Fungal Sinusitis Clinical Presentation, Latest Management: A Review Update
Fungal Sinusitis Clinical Presentation, Latest Management: A Review Update
Fungal Sinusitis Clinical Presentation, Latest Management: A Review Update
Journal of Science Foundation, January 2014, Vol. 12, No.1 ISSN 1728-7855
Review Article
Bithi Bhowmik1
Fungal sinusitis is a relatively common, often misdiagnosed disease process involving the paranasal sinuses.
It is a serious condition, as certain forms of fungal sinusitis are associated with a high rate of mortality.
Successful treatment requires a prompt diagnosis and frequently relies on radiologic imaging, specifically
computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The classification of fungal sinusitis is
ever changing, but under the most current and widely accepted classification fungal sinusitis is broadly
categorized as either invasive or noninvasive. Invasive fungal sinusitis is defined by the presence of fungal
hyphae within the mucosa, submucosa, bone, or blood vessels of the paranasal sinuses. Invasive fungal
sinusitis is subdivided into acute invasive fungal sinusitis, chronic invasive fungal sinusitis, and chronic
granulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis. Conversely, noninvasive fungal sinusitis is defined by the absence
of hyphae within the mucosal and other tissues of the paranasal sinuses. Noninvasive fungal sinusitis is
subdivided into allergic fungal sinusitis and fungus ball (fungal mycetoma).[Journal of Science Foundation,
1.0. Introduction
Chronic sinusitis is a very common problem , and occurs even more frequently in people with allergies. A
large number of people with chronic sinusitis are actually suffering from fungal sinus infections, which
would not get better with typical antibiotics (Ferguson et al., 2000). Fungal infections of the sinuses have
recently been blamed for causing most cases of chronic rhinosinusitis. The evidence is still controversial.
Most fungal sinus infections are benign or noninvasive, except when they occur in individuals who are
immunocompromised. Several reports are available that have shown invasive fungal infections in
immunocompetent individuals (Ferguson 2000).
Fungi are plant-like organisms that lack chlorophyll. Since they do not have chlorophyll, fungi must absorb
food from dead organic matter. Fungi share with bacteria the important ability to break down complex
organic substances of almost every type (cellulose) and are essential to the recycling of carbon and other
elements in the cycle of life. Fungi are supposed to "eat" only dead things, but sometimes they start eating
Dr. Bithi Bhowmik, Associate Professor, Department of ENT, Delta Medical College & Hospital, Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh;
Email: [email protected]; Cell no.: +8801715063049
Fungal sinusitis clinical presentation, latest management: A Review Update Bhowmik
when the organism is still alive. This is the cause of fungal infections; the treatment selected has to eradicate
the fungus to be effective. In the past 30 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of
recorded fungal infections. This can be attributed to increased public awareness, new immunosuppressive
therapies (medications such as cyclosporine that "fool" the body's immune system to prevent organ
rejection) and overuse of antibiotics (anti-infective). When the body's immune system is suppressed, fungi
find an opportunity to invade the body and a number of side effects occur. Because these organisms do not
require light for food production, they can live in a damp and dark environment. The sinuses, consisting of
moist, dark cavities, are a natural home to the invading fungi. When this occurs, fungal sinusitis results
(Stringer and Ryan 2000).
It is broadly classified into invasive and non-invasive types. Simplified classification (Manrin-Rains
and Mineck 2003) of fungal sinusitis is as follows:
3.1. Non-invasive fungal sinusitis
Fungus ball
Allergic fungal sinusitis
Non-allergic fungal sinusitis
3.2. Invasive fungal sinusitis
Acute invasive fungal sinusitis
Chronic invasive fungal sinusitis
Granulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis
4.2. Allergic Fungal Sinusitis (AFS): Patients with allergy to certain fungi may develop allergic fungal
sinusitis. Common fungi belonging to the Dematiaceous family are usually involved in AFS. These include
Alternaria, Bipolaris and Curvularia species. The presence of fungus in the sinuses elicits an allergic
response, resulting in production of allergic mucin and nasal polyps. Usually, the disease affects more than
one sinus on one side. However, all sinuses on both sides may be involved in severe cases. Patients have a
typical appearance on nasal endoscopy with the presence of allergic mucin and polyps. Allergy testing to
fungi is positive. Sinus CT scans also have a typical appearance. Tissue examination under the microscope
shows allergic mucin containing fungal elements without tissue invasion (Manrin-Rains and Mineck 2003).
Fungal sinusitis clinical presentation, latest management: A Review Update Bhowmik
4.3. Non-allergic fungal sinusitis: In some instances, mucin and fungus may be identified in patients with
sinusitis in the absence of any allergy to fungus. Fungus may also be found in the sinuses of patients that
have had previous surgery. Whether these fungi are innocent bystanders or are the cause of sinus disease is
currently under investigation and a subject of great debate (Manrin-Rains and Mineck 2003).
5.0. Invasive Fungal Sinusitis
5.1. Acute Invasive Fungal Sinusitis: This is the most dangerous and life-threatening form of fungal
sinusitis. Fortunately, it is very rare, and usually afflicts severely immunocompromised patients. These
include patients with depressed immunity such as those with leukemia, aplastic anemia, uncontrolled
diabetes mellitus, and hemochromatosis. Patients undergoing anti-cancer chemotherapy or organ/ bone-
marrow transplantation are especially susceptible. Aspergillus or members of the class Zygomycetes
(Mucor, Rhizopus) are the most frequent causative agents. The disease has an aggressive course, with
fungus rapidly growing through sinus tissue and bone to extend into the surrounding areas of the brain and
eye. Endoscopically, areas of dead tissue and eschar are noted. Microscopic examination shows invasion of
blood vessels by the fungus (Dufour et al., 2006).
5.2. Chronic invasive fungal sinus: Unlike acute invasive fungal sinusitis whose typical course is less than
4 weeks, chronic invasive fungal sinusitis is a slower destructive process. The disease causes rare vascular
invasion, sparse inflammatory reaction and limited involvement of surrounding structures. It is usually seen
in patients with AIDS, diabetes mellitus or chronic corticosteroid treatment. The disease most commonly
affects the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, but may involve any sinus. The typical time course of the disease
is over 3 months. Tissue cultures show fungus in over half the patient, and Aspergillus fumigatus is the most
commonly grown fungus (Dufour et al., 2006).
5.3. Granulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis: It is usually seen in patients from Sudan, India,
Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Patients have normal immune status. The disease has a relatively slow
time course over 3 months, and patients present with an enlarging mass in the cheek, orbit, nose,
and sinuses. Microscopically, it is characterized by formation of granulomas, and this differentiates
it from chronic invasive fungal sinusitis. Aspergillus flavus is usually the causative organism
(Dufour et al., 2006).
6.0. Symptoms of sinusitis include
Running nose, nasal congestion, thick colored nasal discharge, cough, post nasal drip, facial pain or
swelling, head congestion, fatigue, toothache, diminished sense of smell and taste, fever and
headache (Thakar et al., 2004). Investigations for fungal sinusitis includes X-Ray PNS( OM view), CT
scan of nose & paranasal sinuses and Nasoendoscopy.
7.0. Treatment
Some general measurement may be taken to prevent fungal infection that is fungal sinusitis. Make
the body less hospitable for fungus by avoiding sugar and grains, consuming fish or cod liver oil,
using coconut oil and avoid eating top 10 mycotoxic food. Physical activity causes the sinuses to
expand and stimulates air circulation and cleansing mucus to move through the sinuses. This will
help to clear out any particles that are contributing to the irritation (Granville et al., 2004).
7.1. Regular clearance of sinuses: To help clear sinuses that are congested, you can consider washing the
nasal cavities with a solution of salt and room temperature purified water (Sohail et al., 2001).
Fungal sinusitis clinical presentation, latest management: A Review Update Bhowmik
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