MCN - Final Exam

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1. After 24 hours, baby boy Gabriel was scheduled for a newborn screening test.

Which is not included in the diseases that are screened under the Newborn Screening
Act of the Philippines? *
Down’s Syndrome
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

2. Which of the following findings for the baby is normal? *

Passage of meconium within the first 24 hours.

Respiratory rate of 70/minute at rest.

Yellow skin tones at 12 hours of age
Bleeding from umbilicus.

3. The nurse is instructing the mother on the proper way of holding the baby, minutes
after normal spontaneous delivery. The term neonate is in the first period of reactivity.
Which of the following actions should the nurse take at this time? *
Notify the neonatalogist of the finding.
Encourage the parents to bond with their baby.
Place the baby under the overhead warmer.

Perform the gestational age assessment.

4. The nurse notes that a 6-hour-old neonate has cyanotic hands and feet. Which of
the following actions by the nurse is appropriate? *
Apply pulse oximeter
Place child in isolette.
Swaddle baby in blanket.

Administer oxygen.

5. A mother is preparing to breastfeed her baby. Which of the following actions would
encourage the baby to open the mouth wide for feeding? *
Holding the baby in the en face position.
Pushing down on the baby’s lower jaw.
Tickling the baby’s lips with the nipple.

Giving the baby a trial bottle of formula

6. In differentiating physiologic jaundice from pathologic jaundice, which of the

following facts is most important? *
Infant is a term newborn.
Mother is 37 years of age.
Unconjugated bilirubin level is 6mg/dl on third day.

Appears at 12 hours after birth

7. The neonate develops jaundice 72 hours after birth. The nurse explain to the
parents that the jaundice is probably a result of : *
A temporary bile duct obstruction commonly found in newborns
The physiologic destruction of fetal red blood cells

Some Rh negative blood that has remained in the neonate’s bloodstream

An allergic response to the feedings

8. When assessing on baby's eyes, the nurse notes the following: absence of tears,
corneas of unequal size, constriction of the pupils in response to bright light, and the
presence of red circles on the pupils on ophthalmic examination. Which of these
findings need further assessment? *
Corneas of unequal size.

The absence of tears.

The presence of red circles on the pupils
Constriction of the pupils.

9. Baby boy’s mother is preparing for breastfeeding. Which of the following hormones
influences breast milk release? *
Follicle-stimulating hormone
Luteinizing hormone

10. A nurse is providing discharge teaching to the parents of a newborn. Which of the
following should be included when teaching the parents how to care for the baby’s
umbilical cord? *
Call the doctor if greenish drainage appears.
Remove it with sterile tweezers at one week of age.
Cover it with sterile dressings until it falls off.

Cleanse it with hydrogen peroxide if it starts to smell.

11. A baby has just been admitted into the neonatal nursery. Before taking the
newborn’s vital signs, the nurse should warm his or her hands and the stethoscope in
order to prevent heat loss resulting from which of the following? *


12. The neonate’s vital signs are the following: temperature = 35.8 degrees C., heart
rate = 120 bpm, and respirations = 40/minute. The infant is pink with slight
acrocyanosis. What would be the priority nursing diagnosis for the neonate? *
Altered elimination pattern related to lack of nourishment
Potential for infection related to lack of immunity.
Altered nutrition, less than body requirements related to diminish sucking reflex.
Ineffective thermoregulation related to fluctuating environmental temperatures.

13. What is the priority nursing intervention for the nurse to prevent evaporative heat
loss in the newborn? *
Placing the baby away from the outside wall and the windows
Keeping the baby out of drafts and away from air conditioners
Warming the stethoscope and nurse's hands before touching the baby
Drying the baby after birth and wrapping the baby in a dry blanket

14. Which nursing action is designed to avoid unnecessary heat loss by conduction in
the newborn? *
Maintain room temperature at 70° F.
Minimizing baths
Place a blanket over the scale before weighing the infant.

Keeping babies away from air vents

15. A nurse is giving a newborn his first bath. She notes that his temperature has
decreased after the bath. What would be the best rationale of the drop in
temperature? *

16. Which of the following best describe heat loss by convection that occurs in the
newborn? *
By giving a bath
By wrapping in cool blanket
By placing in a drafty area of the room

By placing on a cold circumcision board

17. What would be the nurse's initial action when caring for an infant with a
temperature of 36.1 *C (97.0 F) in an open crib? *
Notify the physician immediately
Return the infant to isolette
Wrap the infant in two warmed blankets and place a cap on the head

Start an intravenous fluid of 500 cc of water

18. The nurse is aware that a healthy newborn’s respirations are: *

Regular, initiated by the chest wall, 40-60 per minute, shallow
Irregular, abdominal, 30-60 per minute, shallow

Irregular, initiated by chest wall, 30-60 per minute, deep

Regular, abdominal, 40-50 per minute, deep
19. Which of the following would be the rationale about the low level of vitamin K at
birth in term newborns? *
fetal liver is only partially functional.
fetal swallowing reflexes aren't mature
fetal GI is sterile.

maternal estrogen inhibits vitamin K production.

20. The newborn is to be released from hospital at 2 days of age. The nurse performs
a physical examination before discharge and examines the neonate’s hands and
palms. Which of the following findings requires further assessment? *
Two large creases across the palm.
Absence of creases on the palm.
Many crease across the palm.

A single crease on the palm.

21. What would be considered as the earliest reflexes present upon birth of the baby?
1. Sucking, rooting, Moro, swallowing 2. Gagging, Babinski, sneezing 3. Tonic neck,
grasp (palmar and plantar) 4. Stepping or walking, stretching *
1 and 2
1,2 and 4
All except 4

All of the above

22. The nurse is about to elicit the Moro reflex. Which of the following responses
should the nurse expect to see? *
When the newborn is supine and the head is turned to one side, the arm on that same side
When the cheek of the baby is touched, the newborn turns toward the side that is touched.
When the baby is suddenly lowered or startled, the neonate’s arms straighten outward and the
knees flex.

When the lateral aspect of the sole of the baby’s foot is stroked, the toes extend and fan outward

23. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to assess for the Landau
reflex? *
Place the infant horizontally and support him under the abdomen.
Suspend the infant in a horizontal, prone position and flex the head.

Thrust the infant downward from a horizontal position.

Stroke one side of the spinal column while the baby is on his/her abdomen.

24. The nurse observes a healthy newborn lying in a supine position with the head
turned to the side, legs and arms extended on the same side and flexed on the
opposite side. What would best describe this reflex? *
The Landau reflex
A tonic neck reflex

The Moro reflex

An abnormal reflex

25. There are varied opinions as to when solid foods are supposed to be introduced to
an infant. The consensus of the majority is 4-6 months, what would be the reason for
this? 1. Salivary enzymes are not present until 2-3 months old 2. Extrusion reflex lasts
until 3-4 months 3. Swallowing reflex is not well developed 4. Digestion of solids can
take place after 3 months old *
1,2 and 4
3 and 4
All of the above
1,2 and 3

26. While assessing the integument of a 24-hour-old newborn, the nurse notes a pink,
papular rash with vesicles superimposed on the thorax, back, and abdomen. What
would the nurse perform? *
Move the newborn to an isolation nursery.
Take the newborn's temperature and obtain a culture of one of the vesicles
Notify the physician immediately.
Document the finding as erythema toxicum.
27. A mother noticed some bruises on her newborn girl's buttocks and she asks the
nurse who spanked her daughter. Which of the following would best describe the
marks seen by the mother? *
Mongolian spots.

Vascular nevi.
Nevus flammeus.

28. A newborn has small, whitish, pinpoint spots over the nose, which the nurse knows
are caused by retained sebaceous secretions. When charting this observation, what
would the nurse indicate this physical feature? *

Mongolian spots

29. A mother of a term neonate asks what the thick, white, cheesy coating is on his
skin. Which of the following best describes this finding? *
Nevus flammeus


30. To check for the presence of Epstein’s pearls, the nurse should assess which part
of the neonate’s body? *


31. Which of the following would be an incorrect principle of growth and

development? *
Optimum time is needed for initiation of experiences/learning and a great deal of skill and
behavior are learned by practice
Children does not have optimum time for initiation of experiences or learning

All body system do not develop at the same rate

Growth and development are continues’ processes from conception to death

32. Which of the following principles would reflect with growth and development? 1.
Developmental milestones are times when certain behaviours and events occur. 2.
Progressive attainment of skills is known as developmental achievements 3. Growth
and development is a continuous process from infancy to death 4. Fine motor skills
develop before gross motor skills *


33. Which of the following principles of growth and development most relevant to the
motor aspect that progresses from the center of the body to the extremities? *

Proceed in an orderly sequence

Primitive reflexes must be lost before development can proceed

34. Sequential trends is defined as an orderly sequence; each child normally passes
through every stage. Which of the following is NOT considered as sequential? *
Differentiation: development from simple operations to more complex activities & functions
Positivism and Negativism stimulus enhance or defer the achievement of skill or function

Each stage is affected by preceding stage and affects those stages that follow
Critical periods: time period in which child is especially responsive to certain environmental
effects; sometimes called sensitive periods

35. About growth and development, which assessment finding indicates the child's
development proceeds from gross to refined? *
The child's arms are the most rapidly growing part of the child's body.
The child can throw a large ball but not a small ball.

The child has not gained weight for 3 months.

The child can pull herself or himself to her or his feet before the child is able to sit steadily.

36. In what way does moral development theory differs from cognitive development
theory? *
Cognitive development theory deals with the formation of personality.
Moral development theory predicts how a person will react in any situation.
Moral development theory characterizes the value system of people and their respect for others.

Cognitive development theory describes physical changes that take place in stages

37. Which of the following would be an incorrect principle of growth and

development? *
Growth and development are continues processes from conception to death
Optimum time is needed for initiation of experiences/learning and a great deal of skill and
behavior are learned by practice
Different children pass through the unpredictable stages at different rates

All body system do not develop at the same rate

38. Which of the following principle, states that simple skills typically develop
separately and independently but are later integrated to a more complex skills? *
Principle of Hierarchical Integration

Proximodistal Principle
Principle of Independence of Systems
Cephalocaudal Principle

39. Which of the principle best suggests that different body systems grow at different
rates? *
Proximodistal Principle
Cephlocaudal Principle
Principle of Independent systems

Principle of Hierarchichal Integration

40. Which of the following states that growth follows a pattern that begins with the
head and upper body parts and then proceeds to the rest of the body? *
Cephlocaudal principle

Principle of Independent systems

Proximodistal Principle
Principle of Hierarchichal Integration

41. Personality continues to evolve over time and respond to the influences and
experiences of life, much of personality is determined by inborn traits and early
childhood experiences. What would be the best definition for theories? *
Promises that certain things will happen in certain ways
Answer all our questions about human development
Ways of thinking that help us understand, give us questions to ask and offer looks with different

Can never actually be used to guide our thinking and behavior; they are just for general

42. What is considered as the basic physiological needs? *

Developed by Glen Elder to study growth and development past childhood, throughout the entire
Needs of the mind; ways to stay creative and interested
Maslow's third level of human needs
In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, these are the basics of air, food, water, shelter, clothing, rest and

43. What best describes Autonomy versus Shame/Doubt? *

In Erikson's theory, children ages 2-3 begin to have some control over their own bodies and, to
some extent, their lives, which allows for great independence and self-confidence.

States that independence causes shame and doubt

Looks at how ecological systems influence development over time and with transitions, such as
Highest stage in Kohlberg's stage of moral development, included in Level III; individuals follow
their own conscience about what is right, and behavior is the same no matter who is present

44. What best describes Integrity versus Despair? *

Erikson's last stage of development, after age 65 when it’s time for reflecting back on life; are
there few regrets, or is there bitterness?

Highest stage in Kohlberg's stage of moral development, included in Level III; individuals follow
their own conscience about what is right, and behavior is the same no matter who is present
One of Kubler-Ross' five stages of grief
Maslow's third level of human needs

45. What best describes Trust versus Mistrust? *

Part of Kohlberg's moral development theory which states that people are moral due to
knowledge of punishment and obedience; children obey to avoid being caught and punished
Kohlberg's highest level of moral development; occurs around age 13 or older
Erikson’s first stage from birth to about age 18 months when children either learn that the world
is a safe and nurturing place, or they learn to be mistrustful and frightened

Erikson's stage which states that children expand their world and learn to control their new
environments, acquire feelings of competence and independence and develop leadership skills

46. What is Intimacy versus Isolation? *

Erikson’s stage which speaks to children beginning to have more social interactions and
developing a sense of pride in their accomplishments
Erikson’s stage (ages of 18 - 35 years) when people begin to explore relationships, moving to
commitment and long-term relationships; failure brings isolation

Kohlberg's highest level of moral development; occurs around age 13 or older

Love between two adults

47. Piaget's theory of cognitive development is essentially about which of the

following? *
therapeutic procedures to correct incorrect cognitions
the development of the ability to think

the influence of the social world on the growing child

problems in sensory-motor development

48. Which developmental theory was based on how children learn by observing and
imitating others' behavior? *
Operant conditioning
Social learning theory

49. Which researcher believed that children adjust their understanding as they learn
about the world? *


50. Which of the following best describe Psychosocial Developmental Theory? *

Maslow's theory
Kubler-Ross’ theory
Theory which states that all people go through various stages of grief when confronted with
death and dying
Erikson's theory which states that personality is shaped over the life span; experiences later in
life can heal problems in early childhood

51. If parents keep a toddler dependent in areas where he is capable of using skills,
the toddler will develop a sense of which of the following? *

52. When teaching parents about the child’s readiness for toilet training, which of the
following signs should the nurse instruct them to watch for in the toddler? *
Demonstrates dryness for 4 hours
Verbalizes desire to go to the bathroom

Has a new sibling for stimulation

Demonstrates ability to sit and walk

53. Which of the following toys would be most appropriate for a toddler? *
Pull toys and blocks
Mobiles and squeeze toys

Teething rings and rattle

Seesaw and tricycle

54. The mother discusses with the nurse that her toddler child asks every night for a
bedtime story. She asks why the child does this. What would the nurse explain about
this behavior? *
Object permanence

55. The mother of a toddler asks a nurse when it is safe to place the car safety seat in
a face-forward position. What would be the best nursing response? *
The seat should not be placed in a face-forward position unless there are safety locks in the car
When the weight of the toddler is greater than 40 lbs
The seat should never be place in a face-forward position because the risk of the child unbuckling
the harness
When the toddler weighs 20 lbs

56. Which of the following demonstrate the components of normal physical growth
and development in toddler? *
Rides a tricycle or "big wheel", skips and hops

Throws and catches a ball well

Body contours change - flabby and taller
Posture is more erect; BP 100/60

57. The play area in the Pediatric Unit would provide the opportunity for toddlers to
participate in, what type of play that is common for toddlers? *
Parallel play

Team play
Associative play
Solitary play
58. What is the most common indicator of pain in toddlers? *
Disturbed sleep

Quivering chin
Description of pain intensity
Changes in vital signs

59. A recently hospitalized 2-year-old client screams and shouts that he wants a
“bottle”. His parents are puzzled, and state that he has been drinking from a cup for
the past year. What would the nurse explain? *
Irritability is exhibited in all age groups.
Various forms of punishment are necessary when such behaviors occur.
Regression to an earlier behavior often helps the child cope with stress and anxiety.
Temper tantrums often represent the child's need for parental attention.

60. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized toddler who was toilet trained at home. He
wets his pants. What would be the best response to this situation? *
"It's okay; try not to wet your pants next time."
"Your mom told me you don't wet anymore; what's wrong?"
"That's okay; now let's get you cleaned up."

"I know you understand how to use the toilet; what happened?"

61. What would be the best characteristics that are normal for a 5-year-old child? *
All of the above
Can tell full name and address
Asks searching questions about life
Knows main colors and counts to 10

62. The toddler kid is found masturbating by his mother. What would be the best
approach? *
Redirect child's attention without punishing or verbally reprimanding but teach him that touching
genitals is not appropriate in public
Ignore the child's actuation
Pull his hands and tell him that his doing is bad
Give him a toy to play only

63. A nurse is preparing to care for a 4-year-old who has been placed in traction
following a fracture of the femur. The nurse plans care, knowing that which of the
following is the most appropriate activity for this child? *
Large picture books
A radio
A sports vide
Crayons and coloring book

64. The mother of a 5-year-old expresses concern about her child who believes that
“Grandma is still alive” 3 months after the grandmother’s death. Which of the
following would the nurse explain the situation correctly? *
This is a form of regression exhibited by the preschooler.
Magical thinking often accounts for a preschooler who believes that dead people will come back.

There is a need for psychological counseling for this child and family.
The child is in denial regarding Grandma's death.

65. Which of the following would a 4 year-old child attribute with unintentional injury
during hospital admission? *
Clumsiness in playing

Carelessness on the playground

Punishment for previous misdeeds
Needing to rest and get better

66. A mother of a 4-year-old expresses concern because her hospitalized child has
begun thumb sucking. The mother states that this behavior began 2 days after
hospital admission. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? *
"The doctor will need to be notified."
"A 4-year-old is too old for this type of behavior."
"Your child is acting like a baby."
"It is best to ignore the behavior."
67. Which of the following best describes the growth during preschool years using
motor development skills? *
Skips & hops on one foot & rides tricycle
Good hand-finger coordination
Movements become more limber, graceful, and coordinated
Holds crayon w/ fingers

68. Which of the following would the nurse anticipate on a 4 y/o child who is
experiencing pain? 1. Views pain as a punishment 2. Verbalizes the reason for the pain
3. Blames someone else for the pain 4. Fears losing control during the painful episode
5. Will be able to explain the sequence of events leading to the pain *


69. Based upon Eric Erickson's Theory of Psychosocial development, what is the
specific development task for a pre-school child? *
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Trust vs. Mistrust
Industry vs. Inferiority
Initiative vs. Guilt

70. Which of these statements, when made by the nurse, is most effective when
communicating with a 4-year-old? *
"This will be like having a little stick in your arm."
"Anything you tell me is confidential."
"Other children like having their blood pressure taken."
"Tell me where you hurt."
71. The school age child shows psychosomatic complaints due to school phobia and
refusal to go to school. Which of the following would be the right technique to be
adapted by his mother? *
Reward school attendance
Allow the child to verbalize his feelings freely and encourage independence
Withdrawing privileges if he does not go to school
Accompany him to school and don't leave the school premises

72. A nurse is teaching the parents of a school-age child. Which teaching topic should
take priority? *
Keeping a night light on to allay fears
Encouraging the child to dress without help
Accident prevention

Normalcy of fears about body integrity

73. Which of the following would be the best role of the peer group in the life of
school-age children? *
Decreases their need to learn appropriate sex roles.
Gives them an opportunity to learn dominance and hostility.
Allows them to remain dependent on their parents for a longer time.
Provides them with security as they gain independence from their parents.

74. What is descriptive play for school-age children? *

Knowing the rules of a game gives an important sense of belonging.

They like to invent games, making up the rules as they go.

Team play helps children learn the universal importance of competition and winning.
Individuality in play is better tolerated than at earlier ages.

75. The nurse is preparing an 8-year-old child for a surgical procedure. What is the
most appropriate nursing intervention considering the child's stage of growth and
development? *
Provide a written pamphlet for the child to review prior to the procedure.
Request that parents wait outside while the nurse provides instructions to the child
Provide visual aids, such as dolls, puppets, and diagrams in the explanation.
Discourage any display of emotional outbursts.

76. What would be the common response from an 8-year-old child who is about to
receive an injection for pain? *
“ Give it to me in my other leg.”
“ I don’t need it now, I’ll take it later.”
“ I’ll be brave and not cry.”

“ I really need this shot to feel better

77. Which of the following is of greatest developmental concern for a 10-year-old girl
hospitalized for the first time? *
Fearing needles and injections

Staying in unfamiliar surroundings

Being separated from her parents
Missing her friends and activities

78. A chronically ill school-age child is most vulnerable to which stressor? *

Anticipatory grief
Anxiety over school absences

Fear of hospital procedures

Mutilation anxiety

79. In discussing sexual maturation in a health class, the nurse would include the
information that secondary sex characteristics begin to appear at what age? *
10 years in girls, 12 years in boys.

12 years in girls, 16 years in boys.

8 years in boys, 10 years in girls.
Option 5

80. Which of the following would a 9-year-old child demonstrates a sense of

industry? *
Running for short distances
Explaining how the heart works
Making a collection of several objects

Building with plastic blocks

81. Which stage of development is most unstable and challenging regarding

development of personal identity? *
Pre-school Age
Young Adult


82. When planning sex education and contraceptive teaching for adolescents, which
of the following factors should nurse consider? *
Most teenagers use pregnancy as a way to rebel against their parents.
Most teenagers today are knowledgeable about reproduction.
Most teenagers are open about contraception but inconsistently use birth control
Neither sexual activity nor contraception requires planning.

83. According to Erik Erikson what is an appropriate intervention for a 16 year old child
that is hospitalized? *
encourage patient to help child learn lessons missed
tell the child’s girlfriend to visit the child.
call the priest to intervene
tell the friends to visit the child

84. How can the nurse care for a hospitalized teenager best meet the adolescent's
developmental needs? *
By explaining procedures and including the adolescent in decision making

By encouraging the parent to stay with the adolescent at all times

By providing privacy while the adolescent's significant other visits
By providing diversion activities such as word puzzles
85. Conflict between adolescents and parents is typically strongest in early
adolescence, and may be a healthy aspect on the development of: *

Parenting skills
Dating skills

86. The adolescent’s inability to develop a sense of who he is and what he can
become results in a sense of which of the following? *
Role diffusion


87. A 16-year-old is admitted to the hospital for acute appendicitis, and an

appendectomy is performed. Which of the following nursing interventions is most
appropriate to facilitate normal growth and development of adolescent? *
Encourage the parents to room-in with the child
Allow the child to participate in activities with other individuals in the same age group when the
condition permits

Allow the family to bring in the child’s favorite computer games

Encourage the child to rest and read

88. Which of the following would be the most appropriate for a nurse to use when
describing menarche to a 13-year-old? *
The entire menstrual cycle or from one “period” to another
A female’s first menstruation or menstrual“periods”

The onset of uterine maturation or peak growth

The first year of menstruation or “period”

89. Which of the following best describe Erikson's stage for middle adulthood? *
generativity versus stagnation
intimacy versus isolation
autonomy versus shame
integrity versus despair

90. Which of the following are not key features that characterize emerging
adulthood? *
Identity exploration
Commitment to others

91. As a nurse, you reviewed infant safety procedures with the mother. What are the
most common types of accidents among infants? *
Aspiration and falls

Drowning and homicide

Poisoning and burns
Falls and auto accidents

92. A nurse is assessing the following children. Which child would the nurse identify
as having the greatest risk for choking and suffocating? *
A 4-year-old eating yogurt for lunch
A 3-year-old drinking a glass of juice
A toddler playing with his 9-year-old brother's construction set

An infant covered with a small blanket and asleep in the crib

93. As the nurse plans to teach the parents about these risks, the nurse remembers
that adolescents are at a greater risk for injury from: 1. Fall 2. Poisoning 3. Automobile
Accidents 4. Substance Abuse 5. Suffocation *

94. What should parents do to promote child safety in the home? *

Install window guards; never leave a window wide open
Store firearms unloaded and out of sight in a location too high for the child to reach.

Give a 2-year-old whole grapes instead of popcorn for a snack.

Attach the baby's pacifier to a ribbon so that it does not fall on the floor.

95. In selecting appropriate toys for an infant, which would be the least factor the
nurse must consider? *
Attractively painted with bright color

Cheap, durable and washable

Easy to handle
Safe, no sharp points or small removable parts

96. Which of the following would be at greatest risk for injury in the late infancy and
toddler? *
Trying to pull up on furniture.
Growing ability to explore and oral activity
Learning to walk.
Being dropped by a caregiver.

97. Which of the following reflexes should the nurse discuss and demonstrate to
educate the parents about providing a safe environment for their newborn? *
Tonic neck
Prone crawl


98 The young mother tells the nurse that she is concerned about the safety of her 15–
month–old son, who seems to be "getting into everything" and needs to be watched
constantly. How would the nurse respond as the most important consideration in
accident prevention with toddler? *
By not allowing them to play with dangerous items
By ensuring a safe environment by childproofing
By teaching them the meaning of "no"
By buying only age appropriate toys

99. What would the nurse advise the mother in order to refrain from preventing
suffocation of the child? *
Closing pins when changing diapers
Propping bottles when feeding
Keeping small objects out of reach

Allowing use of plastic bags for putting their toys

100. When planning to teach health care topics to a group of male adolescents, which
topic should the nurse consider a priority? *
A driver's education course is mandatory for safety

Sports contribute to an adolescent's self-esteem.

Sunbathing and tanning beds can be dangerous.
Guns are the most frequently used weapon for adolescent suicide.

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