Interaction-Based Design Formulas For Transfer Beams: Box Foundation Analogy
Interaction-Based Design Formulas For Transfer Beams: Box Foundation Analogy
Interaction-Based Design Formulas For Transfer Beams: Box Foundation Analogy
Abstract: The design and analysis of transfer beams that support in-plane loaded shear walls have been receiving added emphasis of late
due to their importance in connection with the design of tall buildings. The current practice in designing the transfer beam–shear wall
systems does not generally consider the significant interaction of the transfer beam and the upper shear walls, thus leading to an
unreasonable design for the internal forces of structural members and the corresponding steel reinforcement detailing. This paper presents
interaction-based design formulas, which are derived by use of a box foundation analogy, for determining the bending moment and axial
force of the transfer beams that support the in-plane loaded shear walls. The design formulas have been shown to provide practicing
engineers a very simple and efficient, yet accurate, means of calculation of the bending moment and axial force in the transfer beams.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1084-0680共2005兲10:2共127兲
CE Database subject headings: Beams; Shear walls; Buildings, high-rise.
Introduction interaction effect between the transfer beam and the supported
shear walls on the structural behavior of the beam. The proposed
Shear wall configuration in tall buildings makes access difficult to design formulas have been shown to provide practicing engineers
public lobby areas at lower levels of these buildings, and the large a very simple and efficient, yet accurate, means for determining
openings are generally achieved by use of large transfer structures the bending moment and axial force in the transfer beams.
共Stafford Smith and Coull 1991; Taranath 1997兲, such as transfer
beams, to collect loadings from the upper shear walls and then Box Foundation Analogy
distribute them to the widely spaced columns that support the
transfer girders. One of the complexities in the use of transfer Fig. 1共a兲 shows a typical transfer beam–shear wall system. An
structures arises from the interaction between the transfer-girder in-plane loaded shear wall of height H is subjected to a uniformly
and upper shear walls 共Kuang and Puvvala 1996; Kuang and distributed load w and supported by a transfer beam of a total
Atanda 1998兲. In the current practice, the design of a transfer span L. It has been observed 共Kuang and Puvvala 1996兲 that there
beam–shear wall system is still based largely on the experience of is a strong interaction between the transfer beam and the sup-
designers and the simplification of the structure, where the trans- ported shear wall. The interaction effect is shown to cause signifi-
fer beam and support columns are modeled as an equivalent por- cant stress redistributions both in the transfer beam and in the
tal frame. As a result, the significant structural interaction be- shear wall within an interactive zone. The structural response of
tween the transfer beam and the supported shear walls cannot be the beam-wall system can be studied by considering the transfer
included appropriately in the analysis. This may lead to an unrea- beam and the shear wall replaced by a box foundation and the
sonable design for the internal forces of structural components upper structure, respectively.
and the corresponding steel reinforcement details. In general, a box foundation 共Tomlinson 1995兲 supports upper
In this paper, a set of interaction-based design formulas are structures by displacement of the soil. The development of box
derived, by use of a box foundation analogy, for calculation of the foundations for supporting heavy buildings has been reported
bending moment and axial force of the transfer beams that sup- 共Skempton 1955兲. Fig. 1共b兲 shows a box foundation with the
port the in-plane loaded shear walls. Two new structural param- upper structure, where the vertical loading is transferred from the
eters, the effective span of the beam, Le, and the nominal height upper structure to the basement through structural walls. It is well
of the wall, He, are introduced in the analysis, and these reflect the known that, in the design of a box foundation, the total moment
caused by applied loading will be taken partly by the upper struc-
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Hong Kong Univ. of ture and partly by the basement 共Meyerhof 1949兲, as shown in
Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Fig. 1共b兲. The total moment caused by a uniformly distributed
Formerly, Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, load could be distributed to the upper structure and the box foun-
Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, dation according to the stiffness ratio of the upper structure and
Kowloon, Hong Kong. the box foundation. Thus, the moment taken by the box founda-
Note. Discussion open until October 1, 2005. Separate discussions tion, M b, can be written as
must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by
one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing E bI b
Mb = Mo 共1兲
Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and pos- E j I j + E bI b
sible publication on April 8, 2003; approved on January 21, 2004. This
paper is part of the Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Con- where EbIb and E jI j = flexural stiffnesses of the basement and the
struction, Vol. 10, No. 2, May 1, 2005. ©ASCE, ISSN 1084-0680/2005/ upper structures, respectively; and M o = total moment caused by
2-127–132/$25.00. applied loading, given by
Fig. 1. Box foundation analogy: 共a兲 Transfer beam–shear wall
system; and 共b兲 box foundation and upper structure
Fig. 2. Typical transfer beam–shear wall system Fig. 4. Equivalent box foundation model
Nominal Height of Shear Wall, He
The nominal height of the shear wall is considered to describe the
interaction behavior of the beam-wall system and is generally
influenced by the flexural stiffness ratio of transfer beam to sup-
port column. Similar to the determination of the effective span of
transfer beam Le, while substituting different values of the flex-
ural stiffness ratio 共EbIb / EcIc兲 and span L into the finite element
code SAP-2000, the boundary condition is set for calculation that
beyond a height 共He,max兲 of the shear wall, the distribution of
vertical stresses in the wall becomes uniform 共Kuang and Puvvala
Fig. 5. Relationship between effective span of transfer beam and 1996兲, after considering the interaction behavior of the beam-wall
flexural stiffness ratio of beam to support column system.
When the breadth of the transfer beam is twice or three times
the thickness of the shear wall, the nominal height of the shear
wall is given by
Effective Span of Transfer Beam, Le
Based on the model presented in Fig. 4, by substituting different
values of the flexural stiffness ratio 共EbIb / EcIc兲 into SAP-2000, 冉
He = 0.47 + 0.08 · log 冊
E bI b
E cI c
L 共5a兲
the corresponding span ratio Le / Lo can conveniently be obtained.
Fig. 5 shows the relationship between the effective span of the with an upper limit of 0.54L, i.e.,
transfer beam and the flexural stiffness ratio of transfer beam to
support column. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the effective span 共He兲max = 0.54L 共5b兲
of the transfer beam can be determined by
where L = total span of the transfer beam.
E bI b As the nominal height of the wall is used to describe the in-
L e = L o, when 艌 10 共4a兲 teraction effect of the beam and the wall, it can be seen that, by
E cI c
keeping the same value of total span L of the transfer beam, the
冉 冊
larger nominal height of the wall He represents the stronger struc-
E bI b E bI b tural interaction between the transfer beam and the shear wall.
Le = 0.9 + 0.1 · log L o, when 0.1 ⬍ ⬍ 10 共4b兲
E cI c E cI c
Midspan Moment of Transfer Beam
E bI b
Le = 0.8Lo, when 艋 0.1 共4c兲 The flexural stiffness of the shear wall in the equivalent box foun-
E cI c dation model shown in Fig. 4 can be calculated by
where Lo = clear span of the transfer beam; and EbIb and EcIc
= flexural stiffnesses of the transfer beam and the support column, 1 3
Iw = tH 共6兲
respectively. 12 e
It can be seen from Eq. 共4兲 that, if the flexural stiffness of the
transfer beam is much larger than that of the support columns, the where t = thickness of the shear wall.
beam behaves as a simply supported one, whereas, when the flex- By considering the box foundation analogy as shown in Fig. 1,
ural stiffness of support columns is much larger than that of the the midspan bending moment of the transfer beam is calculated
transfer beam, the beam can be analyzed as a fixed-end one. by
Fig. 6. 共a兲 Distribution of horizontal axial stress at midspan of transfer beam; and 共b兲 assumed linear distribution of tensile axial stress
Fig. 7. Design charts of coefficient ␣ 共b = width of beam; t = thickness of wall兲
Fig. 8. Transfer beam–shear wall system subjected to vertical uniformly distributed load
Le = 0.9 + 0.1 · log
E bI b
E cI c
= 6 ⫻ 1.19 ⫻ 103
2 ⫻ 1.592 − 1.6
= 共0.9 + 0.1 ⫻ 1.58兲 ⫻ 8.8
= 4.41 ⫻ 103 kN
= 8.095 m
The results of the midspan bending moment and axial force for
The nominal height of the wall is determined by use of the transfer beams with heights of 2.4 and 3.2 m, which are de-
Eq. 共5a兲: termined by the proposed design formulas, are also presented in
冉 冊
Table 1.
E bI b
He = 0.47 + 0.08 · log L
E cI c
= 0.47 + 0.08 · log
0.8 ⫻ 1.63
1.2 ⫻ 1.23
⫻ 11.2
Table 1. Comparison of Results from Proposed Design Formulas and
= 5.442 m ⬍ 0.54L Finite Element Analysis
= 0.54 ⫻ 11.2 = 6.046 m. Mb T
• Step 2: Determine the bending moment at the midspan of the 共⫻103 kN m兲 共⫻103 kN兲
beam. From Eq. 共8兲, the applied moment is hb Design FEM Design FEM
共m兲 formulas analysis formulas analysis
1 1
M o = wL2e = ⫻ 3 ⫻ 103 ⫻ 8.0952 = 24.57 kNm 1.6 1.19 1.17 4.41 4.42
8 8 2.4 3.24 3.13 4.43 4.45
The bending moment at the midspan is determined using 3.2 6.36 6.10 3.95 3.98
Eq. 共7兲: Note: FEM⫽finite element method.
Comparison Acknowledgment
A finite element analysis for the example transfer beam–shear
The support of the Hong Kong University of Science and Tech-
wall system is also conducted by employing the finite element
nology under Grant No. HIA02/03.EG01 is gratefully acknowl-
code SAP-2000 共SAP-2000 1997兲. A comparison of results be-
tween the proposed design formulas and the finite element
method is made and presented in Table 1. It can be seen from
Table 1 that the results of the proposed design formulas show
very good agreement with those of the computer analysis.
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cation to design.” Struct. Eng., 31, 151–167.
eters, the effective span of the transfer beam, Le, and the nominal
SAP: 2000 analysis reference. 共1997兲. Comput. Struct.
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Skempton, A. W. 共1955兲. “Foundations for high buildings.” Proc.-Inst.
reflect the interaction effect between the transfer beam and the Civ. Eng., 4共3兲, 246–269.
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