MANI-002 Physical Anthropology
MANI-002 Physical Anthropology
MANI-002 Physical Anthropology
Indira Gandhi
National Open University
School of Social Sciences
Definition and Scope 5
Relationship with Other Disciplines 17
Applied Dimensions-I 25
Applied Dimentions-II 33
Expert Committee
Professor I. J. S. Bansal Professor S.Channa
Retired, Department of Human Biology Department of Anthropology
Punjabi University University of Delhi, Delhi
Professor P. Vijay Prakash
Professor K. K. Misra Department of Anthropology
Director Andhra University
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Visakhapatnam
Sangrahalaya, Bhopal
Dr. Nita Mathur
Professor Ranjana Ray Associate Professor
Retired, Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Sociology
Calcutta University School of Social Sciences
Kolkata Indira Gandhi National Open University
Maidan Garhi, New Delhi
Professor P. Chengal Reddy
Retired, Department of Anthropology Dr. S. M. Patnaik
S V University, Tirupati Associate Professor
Department of Anthropology
Professor R. K. Pathak
University of Delhi, Delhi
Department of Anthropology
Panjab University Dr. Manoj Kumar Singh
Chandigarh Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology
Professor A. K. Kapoor
University of Delhi, Delhi
Department of Anthropology
University of Delhi, Delhi Faculty of Anthropology
Professor V.K.Srivastava
Principal, Hindu College Dr. Rashmi Sinha, Reader
University of Delhi, Delhi Dr. Mitoo Das, Assistant Professor
Professor Sudhakar Rao Dr. Rukshana Zaman, Assistant Professor
Department of Anthropology Dr. P Venkatramana, Assistant Professor
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad Dr. K. Anil Kumar, Assistant Professor
Programme Coordinator: Dr. Rashmi Sinha, SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Course Coordinator: Dr. Rashmi Sinha, SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Content Editor Language Editor
Professor P. K. Seth Mrs. Narinder Jit Kaur
Retired, Department of Anthropology Retired, Associate Professor in English
University of Delhi, Delhi Government Mohindra College, Patiala
Blocks Preparation Team
Unit Writers
Dr Rashmi Sinha (Units 1,2 & 3) Dr. P. Venkatramana (Unit 4)
Reader, Faculty of Anthropology Assistant Professor, Faculty of Anthropology
SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi SOSS, IGNOU, New Delhi
Authors are responsible for the academic content of this course as far as the copy right issues are concerned.
We are so inquisitive to know about ourselves right from what we were earlier to
why we are like today. The scientific family and individual have been enamored
by the subject for many years. All the answers lead us to the in-depth knowledge
in the discipline of Anthropology. Anthropology is holistic in approach as it
deals with human beings all around the world and throughout time by examining
the historical and present geographical distribution and considering all aspects
of human, both biological as well as social. The strength of physical anthropology
lies in its wide horizon to understand man as a physical being in his prehistoric
setting and cultural context ruled by a multifaceted system of customs, attitudes
and behaviour. Amongst the branches in Anthropology, Physical Anthropology
holds a very coveted position.
What is Physical anthropology, its definition at various times past and present is
dealt in Unit 1. Its historical journey to the days when physical anthropology
meant human variation and measurement, to the current status when our
knowledge has advanced through technical progression, the aim and scope of
this subject and an overview of the several sub disciplines of physical
anthropology exploring human yet maintaining its own identity will all be dealt
in this introductory unit.
Anthropology is not an isolated but is a broad field of study. It involves all branches
of learning that concerns human and hence is involved with several other
disciplines. Unit 2 concerns with the interdisciplinary and trandisciplinary
approaches in relation to physical anthropology. There are some strong
connections between physical anthropology and other disciplines like forensic
science, life sciences, medical sciences, earth sciences, human biology,
environmental sciences, social sciences, human engineering and technology, and
physical sciences.
Anthropology has spread its tentacles to more than just being an academic
discipline. The recent years reflect an ever increasing recognition; what
anthropology has discovered and can discover about human is invaluable. Applied
and academic anthropology are not mutually restricted approaches, infact, applied
anthropology banks on research and theory of academic anthropology and
simultaneously has much to contribute to theory and technique. But then the
applied aspect of physical anthropology is far from the knowledge bank of the
subject. Applied anthropology is dedicated in making theoretical anthropological
knowledge useful. The applied aspect in physical anthropology is not a recent
discipline which needs an introduction. The knowledge gained by physical
anthropology has been used for getting practical benefits in various fields will
History and Development of be dealt in unit 3 and 4. The application of physical anthropology in field of
Physical Anthropology
designing, forensic anthropology, diseases, aging, sports, public health and
nutritional anthropology would be covered in Unit 3 and Unit 4 deals with
paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling, eugenics and DNA technology and its
use in disease and medicine.
Definition and Scope
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Definition
1.3 Aim
1.4 Scope
1.5 History
1.6 Branches and its Development
1.7 Summary
Suggested Reading
Sample Questions
Physical anthropology is an important field of anthropology. Aren’t we inquisitive
to know about ourselves? How we were in the past to why we are like today? In
this course on Physical Anthropology, let us first define what physical
anthropology is and what does one achieve knowing this discipline. The historical
background will take you back to the days when physical anthropology meant
human variation and measurement to the current status, when we have advanced
our knowledge through technical progression. The progress in this discipline
has paved the way for several branches in physical anthropology.
It very much interests us to know more about our past, present and future. What
were the stages that took us to our present day form? All the answers lead us to
the in-depth knowledge of Anthropology. The word Anthropology consists of
Greek word “Anthropos” which means man and “logos” stands for study. It is a
very vast subject comprising man as a physical being, man in his prehistoric
setting and man in his cultural context who is ruled by a multifaceted system of
customs, attitudes and behaviour. Anthropology is holistic in approach as it is
concerned with all human beings, at all times, around the world through the
examination of historical and present geographical distribution of human both
biological as well as social. In a broader perspective, it is comparative science of
man, his variation and their causes.
History and Development of Amongst the various branches in Anthropology, Physical Anthropology holds a
Physical Anthropology
very coveted position. What is Physical Anthropology? It is not a simple task to
provide a specific definition of physical anthropology for the simple reason that
it involves interdisciplinary approach. Paul Broca, father of Physical Anthropology
defines it as natural history of the genus Homo and more concretely as the science
whose objective is to study humanity as a whole and in relationship to rest of the
nature. Herskovits identifies that physical anthropologists study such matters as
the nature of racial differences; the inheritance of bodily traits; the growth,
development and decay of human organism; the influence of natural environment
on man. According to Juan Comas, it is defined as science which studies variation,
comparative study of the human body and its inseparable functions, exposition
of the causes and courses of human evolution, transmission and classification,
effects and tendencies in the functional and organic differences, etc.
The branch of anthropology that concerns the human and nonhuman primate
evolution, the biological basis of human behaviour, and human biological
variability and its significance (giving it a proximity to biological science) is
referred to as biological anthropology while physical anthropology is largely an
American and British concept. In most European and many other countries,
physical anthropologists are the only ones who are considered as anthropologists,
while others are referred to as archaeologists, ethnologists, linguists, or
prehistorians depending upon their field of specialisation.
1.3 AIM
The broad based understanding of human organism is the strength of physical
anthropology. Not only this, physical anthropology integrates bio-cultural studies
of human diversity, the ancestors of human species, comparative anatomy,
ecology, behaviour and history of primates. Physical anthropologists are interested
in studying human genetics, growth and development and evolutionary history.
They attempt to accurately describe human physical structure both past and present
and also investigate how function and behaviour are integrated into the
environment in which human beings live.
Human biology has many times been erroneously used as a synonym for physical
anthropology although, there is clear cut area for both the fields. Human biology
comprises structure and function of contemporary man, whereas physical
anthropology refers to all that is chronological, racial, social and even pathological Definition and Scope
groupings of human. They are very close knit, yet they maintain individual identity
in working methods, techniques and objectives.
With so much information getting unveiled, do you think physical anthropology
is merely an academic subject? On the contrary, the recent years reflect an ever
increasing recognition of what anthropology has discovered and can discover
about humans.
The essence of physical anthropology right from its inception remains focused
on man’s physical characters, their origin, how they evolved and their development
to present state that is, whatever we are today is the result of past and present
conditions. Physical anthropology is widely accepted as the comparative science
of man as a physical organism in context to his total surrounding be it social or
cultural or physical; because development of his physical and cultural factors is
reliant on the environment prevailing at that time.
The stages of evolution particularly the ‘prehuman’ history of man to his present
form is the basis of Primatology. It also includes the study of human biology
including anatomy, physiology and ethology. Undeniable is the contribution of
Primate Palaeontology on extinct primates. This entire phenomenon tracing the
origin of man and his evolution comes under Palaeoanthropology. Appropriate
evaluation of the remains of fossil men in evolutionary outlook requires the
contribution of comparative anatomy as well as embryology or developmental
anatomy and physiology of growth.
Early physical anthropologists pondered about the nature and geneses of human
races. Variation in human phenotypes mesmerized them. Way back in the
seventeenth century, it was widely accepted by the western scholars that humans
belonged to a single species, all descendants of Noah and his family. When they
came across so many different looking human beings, it struck upon them the
diversity among mankind. This was obviously something they had not imagined.
With the advent of 18th century, physical anthropology answered this curiosity
with its emergence as the scientific study of race, a response to the presence of
so many human types.
The founder of physical anthropology was the German physician Johann Friedrich
Blumenbach (1752–1840) of Göttingen; he was also regarded as the inventor of
craniology, build up enormous collection of human skulls, and thus had right to
be an empirical power on the question of human diversity. According to him,
mankind could be divided into five races: American, Caucasian, Ethiopian,
Malayan and Mongolian.
The very first impression everyone had, was that all contemporary human races
were monogenic, which meant that man’s origin was from a single gene. James
Cowles Prichard (1786-1848), was of the opinion that, as the descendants of
Adam became lighter-skinned they attained higher intellects and civilization.
With passage of time, all races would become similar to Western Europeans, the
race that in his view had progressed farther or more rapidly. It was in late
eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the proposal that races were polygenic,
that is more than one gene, picked up momentum in the scientific circles of
Europe especially France and America. The advocates of polygenism were of
the view that the extent of human diversity found could not be attributed to the
opponents of polygenism as the variation between the races was too much to be
just a resultant of environmental differences and too great for humanity to be Definition and Scope
attributed to a single species. Therefore, there must have been many species
right from the beginning. This human variation which came into limelight was
studied using anthropometric measurements (anthropometry) by a Philadelphia
physician and advocate of polygenism, Samuel George Morton (1799-1844), in
later nineteenth century.
Paul Broca along with other French physical anthropologists intensified their
work on cranial anatomy and other small variations. While the German tradition,
led by Rudolf Virchow (1821–1902) stressed on the fact that the variation
observed in the human form is a result of environment and disease upon the
human body, and the lack of fit among race, nation, and culture. The American
tradition focused upon the “pacified” aboriginal (Indian) inhabitants of the North
American continent, unearthing and gathering skeletons as scientific objects along
with artifacts, languages, and culture.
It was Edward Tyson (1650-1708), a London physician and member of the Royal
Society, who started the European primate studies and differentiated between
the animal, humans, and monkeys by dissecting a chimpanzee. In fact lot of
curiosity was generated among people in primate behaviour despite it most of
the early scientific investigations were basically anatomical. Thomas Henry
Huxley’s in Man’s Place in Nature (1863) endeavored to apply Darwinism to
appreciate the origins of human. Thus Primatology focused on anatomy and look
for primate evolution from paleontological record. It was Ernst Haeckel (1834-
1919) in Germany who published an encyclopedia of primate anatomy and came
up with first scientific phylogenetic trees. It was because of these efforts that
made us understand what we are today, with anatomy remaining the focal point
until after 1900.
History and Development of It was prevalent in the United States after the Civil War (1861–65) that physical
Physical Anthropology
anthropology was a mystique medical speciality. But it was Franz Boas (1858–
1942) in 1897, an architect of today’s face of physical anthropology who used
his expertise in measuring schoolchildren, and collecting Inuit skeletons. Boas
also propagated changeability of the human form and minimize race in favor of
studying culture.
Human Evolution: This branch, as the name suggests, revolves around the origin
and evolution of Homo sapiens as a distinct species. The word “human” in the
framework of human evolution speak of the genus Homo. But then how did
humans evolve. In order to understand human evolution we study hominids also
History and Development of as the study of hominids holds importance. It is important to know other
Physical Anthropology
disciplines like primatology, archaeology, linguistics and genetics so as to have
a better understanding of human evolution.
Human Ecology: Ecology is a biological discipline that deals with the interactions
between organisms and their environment. This environment is a sum total of
the physical environment including temperature, water availability, wind, soil
acidity and biological environment which holds influences on an organism.
Human adaptation (physiologic, developmental, and genetic) to environmental
stresses and variation is part of human ecology. Human being is the most versatile
species on earth which can adapt in any environment, be it extreme climate,
deserts, polar region, high altitude or even a marooned island. Human species
are distributed world wide well adapted in diverse environment. The human
group is an ever-increasing population which in return would involve more
consumption of resources; therefore better adoption of the Earth’s primary
production is need of the hour. However, many other human ecological
developments are probable in future. The growth of human population and how
this growth is accommodated, the way they utilise these resources yet preserve
the biodiversity is yet to be comprehended.
Forensic Anthropology: This has been one of the most sought after branches of
physical anthropology. The term “forensic” refers to the application of this subfield
of science to a court of law. Forensic anthropology is the application of the science
of physical anthropology and human osteology in a legal scenario; when in a
criminal case, victim’s remains are unidentifiable or in the advanced stages of
decomposition, forensic anthropology helps in identification of the individual.
The techniques of Forensic anthropology helps to assist in the reconstruction of
remains, assessment of age, sex, stature, ancestry, and analyse trauma and disease.
Forensic anthropology is witnessing rapid growth and recognition, laurels of
which goes to anthropologists whose expertise in criminal evidence (fingerprints,
blood types, and skeletal remains) are sought. Forensic anthropologists utilise
the proficiency of forensic pathologists, odontologists, and homicide investigators
to identify a decedent, discover evidence of trauma, and determine the postmortem
interval. Though their opinions are taken into consideration by the medical
examiner, yet they do not enjoy the legal authority to declare the official cause of
Human Variation: The term human variation is gaining popularity over its
historical predecessor “race” in anthropology because of the exploitation of the
term. It is suggested to use gene frequencies and biological traits of human
populations by their geographic area. This genotypic and phenotypic detail would
be understood in terms of historical and closest selective forces in each
environment. Its main thrust is focused in an endeavor to interpret given so much
of human diversity, a consequence of evolution through a long passage of time
and all around the globe.
After going through this unit, you must have understood that various definitions
of physical anthropology have been given depending upon the focus at that time.
It is rather difficult to give precise definition to physical anthropology as it
embraces interdisciplinary approach. The mechanisms of biological evolution,
genetic inheritance, human adaptability and variation, primatology and the fossil
record of human evolution constitute Physical Anthropology reflecting an
important scenario in today’s increasingly specialised world of science. It aims
for the physical anthropologists to explore human genetics, growth and
development and evolutionary history in an attempt to accurately describe human
physical structure both in the present and in the past and also investigate how
function and behaviour are integrated into the environment in which human beings
live. The scope of this discipline is manifold making it indispensable. We realised
that the understanding and assessment of the degree of human variability along
with the accounting of factors responsible for our current distribution has been
of vital concern. Genetics and anthropometry have been used in estimating the
detailed cause of individual variation and diversification of the varieties of man.
Human variation, a specialised branch of physical anthropology, currently carries
History and Development of out studies to facilitate in the understanding of reliable history of the origin and
Physical Anthropology
evolution of mankind and its varieties; and attempts to evaluate the reasons of
human variation. There are different branches of physical anthropology, each
maintaining its thrust area and identity.
It is believed that by now you must have realised how fascinating is the field of
physical anthropology. It has witnessed a long painstaking journey in its quest to
never-ending desire to know about human. Continuously, physical anthropologists
are meticulously working to unearth the mysteries of human beings. It is not that
they are working in isolation but amazingly involves varied fields resulting in
newer concepts and better understanding which you will encounter in the next
Suggested Reading
Boaz, N.T and Almquist, A.J. 1999. Essentials of Biological Anthropology, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Harrison, G.A., Weiner, J.S., Tanner, J.M. and Barnicot, N.A.1964. Human
Biology.Oxford University Press
Harrison, G.A, Weiner, J.S., Tanner, J.M., Barnicot, N.A. and Reynolds,V. 1977.
Human Biology, An Introduction to Human Evolution, Variation, Growth and
Ecology. Oxford University Press.
Stein, P. L. and Rowe, B.M. 1974. Physical Anthropology. New York, McGraw-
Sample Questions
1) What is physical anthropology and what are its aims and scope?
2) Briefly give the history of physical anthropology.
3) What are the different branches in physical anthropology? Give a brief outline
of each branch.
Definition and Scope
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Interdisciplinary and Trandisciplinary Approaches
2.2.1 Forensic Science
2.2.2 Life Sciences
2.2.3 Medical Sciences
2.2.4 Earth Sciences
2.2.5 Human Biology
2.2.6 Environmental Sciences
2.2.7 Social Sciences
2.2.8 Human Engineering and Technology
2.2.9 Physical Sciences
2.3 Summary
Suggested Reading
Sample Questions
In this unit, it will be our endeavour to know what does interdisciplinary and
trandisciplinary approaches mean with reference to physical anthropology. As
mentioned in the earlier unit that physical anthropology involves other disciplines
too, we will also explore in this unit the relationship of anthropology with forensic
science, life sciences, medical sciences, earth sciences, human biology,
environmental sciences, social sciences, human engineering and technology, and
physical sciences.
Physical anthropologist can make out whether the person was right or left-handed.
Observe carefully, there would be more muscle attachment on the bones on the
dominant side. A physical anthropologist can also be adjudging the injury suffered
by the deceased that is if ever the deceased injured or fractured a bone during his
lifetime and whether his death was aggressive. All these warning signs can be
determined by looking for signs of trauma which could possibly be stab marks,
marks on the skull, broken bones, and bullets or pellets in or near the body. A
physical anthropologist plays a decisive role in determining the time when the
individual died. This is evidenced by the amount of soft tissue that is still present
which actually is key to determining the time of death. It is established that the
females lose one pound of tissue a day during decomposition; while males loose
three pounds a day. Acidic soil hastens decomposition whereas the alkaline soil
hinders it. A good number of these such as age, sex, race, and height are class
characteristics, but some are individual characteristics such as trauma. Court
substantiates other evidences or supplements the authentication of other experts
along with forensic anthropological identification, to arrive at their verdict.
In the following units you will realise that anthropology can be credited to its
own strong theoretical and scientific foundations some of which are by far oriented
in medicine. The aim of anthropology is to demonstrate rationally what being
specifically human is in the most fundamental physiological functions, with
medical science defining the standards. This has led to the origin of a new
discipline-Medical Anthropology which incorporates both physical anthropology
and medical science.
2.2.4 Earth Sciences Relationship with Other
Earth science embraces the study of nature of structural pattern of the earth that
throws light on its various land forms, its waters, the air that engulfs it, how the
rocks are formed, the different strata of the earth and their formation and also
includes the geologic, hydrologic, and atmospheric sciences. The perspective of
Earth sciences is to recognise the present features and past evolution of the Earth
and to exploit this knowledge, wherever found appropriate, for the benefit of
humankind, the basic premise on which physical anthropology is based. It gives
us great deal of information about the series of events which occurred in the
distant past and through these evidences the oldest forms of life can be known
that prospered umpteenth number of years ago on earth. This achievement is
possible through the systematic study and analysis of the earth’s crusts and
different strata of earth bearing fossils as evidence, by employing geological
methodology. Not only has it held an invaluable contribution towards the
understanding of human evolution, but as well of various cultural stages of man
especially when the information on time sequence is crucial.
The physical surroundings which are inhabited by humans include the immediate
surface of the solid Earth along with the land beneath it and the water and air
above it. The facts of life were of concern to the early man rather than with
theories, and thus his survival depended on his ability to get metals from the
ground which enabled him in producing alloys, for example, bronze from copper
and tin, for tools and armor. He was also concerned to find adequate water supplies
for creating dwelling sites, and to predict the weather, which had an immense
bearing on human life in earlier times than it has today. These situations
correspond to the fundamentals of the three principal disciplines of the modern
earth sciences. While physical Anthropologists focuses on the evolution of early
man, the earth scientist concentrates on the raw material available to this early
man which either helped or slowed down their evolutionary process. Only when
one is aware of the marvelous complexity of the Earth, it would be easier to
appreciate how the world today is growing with environment around and how
humans are adapting to this changing earth. Each in its own premise, both physical
anthropology and earth science is a comfortable field and together they emphasise
on two important features, yet basic questions as to how did life on Earth begin,
and from what did man evolve remains a mystery.
Earth Sciences area of specialisation involves with the geologic history of the
earth, study of fossils and the fossil record (paleontology), the growing of
sedimentary strata accumulated typically over millions of years (stratigraphy),
and the isotopic chemistry and age dating of rocks (geochronology). These provide
vital input to anthropology.
Similar to physical Anthropology, the applied aspect of earth sciences deals with
practical applications beneficial to society. They engage in the study of fossil
fuels (oil, natural gas and coal); oil reservoirs; mineral deposits; geothermal energy
for electricity and heating; the structure and composition of bedrock for the setting
of bridges, nuclear reactors, roads, dams and skyscrapers and other buildings;
risk involving rock and mud avalanches, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and
the collapse of tunnels; and coastal, cliff, and soil erosion. Most of these would
have a direct impact on human beings hence come under global anthropology’s
History and Development of 2.2.5 Human Biology
Physical Anthropology
Physical anthropology as you have rightly understood is the study of the biological
perspectives of man. Undoubtedly its proximity to biological sciences is natural.
Let us see how it works, when we are trying to build up sequence of human
evolution, physical anthropologists’ basic instinct is to compare the biological
features of man and with other animals. Now-a-days human genetics forms the
integral part of physical anthropology. The focus of physical anthropology on
human heredity, factors relating to growth and development has boosted the
field of human biology.
Anthropology has its applications for future by exploring the conditions adjoining
a civilization’s endurance or disintegration with respect to its environments by
being appreciative of adaptations, weather, biological, behavioural or cultural in
reaction to environment. Environmental sciences point towards the adverse
conditions an environment can pose to its inhabitants and while anthropology, in
all its genuine concern points out the diversity of outstanding characteristics of
life supported by different cultures in different environments. The conservation
and understanding of its significance to human life and its endurance and hence
continued existence are other issues dealt by both disciplines.
Time and again it has been observed that anthropological social sciences give
meaning even to minutest difference in rather than deriving the general laws as
found in natural sciences. Not only this, it boasts of explaining individual cases
through more general principles, like in many fields of psychology. It is rather
difficult for anthropology just as in history to easily fit into one of these categories;
but then different branches of anthropology draw on one or more of these fields Relationship with Other
which concerns human. Essentially, the main objective of anthropology is to
grant a holistic account of humans and human nature which corroborates that
although anthropologists usually specialise in only one sub-field the biological,
linguistic, historic and cultural aspects of any problem are always kept into
The quest for holism interested most anthropologists to study people in explicitly,
exploiting the biogenetic, archaeological and societal data. This would also take
into account direct observation of present-day customs which in turn correlates
the close relationship it shares with the social sciences. It is not unjustifiable to
believe that all human cultures as part of one large, developing global culture,
which is a basic contention of social scientists. These dynamic relationships,
between what can be observed on the ground, in contrast to what can be observed
by assembling many local observations still remains essential in anthropology,
be it cultural, biological, linguistic or archaeological.
What an amazing concept interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach is
especially when physical anthropology is concerned. You just read how the
different disciplines join hands and work together for the benefit of mankind
and yet maintain their own identity. Is it not incredible the way anthropology
projects itself. The unit describes the interdisciplinary relation which involves
two or more academic disciplines that are usually considered distinct and also
trans–disciplinary; i.e., the research approach that crosses many disciplinary
boundaries to construct a holistic approach. The following chapter would
enlighten how we apply the knowledge of anthropology in practice.
Suggested Reading
Boaz, N.T and Almquist, A.J. 1999. Essentials of Biological Anthropology, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Harrison, G.A., Weiner, J.S., Tanner, J.M. and Barnicot, N.A.1964. Human
Biology, Oxford University Press
Harrison, G.A, Weiner, J.S., Tanner, J.M., Barnicot, N.A. and Reynolds,V. 1977.
Human Biology, An Introduction to Human Evolution, Variation, Growth and
Ecology. Oxford University Press.
Stein, P. L. and Rowe, B.M. 1974. Physical Anthropology, New York, McGraw-
Sample Questions
1) What do you understand by interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach?
2) Give examples of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches in
physical anthropology?
3) Explain the relationship of physical anthropology with special reference to
forensic science and medical science?
Relationship with Other
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Meaning of Applied Physical Anthropology
3.3 Applied Physical Anthropology
3.3.1 Designing Equipment
3.3.2 Forensic Anthropology
3.3.3 Epidemiology
3.3.4 Aging
3.3.5 Sports
3.3.6 Public Health
3.3.7 Nutritional Anthropology
3.4 Summary
Suggested Reading
Sample Questions
Learning Objectives
Once you have studied this unit, you will know:
Ø the meaning of applied physical anthropology;
Ø how academic knowledge is applied as applications; and
Ø the application of physical anthropology in designing equipment, forensic
anthropology, epidemiology, aging, sports, public health and nutritional
In this unit, we will first discuss the meaning of applied physical anthropology
and how it was initiated. Following this, we will read through the anthropological
applications in the fields of designing equipment, forensic anthropology,
epidemiology, aging, sports, public health and nutritional anthropology.
Applied anthropology in the United States came into picture when the
anthropologists’ worked on disadvantaged people in other cultures and realised
the need for their improvement. In fact, today anthropologists are involved in
understanding and finding solution to the problems in their own society in an
endeavor to improve people’s lives. Currently, there is demand for applied
anthropologists to progressively increase their participation in earlier stages of
planning process and in helping in ventures by solving wide range of issues.
With the passage of time, our knowledge in the subject has seen phenomenal
increase, and this knowledge has culminated in designing many products for
applying it for the benefit and welfare of human use such as airplanes and
Applied Dimensions-I
The thrust of applied physical anthropology aims to construct an explanatory
framework for the many physical and behavioural traits of human species within
evolutionary and environmental contexts and to seek ways to maximize their
function. Here are some examples illustrating the aforementioned.
We all know that health and longevity of every individual to a great deal depends
on heredity and environment. Diseases reveal the array of triggering factors right
from inheritance of genes to the environment of surroundings they live in, which
means that disease can occur due to trait running in the family or the environment
a person lives in. The last two decades have seen momentum in the contributions
that anthropology may be useful to epidemiological study of health and disease.
This can be attributed to rise in chronic, non-infectious diseases as important
causes of morbidity and mortality during the 20th century. Chronic (long lasting),
non-infectious diseases (disease that may be caused by the environment) are
influenced by a number of lifestyle variables. These variables are by themselves
strongly influenced by social and cultural factors. The past decade witnessed
anthropologists and epidemiologists moving together beyond the “harmless
neglect” that characterised their prior relationship. Some of the most important
collaborations between epidemiology and anthropology concerns impact of
culture change and stress, social stratification and spread of various health risks
which have increased immensely. Anthropologists have disapproved and have
expanded epidemiological notions of risk and vulnerability. Now involving
multidisciplinary approaches, anthropologists and epidemiologists have invented
measures to increase the validity and reliability of their results. The working
together of anthropologists and epidemiologists due to their specialised field
area, ensures more nuanced and accurate descriptions of human behaviour and
more appropriate and effective interventions. The involvement of epidemiological
techniques is exploited for anthropological ends, because disease often spreads
along the framework of social structure.
3.3.4 Aging
The field of gerontology is amazingly diverse, warranting massive number of
investigations of physical anthropological issues in aging research. It has been
experienced that a good number of gerontology topics of actual and/or potential
interest are significantly important to physical anthropologists. It has been
observed that the physiological changes of aging include a varied mixture of
physical decline as would be expected from an evolutionary model. It has been
seen that the studies of the prehistoric aging accounts for the estimation of lifespan,
which in no way reflects rate of aging. Recent years have witnessed substantial
work relating to body composition and aging. These results give an evidence
towards the loss of lean tissue with age and relatively constant, though
redistribution of fat mass. Though osteoporosis is one of the major concerns in
females due to aging, tooth loss in both sexes is also witnessed. Biological age is
found to be associated with lifestyle, economic and nutritional status. These
factors can be of significance in divulging cause for variation in rates of aging
which in turn would be of vital importance. To answer these and many more
potential queries physical anthropologists is the best bet.
3.3.5 Sports
Sports, as history shows, has developed to be part of human culture as recreational
activity. We cannot deny the role of cultural aspect in sports, but the biological
aspect of human is considerably responsible for the performance in any sporting
event. The factors like body size, body proportions, physique and nutrition
influence the performance in any sporting event. Most of these traits are acquired
History and Development of through heredity but they are also influenced by environment to a substantial
Physical Anthropology
extent. Human psychological factors like motivation, training and nature also
play a vital role in moulding the sportive personality to a large extent. It becomes
quite obvious that human biological, cultural and psychological aspects are must
to understand the environment of sports, thus laying the foundation for
anthropological role in the field of sports.
There are number of factors that are responsible for the performance of an
individual in sports. These factors in turn are dependent on both genetic
constitution and environment. However, it is undisputable that genetics has a
greater role to play in the formation of a phenotype (observable characters arising
out of interaction between gene and environment in an individual). Phenotypic
variations in size, physique, body composition, metabolic powers, strength, speed
and skill, cardio-vascular adaptations are prevailing forces responsible behind a
sportsman’s feat. Environment to some extent can shape a genotype by way of
training and motivation. The goal of Kinanthropometry focuses on selecting the
fit genotypes which help individuals attain their fullest potentialities, that means
selecting those individuals who possess genetic constitution which is ideal for a
particular sport. It is not just muscular strength that is required for coordinating
body movements. But the responsibility of physical anthropologist lies in selecting
the players who have better potentialities in a particular sport than others; for
training and other external influence can change one’s morphological status only
within the narrow limits set by genotype. Physical anthropologist can also curtail
the financial implications by minimizing the expenditure on individuals who
because of their unfavorable anthropometric standards are less fit for a particular
sport. Physical anthropologist would exercise his discretion to choose an
individual ideal for sporting event. It is rather impossible to alter the capacity of
the genotype in order to maintain desirable levels of different bio-chemical
determinants. Thus, it is imperative to lay more emphasis on the genetically
determined morpho-physiological status of the individual to yield good results.
We realise that the techniques of Kinanthropometry enabled the anthropologists
to classify humans into different somatotype and suggest the right sport for them.
The composition of body plays important morphological characteristics essential
for sports. Body composition inclusive of muscular, skeletal, fatty tissues are
dependent on the environmental influence, sex, socio-economic conditions,
occupations, genetic make-up, nutrition and exercise.
History and Development of
Physical Anthropology 3.4 SUMMARY
This unit must have made an impression that academic knowledge can be best
utilised if we are able to use it practically. The different applied aspects of physical
anthropology, right from measurements to suit the equipment and furniture
designing, clothes, choice in sports, health status and in the health field, reflect
its wide spectrum. It is astoundingly fascinating to bring into practice the
knowledge of physical anthropology with other disciplines. This corroboration
has done wonders for the benefit of mankind. The unit to follow would take you
through the journey of physical anthropology along with genetics and am sure
you will realise the wonders of applied physical anthropology in understanding
Suggested Reading
Boaz, N.T and Almquist, A.J. 1999. Essentials of Biological Anthropology, New
Jersey, Prentice Hall.
Harrison, G.A., Weiner, J.S, Tanner J.M. and Barnicot, N.A.1964. Human Biology,
1964, Oxford University Press
Harrison, G.A, Weiner, J.S., Tanner, J.M., Barnicot, N.A. and Reynolds,V. 1977.
Human Biology, An Introduction to Human Evolution, Variation, Growth and
Ecology. Oxford University Press.
Stein, P. L., and Rowe, B.M. 1974. Physical Anthropology, New York, McGraw-
Sample Questions
1) What do you understand by the concept of applied physical/biological
2) Illustrate the application of physical anthropology in designing equipment,
sports and forensic anthropology.
3) Epidemiology, nutrition, aging and public health have applied component
of physical anthropology. How?
Applied Dimensions-I
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Paternity Diagnosis
4.3 Genetic Counseling
4.4 Eugenics
4.5 DNA Technology and Its Use in Disease and Medicine
4.6 Summary
Suggested Reading
Sample Questions
Learning Objectives
It is expected that after reading, you would be able to understand the following
applications of Human Genetics:
Ø paternity diagnosis;
Ø genetic counseling and eugenics; and
Ø DNA technology and its use in disease and medicine
Genetics is the name given to the study of heredity, the process by which
characteristics are passed from parents to offspring, so that all organisms including
human beings resemble their ancestors. The central concept of genetics is that
heredity is controlled by a vast number of factors called genes, which are discrete
physical particles present in all living organisms.
Since the present unit is on human genetics, the definition of human genetics is
presented here. Human genetics is concerned with genetically determined
resemblances and differences among human beings. In normal human being,
the nucleus of each cell contains 46 chromosomes, which comprises 23 pairs. Of
each of these chromosome pair, one chromosome is from father and one
chromosome is from mother i.e., only one member of each pair is handed on
through the reproductive cell (egg or sperm) to each child. Thus, each egg or
sperm has 23 chromosomes (McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Encyclopedia,
2005). Twenty two of the 23 chromosome pairs, i.e., the autosomes, are alike in
both the sexes, the other pair comprises of the sex chromosomes. A female has a
pair of XX and a male has XY chromosomes. Further, Human Genetics has
several applications, like Paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling and eugenics,
DNA technology and its use in disease and medicine are discussed below.
History and Development of
Physical Anthropology 4.2 PATERNITY DIAGNOSIS
Paternity Diagnosis helps to establish genetic proof whether a man is the biological
father of an individual or not. This paternity test is carried out by using DNA
analysis. The DNA analysis through DNA fingerprinting offers a more reliable
way to determine the genetic parent. Before DNA fingerprinting came into
existence, blood group polymorphisms like ABO, MN and Rh systems were
most widely used. But using these blood group polymorphisms, a particular
person can be excluded as the parent of a child. The exclusion of parentage can
be determined with certainty.
But to determine parentage, DNA analysis is the most advanced and accurate
technology. This paternity test compares a child’s DNA pattern with that of the
alleged father to check for evidence of this inheritance. The DNA fingerprinting
technique assures the probability of parents to more than 99.9% if the alleged
father is biologically related and the probability is 0% when the alleged father is
not biologically related to the child.
DNA Finger Printing: This is also known as DNA typing or Genetic Applied Dimentions-II
After knowing the DNA structure, we now briefly familiarise ourselves with the
procedure adopted in DNA finger printing:
DNA samples can be extracted from blood, semen, hair roots, bone or saliva.
The extracted DNA is then treated with restriction enzymes, which cuts the DNA
into smaller fragments by cutting at specific sites. This DNA is then amplified
by the technique of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). By using alkaline chemicals
this double stranded DNA splits into single stranded DNA. The DNA fragments
are then subjected to agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA bands so formed are
transferred to nylon membrane. This is treated with a radioactively-labelled DNA
probe which binds to complemental DNA sequences on the membrane. The excess
DNA probe is then washed off. The radioactive DNA pattern is transferred to
X-ray film by direct exposure. When developed, the resultant pattern is the DNA
finger print.
Genetic screening
Genetic counseling is essentially a communications process that informs
prospective parents about the nature of genetic disorders, about the risk of their
History and Development of having a genetically defective child, and about the options available to them in
Physical Anthropology
dealing with that risk. Or else they can opt to cope with the care of an existing
genetically handicapped child. Genetic screening, in contrast, is a routine
diagnostic procedure devised to detect those who are carriers of, or who are
themselves affected by a hereditary disease. Genetic screening applies to
populations rather than to individuals.
After genetic screening, if both the parents are heterozygous for a genetic disease
and the genotypes of both the prospective parents become known, then it is
easier to work out the probability of their child (if they decide to have one)
inheriting the disease. This can be done through amniocentesis about two months
after conception; i.e., in amniocentesis; the cultured fetal cells are used for
determining their karyotype, levels of the critical enzymes and the restriction
patterns of DNA. Such an antenatal diagnosis is now available for several genetic
diseases and for a variety of chromosomal defects. Such a diagnosis can help
the parents to opt for premature termination of abnormal fetus, if they so decide.
Genetic counseling and antenatal diagnosis provides definite relief to the possible
parents ‘at risk’ and thereby reduce the frequency of genetically defective
individuals in the population. However, it is unlikely that these measures would
eliminate the deleterious alleles from a population. This is so because most genetic
defects are recessive and heterozygotes for such alleles. Thus, even after a total
ban on reproduction by the homozygotes for such recessive alleles, they would
remain in the population through the heterozygotes, therefore, even such an
extreme selection would lead to only a slow decline in their frequency. Further,
it is not likely that all the couples in any society will willingly submit themselves,
at least in the foreseeable future, to these procedures. But genetic counseling has
become a routine aspect of medical practice in most developed countries.
It has been advocated that defective genes may be corrected through sophisticated
genetic techniques either during the early stages of embryo development (embryo
therapy) or in specific tissues of the adult patient (patient therapy); such an
approach is referred to as genetic surgery. Embryo therapy involves
• In vitro fertilization of egg
• Production of several copies of the normal allele of the defective gene
• Introduction of this DNA into the zygote or in the cells of the developing
embryo and
• Integration of DNA, preferably in place of the defective allele, so that it may
function normally.
The aim of patient therapy is to introduce the normal gene into the critical tissue
of the patient that is affected by a genetic disease, i.e., the tissue where the
concerned gene is required to express itself the most, e.g., pancreas in the case of
diabetes. The steps involved in patient therapy are similar to those in embryo
therapy. But in this case, cells from the concerned tissues have to be treated in
vitro to correct their genetic defects and then reintroduced into the tissue where
they may function normally. Techniques for isolation, identification and
multiplication of many human genes are now available, and for many others Applied Dimentions-II
they are likely to be developed soon. The techniques for gene transfer in eukaryotes
are being refined and it may not be a great problem in the near future.
A suggestion has also been made to use highly specific chemical mutagens that
will correct the defect in the concerned gene. Such a directed mutagenesis,
however, is a dream that may be more difficult to fulfill for the patient and embryo
therapies through DNA mediated genetic modifications. Genetic screening and
counseling may also lead to certain problems. The cases of mistaken paternity,
the problem of confidentiality, delayed counseling are important among them.
The term Eugenics was introduced by Francis Galton in 1883. It refers to the
improvement of a population by selection of only its ‘best’ specimens for breeding.
This has been practiced both by plant and animal breeders since ancient times.
The idea of eugenics was to improve society by screening out and sterilizing
people diagnosed as genetically unfit. Those with desirable genes would be given
incentives to reproduce. Regardless of the reasons in support of sterilization,
restricting an individual’s ability to reproduce is viewed as a violation of their
constitutional rights. The science of eugenics can also be defined as a science of
the well born, improving the inborn qualities of race and obtaining the better
heritage of judicious breeding.
b) To fund the fit: Most of the well gifted persons in a society would like to
lead a well planned and relaxed life. In order to lead a comfortable life and
to avoid unnecessary difficulties in nurturing the children, they wish to have
small number of children. Thus, the selected young men and women who
have best eugenic value should be encouraged to have more children.
H.J.Muller (1890–1967) has suggested that the persons who have best
eugenic value should increase their family size. The persons who have best
eugenic value besides increasing their family size can otherwise act as father
to many more children, and this is possible through artificial insemination.
The sperms and eggs of stupendous people should be stored for potential
use. 37
History and Development of c) Fitness and Education: In a society, the people should be educated about the
Physical Anthropology
basic ideology of wellbeing, ecology, human genetics, eugenics and sex.
Hence, the children should be properly instructed about basic laws of health
and they should be confident to develop a healthy, physically and mentally
sound body. The children ignorant about the details of sex may do further
harm to the society than others. Therefore, there is a need to have sex
education to avoid unwanted behaviour which is not desirable for our country.
Negative Eugenics: Faulty germplasm from the people can be eliminated with
the help of following measures:
i) Sexual disconnection: Colour blindness, night blindness, hemophilia, etc.
are some of the sex-linked diseases possessed by the defective persons and
these may be regulated by dominant or recessive genes. The defective traits
in the population can be checked by sexual disconnection and keeping them
away and separated from the public.
ii) Sterilization of the defective: Persons who have defective traits may be
advised to go for sterilization. Through sterilization, without disturbing any
of his usual functions, we can withdraw a person from his power of
iii) Immigration and its control: The unwanted or faulty genes of different races
and nationalities may intermingle with the normal germplasm of the people
during immigration. The persons with unwanted hereditary traits must not
be permitted to migrate from one place to another. Some laws should be Applied Dimentions-II
formulated to control the immigration of those persons who have defective
genetic traits.
iv) Marriage regulation: The affluent or well placed persons (who, still, may
have numerous faulty genetic characters), are more favored for marriages
than those who have eugenically sound hereditary traits but have no money.
Because of not having money the eugenically sound persons agree for
marriage with the genetically defective people. These people fail to reach
the uppermost status in the society due to lack of opportunities.
i) DNA Probes: DNA probes are short segments of DNA that distinguish
corresponding sequences in DNA and hence permit recognition of specific
DNA sequences. This technique is mainly helpful in diagnosis. DNA probes
can hybridize with specific DNA sequences and permit the recognition of
specific parasites. Probes resultant by recombinant DNA methods are
extensively used in prenatal detection of disease: for example, in detecting
genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, Huntington disease, sickle-cell anemia
etc. In a few cases, probes resultant from the gene itself is used and, in extra
cases, restriction fragment length polymorphisms genetically associated to
the disease gene are engaged. If the disease gene itself, or a region close to
it in the chromosome, differs from the normal chromosome in the positions
of one or more cleavage sites for restriction enzymes, then these differences
can be detected with southern blot i.e. with the use of cloned DNA from the
region as the probe. The genotype of the fetus can, therefore, be determined
since the restriction fragments present in its DNA. These techniques are
very responsive and can be carried out as soon as tissue from the fetus-or
still from the placenta – can be obtained. DNA probes have been developed
for Leishmania, Trypnosoma, plasmodium, Schistosoma, Wuchereria and
some additional human parasites. DNA probes can also be used to recognise
viruses which were previously hard to culture.
ii) Gene Therapy: The hereditary disease in particular can be treated with Gene
therapy. Gene Therapy is the insertion of genes into an individual’s cells to
treat a disease. Gene therapy normally aims to supplement a faulty mutant
allele with a functional one. In the majority gene therapy studies, a normal
gene is inserted into the genome to supplement an abnormal disease causing
gene. A carrier, called a vector, must be used to deliver the therapeutic gene
to the patient’s target cells. Presently, the most widespread vector is a virus
that has been genetically changed to carry normal human DNA. The vector
unloads its genetic material containing the therapeutic human gene into the
History and Development of target cell. The creation of an efficient protein product from the therapeutic
Physical Anthropology
gene restores the target cell to a normal state.
iii) Production of hormones and Proteins: Using DNA technique, the genes
responsible for the production of hormones and proteins can be introduced
into bacteria by vectors. These genetically changed bacteria produce greater
amounts of these substances. The hormones like insulin, human growth
hormones, somatostatin, erythropoietin etc. are being produced using this
DNA technique. The most important application of genetic engineering is
the production of large quantities of particular proteins that are otherwise
hard to acquire. Urokinase, are industrially produced today using this DNA
This DNA technique is also used in the diagnosis of AIDS diagnosis, prenatal
diagnosis, understanding the molecular basis of diseases like sickle cell anaemia,
thalassemia, familial hypercholesterolemia and cystic fibrosis.
Genetics is primarily concerned with the understanding of biological properties
that are transmitted from parents to offspring. Human genetics is the study of the
inherited characters of human beings. The applications of human genetics are
many; for instance, paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling, eugenics, DNA
technology in disease and medicine. DNA profiling popularly known as DNA
fingerprinting is used to establish paternity and distant relationship by tracing
their ancestors. Genetic counseling is a process that seeks to assist affected
individuals and other individuals at risk of getting an inherited condition; it also
helps to understand the nature of the genetic disorder, its transmission and the
options available for their management and family planning. Eugenics deals with
the application of the laws of genetics for the improvement of human race. The
recombinant DNA technology has revolutionized modern biology. It is used in
the efficient production of useful proteins, derivation of DNA probes for diagnosis
and in the production of vaccines. Gene therapy is another important application Applied Dimentions-II
of human genetics, which is useful in introduction of functional genes in
individuals suffering from non-functioning of some of their genes. Some
infectious diseases, AIDS diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis, molecular basis of
diseases, like sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, familial hypercholesterolemia
and cystic fibrosis are also diagnosed through this DNA technique.
Fraser, F.C. 1974. Excerpts from “Genetic Counseling”. The American Journal
of Human Genetics 636-659.
Suggested Reading
Cederbaum, S.D. 1984. Recombinant DNA in Medicine. West J Med. 141:210-
Griffiths, A.J.F., Miller, J.H., Suzuki, D.T., Lewontin, R.C. and Gelbart, W.M.
1993. An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. USA W.H. Freeman and Company.
Gupta, V., Singh, J., Bala, R. and Magazine, R. 2003. Recombinat DNA Therapy
in Medicine. JK practitioner. 10:315-318.
Hartl, D.L. Basic Genetics. 1991. Boston, USA Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Verma, P.S. and Agarwal, V.K. 1999. Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology,
Evolution and Ecology. New Delhi. S. Chand company Ltd.
Uhlmann, W.R, Schuette, J.L and Yashar, B.M. 2009. A Guide to Genetic
Counseling. New Jersey. Wiley-Blackwell.
Sample Questions
1) Define Human Genetics and briefly discuss the applications of Human
2) What is DNA Finger Printing? Explain its application in Paternity Diagnosis.
3) What is genetic counseling? Explain its process
4) Write a note on DNA technology in disease and medicine
5) Write short notes on the following
a) Eugenics
b) DNA Finger printing
c) Genetic counseling