Middle Benue Trough Group 5 Document Repair
Middle Benue Trough Group 5 Document Repair
Middle Benue Trough Group 5 Document Repair
PET 312
Basin is a depression on the surface of the earth or, a dip. Basins are
shaped like bowls with sides higher than rim. They may be oval or circular in
shape, similar to a sink or tub you might have in your own bathroom. There
are some filled with water. Others are empty.
Basins are formed by forces above the soil (such as erosion) or below
the earth surface (like earthquakes). Over thousands of years or almost
instantly, they can be formed. The major types of basins are river basins,
structural basins, and ocean basins.
The middle Benue Trough is the central segment of the Nigerian Benue
Trough, an elongate large intracratonic rift structure that formed within the
Precambrian to Early Palaeozoic crustal basement of the Pan-African mobile
belts in the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. Its formation was associated
with the second phase of rifting of the Gondwana supercontinent that
resulted in the South Atlantic and Equatorial Atlantic (or Gulf of Guinea)
opening as well as the separation of South America from Africa.
The Benue Trough of Nigeria is a sedimentary basin that extends from the
Gulf of Guinea in the southwest to the Chad Basin in the northwest for about
800 km in length and 150 km in width. Lead-zinc-barytes occurs in almost
the entire length of the Benue Trough. Lead-zinc-barytes mineralization in
the Trough is believed to be hydrothermal in origin and is associated with
brine springs. Fracturing and jointing are intense in the areas of
mineralization. Lead zinc minerals in the form of their ores of galena and
sphalerite respectively and barytes mineralization are often associated with
copper, quartz, iron minerals (siderite, marcasite and pyrite), gold and silver
as gangue occurring in the form of veins and veinlets associated with the
host sedimentary rocks in the axial zone of the Benue Trough. The
mineralization occurs in form of dissemination, stock work and narrow beds
with poorly developed wall-rock silicification (alteration). The host
lithologies are highly varied ranging in the Lower Benue Trough from shale
to siltstone, sandstone and occasionally igneous bodies; in the Middle Benue
Trough from shale to sandstone, siltstone, conglomeratic ironstone, minor
limestone beds and occasionally igneous bodies; and in the Upper Benue
Trough from shale to sandstone, mudstone, limestone, clay and porphyritic
granites. Keywords: Nigeria, Galena-Sphalerite-Barytes Mineralization,
Hydrothermal Origin.
The Benue Trough was formed by rifting of the central West African basement,
beginning at the start of the Cretaceous period. The Cretaceous is a geologic period and
system that spans 79 million years from the end of the Jurassic Period 145 million years
ago (mya) to the beginning of the Paleogene Period 66 mya. It is the last period of the
Mesozoic Era (an interval of geological time from about 252 to 66 million years ago),
and the longest period of the Phanerozoic Eon (the current geologic eon in the geologic
time scale, and the one during which abundant animal and plant life has existed which
covers 541 million years to the present).
At first, the trough accumulated sediments deposited by rivers and lakes. During the
Late Early to Middle Cretaceous, the basin subsided rapidly and was covered by the sea.
Sea floor sediment accumulated, especially in the southern Abakaliki Rift, under
oxygen-deficient bottom conditions. In the Upper Cretaceous, the Benue Trough
probably formed the main link between the Gulf of Guinea and the Tethys Ocean
(predecessor of the Mediterranean Sea) via the Chad and Iullemmeden Basins. Towards
the end of this period the basin rose above sea level, and extensive coal forming
swamps developed, particularly in the Anambra Basin. The trough is estimated to
contain 5,000 m of Cretaceous sediments and volcanic rocks.
Awe Formation: The Awe Formation is lying above the Asu River Group.
Its lithological composition consists mainly of about 100m flaggy, pale
colored medium to fine grained sandstone with interbedded carbonaceous
shales and clays, the Awe formation (Offodile, 1976) [“passage beds” of
Falconer (1911); “our are are our our are unnamed transition deposits” of
Cratchley and Jones (1965)]. Brine springs issue from these beds in places.
Offodile (1976) and Offodile and Reyment (1977) attributed the Awe
Formation to the gradual regression which took place during the latter part of
the Albian (Reyment and Tait, 1972) but thought it may also include
Cenomanian beds.
Awgu Formation: In the Keana-Awe area the beds overlying the Ezeaku
Formation were referred to the Awgu Formation by Offodile (1976) and
Offodile and Reyment (1977) who, by comparison with the Nkalagu area in
the Lower Benue Trough, suspected that the boundary between the two may
be unconformable, the upper part of the Turonian being missing. Obaje
(1994) believed the contact to be conformable and dated the Awgu
Formation as Turonian to Coniacian (or Early Santonian). The beds referred
to the unit here are lithologically more variable than those in the Lower
Benue Trough are. Numerous sections obtained from outcrop and Obaje
(1994) described boreholes drilled in the course for exploration for coal.
Deltaic conditions developed in the Keana-Obi area during the Late Turonian
and Coniacian, alternation of clays, shales, siltstones, sandstones, limestones
and coal forming. Obaje (1994) reported Turonian and concacian
Foraminiferas and Ostracods from marine horizons. Offodile (1976)
suggested that the Awgu Formation recorded numerous oscillations between
continental and shallow marine conditions with marine marls or shales
enclosing coals and associated non- marine beds. Obaje (1994), Obaje,
subdivided the coals, of bituminous rank, into three facies types and Ligouis
(1996) and Obaje et al (1994, 1996):
i. a vitrinite–fusinite facies believed to have formed in telmatic wet forest
swamps along and within lagoons;
ii. A trimaceratic facies, dominated by vitrinite with subordinate liptinite and
inertinite, believed to have formed within deltaic plain, limno-telmatic clastic
marsh environments; and
iii. A shaly coal facies, containing more than 25% mineral matter, mostly
clay minerals and pyrite, believed to have formed under greater marine
Keana Formation
The Keana Formation resulted from the Cenomanian regression, which
deposited fluviodeltaic sediments. The Keana Formation exposed in the area
mapped is about 60m thick and it consists entirely of cross-bedded, coarse-
grained feldspathic sandstones and bands of shale. Its typical sections occur
around Angwan Ladi and Kanje area.
Figure 6: Keana Formation Exposed around the Northern part of the area
Silty Sandstone Unit: The silty sandstone unit of the Keana Formation is
found towards the northeastern part of the plot (Figure 6). This rock unit
consists mainly of thickly bedded, cross-bedded, fine to very coarse gritty
arkosic sandstones with impurities of sands (Figure 6). This rock unit is fine
to medium grained in texture. This rock unit is generally trending in NE- SW
direction with a dip of 25°SE. It ranges in thickness from 30-35m.
Shale Unit: The shale unit of the Keana Formation is found towards
northwestern part of the plot (Figure 6). The shale unit in this area is fine
grained, laminated and fissile. In some places, the sandstones of the Keana
Formation overlie the shale (Figure 6) while the shale also overlies the
sandstones and both forming a shale/sandstone sequence of varying
thickness. This rock unit is generally trending in NE-SW direction with a dip
22| Middle Benue Trough
of 24°SE. It ranges in thickness from 20-22m. The shale weathers into clayey
and muddy soils.
Volcanics (Basalts)
Basalt is a mafic, medium-grained rock, which contains plagioclase feldspar
of labradorite composition and pyroxene of augite or titanoaugite
composition as essential minerals, and magnetite, titano-magnetite, or
ilmenite as accessory minerals where olivine also occurs as an additional
mineral. The areas covered by basalts are mostly flat and are found mostly as
laterite, there is also the existence of dense and vessicular basalts (fig 7 and
8) with no pillow structures. The thin section analysis shows that the basalts
are mainly the fresh olivine type and are generally ferrugenised. The age of
the volcanic is ascertained to be Cenozoic (Offodile, 1976; Obaje, 1994). In
the area mapped, the Volcanics are mostly confined to Abuni (south- west of
the plot) and Anuku (southeast of the plot).
Like other parts of the world, coal is the oldest commercial fuel, dating in
Nigeria from 1916 when 24,000 tons were produced. Production peaked at
near one million tons in 1959, before declining to the present insignificant
level. This is due to the reduction in the demand for coal arising from
Nevertheless, Nigeria's coal reserves are large, over 2 billion metric tonnes,
of which 650 mil- lion tonnes are proven. If fully revitalised, the coal
industry could fetch up to 5 billion Naira in export earnings. Coal production
is from the Cretaceous Anambra Basin, which extends to Dekina in the
northern part of the basin in Benue State and to Okigwe in the south. The
coal in this basin is sub- bituminous and occurs principally at two levels, the
lower coal measures (Mamu Formation) and the upper coal measures
(Nsukka Formation).
From north to south, the reserves from seams over one meter thick, are (in
million tonnes) Ogboyoga (100), Okaba (70), Orukpa (60), Ezimo (50), and
Enugu (50) (FRN, 1987). Coal seams also occur at Gombe in Gombe State.
Mine production capacities after full rehabilitation and privatisation could
attain the following levels: Onyeama and Okpara (150,000-400,000
tonnes/year), Owukpa (2,500 tonnes/year) and Okaba (15,000-300,000
tonnes/ year). Nigerian subbituminous coal has a high calorific value (5,000-
6,000 Cal/g or 5500-6500 air-dried), low ash and low sulphur contents, with
good storage characteristics (Afonja, 1979).
In the Lafia-Obi area of Nassarawa State, good quality cooking coal has been
discovered which is suitable for use in the iron and steel industry. If utilised,
the Lafia-Obi coal would save the country the high cost of importing cook
able coal. Since the Nigerian Coal Corporation has lost nearly all its
traditional customers, notably railways and power authority, a recent drive to
market its coal overseas offered some hope of recovery.
European buyers in Italy and the United Kingdom have started importing
Nigerian coal, because its low sulphur content is environmentally acceptable.
As already noted, Nigeria has the largest lignite deposit in Africa, with
reserves of about 50 million tonnes. The Nigerian lignite belt, of mid-
Tertiary age, extends from Oriu in the south-east, through Urnuezeala,
26| Middle Benue Trough
Umuahia, Nnewi, Oba, in a 20 to 40km - wide belt across the Niger, to
Ogwashi, Asaba, Mgbiigliba and Adiase-Uti in Delta State. It has not yet
been exploited.
Crushed rock, gravel, sand and clay are ubiquitous building materials widely
used for rural and urban dwellings, and in the construction industry for civil
engineering works such as roads, buildings, bridges and dams. The Basement
Complex furnishes a rich source of crushed rock, which is augmented with
basalt, dolerite and limestone in some places. Laterite is a common building
and road-surfacing material. River gravel of various sizes are widely
available as aggregates and building material, especially in Akwa lbom and
Cross River states.
Sand of glass-making quality has been found and assays in many parts of the
country (Odukwe, 1981). In Port Harcourt, the Trans-Amadi sands contain
over 99 per cent Silicon oxide (S,0g) and at Ughelli, another clean coastal
plain, sand deposit assays 97 per cent Silicon oxide (S,0j. Both sands are
used for the manufacture of bottles and window glass. The West African
Glass Company at Aba utilises a local sand deposit. Many other glass sand
deposits are known especially along the coast. Reserves are inexhaustible
since full industrial use has hardly begun.
In Enugu, beneath the coal seams, are vast deposits of other fire clays, with
reserves of about 130 million tonnes. Other major clay deposits occur in
Akwa lbom (Etinan, ltu, Onna, Uyo); Anambra State at Ozubulu (3.5 million
tonnes) and Ukpor (4.2 million tonnes); Edo/Delta States at lgoriakhi (over
14.0 million tonnes); Imo/Abia States (over 2.0 million tonnes) at lgbere and
Ogbuebule; Kaduna State (over 5.3 million tonnes) at Miraba- Rido and
Kaohia; Katsina State (3.4 million tonnes) at Kankara; Ogun State (over 2.0
million tonnes) at Oke-Eri and Illefun Hill; large deposits in Ondo State;
over 18 million tonnes in Plateau State at Nafuta, Worrom, Major Porter and
Sabon Gida; and, in Sokoto State 2.0 million tonnes of pisolitic clays occur
at Girl, and clay bricks are made at Wurno (RMRDC, 1989). Bentonitic
clays, which are used for drilling mud, were first produced in Bende in Abia
State in 1961-62.
The limestone at Mfamosing, near Calabar, is the largest and the purest
deposit in Nigeria. It is about 50m thick, at the quarry site. West of Calabar,
another carbonate body occurs in the subsurface that is 450m thick. The
Calabar flank is the main carbonate province in Nigeria, with well-developed
tropical karsts and caves (Reiljers and Potters, 1987). The Mfamosing
limestone has over 97 per cent limestone (CaC03).
The Delta Steel plant at Aladja as a fluxing agent and for making hydrated
lime uses it. Marble is found in the Basement Complex and is quarried at
Jankura near Lokoja, at Ubo near Okene, and at Okpilla. The Jankura marble
is utilised as decorative marble by the Nigerian Marble Industries. Dolomitic
marble deposits are exploited at lgbeti in Oyo State and at Kwakuti in Niger
State. Other deposits are at Elehu in Kwara State, Kobe in Benue State, Muro
Hill in Plateau State, and at Burum and Taka Lafia in the Federal Capital
Feldspar, a mineral that is used locally in the ceramic and glass industries,
occurs abundantly in the Basement Complex. Economic deposits are found
in the granitic intrusive in the basement and especially in pegmatite’s where
potash feldspar is the commercial type. Important sources of feldspar rich
pegmatites occur in Kwara and Kogi States and extensively around Oshogbo
in Osun State. Near Oshogbo, potash feldspars attain lengths of 0.9m, but
around Ijero in Ekiti state, gigantic crystals are up to 1.2m long.
Feldspar-rich pegmatites are common in the Qwozan area of Borno State and
in parts of Adamawa/Taraba states. Although rock salt has not been found in
29| Middle Benue Trough
Nigeria, highly saline brines in the Benue Trough provide potential local
sources of salt except; of course, the open ocean and there are as yet no
Salinas on the Nigerian coast. However, along the Benue Trough brines, salt
springs, salt ponds and shallow subsurface brine pools are commonly
associated with lead-zinc deposits.
Salt concentrations are up to 1.5 per cent in the Ikom area and 8.6 per cent at
Okpoma in Cross River State, where the richest occur. At Uburu-Okposi in
Abia State, the salt concentration is up to 5 per cent and 5 - 6 per cent at
Ameri. Near Abakaliki. Further, north, in Nassarawa State (Keana, Awe) and
in Taraba and Adamawa States, there are other brine fields. Geophysical
investigations by the Geological Survey of Nigeria and other organisations
aimed at locating salt domes in the Benue Trough, have so far not found any.
Among the metallurgical and refractory minerals needed for the reduction of
ores from their metallic state and for making resistant materials for high
temperature metallurgical furnace, which will be required by the local
metallurgical industries (e.g. iron steel plant), only fluorspar and graphite
seem to have commercial prospects in Nigeria.
The lead-zinc lodes in the Benue Trough carry small amounts of fluorspar,
which also occur in tin veins in the younger granites. Impure graphite is
known in the younger metasediments near Birnin Gwari in Kaduna State,
Taraba and Adamawa States, at Hayna (Ningi) in Bauchi State and in the
Obudu area of Cross River State.
Other refractory minerals, such as sillimanite and kyanite, occur in the Birnin
Qwari schists, while sillimanite is found near lbadan. Other industrial and
manufacturing materials such as mica, talc, asbestos and barytes also occur
30| Middle Benue Trough
in the country. There is a mica deposit around Egbe in Kwara and Kogi
States, which was mined in the past.
The crystal size of Nigerian mica is often not large enough to be economic.
Low-grade talc occurs in schists near lbadan (Oyo State), llesha (Osun
State), Abuchi in Niger State, Zonkwa in Kaduna State and at Isanlu in
Kwara State. Asbestos exists at Shemi in Kaduna State, and a large deposit
occurs at Chafe in Sokoto State.
Barytes, major weight filler for drilling mud, occurs in veins, up to 1.8m
thick in association with lead- zinc deposits in Cross River, Benue, Plateau,
Taraba and Adamawa States. Major Baryte occurrences in Nigeria are at
Lefin in Cross River State, at Aloshi, Akuri, Wuse, Azara and Gbane in
Plateau State. Keana in Nassarawa State and at Ibi and Durngel in Taraba
and Adamawa States.
At Azara, the Nigerian Mining Corporation has proved good quality baryte
reserves of about 70,000 tonnes. Finally, the Nigerian basement also holds
some prospects for gemstones. In Nassarawa, Plateau and Kaduna States,
aquamarine, emerald, sapphire, ruby, topaz, tourmaline, zircon and
almandine have been won from pegmatites.
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