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Fejufecz Voefsuifdppsejobujpopg1Fufs8Joufs: &Vspqfbo3Bjm5Sbgmd - Bobhfnfou4Ztufn
Fejufecz Voefsuifdppsejobujpopg1Fufs8Joufs: &Vspqfbo3Bjm5Sbgmd - Bobhfnfou4Ztufn
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1 Introduction ..........................................................................................................13
1.1 Traditional methods and means for rail traffic management .............................13
2.3.1 European Commission, ERTMS Coordinator, European Rail Agency ERA ..............46
2.3.2 Railway organisations ............................................................................................48
2.3.3 Signalling industry ..................................................................................................49
2.3.4 GSM-R industry .....................................................................................................50
2.3.5 Notified bodies.......................................................................................................50
4 Signalling installations:
the “Integrated European Signalling System“ INESS ...............................59
4.3.1 Call for a 7th FP project “Delivering ERTMS-compliant interlocking systems” ..........64
4.3.2 The new project INESS (Integrated European Signalling System) ...........................65
4.3.3 Considerations on the future signalling system architecture ....................................67
5.5.1 Strategies for migration from legacy systems towards ETCS ................................115
5.5.2 ETCS simulation tools ..........................................................................................122
5.5.3 Validation and certification....................................................................................126
5.6.1 Pilot application of ETCS level 3 with ERTMS Regional in Sweden .......................134
5.6.2 The new Baseline 3 for the System Requirements Specifications .........................138
6.5.1 A single platform for all railway service communication needs ..............................160
6.5.2 Specific requirements for the ETCS data transmission .........................................163
6.5.3 GSM-R test and validation ...................................................................................164
7.1.1 Overview..............................................................................................................169
7.1.2 Austria .................................................................................................................171
7.1.3 Belgium ...............................................................................................................173
7.1.4 France .................................................................................................................174
7.1.5 Germany ..............................................................................................................176
7.1.6 Great Britain.........................................................................................................177
7.1.7 Hungary ...............................................................................................................178
7.1.8 Italy ......................................................................................................................179
7.1.9 Luxembourg ........................................................................................................181
7.1.10 Netherlands .........................................................................................................182
7.1.11 Norway ................................................................................................................183
7.1.12 Spain ...................................................................................................................184
7.1.13 Sweden ...............................................................................................................185
7.1.14 Switzerland ..........................................................................................................186
7.3.1 Overview..............................................................................................................193
7.3.2 Sydney region in Australia ....................................................................................193
7.3.3 China ...................................................................................................................195
7.3.4 India ....................................................................................................................196
7.3.5 Saudi Arabia ........................................................................................................197
7.3.6 South Korea ........................................................................................................197
1.1 Traditional methods and means for rail traffic management
1 Introduction
Peter Winter
Originally, train operation was monitored at station level. In the 1950s dispatching centres were
installed for the most important lines, where the movement of the trains was reported by tel-
ephone from the various stations and registered manually on paper by traffic controllers (see
figure 1.2).
1 Introduction
Since the 1980’s, IT tools have been introduced to support the functions of timetabling, route
planning and tracing of the trains in normal and degraded situations. The huge progress in
general IT has allowed these processes to be automated to a large extent [1.a]. Paperless
work with flat screen man-machine interfaces has become a state of the art standard as in
many other sectors. Until now, these systems have basically been procured and operated at
the national level. International cooperation is facilitated by the fact that many parameters rel-
evant for timetabling, e. g. train numbering, have been harmonised by means of UIC codes.
For safe and fast train running on lines and in stations, various methods and signalling tech-
nologies have been introduced over the years, using different kinds of signals for transmitting
the information about movement authority and/or allowed maximum speed to the driver [1.b,
1.c]. These means have been developed basically at the national level with different types of
signals and underlying philosophies. The range goes from semaphore, colour light code to
speed indication by means of digital number (figure 1.3). Today it seems practically impossible
to harmonise this panoply of devices and underlying rules and regulations.
Originally the signals (or flags) were activated locally. Later, interlockings were introduced for the
control of signals within a certain area. Different designs have been developed in mechanical,
electro-mechanical, relay or computer technology. In many European railways, there exists still a
great variety of such devices which are highly relevant for safe operation of trains (figure 1.4).
1.1 Traditional methods and means for rail traffic management
For one or two decades, the design, engineering and operation of interlockings has been cov-
ered by general European CENELEC norms. However, de facto no European standardisation
and unification has been achieved.
Track vacancy proving is another vital signalling functionality. Originally this had been achieved
by station agents observing “physically” every train as it passed through the station. Later,
different types of on-track technical device were introduced to automate this function: trea-
dles, track-circuits and/or axle counters. These technologies, with elements on the track-side,
have been fundamental to the development of railway signalling philosophy based on fixed
block sections. For the block control between stations a step by step evolution took place
from manual operation towards fully automatic control. Since the 1950’s, relay based and later
computerised devices have been introduced for the remote control of complete interlockings.
Here too, there has been until now a lack of European harmonised operational and technical
1 Introduction
old and simple. However, even in course of the last 30 years, at least three completely different
systems for cab signalling in the context of high-speed train operation have been introduced.
It is also remarkable that in certain countries several systems of different age, functionality and
technology are in use. The table does not show to what extent two or more national systems
are overlaid either on track-side or on the traction units.
There are big differences regarding the extent of the different types of legacy systems. Most
widely installed are the PZB/Indusi, Crocodile and AWS/TPWS systems which are all in old
1 Introduction
conception and technology with relatively simple functionality. The systems used uniquely by
smaller networks are numerous, however by their nature of limited extent (figure 1.7). Functionality
The functionality of the various types of control-command systems ranges from simple warn-
ing in case of transition of a warning signal, automatic stop when passing a signal at danger,
discrete supervision of speed against certain maximal values at certain locations (speed traps),
continuous or semi-continuous speed supervision in the background, to cab signalling with
continuous indication and enforcement of the maximal allowed target speed. [1.d].
As shown in the following figure 1.8, in Europe legacy systems with discrete speed supervision
(i.e. supervision of a few speed levels) are most common. The number of lines and vehicles
with cab signalling functionality is relatively small. On the other hand, there is still a consider-
able amount of track and vehicles not equipped at all with control-command systems.
Figure 1.8: Extent of the different classes of functionality of the legacy control-command systems
1.1 Traditional methods and means for rail traffic management
The functioning of the other systems in this family is similar. Over time, for some of them,
the functionality has been slightly improved as a consequence of severe train accidents by
making maximal use of the data transmission capability of the underlying intermittent trans-
mission devices. For instance the AWS has been extended towards TPWS, the Crocodile
towards DAAT or Memor II+, Indusi towards PZB and the original warning Signum towards
warning/stop Signum. Despite of these extensions, the functionality of this oldest generation
of systems remains limited compared to the newer generations of legacy control-command
systems or to ETCS. As will be shown later, ETCS in level 1 with limited supervision could
easily mirror the functionality of these “grandfather” systems.
− Intermittent transmission with electronic transponder-device: ATB New Generation,
Ebicab, KVB, TBL, ZUB.
1 Introduction
A typical representative of this family is the Ebicab system which is widely used in the Nordic
countries Sweden Norway and Finland as well as in some other networks (figure 1.10). Key
element is an electronic transponder data transmission system with “Balises” (or beacons)
in the track, which are activated by 27 MHz radiation from the train-born balise-readers.
The Ebicab collects the data from the trackside signalling equipment and transmits it to the
on-board. All relevant data from trackside and from the train are processed in an on-board
computer which calculates the maximal admitted speed and compares this with the real
speed of the train. In case of over-speed, the driver is warned and the brakes are applied
automatically if needed. On the Nordic networks, the driver receives optical information from
lineside signals as well as from the system on-board. In normal train operation, the Ebicab
system is considered to be fully safe and the speed displayed at the driver information panel
may prevail to the indication of the lineside signals [1.e].
As will be explained in chapter 5.1.2, the intermittent data transmission by means of elec-
tronic transponder devices has become a key feature also for ETCS especially in level 1
application. Indeed, the so called KER balise used for KVB, Ebicab and RSDD (precursor
system of SCMT in Italy), is the precursor of the ETCS Eurobalise and a Eurobalise reader is
able to read Eurobalises as well as KER balises (see chapter 5.4.1).
1.1 Traditional methods and means for rail traffic management
user network and the type of mission of the train. The remaining 18 functional bits are typi-
cally used for speed data (8 bits), distance to go (6 bits) and profile (4 bits). Over the whole
line and the stations the track-circuit sections are interlinked.
The on-board equipment is structured for safety reason into two independent channels. The
system compares the real and the target speed and acts on the brake if necessary. Due to
the limited number of possible codes, the target speed is transmitted in relatively big steps.
For the spacing between two consecutive trains, at least one complete track section is always
kept free. With TVM, it has become possible for the first time to abandon the lineside signal-
ling as it is the case for ETCS in the radio transmission based application levels 2 and 3.
Besides TVM, the other track-circuit based systems ATB, BACC, EVM and LS are used on
conventional main lines and stations, whereby gaps between the different track-circuit sec-
tions may exist. For ETCS, this transmission technology has not been taken over. A similar
functional behaviour may be obtained with data infill transmission devices by means of Eu-
roloops or GSM-R radio infill (see chapter 5.4.2 and 5.6.2).
Figure 1.11: Principle of trackcircuits and speed supervision with the TVM system
1 Introduction
cable loops. Therefore the functionality of ETCS in level 2 shows many similarities with the
LZB system.
Railways were the earliest users of telegraphs and telephones and all follow-up developments
of wire-based communication devices.
Radio transmission has been introduced in the railway sector since the 1950s. Analogue mod-
ulation has been used first in the 4 m (around 450 MHz) and later in the 2 m band (around
160 MHz). For the latter, a certain standardisation was achieved by means of UIC codes. Ac-
cording to the best practice of the day, dedicated networks were used for the different applica-
tions, the most demanding being the train radio (see figure 1.13).
1.2 Driving factors for change
During the last two decades, the rail traffic management system has been confronted with
legal, operational, technical and economic changes. In chapter 8, it will be outlined, to what
extent these expectation have been fulfilled to date with the ERTMS developments.
1.2.2 Interoperability
As passenger and freight trains are circulating more and more through several countries over
networks of different infrastructure companies, interoperability is a fundamental need of mod-
ern train operation. This term, which has been taken over from the military defence sector,
postulates that complete trains including the traction units can freely circulate over the infra-
structure of several networks. As will be shown later, a distinction is made between operational
and technical interoperability. The latter is the pre-condition for trains being able to cross the
border. It will lead after a transition period (migration phase) to a simplification for the trackside
and on-board equipment. Operational interoperability facilitates from an organisational and hu-
man resource point of view the long distance train circulation over national borders. It requires
in addition to the technical standardisation the harmonisation of all kind of procedures, rules
and regulations for the train operation.
Of course, interoperability is not just a matter of signalling and train control. With regard to the
track gauge, today, there are 6 major different versions in Europe (figure 1.14). The stand-
ard gauge 1435 mm is the most used – however 5 more are present. For instance, the Ibe-
1 Introduction
1.2 Driving factors for change
rian gauge is 1668 mm and there are plans to convert this whole network to standard gauge.
Nowadays, interoperability is achieved via rolling stock with variable gauge. The Spanish train
TALGO 250 is the latest solution. It changes gauge while running at 20 km/h.
With regard to the clearance gauge, today, there are 6 major different versions in Europe
(figure 1.15). For commercial reasons, the trend goes towards enlarged rolling stock, which
has by nature a huge impact on the infrastructure.
With regard to the power supply systems, today, there are 9 different kinds of electrifications
in Europe (figure 1.16). As it can be seen, the 25 kV AC is the most used for high-speed lines.
On conventional lines, a lot of Direct Current with 3 kV or 1.5 kV exists. The spectacular evolu-
tion in the field of traction power electronics in the last decades facilitates the construction of
rolling stock able to deal with more than one power supply system (e. g. the Thalys trains oper-
ating with 4 different power supplies).
From all these domains, the control-command and signalling is the most problematic, as there
exist nowadays more than 20 incompatible systems as shown in table 1.6. The tradional way
for ensuring interoperability in this domain consisted in equipping traction units for internation-
al lines with several legacy control-command systems in parallel. The costs for this may well
reach 20 – 25 % of the total cost for a locomotive. Also it becomes problematic for mechanical
and electromagnetic compatibility reasons to install all national control-command antennas re-
quired for longer corridor routes over several national networks (figure 1.17).
Another limiting factor is a need for many different displays for the drivers as shown with the
example of the Thalys high-speed trains (figure 1.18).