BSB's Indicative Guide To SBA Questions by Topic

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BSB’s Indicative Guide to SBA Questions by Topic

The following information, first supplied by the BSB in 2016-17, is indicative only (in other
words, the actual exam may not necessarily contain questions that reflect precisely the
spread suggested by this document). The important points to bear in mind are that the 75
questions may test knowledge of more than one topic, and that you should not cut any areas
of the published syllabus from your revision. You should not take ‘0’ to mean that there will
be no questions on that topic.

Syllabus heading No of questions

Overview of criminal procedure 0

Preliminaries to prosecution 3
Bail and remands 4
Procedure in the magistrates’ courts, allocation for
trial and sending to the Crown Court for trial or
sentence 5
Disclosure of unused material and defence statements 3
Indictments 3
Preliminaries to trial in the Crown Court 3
Summary trial procedure 4
Jury trial procedure 4
Preliminary evidential matters 1
Burden and standard of proof 2
Preliminary issues relating to Witnesses 2
The rules relating to the examination of Witnesses 3
Hearsay evidence 5
Character evidence 5
Confessions and unlawfully obtained evidence 3
Inferences from the defendant’s silence and other
conduct 3
Visual identification evidence 2
Opinion evidence and experts 1
Privilege 1
Youth courts and the appearance of youths in other
courts 4
Sentencing principles 3
Non-custodial sentences 2
Custodial sentences 2
Ancillary orders and costs on conviction 1
The dangerous offender provisions 1
Appeals from the magistrates’ courts and from the
Crown Court in its appellate capacity 3
Appeals from the Crown Court 2

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