Case Analysis On Suicide - A Study On Sociology

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An analysis of Sucide: A Study on Sociology

Life is a cyclical period that every person undergoes once, or probably more in
their lives. It consists of fruitful interactions with other species and daily practices of
norms and avoidance of crime and deviance to make their lives more righteous in plenty
of ways. If taken into religious perspective, it is a gift from their respective creators that
has extended to religions such as Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Eastern, however,
believes the word of the wise men that made their life more positive by following their
philosophies that includes karma and nirvana to make it more peaceful. Even though
these criteria made them pursue a more healthy way of living, there are a lot of
obstacles that hinder them from having one. A barrier of peace can be brought down by
the feeling of isolation and agony that led to the study of Emile Durkheim about suicide.

According to the seminal article written by Emile Durkheim, there are a few
marginalized groups that are more prone to suicide, and comparisons are being made
to identify the factors. For instance, Protestants are more likely to commit suicide than
Catholics or Jews due to a lack of belongingness to their distinctive religious groups.
Catholics and Jews have tighter ties among their fellow worshippers or members that
emphasize the relationship development within the group. Catholics and Jews offer their
followers a stronger sense of social cohesion and a feeling of belongingness when
compared with the more individualistic Protestants. Another example is men in society,
despite them being stereotyped as having more freedom, being brave and independent
than women. Men are found to have few significant relationships with people and tend
to commit suicide more than women do. Moving on to marital status, people who
claimed to be single are likely to end their lives due to feeling less important within the
community in terms of having fewer relationships with others and feeling a great amount
of isolation.

After gathering his data, Durkheim argued that suicide does not only occur
because of psychological or emotional factors but there is a sense of social factor
grounding as the trigger of suicide. Thus, he developed a theoretical typology of suicide
that was affected by social factors. First is Anomic suicide, where a person feels a
sense of disconnection and lack of belongingness from the society that weakened the
social cohesion. It usually occurs during the period of serious social, economic, or
political upheaval that may confuse and choose to commit suicide. Secord is Altruistic
suicide, where social forces moved the person to kill themselves for the benefit of a
religious or political cause or for the society itself. In such social circumstances, people
are so strongly integrated into social expectations and society itself that they will kill
themselves to achieve collective goals. Egoistic suicide is the third theory is the most
common suicide where people who lose their attachment from work, ties, bonds, and
relationships from friends and family are highly susceptible to suicide. Lastly, Fatalistic
suicide is quite famous to prisoners who are given a death sentence or were elected to
die would likely felt heavy pressure and commit suicide.

Merely accepting the fact people are committing suicide might they tolerate this
practice rather than looking for a solution to redeem them from suffering. It was found
that balance of egotism, altruism, and some anomalies are being maintained and the
individual will feel balanced and reassuring. But if the balance were throwing off or
upset, they will lead to suicide. Somehow, committing suicide was being condemned by
many members of society, but that is enough to fuel more disconnection from the
individual and will follow the secondary deviance. Studying the ‘trend’ and the cause will
only do a bit of help when further solutions are not yet to be found.

Since mental health has been in the limelight in today’s period. It is best to
observe the symptoms of people who are thinking of committing such action and
encourage them to seek professional help. If people are being told that ‘it’s only in your
head’, they will feel more pain and will ignite the desire to end things. If social factors
are the roots of suicide, sticking by their sides is the most important thing to do as they
will once again feel important with themselves and will somehow be enlightened.
Staying connected and having a healthy lifestyle can strengthen the mind of the
individuals and will avoid the increased rate of suicide.

Giving importance to one’s mental health and taking them seriously will be the
best action other people will do if they ever encounter people who have been struggling
with their problem. Acknowledging that other people have their problem and wanting
their own space will give serenity in their mind and soul. Reading the book of Emile
Durkheim will help people who are unaware of the situation understand more about the
issue being faced today.

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