Sermon Title:: Five Ways To Draw Closer To Jesus
Sermon Title:: Five Ways To Draw Closer To Jesus
Sermon Title:: Five Ways To Draw Closer To Jesus
a) As believers, we desire a closer relationship with the Lord.
b) Ruth, a Moabite and a Gentile pagan, is brought to faith in the Lord and has a redeemer
named Boaz, whom she marries.
i) Boaz from Bethlehem pictures the Lord Jesus Christ.
ii) Ruth and Boaz are a true illustration of the church and the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Ruth 3 tells of a very close and intimate relationship between Ruth and Boaz, the church
and the Lord Jesus.
d) Ruth 3:1-5
e) Christianity is not a code, a cause, a creed, a conduct, or a church; it is Christ.
i) The mark of a Christian is a love for Jesus Christ.
ii) The desire of every child of God is to know Jesus Christ more intimately.
f) Every child of God wants more than redemption; we want a relationship with our Lord.
We desire more than gifts; we want the Giver, Jesus Christ, to be real to us.
i) Philippians 3:10
(1) Paul already knew Him intellectually and spiritually, but He wanted to know
more about the Lord Jesus.
ii) We don’t want to just know about Jesus, we want Him to be real in our lives.
(1) When we see Him face to face, we want to have already known Him heart to
g) Naomi’s advice to Ruth shows us five ways to draw closer to Jesus.
Monte Sinaí
d) Isaiah 61:10
i) We need to pull out some of the groans from our prayers and put in some hallelujahs.
ii) Psalm 100:2
iii) Put on the garments of praise and salvation.
a) In Boaz’s response to Ruth, we see our Lord’s response to us as we draw near to Him.
i) He received her.
(1) Ruth 3:8-10
(2) He also blessed her.
(a) Ephesians 1:3
(3) The most blessed place on Earth is at the feet of Jesus.
ii) He reassured her.
(1) Ruth 3:11-13