Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion: A Two-Way Traffic: Dr. Anindya Priya Saha, Dr. Anindya Chakraborty and Dr. Sananda Saha
Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion: A Two-Way Traffic: Dr. Anindya Priya Saha, Dr. Anindya Chakraborty and Dr. Sananda Saha
Endodontic-Periodontal Lesion: A Two-Way Traffic: Dr. Anindya Priya Saha, Dr. Anindya Chakraborty and Dr. Sananda Saha
Pathways of Communication
The periodontium and pulp have embryonic, structural and functional interrelationship. From ecto
Mesenchymal cells develop the dental papilla and follicle, which differentiate into periodontium
and the pulp respectively. This developmental origin results anatomical connections, which remain
throughout life [4]. Three main pathways have been attributed to the development of periodontal-
endodontic lesions (Rotstein & Simon, 2004) [5].
Apical foramen
Lateral & Accessory canals
Dentinal tubules
Dr. Anindya Priya Saha
MDS (Periodontology), Guru
Nanak Institute of Dental
Science & Research Kolkata,
West Bengal, India.
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International Journal of Applied Dental Sciences
The apical foramen represent the principal route of incidence of pulpal inflammation and degeneration was
communication between pulp and periodontal ligament. reported in periodontally involved teeth than teeth with no
Bacteria themselves, or their products, and inflammatory periodontal involvement, in a study on 85 human teeth by
factors can exit through apical foramen, resulting peri-apical Bender & Seltzer (1972) [11]. Periodontal disease has seen to
pathosis; or reverse happens in deep periodontal pockets. exert no effect on pulp until the pocket has extended to the
Lateral and accessory canals present a possible route for apex (Czarnecki & Schilder, 1979); or periodontal damage
spread of pathogens from pulp to periodontal tissues, and vice has opened an accessory canal to oral environment (Rubach &
versa. De Deus (1975), studying 1140 human teeth, observed Mitchel, 1965) [26]. If the microvasculature of apical foramen
that, about 17% of all teeth presented lateral canals in apical remains intact, pulp maintains its vitality (Langeland et al,
third, about 9% in middle third and 2% in coronal third of 1974) [12].
root [3]. Gutmann (1978), studying 102 human teeth, noticed The effects of periodontal inflammation on pulp is atrophic in
25.50% sample presented lateral canals in furcation area alone nature; including calcification, increase in collagen content,
. Kirkham (1975), studying 1000 human teeth with formation of reparative dentine and narrowing of canal
advanced periodontal involvement, observed only 2% of spaces; or resoroptive; in addition to direct inflammatory
lateral canals associated with periodontal pocket. sequel. (Mandi et al, 1974) [5] Root planing may exert same
Exposed dentinal tubules, in area where dentine is devoid of effects on pulp and has been shown to increase the rate of
cementum, can act as pathway for communication between formation of reparative dentine. (Hattler & Listgarten, 1984).
pulp and periodontium. Exposures take place from
development defects, wear defects, restorative procedures and Microbiota
periodontal therapies. The density of dentinal tubules varies The oral cavity contains more than 600 species of
from 15000 per Sq. mm. at C.D. Junction cervically, while microorganisms, and the gram negative anaerobic onesare
8000 near apex; to 57000 at pulpal end. Again, the diameter directly related to both the peri-apical and periodontal lesion,
ranges from 1µm in periphery to 3µm toward pulp. Dentine among which the endodontic is less complex than periodontal
exposure occurs at C.E. Junction in 18% of teeth in general pathogen [13].
and 25% of anterior Teeth.
Palato-gingival grooves are found in maxillary lateral incisor, Bacteria: Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans,
extending varying distance apically from cingulam. Bacteroides frosythus, Ekinella corrodens, Fusobacterium
Radiographically they appear as ‘tear drop shaped area’ and nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Prevotella
para-pulpal line’ (dark vertical line parallel to canal). They intermediate and Treponema denticola are seen to exist in
provide funnel like area aiding into plaque retention. These both endodontic and periodontal infection [12].
are related to deep ‘tubular’ periodontal pocket, with localized
periodontal disease, with/without pulpal pathosis, depending Fungi: Candida albicans is prevalent in both in endodontic
on their depth and extent. lesion as well as sub-gingival plaque [6, 7]
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Prognosis Treatment
o Prognosis of endodontic therapy is usually predictable. o Endodontic therapy and periodontal therapy.
o Regeneration of periodontal tissue depends upon the o Root resection can be in need with regenerative therapy.
extent of tissue destruction.
Primary Periodontal Lesion o Prognosis of lesion is related to extent of periodontal
Pathogenesis damage.
o The lesion develops as sequelae of progressing o Though response of endodontic therapy is predictable,
periodontal problem extending to the apex. the tooth shows hopeless prognosis, if majority of
o Plaque represents the prime etiologic factor. osseous support is lost from periodontal lesion.
Primary periodontal lesions should be treated first by non- would obtain the correct diagnosis and treatment plan,
surgical periodontal therapy. Periodontal surgery, in the form achieving greater chances of success in the management of
of pocket surgery and ressective and regenerative procedure, the periodontal-endodontic lesions.
is required for deeper pockets and angular bone defects.
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