D' Number Crunchers Club Action Plan: Cagayan State University LAL-LO CAMPUS
D' Number Crunchers Club Action Plan: Cagayan State University LAL-LO CAMPUS
D' Number Crunchers Club Action Plan: Cagayan State University LAL-LO CAMPUS
Second Regular Meeting of To discuss and answer queries with Virtual October Club Officers with the members and
the Club regards to Club activities and other Meeting/Discussion (Monthly) Advisers
concerns for the next activities
EIRA- Women in STEM and To answer the question how will the Webinar November CTE students
the Digital Economy Webinar COVID-19 pandemic affect the
upward trend where ASEAN women
are visibly championing careers and
businesses in STEM field.
Third Regular Meeting of the To discuss plans and activities for the Virtual November Club Officers with the members and
Club remaining months of the first Meeting/Discussion (Monthly) Advisers
Christmas Quiz Bowl To enhance the Mathematical Virtual Program December All CTE students
thinking skills of CTE students
particularly the non-Math major
students with prizes
Start of Classes for the January 2021 All students of CSUL
Second Semester
Tutoring/Mentoring To conduct remedial instructions Group activities/ January-May Club Officers with the members and
among pupils weak in Mathematics Peer Mentoring 2021 Advisers
particularly children in Villa Olivia
Fourth Regular Meeting of To discuss and answer queries or Meeting/Discussion February 2021 Club Officers with the members and
the Club problems with regards to Club Advisers
Heart’s Day To give time for socialization Program February 14, All students
Fifth Regular Meeting of the To answer queries of the members Meeting/Discussion March 2021 Club Officers with the members and
Club of the club Advisers
Republic of the Philippines
Cagayan State University LAL-LO CAMPUS
Sta. Maria, Lal-lo, Cagayan
Last Regular Meeting of the To discuss the involvement of the Meeting/Discussion April 2021 Club Officers with the members and
Club club in the recognition of the college Advisers
CSG Election To select new sets of officers for the Election All students
next school year
Prepared by:
D’ Number Crunchers Club Adviser D’ Number Crunchers Club Adviser CTE College Dean