ADS-B and Mode S Data For Aviation Meteorology and APM Paper

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ADS-B and Mode S Data for Aviation Meteorology and Aircraft Performance

Thesis · October 2018

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29307.36646/1

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1 author:

Huy Vû
Delft University of Technology


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ADS-B and Mode S Data for Aviation Meteorology
and Aircraft Performance Modelling
Huy Vû, Junzi Sun, Joost Ellerbroek, Jacco Hoekstra
Control and Simulation, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Abstract—With the increase in air traffic volume, aircraft ADS-B and Mode S signals transmitted by aircraft can
are required to be equipped with a transponder by aviation be received by everyone within line-of-sight with low-cost
authorities to increase the surveillance in air traffic control. hardware receivers and can, therefore, be considered as ‘open
These transponders transmit periodically Automatic Dependent
Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) signals and by interrogation the data’ [6]. Popular online flight trackers, like FlightRadar24
Mode S signals. These signals can be received by anyone with and FlightAware, use these signals to show real-time aircraft
a simple receiver and are a new source for aviation research. location and related information. In this paper, for decoding
It contains flight trajectories and aircraft states which were ADS-B and Mode S signals, the Python library pyModeS [7]
previously only available for air traffic control and aircraft is used and further developed.
operators. This paper uses ADS-B and Mode S data to de-
rive an accurate meteorological model and uses this model to Since aircraft performance parameters are usually kept
determine aircraft performance parameters, which are usually confidential by aircraft manufacturers and airlines, the goal
not publicly available. A Meteo-Particle model is used and of this paper is to improve aircraft performance modelling
validated with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather parameters, that already have been obtained in earlier research
Forecasts (ECMWF) model. For wind speed, wind direction and for the BlueSky open air traffic simulator [8]. The goal is to use
temperature the mean absolute error are 2.73 m/s, 7.73 degrees
and 1.32 K respectively. The true airspeed is the actual airspeed additional Mode S data to construct a meteorological model, as
that the aircraft experiences. It is required to determine aircraft well as using the results to derive the true airspeed of aircraft.
performances. The true airspeed can be obtained with the wind The remainder of this paper is structured as follows: section
derived in the Meteo-Particle model and ADS-B ground speed. II presents previous research, followed by an explanation and
Using the true airspeed information, aircraft performance pa- decoding of ADS-B and Mode S signals in section III. In
rameters for climb, cruise and descend phase are determined for
16 aircraft types. These derived aircraft performance parameters, section IV, meteorological derivations will be shown, the
based on a large quantity of ADS-B and Mode S data, are a good usage of a Meteo-Particle model and how aircraft performance
alternative to the close-sourced performance parameters. parameters can be obtained. In section V, the results and
validations of section IV are shown. The paper concludes with
I. I NTRODUCTION a discussion and conclusion in sections VI and VII.
Air traffic has increased over the past years, Airbus and Boe-
ing are expecting a growth in air traffic of almost five percent II. BACKGROUND
per year for the coming twenty years [1], [2]. To increase effi- To improve efficiency in air traffic and to reduce emission by
ciency in Air Traffic Management (ATM), EUROCONTROL aircraft, accurate trajectory predictions are required. For these
and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have set up predictions, meteorological conditions (wind and temperature),
the programs SESAR and NextGen respectively. To increase aircraft performance (weight and thrust, aerodynamics) and
surveillance, all commercial aircraft are required to have navigation performance (aircraft intent, pilot skills) are impor-
transponders onboard in Europe and the United States by tant variables [9], [10]. Ground speed and cumulative along-
2020 [3], [4]. With the transponder, aircraft can transmit infor- track errors can occur when no accurate wind estimations are
mation, periodically via Automatic Dependent Surveillance - available [9].
Broadcast (ADS-B) or on request (interrogation) by Air Traffic
Control (ATC) with the Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) A. Aircraft Performance Parameters from ADS-B
via Mode A/C/S. ADS-B is nowadays already implemented For the BlueSky open air traffic simulator [8], developed
in the majority of aircraft. Via ADS-B, position, altitude, by C&S/ATM department of the Aerospace Engineering of
ground speed, heading and vertical velocity are broadcasted. the Delft University of Technology, previously ADS-B data
Via Mode S (selective), the SSR can interrogate Downlink has been used to build a database with aircraft performance
Aircraft Parameters (DAP) from individual aircraft [5]. These parameters.
DAPs contain, for example, aircraft state and intent data, Sun [11] extracted a set of more than thirty aircraft perfor-
which are part of Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS). It mance parameters from seven distinct flight phases for com-
is also possible to obtain direct weather information measured mon commercial aircraft. Using machine learning methods,
on-board of an aircraft via Mode S Meteorological Routine it is possible to identify flight phases [12] and to extract
Air Report (MRAR). relevant properties in ADS-B data. All parametric models were

combined to describe a complete flight that includes take- AMDAR. Despite information for AMDAR and Mode S are
off, initial climb, climb, cruise, descent, final approach and coming from the same instruments, Mode S has a much higher
landing. However, wind effects are ignored in this research frequency because it is transmitted upon interrogation, which
[11]. In [13], meteorological data from the Global Forecast is only limited by the rotation frequency of the SSR.
System is integrated to estimate the true airspeed of an aircraft The third method to obtain wind is using aircraft track/flight
at any given location. information to derive meteorological information. This infor-
The lift, thrust, fuel consumption and climb/descent rates mation is available from the primary radar or from ADS-B
are influenced by the aircraft mass. ADS-B data was used data, which contain aircraft’s position information (latitude,
by Sun et al. [14] to infer the mass of an aircraft during its longitude and altitude), ground speed and track angle.
take-off phase with two methods. Aggregated Meteorological The fourth and last method uses radiosondes or weather
Aerodrome Report (METAR) data at observed airports and balloons. Radiosondes are equipped with a temperature sensor
ground speed is used to estimate the true airspeed of aircraft and humidity sensor. To determine the geopotential altitude, a
during take-off. pressure sensor and/or GPS receiver is used. The wind speed is
Gloudemans [15] used ADS-B data to determine the op- derived from the ground track of the balloon during its climb.
erational flight envelope (operational limits like maximum
altitude, minimum and maximum rate of climbs and mini- C. Meteorological conditions from Mode S
mum turn radius) and obtained estimations for lift and drag 1) Mode S Enhanced Surveillance: De Haan from the
coefficients for seven flight phases. However, in this research, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) conducted
strong assumptions were made in terms of wind and flight a lot of research on Mode S EHS meteorological observations
strategies. In the end, the true airspeed was set equal to the between 2009 and 2014 [18], [19], [20], [21], with data
ground speed. provided by the Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL)
from the tracking and ranging (TAR) radar at Schiphol. In
B. Obtaining meteorological conditions other researches, the KNMI [22] and the Meteorological Office
In the research listed above, true airspeed is ignored or (Met Office) [23] in the United Kingdom, used their own
estimated with additional data sources. There are different receivers to obtain ADS-B and Mode S signals.
methods to obtain meteorological conditions. The first method To compute wind, it is important to have the true north
is using a numerical weather prediction (NWP) model, which heading instead of the magnetic heading for aircraft, so a
uses mathematical models to predict weather based on cur- heading correction is applied (declination) to Mode S data.
rent conditions (data from satellites, ground stations, weather De Haan concluded that after correction of the magnetic dec-
balloons, etc.). Starting with current conditions, a forecast is lination, aircraft still have a heading error of several degrees.
generated by integration in time. Two commonly used global An additional heading correction is determined with landing
NWP models are the United States’ National Weather Service aircraft at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, whereby the runway
Global Forecast System (GFS) and the European Centre for heading is used as a correction factor over a period of twelve
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). months. The disadvantage of this method is that many aircraft
The second method uses the aircraft as a ‘meteorological are en-route over The Netherlands instead of landing. In 2013,
sensor’. The Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay (AMDAR) an improved method for deriving wind and temperature was
system is reporting meteorological information to ground proposed [24]. For temperature within a certain flight phase,
stations via the Aircraft Communications Addressing and time-dependent and aircraft specific temperature corrections
Reporting System (ACARS). However, this information is were applied. A lookup table with corrections was built with
not publicly available. The frequency of AMDAR observa- the differences between Mode S EHS derived temperature and
tions depends on the flight phase (climb, level or descent) NWP model temperature. An additional heading correction
[16] and therefore has a typical resolution of few tens of was determined by using additional wind information from
kilometers [17]. In AMDAR, data from different aircraft an NWP model or AMDAR.
sensors are smoothed over a period of ten seconds during As mentioned by De Haan [20], the resolution of Mode S
climb/descent phase and 30 seconds during level flight above has an influence on the precision of the derived meteorological
FL200. Smoothing is applied to ensure consistency between values. Mode S EHS reduces the precision of the state vector
observations from different sensors and different onboard from 16-bit to 10-bit binary representation (quantization error).
computer systems [16]. Mirza et al. [25] investigated the observation errors due to the
In Mode S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS), selected alti- reduced precision of Mode S EHS signals by comparing it to
tude, indicated airspeed, roll/track angle/rate and airspeeds are on-board measurements from a research aircraft.
transmitted. With this information, it is possible to derive the 2) Mode S Meteorological Routine Air report: Part of
wind vector (speed and direction) and temperature information Mode S is MRAR and this register contains wind, temperature,
by using atmospheric relationships. Mode S can also contain static pressure, turbulence and humidity information. MRAR
direct meteorological observations (wind, temperature and hu- is not interrogated much by ATC in Europe. Only a few
midity) in Meteorological Routine Air Report (MRAR), which ATC organisations have been reported to interrogate this: by a
is publicly available like other Mode S signals, in contrast to radar at Ljubljana airport in Slovenia [17], [26], three Czech

radars, one German radar and one Slovakian radar [27]. In the A. Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
Maastricht Upper Area Control (MUAC), only aircraft in range An alternative for the primary radar is ADS-B. ADS-B is
of Copenhagen ATC interrogated MRAR [28]. Since MRAR a technology in which an aircraft periodically transmits its
is not a mandatory Mode S register, MRAR messages are only position, ground speed, altitude, vertical speed and call-sign,
sent by a small number of aircraft and these do not or barely as well as other status parameters.
include aircraft of Airbus and Boeing [17], [26], [27], [28].
B. Mode S
D. Meteorological conditions from flight trajectories To obtain the identity of the aircraft, the SSR is used.
Meteorological parameters can also be obtained from flight The SSR is a cooperative surveillance method, which requires
trajectories. Hollister et al. [29] proposed a method to derive aircraft to be equipped with a transponder (transmitter and
wind speed from aircraft tracks during a turn. Delahaye [30] responder). In contrast to the SSR, the PR is no-cooperative
used the same method including downlinked true airspeed data (independent) and does not require the installation of aircraft
to estimate wind. When onboard true airspeed measurements transponders. The SSR can interrogate aircraft by three modes:
are available, wind estimations are obtained from a linear Mode A for the identity code (squawk code), Mode C for
model solved with a Kalman filter. However, when only altitude code and Mode S. In Mode S, the SSR selectively
aircraft tracks are available, wind is estimated from one or interrogates an aircraft by its 24-bit ICAO address and requests
two turns, depending on the number of aircraft in a certain aircraft downlink parameters.
airspace. In case one track is available, wind is derived after Mode S replies from aircraft are downlinked using fre-
two asymmetric turns (three straight lines separated by two quency 1090 MHz. Below, the format of the Mode S reply
turns). When two aircraft are available, one turn of both is shown. The first field contains the downlink format (DF).
trajectories is enough to estimate wind. Finally, vector spline For Mode S, DF20 and DF21 are used. The flight status
interpolations are used to generate wind maps from these local (FS) indicates whether the aircraft is airborne or on-ground,
wind estimations. indicates if the squawk code has changed or on request of ATC
Hurter et al. [31] used aircraft trajectories of aircraft flying a special position indication (SPI). The downlink request (DR)
in different directions to estimate the wind speed and direction and utility message (UM) contain downlink information and
with a least squares approximation. The idea is that when transponder communication status. In the following 13 bits,
ground speeds are plotted from equal aircraft sizes, sinusoidal the encoded pressure altitude (AC) is included in DF20 and
shapes will emerge, which is a result of wind. For location, the identity code (ID) is included in DF21. The message field
head and tailwind will have a phase difference of 180 degrees (MB) is a 56-bit field that contains the downlinked aircraft
in a sine. The wind direction can be obtained from the sine parameters. The last 24 bits contain an overlaid parity that
angle shift (headwind results in a lower ground speed) and can be used to check whether the signal contains transmission
wind direction from the amplitude. errors. This parity contains (partly) the ICAO address of the
ADS-B contains similar data as primary radar data. De
Leege et al. [22] used ADS-B data for estimating wind, air Number of bits 5 3 5 6 13 56 24
pressure and temperature. From single or multiple aircraft, Content DF FS DR UM AC/ID MB AP/DP
the ground speed vector information was used. The wind is
recursively estimated, using a modified Kalman filter, from The Mode S transponder can maintain 255 different 56-bit
an aircraft in a turn, assuming that the aircraft flies at a wide Comm-B Data Selector (BDS) registers that can be in-
constant altitude with constant true airspeed. With a constant terrogated by ATC [32]. These BDS registers contain a variety
wind vector, this results in a non-linear least-square problem of aircraft states and intent information, as well as Airborne
that is solved using an extended Kalman filter. Pressure is Separation Assurance Systems (ASAS), and is transmitted in
estimated by the difference between the pressure altitude and the message field of the signal. BDS registers will be updated
the GNSS altitude. The temperature can then be assumed from with a minimum interval specified in the Technical Provisions
the International Standard Atmosphere. for Mode S Services and Extended Squitter (ICAO Doc 9871
[33]) and will be cleared by the transponder if the register is
III. ADS-B AND M ODE S DATA not updated within this interval. BDS registers are indicated
by two hexadecimal characters. Commonly interrogated BDS
Nowadays air traffic surveillance is done with a Primary registers and its content are shown in table I. BDS register 1,0,
Surveillance Radar (PR) and a Secondary Surveillance Radar 1,7, 2,0 and 3,0 are part of Mode S Elementary Surveillance
(SSR). A primary radar works with passive echoes: the radar (ELS). BDS register 4,0, 5,0 and 6,0 are part of Mode S
transmits an electromagnetic wave and measures the direction Enhanced Surveillance (EHS).
and the time between the transmitted and the reflected signal All uplink and downlink signals contain an overlaid parity
from aircraft. Primary radars determine the presence, slant of 24 bits at the end. This parity is used to check whether the
distance and azimuth of aircraft, but are not able to obtain signal contains transmission errors. The parity is generated by
the identity. a modulo-2 division of the message M (x) by the generator

TABLE I and which parity is used, we do not know which aircraft is
BDS REGISTERS AND CONTENT interrogated or whether the signal contains transmission errors.
Except for BDS registers 1,0, 2,0 and 3,0, no information is
BDS Register Content
included about which BDS register is included in the message
1,0 Data link capability report Transponder capability
1,7 GICB capability report Supported Mode S registers
field. Since the SSR interrogates for a specific BDS register,
2,0 Aircraft identification Call-sign this would not be a problem for the SSR itself.
3,0 ACAS active resolution advisory Resolution advisories 1) ICAO address retrieval: Since it is not known whether
4,0 Selected vertical intention Selected altitude address parity or data parity is used in the signal, a signal
Barometric pressure setting without transmission errors shall result in a full ICAO address
4,4 Meteorological routine air report Wind speed in case of address parity or the last four hexadecimal characters
(MRAR) Wind direction of the ICAO address in case of data parity.
Static air temperature
Average static pressure Retrieval of the ICAO address is done as follows and is
Humidity illustrated in figure 1.
5,0 Track and turn report Roll angle 1) The parity of the first 88 bits (without overlay) is
True track angle calculated with the generator in equation 1.
Ground speed
Track angle rate 2) A modulo-2 addition is applied on the parity with the
True airspeed last 24 bits of the received signal (the overlaid parity).
6,0 Heading and speed report Magnetic heading This will result in the ICAO address or the modified AA
Indicated airspeed field. This method is referred to as the ‘reversed parity’
Mach number
Vertical speed
in this paper.
When reversed parity is applied, this results in two cases:
• A possible ICAO address , and the signal is
G(x) in equation 1. The parity P (x) is overlaid by modulo-2 – correct
addition with additional information: the aircraft ICAO address – corrupt
(Address parity (AP)), AA field information (Data parity • An impossible ICAO address, which indicates that the
(DP)) or the interrogator code (IC) (Interrogator parity (PI)). signal is
Interrogator parity is only used for DF11 (all-call replies).
– overlaid by data parity (last four hexadecimal char-
DF20 and DF21 contain either an address parity or data parity,
acters should be correct)
while all other downlink formats use address parity.
– corrupt
• In address parity, the parity is overlaid with the ICAO
address of the aircraft.
• In data parity, a modulo-2 addition is applied with the M(x) AP/DP/PI
most significant 8 bits of the ICAO address and the A0000B378DB00030A40000 D0A9B9
two characters of the BDS register. Hence, the first two
hexadecimal characters will be changed in data parity and Parity generation
in the case of a correct signal, the last four characters XOR
M(x) / G(x)
should always result in the last four characters of the
ICAO address.
The transmitted signal T (x) will be M (x) appended with
the overlaid parity P 0 (x) as shown in equation 2. 98F94F

G(x) = x24 + x23 + x22 + x21 + x20 + x19
ICAO address
+ x18 + x17 + x16 + x15 + x14 (1)
+ x13 + x12 + x10 + x3 + 1
Fig. 1. ICAO address retrieval with reversed parity
P (x) = M (x)/G(x)
P 0 (x) = P (x) ⊕ {ICAO, AA, IC} (2) 2) Detecting the correctness of Mode S signals: A small
error in the signal can result in another possible ICAO address.
T (x) = M (x) + P 0 (x)
If, for example, a single bit flipped, the parity may result in
C. Decoding Mode S signals a slightly different ICAO address. Since ICAO addresses are
Decoding Mode S signals is a challenging task. Since the usually allocated in sequence (within the allocated country
SSR knows which aircraft and which downlink parameters are 1 A possible ICAO address is defined when it is in a block of allocated
interrogated, the Mode S reply does not contain this informa- addresses for countries (blocks in sizes of 210 , 212 , 215 , 218 or 220 addresses)
tion. Unlike the SSR that knows which aircraft is interrogated as stated in ICAO Annex 10 Aeronautical Telecommunications [32]

block), this error can result in an existing ICAO address of for example, for vertical rate). If the status bit is set to zero
a subsequent aircraft. Checking an ICAO address with a list (register field not available), the sign bits and all content bits
of ICAO addresses that occurred in ADS-B is because of this of that field should contain zeros. If the status bit is set to one,
not reliable. The SSR expects a specific type of reply from a the content bits will contain a value. All reserved fields should
certain aircraft. Hence, the SSR can determine the correctness contain zeros. After examining the status bits, it is possible
of Mode S signals. In this paper, it is not known which aircraft that signals will match with multiple BDS registers with this
is interrogated. Another method will be used to check whether approach. For example, except for the first two register fields
the signal contains errors. in BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0, other register fields have the status,
a) The correctness of downlink format 21 signals: For sign and content bits on exactly the same position. To identify
determining the correctness of DF21 signals, the squawk code the most probable BDS register between BDS 5,0 and 6,0, a
is used. For each squawk code, the ICAO addresses are linked probabilistic approach is used.
which results in a list of addresses that are found for each 1) BDS 4,0: In BDS 4,0 the selected MCP/FCU/FMS
squawk code. Addresses that occurs more than a certain time altitude and/or the barometric pressure setting is transmitted.
for a given squawk code are assumed to be correct. Once the Analysis with data from our receiver showed that if a signal
correct ICAO address is known for a given squawk code, it is is identified as BDS 4,0, it will be almost certain BDS 4,0,
possible to correct slightly different ICAO addresses for this irrespectively matches with other BDS registers. However,
squawk code to the correct address2 . When the correct ICAO a small additional check is applied. The modulo 100 is
address is known, error correction can be applied for corrupt calculated of the MCP/FCU or FMS selected altitude. Modulo
signals, but this will not be considered in this paper. In this 100 is chosen because usually the selected altitude can be
paper, only signals will be used that are overlaid by address changed by increments of 100 ft or 1000 ft. Due to the Mode S
parity. This is because for data parity it cannot be determined resolution of the MCP/FCU or FMS selected altitude (which
whether the message is correct and also first the BDS register is 16 ft), precision errors can occur (for example, 33,008 ft
should be identified. instead of 33,000 ft). If the remainder is smaller than 8 ft
With this method, a list of airborne aircraft addresses or larger than 92 ft, it will be accepted as BDS 4,0. When
will be built. This could be used to identify aircraft that MCP/FCU or FMS selective altitude is not available, a check
do not transmit ADS-B signals. However, for meteorological is done on the barometric pressure setting (QNH, atmospheric
derivations, the position of an aircraft is required. Therefore pressure adjusted to mean sea level). If the barometric pressure
Mode S signals from aircraft that do not transmit ADS-B, setting is in range of 1013.25±25 hPa, it will also be accepted
cannot be used and will be discarded for analysis in this paper. as BDS 4,0. The barometric pressure setting ranges between
In The Netherlands, squawk codes 1000 (general code 800 and 1210 hPa.
for IFR) and 7000 (general code for VFR) are not unique. 2) Probabilistic identification of BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0:
Since squawk codes will be re-used/changed, the number of To identify whether BDS 5,0 or BDS 6,0 is included in
ICAO addresses per squawk code increases over time. With Mode S, the ground speed in BDS 5,0 is decomposed in
additional flight status information in the Mode S signal, it a Vx and Vy component with the track angle χg . For BDS
can be determined when an aircraft changes its squawk code. 6,0, the Mach number is converted to true airspeed (with the
b) The correctness of downlink format 20 signals: international standard atmosphere) and decomposed in a Vx
Determining the correctness signals with DF20 is more dif- and Vy component with the magnetic heading χa (converted
ficult than signals with DF21 since DF20 does not contain to true north). The difference between track angle and heading
a unique parameter like the squawk code. DF20 contains the angle is usually small and can, therefore, be considered as
encoded pressure altitude, which is not unique. These signals comparable. Decomposing a vector into a west-east component
are combined with ADS-B data that have the same ICAO Vx and a south-north component Vy with angle χ is done as
address and same timestamp. The correctness of DF20 is in equations 3 and 4 respectively.
determined by comparing the Mode S altitude with ADS-B
altitude. If the difference is below a certain threshold, the Vx = V sin(χ) (3)
message is considered as correct. This method is not possible Vy = V cos(χ) (4)
for aircraft on-ground since an ADS-B ground message does
To identify the most likely BDS register between BDS 5,0
not report altitude, while Mode S signals still contain the
and BDS 6,0, a multivariate normal distribution N (µ, Σ) is
pressure altitude.
used with the mean µ (equation 5) and variance Σ (equation
D. Mode S BDS register identification 6) of the decomposed ground speed vector from reference
information (ADS-B).
To identify the BDS register, the following method is
applied. Each BDS register has a specific format and contains
µ = µVx µVy (5)
status bits and content bits (and in some cases a sign bit,
Since there is no correlation assumed between Vx and Vy ,
2 For example, if the first two characters of an ICAO address are different, the covariance matrix will be as given in equation 6 where
it can be overlaid by data parity σ ∈ R.

 2  number of signals that contain errors with the proposed error
σ 0 detection is also shown. The ratio of corrupted signals is 35%.
Σ = Vx (6)
0 σV2 y
The BDS register is identified by the highest probability Mode S signals
density function as given in equation 7. An example probabil- 1000
ity density function of a signal that could be either BDS 5,0 or
BDS 6,0 is shown in figure 2. In this figure, the cross indicates 800
the decomposed ground speed from ADS-B. The decomposed
ground speed of BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0 are shown as dots. 600
BDS 5,0 has the highest probability (closest to the reference
value) and the signal is therefore identified as BDS 5,0. 400

1 1 T −1
f (x) = p exp − (x − µ) Σ (x − µ)
(2π)k det Σ 2

0.02 Fig. 3. Received Mode S signals on 5 January 2018

P( V x )

2000000 1.0
0.00 Ratio corrupt
1750000 Total
300 0.8

Ratio of corrupted signals

1500000 Corrupt
BDS 6,0 Mode S signals
1250000 0.6
200 1000000
750000 0.4
100 500000
Vy [kts]

0 0 0.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Hour of day
BDS 5,0
ADS-B Fig. 4. Distribution of Mode S signals per hour on 5 January 2018

−300 −200 −100 0 100 200 0.00 0.02 F. Modelling the Mode S magnetic heading bias
Vx [kts] P( V y )
In Mode S signals, the magnetic heading is transmitted in
the heading and speed report (BDS 6,0). Earlier researches
Fig. 2. Probability density function of a signal
with radar data from LVNL by De Haan [18], [24], showed
that there is a deviation in the transmitted value of the magnetic
E. ADS-B/Mode S receiver set-up & Statistics heading due to outdated magnetic declination tables on-board.
At the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering at the Delft Uni- De Haan [18] used landing aircraft and runway headings to
versity of Technology, an ADS-B/Mode S receiver is installed. determine the magnetic deviation. In 2013, De Haan [24]
ADS-B and Mode S replies are logged from aircraft within proposed a method to determine the heading correction by
line-of-sight, up to a distance of 400 km from aircraft at cruise using external wind data. However, this paper proposes an
altitude. In figure 3, a map is shown with the received Mode S alternative, possibly more accurate approach.
signals (combined with ADS-B position) by this receiver on The magnetic declination (variance) is the difference be-
5 January 2018. It can be seen that Mode S interrogations tween the true north and the magnetic north, and is a function
are very concentrated along flight paths and around airports of time, latitude, longitude and altitude, which is illustrated
(Amsterdam and Brussels). In total, 33.4 million Mode S in figure 5. The magnetic deviation is the error due to device
signals are received, from which 19.6 million are linked with measurement inaccuracies or local magnetic fields. Aircraft
an ADS-B position. Signals without ADS-B positions are from use magnetic declination look-up tables to convert the true
aircraft without ADS-B or contain transmission errors. With heading from the inertial reference unit (IRU) to magnetic
the DF21 squawk code check, it turned out that 2 million heading [34]. EASA Certification Specifications for Large
signals are from aircraft that do not transmit ADS-B. The Aeroplanes (CS-25 Amendment 12) states that acceptable
majority of these signals are received above the Netherlands, accuracy values for the magnetic heading derived from true
Belgium and the North Sea. In figure 4, a distribution per hour and magnetic declination tables are 3 degrees for latitudes
is shown with the total number of Mode S signals. Also, the between 60 ◦ S and 70 ◦ N.

True north +D Magnetic north
5,0 and magnetic heading in BDS 6,0 have a resolution of
0.18 degrees (90/512 degrees), rounded to the nearest multiple.
30 For comparison with the runway/taxiway track, the same
resolution of 0.18 degrees is used, rounded to the nearest





A. Meteorological derivations

150 To obtain the actual air temperature, the Mach number and
180 the true airspeed should be known. To determine the wind, the
true airspeed vector and ground speed vector should be known.
These parameters can be obtained from ADS-B and Mode S
Fig. 5. Magnetic north = True north + Declination (D) + Deviation data. In table II, the relevant parameters from ADS-B and
Mode S are shown for meteorological derivations. As shown
in table II, parameters in ADS-B and BDS 5,0 are comparable,
In this paper, ADS-B and Mode S data from on-ground except that ADS-B contains position and altitude information.
aircraft (taking-off, landing and taxiing) will be used to BDS 6,0 contains the magnetic heading and Mach number,
determine the magnetic deviation. Aircraft on-ground are not which are essential in calculating wind and temperature.
influenced by wind and therefore the heading of the aircraft
will be equal to the ground track. The disadvantage of this TABLE II
approach is that only aircraft that have landed at an airport U SABLE INFORMATION FROM ADS-B AND M ODE S
can be used for analysis.
Amsterdam Airport Schiphol is equipped with an Advanced ADS-B BDS 5,0 BDS 6,0
Surface Movement Guidance & Control System (A-SMGCS) True track angle True track angle Magnetic heading
for surveillance, routing, guidance and control. As part of Ground speed Ground speed Indicated airspeed
Position (lat, lon) True airspeed Mach number
this system, an SSR (TAR-1 radar) has been installed at the Pressure altitude
airport to interrogate aircraft, including ground traffic (mainly
for identification purposes).
1) Air pressure and air density: With the pressure altitude
For this analysis, an ADS-B/Mode S receiver has been
from ADS-B, the local air pressure and air density can be
installed at the Schiphol Group head office, with a clear
calculated with the International Standard Atmosphere (ISA).
view on runway 18C/36C. However, the receiver is capable
Air pressure p is an exponential function of altitude h and can
of receiving signals from aircraft that are not in line-of-
be calculated with equation 8. hb and pb are the base altitude
sight due to multipath effects. Mode S signals with a flight
and air pressure respectively of an atmospheric layer and are
status indicating that the aircraft is on-ground and an ADS-B
shown in table III. Other ISA constants are shown in table IV.
speed lower than 100 kts are used. This threshold is chosen
because during landing, aircraft can experience crosswind and   −g
λ(h − hb ) λR
a heading correction is used to compensate for the drift while p = pb 1 + λ 6= 0
being on-ground. At speeds lower than 100 kts, it is assumed Tb (8)
that the aircraft has aligned with the runway. g(h − hb )
p = pb exp − λ=0
Due to the low resolution of ground track angle in ADS-B RTb
from on-ground aircraft (2.97 degrees), the track angle from The air density ρ can be calculated with the perfect gas law
ADS-B will not be used to determine the magnetic deviation. given in equation 9, knowing the air pressure p from equation
Instead, the true north track angle of the runways and taxiways 8, the local air temperature T and the specific gas constant R.
will be used that is obtained from the Aeronautical Information
Publication (AIP) published by LVNL [35]. p
ρ= (9)
A set of runways and taxiways from where Mode S signals RT
are received is used with its true track angle. By converting the 2) Temperature: Equation 10 shows the calculation of the
ADS-B position to a Cartesian reference system, the distance temperature T with the true airspeed VT AS and indicated
to each centerline of the runway/taxiway is calculated. The airspeed VIAS or Mach number M . These parameters are
received Mode S signal is assigned to a runway/taxiway when available in BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0.
the distance is less than 15 meters from the centerline and the
ADS-B track angle is not more than 10 degrees different than VT AS · p
T = M < 0.3
the runway track angle. VIAS · ρ · R
Assuming that aircraft are aligned with the centerline, VT AS · T0
T = M ≥ 0.3
runway/taxiway track angles are used to derive the magnetic M 2 · a20
deviation in BDS 6,0. The transmitted track angle in BDS


hb [m] Tb [K] λ [K/km] pb [Pa] ρ [kg/m3 ] Symbol Description Value Unit

Troposphere 0 288.15 −6.5 101,325 1.225 a0 Sea level speed of sound 340.3 m/s
Tropopause 11,000 216.65 0.0 22,632 0.364 g Gravitational acceleration 9.81 m/s2
Stratosphere 20,000 216.65 1.0 5,475 0.088 p0 Sea level air pressure 101 325 Pa
R Specific gas constant 287.05 J/(kg·K)
T0 Sea level temperature 288.15 K
ρ0 Sea level air density 1.225 kg/m3
3) Wind: In figure 6, the relation between true airspeed,
ground speed and wind is shown. The ground speed vector
VGS is the sum of the true airspeed vector VT AS and wind
B. Meteo-Partical Model
vector W as shown in equation 11. χg , χa and χw are the
ground speed vector angle (track angle), airspeed vector angle The meteorological derivations in subsection IV-A are in-
(heading) and wind vector angle with respect to true north corporated in the Meteo-Partical model (MP model) [36]. A
respectively. flow diagram of how ADS-B and Mode S signals are used
in the MP model is shown in figure 7. For each wind and
Vg = VT AS + W (11) temperature derivation obtained from ADS-B and Mode S
data, the MP model creates particles that can be considered
as point objects with the state of the wind and temperature.
These particles propagate and decay over time according to a
χw Gaussian random walk model, where the particle age increases
W at each time step. Wind particles can propagate in 3D, but wind
speed and direction are only computed in the horizontal plane.
χa VT AS Temperature particles propagate in 2D at the same altitude. At
χg each time step, the particles are re-sampled: particles that have
propagated outside of the horizontal and vertical boundaries
are removed and remaining particles will be sampled by age.
Advantages of using the MP model is that meteorological
conditions can be computed in less dense areas, in areas with
less aircraft. Historic information is used without the need
Fig. 6. Relation between true airspeed, ground speed and wind of storing historical measurements. Wind and temperature
are reconstructed by using the weighted state values from
To simplify calculations in equation 11, the vectors VGS , surrounding particles. The confidence of wind and temperature
VT AS and W will be decomposed into a west-east component derivations depends on the number, mean distance, homo-
Vx and a south-north component Vy . Decomposing a vector geneity and strength of the particles. New meteorological
in x and y components can be done with equations 3 and derivations that are not consistent with the current wind and
4 respectively. Wind components can then be calculated with temperature field will be rejected according to a probabilistic
equations 12 and 13. acceptance mechanism. An example wind field with wind
barbs and confidence interval is shown in figure 8.
Wx = Vx,GS − Vx,T AS (12)
Wy = Vy,GS − Vy,T AS (13)
The ground speed vector can be obtained from ADS-B using
reported ground speed and track angle. The true airspeed can
h p ρ T
be obtained directly from BDS 5,0 or can be calculated with
the indicated airspeed or Mach number from BDS 6,0 as
shown in equation 14. With the magnetic heading in BDS 6,0,
converted to true north, the airspeed vector can be derived.
r BDS 6,0
ρ0 VGS W
VT AS = VIAS M < 0.3
ρ (14)
VT AS = M γRT M ≥ 0.3 Fig. 7. Flow diagram meteorological derivations

hlow ∧ GSmedium ∧ V S+ ⇒ Climb
1.0 hhigh ∧ GShigh ∧ V S0 ⇒ Cruise
hlow ∧ GSmedium ∧ V S− ⇒ Descent

In this paper, only the flight phases climb, cruise and descent
0.7 will be analysed since the installed ADS-B/Mode S receiver
has a limited reception for low altitudes due to line-of-sight
0.6 characteristics. Therefore take-off, initial climb, final approach
and landing are not considered.
0.5 The calibrated airspeed and Mach number are important
parameters during climb and descent. During the climb, the
first part will be performed with a constant calibrated airspeed,
0.3 followed by a climb with a constant Mach number. During
the descent, the first part will be performed with a constant
0.2 Mach number, followed by a descent with a constant calibrated
airspeed. The altitude where the constant calibrated airspeed
0.1 becomes constant Mach number (or vice-versa), is called
the crossover altitude. Due to limited complete climbs and
descents from our receiver, the crossover altitude is obtained
from earlier research [11].
Fig. 8. Wind field construction with confidence contour
The following aircraft performance parameters will be de-
rived for climb (CL), cruise (CR) and descent (DE):
C. Improving aircraft performance parameters • Climb / descent:
With the obtained wind and temperature conditions from – Constant calibrated airspeed climb / descent:
the MP model, operational performance and limitations of
aircraft can be estimated. Although indicated airspeed, true ∗ Ground speed (GS) and true airspeed (TAS)
airspeed and Mach number are transmitted in Mode S, the use ∗ Calibrated airspeed (CAS)
of the MP model has its advantages. Mode S parameters have ∗ Vertical speed
a certain resolution. For some parameters this resolution is – Constant Mach number climb / descent:
low, for example, true airspeed has a resolution of 2 kts. Due ∗ Ground speed and true airspeed
to the fusion of inputs from multiple aircraft, derivation errors ∗ Mach number
due to the low resolution of Mode S will be averaged out. ∗ Vertical speed
Mode S parameters are only updated when interrogated by an
SSR, while with the MP model it is possible to determine the • Cruise:
wind and temperature at any time due to the propagation and – Ground speed and true airspeed
decay. Further, the MP model gives a complete state of the – Calibrated airspeed
atmosphere instead of a local measurement (aircraft position), – Mach number
which can useful for other applications, not limited to aviation. 2) Aircraft performance parameter estimation: Using
1) Flight extraction and flight phase identification: From ADS-B and Mode S data with the MP model, the true airspeed
large amounts of ADS-B data, individual flights need to be of an aircraft at any given point can be determined with ground
extracted. To deal with unsorted flight-data, the unsupervised speed from ADS-B and estimated wind from the MP model.
machine learning clustering method (DBSCAN) is used to With the estimated temperature and true airspeed, the Mach
cluster and sort the data per flight. A minimum number of number and the indicated airspeed can be calculated as given
100 data points is used to construct a (partial) flight. Since in equations 15 and 16 respectively. The difference between
ADS-B data can be scattered and noisy; smoothing, filtering indicated and calibrated is assumed to be small and therefore
and interpolation are applied per flight. considered as equal.
For aircraft performance, it is important to identify the flight
phase. This is identified by fuzzy logic with the inputs altitude
(h), ground speed (GS) and vertical speed (V S) as explained VT AS
M= (15)
in [12]. It uses membership functions to define the degree γRT
of truth for the inputs. For example, during climb, the altitude
will be low, with a medium ground speed and positive vertical With the aircraft altitude, the air pressure can be calculated
speed. Cruise will have a high ground speed and altitude, with from the ISA as given in equation 9. The indicated airspeed
a vertical speed close to zero. The following estimators are can be derived with the air density, the dynamic pressure and
used to identify the flight phase: the ISA constants as given in equation 16:

The dataset contains 273,336 observations on 7 September
3.5 ! 2017 between 13h and 14h UTC. From this dataset, the aircraft
ρ · VT2AS

qdyn = p 1+ −1 ICAO address, altitude (flight level), calculated ground speed,
7p calculated track angle and Mode S message field are used. In
s (16)
 2/7 these observations, there are 253,059 raw Mode S messages,
7p0 qdyn
VCAS = VIAS = · 1+ −1 but with the indication which BDS register is interrogated
ρ0 p0 (BDS 4,0, 5,0 or 6,0).
For each aircraft type, phase and performance parameter, a For the probabilistic identification of the BDS register,
probability distribution is fitted on the data. The used distri- reference information for altitude, ground speed and track
butions are a normal distribution (N ), a gamma distribution angle is required. As reference information, the included flight
(Γ) and a beta distribution (B). To estimate the best unbiased altitude (level), calculated ground speed and calculated track
model parameters for the distributions, a maximum likelihood angle in the ASTERIX dataset are used. The BDS register
is used. After this, the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) of Mode S messages in the LVNL dataset is identified with
test is applied to select the best distribution. and without the probabilistic method and the success rates are
Using the same notation of [11], each aircraft performance shown in table V.
parameter will be described by equation 17: In table V, it can be seen that the number with wrong BDS
n o register identification increases with the probabilistic method.
ψ̂ | ψmin , ψmax | *pdf (17) However, further analysis showed that one aircraft, a Beech
200 Super King Air (ICAO address 399675), transmitted
The first part, ψ̂, is the optimal performance value, followed BDS 6,0 with only magnetic heading (44 signals), which was
by the minimum and maximum values that are obtained from incorrectly identified as BDS 4,0. When this aircraft is filtered
a 90% confidence interval. The last part is the distribution that out, the BDS register of 19 Mode S signals (0.0075%) were
is obtained from the KS test with the distribution parameters identified incorrectly. Wrong BDS identification only occurred
as shown in equation 18: between BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0.
In some cases, the BDS register could not be identified. This
 is because not all fields in BDS 5,0 or BDS 6,0 are available
0 0
[ norm , µ, σ]
 for x ∼ N to build a multivariate distribution. All BDS 4,0 signals are
*pdf = [0 gamma0 , α, µ, k] for x ∼ Γ (18) identified correctly as BDS 4,0.
[ beta0 , α, β, µ, k]

for x ∼ B
Where µ is the mean parameter, σ the deviation and α, β, R ESULTS BDS REGISTER IDENTIFICATION
k are shape parameters for the gamma and beta distribution.
Probabilistic identification No Yes
V. E XPERIMENTS & R ESULTS BDS identified correctly 221,652 (87.59%) 250,816 (99.11%)
BDS identified incorrectly 6 (0.002%) 63 (0.025%)
Before using Mode S signals, identifying the correct Mode S BDS could not be identified 31,401 (12.41%) 2180 (0.86%)
BDS register is crucial for obtaining the correct parameters. In
this section, the BDS register identification will be validated
with ATC data. Earlier research showed that the magnetic B. Magnetic heading deviation analysis at Schiphol
heading in BDS 6,0 contains deviations and these deviations Over a period of 5 months, from 22 November 2017 to 19
will be determined with an analysis of on-ground aircraft. April 2018 (with some outages), in total 6.8 million Mode S
When correct Mode S parameters are obtained, the MP model signals were obtained from 3833 unique aircraft with the status
can be used for wind and temperature derivations. The results on-ground. On 12 January 2018, the receiver was moved to
of the MP model will be validated with on-board data from another position which improved the reception of Mode S
an aircraft and a numerical weather prediction model. When signals from on-ground aircraft (mainly due to improved
the meteorological derivations have been validated, aircraft reception from runway 09/27 and the G/F-gates).
performance parameters can be derived. For the analysis, only aircraft types (ICAO aircraft type
designators) with more than 1000 BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0
A. Validation of BDS register identification with ATC radar signals with a distance less than 15 m to the centerline and a
data ground speed lower than 100 kts are used. This resulted in 27
To validate the BDS register identification method, a one- aircraft types.
hour dataset from LVNL’s TAR-1 SSR located at Amster- 1) BDS 5,0 ground track and runway track angle: To
dam Airport Schiphol is used. The dataset is formatted in verify the proposed methodology, first, the difference between
EUROCONTROL’s ASTERIX CAT048 format (All Purpose the track angle from BDS 5,0 and the runway headings are
STructured EUROCONTROL SuRveillance Information EX- compared (n = 784,302 signals). As mentioned earlier, the
change) [37]. This dataset is decoded using the Python library wind will not affect the ground track of an aircraft, and
Asterix developed by Croatia Control [38]. therefore the difference is expected to be zero degrees. For

24/27 aircraft types, the median is 0 degree, while for 3/27 comparison, the transmitted track angle in BDS 5,0 from the
aircraft types the median is -0.176 degrees. The A388 has the A388 seems to be inaccurate.
largest spread in BDS 5,0 track angle, but no explanation could
be found for this. With this result, it can be concluded that the A20N
track angle in BDS 5,0 is equal to the runway headings. A306
2) BDS 6,0 magnetic heading and runway track angle: A319
At Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, the magnetic declination is A320
around +1.13 degrees (east) (World Magnetic Model 2015) A321
in January 2018. By using the runway true track angle and A333
magnetic heading in BDS 6,0, the difference between these A343
parameters will be the magnetic declination and should be A359
+1.05 degrees (due to the Mode S resolution of 0.18 degrees). B737
Figure 9 shows the boxplots of the differences between the B738
runway track angle and the magnetic heading in BDS 6,0 (n B744
= 678,189 signals). The dashed line indicates the magnetic B748
declination of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, and the difference B752
between runway heading and magnetic heading is expected to B772
be on this line. B77L
Comparing different aircraft types, the median of the mag- B788
netic heading difference of the same aircraft type series are B789
similar. For example, the Airbus A320 series (A318-A321) BCS3
have a median close to each other. The same applies to the E195
Boeing 737 series (B737-B739), the Boeing 747 (B744, B748), E75L
Boeing 777 (B772, B77L, B77W) and Boeing Dreamliner 4 2 0 2 4 6
Difference between BDS 6,0 magnetic heading and runway track [deg]
(B788 and B789). The median of the Boeing 737 series and
the Embraer family (E190, E195 and E75), are the closest to
Fig. 9. Boxplots showing the difference between BDS 6,0 magnetic heading
magnetic declination as shown in table VI. and runway/taxiway track per aircraft type
For some aircraft, the Airbus A330 series, Airbus A343 and
the Boeing 787 series, the magnetic heading is nearly equal to 4) Aircraft type magnetic heading corrections: With the
the runway track (no magnetic declination) and some aircraft, results obtained from figure 9, an aircraft type dependent
like the Boeing 747 and 777 series, have a completely opposite heading correction can be derived which is the difference
magnetic declination. between the expected magnetic declination and the difference
Analysing more specifically the Boeing 747 (n = 41,263 between transmitted BDS 6,0 magnetic heading and runway
signals), 69% of the B744 signals are from KLM aircraft, track. The correction values are given in table VI and these will
while none of the B748 signals are from KLM. For both be applied for further wind derivations as given in equation
aircraft types, the boxplots are similar and the medians are 19.
both -0.88 degrees. This behaviour is also visible for different
airlines with a specific aircraft type. From this, it can be
True north = Magnetic north - Declination + Correction
inferred that the magnetic deviation is aircraft type dependent,
but not necessarily airline specific. While in BDS 5,0 the
spread in track angle of the A388 was large, the spread in TABLE VI
magnetic heading in BDS 6,0 is much smaller. C ORRECTIONS FOR BDS 6,0 MAGNETIC HEADING
3) BDS 5,0 track angle and BDS 6,0 magnetic heading:
Since many aircraft are interrogated for BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0 Aircraft type Correction [deg] Aircraft type Correction [deg]
closely after each other, a comparison between the transmitted A20N 1.582 B744 1.934
aircraft track angle and magnetic heading is made. BDS 5,0 A306 0.879 B748 1.934
A318 0.703 B752 0.703
track angle and BDS 6,0 magnetic heading are compared if the A319 0.528 B763 0.879
received time difference between these signals is less than one A320 0.703 B772 1.758
second. The results are comparable to the comparison between A321 0.879 B77L 1.934
A332 1.055 B77W 1.934
BDS 6,0 and runway track angle: 18/27 aircraft types have the A333 1.055 B788 0.879
same difference, while 8/27 aircraft types have 0.18 degrees A343 1.055 B789 0.879
difference and one aircraft type (B763) has a difference of A359 2.285 BCS3 1.406
A388 1.582 E190 0.176
0.35 degrees. B737 0.175 E195 0.176
This indicates that the transmitted magnetic heading in BDS B738 0.352 E75L 0.000
6,0 is more accurate than the track angle in BDS 5,0 for the B739 0.175
A388. Since this time no runway track angle is used in the

C. Validation of meteorological estimations TABLE VII
The results of the meteorological estimations are compared WITH ON - BOARD DATA
with on-board flight data from the research aircraft of the Delft
University of Technology, a Cessna Citation II (C550) and a ME MAE RMSE R
numerical weather prediction (NWP) model. First, the estima- Wind speed w/o correction [m/s] 1.50 3.41 7.61 0.60
tions without any post-processing are validated, that is only Wind speed w/ correction [m/s] 1.37 3.18 5.93 0.71
Wind direction w/o correction [deg] 1.77 12.00 18.62 0.84
using the equations in subsection IV-A. Next, the estimations Wind direction w/ correction [deg] 2.20 11.87 18.00 0.83
with post-processing in the MP model are validated. Temperature w/o correction [K] 0.62 3.30 8.63 0.58
The effect of additional corrections to Mode S on the MP Temperature w/ correction [K] 0.53 3.19 7.79 0.63
model are analysed: filtering out corrupt Mode S signals based
on the included altitude or squawk code, aircraft type magnetic
heading corrections and filtering out measurements with a high is determined for the Cessna, and the Cessna was flying at a
roll angle (≥ 5 degrees). The reason is that high roll angles flight level that is not used by commercial aircraft for which
affect the measured true airspeed. heading corrections are determined. Therefore corrections will
To assess the accuracy, the Cessna on-board data and the only affect other altitudes, while the wind and temperature are
NWP model are considered as true data source and used as mainly derived from the Cessna itself.
reference. To determine the accuracy, the mean error (ME), When Mode S signals from the Cessna are excluded an
mean absolute error (MAE), root mean squared error (RMSE) improvement can be seen in table VIII. This is because for
and the Pearson correlation coefficient3 (R) are calculated. other aircraft types heading corrections can be applied. The
1) Validation with on-board flight data: For validation with heading correction will only affect wind, the MAE for wind
the Cessna, a total of 7 flights over 4 days are used. These speed and direction improves up to 13% compared to the on-
flights were executed for research at an altitude of 16,000 ft board data of the Cessna. Due to the roll limitation, some
and contain many turns. At this altitude, not many commercial true airspeed measurements are filtered out that from being
aircraft fly, which results in a lower number of Mode S signals, used for temperature estimation. This leads to a very small
except the signals from the Cessna itself. Also the effect of improvement.
using Mode S signal from the Cessna itself will be analysed. Comparing the meteorological derivations in table VII with
a) Raw weather derivations: From ADS-B and Mode S, table VIII, it can be seen that the MP model improves the
the wind and temperature are derived as explained in sub- quality of wind and temperature estimations.
section IV-A. These derived parameters are compared with
the wind and temperature derived from data on-board of the TABLE VIII
Cessna and these results are shown in table VII. E STIMATION ERRORS IN WIND AND TEMPERATURE CALCULATIONS
In the temperature derivations, a lot of noise is observed.
Including Cessna Citation II
This noise is caused by the resolution of true airspeed and
Mach number, which are 2 kts and 0.004 Mach respectively.
Since the temperature is determined by equation 20, with Wind speed w/o correction [m/s] 0.79 2.24 3.01 0.88
Wind speed w/ correction [m/s] 0.92 2.28 3.00 0.88
C = 1/401.87. Small changes (and rounding errors) can cause Wind direction w/o correction [deg] 0.86 9.62 12.59 0.95
temperature fluctuations, for example when case BDS 5,0 Wind direction w/ correction [deg] 0.98 9.16 11.47 0.94
true airspeed and BDS 6,0 Mach number are not transmitted Temperature w/o correction [K] 0.61 1.89 2.62 0.92
Temperature w/ correction [K] 0.59 1.86 2.51 0.93
simultaneously and these parameters are not constant. An
option to solve this is by smoothing the true airspeed and
Excluding Cessna Citation II
Mach number.
V2 V Wind speed w/o correction [m/s] -0.31 3.31 4.05 0.63
T = = C (20) Wind speed w/ correction [m/s] 0.02 2.95 3.64 0.70
γRM 2 M
Wind direction w/o correction [deg] 0.74 11.17 14.78 0.91
b) MP model weather derivations: The wind and tem- Wind direction w/ correction [deg] -0.72 9.77 13.51 0.92
perature estimations of the MP model are validated with the Temperature w/o correction [K] 0.05 1.58 2.06 0.94
Temperature w/ correction [K] 0.05 1.55 2.01 0.95
Cessna. For this, weather derivations from other aircraft will
be included. However, when analysing the effect of the Cessna
itself, the Mode S signals from the Cessna will be excluded 2) Validation with a numerical weather prediction model:
from the input. The results are shown in table VIII. The last validation is made with an NWP model. In contrast to
When Mode S signals from the Cessna are included in the the validation with the Cessna on-board data, the NWP model
MP model, it can be seen that corrections have no influence gives a total overview of the wind and temperature of the
on the MAE. This is because corrections do not have a atmosphere. For this comparison, the hourly European Cen-
large influence on the Cessna, since no heading correction tre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5
reanalysis dataset is used with a latitudinal and longitudinal
3 All mentioned correlation coefficients are significant at a level of p < 0.01 resolution of 0.28125 degrees (31 km).

Using historical data recorded from the installed knowing the wind vector, it is possible to determine the
ADS-B/Mode S receiver, the MP model derived the aircraft’s true airspeed with ADS-B ground speed data. ADS-B
wind and temperature for each minute between 1 January and Mode S data of March 2018 from our receiver have been
2018 00h UTC till 7 January 2018 23h UTC. These values processed with the MP model. This resulted in 144 million
are grouped by the closest hour and compared to the NWP positions from 8590 unique aircraft. From these positions,
model. also a Mode S true airspeed message (BDS 5,0) was received
From a 7-day data input, the MP model estimated for in within 5 seconds for 120 million positions. With the MP
total 17,702,137 (without corrections) and 14,906,023 (with model, true airspeed was determined for 139 million positions.
corrections) grid points the wind and temperature. These From signals that contain BDS 5,0 true airspeed (assumed
results are given in table IX. As can be seen in table IX, the as correct, despite the low resolution), a comparison was made
MAE for wind speed decreases with 5% and wind direction with the derived true airspeed from the MP model. The mean
with 10% when corrections are applied. Corrections have no error, absolute mean error and root mean squared error for
effect on the MAE for temperature. BDS 5,0 true airspeed and MP true airspeed are 0.15 kts,
In figure 10, the statistics for wind and temperature es- 1.70 kts and 2.11 kts respectively.
timated by the MP model for 5 January 2018 are shown. In this paper, aircraft performance parameters for 16 aircraft
It can be seen that wind speed increases with altitude up types have been analysed. Below, the results for climb, cruise
to 30,000 ft and wind direction that day is mainly western and descent phase for the Airbus A320 are shown.
wind. The temperature is decreasing with altitude till 33,000 ft 1) Climb phase Airbus A320: The altitude where constant
and stays constant from that altitude, which is comparable to CAS starts is at 5.0 km (FL160) and the crossover altitude
the international standard atmosphere. The vertical line is the between constant CAS and constant Mach number is set at an
median of the NWP model. For wind speed and direction, the altitude of 9.6 km (FL310). During the constant CAS climb,
MP model median is close to the NWP model median, while the CAS is 148 m/s (288 kts), with a mean vertical speed of
the MP model median for temperature is higher than the NWP 7.37 m/s (1450 fpm). During constant Mach number climb, the
model median. Mach number is 0.77 with a mean vertical speed of 4.58 m/s
(900 fpm).
TABLE IX It can be seen in figure 12 that using the true airspeed instead
E STIMATION ERRORS IN WIND AND TEMPERATURE CALCULATIONS of the ground speed, the 90% confidence interval becomes
narrower with 23 m/s for the constant CAS climb and 33 m/s
for the constant Mach number climb. In both cases, the change
Wind speed w/o correction [m/s] 0.17 2.87 4.18 0.97
Wind speed w/ correction [m/s] 0.16 2.73 4.03 0.97
of the mean is small.
Wind direction w/o correction [deg] 1.36 8.55 16.76 0.88 2) Cruise phase Airbus A320: During cruise, the mean TAS
Wind direction w/ correction [deg] 0.47 7.73 15.82 0.90 is 229 m/s (445 kts), mean Mach number is 0.78. Using the
Temperature w/o correction [K] 0.52 1.33 1.78 1.00
Temperature w/ correction [K] 0.49 1.32 1.75 1.00
true airspeed instead of the ground speed, narrows the 90%
confidence interval by 29 m/s.
3) Descend phase Airbus A320: At an altitude of 9.5 km
At low wind speeds, the MAE of the wind direction (FL310), the descent with constant Mach number starts with a
increases since a small deviation in wind speed has a large Mach number of 0.77 and a mean vertical speed of -6.41 m/s
effect on the wind direction as shown in figure 11. In this (-1260 fpm). The crossover altitude between constant Mach
figure, it is clearly visible that wind speeds up to 5 m/s have number and constant CAS descend is set at 5.7 km (FL190).
a median of wind direction difference larger than 20 degrees During constant CAS descent, the CAS is 143 m/s (278 kts)
and this median decreases when wind speeds increase. with a mean vertical speed of -7.93 m/s (-1600 fpm).
In the case only wind speeds of the NWP model higher It can be seen in figure 14 that using the true airspeed instead
than 5 m/s are considered, the MAE for wind direction of the ground speed, the 90% confidence interval becomes
decreases to 6.07 degrees. When considering wind speeds narrower with 31 m/s for the constant Mach descent and
higher than 10 m/s, the MAE for wind direction decreases 21 m/s for the constant CAS descent. In both cases, the change
to 5.39 degrees. The MAE for wind speed increases by 5% of the mean is small.
when only considering wind speeds higher than 10 m/s. 4) Optimal performance parameters: The optimal perfor-
During this 7-day period, on 3 January, a severe storm raged mance parameters for other aircraft types are given in table X.
over Western Europe, while on 7 January the wind was calm. It can be seen that for all aircraft types, the differences between
During the storm, the MAE for wind speed and direction were the optimal ground speed and the optimal true airspeed are
similar to other days. Due to the calm wind on 7 January, the small. However, like with the Airbus A320, the confidence
MAE in wind direction difference increased in table IX. intervals become narrower when the true airspeed is used.
D. Aircraft performance parameter modelling VI. D ISCUSSION / R ECOMMENDATIONS
By using the MP model, for each aircraft, each time and In this paper, ADS-B and Mode S signals have been used to
location, the wind and temperature can be estimated. By improve aircraft performance modelling parameters. With an

41 41 41
40 40 40
39 39 39
38 38 38
37 37 37
36 36 36
35 35 35
34 34 34
33 33 33
32 32 32
31 31 31
30 30 30
29 29 29
28 28 28
27 27 27
26 26 26
25 25 25
24 24 24
Altitude [k ft]

23 23 23
22 22 22
21 21 21
20 20 20
19 19 19
18 18 18
17 17 17
16 16 16
15 15 15
14 14 14
13 13 13
12 12 12
11 11 11
10 10 10
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
0 20 40 60 80 100 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 220 240 260 280
Wind speed [m/s] Wind direction [deg] Temperature [K]

Fig. 10. Wind and temperature distribution per 1000 feet on 5 January 2018

Mean GS, cst.-CAS [m/s] Mean GS, cst.-Mach [m/s]

Absolute wind direction difference [deg]

175 Vgs, cl Vgs, cl

185 216 246 202 229 255
Mean TAS, cst.-CAS [m/s] Mean TAS, cst.-Mach [m/s]
100 Vtas, cl Vtas, cl
195 214 233 216 227 236
50 Constant CAS [m/s] Constant Mach [-]
25 Vcas, cl Mcl

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324 139 148 163 0.73 0.77 0.80
Wind speed [m/s] Mean RoC, cst.-CAS [m/s] Mean RoC, cst.-Mach [m/s]
VScas, cl VSmach, cl
Fig. 11. Distribution wind speed versus wind direction error

4.45 7.37 10.31 1.85 4.58 7.31

ADS-B/Mode S receiver installed at the Faculty of Aerospace Fig. 12. Climb parameters
Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, signals are
received from aircraft up to 400 km around the location of
the receiver. ADS-B and Mode S signals are decoded with the it originates. A method has been proposed to identify the
Python pyModeS library, which has been actively developed Mode S content (BDS register) and the interrogated aircraft
during this research. Decoding Mode S was a challenging (its ICAO address). Due to the limited range of our receiver,
task, due to the closed character of Mode S signals. Unlike not all types of BDS registers that could be interrogated have
ADS-B, no information is present in a Mode S signal that been received, for example, Mode S MRAR. Some of these
indicates which content it contains and from which aircraft non-interrogated registers are implemented in pyModeS, but


Phase Parameter A319 A320 A321 A332 A333 A388 B737 B738 B739 B744 B752 B763 B77W B788 B789 E190
CL, CAS VGS 214 216 221 223 221 240 212 215 219 238 223 226 238 240 240 201
VT AS 214 214 218 229 220 236 213 215 217 242 224 228 234 242 240 203
VCAS 148 148 153 153 156 162 147 149 156 169 155 159 163 155 164 140
VS 8.38 7.37 6.65 6.38 6.22 6.06 10.32 8.88 8.60 8.27 8.99 8.23 7.49 6.77 7.12 8.25
CL, Mach VGS 229 229 231 238 237 252 228 228 234 249 230 232 250 254 251 224
VT AS 227 227 228 237 238 247 229 228 231 248 232 234 246 249 249 223
M 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.81 0.84 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.84 0.79 0.79 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.76
VS 4.79 4.58 4.40 3.85 3.33 4.44 4.49 4.52 3.64 4.42 5.97 5.58 6.25 4.27 4.44 4.53
CR VGS 226 228 228 239 240 249 229 227 229 248 232 237 245 249 249 229
VT AS 228 229 229 239 239 248 230 229 230 247 234 236 245 249 249 229
VCAS 129 132 138 132 134 138 126 130 137 144 133 140 150 135 140 135
M 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.81 0.81 0.84 0.77 0.77 0.78 0.84 0.79 0.80 0.83 0.85 0.84 0.78
DE, Mach VGS 223 224 221 237 236 243 226 225 221 241 229 235 231 243 243 225
VT AS 226 227 225 238 236 245 227 227 227 243 232 233 236 245 245 225
M 0.76 0.77 0.76 0.8 0.81 0.83 0.77 0.77 0.77 0.82 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.83 0.84 0.76
VS -6.39 -6.41 -7.27 -8.41 -9.03 -6.46 -7.37 -1.98 -6.78 -7.64 -4.70 -10.07 -7.46 -3.74 -8.96 -8.27
DE, CAS VGS 197 202 201 211 208 215 200 199 202 213 214 217 206 211 216 200
VT AS 199 203 199 218 213 223 201 203 205 214 217 223 213 213 224 201
VCAS 143 143 144 146 151 152 144 140 145 148 152 150 144 143 145 145
VS -8.53 -7.93 -8.17 -8.34 -8.50 -8.81 -7.95 -7.12 -7.40 -8.37 -9.18 -9.02 -8.23 -8.86 -8.91 -8.51

Mean cruise GS [m/s] Mean cruise TAS [m/s] and 6,0 (Mode S EHS), the BDS register identification was
Vgs, cr Vtas, cr compared with ATC data. In 99.11% of the cases, the correct
BDS register was identified, while in 0.025% of the cases
203 228 252 217 229 237 the identification was incorrect and in 0.86% of the cases the
Mean cruise CAS [m/s] Mean cruise Mach [-] BDS register was not identified due to missing fields. The
Vcas, cr Mcr interrogated aircraft can be identified only when the Mode S
signal does not contain transmission errors. A method to
detect corrupted signals has been developed with the additional
123 129 142 0.74 0.78 0.80 information included in Mode S signals. For Mode S signals
containing altitude, the altitude is compared with ADS-B and
Fig. 13. Cruise parameters
considered as correct when the altitude difference is below
a certain threshold (250 ft). For Mode S signals containing
Mean GS, cst.-Mach [m/s] Mean GS, cst.-CAS [m/s] the identity code (squawk code), the combinations of squawk
Vgs, de Vgs, de code and ICAO addresses are counted. Signals are considered
correct when a combination occurs more than ten times per
197 224 251 167 202 237 five minutes.
Mean TAS, cst.-Mach [m/s] Mean TAS, cst.-CAS [m/s] Earlier research showed that the magnetic heading included
Vtas, de Vtas, de in Mode S BDS 6,0 contain deviations. In this paper, a new
method has been proposed to determine these deviations by
213 227 236 178 203 227 using on-ground aircraft and runway/taxiway track angles. An
Constant CAS [m/s]
ADS-B/Mode S receiver was installed at Amsterdam Airport
Constant Mach [-]
Mde Vcas, de Schiphol for half a year to record ground traffic. This data
showed that there are deviations, but no trend could be seen be-
tween older and newer aircraft types. However, the deviations
0.72 0.77 0.80 126 143 161 for aircraft in the same family type (for example the Boeing
Mean RoD, cst.-Mach [m/s] Mean RoD, cst.-CAS [m/s] 737 series) are similar. A correction value has been determined
VSmach, de VScas, de based on the observed deviations. This correction was used to
improve meteorological derivations. It should be noted that the
-12.96-6.41 6.03 -13.33 -7.93 -4.02 magnetic declination at Amsterdam is small, +1.13 degrees.
Using an airport with a larger magnetic deviation, for example,
Fig. 14. Descent parameters airports in the Western United States or Canada, that have a
magnetic declination of about +15 degrees, the differences
should become more clear. During this analysis has been
could not be validated. For three BDS registers, BDS 4,0, 5,0 assumed that aircraft are exactly aligned with the centerline

of the runway/taxiways, which is dependent on how well the scale ADS-B/Mode S network and a longer period are required
pilots keep to the centerline. Due to the manual interactions for wide-body aircraft.
by pilots, the aircraft will deviate from the centerline, but it
has been assumed that this deviation will be cancelled-out by VII. C ONCLUSION
the corrections made by pilots. The use of runway exits also This paper shows that with a simple receiver ADS-B and
contributes to the number of outliers, because aircraft will turn Mode S signals from aircraft can be received by everyone.
on the runway but still satisfy the 15 m requirement from the With ADS-B and Mode S, meteorological conditions (wind
centerline. and temperature) can be derived accurately. These meteoro-
By using the Meteo-Particle model (MP model), wind and logical conditions can be used for various applications, for
temperature are derived from ADS-B and Mode S signals. example in air traffic management, trajectory planning, etc.
For each measurement, particles are created that propagate and its application is not limited to aviation.
and decay over time. Due to the propagation of the particles, The decoding of Mode S is a challenge that has been tackled
meteorological conditions can be computed in areas with fewer in this paper. No information is included on which content
aircraft. The results of the MP model have been validated with is included in the signal or which aircraft is the sender. A
on-board data of the Delft University of Technology research probabilistic method has been designed for identifying the
aircraft Cessna Citation II, as well as a numerical weather content for Mode S Enhanced Surveillance. Using SSR data
prediction model, the European Centre for Medium-Range from Air Traffic Control the Netherlands, it has been shown
Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model. that our ADS-B/Mode S decoding library pyModeS is able
Comparing the MP model with raw wind and temperature to identify the correct content in 99.11% of the Mode S
derivations to on-board data show that the MP model reduces EHS signals (BDS 4,0, BDS 5,0 and BDS 6,0). To determine
the mean absolute error (MAE). The MAE for wind is the ICAO address, a method has been designed to filter
2.24 m/s, for wind direction 9.62 degrees and for temperature out Mode S signals that contain transmission errors. From
1.89 K. This is an MAE reduction of 34% for wind speed, 25% error-free signals, the ICAO address has been determined by
for wind direction and 43% for temperature. Using magnetic applying a ‘reverse parity’ to the signal.
heading corrections and limiting the roll angle up to 5 degrees, Using the Meteo-Particle model (MP model), wind speed,
improvements up to 11% for wind speed, 13% for wind wind direction and temperature from ADS-B and Mode S are
direction and 2% for temperature were found. derived and validated using the European Centre for Medium-
A 7-day ADS-B and Mode S dataset is processed with Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) model. For Mode S
the MP model and validated with the ECMWF model. The magnetic heading an additional correction has been determined
MAE of the MP model with corrections and limiting roll angle by using on-ground traffic at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
compared to the ECMWF model are 2.73 m/s, 7.73 degrees For 27 aircraft types, a heading correction has been applied
and 1.32 K for wind speed, wind direction and temperature before wind derivation in the MP model. Comparing the
respectively. The reduction in MAE due to corrections are 5%, MP model meteorological derivations to the ECMWF model,
10% and 1% for wind speed, wind direction and temperature strong correlations (R > 0.90, p < 0.01) have been shown
respectively. It can be seen that the additional corrections for wind speed, wind direction and temperature. The mean
reduce the MAE for wind speed and wind direction up to absolute error with corrections compared to the ECMWF
13%. At low wind speeds, the MAE of wind direction is larger model are 2.73 m/s, 7.73 degrees and 1.32 K for wind
than at higher wind speeds. Wind speeds up to 5 m/s have a speed, wind direction and temperature respectively. These
median of wind direction difference larger than 20 degrees, meteorological conditions have been used to derive aircraft
while wind speeds higher than 10 m/s have a median of wind performance parameters for 16 aircraft types for the climb,
direction difference smaller than 10 degrees. cruise and descent flight phase. These results are summarized
Using one month of ADS-B and Mode S data from our in this paper.
receiver and the MP model, aircraft performance models have
been derived in climb, cruise and descent phases. These flight ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
phases were chosen since our receiver has limited coverage We would like to thank Air Traffic Control the Netherlands
for low-altitudes, due to the line-of-sight characteristics of (LVNL) for providing us with a dataset containing Mode S
the signals. Comparing the ground speed and true airspeed, a interrogations for validations in this paper. We would also like
narrower 90% confidence interval for true airspeed is shown. to thank Royal Schiphol Group for the possibility of installing
The difference between the mean ground speed and mean true an ADS-B/Mode S receiver at their head office to track on-
airspeed was small. ground traffic at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol.
Due to the limited range of our receiver, the number of
single flights that contains all of these flight phases are limited. R EFERENCES
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