AT4 Practicum
AT4 Practicum
AT4 Practicum
1. Bureau of Fire Protection’s (BFP) Vision and Mission.
A modern fire
service fully capable of
ensuring a fire safe nation by 2034.
We commit to prevent and suppress
destructive fires, investigate its causes;
enforce Fire Code and other related laws; respond
to man-made and natural disasters and other emergencies.
- Senior Fire Officer IV (SFO4)
- Master Sergeant Senior Fire Officer III (SFO3)
- Technical Sergeant Senior Fire Officer II (SFO2)
- Staff Sergeant Senior Fire Officer I (SFO1)
- Sergeant Fire Officer III (FO3)
- Corporal Fire Officer II (FO2)
- Private First-Class Fire Officer I (FO1)
- Private Fire Officer (FO)
- Basic Fire Internship Non-Uniformed Personnel (NUP) - Civilian Employee
5. What is RA 11589?
RA 11589 mandates the BFP to develop and implement a fire protection
modernization program that includes the acquisition of modern fire equipment,
the expansion of the BFP manpower, and the provision of specialized training for
firefighters, among others. The BFP shall also be mandated to conduct monthly
fire prevention campaigns and information drives in every local government unit.