Pavement Manual: Revised October 2019
Pavement Manual: Revised October 2019
Pavement Manual: Revised October 2019
The Pavement Manual has been revised to include a final version of the Life Cycle Cost Analysis
Guide comparing flexible to rigid pavements. Also, Table 5-8 in Chapter 5 has been corrected.
Chapter 2, Section 5: a link has been added to the final version of a Life Cycle Analysis Guide
comparing flexible to rigid pavements.
Chapter 5, Section 6: Table 5-8, Perpetual Pavement Layer Composition has been corrected to
indicate that the third footnote in the table refers to Layer D, Dense Bottom Layer, not Layer E,
Prepared Pavement Foundation, as previously indicated.
Address questions concerning information contained in this Manual Notice to Randy Ormsby at
(512) 416-3196 or [email protected].
Section 1 — Manual Overview
Section 2 — Overview of Policy
Section 3 — Training
Section 4 — Contacts
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this manual is to provide the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), consul-
tant firms, and contractors a detailed pavement overview covering materials, design, construction,
and maintenance considerations for traditionally-let TxDOT projects. This manual:
serves as an extensive pavement reference that users can browse to look up typical design val-
ues, methods, practices and resources
provides approved policies and procedures for pavement design for use on TxDOT projects
provides pavement engineers with a uniform, streamlined process for designing pavements
includes a list of available training courses for pavement engineers and links to web-based
training for pavement design and analysis programs used by TxDOT
serves as a guide to pavement engineers for selecting pavement rehabilitation strategies
addresses related topics that a pavement engineer needs such as procedures for changing load
zones, superheavy load analysis and pavement forensics.
Concession projects require a long-term (more than 20 years) maintenance agreement. In this case,
performance (ride, rut, distress, etc.) requirements are defined as criteria to be maintained on the
project throughout the term of the agreement.
Non-concession projects have a short-term or no maintenance agreements. In this case, design and
construction specifications are prescribed for projects.
1.3 Organization
Chapter 2, Pavement Design Process. This chapter provides definitions of pavement types,
pavement type selection, the approved methods for pavement design, pavement design catego-
ries, pavement design process, information needed for pavement design, and pavement design
Chapter 3, Materials Investigation and Selection Information. This chapter covers geotechnical
investigations, treatment guidelines, flexible base selection, aggregate types and classes,
treated subgrade and base courses, performance graded binders (PG binders), hot-mix asphalt
(HMA) pavement mixtures, concrete materials, reinforcing steel, hydraulic cement concrete
and also geosynthetics.
Chapter 4, Pavement Evaluation. This chapter provides an overview of pavement evaluation
and non-destructive testing for pavements.
Chapter 5, Flexible Pavement Design. This chapter provides an overview of the types of flexi-
ble pavements, design parameters and typical ranges, backcalculation methodology, pavement
detours and widening, and perpetual flexible pavement design.
Chapter 6, Flexible Pavement Construction. This chapter covers subgrade and base construc-
tion, surface preparation, plant operation, mix transport, mix placement, and compaction.
Chapter 7, Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation. This chapter covers the different rehabilitation
options for flexible pavements including hot in-place recycling, cold in-place recycling, geo-
synthetics, flexible base thickening, full depth reclamation, hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlays,
whitetopping and surface treatments.
Chapter 8, Rigid Pavement Design. This chapter covers the approved pavement design meth-
ods for rigid pavements, rigid pavement design process, recommended typical values,
thickness determination, concrete paving standards, bonded and unbonded concrete overlays
and thin whitetopping.
Chapter 9, Rigid Pavement Construction. This chapter covers concrete mix design, concrete
plant operation, delivery of concrete, reinforcing steel placement, paving operations, fixed-
form paving, slip-form paving, placing concrete, finishing operations, joints and texture
Chapter 10, Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation. This chapter covers the different rehabilitation
options for rigid pavements including full-depth repair, half-depth repair, bonded and
unbonded concrete overlays, stitching, dowel bar retrofit, joint repairs, diamond grinding, thin
HMA overlays, and retrofitting concrete shoulders.
Chapter 11, Ride Quality. This chapter briefly discusses the units of measurement, equipment
for evaluating ride quality, pay schedules, smoothness opportunities, and analysis of ride data.
Chapter 12, Premature Distress Investigations. This chapter provides an overview of premature
pavement failures, investigation team technical assistance and investigation process.
Chapter 13, Load Zoning and Super Heavy Load Analysis. This chapter covers the procedures
for changing load zones on highways (including county roads and bridges), procedure for set-
ting emergency load zones on roads, super heavy load analysis, damage from super heavy load
moves and damage claim procedure.
2.1 Summary
The following table summarizes the pavement design and construction policies required by the
Table 1-1: Summary of Pavement Design and Construction Policies
Chapter 2
Pavement Design Process
Section 2 District SOP: The district pavement engineer (DPE) will review
Pavement Design and update the District Pavement Standard Operating Procedures
Standard Operat- (SOP) on an annual basis. This SOP shall be reviewed and
ing Procedure updated by September 1st annually with a copy emailed to MNT –
(SOP) Pavement Asset Management. If no changes are made from the
previous year, send an e-mail to MNT – Pavement Asset Manage-
ment confirming that no changes were made.
Section 3 DPE: The DPE is a licensed professional engineer who serves as Section 3 lists general
District Pave- the district point of contact for the evaluation, preservation, and responsibilities for DPE.
ment Engineer’s structural design of pavements.
Training: The DPE is required to receive approved training in the Other recommended
use of MODULUS, FPS, AASHTO 1993 CPCD procedure, and courses for pavement
TxCRCP ME design software. materials and pavement
management are included
in this section.
Section 5 Pavement Type Selection: The decision factors considered for Section 5 includes some
Pavement Type pavement design type shall be included in the pavement design discussion on decision
Selection report. factors and recommends
using the FHWA software
RealCost to perform a life
cycle cost analysis if
Section 6 Pavement Design Methods: Use one of the following analytical Refer to Chapter 5 for
Approved Pave- methods for designing pavements: flexible pavement design
ment Design FPS 21 for flexible pavements. specifics and Chapter 8 for
Methods Modified Texas Triaxial Design Method for flexible
rigid pavement design
pavements. specifics.
TxCRCP-ME for continuously reinforced rigid pavements.
Section 8 Evaluate Existing Pavement Condition: The district will take Section 8 contains a brief
Information adequate measures to properly characterize the existing functional discussion of destructive
Needed for Pave- and structural condition of pavements scheduled for rehabilitation. and nondestructive testing.
ment Design More information is con-
tained in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5
Flexible Pavement Design
Section 3 FPS 21 Design Parameters: The required analytical method of Chapter 2, Section 6, and
FPS 21 Design flexible pavement design is FPS 21. Input the Design Parameters Table 5-1.
Parameters for flexible pavement as detailed in this section.
Post Design Check: Check the design derived by FPS 21 for full- Tables 5-4 and 5-5.
depth shear strength adequacy using the Modified Texas Triaxial
Class (TTC) design method contained in the FPS 21 software.
Section 4 Modulus Inputs: Determine design modulus values as detailed in Table 5-6 shows a range of
FPS 21 Modulus this section. typical design values for
Inputs and various new or reclaimed
Backcalculation pavement layer materials.
Use an input value that is
indicative of the material
likely to be used. For
materials to remain in
place, use backcalculated
moduli, with adjustments
as warranted.
Pavement Widening: Maintain the original cross-section for the Additional detail is given
widened portion. When the shoulder is to form part of a new lane, in this section regarding
perform non-destructive surveys using the falling weight deflec- design and location of
tometer (FWD). widening joints for bound,
unbound, and dissimilar
cross-section widening.
Chapter 8
Rigid Pavement Design
Section 3 & 4 Base Layer Requirements: The department requires one of the
Pavement Design following base layer combinations for concrete slab support:
Processes for 4 in. of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) or asphalt treated base (ATB),
CRCP and CPCD or
a minimum 1 in. hot-mix asphalt bond breaker over 6 in. of a
cement treated base (CTB). Use item 276, Class L.
Width requirement of subgrade/base: The subgrade/base must
be designed 2 ft. wider than the concrete slab on each side to
accommodate slipform pavement equipment.
Chapter 9
Rigid Pavement Construction
Section 1-7 Rigid Pavement Construction: Construct the rigid pavement in Items 360, 421, and 440.
accordance with the department’s Standard Specifications for Link for CRCP and CPCD
Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. standards:
Chapter 10
Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation
Section 1-11 Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation: Repair the rigid pavement in Items 361 and 720.
accordance with the department’s Standard Specifications for Link for Repair of Con-
Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges crete Pavement Standards:
and the relevant Special Specification of the rehabilitation.
Chapter 11
Ride Quality
Section 1 Ride Quality: Measure ride quality in accordance with the Items 247, 340, 341, 342,
Overview department’s Standard Specifications for Construction and Main- 344, 346, 347, 348, 360,
tenance of Highways, Streets, and Bridges. and 585.
Table 11-2 can be used to
select the appropriate pay
adjustment schedule.
Chapter 13
Load Zoning and Super Heavy Load Analysis
Section 1 Executive Order: The department’s executive director sets load Texas Transportation
Overview for limits for individual roadway segments by issuing an Executive Code, §621.102.
Load Zoning Order.
MNT – Pavement Asset Management prepares and submits pro-
posed Executive Orders to the executive director.
Section 2 Changing Load Zones: Follow the procedures in this section for See Table 13-1.
Changing Load changing load zones.
Zones on Roads
Section 3 Emergency Load Zones: The district shall notify MNT – Pave- See Table 13-2.
Emergency Load ment Asset Management by telephone or e-mail that an
Zones on Roads emergency load restriction is required.
Section 4 County Roads and Bridges: Counties must obtain department Texas Transportation
Changing Load concurrence from the district engineer for proposed changes to Code, §621.301.
Zones on County county road and bridge load limits. See Tables 13-3 and 13-4.
Roads and
Section 6 Super Heavy Load Analysis: All super heavy loads must be per- Texas Transportation
Super Heavy mitted through the Motor Carrier Division (MCD) of the Texas Code, §623.071 and
Load Evaluation Department of Motor Vehicles (TxDMV). Refer to this section for §623.142.
Process the required evaluation process. See Figure 13-3.
See section 5 for analysis
background information.
Section 8 Damage Claim Procedure: Refer to this section for the required Financial Management
Damage Claim procedure. Policy Manual, Chapter 4,
Procedure Section 10, “Claims by
TxDOT Concerning Dam-
age to Highway Property.”
Standard Operating Procedures for Responding to PIA Requests for PMIS and/or Skid Data
Pavement Management Information System data and skid data are sometimes requested through
the Public Information Act. To be sure each request is handled in the same manner in every district,
here are the procedures to be followed:
Requests for information under the PIA must be in writing and must include the requestor’s
contact information. E-mailed requests must go through the department’s website.
All requests involving a traffic accident or focusing narrowly on a particular roadway segment
or date must be referred to the Occupational Safety Division to determine if the department has
received notice of claim threatening a lawsuit.
When documents are to be withheld, notify GCD and submit a copy of the request with any
responsive documents to GCD as soon as possible. Adequate time must be provided to GCD so
GCD can prepare a brief and request a ruling from the AG within ten business days.
When documents are to be released, release them promptly. If you are unable to release the
documents within ten business days, you must certify that fact in writing to the requestor and
provide a date and hour within a reasonable time when the information will be available for
inspection or duplication.
Section 3 — Training
3.1 Overview
This manual provides general information about pavement design processes and procedures. Infor-
mation on more comprehensive training courses and materials is available through the district
pavement engineer, the Maintenance Division, Pavement Asset Management Section and other
sources. A partial list of available training courses is as follows:
Web based training courses through the National Highway Institute (NHI)/American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Transportation Curriculum Coordination Council (TCCC).
Topical content for these courses includes pavement preservation treatments, in-place recy-
cling techniques, highway materials, and pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. NHI
training opportunities can be found at Courses are
frequently updated and most courses are free after setting up an account.
Classroom training courses through NHI. Check the NHI web page for topics; classes typically
require a minimum enrollment and have an associated fee.
Flexible Pavement Design and Evaluation, Version 21 (FPS 21) and MODULUS Backcalcula-
tion Program. Training is presented as a “workshop” by MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
Contact MNT – Pavement Asset Management to schedule (see Contacts section below).
Rigid Pavement Design, DarWin® 3.1 for CPCD and TxCRCP-ME for CRCP. Training is pre-
sented as a “workshop” by MNT – Pavement Asset Management. Contact MNT – Pavement
Asset Management to schedule (see Contacts section below).
Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies Training Course Self-paced training media devel-
oped by Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI). Although somewhat dated in terms of
software versions discussed within, this product offers a comprehensive discussion on evaluat-
ing flexible pavement structures using current non-destructive tools and overall design
considerations. Please refer to MNT, Pavement Engineering, to download the course.
Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies Training Course. Self-paced training media devel-
oped by TTI. Please refer to MNT. Pavement Engineering, to download the course.
Web based training for Modulus 6.0 and the Modulus Temperature Correction program are
available on the TxDOT Pavement Design and Analysis Training web site. Web based training
is also available for FPS-19W, the predecessor to the current flexible pavement design program
FPS 21 (adopted August 2011). Inputs and much of the program functionality have not
changed between these programs and there are currently no plans to produce an on line training
program exclusively for FPS 21.
Web based training for Rational Estimation of Pavement Remaining life (REPP2000), Design
Modulus Values from Seismic Data Collection (SMART), and Impacts of Construction Quality
Life Cycle of Pavement (RECIPPE) are available on The Center of Transportation Infrastruc-
ture Systems at The University of Texas at El Paso (CTIS) Pavement Design and Analysis
Training web site
Other training and reference material is available from your TxDOT training coordinator.
Section 4 — Contacts
Contact the following with questions, comments, or issues regarding the particular subject matter:
Director of MNT – Pavement Asset Management at (512) 416-3288 for general questions or
questions or comments about this manual
MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section, Pavement Analysis and Design Branch at (512)
832-7304, for assistance with premature distress investigations, flexible pavement design,
rigid pavement design and rehabilitation
MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section at (512) 416-3113 for questions about load zon-
ing, and super heavy load analysis
Flexible Pavements Branch at (512) 506-5836 or 5847 for Flexible Pavement Design, Con-
struction or Rehabilitation
Rigid Pavement & Concrete Materials Branch at (512) 506-5858 or 5846 for Rigid Pavement
Geotechnical, Soils & Aggregates Branch at (512) 506-5907 for issues regarding geotechnical
investigations, aggregate, and geosynthetics
Asphalt and Chemical Branch at (512) 506-5821 for issues regarding asphalt binder and chem-
icals modifiers
Traffic Materials Branch at (512) 506-5889 for issues regarding traffic materials
Pavement Preservation Branch (Pavement Asset Management, MNT) at (512) 832-7210 for
Pavement Management, Pavement Preservation Techniques, and Pavement Testing
Research and Technology Implementation Office at (512) 416-4731 for research projects and
their implementations.
More information on the MNT – Pavement Asset Management Section can be found at the
Maintenance Division website
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Pavement Design Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
Section 3 — District Pavement Engineer’s Role
Section 4 — Pavement Types
Section 5 — Pavement Type Selection
Section 6 — Approved Pavement Design Methods
Section 7 — Pavement Design Categories
Section 8 — Information Needed for Pavement Design
Section 9 — Pavement Design Reports
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Introduction
TxDOT spends more than 50% of the annual construction and maintenance budget on pavements.
Because of funding limitations, only a portion of pavement-related needs can be addressed. Use the
approved pavement design methods specified in Section 6, “Approved Pavement Design Meth-
ods.” In general, these methods are classified as either:
an analytical process with accurate design inputs or
past proven practices (experience-based) that may not meet conventional analytical design
standards, but have a proven performance track record.
The objectives of the pavement design process are to guide the district pavement engineer (DPE) to
select a pavement type, and design the pavement with an approved method using all the informa-
tion needed to provide a structure that is capable of carrying traffic loads with minimum physical
deterioration, maximum safety, and maximum ride comfort. Document the pavement design pro-
cess in a report format as discussed in Section 9, “Pavement Design Reports.”
A preliminary pavement design needs to be performed during the early phase of project develop-
ment. This step ensures that a viable design is generated, balancing risk while ensuring adequate
funding rather than allowing the project cost to dictate the pavement design. Preliminary design
considerations are then discussed at a district level Pavement Design Concept Conference.
Pavement Design Concept Conferences are used to refine initial considerations and allow develop-
ment of an approved design and design report. The Pavement Design Concept Conference can be
held in conjunction with other early stage project planning meetings that include participation of
key district personnel.
Each district shall maintain and update a pavement design standard operating procedure (SOP). The
SOP will formalize district communication channels in the pavement design process and document
typical design and rehabilitation strategies based on material availability, traffic levels, environ-
mental conditions, and an appropriate level of risk management. The SOP will also establish the
final authority for pavement design within the district.
2.1 Communication
Communication between the district pavement engineer, planning staff, maintenance staff, con-
struction staff and area engineers is key to designing, constructing, and maintaining quality
District Engineers are responsible for ensuring this communication takes place and documenting
communication channels in a district pavement design standard operating procedure (SOP). This
SOP shall be reviewed and updated by September 1st annually with a copy emailed to pavement-
[email protected]. E-mail [email protected] if no changes are made from the previous
year. One component of this communication process is to hold a Pavement Design Concept Confer-
ence. The general approach to pavement design should be refined in a Pavement Design Concept
Conference after the project is programmed and in the early stages of plans, specifications and esti-
mates (PS&E) development. The designer/project engineer presents an initial pavement design
report and provides any additional information to assist in selection of the final pavement design.
Depending on the size or sensitivity of the project, all or some of the following individuals shall
participate in the conference:
Project Engineer
Area Engineer
Pavement Engineer
Laboratory Engineer
Maintenance Supervisor
Lead Construction Inspectors
Director or Transportation Planning and Development (TP&D)
Director of Operations
Director of Construction
Director of Maintenance
District Engineer
Topics to be discussed during pavement design meetings or conferences are outlined in the district
SOP. They include:
communication to staff (including maintenance) of this SOP
communication of the project scope and available funding and pavement design strategies (dis-
trict-wide policies and project-specific considerations)
existing pavement history and material and structural analysis. Examples include:
performance and maintenance history (multi-year trends)
district maintenance staff input
existing pavement analysis (field and lab testing to characterize functional and structural
equivalent single axle loads (ESAL) and the average ten heaviest wheel loads daily
(ATHWLD) review and adjustments. For example, Transportation Planning and Programming
(TPP) maps and data for ESALs generated through current data systems may not account for
specific truck generators or may overestimate truck loads or percent trucks in the traffic
Modified Texas Triaxial Check process
plan for use of recycled and existing materials
material selection (including selection of hot-mix asphalt [HMA]/mixture type, binder type,
type of flexible base, treatment of bases, etc.)
pavement design material properties
Wet Surface Crash Reduction Program (WSCRP)1
need for and type of subgrade treatment
alternate pavement designs (Alternate materials selection - not pavement type. Alternates to
limited competition pavement rehabilitation techniques such as Thin-bonded Wearing Courses
[Novachip] should be addressed.)
alternate pavement types for new or total reconstruction projects
pavement design strategies based on ESALs (chart or descriptive)
special considerations, such as:
urban designs
constructability (e.g., ACP to match curb depth)
lateral support provided by shoulders
typical section, front slope, and ditch geometry
1. Available through the TxDOT Intranet only.
project drainage
2R, 3R, 4R criteria
special haul routes such as logging, aggregate haul roads, or energy sector site
sulfate-bearing and organic rich soils
use and methodology for potential vertical rise (PVR) design consideration
pavement design development and approval process
Authority for pavement design approval may not be delegated below the District Engineer, except
for metropolitan districts. In metropolitan districts, pavement design approval authority may be del-
egated to the Deputy District Engineer, district Director of Construction, Operations, or
Transportation, Planning and Development for projects with estimated construction costs of less
than $20 million.
3.1 History
The district pavement engineer (DPE) is a licensed professional engineer who serves as the district
point of contact for the evaluation, preservation, and structural design of pavements. This position
was formalized by the department in 1993 as a district-level staff position.
The DPE serves as the coordinator for district staff. The DPE’s responsibilities include planning
activities, such as, forensic studies; participating in design concept conferences; reviewing perfor-
mance histories of materials; studying processes for pavement construction; maintaining databases
for subgrade and pavement material stiffness or structural properties; assessing pavement perfor-
mance with maintenance staff; and coordinating design strategies for pavement rehabilitation with
district staff.
The development of the pavement design and rehabilitation strategies should jointly involve mate-
rial engineers, maintenance engineers, planning engineers, construction engineers, design
engineers and area engineer staff.
The DPE should also coordinate and participate in the development of district pavement preserva-
tion plans in conjunction with district maintenance plans.
3.2 Responsibilities
The DPE is charged with being the district expert on all matters pertaining to:
the evaluation of functional and structural aspects of existing pavements
traffic loading characteristics
prevailing geologic/soils conditions within the district
suitability of proposed materials (new and recycled), and
The DPE may be asked to direct the activities of the district’s pavement data collection efforts
(visual distress, rut/ride, deflection surveys). These data collection efforts are integral to maintain-
ing the network-level Pavement Management Information System (PA) and in evaluating project-
level structural properties.
Because of the importance of understanding material properties and evaluation of materials used in
pavements, some districts have assigned DPE duties to the district lab/materials engineer.
I. Produce cost effective project level designs for new, rehabilitated, and reconstructed pavements based on best
practices and life-cycle cost analysis.
1. Perform detailed investigations, data collection, and analysis including
Pavement distress
Structural integrity (deflections)
Subgrade Classification
Confirmation of Percent Trucks in the Traffic Stream
Vehicle/Axle Load Characteristics
Vehicle Configurations
Availability and suitability of local materials
Availability and suitability of recycled materials
Determine available and/or needed funding
Identify alternative designs
Define selection criteria/objectives
Perform life-cycle costs on alternatives
Select most cost effective alternative which meets criteria/objectives
II. Recommend pavement preservation policies to maximize condition of the system within District budget
1. Produce annual report on existing condition of highway system within the District
2. Produce four year budget projection/needs for pavement preservation projects
3. Perform analyses on effect of changes in funding, vehicle weights, axle configurations, suspension types,
tire pressures, environmental conditions, legislative mandates, and preservation policies on the highway
system, etc.
4. Assist and provide direct input into the development of the District Project Development Plan (PDP)
5. Evaluate effect of current and proposed rehabilitation and maintenance practices, new materials and materi-
als testing specifications, and new construction processes, etc.
A list of required and recommended training courses is given in Table 2-1. To develop the final
pavement thickness design, courses have been identified to provide the basic skills necessary for
engineers to understand the design process and complete viable, cost conscious pavement design.
The DPE or other district staff may develop a design; however, it is suggested that the DPE and
other key district staff review pavement design inputs, material requirements, strategies, and thick-
ness prior to the final PS&E submission (e.g., Pavement Design Concept Conference).
Newly assigned DPEs are encouraged to schedule attendance of the required training sessions for
flexible and rigid pavement design as soon as practical.
Table 2-1: Required and Recommended Training for the District Pavement Engineer
MODULUS Flexible Structure Designed as a workshop and is combined with FPS 21 train-
Evaluation ing. Combined training is usually arranged at district request
to MNT – Pavement Asset Management. Hands-on approach
used to emphasize evaluation techniques, capabilities, and
limitations of the software. A 2 1/2-day period should be
Required for flexible pavement design.
Table 2-1: Required and Recommended Training for the District Pavement Engineer
Pavement Ana- New PMIS (PA) Web-based software that allows the user to plot various pave-
lyst (PA) ment condition indicators on district maps. Formal training is
available on request.
Table 2-1: Required and Recommended Training for the District Pavement Engineer
Materials Course Materials Properties National Highway Institute (NHI) sponsored web-based
course addressing fundamental properties and testing of high-
way materials (NHI 131117).
TxDOT Materi- Materials properties Five-week web-based and classroom course. Contact MNT –
als Academy Pavement Asset Management Section for more information.
Selecting Reha- Rehab of existing Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) administered
bilitation pavements course taught through an interagency contract (IAC). This
Strategies for course is hands-on oriented – uses department software. Con-
Flexible tact MNT – Pavement Asset Management, Pavement Analysis
Pavements and Design Branch for more information or refer to Cross-
roads, Maintenance Division, Pavement Engineering link to
download the course.
Selecting Reha- Rehab of existing Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) administered
bilitation pavements course taught through an interagency contract (IAC). This
Strategies for course is hands-on oriented – uses department software. Con-
Concrete tact MNT – Pavement Asset Management, Pavement Analysis
Pavements and Design Branch for more information or refer to Cross-
roads, Maintenance Division, Pavement Engineering link to
download the course.
Other NHI Web- Multiple (pavement Frequently updated; most courses are free after setting up an
based preservation, mainte- account:
Opportunities nance, recycling,
pavement materials,
New PMIS (PA) program and pavement design assistance from MNT – Pavement Asset Manage-
ment will be provided upon request.
The DPE list is also posted on the Maintenance Division website, Pavement Preservation link.
The primary structural difference between a rigid and flexible pavement is the manner in which
each type of pavement distributes traffic loads over the subgrade. A rigid pavement has a very high
stiffness and distributes loads over a relatively wide area of subgrade – a major portion of the struc-
tural capacity is contributed by the slab itself.
The load carrying capacity of a true flexible pavement is derived from the load-distributing charac-
teristics of a layered system (Yoder and Witczak, 1975). Figure 2-1 shows load distribution for a
typical flexible pavement and a typical rigid pavement.
Figure 2-1. Typical stress distribution under a rigid and a flexible pavement.
A flexible pavement structure is typically composed of several layers of material with better quality
materials usually placed on top where the intensity of stress from traffic loads is high and lower
quality materials at the bottom where the stress intensity is low. Flexible pavements can be ana-
lyzed as a multilayer system under loading.
A typical flexible pavement structure consists of the surface course and underlying base and sub-
base courses. Each of these layers contributes to structural support and, ideally, maintains proper
When hot-mix asphalt (HMA) is used as the surface course, it typically is the stiffest (as measured
by elastic modulus) layer and may contribute the most (depending upon thickness) to pavement
strength. The underlying layers are less stiff but are still important to pavement strength as well as
drainage and frost protection.
Thicker HMA sections and or sections with stabilized bases behave as a semi-rigid system under
traffic loading, whereby loads are spread to a greater degree over the natural subgrade than conven-
tional flexible pavements. See “Rigid and Flexible Pavement Characteristics” above.
When a seal coat is used as the surface course, the base generally is the layer that contributes most
to the structural stiffness. A typical structural design results in a series of layers that gradually
decrease in material quality with depth. Figure 2-2 shows a typical section for a flexible pavement.
Perpetual pavement is a term used to describe a long-life structural design. It uses premium HMA
mixtures, appropriate construction techniques, and occasional maintenance to renew the surface.
Close attention must be paid to proper construction techniques to avoid problems with permeabil-
ity, trapping moisture, segregation with depth, and variability of density with depth. A perpetual
pavement can last 30 years or more if properly constructed and maintained.
In conventional flexible pavements, structural deterioration typically occurs due to either classical
bottom-up fatigue cracking, rutting of the HMA layers, or rutting of the subgrade. Perpetual pave-
ment is designed to withstand an almost infinite number of axle loads without structural
deterioration by limiting the level of load-induced strain at the bottom of the HMA layers and top
of the subgrade and by using deformation-resistant HMA mixtures. Figure 2-3 shows a generalized
perpetual pavement design.
A rigid pavement structure is composed of a hydraulic cement concrete surface course and underly-
ing base and subbase courses (if used). Another term commonly used is Portland cement concrete
(PCC) pavement, although with today’s pozzolanic additives, cements may no longer be techni-
cally classified as “Portland.”
The surface course (concrete slab) is the stiffest layer and provides the majority of strength. The
base or subbase layers are orders of magnitude less stiff than the PCC surface but still make import-
ant contributions to uniformity of support, pavement drainage, and frost protection, and provide a
working platform for construction equipment.
Rigid pavements are substantially ‘stiffer’ than flexible pavements due to the high modulus of elas-
ticity of the PCC material, resulting in very low deflections under loading. The rigid pavements can
be analyzed by the plate theory. Rigid pavements can have reinforcing steel, which is generally
used to handle thermal stresses to reduce or eliminate joints and maintain tight crack widths. Fig-
ure 2-4 shows a typical section for a rigid pavement.
CRCP provides joint-free design. The formation of transverse cracks at relatively close intervals is
a distinctive characteristic of CRCP. These cracks are held tightly by the reinforcement and should
be of no concern as long as the cracks are uniformly spaced, do not spall excessively, and a uniform
non-erosive base is provided. Figure 2-5 shows a typical section of CRCP.
CPCD uses contraction joints to control cracking and does not use any reinforcing steel. An alterna-
tive slab design designation used by the industry is jointed concrete pavement (JCP). Transverse
joint spacing is selected such that temperature and moisture stresses do not produce intermediate
cracking between joints. Nationally, this results in a spacing no longer than 20 ft. The standard
spacing in Texas is 15.0 ft.
Dowel bars are typically used at transverse joints to assist in load transfer. Tie bars are typically
used at longitudinal joints. Figure 2-6 shows a typical section of CPCD.
JRCP uses contraction joints and reinforcing steel to control cracking. Transverse joint spacing is
longer than that for concrete pavement contraction design (CPCD) and, in Texas, it typically ranges
from 30 ft. to 60 ft. This rigid pavement design option is no longer endorsed by the department
because of past difficulties in selecting effective rehabilitation strategies. However, there are sev-
eral remaining sections in service. Figure 2-7 shows a typical section of jointed reinforced concrete
Post-tensioned concrete pavements remain in the experimental stage, and their design is primarily
based on experience and engineering judgment. Post-tensioned concrete has been used more fre-
quently for airport pavements than for highway pavements because the difference in thickness
results in greater savings for airport pavements than for highway pavements.
A composite pavement is composed of both hot-mix asphalt (HMA) and hydraulic cement con-
crete. Typically, composite pavements are asphalt overlays on top of concrete pavements. The
HMA overlay may have been placed as the final stage of initial construction, or as part of a rehabil-
itation or safety treatment. Composite pavement behavior under traffic loading is essentially the
same as rigid pavement.
5.1 Introduction
Selecting a pavement type is an important decision. Like other aspects of pavement design, the
1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide states,
“The selection of pavement type is not an exact science but one in which the highway engineer
must make a judgment on many varying factors. . . ."
The decision factors considered for pavement design type shall be included in the pavement design
LCCA is an engineering economic analysis that allows engineers to quantify the differential costs
of alternative investment options for a given project. LCCA can be used to compare alternate pave-
ment types (flexible versus rigid) on new construction projects and rehabilitation projects. LCCA
considers all agency expenditures throughout the life of the facility, not just the initial investment,
and allows for cost comparison of options with varying design lives and potentially differing user
costs to be compared on an equivalent basis.
More than a simple cost comparison, LCCA offers methods to determine and demonstrate the eco-
nomic merits of the selected alternative in an analytical and fact-based manner. LCCA helps
engineers answer questions like:
Which design alternative results in the lowest total cost to the agency over the life of the
To what level of detail have the alternatives been investigated?
What are the user-cost impacts of alternative strategies?
LCCA’s structured methodology provides the information and documentation necessary for suc-
cessful open dialogue. Because of this, LCCA is a valuable analysis to support pavement type
selection decisions.
LCCA is only one of many processes for selecting a pavement type. The reliability of output from
any LCCA is a function of the reliability of the input data and will be highly dependent upon the
selected type and frequency of post-initial construction activities that extend the pavement service
life to the end of the selected analysis period. It may be beneficial to evaluate user costs separately
from agency costs when looking at different structural options.
6.1 Introduction
For most flexible pavement design work, especially higher-volume highways (>10,000 ADT, 5 M
ESALs), the Flexible Pavement Design System (FPS 21) is the required method for designing flex-
ible pavements. FPS 21 should be used as a check for all flexible designs as described in
“Pavement Design Process.” Design procedure training is available to department personnel
through MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
FPS 21 provides a methodology for selecting a complete pavement design strategy. Such a
strategy calls for action now (initial construction) and for future action (overlays or reconstruc-
tion). Depending upon the range of material layer thicknesses the designer is willing to
consider, the output will consist of one or more recommended strategies. For a given design
analysis, initial construction costs as well as future costs are computed for each design strategy.
The engineer selects a design strategy based on a multitude of considerations including past
performance, cost, constructability, user delay, adjoining section, etc.
FPS 21 is a mechanistic-empirical design procedure that uses a performance model based on
degradation of the serviceability index as defined in the AASHO Road Test research. Also bor-
rowed from the AASHO Road Test is the standardization of cumulative traffic loading in terms
of 18-kip equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). The FPS 21 program assumes that a smaller
deflection means smaller stresses or strains and, therefore, longer pavement life.
Environmental influences including seasonal changes in material stiffness, frost heave, or
moisture susceptibility of materials are not directly considered by the program. Impact of
swelling foundation soils is no longer considered in FPS 21. Adding thickness to overcome
swelling effects is not encouraged, except in very limited cases. For more information, go to
Chapter 3, “Materials Investigation and Selection Information,” Section 2, “Geotechnical
Investigation for Pavement Structures.”
The program uses a “confidence level” approach to account for variability in the in-place sub-
grade stiffness, construction variability, and traffic loading predictions. A multiplier is
assigned to the cumulative traffic loading as the desired level of confidence or reliability
The system can generate designs that may fail under occasional heavy wheel loads. This cir-
cumstance is particularly acute for designs that have low cumulative loading in regions with
poor subgrade. For this reason, designs obtained with the FPS 21 program must be checked
with the “Modified Texas Triaxial Design Method.” Considerations for accepting this proce-
dure as the governing method for determining design thickness are described in Chapter 5,
Section 3, “FPS 21 Design Parameters.”
The “Modified Texas Triaxial Design Method” is included in FPS 21 in a post-design check
module. It can also be used as a standalone procedure using the graphs contained in the
archived versions of “Tex-117-F, Triaxial Compression for Disturbed Soils and Base
A mechanistic design check is provided to evaluate expected fatigue life of the HMA layers
and full-depth rut life of the structure with options to use several strain-based performance
models. It is highly recommended that the results of this check be considered for all pavement
designs where the FPS-generated surface bituminous thickness is between 2 and 4 in.
FPS 21 uses back-calculated modulus to characterize the pavement layer strength (stiffness)
based on falling weight deflectometer (FWD) deflection measurements (see Chapter 4, “Pave-
ment Evaluation,” Section 4, “Non-Destructive Evaluation of Pavement Structural
Properties”). Note that back-calculated modulus used in FPS 21 is not the same as the resilient
modulus used in the AASHTO design procedure.
It is incumbent upon the designer to have a recent set of deflection data for the project under
consideration from which moduli can be generated, as well as institutional knowledge of mate-
rial moduli when virgin or recycled materials are to be incorporated in the design. Each district
should develop a database of typical moduli through a routine program of aggressive deflec-
tion testing and subsequent backcalculation.
FPS-19W is the previous design program which has been replaced by FPS 21. Identical inputs used
in FPS-19W will generate identical thickness designs in FPS 21, however FPS 21 is the required
analytical method for designing flexible pavements.
The Texas Triaxial Classification of soils was developed in the late 1940s and early 1950s by the
department as an indexed soil classification system related to soil shear strength. Evaluating a soil
for its Texas Triaxial Classification is covered in “Tex-117-E, Triaxial Compression for Disturbed
Soils and Base Materials.”
When the FPS design system was first developed in the 1970s, solutions produced for some lightly
trafficked highways that had an occasional heavy load were found to be under-designed. The Mod-
ified Texas Triaxial Design Method was developed to overcome shortcomings of the FPS design
procedure by determining the required pavement thickness to ensure protection against shear fail-
ure in unbound layers due to heavy wheel loads.
The modified triaxial method requires the use of the subgrade or base Texas Triaxial Class as
derived from laboratory test results. Since the testing procedure requires the soil sample or base be
moisture-conditioned to establish its triaxial classification (capillary absorption time based on
material plasticity), the evaluation represents the soil’s strength at a weakened state.
The engineer may determine that this saturation level is not likely to occur in situ for a particular
environment (like west Texas) and, therefore, not the overriding design consideration. Additional
credit is given for bound materials within the structure that will allow a reduction in the calculated
coverage above the evaluated unbound layer. This method has been automated and is included as a
post-design check module in FPS 21. The method can also be used as a standalone tool for designs
where traffic loading cannot be easily evaluated in terms of 18-kip ESALs, such as parking lots,
temporary detours, etc. Results of this check may be waived based on local experience. When soil
testing cannot be performed to establish the triaxial classification, soil maps may be used to identify
the general soil type, and approximation of the soil triaxial classification can be made using histor-
ical test results (Soil_Series.xls). Also, within the FPS 21 software, the designer can opt to estimate
the soil triaxial class if the in situ soil PI is known or if the in situ soil type for the project is known.
The TxCRCP-ME program is the only approved design method for CRCP projects at TxDOT. This
design method was developed under TxDOT research project 0-5832, “Develop Mechanistic/
Empirical Design for CRCP.” The program performs an analysis of the pavement system for given
inputs in estimating the frequency of punchouts, the primary structural distress of CRCP.
The AASHTO (originally AASHO) pavement design guide was first published as an interim guide
in 1972. Updates to the guide were subsequently published in 1986 and 1993. The AASHTO
design procedure is based on the results of the AASHO Road Test conducted from 1958-1960 in
Ottawa, Illinois.
Approximately 1.2 million axle load repetitions were applied to specially designed test tracks in the
most comprehensive pavement test experiment design conducted to that point. The original
AASHO design process was strictly empirical in nature; subsequent updates have included some
mechanistic provisions, such as, classifying the subgrade stiffness in terms of resilient modulus and
accounting for seasonal variation in material stiffness.
AASHO design originated the concept of pavement failure based on the deterioration of ride qual-
ity as perceived by the user. Thus, performance is related to the deterioration of ride quality or
serviceability over time or applications of traffic loading.
Also developed at the AASHO Road Test was the rendering of cumulative traffic loading in terms
of a single statistic known as the 18-kip equivalent single axle load (ESAL).
The 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures is the only approved design method
for CPCD projects at TxDOT. This design produces a rigid slab thickness in inches required to sup-
port the estimated traffic under a selected serviceability interval and estimated support and
environmental conditions. The design procedure is available in automated form in the AASHTO
DARWin® 3.1 program and Web Application at
For more information on using the AASHTO CPCD design procedure, refer to the 1993 AASHTO
Guide for Design of Pavement Structures.
Reinforcing steel design is reflected in the department’s recommended CRCP and CPCD standards,
found under the Pavements section on the Roadway Standards webpage.
The TxCRCP-ME and AASHTO DARWin® 3.1 programs are available to TxDOT personnel
through the district pavement engineer. Consultants may obtain the TxCRCP-ME program from the
district pavement engineer or the Pavement Asset Management Section of the Maintenance
7.1 Definitions
It is very important that the designer conduct an early investigation to determine which category
applies to the project.
The following table lists the definitions for each pavement structure design category.
Table 2-2: Pavement Structural Design Category Definitions
Term Definition
“new” pavement A combination of a base and surface course placed on a subgrade to support the
traffic load and distribute it to the roadbed for flexible pavements or a combina-
tion of a base and a PCC slab for rigid pavements.
pavement rehabilitation Resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation (3R) work undertaken to restore ser-
viceability and to extend the service life of an existing facility. This may include
partial recycling of the existing pavement, placement of additional surface mate-
rials, or other work necessary to return an existing pavement, including
shoulders, to a condition of structural or functional adequacy.
“New” Pavement Design. The “new” pavement design category assumes a pavement structure is
constructed from point “A” to point “B” and there is no existing pavement along the proposed
route. It may include a new parallel roadbed, such as, when a two-lane highway is transformed into
a divided four-lane highway.
necessary. Also, there is the possibility that adjustments to the vertical and/or horizontal alignment
make reconstruction necessary.
Figure 2-8 provides a flow chart for the design process for new pavements or a full reconstruction.
Figure 2-9 and Figure 2-10 provide flow charts for flexible and rigid pavement rehabilitation
design, respectively.
8.1 Introduction
Specific and accurate information is needed and critical for effective decisions regarding pavement
design and rehabilitation. The information will also be included in the pavement design report. This
section discusses the major requirements critical to a pavement design:
traffic loads
serviceability index
reliability (confidence level)
material characterization
drainage characteristics
existing functional and structural condition evaluation.
One of the primary functions of a pavement is load distribution. Therefore, in order to adequately
design a pavement, representative loading characteristics must be presumed about the expected
traffic it will encounter. Loads, the vehicle forces exerted on the pavement (e.g., by trucks, heavy
machinery, airplanes), can be characterized by the following parameters:
individual tire loads
axle and tire configurations
typical axle load limits
repetitions of axle loads
traffic distribution (by direction and lane)
traffic projections (current volume and growth rate).
Traffic loads, along with environment, damage pavement over time. The simplest pavement struc-
tural model asserts that each individual load inflicts a certain amount of unrecoverable damage.
This damage is cumulative over the life of the pavement, and when it reaches some maximum
value, the pavement is considered to have reached the end of its useful service life.
Tire loads are the fundamental loads at the actual tire-pavement interface and are generally
assumed to be equal for all tires on any given axle. For most pavement analyses, it is assumed that
the tire load is uniformly applied over a circular area. Also, it is generally assumed that tire infla-
tion and contact pressures are the same.
While the tire contact pressure and area is of vital concern in pavement performance, the number of
contact points per vehicle and their spacing is also critical. As tire loads get closer together, their
influence areas on the pavement begin to overlap, especially at depth. At this point, the design char-
acteristic of concern is no longer the single isolated tire load, but the combined effect of all the
interacting tire loads. Therefore, axle and tire arrangements are quite important.
Other axle configurations exist (tridem [or three axle], quad [or four axle]), but generally represent
a small fraction of the entire population.
Federal and state laws establish maximum axle and gross vehicle weights to limit pavement dam-
age. The range of weight limits in the U.S. varies, based on federal and state laws.
Table 2-3: Axle Load Limits*
W = 500 LN N – 1 + 12N + 36
W = load limit for the axle group
Wheel and axle loads for an individual vehicle are not difficult to determine. However, the number
and types of wheel/axle loads a particular pavement will be subject to over its entire design life
become complicated to determine and are subject to uncertainties in traffic growth and changes to
the traffic stream composition over time. Ultimately, it is not the wheel load, but the damage to the
pavement caused by each wheel load that is of primary concern.
There are two basic methods for characterizing axle load repetitions:
1. Equivalent single axle load (ESAL). Based on AASHO Road Test results, the most common
approach is to convert axle configuration and axle loads of various magnitudes and repetitions
(‘mixed traffic’) to an equivalent number of “standard” or “equivalent” loads. The most com-
monly used equivalent load in the U.S. is 18,000 1b. equivalent single axle load (normally
designated ESAL). This is the loading format used in FPS 21, DARWin® 3.1, and TxCRCP-
2. Load spectra. AASHTOWare Pavement ME (AASHTOWare mechanistic-empirical design
system) essentially does away with the ESAL statistic and determines loading effects directly
from axle configurations and loads. This is a more precise characterization of traffic but relies
on the same raw input data used to calculate ESALs.
A typical load spectrum input would be in a form of a table that shows the relative axle load fre-
quencies for each common axle combination (e.g., single axle, tandem axle, tridem axle, quad axle)
over a given time period. A separate table with the breakout of trucks by class (classes 4-13) tied to
an initial average annual daily truck traffic (AADTT) count and growth rate are also needed. Load
spectra data are commonly obtained from weigh-in-motion stations.
Along with load type and repetitions, the load distributions across a particular pavement geometric
section must be estimated. For instance, on a six-lane interstate highway (3 lanes in each direction)
the total number of loads is probably not distributed exactly equally in both directions. Often, one
direction carries more loads than the other. Within that one direction, not all lanes carry the same
loading. Typically, the outermost carries the most trucks and is subjected to the heaviest loading.
As a result, pavement structural design should account for these types of unequal load distribution.
This is usually accounted for by selecting a “design lane” for a particular pavement. The loads
expected in the design lane are either a) directly counted or b) calculated from the cumulative two-
direction loads by applying factors for directional distribution and lane distribution.
w 18 = D D D L ŵ 18
w18 = traffic (or loads) in the design lane.
DD = directional distribution factor, expressed as a ratio, that accounts for the distribution of
loads by direction (i.e., east-west, north-south).
Example: One direction may carry a majority of the heavy truck loads; that direction
would be designed differently or, at a minimum, control the structural design. Generally
taken as 0.5 (50%) for most roadways unless more detailed information is known.
DL = lane distribution factor, expressed as a ratio, accounts for the distribution of loads when
two or more lanes are available in one direction.
ŵ 18 = the cumulative two-directional 18-kp ESAL units predicted for a specific section of
highway during the analysis period.
For instance, on most interstate routes, the outside lane carries a majority of the heavy truck traffic
and would be the design lane.
The Transportation Planning and Programming Division (TPP) posts a directional distribution sta-
tistic in the Traffic Analysis for Highway Design report, but this distribution is related to peak ADT
distributions (the 30th highest hourly volume) that affect level of service for geometric design as
opposed to loading for structural design.
The assumption made in the Traffic Analysis for Highway Design report is traffic loading is equiva-
lent in both directions. If the designer anticipates the truck directional distribution to be different
from 50/50 or loads to be significantly greater in one direction, then this concern should be indi-
cated in the request (Form 2124) submitted to TPP for project level traffic data.
Recommended lane distribution factors for both flexible and rigid pavements designs are:
Table 2-4: Recommended Lane Distribution Factors
1 or 2 1.00
3 0.70
4 or more 0.60
TPP provides traffic projections (“Single Source Traffic Data Operating Procedures” from the
Transportation Planning Policy Manual, Chapter 3, Section 4). The designer must request a 20-yr.
traffic projection for flexible pavements and a 30-yr. traffic projection for rigid pavements from the
Traffic Section of TPP.
For pavement design purposes, external and internal requests for traffic projections should be coor-
dinated with the district director of Transportation Planning and Development (TPD). The district
will use Form 2124, Request for Traffic Data.1 External requests for traffic data for purposes other
than pavement design must be immediately referred to the open records coordinator assigned to the
district, division, or office that received the request.
CAUTION: Close coordination is needed with the district TPD to ensure timely turnaround of traf-
fic data for pavement structural design. For quick turnaround, check ONLY box “1”
on Form 2124. For check box “1” data, time frame to receive data should be no more
than 7-10 business days.
If the district has need of other data options on the form (environmental studies, line diagrams, or
corridor analyses), the district submitter should make clear on Form 2124 that box “1” require-
ments should be given priority. The data for check box “1” will be sent to the district in the quick
turnaround time frame with the other requirements sent at a later date.
Units of Measurement. Currently, traffic loading is only rendered in terms of ESALs (versus axle
load spectra). This is the standard method of evaluating loads for highways designed by the depart-
ment. ESALs are evaluated for flexible and rigid pavements differently as a result of empirical
relationships developed following the AASHO Road Test. Estimates for each type of pavement will
be different. ESAL estimates will also vary slightly based on the overall pavement structure (also a
result of empirical relationships).
Loading Estimates. The default structure used by the Traffic Section of TPP for traffic loading esti-
mates is an 8 in. rigid slab or a flexible pavement of structural number (SN) 3. The SN is a
structural thickness index used in the AASHTO 93 method of flexible pavement design. These
structural classes (8-in rigid slab or SN=3 for flexible) are for highways with light to moderate traf-
fic, but ESALs generated for these structures result in more conservative structural thicknesses and
are preferred for comparative design when considering alternate pavement types. An option for
highways with moderate to heavy traffic is to provide TPP with the closest estimate for the appro-
priate structural class in terms of SN (flexible pavement) or thickness in inches (rigid slab).
Projections and Special Factors. The designer must ensure that all pertinent information regarding
characteristics of the project that influence traffic loading are made known to traffic analysts in
TPP. Use Form 2124, Request for Traffic Data1, to request traffic data. For structural pavement
design, supply administrative data on Form 2124 including:
District, County, CSJ
Highway designation (System and Number)
Limits (beginning and ending geographical/offsets in decimal miles from highway
Beginning and ending reference markers and offsets
Y/N. Is the project in the Unified Transportation Plan (UTP)? The UTP is the 11-yr. statewide
plan for transportation project development
District Priority, Estimated Letting Date
Existing Number of Lanes (total)
Proposed Number of Lanes (total)
District Contact Person and Phone Number.
Include a location map of the project, noting any existing or proposed development that will be
a traffic generator. This is critical. Be as detailed as possible in identifying traffic sources,
include whether loading is anticipated to be heavier in one direction (e.g., gravel haulers leav-
ing a pit, etc.). Other examples of special situations:
a street that is or will be a major arterial route for city or school buses
a roadway that will carry truck traffic to and from heavily used distribution or freight
a highway that will experience an increase in traffic due to a connecting major high-traffic
highway that will be constructed in the near future
a roadway that will experience a decrease in traffic due to the future opening of a parallel/
bypass roadway facility
Not specifically included on this form is a field for identifying roadbeds. When multiple roadbeds
exist along a corridor, identify the required roadbed by mainlanes or frontage roads and by direc-
tion, if necessary. Make clear which lanes traffic data are being requested for so the design will
reflect traffic loading specifically for the intended project scope.
Districts should review the “Traffic Analysis for Highway Design” report to verify reasonableness.
Trucks have the largest impact on ESALs and, therefore, the simplest screening check is to verify
the percentage of truck traffic in the average daily traffic (ADT) through observation. A simple
ratio of actual truck percentages versus those estimated by TPP can be applied to the TPP estimated
ESALs as a quick update for design purposes. A 48-hour continuous classification count within the
project limits should be considered for jobs where extreme traffic loading is anticipated. Assigning
reasonable truck factors (ESALs/truck) and growth rates to project cumulative ESALs over the
design period can be performed using the DARWin® 3.1 ESAL generator or similar tool to com-
pare against TPP supplied traffic data.
There may be occasions where the traffic forecast data supplied by TPP becomes slightly dated due
to project letting delays or the original data supplied is for the wrong analysis time interval (e.g.,
30-yr. data needed, but only 20-yr. data requested). In these cases, the designer may use TRAF-
FIC6.xls or similar routine to interpolate or extrapolate ADT and cumulative ESAL data using the
same formula embedded within FPS. This formula automatically adjusts 20-yr. traffic data to match
the user-selected analysis period. Use with caution; for job locations where traffic patterns have
recently changed or will change in the near future, major roadways, or other jobs where the original
traffic forecasts are more than 5 years old, the designer is encouraged to request an updated forecast
from TPP.
For more information on traffic projections, refer to Chapter 1, Section 4 “10430: Obtain traffic
data” in the Project Development Process Manual.
Serviceability is a concept derived during the AASHO Road Test. This concept is related to the pri-
mary function of a pavement structure: to provide the traveling public with a smooth, comfortable,
and safe ride. A scale ranging from 0 to 5 is used to evaluate a pavement’s present serviceability
index (PSI); pavement with a rating of zero is impassible and a rating of 5.0 would be perfectly
smooth. Figure 2-12 illustrates the concept of serviceability index.
All pavements, when newly constructed or rehabilitated, are expected to begin at a high level of
serviceability with a decrease in serviceability over time and traffic loading as the pavement
becomes more distressed and rough.
Typically, the initial serviceability of a pavement will be about 4.0 or higher (5.0 is a lofty, but inac-
cessible goal, and levels below 2.0 are not considered acceptable). Pavement managers strive to
keep the minimum “terminal” serviceability index at a level that will not be indicative of a public
safety hazard or discomfort or be excessively costly in rehabilitative effort.
Smooth highways minimize dynamic axle loading; typically, the smoother a pavement begins its
life, the longer the time to initiate rehabilitation. The change in serviceability over time is also
known as “performance.” General pavement performance relationships are illustrated in 'Pavement
Performance Relationships.'
The concept of reliability as applied to pavement design can be defined as the probability that the
pavement will perform as intended under the design traffic loading, and other crucial design inputs
(material properties, environmental factors, etc.).
Reliability for pavements designed using the department’s recommended design programs is
related to maintaining serviceability at or above the specified minimum (terminal) serviceability
index throughout the desired performance period or design life. The department generally uses a
reliability of 90 to 95% for rigid pavements and higher volume flexible pavements. Lower reliabil-
ity, consistent with managed risks, may be appropriate for low to medium volume flexible
pavements. For any given pavement structure, the serviceability at the end of this period is typically
assumed to have a normal distribution with a mean and standard deviation.
The critical design inputs will have some variability associated with them; the assigned modulus
values for the subgrade and other materials used in the structure, the construction process (in-place
densities, layer thickness, etc.), traffic load predictions, and the design equation itself all have vari-
ability. Generally, the higher the reliability of a designed structure, the thicker the structure will be.
Otherwise, the thickness must be offset using higher quality or stabilized materials. Since the
assigned confidence level adjusts the calculations to account for material variability in the agglom-
eration of all inputs, including traffic, select an average modulus (based on specific material type,
considering seasonal variation) for all inputs.
For structural design of pavements, an accurate characterization and determination of layer moduli
is desired, particularly for flexible pavement design. Pavement layers can be characterized with
laboratory testing or field testing.
Laboratory tests can be used to determine the parameters that affect properties of materials, such as
moisture susceptibility, stress level, strain amplitude, and the strain rate. The moduli derived from
these laboratory tests (triaxial loading, seismic):
can be either smaller or larger than moduli determined from in situ testing and
are not compatible with inputs required in FPS 21.
Field tests are more practical and preferred because they can be performed rapidly and may be used
to test a large volume of material at multiple project locations in its natural state-of-stress. On the
whole, it is more likely the project can be better characterized using field tests rather than relying
on the evaluation of samples taken from a few discrete locations.
The common way to develop the stress-strain relationship is through laboratory tests. The most rec-
ognized laboratory test method in pavement engineering, especially for flexible pavements, is the
resilient modulus (Mr) test.
The testing procedure for the resilient modulus consists of subjecting a specimen to a sequence of
confining pressure and cyclic deviatoric stress levels. The load pulse consists of a haversine load
with a duration of 0.1 sec. loading followed by a rest period of 0.9 sec. Up to 1,000 load cycles may
be applied. The load applied to the specimen is monitored by a load cell. The resilient deformation
is measured with Linear Variable Differential Transducers (LVDT).
The resilient modulus is the ratio of the repeated axial deviator stress divided by the recovered axial
strain. Research is also exploring seismic tools to evaluate modulus of laboratory-prepared
The base and subgrade materials, depending on their gradation and plasticity, can be divided into
two groups, fine-grained (cohesive) or coarse-grained (cohesionless or granular). The constitutive
properties of both materials are defined based on the state of stress applied to them.
k2 k3
M r = k 1 c d
Mr = resilient modulus
k1, k2, and k3 = coefficients determined from the results of laboratory tests
The model is universally applicable to fine-grained and coarse-grained base and subgrade materi-
als. For unbound materials, AASHTO T 307 is currently used to determine resilient modulus.
Sealed latex membranes are placed around the molded triaxial specimens and subsequently placed
in a sealed pressure chamber. The specimen and chamber are placed under a loading mechanism in
a load frame. Constant confining pressure is applied to the membrane as axial loading is applied in
haversine-shaped load pulses. Similar testing can be conducted on bound materials.
Modulus of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) can be determined in several ways. The most common labora-
tory tests are the resilient modulus and the uniaxial frequency sweep.
Resilient modulus tests have been used by many researchers to measure the modulus of HMA.
These tests can be performed either in compression or diametrically (ASTM D 4123). The follow-
ing figures illustrate this test method's setup and results. Figure 2-13 shows the resilient modulus
testing apparatus. Figure 2-14 shows the stresses applied to a confined specimen. Figure 2-15
shows the resilient modulus test cycle. Figure 2-16 shows the diametrical loading of HMA speci-
men for modulus testing.
The uniaxial frequency sweep test is very similar to the cyclic triaxial tests. The stresses and strains
under sinusoidal loading and varying temperatures and loading frequency are measured and the
dynamic modulus is determined. The dynamic modulus is an HMA input parameter in the AASH-
TOWare Pavement ME design process.
Several parameters affect the modulus of bituminous mixtures. The most important parameters are
the rate of loading, temperature, and air void content.
Several field-testing methods are available for determining the modulus of a pavement layer. The
main methods used are either deflection-based or seismic-based. The falling weight deflectometer
(FWD) is the most common field (structural) evaluation device used in Texas. The deflection mea-
surements can be used in backcalculation methods to determine pavement structural layer stiffness,
the subgrade elastic modulus, and the depth to stiff layer (bedrock). These are required inputs when
using FPS 21 design.
The assumed layer moduli in the calculated model are adjusted until they produce a surface deflec-
tion that closely matches the measured one. The combination of known layer thicknesses and
assumed layer stiffnesses that results in this match is then assumed to be near the actual in situ
moduli for the various pavement layers.
The backcalculation process is usually iterative and normally run with computer software. Backcal-
culation guidelines are discussed later in Chapter 5, Section 4 (see “FPS 21 Modulus Inputs and
Backcalculation Methodology”), in the manual.
Chapter 4, “Pavement Evaluation,” describes additional field and laboratory methods for character-
izing material properties.
Drainage characteristics should be noted during a visit to the project site. Items such as the general
terrain drainage, the highway drainage (including cross slopes, condition of existing culverts, and
ditch depth/capacity), and any existing internal pavement drainage features should be noted.
Another drainage item to consider is bridge-class drainage structures. The number of bridges and
how the existing pavement terminates at the bridge ends is important to note. Also, note if the
bridges have bridge approach (rigid pavement) slabs. The condition of the bridge end/approach slab
and the approach slab/pavement interface conditions are of special interest where concrete pave-
ment is present. These pavement interfaces often provide a location for surface runoff to enter the
pavement structure and may lead to wash outs of fill material behind bridge head walls, MSE
embankments, and rip-rapped slopes.
Moisture intrusion into a pavement structure has been a known source of reduced service life since
the earliest roads were constructed. The principles of drainage management for pavement structures
have not changed radically since AASHTO published the 1986 Guide for Design of Pavement
In Vol. 2, App. AA of that reference, internal drainage systems are advocated particularly for
“problem areas” as determined from experience and a drainage analysis of the particular project
right-of-way. Federal-Aid Policy Guide’s supplemental materials, 23 CFR Part 626, stresses:
". . . inadequate subsurface drainage continues to be a significant cause of pavement dis-
tress, particularly in Portland cement concrete pavements." And “Where the drainage
analysis or past performance indicates the potential for reduced service life due to satu-
rated structural layers or pumping, the design needs to include positive measures to
minimize that potential.”
Positive drainage measures are defined as permeable bases and the gathering and discharge system
required for these bases. They are generally synonymous with internal or subsurface pavement
drainage (underdrain) features. When internal drainage is contemplated for use within the pave-
ment structure, the department philosophy since 1994 on conducting a full drainage analysis has
been restricted to:
1. all rigid structures and full-depth HMA pavements that are 8.0 in. thick or greater
2. where rainfall is 20 in./yr. or more, and
3. average daily traffic (ADT) exceeds 7500 vpd.
Adequate ditches cannot be constructed to collect water from the pavement structure due to
right-of-way restrictions. A drainage system should not be constructed if it is susceptible to
back flow from ditches or storm sewer during the 10-yr. flood.
Future maintenance of the longitudinal edge drains cannot be accomplished.
In urban areas where frequent utility work may be needed.
When movement is expected in full-depth HMA structures due to swelling clay subgrade soils.
Where fast track construction is required or where the subbase must carry traffic during con-
struction. A discussion must be included to cover the need for fast track construction and
traffic handling.
The department’s overall philosophy on pavement drainage design has been more focused on mini-
mizing surface moisture infiltration or the effects of surface infiltration through construction and
maintenance techniques such as constructing an adequate surface cross slope, maintaining proper
ditch depth, using non-moisture susceptible materials, and aggressive use of seal coats and crack
sealing, rather than on establishing internal drainage features.
Department Policy. Aspects of the department’s policy are evident in many ways, such as, estab-
lishing a non-erosive base beneath rigid pavements and establishing QC/QA density requirements
and anti-stripping evaluation for HMA. A substantial concern has existed over the maintainability
of the internal drainage systems, including clogging of the permeable layer with fines, crushing of
the permeable layer during construction, clogging of edge drains through rodent activity or sedi-
mentation, crushing of edge drains, etc. A clogged drainage system is worse than no drainage
system; it can keep the pavement in a state of saturation for a prolonged period.
As stated above, there is potential for back-flow if ditches cannot be constructed with enough
depth. However, there are occasions where positive pavement drainage may be considered a viable
alternative, especially in cases where non-uniform cross sections exist or are planned. In particular,
sections that have a “bath tub” nature where the outside edge of the structure is fairly impervious
and will not allow lateral exodus of trapped moisture, positive drainage systems may be a good
The case of retro-fitting edge drains on old rigid pavements with flexible pavement shoulders is one
example. These structures tend to have a highly pervious longitudinal joint at the PCC-HMA inter-
face that resists long-lasting maintenance solutions. An edge drain trenched into the shoulder at the
interface with laterals to carry the water away from the structure can be effective in reducing or
eliminating pumping under the slab. A similar situation can exist in flexible pavements widened
using full-depth HMA or deep structures with impervious backfilled side slopes. Diligence in
ensuring adequate compaction and thickness of pavement materials to support truck wheel loads
above the retro-fitted drain is needed to prevent pavement failure at the lane/shoulder interface for
traffic that may occasionally wander from the driving lane.
A typical retro-fitted edge drain system is shown below in Figure 2-17. An example of positive
drainage using a permeable base layer is shown in Figure 2-18. Variations can exist where laterals
will empty into a storm drainage system.
Another major source of free moisture into the pavement structure is ground water. The depart-
ment’s policy has been that ground water should be intercepted outside of the pavement structure to
eliminate the impact of this source. This should be pursued when seepage from higher ground is a
problem. Moisture migration from capillary action or vapor movements can be addressed using the
drainage options pictured above.
‘Appendix AA’ of the 1993 AASHTO Guide and the Drainable Pavement Systems Participant
Notebook for the FHWA Demonstration Project 87 (1992) are useful references for designing inter-
nal pavement drainage systems.
Other references: 1993 AASHTO Guide, NCHRP Synthesis 285 (2000), and the NCHRP Mechanis-
tic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (NCHRP Project 1-37A), ‘Appendix SS, Hydraulic Design,
Maintenance, and Construction Details of Subsurface Drainage Systems.’
Cited references are available upon request from MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
The District will take adequate measures to properly characterize the existing functional and struc-
tural condition of pavements scheduled for rehabilitation. Evaluating a pavement’s existing
condition is necessary for any rehabilitation or reconstruction project as a means to determine the
adequacy of past performance, failure mechanisms, and extent of rehabilitative effort necessary.
Evaluations are conducted to determine both structural and functional characteristics and can
involve both destructive and nondestructive tests and surveys.
Destructive testing involves boring or trenching into the existing structure with the goal of obtain-
ing samples for further laboratory evaluation and to observe the in situ condition of the various
Nondestructive tests and surveys are available to acquire data that can be reduced to structural
properties, presence of moisture, degree of distress, friction properties, and smoothness. Nonde-
structive surveys can also serve as a screening tool to identify locations to perform destructive
testing. Pavement evaluation is discussed in, Chapter 4 “Pavement Evaluation.”
A pavement design and a pavement design report are required for the following projects that are
over 500 ft. long:
new location projects (flexible and rigid)
reconstruction projects (flexible and rigid)
rehabilitation (3R) projects (flexible and rigid)
unbonded concrete overlays of existing rigid pavements.
Tie-ins, such as bridge approaches, do not require pavement designs when following department or
district proven standards.
A new design is not always necessary. Previously approved designs can be used if through an anal-
ysis, considering traffic, environmental, and subgrade conditions, the pavement design analysis
yields the same thickness. However, adjustments to designed thicknesses and specific conditions,
even within a project, should be considered in the design process for budgetary control purposes.
HMA overlays, approximately 2 in. thick and less, are considered pavement preservation; there-
fore, a pavement design report is not required where adequate structural capacity is documented.
Considering the significant investment thin overlays represent, these treatments should be taken
into account in an overall pavement preservation program. An analysis should be performed that
substantiates the appropriateness of this maintenance strategy.
The pavement design for special cases will typically be based on engineering judgment, historical
performance, district policy, and other guidelines (e.g., this manual, industry guidelines, and
research findings). A design report may be required for documentation purposes.
The following list provides examples of special cases that do not require a full design report but do
require documentation of the criteria and rationale for the strategy selected for projects greater than
500 ft. long:
approaches on a bridge replacement
pavement widening including shoulders
HMA overlays of rigid pavements. The TxACOL (Texas Asphalt Concrete Overlay software)
developed through research project 0-5123 should be considered when designing these over-
lays. This process evaluates suitability of proposed overlay HMA mixtures and thicknesses for
reflective cracking and rutting performance. Another approach for designing an HMA overlay
For design categories not covered above, contact the district pavement engineer for guidance about
recommended design procedures and documentation requirements.
A pavement design report is a formal engineering document that presents all analyses, data, poli-
cies, and other considerations used to design the structural aspects of a pavement. The pavement
design report shall include the following when applicable:
Cover sheet showing highway designation, district, county, project CSJ, geographical limits,
and signatures of persons involved in the preparation and approval.
Narrative discussing the overall objective, site particulars (location, facility type, soil condi-
tions and subgrade Texas Triaxial Classification [TTC], drainage considerations), multi-year
PMIS (PA) data analysis/pavement condition surveys for 3-R projects, conclusions, and rec-
ommended pavement structure. The narrative should include a discussion of the factors that
significantly affect pavement performance and a summary of laboratory tests conducted on any
materials extracted from the existing structure.
If the pavement structure selected is different from the structure recommended by the design
procedure, a discussion of the selection process must be included in the report.
Location map. Maps should be detailed enough to distinguish urban or rural project locations
and the presence of water features such as lakes, streams, etc.
Soils map of the project area with a brief description of each type of soil located within the
project area. The USDA NRCS website at
vey.aspx is an excellent resource for generating maps and soil summaries. Provide information
pertaining to shrink/swell potential and plasticity.
The study of the presence of sulfate bearing compounds, organic content, and any mitigation
technique selected.
Determination of PVR mitigation requirements, if any. Obtain and provide approval to use
PVR mitigation techniques when roadway characteristics do not meet policy criteria (see,
Chapter 3, Section 2, Geotechnical Investigation for Pavement Structures).
Existing and proposed typical sections. For the proposed structure, clearly define the various
pavement layers, thickness, and materials with specification item. For the existing structure,
The pavement design report may be prepared by anyone with knowledge of the specific project
under development and familiar with the analysis tools used. The first licensed engineer in the
chain of responsibility will review and sign the report. After completion of the pavement design
report content, finalize the report by using the following procedure:
Table 2-5: Completing Pavement Design Report
Step Action
1 The district pavement engineer (DPE) reviews the technical content of the draft report and
appropriateness of the design for conditions cited within the report.
Submit the draft report to MNT – Pavement Asset Management for review and comment.
2 Upon DPE approval of the report, the DPE signs and provides their respective professional
engineer (PE) license number on the report cover.
NOTE: If the district does not have an assigned DPE, the report must be forwarded to the
director of MNT – Pavement Asset Management for review and endorsement.
The District Engineer (DE) provides approval of final pavement design. If the report is
approved, the approval is indicated by the DE signature and date on the report cover sheet. In
metropolitan districts, the DE may delegate final pavement design approval to the District
Director of Construction, Maintenance Operations, or Transportation Planning and Develop-
ment for projects less than $20 million.
3 Add the statement “This document is released for the purpose of interim review and is not
intended for bidding, construction, or permitting purposes.” after the engineer’s license number
on the approved pavement design report, in accordance with paragraph 137.33[e] of the Texas
Engineering Practice Act.
MNT – Pavement Asset Management archives pavement designs for the state for the purposes of
forensics and knowledge-based pavement performance. Submit a scanned copy of completed pave-
ment design reports to [email protected].
Archived reports can be viewed on the TxDOT intranet (site not available to internet users) at the
“Plans Online” page.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Geotechnical Investigation for Pavement Structures
Section 3 — Flexible Base Selection
Section 4 — Treated Subgrade and Base Courses
Section 5 — Performance Graded Binders (PG Binders)
Section 6 — Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavement Mixtures
Section 7 — Concrete Materials
Section 8 — Reinforcing Steel
Section 9 — Hydraulic Cement Concrete
Section 10 — Geosynthetics in Pavement Structures
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 General
Material selection forms one of the three legs of the high performing pavement "stool," as shown in
Figure 3-1. Proper selection of materials and an understanding of how they perform in unison
within the composite pavement structure must be based on careful consideration of expected traffic
loads, the environment, and proven evaluation and construction practices. Other considerations,
including availability of materials and economics, will often influence which materials are ulti-
mately selected.
While it would be cost prohibitive to always demand the highest quality materials for every job,
materials must be of sufficient uniformity and consistency in quality to provide reasonable perfor-
mance under expected traffic loading and environmental conditions.
Proper use of specifications and test procedures are two ways to ensure the "quality materials" leg
is adequate.
2.1 Introduction
Soil is arguably the most critical component of any transportation system, since all transportation
systems are built either on, in, or with soil and products from the ground. The characterization and
evaluation of soil is critical to the performance of pavement structures. The guidelines provided
herein will only address geotechnical considerations necessary for the design and evaluation of
pavement structures.
These guidelines are prepared to provide department personnel, consultants, and contractors with
guidance in:
Determining soil properties and characteristics to be used in pavement design. These proper-
ties include, but are not limited to, soil strength, applicable modulus (or stiffness), and
volumetric stability of a pavement structure; and
Determining the influencing site characteristics that might require modifications to the pave-
ment structure or adjacent works to accommodate those characteristics.
From this information, a report should be prepared that documents the findings from the geotechni-
cal investigation.
2.1.1 Applicability
The guidance provided is intended for use by department personnel, consultants, and contractors
involved in the planning, designing, evaluating, or construction of soil subgrade to be used or con-
sidered in pavement structures.
Although intended for all levels of involvement, the decisions that are made from an investigation
are critical to the performance of the roadway. Contact the district pavement engineer (DPE) and/or
materials engineer for further assistance and recommendations.
2.1.2 Background
It is important to determine the levels of investigation and when to perform them. From project
conception to construction and throughout the operation and maintenance phases, geotechnical
information is essential. Geotechnical investigations can be very general and cover broad geo-
graphic areas, such as an initial site investigation. They can also be very detailed and specific, such
as identification of properties and characteristics of a single soil, as is often done in forensic
Some of the frequently asked questions with regard to conducting soil investigations for pavement
design are:
There are a number of variables that must be defined in an attempt to answer these questions. The
direction of the investigation often depends on the nature of the project and the engineering proper-
ties desired (e.g., projects on new locations, reconstruction, reclamation of roadway materials, and
resurfacing or overlay, required cuts, or fills).
There are numerous geotechnical and soils investigation guides that are relevant to other construc-
tion activities; most pertain to evaluations and analyses applicable to structures, slope and global
stability, and retaining walls. For information on these subjects, refer to the Bridge Division’s Geo-
technical Manual.
Preliminary investigations require little time and are frequently the place to start if no other infor-
mation or knowledge of the planned roadbed is available. A number of resources are available to
planners and designers and may be obtained with little effort, such as documents that reside within
the office.
Site inspections are frequently conducted and encouraged in this stage as a means of optimizing the
pavement design to reflect site conditions.
Upon approval to proceed with project development, numerous activities begin. Planners and
designers should begin their soils investigation at this stage to avert problems associated with poor
soils or site conditions. Information of interest includes: alignment, type, and scope of the project.
Existing data should be reviewed at the beginning of the project as discussed later.
New Construction This project type requires the greatest effort and time to establish new
data or gather information about a roadbed that has not been compiled
Reclamation of Road- When severe distress or roughness is recorded prior to reclamation, soil
bed Materials investigation requirements can exceed those of ‘New Construction.’
Where there is little severe distress, and reworking the subgrade is not
required, the level of detail is substantially reduced. An evaluation of
subgrade soils is warranted to ensure material selection, modification
of soils, and structural section are compatible and sufficient.
Resurfacing/Overlay The information required for this pavement type is minimal, but often
driven by the performance of the pavement. This project type often
involves a cursory review of soils data and correlation to roadway
roughness characteristics and distress manifestations. Assuming good
performance, one may proceed to resurfacing for maintenance require-
ments or determination of design parameters for structural evaluation.
A poorly performing pavement may be the result of roadbed soils; a
detailed investigation would be appropriate.
In addition to data available from the department resources and references, a significant volume of
information has been compiled by other numerous organizations and agencies over the years, as
shown in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1: Existing Data Sources
Field reconnaissance, site investigations/inspections/visits, field surveys, and other such terms are
commonly used to describe the process of traveling to the physical location of the proposed project.
Often, this process identifies features, such as soils, pavement phenomena, and traffic data, either
previously unknown or requiring confirmation as shown in Table 3-2.
Table 3-2: Reconnaissance Areas of Interest
There are numerous guides on how to perform quick field soil explorations. Many experienced
pavement engineers have rules of thumb regarding appearance, consistency, smell, and taste of
soils. A number of these guidelines can be used to broadly identify soil types and characteristics.
Size and percentage of particles can determine whether material is coarse or fine-grained.
Consistency and feel of the soil in a dry state can indicate sand content.
The presence of several sizes of particles or whether there are few sizes can indicate a well or
poorly graded material.
Wet materials that can be rolled into thin ribbons have some plasticity. Generally, the higher
the plasticity, the more clay will be present.
Wet materials that exhibit hardly any plasticity can be silts or sands or organic materials. Silts
can be soft and may roll into a ribbon but will quickly crumble; whereas, sands may not be able
to withstand any rolling at all.
Organics are normally fibrous, dark grey, and have a musty odor from the decayed matter.
Moisture content can give an indication of degree of moisture saturation and propensity for
moisture movement within the subgrade.
Presence of certain sulfur-bearing compounds, such as gypsum or pyrite, can indicate further
testing is required.
TxDOT uses a modified version of the ASTM Unified Soil Classification System that is explained
more thoroughly in Tex-142-E, “Laboratory Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes.”
When two material types are present, it is common for the materials to be given a dual designation
(SC-sandy clay, GC-clayey gravel). This information can be valuable in determining general soil
properties as identified in many of the available resources and can serve as a source of data to con-
firm the data gathered. Hydrology
Water resources are not always evident on every site. This information may come from boring
logs while conducting subsurface exploration. Seepage and standing water should be noted as
these conditions will have a profound effect on project requirements—both in managing the
condition and structural requirements.
Pockets of trapped free water may escape detection until construction reveals their location.
The situation may dictate removal using positive drainage measures (e.g., French or trench
drains, structures) as necessary. Check drainage from existing local pipe underdrains, culverts,
or RCP pipes tied into drainage inlets. Topography
As with physical layout and alignment, cut and fill sections will require additional consider-
ation, whether in terms of revealing existing fill material different than the surrounding
subgrade, stabilization, etc., or illuminating a requirement to modify existing or import differ-
ent materials.
Side slope stability in undulating terrain may require special fill materials to ensure pavement
stability. Vegetation
Although vegetation is normally beneficial, having large trees or other vegetation requiring a
sustainable water supply close to the roadbed or roots that are close or under the roadbed are
most likely detrimental. These conditions create a greater chance of subgrade desiccation lead-
ing to soil shrinkage and possible cracking. This phenomenon is most evident in soils with
higher plasticity indexes (Tex-106-E, “Calculating the Plasticity Index of Soils”) and large
shrinkage potential (Tex-107-E, “Determining the Bar Linear Shrinkage of Soils”). Geology
From a surface survey, identifying soil mineralogy, presence of rock, potential for sulfur laden
soils, and general support potential is possible. As much as the visible evidence of soil layering
is useful, the absence of visual evidence also reveals soil characteristics.
The presence of rock at the surface can indicate shallow bedrock conditions. How massive or
weathered the rock is can indicate subsurface support characteristics. Visual identification of
sulfur bearing minerals is critical when materials are to be chemically treated using calcium-
based additives. The erosion potential of a soil can also indicate support conditions, existing
drainage patterns, and whether specific drainage features will be necessary.
Subsequent to the site visit, combine data and information collected to formulate requirements for
structural support, subsurface explorations, non-destructive testing, and unique or problematic
Sampling will primarily be taken from borings, undisturbed samples (Shelby Tubes), test pits, or
hand sampling. The frequency at which samples are taken, depths of soils sampled, and the type of
sampling required should be defined. Based on all existing data, locations should be able to be
identified with GPS (Globing Positioning System), stationing, or some other reference system, such
as TRM (Texas Reference Marker System). Further discussion of sampling requirements may be
found under “Subsurface Exploration.”
Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD): Backcalculation of deflection data may be used to esti-
mate the modulus of the subgrade.
Testing should be conducted on surfaced roadways. If
testing a new location, it is often convenient to estimate
the modulus by analyzing data collected on an adjacent
roadway or one with a pavement structure that is pre-
dicted to be similar to the one planned.
Testing is unreliable on unsurfaced materials.
Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP): It is a stretch to call this testing non-destructive, but
there is little disturbance of roadway materials. Several
correlations have been made to the rate of driving the
rod into subgrade materials. From these correlations,
one can estimate the soil stiffness and differentiate lay-
ers within 3 ft. of the tested surface, assuming that
substantial differences exist.
Evaluation of soils containing significant amounts of
larger (>1.5 in.) aggregate may be problematic since
these aggregates may not be easily “pushed aside,”
thereby severely reducing penetration rates.
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR): Both ground-coupled and air-coupled units can be used
to locate areas of high moisture or differing pavement
Since the air-coupled system penetration is limited to a
depth of about 24 in., it can be particularly helpful: 1)
when investigating shallow subgrade depths and 2) in
locations where a significant difference in moisture
content exists between the base and subgrade.
Ground-coupled units using lower frequency antennae
can penetrate to great depths, but are generally used to
investigate unique phenomena, such as utility trench
settlement. The nature of “ground coupling” also
reduces production speed and is not suitable for project
length surveys in most cases.
Other Advanced Devices and The Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD) is a
Techniques: multi-function evaluation vehicle combining the attri-
butes of continuous deflection measurement, air-
coupled GPR, high definition video, and global posi-
tioning. Data are used to determine uniformity of
The Veris Soil Mapping System is used as a screening
tool to measure the soil conductivity covering large
areas. High conductivity values may be an indication of
soluble sulfates present in the soil. It may be used at
any stage of subgrade preparation and embankment
construction to measure the conductivity within 2-4ft
from the surface. Test results may be plotted on a color-
coded map to illustrate the conductivity values. Areas
of high conductivity may be selected for sampling and
testing of sulfates in accordance with Tex-145-E.
Non-destructive testing is not a substitute for soil testing, but the data collected from these
activities can establish a confidence that the subgrade is being properly characterized. Much
data can be collected and analyzed relative to the time requirements and effort expended on
laboratory tests for physical samples. Its productivity allows correlation between physical sam-
ple characteristics and properties to NDT results for application over a broader coverage area.
Although the production level is high compared to laboratory sample preparation and testing,
the data collected is representative of one moisture condition (existing at the time of testing).
To rely completely on a single measurement at one moisture condition may be misleading in
determining an appropriate design modulus.
Review of existing documents and information can be as varied as the extent of data obtained. It
may or may not yield valuable information. Through this process, however, the goal is to at least
obtain some of the information useful in defining subsurface investigation requirements and esti-
mate the level of testing that will be required based on characterization parameters given in Table
Table 3-4: Project Characterization Parameters Related to a Geotechnical Investigation
6. General terrain and some estimate of cuts and 6. Guidance for subsurface exploration
fills required.
2.3.1 General
A comprehensive subsurface exploration plan is necessary to communicate the intent and level of
testing that may be required. Effectively communicating these requirements not only ensures that
required data is obtained, but it serves as a plan to minimize resources expended.
Communication with lab personnel can help determine the volume of material that might be
required to perform the type and number of tests desired. Since there are limited in-house resources
and funding often defines outsourcing, it will be necessary to minimize the number of tests and still
obtain the level of data required to fully describe project site characteristics. Costs are typically
0.5%-1.0% of the project estimate. Location
As simple as it seems and obviously critical, locations for sampling have to be specifically identi-
fied and communicated to field personnel. Identify not only the geographical location of samples to
be taken, but the depth schedule of sampling at each location as well.
The two sampling methods most often used are disturbed sampling, sometimes called bulk sam-
pling, and undisturbed sampling. Each has its advantages depending on the tests being performed.
Since bulk sampling rapidly provides sufficient material for laboratory testing, it is most commonly
used. Undisturbed sampling is most commonly used to identify existing engineering properties and
to make recommendations to the designer.
The two primary sampling techniques used in pavement material analysis are disturbed and undis-
turbed. Each is descriptive of the amount of disruption of the soil matrix from its natural or in situ
Disturbed samples are frequently referred to as bulk samples. The materials are generally col-
lected with a power auger with helical flights that raise the materials to the surface for collec-
tion. This method is efficient because a great amount of materials can be collected in a short
amount of time.
Undisturbed samples are not frequently requested. For the most part, these samples are col-
lected by contract geotechnical services. The advantage of having these samples is the ability
to test materials with (relatively) little disturbance, at the moisture content and density which it
was extracted.
Sampling frequency depends on the level of investigation, uniformity of soils, and the potential for
detrimental reaction from chemical stabilization. General recommendations for various soil condi-
tions are listed in Table 3-5.
Table 3-5: Recommended Sampling Frequency
Sample materials continuously to a depth of at least 15 ft. in areas with high moisture fluctuations.
Where excavations will exceed this depth, sampling should be conducted to finished subgrade
depth plus 2 additional feet.
When materials change physical characteristics, a new bulk sample should be taken.
TxDOT’s laboratory testing procedures contain the methods and processing requirements to
accomplish each procedure. It is not the intent to repeat those methods in this document, but proce-
dures used frequently are listed in Table 3-6 and briefly discussed.
Table 3-6: Typical Laboratory Soil Test Procedures
Chemical Properties Determining Sulfate Tex-145-E Soil analysis to determine the pres-
Content in Soils ence and the quantity of soluble
sulfates that could have detrimental
reactions with chemical (calcium-
based) soil additives Suitability
It is essential for the design engineer evaluating laboratory data to set minimum acceptable criteria.
From a pavement design standpoint, any material in place should be either suitable or modifiable to
a suitable state; additional thickness of pavement layers will be able to compensate for most soils.
Since there are time constraints, political influences, costs, and other such criteria that often influ-
ence the judgment regarding a soil’s suitability, this approach is often not feasible. There is not one
criterion that can determine what is acceptable. All factors must be weighed and trial designs made
with each alternative considered.
PVR Treatment Strategies. Where the calculated PVR of the in situ soils exceeds the allowable
for sections meeting the above criteria, mitigation of swell may be accomplished by one or
more of the following methods:
Chemical soil stabilization, in accordance with the “Guidelines for Modification and Sta-
bilization of Soils and Base for Use in Pavement Structures.” The target additive content
must be designed to provide a permanently stabilized subgrade soil layer in accordance
with the applicable test method for the type of additive under consideration.
Undercut, remove, and replace expansive soils with select fill subbase. Select fill subbase
should be placed for a depth of 2 ft. directly beneath the last structural pavement layer.
Avoid friable, low plasticity materials, such as sands or loams, since these materials lack
shear strength and will act as free moisture conduits that can further exacerbate shrink/
swell potential of underlying high PI materials.
Mechanical reinforcement with geosynthetics, such as geogrid, can be utilized when the
top soil strata (1 to 3 ft.) is non-expansive and is underlain by expansive soils. For this sit-
uation, practical and economic considerations typically prohibit chemical treatment or
undercutting to these depths. Use geogrid in the base course layers and/or use a thicker
base course to compensate for any minor movement. Typically, when this occurs, the PVR
only exceeds the maximum allowable limit by a small amount.
A design considering or incorporating PVR mitigation will be allowed if it is proposed
(optional and not a requirement by the department) by a design-build or CDA (Compre-
hensive Development Agreement) firm to address a pavement maintenance clause.
Research has shown soil organic contents above 1% may reduce the effectiveness of calcium-
based additives, and long-term strength of the treated soil may be reduced or not achievable
using reasonable quantities of additive.
Satisfactory pavement performance is largely attributed to a good foundation that provides ade-
quate strength and stability. Base and subgrade layers serve as the foundation of pavement
structures. Structurally, base and subgrade layers must provide adequate strength and must distrib-
ute loads uniformly and effectively. This structural capacity is obtained by optimizing material
engineering properties, ensuring adequate confinement and drainage. When widening or rehabili-
tating an existing pavement structure, it is essential to match the existing typical section when
possible. Frequently, in situ soils and local base materials do not meet the material engineering
properties required for good pavement foundation performance. Texas has some of the most expan-
sive soils in the country, which cause distresses in many pavements around the state. Also, a large
portion of pavement construction performed today consists of rehabilitating existing roads, which
frequently contain reclaimed subgrade and/or base material layers that are inadequate for current or
future traffic loading demands. In order to achieve needed engineering properties, subgrade soils
and engineered materials (select fill and flexible base) frequently require treatment.
Material properties are improved by incorporating chemical additives, such as lime, cement, fly
ash, emulsion, or asphalt. These additives, or a combination of these additives, are effective when
the material is designed and applied properly. Proper design and application of materials with addi-
tives will minimize premature failures of the material and pavement structure.
“Guidelines for Modification and Stabilization of Soils and Base in Pavement Structures” is a doc-
ument outlining the proper methodology of selecting, designing, and evaluating treated soils and
base courses for pavement structures. This document also provides some basic knowledge on the
various treatment methods, the goals of treatment, and the mechanisms of each treatment method.
When soils and base contain soluble sulfates, use the “Guidelines for Treatment of Sulfate-Rich
Soils and Bases in Pavement Structures” to identify the feasibility for treatment and construction
considerations for incorporating chemical additives.
Upon completion of the field investigation and laboratory testing program, the geotechnical engi-
neer will compile, evaluate, and interpret the data and perform engineering analyses for the design
of pavement foundation layers. Additionally, the geotechnical engineer will be responsible for pro-
ducing a report that presents the subsurface information obtained from the site investigations and
provides specific technical recommendations. An example of a geotechnical design report is shown
in Table 3-7.
Since the scope, site conditions, and design/construction requirements of each project are unique,
the specific contents of a geotechnical design report must be tailored for each project. In order to
develop this report, the author must possess detailed knowledge of the facility. The report must
identify each soil and rock unit of engineering significance and must provide recommended design
parameters for each of these units. A summary of the analysis of all data is required in the report to
justify the recommended index and design properties.
Groundwater conditions are particularly important for both design and construction; these condi-
tions should be carefully assessed and described. For every project, the subsurface conditions
encountered in the site investigation should be compared with the geologic setting to better under-
stand the nature of the deposits and to predict the degree of variability between borings.
Table 3-7: Geotechnical Report
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Scope of Work
3. Site Description
4. Field Investigation
7. Discussion of Findings
a. Soil and rock properties
b. Ground water conditions and drainage
c. Chemical analysis
d. Organic analysis
e. Swell characteristics
f. Reactivity with chemical additives
8. Analyses of Data
a. Soil and rock strengths and moduli
b. Characteristics and properties of chemically treated soils
c. Determination of in situ material properties, if applicable
10. References
Table of Contents
List of Appendices
Appendix A – Site Plan
Appendix B – Geologic Model (or schematic)
Appendix C – Boring Location Plans
Appendix D – Boring Logs
Appendix E – Laboratory Test Results
List of Figures
List of Tables
3.1 Introduction
The base course in a pavement structure serves multiple functions, but the primary function is to
supply foundational support and capacity to the pavement structure; to provide a stable course to
minimize flexural tensile stresses in surface layers; and to dissipate stresses induced by traffic load-
ing to subbases and weaker underlying subgrades. The selection of an appropriate base material for
a pavement structure is dependent on the overall interaction of the base course with the entire pave-
ment structure.
The “Flexible Base Selection Guide”1 may be used to assist department personnel with the selec-
tion of appropriate base grades. The descriptions that follow are contained in this guide; these bases
are also most frequently prescribed by the standard specification Item 247. Other information, such
as a background for establishing the current specification, structural notes, base selection factors,
and base selection example, is also included.
There are four different grades of flexible base in Item 247, Flexible Base. Each grade serves a dif-
ferent purpose based on the application for which it will be used.
Grade 1-2 and Grade 5 are the primary bases to be used as a structural layer in a pavement; Grade 4
may be used when the other grades do not provide the material needed for the specific application
3.2.2 Grade 3
Grade 3 base material is not recommended for base courses in pavement structures. This grade of
material is primarily used for subbase courses or maintenance uses, such as backfilling pavement
edges, rehabilitation, or shoulder work.
3.2.3 Grade 4
Grade 4 (properties shown on the plans) presents the flexibility to customize a base specification to
address unique pavement and material design situations. Consider adjusting material requirements
in Grade 4 for the following reasons:
Roadways with low traffic loading (<500,000 ESALs). Surfacing consisting of a seal coat or
HMA three or more inches deep and with or without shoulders can specify Grade 4 material
with the gradation, plasticity index, liquid limit, and wet ball mill requirements of Grade 1-2. A
strength requirement can be waived for these situations, as long as the available local sources
have history of acceptable performance.
To improve the performance of mechanical properties (strength). An increased demand for
performance from a base course may require increased restrictions. Additionally, Grade 4
specifications can add more stringent gradation, plasticity, or hardness requirements to
increase the base strength and durability.
This scenario can be useful for anticipated significant increases in traffic loading and when
encountering weak subgrades. The use of higher quality can also reduce hot-mix surface thick-
ness and dissipate stresses more efficiently than regular bases, creating better protection of soft
underlying subgrade soils.
To design subbase materials in pavement structures for specific applications. Some of
these applications can include drainable or permeable subbase layers, separation layers, or
PCC (rigid) pavement subbase layers.
Consult with the Maintenance Division, Pavement Asset Management Section, before adjusting
material requirements for reasons other than those listed above.
3.2.4 Grade 5
Grade 5 material allows harder rock with a lower fines content. Fines may be less cohesive
than those found in Grade 1-2. The material that meets this specification may have difficulty
providing its own stability; therefore, it is recommended for conditions where stability is pro-
vided from the pavement structure and roadway features (shoulders, surface thickness, or other
material placed over it).
Grade 5 base is a modification of a Grade 1-2 base and has most of its characteristics, except
for the unconfined compressive strength (UCS). The ability of the material to meet the UCS
requirement is dependent upon the gradation and the constituents of the binder material. Since
the Grade 5 base has the potential for having non-cohesive fines but has strengths equivalent to
Grade 1-2 base when confined, a 3 psi lateral confinement is used for Grade 5 base require-
ments. Unless Grade 5 base is used as a subbase under an appropriate base and with
appropriate thickness, it is not recommended for high traffic roadways with thin surfaces or for
roadways with no shoulders.
Many factors are considered beyond material testing and acceptance in accordance with the charac-
teristics identified in Item 247. Selection factors often considered are:
availability and cost
surface thickness
subgrade stiffness and strength
lateral confinement
traffic volume and loading.
From these factors, a number of different selection matrices may be generated. The applicability of
these factors may be weighed quite differently in each district.
An example of a decision matrix for the selection of base grades is contained in Table 3-8. Grades
recommended in a chart similar to Table 3-8 should be chosen based on local experience and histor-
ical performance.
Table 3-8: Example Flexible Base Selection Chart
Width HMA Surface Thickness Traffic (Design ESALs)1 Base Grades
Width HMA Surface Thickness Traffic (Design ESALs)1 Base Grades
4.1 General
Frequently, local base and subgrade materials do not meet the material and engineering properties
required for good pavement foundation performance. A large portion of pavement construction per-
formed today consists of rehabilitating existing roads, which frequently contain reclaimed
subgrade, base, and surfacing material layers that are inadequate for current or future traffic loading
demands. In order to achieve the needed engineering properties, the base or subgrade frequently
requires treatment. In rehabilitation projects, treatment is typically road- mixed in place in accor-
dance with the Standard Specifications for Construction and Maintenance of Highways, Streets and
Bridges, Items 260, 265, or 275 (road-mixed) to expedite construction and save cost, but better
material uniformity is achieved by plant-mixing. For new and total reconstruction jobs, the
designer may choose plant-mixed materials governed by the Standard Specifications, Items 263,
276, 292, 340, 341, or 344.
Where treatment is necessary to meet the engineering requirements, most materials can be made
suitable by incorporating chemical additives, such as asphalt, cement, fly ash, or lime. Each of
these additives is effective when the material is designed and applied properly. Proper design and
application of materials with additives will minimize premature failures of the material and pave-
ment structure. Base and subgrade materials are treated with chemical additives to achieve one or
more goals when available materials do not meet project-specific requirements. Reasons for treat-
ment include the following:
increase strength to provide long-term support for the pavement structure,
reduce the required pavement thickness,
reduce moisture susceptibility and migration,
allow for the use of local materials, and
bind salvaged materials of differing composition for pavement rehabilitation projects.
“Guidelines for Modification and Stabilization of Soils and Base in Pavement Structures” is a doc-
ument outlining the proper methodology of selecting, designing, and evaluating treated soils and
base courses for pavement structures. This document also provides some basic knowledge on the
various treatment methods, the goals of treatment, and the mechanisms each treatment method
When soils and base contain soluble sulfates, use the “Guidelines for Treatment of Sulfate Rich
Soils and Bases in Pavement Structures” to identify the feasibility for treatment and construction
considerations for incorporating chemical additives.
Typically, permanent treatment is desired for base and subgrade materials, especially over the pro-
jected useful life of the pavement structure where modulus values are assumed constant in the
design process. Structural credit above the intrinsic capability of the raw base and subgrade mate-
rial should not be assigned to a treatment process that does not have proven lasting effectiveness. It
is incumbent upon the design team to evaluate representative samples of the proposed base and
subgrade materials under test methods appropriate for the additives being considered. Follow the
recommendations in the “Guidelines for Modification and Stabilization of Soils and Base in Pave-
ment Structures” or the applicable specification. Furthermore, strength testing under dry and wet
conditions should be used to ensure the required properties are reliable under varying environmen-
tal conditions.
These materials have a long history of use in various parts of the state and are generally the most
cost efficient method of treating base and subgrade materials. Construction concerns when using
these additives include the extended time necessary prior to opening the roadway to traffic. Addi-
tional concerns include inconsistent distribution of additives or mixing additives to the wrong depth
when using “road-mixed” procedures. Too much additive, particularly cement, may result in exten-
sive shrinkage cracking that may reflect through the surface of flexible pavements. A mitigation
procedure to reduce shrinkage cracking in cement treated base is to microcrack the treated layer
with a vibratory roller 24-48 hours after completing compaction and finishing.
Specific design strength requirements when using cement. To ensure long-term strength and stabil-
ity of cement treated base (CTB) layers, a mix design must be completed to ensure sufficient
amounts of cement are added to the mixture to achieve the target strength. Item 276, Cement Treat-
ment (Plant-Mixed), currently designates three classes of cement-treated flexible base, based on 7-
day unconfined compressive strength. Class M is intended for use with flexible pavements, Class L
is intended for use with rigid pavements, and Class N may be used if the district has successful
long-term experience with other strength values. When specifying Item 275, Cement Treatment
(Road-Mixed), the laboratory target strength should be comparable to Item 276 requirements when
selecting the appropriate cement content.
Asphalt-treated base (ATB) is also known as asphalt-stabilized base (ASB), or simply “black base.”
For the HMA options, lower layers are allowed to contain higher percentages of recycled products
and a lower quality aggregate with less stringent material specification requirements as compared
to surface mixtures. Standard mix design, production, placement, and field acceptance procedures
govern these base mixtures in accordance with the applicable specification. These materials are
ready to be trafficked as soon as compaction is completed and temperature is below 160°F, but the
cost is high compared to other treated base options.
Where long-term moisture susceptibility of HMA and asphalt-treated base (ATB) is a concern,
using a plan note to increase the target laboratory density or decrease Ndesign (and thus increase
asphalt content) may be beneficial.
Item 314 and various one-time use special specifications allow the use of these additives. These
treatment procedures are all intended for reclamation of in-place pavement structures. Application
is typically accomplished using a reclaimer/recycler coupled to one or more bulk tankers that sup-
ply the liquid treatment agents. Recycling machines have become increasingly sophisticated and
more powerful over the years; up to 12-in. of existing pavement depth can be processed with much
improved distribution and uniformity of water and bituminous treatment agents. The emulsion con-
tent is typically below 4.0%, with the residual typically around 2.5%. Small percentages of lime or
cement (typically ≤ 1.5%), when required by the mix design, are usually spread on the surface of
the existing roadway ahead of the recycling machine. These additives are lifted and mixed together
with the reclaimed roadway materials and liquid agents in the on-board mixing drum in a single
pass. The lime or cement additives serve the following functions (Wirtgen Cold Recycling Technol-
ogy, 2012):
improves adhesion of the bitumen to the aggregate,
improves dispersion of the bitumen in the mix,
modifies the plasticity of the natural materials (reduces PI),
increases the stiffness of the mix and rate of strength gain, and
accelerates curing of the compacted mix.
Alternately, a lime or cement slurry can be injected into the recycler mixing chamber through a sep-
arate spray bar attachment. These processes result in a product that locks up finer particles by
encapsulating them in bitumen, causing them to adhere to larger particles that are not coated. The
result is a material that remains more flexible than other chemically-treated materials, but signifi-
cantly reduces the moisture sensitivity. A limitation for using these treatment methods is the lack of
knowledge and experience for many in the mixture design and placement operations of these mate-
rials. Designing a foamed asphalt mixture requires a specialized laboratory foaming unit. Contact
CST’s Geotechnical, Soils and Aggregates Branch for assistance.
A significant precaution for these types of treatment options is dredging up high PI subgrade mate-
rial and mixing it with the reclaimed pavement materials. The high PI materials will not disperse
properly and cannot be adequately coated with bitumen; hence the material will remain moisture
susceptible and prone to permanent deformation (rutting). This is more likely to occur with thin
existing structures and structures with highly variable sectional thickness/composition along the
project. Where this condition is anticipated and high PI soils are likely, the design process should
include a preliminary recycling pass using lime, or install a lift of flexible base before the recycling
pass to include this better material into the mix and to avoid dredging up the subgrade material.
Curing emulsion treated layers to achieve strength and stability in a timely manner may be prob-
lematic where moisture loss is delayed by environmental conditions, such as high humidity or
unanticipated high in-place moisture contents. On the other hand, curing foamed asphalt treated
layers can often be achieved in approximately 2 hours, and the roadway can be reopened to traffic.
5.1 General
The Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) produced a system of materials selection, test-
ing, and mixture design named Superpave, for Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements. The
Superpave binder specifications are performance-based; therefore, these binders are known as per-
formance-graded (PG) binders in contrast to the older system of viscosity graded (AC) binders,
which are typically used for surface treatments and aggregate precoating (see Item 300). Generally
speaking, any paving mix produced hot through a hot-mix plant should be specified with a PG
In the PG binder system, engineering properties believed to be related to the expected performance
are measured at temperatures corresponding to the climatic and traffic conditions (maximum 7-day
pavement temperature, minimum pavement temperature, loading duration based on truck speed,
and traffic volume) of the pavement location. This allows selection of a binder grade that is specif-
ically suited to the particular highway application.
A “base” PG binder can be established for any region within the United States with sufficient cli-
mate data. Initial selection can be made using TxDOT’s computer program, PG-SPG Grade
Selection, or the Federal Highway Administration’s LTPPBind by specifying the geographic loca-
tion and the desired level of confidence (usually 95% or 98%). TxDOT spreadsheet uses the older
version of the LTPP temperature model that was in place when TxDOT implemented PG. The cur-
rent LTTPbind model is a little different, and may give different grade recommendations. (Usually
if there is a difference it’s one grade higher on the top end.). TxDOT has also generated maps (95%
confidence level, 98% confidence level) showing the climate based grade for each Texas county.
For Texas, at the 95% confidence level, a PG 64-22 base binder can be used in most locations. It is
the most commonly used binder by the department and is frequently used for subsurface mixes and
low volume pavements. A few areas of the state with desert conditions may require PG 70 rather
than 64. Likewise, some of the northern parts of the state use PG XX-28, rather than -22, due to the
colder conditions.
“Bumping” or increasing the binder high temperature rating by one or even two grades is predi-
cated on building in stiffness to handle slow-moving or standing traffic or very high traffic
volumes. Stiffer binders may be required for certain mix types (e.g., both stone-matrix asphalt
(SMA) and permeable friction course (PFC) require a minimum PG 76-XX binder) to insure reli-
able performance. Stiffer PG 70 or PG 76 binders are also commonly used for surface mixes in high
traffic areas.
Another practice not suggested by the SHRP research, but equally valid, is bumping the low tem-
perature rating downward. This practice could be used to address cracking problems in a specific
region by expanding the temperature range of the grade without stiffening the binder. Also, the
term “grade dumping” (decreasing the high binder grade and, in some cases, the low binder grade)
has gained usage with the advent of using higher percentages of RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement)
and RAS (recycled asphalt shingles) in new mixtures, to mitigate the effects of binder stiffening
caused by recycled binder substitution.
Where the potential for increased cracking problems exist, such as thin HMA surfaces on resilient
bases, use caution when bumping the binder high temperature rating higher to address traffic
issues. These conditions would typically require a stiffer binder, but may cause or worsen cracking.
In addition to the PG requirement, the TxDOT specification contained in Item 300 also requires an
elastic recovery test (ASTM 6084, Standard Test Method for Elastic Recovery of Bituminous
Materials By Ductilometer) for all binders with a spread of 92°C or more between the low and high
temperature portions of the grade. The effect of this requirement is to ensure that a polymer modi-
fier is used in producing these binders. Higher temperature spread binders are generally more
Binder selection also depends on the pavement cross section. Thin-surfaced flexible pavements are
designed to deflect and rebound once a load has passed. Because sensitivity to strain levels
increases with stiffness, use caution with grade bumping under these circumstances. Strain levels
are typically maximized by traffic loading at the bottom of a 2- to 4-in. thick hot-mix asphalt
(HMA) layer. Use of a stiff PG binder (such as PG 70 or higher) with recycled materials in these
structures will severely limit the fatigue life of the mix. Chemically treating the lower pavement
structure is an alternative if thin ACP surfaces are desired.
Additional guidelines in selecting a PG binder can be found in the document, “Superpave Binder
Materials Selection Procedures” as well as the TxDOT’s PG-SPG Grade Selection.xlsm computer
6.1 General
Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) is a generic term that includes many different types of mixtures of aggre-
gate and asphalt cement (binder) produced at elevated temperatures (generally between 300-350ºF)
in an asphalt plant. Typically, HMA mixtures are divided into three mixture categories: dense-
graded; open-graded; and gap-graded as a function of the aggregate gradation used in the mix.
A variation on traditional hot-mix asphalt is warm-mix asphalt (WMA). WMA technologies are
processes or additives to HMA that allow mixture production and placement to occur at tempera-
tures (30-100ºF) lower than conventional HMA without sacrificing performance. Technology
currently used to make the WMA process possible are chemical or organic binder additives, chem-
ical mixture additives, foaming admixtures, and binder foaming using water-based plant
Additives and processes pre-qualified for use on department projects can be found on the approved
WMA list.
The following information addresses HMA mixtures, but generally does not differ appreciably
from WMA. Typically, the same parent test procedures or specification item applies to both types
of asphalt mixtures.
Dense-graded mixes are produced with well or continuously graded aggregate (gradation curve
does not have any abrupt slope change) and are specified under the current Items 340 (Small Quan-
tity) and 341. Typically, larger aggregates “float” in a matrix of mastic composed of asphalt cement
and screenings/fines (see Figure 3-3).
Open-graded mixes are produced with relatively uniform-sized aggregate typified by an absence of
intermediate-sized particles and low proportion of fines particles (gradation curve has a nearly ver-
tical drop in intermediate size range). Mixes typical of this structure are the permeable friction
course (Item 342) and asphalt-treated permeable bases. Because of their open structure, precautions
are taken to minimize asphalt drain-down by using modified binders (A-R) “asphalt rubber,” or by
use of fibers. Stone-on-stone contact with a heavy asphalt cement particle coating typifies these
mixes (see Figure 3-4).
Gap-graded mixes use an aggregate gradation with particles ranging from coarse to fine with some
intermediate sizes missing or present in small amounts. The gradation curve may have a “flat”
region denoting the absence of a particle size or a steep slope denoting small quantities of these
intermediate aggregate sizes (see Figure 3-5). These mixes are also typified by stone-on-stone con-
tact and can be more permeable than dense-graded mixes (Item 344, Superpave Mixtures), or
highly impermeable (Item 346, Stone-Matrix Asphalt).
Stone-matrix asphalt (SMA) will be missing most intermediate sizes but have a relatively high pro-
portion of fines. Fibers or modified binders (A-R) are combined with these fines to build a rich
mastic coating around and between large aggregate particles. Compacting and hand-working these
mixes are usually more difficult than with either dense-graded or open-graded mixes.
Figure 3-3. Dense-graded mix cross-section and typical gradation curve for a dense-graded mix.
Figure 3-4. Open-graded (Permeable Friction Course) mix cross-section and typical gradation
curve for open-graded mix.
Figure 3-5. Gap-graded (Performance-Designed or SMA) mix and typical gradation curve for a
gap-graded mix.
Mix design is performed in a laboratory using one of the procedures outlined in Tex-204-F,
“Design of Bituminous Mixtures,” where the applicable procedure varies according to mixture cat-
egories outlined above. In addition, material quality, aggregate gradations, and other mixture
requirements are given in each of the specific mix standard or special specifications.
Mix design seeks to address a number of performance concerns in the finished HMA mat (Hot Mix
Asphalt Materials, Mixture Design, and Construction, Roberts, et al., 1996). These include:
Resistance to Permanent Deformation. The mix should not distort or displace under traffic
loading. The true test will come during high summer temperatures under slow or standing
truck traffic that soften the binder and, as a result, the loads will be predominantly carried by
the aggregate structure.
Resistance to permanent deformation is controlled through improved aggregate properties
(crushed faces), proper gradation, and proper asphalt grade and content.
Resistance to Fatigue and Reflective Cracking. Fatigue and reflective cracking resistance is
inversely related to the stiffness of the mix but proportional to asphalt film thickness. While
stiffer mixes are desirable for rut resistance, design for rut resistance alone may be detrimental
to the overall performance of the HMA mat if fatiguing or reflective cracking occurs. Stiff
mixtures perform well when used in thick HMA pavements and can perform well when used as
a thin overlay on a continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP).
Thin HMA mats placed on an unbound base or on surfaces prone to reflective cracking (e.g.,
jointed rigid pavements, bound bases subject to shrinkage cracking, etc.) should use a mix that
strikes a better balance between rut and crack resistance. Fatigue and reflective crack resis-
tance is primarily controlled by the proper selection of the asphalt binder. Application of a spe-
cialty designed crack-resistant interlayer is another option for mitigating cracking.
Resistance to Low Temperature (Thermal) Cracking. Cooler regions of Texas are particularly
confronted with thermal cracking concerns. Thermal cracking is mitigated by the selection of
an asphalt binder with the proper low temperature properties.
Durability. The mix must contain sufficient asphalt cement to ensure an adequate film thick-
ness around the aggregate particles. This helps to minimize the hardening and aging of the
asphalt binder during both production and while in service. Sufficient asphalt binder content
will also help ensure adequate compaction in the field, keeping air voids within a range that
minimizes permeability and aging.
Resistance to Moisture Damage (Stripping). Loss of adhesion between the aggregate surface
and the asphalt binder is often related to properties of the aggregates. The assumption on the
part of the mix designer should be that moisture will eventually find its way into the pavement
structure; therefore, mixtures used at any level within the pavement structure should be
designed to resist stripping by using anti-stripping agents.
Workability. Mixes that can be adequately compacted under laboratory conditions may not be
easily compacted in the field. Adjustments may need to be made to the mix design to ensure
the mix can be properly placed in the field without sacrificing performance.
Skid Resistance. This is a concern for surface mixtures that must have sufficient resistance to
skidding, particularly under wet weather conditions. Aggregate properties such as texture,
shape, size, and resistance to polish are all factors related to skid resistance. Under the depart-
ment’s Wet Surface Crash Reduction Program Guidelines (WSCRP)1, aggregates are classified
into three categories (A, B, or C) based on a combination of frictional and durability proper-
ties. A friction demand assessment is made by the engineer. The proper aggregate or blend
(using categories A and B only) to achieve the assessed rating is then selected.
Design is facilitated by the use of a series of automated mix design programs in Excel format. Mix
designs can be generated in accordance with Tex-204-F by either department personnel or by a con-
sultant/contractor who is certified by the department-approved hot-mix asphalt certification
program. Plant mix or raw materials must be furnished by the contractor to the department project
engineer to allow verification of the mix design.
For dense-graded hot-mix asphalt (Types A, B, C, D, and F of Items 340 and 341), the Texas gyra-
tory compactor (TGC) is used to compact sample mixtures in accordance with Tex-206-F,
“Compacting Specimens Using the Texas Gyratory Compactor [TGC].” Item 347, Thin Overlay
Mixture [TOM], often associated with pavement preservation operations, can also be compacted
using the TGC. The TGC uses a 4.0-in. diameter mold, with a target specimen height of 2.0 in.
Superpave mixtures (Item 344), Permeable Friction Course (Item 342), Stone-Matrix Asphalt (Item
346), Thin Bonded Friction Courses (Item 348), and mixture designs used in Hot In-Place Recy-
cling of Asphalt Concrete Surfaces (Item 358) must be compacted using the SGC in accordance
with Tex-241-F, “Superpave Gyratory Compacting of Test Specimens of Bituminous Mixtures.”
Dense-graded mixtures (Items 340 and 341) may be compacted using the SGC with a density
requirement of 96.0%.
The SGC uses a 6.0-in. diameter mold with a target specimen height of 4.5 in. The larger diameter
mold allows retention of material 3/4-in. or larger in the compacted sample whereas Parts I and II
of Tex-204-F require removal of this material because of the smaller TGC mold size. Samples are
prepared at various asphalt binder contents around the estimated optimum content. Plots are gener-
ated within the design software to evaluate optimum binder content at the specified target
laboratory molded density and to ensure other key parameters are met.
Mixture designs using the SGC are also controlled by the number of gyrations (N) required to
achieve proper density. Depending upon the mix type, an N design (Ndes) related to minimum
asphalt content and design air voids is established in each mixture specification. Ndes can be
adjusted to ensure sufficient asphalt cement content and mix workability.
Traditionally, lab-molded specimens have been produced at an AC content that will yield a target
density of 96% of the theoretical maximum density. Some variation is allowed to ensure mixes are
workable under field compaction conditions, thus mitigating tendencies toward very dry mixes and
improving field achieved densities.
Another mix design parameter that has significant impact on mix workability and durability is the
voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA). Conceptually, this is the volume of space within a mix that
is available for asphalt binder to occupy; as a result, this mixture design parameter has a direct
impact on the binder film thickness. For this reason, minimum values are placed on this parameter,
specific to the mix type and gradation. Related to VMA is the voids filled with asphalt cement
(VFA), the percent of the volume of VMA that is filled with asphalt cement. A range of acceptable
VFA is a further control placed on Superpave mixtures.
Historically, mix stability for the traditional dense-graded mixes was evaluated using the Hveem
stabilometer. The lab-compacted samples were subjected to axial compression and shearing resis-
tance of the mixture was evaluated.
A more comprehensive evaluation of all hot-mix asphalt mixtures for problems related to stability
and moisture susceptibility (with the exception of permeable friction course and mixtures using
asphalt-rubber modified binders) is now accomplished using the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Device,
or simply Hamburg (see Tex-242-F, “Hamburg Wheel-tracking Test").
For the case of a dense-graded mixture designed using the Texas Gyratory Compactor (TGC), once
optimum asphalt cement is determined, new samples are molded to 93% theoretical maximum den-
sity in the Superpave Gyratory Compactor (SGC) using the optimum asphalt content (a
requirement for all lab-prepared Hamburg test specimens).
The Hamburg test uses a pair of abutting, trimmed SGC samples placed in a 122°F (50ºC) water
bath. A weighted steel wheel passes back and forth across the surface; rut depth is evaluated per
number of passes. A minimum threshold of passes resulting in a rut depth no greater than 1/2-in. is
established based on the PG binder grade.
Research project 0-5123 developed a methodology to design a balanced HMA mixture, considering
both rutting (Hamburg) and fatigue (Overlay Tester) properties.
The Overlay Tester has been implemented for select mixtures using test method Tex-248-F.
Table 3-9: Tex-204-F Mix Design Options
Part Type Mix Used Must Meet Mix Evaluation Comment
Part Type Mix Used Must Meet Mix Evaluation Comment
V Permeable Fric- SGC Ndes 50 gyrations; Cantabro Loss (Tex- Mix designed by
tion Course Min. optimum 245-F) at optimum AC weight of constituent
(PFC); Thin asphalt content of content at 78-82% den- materials
Bonded Perme- 6.0% [7.0% for AR sity. Hamburg (Tex
able Friction mixture]. 242-F) and OT (Tex-
Course Lab molded density 248-F) for PFC-F only.
78% [PFC-F]–82%
[all others].
Max. allowable
draindown < 0.1%.
No visible stripping
by Tex-530-C.
The result of the mix design process is a job-mix formula (JMF), a starting point for the contractor
in producing HMA for the project. The engineer and contractor generally verify the JMF based on
plant-produced mixture from a trial batch. The engineer may accept an existing mixture design pre-
viously used by the department and may waive the trial batch to verify the JMF. It is recommended
that if the trial batch is waived, the mix design should have been developed and verified within the
past 12 months.
If the JMF fails the verification check using the trial batch, the JMF is adjusted or the mix may be
redesigned. Additional plant-produced trial batches are run until the JMF is verified. During the
course of the project, the JMF may be modified without developing a new mix design to achieve
specified requirements as long as adjustments do not exceed tolerances established within the
applicable mix specification.
Selection of an HMA mix or combination of mixes to use in a project should be a conscious deci-
sion made by the engineer based on mix attributes; evaluating suitability as part of the overall
pavement design, existing pavement conditions, lift thickness, traffic loading characteristics, envi-
ronment, past performance, local contractor experience, and economics.
Guidelines have been established to assist in the decision-making process in the form of a Mixture
Selection Guide. The Guide provides general descriptions of the various HMA mixes used in the
state (typical use, advantages, disadvantages); table ratings (subjective) of mixture characteristics
for each of the mixture types; table of typical lift thicknesses; location within a pavement structure
for each mixture type; and recommended choices for surface mixtures.
6.4 Selecting Surface Aggregates to Comply With the Wet Surface Crash Reduction Program
The department is required to establish and maintain a program to ensure that pavements with good
skid resistant characteristics are used. This program is commonly referred to as the WSCRP1.
The department is charged with developing and implementing methodologies for the detection and
improvement of locations with a significant incident of wet surface accidents using accident record
systems and countermeasures to address those locations.
The department is also directed to utilize methods for the analysis of the skid resistant characteris-
tics of selected roadway sections to:
1. ensure that pavements being constructed provide adequate skid resistance,
2. develop an overview of the skid resistant properties of the highway system, and
3. provide information for use in developing safety improvement projects and the implementation
of cost effective treatments at appropriate locations.
The WSCRP allows the department to take advantage of the increased knowledge gained through
our research efforts and to more effectively and efficiently address the various regional demands of
Texas pavements. WSCRP addresses three separate but interrelated phases of pavement friction
safety. The three phases are crash analysis, aggregate selection, and skid testing.
Crash analysis is the first phase and it consists of the identification, evaluation, and improve-
ment (as needed) for all wet surface crash locations. The Traffic Operations Division publishes
annual crash reports at the following location: Under Quick Links,
click on “District Wet Surface Crash Reduction Program Location Reports” to see annual crash
reports by district.
The second part of the program is aggregate selection. Each bituminous coarse aggregate
source is classified into categories based on a combination of the frictional and durability prop-
erties of the aggregate. The classifications will be listed in the Bituminous Rated Source
Quality Catalog (BRSQC) updated (every 6 mos.) by the Geotechnical, Soils & Aggregates
Branch of the Construction Division.
The third part of the program will consist of skid analysis and will include a mandatory collec-
tion of skid data that will become part of the new Pavement Management Information System
Although the Geotechnical, Soils & Aggregates Branch of the Construction Division has been del-
egated responsibility for administering WSCRP2, it is the district’s responsibility to manage
frictional properties for their pavements through sound engineering judgment and application of the
Hydraulic cements are defined as cements that not only harden by reacting with water but also form
a water-resistant product. Hydraulic cements set and harden by reacting chemically with water.
During this reaction, called hydration, cement combines with water to form calcium-silica-
hydrates, which are the materials providing cementing actions, calcium hydroxide, and a few other
The primary constituents of hydraulic cements are calcium and silica. Small amounts of iron, alu-
mina, and sulfates also exist. Sources of raw materials for the manufacture of cements include
limestone (for calcium), clay (for silica, alumina, and iron) and gypsum (sulfate). These raw mate-
rials are crushed, milled, and proportioned in such a way that the resulting mixture has the desired
chemical composition and is then fed into a kiln where temperatures of 2,600 to 3,000°F change the
raw material chemically into cement clinker, grayish-black pellets about the size of 1/2-in. diameter
The clinker is cooled and then pulverized, resulting in hydraulic cement. In the pulverization pro-
cess, a small amount of gypsum is added to control the hydration of aluminates.
Tricalcium silicate (alite: C3S) hydrates and hardens rapidly and is largely responsible for initial set
and early strength. In general, the early strength of hydraulic cement concrete is higher with
increased percentages of tricalcium silicate.
Dicalcium silicate (belite: C2S) hydrates and hardens slowly and contributes largely to strength
increase at ages beyond one week.
Tricalcium aluminate (C3A) liberates a large amount of heat during the first few days of hydration
and hardening. Gypsum, which is added to cement during final grinding, slows down the hydration
to control the heat of hydration. Without gypsum, cement sets rapidly, called flash set. Large
amounts of C3A make cement vulnerable to external sulfate attack and, for sulfate resistant cement,
its amount is limited to a maximum of 8% for Type II and 15% for Type III.
Tetracalcium aluminoferrite (C4AF) reduces the temperature required to change the raw material
chemically into cement clinker, thereby making the cement manufacturing process more energy
efficient. It hydrates rather rapidly but contributes very little to strength. Most color effects in con-
crete are due to tetracalcium aluminoferrite and its hydrates.
ASTM C150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement, provides for eight types of hydraulic
cements; the most commonly used cements are listed below.
Type I: A general-purpose cement suitable for all uses where the special properties of other
types are not required. This is the most widely used cement type for pavement concrete.
Type II: When moderate sulfate resistance or moderate heat of hydration is desired.
Type III: For use when high early strength is desired. For TxDOT paving concrete, this cement
type is allowed only for Class HES concrete.
Type V: For use when high sulfate resistance is desired.
Most cement producers in Texas produce a Type I/II cement. This type of cement is widely used in
TxDOT projects. This cement meets the requirements for both Type I and Type II cements, and can
be used in concrete where either Type I or Type II cement is required.
Blended hydraulic cements are produced by intimately and uniformly blending hydraulic cement
with other types of fine materials at the cement plant during the clinker grinding process. The pri-
mary blending materials are fly ash, slag cement, and limestone. Other pozzolans, such as silica
fume, can also be used in blended cements. In Item 421, four types of blended cements are allowed:
Type IP consists essentially of an intimate and uniform blend of Portland cement and a poz-
zolan. DMS-4600 requires Type IP cements used for TxDOT projects to contain 20% to 40%
of a Class F fly ash.
Type IS consists essentially of an intimate and uniform blend of Portland cement and slag
cement. DMS-4600 requires Type IS cements used for TxDOT projects to contain greater than
35% of slag cement.
Type IT consists of an intimate and uniform blend of Portland cement and a combination of
two other materials such as fly ash and silica fume, or fly ash and limestone.
Type IL consists essentially of an intimate and uniform blend of Portland cement and a maxi-
mum of 15% limestone.
Fly Ash is the most used Supplementary Cementing Material (SCM) in Texas due to its availabil-
ity. Fly ash is a byproduct of the coal burning electric power generating plants. After the ignition of
coal in the furnace, the ash residue is carried away by the exhaust gases, and is then collected with
electrostatic precipitators or in filter bag houses. As the fly ash travels to the collectors, the material
cools and forms spherical glassy particles.
There are two classes of fly ash, Class F and Class C fly ash. Fly ashes are categorized into these
classes based on their chemical composition. Class F fly ashes have higher amounts of silica and
lower amount of calcium, while Class C fly ashes tend to have lower amounts of silica and higher
amount of calcium. Both classes of fly ashes are acceptable for use in concrete pavement provided
the total cementitious content of concrete is 520 lb/CY or less.
Class F fly ashes are generally pozzolanic which means they possess little to no cementing proper-
ties. However, in the presence of water and calcium hydroxide, they will react and form compounds
having cementing properties. Class F fly ashes are excellent in improving the long-term durability
of concrete. Class F fly ashes are effective in reducing permeability and mitigating alkali-silica
reactions (ASR), delayed ettringite formation (DEF) and external sulfate attack at relatively low
replacement rates.
Class C fly ashes have both pozzolanic and cementing properties. Due to the higher calcium con-
tent, Class C fly ashes will react with water and harden. Class C fly ashes are effective in reducing
permeability, but not as effective in mitigating alkali-silica reactions (ASR), delayed ettringite for-
mation (DEF) and external sulfate attack. High replacement rate of Class C fly ash are needed to
mitigate ASR and DEF, and due to the chemistry of the glass phase, Class C fly ashes are suscepti-
ble to external sulfate attack and should not be used in sulfate environments. However, due to the
low cementitious content of paving concrete mix designs, both ASR and DEF are not major con-
cerns, and since concrete pavements are not in direct contact with natural subgrades, external
sulfate attack is also not of concern; therefore, Class C fly ashes are allowed in paving concrete.
7.4 Aggregates
Coarse and fine aggregates make up 60% to 75% of the volume of the concrete mixtures and can
have a strong influence on the fresh and hardened properties of the concrete. Almost any aggregate
can be used to produce quality concrete provided the aggregates are durable and clean. Item 421
lists the aggregate requirements.
The particle size distribution or gradation of the aggregate is an important characteristic. Coarse
aggregate Grades 2 and 3 listed in Item 421 are typically used in concrete pavements and have large
nominal maximum aggregate size. Aggregates are typically gap graded, meaning they are missing
sizes throughout the distribution. Gap graded aggregates tend to need more paste (cementitious
materials and water) to fill the voids between aggregate particles. As the paste content increases,
the amount of potential shrinkage also increases. One method to minimize paste content is to opti-
mize the gradation of the aggregates.
There are several methods that can be utilized to analyze aggregate gradation, and each method has
its own pros and cons. The department uses a recently developed percent retained method com-
monly called the “Tarantula Curve.” In this method, the combined percent retained on every
standard sieve for coarse and fine aggregate is used to analyze the gradation. If the percent retained
on each sieve is within the limits of the Tarantula Curve, then the gradation is considered opti-
mized. Procedures for analyzing aggregate gradations are outline in Tex-470-A, “Optimized
Aggregate Gradation for Hydraulic Cement Concrete Mix Designs.” It is important to note that if
an effort is not made to reduce paste content in the mix design, then there are no benefits to utiliz-
ing optimized gradation.
Since the coarse aggregate makes up the majority of the volume of the concrete, it has a large
impact on the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of the overall concrete. The CTE of the con-
crete influences the long-term performance of CRCP. CRCP sections constructed with concrete
having a high CTE value result in shallow spalling at every transverse crack location causing rough
ride of the pavement. Through several years of research, it has been determined that if the CTE of
the concrete is limited to not more than 5.5 microstrain/°F, the shallow spalling problem was virtu-
ally eliminated. Item 360 limits the CTE of concrete used for CRCP to not more than 5.5
7.5 Water
Any municipal water source approved by the Department of Health can be used in concrete with no
additional testing. Water sources or blends of concrete wash water not approved by the Department
of Health can still be used provided they do not contain deleterious amounts of ions such as alkali,
chloride, and sulfates, or total solids. Item 421 lists the requirements that water from non-municipal
sources must meet. In addition to the chemical compositions of the water, the effect that non-
municipal water sources have on concrete setting time and strength must also be evaluated.
Chemical admixtures are used to enhance both the fresh and hardened properties of concrete. The
department pre-approves several types of chemical admixtures for use. The pre-approved types are
listed below.
Type A – Water Reducing Admixture: These admixtures reduce the quantity of mixing water
required to produce concrete of a given consistency.
Type B – Retarding Admixture: These admixtures retard the setting of concrete.
Type C – Accelerating Admixture: These admixtures accelerate the setting and early strength
development of concrete.
Type D – Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: These admixtures reduce the quantity of
mixing water required to produce concrete of a given consistency and retard the setting of
Type G – High Range Water Reducing Admixture: These admixtures reduce the quantity of
mixing water required to produce concrete of a given consistency by 12% or greater.
Type F – High Range Water Reducing and Retarding: These admixtures reduce the quantity of
mixing water required to produce concrete of a given consistency by 12% or greater and retard
the setting of concrete.
Air Entraining Admixture: These admixtures are used to stabilize air mixed into the concrete
during mixing and create a system of small, closely spaced air voids within the concrete.
The common types of chemical admixtures used in paving concrete are Type A, Type B, Type D,
and air entraining admixtures. Since most concrete pavement are placed with a slip form paver, a
high degree of workability is not necessary or wanted; therefore, high range water reducers are not
used. Some of the recent admixtures are called mid-range water reducers. There is not an official
ASTM classification for these admixtures, but they are usually approved as Type A or Type F
admixture. These mid-range admixtures provide slightly more water reduction compared to normal
range water reducers, reduce stickiness, and improve finishing, pumping, and placing properties.
Longitudinal and transverse steel is designed to keep cracks tight to prevent water or foreign mate-
rials from penetrating the pavement structure or prevent seepage through the concrete cracks.
Dowel bars are used to provide load transfer at the transverse contraction joints. Tie bars are
installed at the longitudinal construction joints and maintain the concrete slabs’ structure, which
prevents lane separation.
For the steel to perform these functions satisfactorily, steel must possess certain engineering prop-
erties, which include the modulus of elasticity of 29 million psi and yield strength of 60 ksi. More
specific requirements are stipulated in Item 440. The steel should meet the requirements as
described in Items 360 and 440 and in the CRCP and CPCD Design Standards.
Hydraulic cement concrete is a composite material that consists essentially of cementitious material
(Portland cement and supplementary cementitious materials such as fly ash and slag cement),
aggregates (coarse and fine), water, and chemical admixtures.
The properties of fresh and hardened concrete depend on, among other factors, the proportions of
the above ingredients and, to a lesser extent, the characteristics of coarse and fine aggregates. The
process of determining the proportions of each ingredient in consideration of the desired concrete
properties is called mix design. The American Concrete Institute (ACI) procedures under ACI 211
provide a process to determine the proportions of the ingredients.
In concrete paving operations, good workability and resistance to segregation are important. As for
the hardened concrete properties, good durability, adequate strength, and less volume change
potential due to shrinkage and temperature variations are characteristics that will provide good per-
formance of concrete pavement. For the concrete to have good workability, durability, and adequate
strength, two conditions must be met:
each component material should meet the minimum properties as required in Item 421, and
the proportions of the component materials should be designed to minimize paste volume.
The current coarse aggregate gradations in Item 421 are more or less gap graded, which has less
total coarse aggregate volume in a unit volume of concrete compared with well graded aggregate.
Concrete with gap graded aggregates tend to require more paste to achieve a desired workability.
Concrete with more coarse aggregate volume per unit volume of concrete (optimized) tend to need
less paste to fill the voids between the aggregate. Having less paste results in less heat of hydration,
less drying shrinkage, and less potential for cracking. All these provide for better long-term pave-
ment performance.
In the 2014 TxDOT specifications, there are three classes of concrete related to concrete pavement:
Class P,
Class K, and
Class HES.
Table 3-10: Concrete Classes
Class Characteristics
K once used for projects when high early strength was preferred, such
as full-depth or partial-depth repairs
classified as structural concrete and subject to ASR mitigation
when used, strength requirements must be shown on the plans
10.1 Introduction
For the purposes of this manual, we will define a geosynthetic as “A manmade material that con-
sists of one or more products used to provide added benefit to the infrastructure.” In this manual,
we address only roadway applications. Applications of geosynthetics for use in other structures are
addressed in the Bridge Division’s Geotechnical Manual.
There have been relatively few studies that have offered conclusive evidence regarding geosyn-
thetic material performance in the roadway. Although the department has conducted or is a
participant in a number of studies, there is plenty of room for improvement in characterizing all
geosynthetic materials to quantify their benefit to pavement performance.
Although improper usage or installation has contributed to early failure in some cases, the depart-
ment’s geosynthetic usage has increased in recent years with good success. Applications have been
in asphalt concrete overlays of existing asphalt concrete and hydraulic (Portland) cement concrete
surfaces, unbound (flexible) base, soft subgrade, drainage, and encapsulation. Shared terminology
exists between these applications; clarification of the terminology will hopefully alleviate the
This section begins with a description of materials for applications that are most frequently used in
the department. Following this, a discussion of the materials frequently used in each application
and the expected behavior of the material is presented.
Several materials are available for incorporation into pavement structures. The two geosynthetics
primarily used are geotextiles and geogrids. Recently, manufacturers have combined the two mate-
rials creating a type of geocomposite (combination of a geosynthetic and another product).
10.2.1 Materials
The term geosynthetic is broad and encompasses numerous materials. A geotextile is a permeable
geosynthetic made of textile materials; this material has uses in all applications. Numerous other
materials may be used in combination with geotextiles to create a geocomposite—including grids,
nets, meshes, and webs; geotextiles are most frequently used in HMA but do have applications with
soil moisture barriers, unbound base confinement, and even soil erosion blankets.
Geogrids are primarily used for reinforcement and are formed from integrally connected and
attached elements creating apertures in which adjoining material embed and are of sufficient size to
interlock with it. The reference to geogrid is primarily reserved for the application in unbound
bases and subgrades; although, reinforcing grids are available for use in HMA. Geocells can be
thought of as a 3-dimensional grid allowing confinement of unbound low cohesion materials in-
depth. Geomembranes are low-permeability geosynthetics used as moisture barriers.
10.2.2 Applications
Primarily, there are four applications of geosynthetics typically used by the department within
pavement structures as given in Table 3-11:
Table 3-11: Geosynthetic Applications
1 Pavement Surface The first application should be separated and not confused with any other
Layer application in a pavement structure. This application is specific to hot-mix
Reinforcement asphalt concrete.
3 Drainage Drainage and moisture control are features of the pavement structure, not rein-
forcements. Their functions are to enhance and lengthen pavement
4 Moisture Control performance by reducing the influence moisture has on pavement materials.
Geosynthetics used for HMA applications have been used by the department since the mid-1980s.
Since then, there have been numerous products manufactured for various purposes to incorporate in
the pavement surfaces. These products are used to:
reduce HMA overlay reflective cracking from:
existing layers of HMA, or
cracks and joints in rigid pavements, and
resist moisture intrusion into lower pavement layers.
Department research project 0-1777 investigated the use of several geosynthetics in HMA.
Researchers developed a guidance document, “Geosynthetic Guidelines,” available on TxDOT's
Construction and Materials Tips webpage. This document discusses the advantages and disadvan-
tages of using geosynthetics in HMA applications, guidance on the selection of materials, cost
considerations, pavement design, as well as construction considerations.
10.4.1 General
Several research projects have been conducted in an attempt to quantify the benefits of geosynthet-
ics in unbound pavement layers. Applications range from a passive use of materials creating a
separation between pavement layers to an active role when relying on geosynthetics to take on
some of the structure’s load.
Materials most often used in this application are geogrids and geotextiles. Many geosynthetics have
multiple uses and can serve more than one function. For instance, geogrids are often used in a way
to restrain base material during compaction or loading, but they also serve as a separation layer to
prevent excessive migration and intermingling of pavement layers at interfaces.
Ongoing departmental research will attempt to better describe the interaction between pavement
layers and geosynthetics used in pavement layers. Additional research on the contribution of geog-
rid to pavement performance has been conducted in pooled fund studies.
Current usage in Texas has been for both restraint of pavement materials and for separation of
materials. The department acknowledges the benefit of geosynthetics in pavement layers; however,
there has been insufficient conclusive research to develop guidance with regard to reinforcement of
unbound materials in pavement structures at this time. As a result, usage of geosynthetics is limited
to separation and restraint and cannot be accounted for in FPS 21 design. An exception to quantify-
ing the structural contribution might be in the use of geocells that confine unbound base material,
but no use has been documented in Texas.
10.4.2 Separation
Separation of layers is intuitive. This mechanism places a physical barrier between two materials to
prevent them from intermixing. Mixing of fine-grained soil particles into the overlying flexible
base can create a significantly finer gradation over time, increasing the base suction properties and
greatly decreasing its strength. The result of this placement is to maintain a viable structure for a
longer period of time.
Another more recent application, and possibly the most quantifiable, is grid used as both a separa-
tor layer and a restraint to base movement. It has been used to prevent or reduce reflective cracking
due to differential relative movement between pavement layers. An example of this use is between
subgrades (or stabilized materials) with high plasticity index (PIs) that exhibit large volumetric
shrinkage when moisture is drawn out due to weather, drainage, or vegetation demands, and
unbound flexible base. The grid holds the unbound material in a tight matrix allowing the shrinking
subgrade (or stabilized material) to move while preventing subgrade cracking from propagating to
the pavement surface.
10.4.3 Restraint
Restraint is the mechanism of preventing or reducing the lateral movement of materials. This appli-
cation is useful when soft subgrades are present and a platform for subsequent construction is
required. Both grid and geotextiles have been used in this application. Grid is more likely to be
used and can be very effective. When textiles are used, note that textiles must extend much more
than geogrids to provide the same level of support.
Geocells have been used to confine low cohesion base materials, allowing these materials to be
used more effectively in a pavement structure.
Material Application
Material Application
Table 3-13 shows the applicable Departmental Material Specifications (DMS) and test procedures
used to qualify geosynthetics used in the department. Governing construction special specifications
are located at:
Table 3-13: Departmental Material Specifications
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Visual Pavement Condition Surveys
Section 3 — Non-Destructive Evaluation of Pavement Functional Properties
Section 4 — Non-Destructive Evaluation of Pavement Structural Properties
Section 5 — Destructive Evaluation of Pavement Structural Properties
Section 6 — Geotechnical Investigation for Pavement Structures
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Introduction
Pavement evaluations are conducted to determine functional and structural conditions of a highway
section either for purposes of routine monitoring or planned corrective action. Functional condition
is primarily concerned with the ride quality or safety aspects of a highway section (surface texture,
cross slope, splash and spray, etc.). Structural condition is concerned with the structural capacity of
the pavement as measured by deflection, layer thickness, and material properties.
At the network level, routine evaluations can be used to develop performance models and prioritize
maintenance or rehabilitation efforts and funding. At the project level, evaluations are more
focused on establishing the root causes of existing distress and the in situ material properties in
order to determine the best rehabilitation strategies.
Visual condition surveys document aspects of both functional and structural pavement conditions,
but generally serve as a qualitative indicator of overall condition. Specialized equipment is used to
quantify both functional and structural properties of the pavement structure. Ideally, for any given
section of highway, two or more evaluators would arrive at the same assessment of the section’s
current condition. However, there are still many aspects of pavement evaluation that are highly sub-
jective. For example, in visual condition surveys, the percent of surface area affected by alligator
cracking is highly dependent upon the visual acuity of the evaluator. Progress continues in automat-
ing the mapping of common surface distress to eventually eliminate this subjectivity.
NDT is the collective term for evaluations conducted on an existing pavement structure that do not
require subsequent maintenance work to return the pavement to its pretesting state. This is gener-
ally desirable to minimize disruption to traffic, and is essential as a screening tool to determine
locations where selective material sampling should be conducted to evaluate other material proper-
ties in the laboratory. As such, its focus is to assess in situ properties that can be used to evaluate the
need for further “destructive” testing (i.e., coring, boring, trenching), location of that destructive
testing, and the current structural capacity of the highway as related to layer stiffness and strength.
Non-destructive testing methods can assess either functional or structural condition. For NDT, data
collected in the field is generally objective in nature, but engineer’s data analysis and interpretation
are subjective.
Destructive testing opens the door to characterization of the pavement’s constituent materials not
possible to obtain through non-destructive testing alone. Material characterization includes:
evaluation of mechanical, physical, and chemical properties (samples are obtained through
coring, Shelby tubes, augering, and trenching), and
visual inspection of pavement layers through coring, augering and trenching.
2.1 Overview
This section will review condition categories currently evaluated in visual condition surveys by
pavement type. For consistent and reliable survey results, it is important to decrease subjectivity
and variability in the identification of distresses typically found on flexible and rigid pavements,
and to provide instructions in recording these observations in an “orderly and consistent manner.”
To this end, certification training for visual raters is conducted annually in regional sessions.
The designer/planner is interested in the type, extent, and severity of visible distresses or corrective
action taken on previous distresses (such as number of patches or length of sealed cracks). Depend-
ing upon the type of distress, occurrences are recorded in terms of percent area, linear feet per 100-
ft. station, number per station, or number per section.
For network level evaluation, these statistics are typically captured for each 0.1 mi. section and
further summarized by 0.5 mi. section when entered into the New Pavement Management
Information System (PMIS) PA database.
For project level evaluation, condition statistics may be summarized over the length of the
project or in any other fashion amenable to the district planner/designer. Project level surveys
are often conducted on foot in order to map the type and extent of distresses in detail. The root
causes of these distresses must be addressed in any comprehensive rehabilitation strategy.
For more information on identification and cataloging of visual distress, refer to the PMIS Rater’s
Manual found in the Maintenance Division website under the Pavement Preservation Section link
and the Flexible and Concrete Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies Training courses found in the
Construction Division website under the Pavement Engineering link. These courses discuss typical
pavement distresses, their causes, and actions required to remedy.
Rutting is a longitudinal surface depression in a wheel path and is a load-associated distress. Con-
solidation or lateral movement of the pavement materials due to traffic loads causes rutting.
Contributing factors to the rutting can range from:
insufficient structure for the traffic loading (compressive shear failure in the subgrade or
unbound base),
unstable mixes resulting from uncontrolled asphalt cement content (poor plant operations) that
may cause shoving and displacement of hot-mix asphalt (HMA),
Rutting is rated by area and severity, with the area measured as a percent of the section’s total wheel
path area. Severity of rutting is described in terms of depth:
Shallow, 0.25 - 0.49 in.
Deep, 0.50 - 0.99 in.
Severe, 1.00 - 1.99 in.
Failure, 2.00 in. or greater.
At the network level, rutting is evaluated using the automated rut-measuring system on the profiler/
rutbar vehicle. Project level surveys can also be conducted using the profiler/rutbar vehicle or man-
ually using a 6.0-ft. straight edge and a steel ruler. Failure rutting (> 2.0 in.) must be measured
using a 6.0-ft. straight edge. If the length of the straight edge is such that the entire width of the rut
is not spanned, the resulting depth measurement will not represent the maximum rut depth.
Strategies to correct rutting must account for the origin of the rutting, with special attention to the
pavement structure. For example, a thin overlay on top of a rut-susceptible or stripped mix would
not be a suitable remedy because rutting would likely return in a relatively short period of time.
2.2.2 Patching
Patches are repairs made to previous distress, indicating prior maintenance activity. If done prop-
erly, patches can improve the long-term performance of the structure.
Proper patching should always involve saw-cut edges parallel or perpendicular to the direction of
traffic, with excavation to the full depth of the weak material. Replacement material must be prop-
erly compacted with tacking of all cut HMA surfaces to improve impermeability. Provided the
patch addressed the full depth of the previous distress/weakness, the life of the patch and the sur-
rounding patch/pavement interface will be extended by placing a full-lane width seal or overlay. At
the network level, this condition is evaluated in terms of feet of full-lane width patching converted
to the percentage of the rated lane's total surface area. Improper patching can introduce a degree of
roughness, further deterioration at the edges of the patch, or even failure of the patch itself if the
underlying problem was not addressed.
2.2.3 Failures
Failures are localized areas of severe distress where the surface has been severely eroded, badly
cracked (where blocks of surface material move about freely), severely faulted, depressed, or
severely shoved. A group (3 or more) of small potholes 4-12 in. in diameter and deeper than 2 in.,
or a single pothole greater than 12 in. in diameter and deeper than 2 in., are classic examples of a
failure, but failures can cover much larger areas than the typical pothole. One example of this is
edge failure, where the surface has disintegrated perhaps due to heavy wheel loads encroaching on
the paved edge where there is a lack of lateral support deeper in the structure. These distresses may
pose a safety hazard and have an increased priority for at least temporary repair measures until a
long-term fix can be completed.
Failures are typically a load-associated distress, but are often related to poor construction or mois-
ture-susceptible materials (poor in-place HMA density, surface HMA lift not bonded to underlying
HMA, moisture-susceptible base). Even for a light rehabilitation strategy, these distresses must be
patched prior to resurfacing. At the network level, this condition is evaluated in terms of number
per 0.5-mi. section. Failed areas longer than 40 ft. are considered to be multiple failures.
Block cracking is a climate/materials related distress, where age-hardening of the asphalt coupled
with shrinkage of the bituminous surface or underlying stabilized base causes interconnected
cracks that divide the surface into irregular pieces. The cracking pattern is much larger than alliga-
tor cracking, with blocks ranging from 1 ft. to 10 ft. on edge, and is not limited to the wheel paths.
Rating is rendered in terms of total feet of full-lane width block cracking converted to a percentage
of the lane’s total surface area. This distress is not a structural problem until the effects of traffic
and the environment further weaken the pavement by allowing moisture infiltration and raveling/
spalling of the crack edges.
Addressing this distress as part of a rehabilitation strategy may be as simple as sealing the cracks
prior to placing a surface treatment. Additional considerations will be necessary where the extent of
the cracking is severe or where cracks continue to be active during cyclic seasonal temperature
This distress is also known as fatigue cracking and is a traffic loading related distress that is initi-
ated in the wheel paths. Alligator cracking consists of interconnected cracks that form small
irregularly-shaped blocks (less than 1 ft. on edge) resembling patterns found on an alligator’s skin.
Alligator cracks are formed whenever the pavement surface is repeatedly flexed under traffic loads.
Where the appearance of this distress occurs relatively early in the pavement’s performance period,
its occurrence can also be linked to inadequate structural thickness for the current traffic loads
(including thin HMA surfacings), surface layer delaminations, poor construction practices and/or
weak materials. Total feet of alligator cracking is converted to a percentage of the total wheel path
area for the rated lane.
A minimal rehabilitation strategy should include removal of the affected material and proper patch-
ing before placing a new surface. Attempting to seal or place an overlay over these cracks without
proper patching will result in rapid reappearance of the distress.
Longitudinal cracking consists of cracks or breaks that run approximately parallel to the pavement
centerline and may appear anywhere along a shoulder or driving lane. For purposes of rating, the
cracks must be at least 1/8-in. wide, show evidence of spalling or pumping, or have been previously
sealed. Measurement is in terms of linear feet per 100-ft. station. Longitudinal cracking wider than
2.0 in. or faulted greater than 2.0 in. is rated as a failure. Depending on the relative transverse
placement in the lane, this distress may be either load associated (a precursor of alligator cracking
in the wheel path) or environmentally associated.
Longitudinal cracks may occur as a result of poorly constructed HMA mat joints, thermal shrink-
age, inadequate support, or reflection from underlying layers. Differential movement beneath the
surface is the primary cause of longitudinal cracking outside of the wheel path. Environmentally-
induced longitudinal cracking may originate in desiccated subgrade soils (edge drying), embank-
ment consolidation/slope failures, widening interfaces or active portland cement concrete (PCC)
pavement joints reflecting to the surface. How active these cracks are and their origin must be con-
sidered in any rehabilitation strategy. Crack activity can be observed by selecting a few
representative cracked locations and measuring the crack width during different seasons. The range
of crack width can also be found by taking measurements following known wet and dry periods.
These cracks or discontinuities travel at right angles to the pavement centerline. Minimum eligibil-
ity for rating criteria are as defined for longitudinal cracking. Measurement is in terms of number of
transverse cracks per 100-ft. station, where cracks that do not extend across the full-lane width are
counted as a fractional (partial) crack.
Transverse cracking is frequently associated with environmental surface shrinkage due to tempera-
ture cycling, or may result from differential movement beneath the pavement surface. Transverse
cracking can deteriorate further under traffic effects and surface moisture infiltration. Movement
beneath the pavement surface may be from natural shrinkage of chemically stabilized base and sub-
base materials, or reflection cracking from underlying PCC joints and active cracks. Material
properties can also be a contributing factor, including asphalt cement (AC) binder aging, stiffness
of the HMA, or percent stabilization used in the lower layers. The activity of the cracks and their
origin must be considered in choosing a rehabilitation strategy.
2.2.8 Raveling
Raveling is the progressive disintegration of the surface due to dislodgment of aggregate particles
caused by weathering, traffic, or a combination of the two. In Texas, raveling is mainly associated
with seal coats; however, it can occur in HMA as well. Measurement is in terms of percent of the
total lane area, and by degree of severity (low, medium, high). Contributing causes can be linked to
excessive AC binder oxidation, low AC binder content (or low seal shot rate/poor chip embed-
ment), stripping of the binder, and HMA segregation/high air voids. Corrective action can include
applying a fog seal (short term), seal coat, hot-in-place recycling, or thin overlay.
2.2.9 Flushing
This distress is also known as bleeding and is described as the presence of excess asphalt on the
pavement surface. The condition is generally more prevalent in the wheel paths and can be present
in both HMA and seal coat surfaces. Flushing can reduce surface friction and may contribute to a
traffic safety hazard. Measurement is in terms of percent of the lane’s total wheel path length
affected and by degree of severity (low, medium, high). Underlying causes can include high AC
content (or seal shot rate too high in the wheel path), excessive densification (low air voids) of the
surface mix, temperature susceptibility of the AC binder, soft AC binder, excessive tack, or even
migration of AC binder from mixes in lower layers that are moisture susceptible. Corrective actions
can include application of microsurfacing, a conventional seal coat (using stringent field control to
monitor the asphalt application rate/use of variable transverse asphalt rates), cold milling with sub-
sequent seal or thin overlay, a permeable friction course, or a thin overlay. Hydroblasting the wheel
path using a specialized vacuum recovery vehicle has also been used with success for the removal
of excess asphalt.
A spalled crack is a crack that shows signs of chipping on either side, along some or all of its width.
In the TxDOT’s new PMIS (PA) database, this term is applied to continuously reinforced concrete
pavement (CRCP). When occurring in jointed concrete pavement (concrete pavement, contraction
design [CPCD]), this distress is known as failed joints and cracks since it may occur at either an
intentional joint or shrinkage crack (includes asphalt-patched spalls).
Rating is by number of cracks that show spalling at least 1.0-in. wide for CPCD or 3-in. wide for
CRCP, and covering more than 1 ft. of the crack length. Spalling on CRCP or CPCD longitudinal
cracks are not rated.
Spalling is due to excessive local pressure at the joint. This pressure may be due to a combination
of traffic action, thermal expansion, and/or steel corrosion. The occurrence may be exacerbated by
over-finishing/excessive consolidation, where excessive surface paste exists, or improper curing.
If cracks become wide enough to allow the introduction of incompressible materials, subsequent
expansion by the slab in warmer weather will cause stress concentrations where these materials are
found, resulting in spalling. Also, in areas subject to freeze-cycles, water entering the crack may
saturate the concrete around the crack. Freezing temperatures may result in freezing and thawing
damage, such as spalling, around the crack. Excessive deflection at the crack from traffic loading
may also result in spalling. Finally, if the slab is faulted at the crack, the spalling may be a result of
traffic striking at the raised edge of the slab.
As a minimum, corrective action will almost always involve cleaning and sealing cracks/joints, but
may also include sawing stress relief joints, slab-jacking, patching using bituminous or polymer
patching materials, or a thin bonded portland cement concrete (PCC) or HMA overlay.
2.3.2 Punchouts
A punchout is a full-depth block of pavement, formed at the pavement edge, when one short longi-
tudinal crack forms between two existing transverse cracks. The existing cracks are closely spaced,
usually less than 4 ft. apart. The punchout is often rectangular, but some may appear in other
shapes. Punchouts must be at least 12 in. long or wide to be rated as a punchout. For punchouts lon-
ger than 10 ft., rate one punchout for each 10 ft. of length. Punchouts are most common in
continuously reinforced concrete pavements. Where they occur in CPCD pavements, the distress is
recorded as a failure. The boundary of the punchout will be severely spalled or faulted.
Formation is usually related to surface moisture infiltrating into the base through the closely-spaced
transverse cracks and the adjacent longitudinal joint, followed by erosion/pumping of the base and
cantilevering of the small slab. Heavy load applications will connect the transverse cracks with a
short longitudinal crack. The punchout progresses with spalling of the cracks, possible rupturing of
the reinforcing steel, and eventually settlement of the punchout below the original surface of the
pavement. Research has shown that punchouts can be partial depth failures, where horizontal
cracking initiates at the reinforcing steel plane due to early age stress in the slab. Longitudinal
cracking connecting closely-spaced transverse cracks will form along the axis of longitudinal steel
due to traffic loading. Furthermore, locations adjacent to transverse construction joints may be
more susceptible to this type of failure because of limitations in slip-form paving in their proximity
and consolidation practices at the joint. In some cases, the punchout may become dislodged and
present a traffic hazard.
Incorporating a non-erodible base and tied concrete shoulders has been the preferred preventative
design strategy. Full-depth PCC patching is generally the preferred method of repair for full-depth
punchouts. Half-depth PCC patching is the preferred method of repair for partial-depth failures.
Asphalt concrete pavement patches may be used temporarily to address safety issues. Rating is in
terms of number of occurrences per mile.
In rigid pavements, full-depth repairs to localized distress are often made using asphalt concrete as
an expeditious, temporary fix. Asphalt concrete pavement patches used to address spalls are not
counted. As with patching in a flexible pavement, proper patching should always involve saw-cut
edges parallel or perpendicular to the direction of traffic, with excavation to the full depth of the
slab. Patches should be maintained until such time that a full-depth PCC patch can be placed.
Where base erosion was a contributing cause of the original failure, permanent repair measures
must address the viability of support under the patch.
Asphalt patches are rated in terms of total number observed, with patches longer than 10 ft. count-
ing as two patches. In the new PMIS (PA) system, asphalt patches are a rated category for CRCP
pavements only; when these patches occur in a CPCD pavement, they are rated as a failure. Proper
patch construction is discussed in Chapter 10, “Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation.”
Concrete patches are localized areas of newer concrete intended as “longer lasting” repairs of local-
ized surface or structural distress and, as such, should be properly tied in to the existing structure to
insure load transfer and longevity. An area sufficiently large enough to include the entire distress-
affected area must be removed, leaving clean, square edges prior to patching. Failure to do this will
often result in propagation of distress immediately adjacent to the patch.
Currently, TxDOT publishes standards for full-depth, full-lane width patches that must be a mini-
mum of 6 ft. in the direction of travel. Patches placed at joints require a minimum of 38 in. on either
side of the joint. The depth and size of half-depth PCC patches will vary based on the conditions of
partial-depth failures. Concrete patches are evaluated in terms of total number observed. Width of
the patch is not considered. However, long patches are rated as one patch for every 10 ft. Proper
patch construction is discussed in Chapter 10, “Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation.”
This evaluation is made on CRCP pavements and is used as a method to obtain the percentage of
transverse cracks that are spalled, and to determine whether the slab is behaving as designed. Very
small crack spacing (< 2.0 ft.) may be a precursor to punchouts, whereas large crack spacing (>
10.0 ft.) may mean wider crack widths that allow non-compressibles in and may have poor load
transfer. A recommended technique to evaluate this condition is to count the total number of trans-
verse cracks in two 200-ft. sections (beginning and end of a typical 0.5-mi. section), and then
average the results in terms of ft./crack.
2.3.6 Failures
This is a CPCD condition category. Failures are localized areas where traffic loads do not appear to
be transferred across joints or cracks. Failures are typically areas of surface distortion or
Failures are evaluated in terms of total number observed and include the following distresses: cor-
ner breaks, punchouts (previously discussed), asphalt patches (previously discussed), concrete
patches (previously discussed), severe faulting, D-cracking, spalls (asphalt-filled or not – previ-
ously discussed), and popouts (> 12 in. wide or long, > 3 in. deep):
A corner break is a crack (which may or may not be spalled or faulted) that travels from a joint
to a slab edge. To be rated as a failure, the crack must intersect between 1 ft. and half way
across each edge. Concrete patches that are spalled and/or faulted around all edges are rated as
failures, not as patches.
Failed concrete patches are simply patches where severe distress in the form of spalling or
faulting has reappeared following the patch repair.
Faulting means that one edge of the pavement on one side of a crack is at least 1/4-in. higher
than on the other side. Severe faulting is defined as an elevation difference greater than 2 in.
D-cracking is a series of closely-spaced, crescent-shaped hairline cracks which tend to cluster
together along joints, slab edges, and larger transverse/longitudinal cracks. They are concave
away from the slab corner, joint, or edge, and concentric toward the center of the slab. The
cracking will parallel the transverse joint and curve around to parallel the longitudinal joint. As
D-cracking progresses, the cracks radiate outward from the intersection of the joints.
D-cracking is believed to be an environmentally induced distress. As water permeates through
the slab, the bottom of the slab tends to be saturated. Freezing and thawing cycles will deterio-
rate the saturated aggregate near the bottom of the slab. The deterioration starts at the bottom
of the slab and eventually progresses to the surface of the pavement.
A popout is an aggregate or piece of pavement missing, forming a hole in the surface of con-
crete pavement. It can be round or oblong in shape. A weakened plane exists at the depth of the
popout which may be the result of improper curing. Popouts usually occur with absorptive/
contaminated aggregates subjected to freeze-thaw temperature cycles.
This is a CPCD condition category. A shattered slab is a slab that is so badly cracked that it war-
rants complete replacement. Shattered slabs are formed when a series of cracks intersect to divide
the slab into four or more pieces. Although the pieces still remain in their original position, they
may settle below the original elevation of the pavement. Also, the intersecting cracks can be
accompanied by severe spalling. When five or more failures exist on a single slab, or one or more
failures encompass more than half the slab’s area, the slab is rated as a shattered slab.
Slab shattering is primarily due to a lack of subgrade support. The base materials may settle, con-
tain voids, or may be susceptible to erosion, resulting in loss of support. Overloading the concrete
slab will create excessive bending stresses where the slab has no support. The result is severe crack-
ing, possible spalling, and settlement. The current department policy requires a non-erodible base
beneath all rigid pavements.
This is a CPCD condition category. Longitudinal cracks are cracks that follow a course approxi-
mately parallel to the centerline of the pavement. These cracks are generally straight but they may
curve slightly back and forth across the length of the pavement. Slabs with cracks that are over half
the slab in length and show severe spalling (> 1-in. wide on either side for more than half its
length), or are faulted at least 1/4-in., are counted as one slab with longitudinal cracks, regardless of
the number of such cracks in the slab.
Working cracks (cracks that open and close due to temperature variations and/or traffic loading) are
a structural concern – the origin must be addressed to allow for proper remedy.
This is a CPCD condition category. Some transverse cracks may become so wide that they look and
act like joints. The crack must be greater than 1/2-in. wide across the complete width of the lane.
These ‘apparent’ joints are important to monitor because they do not have load transfer capability
outside of frictional contact and potentially become additional traps for incompressible debris that
can cause further damage to the slab. At the network level, the minimum value recordable in the
new PMIS (PA) database is 15.0 ft. Rating should be accomplished by evaluating a 200-ft. section
at the beginning and end of each 1/2-mi. section and averaging the results in terms of ft./crack
Apparent joints may form for a number of reasons ranging from excessive loading to poor con-
struction practices to environmental reasons. Construction practice shortcomings can include
improperly sawn joints, poor dowel bar alignment, poor paste bond on dirty aggregates, and poor
curing practices. Environmental contributors include swelling soils, loss of foundation support, and
warping and curling stresses.
3.1 Introduction
Non-destructive testing is used to test functional and structural properties of the pavement. This
section discusses the use of non-destructive testing to evaluate the functional properties and the
next section discusses its use for structural properties. Functional properties routinely evaluated
roughness, and
skid resistance.
3.2 Roughness
Roughness is the absence or lack of smoothness in the longitudinal or transverse profile of the high-
way surface, resulting in poor ride quality. Roughness can be generated by localized surface or
subsurface distress, poor construction quality (compaction, grade control, poor bonding of the sur-
face HMA layer to the underlying HMA layer, etc.), or shrink-swell activity in the subgrade or fill
soils. Proper diagnosis of the source of roughness must be made to insure that any corrective action
addresses the source of the problem and will perform to expectations.
Longitudinal and transverse roughness statistics are measured by the profiler/rut bar vehicle at
highway speeds. Scheduling is arranged through the Pavement Evaluation office (Pavement Preser-
vation, MNT) at (512) 832-7210. For the longitudinal direction, the profiler uses a combination of
two lasers, two accelerometers, and a distance signal to measure the inertial profile of each wheel
path. Measurements are processed on board to compute serviceability index (SI) and the Interna-
tional Roughness Index (IRI). The SI scale of measurement is 0.1 – 5.0 with an SI of 5.0 being
perfectly smooth. The IRI units are in./mi. with summary statistics every 0.1 mi. For more informa-
tion, refer to The Little Book of Profiling and Chapter 11 of this manual.
Transverse profile is evaluated in terms of rut depth and is measured by an 8-ft. wide van-mounted
rut bar with ultrasonic sensors that measure the distance from the bar to the pavement surface at
five locations across the lane. Sensors are located in each wheel path, between the wheel path and
18 in. outside of the wheel paths. Average rut depth is computed on board with summary statistics
every 0.1 mi.
Skid resistance is the force developed when a tire that is prevented from rotating slides along the
pavement surface. It is a function of the micro and macro texture of the pavement surface. An index
value is assigned (skid score) based on measurements taken with a locked-wheel skid trailer towed
behind a specially designed truck. The trailer administers a water spray to the pavement in front of
the left tire. Smooth-treaded trailer tires are used. Testing is accomplished at 50 mph by locking the
trailer’s left wheel at periodic intervals while a metered amount of water is sprayed on the pave-
ment surface. Scores generally range from 10 to 40, with the higher number indicating greater skid
resistance. These systems are scheduled through the Pavement Evaluation office (Pavement Preser-
vation, MNT) at (512) 832-7210.
4.1 Introduction
Urgency of the design, importance of the highway, value of the project, and availability of non-
destructive tools usually influence what testing is performed. However, proper evaluation is essen-
tial to ensure performance; there is no substitute for comprehensive planning that includes
reserving the equipment when needed.
The most common structural-based non-destructive tools used in TxDOT are discussed in some
detail in the Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies Training Course located in the
Maintenance Division website under the Pavement Engineering link. Practical exercises in the use
of analyses software for data collected by these systems are also included in this course.
problems (stripping, trapped moisture) in the existing HMA and excessive moisture in base
layers can be detected.
GPR can also be used to identify segregation and low density in existing HMAs. GPR testing
of PCC pavements has not been as successful as testing on HMA and surface treated pave-
ments due to the GPR signal interference by the reinforcing steel and the attenuation of the sig-
nal through PCC materials.
Ground-coupled Penetrating Radar (GPR) testing is available from MNT – Pavement Asset
Management and through an interagency contract with TTI that is managed by MNT – Pave-
ment Asset Management. GPR testing involves pushing by buggy or towing one or more GPR
antennae along the ground at walking speeds. Some antennae operate at a lower frequency than
the air-coupled GPR units and, therefore, penetrate much deeper into the pavement and under-
lying layers. The trade-off with lower frequency antennae is poorer near-surface resolution.
Ground-coupled GPR has been used to locate sink holes, search for buried underground
objects, such as abandoned storage tanks, or test for water damage, underground utility prob-
lems, or other anomalies that are deeper than an air-coupled GPR unit can sense. These
systems can explore anomalies under either flexible or rigid pavements.
Seismic-based tools (Portable Seismic Pavement Analyzer [PSPA], Dirt SPA [DSPA], V-meter,
Free-free Resonant Column). Contact MNT – Pavement Asset Management for availability of
these devices.
The SPA series of devices are used in the field to measure in situ properties. These devices are
used to generate seismic waveforms in the material being tested. The elastic modulus at small
strain is proportional to the velocity of the wave propagation.
The V-meter and Resonant Column are laboratory instruments used to measure properties of
samples collected in the field or molded in the lab. These devices use a pin or hammer
“source” to impact the pavement or sample surface. Wave propagation speed and analysis of
the wave dispersion curves can be used to determine layer thickness, stiffness with depth, and
presence of discontinuities (cracks, delaminations). Seismically-derived stiffness values are
evaluated at very low strain and require adjustments to be used for determining values compa-
rable to ones estimated at higher strains, for example, truck wheel loads.
Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD). The TPAD was developed under a department
research project that concluded in August 2012. Further implementation was authorized under
a 2-year project through August 2014. The TPAD combines the capabilities of Rolling
Dynamic Deflectometer (continuous deflection measurements) and air-coupled GPR surveys.
Additionally, high definition video, linear offsets, high-precision differential GPS coordinates,
and surface temperature logging of the pavement section are conducted concurrently. Coordi-
nate use of this device through MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is a trailer-mounted device that places an 11.8 in. (300
mm) diameter load plate in contact with the highway at each test location. The testing interval is set
at 0.1 mi. (maximum) or a minimum of 30 locations per project. A load column above the load
plate carries a stack of weights that are dropped to impart a load to the pavement similar to that
imparted by a passing dual truck tire set. A series of seven geophones spaced away from the load
plate at 12-in. increments measure the surface deflection, generating a “deflection bowl.” Measure-
ments are generally acquired in the right wheel path of the outside lane. The latest upgrade to the
FWD includes an 8th geophone mounted 12 in. from the load plate opposite sensor #2. This sensor
facilitates evaluating load transfer across joints and cracks on rigid pavement. GPS coordinates are
also automatically posted to the deflection file for each tested location.
Where a divided roadbed exists, surveys should be taken in both directions if the project will
include improvements in both directions. Some care in the placement of the load plate and sensors
is required by the survey crew, especially where the highway surface is rutted or cracked. The load
plate should lay on a flat surface; the load plate and all geophones should lie on the same side of
any visible cracks. A human spotter should be used to ensure placement in these cases.
Temperature data collected at the time of testing is necessary for all flexible pavements since the
modulus of bituminous materials is temperature-dependent. The FWD has a built-in thermocouple
to measure ambient air temperature and an infrared sensor to measure surface temperature, and
records these temperatures at each drop location. In addition, for pavements with bituminous sur-
faces at least 3.0 in. thick, in-pavement temperature measurements should be made at the beginning
and end of each survey, at a minimum. Longer surveys or surveys made on days where rapid tem-
perature changes occur will require temperature checks at additional intermediate locations. A
portable drill with masonry bit can be used to accomplish this; holes are drilled to mid-depth or 3.0
in. maximum. Alternatively, surface temperatures measured by infrared devices can be made with
correlations available for mid-depth temperature estimation. The Modulus Temperature Correction
Program (MTCP) can be used for this purpose. This program is available through the department’s
MNT intranet page, under Engineering Applications.
Liberal use of comments placed in the FWD data file at the time of data collection is encouraged.
Comments pertaining to offset from reference markers and bridge abutments, or proximity to
patches, cracks, etc., are all important documentation for the individual evaluating the data. Inter-
pretation of collected deflection data can be based on simple comparison of the normalized (for
load) maximum measured deflections, or can be much more rigorous, for example, by using back-
calculation methods or evaluation of deflection time-histories. Detailed discussion on the
backcalculation methodology of layer moduli for flexible pavements is found in Chapter 5, Section
4, “FPS21 Modulus Inputs and Backcalculation Methodology.”
Description of the FWD with conceptual discussion on basic operation is given in the Flexible
Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies training course available through the department’s MNT
intranet page, under Pavement Engineering.
Efficient load transfer across joints and cracks on rigid pavements is necessary for good perfor-
mance. Deterioration of cracks and joints through spalling, widening, ruptured steel, erosion of
subbase support, and moisture and incompressible materials intrusion will tend to reduce the load
transfer efficiency over time. Evaluating the existing load transfer efficiency is necessary to formu-
late an appropriate rehabilitation strategy. For example, if the level of efficiency is above 70%, an
HMA overlay may be an appropriate rehab strategy. Load transfer in concrete slabs is significantly
influenced by ambient temperatures; higher temperatures will cause cracks and joints to close,
thereby improving aggregate interlock and load transfer. For comparability and veracity of results,
all testing should be accomplished at relatively steady temperatures below 80°F. In a typical load
transfer setup with the FWD, the FWD is initially positioned with the load plate edge tangent to the
crack or joint to be tested, with the W2 sensor positioned on the opposite side of the joint or crack
as shown in Figure 4-6.
The AASHTO ’93 Design Guide defines load transfer efficiency as:
d je = d u d l 100
Where dje is the joint efficiency; du is the deflection on the unloaded side; and dl is the deflection on
the loaded side. First, the deflection at W2 is du, measuring efficiency from the approach slab per-
spective. Then, the FWD is pulled forward with the load plate tangent to the joint from the
departure slab perspective, and W8 is du. W1 will be the dl in both cases. Whichever measurement
indicates the lower efficiency should be used for rehab considerations.
Another methodology for determining load transfer efficiency is to use deflections at the crack or
joint compared to that at center slab. First, the FWD is positioned at center slab (away from work-
ing joints/cracks) and deflection measurements at the W1 and W2 sensors are noted (W1cs and
W2cs, respectively). Then, the FWD is moved forward to the joint to be evaluated and the load
plate is positioned tangent to the joint on the same slab, with the W2 on the opposite side of the
joint as in the AASHTO procedure. Deflection measurements at the W1 and W2 sensors are noted
(W1jt and W2jt, respectively). Load transfer efficiency is determined as:
LTE = W2 jt W1 jt W2 cs W1 cs 100
Similarly, the evaluation can be performed with the load plate tangent to the joint on the adjacent
slab, where the W8 sensor will be used in the above formula in place of the W2jt reading.
The customary Dynatest FWD data file (.fwd file extension) used by TxDOT for backcalculation
will only report data for the first seven sensors. However, current FWD survey data protocol saves
all sensor data in a small MS Access database, from which data may be extracted to conduct load
transfer efficiency calculations.
This portable device complies with ASTM D 6951 and consists of a 2-piece rod; the lower rod is
about 39 in. long (1 m) and is fitted with a replaceable cone tip at the penetration end and an anvil
at the upper end. The anvil houses a threaded or shear pin receptacle for attaching the upper rod.
The upper rod carries the 17.6-lb. sliding hammer and has a handle for steadying the device during
testing. The hammer free-fall distance on the upper rod is 22.6 in.
The operator drives the DCP tip into the soil by lifting the sliding mass (hammer) with one hand to
the handle then releasing it. The other hand holds the instrument by the handle to maintain an
approximate vertical position. If a bound layer (HMA, PCC, cement-stabilized base) is present
above the non-bound layers, a 1.25 in. hole should be first bored through the bound layer(s).
An initial depth reading is made using a measuring stick/tape between the bottom of the sliding
mass and a stationary surface (pavement surface, ground level, etc.). The total penetration for a set
of blows is measured and recorded by an assistant. A plot of depth vs. cumulative blows is gener-
ated, and a trend line is fitted to the data points for each tested layer. The penetration rate in mm/
blow is determined as the slope of the trend line.
A separate trend line should be generated for each layer containing only data points measured in
that layer. Dividing the data into discrete segments in this manner ensures that only valid data
points can influence the trend line's slope.
The number of blows in a set can vary; for softer soils, 1-3 blows may be a set; whereas, for stiffer
soils, 5-10 blows may be a set. Some soils may be so stiff that little to no penetration is recorded in
a given set. Results of testing in flexible base materials with larger aggregates can often be invali-
dated when the cone attempts to drive an aggregate through the base material matrix. Under these
circumstances, it is better to halt testing and bore/drill down to a lower level, or restart the test adja-
cent to the initial location. Any time drilling is done before the start of a DCP test, the first data
point should be at the actual start depth and the person processing the data will not include the sur-
face (zero depth) as a data point, since this would invalidate the penetration rate (mm/blow)
At the conclusion of the test, the instrument is extracted by tapping the mass upward (vertically,
avoiding an arc) against the handle or by using a jack attached beneath the anvil. Both methods
have some risk of damage to the instrument; in softer soils, when using a disposable cone, tapping
the mass against the handle is the most expeditious method.
The Army Corps of Engineers has developed a number of correlations relating rate of penetration
to soil stiffness in terms of California Bearing Ratio (CBR). For most applications, the following
relationship is adequate for approximating in situ stiffness.
CBR = 292/PR1.12
CBR = California Bearing Ratio,
PR = penetration rate, mm/blow.
This relationship has been further correlated to elastic modulus (E) using the relationship:
E = 2550 x CBR0.64
E = elastic modulus.
Plots can be made to show the relationship of stiffness with depth. This procedure is useful for
determining the effective depth of a granular base, the effectiveness of lime stabilized subgrade, or
whether there are soft pockets of material with depth. Visual examination of the DCP shaft, once
extracted, can also reveal the presence of free moisture. Basic operation and example problems are
presented in the Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies training course.
This van-mounted self-contained system carries a data acquisition boom-mounted antenna off the
front of the vehicle, suspended above the roadway. This allows for uninterrupted data collection at
near-highway speeds. The system sends pulses of radar energy into the pavement and captures
returned reflections from each perceived layer interface within the structure. A survey is generally
run in the right wheel path with data summarized at 10-ft. intervals; the effective width of the scan-
ning is about 8.0 in. If data is needed at other transverse locations along the lane, additional parallel
passes must be made.
The 1-GHz antenna has a maximum penetration depth of about 24 in. The amount of energy
returned and the time delay between reflections are used to calculate layer dielectrics and thickness.
The dielectric constant of a material is an electrical property that is most influenced by moisture
content and density. As the density and moisture content go up, the amount of energy reflected
increases (and the penetrating ability decreases). Conversely, if the air voids increase, the amount
of energy reflected decreases. Typical dielectric values for various pavement materials are given in
Table 4-1 below:
Table 4-1: Typical Dielectric Values for Various Pavement Materials
Typical Range Signal Attenuation
Open Graded Friction Course, Plant Mix Seal, Per- 3.5 - 4.5 Low
meable Friction Course
Air 1 Low
Water 81 High
Ice 3 Low
Analysis of raw GPR data is accomplished using the PaveCheck software. This program is avail-
able through the department’s MNT intranet page, under Engineering Applications. PaveCheck has
the capability of evaluating and presenting both FWD deflection data and GPR data for the same
project simultaneously. The PaveCheck user’s manual is available through the same MNT intranet
link. Also, basic concepts of GPR and example problems are presented in the Flexible Pavement
Rehabilitation Strategies training course. This training aide is somewhat dated in that the older
COLORMAP software (not compatible with current computer operating systems) is discussed.
Because of the capabilities to compute material dielectric properties and layer thicknesses, GPR has
become a valuable tool to the pavement engineer to assist in determining the following:
Verification of suspected problem areas should be made with targeted coring and sampling. These
sites should be selected based upon the analysis results from PaveCheck; locating potential coring
sites based on radar signature patterns is facilitated by high definition video and GPS coordinates
collected in the radar survey. Conclusions drawn from this limited sampling can then be applied
with more confidence to the remainder of the survey.
GPR systems using lower-frequency antennae are able to discern anomalies deeper within the pave-
ment structure. Resolution is improved when the systems are placed in contact with the surface, so
the antenna is pushed by buggy or dragged behind a van that houses the data acquisition system.
Typical antennae frequencies used by the department range from 200 MHz to 2.5 GHz. Maximum
penetration will vary with antenna frequency, soil type, and degree of saturation. Higher antenna
frequency will provide lower penetration, but higher near-surface resolution. Under the right condi-
tions, the 200 MHz antenna can penetrate up to 30 ft.; however, with this lower frequency, there is
poor near-surface resolution of layers. These systems have been used successfully in locating bur-
ied fuel tanks, archeological burial sites, sink holes, rebar during coring, voids under pavement
slabs, honeycombing in concrete, pavement thickness above rebar, and aquatic springs within the
right-of-way. The systems and the required data analysis remain specialized; services are available
through MNT – Pavement Asset Management or through an interagency contract with the Texas
A&M Transportation Institute (TTI).
Seismic tools can be divided into two groups: those used in the field for evaluation of in situ pave-
ment properties and those used to evaluate samples in the laboratory.
Portable and Dirt Seismic Pavement Analyzer (PSPA, DSPA). The PSPA has an enhanced capabil-
ity to measure the seismic modulus, delamination, debonding, and thickness of the upper strata
(i.e., HMA lift) of the pavement structure. The DSPA is similar in configuration, but has a broader
hammer surface for use on unbound surfaces. The foot that contacts the surface is an inactive anvil
that is struck with an internal striker; the contact piece acts as a wave transmitter. Specialized acqui-
sition and analysis software is loaded on a laptop computer to retain system portability.
V-meter. The V-meter is an ultrasonic laboratory device that is particularly useful for testing HMA
briquettes (lab-compacted specimens or field cores). In this device, a transmitting transducer is
securely placed on the bottom face of the specimen. The transducer is connected to the built-in
high-voltage electrical pulse generator of the device. The electric pulse is transformed into a
mechanical vibration which is applied to the specimen. A receiving transducer is securely placed on
the top face of the specimen, opposite the transmitting transducer. The receiving transducer, which
senses the propagating waves, is connected to an internal clock of the device. The clock automati-
cally displays the travel time of compression wave. By dividing the height of the specimen by the
travel time, the compression wave velocity and, as such, the seismic modulus of the material, is
Free-free Resonant Column. The resonant column device uses laboratory-prepared soil specimens
that may be prepared using the Proctor (ASTM D-698), modified Proctor (ASTM D-1557), or any
other procedure adopted by the agency. Since the test is non-destructive, a membrane can be placed
around the specimen so that the specimen can be tested later for strength (static triaxial test) or stiff-
ness (resilient modulus or cyclic triaxial test). An accelerometer is securely placed on one end of
the specimen, and the other end is impacted with a hammer instrumented with a load cell. In less
than 3 min., a specimen can be tested, and the test result can be obtained. The process has been
automated and simplified so that a technician can perform the test, interpret the results, and gener-
ate a report almost immediately.
The Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD) is a truck-mounted system consisting of a rolling
deflectometer that applies large cyclic loads to the pavement and measures the induced deflections
with rolling deflection sensors as it moves along the pavement, while generating a ground penetrat-
ing radar survey coincident with the deflection survey. There are numerous advantages built into
this version of a rolling sensor deflectometer, including a low-speed cruise control, improved
acquisition software, and survey enhancements, including high definition video, linear distance off-
sets, high-precision differential GPS coordinates, and surface temperature acquisition. Currently,
the TPAD is fitted with three rolling sensors mounted on individual carts connected to an isolation
positioning/lifting frame; one sensor is mounted between the loading rollers, one in front of the
loading rollers, and the third a similar distance behind the loading rollers. Rolling sensors have
been improved, but data collection speed is currently limited to 2 mph to maintain a reasonable sig-
nal-to-noise ratio. The TPAD must be transported to the project site with a semi tractor-trailer.
Preliminary software was developed for data analysis of all data collected (deflections, GPR signa-
ture tied to deflection location, video, longitudinal offsets, GPS coordinates, and surface
temperatures). Because of the added surveying features on the TPAD, it is now much easier to
Figure 4-15. Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD) with detail of loading rollers and front
geophone cart.
5.1 Introduction
Trenching, coring, and augering have been used in forensic and routine pavement evaluation to
determine the source of the problematic layer or layers and acquire materials for further laboratory
testing. For example, a section of US 281 had severe rutting, and the district expressed a need to
determine the source of the rutting. Although FWD and GPR tests were performed, evaluation of
the data could not differentiate from which layer(s) the rutting came. Trenching provides a viable
option. Figure 4-16 illustrates the pavement section profiles on US 281. Chalk and stringlines were
used to differentiate pavement layers, as shown in Figure 4-16 and Figure 4-17. By exposing the
pavement layers, the rutting was found to be restricted to the surface HMA layer.
A trenching procedure has been developed to run tests and collect samples while minimizing dis-
turbance to the base material. The saw cut pattern is shown in Figure 4-18. The size of each trench
is 3 ft. × 12 ft. Each saw cut is deep enough to penetrate all the way through the HMA layer(s). A
strip about 6 in. wide is cut and removed using hand tools from one end of the trench, as shown in
Figure 4-19. This creates a slot for the backhoe to reach into and lift the HMA block without major
disturbance to the base layer as shown in Figure 4-20. A saw cut is also made across the center of
the trench so the HMA blocks can be removed without breaking.
Figure 4-20. Flipping hot-mix asphalt (HMA) block out with backhoe.
After the HMA layer is removed and samples are collected, tests can be run and samples collected
on the base layer.
The backhoe then digs out the base layer and a few inches of subgrade. Soils and base materials are
bagged and taken for further laboratory evaluation, if needed. One of the transverse trench walls (at
base and subgrade levels) is then smoothed using shovels, chisels, and brooms. Once a clean trench
wall is achieved, the HMA layers are highlighted with chalk, and the base/subgrade layers are high-
lighted with string lines held with small nails. The thickness of each layer is then measured at
regular intervals to determine its contribution to rutting.
To extract a core sample, the coring rig is placed at the desired location and the barrel-cooling water
is turned on, as show in Figure 4-21. Note that dry ice placed in a modified 5-gal. bucket can be
used to cool the core barrel if samples at in situ moisture content are desired. This is particularly
advisable if any of the HMA layers to be cored are suspected of being stripping-susceptible since a
wet-coring process may severely damage these layers in the coring process.
The barrel is spun at about 500 rpm and gradually lowered through the asphalt layer. If the base is
stabilized, the operator may want to cut through it as well to obtain an intact sample.
After the barrel has cut to the desired depth, it is retracted while still spinning. Then the core barrel
is stopped and the location of the core is observed. If the core has twisted off and is now lodged in
the barrel, the barrel is struck lightly with a mallet to loosen the core. If the core is still in its origi-
nal position, metal shims (or screwdrivers) are used to rock the core back and forth until it breaks
free from the base or subgrade. Then the core can be lifted out with bent welding rods or loops of
thin wire.
Normally, the core diameter is either 4 in. or 6 in.; 6-in. cores are needed if further laboratory eval-
uation using Hamburg or the Overlay tester is desired. Figure 4-22 shows the extracted core
samples with a 4-in. diameter.
5.4 Augering
Retrieving samples using an 8- to 12-in. continuous flight auger is useful for determining existing
layer thicknesses and for acquiring disturbed samples of all layer materials without resorting to
trenching. This sampling technique can be particularly applicable for acquiring materials to deter-
mine the type and quantity of stabilizers for full-depth reclamation projects since the consistency of
the retrieved materials is similar to those processed through a pavement reclaimer. Figure 4-23
shows a drilling rig with an auger bit attached.
Shelby tube samples have been used to determine the in situ density, moisture content, plasticity
index (PI), potential vertical rise (PVR), sulfate content, optimum soil stabilizer, and modulus of
the subgrade soil. Samples acquired through this procedure are often termed “undisturbed.”
The Shelby tube is a sharpened pipe that is pushed into soil by a hydraulic ram on a truck-mounted
boom. These tubes are too fragile to be driven thorough any layer other than unbound fine grained
soils. An auger can be used to remove the HMA and base layers, allowing collection of Shelby tube
samples without introducing water in the process. After the HMA and base layers are removed, the
Shelby tube is positioned on the subgrade and pushed roughly 2 ft. (0.6 m) into the soil, as shown in
Figure 4-24. The pipe is then pulled out and placed on a rack. A hydraulic ram then pushes the soil
out of the pipe in (hopefully) one cylindrical piece. Aluminum foil and cardboard tubes are used to
protect the Shelby tube samples, as shown in Figure 4-25. The tube is labeled with information,
including the location, orientation, and depth of the sample.
If deeper samples are desired, the Shelby tube can be extended and pushed into the bottom of the
same hole. That sample is then labeled as coming from a lower depth at the same location as the
first. In this way, several samples can be collected at any location, then pieced together later for a
complete soil profile.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Types of Flexible Pavements
Section 3 — FPS 21 Design Parameters
Section 4 — FPS21 Modulus Inputs and Backcalculation Methodology
Section 5 — Pavement Detours and Pavement Widening
Section 6 — Perpetual Pavement Design and Mechanistic Design Guidelines
Section 1 — Overview
This chapter documents the policy for designing flexible pavements. The following topics are
types of flexible pavements,
design parameters used in FPS 21 (analytical flexible pavement design procedure),
FPS 21 modulus inputs and backcalculation methodology,
pavement detours and widening, and
design of perpetual pavements.
A true flexible pavement yields “elastically” to traffic loading. It is constructed with a bituminous
surface treatment or a relatively thin surface of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) over one or more unbound
base courses resting on a subgrade. Its strength is derived from the load-distributing characteristics
of a layered system designed to ultimately protect each underlying layer including the subgrade
from compressive shear failure.
Progressively better materials are used in the upper structure to resist higher near-surface stress
conditions caused by traffic wheel loads. These materials include an all-weather surface that is
resistant to erosion by the environment and traffic action. The bituminous/ HMA surface layer must
also be resistant to fatigue damage and remain stable under traffic loads when pavement surface
temperatures are in excess of 150ºF.
In this manual, the term “flexible pavements” is used in a more generalized way to describe any
Asphaltic Surfaced structure (other than HMA-overlaid concrete). These pavements range in com-
position from true flexible pavement to semi-rigid systems (including the full-depth or perpetual
design). This chapter is applicable to the design of these types of structures.
The fundamental difference between a flexible, semi-rigid, and rigid pavement is the load distribu-
tion over the subgrade. The semi-rigid pavement has a higher composite modulus than a true
flexible pavement and begins to resemble the rigid structure in terms of how the traffic loads are
distributed over the subgrade. The elements contributing to the higher modulus may be:
1. increased thickness in asphalt concrete pavement,
2. chemical or mechanical stabilization of the base, subbase, and/or subgrade layers,
3. asphalt stabilization of the base course.
The higher modulus adds to the structural capacity of the pavement layers. As a result, the load is
distributed over a wider area of the subgrade.
Stabilization of the subgrade layer can be used with any of the above pavement types. Typical stabi-
lizers include asphalt cement (for base only), lime, cement, fly ash, or lime-fly ash combinations.
Perpetual pavements take into account the increased structural demands due to heavy truck traffic,
where cumulative one-direction traffic loading of more than 30 million ESALs over a 20-30 year
design life is projected. By limiting the strain level at critical locations, these pavements are
designed to have a virtually infinite fatigue and rut life, requiring only periodic surface renewal.
For designing perpetual pavements using FPS 21, see Section 6, “Perpetual Pavement Design and
Mechanistic Design Guidelines.”
3.1 Introduction
FPS 21 uses a systems approach centered upon deflection measurements from the falling weight
deflectometer (FWD). These measurements are then used by the MODULUS computer program to
estimate the material properties (modulus) of the pavement layers through a backcalculation pro-
cess. The material properties of the pavement layers, traffic loading (cumulative ESALs), the
change in the serviceability rating, and the desired level of reliability are then used to compute
alternative structural designs using FPS 21.
It is mandatory to check the design derived by FPS 21 for subgrade shear strength adequacy using
the Modified Texas Triaxial Class (TTC) design method contained within the FPS 21 software.
FPS-19W is the previous design program which has been replaced by FPS 21. FPS 21 has virtually
the same input requirements and performance models, and the two programs result in the same
solutions when equivalent inputs are used. The Flexible Pavement Design System (FPS) 21: User’s
Manual was developed jointly between the Texas A&M Transportation Institute and TxDOT and
serves as a preliminary reference to the essential operational aspects of the program (TTI Research
Report 1869-2 contains information on the models embedded in both FPS-19W and FPS 21). Addi-
tional guidance pertaining to recommended inputs and functionality is given in this section.
FPS 21 is equipped with built-in help screens activated by pressing the ‘F1’ key while the cursor is
in the applicable field for pages 2 and 3 of the data inputs. Some clarification and reinforcement of
guidance is provided here.
Data input for FPS 21 consists of a Main Menu screen and three pages of inputs. The current screen
layout streamlines data input over the older FPS-19W system, but remains very familiar to veteran
users of this earlier version.
Project Information inputs (input page 1) will be discussed first; then Basic Design Criteria, Pro-
gram Controls, and Traffic on page 2; then Construction and Maintenance Date and Detour Design
for Overlays on page 3; followed by Design Type and Material Parameters (page 3).
See Table 5-1 for a summary of recommended inputs that will have a direct impact on the designed
pavement thickness.
Table 5-1: FPS 21 Design Input Requirements
Initial SI* Surface Treatment 3.8 - 4.0 Using a lower Initial SI has the
effect of thickening base.
Thick ACP (> 4 in.) 4.5 - 4.8 Should be reduced to 4.5 if the
minimum serviceability value is
set at 2.5 or less. Thicker pave-
ments have multiple opportunities
to achieve higher SI values.
Minimum SI* Surface Treatment or 2.0 - 2.5 Allowing a lower Min. SI has the
<1 M ESALs effect of thinning the pavement
structure. Risk is accepted requir-
ing additional maintenance before
termination of pavement life.
Swelling Potential, PVR, This analysis has been removed from FPS 21. Consider stabilization of the subgrade to
Swelling Rate address moderate soil volumetric changes due to moisture. Consult Chapter. 3, Section
2, guidelines for more extreme PVR issues.
Overlay Cost Future Cost Use current design Review the “Detail Cost” sheet in
practice the FPS output and determine if
the overlay cost is driving a
design for thicker pavements
unnecessarily. The district may
wish to consider pavement design
selection without overlay cost
Detour Cost for Detour; Use the estimated speed Does not change thickness but
(Road User Cost) Non-cash Future Cost through and the appro- may sort design output options
priate model for the based on combined user/construc-
detour tion costs as opposed to least
construction cost.
Access the FPS design modules by clicking on the “FPS Pavement Design” button on the main
Comments may be entered in a five-line field by overwriting any existing comments (no text
Select the “Use Existing Input File” button if you wish to recall a previously saved file for edit-
ing and further analysis.
An analysis period is defined as the interval of time between reconstruction or major pavement
rehabilitation efforts. This term is sometimes used synonymously with the pavement design life.
Normally, a 20-yr. analysis period is used in flexible pavement design. A 30-yr. analysis period or
longer is allowable, but the designer must still input the projected 20-yr. cumulative traffic in the
FPS 21 computer program. Adjustments to the traffic are then made internally by the computer pro-
gram. Similarly, when a very short analysis period (1-2 yr.) is considered for design of short-term
detours, the 20-yr. traffic (ESALs) must be used as the traffic input in FPS 21.
CAUTION: When using FPS 21, traffic loading must be entered as the 20-yr. cumulative ESALs.
It is only the analysis period that is adjusted to reflect the expected duration. Refer to
20-Yr. 18-kip ESALs (One Direction) design criteria in the Traffic Inputs section for
additional guidance.
These time intervals are commonly referred to as performance periods and are based on district
guidelines, historical trends, and former federal policy. Considerations for performance periods
longer than the minimum include: minimizing interruption to traffic and avoiding the necessity for
mill and inlay operations where a constant profile must be maintained.
For flexible pavements, the selected design strategy should provide a minimum initial performance
period of 8 yr. before an overlay is required. Because of funding constraints, performance periods
are rarely selected to equal the entire length of the analysis period; consequently, the methodology
of flexible pavement construction typically used in Texas can be regarded as “staged” construction.
This parameter is meant to address variability in material quality, construction processes, and
uncertainties in traffic forecasting as a means of assuring the structure performs as desired. It does
not account for defective materials, poor construction, or poor assumptions on material properties.
An overall multiplier to the cumulative traffic loading is applied, increasing as the desired level of
confidence increases.
NOTE: Experience has shown that selecting level 'C' (95%) for all design types and traffic loading
levels is the best choice for a preliminary FPS run, and typically will be the level submitted
for the final design. Selecting a lower reliability level will generally cause the FPS design
to fail the post-run Modified Texas Triaxial check; selecting a higher reliability level will
result in non-economical design options.
Historic FPS alphabetic codes are tied to a reliability or confidence level as follows:
A 80%
B 90%
C 95%
D 99%
E 99.9%
On the indexed performance scale (0-5), this is the condition of the pavement immediately after
construction or rehabilitation. Historically, the statewide average has been about 4.2. With the
introduction of ride specifications, this value has been increasing. See Table 5-1 for recommended
This input is also known as the terminal serviceability or serviceability at the end of a performance
period. On the indexed scale of pavement performance (0-5), this is the lowest desirable condition
before rehabilitative effort is required. See Table 5-1 for recommended values.
The minimum serviceability index and other performance-related concepts are shown in Figure 5-
1. Here, performance is defined as a decrease in serviceability over time or traffic loading. Higher
initial serviceability may result in longer performance periods; however, the desire (or necessity) to
maintain a higher level of minimum serviceability will shorten the performance period. The rate of
deterioration in the serviceability index is affected by the overall structural capacity and environ-
ment, including severe climatic events. Serviceability can be restored by performing preventive or
standard maintenance, HMA overlays, or other rehabilitation/reconstruction.
This field is intended as a measure of the pavement condition following an overlay predicted by
FPS 21, projected after the initial or subsequent performance period.
NOTE: Overlays will always be programmed unless your time to first overlay is greater than or
equal to the analysis period of your design. A planned overlay within the analysis period is
equivalent to using “Staged Construction” in the AASHTO 93 design procedure.
Typically, these overlays are thin (2-3 in.) and placed in one lift. Therefore, ride improvement may
not necessarily return smoothness to “original” levels; a value of 4.0 - 4.2 is recommended.
If the predicted overlay is thick enough to require more than one lift or district experience dictates
otherwise, a value up to 4.5 may be considered, depending on the anticipated renewed ride condi-
tion (see Figure 5-1).
FPS 21 is set to ‘31’ as the default (corresponds to a Central Texas value). Historic temperature
constants by district are given in the Help menu, but justification must be cited for their use. Using
the values keyed to the project’s home district will generate a steeper performance curve (shorter
life) for a colder region than in a warmer region. FPS 21 will not generate an effective design that
will counter the effects of thermal cracking (based on thickness alone).
This parameter is used in the life cycle cost analysis to discount future expenditures for overlay and
maintenance costs. The default of 7% may be adjusted based on current trends.
This field can be used to constrain design strategies where funding may be restricted. Generally,
this parameter is left at a sufficiently high value ($99.00/SY) to maximize output design
This field can be used to constrain design strategies to meet profile limitations or limit the number
of total designs in the output.
This field can be used to constrain design strategies to meet profile limitations.
In the Traffic Data section, average daily traffic (ADT) statistics, cumulative ESAL loading, and
percent trucks in the ADT are parameters that must be obtained through the Traffic Analysis Sec-
tion of the Transportation Planning and Programming Division (TPP) by requesting a “Traffic
Analysis for Highway Design.”
Use Form 2124, Request for Traffic Data1 for design traffic requests (see “Pavement Design Pro-
cess” link to Chapter 2, Section 8, for guidance). This TPP report will also contain the Average of
the Ten Heaviest Wheel Loads, Daily (ATHWLD) and percent tandems in the ATHWLD, inputs
that are both required for the Modified Triaxial Check (Chapter 2, Section 5, “Approved Pavement
Design Methods”).
As noted by the Pavement Design Task Force (PDTF, 2009), districts should review the traffic anal-
ysis for highway design report to verify data reasonableness. For example, check reported ADTs
and percent trucks in the traffic stream against observations along the project corridor. Also, knowl-
edge of the predominant types of trucks and commodities transported can influence the proportion
of fully loaded trucks and the wheel/axle loading imparted to the pavement.
By scrutinizing the reported beginning ADT, percent trucks in the ADT, and backcalculating the
average ESALs per truck from the TPP data, a designer can roughly estimate the magnitude of the
reported versus observed truck traffic and the damage caused by the average truck. The information
gathered can be used as a basis for requesting a re-evaluation of the forecasted traffic, if necessary.
Alternately, the methodology cited in Chapter 2, Section 8 (Traffic Projections), may be considered
to adjust TPP reported traffic loading.
For multi-lane highways, observation may determine the actual lane distribution of trucks. Deter-
mine whether the ATHWLD figure appears reasonable. Compare the TPP reported load against a
typical dual tire set on a fully loaded 18-wheeler that has a static load of roughly 9,000 lbs.
This is normally a two-direction volume parameter that is required to generate user delay costs
during overlays at the end of a performance period and (along with the ending ADT) to determine
the accumulation of axle loading over time. The beginning and ending ADTs define the composite
traffic growth rate over the analysis period. For special situations such as one-way frontage road
and ramp analysis, or one-direction analysis in the case of unequal loading, this figure will be one-
way volume. This value will be the ADT at the beginning of a 20-yr. analysis period which should
correspond to the year the facility is opened to traffic after construction or structural overlay
(design option 6) is placed.
Same as above, except this will be the volume at the end of a 20-yr. analysis period. ADT is
assumed to increase linearly over time.
This figure is entered in terms of decimal millions. If the analysis period is other than 20 yr., an
internal traffic equation will adjust the cumulative ESALs to the correct value for the analysis
period used. The cumulative 20-yr. traffic MUST ALWAYS be entered in this field, except when stan-
dard or project specific adjustments for lane distribution are warranted for multi-lane facilities.
These factors may be applied to the TPP-supplied figure when at least three lanes exist in the
design direction (see Chapter 2, Section 8, “Information Needed for Pavement Design”); Lane dis-
tribution adjustments to the 20-year cumulative ESALs reported by TPP are as follows:
Table 5-2: Lane Distribution Adjustments
2 Use 100%
3 Use 70%
Lane distribution factors can be applied to highways with two lanes in one direction when there are
compelling data to warrant reduction of the 100% ESAL loading.
Figure is entered in miles/hour; typically the posted speed limit is used. This parameter forms part
of the equation to determine user delay costs through the overlay zone.
Figure is entered in miles/hour; the estimate will, in part, depend upon the detour model used. This
parameter is another part of the user delay cost equation. To avoid possible influence on the order-
ing of recommended thickness options in the FPS output, this value should be set equal to the
“Average Approach Speed” to preclude computation of associated user costs in the overall estimate
of project costs.
Same as above, except in the non-overlay direction. Again, this value should be set equal to the
“Average Approach Speed” to preclude computation of the associated user costs in the overall esti-
mate of project cost.
Parameter is part of the user delay cost equation. An estimate of the percent of ADT that arrives
each hour of overlay construction is needed. If no better information exists, use 5% for urban high-
ways and 6% for rural.
Parameter is part of the user delay cost equation. The higher the percentage of trucks, the higher the
user delay costs will be during overlay operations. Use the percent figure provided by TPP traffic
This parameter is dictated by the nominal maximum aggregate size of the mix typically used for
overlays following the initial performance period. A ½-in. level-up is automatically included for
cost purposes in the program, but does not count toward an increase in structure.
This input is used to evaluate traffic delay costs as a result of overlay operations required at the end
of a performance period. Daily construction time typically ranges from 8-12 hrs.
See NOTE for parameter influences. Typically the value ranges between 1.90-2.00.
See NOTE for parameter influences. Typically the value ranges between 150-300 tons/hr.
See NOTE for parameter influences. This value should be equal to the typical lane width.
This is a parameter that will affect life-cycle costs. The average cost of routine maintenance for the
first year following initial or structural overlay (design option 6) construction should be tracked at
the district level. Values have typically ranged from $50-$200/lane-mi.
This parameter is an adjustment to the baseline first-year routine maintenance cost where a uniform
rate of increase is assumed. This value should again be tracked at the district level. Values have typ-
ically ranged from $10-$50/lane-mi.
NOTE: This parameter influences the time required to place the overlay and, as a result, affects the
traffic delay costs.
There are five different models in the program for handling traffic during overlay operations, each
one generating a unique user-delay related cost. The model number (1-5) is entered in this field.
Clicking on the input field or on the associated up-down arrow buttons will activate a graphic por-
trayal of each detour model. Clicking on the graphic will hide drawing.
CAUTION: Use of the incorrect detour model or incorrect number of lanes can result in excessive
user delay costs or cause the program to crash, particularly when insufficient lanes
(geometric capacity) are allotted for very high ADT inputs.
These models are not all inclusive of the type of projects underway around Texas. The designer
must select the model close to the proposed design, the key requirement is the number of open
lanes in the overlay direction.
Model 2. Highway cross section consists of two driving lanes (one each direction) with narrow
shoulders. Paving operations will block one direction at a time, with traffic in the paving direc-
tion being diverted into the on-coming lane using an escort. Traffic in the non-paving direction
will be required to stop when traffic is escorted from the opposite direction.
Model 3. Highway cross section consists of two or more driving lanes in each direction. Paving
operations will block one driving lane at a time, requiring traffic in the paving direction to
channel down into fewer lanes. Traffic in the non-paving direction may be completely unaf-
fected if the highway is a divided facility.
Model 4. Highway cross section consists of two or more driving lanes in each direction. Direc-
tional traffic flow in the paving direction is completely blocked, with traffic diverted to at least
one lane in the opposite direction. Traffic in the non-paving direction must be channeled down
into fewer lanes to accommodate opposing traffic.
Model 5. Highway cross section consists of two or more driving lanes in each direction. Direc-
tional traffic flow in the paving direction is completely blocked, with traffic diverted around
the overlay zone by special detour, alternate route, or combination of these. Traffic in the non-
paving direction may be completely unaffected if the highway is a divided facility.
This value includes all driving lanes in both directions. If a facility includes a continuous left turn
lane, treat this lane as a shoulder (do not count it as a driving lane), unless the highway is restriped/
partitioned to cause the lane to be designed for through traffic.
This value will depend upon the overlay model chosen above and the total number of lanes on the
highway. In the case of Model 1, this number would be one (1). In the case of Model 2, this number
would be zero (0).
This value will depend upon the overlay model chosen above and the total number of lanes on the
highway. In the case of Model 2, this number would be one (1).
This input calculates the time delay associated with the detour which is further reduced to a user
cost. Input is in units of miles.
This field is hidden, unless Detour Model 5 is selected. The distance in miles of the alternate route/
special detour is input.
The designer must now select which design type will be used for the project. FPS21 uses a menu of
seven basic design types:
Table 5-3: FPS21 Seven Basic Design Types
1 2 3 4 5 6 7*
Flexible Base Flexible Base Asphalt Stabi- Asphalt Stabi- Flexible Base Existing HMA User Selected
lized Base/ lized Base/
Subgrade Subgrade Subgrade Flexible Base Stabilized Existing Base User Selected
- - - - - - User Selected
- - - - - - User Selected
- - - - - - Subgrade
In addition, a previously generated design input file can be recalled (selection made on first input
page). The number of distinct layers that can be evaluated is limited to that shown in the table. The
designer may opt to consolidate two or more layers or ignore a minimal contributing layer (such as
select fill) in a design as a work-around if the number of layers in the proposed structure exceeds
that available in any design option. In the case of consolidating multiple layers, a composite modu-
lus must be assumed; this procedure would require some discretion to ensure adequacy of the
overall design. When using design option 7 (User Defined), the designer must select different mate-
rials from the inventory table for each layer to allow the program to consider their unique
contribution to the structure. Renaming and editing of the material properties is allowed in the
materials table beneath the detour design inputs. There are also unique aspects to the material mod-
ulus defaults with each type of design. For example, in design Types 1and 2, the flexible base
modulus is mathematically calculated based on the designer’s input modulus for the subgrade and
the flexible base thickness. The designer may override this calculated value, but values that are
considerably greater than the program-generated value should be carefully weighed; the intent of
this design type is to scale the stiffness of the base modulus to the degree of support offered by
overall base thickness and subgrade stiffness. The modulus ratio of unbound “flex” base sitting on
untreated subgrade should not exceed 4.
The Type 4 design also adjusts the flexible base modulus based on the subgrade modulus, but at a
fixed ratio of 3:1. Using discretion, this value may be overwritten as described for Type 1 or 2
The Type 5 design has no unbound layer modulus adjustments associated with it. When the pave-
ment structure is not clearly a Type 1, 2, 3, or 4 design, Type 5 or Type 7 are recommended. All
material names and properties in these pavement types may be overwritten in the materials table
beneath the detour design inputs to suit the structure being designed within the limitations already
The Type 6 design is intended for overlays of flexible pavements only and cannot be used reliably
for overlay of concrete or HMA-surfaced structures on heavily stabilized bases.
For more information, refer to the Flexible Pavement Design System (FPS) 21: User’s Manual and
thickness design software.
If more than one type of design is being considered, then each type of design must be run separately
and the respective program outputs subsequently compared. Click on the “Design Type” button and
the seven options will be revealed. Select one of the option buttons then click on the “Exit Pave-
ment Design Type Selection” button to continue. If the design option selected was from 1 to 6, the
program will immediately display the materials summary table, at which time the designer can edit
all entries (including material description), other than layer number.
If the designer selects option 7 (User Defined), the program displays an interactive building menu
where materials are selected by clicking and dragging from the inventory in the table on the right to
the blank slate on the left. The default number of layers is 4 (this is an absolute minimum in this
mode), but can be increased up to 7 by clicking on the “plus” sign at the top left of the blank slate.
Number of layers can be decreased later if desired (“minus” sign), but the designer must check to
make sure layers that were desired were not inadvertently removed. Note that layers cannot be
dragged backwards from the slate to the tabled inventory, but can be “overwritten” by dragging a
new material from the inventory over the undesired material on the slate. Once the designer is satis-
fied, click on the “Go Back” button at the top of the slate to view the materials summary table. As
before, the designer can now edit all entries other than the layer number.
NOTE: When using design option 7 (User Defined), the designer must select different materials
from the inventory table for each layer to allow the program to consider their unique con-
tribution to the structure. Each material in the inventory table is given a unique program
code. In other words, do not attempt to place the same material selection into multiple lay-
ers in the proposed pavement structure. Renaming and editing of the material properties is
allowed once you return to the materials summary table beneath the detour design inputs.
The material modulus will be very influential in layer thickness calculations; the combination of
the unit cost and thickness will dictate the structure’s initial construction cost. However, this sim-
plistic approach can be disastrous if the big picture is overlooked.
Properly estimating in-place and proposed new material properties is key to deriving a well per-
forming, yet economical, structure. Since FPS 21 only gauges a material’s contribution on the basis
of modulus, other engineering considerations must be applied. Materials selected must be compati-
ble. Failure to properly consider existing material properties, relative stiffness of adjacent layers,
HMA mixture-specific rutting and cracking susceptibility, moisture susceptibility of bound and
unbound materials, or the adjacent structure composition (in the case of widening) can lead to early
failure and/or very high maintenance costs. Also, FPS does not consider the contribution of non-
structural components such as prime or tack coats, or underseals, that may be critical to ensuring
proper bond between layers and overall moisture resistance of the structure.
The sequence number for each material layer is automatically placed for each pavement design
type. The designer should not attempt to add layers to these pre-established sequences, nor reorder
the sequence. The layer sequence number will appear on the output pages of the program for each
design option next to the letter ‘D’ (depth) for each layer.
The designer may edit the name of the material to be used in the layer, if preferred over the default
Cost for all new materials proposed in a design is in terms of dollars/cubic yard. Even existing or
reclaimed layers can have costs associated with them, such as reworking a flexible base or milling
an existing HMA layer prior to overlaying. Material costs should be tracked at the district level.
The Average Low Bid Unit Price found on the department’s website can be used as a basis for these
material costs.
See Section 4.
The designer enters a value typical for the material type used. Recommended values are given in
Table 5-6. This input has very little sensitivity in the thickness design process. Selection of a value
within the ranges identified is sufficient.
This is the minimum depth for a given layer that the designer will consider. This may be driven by
nominal maximum aggregate size in the case of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layers, minimum practical
layer thickness for flexible bases to achieve density, or district policy.
For existing layers, the average existing layer thickness is input.
Except in the Overlay Design mode (design Type 6), do not use ‘zero’ as the minimum thick-
ness. Run a different design option that does not have this layer and compare results of more
than one design option type post-calculation if necessary. A warning message will appear once
the program ‘run’ button is activated if zero is placed as the minimum thickness.
Check district SOP for guidelines on fixed or minimum layer thickness.
For subgrade, use the average depth to bedrock as determined by MODULUS or the default
(200 in.) when the subgrade modulus was not backcalculated.
This is the maximum depth for a given layer that the designer will consider. This may be driven by
the maximum practical compaction thickness for one or more lifts or by district policy.
For existing layers, the average existing layer thickness is input (minimum equals maximum).
Check district SOP for guidelines on fixed or maximum allowed layer thickness.
For subgrade, use the average depth to bedrock as determined by MODULUS or the default
(200 in.) when the subgrade modulus was not backcalculated.
The designer enters a percentage of the original cost of the material that may be recovered at the
end of the analysis period (design life). Guidelines are given in the built-in help screen for these
fields for 10-, 20-, and 30-yr. analysis periods.
Once all inputs are entered, the designer clicks the red arrow button and the output (FPS Pavement
Design Results) screen appears. If there are no feasible solutions, a message box will appear that
will allow the designer to re-run and modify necessary inputs.
When at least one design is produced, further evaluation using the design checks may begin. At a
minimum, the Modified Texas Triaxial Design check must be run. Leeway is granted to the project
engineer (when approved as District Policy) to override the outcome of this check if evidence of
past performance can be cited. Select the “Check Design” button beneath the design result sum-
mary table for each considered design solution in turn. Design check option buttons will appear on
the right margin of the follow-on screen. In addition to the Modified Texas Triaxial Design check,
running the Mechanistic Check is highly recommended for any FPS design result that produces an
HMA surface from 2-4 in thick. This range of HMA thickness is particularly vulnerable to short
fatigue life.
Step Action
1 Below the FPS design output display, click on “Check Design” for a selected output structure solu-
tion. Once selected, a “pavement plot” window appears with several option buttons.
2 Click on “Triaxial Check.” The Modified Texas Triaxial Design check window will appear.
4 The first two parameters (Average of the Ten Heaviest Wheel Loads Daily [ATHWLD] and percent-
age of tandem axles in the ATHWLD) are provided in the Transportation Planning and Programming
Division (TPP) Traffic Analysis for Highway Design report.
5 The percent tandem axles in the AHTWLD value is used to trigger a wheel load multiplier of 1.3
times the ATHWLD for percent tandems at 50% or greater.
6 The Pavement Design Task Force (PDTF, 2009) recommends a wheel load factor of 1.0 be used
for all designs where traffic loading is below 3 M ESALs.
The percent tandem axles must be entered as <50% for these designs.
For designs involving more than 3 M ESALs, use the appropriate percent tandem axles provided
by TPP.
NOTE: Where heavy industry truck traffic, energy sector development, aggregate pits or concrete
plants, etc., are common, special design considerations may be required.
7 Continue with inputs for the modified cohesiometer and subgrade Triaxial Class number as described
The cohesiometer is a device that was once used to determine a relative index of sheer strength for
highway materials as a way to assign greater weight to bound or stabilized materials used in the
highway structure. By allowing for this, the calculated depth of “better granular material” needed to
protect the subgrade (or other unbound layers) could be reduced by an amount obtained from a
chart (use the Flexible Base Design Chart followed by the Thickness Reduction Chart for Stabi-
lized Layers) found in the “Tex-117-E” test procedure archived versions, August 2002 - December
Step Action
There are three options for supplying the Texas Triaxial Class of the subgrade.
1. Enter the value calculated by performing Tex-117-E, “Triaxial Compression for Disturbed
Soils and Base Materials,” or through use of Soil Conservation Service maps and catalogued
results from previous testing (Soil_Series.xls).
2. Determine the controlling project subgrade soil plasticity index (PI). In selecting option 2, a
field will appear to allow input of the soil PI. Internal calculations will estimate a correlated
Texas Triaxial Class and reveal it in the TTC field.
3. Estimate the TTC based on the project controlling soil type. By selecting option 3, an internal
database query will reveal average TTC values for predominant soil types within the project
county. Select the project controlling soil type and the corresponding TTC value from the data-
base will be placed in the TTC field.
For all three options, once the TTC value is entered, computations are executed on the upper right-
hand side of the screen, and a message will appear indicating whether the design passes or fails the
Modified Triaxial check.
Each material layer used in the structure will have a modulus input that shall characterize the aver-
age seasonal stiffness of that material over the course of the year. The construction process,
inherent material variability (initially and over time), and effects of environment (moisture and
temperature) and traffic loading will typically introduce considerable variance about the average
value. Modulus inputs for HMA are based on a temperature of 77°F.
Overestimating this material property can result in a structure with poor permanent deformation
performance and may subject the surface to early fatigue, while underestimating can result in an
uneconomical pavement.
Additionally, materials that have an average in situ modulus in one circumstance may have a differ-
ent average modulus if placed in another environment. This is particularly true of unbound base
material; the modulus can be significantly influenced by the confinement provided by the layers
above or below, absence of paved shoulders, or by the amount of moisture infiltrating the structure
if the materials are moisture susceptible.
In evaluating a design that consists of layers that were pre-existing (including the subgrade), the
falling weight deflectometer (FWD) is indispensable in determining what stiffnesses (through
backcalculation) these layers can contribute to the new structure. Proposed virgin and reclaimed
material moduli will require knowledge by the designer (preferably through past use and subse-
quent evaluation), tempered by the specifics of the current project.
Studies conducted on perpetual pavements indicate that stone-on-stone designed Superpave hot-
mixes and thick composite HMA structures, using any type of HMA, have much stiffer in-place
moduli values than conventional thinner surfaced HMA structures. Laboratory and field testing
continues on these mixes to establish stiffness-temperature curves and better define “design” stiff-
ness values by type, if necessary.
All backcalculated material modulus values are manually entered into their respective fields (val-
ues are not read from the MODULUS backcalculation summary file). Typically, adjustments (see
4.4.1. Backcalculation Limitations and Adjustments below) to the averages produced in the back-
calculation process are necessary prior to entry in the FPS program.
Below is a partial listing of typical design moduli by material type for virgin or modified-in-place
materials to be used in FPS 21. For materials not listed, contact MNT – Pavement Asset Manage-
ment for recommendations.
Table 5-6: Recommended Material Design Modulus Values
Seal Coat Item 316 200 - 250 ksi 0.35 Considered in the structural
design only when placed on the
surface. Not considered when
used as an underseal.
Limestone Rock Item 330 200 - 350 ksi 0.35 Material typically placed as
Asphalt Pavement asphalt stabilized base or surface
for low volume roads.
Permeable Fric- Item 342 300 ksi 0.35 Thinness of the lift and high air
tion Course voids do not allow significant
contribution to the overall struc-
tural capacity.
Asphalt Treatment Item 292 250 - 400 ksi 0.35 Use Tex-126-E, “Molding, Test-
(base) ing, and Evaluating Bituminous
Black Base Materials,” asphalt
Emulsified Asphalt Statewide spe- 200 ksi 0.35 Contact MTD – Soils & Aggre-
Treatment (Base) cial specs gates section for assistance in
establishing optimum emulsion
concentration and recommenda-
tions for adding cement or other
filler material. Humid/wet
regions require special consider-
ations to ensure proper curing.
Foamed Asphalt Statewide spe- 200 ksi 0.35 Contact MTD – Soils & Aggre-
Treatment (Base) cial specs gates section for assistance in
establishing optimum asphalt
content and recommendations
for adding cement or other filler
Flexible Base Item 247 If historic data 0.35 In general, a finer graded base
not available, will have lower moduli than one
modulus shall that is a coarser gradation. As
be no greater angularity and soundness of par-
than 3-4 times ticles decrease, modulus will
the subgrade decrease to the lower end of the
modulus or scale. Limiting the minus 200
use FPS clay fraction will improve resis-
default, tance to moisture damage.
whichever is
lower. Typical
range 40-70
Lime Treated Base Item 260, 263 60 - 75 ksi 0.30 - 0.35 Use Tex-121-E, “Soil-Lime
Testing,” to establish optimum
lime content. Long-term stiff-
ness improvement will depend
on concentration used and affin-
ity of base material to undergo
permanent chemical bonding.
Cement Treated Item 275, 276 80 - 150 ksi 0.25 - 0.30 Use Tex-120-E, “Soil-Cement
Base Testing,” to establish optimum
cement content. For Item 276, a
minimum 7-day unconfined
compressive strength of 300 psi
is established for Class L stabi-
lized base. TTI research
indicates that higher strengths
can lead to detrimental shrinkage
cracking. Micro cracking is
encouraged for higher strengths.
Also, very stiff, stabilized bases
are not modeled effectively in
FPS 21. Higher design moduli
shall not be used.
Fly Ash or Lime- Item 265 60 - 75 ksi 0.30 Use Tex-127-E, “Lime Fly-Ash
Fly Ash Treated Compressive Strength Test
Base Methods,” to establish optimum
fly ash or lime fly ash content.
Lime or Cement Item 260, 275 30 - 45 ksi 0.30 Use Tex-121-E or Tex-120-E,
Treated Subgrade Parts 1, to establish optimum
lime or cement content. Long-
term stiffness improvement will
depend on concentration used
and affinity of subgrade mate-
rial to undergo permanent
chemical bonding. For cases
when a subgrade will be treated
(2-3% lime) to provide a work-
ing platform for construction
equipment and a platform to
improve compactive effort of the
overlying layers, this layer shall
not be accounted for in the struc-
tural design.
Emulsified Asphalt Item 314, vari- 15 - 25 ksi 0.35 Contact MNT – Pavement Asset
Treatment ous special Management for assistance in
(Subgrade) specs establishing optimum emulsion
Rehab and reclamation procedures often use materials in non-standard ways that either rely on
blending of some in-situ materials, with or without new materials (such as “add-rock”, or modifi-
ers), or simply reworking old engineered layers (surface and base) in-place. In many cases, spot
repairs (base and surface) may be the only preparation before the existing structure is simply over-
laid with new HMA. The Table below offers some guidance for selecting FPS values for this type
of construction.
Table 5-7: Design Modulus Values for Rehab/Reclamation Projects
Existing Thin Hot Mix *500 ksi or Back-calculated 0.35 Add existing HMA thickness
from FWD data to new HMA overlay thick-
ness; use Cm value for total
HMA thickness
Existing Pavement - Scari- ~3 times the subgrade 0.35 Use 100 for untreated materi-
fied, Reshaped and modulus als, or select another layer
Compacted with higher credit
New Flexible Base (on top Gr 1-2: 70 ksi 0.35 Use 100 for untreated materi-
of existing structure/base) Gr 5: 50 ksi als, or select another layer
with higher credit
1st 8" lift of new flexible ~3 times the subgrade 0.35 Use 100 for untreated materi-
base (when multiple lifts modulus als, or select another layer
are req'd) with higher credit
* For thin mix, when visually in good condition or repairs will be made to areas in poor condition.
This procedure is used to determine modulus values for in situ pavement materials when these
materials are used as is (unmodified) in FPS design. TxDOT currently uses version 7.0 of the
MODULUS software for backcalculation of deflection data collected by the FWD. Version 7.0 is
comparable to version 6.0; the main difference is the ability to read current Dynatest R80 formatted
data files that have GPS locations embedded. The software (v 7.0) and user’s manual (v 6.0) in PDF
document format are available through the MNT Engineering applications link to the TTI on-line
pavement design training site. Also, basic operation and discussion of inputs, cautions, and exam-
ple problems is presented in the Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies training course and
Flexible Pavement Design workshop.
The raw deflection file, pavement layer thicknesses, layer Poisson ratios, probable layer moduli
ranges, and asphalt temperatures at the time of testing are all required inputs to perform backcalcu-
lation. The backcalculation process works on the assumption that the pavement structure can be
modeled as a linear-elastic layered system. If the parameters of layer thickness, deflection, and
Poisson ratio are known, the modulus can be approximated. A likely range of “probable” layer
moduli provided by the program user facilitates the process by forming the basis of a small internal
database against which mathematically generated deflection bowls are compared to the actual mea-
sured deflection bowl by the software. Once a reasonable match is made, the moduli that allow this
match are reported as the individual layer moduli. In addition, the program reports a depth to stiff
layer or bedrock.
There are precautions and limitations to the backcalculation procedure that the user must consider.
In the end, engineering judgment will be needed to decide on the veracity of solutions generated.
The following are some pointers when using MODULUS 7.0:
The modulus for layers thinner than 3.0 in. cannot be backcalculated. This situation arises most
often for thin-surfaced flexible pavements. The user must assign a reasonable modulus to this
layer (minimum and maximum are input as the same value in the program) based on thickness,
level of distress, temperature, etc.
The surface layer is always the layer that the load plate is in contact with, so a thickness must
be entered. Where the surface is a bituminous surface treatment, it is allowable to use a nomi-
nal thickness, such as 0.5 in., and assign a nominal modulus, such as 200 ksi. Alternatively, the
surface treatment can be combined with the underlying layer as the “surface,” reducing the
total number of layers by one. In determining the seed moduli range for the surface, MODU-
LUS assumes the layer is HMA and automatically fills the min/max seed values in accordance
with the temperature posted in the Asphalt Temp cell. Where non-bituminous materials are the
surface during testing, the user must insert seed values commensurate with the type of material
The maximum number of layers for which the modulus can be backcalculated is four (one of
which is always the natural subgrade) in MODULUS 7.0. For circumstances where more lay-
ers are known to exist, the user must either consolidate or ignore layers. Consolidation is
recommended for materials that are more likely to have a similar modulus and shear strength
properties (i.e., different types of HMA, or flex base over reclaimed base). Ignoring layers may
be reasonable in certain cases where the material’s contribution to the overall stiffness of the
structure is minimal (i.e., “foundation course,” or lime treated subgrade – constructed as a
working platform).
There are times when a more reasonable solution is obtained modeling your pavement struc-
ture as a 3-layer system, even if you know there are four layers present. This situation may
develop for a number of reasons, such as variable stabilization (leaching), variable depth to
bedrock, etc.
A check of reasonableness in the solutions generated shall be made. Reasonableness is more
related to the in-place stiffness characteristics of the layers being modeled and not necessarily
to the size of the average errors reported by the software in comparing the mathematically gen-
erated bowls to the measured bowls. While the 4-layer solution will generally give lower
overall errors, the backcalculated material moduli may be unrealistic with respect to the in-
place material, and the variability of reported moduli may be excessive (coefficient of variation
100% or greater). When there is doubt of reasonableness, the user should perform backcalcula-
tion runs using both 3- and 4-layer solutions (employing guidelines given in the third bullet).
Additional field testing, such as with the dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) along with engi-
neering judgment, is necessary to ensure a valid, reliable solution.
A check of the MODULUS summary table shall be made to detect outliers that skew the aver-
age value reported. Outliers may be the result of full-depth patches (different pavement
structure) or very weak areas.
For the purpose of using MODULUS-reported values as input to FPS 21, adjustment of the
average modulus shall be considered; otherwise the performance of any pavement design solu-
tion based on these inputs could be jeopardized. As a rule-of-thumb, consider removing values
that exceed one standard deviation from the unadjusted average, and then re-average. This
should always be done for modulus values that are much higher than values that are more typi-
cal for the section. Consideration can be given to eliminating very low values only if the
intention is to include a bid item for repair of weak areas (i.e., Item 351, “Flexible Pavement
Structure Repair,” or Item 354, “Planing and Texturing Pavement”) as part of the job.
Shallow bedrock (typically less than 60 in. deep) will almost always result in underestimation
of the subgrade modulus and overestimation of the flexible base modulus and produce very
high average error (> 20%). The recommended workaround is to fix the depth to bedrock
(DTB) at 120 in. or, alternatively, 240 in. if the solution using the program-generated DTB pro-
duces suspect subgrade/base moduli. Another clue that the default solution is suspect would be
if the ratio of the flexible base modulus (unstabilized layers only) to the subgrade modulus is
very high (> 5). If the user opts to fix the calculated DTB to a value in the 120- to 240-in.
range, then this user-selected value must also be used in FPS 21 design.
MODULUS can perceive a shallow DTB in high water table situations (water is incompress-
ible) as can be the case in east Texas. It may be beneficial to override the program-generated
DTB value by using a fixed value of 120 in. Again, check the generated subgrade/base moduli
values for reasonableness.
Soft upper subgrade can also lead to high errors in the backcalculation process. In these cases,
use a 4-layer solution where the soft portion of the subgrade is modeled as the subbase layer
(fix depth at 12 in.) to provide better fit and more realistic backcalculated values for the base
and deep subgrade. A check can be made in MODULUS using the Boussinesq procedure to
evaluate how the subgrade modulus varies with depth. Verification with a dynamic cone pene-
trometer (DCP) may be warranted.
In addition to adjustments made to backcalculated average modulus values for outliers in the
deflection data set, correction factors must be applied to the backcalculated HMA values. This is
particularly important for HMA surfaces greater than 4 inches in thickness. FPS 21 considers the
modulus of bituminous materials only at the reference temperature of 77°F. FWD data are rarely
collected at the reference temperature, corrections must be made for FPS input. Since modulus val-
ues for surfaces thinner than 3 inches cannot be backcalculated, the designer must use engineering
judgement in discerning the design modulus value (at design temperature 77˚F, considering condi-
tion of existing HMA) of thinner HMA surfaces to be incorporated in the FPS design. Where
backcalculation of the HMA surface is possible, modulus adjustments are made using one of the
following methods.
1. Use the formula CF = T2.81/200,000, where CF is the correction factor to be multiplied by the
backcalculated HMA modulus (adjusted for outliers), and T is the average temperature over
the time the FWD survey was made, or
2. Use the Modulus Temperature Correction Program (MTCP). MTCP can use the surface tem-
peratures measured at each deflection location and, together with the previous day’s average
temperature (available at weather underground, pre-
dict the in-pavement temperature and compute the temperature adjusted modulus. Outliers
must still be removed from the calculated temperature-corrected average.
Detours are pavements onto which traffic is temporarily diverted until a permanent (new construc-
tion, reconstruction, etc.) structure is provided to carry the traffic over the time frame of a
conventional performance period.
Detours can generally be placed into two categories. The first category is the diversion of traffic
onto an existing road or roads that parallel or skirt the location of the permanent facility to allow
traffic around the construction site. Based on the engineer’s evaluation, the existing road(s):
may be used “as is” if little detrimental effect caused by the additional traffic loading is
may need structural upgrading prior to opening of the detour, or
may need rehabilitation once the detour is removed.
The second category entails the construction of a temporary facility, usually parallel to and in the
general right-of-way of the permanent facility. This type of detour is usually removed when no lon-
ger needed or may become integrated into the permanent structure.
Estimating traffic loading over the time frame for a detour is complicated, especially when multiple
highway sections are involved. Traffic data for detours can be specifically requested from TPP. For
typical detours, the traffic data requested for the parent project will suffice when used in conjunc-
tion with the following detour design procedures.
NOTE: The temporary nature of the detour is not a license for ignoring other basic considerations,
such as drainage, underlying/edge support, and quality workmanship. These points should
be emphasized during the pre-construction conference and actively monitored by inspec-
tors in the field.
The falling weight deflectometer (FWD) shall be used to evaluate the adequacy of any existing
structure (e.g., shoulders or bypass routes) to carry detour traffic.
FPS 21 and the Modified Texas Triaxial Class (TTC) design procedure (as a standalone design
option) are the primary analytical methods for detour design. As with all FPS designs, a check
using the modified TTC check procedure is required; an allowable alternate version of the standard
TTC procedure is described later in this section. If the detour incorporates existing roads/highways,
traffic load estimates must include traffic from both sources. Districts may employ proven design
strategies for detours and can develop catalog designs based on traffic levels and subgrade support.
When using FPS 21, traffic loading must be entered as the 20-yr. cumulative ESALs. It is only the
analysis period that is adjusted to reflect the expected duration of the detour. Set the analysis period
and time to first overlay to one or two years. The version of the modified TTC check most com-
monly used (as in the post-design check built into FPS) assumes a design life of 20 yr. For detours
expected to last less than 2 yr., an alternate version of the modified TTC check may be considered –
a version sometimes used for evaluating load-zoned highways where the design life is considered
to be no more than 10 yr.
In the alternate version, the allowable wheel load scale is essentially doubled, allowing for reduced
cover over the standard procedure. The easiest way to perform this alternate version of the modified
TTC check is to simply divide the ATHWLD reported from TPP by 2 on the Traffic Analysis for
Highway Design report, and enter this wheel load value into the appropriate field of the FPS 21
Modified Texas Triaxial Design check. Depending on the priority of maintaining uninterrupted traf-
fic flow, the tandem axle multiplier can further reduce the overall thickness requirement when set to
less than 50%. (NOTE: The tandem axle multiplier is employed when the reported percent tandem
axles in the ATHWLD is 50% or greater.) If this alternative option is used, an additional mechanis-
tic check is highly recommended to double check fatigue and rut life.
When using the Mechanistic Check option in FPS 21 to evaluate detour sufficiency in fatigue
cracking and subgrade failure (rutting), the routine will estimate the passes to failure in both these
modes of a standard 18-kip axle and compare that against the cumulative 18-kip axles in the first
performance period of the FPS design. A “check result” message will appear indicating whether the
design passes or fails. However, the FPS-calculated performance period is often much longer than
the intended detour life; therefore, estimating the cumulative ESALs to the end of the projected
detour life may be desirable. One procedure the designer can use to estimate cumulative ESALs
over this short detour life is by calculating ESALs in “TRAFFIC6.xls” (refer to MNT, Engineering
Applications, to download the spreadsheet) or similar estimating routine, then compare this value
against the predicted crack and rut life numbers generated in the FPS Mechanistic Design Check.
Refer to the User’s Manual for more details on using the FPS Mechanistic Check feature.
Once a structural design is generated by using any of the cited procedures, other considerations
must be made to ensure adequate performance over the expected life of the detour structure.
Among these are:
adequate pavement width to ensure wheel loads do not encroach upon the pavement edge
where lack of lateral support may result in shear failures at the edge;
properly prepared subgrade (including investigation into soil properties). If there are no time
constraints for the construction of the detour, stabilization should be considered for low to
moderate strength, moisture-susceptible subgrades. Alternately, a geogrid can be used as long
as some separation (e.g., thin granular layer) from a proposed HMA lift is planned. The stabi-
lized subgrade will provide a stable construction platform and will help reduce the total
thickness of the pavement structure for the detour;
placing 4 in. of flexible base prior to placing any full-depth hot-mix structure if it is not feasi-
ble to stabilize the subgrade. The 4 in. of flexible base will help reduce the total thickness of
the pavement structure and provide an improved platform to compact the bottom HMA lift
against. Improved density in the HMA will increase fatigue life and moisture resistance;
adequate drainage by ensuring proper cross slope, ditch lines, and prevention of ponding;
properly compacted pavement lifts including the HMA surfacing; and
sufficient HMA density at mat joints and full bonding between HMA lifts.
Proof rolling should be conducted prior to applying surfacing to ensure adequate sheer strength in
the unbound layers. Consider the more stringent requirements in the applicable specifications to
ensure quality workmanship is used, especially where traffic volumes and level of loading are high.
When the detour structure is no longer needed, mill and recycle pavement layers used in the detour
within the parent project to reduce costs.
Widening is conducted to increase the flow capacity of the highway or to improve safety aspects,
such as the inclusion of shoulders, turning bays, etc. Consideration shall always be given to main-
taining the original cross section for the widened portion. This serves two purposes:
it maintains uniformity in the section which facilitates future evaluation and rehabilitation
options for the section as a whole, and
it maintains subsurface drainage patterns which are essential to preventing trapped moisture.
Exceptions to this philosophy are generally related to poor performance in the existing section or
the desire to expedite construction of the widened section to minimize interference with traffic.
Where traffic control can be facilitated, reworking/widening [add-rock if needed] of the pavement
section full-width yielding an upgraded, uniform full-width section can often be obtained for a
nominal additional cost over more problematic [poor performing] "scab-on" techniques. Consider-
ation of this technique may be most appropriate for narrower or shoulder widening jobs.
In addition to cross section considerations, full lane-width widening will entail a full-depth joint
that is unavoidably a weakened interface in the structure. Compaction against the vertical plane of
the old structure will be more difficult to achieve than with full-width construction. Placement of
this joint as far from the wheel path as possible will improve performance. Also, applying a final
HMA overlay across the entire section with the overlay joint offset by 6-12 in. from the underlying
vertical interface will improve the impermeability of the interface over the short term.
The underlying vertical interface at the widening will usually cause reflective cracking through to
the surface. An aggressive crack sealing program will limit the amount of precipitation runoff from
entering into the structure. Consideration shall also be given to using geotextiles/stress absorbing
membrane interlayer (SAMI) over the widening joint prior to applying the full-width overlay as a
means to delay reflective cracking.
Widening a 2-lane structure for the purpose of developing a Super2 or 4-lane cross section will
entail additional considerations for cut locations and shoulder structural analysis when the existing
shoulder may form part of a new driving lane. When the shoulder is to form part of a new lane, non-
destructive surveys using the falling weight deflectometer (FWD) are essential. In addition, ground
penetrating radar (GPR) may prove to be a useful preliminary survey tool to determine whether the
shoulder matches the current driving lane in structure. Recommendations for pavement cut loca-
tions for Super2 construction are shown in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2. Recommended Widening Joint Location: a) 12.0-ft. Lanes, Original Shoulder > 6.0-ft.
width, b) 12.0-ft. Lanes, Original Shoulder 4.0- to 6.0-ft. width, and c) 12.0-ft. Lanes, Original
Shoulder < 4.0-ft. width.
The objective will be to match as close as practical the same cross section and materials in the wid-
ened section as were used in the original section.
moisture-susceptible may send moisture into the original base, particularly during the initial
curing process.
Apply level-up to match original HMA surface elevation. Make repairs to original surface as
necessary. Apply reflective crack retardant (geotextile, SAMI), if desired.
Apply overlay across full section. Final longitudinal mat joints should be placed at lane stripes
when used.
Ensure ditch lines are sufficient to prevent hydraulic backflow into the pavement structure.
Figure 5-3 depicts an example of an unbound base section.
Other considerations will closely parallel those cited for the unbound base situation. If an original
bound base is cement-treated material, there are cases when it may be preferable to use full-depth
HMA for the widening to expedite construction. This strategy should not cause subsurface moisture
flow problems (“bath tub” effect) when the cement treated base is not itself moisture-susceptible.
Laboratory evaluation of core samples will reveal the degree of moisture susceptibility of the exist-
ing base.
This widening strategy is not encouraged because it often results in lateral subsurface drainage
restrictions (see Figure 5-4 “bath tub” effect). If it was possible to guarantee that no moisture would
accumulate beneath the surface of the original structure, this type of widening would be easier to
Areas of the state that experience low rainfall and deep water tables may experience better perfor-
mance with this type of widening strategy. If this type of widening is considered in wetter areas,
consideration should be given to installing subsurface drainage at the widening interface, with lat-
erals to the ditch line (Chapter 2, Section 8). Unfortunately, this remedy is generally counter to
expediting construction. Sources of in-pavement moisture accumulation are shown below.
6.1 General
Structural Design of Pavements is an evolving process. Gradually, we have moved from purely
empirical design relationships based largely on the results of observations at the AASHO Road Test
to the current mechanistic-empirical process incorporated in FPS 21, where material stiffness is
related to performance (loss of smoothness) through use of the surface curvature index (SCI, a
deflection parameter).
Ultimately, the goal is to incorporate other intrinsic material characteristics, the environment, and
their interaction under traffic loading, to the progression of specific forms of distress by using
mathematical transfer functions. As a result, multiple performance relationships for any given
structure subjected to a given regional environment and regional or site-specific axle loads are
In 2001, the Flexible Pavement Design Task Force (FPDTF) studied structurally designed deep
HMA pavement; a type of pavement typically associated with high assurance of long pavement
Current guidelines have taken into consideration design and constructability issues experienced in
the structures designed under the original guidelines. Recommended structural layer composition
for facilities with a projected 20-yr. one direction cumulative loading of at least 30 million ESALs
is clarified. When 30 million ESALs are exceeded, premium mixtures, such as Item 346, “Stone
Matrix Asphalt (SMA),” and Item 344, “Superpave Mixtures,” should be used in lieu of conven-
tional QC/QA dense-graded specifications (Item 341) to ensure adequate top-down crack resistance
in the surface and rut resistance within lower HMA layers. For the fatigue resistance characteristic
to be effective, all HMA layers must be fully bonded to allow the system to act as a composite
mass. The SMA and Superpave mixes are specifically engineered to offer exceptional performance
under heavy traffic loads. Dense-graded mixes under Item 341 may be used as an alternative to the
stiff, rut-resistant HMA base layers with prior approval by the director, MNT, or designee.
Along with establishing an engineered foundation, using a dense, low air void HMA bottom layer
(Ndes = 35 gyrations or 97.5% lab density) shall be considered when:
full-depth HMA structures have a composite HMA thickness between 8-12 in., or
there are concerns for bottom-up moisture intrusion into less rich (dryer/higher air void) bot-
tom HMA layer.
While research continues in this area, there is one “special case” that easily lends itself to mecha-
nistic structural evaluation, albeit without robust regard to reliability. Experts have defined limiting
strain criteria with some confidence. If these mechanistic benchmarks are not exceeded, then there
is a very high likelihood that the pavement will not suffer traditional bottom-up fatiguing or full-
depth (subgrade failure) rutting.
These limiting strain criteria find their full potential in the perpetual pavement design. Thinner
structures are generally subjected to similar maximum axle loads, but offer insufficient stiffness or
thickness to stay below the limiting criteria. As with other design criteria, these limiting strain crite-
ria presuppose that quality materials are used and that proper construction procedures are followed.
The limiting strain criteria reported by experts in the field (such as Nunn and Monismith) are:
tensile strain at the bottom of the composite HMA layers: < 70 µ-strain,
compressive strain at the top of the subgrade: < 200 µ-strain.
To develop a design and determine whether these criteria are met is a two-step process:
1. Either the designer must use a program such as FPS 21to roughly estimate an initial thickness
design, then use an analysis program that calculates the primary responses to traffic loading for
the heaviest anticipated wheel loads for each season of the year at the critical locations, or
2. the designer speculates at the sufficiency of a desired structure and then evaluates it at the crit-
ical locations using a mechanistic analysis program to see what performance life is predicted.
3. In either case, the design would then be modified to achieve the desired or optimized
Special attention is required in designing a durable foundation by investigating the underlying soils
to determine the appropriate type, level, and depth of stabilization needed. In lieu of subgrade stabi-
lization, a high quality granular base, cement-treated base, or other engineered foundation can be
used. Detailed design and construction considerations are provided in Figure 5-5.
Preferred Lift
Layer Layer Composition Spec Item Mix Size Thickness PG Grade Ndes
SMA (or SP) or two- Item 346 (SMA) 2.0 in. 76-XX 50
layer system PFC on
top of SMA Item 344 (SP) 2.0 in. 76-XX 50
(Passing Balance Mix
Design criteria)
D*** Dense Bottom Layer Item 341 D 2.0 - 3.0 in. 64-22 35 (SGC); or
97.5% lab
density (TGC)
Preferred Lift
Layer Layer Composition Spec Item Mix Size Thickness PG Grade Ndes
Passing Test
methods 122E
or 134E
F Natural subgrade -- -- -- -- --
* Preference should be given to designing above the reference zone. Substitution of Item 344 mixtures using Item 341 is
permitted after consulting with MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
** Use PG 70-22 or higher grade for all HMA mixes that fall within the top 6.0 in. of the finished pavement surface.
*** Can be eliminated if total HMA layer greater than 10 inches thick.
NOTE: See Construction Considerations in figure above, layer E. Must be designed to pass a strength test - contact MTD
for details.
Step Action
1 Pavement design Type 7 (User Defined) is recommended for this type of structure.
4 Use lane distribution reduction factors when three or more lanes are planned in one direction to
adjust the 20-yr. cumulative 18-kip ESALs.
5 Enter the 20-yr. cumulative ESALs (or adjusted ESALs) in the 18-kip ESAL field.
7 Follow general guidelines for all other inputs. Note elevated moduli values are permitted for all
HMA layers based on total thickness. Select the red arrow button to run the design.
Steps 1-3: Use pavement design Type 7 for this type of structure since perpetual pavements typi-
cally have more than 4 unique layers. Careful attention is emphasized for the selection of structural
layers as recommended above under Section 2, Types of Flexible Pavements. Select a 30-yr. analy-
sis period. The analysis period will not be critical, since staying reasonably below the limiting
strain criteria specified above is the ultimate goal. However, just meeting the criteria does not
ensure adequate reliability (i.e., just meeting the 70 µ-strain criterion could mean a high probability
of failure when not accounting for poor design, material variability, or construction practices). Set
the FPS confidence level to ‘C’ (95%). This confidence level is not tied to the limiting strain crite-
ria, but is useful in ensuring a reasonable beginning thickness to evaluate further.
Steps 4 and 5: Use lane distribution reduction factors when three or more lanes are planned in one
direction. Adjust the 20-yr. cumulative ESALs, if needed, with an appropriate reduction factor;
then enter the adjusted 20-yr. ESALs into FPS. The FPS program converts the 20-yr ESALs to 30-
yr ESALs for the selected analysis period.
Step 6: Select a minimum “time to first overlay.” Fifteen years is recommended because this time
frame will usually allow development of a structure of sufficient depth to meet the limiting strain
criteria and still ensure a reasonable reliability. Establishing a “time to first overlay” may not
appear to be consistent with “perpetual” design. Actually, the performance module within FPS 21 is
inconsistent with perpetual design. The FPS-calculated overlay will not be a structural requirement,
but should reasonably mimic an almost certain requirement for “surface renewal” to mitigate the
effects of surface wear, oxidation, top-down cracking, etc.
Step 7: Follow general guidelines for all other inputs, with particular attention to serviceability
indices and material moduli. Ensure a permanent foundation layer that accounts for environmental
variability (including poor soils and moisture fluctuation) is included in the design. Select the red
arrow button to run the design.
Depending on the thickness ranges selected, the resulting designs may indicate a requirement for an
overlay prior to the end of the analysis period. (NOTE: Analysis period is not entirely pertinent to
the development of a perpetual design in FPS, but serves as a rough gauge/reminder that one or
more surface renewals will be needed over the design life.) Conduct a design check of the limiting
strain criteria by activating the FPS 21 mechanistic check. Figure 5-6 shows a typical perpetual
pavement setup in the mechanistic check input screen. Ensure that the horizontal red arrow tensile
strain indicator symbol is placed at the lowest HMA interface by dragging it into place. The “vary
thickness” green sensitivity button shall be dragged adjacent to the layer that the designer would
most likely change the thickness of to optimize the design.
By selecting the run button on the input screen, the mechanistic check output screen must show
strain results below the limiting strain thresholds previously cited for bottom-up fatigue cracking
and compressive failure of the subgrade (rutting) for the design to be valid. Also, the check will
report “unlimited” fatigue and rutting life (> 150 million ESALs), as shown in Figure 5-7 below.
For a thorough discussion on the use of the FPS Mechanistic Check feature, refer to the FPS 21
User’s Manual.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Base and Subgrade Preparation
Section 3 — Pavement Surface Preparation
Section 4 — Special Considerations for the Construction of Perpetual Pavements
Section 5 — Plant Operations
Section 6 — Mix Transport
Section 7 — Placement
Section 8 — Compaction
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Acknowledgement
Content of this chapter is largely made available from the University of Washington, Pavement
Tools Consortium.
1.2 Introduction
This chapter provides a general overview of the equipment and procedures involved in the con-
struction flexible pavements. The equipment includes hot-mix plant operations, trucks, placement
equipment, and compaction equipment. Construction procedures such as surface preparation and
compaction are also discussed.
2.1 Introduction
Pavement performance can be largely attributed to the care given in designing and preparing its
foundation, which is comprised of the subgrade and base layers. Base and subgrade layers must
provide adequate and moisture resistant strength that meets the design modulus, in addition to dura-
bility and stability.
Frequently, in situ soils and local base materials do not meet project-specific requirements. Texas
also has some of the most expansive soils in the country, which cause distresses in many pavements
around the state, and requires considerations beyond basic FPS design inputs to mitigate.
Currently, a large portion of pavement construction consists of rehabilitating existing roads. These
roads frequently contain subgrade or base material layers that are inadequate for current or future
traffic loading demands. Shortages of locally available high quality soil-aggregate resources are
becoming more and more common statewide.
In order to achieve specified properties, subgrade, select fill, and base materials frequently require
chemical treatment with additives such as lime, cement, fly ash, and asphalt. Each of these materi-
als must be properly designed to determine the most appropriate additive and concentration to
achieve the desired improvement.
Additive selection criteria can be found in the “Guidelines for Chemical Treatment of Soils and
Bases in Pavement Structures.” This document also outlines the proper methodology of defining
the goals for treatment and selecting, designing, and evaluating treated soils and base courses for
pavement structures. In addition, this document provides some basic knowledge on the various
treatment methods and the mechanism each treatment method employs. See Chapter 3 or contact
MNT – Pavement Asset Management for more information.
Intelligent Compaction (IC) is an innovative approach for a continuous quality control process with
the objective of achieving uniform and consistent compaction during the placement of soil and
aggregate base materials. IC uses vibratory compactors instrumented with global positioning sys-
tems, an integrated stiffness measurement system, and real-time computer imaging feedback that
plots coverage and compaction progress, allowing the roller operator to make timely tracking
adjustments to ensure adequate/uniform compaction coverage. The technology has matured over
the past several years to allow inclusion on most jobs for proof rolling. Contact MNT – Pavement
Asset Management for more information.
Figure 6-1. Intelligent Compaction Operator’s Screen Displaying Relative Degree of Compaction.
The performance of a flexible pavement under traffic is directly related to the condition of the sur-
face on which the pavement layers are placed. For a full-depth asphalt pavement, if the condition of
the subgrade soil is poor, the ultimate durability of the roadway may be reduced. For hot-mix
asphalt (HMA) layers placed on top of a new, untreated granular base course, the base material
should not be distorted by the trucks carrying the mix to the paver. For HMA placed as an overlay
on top of an existing HMA layer, the surface should be free of major distresses, smooth and clean.
For flexible pavements, the graded subgrade or the top granular base layer may be prepared with a
prime coat. A prime coat is a sprayed application of a cutback asphalt or asphalt emulsion (AE)
applied to the surface of untreated subgrade or base layers. The prime coat serves several purposes:
fills the surface voids and protects the base from weather,
stabilizes the fines and preserves the base material integrity, and
promotes bonding to the subsequent pavement layers.
The project plans specify the rate at which the prime coat is applied, and rates will vary from one
project to another. Generally, however, medium curing cutback asphalt is applied at a rate between
0.2 to 0.5 gal./SY, and emulsified asphalts are applied between 0.1 to 0.3 gal./SY. For emulsions, it
is recommended to cut-in the emulsion with the top 1 in. of the base. Alternately, cutting in 50% of
the prime into a surface of cement-treated base, followed by compaction and application of the
remaining 50% has shown to be beneficial in bonding of subsequent bituminous layers.
3.3 Underseals
For new or reconstructed pavements, the seal coat can be placed on a crushed stone or chemically
treated base to provide a roadway with the least expensive permanent type of bituminous surface.
Seal coats seal and protect the base and provide strength at the road surface so that the base can
resist the abrasive and disruptive forces of traffic. Often these surfaces are placed in multiple treat-
ments of two or three placements of successively smaller rock to enhance durability and reduce tire
noise. A prepared road base structure that is to be surfaced using the seal coat concept should
always be primed first. The asphalt in the prime should be compatible with the binder used to create
the seal coat. Seal coats have been used successfully on both low- and high-traffic volume road-
ways, but tend to be more successful on low-volume roadways, especially low-volume truck traffic.
Use of hot PG, polymer-modified, or asphalt rubber binders with larger grade rock (Grade 2 or 3)
can improve the performance of seal coats under higher truck traffic conditions. The use of seal
coats in urban areas where accelerating/decelerating traffic and turning movements frequently
occur should be approached with caution. Binder application rates vary in accordance with the
type/size of the treatment rock being placed, type of binder used, the level of traffic, and the condi-
tion/texture of the existing surface. See the Seal Coat and Surface Treatment Manual for guidelines
and methodologies for design of binder and aggregate application rates.
Overlays make up a large portion of the roadway paving done today. The degree of surface prepara-
tion for an overlay is dependent on the condition and type of the existing pavement. The existing
pavement should be structurally sound, level, clean and capable of bonding to the overlay. To meet
these prerequisites, the existing pavement is usually repaired, leveled (by milling, applying a level-
up course or both), cleaned, and then coated with a binding agent. This subsection covers:
tack coats.
3.5.1 Repair
Generally, pavement overlays are used to restore surface course functional characteristics (smooth-
ness, friction, and aesthetics) or add structural support to an existing pavement. However, even a
structural overlay should be placed on a structurally sound base. If an existing pavement is cracked
or provides inadequate structural support, these defects will eventually reflect through even the
best-constructed overlay and cause premature pavement failure in the form of cracks and deforma-
tions. To maximize an overlay’s useful life, failed sections of the existing pavements should be
patched or replaced and existing pavement cracks should be filled.
At most, overlays are designed to add only some structural support; the remaining structural sup-
port must reside in the existing pavement. Therefore, small areas of localized structural failure in
the existing pavement should be repaired or replaced to provide this structural support (see Figure
6-2). Often, existing pavement failure may be caused by inadequate subgrade or flex base support,
or poor drainage. In these cases, the existing pavement over the failed area should be removed full
depth and the subgrade should be prepared as it would be for a new pavement (Item 351, “Flexible
Pavement Structure Repair”).
Existing pavement crack repair methods depend upon the type and severity of cracks. Badly
cracked pavement sections, especially those with pattern cracking (e.g., fatigue cracking) must be
patched or replaced because these distresses are often symptoms of more extensive base or sub-
grade structural failure. Existing cracks other than those symptomatic of structural failure should be
cleaned out (blown out with pressurized air and/or swept) and filled with a crack-sealing material
when the cracks are clean and dry. Cracks less than about 3/8 in. in width may be too narrow for
crack-sealing material to enter. These narrow cracks can be widened with a mechanical router
before sealing. Swelling of crack sealant may occur particularly under newly placed thin HMA
overlays, causing a bump at these locations. Use of WMA with their lower placement temperatures
may mitigate this problem.
If the existing pavement has an excessive amount of fine cracks but is still structurally adequate, it
may be more economical to apply a seal coat or slurry/scrub seal instead of filling each individual
crack. Also, these situations may lend themselves to using a spray-paver where a relatively heavy
emulsion is applied concurrently with the overlay.
In summary, pavement repair should be extensive enough to provide an existing pavement with
adequate structural support. Pavement management techniques should provide for overlays before
an existing pavement has lost most or all of its structural support capability.
A tack coat material can be a PG binder or an emulsion layer applied between HMA pavement lifts
to promote bonding. Adequate bonding between constructed lifts (especially between the existing
road surface and an overlay) is critical for the constructed pavement structure to behave as a single
unit and provide adequate strength. If adjacent layers do not bond to one another, they essentially
behave as multiple independent thin layers − none of which are designed to accommodate the antic-
ipated traffic-imposed bending or near surface shear stresses. Inadequate bonding between layers
can result in delamination (debonding) followed by longitudinal wheel path cracking, alligator
cracking, potholes, and other distresses, such as rutting, that greatly reduce pavement life. Application
Tack coats should be applied uniformly across the entire pavement surface and result in more than
about 90% surface coverage. In order for this uniformity to be consistently achieved, all aspects of
the application must be considered and carefully controlled. Specific aspects are:
the condition of the pavement surface receiving the tack coat,
the application rate, and
the type of tack coat according to standard TxDOT specifications on Item 330, “Limestone
Rock Asphalt Pavement,” and hot-mix items 334, 340, 341, 342, 344, 346, and 347.
The pavement surface receiving the tack coat should be clean and dry to promote maximum bond-
ing. Emulsified tack coat materials may be applied to cool and/or damp pavement; however, the
length of time needed for the set to occur may increase. Since existing and milled pavements can be
quite dirty and dusty, their surfaces should be cleaned off by sweeping or washing before any tack
coat is placed, otherwise the tack coat material may bond to the dirt and dust rather than the adja-
cent pavement layers. This can result in excessive tracking of the tack coat material. Construction
vehicles and equipment pick up the tack-dirt mixture on their tires and leave the existing roadway
with little or no tack coat in the wheel paths (see Figure 6-3). Slippage cracking and delamination
are distresses typically seen when cleanliness is lacking.
Figure 6-3. Tack coat tracking resulting in no tack coat in the wheel path.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Tack coat application should result in a thin, uniform coating of tack coat material covering approx-
imately 90% of the pavement surface (Flexible Pavements of Ohio, 2001). To achieve this result,
application rate will vary based on the condition of the pavement receiving the tack coat. Too little
tack coat can result in inadequate bonding between layers. Too much tack coat can create a lubri-
cated slippage plane between layers or can cause the tack coat material to be drawn into an overlay,
negatively affecting mix properties and even creating a potential for bleeding in thin overlays
(Flexible Pavements of Ohio, 2001). Table 6-1 shows recommended application rates from Flexible
Pavements of Ohio (2001.)
Table 6-1: Recommended Emulsion Tack Coat Application Rates (Flexible Pavements of Ohio, 2001)
teeth, but is typically in the range of 20 to 30%, which requires a corresponding increase in
tack coat (20 to 30% more) when compared to an unmilled surface (TRB, 2000).
Distributor vehicle. Several vehicle-related adjustments and settings are critical to achieving
uniform tack coat placement. Essentially, the nozzle patterns, spray bar height, and distribution
pressure must work together to produce uniform tack coat application. Generally, the best
applications result from a "double lap" or "triple lap" coverage. "Double/triple lap" means that
the nozzle spray patterns overlap one another such that every portion of the pavement receives
spray from exactly two/three nozzles (see Figure 6-4, Figure 6-5, Figure 6-6, Figure 6-7, Fig-
ure 6-8, Figure 6-9, and Figure 6-10). Specific guidance follows:
Nozzle spray patterns should be identical to one another along a distributor spray bar. Dif-
fering coverages will result in streaks and gaps in the tack coat.
Spray bar height should remain constant. As tack coat is applied, the vehicle will become
lighter, causing the spray bar to rise. The tack coat application vehicle should be able to
compensate for this. Excessively low spray bars result in streaks, while excessively high
spray bars cause excessive nozzle overlap, resulting in an excessive application rate.
Pressure within the distributor must be capable of forcing the tack coat material out the
spray nozzles at a constant rate. Inconsistent pressure will result in non-uniform applica-
tion rates.
Temperature within the distributor should be maintained between 24°C (75°F) and 54°C
(130°F). Excessive heating may cause the emulsion to break while still in the distributor.
Figure 6-8. Jet dryer used ahead of the tack coat distributor.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington Timing
Generally, a tack coat should be allowed enough time to break and set (emulsion) before applying
the next layer of hot-mix asphalt (HMA). Tracking
Tracking is the pick-up of tack coat material by vehicle tires. Tracking deposits tack coat material
on adjacent pavement surfaces. Although this material is unsightly, it generally has little effect and
wears away quickly. In extreme cases, tracking may deposit enough tack coat material to distort
pavement surfaces or hinder a driver's ability to navigate (Flexible Pavements of Ohio, 2001). Rub-
berized tack coats have an especially high propensity to stick to vehicle tires. More critical to long-
term pavement performance is that any tack removed by tracking from construction or other vehic-
ular traffic implies that the tack is no longer available to stick the new overlay to the existing
surface. This can become extremely critical in cases of HMA delivery trucks tracking tack out of
the wheel paths while in the process of their delivery in front of the paving machine. This sets up
the worst possible scenario of removing tack from the most critical part of the pavement structure
directly subject to the shearing action of traffic wheel loads. Allowing tack coats to set (emulsions)
before driving on them can substantially reduce tracking. Also, new “trackless” emulsion products
that dry very quickly, but are reactivated by the heat of the newly placed HMA, are worth consider-
ation when tracking may be an issue.
Generally, traffic should not be allowed on tack coats. When a tacked road surface is exposed to
traffic, the potential exists for reduced skid resistance, especially during wet weather (Flexible
Pavements of Ohio, 2001). When tack coat surfaces must be opened to traffic, they should be cov-
ered with sand to provide friction and prevent pick-up. A typical rate for applying a sand cover is 4
to 8 lb./SY (Flexible Pavements of Ohio, 2001).
4.1 Foundation
As with any pavement structure, quality begins at the foundation level. These structures must have
a uniform, stiff, durable foundation that will adequately support the premium materials placed
above. A geotechnical investigation of the underlying soils is essential to establish the appropriate
type and level of treatment needed to stabilize the foundation layers. Where adequate treatment of
the subgrade is impractical, a high quality granular base, cement-treated base, or other engineered
foundation should be used.
Once the placement of hot-mix begins, it is important to consider the overall length of time and sea-
sonal weather conditions that may occur prior to placement of the SMA (surface) lift to ensure
surface water is not trapped in the structure through low density joints or segregation. Strict
enforcement of density provisions in the applicable HMA specifications and considerations for use
of positive drainage (edge drains) should be made. Where scheduling/traffic control plans prevent
the SMA surface from being placed for extended periods of time, placement of a seal coat should
be considered as an interim driving surface to minimize trapped moisture.
Detailed perpetual pavement design construction considerations are available through this link.
Batch plants produce HMA in individual batches while drum plants produce HMA in a continuous
operation. Each type of plant can produce the same types of HMA, and neither type of plant should
impart any significant plant-specific HMA characteristics. The choice of a batch or drum mix plant
depends upon business factors, such as purchase price, operating costs, production requirements,
and the need for flexibility in local markets; both can produce quality HMA. This section gives a
brief overview of batch and drum mix plants. More detailed information on plant operations can be
found in:
Roberts, F.L., P.S. Kandhal, E.R. Brown, D.Y. Lee, and T.W. Kennedy. 1996. Hot Mix Asphalt
Materials, Mixture Design & Construction. National Asphalt Pavement Association Research and
Education Foundation. Lanham, M.D.
Transportation Research Board (TRB). 2000. Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000. Transpor-
tation Research Board, National Research Council. Washington, D.C.
Batch plants, which produce HMA in individual batches, are the older of the two types of HMA
production facilities. HMA was originally made in batches; it was not until the 1970s that drum
plants became a popular HMA production option. Batch plants are not widely used in the United
States, and the vast majority of newly manufactured plants are drum plants. This means that as
older batch plants are retired, they are more than likely to be replaced by new drum plants, which
can provide greater mobility and production capacity. Typical batch quantities range from 1.5 to 5
tons of HMA. Figure 6-11 shows the basic components of a batch plant.
Drum plants, which produce HMA in a continuous manner, generally offer higher production rates
than batch plants for comparable cost. Typical production rates for drum plants vary between about
100 tons/hr. up to over 900 tons/hr., depending upon drum design. Figure 6-12 shows the basic
components of a drum plant and their function.
6.1 Introduction
Mix transport involves all actions and equipment required to convey HMA from a production facil-
ity to a paving site, including truck loading, weighing and ticketing, hauling to the paving site,
dumping of the mix into the paver, windrow, or material transfer vehicle hopper, and truck return to
the HMA production facility (Roberts et al., 1996). Ideally, the goal of mix transport should be to
maintain mix characteristics between the production facility and the paving site. Transport prac-
tices can have a profound effect on mix temperature at the paving site, aggregate and/or
temperature segregation of the mix, and mat quality. This section will discuss the types of trucks
used for mix transport and the various considerations involved with mix transport.
There are three basic truck types used for mix transport classified by their respective HMA dis-
charge methods:
end dump,
bottom dump (or belly dump),
live bottom (or flo-boy).
End dump trucks unload their payload by raising the front end and letting the payload slide down
the bottom of the bed and out the back through the tailgate (see Figure 6-13). End dump trucks are
the most popular transport vehicle type because they are plentiful, maneuverable, and versatile.
Some general considerations associated with end dump trucks are:
When the bed is raised, it should not contact the paver. Bed contact with the paver may affect
the screed tow point elevation, which can affect mat smoothness.
The truck bed should be raised slightly before the tailgate is opened. This allows the HMA to
slide back against the tailgate, which will cause it to flood into the paver hopper when the tail-
gate is opened. HMA that trickles into the paver hopper is more susceptible to aggregate
Truck-paver contact should be established by allowing the paver to move forward into a sta-
tionary truck. This ensures that the truck does not bump the paver too hard and cause the paver
to lurch to a sudden stop, which could cause a rough spot in the mat.
Once the paver and truck are in contact, they should remain in contact. This ensures that no
HMA is accidentally spilled in front of the paver because of a gap between the truck and paver.
Usually, the truck driver will apply the truck’s brakes hard enough to offer some resistance to
the paver but light enough so as not to cause the paver tracks to slip from excessive resistance.
Most pavers can also be coupled to an unloading truck using truck hitches located on or near
the push rollers.
Bottom (or belly) dump trucks (see Figure 6-14) unload their payload by opening gates on the bot-
tom of the bed. Internal bed walls are sloped to direct the entire payload out through the opened
gates. Discharge rates can be controlled by the degree of gate opening and the speed of the truck
during discharge. The discharge is usually placed in an elongated pile, called a windrow (see Fig-
ure 6-15), in front of the paver by driving the truck forward during discharge.
A windrow elevator is used to pick up HMA from the windrow and feed it into the paver hopper.
Windrow elevators do not have any method of regulating material flow, which makes it necessary
to place the correct amount of HMA in the windrow to match the paving width and depth being
placed without allowing the paver hopper to run out of mix or become overloaded.
Live bottom (or flo-boy) dump trucks (see Figure 6-16) have a conveyor system at the bottom of
their bed to unload their payload. HMA is discharged out the back of the bed without raising the
bed. Live bottom trucks are more expensive to use and maintain because of the conveyor system,
but they also can reduce segregation problems (because the HMA is moved in a large mass) and
can eliminate potential truck bed – paver contact (because the bed is not raised during discharge).
Each truck type is capable of adequately delivering HMA from a production facility to a paving
site. However, certain situations, such as the ones listed in “Table 6-2: Truck Type Advantages”
below, may make one truck type advantageous over another.
Table 6-2: Truck Type Advantages
Paving using a mix highly vulnera- Live Bottom (Flo Boy) Live bottom trucks deliver the HMA
ble to segregation by conveyor, which minimizes
Paving on rural highways Bottom Dump (Belly Dump) Usually has a larger capacity than
end dump trucks (therefore fewer
trucks are needed), but requires
space and equipment for windrows.
There are several mix transport considerations, or best practices, that are essential to maintaining
HMA characteristics between the production facility and the paving site. These considerations can
generally be placed into four categories:
loading at the production facility,
transport within the truck,
unloading at the paving site,
operation synchronization.
Loading at the production facility involves transferring HMA from the storage silo or batcher (for
batch plants) to the transport truck. There are two potential issues with this transfer:
Truck bed cleanliness and lubrication. Truck beds should be clean and lubricated to prevent
the introduction of foreign substances into the HMA and to prevent the HMA from sticking to
the truck bed. Non-petroleum based products should be used for lubrication, such as lime
water, soapy water, or other suitable commercial products (Roberts et al., 1996). (The product
should come from TxDOT’s list of approved release agents.) Petroleum based products, such
as diesel fuel, should not be used because of environmental issues and because they tend to
break down the asphalt binder.
Aggregate segregation. HMA should be discharged into the truck bed so as to minimize segre-
gation. Dropping HMA from the storage silo or batcher (for batch plants) in one large mass
creates a single pile of HMA in the truck bed (see Figure 6-17). Large-sized aggregate tends to
roll off this pile and collect around the base. Dropping HMA in several smaller masses (three is
typical) at different points in the truck bed will largely prevent the collection of large aggregate
in one area and thus minimize aggregate segregation.
Truck transport affects HMA characteristics through cooling. HMA is usually loaded into a truck at
a fairly uniform temperature between 250 to 350°F (see Figure 6-18). During transport, heat is
transferred to the surrounding environment by convection and radiation, and the HMA surface tem-
perature drops. This cooler HMA surface insulates the interior mass and thus transported HMA
tends to develop a cool thin crust on the surface that surrounds a much hotter core (see Figure 6-19
and Figure 6-20). Factors such as air temperature, rain, wind, and length of haul can affect the char-
acteristics and temperature of this crust. Several measures that can be taken to minimize HMA
cooling during transport are:
Minimize haul distance. This can be accomplished by choosing an HMA production facility as
close as possible to the paving site. Closer production facilities create shorter haul times and
result in less HMA cooling during transport. Unfortunately, many paving locations may not be
near any existing production facilities, and economics or environmental concerns may prohibit
the use of a mobile production facility.
Insulate truck beds. This can decrease HMA heat loss during transport. Insulation as simple as
a sheet of plywood has been used.
Place a tarpaulin over the truck bed. A tarp over the truck bed (see Figure 6-21) provides addi-
tional insulation, protects the HMA from rain, and decreases heat loss. A study by the Quality
Improvement Committee of the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) studied truck
tarping and found that the HMA surface temperatures of tarped loads dropped more slowly
than untarped loads, but temperatures 100 mm (4 in.) below the surface between tarped and
untarped loads were not significantly different (Minor, 1980).
Figure 6-18. Infrared picture of an HMA storage silo loading a truck showing the hot uniform
temperature of the mix.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Figure 6-19. Infrared picture of a truck dumping HMA showing the cold surface layer crust (blue)
and the hot inner mass (red).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Figure 6-20. Infrared picture of a truck dumping HMA showing the cold surface layer crust (blue)
and the hot inner mass (red).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
In most cases, truck transport appears to cool only the surface of the transported HMA mass; how-
ever, this cool surface crust can have detrimental effects on overall mat quality if not properly dealt
with. Actions such as reducing transport time, insulating truck beds, or tarping trucks can decrease
HMA surface cooling rate. Additionally, since the majority of the HMA mass is still at or near its
original temperature at loading, mixing the crust and interior mass together at the paving site
(“remixing”) will produce a uniform mix near the original temperature at loading.
HMA unloading involves those procedures discussed in 'End Dump Truck' under “6.2 Truck
Types” as well as a few other basic considerations, such as:
HMA should be unloaded quickly when it arrives at the paving site. This will minimize mix
cooling before it is placed.
Before HMA is loaded into the paver, material transfer vehicle, or dropped in a windrow, the
inspector and/or foreman should be certain it is the correct mix. Occasionally, paving jobs
require several different mix designs (i.e., one for the leveling course and one for the wearing
course), and these mixes should not be interchanged.
A material transfer device/vehicle with remixing capability should be considered when mix-
ture type or placement circumstances lend themselves to mixture mechanical or temperature
segregation, or a surge volume may be desired to assist in continuous paving operations (see
Operation Synchronization below) when the transport truck delivery schedule cannot be
ensured (see Figure 6-22). However, considerations must be made to ensure sufficient pave-
ment structure is in place to support some of these larger devices. See Section 6, Material
Transfer Vehicles, for additional information.
Figure 6-22. Material Transfer Vehicle with surge capacity (Courtesy Roadtec).
Ideally, HMA production at the plant, truck transport, and laydown at the paving machine should be
synchronized to the same rate to minimize accumulation of excess HMA in any one of the three
segments. Realistically, however, this synchronization can be quite difficult because of varying lay-
down rates, unpredictable truck travel times and variable plant production. Detailed information on
operation synchronization can be found in:
National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA). 1996. Balancing Production Rates in Hot Mix
Asphalt Operations, IS 120. National Asphalt Pavement Association. Lanham, MD.
Ideally, all operations are designed to meet optimal mat laydown rates. However, these rates can
vary based on paving width and lift thickness. Also, complicated paving locations such as intersec-
tions or near manholes and utility vaults can temporarily increase or decrease the laydown rate.
Truck transport should be planned such that the HMA transport rate (expressed in tons/hr.) closely
matches plant production rate and laydown rate. Some factors to consider are:
number of trucks to be used,
truck type,
average truck hauling capacity,
production facility output rate,
availability and condition of storage silos at the production facility,
time to lubricate the truck bed before transport,
waiting time at the production facility,
loading, weighing, and ticketing time at the production facility,
Traffic plays a large role in HMA delivery rates because it affects truck speed. Especially in con-
gested urban areas, heavy and/or unpredictable traffic may substantially increase, or at least vary,
truck travel time. As truck travel time increases, more trucks are needed to provide a given HMA
delivery rate. Therefore, as traffic gets worse, trucking costs increase. Additionally, the unpredict-
ability of traffic may result in either long paver idle times as it waits for the next truckload of HMA
or large truck backups as several trucks all reach the paving site or production facility at the same
Finally, production facility output is typically controlled to match haul or laydown rate. However,
this can result in suboptimal plant efficiency or HMA uniformity, which may increase plant exhaust
output, shorten emission control device lifetimes, and affect contractual payment if payment is tied
to HMA uniformity. It may often be more economical to run the production facility at maximum
rate and store excess material in storage silos for discharge into trucks as they arrive.
Synchronization should be the goal, but it is often difficult to achieve (based on varying laydown
rates, haul time, and traffic) and may result in plant inefficiency and HMA quality degradation. If a
production facility has modern, well-insulated, airtight storage silos and is producing a dense-
graded HMA, it may be beneficial to run the plant at maximum production rate and store the mix
until needed rather than try and match haul or laydown rate.
6.4 Summary
Mix transport can have a large impact on flexible pavement construction quality and efficiency.
Mix characteristics such as laydown temperature, aggregate segregation, and temperature differen-
tials are largely determined by transport practices. In general, there are three types of HMA
transport trucks: the end dump, bottom (belly) dump, and live bottom dump (flo-boy). End dump
trucks are most common; however, bottom dumps and live bottom dumps are well-suited for cer-
tain situations. Key considerations in mix transport are:
truck bed cleanliness and lubrication,
proper mix loading techniques in order to prevent aggregate segregation,
haul distance and mix temperature,
timely mix unloading and unloading of the correct mix.
If properly managed, mix transport can successfully move HMA from the production facility to the
paving site with little or no change in mix characteristics. Material transfer devices/vehicles can
assist in re-establishing mixture uniformity on site.
Section 7 — Placement
7.1 Introduction
In concert with the overall goal of operation synchronization, mix placement and compaction are
the two most important elements in HMA pavement construction. Mix placement involves any
equipment or procedures used to place the delivered HMA on the desired surface at the desired
thickness. Mix placement can involve complicated asphalt paver operations or simple manual shov-
eling. This section provides a basic description of HMA placement operations. The Hot-Mix
Asphalt Paving Handbook 2000 (TRB, 2001) and the Asphalt Institute's HMA Construction Man-
ual (2001) contain detailed information on asphalt paver components.
There are, of course, many considerations to take into account when placing HMA. Many are
dependent upon local materials, weather, crew knowledge and training, and individual experience.
This subsection presents a few of the basic considerations that apply in virtually all situations:
Lift thickness. A "lift" refers to a layer of pavement as placed by the asphalt paver. In order to
avoid mat tearing (which generally shows up as a series of longitudinal streaks), a good rule-
of-thumb is that the depth of the compacted lift should be at least three times the nominal max-
imum aggregate size (TRB, 2000). Table 6-3 provides the minimum and maximum lift
thickness for every mix type.
Table 6-3: TxDOT Lift Thickness Requirements
Longitudinal joints. The interface between two adjacent and parallel HMA mats. Improperly
constructed longitudinal joints can cause premature deterioration of multilane HMA pave-
ments in the form of cracking and raveling, and potentially serve as a conduit for moisture
damage to lower layers.
Handwork. HMA can be placed by hand in situations where the paver cannot place it ade-
quately. This can often occur around utilities, around intersection corners, and in other tight
spaces. Hand-placing should be minimized because it is prone to aggregate segregation and
results in a slightly rough surface texture. If hand placement is necessary, the following precau-
tions should be taken (Asphalt Institute, 2001):
Place the HMA in a pile far enough away from the placement area that the whole pile must
be moved. If the pile is located in the placement area, its appearance, density, or aggregate
distribution may be slightly different than the surrounding handworked mat.
Carefully deposit the material with shovels and then spread with lutes. Do not broadcast
(scoop and pitch) the HMA with shovels – this is likely to cause aggregate segregation.
All material should be thoroughly loosened and evenly distributed. Chunks of HMA that
do not easily break apart should be removed and discarded.
Check the handworked surface with a straightedge or template before rolling to ensure
Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA). Gap-graded mixes behave differently than dense-graded mixes
during placement and compaction. Experience and understanding of dense-graded mix place-
ment should be augmented with specific training and precautions before attempting to place an
SMA for the first time. SMAs are generally stickier and more difficult to work with than
dense-graded mixes because (1) they have more asphalt binder, (2) the asphalt binder is modi-
fied, and (3) the binder and filler combination creates viscous mastic. Also, it is not uncommon
for large amounts of mastic (the combination of asphalt binder and mineral filler) to collect on
paving equipment. If not carefully monitored, this mastic will release from the equipment into
the mat, leaving an over-asphalted area – commonly referred to as a "fat spot." These consider-
ations only scratch the surface of SMA construction. A more thorough treatment can be found
National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) 2002. Designing and Constructing SMA Mix-
tures – State-of-the-Practice, Quality Improvement Series 122. National Asphalt Pavement
Association. Lanham, MD.
Thin Overlay Mixes (TOM); Thin Bonded Friction Courses. These mixtures are particularly
vulnerable to rapid cool-down once placed and must be compacted promptly. Compaction ces-
sation temperature (no further densification possible) is typically reached in less than 10
minutes, even under optimal conditions. WMA additives/processes may be effective in pro-
longing the compaction window by a few minutes when paving at lower ambient and surface
temperature conditions. Using two breakdown rollers in tandem may expedite compaction
when the compaction window is limited.
Permeable Friction Course (PFC). Similar concerns of rapid cooling in compacting permeable
friction courses exist as for the thin surface mixtures cited above. In addition, the compactive
effort imparted should be the minimum necessary to seat the mixture without causing exces-
sive breakage of the aggregate. A steel-wheeled roller, operated in the static mode, should be
used. Mat problems. The asphalt paver, MTV, rollers, mix design, and manufacturing introduce
many variables into flexible pavement construction. A familiarity with common causes of the
more typical mat problems can help improve construction quality. Some common mat prob-
lems are micro cracking (checking), fat spots, joint problems, non-uniform texture (including
mechanical segregation), roller marks, shoving, surface waves, tearing (streaks), and trans-
verse screed marks. Compaction can also be compromised when working with certain
mixtures that are prone to a “tender zone” phenomenon where the mat will encounter excessive
lateral displacement and shoving when subject to roller loads. Any number of parameters can
contribute to mixture tenderness, including excessive mix temperature, rounded aggregates,
excessive binder content, and excessive moisture. Overcoming this tenderness state may be as
simple as waiting several minutes for the mixture to cool slightly, or as problematic as devel-
oping a new mixture design.
In 1934, Barber-Greene introduced the Model 79 asphalt laydown machine, a self-propelled form-
less laydown machine with a floating screed (Tunnicliff, Beaty and Holt, 1974). Since then, the
basic concept of the asphalt paver has remained relatively unchanged:
HMA is loaded in the front,
carried to the rear by a set of flight feeders (conveyor belts),
spread out by a set of augers,
then leveled and compacted by a screed.
The tractor contains the material feed system, which accepts the HMA at the front of the paver,
moves it to the rear, and spreads it out to the desired width in preparation for screed leveling and
compaction. The basic tractor components are:
Push Roller and Truck Hitch. The push roller is the portion of the paver that contacts the trans-
port vehicle, and the truck hitch holds the transport vehicle in contact with the paver (see
Figure 6-23 and Figure 6-24). They are located on the front of the hopper.
Figure 6-28. Conveyors (seen from the rear of a partially built paver).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Auger. The auger receives HMA from the conveyor and spreads it out evenly over the width to
be paved (see Figure 6-29). There is one auger for each side of the paver, and they can be oper-
ated independently. Some pavers allow the augers to be operated in reverse direction so that
one can be operated forward and the other in reverse to send all the received HMA to one side
of the paver. The auger gearbox can either be located in the middle (between the augers as
shown in Figure 6-30) or on the outside edge of each auger. If an inadequate amount of HMA
is distributed under a middle-located gearbox, the result can be a thin longitudinal strip of mat
aligned with the gearbox that exhibits lower densities from aggregate segregation and/or tem-
perature differentials (see Figure 6-31 and Figure 6-32).
Operation of the tractor, and specifically the material feed system, can have significant effects on
overall construction quality and thus long-term pavement performance. Although there are many
detailed operational concerns, the two broad statements below encompass most of the detailed
1. HMA must be delivered to maintain a relatively constant head of material in front of the
screed. This involves maintaining a minimum amount of HMA in the hopper, regulating HMA
feed rate by controlling conveyor/auger speed and flow gate openings (if present), and main-
taining a constant paving speed. As the next section will discuss, a fluctuating HMA head in
front of the screed will affect the screed angle of attack and produce bumps and waves in the
finished mat.
2. The hopper should never be allowed to empty during paving. This results in the leftover cold,
large aggregate in the hopper sliding onto the conveyor in a concentrated mass and then being
placed on the mat without mixing with any hot or fine aggregate. This can produce aggregate
segregation or temperature differentials, which will cause isolated low mat densities. If there
are no transport vehicles immediately available to refill the hopper, it is better to stop the pav-
ing machine than to continue operating and empty the hopper (TRB, 2000).
7.3.2 Screed
The most critical feature of the paver is the self-leveling screed unit, which determines the profile
of the HMA being placed (Roberts et al., 1996). The screed takes the head of HMA from the mate-
rial delivery system, strikes it off at the correct thickness, and provides initial mat compaction. This
section describes screed terminology, basic forces acting on the screed, screed factors affecting mat
thickness and smoothness, automatic screed control, and screed operation summary.
Figure 6-34. Screed close-up showing the screed arm and depth crank.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Additional downward force applied by the screed’s tamping bars or vibrators. This is con-
trolled by vibratory amplitude and frequency or tamping bar force.
Frictional force between the screed and the HMA under the screed. This is controlled by
HMA and screed characteristics.
rium, which decreases mat thickness (TRB, 2000). Therefore, in order to maintain a
constant mat thickness for a change in paver speed or material head in front of the
screed, the natural equilibrium of forces on the screed cannot be relied upon, and the
screed angle must be manually adjusted using a thickness control screw or depth
crank. Screed angle adjustments do not immediately change mat thickness, but rather
require a finite amount of time and tow distance to take effect. Figure 6-39 shows that
it typically takes five tow lengths (the length between the tow point and the screed)
after a desired level is input for a screed to arrive at the new level. Because of this
screed reaction time, a screed operator who constantly adjusts screed level to produce
a desired mat thickness will actually produce an excessively wavy, unsmooth
Figure 6-39. Screed reaction to a manual decrease in screed angle, (after TRB, 2000).
© 2006 University of Washington
Tow Point Elevation. Finally, tow point elevation will affect screed angle and thus mat
thickness. As a rule-of-thumb, a 25 mm (1 in.) movement in tow point elevation
translates to about a 3 mm (0.125 in.) movement in the screed's leading edge. Without
automatic screed control, tow point elevation will change as tractor elevation
changes. Tractor elevation typically changes due to roughness in the surface over
which it drives. As the tow point rises in elevation, the screed angle increases, result-
ing in a thicker mat. Similarly, as the tow point lowers in elevation, the screed angle
decreases, resulting in a thinner mat. Locating the screed tow point near the middle of
the tractor significantly reduces the transmission of small elevation changes in the
front and rear of the tractor to the screed. Moreover, because the screed elevation
responds slowly to changes in screed angle, the paver naturally places a thinner mat
over high points in the existing surface and a thicker mat over low points in the exist-
ing surface (TRB, 2000). The interaction of paver speed, material feed rate, and tow
point elevation determine the screed position without the need for direct manual
input. This is why screeds are sometimes referred to as "floating" screeds. Automatic Screed Control
As discussed previously, the screed angle can be manipulated manually to control mat
thickness. However, tow point elevation is not practical to manually control. Therefore,
pavers usually operate using an automatic screed control, which controls tow point eleva-
tion using a reference other than the tractor body. Since these references assist in
controlling HMA pavement grade, they are called “grade reference systems” and are listed
below (Roberts et al., 1996):
Erected stringline. This consists of stringline erected to specified elevations that are
independent of existing ground elevation. Most often this is done using a survey crew
and a detailed elevation/grade plan. Although the stringline method provides the cor-
rect elevation (to within surveying and erecting tolerances), stringlines are fragile and
easily broken, knocked over, or inadvertently misaligned. Lasers can be used to over-
come the difficulties associated with stringlines because they do not require any
fragile material near the pavement construction area. Lasers can establish multiple
elevation or grade planes even in dusty or high-electronic and light-noise areas and
are, therefore, sometimes used to construct near-constant elevation airport runways.
The laser method becomes quite complicated, however, when frequent pavement
grade changes are required.
Mobile reference. This consists of a reference system that travels with the paver, such
as a long beam or tube attached to the paver (called a "contact" device since it actually
touches the road – see Figure 6-40) or an ultrasonic device (called a "non-contact"
device since it relies on ultrasonic pulses and not physical contact to determine road
elevation). The mobile reference system averages the effect of deviations in the exist-
ing pavement surface over a distance greater that the wheelbase of the tractor unit.
Minimum ski length for a contact device is normally about 7.5 m (25 ft.) with a typi-
cal ski length being on the order of 12 to 18 m (40 to 60 ft.) (Asphalt Institute, 2001).
Joint matching shoe. This usually consists of a small shoe or ski attached to the paver
that slides on an existing surface (such as a curb) near the paver. Ultra sonic sensors
accomplish the same task without touching the existing surface by using sound pulses
to determine elevation. This type of grade control results in the paver duplicating the
reference surface on which the shoe or ski is placed or ultra sonic sensor is aimed.
The spray paver is an asphalt paving machine that combines the processes of applying tack and
paving a bituminous mixture into one machine. The tack emulsion may be applied in a heavy appli-
cation, sometimes referred to as a membrane, that should be more effective in “sealing” the existing
surface than would normally be expected of a tack. Spray nozzles are positioned either just in front
of the augurs or in multiple locations on the paver to provide full coverage for the HMA mat placed
immediately following the tack application. This process eliminates tracking of the applied tack by
construction or other vehicles. Spray pavers can be used with thinner bonded wearing surfaces
(Item 348) or conventional HMA applications. An example of a spray paver is shown in Fig. 6-41.
Thermal profiles are used to check the level and variability of the mixture temperature behind the
paving machine. The applicable test procedure is Tex-244-F. Densification efforts will be impaired
if the mixture has cooled below an appropriate compaction temperature (cessation temperature) for
the mat thickness and mixture type. Additionally, if there is a lack of temperature uniformity in the
mixture caused by thermal or mechanical segregation, excessive paving machine stop time, etc.,
compactive efforts will be encumbered. Thermal segregation is a known cause of compaction-
related density problems that can lead to moisture infiltration and raveling of the mixture. A mat
temperature differential behind the paving machine exceeding 25ºF but not exceeding 50ºF is clas-
sified as moderate thermal segregation. A mat temperature differential exceeding 50ºF is classified
as severe thermal segregation.
Thermal Camera. A thermal camera records a still shot of the HMA mat temperature distribution
directly behind the paving machine (and in front of the rollers). The camera must meet require-
ments in Tex-244-F and have the ability to display the view’s high and low temperature on an LCD
screen. The contractor is required to conduct a thermal profile for each sublot placed over a test sec-
tion measuring roughly 150 ft. behind the paver. Corrective action must be taken for recurring
moderate thermal segregation, and operations must be suspended to eliminate severe thermal segre-
gation (See Fig. 6-42). Areas detected with severe thermal segregation must be evaluated further
using the segregation density profile procedure outlined in Tex 207-F.
Thermal imaging systems are an innovative advancement in the monitoring of the uniformity of the
mixture placement temperature behind the paver screed. The system was developed through
TxDOT research and has since been commercialized with additional improvements. Figures 6-43
and 6-44 show an early version of the system and an innovative single scanning IR sensor head sys-
tem that moves the apparatus away from the low mounting position on the catwalk just behind the
screed. The ability to monitor the full-width mat temperature distribution in real-time allows the
paving crew to make rapid adjustments to the paving operation that improve the uniformity of the
placement temperature, if necessary. An electronic record is generated of the thermal profile tied to
longitudinal offset using a distance measuring instrument (DMI) and global positioning system
(GPS) coordinates. Electronic copies of the profiles are provided to the engineer; the engineer may
suspend operations if the contractor cannot successfully modify the paving process to eliminate
recurring severe thermal segregation. Test method Tex-244-F details the apparatus and procedural
requirements needed to employ thermal profiling. HMA specifications (Items 341, 342, 344, 346,
347, and 348) offer contractor incentives to use this imaging technique by eliminating the contrac-
tor’s requirement to run density profiles (not applicable for Items 347, 348), and by relaxing the
placement temperature requirements.
Figure 6-44. Thermal Profiling Using a Single Scanning Sensor Head (Photo courtesy of MOBA).
MTVs are used to assist the paver in placing HMA. Most pavers are equipped to receive HMA
directly from end dump or live bottom trucks; however, in certain situations, it can be necessary or
advantageous to use an MTV. Paving using bottom dump trucks and windrows requires a windrow
elevator MTV (see Figure 6-45 and Figure 6-46), while other MTVs are used to provide additional
surge volume, which is advantageous because it allows the paver to operate continuously without
stopping, minimizes truck waiting time at the paving site and may minimize aggregate segregation
and temperature differentials. This subsection covers:
Windrow elevators
Surge volume and remixing MTVs.
Windrow elevators are positioned directly in front of pavers and are designed to pick up HMA
placed in a windrow and transfer it to the paver hopper. This allows for (1) windrows to be used and
(2) virtually continuous paving without stopping. When using windrows and windrow elevators,
the windrow laydown rate must match the paver laydown rate. If the amount of material in the
windrow is too little or too much, the paver may become overloaded or may run dry and have to
stop. To avoid this, windrow paving operations typically have some method (e.g., a loader) avail-
able to add or subtract material from the windrow. Some windrow paving operations establish a
windrow laydown rate slightly less than the paver laydown rate then periodically add material to
the windrow with an end dump truck. Other windrow paving operations leave periodic spaces in the
windrow to avoid paver overloading.
Other MTVs are used to provide an additional surge volume for the paver (see Figure 6-47, Fig-
ure 6-48 and Figure 6-49). This surge volume allows for continuous paver operations. With an
MTV, the paver no longer has to stop while one truck leaves and the next truck backs up. Addition-
ally, the MTV serves as a buffer between the paver and the haul trucks, which eliminates most truck
bumping problems. Finally, most MTVs offer some sort of remixing capability that remixes the
cool HMA crust formed during transport with the hot interior HMA to produce a more uniform mix
entering the paver. This remixing can essentially eliminate aggregate segregation and temperature
differentials. Some states have actually implemented specifications that require a remixing MTV
for paving contracts where segregation and temperature differentials are of concern.
Surge volume/remixing MTVs are typically used in tandem with a paver hopper insert that
increases the capacity of the paver hopper (see Figure 6-50). The insert is removable and some-
times contains remixing apparatus (such as a pugmill) near the bottom. At least one manufacturer
has developed a paver solely for use with an MTV. The Roadtec StealthTM paver uses gravity feed
and does not contain conveyors, hopper wings, or push rollers, which reduces initial cost as well as
maintenance costs (Roadtec, 2001).
Figure 6-50. Roadtec Shuttle Buggy, front view, showing loading hopper for end dump and live
bottom trucks.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Remixing thoroughness varies from one type of MTV to the next. One idea that seems to work well
is the Roadtec Shuttle Buggy patented remixing auger (see Figure 6-51). The auger employs three
different pitches that get progressively bigger towards the center of the MTV. This allows for addi-
tional material to enter the auger area each time the pitch is increased, resulting in thorough
In summary, MTVs assist with the transfer of HMA from the transport trucks to the paver. There
are two basic types of MTVs:
windrow elevator MTVs, and
surge volume/remix MTVs.
Windrow elevator MTVs are used to pick up HMA from a windrow and place it into the paver hop-
per, while surge volume/remix MTVs provide an additional material surge volume that allows for
continuous paving and/or a remix capability that can reduce aggregate/temperature segregation.
MTV use costs money and will increase the per ton cost of HMA paving but can help provide supe-
rior mat quality. However, MTVs should not be used as a substitute for good production and
laydown practices, which are fundamental to good mat quality.
Section 8 — Compaction
8.1 Introduction
The top three factors in HMA pavement construction are “compaction, compaction, and compac-
tion.” Compaction is the process by which the volume of air in an HMA mixture is reduced by
using external forces to reorient the constituent aggregate particles into a more closely spaced
arrangement. This reduction of air volume in a mixture produces a corresponding increase in HMA
unit weight, or density (Roberts et al., 1996). Numerous researchers have stated that compaction is
the greatest determining factor in dense graded pavement performance (Scherocman and Marten-
son, 1984; Scherocman, 1984; Geller, 1984; Brown, 1984; Bell, et. al., 1984; Hughes, 1984;
Hughes, 1989). Inadequate compaction results in a pavement with decreased stiffness, reduced
fatigue life, accelerated aging/decreased durability, rutting, raveling, and moisture damage
(Hughes, 1984; Hughes, 1989).
Air void content is the measurement that determines the effectiveness of compaction. This mea-
surement is expressed as a volume in terms of percent air voids of the compacted mixture. Percent
air voids is calculated by dividing the test specimen’s bulk specific gravity (Ga) by its maximum
theoretical specific gravity (Gr). Percent air voids is calculated by using Tex-207-F and Tex-227-F.
This procedure uses a bulk specific gravity and a maximum theoretical specific gravity (also
referred as Rice gravity) in the following equation:
Gr = maximum theoretical specific gravity of the particular HMA in question
Ga = bulk specific gravity of the HMA in question.
This procedure requires a pavement core (usually 4 - 6 in. in diameter), which is extracted from the
compacted HMA (see Figure 6-52 and Figure 6-53). This type of air void testing is generally con-
sidered the most accurate method, but is also the most time consuming and expensive.
Figure 6-53. Two cores – the core on the right has significantly higher air voids.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Gr can also be used with a density gauge to measure the in-place density of the compacted pave-
ment layer. The terms “percent air voids” and “density” are often used interchangeably. Density can
be used to calculate percent air voids using the following relationship:
Contractors can perform quality control of air voids indirectly using a portable density-measuring
device such as a nuclear density gauge (see Figure 6-54) or electrical impedance measurement
gauge (see Figure 6-55). Accurate calibration of these devices is critical.
The volume of air in an HMA pavement is important because it has a profound effect on long-term
pavement performance. An approximate rule-of-thumb is for every 1% increase in air voids (above
6 to 7%), about 10% of the pavement life may be lost (Linden et al., 1989). Keep in mind that this
rule-of-thumb was developed using limited project data. This rule-of-thumb applies to air voids
above 6 to 7% and should be used with extreme caution. According to Roberts et al. (1996), there is
considerable evidence that dense-graded mixes should not exceed 8% nor fall below 3% air voids
during their service life. This is because high air void content (above 8%) or low air void content
(below 3%) can cause the following pavement distresses (this list applies to dense-graded HMA
and not open-graded HMA or SMA):
1. Decreased stiffness and strength. Kennedy et al. (1984), concluded that tensile strength, static
and resilient moduli, and stability are reduced at high air void content.
2. Reduced Fatigue Life. Several researchers have reported the relationship between increased air
voids and reduced fatigue life (Pell and Taylor, 1969; Epps and Monismith, 1969; Linden et al.,
1989). Finn et al. (1973), concluded “...fatigue properties can be reduced by 30 to 40% for each
1% increase in air void content.” Another study concluded that a reduction in air voids from
8% to 3% could more than double pavement fatigue life (Scherocman, 1984a).
3. Accelerated Aging/Decreased Durability. In his Highway Research Board paper, McLeod
(1967) concluded that “compacting a well-designed paving mixture to low air voids retards the
rate of hardening of the asphalt binder, and results in longer pavement life, lower pavement
maintenance, and better all-around pavement performance.”
4. Raveling. Kandhal and Koehler (1984) found that raveling becomes a significant problem
above 8% air voids and becomes a severe problem above 15% air voids.
5. Rutting. The amount of rutting which occurs in an asphalt pavement is inversely proportional
to the air void content (Scherocman, 1984a). Rutting can be caused by two different mecha-
nisms: vertical consolidation and lateral distortion. Vertical consolidation results from
continued pavement compaction (reduction of air voids) by traffic after construction. Lateral
distortion – shoving of the pavement material sideways and a humping-up of the asphalt con-
crete mixture outside the wheelpaths – is usually due to a mix design problem. Both types of
rutting can occur more quickly if the HMA air void content is too low (Scherocman, 1984a).
6. Moisture Damage. Air voids in insufficiently compacted HMA are high and tend to be inter-
connected with each other. Numerous and interconnected air voids allow for easy water entry
(Kandhal and Koehler, 1984; Cooley et al., 2002) which increases the likelihood of significant
moisture damage. The relationship between permeability, nominal maximum aggregate size,
and lift thickness is quite important and can change significantly as these parameters change.
Air voids that are either too great or too low can cause a significant reduction in pavement life. For
dense-graded HMA, air voids between 3 and 8% generally produce the best compromise of pave-
ment strength, fatigue life, durability, raveling, rutting, and moisture damage susceptibility.
HMA compaction is influenced by a myriad of factors including: 1) environment, 2) mix and struc-
tural design, and 3) construction (see “Table 6-4: Factors Affecting Compaction”).
Table 6-4: Factors Affecting Compaction
Environmental factors are determined by when and where paving occurs. Paving operations may
have some float time, which allows a limited choice of “when,” but paving location is determined
by road location, so there is essentially no choice of “where.” Mix and structural design factors are
determined before construction and, although they should account for construction practices and
the anticipated environment, they often must compromise ease of construction and compaction to
achieve design objectives. Obviously, construction factors are the most controllable and adaptable
of all the factors affecting compaction. Although some factors like haul distance/time, HMA pro-
duction temperature, lift thickness, and type/number of rollers may be somewhat predetermined,
other factors associated with roller timing, speed, pattern, and number of passes can be manipulated
as necessary to produce an adequately compacted mat. This subsection discusses:
temperature (the environmental factor),
mix property factors.
NOTE: “8.5 Compaction Equipment” and “8.6 Roller Variables” discuss construction factors.
8.4.1 Temperature
HMA temperature has a direct effect on the viscosity of the asphalt cement binder and thus com-
paction. As HMA temperature decreases, its asphalt cement binder becomes more viscous and
resistant to deformation, which results in a smaller reduction in air voids for a given compactive
effort. As the mix cools, the asphalt binder eventually becomes stiff enough to effectively prevent
any further reduction in air voids, regardless of the applied compactive effort. The temperature at
which this occurs, commonly referred to as cessation temperature, is a function of the mix property
factors in the “Table 6-4: Factors Affecting Compaction”. In some literature, it is reported to be
about 79°C (175°F) for dense-graded HMA (Scherocman, 1984b; Hughes, 1989). Below cessation
temperature, rollers can still be operated on the mat to improve smoothness and surface texture, but
further compaction will generally not occur. Conversely, if the binder is too fluid and the aggregate
structure is weak (e.g., at high temperatures), roller loads will simply displace, or “shove,” the mat
rather than compact it. In general, the combination of asphalt cement binder and aggregate needs to
be viscous enough to allow compaction but stiff enough to prevent excessive shoving.
Mat temperature, then, is crucial to both the actual amount of air void reduction for a given com-
pactive effort and the overall time available for compaction. If the initial temperature and cool-
down rate are known, the temperature of the mat at any time after laydown can be calculated. Based
on this calculation, rolling equipment and patterns can be employed to:
Take maximum advantage of available roller compactive effort. Rollers can be used where the
mat is most receptive to compaction and avoided where the mat is susceptible to excessive
Ensure the mat is compacted to the desired air void content before cessation temperature is
reached. This can be done by calculating the time it takes the mat to cool from initial tempera-
ture to cessation temperature. All compaction must be accomplished within this “time
available for compaction.”
The major factors affecting time available for compaction are (Roberts et al., 1996):
Initial mat temperature. Higher initial mat temperatures require more time to cool down to ces-
sation temperature, thus increasing the time available for compaction. However, overheating
the HMA will damage the asphalt binder and cause emissions.
Mat or lift thickness. Thicker lifts have a smaller surface-to-volume ratio and thus lose heat
more slowly, which increases the time available for compaction.
Temperature of the surface on which the mat is placed. Hotter surfaces will remove heat from
the mat at a slower rate, increasing the time available for compaction.
Ambient temperature. Hotter air temperatures will remove heat from the mat at a slower rate,
increasing the time available for compaction.
Wind speed. Lower wind speeds will decrease mat heat loss by convection, which will increase
the time available for compaction.
Jordan and Thomas (1976) pointed out additional factors affecting mat cool-down rate that include
mat density, pavement layer thermal conductivity, specific heat, convection coefficient, incident
solar radiation, and coefficients of emission and absorption of solar radiation for the pavement
HMA temperature affects its binder viscosity, which affects compaction in two ways:
the colder and more viscous the binder, the less actual amount of air void reduction for a given
compactive effort, and
HMA can only be compacted until it reaches cessation temperature; therefore, initial HMA
temperature and mat cool-down rate establish a fundamental compaction parameter for the
overall time available for compaction.
Many factors influence HMA temperature and cool-down rate, including initial mat temperature,
mat thickness, temperature of the surface on which the mat is placed, ambient temperature, and
wind speed. Warm mix additives have been used to extend compaction time resulting from lower
temperatures or thinner mix lifts that cool more rapidly.
Mix aggregate and binder properties can also affect compaction. They do so by affecting the:
ease with which aggregate will rearrange under roller loads, and
viscosity of the binder at any given temperature.
Gradation affects the way aggregate interlocks and thus the ease with which aggregate can be rear-
ranged under roller loads. In general, aggregate effects on compaction can be broken down by
aggregate size (TRB, 2000):
Coarse aggregate. Surface texture, particle shape, and the number of fractured faces can affect
compaction. Rough surface textures, cubical or block shaped aggregate (as opposed to round
aggregate), and highly angular particles (high percentage of fractured faces) will all increase
the required compactive effort to achieve a specific density.
Midsize fine aggregate (between the 0.60- and 0.30-mm [No. 30 and No. 50] sieves). High
amounts of midsize fine, rounded aggregate (natural sand) cause a mix to displace laterally or
shove under roller loads. This occurs because the excess midsize fine, rounded aggregate
results in a mix with insufficient voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA). This gives only a
small void volume available for the asphalt cement to fill. Therefore, if the binder content is
just a bit high, it completely fills the voids, and the excess serves to (1) resist compaction by
forcing the aggregate apart and (2) lubricate the aggregate, making it easy for the mix to later-
ally displace.
Fines or dust (aggregate passing the 0.075-mm [No. 200] sieve). Generally, a mix with a high
fines content will be more difficult to compact than a mix with a low fines content.
The asphalt binder grade affects compaction through its viscosity. A binder that is higher in viscos-
ity will generally result in a mix that is more resistant to compaction. Additionally, the more a
binder hardens (or ages) during production, the more resistant the mix is to compaction.
Asphalt binder content also affects compaction. Asphalt binder lubricates the aggregate during
compaction. Mixes with low asphalt contents are generally more difficult to compact because of
inadequate lubrication, whereas mixes with high asphalt contents will compact more easily but may
shove under roller loads (TRB, 2000).
Sometimes, a combination of mix design factors produces what is known as a tender mix. Tender
mixes are internally unstable within a limited mixture dependent temperature range known as the
tender zone. Mixtures in this zone tend to displace laterally and shove rather than compact under
roller loads. It is advisable to cease compaction of these mixtures when the mat temperature is
within this zone. Compaction may resume when the mat temperature falls below the tender zone.
These two means of densifying HMA are often referred to collectively as “compactive effort." This
section discusses the paver screed, the steel wheeled roller (both static and vibratory), and the pneu-
matic tire roller as they apply to HMA compaction. 'Compaction Sequence' discusses how each one
of these pieces of compaction equipment work together in a typical construction scenario. This sub-
section covers:
the paver screed,
steel wheel rollers (including vibratory rollers),
pneumatic tire rollers.
The paver screed has previously been discussed in 'Screed.' Of additional note here is that approxi-
mately 75 to 85% of the theoretical maximum density of the HMA will be obtained when the mix
passes out from under the screed (TRB, 2000).
Steel wheel rollers are self-propelled compaction devices that use steel drums to compress the
underlying HMA. They can have one, two, or even three drums, although tandem (2 drum) rollers
are most often used. The drums can be either static or vibratory and usually range from 86 to 215
cm (35 to 85 in.) in width and 50 to 150 cm (20 to 60 in.) in diameter. Roller weight is typically
between 0.9 and 18 tonnes (1 and 20 tons) (see Figure 6-56 and Figure 6-57).
Figure 6-56. Small Static Steel Wheel Roller (1.45 tons 34-inch wide drum).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Figure 6-57. Large Vibratory Steel Wheel Roller (18.7 tons 84-inchwide drum).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
In addition to their own weight, some steel wheel rollers can be ballasted with either sand or water
to increase their weight and thus, compactive effort. Although this ballasting is a fairly simple pro-
cess (see Figure 6-58), it is usually done before rolling operations start and rarely during rolling
operations. Since asphalt cement binder sticks to steel wheels, most steel wheel rollers spray water
on the drums to prevent HMA from sticking, and are equipped with a transverse bar on each drum
to wipe off HMA. Note, however, that this water will cool the HMA and can reduce the time avail-
able for compaction.
Some steel wheel rollers are equipped with vibratory drums. Drum vibration adds a dynamic load
to the static roller weight to create a greater total compactive effort. Drum vibration also reduces
friction and aggregate interlock during compaction, which allows aggregate particles to move into
final positions that produce greater friction and interlock than could be achieved without vibration.
Roller drum vibration is produced using a rotating eccentric weight located in the vibrating drum
(or drums), and the force it creates is proportional to the eccentric moment of the rotating weight
and the speed of rotation (TRB, 2000). Operators can turn the vibrations on or off and can also con-
trol amplitude (eccentric moment) and frequency (speed of rotation). Vibration frequency and
amplitude have a direct effect on the dynamic force (and thus the compactive force) as shown in
Table 6-5:
Table 6-5: Vibratory Steel Wheel Roller Parameters (after TRB, 2000)
The ideal vibratory frequency and amplitude settings are a compromise based on desired mat
smoothness, HMA characteristics, and lift thickness. Low vibration frequencies combined with
high roller speeds will increase the distance between surface impacts and create a rippled,
unsmooth surface. In general, higher frequencies and lower roller speeds are preferred because they
decrease the distance between surface impacts, which:
increases the compactive effort (more impacts per unit of length), and
provides a smoother mat.
The recommended impact spacing is (10 – 12 impacts/ft.). Table 6-6 shows basic guidance for
vibratory settings.
Table 6-6: Typical Vibratory Settings (from TRB, 2000)
Thin Lifts Operate in static mode. Under vibratory mode, as the pavement increases in
(< about 1.25 in.) density, the drums may begin to bounce, which may cause the HMA to
shove and become less dense. Also, some of the aggregates may be crushed.
In some cases, vibratory mode may be allowed to obtain a smooth transition
or joint density.
Lifts between 1.25 and 2.5 in. High frequency Low amplitude
When density is difficult to quickly achieve with a vibratory steel wheel roller, the tendency may be
to increase vibratory amplitude to increase compactive effort. However, high amplitude is only
advisable on stiff mixes or very thick lifts that can support the increased amplitude without fractur-
ing the constituent aggregate particles. For typical mix types and lift thicknesses, a better solution is
usually to maintain low amplitude vibrations and increase the number of roller passes at low
Vibratory steel wheel rollers offer potential compaction advantages over static steel wheel rollers,
but they also require the operator to control more compaction variables (amplitude, frequency, and
vibratory mode use) and, in certain situations, they must be used with caution (e.g., over shallow
underground utilities, in residential areas, thin overlays).
In general, steel wheel rollers provide the smoothest mat finish of all compaction equipment. When
operated in the vibratory mode, they also provide substantial compactive effort.
The pneumatic tire roller is a self-propelled compaction device that uses pneumatic tires to compact
the underlying HMA. Pneumatic tire rollers employ a set of smooth (no tread) tires on each axle;
typically four on one axle and five on the other. The tires on the front axle are aligned with the gaps
between tires on the rear axle to give complete and uniform compaction coverage over the width of
the roller. Compactive effort is controlled by varying tire pressure, which is typically set between
60 psi and 120 psi (TRB, 2000).
Asphalt binder tends to stick to cold pneumatic tires but not to hot pneumatic tires. A release agent
(like water) can be used to minimize this sticking; however, if asphalt binder pickup (the asphalt
binder sticking to the tires) is not permanently damaging the mat, it is better to run the roller on the
hot mat and let the tires heat up to near mat temperature. Tires near the mat temperature will not
pick up an appreciable amount of asphalt binder. Insulating the tire area with rubber skirts or ply-
wood helps maintain the tires near mat temperature while rolling (see Figure 6-59).
Figure 6-59. Pneumatic Tire Roller (notice rubber skirt insulation around tire area as well as tire
marks left in the new mat in front of the roller).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
In addition to a static compressive force, pneumatic tire rollers also develop a kneading action
between the tires that tends to realign aggregate within the HMA. This results in both advantages
and disadvantages when compared to steel wheel rollers:
Advantages (Brown, 1984)
They provide a more uniform degree of compaction than steel wheel rollers.
They provide a tighter, denser surface, thus decreasing permeability of the layer.
They provide increased density that many times cannot be obtained with steel wheeled
They compact the mixture without causing checking (hairline surface cracks), and they
help to remove any checking that is caused with steel wheeled rollers.
The individual tire arrangement may cause deformations in the mat that are difficult or
impossible to remove with further rolling. Thus, they should not be used for finish rolling.
If the HMA binder contains a rubber modifier, HMA pickup (mix sticking to the tires)
may be so severe as to warrant discontinuing use of the roller.
In summary, pneumatic tire rollers offer a slightly different type of compaction than steel wheel
rollers. The arrangement of multiple tires on both axles serves to both compress and knead the mat,
which may or may not be advantageous over steel wheel rollers.
There are several variables associated with rollers that can be adjusted from job to job. These vari-
ables are:
Not all these variables are infinitely adjustable, but by adjusting a combination of them. a rolling
plan can be developed that will optimize mat compaction.
are almost always used as finishing rollers because they can produce the smoothest surface of
any roller type.
5. Traffic. After the rollers have compacted the mat to the desired density and produced the
desired smoothness, the new pavement is opened to traffic. Traffic loading will provide further
compaction in the wheel paths of a finished mat. For instance, a mat compacted to 8% air voids
and then opened to heavy traffic (e.g., an interstate freeway) may further compact to about 3 to
5% air voids in the wheel paths over time.
Each position in the roller train (breakdown, intermediate, and finish) may be performed by one
roller or several rollers in parallel. For instance, a large paving project may use two vibratory steel
wheel rollers for breakdown rolling, one pneumatic tire roller for intermediate rolling, and two
static steel wheel rollers for finish rolling. The determination of the best rolling sequence and the
number of rollers is generally made on a case-by-case basis and depends upon the desired final air
voids, available rollers and their operating parameters, rolling patterns, mix properties, and envi-
ronmental conditions.
Rollers are slow; the fastest operating speeds may reach about 11 km/h (7 mph). In order to provide
complete and uniform mat compaction, rollers should be operated at a slow, constant speed. Oper-
ating at high speeds will reduce compactive effort, while varying roller speed can cause non-
uniform compaction. The following table shows typical roller speeds; Item 210 gives typical roller
compaction parameters by material type for use on TxDOT jobs.
Table 6-7: Typical Roller Speed Ranges (from TRB, 2000)
Static Steel Wheel 2.0 – 3.5 mph 2.5 – 4.0 mph 3.0 – 5.0 mph
Pneumatic 2.0 – 3.5 mph 2.5 – 4.0 mph 4.0 – 7.0 mph
Vibratory Steel Wheel 2.0 – 3.0 mph 2.5 – 3.5 mph not used
Operating at lower speeds allows the roller to remain in contact with a particular mat location lon-
ger than it would at higher speeds. This results in more compression per roller pass and, therefore,
increases compactive effort. Speed also affects the magnitude of shear stress developed. Lower
speeds result in the shearing force between compressed and uncompressed areas being applied for a
longer period of time for a particular area (giving a lower shear rate), which results in a higher
shear stress. The higher the shear stress, the better able it is to rearrange aggregate into a denser
configuration. Therefore, as roller speed decreases, shear stress increases and compactive effort
Because speed affects compactive effort, varying roller speed will vary compactive effort, resulting
in uneven compaction. Varying roller speed typically occurs when operators are not closely moni-
toring their speed or when they speed up to roll an area more quickly so that they can keep pace
with the paver. If the mat is being laid down at a faster rate than it can be rolled, the solution should
not be to speed up the rollers but rather should involve one of the following options (TRB, 2000):
1. Slow down the paver. This may involve adjusting production and material delivery rate as well.
2. Use more rollers. Adding rollers can increase the number of roller passes in a given time with-
out reducing the compactive effort per pass.
3. Use larger, wider rollers. Wider rollers allow greater coverage per pass.
Finally, rollers should not be stopped on a fresh mat because they can cause large indentations that
are difficult, if not impossible, to remove.
Roller speed directly affects compactive effort. The best compactive effort and most uniform densi-
ties are achieved by slow, consistent roller speeds. If rollers cannot keep up with the pace of the
paving operation, they should not be operated at higher speeds because this reduces compactive
effort. Rather, the paving operation should be slowed or more/larger rollers should be used.
Generally, it takes more than one roller pass over a particular area to achieve satisfactory compac-
tion. A roller pass over a specific mat area is defined as one complete trip over the area in question
by the entire roller. This means that if the roller uses two steel drums, both drums must travel over
the area in question to make “one pass.” In general, earlier passes over hotter HMA will increase
density (decrease air voids) more than later passes over cooler HMA (see Figure 6-61).
Table 6-8: Reference and Conditions Information for Figure 6-61
Figure 6-61. Density and Measured Mat Temperature vs. Time (note the increase in density for
each roller pass) (Chadbourn et al., 1998).
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Test Strip
Contractors will often (and are sometimes required to) construct a “test strip” to help
determine the necessary number of passes.
A test strip is a small section of mat laid out at the beginning of a project with the purpose
of determining the best roller type, sequence, number of passes, and rolling pattern to use.
Intelligent Compaction (IC). To date, the benefit of using IC for HMA lifts has been more
related to uniform coverage by mapping number of desired passes than any contribution in
meeting density. This is because current IC systems lack the necessary sensitivity to distin-
guish incremental benefit to improving density in typical relatively thin HMA lifts.
Determining where the different rollers in the train should physically be is actually a question of
mat temperature and roller characteristics and not one of physical distance. 'Compaction Sequence'
under “8.6 Roller Variables” described the roller sequence and its reasoning while this section
describes some more general rules-of-thumb.
In general, the greatest compaction per roller pass can be achieved directly behind the paver
because the mat is the hottest and least viscous in that position. Therefore, the breakdown roller(s)
should operate as close to the paver as possible to achieve the most compaction per roller pass.
Likewise, the intermediate roller(s) and finish roller(s) should be placed on the mat at a safe dis-
tance from the roller in front of them and begin rolling as soon as possible. Sometimes, when a
tender mix is placed, these general rules do not apply.
The roller pattern combines roller sequence, speed, number of passes, and location to provide com-
plete coverage of the entire mat in such a manner that results in:
uniform compaction to a specified level of air voids,
acceptable surface smoothness, and
complete compaction before cessation temperature is reached.
Uniform compaction depends on getting the same number of roller passes over each area of the
mat. This means that a pattern must be developed that covers the entire mat with an equal number
of roller passes from each type of roller. For example, if two vibratory steel wheel rollers are oper-
ating as the breakdown rollers, they must work together so each portion of the mat receives the
same number of passes. Since they are the same type of roller, it is not necessary for each roller to
cover the entire mat. If two different rollers, such as a vibratory steel wheel roller and a pneumatic
tire roller, are performing breakdown rolling, each roller should cover the entire mat an equal num-
ber of times, otherwise compaction may be non-uniform. Although roller patterns can vary widely,
some general rules-of-thumb are:
Overlap between two successive passes should be at least 15 cm (6 in.) (Roberts et al., 1996;
Ingersoll-Rand, 2001). This ensures that small steering inaccuracies do not leave gaps between
successive passes.
The roller should be turned slightly to the side when reversing directions or stopping. Rollers
tend to create a slight bow hump when moving and will leave this hump in place when revers-
ing directions or stopping. Often, it is difficult to flatten out this hump on subsequent passes if
it is perpendicular to the direction of roller travel. By turning the roller slightly before chang-
ing direction or stopping, the resulting hump will be diagonal to the direction of roller travel
and easier to flatten out with subsequent passes. However, hard steering should be avoided
because it can tear or shove the mat.
Roller passes should end at different points to prevent developing a hump (caused by the direc-
tion change) that spans the entire transverse length of the mat.
Where there is an unconfined edge on the mat, the first roller pass should stay about 0.15 –
0.30 m (0.5 – 1 ft.) away from the mat edge. The small resultant strip of uncompacted mat
helps confine the rest of the mat and minimize lateral displacement near mat edges. This strip
should then be compacted on the next roller pass (Ingersoll-Rand, 2001).
Do not roll over a designed crown in the road. Rolling over a crown will flatten it out.
When compacting a longitudinal joint, the first roller pass should be entirely on the hot mat
about 0.15 – 0.30 m (0.5 – 1 ft.) away from the joint. On subsequent passes, the roller should
travel mostly on the newly constructed mat and only overlap the older mat by about 0.15 m
(0.5 ft.) (Roberts et al., 1996; Ingersoll-Rand, 2001).
Joints should be compacted with the roller operating parallel to the joint. Although transverse
joints cannot always be compacted this way, perpendicular rolling does not compact the hot/
new side as well.
For steel wheeled rollers, operate the powered wheel on the paver side. This will minimize
humps that can be caused by the drive wheel.
The above guidelines are just general rules of thumb; other methods may work. However, without a
clear roller pattern, the center of a lane typically receives more roller passes than the outsides. This
is of particular concern because most wheel loads occur nearer the edges of any particular lane in
the wheel paths. In summary, any method that achieves uniform coverage, acceptable density, and
acceptable smoothness without damaging the mat can be considered a good method.
8.7 Summary
Although compaction looks like a simple job, it is far from it. Variables such as sequence, speed,
number of passes, location, pattern, and mat temperature make it quite complex. All these variables
have a profound effect on air voids and thus pavement performance. Simply put, good compaction
is essential to quality pavement.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — In-place Surface Recycling
Section 3 — Geosynthetics
Section 4 — Flexible Base Overlay and Flexible Base Thickening
Section 5 — Full Depth Reclamation/Recycling (FDR)
Section 6 — HMA Overlays
Section 7 — Surface Treatments
Section 8 — Concrete Overlays
Section 9 — Reusing Rigid Pavements as Base
Section 10 — Alternate Pavement Rehabilitation Options
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Introduction
Developing a rehabilitation design generally requires extensive investigation into the condition of
the existing pavement structure, performance history, and laboratory testing of materials to estab-
lish suitability of existing and proposed materials for use in the rehabilitation design. The field
investigation will require a deflection survey, drainage survey, and perhaps additional non-destruc-
tive testing (NDT) surveys, such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), dynamic cone penetrometer
(DCP), and seismic tools. Examination of multi-year Pavement Management Information System
(PMIS) distress and ride data will show performance-related issues. Once these preliminary sur-
veys are conducted, locations for material sampling can be established. In addition, for projects
where full-depth reclamation is being considered, samples of the structure should be taken at inter-
vals not to exceed 0.5 mi. These samples will be evaluated in the lab to verify field survey
conclusions and establish basic properties necessary to quantify moisture susceptibility, stabilizer
compatibility, blending requirements, etc.
This rehabilitation technique is meant to address asphalt concrete surface distress and texture issues
only; therefore, the underlying base layers must offer adequate support for both the HIR paving
train and projected future traffic. Procedures are covered under Item 358 of the Standard
The HIR process involves recycling the existing asphalt surface layer by heating, scarifying, and
adding a recycling agent. There are three basic HIR processes:
1. Recycling – heating, scarifying, rejuvenating, leveling, reprofiling, and compacting.
2. Remixing – heating, scarifying, rejuvenating, mixing (adding virgin aggregate or new hot-
mix), leveling, reprofiling, and compacting.
3. Repaving – combines either recycling or remixing with an overlay of new HMA placed imme-
diately after the recycled mixture. The new HMA layer is placed directly on the recycled layer,
and both are compacted simultaneously.
A specialized train (shown in Figure 7-1) is used to heat the surface of the pavement to 200 - 350°F
which allows the top 1 to 2 in. of material to be scarified, rejuvenated, remixed and replaced in a
multi-step on-site process. Minor cross slope and aggregate gradation corrections can be made. Vir-
gin hot-mix can also be added to correct the recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) shortcomings as in
the case of the remixing process. Coring of the existing asphaltic concrete pavement (ACP) surface
is necessary to determine the material properties of the existing asphalt pavement. This will allow
for evaluation of any necessary adjustments to aggregate gradation to develop the required voids in
mineral aggregate (VMA) and selection of the appropriate asphalt cement (AC) binder. Mix design
must meet Item 358 requirements.
Pavements with delaminations, especially saturated delaminations, in the top 2 in. should not be
considered for HIR projects. Also, the state of practice does not recommend pavements that have
been rutted, heavily patched, contain fabric seals, excessively chip-sealed, or rubber chip-sealed as
good candidate projects. The 2014 specifications cite a minimum surface temperature for com-
mencement of HIR operations of 60ºF, or if the conditions are such that the roadway surface will
reach the required temperature within 2 hr. of the beginning of placement operations. An additional
overlay may be placed over the recycled surface if additional structural strength is needed, as in the
case of the repaving process. An equivalent alternative strategy is to mill 1 in. of the existing top
layer and place back 2 in. Refer to Item 340 for allowances of recycled products in the new 2-in.
As with the hot in-place process, this rehabilitation technique is meant to address distress within the
bituminous portion of the pavement structure, but can reach as deep as 4 to 6 in. Therefore, the base
must also be sound, with repairs made to locations that have failed or show potential for failure.
The process also involves a specialized train with a cold milling machine, crushing/screen unit, and
mixing unit that is capable of reclaiming the old asphalt, crushing (screening and sizing) the RAP,
and mixing the RAP with virgin aggregate (if necessary) and emulsion. Figure 7-2 shows a cold in-
place recycling train. More recently, foamed asphalt has been used as a binding agent, replacing
emulsion on some jobs in other states (Caltrans and others). Other additives, such as lime, fly ash
and cement, may be used to improve moisture susceptibility and early strength properties. Coring
of the existing ACP surface is necessary to determine the material properties of the existing asphalt
pavement to properly design proportions of virgin aggregate, emulsion, and rejuvenator, if neces-
sary. Cores are also inspected for the presence of variations in the pavement layers, delaminations,
and whether voids are saturated. The industry does not recommend pavements that have been rut-
ted, heavily patched, or excessively chip-sealed as good candidate projects. Typically, a seal coat or
additional overlay will be required after adequate curing since the cold re-processed mix has higher
void ratios and is more difficult to compact than hot-mix. Application of this procedure has been
addressed through special specifications.
Section 3 — Geosynthetics
Geosynthetic products, defined herein as fabrics, grids, composites, or membranes, have been used
by TxDOT since the mid-1980s. The primary purpose of incorporating geosynthetics in the upper
pavement structure is to reduce reflective cracking in HMA overlays and to resist moisture intru-
sion into the underlying pavement structure. Geosynthetics can be part of an overall rehabilitation
strategy that will, as a minimum, include the placement of a new wearing/surface course of hot-mix
asphalt (HMA). TxDOT investigated these products in 2001 as part of research project 0-1777. One
of the products from this research was the publication of Geosynthetic Guidelines. This document
discusses the advantages of using geosynthetics in HMA applications, guidance on the selection of
materials, cost considerations, pavement design, as well as construction considerations. One con-
cern that the geosynthetic users should keep in mind is future rehabilitations, as any anticipated
milling of HMA layers must avoid RAP contamination and possible fouling of milling equipment.
3.1.1. Geogrids
The main function of a geogrid in an HMA application is to retard the occurrence of reflective
cracking. In evaluating the appropriateness of use, cracking in the existing structure should be lim-
ited to cases in which the crack faulting does not fluctuate significantly with traffic loading and
crack width does not fluctuate significantly with temperature differentials. The pavement should be
structurally sound, with existing cracks limited to less than 3/8 in. width. Hence, low to moderate
levels of alligator cracking or random cracking may benefit from application of grids in HMA;
whereas, widely spaced thermal cracking or underlying rocking/faulted Portland cement concrete
(PCC) slabs will probably not benefit. It is necessary to repair localized, highly distressed/weak
areas and apply a level-up course of HMA. Where rutting exceeding 1/2 in. exists, milling prior to
applying the level-up should be considered. A minimum 2.0-in. surfacing course is recommended.
Installation of this type of product has proven to be problematic and will result in premature failure
(fatiguing) of the surfacing overlay where a lack of bonding (surface to grid to level-up) occurs. It
is highly recommended that the manufacturer’s installation procedures be strictly followed and that
a manufacturer’s representative be present during the planning and construction process.
These products provide a moisture barrier in addition to varying degrees of resistance to reflective
cracking. Application guidelines are similar to those recommended above for the geogrid. The
impermeable qualities of these products can be a double-edged sword in that they prevent trapped
moisture within the structure from transpiring out. This may result in debonding of HMA layers
and/or stripping of HMA layers below the product, especially if the lower mixes are moisture-sus-
ceptible. Also, if the surfacing overlay is permeable and surface moisture cannot readily escape the
section laterally (mill and inlay technique is especially prone), stripping of the surface mix may
also occur. It is incumbent upon users of these products to ensure laboratory testing is performed to
determine HMA stripping susceptibility of existing mixes (highway cores) and the proposed level-
up and overlay mixes.
Geosynthetics are placed in pavement bases to perform one or more of the following functions:
3.2.1 Reinforcement
Base reinforcement results from the addition of a geogrid or composite at the bottom or within a
base course to increase the structural or load-carrying capacity of a pavement system by the transfer
of load to the geosynthetic material. The primary mechanism associated with this application is lat-
eral restraint or confinement of aggregates in the base. Where very weak subgrades exist,
geosynthetics can increase the bearing capacity by forcing the potential bearing capacity failure
surface to develop along alternate, higher strength surfaces. Geogrids may also be considered for
use in locations where chemical stabilization of the subgrade is not desirable due to possible reac-
tion with sulfates in the subgrade, or not practical because of expedited construction concerns,
particularly in urban settings. Geogrid has also been used in multi-layered repair of roadway
embankment slope failures, and is described in the USDA publication 0577 1204 – SDTDC, “Deep
Patch Road Embankment Repair Application Guide,” October 2005 (see Figure 7-3).
There have been assertions that the resultant increase in restraint or confinement should allow for
design of thinner structures using these products versus structural designs which do not; however,
their benefits may only be noticeable over the long term, and there appears to be an absence of
long-term controlled monitoring. For purposes of geosynthetic reinforcement, the Maintenance
Division, Pavement Asset Management Section, recommends that its application be viewed as an
“insurance policy” rather than a “modulus- multiplier” or structure-reducing product.
3.2.2 Separation
Geosynthetics used for separation have classically been applied to prevent subgrade soil fines from
migrating into the unbound base (or subbase) or to prevent aggregates from an unbound base (or
subbase) from migrating into the subgrade. A small amount of fines introduced into the granular
base can retain moisture and significantly reduce the internal friction angle, rendering the flex base
weaker. Potential for these circumstances increases where wet, soft subgrades exist. Typically, a
geocomposite will be used for this application, placed at the subgrade/unbound base interface. Geo-
textile separators act to maintain permeability of the base materials over the life of the section, and
they allow the use of more open-graded, free-draining base and subbase materials. Another form of
separation is being increasingly explored in Texas where there is a high potential for reflective
cracking originating in the subgrade or chemically-bound base/subbase. A grid or composite is
used to dissipate stresses induced by the opening crack. Longitudinal edge cracking is particularly
an issue in areas where moderate to high plasticity index (PI) soils are exposed to prolonged cycles
of wetting and drying. Geogrids will typically be employed at the subgrade/bound base interface, or
if a flex base is placed above a bound base (e.g., full-depth reclamation/recycling [FDR] projects),
the grid may be placed at this location. Grids should be a minimum of 10 ft. wide to reduce the
potential for longitudinal cracking due to edge drying.
3.2.3 Filtration
The function of filtration is to allow for in-pavement moisture transfer but restrict movement of soil
particles; hence, composites or fabrics that are placed for the classical purpose of separation will
usually incorporate this function as well.
3.2.4 Drainage
Geosynthetics used in pavement drainage have been limited to addressing problematic locations,
typically in a reactive manner. Retrofitted pavement edge drains often used when the structure cross
section changes transversely (e.g., rigid pavements with flexible pavement shoulders, widening
using different structure) is an example of using geosynthetics to expedite lateral drainage of
trapped moisture from within the pavement structure. Vertical moisture barriers using an imperme-
able membrane have been used to prevent moisture ingress through permeable seams from adjacent
land into the roadway substructure.
The flexible base overlay has been used as an intermediate layer of a new structure, placed directly
on top of an old structure. The primary purpose, in addition to increasing structure, has been to
resist the propagation of reflective cracks from the old structure. The existing structure still offers
good/uniform support. A suitable surface designed for the expected traffic loading must also be
planned. As such, this type of rehabilitation can increase the overall highway profile considerably.
The material proposed for the new flexible base should be evaluated for moisture susceptibility and
durability; trapping moisture in the flexible base overlay between the old highway surface and the
new surface must be avoided.
Flexible base thickening can be used to improve the structural capacity of low to moderate volume
highways. This technique can be used where there are low levels of existing structural damage, the
existing base is uniform, and the subgrade offers good (> 15 ksi) support. The new base material
should be of equal or higher quality than the existing base; where this is not the case, it is essential
that the new material be thoroughly blended with the existing base. When the materials are
blended, cutting into the subgrade must be avoided. This subject was explored as a part of research
project 0-4182. Field performances were evaluated in TTI report 4182-1, “Field Performance and
Design Recommendations for Full Depth Recycling in Texas.”
“The WirtgenTM Cold Recycling Manual” offers a sequence of steps for developing a mix design
suitable for the recycled layer and is summarized here:
1. Select stabilizer based on cost, availability (sufficient quantity, quality), suitability with respect
to type and quality of material to be recycled, and desired (design) properties of the recycled
mix. Stabilizer suitability must address the plasticity and quantity of the fines in addition to the
overall gradation. The environment also must be considered; preliminary research has shown
that fly ash and emulsified asphalt do not work well in high moisture environments. These sen-
sitivities to moisture may be mitigated when used in combination with other additives (lime-fly
ash or cement with emulsified asphalt). Also, where freezing conditions are expected, chemi-
cal stabilized materials should be in place well before (one month) the onset of freezing
2. Prepare samples (test methods Tex-120, Tex-121, Tex-126, and Tex-127), using varying per-
centages of stabilizer; bring samples to optimum fluid content (water plus any additional liquid
such as emulsified AC) for compaction.
3. Compact sample using standardized compaction procedures.
4. Cure samples.
5. Subject samples to unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and moisture susceptibility testing.
Optimum stabilizer content for chemical stabilizers should target the sample UCS at 300 psi.
Moisture susceptibility evaluation should limit dielectric to < 10 after a 10-day capillary rise
and an 85% retained UCS.
Additional guidelines can be found in TTI report 4182-1, “Field Performance and Design Recom-
mendations for Full Depth Recycling in Texas.”
For flexible pavements, structural hot-mix overlay thicknesses are designed using FPS 21 design,
option 6. Currently, the only department-approved rational method for design of structural HMA
overlays on rigid pavements is by using the appropriate overlay option in DARWin® 3.1 (AAS-
HTO 93). An M-E based program incorporating findings of the balanced mix design approach
(research project 0-5123) is available in consultation with MNT – Pavement Asset Management. In
considering the actual overlay thickness, guidelines established for lift thickness based on the type
of mix / nominal maximum aggregate size must be followed. In addition, the type of mix selected
should complement the overall structure in terms of resilience, durability, permeability, texture, etc.
A reasonable investigation of the condition of the existing substructure and hot-mix on the project
must be made to ensure the desired performance of the structural overlay. In addition to deflection
measurements, ground penetrating radar (GPR), when combined with selective coring, is a rapid
method of determining the depth and extent of delamination or stripping problems. Where rutting-
susceptible mixes exist in the old structure, if these mixes are within 4 in. of the newly overlaid sur-
face, the chance of renewed rutting originating in the old mix will still exist (zone of high shear and
compression). Evaluation of road cores for rutting and stripping susceptibility using Tex-242-E
(Hamburg) should be used if in doubt. Even if there is no evidence of current stripping, it is advis-
able to evaluate the existing material for stripping susceptibility; experience has shown that
stripping problems often start only after the new overlay is placed. There are also certain surface
materials that should not be overlaid, including plant-mix seal or permeable friction courses (open-
graded friction courses). Where poor substructure is located, full-depth repair should be accom-
plished prior to the overlay. In the case of Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements, a
determination must be made into the uniformity of the underlying support. The total pavement
acceptance device (TPAD) has been a useful tool in identifying areas of low support. Slabs must be
prevented from moving by stabilizing the material beneath them. This involves drilling holes in an
unstable PCC slab or section and injecting an asphaltic, cementitious, or high-density polymer
material to fill any underlying voids. Typically, this method is only an option for isolated instances
of instability. It does not work well as a general roadway treatment. Application of a stress absorb-
ing membrane interlayer such as the crack attenuating mixture (CAM) may be useful in retarding
reflective cracking when overlaying jointed concrete pavements. CAM is a fine mix that is
designed for cracking resistance using the overlay tester or flexural beam fatigue. The mix is typi-
cally placed 1 in. thick and should be covered with an adequate overlay thickness to provide
adequate resistance to rutting (2.0 in. minimum is recommended).
Other reasons for removing a portion of the existing HMA surface include leveling because of rut-
ting, reducing crack width caused by spalling, and eliminating raveling.
As a minimum, a higher rate of tack coat application will be needed on a milled surface prior to
overlaying. For planning purposes, a seal coat may be applied to the surface of the milled structure,
especially if there are visible or latent cracks. The designer should also consider other measures to
thwart reflective cracking through the new overlay. Geotextiles have been used successfully for this
purpose but require increased vigilance on the part of the contractor to ensure manufacturer’s
guidelines are strictly followed. Mix design, selecting a mix that incorporates increased resilience,
low permeability, and overall mat thickness are also important considerations.
These overlays are designed using a combination of experience and guidelines established herein.
Generally, this type of overlay is used to improve ride, texture, cross-slope drainage, and weather-
proofing, and is often categorized as “pavement preservation.” Often, the process is combined with
milling of a like amount of existing surface, essentially keeping the same profile while improving
functional characteristics (mill and fill).
Condition surveys (including deflection testing and GPR) should be undertaken to ensure that a
non-structural overlay is appropriate. This would also include evaluating the existing HMA or PCC
slabs for stability (and HMA stripping potential), if necessary. As with overlays designed for struc-
tural purposes, corrective action to the substructure should be accomplished prior to the overlay.
The condition survey should also reveal whether minor milling, leveling, and undersealing (or
grout injection beneath PCC slabs) are necessary.
The type of mix selected should complement the overall structure in terms of durability, permeabil-
ity, and texture. The designer should consider appropriate lift thickness based on the desired mix
type and nominal maximum aggregate size. Where permeable friction courses (PFC) are applied, it
is imperative that the underlying structure is water-tight; hence, these overlays are almost always
applied with an underseal or by using the thin bonded friction course (Item 348) method. Due con-
sideration must also be given to insuring a proper cross-slope by using a level-up course before
applying the PFC. Where active cracks exist (especially jointed PCC structures), thin overlays will
rarely perform well without the use of geotextiles and careful consideration of the resilient proper-
ties of the mix. Some success has been realized by saw-cutting and sealing thin overlays over active
joints on jointed PCC pavements.
Two statewide thin overlay options are available by standard specification: The thin bonded friction
courses (Item 348) and thin overlay mixtures (Item 347 [TOM]).
Item 348 covers PFC and wearing course varieties, both of which use a warm polymer-modified
asphalt emulsion membrane followed immediately by the application of a hot plant mixed paving
mixture. The bonded wearing course is placed in thicknesses from 1/2 to 3/4 in. The thin bonded
PFC is placed in thicknesses of 3/4 to 1.5 in., so some minor improvement in ride is possible. The
PFC mixture will allow for the rapid removal of surface water, improving splash/spray characteris-
tics; the open void structure will also reduce tire noise. These treatments should be considered on
higher volume highways where average speeds exceed 45 mph, and where chip pickup and road
noise from the alternate surface treatment are more objectionable to the traveling public. Item 348
allows RAP/RAS and WMA, if desired. The application of the warm polymer-modified asphalt
emulsion membrane is designed to seal the existing surfaces where minor cracking (< 1/4 in.) is the
most severe distress, and is seen as a potential remedy for pavements that have leaky joints and/or
segregation problems. Existing rutting or more severe cracking must be addressed separately before
using these options. The thin overlay mix (TOM, Item 347) uses conventional tacking procedures
and allows for a WMA option. However, no RAP/RAS is allowed. The TOM-C is placed in thick-
nesses ranging from 0.75 to 1.25 in.; TOM-F is placed in thickness ranging from 0.50 to 0.75 in.
There are several construction-related concerns in placing these non-structural HMA overlays,
Thin lifts require less HMA per foot of road length than thick lifts. This can result in high
paver speeds (in excess of 70 ft./min.). Compaction may not be able to keep pace with these
high speeds. Use of two rollers in echelon may be necessary.
Thin lifts will cool quicker than thick lifts. This can result in little time available for compac-
tion before the thin overlay reaches cessation temperature (sometimes as little as 3 to 5 min.).
Therefore, laydown and roller variables should be set to account for this (e.g., slower laydown
machine speed, enough rollers, and an adequate roller pattern to compact the material before it
reaches cessation temperature).
Thin lift construction produces greater screed wear. If the lift depth is less than about twice the
maximum aggregate size, the HMA may tear under the paver screed. Very thin lifts (less than
25 mm [1 in.]) can be damaged by the screed dragging large articles.
Thin lifts are more sensitive to vibratory rolling. Incorrectly chosen amplitude, frequency, or
roller speed can result in aggregate degradation (i.e., breaking) and damage of the bond
between the overlay and the existing pavement.
Density control is difficult. Thin lifts provide fewer options for aggregate particles to rearrange
under compaction. Thus, mat densities will tend to be less uniform than those associated with a
thicker lift. This should be recognized if pay is in any way tied to mat density.
7.1 General
For purposes of discussion in this manual, these procedures will include treatments under items 315
(fog seal), 316 (seal coat), and 350 (microsurfacing). Scrub seals have been recently introduced to
Texas and can be required by special specification. Surface treatments are applied to restore texture
and weatherproofing (including protection from oxidation), but do not contribute to improvement
in ride or increased structural capacity. They have become an essential part of the pavement preser-
vation program in Texas, particularly for lower volume highways. A fog seal is a light application
of a diluted slow-setting asphalt emulsion to the surface of an aged (oxidized) pavement surface.
Microsurfacing is a blend of emulsified asphalt, water, well-graded fine aggregate (top size < 1/2
in.), and mineral filler. Scrub seals consist of one or more applications of an asphalt emulsion that is
scrubbed with a broom and covered with a single layer of aggregate. The “scrubbing” action is
designed to work the emulsion into surface cracks for a better seal. Condition surveys as described
in Chapter 4, “Pavement Evaluation,” should be conducted to assess whether localized repair
should be conducted prior to application of the surface treatment.
Surface treatments perform best when the underlying structure is still in good shape (minimal
cracking, raveling, bleeding). In addition to a lane or road-width treatment, microsurfacing has
been used to fill minor rutting. Relative performance of several traditional surface treatments
(asphalt rubber chip seal, polymer modified emulsion chip seal, latex modified AC chip seal,
unmodified chip seal, and microsurfacing) were evaluated in the TTI study 4040, Supplemental
Maintenance Effectiveness Research Program (SMERP) (TTI-4040-3). In general, chip seals are
more effective in preventing reappearance of cracking than microsurfacing, with the asphalt rubber
chip seal performing best overall. Microsurfacing proved to be more effective than chip seals in
preventing the reappearance of bleeding. In fact, if applied incorrectly (AC application rates too
high, especially in the wheelpaths), chip seals were shown to actually increase the amount of bleed-
ing over time. While a fog seal was also applied to test sections in this study, its effectiveness was
limited essentially to anti-oxidation and anti-raveling roles. Fog seals are suitable for low-volume
roads which can be closed to traffic for the 4 to 6 hrs. it takes for the slow-setting asphalt emulsion
to break and set. An excessive application rate may result in a thin asphalt layer on top of the origi-
nal hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement. This layer can be very smooth and cause a loss of skid
resistance. Sand should be kept in reserve to blot up areas of excess application.
As with standard HMA overlays, the existing bituminous layers should be evaluated in the lab for
stripping potential prior to applying the surface treatment. A surface treatment will generally seal
off the vertical escape of moisture migrating upward out of a pavement, which can set up acceler-
ated stripping in the existing HMA layer beneath the seal.
For more information on surface treatments and seal coats, refer to the Seal Coat and Surface Treat-
ment Manual.
7.2 Underseals
Underseals may be applied to the surface of an existing pavement prior to the placement of a new
surface lift of HMA for two primary reasons. The first is to seal the old HMA layer, which has
small to moderate amounts of cracking or is otherwise permeable because of poor compaction. The
other reason is to improve the adhesion or bond of the new surface lift of HMA to the existing
structure. Item 316 is the governing specification. Cautions cited above regarding the stripping sus-
ceptibility of the existing HMA layers apply with application of underseals as well.
Conventional whitetopping will use a slab with a thickness designed by the Rigid Pavement Design
procedure (Chapter 8) placed on top of the existing HMA surfaced pavement. Minimum thickness
for this overlay option is 7.0 in.
Concrete inlays may be placed on thicker HMA pavements that have been partially milled out.
Depending on the proposed slab thickness, requirements might follow either those of conventional
whitetopping or thin whitetopping.
Thin whitetopping will use slabs from 4.0 to 7.0 in. thick that are placed on an HMA surface that
has been milled or otherwise prepared to enhance the bond. Refer to Chapter 8, Section 8, “Thin
Concrete Pavement Overlay (Thin Whitetopping),” for the thickness design, slab size selection, and
existing HMA support requirement. Concrete overlays thinner than 4.0 in. are not allowed under
department guidelines. This may restrict the use of concrete overlays at certain curb and gutter
intersections where vertical profile may not allow direct placement on top of the existing HMA
structure, and milling to the appropriate depth may leave insufficient support.
Various procedures can be used to utilize poor performing or functionally inadequate rigid (Port-
land cement concrete [PCC]) pavements into a subbase or base for a bituminous surfaced structure.
The object is to reduce the size of “free-moving” PCC slabs to minimize differential movement at
existing cracks, joints, and punchouts. This will, in turn, reduce the occurrence and severity of
reflective cracking through the newly applied bituminous surface. Three processes are generally
recognized for reusing rigid pavements: break and seat, crack and seat, and rubblizing. These pro-
cedures may not be well-suited for locations where a thin, old slab rests directly on saturated
subgrade (non free-draining) since the slab will often tend to rock under the impact of pavement
breakers and may not reduce down to desirable sized particles. If free moisture exists in the struc-
ture, placing an edge drain system prior to reducing the PCC slabs may be effective in improving
the stability of the slab enough to make these reduction methods possible.
This process may be used to reduce the size of jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP) to
pieces on the order of about 1 to 2 ft.2 by repeatedly dropping a large weight. The objective is to
retain some slab action, but reinforcing steel must be ruptured or the bond broken. Typically, a drop
hammer or “guillotine” type device is used as shown in Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5. Broken PCC is
then seated into the foundation using several passes of a 35 to 50 ton pneumatic roller.
Figure 7-4. Drop hammer breaking slab for break and seat operations.
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
Figure 7-5. Drop hammer “breaking” slab for “break and seat.”
© Copyright 2006 University of Washington
This process may be used to reduce jointed plain concrete pavement (JPCP) to pieces 1 to 3 ft.2 in
size. Equipment similar to that used for break and seat is used to reduce the slab. Some slab action
is retained. Broken PCC is then seated into the foundation using several passes of a 35 to 50 ton
pneumatic roller.
9.3 Rubblizing
This process will completely fracture any type of PCC slab into pieces smaller than 1 ft.2 and is
very effective in breaking the bond of any reinforcing steel to the slab fragments. The slab is
reduced to a high strength granular base that is not susceptible to transmitting reflective cracking
through the HMA overlay. The fractured layer is typically compacted using a 10 ton vibratory
roller. This is the preferred process for reducing JRCP and CRCP pavements. Rubblizing is typi-
cally done with one of the following two pieces of equipment:
This equipment strikes the rigid pavement at low amplitude with a small plate at the resonant fre-
quency of the slab (usually about 44 Hz) causing the slab to break apart as shown in Figure 7-6.
Usually, it takes about 14 to 18 passes for a resonant pavement breaker to rubblize an entire 3.6 m
(12 ft.) lane (NCAT, 2001). Daily production rate is estimated to be about 6,000 yd.2/day. Figure 7-
7 depicts broken pavement after using the resonant pavement breaker.
This equipment uses a series of independently controlled high amplitude drop hammers to smash
the slab. Typically, there are between 12 and 16 hammers, each weighing between 1,000 to 1,500
lbs. Hammers can be dropped from variable heights 1 to 5 ft. to create impact energies between
2,000 to 12,000 ft.-lbs. Hammers cycle at a rate of 30 to 35 impacts per minute. MHBs can rubblize
an entire lane up to 13 ft. in a single pass (Antigo Construction, 2001). Figure 7-8 shows a typical
multi-head breaker.
This section will provide information on alternate pavement rehabilitation options to:
hot in-place recycling (HIR),
thin bonded friction courses (PFC or wearing),
reflective crack relief interlayer (RCRI).
The purpose of hot in-place recycling (HIR) is to correct asphalt pavement surface distress, such as
surface cracking, roughness, or lack of skid resistance, through recycling the existing pavement
surface. HIR can be effective in correcting surface defects, as long as the defects are not caused by
structural inadequacy of the pavement.
The Cutler HIR process involves recycling the existing asphalt surface layer by heating, scarifying,
and adding a recycling agent. The recycled material is placed on the roadway surface, a thin over-
lay of new hot-mix is placed over the recycled layer, and the entire pavement layer is compacted
using conventional compaction equipment.
Alternate options are mill and overlay or surface recycling process, also referred to as the Dustrol
process. Mill and overlay involves milling 1 in. of the existing top layer and replacing it with 2 in.
of new overlay. RAP content in accordance with Item 340 should be allowed in the new 2-in.
The Dustrol process is an alternate to the Cutler process. The Dustrol process is a surface recycling
process. The Dustrol process involves heating and scarifying the top layer of asphaltic pavement
(typically, the top 1 in.), mixing a recycling agent. A new overlay is placed on top of the new recy-
cled surface using standard paving operations.
The thin bonded friction course is used as a pavement preservation treatment to restore skid resis-
tance, improve ride quality, and arrest surface oxidation.
The thin bonded friction course is an open-graded mix (PFC or denser wearing course) placed on
polymer modified rapid-setting emulsion membrane. Placement of a thin bonded PFC surface is
intended to provide increased safety and better ride quality on a high speed roadway. These mix-
tures are placed before the emulsion breaks using a specialty paver. Note: Membrane rate must
meet the requirements of Item 348.
The thin bonded friction course may also be used when there are restrictions on overlay thickness
due to clearance requirements.
The alternate option to this process is placing a tack coat and thin overlay using a mixture such as a
Thin Overlay Mix (TOM, Item 347), dense-graded TY F mix (Item 341), or an underseal (seal coat)
plus a 3/4-in. thick PFC (Item 342). These options require two separate operations/pieces of
The purpose of the reflection crack relief interlayer (RCRI) is to retard reflection cracks on asphalt
concrete overlays located on top of jointed concrete pavements.
The RCRI is a fine mix that is designed for cracking resistance using the flexural beam fatigue test.
The mix is typically placed 1-in. thick and should be covered with an adequate overlay thickness to
provide adequate resistance to rutting.
An alternate option is the crack attenuating mix (CAM). The cracking resistance of the CAM will
be evaluated using the overlay tester.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Approved Design Method
Section 3 — Rigid Pavement Design Process for CRCP
Section 4 — Rigid Pavement Design Process for CPCD
Section 5 — Determining Concrete Pavement Thickness
Section 6 — Terminal Anchor Joint Selection for Concrete Pavement
Section 7 — Bonded and Unbonded Concrete Overlays
Section 8 — Thin Concrete Pavement Overlay (Thin Whitetopping)
Section 1 — Overview
Different pavement types use different types of joints and reinforcement to control the forces acting
on the concrete pavement. These forces include drying shrinkage of the concrete, environment
changes, and traffic loads. Forces due to shrinkage and environment changes are large enough in
the concrete pavement to cause cracks to form without any traffic loading.
The designer can select the location where the joints will be placed and, consequently, where the
cracks will form. Joints may be thought of as “controlled cracks” that will reduce the stresses the
concrete will experience during its life and greatly increase the life of the concrete pavement.
Through the use of reinforcement, the location and spacing of cracks can also be controlled.
Two types of concrete pavements commonly used in Texas are continuously reinforced concrete
pavement (CRCP) and concrete pavement contraction design (CPCD), which is also called jointed
concrete pavement (JCP).
CRCP contains both longitudinal and transverse steel. CRCP does not contain transverse joints
except at construction joints. Figure 8-1 shows the typical reinforcing steel layout for CRCP.
The function of the longitudinal steel is not to strengthen the concrete slab, but to control concrete
volume changes due to temperature and moisture variations and to keep transverse cracks tightly
closed. The function of the transverse steel is to keep longitudinal joints and cracks closed. If the
steel serves its proper function and keeps cracks from widening, aggregate interlock is preserved
and concrete stresses in the concrete slab due to traffic loading are reduced.
The CRCP thickness design is detailed in Section 2, “Approved Design Method,” and Section 3,
“Rigid Pavement Design Process for CRCP.” Steel reinforcement and other design details are gov-
erned by the CRCP standards. The latest CRCP standards can be obtained from the department’s
internet website at the following address:
CPCD has transverse joints spaced at regular intervals. The transverse joints are used to control
temperature-induced contraction and expansion in the concrete. Smooth dowel bars are used at the
transverse joints for load transfer. The transverse joints are spaced at 15 ft. intervals. Longitudinal
joints are used to control random longitudinal cracking. Longitudinal joints are tied together with
tie bars. Figure 8-2 shows the typical layout for CPCD.
The thickness design of CPCD is detailed in Section 2, “Approved Design Method,” and Section 4,
“Rigid Pavement Design Process for CPCD.” Other CPCD details are governed by the concrete
pavement contraction design (CPCD) standards that can be obtained from the department's internet
website at the following address:
CRCP provides excellent long-term performance requiring very low maintenance. The department
policy is to utilize CRCP for new or reconstructed rigid pavements in Texas. Although CRCP is the
preferred concrete pavement type, the department has expanded the applications where CPCD can
be used as an acceptable alternative to CRCP. The following criteria list the applications where
CPCD can be used instead of CRCP at the discretion of the district engineer:
For roadways with design traffic of 40 million ESALs or less,
For frontage roads where CRCP is difficult to construct due to numerous leave-out sections,
For roadways controlled and maintained by another government entity,
For parking areas or roadways with crosswalks, adjacent parking, or sidewalks,
For railroad crossings, approaches to structures, or to widen existing jointed pavement, or
For intersections and approaches in flexible pavement roadways that are associated with vehi-
cle braking and acceleration which could cause shoving and rutting of an asphalt pavement.
Table 8-1 recommends applicable concrete pavement types for particular situations.
Table 8-1: Selection of Rigid Pavement Type
Consult the Maintenance Division, Pavement Asset Management Section, staff when considering
CPCD pavements for situations not covered by the above criteria.
Rigid pavement types other than CRCP and CPCD may be appropriate for a wide variety of situa-
tions. Refer to Section 7, “Bonded and Unbonded Concrete Overlays,” and Section 8, “Thin
Concrete Pavement Overlay (Thin Whitetopping),” for a description of other rigid pavement
For rigid pavements, the initial pavement structure shall be designed and analyzed for a perfor-
mance period of 30 yr. A performance period other than 30 yr. may be utilized with justifications.
For example, an existing pavement to be widened will be completely reconstructed within 15 yr. In
this case, a selection of a 15-yr. performance period is more reasonable and justifiable for the
There is substantial evidence that tied Portland cement concrete (PCC) shoulders improve PCC
pavement performance significantly. Therefore, use tied PCC shoulders. If it is not feasible to pro-
vide full-width tied PCC shoulders, use a minimum 2-ft. widened outside lane.
PCC shoulders should be tied to the main lane pavement by tie bars or by the main lane's transverse
steel. The PCC shoulder must have the same thickness and the same base layers as the main lane
pavement. This will allow traffic to be routed on the shoulder during future maintenance and con-
struction while reducing the chances of structurally damaging the shoulder. It will also facilitate the
construction sequence, in most cases.
Tied or monolithic curb and gutter help in reducing edge stresses and serve as a barrier that discour-
ages traffic from riding too close to the edge of the pavement structure. Although tied curb and
gutter sections usually contain tie bars, the tie bars are too small in either size or number to transfer
load stresses effectively by themselves. Construction joints usually exist between tied curb and gut-
ter and the concrete pavement. This means no aggregate interlock exists. Since the number of edge
stresses in the pavement are much less for monolithic curb sections than for tied curb and gutter
sections, the use of monolithic curb is recommended when practical.
2.1 Introduction
The TxCRCP-ME design program and the AASHTO DARWin® 3.1 program are available to
department personnel through the district pavement engineer. Consultants may obtain the
TxCRCP-ME program from the district pavement engineer or the Pavement Asset Management
Section of the Maintenance Division.
The AASHTO Guide also contains design procedures for rehabilitation of rigid pavements, includ-
ing asphalt concrete overlays or Portland cement concrete (PCC) overlays of existing rigid
pavements. Contact the district pavement engineer or MNT – Pavement Asset Management for fur-
ther assistance.
The design method was developed under department research project 0-5832, “Develop Mechanis-
tic/Empirical Design for CRCP.” An elaborate three-dimensional finite element analysis was
conducted to identify the mechanisms of punchout distress in CRCP, and the critical component
that may cause the punchout distress was mechanistically evaluated. A full factorial parametric
study was performed for significant input variables to compile the database of the analysis results.
A program was written using Microsoft Excel to perform the analysis of the pavement system for
given inputs in estimating the frequency of punchouts, the primary structural distress in CRCP. The
conversion from mechanistic structural responses to pavement distress is achieved by a transfer
function determined empirically, utilizing data collected from the department’s rigid pavement
database project. The final results of the software are presented in the form of charts and tables.
The 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures is the only approved design method
for CPCD projects. This design procedure is available in automated forms, the AASHTO DAR-
Win® 3.1 program, and at
CRCP design consists of two elements: slab thickness design and steel reinforcement design. The
first national CRCP design procedures for slab thickness were developed with information from the
AASHO Road Test and were included in the 1972 AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement
Structures (AASHTO, 1981). However, the AASHO Road Test only included jointed concrete
pavement sections and not CRCP sections. Distresses in jointed concrete pavements (CPCD) are
quite different from the distresses observed in modern CRCP. In CRCP, transverse cracking is nor-
mal behavior and does not contribute to degradation of serviceability. The behavior of CPCD and
CRCP and their effect on pavement performance is quite different from each other, so the use of the
AASHO Road Test data for the development of CRCP design procedures is not rational. In some
sense, state DOTs reverse-engineered the AASHTO design equations for CRCP design by selecting
reasonable values for selected input variables. In 1986 and 1993, extensive revisions were made to
the 1972 Interim Guide, and newer versions of the design guides were published. However, very
little effort was made to improve the CRCP design portion, except that steel design equations were
The department has used the AASHTO 93 Guide for the design of CRCP, and it has served the
department well for the design of CRCP, despite its limitations. In March 2004, the NCHRP 1-37
report and the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide software (MEPDG) were released. In
2005, the department initiated Research Project 0-4714-1 to evaluate the MEPDG for potential
implementation. The study recommended, for various reasons, not to implement the MEPDG as a
replacement for the design methods used at that time.
In 2007, the department initiated a research study, 0-5832, to develop its own mechanistic-empiri-
cal CRCP design procedures that would model the performance of the department’s typical
concrete pavement structure and performance. Three-dimensional analysis was conducted for in-
depth analysis of mechanistic behavior of CRCP, including the interactions between longitudinal
steel and concrete. The project produced a simple Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to perform the
The following input variables are needed for the TxCRCP-ME pavement design procedure:
The district is the only required input in this section. By selecting the district, the program will
determine the environmental conditions for this pavement design. All other information is not
required to complete the thickness design, but they are required for the final design submittal.
For rigid pavements, the initial pavement structure shall be designed and analyzed for a perfor-
mance period of 30 yr. A performance period other than 30 yr. may be utilized with justifications.
Provide a number of punchouts per mile that is considered the terminal condition of CRCP you are
designing. Traditionally, 10 per mile has been the number used for CRCP design. For a higher class
of highway where the number of punchouts may be minimized, contact MNT – Pavement Asset
Management for further assistance.
The traffic projections for a highway project (in terms of ADT and one-way total 18-kip ESALs)
are obtained from the traffic analysis report provided by the Transportation Planning and Program-
ming Division (TPP). This report is requested during the design phase of a project and, upon
receipt, should be evaluated for reasonableness.
Input the one-way total 18-kip ESALs from the TPP traffic analysis report into the design work-
sheet. The worksheet will calculate the design lane ESALs based on inputted number of lanes in
one direction.
Local conditions may cause the directional distribution of heavy vehicles to be unequal. An exam-
ple is a location near a major quarry adjacent to a highway with otherwise modest levels of truck
traffic. If the designer is aware of local conditions that may result in unequal distributions of heavy
trucks, TPP should be informed of this condition when requesting traffic projections, and the
reported 18-kip ESALS for pavement design should be adjusted.
Input a trial concrete slab thickness; the worksheet will predict number of punchouts per mile for
the design life. Adjust the slab thickness or other inputs until the predicted number of punchouts
per mile meets the requirement in “B. Design Parameters.” Input the trial thickness in 1/2-in.
The Modulus of Rupture (Mr) of concrete is a measure of the flexural strength of the concrete as
determined by breaking concrete beam test specimens. Use a 28-day Mr of 570 psi. If the engineer
selects an alternate value for Mr, it must be documented with an explanation. Also, if a higher Mr is
used, it should be required in the plan to use a higher concrete strength than what is required in Item
Select the soil classification of subgrade from Unified Soil Classification system in Table 8-2.
Selecting the appropriate soil classification will assist in determining the composite k-value of the
support layers.
Table 8-2: Subgrade Soil Classification
Coarse Sand SW
Fine Sand SP
Silty Sand SM
Clayey Gravel GC
Clayey Sand SC
Plastic Clay CL
Select ATB for asphalt treated base, HMA for hot-mix asphalt, or CTB for cement treated base.
Field performance evaluations of concrete pavement have revealed that the use of a durable, stabi-
lized, and non-erodable base is essential to the long-term performance of concrete pavement. If the
base underneath the concrete slab does not provide good support, long-term pavement performance
will be severely compromised, regardless of the concrete slab thickness.
The department recognized this and requires one of the following base layer combinations for con-
crete slab support:
Approval from the Pavement Analysis & Design Branch of MNT – Pavement Asset Management
is required for use of base layers other than those listed above.
To ensure long-term strength and stability of cement treated layers, sufficient cement must be used
in the mixture. Item 276, “Cement Treatment (Plant-Mixed),” currently designates three classes of
cement treated flexible base, based on 7-day unconfined compressive strength. Class M is intended
for use with flexible pavements. Class L is intended for use with rigid pavements. Class N can be
used if the district has successful long-term experience with other strengths.
A bond breaker should always be used between concrete pavement and cement treated base. There
have been several instances across Texas where excessive cracking and premature failures occurred
when a concrete slab was placed directly on cement treated base. These problems occur because
concrete slabs tend to bond directly to cement treated bases. This increases the chances for cracks
in the base to reflect through the overlying slab. This also increases tensile stresses in the concrete
slab due to temperature and moisture changes, resulting in higher chances of additional cracking.
The department recommends a minimum of 1 in. asphalt concrete stress-relieving layer be used
between cement treated base and the concrete slab. A polyethylene sheet is not recommended for
use as a bond breaker, due to construction problems evident from past experience.
The subgrade is usually stabilized or treated with lime or cement to facilitate construction as well as
to provide additional support to the pavement structure. Large volume changes in the subgrade
resulting from moisture variations or other causes can cause the deterioration of concrete pavement.
These volume changes in the subgrade should be minimized by appropriate means. Contact the
Geotechnical, Soils and Aggregates Branch of CST for further assistance.
The subgrade/base must be designed 2 ft. wider than the concrete slab on each side to accommodate
slipform pavement equipment.
If the engineer elects to use a "drainable base," then coordination with the Geotechnical, Soils and
Aggregates Branch of CST personnel is required. Refer to Chapter 2, Section 7, for an example of a
typical drainable base system.
Input the proposed base layer thickness. For cement treated bases, ignore the 1-in. thick bond
Input the modulus of elasticity of the base layer. Typical values of ATB vary from 100 ksi to 400
ksi. Use a value of 400 ksi for HMA and ATB.
The modulus of elasticity for cement treated bases (CTB) varies from 100 ksi to 700 ksi. Use a
modulus of 500 ksi for cement treated bases.
Composite k-value will be calculated by the TxCRCP-ME design program based on the inputs of
thickness of the stabilized base, elastic modulus of stabilized base, and subgrade soil classification.
Research project 0-5832 developed the composite k-value table by the following process:
1. Concrete stresses due to wheel loading were estimated by two-dimensional Finite Element
Model analysis for a wide range of soil and base conditions. In the modeling, soil stiffness was
characterized by modulus of subgrade reaction (k) and that of base by modulus of elasticity.
2. A factorial was developed for various subgrade k and base modulus of elasticity and thickness.
Concrete stress was estimated for each cell of the 106 factorial (specific combination of sub-
grade k and base modulus).
3. For each cell, the “equivalent” k value was derived from FEM analysis that would provide the
same concrete stresses.
4. A table, called “k-Table” was developed and included in the TxCRCP-ME program.
For a factorial mentioned in step 2 above, the following levels were selected:
1. Subgrade k: 7 levels (25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 psi/in.).
2. Base thickness: 5 levels (2 in. – 6 in. with 1 in. increment).
3. Base modulus: 34 levels (50 ksi to 100 ksi with 10 ksi increment, 100 ksi to 1,000 ksi with 50
ksi increment, 1,000 ksi to 2,000 ksi with 100 ksi increment).
A total of 1,190 combinations were analyzed, and the k-Table was developed.
4.1 Introduction
The following input variables are needed for the AASHTO rigid pavement design procedure.
The Mr of concrete is a measure of the flexural strength of the concrete as determined by breaking
concrete beam test specimens. An Mr of 620 psi at 28 days should be used with the current state-
wide specification for concrete pavement design. If the engineer selects an alternate value for Mr, it
must be documented with an explanation.
Elastic modulus of concrete is an indication of concrete stiffness. It varies depending on the coarse
aggregate type used in the concrete. Although the value selected for pavement design could be dif-
ferent from the actual values, the elastic modulus does not have a significant effect on the computed
slab thickness. A modulus of 5,000,000 psi should be used for pavement design. The use of a dif-
ferent value must be documented with an explanation.
The AASHTO Guide allows pavement designers to consider the structural benefits of all layers
under the concrete slab. The guide also allows designers to consider the effect of loss of support of
the underlying material due to erosion or deterioration. The slab support is characterized by the
modulus of subgrade reaction, otherwise known as k-value.
A k-value of 300 psi/in. should be used in the CPCD design procedure with one of the stabilized
base layer combinations listed below.
Field performance evaluations of concrete pavement have revealed that the use of a durable, stabi-
lized, and non-erodable base is essential to the long-term performance of concrete pavement. If the
base underneath the concrete slab does not provide good support, long-term pavement performance
will be severely compromised, regardless of the concrete slab thickness.
The department recognized this and requires one of the following base layer combinations for con-
crete slab support:
4 in. of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) or asphalt treated base (ATB), or
a minimum 1 in. hot-mix asphalt bond breaker over 6 in. of a cement treated base. Use Item
276, Class L.
Approval from the Pavement Analysis & Design Branch of MNT – Pavement Asset Management
Section is required for use of base layers other than those listed above.
To ensure long-term strength and stability of cement treated layers, sufficient cement must be used
in the mixture. Item 276, “Cement Treatment (Plant-Mixed),” currently designates three classes of
cement treated flexible base, based on 7-day unconfined compressive strength. Class M is intended
for use with flexible pavements. Class L is intended for use with rigid pavements. Class N can be
used if the district has successful long-term experience with other strengths.
A bond breaker should always be used between concrete pavement and cement treated base. There
have been several instances across Texas where excessive cracking and premature failures occurred
when a concrete slab was placed directly on cement treated base. These problems occur because
concrete slabs tend to bond directly to cement treated bases. This increases the chances for cracks
in the base to reflect through the overlying slab. This also increases tensile stresses in the concrete
slab due to temperature and moisture changes, resulting in higher chances of additional cracking.
TxDOT recommends a minimum of 1 in. asphalt concrete stress-relieving layer be used between
cement treated base and the concrete slab. A polyethylene sheet is not recommended for use as a
bond breaker, due to construction problems evident from past experience.
The subgrade is usually stabilized or treated with lime or cement to facilitate construction as well as
to provide additional support to the pavement structure. Large volume changes in the subgrade
resulting from moisture variations or other causes can cause the deterioration of concrete pavement.
These volume changes in the subgrade should be minimized by appropriate means. Contact the
Geotechnical, Soils and Aggregates Branch of CST for further assistance.
The subgrade/base should be designed 2 ft. wider than the concrete slab on each side to accommo-
date slipform pavement equipment.
If the engineer elects to use a "drainable base," then coordination with Geotechnical, Soils and
Aggregates Branch of CST personnel is required. Refer to Chapter 2, Section 7, for an example of a
typical drainable base system.
For concrete pavement design, the difference between the initial and terminal serviceability is an
important design consideration. An initial serviceability value of 4.5 and a terminal serviceability
value of 2.5 are to be used in the procedure, which results in a difference of 2.0. Different values, if
used, must be documented and justified.
The department requires the use of tied concrete shoulders, tied curb and gutter, or a widened lane,
and the use of load transfer devices, so the load transfer coefficient to be used for CPCD design is
The drainage coefficient characterizes the quality of drainage of the base layers under the concrete
slab. Good draining pavement structures do not give water the chance to saturate the base and sub-
grade; thus, pumping is not as likely to occur.
The AASHTO Guide provides a table of drainage coefficients based on the anticipated exposure of
the pavement structure to moisture and on the quality of drainage of the base layers. Higher drain-
age coefficients represent better drainage. The most credit is given to permeable bases with edge
The department has not had much experience with positive drainage systems. As stated in Chapter
2, the department’s philosophy on this issue is to prevent water intrusion and pumping by using
bases that are dense-graded, non-erosive, and stabilized. The department has had good performance
with such bases, and it is believed that the bases recommended earlier in this section provide per-
formance equivalent to the AASHTO ‘fair’ level of drainage.
Currently, drainage coefficients in Texas for non-erosive stabilized bases are based on the antici-
pated exposure of the pavement structure to water. “Table 8-3 Drainage Coefficients” shows the
recommended drainage coefficients for Texas. The coefficients are selected based on the annual
rainfall in the project area.
Table 8-3: Drainage Coefficients
58 – 50 0.91 - 0.95
48 – 40 0.96 - 1.00
38 – 30 1.01 - 1.05
28 – 20 1.06 - 1.10
18 – 8 1.11 - 1.16
NOTE: Higher drainage coefficients decrease the pavement thickness in the AASHTO procedure.
Overall standard deviation accounts for both chance variation in the traffic prediction and normal
variation in pavement performance prediction for a given traffic. The AASHTO Guide recom-
mends values in the range of 0.30 to 0.40, with 0.35 being the overall standard deviation from the
AASHO Road Test. Higher values represent more variability; thus, the pavement thickness
increases with higher overall standard deviations. A value on the high end of the range is consid-
ered reasonable for Texas since it is believed that the inputs recommended for Texas are less
accurate than the inputs determined at the AASHO Road Test. A value of 0.39 is to be used for
CPCD design.
4.2.8 Reliability, %
The reliability value represents a "safety factor" with higher reliabilities representing pavement
structures with less chance of failure. The AASHTO Guide recommends values ranging from 50%
to 99.9%, depending on the functional classification and the location (urban vs. rural) of the road-
way. Based on TxDOT's experience, a reliability of 95% should be used for rigid pavement with
more than 5 million design ESALs; a reliability of 90% should be used for rigid pavement with 5
million or less design ESALs. If the engineer decides to use a different value, then it must be docu-
mented and justified.
The AASHTO Guide requires a prediction of the number of 18-kip ESALs that the pavement will
experience over its design life.
The traffic projections for a highway project (in terms of ADT and one-way total 18-kip ESALs)
are obtained from the traffic analysis report provided by TPP. This report is requested during the
design phase of a project and, upon receipt, should be evaluated for reasonableness using guide-
lines discussed in Chapter 2, Section 8.
The predicted 18-kip ESALs is multiplied by a lane distribution factor (LDF). Table 8-4 lists the
lane distribution factors. This factor represents the percentage of the total one-way 18-kip ESALs
that could be expected in the design lane. The design lane is the lane that will carry the most traffic.
Usually, it is assumed that the outer lane of a highway with two lanes in each direction carries the
most traffic. For a three-lane facility, the middle lane is assumed to carry the most traffic. Traffic
distribution in urban areas is somewhat more complex due to merging and exiting operations, but
the same assumptions could apply.
Table 8-4: Lane Distribution Factor
≤4 1.0
6 0.7
≥ 8* 0.6
5.1 Introduction
For CRCP design, the required pavement thickness is the thickness in which the predicted number
of punchouts per mile is less than the design requirement. For CRCP designs, the input thickness
should be in 1/2-in. increments. The minimum thickness for CRCP is 7 in., and the maximum
thickness is 13 in. Use 13 in. for slab thicknesses greater than 13 in. Districts wanting to use thicker
pavements should submit designs greater than 13 in. to the district engineer for approval along with
their justification for doing so.
For CPCD design, the computed concrete slab thickness should be rounded to the nearest full or
half inch. For example, use slab thickness of 11.5 in. for computed thickness of 11.4 in., and use
slab thickness of 10 in. for computed thickness of 10.24 in. The minimum slab thickness for CPCD
is 6 in., and the maximum thickness is 12 in. It is recommended to use CRCP for sections where the
CPCD design thickness is greater than 12 in.
Concrete experiences volume changes due to temperature and moisture variations. Normally, con-
crete pavement is abutted to bridge structures via approach slabs. To prevent damage to the bridge
structures, some form of system is installed at the bridge and pavement interface. There were three
systems in use at the department: expansion joint system, wide-flange system, and anchor lug
The basic premise of the expansion joint system is that the expansion joint width will be able to
absorb any concrete pavement expansion without transmitting the compression forces to the bridge
The wide-flange system is similar to the expansion system, except that the expansion joints exist
under the wide flange and are not seen from the pavement surface. One advantage is that, since the
joint is not exposed to the pavement surface, joint maintenance is minimized.
An anchor lug system tries to contain the concrete movement at the interface between bridge and
pavement by providing five anchor lugs.
The department has investigated the movements of CRCP near bridges and the effectiveness of
these three terminal systems in Research project 0-6326, “Rational Use of Terminal Anchorages in
Portland Cement Concrete Pavements.”
The research data has shown that the anchor lug system is not effective. The stresses generated in
soil due to slab expansion at lug walls are large enough to result in permanent deformations in soils.
The soil does not retract with the lug when the pavement contracts. The permanent deformations
result in voids between soil and lug walls.
Field measurements have indicated that the base friction restrains slab movements effectively.
Using coarse-textured base such as HMA might be the most effective tool to control slab move-
ments. Simple expansion joint systems or wide-flange systems are effective in accommodating slab
movements. Expansion joint systems should cost less than wide-flange systems and attain compa-
rable performance.
The use of anchor lug systems is no longer allowed, and the standard TA(CP)-99 has been deleted.
The transverse expansion joint details at bridge approaches are shown in the concrete pavement
7.1 Introduction
Bonded concrete overlay (BCO) consists of a 2-in. to 8-in. thick concrete layer placed on top of the
existing concrete pavement with operations conducted to ensure full bond between new and old
concrete layers. A BCO with a minimum thickness of 4 in. is one of the most cost-effective ways of
enhancing structural capacity of under-designed pavements by reducing deflections and extending
service life. A BCO with a thickness of less than 4 in. is typically used to restore pavement surface
characteristics, such as ride and friction.
The department maintains many miles of thin PCC pavement that have exceeded their design traf-
fic projection and are still in reasonably good condition. The use of BCO is based on the
fundamental design assumption that the old and new concrete layers behave as a monolithic layer.
Providing full bond is of the utmost importance. During construction, specific steps are taken to
enhance and ensure the full bond between old and new concrete as discussed in Chapter 10.
Bonded concrete overlays over jointed concrete pavements are difficult to construct because all
joints must be matched. CRCP-bonded concrete overlays have been constructed and have
performed successfully in several districts but have not been used widely throughout the state.
Districts considering a bonded concrete overlay can contact MNT – Pavement Asset Management,
Pavement Analysis & Design Branch, for assistance.
Unbonded concrete overlay consists of a concrete layer (5 in. or greater) on top of an existing con-
crete with a HMA interlayer to separate new overlay and existing concrete. An unbonded overlay is
a feasible rehabilitation alternative for PCC pavement for practically all conditions. These types of
rehabilitation methods are most cost-effective when the existing pavement is badly deteriorated
because a reduced amount of repairs were made to the existing pavement prior to constructing the
unbonded concrete overlay.
Unbonded CRCP concrete overlays may be used over CRCP, jointed concrete pavement (CPCD),
or jointed reinforced concrete pavement (JRCP). Unbonded CRCP overlay uses the same design
procedure as new CRCP pavements. This use of unbonded CRCP overlay can be credited for con-
tributing to the structural capacity of the existing concrete pavement and results in a thinner
concrete pavement design than required for CRCP constructed on a new location.
The equation below is used to calculate the overlay thickness to increase structural capacity to carry
future traffic. The designer can also use the DARWin® 3.1 program and select the “Overlay
Design” Module and “Bonded PCC Overlay of PCC Pavement.”
Dol = Df - Deff
The slab thickness, Df, is determined for the design traffic as if it were built as a new pavement on
the prepared base. Use the design procedure in Sections 3 or 4 for the pertinent pavement type.
Some existing pavements might not have stabilized bases, and the k-value should be evaluated
using FWD or DCP.
For BCO design, the condition of the existing pavement is one of the most important factors. If the
pavement condition is deteriorated in the form of punchouts and deteriorated cracks, BCO may not
be a good alternative.
Punchouts are the only structural distresses in CRCP; the number of punchouts per mile is a good
indication of the structural condition of the existing pavement. If there are more than 12 punchouts
per mile, then the pavement is in poor structural condition and may not be a good candidate for
The number of deteriorated transverse cracks per mile is the next item to be surveyed. Even though
some transverse cracks may appear to be deteriorated, quite often they are structurally in good con-
dition. In Texas, it is rare to observe deteriorated transverse cracks, except for spalled cracks. Most
spalled cracks are not necessarily structurally deficient. Based on the research findings, it is recom-
mended that only transverse cracks much wider than normal, along the entire length of the
transverse crack and across the entire lane width, should be counted as “deteriorated transverse
The number of patches per mile and evidence of pumping should be recorded. In Texas’ old con-
crete pavements, typically, the base was not stabilized and pumping resulted. Durability related
problems, such as D-cracking and ASR cracking, should be noted and their severity recorded.
Overall, it has been quite rare to observe durability-related problems in concrete pavement in
The Joints and Cracks Adjustment Factor, Fjc, accounts for the extra loss in the present serviceabil-
ity index (PSI) caused by deteriorated reflection cracks in the overlay. Deteriorated reflection
cracks develop due to unrepaired deteriorated joints, cracks, and other discontinuities in the exist-
ing slab prior to the overlay.
A deteriorated joint or slab will rapidly reflect through an overlay and contribute to loss of service-
ability. Therefore, full-depth repair is recommended on all deteriorated cracks and any other major
discontinuities in the existing pavement prior to overlay. The target Fjc is 1.00.
If it is not possible to repair all the deteriorated areas, use the total number of unrepaired deterio-
rated joints, cracks, punchouts, and other discontinuities per mile in the design lane to determine
the Fjc from Figure 8-5.
Figure 8-5. Joints and Cracks Adjustment Factor for Bonded Overlays, Fjc.
Source: AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993)
The Durability Adjustment Factor, Fdur, adjusts for an extra loss in PSI of the overlay when the
existing slab has durability problems, such as D-cracking or reactive aggregate distress. Fdur is
determined using historical records and condition survey data. Table 8-5 shows the durability
adjustment factor.
Table 8-5: Durability Adjustment Factor
Adjustment Factor,
Fdur Historical Records and Condition Survey Data
0.96 – 0.99 Pavement is known to have PCC durability problems, but there is no
visible spalling.
0.88 – 0.95 Cracking and spalling exist (in these conditions, a bonded PCC over-
lay is not recommended).
The Fatigue Damage Adjustment Factor, Ffat, adjusts for past fatigue damage in the slab. It is deter-
mined by observing the extent of punchouts (CRCP) that may be caused primarily by repeated
loading. Table 8-6 shows the fatigue damage adjustment factor.
Table 8-6: Fatigue Damage Adjustment Factor
Fatigue Damage
Adjustment Factor, Ffat Historical Records and Condition Survey Data
Reinforcement should be placed at a depth that provides a minimum concrete cover of 3 in. When
BCO thickness is 3 in. or less, reinforcement in the form of longitudinal steel is not recommended.
For thinner overlays, fibers have been successfully used.
The design engineer will determine the reinforcement bar size and number of longitudinal steel, tie
bars, and transverse steel. The performance of CRCP depends on the percentage of longitudinal
steel. Failing to place longitudinal steel in a BCO 4 in. or thicker will effectively reduce the per-
centage of longitudinal steel in the combined slab, which could increase steel stresses and make
transverse crack widths larger. See the recommended reinforcing steel percentage and vertical loca-
tion in Table 8-7.
Table 8-7: Reinforcement Requirements
The 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures is recommended for unbonded con-
crete overlay thickness design. The designer can use the AASHTO DARWin® 3.1 program and
select the “Overlay Design” Module and “Unbonded PCC Overlay of PCC Pavement.”
Deff = Fjcu * D
D = existing slab thickness, in. (Use 10 in. when existing D > 10 in.)
Fjcu adjusts for PSI loss due to unrepaired joints, cracks, and existing expansion joints, exception-
ally wide joints (> 1 in.), or AC full-depth patches.
Use the total number of unrepaired deteriorated joints, cracks, punchouts, and other discontinuities
per mile in the design lane to determine the Fjcu from Figure 8-6.
Figure 8-6. Joints and Cracks Adjustment Factor for Unbonded Overlays, Fjcu
Source: AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (1993)
The reinforcing steel placements are the same as new CRCP when unbonded overlay is 7 in. or
thicker. When unbonded overlay is less than 7 in., use longitudinal reinforcement at about 0.6% of
concrete cross-sectional area. The design engineer will determine the steel bar size and quantities
for longitudinal bars, tie bars, and transverse bars, and consult with the Pavement Analysis &
Design Branch of MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
More information about bonded and unbonded concrete overlays is detailed in “Bonded Concrete
Overlay” and “Unbonded Concrete Overlay” in Chapter 10, “Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation.”
8.1 Introduction
Thin whitetopping (TWT) is a 4- to 7-in. thick concrete overlay bonded to an existing asphalt con-
crete pavement (ACP) to create a composite section (see Figure 8-7). TWT is constructed normally
at intersections where rutting and shoving in asphalt pavement continue to cause problems. TWT
may also be used at access or exit ramps to interstate highways, entire sections of urban roadways,
low-volume rural roads, bus lanes, and parking areas. TWT provides better serviceability, longer
service life, lower life-cycle cost, and improved safety.
This rehabilitation technique purposely seeks to bond the concrete overlay to the existing asphalt.
The composite action significantly reduces the load-induced stresses in the concrete overlay. There-
fore, the concrete overlay can be significantly thinner for the same loading as compared to a
whitetopping section with no bond to the underlying asphalt. TWT will significantly reduce time
and delays accompanying the frequent maintenance of an asphalt surface.
The following guidelines provide the recommendations for TWT design thickness, joint spacing,
ACP support layer, and better bond.
Design Life of 5 to 10 yr. is recommended for TWT.
Normally used at intersections where rutting and shoving in asphaltic pavement continue to
cause problems.
Designs for < 4 in. TWT were not included because the initial cost difference between 4-in.
slabs and those with less than 4 in. is negligible, and thinner slabs require shorter joint spacing,
often encroaching on the wheel path.
Designs for > 7 in. TWT were not included because our standard concrete pavement designs
should be used along with load transfer devices.
Contraction joint spacing is set at 6-ft. intervals to prevent edge loading and reduce the costs
for saw cutting. All sawed TWT panels shall be square except as necessary in pavement width
Use engineering judgment to allow the contractor to meet plan requirements when using the
ride specification at intersections or curb and gutter sections.
Recommend ≥ 4 in. asphalt concrete pavement (ACP) support layer (including ASB and level-
Uniform support will improve performance.
Recommend milling the existing ACP to provide a better bond and remove rutting ≥ 1/2 in.
Opinions differ on the need for fibers to control shrinkage cracking.
Saw cuts must be made as soon as possible, without delay.
Saw-cut depths must be adjusted accordingly in thickened end sections.
At bridge approaches, an approach slab is recommended with an expansion joint as shown in
existing standards.
The department has yet to establish when expansion joints are needed for wide pavements.
The use of steel fibers is not recommended at locations where de-icing salts may be used.
Apply governing Special Specification, Thin Whitetopping (Concrete Overlay).
Use Thin Whitetopping Details, TWT-04 Standard Sheet.
Use Table 8-8 as a general guide for determining proper TWT thickness. More research will be
conducted to improve the design procedure.
Table 8-8: Thin Whitetopping Thickness (in.) Design
≤ 200 4 4 4 4 4 4
250 4 4 4 4 5 5
300 4 4 4 5 5 5
350 4 4 5 5 5 5
400 4 5 5 5 5 5
450 5 5 5 5 5 6
500 5 5 5 5 6 6
600 5 5 5 6 6 6
700 5 5 6 6 7 7
800 5 6 6 7 7 7
900 6 6 6 7 7 n/a
The traffic data (in terms of ADT, Percent Directional Distribution, and Percent Trucks) are
obtained from the traffic analysis report provided by TPP.
ADT = average daily traffic for the first year of design period
PDD = percent directional distribution of traffic (assume 50% split, unless observation proves
PT = percent trucks
LDF = lane distribution factor; use 1.0 for 4 lanes or less, 0.7 for 6 lanes, and 0.6 for 8 lanes or
more. The lane number is for both directions.
Design Life = 10 years, ADT = 13,500, PDD = 63%, PT = 3.0%, and 4 lanes roadway, LDF
Trucks per Day per Lane = 13,500 × 0.63 × 0.03 ×1.0 = 255
For 255 trucks per day per lane and 10-yr. design, the required TWT thickness is 5 in.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Concrete Mix Design
Section 3 — Concrete Plant Operation
Section 4 — Delivery of Concrete
Section 5 — Reinforcing Steel Placement
Section 6 — Paving Operations
Section 7 — Joints
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Introduction
The long-term performance of rigid pavement depends not only on proper pavement design and
materials selection, but on good construction practices as well. Poor construction practices have
resulted in premature failures of rigid pavement. The construction of a rigid pavement is a fairly
complex process. It involves many processes, including proper preparation of the subgrade and
base, placing reinforcing bars or dowels, choice and handling of aggregates and other materials,
development of concrete mix design, production and transport of the concrete, and placing, finish-
ing, curing, and joint-sawing the concrete. This chapter describes the construction of rigid
pavement slabs. For subgrade construction, base construction, and surface preparation, refer to
Chapter 6, “Flexible Pavement Construction.”
2.1 Introduction
The concrete mix design is performed to ensure that the concrete mix formulation meets or exceeds
the specification requirements. The mix design is used to establish the proper proportioning of
components (hydraulic cement, aggregates, water, pozzolans, and admixtures) in the mixture to
achieve the specified properties. Significant concrete properties are strength, air content, slump,
and the coefficient of thermal expansion (COTE). The mix design may be developed for the current
project or may have been previously developed. TxDOT developed a Concrete Mix Design Guid-
ance document that provides useful information on mix design, production considerations, and
testing requirements. Concrete mix design can be facilitated by using the Mix Design spreadsheet
developed by TxDOT. The mix design must be formally approved by an engineer.
In addition to the required mix design strength, the job control strength shall be established. The job
control strength is used to verify that the concrete being used on the project will perform similarly
to the concrete used to develop the mix design. The default is to use the 7-day mix strength as the
job control strength. This 7-day strength testing may be altered with the approval of the engineer.
The contractor may want to develop job control strengths at an earlier age, such as four days, to
permit the job control specimen to also be used to open the pavement to traffic at an earlier age.
Reduction of curing time for the job control specimens may reduce the reliability of the test in
ensuring that the specified strengths will be reached. Testing at four days should still provide a reli-
able estimate of the long term strength.
The standard job control testing at seven days was established many years ago and ensured that the
strength test of the job control specimens occurred on the same day of the week as the concrete pav-
ing. The result is that there would be no testing on Saturday or Sunday, unless the paving work was
performed on those days. This was also a management tool to eliminate the need for laboratory
technicians to report to work on Sunday to perform a single strength test.
Many urban highway construction projects have severe traffic control and congestion issues. To
expedite construction and minimize travel delays for the public, contract restrictions on dates and
times that travel lanes can and can not be closed to travel are imposed. Project contracts may also
impose large bonuses and disincentives for time of completion. Pavement using Class P concrete
may be opened in as little as two days to contractors' vehicles and as little as three days to all traffic,
if opening strength is achieved. After curing is complete and when earlier age job control testing is
permitted or required, and the tested strength is greater than the required opening strength, the
pavement may be opened to traffic.
Class HES (high early strength) concrete may be used in small areas and leave-outs. Class HES has
additional strength requirements beyond Class P concrete to ensure that the high early strengths for
opening to traffic are realized.
The maturity method, Tex-426-A, “Estimating Concrete Strength by the Maturity Method,” may be
used to open the pavement to traffic at an earlier age than seven days with either Class P or Class
HES concrete. It is still necessary to complete the specified curing. A maturity curve may be devel-
oped during the mix design process to establish the relationship between the concrete maturity and
concrete strength. This may be used to identify what the maturity of the concrete should be when
the opening strength has been reached. This maturity value may be used to estimate the in situ
strength and open pavement to traffic that has completed the required curing. A maturity test should
not be used in lieu of job control strength testing to determine the conformance of the mix to the
mix design.
3.1 Introduction
A batch plant is the concrete mix plant where the aggregates, cementitious materials, chemical
admixtures, and water are metered and combined together to produce hydraulic cement concrete. A
batch of concrete is the amount of material mixed at one time. The batch plant can be a commercial
concrete batch plant or a temporary batch plant brought in and assembled by the contractor near the
paving site. On large concrete paving projects, most contractors choose to mix their concrete using
their own temporary batch plant. This is because commercial batch plants are usually too small to
produce the large amount of concrete needed for a concrete paving project.
Volumetric mixer-mixed and hand-mixed concrete are rarely used for concrete pavement construc-
tion and are not covered in this document. The other three mixing operations are described below.
Central-mixed concrete is batched and completely mixed in a stationary mixer at the plant site. A
central-mixed concrete plant completely mixes concrete before discharging it into haul vehicles.
Central-mixed plants are sometimes referred to as wet batch plants. Figure 9-1 shows a diagram of
central-mixing plants. About 20% of the concrete plants in the US use a central mixer. Principal
advantages of the central-mixing plants include the following:
higher production capability,
better concrete quality control and consistency, and
reduced wear on the truck mixer drums.
In this central-mixing plant, aggregates (coarse and fine) are fed by conveyer belts from the left
side. Cementitious materials, water, and chemical admixtures are supplied from the right side. Once
all the ingredients are put into the mixer, they are mixed thoroughly and dumped into the trucks.
Accurate proportioning or batching of these materials per approved mix design is essential to pro-
ducing concrete with satisfactory properties. The first step to achieve proper proportioning is to
have all the weighing and measuring equipment properly calibrated.
Concrete materials are batched in three groups. One group is the aggregate group, and another is
the cementitious materials group. These materials are either weighed individually or cumulatively.
Water and admixtures comprise the last group. In most current central-mixing plants, the batching
is done by computerized control system as shown in Figure 9-2.
Consistency of the concrete is greatly affected by the amount of water in the concrete. The accurate
estimate of moisture content of the coarse and fine aggregate and proper batch water content adjust-
ment is critical to the production of consistent concrete. In normal operations, moisture contents of
fine aggregates are evaluated using moisture probes located in the weigh bins. Figure 9-3 shows a
typical moisture probe used for fine aggregate.
The amp meter in a central-mixed plant provides an indication of concrete mix consistency (see
Figure 9-4). The amp meter is sometimes called the slump meter. Care must be taken when using
this meter to control the mix consistency, since the amp meter reading is an indirect indicator of the
consistency, which is derived from the correlation between consistency and electrical current
needed to rotate the mixer.
The first step in the sequence of concrete production is charging the mixer. Charging the mixer con-
sists of transferring all of the weighed or measured materials from weigh hoppers and silos into the
central-mixer. Aggregates are ribbon loaded on conveyer belts. Initial blending takes place on the
feed belt. This initial blending enhances mixer performance. Specific charging sequences vary.
Materials are blended in approximate proportions as they enter the mixer. One batch of concrete is
being mixed while another is being batched. These operations occur simultaneously.
It is important that admixtures are not blended, since blending before discharging to the mixer can
create undesirable interactions. Shown in Figure 9-5 are three orange hoses that feed admixtures.
The big blue tube is the water supply line, which is diverted to both sides. Therefore, admixtures
are not blended directly with each other; rather, they are blended with water first.
The blades or paddles and the mixing action of a central-mix drum are quite different than a truck
mixer, where there is little folding action compared with that in a stationary mixer. See Figure 9-6
for an illustration of the inside of a central-mix drum.
Although a large variety of central plant mixers have been used over the years, the large tilting
drum mixer is most popular. An example of a tilting drum mixer is shown in Figure 9-7.
Mix times are dependent on rated capacity and speed of rotation of the mixer. Concrete should be
mixed until a uniform mass is attained. Mixer performance can be tested in accordance with "Tex-
472-A, Uniformity of Concrete," to indicate the mix uniformity.
When non-agitating trucks are used to haul the concrete, the haul distance should not be far. Trans-
porting concrete in dump trucks over a long distance can cause segregation and non-uniform
consistency due to bleeding and setting.
After dumping the concrete, the truck bed needs to be washed out to the point where no clumps of
concrete remain in the corners of the bed (see Figure 9-9). If concrete is allowed to build up in the
corners of the bed, the clump becomes big and hard, and will break loose from the bed when the
truck is dumping a load of concrete.
Shrink-mixed concrete is used to increase the truck’s load capacity and retain the advantages of
truck-mixed concrete. In shrink-mixed concrete, concrete is partially mixed at the plant to reduce or
shrink the volume of the mixture, and mixing is completed in transit or at the jobsite. This type of
concrete is rarely used for TxDOT projects.
In truck-mixed concrete, all of the ingredients are charged directly in the truck mixer. In truck-
mixed concrete or “dry batch” operation, as it is sometimes called, the batches are measured by the
plant operator and charged from the weigh hoppers directly into the truck mixers for mixing. The
plant operator is responsible for accurately batching the concrete in the proper and pre-determined
Sequences for charging truck-mixers are more critical than those for central mixers. Figure 9-10
illustrates this process. The first ingredients into the drum are usually a portion of the water and a
portion of the coarse aggregate. The water is shut off and aggregates and cementitious materials are
ribboned together until all of the cementitious material is in the drum. A final portion of water is
added with the last of the aggregates to clean and wash any cementitious material clinging to the
hoppers, rear fins, and chutes.
One of the problems when the proper batching sequence is not followed is so-called “head packs.”
A head pack occurs when sand or sand and cementitious material packs in the head of the drum and
remains lodged in the head without being mixed into the concrete. Typically, head packs will be
about 12 to 24 in. thick. Head packs are difficult to detect because they break up after approxi-
mately half of the concrete has been discharged. Head packs are principally responsible for sand
streaks, which occur in the final three-quarters of the discharge.
Once the batching is complete, generally the truck mixer driver completes the mixing in the yard.
This allows the driver to examine the mix and determine if it is acceptable prior to leaving the batch
plant site. When the mix is correct at the plant, it will most likely be correct when it arrives at the
job site.
The truck mixer is equipped with a revolution counter and slump meter as shown in Figure 9-11.
The driver is capable of estimating the slump to within 1/2-in. This meter is used for estimating
only. The slump is still measured per the project specifications.
It is necessary to rinse off the rear fins of the mixer between loads and wash and discharge the
entire mixer only at the end of the day. Figure 9-12 illustrates the washing of the mixer drum.
Concrete mixed in a truck mixer is transported to the jobsite at agitating speed. Between each load
of concrete, no clumps of concrete should remain on the paddles or fins. Figure 9-13 shows exam-
ples of concrete clumps. If concrete is allowed to build up, it will eventually break loose from the
drum when a load of concrete is discharged.
4.1 Introduction
Concrete to be used in concrete pavement may be delivered to the paving operations in several
ways without segregation. The low slump of the paving concrete makes it possible for the concrete
to be delivered in non-agitated dump trucks, concrete mixing trucks, and agitator trucks.
Concrete mixing trucks may be used for mixing or agitation. Typically, a concrete mixing truck will
have two capacity ratings, as a mixer and as an agitator. The agitator rating is usually significantly
larger. For example, a mixer truck may be rated for 6 cu. yd. as a mixer and for 8 cu. yd. as an agi-
tator. This means that if the concrete is centrally mixed and then loaded into the mixer truck, a
larger load can be transported to the project. Otherwise, the smaller mixer rated capacity must be
True agitator trucks are sometimes used on TxDOT projects. Agitator trucks can be used to deliver
agitated concrete to the project, but never to mix concrete. Typically, these trucks will resemble a
mixer truck, except that the mixer drum is open on the top. Instead of a drum turning, a series of
paddles will rotate within the agitator drum. These paddles can be seen as they rotate above the
mix. Use of agitator trucks is more common when higher slump concretes are used that may be
more susceptible to segregation during delivery.
The concrete delivery time needs to be carefully monitored. This is the time from when water is
first added to the dry ingredients of the mix until the truck is ready to discharge the concrete on the
project. This is particularly critical in hot weather when the concrete may start to set prior to deliv-
ery. It should be regularly monitored using the time stamp on the batch ticket from the plant.
Concrete mixer trucks typically have a water tank mounted on the truck. This water should never be
added to the concrete batch unless approved by the engineer. Occasionally, the use of an absorptive
aggregate, such as recycled aggregate, will cause a drop in the slump of the mix as water is with-
drawn from the mortar into the aggregate. Even then, the water should be measured carefully using
a certified gauge to ensure that the added water does not cause the concrete to exceed the water
content of the approved mix design. Water should never be added to “re-temper” concrete that has
begun to set. This can occur in hot weather or when delivery times are extended. It is also more pro-
nounced when higher cement contents are used. The water tank should be full when the truck
leaves the plant and full when it reaches the project.
Wash water from the concrete trucks should never be disposed of in other than an environmentally
sound method, as approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The pre-
ferred method is to capture the wash water at the concrete plant and recycle the wash water as
concrete mix water into subsequent concrete batches.
5.1 Introduction
In this section, only the placement of longitudinal and transverse rebar is described. The placement
of other rebar, such as tie bars and dowel bars, is described in Section 7, “Joints.”
The longitudinal steel keeps the naturally occurring transverse cracks in continuously reinforced
concrete pavement (CRCP) tight, thereby providing a high level of load transfer across cracks.
When transverse cracks are kept tight, aggregate interlock also transmits the shear forces across the
crack, resulting in reduced wheel load stress and fatigue damage in concrete.
Transverse steel is used to provide support for longitudinal steel. It also keeps longitudinal cracks
tight if they occur.
ASTM A966 Type R bars may only be used as straight bars and only in concrete pavements. This
type of bar is permitted to encourage the use of recycled steel in TxDOT concrete paving projects.
It may not meet the “pin” test requirements of ASTM and may not have sufficient strength if bent.
If this type of reinforcing steel is used in concrete pavement, care must be taken that these bars are
not diverted to other uses on the project.
Grade 60 or above deformed steel bars that meet the requirements of Item 440 are used. Grade 70/
75 steel bars have been used in some TxDOT projects, and no pavement performance improve-
ments have been noted. On the other hand, when a reduced amount of longitudinal steel was used
with Grade 70/75 steel, transverse cracks were wider than those in sections with Grade 60 steel.
Cracks with larger widths reduce load transfer across cracks, resulting in larger wheel load stress
and poor long-term CRCP performance.
The reinforcing steel should be placed at the locations shown on the plans. As the pavement thick-
ness increases, the amount of steel is increased. For pavements 13 in. or less, all the steel is placed
into one mat or layer at the mid-depth of the pavement.
For 14- and 15-in. thick concrete pavements, two layers of longitudinal steel are necessary. Enough
room must be provided between adjacent bars to allow the plastic concrete that is placed on top of
the steel mat to pass completely through the steel mat to the lower portion of the concrete
The steel must be stored above the surface of the ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports
and shall be protected from damage and deterioration. This prevents excessive rusting that would
occur if sitting directly on the ground. It also prevents mud and dirt from collecting on the steel.
When placed, reinforcing steel shall be free from dirt, paint, grease, oil, or other foreign materials.
Reinforcing steel shall be free from defects, such as cracks and laminations.
In CRCP, maintaining steel continuity in the longitudinal direction is important in ensuring good
performance of the pavement. The length of the longitudinal steel bars is 60 ft. The continuity of
the longitudinal steel is achieved by overlapping individual steel bars. Extensive testing shows that
as long as the overlapping is more than 33 times bar diameter, stresses in one steel bar is effectively
transferred to the next steel bar via surrounding concrete. For example, No. 6 bars would need a 25-
in. splice for effective stress transfer. Figure 9-14 shows an example of spliced or lapped reinforc-
ing steel.
If all the splices occur at the same longitudinal location, transverse cracks that occur at the location
could cause steel bonding failure, resulting in wide cracks and performance problems. To make
sure that all the splices do not occur at the same transverse location, Item 360 requires staggering
splices to avoid having more than 1/3 of the splices within any given 2-ft. longitudinal length and
12-ft. width of pavement. Splicing longitudinal steel is not allowed within 10 ft. of construction
transverse joints.
Following are drawings (see Figure 9-15, Figure 9-16, Figure 9-17, and Figure 9-18) that show
acceptable and non-acceptable splice locations or patterns.
Figure 9-15. Acceptable splicing pattern- 33% (4 of the 12 bars) within the box are spliced.
Figure 9-18. Non-acceptable splicing pattern – 66% of bars in the box are being spliced.
Contractors like to keep the steel mat from moving excessively prior to paving due to the paving
operation itself or because of temperature changes. Figure 9-19 shows a piece of reinforcing steel
being used as a pin. This pin can be left or removed before the concrete pour.
Reinforcing steel depth has an effect on CRCP performance. CRCP Design Standards require the
tolerance of longitudinal steel at +/- 1 in. horizontally and +/- 0.5 in. vertically. Figure 9-20 illus-
trates the checking location of the steel.
6.1 Introduction
Two types of paving operations are used for the construction of rigid pavement. One is fixed-form
paving, and the other is slip-form paving. Both methods have some common operations as further
delineated here. First, both methods require accurate survey controls that are used to establish the
proper alignment and grade of the concrete pavement. Second, both methods require proper curing
of the concrete in order to facilitate producing a durable long-lasting pavement. Third, any required
joint sawing must be accomplished in a timely manner to prevent random cracking of the
Although not used very often in Texas, paving machines that ride on forms are still in use. Paving
machines that use steel wheels to ride on paving forms are very heavy machines, almost compara-
ble to a slip-form paving machine without the drive tracks. To prevent sagging under the weight of
this machine, the forms need to be uniformly supported on a very firm base.
Smaller paving machines, such as the Clary, have three long steel roller tubes that extend across
forms in both directions. The rollers propel and screed the concrete to the level of the forms. This
type of paving machine is still seen on small and irregular placements, such as ramps and turn-
arounds. It is limited to smaller productivity and narrower placements.
Another type of paving machine that has actually been used in recent years on main lane urban
freeways is the Bidwell, a machine that is more commonly seen on bridge deck construction. This
machine rides on forms or steel pipes. It is characterized by a truss extending across the forms with
a suspended longitudinal screed roller that moves transversely across the pavement. An auger
mounted on the front end of the roller screed spreads the concrete, and the roller screed smooths the
Neither the multiple roller-type paver or the bridge-type machine enjoy a reputation for producing a
very smooth riding surface and are unlikely to be seen on a pavement surface where a ride specifi-
cation with bonus/penalty is in effect. Productivity is also relatively low for both types of machines.
Fixed-form paving is a form of concrete pavement construction where fixed forms are used to hold
the concrete in place at the proper grade and alignment during construction. This type of paving is
different from slip-form paving, which utilizes the forms of the slip-form paving machine to form
or mold the concrete in place at the proper grade and alignment, in lieu of fixed forms, during pav-
ing. In general, fixed-form paving is not as productive as slip-form paving because of the difference
in the efficiency of the placing, spreading, and finishing operations with form riding equipment. In
addition, it takes time and effort to set and remove forms before and after paving. However, fixed-
form paving is more applicable than slip-form paving in certain situations, such as ramps, block-
outs, small paving areas, or where slip-form paving is not feasible or economical. Most of the main
lane concrete paving in TxDOT projects is done by slip-form paving. Usually, only minor portions
of the concrete paving are done by fixed-form paving.
To facilitate the placing, spreading, consolidation, and finishing operations, concrete used for
fixed-form paving usually has more workability or higher slump than the concrete used with slip-
form paving.
6.2.1 Forms
A key element in fixed-form paving for constructing a smooth concrete surface is the form. Typical
forms have the following characteristics:
1. Most of the forms are made of metal with a minimum thickness of at least 0.2 in. and are 10 ft.
2. The height of the forms determines the slab thickness.
3. The bases of the forms are wide and flat. These wide and flat bases provide stability of the
forms while in place.
4. Flange braces extend outward from the base not less than 2/3 the depth of the form.
The final grade and smoothness of the concrete surface is determined, to a large extent, by how
secure and how close the forms are set to the final grade and alignment lines. One of the most
important requirements of the forms is to provide stability while concrete is being placed. Unstable
forms will cause irregularities in the finished concrete pavement. The top and the face of the forms
should be as flat as possible. A straightedge or stringline can be used to check for variance. Forms
must be free from detrimental kinks, bends, or warps that could affect ride quality or alignment.
The forms should allow for tightly locking the ends of adjacent form sections. The ends of the
forms should be flush when they are in position. All forms must be cleaned and oiled before use.
A survey line is established to facilitate setting forms at proper grade and alignment. Form setting
is a critical construction operation since the final grade and smoothness of the pavement surface
depends, to a large extent, on how accurately the forms are set to line and grade and how well and
uniformly the forms are supported by a firm foundation.
The finished smoothness of the pavement depends on the care with which the forms are set and
maintained because the finishing equipment rides on the forms. Proper alignment and elevation of
the forms will contribute to a smooth pavement. It is important to provide a firm and level founda-
tion under all forms. Figure 9-21, Figure 9-22, Figure 9-23, and Figure 9-24 illustrate the process
of form setting.
Once the forms have been set, they are checked for overall alignment and tolerance before any pav-
ing takes place. If any form section is out of line, it needs to be corrected immediately. Joints
between forms must be tight and smooth. Specification Item 360 requires that the contractor pro-
vide metal side forms of sufficient cross-section, strength, and rigidity to support the paving
equipment and resist the impact and vibration of the operation without visible springing or
The preferred depth of the form shall be equal to the required edge thickness of the pavement.
Forms with depth greater or less than the required edge thickness of the pavement can be used if the
difference between the form depth and the design pavement depth is not greater than 2 in., and:
1. forms of a depth greater than the pavement edge thickness may be used if the supporting mate-
rial is planed to construct a form trench;
2. forms of a depth less than the pavement edge thickness shall be brought to the required edge
thickness by securely attaching metal strips or wood shims of approved section to the full
width and length of the base of the form, as shown in Figure 9-25. Use grout to fill the gap with
wood shims to establish grade.
Unlike a slip-form paving operation, where the thickness of concrete pavement can be adjusted for
“knots” or rises in the base to maintain proper thickness, the thickness of concrete pavement is
established by the height of the side forms. That is, side forms that are 8 in. tall will produce a con-
crete pavement that is at least 8 in. tall only if the base between the two forms does not have an area
that is above the level of the bottom of the forms. To check that there are no bumps in the base, a
“scratch” template may be used.
The scratch template is typically a lightweight truss that is supported on the side forms by wheels
and has long metal tines spaced about a foot apart that extend down from the truss for the thickness
of the concrete pavement. The scratch template is moved along the side forms. If the tines on the
scratch template come in contact with the base and “scratch” the surface, that would indicate an
area with a rise in the base and where the concrete pavement would have insufficient thickness. If
there is a high spot in the base, then that area needs to be milled down, or more commonly, the side
forms need to be shimmed up to achieve proper concrete pavement thickness. Base planers were
used in the past with side form paving to excavate excess base material. These planers were suitable
for use on non-stabilized base materials. Any milling of stabilized base should be approved by the
engineer to ensure that no damage to the base or deficient base thickness result.
As with any paving method, it is important that the concrete be discharged, consolidated, and fin-
ished to provide optimum ride quality and long-term performance. Equipment used for placing and
finishing concrete in fixed form paving varies substantially from project to project, and detailed
descriptions of the placing and finishing operations are not provided in this document.
One of the key elements in fixed-form paving is to maintain a consistent and uniform head of con-
crete in front of the strike-off screed. The strike-off screed used in fixed-form paving is lighter than
the one used in slip-form paving, and too much variation in the head of concrete will result in
reduced smoothness of the concrete surface. A head of concrete that does not run over forms or the
screed works best. Also, steady machine progress improves pavement smoothness, and concrete
should be delivered to ensure steady machine progress.
Finishing operations such as floating, burlap/carpet drag, tining, and curing operations are similar
to those in slip-form paving, and they are described under “Slip-form Paving.”
Figure 9-26, Figure 9-27, and Figure 9-28 show how a vibrating screed is pulled forward with a
winch at each end of the screed connected to a cable hooked ahead of the screed. A manually oper-
ated finishing screed shall be a strike template and a tamping template or a vibratory screed with
adequate length to cover the width of the slab.
Figure 9-28. Knock down the ridge of mortar formed by the Clary screed.
When the concrete is setting up on the screed and the screed needs to be cleaned, have the contrac-
tor move the screed ahead of the concrete so that cleaning water does not fall on the plastic
concrete. Figure 9-29 shows the cleaning of the screed between haul trucks.
For finishing, texturing, and curing operations, please refer to “Slip-form Paving” below.
Forms can be removed as early as practical without damaging the concrete. In most instances,
forms can be removed within 6 to 8 hr. after concrete placement. The forms shall be carefully
removed in such a manner that minimal or no damage will be done to the edge of the pavement. All
damage resulting from this operation and any honeycombed areas shall be repaired with a mortar
mix within 24 hr. after form removal. Immediately after removing the side forms from the concrete
pavement, apply membrane cure to all concrete surfaces not previously treated. Forms should be
cleaned right after removal. If not, they become difficult to clean. Figure 9-30 shows removed side
Slip-form paving is the most widely used paving method in modern concrete paving construction.
The slip-form paver consolidates, screeds, and initially finishes the concrete in one continuous
operation without the need of forms. Modern slip-form paving equipment is of the extrusion-type
process. The extrusion process can be simply defined as forcing, pressing, or pushing a material
through a die or mold to create the desired shape. Slip-form paving is very efficient and can provide
smooth concrete pavement. Because there are no forms, the plastic concrete must be able to hold
the pavement edge. When slip-forming, the desired slump of the concrete is 1-1/2 in.
The “stringline” is actually a slender wire rope. It is usually tensioned fairly high to reduce sags in
the wire between the supports. A sensor on the paving machine will follow the stringline and any
sags will show up in the final ride surface as waves that can produce an unpleasant ride quality.
A stringline is established to control the slip-form paving equipment at the proper grade and align-
ment. A surveying crew establishes a stake line every 25 or 50 ft. along, but offset from the edge of
the pavement to be placed. Wood stakes used for this line are about 1-1/2 to 2 in. square, commonly
called hubs, and are driven into the ground. The alignment is then established with a tack in the top
of each stake. Grade is also established by elevation grading of each stake. For hard, dense sub-
grade such as an asphalt bond breaker, nails driven into the subgrade are used instead of wooden
stakes with tacks. Using the line and grade from this survey line, a stringline is established for the
slip-form paving machine to follow utilizing the machine’s electronic grade and alignment controls.
Usually, another graded stake line is established along, but offset from, the other edge of the pave-
ment to control the grade of that side of the paving machine; however, alignment is only controlled
from one stringline.
Slip-form paving is accomplished by the use of several self-propelled machines in a line which is
commonly known as a paving train.
The first machine in line is a concrete placing machine and, depending on the manufacturer, this
machine is sometimes referred to as a placer/spreader. This machine receives the mixed concrete
from the delivery vehicles and places and spreads the concrete in front of the second machine,
which is the slip-form paver. Sometimes this first machine is eliminated if the concrete can be
deposited directly in front of the slip-form paver from the concrete delivery units or if a concrete
placing attachment is installed in the front of the slip-form paver.
The slip-form paver spreads the concrete uniformly across the paving area with an auger, consoli-
dates the concrete with spud vibrators, and strikes off the top of the concrete to a suitable elevation
to feed into the mold that shapes the pavement into the proper geometric configuration. Depending
on the manufacturer, some slip-form pavers also utilize what is known as a tamping bar. The tamp-
ing bar slightly tamps large aggregates into the top of the concrete slab to prevent the paver's mold
from snagging the aggregate and causing a tear in the top of the slab.
The third machine in the train is a tube float. This machine smooths and seals the top of the pave-
ment by dragging diagonally mounted aluminum tubes forward and back along the top of the
pavement. This machine is sometimes eliminated by attaching what is known as an auto float to the
back of the slip-form paver. The auto float automatically travels across the top of the pavement
while simultaneously oscillating in a forward and back motion to smooth and seal the top of the
The last machine in the train is a combination tine/cure machine. This machine installs the tining in
the pavement top with a metal comb that is automatically dragged across the top of the pavement.
This machine is then used to spray the curing compound on the pavement. Sometimes a second cur-
ing machine is required if the tine/curing machine can’t perform the curing operation in a timely
manner. Either the tube float or the tine/cure machine is also used to install any required texture,
such as a burlap or carpet drag texture, after all finishing is completed and prior to any tining tex-
ture required.
Slip-form pavers contain various combinations of all or some of the following components: auger
spreader, spud vibrators, oscillating screeds, clary screed, tamping bars, and pan floats. A slip-form
paver is shown in Figure 9-31.
Slip-form pavers are equipped to spread the concrete uniformly and strike off the concrete to the
required section, using a power driven device, either a reciprocating blade, a screw conveyor
(auger), or a belt conveyor, without loss of traction. A slip-form paver with two augers is shown in
Figure 9-32.
A machine with two tracks is steered by varying the speed of the tracks from one side to the other
side. The bigger machines with four tracks, two tracks on each side, are stirred by pivoting each
track, much like the front wheels on a car. The tracks can either ride on the base or on a previously
placed pavement. Figure 9-33 shows a paver machine on tracks.
The base should extend out, past the paver’s tracks, to give adequate support for the machine. This
is illustrated in Figure 9-34. The track path should be level and clean to allow for a smooth concrete
surface. Do not force the grade control sensor to make up for trash, such as spilled concrete or tie
bars, in the track path.
Usually, slip-form pavers have an electronic sensor system or equivalent to provide grade control.
Figure 9-35 and Figure 9-36 show examples of such sensors. Sensors come in both electronic and
hydraulic models. The electronic sensors work better.
The grade control sensors, one on each side of the paver, have wands that ride on the bottom of a
guide wire that adjusts the height of the entire machine by raising or lowering the vertical hydraulic
cylinders on each side of the machine. Figure 9-37 shows vertical and horizontal sensors. The guide
wire is supported and tensioned to prevent any measurable sag. Figure 9-38 shows the side view of
an idle paver. Notice the two hydraulic cylinders on the side of the paver (right side of Figure 9-38).
Figures 9-39 and 9-40 show the guide wire controls.
The following information is taken from the FHWA Concrete Pavement Road MAP. Conventional
concrete paving with a slip-form paver requires the installation of a stringline and support posts
adjacent to the roadway to establish the correct pavement alignment and profile. The stringline adds
several additional feet (+/- 6 ft.) of required clearance to the paving envelope, which is already
wider than the pavement due to the tracks of the slip-form paver. In addition, the stringline becomes
an obstacle for equipment, concrete delivery trucks, and finishing crews. If equipment access
across the stringline is required, the stringline must be lowered and reset, resulting in delays and
introducing the potential for errors.
String-less paving is a technology that eliminates the installation and maintenance of stringlines
and has the potential to decrease the need for surveying and increase the smoothness of the pave-
ment profile. The benefits that can result from string-less paving include increased production,
decreased construction time, and reduced potential for errors.
Several companies have developed string-less equipment control and guidance systems using tech-
nologies such as global positioning systems (GPS), robotic total stations, and laser positioning.
String-less technology replaces the traditional stringlines with an electronic tracking process that
controls the horizontal and vertical operation of the slip-form paver. The construction industry has
been using string-less technology for elevation and steering control of equipment for a number of
years. To date, the extensive use of this technology has been applied to grading operations. How-
ever, string-less paving is an emerging technology for concrete paving because it has the potential
to allow contractors and owner/agencies to receive production benefits (e.g., reduced survey costs,
fewer construction hours) while still meeting smoothness requirements. Figure 9-41 shows the
string-less paving machine.
Contractors using string-less paving equipment are still required to establish control points at max-
imum intervals of 500 ft. and use the control points as reference.
The speed the paver moves forward is controlled by the operator. The speed should be as uniform
as possible, but should vary with the rate of concrete delivery so that complete stops are held to a
minimum. The paver speed is up to 20 ft. per minute.
If the paver stops moving forward, the vibrators must be turned off within 5 seconds. Continued
running of the vibrators will result in segregation of the concrete, forcing water and fines to the
6.3.7 Augers
Rotating the augers moves the concrete sideways across the entire lane being paved. The augers are
controlled by the operator and can be turned either clockwise or counterclockwise as needed. Fig-
ure 9-42 shows a close-up of an auger.
The augers on the spreader of a paving machine help distribute the concrete over the width of the
pavement placement ensuring that a uniform head of concrete is maintained across the pavement
width and extending well above the vibrators. This overburden over the vibrators helps direct the
energy from the vibrators downward into the concrete pavement and helps ensure proper consolida-
tion of the concrete. Figure 9-43 shows the spreading of the concrete.
6.3.8 Vibrators
The frequency in air of the immersion vibrator units shall not be less than 8,000 cycles per minute.
Figure 9-44 shows immersion of vibrators. Handheld vibrators are driven by an electric motor.
Vibrators on a slip-form paver are hydraulically driven. Figure 9-45 shows the underside of a slip-
form. Going from right to left, observe the:
1. augers,
2. strike-off screed,
3. vibrators,
4. finishing screed, and
5. pan float.
Vibrators need to be mounted high enough that they will not snag any of the reinforcing steel. An
isolated streak in the concrete pavement behind the paving machine may indicate that there is a
non-working vibrator.
Figure 9-46 shows the normally recommended vibration position. The paver is moving to the left.
A concrete head or surcharge should be maintained over the vibrators during placing operations.
The vibrators must be turned off whenever the forward motion of the paver is stopped. Figure 9-47
shows the vibrated zones.
No vibrator streaks or trails should be apparent behind the paver. Figure 9-48 shows unacceptable
vibrator streaks. Here, the vibrators are not vibrating enough. Because of this, the vibrators are
plowing a trail instead of vibrating the concrete.
After screeding, the concrete surface is finished with a pan float that further smooths and consoli-
dates the concrete. Pan floats are solid plates anywhere from 18 to 60 in. wide and slightly narrower
than the pavement width. Figure 9-49 shows pan floats on an idle paver.
As mentioned above, concrete can be placed in front of the paving operations using a number of
methods. Regardless of which method is used, concrete should be placed as near as possible to the
final location. Concrete should never be moved using rakes or vibrators, as these methods cause
segregation. Concrete should only be moved by the use of shovels or the augers mounted on the
spreader and paver.
In order to promote proper hydration, concrete placed should have a temperature between 40°F and
95°F. It is allowed to use the loads that are already in transit when the temperature was found to
exceed the allowable limits. Immediate action must be taken or paving operations ceased until the
concrete temperature is corrected.
When the ambient temperature in the shade is 40°F and falling, concrete should not be placed. Typ-
ical concrete paving mix designs have relatively low cement contents and usually contain fly ash.
This combination of materials tends to make the concrete susceptible to prolonged set times and
slow strength gains in cold weather conditions, which can lead to plastic shrinkage cracking. If the
ambient temperature is expected to drop below freezing, precautions must be taken to ensure the
freshly placed concrete is protected against freezing.
Placing concrete during hot weather can also lead to plastic shrinkage cracking if proper curing is
not performed as soon as possible after texturing operations. If there is a delay in application of the
curing method, measures should be taken to ensure that the unprotected pavement surface is kept
from drying. The use of fog sprays, wind screens, or evaporation retardants are acceptable methods
to prevent the surface from drying.
To close all surface openings and produce a uniformly smooth and flat surface, the plastic concrete
behind the screed is either floated or straightedged, or both.
6.5.2 Floats
A float may be used only when using a finishing machine. Figure 9-50 shows an example of tube
floats. Tube floats are pulled back and forth in the longitudinal direction. Notice that each tube float
is suspended and pulled by chains. The tube floats are set at 60 degree angles to the pavement’s
centerline. The leading end of the tube float may be on either the inside or outside of the pavement.
The tube floats must extend across the entire width of the pavement being placed. For wide con-
crete placements, more than one tube is used.
Tube float machines must have spray nozzles to provide a fine, light fog mist to the concrete sur-
face just ahead of the tubes.
A longitudinal float, also called auto float, slides back and forth in the transverse direction. An
example of a longitudinal float is shown in Figure 9-51. Notice the surface marks left by the float.
Another type of float is the drag float, an example of which is shown in Figure 9-52. Because a
drag float is heavier than a tube float or a longitudinal float, the drag float applies greater surface
pressure, making it more effective at smoothing out a knot or bump in the plastic concrete. A drag
float needs to be more effective because it only makes a single pass across the plastic concrete.
When using a drag float, be careful that the float does not slowly slide to the downhill side when
paving a crowned or superelevated section.
When the float cannot reach to the edges, the edges are floated with hand trowels. Such a process is
shown in Figure 9-53.
Care must be exercised while floating to avoid distorting the surface. A bull float (Figure 9-54) can
produce a depression if excessively used in one spot. Longer bull floats will produce better results.
Bull floating should be limited to small areas and should not be used to float the entire surface.
Avoid using a bull float, if possible.
6.5.3 Straightedge
A straightedge is a 10-ft. or 15-ft. long, steel or magnesium, square tube, which contacts the con-
crete surface. An illustration of straightedge finishing is shown in Figure 9-55 and Figure 9-56. A
straightedge flattens the concrete surface and in the case where floats were not previously used, can
close surface tears produced by a screed. A straightedge is better at flattening surface bumps and
seams than a float, but using a straightedge takes longer than floating because it cannot be mecha-
nized. The straightedges should be parallel to the centerline of the pavement.
Notice in Figure 9-56 that the surface no longer shows the irregularities left by the longitudinal
Finishing should be held to a minimum during the period of greatest bleeding since working the
surface in the presence of excess water leaches out a portion of the cement and produces low-
strength surface mortar. The use of supplementary cementitious materials, such as fly ash and slag
cement, reduces bleeding water.
Under calm wind and high relative humidity conditions, the concrete pavement should provide
enough bleed water that little or no water needs to be added to float and finish the concrete surface.
Under very dry conditions or when there is a strong breeze, the bleed water may evaporate rapidly
before floating can be performed. A fine mist of water may be used to reduce the loss from evapo-
ration, but never to form slurry. The fine mist should come from a misting nozzle mounted on a
pipe frame that is not pointed directly at the pavement surface.
Water is not allowed to be applied from a nozzle or thumb over a garden-type hose as shown in Fig-
ure 9-57. Adding water to the surface makes the finishing easy to perform. However, this practice
dilutes and washes away the surface mortar, resulting in poor performance of concrete pavement in
terms of skid resistance, scaling, and durability.
If excessive mortar slurry is present during finishing operations (see Figure 9-58) without the addi-
tion of water, this generally indicates an issue with the concrete mix. Batch plant operations should
be reviewed to correct this situation.
Finishing operations should not be conducted when free water is on the surface of the concrete. Fin-
ishing with water on the surface will cause the cement at the surface of the concrete to become
diluted or even washed away as shown here. Wait until the water evaporates before continuing with
the finishing.
Once the finishing operation is completed, measures should be taken to keep the surface from dry-
ing before the curing compound is applied. It may take a while for the concrete to set up sufficiently
after finishing before the texturing can be performed. This delay may increase if the concrete tem-
perature is cool or a high dosage of a set-retarding admixture is used in the concrete mix.
One method of keeping the surface from drying is the use of an evaporation retardant. The evapora-
tion retardant is applied in a fine mist to uniformly cover the pavement surface. An important
property, in addition to reducing evaporation, is that it is specifically formulated to not harm the
concrete when final texturing of the surface occurs.
The evaporation retardant (see "DMS-4650, Hydraulic Cement Concrete Curing and Evaporation
Retardants") should be applied according to the manufacturer’s recommendation when finishing
operations cease and maintained until the final texturing occurs. This may be before or after the car-
pet drag is performed.
Historically, TxDOT has required the contractor to have a small quantity of evaporation retardant
(typically in a small garden-type sprayer) on the project to be used if there was a temporary break-
down of the paving machine or a brief disruption in the delivery of concrete. In these
circumstances, the contractor would apply the evaporation retardant to the mass of concrete in front
of the paving machine to reduce evaporation and keep a crust from forming on the concrete until
paving could resume.
Surface texture is required to provide skid resistance and to prevent hydroplaning. Skid resistance
is achieved from a combination of the fine aggregate and carpet drag. Hydroplaning is minimized
by tining. A carpet drag texture and a metal-tine texture finish are required for all areas with a
posted speed limit in excess of 45 mph. When shown on the plans, a carpet drag texture can be the
only surface texture required for areas with a posted speed limit less than 45 mph.
When carpet drag is the only surface texture required by the plans, ensure that adequate and consis-
tent coarse texture is achieved by applying sufficient weight to the carpet and keeping the carpet
from getting plugged with grout. The target carpet drag texture is 0.04 in., as measured by Tex 436-
A. Any location with a texture less than 0.03 in. must be corrected by diamond grinding or shot
blasting. The engineer will determine the test locations at points located transversely to the direc-
tion of traffic in the outside wheel path.
Figure 9-59 shows an upside-down artificial carpet pulled longitudinally on the plastic concrete.
This gives the concrete surface a rough texture similar to a broom finish.
The carpet shall be a single piece long enough to reach across the width of the plastic concrete and
having enough longitudinal length in contact with the concrete to produce the desired texture. The
engineer may allow changes in the length and width of the carpet to accommodate specific
To keep the mortar from hardening on the carpet, the carpet should first be wetted before using and
it should be cleaned with water often enough to produce a uniform finish on the concrete. Streaking
of the surface behind the carpet is caused by hardened grout on the carpet. The contractor should
stop the drag as soon as the streaking is observed and remove any dried grout from the carpet.
Figure 9-60 shows the mounting of a carpet. The carpet shall be mounted on a movable support
system capable of varying the area of carpet in contact with the pavement and can be pulled either
mechanically or manually.
To keep the carpet in contact with the concrete, the trailing end of the carpet may be weighted down
with something that will provide enough weight to produce the desired texture.
Keep an eye on the drag - it can indicate some things about the concrete. If it starts to catch and pull
aggregates to the surface instead of leaving a uniform texture, there are two things that could be
1. The concrete might not be properly vibrated. Check the vibrators to ensure that all concrete is
being vibrated.
2. There may not be enough sand in the mix to allow grout to be worked to the surface.
After the carpet drag operation is completed and the concrete surface has set enough, tining opera-
tions can begin. The default tining is transverse (see Figure 9-61); however, longitudinal tining is
acceptable when shown on the plans. The metal tines should make grooves in the plastic concrete
which are 3/16 in. deep and 1/12 in. wide. The minimum groove depth is 1/8 in. The grooves shall
be spaced approximately1 in., center-to-center, for transverse tining, or 3/4 in., center-to-center, for
longitudinal tining. If noise is a concern, longitudinal tining has been shown to be quieter than
transverse tining.
To ensure that the grooves are straight, the tines should be pulled by a mechanized device. The
mechanical device is designed to tine up to a 24-ft. wide concrete pour. Figure 9-62 shows a
mechanical tining device.
Curing is the process by which hydraulic cement concrete matures and develops hardened proper-
ties over time as a result of the continued hydration of the cement in the presence of sufficient water
and heat. In concrete pavement, the surface area is relatively large compared with the volume.
Moisture can be evaporated from this large surface area unless measures are taken to keep the
moisture in the concrete. With loss of moisture, the surface concrete will not develop enough
strength and could result in scaling, spalling, and other distresses. It is important that proper curing
is provided. The most widely used curing method is the use of curing compound.
Curing compound should meet the requirements of Type 2 membrane curing compound in "DMS-
4650, Hydraulic Cement Concrete Curing and Evaporation Retardants." Curing compound is simi-
lar to paint and must be thoroughly agitated just before using. The curing compound should not be
thinned or diluted. The curing compound should be re-agitated during its use if it becomes non-
Two separate coats of curing compound are to be applied to all exposed concrete surfaces. Apply-
ing the membrane cure in two coats has several advantages over a single coat:
it results in a thicker film that better resists evaporation,
it reduces rundown of the curing compound into the tine grooves that might occur in a single
heavy coat, and
it helps ensure a more even coating of the concrete surface if one or more of the spray nozzles
were partially obstructed.
The first and second coats should be applied within 10 min. and 30 min. after completing texturing
operations, respectively. The individual application rate should be not more than 180 ft.2/gal.
Where the coatings show discontinuities, pinholes, or other defects, or if rain damages the newly
applied curing compound, an additional coat of the compound shall be applied.
Once dried, the curing compound will bead water. If the water does not bead but instead wets the
surface of the concrete as determined by darkening the concrete, or by visibly soaking into the sur-
face, an additional coat or coats of the curing compound should be applied immediately.
Should the membrane be damaged from any cause before the expiration of 72 hr., the damaged por-
tions should be repaired immediately with additional compound.
A mechanized spraying unit (see Figure 9-63) is essential when more than one lane of pavement is
placed. Note that the machine is applying curing compound to the vertical edge of the concrete as
Figure 9-64 shows another mechanized unit for spraying curing compound. Note the uniform and
complete coverage of the curing compound, even on the side of the concrete.
Figure 9-65 illustrates unacceptable application of curing compounds. In this figure, some areas are
whiter than others, indicating that curing compound has not been applied uniformly.
Plastic shrinkage cracks occurred in the pavement section shown in Figure 9-66 within 5 hr. of con-
crete placement due to poor curing compound application. This will cause durability problems.
Figure 9-67 shows that the tie bars have been covered with a plastic sleeve to prevent curing com-
pound from dropping on the tie bars. Any curing compound that ends up on the tie bars or on the
“U’s” for the curbs will need to be removed with a steel brush or by sand blasting to ensure proper
bonding of the steel to the yet-to-be-placed concrete.
Section 7 — Joints
7.1 Introduction
Concrete undergoes volume changes due to temperature and moisture changes. If these volume
changes are not controlled properly, excessive stresses will develop, resulting in uncontrolled
cracks. These cracks can be sources of distress that could be avoided if properly controlled. Joints
can be considered as intentional cracks and are provided where the cracking is most likely. These
joints relieve stresses, thus preventing uncontrolled cracks. Provisions are made at the joints to pro-
vide wheel load transfer.
In CRCP, however, the concrete volume changes are controlled by random cracks, which are held
tightly closed by longitudinal reinforcing steel. Figure 9-68 shows an example of random cracks in
CRCP. These random cracks do not cause distress.
Contraction joints are used to relieve tensile stresses resulting from temperature drops and moisture
variations in concrete. The contraction joints can be longitudinal contraction joints or transverse
contraction joints.
A longitudinal contraction joint is required when the concrete placement width is more than 15 ft.
because the chances of cracking, in the longitudinal direction, increase. In normal concrete pave-
ment construction, the width of the concrete placement varies and can be as wide as 50 ft. The saw-
cut depth of a longitudinal contraction joint should be 1/3 of the slab thickness. For CPCD, single
piece tie bars are spaced at 24 in. to keep the two adjoining lanes together. For CRCP, in addition to
the transverse steel, single piece tie bars are spaced at 48 in. to keep the two adjoining lanes
Transverse contraction joints are used only in plain-jointed pavement (CPCD). An example is
shown in Figure 9-69. This type of joint is sawn into the green concrete (concrete will not spall or
ravel at the cut edges). CPCD standards require transverse contraction joints to be sawed every 15
Dowel bars are provided at the transverse contraction joints to provide load transfer, which reduces
deflections and stresses due to wheel load applications. To allow the slabs to move freely in the lon-
gitudinal direction due to temperature and moisture variations while providing efficient load
transfer, dowel bars are lubricated at least one-half of their length.
The detailed requirements for dowels, such as dowel bar size, length, and spacing, are shown in the
CPCD Standards. Figure 9-70 shows a picture of a dowel bar assembly.
Dowel bars are typically placed in heavy welded wire baskets that hold the bars in proper spacing,
depth, and alignment. Full-lane width baskets are typically used, although baskets that are one-half
of the lane width have also been used. These wire baskets are shop fabricated. Typically, one end of
the dowel bar is tack-welded to the wire basket. The wire basket is nailed to the base to prevent the
basket from being pushed along the base once submerged under concrete and under the paving
Alternatively, dowel bars may be mechanically placed by the paving machine. When this method is
used, it is important to ensure that the bars are properly aligned and positioned. When this equip-
ment is first used, a few bars should be carefully exposed using a small trowel to verify alignment
and positioning. This is done from a work bridge behind the paving machine. Whether wire baskets
or mechanical inserters are used, it is extremely important the dowel bars be parallel for the con-
traction joint to function properly.
Problems can occur when longitudinal and transverse contraction joints are sawn too late or too
shallow. Attempts to saw-cut too early might cause raveling of aggregates, while saw-cutting too
late might result in uncontrolled cracking. There are a number of factors that determine the opti-
mum time of saw-cutting. They include, but are not limited to, setting characteristics of concrete,
ambient and concrete temperatures, and thermal coefficient of concrete. Even though it is possible
to theoretically determine the optimum time for saw-cutting, it is almost impossible to do at the job
site due to so many variables involved. The best strategy is to saw-cut as early as possible without
causing severe raveling. Item 360 allows some minor raveling due to early saw-cutting.
Concrete saws are self-propelled and rotate their blades in a cut-down direction, unlike a handheld
circular saw which rotates its blade in a cut-up direction. Most concrete saws use diamond-tipped
saw blades which require water to cool and lubricate the blade. Some saws are riding saws, like a
riding lawnmower (see Figure 9-71), and others are self-propelled walk-behind saws (see Figure 9-
72). Some newer saw models do not require the use of water and can actually saw the concrete ear-
lier than the concrete saws shown here. These saws are typically called “early entry” saws and are
specially designed to minimize raveling.
Figure 9-73 shows that the initial saw-cut was being made from the top of the figure to the bottom.
For some reason, the initial saw-cutting was delayed. When the saw was halfway across the pave-
ment, the concrete cracked ahead of the saw.
Even if the crack is sealed and allowed to stay in place, the concrete between the crack and the saw-
cut will eventually spall out. To prevent uncontrolled cracking, every second or third transverse
joint should be sawed first then the intermediate joints. This is called skip-sawing.
Figure 9-73. Uncontrolled crack developed while initial sawing. The left side of the slab needs to
be removed and replaced.
Depth of the joints also plays a role in ensuring the proper working of the joints. Shallower cuts
than specified will increase the chances of the pavement cracking somewhere else. The saw cut
depth must be a minimum of 1/3 of the slab thickness for CPCD pavements and longitudinal con-
traction joints in single mat CRCP. For longitudinal contraction joints in double mat CRCP, saw
cuts are a depth of 4 in. Saw cutting should be accomplished as soon as possible without damaging
the pavement, regardless of time of day or weather conditions. Once the saw-cut is completed, it is
cleaned and sealant materials are applied. TxDOT’s standard for sealing joints can be found in
Figure 9-74 shows a 12-in. thick pavement with an actual saw-cut depth of approximately 2.5 in.
The required saw-cut depth is 4.0 in. As a result of the shallow saw-cut depth, a crack was not
induced at the desired joint.
Figure 9-74. Crack was not induced due to shallower saw-cut depth than required.
For transverse construction joints, provide a bulkhead (header) that is of sufficient cross sectional
area to prevent deflection, accurately notched to receive the load transmission devices, and shaped
accurately to the cross section of the pavement (see Figure 9-75).
For CPCD, install a transverse construction joint either at a planned transverse contraction joint
location or mid-slab between planned transverse contraction joints. Install tie bars of the size and
spacing used in longitudinal joints for mid-slab transverse construction joints. For CRCP, addi-
tional longitudinal steel is required (see Figure 9-76). Protect the reinforcing steel immediately
beyond the transverse construction joint from damage, vibration, and impact. Splicing of longitudi-
nal steel is not allowed within 10 ft. of a transverse construction joint.
For longitudinal construction joints, the short pieces of reinforcing steel across the joints are called
tie bars. The tie bars keep the two adjoining slabs from pulling away from each other and keep the
surface across the joints flat. In Item 360, either single piece tie bars or multiple piece tie bars are
allowed at the longitudinal construction joints. The detailed requirements for tie bars, such as
length, size, and spacing, are shown in the Standards.
One-piece tie bars may be used when they do not interfere with traffic or construction conditions.
The tie bars are inserted manually or mechanically in the concrete that is still confined by the slip-
form paver. Larger finishing machines have the capacity to mechanically insert the tie bars evenly
with little disturbance to the plastic concrete. When inserting one piece tie bars, caution is needed
to avoid hitting the reinforcing mat with the tie bars. It is recommended to insert tie bars a few
inches away from the transverse bar locations to avoid displacing the mat. Insertion by hand often
causes the edge of the plastic concrete to drop down and requires constant remedial work. Figure 9-
77 shows a surface drop down due to hand insertion.
Check tie bar insertion depth and locations during paving operations to ensure proper placement.
Care must be taken to prevent any movement of the tie bars after placement. Figure 9-78 shows an
example of a wood side form at a transverse construction joint. The tie bars at this side form loca-
tion were not inserted into the plastic concrete. A hole will be drilled and filled with epoxy grout
for each tie bar not originally placed.
Multiple piece tie bars are threaded in the middle to allow the two halves of the tie bar to be sepa-
rated and then reconnected prior to the casting of the adjacent pavement. Finish multiple piece tie
bar assemblies from the approved list of DMS – 4515, “Multiple Piece Tie Bars for Concrete
In the past, bent tie bars were commonly used to keep the tie bars from interfering with traffic or
construction. After the concrete set, the bent tie bars were straightened to the proper position. This
practice is no longer allowed, since there were problems due to the weakening of the tie bar which
leads to steel rupture and lane separations.
Figure 9-79 shows the spacing of the transverse steel and the spacing of the tie bars in a CRCP
Tie bars are also used in plain jointed concrete pavement. When these tie bars are used to connect
two lanes, or a lane and shoulder, the tie bar may be mechanically inserted by the paving machine
into the fresh concrete ahead of the float, or it may be held in position by support devices. Unlike
CRCP, there is not an available mat of steel reinforcement that can be used to position and secure
the tie bars. Each tie bar will need to be separately supported and held in position by stakes or pins
driven into the base. These supports need to be sturdy enough to hold the tie bar in position when
concrete is placed and consolidated over it.
Tie bars are required at longitudinal widening joints for CRCP and CPCD. Provide #6 bars at 24 in.
spacing for 8-in. and thicker slabs. Use #5 bars at 24 in. spacing for less than 8-in. thick slabs. Refer
to the CRCP standard for the longitudinal widening joint details.
Mark the tie bar locations and drill holes into the existing concrete at least 10 in. deep. Use a drill
bit with a diameter that is 1/8-in. greater than that of the tie bars. Figure 9-80 shows the drilling
operation being performed at a widening joint. When manufacturer’s instructions are available, pre-
cisely follow the requirements for cleaning the holes as outlined. Clean the holes with a wire brush
and compressed air to remove all the dust and moisture. Follow the epoxy manufacturer’s instruc-
tions to apply the epoxy. Insert the tip of the epoxy cartridge or the tip of the machine applicator to
the end of the tie bar hole and inject Type III, Class C, epoxy to fill the entire hole, then insert the
tie bars.
Demonstrate, through simulated job conditions, that the bond strength of the epoxy-grouted tie bars
meets a pullout strength of at least 3/4 of the yield strength of the tie bar when tested in accordance
with ASTM E 488, within the Epoxy manufacturer's recommended curing time. Increase embed-
ment depth and retest when necessary to meet testing requirements. Perform tie bar testing before
starting widening work.
Concrete experiences volume changes due to temperature and moisture variations. When the tem-
perature changes, concrete contracts and expands. The resulting expansion of the concrete
pavement must be taken into account. Normally, concrete pavement is abutted to bridge structures
via approach slabs. If the pavement expansion is not accounted for, the approach slabs will be
pushed into the bridge and can cause serious damage to the bridge structures. To prevent this prob-
lem, a mitigation system is installed at the bridge and pavement interface to account for the
expansion. There were three systems in use by the department:
Expansion joint system,
Wide-flange system,
Anchor lug system.
The basic premise of the expansion joint system is that the expansion joint width will be able to
absorb any concrete pavement expansion without transmitting the compression forces to the bridge
The wide-flange system is similar to the expansion joint system, except that the expansion joints
exist under the wide flange and are not seen from the pavement surface. One advantage is that,
since the joint is not exposed to the pavement surface, joint maintenance is minimized.
An anchor lug system tries to restrict the concrete movement at the interface between bridge and
pavement by providing several anchor lugs.
TxDOT has investigated the movements of CRCP near bridges and the effectiveness of these three
terminal systems in Research project 0-6326, “Rational Use of Terminal Anchorages in Portland
Cement Concrete Pavements.”
The research data has shown that the anchor lug system is not effective in the long run. The stresses
generated in soil due to slab expansion at lug walls are large enough to result in permanent defor-
mations in soils. The soil does not retract with the lug when the pavement contracts. The permanent
deformations result in voids between soil and lug walls.
Field measurements have indicated that the base friction restrains slab movements effectively.
Using coarse texture base, such as HMA, might be the most effective tool to control slab move-
ments. Simple expansion joint systems or wide-flange systems are also effective in accommodating
slab movements. Expansion joint systems should cost less than wide-flange systems with compara-
ble performance.
The standard for the anchor lug system was deleted and not replaced. The transverse expansion
joint details at bridge approaches are shown in sheet 2 of 2 of CRCP and CPCD standards.
Item 368, Concrete Pavement Terminals of 2004 Standard Specification, was removed in the 2014
Standard Specification. Districts may develop a Special Specification for using wide-flange
The purpose of joint sealing concrete is to reduce infiltration of moisture and incompressible mate-
rials into joints for improved pavement performance. Infiltration of water through unsealed joints is
the main source of surface water into the pavement structure. Moisture in the pavement foundation
can allow loss of slab support from base and subgrade erosion and pumping, which causes concrete
pavement distress. Sealing also can prevent incompressible materials from entering joints. Incom-
pressible materials lock joints and create excessive stresses that may cause spalling, blowups, or
There have been considerable national debate and research efforts on the issues and cost-effective-
ness of joint sealing and resealing. The department requires all joints to be sealed in concrete
pavement per Item 360, “Concrete Pavement,” and the joint sealing standard.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Full-Depth Repair
Section 3 — Concrete Pavement Repair
Section 4 — Bonded Concrete Overlay
Section 5 — Unbonded Concrete Overlay
Section 6 — Stitching
Section 7 — Dowel Bar Retrofit
Section 8 — Joint Repair
Section 9 — Diamond Grinding
Section 10 — Thin HMA Overlays
Section 11 — Retro-fitting Concrete Shoulders
Section 1 — Overview
Rigid pavement, if designed and built properly, provides excellent long-term performance with lit-
tle maintenance required. However, for various reasons, distresses occur and repair/rehabilitation
becomes necessary. Compared with repair/rehabilitation of flexible pavement, rigid pavement
repair/rehabilitation costs more and, if not done properly, similar distresses will develop in close
proximity, and additional repair/rehabilitation will be required. Developing optimum repair/reha-
bilitation strategies requires the understanding of the causes and mechanisms of the distress. The
number of distress types in rigid pavement is limited and the causes are fairly well understood. In
this chapter, pavement distress types that require specific repair/rehabilitation strategies are
described along with repair procedures.
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement distress types that require full-depth
repair are discussed, followed by the repair procedures.
In concrete pavement contraction design (CPCD), the following distresses require FDR:
transverse cracks,
shattered slabs and corner breaks.
Transverse cracks that extend through the depth of a slab occur due to temperature/moisture varia-
tions and/or wheel load stress and require FDR. Transverse cracks in CPCD that extend through the
depth of a slab are caused by design issues, such as inappropriate slab lengths and deficient slab
thickness, or construction issues, such as non-uniform or insufficient base support.
Plastic shrinkage cracks occur when the rate of evaporation from the surface exceeds the rate at
which the bleed water is available. Shallow plastic shrinkage cracks (approximately 1 to 2 in. from
the surface) are not candidates for FDR unless they occur throughout the slab.
Shattered slabs and corner breaks in CPCD result from design issues, such as deficient slab thick-
ness, or construction/design issues, such as non-uniform or insufficient base support.
In continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP), the following distresses require FDR:
deep spalling.
Punchouts in CRCP are caused by design issues, such as deficient slab thickness, or construction/
design issues, such as non-uniform or insufficient base support. It is manifested by depressed
block(s) of concrete bordered by transverse and longitudinal cracks. Longitudinal steel crossing
transverse cracks at the punchouts will eventually rupture, resulting in further deterioration of the
punchout. Punchouts are the most serious distress type in CRCP. Improved design and construction
practices by the department over the past several decades has significantly reduced the frequency of
punchouts. Figure 10-1 shows a typical punchout. Note the asphalt patch was applied to restore the
surface elevation, implying that the concrete block was pushed into the base or raveled out.
Spalling is another distress type in CRCP. Spalling is the breaking, chipping, or fraying of concrete
at the cracks. There are several causes for this type of spalling. In Texas, spalling is more prevalent
when coarse aggregates with high coefficient of thermal expansion are used. The depth of spalling
varies widely, from less than half an inch to as deep as half the slab thickness. Shallow spalling
causes functional rather than structural problems in PCC pavement which can be repaired by half-
depth repair (HDR). A series of deep spallings cause substantial structural damage to the pavement
and should be repaired by FDR. Based on the severity, durability, and cost, the engineer will deter-
mine using FDR or HDR to repair the deep spallings. Figure 10-2 shows deep spalling.
Unlike punchouts, it is not easy to distinguish deep versus shallow spalling. The most efficient way
to identify deep spalling is by coring or non-destructive testing, such as ground penetrating radar
(GPR), portable seismic pavement analyzer (PSPA), or ultrasonic tomography device (MIRA).
Once it has been identified that FDR is required, the procedures below need to be followed:
1. Identify the repair limits,
2. Saw-cut the perimeters,
3. Remove the concrete slab,
4. If needed, remove damaged base,
5. Drill holes for longitudinal and transverse tie bars or dowel bars,
6. Provide longitudinal and transverse steel continuity (CRCP only),
7. Place and finish concrete, and
8. Restore existing joints.
Item 361 requires the repair areas to be at least 6 ft. long and at least half a full-lane width, unless
otherwise shown on the plans.
It is important to properly identify the limits of the FDR needed. The repair area needs to include
all areas that have developed voids under the concrete pavement. This area typically extends
beyond the boundary of the failed areas. It is a normal practice to determine the limits of the repair
by evaluating the extent of the distress by visual observations only. Sometimes, this method does
not include all the damaged area and results in pavement failures later. Figure 10-3 shows an exam-
ple of a repair where the limits should have extended farther to the left side.
For FDR of extensive transverse cracking and shattered slabs in CPCD, it is a normal practice to
remove and replace the whole slab to ease sawing and removal operations. Use good engineering
judgment to determine the repair limits for corner breaks.
For punchouts, visual observation of pumping or the use of falling weight deflectometer (FWD)
testing can be used to determine the limits of the repair. For deep spalling, coring or non-destructive
testing is the most efficient evaluation method. It is recommended that the limits of FDR are
extended beyond the limits determined by the evaluations.
Once the FDR limits are established, saw-cut the concrete using diamond-blade saws through the
full depth of the concrete slab. Saw-cutting with diamond-blade saws will result in a smooth cut
surface with little damage to the surrounding concrete. This operation will cut all the existing rein-
forcing bars along the perimeter. Carbide-tooth wheel saws can cause damage to the surrounding
concrete and should not be used for saw-cutting for FDR.
During the summer, saw-cuts should be done in the morning while the concrete temperature is rela-
tively low. When the temperature is high, the concrete is in compression and the diamond-blade
saw may bind.
Even though Item 361 allows up to seven days between saw-cutting and concrete placement, the
saw-cut concrete blocks should be removed and subsequent repair operations should follow as
quickly as possible. When this is not feasible, adjust saw-cut operations so that the subsequent
repair operations can immediately follow. Since there is no load transfer in CRCP between saw-cut
concrete blocks and the surrounding CRCP, any wheel loading applications will result in higher
deflections in both saw-cut boundaries and the concrete block. These large deflections could cause
damage not only in the base but also in the concrete, which might increase the repair area needed.
Once the repair limits are saw-cut, the concrete is removed in one of two ways. One method is to
lift out large pieces of the slab, and the other method is to break up the slab. Item 361 requires the
lift-out method to be used for slab removal. The breakup method is not allowed because it could
cause damage to the surrounding concrete.
To lift the slab, it is necessary to drill holes and insert pins as shown in Figure 10-4.
Once the lift pin arrangements are complete, cranes or front-end loaders lift the slab vertically. The
lifting should be done as vertically as possible with minimum sway, since any deviation from this
can damage the surrounding concrete.
After the slab removal, remove loose or damaged base material completely, leaving no loose base
material. Recompact base materials to the satisfaction of the engineer. When shown on the plans,
level the base layer with cold-mix asphalt to the original bottom line and grade of the concrete slab
before repair concrete is placed. Place concrete directly onto the compacted base layer unless other-
wise directed. Also, if the distress in the base extends beyond the perimeter of the FDR, a decision
must be made whether further saw-cutting and additional concrete removal is needed. If the dis-
tressed base beyond the perimeter of the FDR is not repaired, the same type of pavement distress
will take place.
5. Drill holes for longitudinal and transverse tie bars or dowel bars
If tie bars installed at the repair perimeters are not performing well, the potential problem of lane
separation at the longitudinal joint or distresses at the transverse joints will increase.
To achieve the optimum bond between concrete and tie bars inside drilled holes, the holes must be
of adequate length, and all dust and moisture inside the holes should be completely removed. The
most commonly used method to clean the holes is to use a wire brush and apply compressed air.
During this operation, it is important that the air is not contaminated with grease or oil, which will
weaken the bond between the concrete and the epoxy. To check whether there is oil vapor, shoot
compressed air into white paper for a few seconds and check the paper for oily residue.
Once the drilled holes are cleaned, completely fill with epoxy. The epoxy used in this operation has
a low viscosity, and it is difficult to fill the holes completely.
In CPCD, dowels need to be provided at all transverse joints when removing whole slabs. A mini-
mum of four dowels are recommended for each wheel path. Dowel bars can be provided by either
drilling and epoxying or by performing a dowel bar retro-fit procedure.
When removing two adjacent half slabs, tie bars must be provided at the transverse construction
joint by drilling and epoxying. Provide dowel bars at the new transverse contraction joint and saw-
cut and seal the new joint.
Regardless of which repair type described above is used, provide tie bars at the longitudinal con-
struction joint by drilling and epoxying. In CRCP, provide continuity of the reinforcing steel at the
transverse construction joints by drilling and epoxying tie bars. Provide tie bars at the longitudinal
joint by drilling and epoxying. The spacing and depth of the holes are specified in the concrete
pavement repair standard. Figure 10-5 shows the drilling operation using a single drill. Sometimes,
a multiple drill system, called a gang drill, is used for higher efficiency.
The department requires a minimum length of the drilled hole of 10 in. and requires the contractor
to demonstrate that the installation process meets the specified pull-out strength. If the specified
pull-out strength is not met, increase the embedment depth and retest. Other variables can be modi-
fied to increase the pull-out strength such as epoxy application and hole cleanout. Failure of drilled
and epoxied bars to achieve proper pull-out strength is generally related to inadequate filling of
drilled holes with epoxy rather than the length of embedment.
For FDR of CRCP, this step of providing longitudinal continuity of tie bars is of utmost importance.
The concrete repair standard requires a minimum lap length of 25 in. for #6 bars. To prevent pull-
out failure, the steel embedment length should be a minimum of 33 times the diameter of the rein-
forcing steel. This will work as long as there are no cracks near the transverse perimeter of the
repair area. If cracks develop near the transverse perimeter, this requirement will not be met, and
the lap length will need to be increased.
Figure 10-6 shows a full-depth repaired slab that was removed to repair additional distresses that
occurred in the adjacent slab. The additional distress occurred because the continuity of the longitu-
dinal steel was not provided in the original repair. The bars in the red circle show tie bars inserted
into the drilled holes during the previous repair. The bar in the blue circle is the existing longitudi-
nal steel. It is noted that the tie bars are not fully bonded to the concrete and the holes are not filled
completely with epoxy. If pull-out testing had been performed, it would have indicated a possible
failure. The inability of the tie bars to provide continuity of the longitudinal steel caused a wide
transverse joint, which resulted in additional distress.
Once the steel placement is complete, concrete is poured and finished. Since the concrete placing is
done manually in FDR, the consolidation of concrete is achieved by hand vibration. In order to pro-
vide a good bond between the steel and concrete, a high quality consolidation operation is required.
Surface texturing comparable to the surrounding concrete should be provided.
Normally, the full-depth repaired pavement is required to be opened as soon as possible. Item 361
requires the use of class HES concrete if the pavement has to be opened within 72 hr. after concrete
placement. Since high early strength is required for early opening to traffic, it is normal practice to
use a high cement content as well as Type III cement. This practice could be beneficial if the repairs
are done in winter when the ambient temperature is not conducive to achieving high early strength.
However, if the repairs are done in the summer when the ambient temperature is high, the practice
could result in high heat of hydration and premature pavement distress due to thermal cracking
problems. This practice could also result in larger drying shrinkage of the concrete, especially near
the surface. As concrete temperature increases, the evaporation of water from the surface also
increases. Proper curing is essential to minimize map cracking caused by large temperature gradi-
ents and high evaporation. Figure 10-7 shows map cracking caused by improper curing.
If class HES concrete cannot achieve strength within the required time frame, the use of materials
meeting the requirements of DMS-4655 is allowed.
For FDR projects, the use of maturity in accordance with Tex-426-A, “Estimating Concrete
Strength by the Maturity Method,” rather than conventional strength testing, is strongly encour-
aged. The accurate estimate of the in situ strength can be best achieved by the maturity method. To
use the maturity method, contact the Rigid Pavements and Concrete Materials Branch of the Con-
struction Division.
Restore all the existing joints within repair area in accordance with the relevant standard joint
details and Item 360, “Concrete Pavement.” Especially, perform a timely saw-cut over the dowel
bars and restore the transverse contraction joints for CPCD.
3.1 Introduction
Use Item 361, “Repair of Concrete Pavement,” for situations where the deteriorated concrete
extends to the mid-depth of the slab. Use Item 720, “Repair of Spalling in Concrete Pavement,” or
Item 721, “Fiber Reinforce Polymer Patching Material,” for situations where the deteriorated con-
crete is shallower than the mid-depth of the slab. For emergency work or temporary repair, Item
700, “Pothole Repair,” may be utilized.
It is important to properly evaluate the extent of the deteriorated concrete and determine the limits
of the repair as shown in Figure 10-8. For example, when spalling occurs, the damage often extends
beyond the visible spalled area. Since most spalls are caused by delaminations, the extent of delam-
inations should be identified. One of the most efficient ways of evaluating the extent of
delaminations is the use of a sounding test. A hammer or steel rebar can be used for sounding test-
ing by tapping near the spalls. If there is no delamination, the sound will be solid. On the other
hand, a dull or hollow sound indicates a high probability of delamination.
Figure 10-9 shows an example of limits that were not properly identified.
The repair material applied (left side of the picture) has a greenish color. The core, taken several
inches away from the limits of the spall repair, revealed several delaminations at various depths.
The top portion of the core came out disintegrated. If a sounding test had been conducted, areas
with delamination would have been identified and the areas could have been included in the repair.
To assure removal of all delaminated concrete, it is good practice to extend the limits of the repair
boundaries several inches beyond the limits determined by the sounding tests. Ground penetrating
radar (GPR), portable seismic pavement analyzer (PSPA), and ultrasonic tomography device
(MIRA) are additional methods that can be used to determine the limit of deterioration. Contact
MNT – Pavement Asset Management for assistance with these methods.
After the repair limits are determined, remove the deteriorated concrete as shown in Figure 10-10.
Saw-cut the perimeter of the repair area to a minimum depth of 1-1/2 inches and then chip the con-
crete out using light pneumatic tools.
Good bonding between the exposed concrete surface and repair material is essential. Without good
bonding, the repair material will be separated from the concrete due to environmental and wheel
loading. After deteriorated concrete is removed, the concrete surfaces should have a rough texture.
Clean the repair area with water to remove any dust to improve bonding of the patching material as
shown in Figure 10-11.
The department has several repair material options that can be used which are listed in Items 361,
720, and 721.
When using ready-mixed concrete, the repair surface should be saturated with no ponding water
prior to placing the concrete. The concrete must be cured in accordance with Item 360.
When using repair products listed on the department’s Material Producer Lists, prior to placing
repair materials, carefully read and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for surface prepa-
ration, mixing, placing, and curing.
Finish the repair surface to conform roadway surface. Match the repair surface texture with adja-
cent concrete as shown in Figure 10-13.
Good curing is essential. Because the repair areas and depths are relatively small, this makes the
surface-to-volume ratio of the repair material applied higher than that of normal concrete pave-
ment. This high surface-to-volume ratio makes the repair material subject to larger volume changes
due to drying shrinkage if not properly cured. The loss of moisture due to poor curing also results in
evaporation heat loss.
The optimum time for the application of curing compounds is when the bleed water no longer
comes to the surface. However, repair materials have low water-cement ratios and tend not to bleed.
In that case, curing operations should begin as soon as possible.
4.1 Introduction
This section describes the construction of bonded concrete overlays (BCO) on both CRCP and
CPCD pavements.
Many of the older concrete pavements in Texas were designed and constructed with insufficient
thicknesses for today’s traffic demand. This insufficient thickness often results in pavement dis-
tresses such as punchouts for CRCP and mid-slab cracking or joint faulting in CPCD. However, if
the Portland cement concrete (PCC) pavement is still structurally sound, does not show significant
signs of distresses, but has insufficient thickness, BCO can provide cost-effective rehabilitation
strategies to extend the pavement life.
When constructing a bonded concrete overlay, a new concrete layer is applied to the surface of the
existing PCC pavement. This increases the total thickness of the concrete slab, thereby reducing the
wheel load stresses and extending the pavement life. There are BCO projects in Texas that have
provided an additional 20 yr. of service. At the same time, there are BCO projects that did not per-
form well for various reasons.
The most important factor for the success of a BCO is having a good bond between a new and old
concrete layers. If a good bond is provided, the new composite slab, old and new concrete layers,
will behave monolithically as a thicker slab. On the other hand, if the two layers are not properly
bonded together, the two layers will behave as independent slabs, which will result in high wheel
load stress within the new concrete layer, and the pavement performance will be compromised.
The construction of bonded concrete overlay (BCO) involves the following procedures:
1. Repair distresses in the existing pavement.
2. Prepare surface of existing pavement for overlay.
3. If needed, place steel.
4. Place and cure concrete.
5. Saw-cut and seal joints.
All the major distresses present in the existing pavement should be repaired prior to the overlay
placement. The main guideline to follow when performing this work is to assess whether the dis-
tress is likely to affect the performance of the overlay within a few years. If that is the case, the
distress has to be repaired before the BCO is built.
Deep spalling, delaminations, punchouts, and deteriorated patches must be repaired. Existing
asphalt concrete (AC) patches should be removed and replaced with PCC patches so the existing
pavement is made structurally sound. Concrete repairs should be performed in accordance with
Sections 2 and 3. Working longitudinal cracks may be repaired by stitching, as described in Section
6, “Stitching.”
It is common practice to remove and replace the large deteriorated areas when structural distresses
are extensive. When the distress is caused by a localized foundation weakness, it is necessary to
ensure that the weak base layer materials are removed and the remaining base is well compacted
during FDR, as detailed in Section 2. When voids are detected under existing slabs, grout should be
injected to stabilize the pavement.
When constructing a BCO over a CPCD section, it is necessary to ensure that the sections have
adequate load transfer efficiency. CPCD sections built without dowels will need to have dowel bar
retrofits done prior to constructing the overlay. Section 7, “Dowel Bar Retrofit,” details these
As described previously, the critical factor for the good performance of a BCO is the bond between
the existing concrete and overlaid concrete. One of the requirements needed to ensure a good bond
is to provide adequate surface texture of the existing concrete pavement.
Surface preparation encompasses the operations conducted on the existing substrate to roughen its
texture in such a way that enables the new concrete layer (BCO) to become bonded to it as if both
layers were a single structure.
There are several surface preparation methods that can be used to achieve a roughened surface. The
most common are:
sandblasting, and
cold milling and shotblasting.
Shotblasting involves a spinning drum equipped with compressed air that blasts tiny steel balls
(shot), which impact the surface at an angle to scarify the surface. A vacuum collects both the shot
and the dust. The shot is separated from the dust by magnetic action for continuous reuse. Regulat-
ing the speed allows the level of scarification to be controlled. Slower speeds yield a higher depth
of scarification. Shotblasting removes the matrix surrounding the coarse aggregates in a uniform
way, but keeps the aggregate intact. It is a clean procedure that minimizes dust and air pollution.
Sandblasting is similar to shotblasting, but instead of shot, sand particles are used. However, unlike
shotblasting, sandblasting generates airborne dust, and sand may remain on the surface after it is
scarified, making it necessary to clean the surface to remove debris prior to paving. The sandblast-
ing surface finishing is not as uniform as shotblasting operations.
Cold milling removes the top of the substrate to a specified depth by the chipping action of rotating
mandrels with sharp tips mounted in a machine like the Rotomill, as shown in Figure 10-14. As a
result of its action, the surface texture after cold milling is rougher and more angular than after
sandblasting or shotblasting. Cold milling is the most widespread method for large areas requiring
deep scarification. However, it generates a high amount of dust and contamination, which must be
removed prior to overlaying.
Cold milling, while being an efficient way to remove the grout matrix, has the drawback of fractur-
ing the exposed aggregate because the procedure relies on breaking the surface. The micro-
fractures are detrimental to its structural integrity. Shotblasting is often required after cold milling
to remove the loose fractured remnants on the pavement.
The scarification depth and texture should be specified for each project, depending on economical
considerations as well as the materials properties, for both the existing pavement and the new over-
lay. For instance, if the substrate grout paste is relatively soft and the coarse aggregate is especially
hard, a light shotblasting will be sufficiently strong to remove the paste to reach the specified depth,
while the aggregate will remain intact, resulting in a good surface texture. Normally, the depth of
surface removal is about 1/4-in. deep into the coarse aggregate. It can also be specified in terms of
some standardized texture test method, such as Tex-436-A, “Measuring Texture Depth by the Sand
Patch Method.” Typical texture readings from this test are between 0.050 in. and 0.095 in.
If the pavement has been overlaid with HMA layers, these layers should be completely milled off
during the surface preparation. Remnants of HMA will hinder the bonding of both PCC layers and
are likely to trigger delamination. Complete milling of these layers will ensure that all surface con-
taminants such as oil, carbonates, and acids are removed.
Once the surface is roughened, the section should not be opened to traffic until the overlay is com-
pleted and cured. Allowing traffic on the roughened surface allows the opportunity for
contaminates to be deposited on the new prepared surface, which may cause debonding issues.
Air blasting is not capable of removing paint stripes, tire marks or the grout matrix. It should be
used only as a supplementary cleaning procedure to remove loose material and debris from the sur-
face after milling, shotblasting, or sandblasting. Air blasting is also used just before overlaying to
thoroughly remove debris from the prepared surface. It is important to minimize the time between
the final surface cleaning and paving in order to prevent the contaminants from resettling.
When constructing a CRCP BCO, reinforcing steel is needed within the new layer of concrete to
maintain tight cracks. Steel should be placed at a depth that provides a minimum concrete cover of
3 in. If the overlaid thickness layer will not provide sufficient coverage, reinforcement steel bars
can be placed directly over the surface of the existing pavement as shown in Figure 10-15, rather
than at mid-depth of the overlay. For thinner overlays, steel placed at mid-depth may preclude the
use of a slip-form paving machine due to the use of vibrators.
Placing steel directly on top of the surface of the existing pavement has advantages and disadvan-
tages. Advantages include: saving construction time and costs since chairs are not needed, and the
steel will restrain concrete volume changes at the interface, which will prevent or minimize
debonding. The only disadvantage is the reduction of the interface area between the new and old
concrete. Refer to Chapter 8, Section 7, for the steel percentage and vertical location.
After the surface preparation operations are finalized, and the reinforcing steel is in place, the last
cleaning of the surface is done just before concrete placement by airblasting as shown in Figure 10-
The materials selected for use in the concrete mixture must be carefully selected. The aggregates of
the BCO should be compatible with those of the existing pavement. The basic premise for material
compatibility is to use aggregates for the BCO concrete that produce moduli and thermal coeffi-
cients equal to or lower than those of the materials in the existing slab, which will result in lower
stresses at the interface, regardless of the season of placement.
Differences in moduli between layers have a significant influence on thermally induced stresses.
The main factor affecting the modulus of concrete is coarse aggregate type. High-modulus aggre-
gate will result in high-modulus concrete.
The type of aggregate used also has a significant impact on the concrete’s coefficient of thermal
expansion (CoTE). Concrete has a CoTE ranging from 4 to 6 microstrain/°F. Large differences in
the CoTE between the existing and new concrete result in increased stresses at the interface, which
will impact the bonding. It is recommended that the coarse aggregate in the BCO should have a
thermal coefficient that is lower than the CoTE of the existing concrete and must not exceed 5.5
The maximum aggregate size of the BCO concrete should be 1/3 of the overlay thickness. This will
ensure a uniform distribution of the concrete constituents when placing the BCO. If the aggregate is
larger than 1/3 of the BCO thickness, segregation of the oversized aggregates is likely to occur,
especially in areas where it is difficult to consolidate around reinforcing steel.
The required concrete strength of the BCO concrete is the same as the strength required in Item
360. Type I or I/II cements are the most commonly used for general construction where no special
properties are needed. If a faster-than-normal strength gain is necessary, Type III cement can be
used. Special attention should be paid when Type III cement is used. For a BCO, the use of Type I
or I/II cements is recommended, as they produce less heat from hydration than a Type III cement
and, therefore, reduce the development of thermal stresses.
Typical placement methods used for concrete pavement construction are also used to construct
BCOs. BCOs can either be slip-formed or fix-formed placed. Chapter 9 details these placement
techniques. When constructing a BCO over a CPCD, prior to placing the overlay concrete, the loca-
tion of the existing joints should be clearly marked so that the joints in the overlay concrete can be
sawn directly over the existing joints.
Special attention should be given to adverse environmental conditions during paving. A combina-
tion of high wind velocity, high air temperature, low relative humidity, and high concrete
temperature is the most harmful paving conditions. These conditions promote high water evapora-
tion rates from the fresh concrete. Excessive water evaporation from the concrete can cause volume
changes large enough to cause debonding problems at the interface between old and new concrete
layers. Under these conditions, necessary precautions need to be taken to prevent any adverse
effects. Chapter 9 details necessary steps to take during adverse weather conditions to protect the
Curing is a key component for preserving satisfactory moisture content and temperature in the con-
crete during its early stages so that desired properties may develop. Curing is critical since the
surface-to-volume ratio of the BCO layer is greater than normal paving concrete. Moisture loss and
resulting drying shrinkage are approximately proportional to the surface-to-volume ratio. Curing
can be accomplished by a variety of methods, which include the use of membrane curing and wet
mat curing.
The duration of construction is critical mostly in urban areas or highways with heavy traffic. A
BCO inherently represents a quick construction process because it requires only a limited number
of operations. A fast-track BCO takes this concept further; by utilizing special materials, the road
can be opened to traffic in a minimal time after placement. A fast-track BCO can be opened within
6 to 24 hr. after placement. To make this possible, normally the BCO is constructed with a high-
early-strength PCC mix, using Type III cement, as opposed to Type I cement.
For CPCD sections, thinner overlays have a greater potential for rapid shrinkage and contraction,
and, therefore, joint construction should take place a soon as possible. For CPCD, joints in the
overlay should be sawn directly over joints in the existing pavement to prevent reflective cracking
of the existing joints through the BCO. The depth of saw-cutting for transverse joints should be full
depth plus 1/2 in. Longitudinal joints should be full depth.
Transverse and longitudinal joints should be sealed according to the joint sealing standard. ftp://
5.1 Introduction
This section describes the construction of unbonded concrete overlays over both CRCP and CPCD.
The Portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay pavement system, consisting of a concrete layer over
existing PCC pavement with an interlayer between them to break the bond, is called an unbonded
concrete overlay (UBCO).
UBCOs have been used successfully in many parts of the country. UBCOs are typically thicker and
will generally cost more than a BCO. While the existing PCC pavement should be in good condi-
tion for a BCO to work, UBCO can be successfully used where the existing pavement is in poor
condition. This is a significant advantage of UBCO over BCO or other rehabilitation methods.
Also, very little preparation work is needed, except for repairing shattered slabs in the existing
CPCD or punchouts in CRCP.
The performance of an UBCO is highly dependent on the thickness and quality of the interlayer.
It’s been shown that bituminous mixtures provide the best materials for interlayer. Part of the rea-
son is that bituminous mixtures have lower modulus, thus reducing curling and warping stresses in
the overlaid slab. Also, the bituminous layer provides some protection against distresses in the
existing pavement affecting the overlaid concrete. The recommended mixtures for interlayer are
Dense-Graded item 340/341 TY-C and TY-D, and Superpave mixtures item 344 SP-C and SP-D.
If the existing concrete pavement is overlaid with an HMA layer already, the existing HMA layer
can be utilized as the interlayer. The minimum thickness of structurally sound HMA required for
bonding is 3 in. Milling can be used to remove the surface distresses of existing HMA. The amount
of HMA removed depends on the types and severity of distresses and the thickness of the HMA. If
a stripped or debonded layer of HMA is encountered, it must be completely removed to provide a
sound structural layer for bonding. All unsound areas should be removed prior to performing any
further operations.
Even though UBCO is a rehabilitation method, the construction methods are very similar to that of
new concrete pavement construction. The UBCO construction procedures are as follows:
1. Repairing distresses in the existing pavement.
2. Placing the interlayer.
3. Constructing the UBCO.
If the UBCO is placed over CPCD, shatter slabs must be removed and replaced. If the UBCO is
placed over CRCP, punchouts should be repaired with full-depth repair (FDR) methods. Spallings,
whether they are shallow or deep, do not need to be repaired. Sections 2 and 3 detail the methods
that should be used to properly repair these distresses.
Place the interlayer in accordance with HMA specifications and the details of construction method
in Chapter 6.
Once all the distresses requiring repairs are completed and the interlayer is placed, the UBCO is
constructed using the same methods and following Item 360 and the pertinent pavement standards
as when constructing a new concrete pavement. Chapter 9 discusses these construction methods.
Section 6 — Stitching
6.1 Introduction
Stitching is performed at longitudinal cracks to maintain aggregate interlock and provide additional
reinforcement to minimize the relative movement of concrete slabs at the cracks. It is also used at
the longitudinal joints to keep the slabs from separating.
In CPCD, stitching should never be used at transverse cracks. Stitching transverse cracks in
CPCD will cause stress buildup from the volume changes due to temperature variations somewhere
else and result in additional cracks or spalls. Transverse cracks in CPCD section should be repaired
with either FDR or dowel bar retrofit. Longitudinal cracks in CPCD do not necessarily deteriorate
at the same rate as transverse cracks, so the slabs do not need to be removed and replaced. Longitu-
dinal cracking in CPCD is most often caused by shallow and possible late saw-cutting of
longitudinal contraction joints. For longitudinal cracks that are not continuing to widen, only seal-
ing of the crack may be needed. For longitudinal cracks that are continuing to widen, stitching is a
good repair option to keep the cracks tight. Longitudinal cracks should be repaired as soon as pos-
sible after identification to prevent further deterioration and separation. Repairing the cracks early
saves money in the long term.
In CRCP, the only time stitching is utilized is where lanes are separating at the longitudinal con-
struction joints. In CRCP, transverse and longitudinal reinforcements are provided and cracks are
held tight and typically do not cause pavement distress. When longitudinal cracks extend through
the full slab depth, punchouts will result and full-depth repair of the pavement is the most appropri-
ate repair option.
CPCD and CRCP have reinforcing steel crossing the longitudinal construction and contraction
joints which keep the lanes from separating. However, for various reasons, lanes do separate at lon-
gitudinal joints, primarily longitudinal construction joints. In some projects where bent tie bars
were used, the tie bars were not straightened after the slip-form paving machine passed. In other
projects, corrosion of the tie bars was noted. Corrosion and shear were found in association with tie
bar failures and lane separations. These construction errors and steel deterioration resulted in lane
separation. Lane separations over 2 in. wide have been observed. The negative effect of lane sepa-
ration is that, in addition to the safety hazard to motorcycles, load transfer to the next lane is not
achieved, and the slab will be subject to edge loading rather than interior loading conditions. Edge
loading conditions cause higher wheel load stresses than interior loading conditions do, and
increases the potential for longitudinal and/or corner cracks in CPCD and punchouts in CRCP,
which reduces the pavement life.
There are other possible causes for lane separations, such as weak base layers. In Project 0-5444,
there was no direct correlation found between DCP readings and the likelihood of longitudinal
cracking or lane separations, but when lower modulus values of base were found, the possibility of
problems with longitudinal cracking and joint separations was greater.
If voids are present under faulted slabs, the pavement should be undersealed to re-establish uniform
support for the slabs prior to performing stitching operations.
Falling weight deflection testing is often used to measure load transfer efficiency (LTE) to deter-
mine is stitching is warranted. When taking load transfer efficiency (LTE) readings, the deflections
associated with the LTE test locations need to be known to determine the condition of the pave-
ment. A high or low LTE reading can be misleading; a high LTE reading does not necessarily mean
the pavement is in good condition. However, high measured deflections always means the slabs
have low LTE.Stitching has been rarely used by the department. However, lane separations have
occurred at the longitudinal joints and, lately, stitching has been used on several projects. When
considering the use of stitching, contact MNT – Pavement Asset Management for assistance.
There are three types of stitching methods: cross-stitching, slot-stitching, and U-bar stitching.
Cross-stitching is the most widely used method. Project 0-5444 investigated lane separations and
the best repair methods.
Cross-stitching should be used to repair cracks/separations that are fairly tight. In cross-stitching,
holes are drilled at an angle so that they intersect the longitudinal cracks or joints at about mid-
depth of the slab. Dust is removed by compressed air, and epoxy is injected into the holes. Tie bars
are inserted, and excess epoxy is removed.
For wider cracks/lane separations, slot-stitching should be used. Slot-stitching is the most econom-
ical repair method for restoring load transfer, preventing separations, and improving performance
of longitudinal joints and wide cracks. In slot-stitching, slots with lengths no shorter than 25 in. are
cut approximately perpendicular to the longitudinal joints or cracks using a slot cutting machine or
walk-behind saw. Slots are prepared by removing the concrete and cleaning the slot. Deformed bars
are placed and a repair mortar is applied, finished, and cured. In slot-stitching, the concrete slabs
are held together by the shear stress of deformed bars. It is important to provide high strength repair
mortar with good bond and to have good consolidation around the bars.
In U-bar stitching, slots are cut using a slot-cutting machine, and concrete is broken and removed
by pneumatic hammer. Figure 10-16 shows the slots and U-bars. In this method, anchoring action
by the U-bars provides most of the restraining force. Use of proper repair materials and consolidat-
ing around the ends of the U-bars is important.
Project 0-5444 investigated what causes lane separations and the best repair methods. The follow-
ing conclusions regarding longitudinal cracking and joint separations in concrete pavements have
been made upon completion of the research project.
7.1 Introduction
This rehabilitation technique is only applicable to CPCD, not CRCP. Load transfer is defined as the
ability of a joint or crack to transfer wheel load from one slab to the next. Good load transfer at the
joints improves the performance of CPCD, and the majority of load transfer is achieved by dowels
which cross the transverse joints. Aggregate interlock is supposed to provide some load transfer;
however, the effectiveness of aggregate interlock diminishes with time as concrete contracts due to
drying shrinkage. Also, the contribution of aggregate interlock to the load transfer is substantially
diminished during winter when the temperature is low and joint opening becomes large. To ensure
adequate load transfer for the life of the pavement, dowels must be used. However, there are jointed
concrete pavement sections that were built without dowels. The absence of dowels along with defi-
cient base or subgrade support results in faulting and cracking problems at joints. Figure 10-17
shows faulting in CPCD.
The pavement shown in Figure 10-17 does not have dowel bars, and the base support was not ade-
quate. The lack of load transfer in CPCD sections without dowels increases the dynamic wheel
loading, which results in increased faulting. One of the most efficient ways to restore load transfer
at the joints is dowel bar retrofit (DBR). In DBR, slots are cut, concrete removed, dowel bars
inserted, repair mortar is placed in the slots, the surface finished, cured, and, most often, diamond
ground. Many states have used DBR to restore old CPCD where dowels were not used and have
had success. The department has developed a special specification and design standards for DBR.
If the faulting is due to deficient base support, DBR alone should not be used to restore LTE. In this
case, base repair should be done in addition to DBR.
For pavements where the pavement condition is satisfactory but dowels were not used, DBR can be
used to strengthen the pavement’s structural condition as a preventive maintenance operation.
Once the need for DBR is established, the next step is to cut the slots using a diamond saw slot cut-
ter. It is customary to provide three dowel bars in each wheel path. The diamond saw slot cutter
shown in Figure 10-18 cuts multiple slots in a single pass. These cuts form the edges of the slots.
When cutting slots, it is important that the slots are aligned parallel to centerlines. The slots need to
be sufficiently wide to permit the largest aggregates in the repair material to flow around the bars
and consolidate properly.
Figure 10-19 shows the cuts made for slots. Slots are usually 12 in. apart, center-to-center. Note
that the cuts are clean and no spalling is observed on the edges of the slots.
Small handheld jackhammers are used to remove the fins as shown in Figure 10-20. Once the fins
are removed, the bottom of the slots is flattened using a small brush hammerhead. The flat slot bot-
tom allows the dowels to sit level and be properly aligned. Normally, the slots are cleaned with
sand blasting first as shown in Figure 10-21. Figure 10-22 shows the flat bottom after being water
cleaned. Maintaining clean slots is important since the bond between repair material and slots is
critical to providing good load transfer. Joint caulking is necessary to prevent patch material from
entering the joint.
4. Place dowels
Dowels used for DBR are similar to the ones used for new CPCD. Dowels are lubricated with some
type of bond breaker. Figure 10-23 shows the dowel bar assembly used for DBR with a joint
reformer, endcaps, and chairs. Joint reformer and endcaps allow movement for the slab to expand
into without bearing on the patch or bar. Chairs are used to support dowels in the base of the slots
and allow repair mortar to surround the dowels, and should fit snugly in the slot to keep dowels
properly aligned.
Once the dowels are placed, the repair mortar is applied. The repair mortar should have thermal
properties similar to the concrete, provide strong bond to the existing concrete, be fast setting, have
little shrinkage, and develop enough strength to allow traffic in a short time. Both high-early-
strength concrete and prepackaged mixes have been used successfully. High-early-strength con-
crete usually contains Type III cement and accelerators. Accelerators decrease set times and
increase rate of strength development. Aggregates in the mix should be small enough to allow the
concrete to flow around the bar and consolidate properly. Consolidation of the repair mortars is
done with a small spud vibrator. Care should be taken not to hit the dowels with the vibrator, knock-
ing the dowel out of alignment.
Once the repair mortar is applied, the surface is finished flush with the surrounding surface. Curing
compound should be applied as soon as practical. Prepackaged repair materials should be cured
according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Sawing is done over the joint reformer, and the
entire project is diamond ground, with resealing the joints as a final step. Figure 10-24 shows the
section shown in Figure 10-17 after DBR, slab jacking, and diamond grinding (DG). Refer to Sec-
tion 9 about the details of diamond grinding.
Figure 10-24. After DBR, slab jacking, and diamond grinding of the section shown in Figure 10-
8.1 Introduction
In PCC pavements, joints are provided to accommodate concrete volume changes due to tempera-
ture and moisture variations. In CPCD, both transverse and longitudinal joints are used. Only
longitudinal joints are used in CRCP, except for expansion joints at the bridge approaches and
transverse construction joints. These joints relieve stresses in concrete, thereby preventing or mini-
mizing the potential for uncontrolled cracks. The concrete movement at the joints could be
substantial, and joint sealants are provided to seal and protect the joints from the infiltration of
water and incompressible foreign materials.
Joints are the weakest areas in PCC pavement. There is a discontinuity in the concrete at saw-cut
joints, and wheel load is not 100% transferred from one slab to the next, which results in higher
wheel load stress. When incompressible materials get into the joints, expansion of concrete slabs
during high seasonal/daytime temperatures will squeeze the incompressible materials, and high
localized stresses will develop in the concrete. Localized high concrete stresses can cause spalling
in the joints. Also, if a good joint seal is not maintained, water can get into the joint and cause rust
problems in dowel bars as shown in Figure 10-25.
At the transverse joints in CPCD, dowel bars are used to improve load transfer efficiency (LTE).
The higher the LTE, the lower the wheel load stress, and the better the pavement performance. For
dowel bars to perform as they are intended, their alignment should be parallel to the direction of
concrete movement, both horizontally and vertically. If dowel bars are misaligned, high stress con-
centration and cracking will result in concrete. Figure 10-26 illustrates a misaligned dowel bar.
In CPCD, any cracking, breaking, or spalling of slab edges, on either side of a transverse joint, need
to be repaired. The repair can be full-depth repair (FDR) or half-depth repair (HDR), depending on
the extent of the breaking or spalling. If the distress extends through the depth of the slab or hinders
the ability of dowel bars to transfer load, FDR is required.
In CRCP, failures in transverse construction joints require joint repairs. Additional longitudinal
steel is used at the transverse construction joints to accommodate large concrete stresses, which
requires special attention for concrete consolidation under the longitudinal steel. If proper consoli-
dation is not provided at the transverse joints, delamination and distress can result as shown in
Figure 10-27. Any repair of the transverse construction joints requires FDR.
As for the boundaries of joint repairs in CPCD, if the patch boundary falls within 6 ft. of an existing
undoweled transverse joint that does not require repair, extend the patch to the transverse joint. If
the boundary falls on an existing doweled transverse joint, and the other side of the joint does not
require repair, extend the patch beyond the transverse joint by about 1 ft. to remove the existing
During the joint repair in CPCD, dowels need to be provided at transverse joints and tie bars at lon-
gitudinal joints. For CRCP joint repair, tie bars need to be provided as described in Section 2, “Full-
Depth Repair.”
9.1 Introduction
Diamond grinding (DG) removes a thin layer at the surface of hardened PCC pavement using
closely spaced diamond blades. DG used to be an expensive operation; however, new, high-produc-
tion equipment as well as improved synthetic diamonds for saw blades made DG a more cost
competitive option for PCC pavement rehabilitation. DG has not been extensively used by the
department as a pavement rehabilitation option. Rather, it has been used primarily for removing
bumps in the newly placed concrete pavement, especially at the transverse construction joints, to
achieve ride quality specifications. The level surface is achieved by running the blade assembly at a
predetermined level across the pavement surface, which produces saw-cut grooves. The uncut con-
crete between each saw-cut breaks off, more or less, at a constant level above the saw-cut grooves,
leaving a level surface with longitudinal texture as shown in Figure 10-28.
can be accomplished during off-peak hours with short lane closures and without encroaching
into the adjacent lanes,
eliminates the need for taper, which is required with overlay alternatives, at highway entrances,
exits, and at side streets,
does not affect overhead clearances underneath bridges or hydraulic capacities of curbs and
gutters on municipal streets.
As can be seen above, DG can be a useful tool primarily to correct functional distress (noise, rough-
ness, and skid resistance) in PCC pavement. DG has been used extensively in other state
departments of transportation. For example, Georgia DOT uses DG as a routine rehabilitation
option. For the rehabilitation of CPCD where dowel bars were not used, they do not use dowel bar
retrofit; rather, they diamond grind their CPCD every few years when the faulting at the joints
exceeds a threshold value. Their diamond ground surface rides smooth and quiet.
As stated above, DG can be a useful tool to correct functional distresses caused by pavement sur-
face defects, such as, noise, roughness, and skid resistance. When noise has become an issue,
research data shows that DG can reduce noise level significantly. Pavement roughness increases
dynamic loading and resulting wheel loading stresses, thus reducing pavement life. Pavement
roughness can be effectively corrected by DG. DG increases macro-texture of the surface, thus
improving drainage and skid resistance, and reducing the potential for hydroplaning.
The depth of DG is normally between 0.1 and 0.25 in. The increase in wheel load stress due to the
reduced slab thickness by DG can be more than compensated by the reduction in dynamic loading.
Also, the effect of reduction in thickness for thicker slabs is not as much as that for thinner slabs.
The department has been building thicker slabs in anticipation of increased wheel load applications.
DG will have a negligible effect on structural capacity of rigid pavement.
Deeper diamond grinding will expose the coarse aggregate in the concrete pavement. Softer coarse
aggregates that are exposed may polish and result in lower skid numbers.
10.1 Introduction
The service life of an older existing CRCP pavement can often be extended many years by the addi-
tion of a thin hot-mix asphalt (HMA) overlay, approximately 2 in. thick. This treatment can be
applied to pavements that are beginning to show deterioration, are getting rough, are experiencing
an increasing number of punchouts, or have experienced a loss of skid numbers.
Thin HMA overlays can dramatically improve the skid resistance of concrete pavements that are
still in very good structural condition. The PFC hot-mix is an excellent choice for improving skid
resistance and reducing the potential for hydroplaning.
Punchouts and loss of skid resistance have been treated successfully through the use of thin HMA
overlays. There are several theories as to the reason for the great success of these thin overlays on
pavements experiencing punchouts. The principal reasons usually include that a new smooth sur-
face reduces dynamic loads from trucks driving over rough pavement, and that the new HMA helps
keep water from penetrating to the base. These reasons may be true, but it is essential to keep sur-
face water from infiltrating into a CRCP that has significant punchouts. Little or no credit is given
to the added structural capacity from the overlay.
As a CRCP ages, it may start developing punchouts, which require a full-depth repair. The HMA
overlay will not treat any area where a punchout has started to form. It is essential to perform a full-
depth repair of any likely punchout prior to overlaying. If punchouts have developed, it is likely
that surface water (rain) infiltrating to the base has greatly contributed to the formation of the pun-
chouts. For the overlay to be successful, the underlying factors causing the distress need to be
treated. In this case, the overlay needs to keep any surface water from getting to the base. This
requires either a seal coat or a dense graded hot-mix with low permeability. Asphalt rubber seals
have had good success. A higher permeability hot-mix, such as a permeable friction course (PFC),
may be used as a surfacing if there is something under it that will prevent water infiltration.
HMA overlays have also been used on structurally deficient CPCD. However, the success of those
overlays has been marginal to poor because they are an expensive treatment with a relatively short
service life. CPCD that has experienced pervasive transverse contraction joint failures with faulting
require thicker HMA. As a rule of thumb, reflective cracking progresses at a rate of 1 in. per year.
The loss of load transfer at the transverse joints results in independent movement of the CPCD
slabs, which causes a crack to form in the HMA that reflects through to the surface. HMA spalls
from either side of the joint. If the joint in the CPCD is open wide enough, two cracks will reflect
through, one from each side of the joint. Large pieces of HMA can break off and leave an opening
above the joint. Rubblization of the existing concrete pavement combined with a thick HMA over-
lay has also been a successful rehabilitation technique. However, once the existing PCC pavement
has been rubblized, it no longer behaves like a rigid pavement and can no longer be considered a
rigid pavement. Rehabilitation designs using this technique should use a flexible pavement
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Ride Quality Measurement
Section 3 — Ride Requirements for Flexible Base
Section 4 — Surface Test Type A for Concrete and Hot-Mix Asphalt Surfaces
Section 5 — Surface Test Type B for Concrete and Hot-Mix Asphalt Surfaces
Section 6 — Considerations for Improving Ride Quality
Section 7 — Analysis of Ride Data
Section 1 — Overview
Ride quality has been a fundamental concern of highway users since the earliest days of modern era
highway construction. From the vehicle operator’s perspective, the concern is predominantly func-
tional (comfort and safety oriented), but, indirectly, there is a component of ride quality that
eventually affects the structural performance of the pavement. Smooth pavement mitigates the
magnitude of dynamic wheel loading; the smoother the pavement, the lower the dynamic loading
and the resulting harmful responses to loading (deflections, stresses, and strains) within the struc-
ture. Ride quality has been integrated into the department’s highway construction procedures as a
Standard Specification Item since 1993. The ride quality goal is to begin a pavement structure’s
performance period (see Chapter 2, Fig. 2-12) at a high level of smoothness, and maintain it at an
acceptable level throughout the design life by judicious use of pavement preservation and rehabili-
tation efforts. Pavements that begin their performance life in a very smooth condition tend to
maintain acceptable smoothness over a longer period of time, all other things being equal. To assess
ride quality, a longitudinal profile is evaluated in both wheel paths. The pavement profile is a mea-
sure of the variation of elevation differentials of the pavement surface from a reference plane.
2.1 Introduction
The International Roughness Index (IRI) is the statistic used to measure how smooth or rough a
pavement surface is. The lower the calculated IRI, the smoother the pavement will ride. The higher
the IRI, the rougher the pavement will ride. The units of IRI are usually in/mi, m/km, or mm/m. For
more detailed information on IRI, refer to The Little Book of Profiling (Sept 1998), by Michael W.
Sayers and Steven M. Karamihas. A relative appreciation for qualitative smoothness descriptions
versus numerical values of IRI is given in Table 11-1.
Table 11-1: FHWA IRI Categories
Good ≤ 95
Acceptable ≤ 170
Item 585 specifies two methods for measuring surface profile: Surface Test Type A and Surface
Test Type B. Surface Test Type A typically uses a 10-ft. straightedge, but may use high-speed or
lightweight inertial profilers where allowed. Surface Test Type A is intended for use on short proj-
ects (< 2,500 ft.) and specific pavement segments, such as ramps, leave-outs, etc. Surface Test Type
B requires the use of a high-speed or lightweight inertial profiler and is the default method for mea-
suring surface profiles. Inertial profilers must be certified annually for use on department projects
in accordance with Tex-1001-S. Profiler operator certification is required every 3 years; operator
testing guidelines that include both a written and practical examination are outlined in Tex-1001-S.
The inertial profiler is a device that uses laser sensors and accelerometers to measure the profile of
the pavement surface. There are generally three types of inertial profilers:
one that can travel at highway speeds, a high-speed inertial profiler,
a lightweight inertial profiler that can travel at a minimum speed of 12 mph, and
a portable profiler.
Figure 11-1 and Figure 11-2 are pictures of a high-speed inertial profiler; Figure 11-3 is an example
of a lightweight profiler. Figure 11-4 shows a picture of a portable profiler. Portable profilers are
typically mounted on a trailer towing hitch and can be moved between housing vehicles or shipped
independently of the housing vehicle for use on jobs in another geographical location. However, the
system (housing vehicle and portable profiler) must be certified as a unit in Texas.
Section 4 — Surface Test Type A for Concrete and Hot-Mix Asphalt Surfaces
Surface Test Type A is the default for service roads and ramps, bridge structures, short projects,
leave-out sections (such as driveways, intersections, etc.), ends, shoulders, and other areas, includ-
ing intermediate layers. Use a general note if you want to use surface Test Type B rather than
Surface Test Type A for all except leave-out sections and ends. There is no pay adjustment schedule
for Surface Test Type A. Areas exceeding the requirement must be corrected and retested.
Section 5 — Surface Test Type B for Concrete and Hot-Mix Asphalt Surfaces
Surface Test Type B is the default for the final riding surface of travel lanes with the exceptions
noted in Section 5 above. The ride quality specification for concrete and hot-mix asphalt surfaces
includes incentives and disincentives based on the contractor’s performance in constructing a
smooth surface. One of three pay adjustment schedules in Item 585 is selected by the engineer to
determine the level of bonus or liquidated damages for each 0.1-mi. section for these projects. Pay
adjustment schedules 1 and 2 have the same bonus schedule; pay adjustment schedule 3 has a lower
bonus schedule than pay adjustment schedules 1 and 2. The liquidated damages are greater for
schedule 1, less for schedule 2, and there are no liquidated damages when schedule 3 is selected.
Item 585 specifies Surface Test Type B with Pay Adjustment Schedule 3 as the default. However,
Schedule 1 and 2 could be more appropriate for many construction scenarios. Use the guidelines in
Table 11-2 and engineering judgment to determine the appropriate Pay Adjustment Schedule based
on what is achievable. Factors to consider include the existing IRI, class of the road, posted speed,
previous experiences on similar projects, the ability to improve the existing ride with the number of
smoothness opportunities specified, and the need for higher ride quality. General notes or notes on
typical sections are required to change the Pay Adjustment Schedule. It is strongly advised that the
designer show on the plans which pay schedule they wish to use. Note that Table 11-2 does not
cover all possible construction scenarios. For further assistance, please contact MNT – Pavement
Asset Management.
Table 11-2: Guidance for Selecting Pay Adjustment Schedules
Recommended Pay
Project Description Schedule
Recommended Pay
Project Description Schedule
Overlay or Minor Flexible Pavements with total HMA thickness < 1.5” such as an 3*
Rehabilitation overlay with a Permeable Friction Course (PFC). Note that in some
cases Surface Test Type A may be more appropriate for this
2-lane undivided 3*
* It may be appropriate to increase or decrease this number depending on the ride quality of the existing pavement.
For example: if the ride quality of the existing pavement is poor (IRI > 170), it may be appropriate to increase this
number if applicable. Conversely, it may be appropriate to decrease this number if applicable and if the ride quality of
the existing pavement is good (IRI < 95).
The pay adjustment schedules listed in Item 585 are shown graphically in Figure 11-5.
Smoothness opportunities shown in Table 11-2 are defined as a continuous level-up regardless of
the thickness, a specified lift of 1.0 in. or more of HMA, in-place recycling, and motor-grading
flexible base courses. Spot level-ups, milling operations, and seal coats will not be considered as
smoothness opportunities. Mill and fill operations that require matching the existing pavement are
not considered smoothness opportunities.
Note that diamond grinding is the default method (on both flexible and rigid pavements) for remov-
ing localized roughness (bumps and dips). There are several exceptions to the requirement for
addressing localized roughness. These exceptions are spelled out in detail in Item 585.
In some cases where only a single lift of hot-mix is specified, it may be advantageous to diamond
grind some of the larger bumps and dips prior to the hot-mix overlay. In such cases, diamond grind-
ing should be set up as a separate bid item and the roadway should be profiled in advance to
identify the existing bumps. Note that diamond grinding is an effective method of removing bumps,
yet somewhat less effective at removing dips.
On projects that have 3 or more proposed lifts of hot-mix, the designer should consider adding a
plan note requiring the contractor, at his own expense, to profile the pavement and diamond grind
areas of localized roughness prior to placing the final lift of hot-mix.
District, county, highway, beginning reference marker, end reference marker, CSJ, lane designation,
IRI values every 0.1 mi., pay, locations of bumps or dips, and total pay adjustment.
Section 1 — Overview
Section 2 — Investigation Team
Section 3 — Investigation Process
Section 1 — Overview
1.1 Introduction
Premature pavement failures typically occur within the first half of a rigid pavement’s design life
and within 5 years after completion of the project for flexible pavements. Premature pavement fail-
ures can be attributed to any number of factors or combination of those factors, including
inadequate structural design or incorrectly addressing existing structural deficiencies, inadequate
consideration of design compatibility with the abutting pavement, poor quality or non-uniform
materials, inadequate surface preparation, or poor construction. Despite advancements in pavement
technology in past decades, premature failures and chronic pavement distresses continue to occur.
Experience has shown that the majority of premature pavement failures in Texas are related to
material and construction deficiencies. Material deficiencies can be related to inadequate assess-
ment of existing materials and what measures are needed to enhance their attributes for better
performance. Although improvements have been made to construction specifications, equipment,
and construction processes, poor quality construction or use of substandard materials can occur due
to a number of complex and sometimes competing variables, such as:
reduced inspection staffing,
employee turnover,
fluctuations in levels of experienced inspectors, project managers and engineers,
incompatibilities between new admixtures and construction materials,
implementation of new technologies, construction methods, and best practices,
environmental constraints and recycled materials,
issues unforeseen during design and construction phases.
To prevent or reduce the probability of premature pavement distress and poor long term pavement
performance, the root causes of these problems have to be identified. It is a challenging task to
determine the causes of pavement distress. A pavement distress investigation involves a thorough
review and analysis of existing construction quality control records and tests, and nondestructive
testing such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), falling weight deflectometer (FWD), and dynamic
cone penetration testing (DCP). These are essential to identify problematic areas and probable
causes. Additional field testing, such as portable FWD, dirt seismic pavement analyzer (DSPA),
coring, trenching, and laboratory testing, may be conducted to confirm the initial hypothesis. The
outcomes from investigations can be used to validate or modify the existing design plan and to
resolve the disputes involving construction claims or change orders.
For technical assistance requests, contact the Pavement Asset Management Section of the Mainte-
nance Division. Requests for technical assistance are best made as early as possible after becoming
aware of the distress to allow opportunity to correct problems if the project is still under construc-
tion, prevent further pavement distress, obtain samples of materials actually used on the project for
lab testing, and to allow time for appropriate remediation.
2.1 Objectives
An investigation team provides technical assistance to the districts and divisions to determine the
causes of and recommend solutions to premature or recurring pavement distresses. The investiga-
tion team’s involvement is strictly by request. The team will act as a consultant to the districts and
The director of MNT – Pavement Asset Management will serve as the Premature Distress Investi-
gation Team Coordinator. The director is responsible for:
assigning project leader and team members to specific projects, and
reviewing progress on individual projects and ensuring timely completion.
3.1 Overview
Responsibilities for MNT – Pavement Asset Management and the requesting district/division will
be determined during the preliminary project meeting. Table 12-1 describes the investigation
Table 12-1: Investigation Process
1 Conduct preliminary project meeting and perform on-site investigation. The district should
provide the following information:
District/division contact(s),
Pavement structure and materials information used in design and any modifications made
during construction,
Traffic information,
2 Formulate action plan for detailed investigation based on background information, the pre-
liminary meeting, and on-site investigation. Detailed condition survey may include:
Surface distress condition,
Core Rig,
4 MNT – Pavement Asset Management will analyze data and identify most likely causes of
If you have any questions, need additional information, or copies of investigation reports, contact
the director of MNT – Pavement Asset Management.
Section 1 — Overview of Load Zoning
Section 2 — Changing Load Zones on Roads
Section 3 — Emergency Load Zones on Roads
Section 4 — Changing Load Zones on County Roads and Bridges
Section 5 — Super Heavy Load Analysis Background
Section 6 — Super Heavy Load Evaluation Process
Section 7 — Damage from Super Heavy Load Moves
Section 8 — Damage Claim Procedure
1.1 Background
There are approximately 16,000 miles of load-restricted highways in Texas. These facilities were
generally constructed prior to the late 1950s and were designed for lighter axle configurations and
wheel loads than are currently allowed by law. In addition, environmental effects have weakened
some structures.
The Maintenance Division, Pavement Asset Management Section, manages a database for load-
restricted highways. The load-restricted highways can be accessed through the following link:
The Bridge Division manages a database for load-restricted bridge structures. Refer to http:// for the load restricted bridge application that includes both on
and off-system load restricted bridges.
In an effort to protect facilities that were originally designed for lighter wheel loads from acceler-
ated deterioration, a provision exists in the Texas Transportation Code §621.102. The law
authorizes the executive director of the department to set load limits. The executive director must
accomplish all actions to revise, post, or remove postings from restricted facilities by issuing a legal
document called an Executive Order. MNT – Pavement Asset Management is responsible for pre-
paring and submitting, to the executive director, proposed Executive Orders involving load zoning.
2.1 Adding
New restrictions may be required for a number of reasons. Highways undergo periodic evaluations
and, during the course of these evaluations, highways may be discovered to be structurally defi-
cient. Refer to the step-by-step instructions in “Table 13-1: Changing Load Zones on Roads” for
adding a load zone.
If the deficiency is severe enough to cause potential for accident or injury, then an emergency post-
ing for 120 days may be utilized. See Section 3 for procedures to implement an emergency
Executive Order. If repairs or upgrades are not anticipated for more than 120 days, restrictions must
be authorized and promulgated by a subsequent "permanent" Executive Order.
2.2 Removing
Removing a load zone may be requested if rehabilitation or reconstruction has been performed, or
the load-zoned road can carry the traffic until the next scheduled rehabilitation without premature
failure. If the highway was upgraded by using an approved design process that accounts for future
projected traffic, then no further analysis is necessary and recommendation for removal of restric-
tions shall be made by Executive Order. However, if an upgrade was accomplished by means of a
maintenance effort (or 2R program), then the district must perform a deflection survey of the
upgraded highway using the load zone setup on the falling weight deflectometer (FWD).
Refer to the step-by-step instructions in “Table 13-1: Changing Load Zones on Roads” for remov-
ing a load zone.
2.3 Changing
The following table lists the steps, responsible party, and required action for changing load zones
on roads:
Table 13-1: Changing Load Zones on Roads
2 MNT – Pavement Asset Analyzes data, estimates the remaining life of the pavement sec-
Management tion, and makes recommendation to district.
4 MNT – Pavement Asset Prepares Executive Order for executive director approval;
Management Notifies by email affected district upon executive director
approval of load zone revision. A copy of approved Executive
Order will accompany district notification;
Updates the publicly accessible load zone map.
5 District Erects or removes signs consistent with the proper load limits once
approved Executive Order has been received.
6 MNT – Pavement Asset Provides consultation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for the
Management issuance of permits.
The district shall notify the Maintenance Division, Pavement Asset Management Section, by tele-
phone or email that an emergency load restriction is required. The following table lists the steps,
responsible party, and required action for establishing emergency load zones on roads:
Table 13-2: Emergency Load Zones on Roads
1 District Provides a map showing location of road and alternate routes for
legally loaded vehicles to use;
Recommends gross load or axle load limits;
Documents deficiencies justifying the placement of emergency load
Submits a request for a 120-day extension of the emergency load
restriction if the load restriction is needed for more than 120 days;
Requests a permanent load restriction by memorandum and submit-
tal of the "Recommended Change in Road Load Zoning" form prior
to the expiration of the emergency load restriction, if necessary.
3 District Erects signs indicating the emergency load limits once approval
from the director of MNT has been received.
Texas Transportation Code §621.301 requires counties to obtain TxDOT concurrence for proposed
changes to county road and bridge load limits. Counties will petition TxDOT for concurrence with
a load limit by submitting a request to the district engineer. The county’s request must include an
engineer’s evaluation of the proposed change along with supporting documentation.
The procedure outlined in this section will help expedite review of county requests that involve
emergency or other temporary situations that pose a risk to the public or potential damage to a road
or bridge. The department is not responsible for monitoring county compliance with this amend-
ment of the Transportation Code. Also, a change in a county road limit does not require an
approved Executive Order.
Each district will be responsible for communicating the requirements of the statute and providing
information to the counties. The following table lists the steps that the district shall take when a
county submits a proposed change in load limits to the district engineer.
Table 13-3: Changing Load Zones on County Roads and Bridges
The following table lists the required information and documentation that must be included in the
request for changing load limits on county roads and bridges.
Table 13-4: Required Information and Supporting Documentation
Roads Bridges
A cover letter that includes: Name, phone number, email address for a county
Name, phone number, email address for a contact person.
county contact person. Route name/number, location, feature crossed,
Route name/number, location including lim- and structure number (if known).
its of proposed load zoning, and length (in Reason for the proposed change.
feet) of the section to be load zoned.
Supporting documentation that has been sealed
Reason for the proposed change.
by a professional engineer and includes a struc-
The current and proposed limits. The Gross
tural evaluation report documenting the
Vehicle Weight (GVW) and allowable axle
condition of the bridge and calculations support-
weights should be specified.
ing the proposed limits. Calculations should
Date of the last rehabilitation or reconstruc-
include the inventory and operating ratings for
tion performed on the road.
the bridge as defined by the AASHTO Manual
Description of pavement typical sections and for Condition Evaluation of Bridges, Chapter 6.
section limits, including layer thickness, material
types, lane and shoulder widths, and curb and
gutter locations, if applicable.
Engineering Analysis - Supporting documenta-
tion that has been sealed by a professional
engineer. The engineering analysis shall follow
one of the methods described below.
Engineering Analysis
An engineering analysis is required for load posting roadways. The analysis and recommendations
are required to be signed and sealed by a professional engineer. The analysis must demonstrate that
the recommended gross vehicle weight or limiting axle load group is expected to preserve the pave-
ment structure. TxDOT recommends a remaining life of approximately 10 years; however, the
analysis may result in less when accompanied by supporting justification.
At a minimum, an engineering analysis must include the following information and analysis sup-
porting the load zoning recommendation:
Location map
Pavement visual distress and condition evaluation
Extent (location and severity)
Distress analysis (identification and causes)
Super heavy loads with GVW above 500,000 lb. and/or maximum trailer tire load above 6,000 lb.
are analyzed by MNT – Pavement Asset Management. The super heavy load analysis threshold cri-
teria for evaluation were established based on the occurrence of observed pavement distress and the
super heavy load GVW and tire load, as well as practical limitations regarding the number of anal-
yses that can be performed by MNT – Pavement Asset Management. Emphasis has been placed on
analyzing super heavy loads with a greater potential for pavement damage. As depicted in Fig-
ure 13-1, the general observed trend is that as gross vehicle weight of the super heavy load
increases, the load per tire increases. It is uncommon to have trailer tire loads greater than 6,000 lb.
when the GVW is less than 500,000 lb.
Figure 13-1. General relationship in gross vehicle weight (GVW) and increased trailer tire load
based on loading diagrams.
Flexible pavements, which constitute approximately 93% of the Texas highway system, typically
are constructed with weaker materials at lower levels within the pavement structure. If these
weaker materials are subjected to high stresses due to high tire loads, there is a greater chance for
permanent damage to the pavement, such as rutting or cracking. As can be seen in Figure 13-2, as
tire loads increase, the stress within the pavement structure increases throughout the structure,
including the lower levels. For this reason, higher tire loads (established to be 6,000 lb.) are evalu-
ated for super heavy loads, regardless of the gross vehicle weight.
Figure 13-2. Stress distribution within a flexible pavement structure for a low and high tire load.
As mentioned previously, the trailer tire load limit of 6,000 lb. was established based on empirical
information related to observed distress which has occurred during super heavy load moves. In
addition, approximately 6,000 lb. represents the highest manufacturer’s single tire load limit that
has been observed to date for standard truck tires used on super heavy loads. Although a super
heavy load with a standard single truck tire loaded to its capacity has not yet been observed, this
arrangement could pose a high potential for damage, especially on thinner pavements. Also, as
loads increase above 6,000 lb., super single tires may be employed by the carrier since they can
carry loads exceeding 9,000 lb. Super single tires have been shown to cause more damage to a
pavement than standard dual truck tires based on tests conducted by the Federal Highway Adminis-
tration (FHWA) and the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS).
Super heavy loads can also damage (by peeling up) new pavement surfaces (overlays and chip
seals) that are less than 5 weeks old. It is the district’s decision to place a “no travel” restriction for
newly placed seal coats on their pavements. The process allows movement over fresh seal coats,
regardless of time since placement, if the district feels there will not be significant damage done to
the new surface. If the district feels that the surface may sustain damage, the district may restrict
super heavy movement, as long as the district can offer an acceptable reroute. If no reroute is avail-
able, then the original route will be used and TxDOT personnel will need to be present to document
any damage, should it occur. The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles, Motor Carrier Division
(MCD), will advise the carrier of fresh seal coat locations along a given route so the carrier can
make arrangements to travel over these sections early in the morning. If this is not possible, spray-
ing water or some other method to reduce the possibility of seal coat damage may be considered.
Upon receiving an email from MCD or MNT – Pavement Asset Management, the district pavement
engineer will have 72 hr. to alert MCD or MNT – Pavement Asset Management if a reroute is
needed. MCD and MNT – Pavement Asset Management maintain a contact list provided by dis-
tricts on who should be notified. If, after 72 hr., no reroute requests have been sent to MCD or MNT
– Pavement Asset Management, the route will be considered approved and the permit application
will continue to be processed. The exact date and time of the super heavy load move is difficult to
know due to numerous factors. District personnel may take a proactive role and contact the carrier
to obtain the date(s) of movement. For super heavy loads with a GVW over 500,000 lb., MCD
requires the carrier to notify district personnel 24 to 48 hr. prior to the move. Districts need to pro-
vide contact information for at least three of their employees to MCD and MNT – Pavement Asset
Management to keep the list updated.
It is the responsibility of the carrier (permit holder) to check their total load and wheel load. The
axle information can be found on the axle diagram MCD sends to the permit coordinator along with
a copy of the permit. If required, an engineer or maintenance section employee can check the axle
configuration to ensure that it matches the permit. Only the Department of Public Safety (DPS) or
local law enforcement can verify the tire load since TxDOT has no enforcement authority. MCD
should be the point of contact that notifies DPS when a load needs to be weighed.
Figure 13-3. Flow chart showing the super heavy load evaluation process.
Figure 13-5. Rutting or cracking due to overload of the pavement structure. Recent rainfall or
poor drainage conditions resulting in weak or wet subgrade or base materials are often associated
with structural damage of this type.
Figure 13-9. Lateral shear failure at the pavement edge (1st photo).
Figure 13-10. Lateral shear failure at the pavement edge (2nd photo).