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Demographic Manifestation of Gender Inequality A Study of Bhiwani District

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Demographic Manifestation of Gender Inequality: A

Study of Bhiwani District
Research Scholar (Ph.D.)
Department of Geography,
OSGU Hisar

Abstract:- The current study is an attempt to show the debate has taken the shape of enormous social issues. Time
gender inequality with reference to demographic and again, certain steps have been taken in order to deal
manifestation of Bhiwani district from 1991 to 2011. As with this monstrous issue related to gender inequality. When
we all know in demographic manifestation, the sex ratio we take a glance at history, we see that though the
is an important social indicator that measures the movement related to the abolishment of SATI system, Raja
respective status of males and females in a community on Ram Mohan Roy did try to fill up the gap of inequality and
how they are treated in terms of equal status and greatly raised his voice in support of women by saying that “They
defines the future population composition. Changes in are born not only to devote their life for their male
the sex ratio reflect the underlying socio-economic and counterparts in marriage and after marriage by burning
cultural tendencies in a community. It has an impact on themselves with the dead body of their husbands. They are
not only the demographic process but also the as vital for the society as the males are, hence women must
socioeconomic relationships within the community. The not be treated merely as an object of second class society. In
aim of this research is to better understand the spatio- fact, they are the ones who are real master of man as well as
temporal variance in total child sex ratio in India and mankind. If we cannot worship them, then we have no right
Haryana. Census of India and Haryana Statistical to burn and hate them.” We all know this Sanskrit dictum
Abstract data were used to analyze challenges, causes, very well that ‘Yatra Naryastu Pujyante, Ramanteh Hee
trends and declining child sex ratios. Bhiwani district Tatra Devtaa’. Gender discrimination manifests in many
one of the districts having low sex ratio in the state. Here forms in India, right from birth to adulthood. Fewer month
our main ethos is get an idea about the district’s of breastfeeding, below par medical care, insufficient
background in socio-economic profile. Here a tahsils or nutrition, lack of prenatal, natal and postnatal care result in
blocks wise study taken into consideration. girls being susceptible to illness, having poor health and
shorter life span. Due to the wide prevalence of patriarchal
I. INTRODUCTION social system, a lot of women are still deprived of the right
to own ancestral property, which is mostly given to their
Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics non-inclusion in the decision the male child. Several causes
of women and men- such as norms, roles and relationships are attributed to increasing gender inequality in society. Sex
of and between group of women and men. It varies from selective abortion, crime against women, domestic violence,
society to society and can be changed. Gender equality is a different socio-cultural practices, neglect of girl child and
core development objective in its own night. Greater gender son preference are main causes for gender inequality in
equality can enhance productivity, improve development India.
outcomes for next generation and make institutions more
representative. Right since the dawn of civilization gender Pre-natal and post-natal inequalities with females:-
inequality has been a matter of huge debate. In fact, this

Pre-birth Stage Female foeticide

Infancy Stage Female Infanticide and Gender discrimination with particular to (Health, Nutrition and
Childhood Stage Gender discrimination (health, nutrition, food, education, and other social benefits).
The adolescent stage Early marriage, rape, discrimination in health care, dress code, use of information technology
like mobile phones, their movement are restricted, prostitution, trafficking, eve– teasing etc.
Reproductive stage Domestic violence in the form of sexual (marital rape) psychological, emotionally and
of women physically tortured by intimate partner and his family members).
Old age In the old age of a women generally faces elderly abuse, (Abused in terms of physical,
emotional, psychological and financial abuse).

Here we are concerning with demographic Sex ratio is an important social parameter to measure the
manifestation of gender inequality. Demographic extent of prevailing equity between males and females in a
manifestation is one of the best manifestations to show the society at a given point of time. The declining sex ratio
gender inequality prevailing in the society. In this context, leads to gender imbalance which reflects the underlying
we can discuss about sex ratio (overall and child sex ratio). socio-economic and cultural patterns of a particular society.

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
In Anthropology and Demography, the decreasing child methods researcher uses. It depends on the objectives of the
female to male ratio has been one of important concerns research work. In research methodology, the researcher
especially for India. According to Nicholas Kristof and decides what type of tools he/she would be going to use in
Sheryl Wudunn, two Pulitzer Prize winning reporters for the the study. The present study will be based on data drawn
New York Times, ‘violence against women is causing from secondary sources. Census will be the main secondary
gender imbalances in many developing world, particularly source of data.
in China, India and Pakistan. Commonly, countries with
gender imbalance have these characteristics in common. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
First is a rapid decline in fertility, either because of
preference for smaller families or to comply with their  Siddigui and Ahmad (1971) explained the sex ratios at
nation’s population control measures. Second, there is district level among major religious groups with their
pressure for women to give birth to sons, often because of rural–urban break-up. The ratio of total population of the
cultural preferences for male heirs. Third, families have district was different from that of either rural or urban
widespread access to technology to selectively abort female population. The population was classified on the basis of
fetuses. India’s skewed sex ratio figures are indeed religious groups which showed religious composition and
unfortunate and alarming. Sadly, while there is much the regional variation of sex ratio within its rural and
academic discussion on the issue of “India’s Missing urban components.
Women” there is no tangible change in the mindset of our  Krishna and Chandna (1973) examined the sex
people. Education has not altered or sensitized society to the composition of Haryana’s population and observed the
rights of women and the dismal of sex ratio in the upper excessive deficiency of females in the state’s population
echelons of society. Rising sex ratio at birth (In favor of which was attributable to an unusually low sex ratio at
male child) has been recorded since the early 1980s, which birth and higher rate of mortality, among the females. The
marks the introduction of ultrasound in the field of difference in the state’s rural and urban sex ratios was
obstetrics. India is one of the few nations in the world where considerably smaller than the national average.
males outnumber females. According to 2011 census, the  Banerjee (1977) studied sex ratio and its correlates in the
sex ratio in India is 940 females per 1000 males. Although tribal district of Singhbhum in south Bihar. The sex ratio
there is a marginal improvement from 1991 and 2001 in the area was strongly influenced by pattern of
census, where it was 927 and 933, it continues to be migration. It was also revealed that the area’s gradually
significantly adverse towards women. India’s sex ratio of declining sex ratio was attributable to higher female
940 is the lowest amongst the most population countries in mortality.
the world, namely China (944), Bangladesh (953), Indonesia  Chandna and Sidhu (1979) focused primarily on
(1004), Nigeria (1016), Japan (1041), Brazil (1025), USA determinants of sex ratio, sex ratio at birth, male female
(1029), Russia (1040). differentials in mortality and migration besides, factors
like wars, famines and status of women also made notable
A. Study Area impact on sex ratio. Using village wise census data, they
The present study is an attempt to examine the spatio- analyzed spatial patterns of sex ratio in south Konkan,
temporal changes in gender inequality and CSR under Maharashtra during 1951-71.
various socio-cultural realms in Bhiwani district from 1991-  Siddigui (1982) made a study of regional aspects of sex
2011 by using village level data. A particular emphasis in ratio in U.P. He also worked on same region during 1984.
the study is on the demographic manifestation of gender The study based on regional pattern of sex composition of
inequality (Child Sex Ratio). The study endeavors to look the population of U.P. revealed that socio-economic
into the associated factors. The reasons for gender inequality structure and urbanization emerged as most important
with particular to CSR in associated areas are not simply variables for characteristics pattern of sex ratio in the state.
measured by biological dimensions only. On the other hand, Sex composition constituted one of the most readily
these need to be examined in terms of various socio-cultural observable elements of population and was an important
realms of various blocks of Bhiwani district. Despite a effect of population composition.
commendable progress made on the economic front, it is as  Mehta and Kaur (1983) explained that rural-urban
the near bottom as regard to gender inequality. differentials in sex ratio in Rajasthan, were characterized
by low sex ratio which was still lower in urban areas.
B. Objectives Assuming little difference in sex ratio at birth, both in
 To assess the various demographic, socio-cultural, rural and urban areas, sex selectively had been found
economic and other factors responsible for Gender inversely related to the growth rate of urban population.
Inequality and imbalanced SR and CSR in Study Area. Generally, urban sex ratio was lower than that of rural
 To know social outlook of society towards female because of male selective flow of immigrants to urban
children in study area. centers.
 To analyse the Spatio-temporal trends and pattern of  Dyson and Moore (1983) led the studies on how there
Gender Inequality (SR, CSR) in Bhiwani District. exists dichotomy in the kinship structure between North
and South India, which was found to determine the degree
C. Research Methodology of autonomy enjoyed by women, which in turn would
Research methodology is a vital part of any research translate its effects on fertility and infant mortality. In
work. Research methodology deals with the research contrast to states in the north, southern states were
method and takes into consideration the logic behind the

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
characterized by lower marital fertility, later age at  Desai and Patel (1985) analyzed the decadal change in
marriage, lower infant and child mortality and sex ratio, the most worst situations are in Haryana, Punjab,
comparatively low ratio of female to male infant and child Rajasthan and Delhi, where there is dark age for female
mortality. The hypothesis and analysis put forward in this child. The fashionable and affluent district of Delhi has
paper is often criticized for lack of economic and district witnessed a 50 point drop in the past decade; although
controls and is examined with latest time and again. these states are more economically developed.


Here in this section we are dealing with results and discussions with particular reference to different blocks or tahsils of
Bhiwani district.
Years Sex Ratio (Haryana) Sex Ratio (Bhiwani)
1991 879 887
2001 819 841
2011 830 831
Table 1: Bhiwani District and Haryana: Trends in CSR (1991-2011)

Source:-Census of India (1991-2011)


Sex-Ratio Per Thousand





1991 2001 2011

Fig. 1: Bhiwani District and Haryana: Trends in Child Sex Ratio (1991-2011)

Source:-Based on Table 1

In this table the trends of child Sex Ratio from 1991 to district to had continue declining trend in 1991, 2001,2011,
2011 was discussed in Haryana as well as in Bhiwani. In Bhiwani district had 887,841,831 which goes continious
1991 the Child Sex Ratio of Haryana was 879 which decline from time to time. It was considered 84 points
declines 60 points, in 2001 (830), which was a positive decline from 1991 to 2001 and 27 points from 2001 to 2011.
signal for gender balance. During the same period Bhiwani

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Map 1: Based on Census of India (1991)

Years Child Sex Ratio Change

1991 887 -
2001 841 46
2011 831 10
Table 2: Bhiwani District: Child Sex Ratio (1991 to 2011)

Source: - Census of India (1991-2011)

Table 2 and map 1 Shows the trend in Child Sex Ratio decreases 10 points which was less than from first decade
of Bhiwani district from 1991 to 2011. The table shows a but continous decline in CSR was a serious issue. It means
continous decline in Child Sex Ratio during considered sex selective abortion and son preference have spread like
period. In 1991 CSR was 887, 2001 (841), 2011 (831). an epidemic in last to decade and infant mortality rate is
From 1991 to 2001 CSR decrease 46 points which was a comparatively higher for female children than male
large gap between boys and girls. From 2001 to 2011 it children.

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Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Map 2
Source:-Based on Census of India (2001)

District/Tehsils Child Sex Ratio Decadal Change

1991 2001
Bhiwani 890 832 58
Dadri 891 819 72
Loharu 860 859 1
Tosham 880 868 12
Badhra 867 850 17
Bawani khera 894 883 11
Siwani Mandi 880 856 24
Table 3: Bhiwani District Decadal Decline in CSR by Tehsils (1991-2001)

Source:-Census of India (1991-2001)

IJISRT22JAN538 www.ijisrt.com 675

Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



Sex-Ratio Per

840 1991



Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Bawani Siwani
Tehsils Khera Mandi

Fig. 2: Bhiwani District: Decadal Decline in Child Sex-Ratio by Tehsils (1991-2001)

Source:-Based on Table 3

Table 3 and map 2 shows the decadal decline from Second largest decline was in Bhiwani Tehsil, 52 points
1991 to 2001, Tehsil wise in Bhiwani district. This table then Siwani Mandi 24 points, Badhra 17 points, Tosham 12
shows a continous decline of Child Sex Ratio in all 7 points, Bawani khera 11 points, Loharu 1 points only.
Tehsils. Highest decline found in the Dadri Tehsil in this Loharu Tehsil had only decline of 1 point which is desirable
tehsil CSR in 1991 was 891 but in 2001 it was 819, a change in
decline of 72 points, which was highest in all Tehsils.

Tehsils 2001 2011 Change

Bhiwani 832 831 1
Dadri 819 810 9
Loharu 859 828 31
Tosham 868 856 12
Badara 850 798 52
Bawani Khera 883 852 31
Siwani Mandi 856 891 35
Table 4: Bhiwani District Tehsil Wise Decadal Change in Child Sex Ratio (2001-2011)

Source: - Census of India (2001-2011)

Sex-Ratio Per


Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Bawani KheraSiwani Mandi
Fig. 3: Bhiwani District: Decadal Change in Child Sex-Ratio by Tehsils (2001-2011)

Source:-Based on Table 4

IJISRT22JAN538 www.ijisrt.com 676

Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Map 3: Based on Census of India (2011)

The current table 4 shows the decadal change in Child shows the decline in CSR. The highest was found in Badhra
Sex Ratio Tehsil wise from 2001 to 2011. The data shows that was 52 points. Then followed by Bawani Khera 31
the positive and negative growth in some tehsils. Only one points, Loharu 31 points, Tosham 12 points, Dadri 9 points
tehsil, Siwani Mandi had positive growth in CSR that is 35 and Bhiwani only 1 points.
points (856 in 2001 and 891 in 2011). The other tehsils

Tehsils 2001 2011 Change

Bhiwani 844 835 9
Dadri 823 812 11
Loharu 855 851 4
Tosham 865 856 9
Badhra 820 798 22
Bawani Khera 880 859 21
Siwani Mandi 859 898 39

Table 5: Bhiwani District: Decadal Comparative Analysis in Rural Areas (2001-2011)

Source: -Census of India (2001-2011)

IJISRT22JAN538 www.ijisrt.com 677

Volume 7, Issue 1, January – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165



Sex-Ratio Per

800 2001


Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Siwani

Fig. 4: Bhiwani District : Decadal Comparative Analysis in Urban Areas (2001-2011)

Source:-Based on Table 5

Table 5 explains the decadal comparative analyses of REFERENCES

rural areas in Bhiwani district from 2001 to 2011. From this
table we come to know only one tehsil Siwani Mandi had  Banerjee, M. (1977) “The Pattern of Sex Ratio in
positive growth in CSR (859 in 2001 and 898 in 2011) that Singhbhum District, Bihar”, Geographical Review of
is increment of 39 points . The other tehsils had negative India, 39 (1), pp. 30-38.
growth in CSR. The pattern followed by these tehsil Badhra  Chandna, R.C. and Sidhu, M.S. (1979) “Sex Ratio and its
22 points then Bawani Khera 21 points, Dadri 11 points, Determinants”, Transactions, Institute of Indian
Tosham 9 points, Bhiwani 9 points and Loharu 4 points. Geographers, Vol. 1, pp. 17-23.
 Dyson, T. and Moore, M. (1983) ‘On kinship structure,
IV. CONCLUSION female autonomy, demographic behavior in India’
Population and Development Review 9 (1), pp. 35-60
The sex ratio in India improved by as much as 13 [doi:10.2307/1972894].
points between 1991 and 2011, however despite this, the
 Krishna, G. and Chandna, R.C. (1973) ‘Sex Composition
number of girls per 1000 males in the population is still 32
of Haryana’s Population’, Geographical Review of India,
points lower. The drop in sex differentials in mortality is Vol. XXXV (2), pp. 113-25.
largely responsible for the improvement in the country's
 Mehta, S. and Kaur, G. (1983) ‘Rural Urban Differences
overall sex ratio. Furthermore, this is primarily a problem
in Sex Ratio of Rajasthan’, The Indian Geographical
among adults. Child sex ratio in the age group of 0-6 years
Journal, 58 (2), pp. 152-60.
have been declining at an alarming rate in recent years,
which will have serious ramifications for all age sex ratios  Siddiqui, F.A. and Ahmad, Q.M. (1971) ‘Regional
in the future, considering that several of the main states have Variation of Sex Ratio in the Population of Haryana’, The
seen a decrease of 50 points in child sex ratios. In Bhiwani Geographer, Vol. 18, pp. 99-114.
district the situation of sex ratio (Both at aggregate level or  Siddiqui, F.A. (1982) ‘Regional Analysis of Sex Structure
juvenile stage). In rural areas highest decline is noticed in of Population of Uttar Pradesh’, The National
Badhra tahsil (22 points) and highest increase is noticed in Geographical Journal of India, Vol. XXXVIII, pp. 74-85.
Siwani Mandi (39 points) in recent decade. In context to
urban areas, situation is not changed although much
 http://bhiwani.nic.in/.
worried, there were 72 points declined in only Dadri tahsil
during 2001-11 decade.  http://censusindia.gov.in.

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