& Comp. 1 Comp. 2
solve Degrees Dist.

VR CFAT 1052 .151** .000 .037 .184** .111** .032 .144** .013 -.008
Reasoning 560 560 .420** .198** .548** .302** .377** .318** .220** .410**
Reasoning Numerical 544 544 544 .020 .441** .092* .269** .147** .046 .308**
CFAT 1052 560 544 1052 .220** .227** .357** .210** .191** .179**
CFAT 1052 560 544 1052 1052 .273** .369** .341** .240** .390**
Prob. Solve
Critical 1052 560 544 1052 1052 1067 .274** .309** .263** .308**
ABD 557 557 544 557 557 557 557 .287** .298** .397**
Reasoning Direction & 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 .276** .359**
Instrument 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 .301**
Comp. 1
Instrument 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544
Comp. 2
Table 1052 560 544 1052 1052 1052 557 544 544 544
Vis Search 1052 560 544 1052 1052 1052 557 544 544 544
Work Rate 1 Letters
Vis Search 1052 560 544 1052 1052 1052 557 544 544 544
2 Shapes
Vigilance 583 560 544 583 583 583 557 544 544 544

Recall 1052 560 544 1052 1052 1052 557 544 544 544
Attentiona CLAN 560 560 544 560 560 560 557 544 544 544
Digit 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 544
Control of 1024 560 544 1024 1024 1024 557 544 544 544
tor Ability SMA 1036 560 544 1036 1036 1036 557 544 544 544

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01; VR: Verbal Reasoning; CFAT – Canadian Forces Aptitude Test; ABD –
Angles, Bearings, and Degrees; CLAN: Colours, Letters, and Numbers; SMA: Sensory Motor Apparatus.
Shaded areas = n for subtest; bottom of chart is n for individual correlations. Dotted lines denote
boundaries between different ability domains. Solid lines denote same ability domain boundaries. Bold =
correlations between subtests in different ability domains> .400.


Table B2

Correlations for CFAT and RAFAAT Subtests by Ability Domain – Page 2

Domain Ability Test Work Rate Attentional Capability Psychomotor Ability

Table Vis Vis Vigilance Recall Colours, Digit Control SMA

Reading Search 1 Search 2 Numbers Letters, Recognition of
Letters Shapes Numbers Velocity

VR CFAT .053 .012 .034 .158** .042 .070 -.034 .082** .041
Mathematics .346** .141** .119** .266** .214** .422** .045 .127** .151**
Numerical .411** .376** .254** .220** .169** .462** .110* .038 .073
Reasoning Operations

CFAT .121** .131** .157** .092* -.024 .141* -.010 .076* .080*
CFAT Prob. .319** .162** .137** .270** .220** .427**. .071 .133** .164**
Critical .246** .180** .206** .219** .096** .286** .011 .156** .214**

Spatial ABD .420** .295** .262** .311** .116** .411** .092* .178** .231**
Reasoning Direction & .290** .183** .163** .224** .144** .304** .086* .218** .200**
Instrument .145** .014 .080 .124* .094* .220** -.057 .237** .419**
Comp. 1
Instrument .509** .324** .263** .319** .158** .440** .106* .156** .225**
Comp. 2
Table 1053 .558** .493** .409** .254** .503** .136** .192** .255**
Work Rate Reading
Vis Search 1 1053 1053 .661** .350** .225** .398**. .205** .098** .066*
Vis Search 2 1053 1053 1053 .353** .176** .338** .142** .144** .078*
Vigilance 583 583 583 583 .166** .434** .116** .206** .185**

Recall 1053 1053 1053 583 1053 .300** .207** .093** .084**
Attentional CLAN 560 560 560 560 560 560 .130** .190** .215**

Capability Digit 544 544 544 544 544 544 544 .000 .001
Psychomotor Control of 1024 1024 1024 583 1024 560 544 1024 .378**
SMA 1036 1036 1036 583 1036 560 544 1024 1036

Note. * p < .05; ** p < .01; VR: Verbal Reasoning; CFAT – Canadian Forces Aptitude Test; ABD –
Angles, Bearings, and Degrees; CLAN – Colours, Letters, and Numbers; SMA – Sensory Motor
Apparatus; Shaded areas = n for subtest; bottom of chart is n for individual correlations. Dotted lines
denote boundaries between different ability domains. Solid lines denote same ability domain boundaries.
Bold = correlations between subtests in different ability domains> .400.


Appendix C

Factor Analyses of the CFAT and RAFAAT Group 1 Subtests:

One, Two, and Four-Factor Solutions

The factor loadings for the one, two, and four-factor solutions of the factor analysis can be found in Table

C1. The scree plot for the factor analysis is in Figure C1 and shows that there are four eigenvalues > 1.0.

There is a large difference between the first and second unrotated factors but then the differences


Table C1

Factor Loadings for Exploratory Factor Analysis (Principal Axis Factoring with Oblimin Rotation) for
the CFAT and RAFAAT Group 1 Subtests (N = 1024)

Domain 1 factor 2 factors 4 factors

Measure 1 2 1 2 3 4

Table Reading WR 0.777 0.605 0.259 0.603 0.166 0.161 -0.057

Visual Search 1 WR 0.695 0.917 -0.143 0.881 -0.058 -0.060 -0.004

Visual Search 2 WR 0.672 0.760 -0.038 0.800 0.015 -0.103 0.104

Recall Numbers AC 0.308 0.228 0.130 0.187 0.013 0.264 -0.268

Sensory Motor Apparatus PA 0.266 -0.060 0.512 -0.053 0.760 -0.040 -0.023

Control of Velocity PA 0.266 -0.001 0.418 0.040 0.474 -0.001 -0.011

Critical Thinking VR/SR 0.393 0.106 0.459 0.141 0.188 0.250 0.199

CFAT Problem Solving VR 0.385 0.104 0.445 0.017 -0.050 0.748 0.030

CFAT Spatial Ability SR 0.225 0.081 0.223 0.117 -0.020 0.162 0.463

CFAT Verbal Skills VR 0.108 -0.054 0.241 -0.052 0.041 0.217 0.044

Note. WR - Work Rate; AC - Attentional Capability; PA - Psychomotor Ability; VR - Verbal Reasoning;

SR - Spatial Reasoning. Bold denotes factor loadings > .300.

The one-factor solution accounted for 28% of the variance and had large factor loadings on both

the Work Rate domain and two of the four subtests in the Verbal and Spatial Reasoning domains. Both

Psychomotor Ability subtests had only moderate loadings. The two-factor solution accounted for 42% of


variance. Factor 1 in this solution was clearly a Work Rate factor with a very high loading on the Visual

Search 1 subtest. Factor 2 contained four subtests and showed a split between the Psychomotor Ability

domain and Verbal/Spatial Reasoning domain. All four subtests in the factor had moderate loading. Even

though Factor 2 in this solution contained Verbal/ Spatial Reasoning subtests, both the CFAT spatial

ability and verbal skills had low loadings.

The four factor solution, while accounting for 63% of variance, had similar loadings to the two-

factor solution but Factor 4 of this solution contained a singleton, the CFAT spatial ability subtest, and

was rejected.

Figure C1. Scree plot for the Factor Analysis.


Appendix D

Data Analysis with Mplus

Mplus is a general latent variable modeling program that can be used to conduct a variety of statistical

analyses including structural equation modeling (SEM) and mixture modeling (Grimm, Ram &

Estabrook, 2010). Mplus produces individual class probabilities from which latent classes can be

predicted and used as predictors of outcome variables (Grimm et al., 2010). The version used for analysis

in this thesis was the Mplus Demo version 7.2 (2014) which is limited to six observed variables that can

be used in an analysis; the CAPSS testing data used for this thesis comprised four.

Mplus is a syntax-based statistical software program. Generally the input file contains these

subheadings: Data, Variable, Analysis, Model, Output, and Savedata. The following is the script created

for the three-class Latent Class Analysis used in this thesis:

title: CAPSS Latent Class Analysis

data: file is CAPSS1.dat;
variable: names = id s1 s2 s3 s4;
usevariables = s1 s2 s3 s4;
classes = c(3);
analysis: type = mixture;
plot: type is plot3;
series is s1 (1) s2 (2) s3 (3) s4 (4)
savedata: file is lca3CAPSS_save.txt;
format is free;
output: tech 11 tech 14;

In the syntax, the letter ‘s’ is followed by the CAPSS session number and the letter ‘c’, the

requested number of classes. All input lines ending in a semi-colon are commands to Mplus; other lines

are information only for the researcher doing the analysis. Appendix E contains information on the results

of the Latent Class Analyses completed using the data from CAPSS. Tech 11 and Tech 14 in the output

line are commands directing Mplus to test the number of classes in a mixture analysis using the Lo-

Mendell-Rubin (LMR; TECH11) test and the bootstrapped likelihood ratio test (BLRT; TECH14).

Asparouhov and Muthén (2012) provide an excellent overview of both tests.

Latent Class Analysis. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) is a statistical procedure used to classify

individuals into homogeneous subgroups (Geiser, 2010). Geiser defined the starting point for

classification as the observed response patterns of individuals across a set of categorical items. “In an

LCA, the relationships between items are explained by the presence of a priori unknown subpopulations

(the latent classes)” (Geiser, 2010, p. 232). In other words, individual differences in response patterns are

explained by differences in latent class membership (Muthén, 2004).

There were three goals for each Latent Class Analysis (LCA) completed on the CAPSS scores.

These goals are based on those of Geiser (2010): 1) determine the number of classes necessary to

sufficiently explain differences in the observed response patterns; 2) determine the most likely latent class

membership for the pilot candidates who completed CAPSS testing; and 3) interpret how the identified

classes differ from each other.

The Latent Class analyses completed for this thesis was exploratory not confirmatory. Similar to

confirmatory factor analysis, exploratory LCA explains the relationships between categorical variables, in

this application the scores on the four CAPSS sessions, through their membership in one of several latent

classes (Geiser, 2010). LCA can also be confirmatory, where theories about typological differences

between individuals can be tested, but model testing was outside the scope of the research completed for

this thesis. The issue of selecting the number of classes is addressed in detail by Bozdogan (2000); Geiser

(2010); Grimm et al. (2010); and Vrieze (2012) but generally consists of assessing model fit information

criteria (Jung & Wickrama, 2008).Once the requested number of classes was specified, model fit was

determined using the model fit information criteria.

Model fit information criteria. Model fit assesses the degree to which the Latent Class Analysis

fits the sample data to provide information about the degree to which a model is correctly or incorrectly

specified for the given data (Yu, 2002). Mplus assesses model fit for the LCA using multiple criteria:

loglikelihood; information criteria: Akaike Information Criteria (AIC), Bayesian Information Criteria


(BIC), and Classification Quality as defined by Entropy; and Average Latent Class Probabilities for Most

Likely Latent Class Membership. “As there does not exist a consensus about what constitutes a “good

fit”, the fit indices should be considered simultaneously” (Schermelleh-Engel & Moosbrugger, 2003, p.


Loglikelihood. Geiser (2008) wrote that “…the log likelihood value is a measure of the

probability of the observed data given the model and is used as the basis for calculating various fit

statistics” (Geiser, 2010, p. 238). Mplus presents loglikelihood as an H0 or null hypothesis value as a way

to compare the fit of nested models, and generally, the lower the loglikelihood value, the better the model

fit however, it is hard to interpret by itself and should be used with other information fit criteria (Bolker,


Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). Vrieze (2012) noted that the Akaike Information Criterion

(AIC) is derived from a model’s maximum likelihood estimate by taking into consideration the number of

model parameters. Templin (2008) stated that when considering which model fits the data best, the

smaller absolute values represent better overall model fit (Bolker, 2007; Templin, 2008).

Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). As explained when describing AIC, BIC is also derived

from a model’s likelihood function, however there is a penalty associated with BIC that increases with N;

statistical significance becomes more and more difficult to achieve as the sample size increases (Vrieze,

2012). For Mplus analyses, the smallest absolute BIC is recommended when selecting the best model fit

as well as the overall quality of class membership selection (Muthén, 2004).

Entropy. Entropy is reported by Mplus as part of the Classification Quality; it a number between

0 and 1, and is defined as a measure of classification uncertainty (Geiser, 2010). Values near 1 indicate

high certainty in the classification while values near zero indicate low certainty (Geiser, 2010).

Average latent class probabilities for most likely latent class membership. The final component

of the model fit information criteria is the average latent class probability assigned to each latent class.

Each candidate who completed CAPSS testing had the possibility of being in each class in each LCA


model, however one probability would normally be much higher than the other(s). The Latent Class

Probabilities reported in Appendix E are those that are the highest for each class, however there are lower

probabilities reported for each class that represent the possibility that the candidate could belong to

another class. For example, the full Mplus analysis for LCA three-class model for Latent Class

Probability is shown at Table D1. Reading across the Assigned Class 1 information, there is a 95.1%

probability that the Class 1 candidates are in the correct class, a 5% chance they could be in Class 2 but

were retained in Class 1, and 0% chance that they should be in Class 3.

Table D1

Average Latent Class Probabilities for Most Likely Latent Class Membership: Three-Class Model

Membership Probability by Class

Assigned Class 1 2 3

1 .951 .049 .000

2 .024 .918 .058

3 .000 .029 .971


Appendix E

Model Fit Information Criteria and Standard Error Ranges for Latent Class Analyses

The model fit information criteria for the two, three, and four class models are shown in Table E1.

Table E1

Model Fit information for Mplus Latent Class Analysis

Model Fit 2 classes 3 classes 4 classes

Loglikelihood 1376.119 1701.225 1838.029

AIC -2726.238 -3366.451 -3630.059

BIC -2662.321 -3277.950 -3516.974

aBIC -2703.610 -3335.119 -3590.024

Entropy .911 .895 .862

Latent Class Probabilities

Class 1 .962 .951 .879

Class 2 .979 .918 .906

Class 3 .971 .939

Class 4 .942

Candidate Numbers by Class

Class 1 n = 320 119 242

Class 2 n = 689 304 138

Class 3 n = 586 114

Class 4 n = 515

The following rules were used to determine which model was the most likely fit for the CAPSS

testing data:

• Loglikelihood: the lower the number the better (Bolker, 2007);

• Akaike Information Criteria (AIC): The smallest absolute value (Templin, 2008);

• Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC): The smallest absolute value (Muthén, 2004);

• Entropy: A value closer to 0 indicates high certainty in the classification (Geiser, 2010);

• Average Latent Class Probabilities: Closest to 100% is best (Geiser, 2010).

Using these model fit information criteria, the two class LCA appears to have the best fit.

Standard errors. The standard error ranges for the three LCA models were very small and are

therefore provided in Table E2 and not depicted in the LCA figures in the text.

Table E2

Standard Error Ranges for Two, Three, and Four Class Models

Two-class model Three-class model Four-class model

Latent Class 1 .013 - .015 .020 - .029 .001 - .051

Latent Class 2 .005 - .009 .011 - .023 .001 - .059

Latent Class 3 .004 - .009 .001 - .016

Latent Class 4 .001 - .007


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