Copy Data To Another Sheet Automatically: FGH FHF ' HGFGHFG DFGD FJH FGH Fjuhf DFGD DFGDFDH DFHG
Copy Data To Another Sheet Automatically: FGH FHF ' HGFGHFG DFGD FJH FGH Fjuhf DFGD DFGDFDH DFHG
Copy Data To Another Sheet Automatically: FGH FHF ' HGFGHFG DFGD FJH FGH Fjuhf DFGD DFGDFDH DFHG
fhf `
hgfghfg dfgd fjh
fgh fjuhf
dfgdfdh dfhg
eet Automatically
fhf `
hgfghfg dfgd
dfgdfdh dfhg
2. Add Numbers Containing KG, PCS Et
Item Name Qty Rate Total Fruits
Keyboard 12 Pcs 120 1440 mango
mouse 21 Pcs 130 banana
hard disk 32 Pcs 1200 orange
cpu 32 Pcs 1240 pinapple
ram 23 Pcs 1320 lichi
ups 32 Pcs 1450 blackbarry
152 Pcs
ning KG, PCS Etc
3. Inserting Blank Rows Into R
S No Name Designation Year
30 0 0 30 15000 15000
30 0 0 30 10000 10000
30 2 2 30 12500 12500
30 2 2 30 11000 11000
30 2 1 30 7000 7000
30 2 2 30 7500 7500
30 2 1 30 7000 7000
30 2 2 30 7000 7000
30 2 2 30 4000 4000
30 2 3 29 3740 3740
30 2 1 30 4000 4000
30 2 2 30 4000 4000
30 2 2 30 6500 6500
30 2 1 30 17500 17500
30 2 2 30 11000 11000
30 2 0 30 6000 6000
30 2 1 30 11000 11000
30 2 0 30 8000 8000
30 2 1 30 5000 5000
4. Remove Blank Reco
5. Taking Screen Shoot Using Excel Camar
Deepak EduWorld
Product ID P004 5
Item Name/Rate Item Name 1