Demographic Manifestation of Gender Inequality A Study of Bhiwani District
Demographic Manifestation of Gender Inequality A Study of Bhiwani District
Demographic Manifestation of Gender Inequality A Study of Bhiwani District
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- The current study is an attempt to show the debate has taken the shape of enormous social issues. Time
gender inequality with reference to demographic and again, certain steps have been taken in order to deal
manifestation of Bhiwani district from 1991 to 2011. As with this monstrous issue related to gender inequality. When
we all know in demographic manifestation, the sex ratio we take a glance at history, we see that though the
is an important social indicator that measures the movement related to the abolishment of SATI system, Raja
respective status of males and females in a community on Ram Mohan Roy did try to fill up the gap of inequality and
how they are treated in terms of equal status and greatly raised his voice in support of women by saying that “They
defines the future population composition. Changes in are born not only to devote their life for their male
the sex ratio reflect the underlying socio-economic and counterparts in marriage and after marriage by burning
cultural tendencies in a community. It has an impact on themselves with the dead body of their husbands. They are
not only the demographic process but also the as vital for the society as the males are, hence women must
socioeconomic relationships within the community. The not be treated merely as an object of second class society. In
aim of this research is to better understand the spatio- fact, they are the ones who are real master of man as well as
temporal variance in total child sex ratio in India and mankind. If we cannot worship them, then we have no right
Haryana. Census of India and Haryana Statistical to burn and hate them.” We all know this Sanskrit dictum
Abstract data were used to analyze challenges, causes, very well that ‘Yatra Naryastu Pujyante, Ramanteh Hee
trends and declining child sex ratios. Bhiwani district Tatra Devtaa’. Gender discrimination manifests in many
one of the districts having low sex ratio in the state. Here forms in India, right from birth to adulthood. Fewer month
our main ethos is get an idea about the district’s of breastfeeding, below par medical care, insufficient
background in socio-economic profile. Here a tahsils or nutrition, lack of prenatal, natal and postnatal care result in
blocks wise study taken into consideration. girls being susceptible to illness, having poor health and
shorter life span. Due to the wide prevalence of patriarchal
I. INTRODUCTION social system, a lot of women are still deprived of the right
to own ancestral property, which is mostly given to their
Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics non-inclusion in the decision the male child. Several causes
of women and men- such as norms, roles and relationships are attributed to increasing gender inequality in society. Sex
of and between group of women and men. It varies from selective abortion, crime against women, domestic violence,
society to society and can be changed. Gender equality is a different socio-cultural practices, neglect of girl child and
core development objective in its own night. Greater gender son preference are main causes for gender inequality in
equality can enhance productivity, improve development India.
outcomes for next generation and make institutions more
representative. Right since the dawn of civilization gender Pre-natal and post-natal inequalities with females:-
inequality has been a matter of huge debate. In fact, this
Here we are concerning with demographic Sex ratio is an important social parameter to measure the
manifestation of gender inequality. Demographic extent of prevailing equity between males and females in a
manifestation is one of the best manifestations to show the society at a given point of time. The declining sex ratio
gender inequality prevailing in the society. In this context, leads to gender imbalance which reflects the underlying
we can discuss about sex ratio (overall and child sex ratio). socio-economic and cultural patterns of a particular society.
Here in this section we are dealing with results and discussions with particular reference to different blocks or tahsils of
Bhiwani district.
Years Sex Ratio (Haryana) Sex Ratio (Bhiwani)
1991 879 887
2001 819 841
2011 830 831
Table 1: Bhiwani District and Haryana: Trends in CSR (1991-2011)
Sex-Ratio Per Thousand
1991 2001 2011
Fig. 1: Bhiwani District and Haryana: Trends in Child Sex Ratio (1991-2011)
Source:-Based on Table 1
In this table the trends of child Sex Ratio from 1991 to district to had continue declining trend in 1991, 2001,2011,
2011 was discussed in Haryana as well as in Bhiwani. In Bhiwani district had 887,841,831 which goes continious
1991 the Child Sex Ratio of Haryana was 879 which decline from time to time. It was considered 84 points
declines 60 points, in 2001 (830), which was a positive decline from 1991 to 2001 and 27 points from 2001 to 2011.
signal for gender balance. During the same period Bhiwani
Map 1: Based on Census of India (1991)
Table 2 and map 1 Shows the trend in Child Sex Ratio decreases 10 points which was less than from first decade
of Bhiwani district from 1991 to 2011. The table shows a but continous decline in CSR was a serious issue. It means
continous decline in Child Sex Ratio during considered sex selective abortion and son preference have spread like
period. In 1991 CSR was 887, 2001 (841), 2011 (831). an epidemic in last to decade and infant mortality rate is
From 1991 to 2001 CSR decrease 46 points which was a comparatively higher for female children than male
large gap between boys and girls. From 2001 to 2011 it children.
Map 2
Source:-Based on Census of India (2001)
Sex-Ratio Per
840 1991
Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Bawani Siwani
Tehsils Khera Mandi
Source:-Based on Table 3
Table 3 and map 2 shows the decadal decline from Second largest decline was in Bhiwani Tehsil, 52 points
1991 to 2001, Tehsil wise in Bhiwani district. This table then Siwani Mandi 24 points, Badhra 17 points, Tosham 12
shows a continous decline of Child Sex Ratio in all 7 points, Bawani khera 11 points, Loharu 1 points only.
Tehsils. Highest decline found in the Dadri Tehsil in this Loharu Tehsil had only decline of 1 point which is desirable
tehsil CSR in 1991 was 891 but in 2001 it was 819, a change in
decline of 72 points, which was highest in all Tehsils.
Sex-Ratio Per
Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Bawani KheraSiwani Mandi
Fig. 3: Bhiwani District: Decadal Change in Child Sex-Ratio by Tehsils (2001-2011)
Source:-Based on Table 4
Map 3: Based on Census of India (2011)
The current table 4 shows the decadal change in Child shows the decline in CSR. The highest was found in Badhra
Sex Ratio Tehsil wise from 2001 to 2011. The data shows that was 52 points. Then followed by Bawani Khera 31
the positive and negative growth in some tehsils. Only one points, Loharu 31 points, Tosham 12 points, Dadri 9 points
tehsil, Siwani Mandi had positive growth in CSR that is 35 and Bhiwani only 1 points.
points (856 in 2001 and 891 in 2011). The other tehsils
Sex-Ratio Per
800 2001
Bhiwani Dadri Loharu Tosham Badhra Siwani
Source:-Based on Table 5