Nabeel: Articles & Prepositions Practice

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“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

Articles & Prepositions

Class - Six

Grammar Practice
English 2nd Paper
Articles ——— people are getting benefits. But it is
Work-sheet Number - 3 unfortunate that mobile phone sometimes causes
1. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a hazard, especially children are affected much. (d)
cross () where no article is needed.
—————— Scientists believe that mobile phone
There are various noble (a) —————— qualities
causes brain tumors, genetic damage and many
which distinguish (b) —————— good man
other (e) —————— incurable diseases. They
from a bad man. (c) —————— aggregate of
believe that invisible radioactivity of (f) ————
these qualities of (d) —————— head and heart
—— mobile phone causes irreparable damage to
constitutes character. (e) —————— man of
(g) —————— human body. They say that (h)
character is (f) —————— real prince among
—————— government should control
men. He is (g) —————— light of (h) ————
radioactive sources.
—— groping humanity..
5. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
2. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a cross () where no article is needed.
cross () where no article is needed.
Ace all rounder Shakib Al Hasan began (a) ———

Football is (a) —————— popular game in our
——— new innings in his life on 9 November,
country. It is equally exciting to (b) ——————
2015. Shakib and his wife Umme Ahmed Shishir
players and (c) —————— spectators. It is (d)
were blessed with (b) —————— girl in (c) —
—————— foreign (e) —————— game. It
————— early hours of Monday. (d) ————
is popular all over (f) —————— world. It is
—— left-hander, who had left for (e) —————
played in (g) —————— open (h) —————
— United States only on Sunday night following (f)
— field.
—————— first ODI against Zimbabwe,
3. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
cross () where no article is needed. couldn't be there in person during (g) —————
Bangladesh is (a) —————— land of rivers and — time of (h) —————— birth of his 'little
canals. (b) —————— villages remain princess'.
surrounded by water for four or five months in (c) 6. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
cross () where no article is needed.
—————— year. So, it is (d) ——————
Sumi : Hello, Luna. How do you like (a) ——
easy task to arrange (e) —————— journey by ———— new English teacher that has
boat. It was (f) —————— month of Ashar. (g) joined your school?
Luna : Oh! He is (b) —————— excellent
—————— rainy season had just set in. My teacher.
mother one day proposed to pay (h) —————— Sumi : How can you say that he is (c) ————
—— extraordinary teacher? Have you
visit to her father's house. attended any of his classes?
4. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a Luna : Yes, I have attended (d) ——————
cross () where no article is needed. classes taken by him in which he has
shown his worth.
Mobile phone is (a) —————— great invention
Sumi : Do you know about his academic
of modern science. (b) —————— users of career?
Luna : Of course. His career is brilliant. He is
mobile phone are increasing day by day. (c) ———
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
Page # - 1
Grammar Practice
(e) —————— M. A. in English. ——— difference between the educated and (g) —
Sumi : Do you think that a brilliant (f) ———
————— uneducated can never be denied. A
——— result is the sign of a good
teacher? good wife is a blessing and a good wife means an
Luna : His method (g) —————— of
educated woman. She is the best friend to her (h) —
teaching and art of speaking are
attractive. He can easily make (h) —— ————— husband.
———— unpleasant thing pleasant.
10. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
7. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
cross () where no article is needed.
cross () where no article is needed.
A village fair is (a) —————— occasion for (b)
I often remember the days of my (a) ——————
—————— village people. To (c) —————
childhood. Whenever I am sick of (b) —————
— children it is (d) —————— great attraction.
— present, I recall the memories of my childhood. I
(e) —————— village fair is (f) ——————
was born in (c) —————— small family. My
cultural (g) —————— expression of our (h) —
father was (d) —————— school teacher. My
————— rural society.
mother was (e) —————— ideal housewife. My

NabeelSIR -
grandmother was alive. She was (f) ——————
affectionate lady. My school was at (g) —————
— stone's throw from our house. (h) ——————
school playground was an attraction to me.
8. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
cross () where no article is needed.

Mount Everest has always fascinated climbers. It is

in (a) —————— Himalayan Mountains. It is
(b) —————— highest mountain in (c) ———
——— world. It was named after (d) —————
— Englishman George Everest. He was (e) ———
——— first to survey (f) —————— Himalayas
in 1841. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay led
(g) —————— expedition in 1953. (h) ———
——— expedition set out on March.
9. Insert articles in the blanks where necessary. Put a
cross () where no article is needed.

Every woman is (a) —————— potential

mother. (b) —————— future of a child depends
on how it is brought up. In this case (c) —————
— educated mother plays (d) ——————
important role. She can bring a child up better than
(e) —————— illiterate mother. So (f) ———

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

Page # - 2
Grammar Practice
English 2nd Paper
Prepositions —— equal dividing. He broke the cake (g) ———
Work-sheet Number - 3 ——— two pieces and put them (h) ——————
the scales.
1. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box. 4. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
at to from on list given in the box.
for with in of after towards at of
A good student is always fond (a) —————— in with to for
A nurse attends (a) —————— her work place
books. He is very attentive (b) —————— his
(b) —————— time to attend (c) ——————
studies. He cuts a good figure (c) ——————
her patients. She does not aspire (d) ——————
the examination. He never deviates (d) —————
riches. She feels proud (e) —————— being
— studies because he knows that success depends
blessed (f) —————— a technical knowledge
(e) —————— hard work. He sits to read (f) —
and motherly affection. She is always cautious (g)
————— the time of reading. He is always busy

NabeelSIR -
—————— her duties and responsibilities.
(g) —————— his lessons. So, everybody prays
Besides, her attitude (h) —————— the patient
(h) —————— his success.
is affectionate as well.
2. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box. 5. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
in for at with list given in the box.
out of at on at in with beyond
I went (a) —————— the members (b) ——— for up to of
To add (a) —————— the beauty (b) ————
——— our family (c) —————— a picnic to
—— a home, a flower garden is incomparable. (c)
Sonargaon. We carried our foods, water, plates,
—————— fact, a flower garden is a part of
glasses, mats etc. We hired a microbus and started
heaven. Nobody cannot but gay (d) ——————
(d) —————— Sonargaon just (e) —————
the sight of it. When the flowers dance in the gentle
— 8 am and reached there at 9 a.m. We enjoyed
breeze, human hearts leap (e) —————— with
there a lot. We set (f) —————— for Dhaka at 5
joy. Keep close contact (f) —————— flowers,
p. m and arrived here (g) —————— dusk. The
it will purify your heart. To be honest, the
journey will be engraved (h) —————— my
importance of flowers is (g) ——————
heart forever.
description. So, we should love flowers (h) ———
3. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box. ——— our own sake.
from for of into
on in to of 6. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box.
Once two cats lived (a) —————— a house. to on of with
They were very intimate (b) —————— each of on about by
The future of a country depends (a) ——————
other. One day the two cats stole a piece (c) ———
the students. They have to receive the good
——— cake (d) —————— a neighbouring
qualities (b) —————— an ideal citizen. If they
house. They went to the monkey (e) ——————
perform their duties (c) —————— making
fair justice. The monkey assured them (f) ————
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
Page # - 3
Grammar Practice
themselves good citizens, the country will progress —————— our house during your next
and prosper. Study is the main duty (d) ————— vacation. I am awaiting your arrival.
— them. They should be busy (e) —————— No more today. With best regard (h) ———
their academic study and obey their teacher's ——— your parents and love to all.
instructions to the letter. As a student you have to 9. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box.
fully concentrate (f) —————— your study. on of by across
You cannot remain callous (g) —————— your over to with around
Around 70% of the earth's surface is covered (a) —
study. You must utilize your time. There is no
————— oceans. The largest ocean (b) ———
denying that hard work contributes (h) —————
——— earth is the Pacific Ocean. It covers around
— make a good result.
30% of the earth's surface. Oceans are frequently
7. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box. used as a means of transport (c) ——————
at in x 4 to x 2 into
various shipping companies. The Pacific Ocean's

NabeelSIR -
Nasim gets up (a) —————— five o'clock (b) — name has an original meaning (d) ——————
————— the morning. He goes (c) ————— 'peaceful sea'. The Pacific Ocean contains (e) ——
— a walk (d) —————— the nearby field. He ———— 25000 different islands. The large ships
takes his breakfast at eight o'clock. He goes (e) — carry various products (f) —————— oceans
————— school at nine o'clock. He comes home from one port (g) —————— another. The
(f) —————— the afternoon. He prepares his second largest ocean on Earth is the Atlantic Ocean,
lessons (g) —————— the evening. He has his which covers (h) —————— 21% of the Earth's
dinner at nine o'clock. He goes (h) —————— surface.
bed at 10 o'clock. 10. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the
list given in the box.
8. Fill in the gaps using simple prepositions from the from on for of x 2
list given in the box. to x 2 with
for of with to
in by of to There was once a hare who was very popular (a) —
Dear Ripon ————— all other beasts. One day she heard
Yesterday I reached home safe and sound. some hounds coming and thought, "I have nothing
Accept my cordial thanks (a) —————— the (b) —————— fear. I have many friends. Surely
warm hospitality given to me (b) —————— one (c) —————— them will help me to
you and the members (c) —————— your escape." First she went to the fastest (d) ————
family. I will never forget how all the members (d) —— them, the horse. She said to him to carry her
—————— your family specially your parents away (e) —————— the hounds (f) —————
received me (e) —————— their deep warmth — his back. The horse shook his head saying that
of heart. I enjoyed every moment of my staying in he had an important work to do (g) ——————
Dhaka. The places of historical interests that I his master. The hare then went (h) ——————
visited there will be ever fresh (f) —————— the bull and the bull helped her.
my mind. I shall be very happy if you pay a visit (g)
“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”
Page # - 4
NabeelSir | 0172-111-33-54 English Writing Task
P a r a g r a p h B o o k

Early rising is the practice of rising up from bed early in the morning. It is a good habit. It helps us in
various ways. An early riser can have enough time to start his day's work. He can have finished many works
before others. Work done early in the morning is well done. One can enjoy the beauty of nature in the early
morning. Nature smiles in the morning with colorful flowers, green leaves and the chirping of birds. This
beauty reminds everybody of the creator. The habit of early rising is such a habit which contributes a lot to
the smooth running of our life. An early riser usually wakes up early in the morning when the air is fresh
and healthy. The environment around us is free from any kind of pollution. During this time, one can inhale
the fresh air with high oxygen level. Moreover, a light physical exercise taken in the morning breeze can
assure us a healthy body and an energetic approach to our daily work. Thus, an early riser can become
healthier, wealthier and wiser than an ordinary person. On the other hand, late risers cannot finish their
work properly. They fail to do their work in time. They usually suffer from lack of confidence. This restrains
them from being successful personalities. There is a saying that time and tide waits for none. In fact, only
an early riser can make the best use of his time. So, people should build up the habit of early rising for a
better life and a better future.

“The limits of your language are the limits of your world.”

Page # - 5
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