Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol by A Microwave Assisted

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Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152

Degradation of 4-chlorophenol by a microwave assisted

photocatalysis method
Zhihui Ai a,b , Peng Yang a , Xiaohua Lu a,∗
a Environmental Science Research Institute, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan 430074, PR China
b College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, PR China

Received 6 November 2004; received in revised form 25 March 2005; accepted 21 April 2005
Available online 24 June 2005


In this work, the degradation of 4-chlorophenol (4CP) under simultaneous microwave assisted UV (electrodeless discharge lamp) photo-
catalysis technique (MW/UV/TiO2 ) was investigated. Several factors affecting the degradation of 4CP by MW/UV/TiO2 method, such as the
dosage of photocatalysts, the initial pH value of the solutions, gas bubbling, light intensity and addition of H2 O2 oxidant, were studied in
detail. The synergistic effects between microwave irradiation and TiO2 photocatalysis were also studied. The major intermediates were found
to be chlorobenzene, phenol, hydroquinone, benzoquinone and 4-chlorocatechol. Based on the results, a general reaction pathway for the
degradation of 4CP was proposed.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Microwave assisted photocatalysis; Electrodeless discharge lamp; 4-Chlorophenol

1. Introduction (anatase) (Eq. (1)). These charged species can further gen-
erate free radicals (• OH) under appropriate conditions (Eq.
The use of semiconductors as photocatalysts for a vari- (2–4)). The highly oxidizing positive hole has been consid-
ety of processes, including the oxidative mineralisation of ered to be the dominant oxidizing species contributing to the
organic pollutants in water or in the gas phase, destruc- mineralization process resulting from the TiO2 photocatalyst
tion of bacteria and reduction of trace metals, continues to (Eq. (5)).
be an active field of research [1]. TiO2 is broadly used as
a photocatalyst because it is photochemically stable, non- TiO2 + hν (λ<387nm) → TiO2 (e− +
CB + hCB ) (1)
toxic and inexpensive [2]. Photocatalytic degradation using h+

+ OH (H2 O) → • OH (+H ) +
TiO2 under UV light appears to be an effective strategy
for degrading and mineralizing chlorinated phenols (CPs) e− • −
CB + O2 → O2 (3)
[1,2]. • O−
2 + H+ → • OOH (4)
The principles of photocatalysis based on TiO2 have been
discussed in several literatures [1–3]. In general, photoin- • OH + organic pollutants → mineralized products (5)
duced electrons (e− ) and positive holes (h+ ) are produced
from TiO2 under irradiation of UV light (λ < 387 nm), which During last two decades, MW irradiation has found
has an energy greater than the band gap (3.2eV) of TiO2 its applications in domestic, industrial and medical fields.
The applications of microwave energy to enhance chemi-
cal reaction have also been growing every now and then
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 27 67867953; fax: +86 27 67867953.
[4]. Moreover, microwave irradiation was reported to use
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] for environmental waste treatment [5–7]. However, there
(X. Lu). are few reports on microwave-assisted photocatalysis. This

0304-3894/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 Z. Ai et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152

might be partially due to microwave chemistry is still 2. Materials and methods

a developing field in chemistry, and also due to experi-
mental difficulties that accompany simultaneous applica- 2.1. Chemicals
tion of ultra-violet irradiation and microwave irradiation
[8,9]. Standard material 4CP was obtained from Sigma Chemi-
It has been known for several decades that the electrodeless cal Co., and the initial concentration of 4CP in all experiments
discharge lamp (microwave lamp; MWL) generates ultravi- was 30 mg/L. TiO2 Degussa P25 (particle size of 20–30 nm;
olet (UV) radiation in the microwave field, i.e. by a wire- composition, 83% anatase and 17% rutile; BET surface area
less way [8]. Low powered and low-pressure electrodeless of 50 m2 /g) made in Germany was used as the photocata-
lamps were utilized in spectroscopy and analytical chem- lyst in this study. Analytical H2 O2 (30% v/v) was employed
istry four decades ago [10]. Usually light sources such as as the oxidant. All solutions were prepared using distilled
xenon lamps and mercury lamps were used for studying the deionized water (18 m) by an EASY-pure ultrapure water
TiO2 photocatalysis of 4CP whereas the MWL was seldom system. H2 SO4 (AR grade) and NaOH (AR grade) were used
used. to adjust the initial pH of solutions to the predetermined lev-
Chlorophenols (CPs) are common organic contaminants, els. Oxygen or nitrogen (99.99%) was used for deaeration of
which show low biodegradability, and therefore are persis- solutions. Analytical grade chloroform was used to extract
tent pollutants, posing serious risks to the environment once the samples for GC/MS analysis.
mixed into natural water [11,12]. These compounds are car-
cinogenic, mutagenic and have a tendency to accumulate in 2.2. Methods
fatty tissue [13]. Many efforts have been dedicated to the
study of alternative technologies that are able to minimize All microwave assisted photocatalysis experiments were
the deleterious effect caused by this anthropic material. Using conducted using a MW assisted electrodeless discharge UV
conventional technique to eliminate this kind of compounds lamp system, which was modified, from a domestic MW oven
may be difficult as they are usually present at low concentra- (2450 MHz, power 750 W). The schematic experimental de-
tions in water or they are especially refractory to the oxidants. tails of reactor are shown in Fig. 1. It consisted of a cylindrical
Therefore, it has been necessary to develop more effective glass reactor (1 L) provided with the required elements for the
processes for the destruction of such contaminants [12]. development of the different processes. In each experiment,
Based on the above considerations, a research program the reactor was filled with 500 mL of an aqueous solution
on integrating MW and UV light for degradation haz- of 4CP with predetermined pH value. The electrodeless dis-
ardous organic pollutants was performed. In this program charge lamp containing mercury vapor with a peak emission
4CP was chosen as a model compound and the photocat- at 254 nm was placed into the reactor vessel so that the MW
alytic degradation process using a MW assisted electrode- field induced UV irradiation interacted with the reaction mix-
less discharge UV lamps system in the presence of TiO2 was ture. The required amounts of TiO2 were added to the reac-
investigated. tor and stored in the dark for 15 min for equilibrium before

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of MW/MWL system.

Z. Ai et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152 149

the photocatalysis experiments. For reactions carried out in 3. Results and discussion
different atmosphere, the required air, pure N2 gas or pure
O2 gas was bubbled to the reactor through a porous glass 3.1. Effects of TiO2 dosages on the degradation process
tube gas sparger located at the bottom of the reactor through-
out the entire reaction period. The solution was circulated The effects of dosage of TiO2 on the photocatalytic degra-
at 2 L min−1 with a pump, and the temperature of 4CP so- dation rates of 4CP were examined. Fig. 2 shows the varia-
lution in reactor vessel was kept constant at 28–29 ◦ C by a tion of pseudo-first-order rate constants with different TiO2
condenser. dosages at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 3.0 and 4.0 mg/L under UV illumi-
The process of UV photocatalysis without microwave was nation. As shown by Fig. 2, the photocatalytic degradation
carried out in a continuously aerated stainless steel photo- rate increases with increasing TiO2 dosages. However, the
chemical reactor (Environmental Science Research Institute degradation decreases at higher TiO2 dosages. The increased
of HUST) in batch mode at room temperature, the radia- degradation is likely due to the increase of the total surface
tion source was provided with low-pressure mercury vapor area (or number of active sites) of the photocatalysts avail-
lamp which emitted a wavelength around 254 nm as the ra- able for photocatalytic reaction when increasing the dosage
diation source. The reactor was filled with 500 mL of an of TiO2 . When TiO2 was overdosed, the intensity of light
aqueous solution of 4CP (initial concentration of 30 mg/L), penetration attenuated and light scattering increased, which
the required P25 was added into the reactor and stored in counteracted the positive effect coming from the dosage
the dark for 15 min for equilibrium before the photocatalysis increment and therefore the overall performance reduced
experiments. [2].
Samples were taken with a 10 mL syringe from the reac-
tor at different pre-determined reaction times. The collected 3.2. Effects of initial pH value of the solution on the
photocatalysis samples were first centrifuged at 4000 rpm for degradation process
15 min by using a LG10-2.4 centrifuge (Beijing, China) to
remove the TiO2 prior to chemical analysis. All the sam- The effects of initial pH levels on the MW assisted pho-
ples were analyzed immediately to avoid any further reac- tocatalytic degradation rates of 4CP were investigated. As
tions. The concentration of 4CP was quantified by HPLC. reported in Fig. 3, the degradation reactions were enhanced
Twenty-microliters sample was injected into the D-7000 in both an alkaline medium and an acid medium. Degrada-
HPLC system (HITACHI, Japan) equipped with C18 col- tion reactions were enhanced in the alkaline medium may be
umn (Hypersil, China. 250 × 4.6 mm), which consisted of a attributed to two reasons: (1) it is easier for 4CP to absorb UV
L-7100 pump and a L-7420 UV–vis detector. Eighty percent light as it is present in its anionic state; (2) more hydroxide
(v/v) aqueous methanol solution was used as mobile phase, ions (OH− ) in the solution produced more hydroxyl radi-
its flow rate was fixed at 1 mL/min. The wavelength em- cals (• OH). Since hydroxyl radical is the dominant oxidizing
ployed for detecting 4CP was 280 nm. UV–vis spectropho- species in the photocatalytic process, the photodegradation
tometer (8500II, Techcomp) was used to measure the UV–vis of 4CP is therefore accelerated in an alkaline medium. The
spectrum of 4CP during degradation. IC (Dx-120, Dionex) reason for the increase of degradation rate at low initial pH
equipped with an ASA4-SC column was employed for anal- value is because more H+ ions in the solution, more conduc-
ysis of chloride-ion concentrations in aqueous solution using tion band electrons (e− ) can transfer to the surface of catalyst
sodium chloride solutions as a standard, the mobile phase to react with O2 to produce more hydroxyl radicals.
of a mixture of 1.8 mM Na2 CO3 and 1.7 mM NaHCO3 was
used at a flow rate of 1.60 mL/min, volume of samples was
20 ␮L.
Photolyzed solution of 4CP (10 mL) was extracted with
chloroform twice (30 ml each), and the organic layers
were collected, dried with sodium sulfate, and evaporated
to 1 mL for the determination of the intermediates with
Identification of intermediates was performed using a gas
chromatography (GC, Varian 3900) with a capillary column
(FactorFourTM : VF-5ms, 30 m × 0.25 mm, 0.25 um) and a
mass spectrometer (MS, Saturn 2100T), which were pro-
grammed with the Saturn Chemstation software (Saturn WS).
Flow rate of helium 99.999% was 1 mL/min. The oven tem-
perature was programmed from 50 (1 min) to 300 (1 min)
at a ramp rate of 8 ◦ C/min. The injection volume of extract
Fig. 2. Variation of pseudo-first-order rate constants with TiO2 dosages,
was 1 ␮L. All library-matched species exhibited the degree where reaction time is 120 min, the initial pH value is 6, E = 1450 lx, bubbled
of match better than 80%. with air.
150 Z. Ai et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152

Fig. 3. Variation of pseudo-first-order rate constants with initial pH value,

where reaction time is 120 min, the TiO2 dosage is 1 mg/L, E = 1450 lx, Fig. 5. Variation of pseudo-first-order rate constants with H2 O2 dosages,
bubbled with air. reaction time is 120 min, TiO2 dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH value of 6,
E = 1450 lx, bubbled with air.

air, O2 or N2 gas. During the photodegradation process, the

recombination of photogenerated valence band holes with
conduction band electrons is known to compete with forma-
tion of reactive oxygen species (• OH), while their formation
is influenced by the quantity of oxygen in solution.

3.5. Effects of H2 O2 dosages on the degradation process

The effects of addition of the H2 O2 into TiO2 disper-

sion were examined (Fig. 5). The degradation of 4CP was
increased in the presence of H2 O2 and influenced by the
dosages of H2 O2 . With the addition of H2 O2 , the rate con-
stant was increased abruptly at the low dosages of H2 O2 , but
Fig. 4. Variation of pseudo-first-order rate constants with light intensity, went to a balance after the dosage increases to 0.1%. This is
where reaction time is 120 min, the TiO2 dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH because the addition of H2 O2 can enhance the formation of
value of 6, bubbled with air. • OH. H O would act as an electron donor to produce hy-
2 2
droxyl radicals by its reduction at the conduction band. The
3.3. Effects of light intensity of the electrodeless
self-decomposition of H2 O2 by UV illumination would also
discharge UV lamp on the degradation process
produce hydroxyl radicals.
The effects of light intensity E (lux) of the electrodeless
3.6. The synergistic effects between MW irradiation and
discharge UV lamp on the rate constants were shown in Fig. 4.
UV photocatalysis degradation processes
The photocatalysis degradation rate was increased with in-
creasing E because more light energy can be used for degra-
The pre-experimentation in our program showed that the
dation of 4CP as the increase in light intensity.
degradation ratio of 4CP was 2.55% after 120 min irradiation
in MW system, but there was no change of Cl− concentra-
3.4. Effects of gas bubbling on the degradation process tion. This result implied that 4CP was not degraded by MW
(dechlorination), the loss of 4CP could be because of the mi-
The effects of bubbling the solution or dispersion with a crowave superheating effects.
reactive (air, oxygen) or an inert gas (nitrogen) were also ex- Table 2 summarizes the degradation rate of 4CP and
amined. Table 1 shows the degradation of 4CP by aeration the changes of Cl− during UV/TiO2 and MW/UV/TiO2 ,
Table 1 Table 2
Effects of gas bubbling on degradation of 4CP in MW/UV/TiO2 a Comparison of degradation of 4CP by different methodsb
Gas Nitrogen Air Oxygen Method MW UV/TiO2 MW/UV/TiO2
Rate constant (min−1 ) of 0.0134 0.0155 0.0164 Degradation rate (%) 2.25 38.76 82.85
4CP degradation Increase of Cl− (mg/L) 0 3.79 7.95
a Reaction time is 120 min, TiO dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH value b Reaction time is 120 min, TiO dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH value
2 2
of 6, light intensity (E) is 1450 lx. of 6, light intensity (E) is 1450 lx.
Z. Ai et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152 151

Fig. 6. UV–vis spectra of 4CP in MW/UV/TiO2 process, where the TiO2

Fig. 7. The pseudo-first-order decay of 4CP in MW/UV/TiO2 system, where
dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH of 6, light intensity (E) is 1450 lx, bubbled
the TiO2 dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH value of 6, light intensity (E) is
with air.
1450 lx, bubbled with air.

respectively. The results shown in Table 2 indicate that the As to MW assisted TiO2 photocatalysis procedures, the
MW/UV/TiO2 is superior to the UV/TiO2 . Degradation of synergistic effect may be attributed to the following two rea-
4CP by the MW/UV/TiO2 procedure was nearly complete in sons: (1) the enhanced formation of reactive • OH; (2) the
contrast to the UV/TiO2 . The increase of Cl− in the degrada- activity of the TiO2 particles surface is somehow affected by
tion of 4CP by the MW/UV/TiO2 process was up to 7.95 mg/L microwave irradiation. Titania particles absorb UV light of
in 120 min, which indicated that chlorine atom left from energy greater than the band gap of 3.2 eV to generate elec-
the radical intermediate completely compared to 8.30 mg/L tron/hole pairs. MW likely generated additional defect sites
(theoretic producing amount of Cl− for 30 mg/L 4CP on the TiO2 particles, which inhibited electron/hole recombi-
degradation). The increase of chlorine ion is much more em- nation, resulting a more efficient photocatalytic process [9].
ploying MW/UV/TiO2 than that using UV/TiO2 . So we think
that the synergistic effect between microwave irradiation 3.7. The UV–vis spectrum of 4CP samples during
and the UV/TiO2 method was significant in degradation of degradation
The synergistic effect could be attributed to the • OH. That The changes in the absorption spectra of 4CP degraded
is, microwave irradiation played an important role in enhanc- by the MW/UV/TiO2 photocatalysis process are shown in
ing the generation of the • OH in MW/UV/TiO2 system, which the Fig. 6. The spectrum of 4CP in the UV region ex-
increase the degradation rate of 4CP. hibits a band with a peak absorbance at 225 nm. The de-

Fig. 8. Reaction intermediates and the possible mechanistic pathway of 4CP degraded in microwave assisted UV system, where the reaction time is 120 min,
TiO2 dosage is 1 mg/L at an initial pH value of 6, E = 1450 lx, bubbled with air.
152 Z. Ai et al. / Journal of Hazardous Materials B124 (2005) 147–152

crease of at 225 nm in this figure indicates a rapid degra- sity, purging oxygen or adding H2 O2 to the solution or
dation of 4CP. Disappearance of the spectral features in dispersions.
the UV–vis spectrum of 4CP after a 60 min irradiation pe- (3) The synergistic effects between MW irradiation and UV
riod agrees with the change of the solution color. The color photocatalysis method are significant because of the en-
of the solution changed from colorless to brown within hanced formation of reactive • OH in MW/UV/TiO2 .
5 min during the photocatalysis process, and then changed (4) The principal intermediates during the MW/UV/TiO2
to colorless after 60 min. Oligomers, hydroquinone, benzo- degradation of 4CP were chlorobenzene, phenol, hydro-
quinone, were potential intermediates for degradation of 4CP quinone, benzoquinone and 4-chlorocatechol.
The microwave assisted UV photocatalytic degradation of
4CP was found to follow pseudo-first-order decay kinetics, Acknowledgements
as shown in Fig. 7. The rate constant is 0.0155 min−1 .
The authors acknowledge the financial support from
3.8. Reaction intermediates and the possible National 863 Project on Environment Protection (No.
mechanistic pathway 2002AA60300) and the key project of Ministry of Educa-
tion of China (No. 104250).
A detailed study on TiO2 photocatalytic degradation of
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