Sermon Title:: Five Ways To Draw Closer To Jesus

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SERMON TITLE: Five Ways to Draw Closer to Jesus


a) As believers, we desire a closer relationship with the Lord.
b) Ruth, a Moabite and a Gentile pagan, is brought to faith in the Lord and has a redeemer
named Boaz, whom she marries.
i) Boaz from Bethlehem pictures the Lord Jesus Christ.
ii) Ruth and Boaz are a true illustration of the church and the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Ruth 3 tells of a very close and intimate relationship between Ruth and Boaz, the church
and the Lord Jesus.
d) Ruth 3:1-5
e) Christianity is not a code, a cause, a creed, a conduct, or a church; it is Christ.
i) The mark of a Christian is a love for Jesus Christ.
ii) The desire of every child of God is to know Jesus Christ more intimately.
f) Every child of God wants more than redemption; we want a relationship with our Lord.
We desire more than gifts; we want the Giver, Jesus Christ, to be real to us.
i) Philippians 3:10
(1) Paul already knew Him intellectually and spiritually, but He wanted to know
more about the Lord Jesus.
ii) We don’t want to just know about Jesus, we want Him to be real in our lives.
(1) When we see Him face to face, we want to have already known Him heart to
g) Naomi’s advice to Ruth shows us five ways to draw closer to Jesus.


a) We must be clean if we are to draw near to our Lord.
i) James 4:8

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(1) We cannot worship with dirty hands, a defiled heart and

double minds.
ii) 2 Corinthians 7:1
iii) Many complain that their prayer life is fruitless, and their prayers go unanswered.
(1) Isaiah 1:15-16
iv) Isaiah 52:11
(1) This is not referring to “yesterday’s bath;” be freshly cleansed.
v) How are we cleansed?
(1) By the Word of God.
(a) Ephesians 5:25-26
(i) The Word of God is to our spirit what wash is to our body.
(b) Psalm 119:9
(c) The Bible reveals sin.
(i) Not only do we read the Bible, the Bible reads us.
(d) The Bible reveals the solution to our sin.
(2) By the blood of Jesus Christ.
(a) 1 John 1:7-9
(b) When we confess our sins, we name them specifically and agree with God
about our sins.
(3) When God cleanses us, what He calls clean no man can call unclean.


a) In Old Testament times, brides and priests were anointed. The anointing of a priest meant
a consecration, a setting aside.
i) Song of Solomon 1:14
ii) Song of Solomon 4:14
(1) The fragrance speaks of love and intimacy.
b) Our anointing is the Holy Spirit.
i) 1 John 2:27
ii) The Holy Spirit gives us the fragrance of Christ.
iii) If we want to draw near to God, then we must be surrendered to the Holy Spirit of
God so that He can make us a sweet smelling savor; that our lives will be like incense
to Him.

4) BE FITLY CLOTHED (Ruth 3:3)

a) Ruth has been a widow and is wearing her widow’s garments.
i) She has also been gleaning in the fields, and her clothes are dusty and dirty.
b) Naomi advised Ruth to wear her best, to dress up; in essence, to put off the garments of
c) Naomi’s advice must have been wonderful news for Ruth, just as the Gospel is good
i) Isaiah 61:1-3
(1) How is Ruth to dress up and how are we to dress up for the Lord?
(a) Put off your ashes of sorrow; He will give beauty for ashes.
(b) Put away mourning; He will give joy for mourning.
(c) Put off the garments of heaviness; He will give garments of praise.

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d) Isaiah 61:10
i) We need to pull out some of the groans from our prayers and put in some hallelujahs.
ii) Psalm 100:2
iii) Put on the garments of praise and salvation.

5) BE FULLY COMMITTED (Ruth 3:3-4)

a) Ruth was to place herself at the feet of her redeemer.
i) The most sacred place is at the feet of our redeemer, Jesus Christ.
b) Ruth placing herself at the feet of Boaz was a sign of full commitment.
i) This was Ruth’s way of telling Boaz that she was willing to take him as her redeemer
(1) This passage should not be interpreted in light of modern-day America.
(2) This is not dirty or impure.
(3) This was not done in secret: there were other people on the threshing floor,
including entire families.
ii) Ruth is placing herself under his protection.
(1) Ruth 3:9
(a) The word for “skirt” is translated “wings” in an earlier chapter where Ruth
came under the wings of Jehovah.
c) We cannot have an intimate relationship with Jesus unless we are fully committed to


a) Ruth is compliant; she is ready to obey.
i) She is ready to not only be a hearer of the Word but also a doer of the Word.
b) Obedience is necessary to having an intimate walk with Christ.
c) John 7:17
i) When we surrender to the will of God, He will teach us.
(1) We should not say, “Lord, show me Your will, and I’ll decide whether or not I’ll
do it.” We should say, “Lord, I’ll do it. What is it?”
d) John 14:21
i) This is one of the greatest texts in the Bible about knowing Jesus intimately.
ii) This shows full compliance.
e) Bible study alone will not help us know God.
i) Bible study gives us knowledge about God; obedience gives us knowledge of God.
ii) Luke 6:46

a) In Boaz’s response to Ruth, we see our Lord’s response to us as we draw near to Him.
i) He received her.
(1) Ruth 3:8-10
(2) He also blessed her.
(a) Ephesians 1:3
(3) The most blessed place on Earth is at the feet of Jesus.
ii) He reassured her.
(1) Ruth 3:11-13

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(a) He spoke peace to her.

(b) Ruth knew that he loved her.
(i) Boaz took the initiative and loved Ruth before she loved him.
(2) 1 John 4:18
(a) It is God’s perfect love for us that casts out fear.
iii) He replenished her.
(1) Ruth 3:18
(a) Boaz loaded her down with provisions, with the grain.
(2) Psalm 68:19
(3) Ephesians 3:20
b) Ruth 3:18
i) Naomi advised Ruth to be still; she had done her part. Boaz would not rest until the
thing was finished.
ii) Ruth’s responsibility was her response to his ability.
c) Jesus, our Heavenly Boaz, has finished the work of our salvation.
i) Luke 2:49
ii) John 9:4
(1) He will not rest until He has finished the thing.
(a) Ruth 3:18
iii) Jesus was taunted and mocked at the crucifixion to come down from the cross.
(1) Ruth 3:18
iv) John 19:30
(1) He did not rest until He had finished the thing.
d) Because Jesus finished the work of salvation, we can now rest.
i) We have entered into the finished rest of our Redeemer.
e) Are you experiencing that rest today?
f) Do you know Jesus personally? If not, you can pray to Him today by asking Him to come
into your life.
g) Call upon Jesus today. Repent (turn) from your sins, and turn to Jesus. Ask Him to
forgive you of your sins, and acknowledge Him as Lord of your life.
i) Romans 3:23
ii) Romans 10:9-10
iii) Romans 10:13
iv) Acts 16:31

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