Nuts Oil Seeds and Sugar Unit
Nuts Oil Seeds and Sugar Unit
Nuts Oil Seeds and Sugar Unit
Unit 5
Ø learn about fatty acid composition of Ø Groundnuts also contain vitamin ‘E’ and
different oils seeds. less amounts of vitamin ‘B’ complex.
Ø gain knowledge about the role of fats Ø Being an oil seed crop, it contains 40
in cooking. to 49% of oil.
Ø role of sugar and jaggery in Ø Groundnut oil is extremely high in
confectionary. mono-unsaturated (MUFA) and
Ø learn about nutritive value of sugar, polyunsaturated (PUFA), which help
jaggery and honey. in lowering low-density lipoprotein
(LDL) cholesterol.
5.1.1 Groundnuts
Groundnuts are a very rich source of
protein and fat. They are exceptionally rich
in Niacin, a B- complex vitamin. Groundnut Role of groundnut in cookery
is called the ‘king’ of oilseeds. It is one of the 1. It is also called peanut.
most important food item and cash crops
2. Groundnuts are boiled or roasted and
of our country. Besides being a valuable
source of all the nutrients, it is a low priced
commodity. Groundnut is also called as 3. It is also used in the preparation of
“wonder nut” and poor man’s “cashew nut”. peanut butter.
4. The chief product is the oil which can
Importance of groundnut
be used for cooking.
Ø Groundnut is particularly valued for
its protein content . 5. The cake left after the oil is extracted ,
purified and used as a supplementary
Ø Groundnuts contain more protein
than meat and two and a half times
more than in eggs. 6. It is also used to make various food
preparations like butter, traditional
Ø In addition to protein, groundnuts
candies (peanut candy) and chocolate,
are a good source of calcium,
chutney, laddu, barfi , etc.
phosphorus, iron and zinc.
Lower Digestion
Ward off
Cholesterol Wrinkles
Build Cells Weight
Coconut is used for its strong antioxidant 3. Almonds are an excellent source of
properties and health benefits. vitamin E, an antioxidant.
List some recipes based on nuts and oils
in our diet? Role of fats in cooking
Ø They have high energy value.
Ø Impart palatability to diet.
Ø Add flavour and texture to the food.
Ø Fat helps the body to absorb hydrogen to the double bonds in the
vitamins A, D and E. These vitamins unsaturated fatty acids in the presence of
are fat-soluble, meaning they can nickel.
only be absorbed with the help of Unsaturated Fatty Acids are of two
fats. types. There are
Ø Any fat not used by body's cells or to Ø MUFA – Mono Unsaturated Fatty
create energy is converted into body Acids
fat. Likewise, unused carbohydrate
PUFA – Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids
and protein are also converted into
body fat.
Ø All types of fat are high in energy.
A gram of fat, whether saturated or
unsaturated, provides 9kcal (37kJ) of As per the Heart Association of America,
energy compared with 4kcal (17kJ) an individual should consume PUFA up
for carbohydrate and protein. The to 10% and MUFA up to 15% of his/her
fatty acid composition of oil is given total calories of the daily intake. MUFAs
in table 5.1. lower the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in
the blood and raise the good cholesterol
5.3.2 Refined oils (HDL). PUFAs reduce both the good and
Vegetable oils are produced from oil- the bad cholesterol.
containing seed, fruits or nuts by various
pressing processes, by solvent extraction and
also by combination of these. A seed cake Vanaspathi
that is relatively high in protein remains, Hydrogenated oil in India is known
after fat extraction is often used for animal as Vanaspathi. It is manufactured by
feed. hydrogenating refined groundnut oil or a
5.3.3. Hydrogenation – vanaspathi and mixture of groundnut oil with other edible
margarine vegetable oils. Good and Bad Fatty Acids are
found in Vanaspathi.
Plant oils contain a large percent of
unsaturated fatty acids and hence have
a tendency to become rancid. These DO YOU KNOW...?
unsaturated glycerides in oil can be According to Vanaspathi Control Order,
converted to saturated glycerides by the the melting point of Vanaspathi should
addition of hydrogen. This process is known be between 31°C and 37° C and it should
as hydrogenation. contain 5 percent sesame oil and should
Hydrogenated fat is manufactured from be fortified with vitamin A.
vegetable oils by the addition of molecular
Ways to prevent
Using gases in Storing in a
packaging dark place
Using Oxygen
decompose to yield aldehyde and ketones 5.5 Sugar, jaggery and honey
which are responsible for the pronounced Sugar, jaggery and honey are sweetening
flavour. agents. They are added to beverages and
Rancidity may also be caused by the foods to increase palatability. Sugar is made
absorption of odour and action of micro up of glucose and fructose. It is a source
organism and enzymes. of energy providing 4 kilocalories per
gram. Sugar provides only empty calories.
Preventive Measures : Jaggery is made from sugar cane juice after
1. Adding inert Gases Inert gas can be processing it. Jaggery is a fair source of iron.
added to the packet or the container Palmyra palm, date palm or coconut palm is
like nitrogen, which does not react with used to make jaggery. Honey is the golden
oxygen Example Chips packets are flushed coloured syrup made by bees from the
with nitrogen gas, so they don’t become nectar of flowers. It is a mixture of glucose
rancid. and fructose.
2. Adding antioxidant: are added to some
foods to slow down or eliminate oxidative 5.5.1 Sugar
deterioration. Sugars are carbohydrates that come
3. Refrigeration reduce the temperature and from the sugarcane plant, sugar beets and it
hence don’t allow the microbes to continue is naturally present in fruits, vegetables and
their processes. dairy, our body uses sugar to give energy to
4. Vacuum Packaging is done to keep our cells by breaking it down to glucose.
oxygen out. 5.5.2 Types of sugar
5. By using oxygen scavengers or oxygen Regular or white granulated sugar:
absorbers are added to enclosed packaging It is the most common sugar called for in
to help remove or decrease the level of recipes when cooking and baking.
oxygen in the package. They are used to
Confectioneries or powdered sugar:
help maintain product safety and extend
Powdered sugar is simple granulated sugar
shelf life.
ground to a smooth powder and then sifted.
6. Keeping food in air tight containers Less
Commercially available powdered sugar is
air too prevents rancidity.
mixed with a small amount of corn starch
7. By storing food in dark place. (3%) to prevent caking. It is often used in
icings, confections and whipping cream.
Castor sugar (Super fine sugar): This
Examples of Antioxidant: sugar has the smallest crystal size of white
» BHA – Butylated Hydroxy Anisole. granulated sugars. It is generally used in
making delicate or smooth desserts such as
» BHT - Butylated Hydroxy Toluene.
puddings. Because the crystals are so fine,
they dissolve easily, even in cold drinks.
Brown sugar: Brown sugar is made by Beet sugar: Sugar beet is a plant whose
mixing white sugar with various amount of root contains a high concentration of sucrose
molasses. Light brown sugar is often used in and which is grown commercially for sugar
sauces and most baked goods. production.
Liquid sugar: Liquid sugar is white Function of sugar in foods
granulated sugar that has been dissolved in Sugars have a number of functions in
water. Liquid sugar is often used in drinks. the preparation of foods, such as improving
Palm sugar: It is a sweetener derived taste and texture.
from any variety of palm tree. Palm sugar » Providing sweetness.
is an ingredient in both sweet and savoury
» Used as preservatives in jams and jellies.
dishes used throughout Asia, Middle East
and North Africa. » Increasing the boiling point or reduces the
freezing point of foods.
» Allowing fermentation by yeast.
Sugar and related products
1. Sucrose Health facts about sugar :
Ø Sweetened beverages such as colas,
2. D- Glucose
packaged fruit juices, aerated drinks
3. D- Fructose should be avoided/limited as far as
4. Dextrose Syrup possible as the sugar in these products
provide empty calories.
5. Corn Syrup
Tooth decay
Benefits of honey: Ø Nuts are very important for our diet.
1. Useful for Weight reduction They give us energy and provide our
2. Used for healing wounds body with plenty of antioxidants,
vitamins and minerals.
3. Home remedy for cough
Ø Groundnuts are a very rich source of
4. Acts as a natural sleeping aid
protein and fat. They are exceptionally
5. Natural home remedy for dandruff rich in Niacin.
6. Natural energy drink Ø Cashew oil contains anti-bacterial
7. Bleaches Face & Skin properties that help our body to
8. Boosts memory build up the immune system and
fight against various infections and
9. Boosts Immune System
10. Helps with herbs.
Ø Almonds are an excellent source of
vitamin E an antioxidant.
Ø Hydrogenated fat is manufactured
b)Chronic Cough
from vegetable oils by the addition
Jaggery also works in chronic cough of molecular hydrogen to the double
remedy. It reduces throat irritation due to bonds in the unsaturated fatty acids
soothing and smoothening effects on soft in the presence of nickel.
Terms Meaning
MUFA Mono unsaturated fatty acid- fatty acids that have one double bond in the fatty
acid chain with all of the remainder carbon atoms being single bonded
PUFA Poly unsaturated fatty acids- fatty acids that contain more than one double bond
in the fatty acid chain.
Ounce A unit of weight of one sixteenth of a pound approximately 28gms
Kernel A softer usually edible part of a nut, seed or fruit stone
HDL High density lipoprotein called as good cholesterol
LDL Low density lipoprotein called as bad cholesterol
Viscosity State of being thick sticky and semifluid in consistency,due to internal friction
Free radicals An uncharged molecule having an unpaired valency electron
Restorative Having the ability to restore health strength or well being
Rancidity Spoilage of oil foods
Oxidation It is the chemical process by which an atom or group of atoms loses elctrons
Deterioration The process of becoming progressively worse
Confectionery Sweets and chocolates collectively
Chronic Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring
Part- A
Choose the correct answer: (1 mark)
1. Nuts are a rich source 2. Mustard oil contain
of and amount of total saturated fatty acid
a) Protein, Fat a) 20.8
b) Calcium, Fat b) 20.9
c) Carotenoids, Fat c) 20.10
d) Carotenoids, Protein d) 20.11
2. List the uses of cashew nuts 4. Compare the nutritive value of sugar,
jaggery and honey.
3. Write three uses of coconut in
cookery. 5. Discuss the role of fats in cooking.