Prototype Grading Cereal Corps

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Annals of Agric. Sci.

, Moshtohor ISSN 1110-0419

Vol. 59(2) (2021), 367 – 382

Manufacturing and Evaluation of a Prototype for Grading of Cereal Corps

Shalaby F. Nasr*, El-Sayed G. Khater**, Adel H. Bahnasawy*** and Hossam M. T. El-Ghobashy****

* Graduate Student of Agric. Eng. Dep., Fac. of Agric., Benha Univ., Egypt
** Associate Professor of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric., Benha Univ., Egypt
*** Professor of Agric. Eng., Fac. of Agric., Benha Univ., Egypt
**** Senior Researcher, Agric. Eng. Res. Inst., Agric. Res. Center, Egypt
Corresponding author: [email protected]

The main aim of the present study is to develop, fabricate and evaluate a rotating grader for grading cereal corps.
The effect of different orifice sizes (<7.5, 7.5 to 9.5 and 9.5 to 11.0 mm), inclination angles (0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ) and
rotational speeds of drum (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm) were studied. The grader productivity, efficiency, specific
energy consumption and costs were determined. The obtained results indicated that the grader productivity increased
from 11.73 to 49.38, 145.72 to 213.38 and 110.29 to 236.52 kg h-1, with increasing orifices size from small to large,
inclination angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of drum increased from 25 to 50 rpm, respectively.
The grader efficiency decreased from 99.00 to 81.89, 89.38 to 87.12 and 89.46 to 86.62 %, with increasing orifices
size from small to large, inclination angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of drum increased from 25 to
50 rpm, respectively. The specific energy consumption of grader increased from 10.77 to 13.62 and 9.14 to 14.81
kW h ton-1, with increasing inclination angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of drum increased from 25
to 50 rpm, respectively. The total cost of grader decreased from 0.07 to 0.05 and 0.09 to 0.04 EGP kg-1, with
increasing inclination angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of drum increased from 25 to 50 rpm,

Keywords: Grader, Productivity, Efficiency, Energy, Cost

Introduction compliance of international or national grading

standards (Thirupathi, 2009).
Maize (corn) is one of the most important Dealing with grading in different mechanical
cereal crops in the world after wheat and rice. It is methods would be far from researches using
called as queen of cereals and king of fodder due to its automation and electronic methods. In contrast with so-
great importance in human and animal diet. Corn is an called “automated” grading that is newly adopted in
important source of carbohydrate, protein, iron, vitamin grading houses, simple mechanical graders can be used
B and minerals. It is used in human feeding, industrial in anywhere without electrical power source although
aspects for producing, corn oil, starch, syrup, alcohol, its inadequacy in other physical grade factors but this
acids, and dry food for animal. The global world review would be on size as a grade factor and different
production of corn exceeded 1.04 Billion ton/year. It is mechanical methods that are used for size orchard crop,
also considered one of the most important grain crops for example, rotary sieve graders; rollers that seems
in Egypt. The cultivated area of corn in Egypt is around relevant to small scale graders (Tayoush, 2018).
1.04 million hectares with total productivity of about Grading of fruits and seeds are considered
8.06 million ton (FAO, 2014). very important as it can fetch higher price to the
Mechanical size grading is a very important grower. Grading also improves packaging, handling
process that is associated with a lot of commercial and other post-harvest operations. Grading is basically
factors, investigating its different methods would be separating the material in different homogenous groups
helpful for optimizing relationship between grading according to its specific characteristics like size, shape,
efficiency and other different variable factors in these color and on quality basis. It saves time and energy in
graders, for example, feeding rate, inclination angle different processing operations and reduces the
and rotational speed. Grading is an important operation handling losses during the transportation. Manual
affecting quality, handling and storage of produce and grading is an expensive and time consuming process
plays a major role in the food processing industries. and even the operation is affected due to non-
Grading is done to standardize a product, to facilitate availability of labours during peak seasons (Narvankar
marketing, for sales appeal, for ease in quantifying, for and Jha, 2005).
ease in price fixing of uniform sized lot and for
368 Shalaby F. Nasr et al .

Generally, quality grading includes outer and exported graders need high skills and high
parameters (size, color intensity, color homogeneity, investment in capital costs which is not possible for
bruises, shape, stem identification surface texture and small and medium farm. So, the main aim of this work
mass), inner parameters (sweetness, acidity or inner which is to develop, manufacturing and test local
diseases) and freshness. Although, both outer and inner grader for cereal which is made from local raw
quality information can be collected by an automatic materials, low cost in operating, easy and sample to
grading system in a factory, but machine vision is more handle.
effective for measuring outer parameters (Majumdar
and Jayas, 2000, Shahin and Symons, 2001, Paliwal et Materials and methods
al., 2003, Shigeta et al., 2004, Shahin et al., 2004, Qiao
et al., 2004 and Lorestani et al., 2006). The algorithm The experiment was carried out at Ashmoon city,
can successfully estimate size, sort colour, classify Menoufia Governorate, Egypt, during the period of
shape, detect bruises or scar tissue and predict the mass October and November, 2019 season.
of the pepper fruits. Njoroge et al. (2002) described the 2.1. Materials:
operations and performance of an automated quality 2.1.1. Machine description
verification system for agricultural products. Kondo et The designed grader was manufactured in a
al. (2005) proposed a multi-product grading system for private workshop at Menoufia Governorate. Figures 1
agricultural products. and 2 show the isometric drawing and the orthographic
Cereal grading is a tedious, time consuming drawing of the machine. The components of the
and cost operation. Manual grading is expensive and machine include the machine frame, rotating screens,
depends on the availability of labor in addition to it is central shaft, power transmission system and feeding
not accurate and its efficiency is very low. Using big hoper.

Figure (1): Isometric drawing of the grader.

1. Frame 6. Rotating screen (B) 11.U-shaped strip
2.Trays supports 7. Rotating screen (C) 12.Electric motor
3.Feeding hopper 8.Central shaft 13.Belt
4.metal Rack 9.Hopper support 14.cover
5.Rotating screen (A) 10.Shaft free side base

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Manufacturing and evaluation of a prototype for grading of cereal corps 369

Elevation Side View

Figure (2): Orthographic drawing of the grader. Rotating screens: dimensions to be able to pass onto, it would be

Grading system was consisting of three considered as a fourth grade. Every drum was made up
perforated rotary drums (rotating screens) to grade corn of a rectangular mild steel sheet with a thickness of 2
cereals samples into three grades and this could be mm. Then the sheets were perforated according to each
achieved by passing corn seeds through these screens, grade and folded together and welded to form a drum
the first drum was designed for small volume seeds. as shown in figure (3). The main structure of rotating
The higher size seeds are going to continue to the screen with a total length of 210 cm which consists of
second drum to be sized as a second grade and the three perforated rotary drums with a similar length of
largest seeds will be sized as the third grade and any 70 cm and hole diameters of 30, 40 and 50 cm for first,
other seeds that pass over the third stage without sizing second and third grade drum, respectively.
due to its dimensions that did not fit opening

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Figure (4): Schematic arrangement of rotating screens.

A: Cutting and perforating sheets according to each grade, B: Gathering the two sides of sheet, C: Welding
them to form a drum Central shaft: four crossed-shape 10 mm diameter steel rods by

Perforated drums were gathered using a central cylindrical rings have been furnished to be through of it
shaft running through the entire length of rotating (figure 4). The shaft is supplying drums with power for
screens, it was made from a mild steel rod with an a rotational movement. The two ends of the shaft have
external and internal diameter of 2 and 1.5 cm, been mounted on the frame using two pushed bearings
respectively and with a length of 240 cm connected to (figure 5).

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Figure (4): Schematic drawing of central shaft for gathering, fixing and supplying drums with power.
1. Central shaft, 2. Cylindrical rings, 3. Mid steel rods (crossed shape), 4. Seeds travel direction, and 5.
Overlapping zones.

Figure (5): Image of the pushed bearing used for mounting the central shaft on frame. Screens fixed system to the central shaft: perforated rotating screens would be operated due to
Screens have been fixed to the rod using bolts their connection with the central shaft that is
and nuts fixed on small cylindrical rings. These rings responsible about operating including rotational motion
are allowing rod to go through of it and also connected and this could happen by tying bolts with nuts for
to the drums by four crossed shape 10 mm mild steel ensuring that the central shaft and drums are a one unit.
rods as shown in figures 6 and 7 by these rings,

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Figure (6):
Drums fixing system to the central axial rod.
1. Bolt, 2. Nuts, 3. Welding points, 4. Rods connecting to drums, 5. Cylindrical rings, 6. Axial rod
gathering drum, and 7. Fixing point.

Figure (7): Image of drum fixing system to the central shaft. Power transmission system and rotational bolts and nuts on a base made up of 4 × 2 cm mild steel
speed changing methods: rectangular sections so in case of changing inclination
The machine is driven by single phase electric angle of rotating screen, motor and screen will move as
motor (Model GAMAK –Power 1 hp 220V 50Hz, a one unit. The power was transmitted to the screen by
Turkey) and it was installed on a mild steel plate using two pulleys, one of them was fitted to the motor and

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Manufacturing and evaluation of a prototype for grading of cereal corps 373

the other one fitted to the central shaft and there is a used to control the electricity input of the motor (model
belt transmitting power from the electric motor to the IP65 (IEC-60529) NEMA-4 and 220v 50/60Hz 2hp –
screen (figure 8). The speed of motor is 1400 rpm. To KWAIT).
change rotational speed of rotating screen, inverter was

Figure (8): Power transmission apparatus.

1. Electric motor, 2. Base for fixing motor, 3. Pulley, 4. V-type belt and 5. Base fixing the central shaft to
rotate freely and adjusting its slope. Screen inclination angle and its was designed to be simple. One of the two ends of the
adjusting technique: central shaft was fixed on the machine chassis and the
One of the most important factors affecting other end was fixed on a free rectangular section mild
grading efficiency is the screen inclination angle steel base as shown in figure (9), using a screw-jack
because low slope levels could be a reason of reducing was fixed and running through the frame for raising or
grader grading efficiency, it could be prevent seeds lowering the base that is lifting both of electric motor
from moving forward to be graded and high slope and the other side of the central shaft at discharge end.
levels could prevent seeds from taking its time to be This base moves vertically in a track which is U-
graded due to the high speeds of seeds that are moving shaped strip attached to the two edges of the frame (U-
forward and consequently would be at the end of the edging) for more stability during adjusting inclination
screen grader without grading. Adjusting slope system angle.

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Figure (9): Schematic arrangement of the different heights for the free side of central shaft using screw-jack for
reaching different inclination angles of rotational screen drum. Feeding hoper: to facilitate feeding rate adjustment (figure 10). Hoper
Feeding system was made up of mild steel supplied with two supports (mild steel L-section 2 × 2
welded to grader body on the same integrity, it has the cm). Feeding process was carried out manually by
same inclination angle of the longitudinal bars in upper pushing corn seeds through the gate to reach a mild
part of the frame, also, it was supplied with a gate steel feeding tray takes the shape of a horizontal
moving in a track could be lifted or lower using a cylindrical segment welded to the frame and it supplies
handle welded to it and could be used for controlling the screen with corn seeds.
feeding rate but during experiment gate was removed

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Figure (10): Schematic drawing of feeding hopper.

1. Feeding hopper, 2. Handle, 3. Gate, 4. Gate track, 5. Bolt with a handle, 6. Cylindrical segment tray,
and 7. Mild steel L-section for supporting hopper.
2.2. Methods: Where:
The developed rotating grader was evaluated ηG is the grader efficiency, %
by studying the effect of perforated orifice size, Mo is the mass of cereals of each class after
inclination angle and rotational speed of screen on the grading, kg
productivity, efficiency and energy requirements of Mi is the total mass of cereals before grading,
grader. kg
2.2.1. Experimental design: Power and energy requirement for grader
The treatments were arranged in a split-split The power requirement (W) was estimated
plot design in three replications. The treatments by using the clamp meter to measure the line current
include: three perforated orifice sizes are < 7.5, 7.5 to strength (I) and the potential difference value (V).
9.5 and 9.5 to 11.0 mm, four inclination angles are 0, 3, The total electric power requirement under
5 and 7ᵒ and six rotational speeds of drum are 25, 30, machine working load (P) was calculated according to
35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm with feeding rate of 15 kg. Kurt (1979) by the following equation:
2.2.2. Measurements: P  3  I V  cos  (2) Grader productivity:
The grader productivity (kg h-1) was
determined as the amount of the corn cereals graded Where:
during operation time. P is the power requirement to grader, W Grader efficiency: I is the line current strength, Amperes.
Grader efficiency was determined from V is the potential difference, Voltage.
equation (1): Cos θ is the power factor, equal 0.8.
The specific energy consumption (SEC) in W
 
G 100 (1) h kg-1 was calculated by using the following equation:

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La  Salary of one worker  No. of workers (9)
Where: Where:
SEC is the specific energy consumption, W h kg- La is the Labor costs, EGP h-1.
1 Salary of one worker = 10 EGP h-1.
Practual is the actual productivity, kg h-1 No. of workers = 1
2.3. Total Costs Then:
The cost calculation based on the following Variable costs (EGP h -1 )  R m  E  La (10)
parameters was also performed:
2.3.1. Fixed costs (Fc):
2.3.3. Total costs (Tc):
- Depreciation costs (Dc):
Pd  Sr Total cost (EGP h -1 )  Fixed cost (EGP h -1 )  Variable cost (EGP h -1 ) (11)
Dc  (4)
Where: Results and Discussion:
Dc is the depreciation cost, EGP (Egyptian 2.4. Grader productivity:
pound) year-1. Table (1) and figures (11, 12 and 13) show the
Pd is the corn seed grader purchase price, productivity of grading corn cereals as affected by the
12000 EGP. orifice sizes from small (<7.5 mm) to large (9.5 to 11.0
Sr is the salvage rate (0.1Pd) EGP. mm), the inclination angles from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational
Ld is the grader life, 5 year. speeds of screw drum from 25 to 50 rpm. The results
- Interest costs (In): indicate that the grader productivity increases with
P  Sr increasing orifice size, inclination angle and drum
In  d  in (5)
2 speed. It indicates that when the orifice size increased
Where: from 7.5 to 11.0 mm, the machine productivity
In is the interest, EGP year-1. increased from 11.73 to 49.38 (by 76.24 increment
in is the interest as compounded annually, percent) kg h-1. It also indicates that when the
decimal. (12%) inclination angle increased from 0 to 7ᵒ, the machine
- Shelter, taxes and insurance costs (Si): productivity increased from 145.72 to 213.38 (by 31.71
Shelter, taxes and insurance costs were increment percent) kg h-1, while the machine
assumed to be 3 % of the purchase price of the grader productivity increased from 110.29 to 236.52 (by 53.37
(Pm). increment percent) kg h-1 when the rotational speed
Then: increased from 25 to 50 rpm.
Fixed cost (EGP h -1 )  Dc  In  0.03 Pm / hour of use per year (6) It could be noticed that increasing the orifice
Variable (operating) costs (Vc): size from small (<7.5 mm) to large (9.5 – 11.0 mm),
- Repair and maintenance costs (Rm): tends to increase the machine productivity from 7.48 to
Rm  100 %deprecation cost / hour of use per year (7) 309.21, 9.69 to 406.36, 11.28 to 472.12, 12.77 to
534.27, 14.19 to 611.36 and 14.98 to 664.66 kg h-1 at
- Energy costs (E): 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm rotational speeds,
E  EC  EP (8) respectively. The results also indicate that the machine
Where: productivity increased from 7.48 to 14.98, 14.18 to
E is the energy costs, EGP h-1. 29.92 and 309.12 to 664.66 kg h-1 at small (<7.5 mm),
EC is the electrical energy consumption, kWh. medium (7.5 to 9.5 mm) and large (9.5 to 11.0 mm)
EP is the energy price, 0.57 EGP kW-1. orifice sizes, respectively when the rotational speed
- Labor costs (La): increased from 25 to 50 rpm as shown in figure 11. The
trend of these results agreed with those obtained by
Tayoush (2018).

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Table 1. Grader productivity at different orifice sizes, inclination angles and rotational speeds of screen drum.
Inclination Rotational speed of screen drum, rpm
Orifice size, mm angle, 25 30 35 40 45 50 Mean
degree Grader Productivity, kg h-1
0 6.23 8.16 9.27 9.35 13.03 12.97 9.84
3 6.47 8.87 9.32 12.94 13.93 14.72 11.04
<7.5 5 8.02 9.14 13.10 13.88 14.45 15.60 12.36
7 9.20 12.60 13.43 14.93 15.37 16.64 13.69
Mean 7.48 9.69 11.28 12.77 14.19 14.98
0 11.45 15.48 17.35 17.69 25.03 25.46 18.74
3 12.04 16.46 17.75 24.82 27.09 29.25 21.23
7.5-.9.5 5 15.17 17.15 24.78 26.25 28.73 31.15 23.87
7 18.06 25.08 26.35 28.63 30.59 33.82 27.09
Mean 14.18 18.54 21.56 24.35 27.86 29.92
0 246.59 332.40 377.73 386.51 546.71 561.49 408.57
3 262.15 361.30 386.51 543.14 593.57 649.22 465.98
9.5-11 5 332.40 377.73 543.14 577.08 629.55 692.50 525.40
7 395.71 554.00 581.12 634.35 675.61 755.45 599.37
Mean 309.21 406.36 472.12 535.27 611.36 664.66
Mean of size (A) 11.73 22.74 49.83
Mean of slope (B) 145.72 166.09 187.21 213.38
Mean of speed (C) 110.29 144.86 168.32 190.79 217.80 236.52

Fig. 11. Machine productivity at different orifice sizes and inclination angles.

Fig. 12. Machine productivity at different orifice sizes and rotational speeds of drum.

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Fig. 13. Machine productivity at different inclination angles and rotational speeds of drum.

Regarding the effect of orifice size and 2.5. Grader efficiency:

inclination angle on the machine productivity, the Table (2) and figures (14, 15 and 16) show the
results indicate that the machine productivity increases grader efficiency as affected by the orifice size from
with increasing the orifice size and inclination angle. It small (<7.5 mm) to large (9.5 to 11.0 mm), the
increased from 9.84 to 408.57, 11.04 to 465.98, 12.36 inclination angle from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of
to 525.40 and 13.69 to 566.37 kg h-1 at 0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ drum from 25 to 50 rpm. The results indicate that the
inclination angle, respectively, when the orifice size grader efficiency decreases with increasing orifice size,
increased from small (<7.5 cm) to large (9.5 to 11.0 inclination angle and drum speed. It indicates that
cm). The results also indicate that the machine when the orifice size increased from small to large, the
productivity increased from 9.84 to 13.69, 18.74 to machine efficiency decreased from 99.00 to 81.89 (by
27.09 and 408.57 to 599.37 kg h-1 at small (<7.5 cm), 17.28 reduction percent) %. It also indicates that when
medium (7.5 to 9.5 cm) and large (9.5 to 11.0 cm), the inclination angle increased from 0 to 7ᵒ, the
respectively, when the inclination angle increased from machine efficiency decreased from 89.38 to 87.12 (by
0 to 7ᵒ as shown in figure 12. 2.45 reduction percent) %, while the machine
The results also indicate that the machine efficiency decreased from 89.46 to 86.62 (by 3.17
productivity increased from 88.09 to 140.99, 118.68 to reduction percent) % when the rotational speed
197.23, 134.78 to 206.67, 137.85 to 225.97, 194.92 to increased from 25 to 50 rpm.
240.52 and 199.97 to 268.64 kg h-1 at 25, 30, 35, 40, It could be noticed that increasing the orifice
45 and 50 rpm rotational speed, respectively, when the size from small (<7.5 mm) to large (9.5 – 11.0 mm),
inclination angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ. The results tends to increase the machine efficiency from 84.25 to
also indicate that the machine productivity increased 99.44, 82.48 to 99.22, 83.08 to 99.07, 82.72 to 98.91,
from 88.09 to 199.97, 93.55 to 231.06, 118.53 to 80.57 to 98.96 and 78.23 to 98.02 % at 25, 30, 35, 40,
246.42 and 268.64 kg h-1 at 0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ inclination 45 and 50 rpm rotational speeds, respectively. The
angles, respectively, when the rotational speed results also indicate that the machine efficiency
increased from 25 to 50 rpm as shown in figure 13. decreased from 84.25 to 78.23, 84.74 to 83.04 and
Multiple regression analysis was carried out to 99.44 to 98.02 % at small (<7.5 cm), medium (7.5 to
obtain a relationship between the grader productivity as 9.5 cm) and large (9.5 to 11.0 cm) orifice sizes,
dependent variable and different inclination angles and respectively when the rotational speed increased from
rotational speeds as independent variables. The best fit 25 to 50 rpm as shown in figure 14.
for this relationship is presented in the following
P  44.82  9.59IA  4.99RS R 2  0.87 (12)
P is the grader productivity for grading corn
seeds, kg h -1
IA is the inclination angle, degree
RS is the rotational speed of drum, rpm
This equation could be applied in the range of
0 to 7ᵒ inclination angle and from 25 to 50 rpm of
rotational speed of drum.

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Table 2. Grader efficiency at different orifice sizes, inclination angles and rotational speeds of screw.
Inclination Rotational speed of screen drum, rpm
Orifice size, mm angle, 25 30 35 40 45 50 Mean
degree Grader Efficiency, %
0 87.50 85.00 85.00 83.73 82.56 80.03 83.97
3 85.5 84.97 83.73 82.53 81.36 78.56 82.78
<7.5 5 83.50 81.20 83.57 83.20 79.50 78.10 81.51
7 80.50 78.73 80.00 81.53 78.86 76.23 79.31
Mean 84.25 82.48 83.08 82.75 80.57 78.23
0 85.70 86.00 84.77 84.50 84.57 83.30 84.81
3 84.77 84.17 84.73 84.37 84.20 83.13 84.23
7.5-.9.5 5 84.30 83.80 84.30 84.00 84.20 83.10 83.95
7 84.20 83.60 83.77 83.37 83.57 82.63 83.52
Mean 84.74 84.39 84.39 84.06 84.14 83.04
0 99.82 99.54 99.51 99.29 99.14 99.00 99.38
3 99.55 99.37 99.13 99.10 99.08 98.90 99.19
9.5-11 5 99.37 99.28 99.12 99.00 98.86 98.72 99.06
7 99.03 98.70 98.53 98.26 98.77 97.87 98.53
Mean 99.44 99.22 99.07 98.91 98.96 98.62
Mean of size (A) 99.00 84.13 81.89
Mean of slope (B) 89.39 88.73 88.17 87.12
Mean of speed (C) 89.46 88.68 88.83 88.56 87.87 86.62

Fig. 14. Grader efficiency at different orifice sizes and inclination angles.

Fig. 15. Grader efficiency at different orifice sizes and rotational speeds of drum.

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Fig. 16. Grader efficiency at different inclination angles and rotational speeds of drum.

Multiple regression analysis was carried out to speed. It indicates that when the inclination angle
obtain a relationship between the grader efficiency as increased from 0 to 7ᵒ, the mean of specific energy
dependent variable and different both of inclination consumption for grading corn seeds increased from
angle and rotational speed as independent variables. 10.77 to 13.62 (by 20.93%) kW h ton-1, while the
The best fit for this relationship is presented in the mean of specific energy consumption for grading corn
following equation:- seeds increased from 9.14 to 14.81 (by 38.28%) kW h
G  90.81  0.52IA  0.03RS R 2  0.89 (13) ton-1 when the rotational speed increased from 25 to
Where: 50 rpm.
ηG is the grader efficiency for grading corn The results also indicate that the specific energy
seeds, kg h -1 consumption for grading corn seeds increased from
This equation could be applied in the range of 0 to 7ᵒ 8.58 to 9.68, 9.17 to 10.95, 9.85 to 13.34, 12.10 to
inclination angle and from 25 to 50 rpm of rotational 14.82, 12.15 to 15.82 and 12.66 to 17.10 kW h ton-1 at
speed of drum. 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm rotational speed,
2.6. Specific energy consumption: respectively, when the inclination angles increased
Figure (17) shows the specific energy from 0 to 7ᵒ. The results also indicate that the specific
consumption for grading corn seeds as affected by the energy consumption for grading corn seeds increased
inclination angle from 0 to 7ᵒ and rotational speed of from 8.58 to 12.66, 8.95 to 13.98, 9.36 to 15.51 and
drum from 25 to 50 rpm. The results indicate that the 9.68 to 17.10 kW h ton-1 at 0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ inclination
specific energy consumption for grading corn seeds angles, respectively, when the rotational speed
increases with increasing inclination angle and drum increased from 25 to 50 rpm.

Fig. 17. Specific energy consumption at different inclination angles and rotational speeds of drum.

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Multiple regression analysis was carried out to increased from 0 to 7ᵒ, the mean of total cost for
obtain a relationship between the specific energy grading corn seeds decreased from 0.07 to 0.05 (by
consumption as dependent variable and different 28.57%) EGP kg-1, while the mean of total cost for
inclination angles and rotational speeds as independent grading corn seeds decreased from 0.09 to 0.04 (by
variables. The best fit for this relationship is presented 55.56%) EGP kg-1 when the rotational speed increased
in the following equation:- from 25 to 50 rpm.
SCE  1.45  0.41IA  0.24RS R 2  0.94 (14) The results also indicate that the total cost for
This equation could be applied in the range of 0 to grading corn seeds decreased from 0.11 to 0.07, 0.08 to
7ᵒ inclination angle and from 25 to 50 rpm of rotational 0.05, 0.07 to 0.05, 0.07 to 0.04, 0.05 to 0.04 and 0.05 to
speed of drum. 0.04 EGP kg-1 at 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm
2.7. Total cost: rotational speed, respectively, when the inclination
Table (3) shows the total cost for grading corn angles increased from 0 to 7ᵒ. The results also indicate
seeds as affected by the inclination angle from 0 to 7ᵒ that the total cost for grading corn seeds decreased
and rotational speed of drum from 25 to 50 rpm. The from 0.11 to 0.05, 0.10 to 0.04, 0.08 to 0.04 and 0.07 to
results indicate that the total cost for grading corn seeds 0.04 EGP kg-1 at 0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ inclination angles,
decreases with increasing inclination angle and drum respectively, when the rotational speed increased from
speed. It indicates that when the inclination angle 25 to 50 rpm.

Table 3. Total cost at different inclination angles and rotational speeds of drum.
Rotational speed of screen drum, rpm
25 30 35 40 45 50 Mean
angle, degree
Total Cost, EGP kg-1
0 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.07
3 0.10 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.06
5 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.05
7 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.05
Mean 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.04

Multiple regression analysis was carried out to 145.72 to 213.38 kg h-1, when the inclination angle
obtain a relationship between the total cost as increased from 0 to 7ᵒ. While, it increased from
dependent variable and different inclination angles and 110.29 to 236.52 kg h-1 when the rotational speed
rotational speeds as independent variables. The best fit of drum increased from 25 to 50 rpm.
for this relationship is presented in the following - The grader efficiency decreased from 99.00 to
equation:- 81.89 %, when the orifices size increased from
TC  0.139  0.003IA  0.002RS R 2  0.84 (15) small to large, respectively. It decreased from 89.38
Where: to 87.12 %, when the inclination angle increased
TC is the total cost for grading corn seeds, EGP kg -1 from 0 to 7ᵒ. While, it decreased from 89.46 to
This equation could be applied in the range of 86.62 % when the rotational speed of drum
0 to 7ᵒ inclination angle and from 25 to 50 rpm of increased from 25 to 50 rpm.
rotational speed of drum. - The of specific energy consumption for grading
corn seeds increased from 10.77 to 13.62 kW h ton-
Conclusion 1, when the inclination angle increased from 0 to 7ᵒ,
The experiment was carried out to study is to while the specific energy consumption for grading
develop, fabricate and evaluate a grader for grading corn seeds increased from 9.14 to 14.81 kW h ton-1
corn cereal. To achieve that study the effect of different when the rotational speed increased from 25 to 50
orifice sizes (<7.5, 7.5 to 9.5 and 9.5 to 11.0 mm), rpm.
inclination angles (0, 3, 5 and 7ᵒ) and rotational speeds - The total cost for grading corn seeds decreased
of drum (25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50 rpm) on the grader from 0.07 to 0.05 EGP kg-1, when the inclination
productivity, efficiency, specific energy consumption angle increased from 0 to 7ᵒ, while the total cost for
and costs. The obtained results can be summarized as grading corn seeds decreased from 0.09 to 0.04
follows: EGP kg-1 when the rotational speed increased from
- The grader productivity increased from 11.73 to 25 to 50 rpm.
49.38 kg h-1, when the orifices size increased from
small to large, respectively. It increased from

Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 58 (2) 2021

382 Shalaby F. Nasr et al .

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‫تصنيع وتقييم نموذج لتدريج محاصيل الحبوب‬

****‫ حسام محمد طلبه الغباشى‬،***‫ عادل حامد بهنساوى‬،**‫ السيد جمعه خاطر‬،*‫شلبى فتحى نصر‬
‫*طالب دراسات عليا – كلية الزراعة بمشتهر – جامعة بنها‬
‫ كلية الزراعة بمشتهر – جامعة بنها‬- ‫**أستاذ الهندسة الزراعية المساعد‬
‫ كلية الزراعة بمشتهر – جامعة بنها‬- ‫***استاذ الهندسة الزراعية‬
‫****باحث أول معهد بحوث الهندسة الزراعية – مركز البحوث الزراعية بالدقي – الجيزة‬
‫ حيث تم دراسة تأثير فتحات مختلفة (اقل من‬.‫يهدف هذا البحث الى دراسة الى تطوير وتصنيع وتقييم مدرج دوار لتدريج محاصيل الحبوب‬
71‫ و‬07‫ و‬01‫ و‬37‫ و‬31‫ و‬57( ‫ درجة) وسرعات دورانية مختلفة‬5‫ و‬7‫ و‬3‫ و‬1( ‫ مم) وزوايا ميل مختلفة‬...1 ‫ الى‬5.7 ‫ و‬5.7 ‫ الى‬5.7 ‫ ومن‬5.7
-:‫ وكانت اهم النتائج المتحصل عليها كمايلى‬.‫دقيقة) على انتاجية االلة والكفاءة واستهالك الطاقة النوعية وايضا التكاليف‬/‫لفة‬
‫ كجم لكل ساعة بزيادة مقاس الفتحة‬53..75 ‫ االى‬..1.55 ‫ ومن‬5.3.34 ‫ الى‬.07.55 ‫ ومن‬05.34 ‫ الى‬...53 ‫زادت انتاجية االلة من‬ -
.‫دقيقة‬/‫ لفة‬71 ‫ الى‬57 ‫ درجات وزيادة السرعة الدورانية للدوام من‬5 ‫ الى‬1 ‫من الصغيرة الى الكبيرة وزيادة زاوية الميل من‬
‫ بزيادة مقاس الفتحة من الصغيرة الى‬%4...5 ‫ الى‬45.0. ‫ ومن‬45..5 ‫ الى‬45.34 ‫ ومن‬4..45 ‫ الى‬55.1 ‫انخفضت كفاءة المدرج من‬ -
.‫دقيقة‬/‫ لفة‬71 ‫ الى‬57 ‫ درجات وزيادة السرعة الدورانية للدوام من‬5 ‫ الى‬1 ‫الكبيرة وزيادة زاوية الميل من‬
5 ‫ الى‬1 ‫ ك وات ساعة لكل طن بزيادة زاوية الميل من‬.0.4. ‫ الى‬5..0 ‫ ومن‬.3..5 ‫ الى‬.1.55 ‫زاد االستهالك النوعى للطاقة من‬ -
.‫دقيقة‬/‫ لفة‬71 ‫ الى‬57 ‫درجات وزيادة السرعة الدورانية للدوام من‬
‫ درجات وزيادة‬5 ‫ الى‬1 ‫ جنية لكل كجم بزيادة زاوية الميل من‬1.10 ‫ الى‬1.15 ‫ ومن‬1.17 ‫ الى‬1.15 ‫انخفضت تكاليف التشغيل الكلية من‬ -
.‫دقيقة‬/‫ لفة‬71 ‫ الى‬57 ‫السرعة الدورانية للدوام من‬

Annals of Agric. Sci., Moshtohor, Vol. 58 (2) 2021

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