Supply of C C Block For Jambuva Division Office: Page No
Supply of C C Block For Jambuva Division Office: Page No
Supply of C C Block For Jambuva Division Office: Page No
1. Supply of
Supply of C C Block for Jambuva Division office
4. E.M.D. `. 3000/-
9. Approved PR 170578
❖ Tender fee may be paid along with submission of tender in EMD Cover for respective tender. All the relevant
documents of tenders to be submitted physically will be received only by registered post A.D OR Speed post
addressed to Executive Engineer, Jambuva Division MGVCL, . “No courier service OR Hand delivery” will be
❖ Remarks:
1. The earnest money deposited should be paid by demand draft of any Schedule Bank & drawn in favour of
the “Madhya Gujarat Vij Company Limited”.
2. Original money receipt/Demand draft for payment of tender fee & EMD Demand draft/Bank Guarantee,
Copy of list of orders (Copy of orders to be submitted-it is must) of tender items of last 03 years including
supplied made to GUVNL or their subsidiary company like DGVCL/PGVCL/UGVCL/GETCO/SGECL must be
placed in the cover super scribing tender fee & EMD along with requisite documents as mentioned in the EMD
condition. (EMD and tender fee cover should be kept as separate enclosure & should be submitted with
Technical bid.)
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“Save Energy for Benefit of Self and Nation”
The tender documents are to be submitted in two parts in complete bound set and in duplicate
namely Technical Bid & Commercial Bid (Part-1) including commercial terms and conditions
with all enclosures of the tender documents and price bid (Part-2) in separate covers (dully
sealed) super scribing the respective covers accordingly along with the tender number.
A. Technical & Commercial Bid:The technical & commercial bid shall comprise of all the
technical details of the equipment/stores/materials offered in accordance with the MGVCL’s
specifications/drawings/guaranteed technical particulars and all the commercial terms &
conditions etc.., except the Price Bid which should be quoted separately and should be
submitted separately in the price bid cover.
B. Price Bid: The price bid must be submitted strictly as per Schedule-B (Price Bid) attached
here with and shall be submitted in the separate envelop (dully sealed0 super scribing “Price
bid” and shall be submitted simultaneously with the Technical Bid. The time and date of
opening of the Price bid shall be determined by the MGVCL and communicated to the tendering
firms after technical bids are analyzed and the intimation will be sent only to the technically
accepted Tenderer. The price bid of technically qualified bidder will only be opened.
Any technical questions, information and clarifications that may be required pertaining to this
inquiry should be referred to the Executive Engineer, MGVCL, Division office, Jambuva
➢ MGVCL reserves the right to reject any OR all tenders without assigning any reasons
N.B. Tender should be sent by RPAD only along with tender fee/EMD.
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