Customer Service Manual For Pulse Powee
Customer Service Manual For Pulse Powee
Customer Service Manual For Pulse Powee
0b Energy Language
*Affiliated retail electric provider
A retail electric provier that is onwed, but separately operated, by a former monopoly
electric Utility
An entity registered with the puct to bring a group of customers together to buy electrity
in bulk
entidad afiliada a al puct para darle a un grupo de personas para proveerle un supplier
para entergarle la electricidad
(comunidades especificas)
Adding charges to a bill without a customer's approval
Base Charge
A charge assesed during each billing cycle without regard to the customer's demand or
energy consumption
The amounf of electicity used at any given instant
How much is the electric used by the customer
Energy Charge
The production of electricity from gas, coil, green energy
Muni (municipal owned utility)
A non-profit utility that is owned and operated by municipality it serves in texa,
municipality owned utilities may opt into the competitive
Residential customer
The most tipical clients
Swicthing electric service without the customer approval
Usage this is te amount used by the billing peroid listen by kilowats per hour
Rescission period- tiene 3 dias para que darle a cliente de cancelar via email or correo
normal de 7-10 dias
Tdsp > the company that delivers the energy provider to the customer
***Add-on service
Green Energy-----> Appears as a separate charge on customer's monthly bill
Thermostat-------> Bundled into the energy rate, (included at the term) a wifi thermostat
energy, Para manejarlo ellos o nosotros
Mistbox-----> Sistema de aire accondicionado que tiene calentador (Only With the hvac
System at house)
Air filters ----> Para el aire accondicionador, no directamente, Lo mandamos a otra
copany 3th part of of vendor
Autopay------> For disccount automaticly ACH $ 1.00 / visa 0.00$
Paperless Billing ---> Customer will qualify for 0.001 Dollar per KwH discounts as
account is setup with paperless credentials, If the person decides to discontinue with the
paperless billing will be automatic
Vendor pledges
Vendor agrement
contrato que una empresa o un conjunto pagara por el customer
Processing time
tiempo de proseso de 3-5 dias para que se vea reflejado esa cuenta Pledge es una
promesa de pago
Priority move
the customer changed hes location and have to pay $15.00 Dollars, On the first bill, ans
this take between 24 to 48 hours
es cuando el cliente ha cumplido los terminos del contrato, el cliente puede renovar 90
dias antes de renovar el contrato,
Si el cliente no hace el renew y pasa a holdover rate
Application status
Cuando el cliente se inscribe con nosotros y le falta un documento o cualquier otro
documento se abre un status\
Complete:la aplicacion fue exitosa
Pending ID Verificator: check the identity of the person
Pending credit check: el cliente tiene que estar desbloqueado, cuando el credito este
desbloqueado se hace un froze credict check
Notificar al cliente que no bloquee la cuenta hasta que el credito se realice
Pending deposit: La aplicacion esta al tanto del pago aun no realizado
Pending Agency: With the broker
Already enrolle: Un cliente que ya esta escrito pero desde otro brand,
Duplicate: Un cliente que ya se inscribio pero intentara inscribirse de nuevo porque se
Cancelled: Una cuenta cancellada por multiples razones
Expired: 10 dias despues de que el cliente de haber expirado para entregar los
Deposit REquirements
It is to verify the credit life score
If not have a good score, must pay a deposit
Deposits amoun
the customer have to pay the deposit 225$
Billing address
Account cancelation
si se cambia antes de que termine la clausula de permanencia, se le cobra
Things needed
-Lease/Rental agreement where customer is moving to
-Rental cancelation letter for the current premise
-Closing statement showing proof of purchase of new propety
Inadvertent gain- Dar el servicio a otro cliente por equivocacion
Inadvertent loss - quitaron al cliente de la company sin su permiso
Tiene 45 dias para resolver el problema y volver a inscribirlo o devolver a su privider
Transfer or service
El cliente tiene cuenta con nosotros y quiere moverse a otra casa , entonces el proseso
se hace, Puede quedar con la energia sin desconectar la casa
Debe llenar un formato o lo podemos llenar por ellos si ellos lo desean
Switch Holds
Es un candado virtual que le ponen al ESi ID, Basicamente no se puede cambiar a otro
supplier hasta que no se pague su deuda
Deferred paymen
Meter Tampering
Adulteracion del contador
Removin a Switch holds
Deferred paymen> Pagar lasting dpp
Meter tampering
Deposit summary
Determina cuanto anualmente debe de pagar 16.000
DEposit renew
**ACH Disqualification
alert- Marcado por letras rojas, esta puede ser por NFS fee
Reports of any shrt of fraudulent payment activity
Mas de 2 cargos arriba sin pagar
Prosses phone by prhone and online
El cliente le podemos dar una divicion de cuotas pero se le pasara a un status de switch
a) Customer has not been disconected during the preceding the 12 month
b) Customer has not submitted more than 2 NFS, During the preceding 12 moths
3) customer has been with Pulse Power, a least 3 months