The Influence of Online Shopping Determinants On Customer Satisfaction in The Serbian Market

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3/15/2021 The Influence of Online Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market

Journal of theoretical and applied electronic Servicios Personalizados

commerce research
versión On-line ISSN 0718-1876 Revista

J. theor. appl. electron. commer. res. vol.14 no.2 Talca 2019 SciELO Analytics

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The Influence of Online Shopping Determinants Inglés (pdf)
on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market
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Nebojša Vasić 1 Como citar este artículo

SciELO Analytics
Milorad Kilibarda 2
Traducción automática
Tanja Kaurin3
1 Links relacionados
Technical College of Applied Sciences Uroševac, Department of Road
Traffic, Leposavić, Republic of Serbia, [email protected] Compartir
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering,
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia, [email protected]
3 Otros
Union University, Faculty of Law and Business Studies dr Lazar Vrkatić,
Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia, [email protected]


Consumer satisfac tion with online shopping is direc tly dependent on a number of fac tors. There is a c onstant
dilemma in the market related to the question whic h online shopping determinants affec t the c ustomer
satisfac tion. This issue is partic ularly important for underdeveloped markets, where online c ommerc e is not
suffic iently present. In order to inc rease the online c ommerc e partic ipation, it is nec essary to explore and analyze
the c onnec tion between c ustomer satisfac tion and diverse determinants. Ac c ordingly, this paper develops the
researc h model to determine the impac t of c ertain online purc hase determinants on the c onsumer satisfac tion in
the market of Serbia. A c onc eptual model is defined, c onsisting of 26 items c ategorized into seven variables:
sec urity, information availability, shipping, quality, pric ing, time, and c ustomer satisfac tion. Input model 1/28
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parameters were c ollec ted through surveys, with the aid of appropriate Internet tools. The validity of the
developed model was verified through the Confirmatory Fac tor Analysis and the Partial Least Squares. The
obtained result analysis c onfirmed the basic researc h hypotheses that c ustomer satisfac tion in online shopping,
on the Serbian market, direc tly depends on the following determinants: sec urity, information availability, shipping,
quality, pric ing and time.

Keywords: Online shopping; Customer satisfac tion; Sec urity; Information availability; Shipping; Quality; Pric ing;

In the last decade, online shopping has experienced an explosive growth due to the fact that it represents a
more economic and convenient approach to purchasing in comparison to traditional shopping. Nevertheless, in the
beginning, the transition from one to another, more modern purchase method, created a sense of concern among
customers with respect to the following: leak of personal information, online fraud, inconsistency between the
ordered product quality and the desired quality, unsuccessful shipping, etc. Today, these concerns are at a much
lower level, as people recognized the advantages offered by online shopping. There are a number of reasons why
people purchase via the Internet; for example, consumers can buy anything at any time without actually going to
the store; consumers can stumble on the same product at a lower price by comparing different websites
simultaneously; consumers want to avoid pressure felt when communicating face-to-face with the retailer;
consumers want to avoid traffic jams that can occur on the way to the store, and so on. Online shopping
provides consumers with more information and opportunities to compare products and prices, with greater
product selection, with convenience and ease of finding desired products online [9]. It has been argued that
online commerce offers more satisfaction to modern consumers who seek convenience and speed [103]. In online
communication, when a consumer sees a banner ad or online promotion, it can attract their attention and
stimulate their interest for these specific products from advertisements. Before deciding for purchase, the
customer may seek additional information for help. If there is not enough information, they will browse for them
through online channels, e.g. using online catalogs, websites or search engines [59].

Retaining the online consumers has attracted a lot of attention, since it serves as a means of gaining competitive
advantage [96]. When the consumers are satisfied with a particular online retail shop, they will purchase there
more [52]. Hence, both concepts, retaining and satisfying the customer, are becoming increasingly important for
both online and offline business. It is therefore important to understand the factors that drive customer
satisfaction and their choice of online stores [23]. The purchasing process consists of the following steps:
problem/need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decision and post-buying
behavior [57]. Customer satisfaction is the result of consumer experience throughout the different stages of
purchase. Since the experience of online consumers, due to the inability of physical contact with the product, is
solely based on information offered by online stores [69], it is clear that the information provided can affect
consumer satisfaction, both in the information search stage and during the purchase decision phase.

This paper deals with the analysis of customer satisfaction, with the aim of utilizing the empirical research on the
Serbian market in order to determine the connection between customer satisfaction and certain determinants of
online shopping. In addition to introduction and conclusion, the paper contains three more sections. Section Two
presents the basic problem and defines research hypotheses. Section Three presents the developed methodology
and research model, while the obtained research results can be reviewed in Section Four.

2 Problem Description 2/28
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In EU, during 2015, 76% of population aged 16 to 74 used the Internet almost every day, and nearly 53% of them
purchased online [30]. The total turnover from B2C e-commerce around the world in the year 2015 was estimated
at 1.943 billion Euros, marking the increase of 24% compared to 2014, mainly due to the increased exchange in
the Asia-Pacific region. Three main markets of e-commerce comprise China, the United States and Great Britain,
accounting together for 61% of the total B2C sales in the world [28]. Out of the total population of Europe, which
is 818 million people, 564 million of them use the Internet, while 331 million use online shopping [28]. The total
turnover from B2C e-commerce in Europe in 2015 amounted to 424 billion Euros, an increase of 14% in comparison
to 2014. The main e-commerce markets in Europe remain Great Britain, Germany and France. With 33% of online
shoppers, Serbia still lags behind the EU average of 50%. However, an encouraging fact is that the percentage is
higher than the percentage of online buyers of individual EU countries, such as Greece, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy
and others [30], [91]. Although the global financial crisis began in 2008, it did not have any negative impact on
the spread of e-commerce [47]. Moreover, while the rate of the development of e-commerce in EU during the
crisis years was high, it stagnated in Serbia. Young Serbian consumers, which are more educated and with higher
income, are more likely to use online shopping [66]. Almost half of the Serbian online customers purchase clothes,
shoes and jewelry, while about a third of them buy electrical appliances [66], [92].

The most popular method of payment in Serbia is still cash on delivery, which is used by 80% of customers [66].
Only 5% of customers in Serbia use PayPal and the same percentage exploit the benefits of e-banking. This is
completely different from the situation in, for example, the United States, where payment cards (credit or debit)
are utilized by 78% of online shoppers, with the most popular online payment alternative being PayPal [58]. The
same is true for the general statistics of the world [7]. It is expected that this trend will change in Serbia in the
near future, considering the new Law on Payment Services and its possibilities. Based on the statistic data of the
National Bank of Serbia [75], in 2015, the buyers in Serbia spent more than 110 million Euros from their payment
cards for online purchases; three-quarters of the customers spent money on foreign websites, and the other
quarter on the domestic websites. Lower price, shipping accuracy and purchase simplicity were found to be very
important factors for e-buyers in Serbia [67]. Online shoppers in Serbia also value the precise description of the
products, i.e. the accuracy of information [67]. Information accuracy allows potential shoppers to feel more
secure in the sense that they will not receive the product with erroneous characteristics. By providing the right
information, a number of potential problems and the returns of products are avoided, online purchases become
less risky and easier, and customers are more satisfied.

The stated facts indicate certain basic features of online shopping on the Serbian market. However, the lack of
research addressing key dimensions of online purchases on this market is evident. This was the main motivation
for this research, aiming at a more detailed analysis of the interdependence between customer satisfaction and
the following determinants: security, information availability, shipping, quality, pricing and time. Accordingly, main
hypotheses have been defined, as well as the conceptual model, which are presented in more details in

2.1 Customer Satisfaction

Consumer satisfaction is the result of comparing the expectations and the experience; in other words, the
consumer is pleased when the delivery meets or exceeds their expectations [53]. Satisfaction and loyalty are the
key elements determining the success of the market concept implementation [53]. Satisfied customers are the
ones that will repeat the purchase if the service provider reached or exceeded their expectations [1]. It is
significant to identify the variables of consumer satisfaction, since they present the business benchmark and
serve as a guide to future improvements [1]. In [36], there are eight determinants identified as important for
customer satisfaction; those are the following: web design, security, information quality, payment methods, e-
quality of the service, product quality, product range, and service provision. On the other hand, [74] argues the
following to be the determinants of consumer satisfaction: consumer interface quality, information quality,
perceived quality, and privacy. 3/28
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2.2 Security

Security is defined as the ability of the website to protect consumers' personal data from any unauthorized
disclosure of information during electronic transactions [36]. Security is considered to be an important factor
perceived seriously by online purchase consumers [74]. It is due to the fact that the issues of security and
privacy play a crucial role in creating trust during online transactions [11]. Since online shopping usually implies
payment by debit or credit card, consumers sometimes direct their attention towards the information about the
retailer as a means of protection [60]. The willingness of consumers to visit online stores and purchase there is
directly related to the consumers’ confidence in providing personal information and credit card payments [101].
Consumers tend to buy a product from a vendor whom they trust or a brand product they are familiar with [13].
In online commerce, confidence is one of the most critical issues affecting the success or the failure of Internet
retailers [78]. Security tends to be a great problem preventing consumers from purchasing online [59], as
consumers are concerned that they will be deceived by vendors who will misuse their personal information,
especially their credit card data [19]. For example, a report indicates that 70% of online buyers in the US are
seriously concerned regarding the misuse of their personal data and the security of transactions [31]. Security
can be divided into two parts: the first relates to data and transaction security, while the second part is directed
to the authenticity of consumers [36]. In [11], the attention is focused on the issues of privacy and security.
Sixty-one percent of survey participants in [11] would proceed with Internet transactions if their privacy and
personal data were to be protected. Therefore, all the above demonstrates the importance of security in online
commerce as one of the key factors that consumers take into consideration when deciding to purchase a product
online. Hence, websites offering security do have reliable and satisfied consumers. Based on the above, the
following research hypothesis has been defined:

H1: Security has a positive effect on customer satisfaction.

2.3 Information Availability

Shoppers expect online retailers to provide all relevant and accurate information about the product [90]. Since
online shoppers rarely have the opportunity to touch and feel the products before making a decision on a
purchase, online retailers have to provide information regarding that [60]. Consumers appreciate information that
will meet their demands [49]. A number of authors believe that the quantity and credibility of information are key
elements in ensuring the quality of service in e-shopping. The quantity of information refers to the ability of
accessing the adequate information during online shopping (e.g., price comparison), while the credibility refers to
the degree of consumers’ confidence in information provided by online vendors [45]. Providing appropriate
information can help online retailers to dispel concerns and fears of consumers towards a particular product or
online shopping [22]. Instead of byte sounds, consumers want an access to all information that will enable them
to make an informed decision about a product, service or supply [76]. Interactive online tools for product and
service comparison are considered to be the essential means of obtaining information that will facilitate the
decision-making process about buying online, making consumers more satisfied [32]. In [93], information on the
product, in terms of abundance and quality, are identified as components of e-satisfaction. Considering the
stated facts, the following hypothesis has been defined:

H2: Information availability has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

2.4 Shipping

Shipping is a link in the supply chain that directly affects the consumer and triggers their satisfaction [39].
Shipping presents a key activity in every process, and especially in online shopping [70]. The product delivery 4/28
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service is a prerequisite for customer’s satisfaction [97]. It implies that the customer will receive the ordered
product, which is well packed, and whose amount, quality and specification are in accordance with the order, as
well as the set delivery time and place [77]. The customer expects from the retailer to deliver the promised
product in a trustworthy and appropriate manner [89]. The customer believes to be entitled to receive the
concrete product in the set time according to promised conditions [18]. In [102], it is emphasized that the
delivery service presents the most critical factor in fulfilling the e-customer’s expectations and satisfaction. In
online shopping, a reliable, safe and timely delivery is the basic and essential goal for online consumers [105].
Consumers are inclined to buy a product from their homes, and thus require a secure, reliable, and fast shipment
of the desired product to its destination. In online environment, a timely and reliable delivery plays a key role in
meeting consumers' expectations and creating their satisfaction [10]. The delayed delivery can make the
customer feel dissatisfied [64]. Timely and reliable product delivery encourages new online sales [1]. The quality
of the delivery service influences the confidence in online shopping as well [81]. With a single click, consumers
can easily switch from one website to another if they are dissatisfied with delayed and unsecured deliveries. It is
therefore essential for the delivery to be realized in accordance with the consumers’ requirements. Therefore, the
following hypothesis has been determined:

H3: Shipping has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

2.5 Quality

The quality of products and services in online commerce has a positive impact on customer satisfaction [61]. The
perceived product quality is defined as the consumer’s judgment about a product’s overall excellence or
superiority [12]. Keeney [51] indicated that minimizing the product cost and maximizing the product quality are to
be regarded as major factors in the success of e-commerce. Patterson [77] pointed out that the perceived
product performance is the most powerful determinant related to satisfaction. Conversely, a number of studies
dealing with online commerce argue that the service quality has a positive influence on customer satisfaction
[38], [55], [88]. The quality of service determines whether the customers will develop strong and loyal
relationships with online retailers. Online retailers that offer excellent service quality meet the expectations of
their customers and thus improve their satisfaction [53]. In [36], the quality of service is interpreted as the
degree of help by online retailers in providing an efficient and effective purchase, shipping and delivery of
products and services. By providing and sending information either via formal or informal platforms, online vendors
increase the expectations of their customers and add value to their services [16]. Hence, it is very important to
manage the quality in business to ensure the best service quality for consumers. Service quality is the ability
implying firstly to anticipate, and secondly to meet the requirements by consumers [53]. This is the reason why
providing the service quality has an important role in increasing the customer satisfaction. Better website quality
significantly influences the consumer's decision to shop online [49]. Based on the above, the following hypothesis
has been defined:

H4: Quality has a positive effect on customer satisfaction

2.6 Pricing

Professional literature describes pricing as an important factor in customer satisfaction, due to the fact that
consumers always direct their attention to pricing when assessing the product and service value [21], [32], [104].
From the consumer’s perspective, price is what is given up or scarified to obtain a product [104]. A number of
studies have determined that the pricing is significantly related to customer satisfaction [47]. Pricing directly
affects the perception on the transaction’s delivered value and usability, and, consequently, customer
satisfaction [56]. Negative perception on pricing makes customers feel dissatisfied and disloyal [72]. According to
[50], more than half e-customers who changed the retailer have done it due to pricing. Pricing has a special 5/28
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influence onto the satisfaction of the experienced online customers [25], [48]. When the customer is certain
about the transaction, their demand for financial benefit increases.

Due to better purchase conditions, consumers use the Internet to buy the same product at a lower price than in
the store [85]. Many customers expect online stores to offer their products and services at the lower price in
comparison to traditional stores [68]. Discounts while purchasing influence consumers to believe in prices, and
ultimately they affect their satisfaction [8]. While shopping online, customers cannot see or test the product;
hence, they are not certain that the delivered product is identical to the one on the website. Consequently, price
perception has a more significant role [46], [63]. As online stores offer consumers a range of products and
services, consumers can compare product prices from different websites and find the products at lower prices
than the prices in the stores [60] some websites, such as Ebay, offer consumers an auction or the best deal,
thus providing them a good deal for their product. Such approach turns online shopping into a game, transforming
it into fun and entertainment [78]. Ultimately, pricing can be the reason for renouncing the product or service or
making a sacrifice in order to have the product or service [104]. Considering the above, the following hypothesis
is defined:

H5: Pricing has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

2.7 Time

Saving time is one of the most influential factors in online shopping. Time is the main resource that consumers
spend when they purchase online or in traditional stores [5]. Browsing the online catalog during online shopping
saves time and reduces stress compared to traditional shopping. According to [84], one of the possible
explanations why buying online saves time is eliminating the travel required to go to the store. On the other hand,
according to [20], time saving does not present a motivation factor for consumers to buy online, since it takes
some time for the delivery of goods. In [73], a factor in time saving was designated as the primary one among
those consumers who already experienced e-shopping. In addition, there is a difference between online
consumers and offline consumers. Online consumers are concerned with purchase benefits, time saving and
choice, while offline consumers are anxious about security, privacy, and delivery on time [35]. According to
customer perception, the advantage of online commerce is related to purchase simplicity and the reduction of
time spent on shopping [54], [93]. One of the most significant problems people generally deal with concerns the
perceived time pressures. According to [87], time pressures present the degree one realizes there is no time left
in relation to daily obligations and chores. Since online commerce can be completed anywhere and anytime, this
greatly simplifies the lives of its users; by purchasing online, consumers avoid traffic jams, they do not have to
search a parking lot, and they do not have to queue nor be a part of the crowd in the store [14], [86].

H6: Time has a positive impact on customer satisfaction.

For the defined hypotheses to be researched and proved in more details, a conceptual model is introduced and
depicted in Figure 1. 6/28
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Figure 1: The conceptual model


Research methodology included several steps. The measuring instrument was developed first; then, a
representative sample was selected and the survey was conducted; finally, data were analyzed and the model
validity was evaluated.

3.1 Development of the Measuring Instrument

The measuring instrument was designed based on already developed instruments and literature overview, as well
as according to the results of the studies dealing with the e-business development on the market of Serbia.
Following the satisfaction instruments designed in the papers the main measuring instrument variables were
defined (Table 1).

The items were designed based on the following studies: E-business development: Study on motivators and
barriers for online shopping of e-consumers in Serbia, and, Study on e-consumer incentives and barriers in Serbia.
Research within the IPA project E-business development [66], [67]. In accordance with the set objectives, the
measuring instrument was designed, comprising the following seven variables: security, information availability,
shipping, quality, pricing, time, and customer satisfaction. In the initial phase, the variables enclosed 30 items.
The measuring instrument was tested in a pilot research with 30 people who purchased goods over the Internet
in the previous year. Their selection was random. Likewise, five experts in online commerce and customer
protection on the market of Serbia were surveyed. E-buyers and experts answered questions related to the
defined variables and items. After the test, several items were adapted, while four of them were discarded since
the participants were not able to understand them correctly. Finally, the adopted measuring instrument had 7
variables and 26 items (Table 2).

Table 1: Definitions of variables 7/28
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Table 2: Conceptual model variables and items 8/28
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In addition to the stated items and variables, the survey also included variables of the sample related to gender,
age, education, frequency of Internet usage during the day, approximate maximum amount a consumer may
spend on an online purchase, approximate maximum amount a consumer may spend on online purchases in a year,
list of the most frequently visited websites for online shopping, expenses that the consumer is willing to pay on
product delivery, and maximum time of delivery for free shipping products (Appendix A).

The survey was designed with the answers using the five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly agree) to 5
(strongly disagree) (Appendix A). After creating the survey and all its elements, evaluation was conducted on a
sample of 15 respondents. Since there were no proposed changes, the final version was distributed to
respondents. Based on the set survey, variables were defined to measure consumer satisfaction. All the above
listed variables were measured using the five-point Likert scale.

Research data for paper were collected with the survey method. After applying this method, subjective
respondent opinions were gathered using a questionnaire distributed with the aid of an internet tool as an
instrument for data acquisition. When contacting respondents for participating in the study, we used the
guidelines with the link to access the survey. Using Internet tools for data acquisition avoids human error and
increases data reliability [33]. Additionally, the application of Internet tools for gathering responses reduces the
number of socially desirable responses, since the usage of the mentioned tools increases the sense of anonymity
[27]. The tool for Google online survey known as the Google Forms was applied in the research. 9/28
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There are three advantages of using Internet tools for the survey: (1) no time limit for accessing the
questionnaire [6]; (2) flexibility regarding the development and application of the questionnaire [24]; and (3)
convenience in encoding and data input [3]. Since all respondents were familiar with the Internet tools for the
survey, the negative aspect of using Internet tools for data acquisition process was kept to a minimum.

3.2 Demographics and Characteristics of the Sample

The sample included into the survey consisted solely of respondents who occasionally or regularly purchased
online. A detailed analysis of the sample concluded that it was fully representative. Nine variables related to the
sample were defined and used to determine the demographic data (Table 3). These variables provided that the
sample respondent layout responded to the layout of the fundamental group of customers who did online
shopping on the market of Serbia. The layout and features of the online customer group for the market of Serbia
were established on the basis of the following studies: E-business development: Study on motivators and barriers
for online shopping of e-consumers in Serbia, and, Study on e-consumer incentives and barriers in Serbia.
Research within the IPA project E-business development [66], [67]. The results obtained by processing the
answers to questions related to the set variables, which included nine variables, led to the conclusion that the
distribution of participants in the study was adequate (Table 3). Namely, the survey covered a sufficient number
of respondents of both gender, i.e. 168 males and 143 females. The participants of all relevant ages were
included in the normalized number of participants in the research, and the largest group consisted of those in the
range between 31 and 40 years (221 respondents, i.e., 71.06% of the sample). Considering the education of the
respondents, the majority of them had higher education i.e. a graduate degree (203 respondents, or 65.27% of
the sample). As for the frequency of browsing the Internet during the day, the highest number of respondents,
i.e. 118 or 37.94% of the sample, spent more than 4 hours on the Internet. Related to the approximate maximum
amount that consumers may spend on a purchase online, or on the online purchases in a year, the largest number
of them, i.e. 129 (41.48% of the sample) would likely spend between 3,000 and 5,000 rsd, or 156 of them (50.16
% of the sample) would likely spend more than 20,000 rsd, respectively. Regarding the list of the most frequently
used websites by customers to perform an online purchase, the first place was allocated to
website, which was used for online shopping by 151 respondents, i.e. 48.56% of the sample. In accordance with
the obtained results of the research, the majority of subjects, 122 of them (39.23% of the sample) would always
decide in favor of a product offering free shipping option, while 143 respondents (45.98%) stated that free
shipping could have the maximum delivery time longer than 1 week.

As already stated, the research enclosed the population of consumers who do online shopping in the Republic of
Serbia. The total of 400 requests was sent, and the respondents were asked to participate in the research and
fill in the survey. The research was conducted in the period between March 1st and June 30th, 2017. The number
of 328 filled-in questionnaires was sent back, where 17 of them were only partially completed and were thus
excluded from processing and further research. Thus, 311 valid surveys remained to be processed. Surveys with
less than 5% missing answers were processed in a manner that missing information were replaced with arithmetic
mean value, according to the recommendation offered as an option in the SmartPLS program software [94].

Table 3: Demographic data 10/28
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3.3 Data Analysis and Validity Evaluation 12/28
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Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to assess the validity of the measuring scale of the model. The
method of the Partial Least Squares (PLS) was applied by using the program SmartPLS 3. PLS was selected due
to the fact that it does not have rigorous demands related to the data distribution type or sample size. It is a
soft modeling method able to be flexible while operating diverse statistics modeling problems. The method began
to be widely used at the turn of the 21th century in a number of fields such as strategic management,
information system management, electronic commerce, marketing, and consumer behavior [40]. The sample size
was adequate for the component-based PLS approach which required the sample not to be less than the number
obtained by multiplying the number of items with the largest block with 10 [15]. SmartPLS is an independent
software specialized for the PLS method and independent of the operating system. Input data can be used in
diverse data file formats [82], [83]. The program is based on the nonparametric bootstrap procedure and does not
assume data to be normally distributed. Raw data can be used with the prerequisite that latent variable indicators
are to be continual. This paper used data from the original 1-5 Likert scale. SmartPLS procedure allowed the
individual sign change, where the sign for each individual outer weight becomes equal to the appropriate sign of
the original sample [94].

The acquired data were used as input for the PLS program, and statistical significance was evaluated using the
bootstrapping resampling method. In the initial estimation phase, 500 subsamples were initiated, while 5000
permutations were used for the final results preparation.

During the model suitability test, suitability index values were determined, with the values NFI (Normed fit index)
0.93, CIF (Comparative fit index) 0.97 and NNFI (Non normed fit index) 0.95. Based on these values, it can be
concluded that the proposed model is suitable for application [41], [71].

The estimation of the convergent validity was determined on the basis of testing Average Variance Extracted
(AVE) [37]. The prerequisite of the convergent validity was that AVE crossed the lower limit of acceptability of
0.50 (AVE ≥ 0.50). AVE values for all model variables were over 0.50, with the lowest AVE value being 0.713 for
quality, meaning that the prerequisite was fulfilled (Table 4).

Table 4: Scale characteristics of the presented model

Furthermore, factor loading and composite reliability were examined in order to establish the reliability of each
item and construct in the model. The determined factor loading ranged from 0.776 to 0.973, which was
significantly higher than 0.7 as the lower acceptability limit (Table 5). Composite reliability (ρc) for all factors
exceeded the necessary minimum of 0.80, with the lowest value being 0.881 for quality (Table 4). Based on the
obtained values, it can be stated that all items and all variables fulfill the conditions of reliability and convergent
validity [15], [43]. 13/28
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Table 5: Results of the confirmatory factor analysis for the presented model

SE - Security; IA - Information availability; SH - Shipping; QU - Quality; PR - Pricing; TI - Time; CS - Consumer


Composite reliability (ρc) for all factors exceeds the required minimum of 0.80, with the lowest value of 0.881 for
the quality (Table 4). AVE values for all model variables surpass 0.50, and the lowest AVE value is 0.713 for 14/28
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quality (Table 4).

The assessment of the discriminant validity between the model variables includes the verification whether the
square root of AVE for each variable surpasses the correlations between those variables. The highest correlation
between any pair of variables in the model is between the delivery and consumer satisfaction and it is 0.743
(Table 4). This correlation value is lower than the lowest square root of AVE for any variable, and it is 0.844 for
quality, implying that the discriminant validity criterion is met. The values presented diagonally (italic) depict the
square root of AVE for that model variable.

Apart from the Fornell-Larcker criterion for estimating the discriminant validity, the paper also uses the
heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT). The reasons are twofold. Firstly, it is not possible to provide a
completely reliable estimation of the discriminant validity between model variables using the Fornell-Larcker
criterion only; hence, the proposition is to utilize HTMT criterion as well. Secondly, negative correlations between
variables, especially between safety and all others, can be observed in Table 4. Since HTMT criterion eliminates
negative correlation values and ranks them between the values 0 and 1, its usage in the discriminant validity
estimation is completely justified. If HTMT value is below 0.90, then the discriminant validity is established
between two variables [95]. Given that all the correlation values presented in Table 6 are lower than 0.90, it can
be concluded that the discriminant validity criterion is thus satisfied.

Table 6: Correlation coefficient - HTMT criterion

4 Testing the Research Model Hypotheses

Testing the explanatory power of the presented model (Figure 2), as well as the strength and statistical
significance of individual paths was carried out using PLS. The featured model explained 72.4% in the variation of
the dependent variable customer satisfaction (Figure 2). 15/28
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Figure 2 PLS analysis of the research model Statistical path significance: *** p<0.001; ** p=0.001; * p<0.05.

The study of individual path coefficients leads to the conclusion that three out of six paths presumed in the
model are statistically significant at the level p<0.001. Of the remaining three paths, one is significant at the level
p=0.001, and the other two at the level p<0.05. Shipping has the most significant impact on the consumer
satisfaction (β=0.584; p<0.001), thus providing the support for the hypothesis H3. Positive effect onto the
consumer satisfaction can also be attributed to pricing (β=0.314; p<0.001), information availability (β=0.132;
p<0.001) and time (β=0.108; p=0.001), supporting the hypotheses H5, H2 and H6. Security (β=0.072; p<0.05)
and quality (β=0.072; p<0.05) have the identical positive effect on consumer satisfaction, providing support to
the hypotheses H1 and H4. It is also important to consider the dependent variable percentage explained by each
prediction variable. This percentage can be calculated by multiplying the values of the coefficient β with the
value of the correlation coefficient. Therefore, the analysis demonstrates the following: the variable security
explains 0.3% of the variability observed in the variable customer satisfaction; the variable information explains
8.15% of the variability observed in the variable customer satisfaction; the variable shipping explains 43.39% of
the variability of the variable customer satisfaction; the variable quality accounts for 1.77% of the variability of
the variable customer satisfaction; the variable pricing accounts for 16.26% of the variability of the customer
satisfaction variable; and time variable accounts for 3.24% variability of the customer satisfaction variable. These
data also emphasize the dominant impact of shipping onto the customer satisfaction.


The results presented in the research demonstrate that all examined determinants of online purchase and all
items from the survey are suitable and related to customer satisfaction. All set hypotheses have been confirmed.
However, the strength of the relationship varies for each dominant and hypothesis. Shipping, pricing and
information availability have the greatest impact onto the e-customer satisfaction on the market of Serbia.
Considerably lower impact is attributed to quality, time and safety.

The research has also revealed that the shipping service has the greatest impact onto the online customer
satisfaction. This result relates to the fact that logistics service has not been sufficiently developed on the
market of Serbia in order to provide an efficient and reliable shipping of the purchased items. In the Internet
surroundings, customers can, very fast and easy, at a click of a mouse, find and buy a product; thus, they
expect a fast, accurate and reliable delivery as well. Yet, deliveries are sometimes late, not fulfilling the customer
expectations. Likewise, it can happen that the perception of the delivered product quality does not coincide with
the expected product quality. It all makes customers feel dissatisfied with shipping. The obtained results
correspond to [17], [105] stating that shipping has a significant impact onto the customer satisfaction. For
example, a research conducted in China displays that shipping and quality of the delivered product directly
influence customer satisfaction [105]. Online commerce does not recognize spatial and time barriers. Consumers
can shop anytime anywhere, e.g. at the office, the dormitory, or home. As it is necessary for the products to be
delivered to consumers by hand; hence, delivery plays a key role in online commerce. If shipping is not free of
charge, consumers will pay great attention to that particular customer satisfaction item. It has been established
that, for online shopping, reliability, security and delivery play key roles in meeting the consumers’ expectations
and making them satisfied [105]. The research conducted on the market of South Africa reveals that the greatest
dissatisfaction of online customers is attributable to long shipping period [86]. According to [102], the most
critical factor for fulfilling the customer expectations is the product delivery service. The customer would like to
acquire the set product in the set time and according to the set promises [18]. Timely and reliable shipping
increases the satisfaction and encourages repurchases [1]. Therefore, it is imperative that online shops provide
reliable shipping, secure packaging and timely delivery of products. 16/28
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The second important determinant of online shopping is pricing. This is an underdeveloped market where product
and service prices are always essential. Since the price of goods and services presents a very important
motivation factor for consumers, many online shoppers expect from online stores to offer their products and
services at prices lower than those in traditional stores [68]. The research conducted on the market of South
Africa demonstrates that buyers expect the products purchased online to have lower prices in comparison to
products in traditional stores [86]. Hence, there exists the correlation between pricing and customer satisfaction
[21], [32], [104]. The obtained results correspond to [29], [65] which state that product price can increase
customer satisfaction. The research conducted in Korea proves that pricing and confidence present key factors in
attracting and satisfying customers [74]. This can also be compared to previous studies [80] that determine that
pricing presents the most important factor influencing customer satisfaction. Consumers always pay significant
attention to prices when purchasing products and services [21], [32], [104]. Discounts while purchasing influence
consumers to believe in prices, and ultimately they affect their satisfaction [8]. According to [47], price has a
significant impact on customer satisfaction, especially in the initial phases of online purchase. Likewise, according
to [25], [48], it has been determined that, on the market of Thailand, the experienced e-consumers are
increasingly more influenced by pricing. Finally, it can be concluded that pricing has a key role in fulfilling the
expectations of all consumers.

Consumer satisfaction is positively related to information availability. The obtained result is in accordance with
[62], [17] stating that information availability impacts customer satisfaction. Internet has made access to
information easier [100]. According to [98], better information on products and services while purchasing online
relates to the higher degree of satisfaction. It is emphasized that information should be up-to-date, accurate,
reliable and complete. It is necessary that online stores guarantee all information on products ever seen by the
consumer. Sometimes, the reason for returning a product can be incomplete and inaccurate information. It is
necessary to ensure that all information is easily accessible with the minimum clicks, as well as easily comparable
with competition and similar products. Apart from the benefits of the information that websites provide for online
shoppers, consumers can also benefit from browsing the information left by other consumers. Consumers may
read comments by other customers before deciding on an online purchase. According to [86], the wide spectrum
of available products and the provision of complete information lead to recommendations and word-of-mouth

The quality as a determinant of online shopping also demonstrates a positive impact on customer satisfaction.
The obtained results coincide with [44], [61], [85] that state that product and service quality can improve
customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, it is important to consider that this research is related to the developing
market, where quality still does not have a dominant influence as pricing or shipping. For those reasons, the
obtained results are slightly different in comparison to a number of studies [38], [55], [88], [105]. These studies
suggest that online stores should provide a consistent product quality. It is especially significant if one considers
that a consumer cannot directly grade product quality, but they rather have to rely on information and offer
observed on a website. Based on the website offer, the consumer forms their expectations; if these are fulfilled,
e-shoppers will be pleased and will continue purchasing online. Vice versa, if expectations are not met, they will
be dissatisfied. According to [105], quality presents the fundamental dimension of satisfaction. It is to be
expected as true for the market of Serbia only once it expands and once the living standards and economic
powers are increased.

Considering time as a variable, the results demonstrate that this determinant is also significantly connected to
customer satisfaction. However, these results also differ from some previous research claiming that time has a
very significant impact on customer satisfaction [5], [26], [79]. The diversity of results originates from the fact
that online shopping on the market of Serbia is mostly related to the global commerce. Hence, the consumers are
primarily concerned with using the information on websites to detect products at a lower price and to have that
product delivered efficiently. Time consumption is not a priority. These results are similar to [2], stating that
saved time is not a significant factor at all in influencing the satisfaction of Malaysian consumers. Time
consumption is especially significant in retail, where consumers spend a considerable amount of time shopping in 17/28
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traditional stores (e.g. driving to the store, finding a parking lot, waiting at the cashier, etc.) [4], [84]. Stated
activities can be related to substantial time savings in e-shopping, leading to the increase of customer
satisfaction [86]. This segment in e-commerce is still not developed enough on the Serbian market; yet, the
future may expect time to have more impact on customer satisfaction.

Security as an online purchase determinant is directly related to customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, this relation
is rather weak. This result is to a certain degree different in relation to the most of studies that suggest that
security has a significant impact on customer satisfaction [34], [79]. For example, a research conducted in South
Africa deployed that the main reason why many consumers do not wish to do online shopping is related to the
fear of fraud, theft, credit card usage, hackers, and dishonest salespersons. [86]. The result obtained in this
research can be explained by the fact that the survey respondents have been using online shopping services for
a longer period of time and have acquired trust in transaction security. For these consumers, security is a
dimension implied and hence does not provoke their excessive satisfaction. Nevertheless, if this dimension were to
be missing, it would cause a significant dissatisfaction. Security is of utmost importance for attracting new
clientele and online stores should work more intensely on raising the security level. The purchase of the relevant
certificate from organizations such as eTrust is one of the options to make a website more reliable [55]. This will
make the website become more secure; it will increase the customer satisfaction and thus increase sales. For
example, Scribendi - a company offering editing and proofing services for English documents, acquired the
VeriSign SSL Certificate - a certificate for the utmost trust, and they increased the sales of their services for
27% [97]. When online companies possess a certificate, the address bar of their website is green and their web
addresses begin with https://, which clearly suggests the consumer that the website is secure and to be trusted.


Due to technological innovation, the traditional mode of purchase has become inadequate for some individuals.
People now prefer simpler modes for acquiring brands and reaching stores, and it can be stated that the Internet
has fundamentally changed the consumers’ ideas on convenience, speed, price, and product and service
information. As a result, vendors have found a new approach to create value for customers and build relationships
with them.

This study intended to reveal the scale in which the following variables - security, information availability,
shipping, quality, pricing and time - affect the dependent variable customer satisfaction. The model developed for
this study was tested using the confirmatory factor analysis. Confirmatory factor analysis generated results that
demonstrated a high level of reliability and validity between variables. The present model explained that 72.4% of
the variation relates to the dependent variable customer satisfaction. The results of this study confirmed that
security, information availability, shipping, quality, pricing and time presented significant predictors of customer
satisfaction. These variables have a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction. Likewise, the results
demonstrated that shipping is the most powerful predictor of customer satisfaction, thus emphasizing the
importance of its implementation. This paper should contribute to better understanding of the determinants that
affect customer satisfaction, so customers would continue purchasing online. Likewise, the paper should also
provide guidelines to online stores for better definitions of their marketing strategies.


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6 Site : Asos [ Links ]

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8 Site : Rosegal [ Links ]

9 Site : A4c [ Links ]

10 Site : Fasttech [ Links ]

11 Site : Geizhals [ Links ]

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Appendix A: Research Instrument - Questionnaire

Shipping 25/28
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Security 26/28
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Information availability

Customer satisfaction

Received: September 22, 2017; Revised: March 19, 2018; Accepted: April 25, 2018 27/28
3/15/2021 The Influence of Online Shopping Determinants on Customer Satisfaction in the Serbian Market
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the C reative C ommons Attribution License

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