Level 2 Student Book
Level 2 Student Book
Level 2 Student Book
English I I
Student’s Textbook
Classroom Language
Just a minute/second/sec.
1. Read the article In Danger. Pay close attention to the underlined phrases.
The polar bear’s name in Latin is Ursus maritimus, meaning “sea
bear”. It got this name because it spends most of its time in the
Arctic seas. It is also called by other names, for example, white
bear or ice bear. When a polar bear gets out of the sea, it shakes
water from its fur like a dog or it removes the water by rolling on
the ice. It is very cold where polar bears live. The temperature is
very often as low as -55º C.
The polar bear is the largest meat-eating animal on land. The male weighs from 350 to 650 kg and
he is two and a half to three meters long – almost as long as a car. A polar bear’s skin is black but
its fur has no color – it looks white when the sun shines on the ice. It has big feet so it can stand
easily on the ice. The polar bear likes to live alone. It walks long distance, sometimes 30 km a day,
because it needs to find food. The bear eats fish and it also enjoys seal meat. It goes swimming
and lies in the sun when it isn’t looking for food! It is a very good swimmer.
The female bear usually has two babies once every three years. The babies, or cubs, are born in
November. Sometimes the cubs die in their first year because they have an accident or they don’t
get enough food to eat. If they live, they stay with their mother for nearly two years but then they
must leave her to go and live alone on the ice.
There are only about 25,000 polar bears alive today. The area where you find them has many
problems with pollution and there are also problems with thin ice. Polar bears need your help!
2. Read the following sentences about polar bears. Fill in the blanks with the right conjunction:
and, because, or, but.
1. Polar bears are in danger ____________ people don’t care about their environment. (because, or)
2. Polar bears like to eat fish __________ they also like seal meat. (because, but)
3. Polar bears need our help ____________ they may disappear. (or, and)
4. Polar bears are both large ____________ strong. (or, and)
We use words called conjunctions, like and, or, but, because to join two parts of sentences. Conjunctions
can be used to give more information, give alternatives, give reasons, give results or give unexpected
We use and, or, but to connect two parts of sentences which are similar in grammatical status. Examples:
• Do you want chocolate, strawberry or vanilla? (joining words)
• Amy's dad is taking us on Saturday morning, and he's offered to bring us home again on
Sunday. (joining clauses)
We use and for adding information, or for giving alternatives and but for unexpected or different
information. Examples:
• I'm OK for food, dance and music, and I'm having a wonderful time.
• There's a reggae band from Jamaica or a Russian electro-pop group on the other stage.
• She’d like to go but she can’t.
Because is a conjunction which we use to connect one clause with another clause. Examples:
• I'd like to see that Irish band, because Celtic music is pretty cool.
• I am saving money because I need to travel.
2. Correct the following sentences. Use the right conjunction: and, or, but, because.
1. I'd love to stay or I have to catch my bus.
2. His hot chocolate is too hot or his mother has just made it.
3. We got extremely wet and it was raining.
4. I only passed my exam or you helped me.
5. They weren’t hungry and they had to eat some sandwiches.
6. We can go to the pool and we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer.
7. She didn't want him to see her or she owed him money.
8. He's in the shoe store but he wants to look for shoes.
3. Write sentences about yourself using conjunctions: and, or, but, because.
1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
List Intonation
1. Listen to the teacher reading about penguins (The teacher makes a short introduction of the text)
2. Move into groups of four.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text.
4. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.
5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (one student acts as the writer)
6. Compare the reconstructed text and the original. Notice the type of errors that got in the way of
understanding the text.
7. Classify your errors using the following list.
1. Listen to Mark talking about visiting the zoo. Tick the word when you hear it. The
words are not in the order your hear them.
1. Zoo 6. Weekend
2. Friend 7. Camera
3. Bus 8. Sunday
4. Homework 9. Four
5. Student 10. Drive
2. Look at the example and then listen to the first part of the conversation again.
Read through the questions and then listen to the rest of the conversation and answer the
1. Each zoo ticket will cost them 2. Who is Mark going to take photos for?
A. £ 6.50 A. his mother
B. £ 7.50 B. his friend
C. £ 8.00 C. his teacher
3. Mark is going to photograph 4. How will Mark and Natalie get to the zoo?
A. bears A. by bus
B. monkeys B. by train
C. lions C. by car
A. 4.30
B. 5.30
C. 6.30
1. When can you buy the last ticket at the aquarium? A. 5:00
B. 5:30
C. 6:30
Where the zoo is
Who you went with
What you did.
Postcard ______________________________________________
From: ______________________________________________
Write about a time when you visited a zoo, a circus or a place where you saw
Prepare a talk about animals. Use the words and the pictures to talk about the animals that you
already have or the ones you would like to have (Use the conjunctions or, but, because, and)
funny cute friendly unusual too big too small boring annoying
A collocation involves the combination of words that are frequently used together.
For example:
Let’s take some photographs of the animals
I spent some money at the pet shop
He does his homework after feeding his parrot
She always makes the bed before walking her dog
1. Write words that can match these verbs. Use the following list.
a decision – a meeting – a photo – the dishes – a break – an exception – the night – a headache -
homework – a party – your job – an exercise – a choice – friends – a bad time – a cold – my time – a
shower – a look
2. Circle the correct word in these sentences about Mark and Natalie.
Pair work. Prepare a conversation with your classmate. Ask and answer questions about the
following topics.
Their, there and they’re all sound the same but are spelled differently.
• There are not many polar bears in the Arctic any more.
• Polar bears spend most of their lives on the ice.
• When they’re small, the polar bear cubs stay with their mother.
(1) __________________ quite small dogs. I take them for a walk in the park every day.
They love it (2) ______________ because they can play with (3) ____________ ball and
run around having fun. (4) ______________ favorite game is chasing the ducks into the
lake. (5) _____________ always happy to go (6) _______________.
1. Listen to the information. Look at the pictures and write the right numbers for the
animals he is describing.
2. Pair work. Taking into account the previous information. Take turns asking and answering
question about animals.
Are mice small and furry? Yes, they are/ No, they aren’t.
What is your favorite animal? Why do you like it?
Do you have any pets? What pet would you prefer to own? Why?
WRITING: Write down information related to animals. Do you like them? Why?
Do you have pets? Why?
Talk about animals. Do you like them? Why? Do you have pets? Why?
2. Practice saying these times. Where possible say them in different ways:
a. 10:00 b. 5:30 c. 7:45 d. 4:15 e. 6:00 f. 11:20
3. Listen to Christ asking for information at a pet shop. Which prices and times from
exercise 1 and 2 do you hear?
4. Listen again and complete questions 1-5.
Opening Times
Name of the shop: Barking Pet
Monday – Friday: 9:00 – 5:30
Saturday: 10:00 – (4) _______
Size: (1) _______________ centimeters
Address: 33(5) ____________ Street
Color: (2) ______________
Price of snake: (3) £__________
Which notice (A-H) says this (1-5). What places can you find these notices? (Some places are
already in the notices) See the example:
1. Read and listen to the text about a man who owns a zoo. Answer the questions.
a. What was Benjamin Mee’s first job?
b. What animals were already at the wildlife park?
c. Where was the film set?
1. When Benjamin Mee bought the park, he: a. knew little about animals
b. liked to work as a journalist
c. had been helping animals
6. Where were the animals filmed? a. in California
b. in England
c. in Dartmoor Wildlife Park
2. Listening comprehension. Answer the questions. You may use your notes.
1. The man says he: 2. When the man was a kid:
a. doesn’t like animals a. he didn’t like animals
b. loves animals b. liked to read books about animals
c. is afraid of animals c. couldn’t find books on animals
3. The most exciting thing for him was: 4. When he was older:
a. sleeping a. he went on a safari
b. visiting the zoo b. he visited his hometown zoo
c. reading books c. he became a veterinary doctor
7. The man would advise you to: 8. We can infer that if we don’t change
a. look at animals in zoos our lifestyle,
b. hunt animals a. many animals may disappear
c. look at animals in their natural habitat b. there will be a lot of wild animals
c. children may be in danger
3. Pair work. Writing. Ask and answer questions about the information you listened to.
STUDENT’S A QUESTIONS (Do not show your questions to Student B)
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
STUDENT’S B QUESTIONS (Don’t show your question to Student A)
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
1. Read the information below about theme parks. Pay close attention to the underlined
2. Read the information about theme parks again. Are the sentences right or wrong? If
there is no information, write “doesn’t say”. Example:
0. The first amusement park in the world was located in Tokyo.
Wrong. The first amusement park in the world was located in Denmark.
1. Around 20 million people visit the first amusement park in the world.
2. The most popular theme park in the world is Tokyo Disneyland.
3. Disney World in Florida, USA, is the largest theme park in the world.
4. The Drop Zone in Kings Island is faster than any other theme park.
5. Fujikyu Highland amusement park is taller than any other rollercoaster.
Comparative adjectives Superlative adjectives
When you compare two items When you compare three or more items
We add – er to short (one syllable and some two- We put the in front of short (one-syllable and some
syllable) adjectives. two-syllable) adjectives and add –est.
+ -er long→longer +-est long→ the longest
If the short adjective ends in –e, we add -r. If the short adjective ends in –e, we add -st.
+ -r wide→wider + -st wide → the widest
If the short adjective ends in a short vowel + a single If the short adjective ends in a short vowel + a single
consonant, we double the consonant and add -er. consonant, we double the consonant and add –est.
-t → -tter hot → hotter -t → -ttest hot → the hottest
If the adjective ends in –y, we take out the –y and add If the adjective ends in –y, we take out the –y and add
–ier. –iest.
-y → -ier friendly – friendlier -y → -iest friendly – the friendliest
Adverbs that look the same as their adjectives, for Most comparative adverbs are made with more or
example fast, early, hard, long, high, late, soon, etc. less.
use –er and –est in their comaprative and superlative Some superlative adverbs are made with the most or
forms. the least.
On Saturdays we close much later, at ten. You can get in more cheaply with a family ticket.
Everyone in the race ran fast, but John ran My classmates speak slowly, but John speaks
the fastest of all. the most slowly of all.
Irregular adverbs
1. Read the previous information about comparative and superlative forms and complete the
information below.
a. Short adjectives usually end in –er, for example: ___________, _____________, _____________
b. Long adjectives usually have more or less in front of them, e.g. ___________________________
c. Some adjectives change completely in the comparative form, e.g. good and bad become
___________ and ____________.
d. Comparative adjectives are often followed by the word ______________.
e. We can use ___________ and fewer or less with nouns; we use ____________ with countable
nouns and less with uncountable nouns.
f. Short adverbs use –er and –est in their comparative and superlative forms, e.g. ____________ and
2. Complete these sentences. If necessary, read again the information above about amusement
3. Complete these sentences with either the comparative or the superlative form of the adjective
or adverb in brackets.
You will hear a girl asking for information about Aqua Park, a theme park where you can go
swimming. Before you listen, read through the questions carefully and, with a partner, talk about
what kind of words you think the answers will be.
Example: I think the answer to question 1 will be a time.
Listen and complete the notes.
1. Look at the telephone conversations below and put them in the right order.
Conversation 1
a. Ok. No problem. Bye.
b. Oh, hi, Lisa. It’s Paula here. Is Serena in?
c. No, she’s out shopping. Can I take a message?
d. No, it’s Lisa.
e. Bye.
f. Hi, is that Serena?
g. Just tell her I rang about going swimming tomorrow.
h. Hello? 1
Conversation 2
a. Bye.
b. Good morning. I’d like to book tickets for the film tonight, please.
c. Three – that’s for two adults and one child.
d. And your name?
e. Thanks very much. Bye.
f. Can you collect them by 7 o’clock?
g. That’s fine. How many would you like?
h. It’s Wilkinson, W-I-L-K-I-N-S-O-N
i. Yes, no problem. Thank you.
j. Hello. Can I help you? 1
1. Listen to the teacher talk about two studies about free time activities (The teacher makes a
short introduction of the text)
2. Move into groups of four.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text.
4. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.
5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (one student acts as
the writer)
6. Compare the reconstructed text and the original. Notice the type of errors that got in the way
of understanding the text.
1. Read the information below about two theme parks called Fantasma and Alien
Adventure. Decide which one you’d like to go to.
2. Cover the previous information about the two theme parks. Ask and answer questions
about Fantasma and Alien Adventure. Student A asks Student B questions about
Fantasma. Student B asks Student A about Alien Adventure.
Example: When / open?
Student A: When did Fantasma first open?
Student B: It first opened in 1972.
Playing chess Reading books Every day Three times a week
Listening to music Seeing friends Once a week Less than once a week
Playing computer Other
games ________________ 3. What is your least favorite free time
physical activity?
4. What is your least favorite free time ___________________________________
activity at home?
___________________________________ 4. Add some more questions here:
5. Add some more questions here: ___________________________________
___________________________________ __________________________________
___________________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________________ __________________________________
Read this note written by a student. There are six spelling mistakes. Can you find them
and correct them?
Dear Tom,
Last Saturday I went to Aqua Park with
my freind Peter. It was a beatiful day
becouse the sun was shining. The
Park was very intresting and their were
many things wich we could do. Next
time you can come with me.
Match the words below with the IPA transcription on the right. Which sound appears in every
IPA transcription?
• The schwa sound /ə/ can be spelt as “a”, “e”, “o” and “u”.
• The schwa is the most common vowel sound in English.
• The schwa is weak – it can never be stressed.
• The production of the schwa is neutral: lips, jaw and tongue are relaxed.
1. Listen and repeat. All the words have /ə/ sound which is very common
in English. For example:
Choose A, B or C to complete these conversations.
Before reading
• Do each question separately – they’re not connected.
• Read each option A-C carefully and say the three possible dialogues in your head.
• Choose the best answer.
Work in pairs. Student A: read the information below and answer student B’s questions.
Student B: Ask five questions about the Bowling Alley. Then, swap roles and ask and answer
questions about the Glitter Ice Center.
Student A Student B
Super Bowling Alley Bowling Alley
Monday–Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. • Name?
Sunday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Try our great pizzas, burgers and • Address?
chips! • Price / groups?
Cheaper tickets for groups of 12 or • Close?
more. • What / food?
Cow Lane, opposite the railway station.
Ice Centre Glitter Ice Centre
• What /called? Open: Monday–Saturday 11 a.m. to
• Where? 10 p.m.
Sunday 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.
• Open / Sundays? Café open all day
• Café? Students only $50
• Student price? Station road, opposite the cinema
1. Listen to some information about an activity center. Listen and complete the
Before listening
• Read the information carefully.
• Decide whether the answer is a date, time, name, etc.
• Don’t write more than one or two words or a number.
• Check your spelling carefully – write numbers in figures, not words.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
Office telephone 5
number: _____________________________
2. After listening and checking the right information with your teacher. Imagine you are
going to visit an activity center next week. Compare the information you get about High
Cross Activity Centre and Rogers Activity Center below. Which activity center will you
visit? State your reasons.
3. Talk with your partner and reach an agreement about the activity center you both will
visit. Report the reasons to the class. IE
White cotton T-shirts were first worn by the US Navy in the Second
World War and by 1948, every American soldier was wearing one too.
But it was Hollywood films that made the T-shirt really popular: actors
Marlon Brando and James Dean wore classic white T-shirts in On the
Waterfront (1945) and Rebel without a Cause (1955). After these films,
every young man wanted to wear one.
Women didn’t begin to wear T-shirts until the end of the 1950s. In the 1959 French film A
bout de soufflé (Breathless), American actress Jean Seberg wore a T-shirt advertising an
English language newspaper. This started a new fashion in T-shirts for women, but it wasn’t
until the mid-1960s that companies like Budweiser and Coca-Cola started using T-shirts as
“walking advertisements”.
Later, the T-shirt became a way of saying something important. For example, soon after the
black American leader Angela Davis went to prison in 1970, people all around the world
were wearing T-shirts with the message “Free Angela”.
In the 970s, French fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent designed a famous
blue T-shirt with his name in white letters. Giorgio Armani has also used T-
shirts in his fashion shows. And in 2001, a limited number of white “J’ adore
Dior” T-shirts sold quickly at well over £100 each!
Today people of all ages are wearing T-shirts. They can be found in any colour, fabric,
and fashion. The T-shirt is becoming the branded casualwear in our closets and dressers.
With so much history, it’s safe to say T-shirts will never go out of style!
What is your favourite T-shirt? Talk about it, using sentences like these:
2. What do you know about the history of the T-shirt? According to the text, decide if the
sentences are right (R) or wrong (W). If there is not enough information in the text, select
doesn’t say (DS).
1. In the 1940’s, white T-shirts were part of a uniform.
2. T-shirts became more popular because of two 1950s American films.
3. Many women were wearing T-shirts in 1955.
4. By 1960, companies were using T-shirts to advertise their products.
5. In 1970, a T-shirt with the words “Free Angela” won a prize.
6. Giorgio Armani included the T-shirt in his 1970s designs.
7. In 2001m one “J’ adore Dior” Christian Dior T-shirt cost almost £100.
Which tenses are used in the underlined verbs? Why are two different tenses in sentence
1. Hannah is wearing jeans today. She wears jeans nearly every day.
2. Luckily, Hannah was wearing jeans when she fell off her bike.
3. Most women were wearing skirts while men were wearing suits. It was a great party!
Present Continuous Past continuous
We use the present continuous to talk about We can use the past continuous to:
something temporary, which is true now but not
in general. 1. Talk about a situation in the past that is
interrupted by a specific time.
Compare these sentences:
Yesterday at around 9 a.m. most people were
wearing white shirts and jeans in the
I’m wearing a skirt today because
I have an interview. (Present
2. Indicate that a longer action in the past was
interrupted by a shorter action in the past.
I was shopping for shoes when my mobile
I usually wear jeans. phone rang.
(Present simple)
3. Talk about two ongoing actions that were
happening at the same time.
I was buying a blouse while my husband was
looking for some shoes.
A. Read and complete the description. Pay attention to the underlined phrases to decide
which tense you must use.
Hi. My name is Mara and I live in Oxford. I’m elven years old and
I’ve got an older sister called Sue. My sister loves going shopping
and she’s really fashionable. In this photo, she
_____________________ (1. wear) a striped skirt and a plain blouse.
She __________________ (2. have on) a pair of sandals, too. My
sister prefers smart clothes, but I usually ________________ (3.
wear) sporty clothes. In this photo I _________________ (4. wear) a
T-shirt and pair of sweat pants because I’m going to play
basketball with my friends.
B. Complete the story. Put the verbs in the timeline in the correct tense.
Yesterday morning, I ________________
____________(1. walk) around town when I
saw my friend through a clothes shop
window. He __________ _____________ (2. try
on) a leather jacket, so I decided to go
inside the shop. I said “Hi” to my friend and
then I went to look at some jeans. I found
some really nice ones and I
______________________ (3. wait) to pay for
them when the fire alarm started. We both
left the shop immediately.
C. Read and complete Mara’s blog. Use the present or the past continous forms of the
verbs given. Pay attention to the underlined phrases.
I’m still at the campsite with my friends. All my friends _____________ (1. do) different
activities now. Most of us ________________ (2. wear) comfortable clothes today because the
wether is really nice. I ________________ (3. have) agreat time. But yesterday, there was a
huge storm! I ____________________ (4. sit) on the grass when it happened. I _______________
(5. not/do) anything really. I ________________ (6. look) around at everybody else. Abby and
Lorna __________________ (7. walk). Tom _________________ (8. climb) a tree. I didn’t know
what the others ____________________ (9. do).
Suddenly, I saw a big flash of light. Then I heard a loud BANG. It was a thunderstorm! We
went to our tents and stayed there until it finished. Mike was a long way from the tent and
he got really wet when he ___________________ (10. run) back. We tried to chat but it rained
so hard. So we played on our mobile phones while we ______________________ (11. wait). It
was fun!
• Verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant usually double the last letter:
begin → beginning Women were beginning to wear shorter skirts in 1963.
• Verbs ending in –y; the final letter “y” is in the same place.
enjoy → enjoying She was enjoying her ice cream when her son arrived.
try → trying I’m trying to speak in English all the time.
1. What are your favorite clothes?
2. Where do you usually buy your clothes?
3. Picture 1 shows a pair of boots. Picture 2 shows a couple of hats. What is the difference
between these phrases? Which other pcitures show a pair of something?
4. Choose a picture from above, and use some of the words below to describe it, but
don’t say the clothes word. Guess what your partner is describing.
Example: This pair has two pockets. The material looks light. (trousers – picture 16)
Adjectives Nouns
Short / long Pair
Old / new Size
Large / small Pocket
Dirty / clean Button
Cheap / expensive Zip
Heavy / light material
Fashionable / unfashionable
Leather / cotton/ wool
1. Listen to some English teenagers talking about the last clothes they bought. Who
bought what? Check the correct answer in the table.
2. Listen and complete the blanks with the word you hear.
Speaker 1 I work as a _____________ on Wednesday evenings and I save most of the
(Ben): money I earn. My dad said I should buy some new ___________________
for work, but yesterday I saw this ___________ of yellow cotton
_______________, with lots of ______________ and ___________. They
looked wonderful, and I decided to get them for the summer, with a couple of
extra _______________. Dad still thinks I need some ________________,
but my boss doesn’t mind what I wear!
Speaker 2 There was this beautiful Italian leather __________________ in the sale. It
(Louisa): was soft black _______________, with a _______________ on each side. I
tried it on over a red ___________ I was wearing at the time, and it looked so
cool. But the thing was that it cost well over £_________, even in the sale! In
the end, my mum lent me half of the _____________. I’m really pleased I got
it. It‘ll stay in fashion for years, I’m sure.
Speaker 3 I don’t buy many _____________. Until last Saturday, I had two ___________
(Chris): of _____________ and some ________________ and that was about it. But
I saw a great pair of baggy __________________ in town, dark
_______________ and really well cut. My girlfriend was with me when I tried
them on. She hated them. She prefers me in _____________, you see.
Anyway, I decided to get them. I bought this _______________ in the same
colour, too. Nice, isn´t it?
A. Listen to Ben (previous audio) and complete the spaces with the missing words. Then
repeat the sentences and phrases.
1 I __________________ as a ________________ on _______________ evenings
2 ______________ I saw this pair of _____________ cotton shorts
3 with lots of pockets and ___________
4 they looked ______________________
5 with a couple of ____________________ T- shirts.
B. Now write down the words you hear. They begin with w-, y-, z- or ex-. The number of
letters is given.
1. ___ ___ ___ 5. ___ ___ ___ ___
2. ___ ___ ___ ___ 6. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 7. ___ ___ ___ ___
4. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 8. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Pair work. Imagine you are on holiday in places 1-4. Take turns to say what you were wearing
yesterday. Think of two or three items each time.
Choose A, B or C to complete these conversations.
2. You are wearing your T-shirt back to front! A. Take it back then.
B. Yours is the best.
C. I prefer it like that.
1. Listen to the teacher talk about Serena Williams (The teacher makes a short introduction of
the text)
2. Move into groups of four.
3. Listen for meaning: Listen to the whole text.
4. Listen and take notes: Take notes listening key words.
5. Work in groups to reconstruct an approximation of the text from notes (one student acts as
the writer)
6. Compare the reconstructed text and the original. Notice the type of errors that got in the way
of understanding the text.
Student A
Student B
Write a composition taking into account the following questions: What kind
of clothes did you wear in a special occasion? What occasion was that? How
much did you spend? Did you like your clothes?
1. Listen to the conversation and select the correct answer.
1. What size T-shirt does the customer want? Small Medium Large
2. Does the shop have a medium size purple T-shirt? Yes No
3. What color T-shirt does the customer try on? Purple Black Red
4. Does the customer buy the red T-shirt? Yes No
5. How much does it cost? 9.5 19.95 10.95
6. Does the customer pay by credit card or with cash? Credit card Cash
2. Listen to Jane talking to a friend about some clothes that she has bought for her
holiday. What colors are her clothes?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each of her clothes. You will hear the
conversation twice.
Before listening
• Read all the clothes and options before you listen.
• Cross off the answers you choose.
• You may hear all the options but only five are correct.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
0 shirt H
Clothes Colors
1 dress A black
2 jacket B blue
3 sweater C brown
4 coat D green
5 shoes E gray
F orange
G red
H white
3. Listen to Sue talking to a friend about her new clothes. Why did Sue decide to buy
each thing?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to the clothes. You will hear the conversation
0 jeans F
Clothes Sue bought Why?
1 jacket A big
2 dress B cheap
3 sweater C expensive
4 coat D light
5 t-shirt E long
F purple
G short
H soft
SPEAKING: Talk about the kind of clothes you wore in a special occasion.
Read the text about a successful designer. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each
Vera Neumann was a designer and businesswoman whose products made their way into
the homes of people across the USA.
Vera was born in Connecticut in 1907 and showed artistic (1) ……… from an early age.
After attending art college in New York, she got a job as a textile designer, but didn’t like
being (2) ………what to do. Determined to develop her own style, Vera started to produce tablecloths each item
printed by hand in her kitchen.
But it was her scarves that (3) ………Vera’s name. Good fabric was in short (4) ……… during the Second World
War, but Vera was lucky enough to (5) ……… across some silk left over from the manufacture of parachutes.
Vera used it to design scarves with floral, abstract and geometric designs. These were an (6) ……… success
when they appeared in department stores and during the 1950s they were the (7) ……… of fashion, being worn
by celebrities such as the film star Marilyn Monroe. By 1960, the company which Vera had (8) …….. was
employing 200 staff and producing 130 patterns per season.
1. You will hear a teenager asking for information about a sports shirt. Listen and
complete questions 1-5.
Before listening
• Read the information carefully.
• Decide whether the answer is a date, time, name, etc.
• Don’t write more than one or two words or a number.
• Check your spelling carefully – write numbers in figures, not words.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
Color: 1
Size: 2
Price: 3 £
2. You will hear five short conversations. For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right
Before listening
• Look at the questions.
• Decide what information you need to find.
• The questions often ask about time, place, cost and people.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
2. How much are the trainers now?
Read the sentences about Kim’s shopping trip. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for
each space.
5. The shop was ….. by the time Kim and her mum left!
A. changing B. closing C. renting
Look at the picture. What’s happening?
A. LISTENING: Listen to some people in the audience. Decide which model each speaker
is talking about. Choose A, B, C or D.
1 A B C D 7 A B C D
2 A B C D 8 A B C D
3 A B C D 9 A B C D
4 A B C D 10 A B C D
5 A B C D 11 A B C D
6 A B C D 12 A B C D
B. WRITING: You are writing a report for a fashion magazine. Look at models A and D.
Write about what these models are wearing.
The woman is wearing…
The man is wearing…
SPEAKING: Talk about the fashion show. Which model did you like the most? Which one
did you like the least? What is in fashion at the moment?
In the film, the cartwheel scene (where she had to turn over and
over on her hands) was the hardest thing she did. During the
weekend before they filmed it, she was in tears, saying, “I can’t do
it, I can’t do it.” Then just before she did the scene, she fell badly on
her foot. It hurt very much but she kept her boots on and finished the
work. Afterwards, she couldn’t walk for days.
Carrie-Anne is really pleased with her work on all three MATRIX films – and her fans are too!
Read the following sentences. Are they Right (R) or Wrong (W)? If there is not enough
information to answer, write down “Doesn’t say” (DS).
1. Carrie-Anne was a well-known actress before THE MATRIX.
2. Carrie-Anne had to do three months of film tests to show she was
able to do all the fights.
3. Carrie-Anne had to run for three hours during the three long days of
film tests.
4. During the weekend before the film, Carrie-Anne fell badly on her
5. Carrie-Anne was hospitalized for days after she fell on her foot and
finished her work.
1. Mary’s just phoned. She can’t / couldn’t come to the cinema with us tonight.
2. We must / had to sit at the side of the cinema last time because we booked so late.
3. We couldn’t / can’t see very well and the seats weren’t very comfortable.
4. There was nothing we must / could do about it, but this time let’s book earlier!
5. May / Can you buy the tickets at lunch time?
6. We may / must all meet at the cinema no later than 7.15.
7. There can / may be time to have an ice cream after the film.
8. Perhaps, but I could / must catch the 10 o’clock bus because that’s the last one.
3. Complete the sentences using each modal verb once only.
1. Danny didn’t know how to find the cinema. Danny couldn’t find the cinema.
2. Perhaps I’ll come to the theatre tonight. I ____________ come to the theatre tonight.
3. Please wear a white shirt and black trousers at tonight’s concert. You ____________ wear
a white shirt and black trousers at tonight concert.
4. Sorry, but I’m busy next Friday. I ____________ go out with you next Friday.
5. The front door of the club was locked. We _____________ use the back door of the club.
6. I know how to play the drums. I ___________ play the drums.
Read the text about a famous film. Choose the best word (A, B or C) for each space.
1 a. by b. with c. from
2 a. best b. better c. good
3 a. cannot b. had to c. may
4 c. could sailing b. can sail c. could sail
5 a. took b. takes c. taken
6 a. cannot b. may c. couldn’t
7 a. had to b. may c. must
8 a. is also b. also is c. is too
Pair work: Ask and answer questions about films. Follow the topics and
words given. Share the information about your classmate’s favourite film
with the whole class.
2. What / about?
3. Favourite scene?
You will hear five short conversations. For questions 1-5, put a tick under the right
Before listening
• Look at the questions.
• Decide what information you need to find.
• The questions often ask about time, place, cost and people.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
3. Where is the next band from?
1. Listen to Anna. How does she say the short questions below?
Boy: Ray’s ill.
Anna: Is he?
Boy: Perhaps you can play in our band one day then.
Anna: Can I?
Now listen to sentences 1-6. Choose the right short questions from the list below. Write
the sentence number next to the question. There are some questions which you will not
need to use. Then listen to check your answers.
Example: You hear: 1. You left these CD at the party.
Can’t you?
Did they?
Must I?
Have you?
Don’t you?
Isn’t it
Aren’t they?
Did I? 1
Couldn’t she?
2. Now listen again and choose a short phrase from the box to follow your question. Say
the question and phrase aloud. More than one phrase may be possible.
Example: You hear: 1. You left these CDs at the party.
You say: Did I? Thanks.
Never mind. That’s bad. What a pity. Thanks. Great news! How wonderful!
1. Listen to the recording and complete the sentences and/or answer the questions.
1. Music can:
2. Write a short paragraph about music using the previous information you wrote in the
graphic and your own information.
Pair work: Find the errors that some students have made in the following sentences. Correct
the errors; all of them are related to spelling problems with vowels.
Some English words contain two or three vowels together and many of these are mis-spelled
by students. Look carefully at the vowels used in these words.
beautiful idea easy museum
favourite because friend tourist
Read the following words and correct them. All of them have spelling problems with vowels
although they do not contain two or three vowels together:
1. definately
2. dependant
3. privelege
4. rediculous
5. seperate
Pair work: Read these sentences with a partner. Say what you think about each one and give
some extra information. Report your partner’s opinions to the whole class.
1. Animals must not be kept in zoos.
2. Ten years ago, people in offices couldn’t wear jeans.
3. All films must have special effects.
4. We must all look after the planet.
5. Students can get into museums and theme parks more cheaply
than adults.
6. Children under 5 years old must not use cell phones and tablets.
7. Some years ago, people couldn’t take online courses offered by prestigious
8. Students can study and work at the same time.
1. Listen to Laura talking to a friend about places to go. What is the problem with each place?
For questions 1-5, write a letter A-H next to each place. You will hear the conversation twice.
Before listening
• Read all the places and options before you listen.
• Cross off the answers you choose.
• You may hear all the options but only five are correct.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
0 cinema F
Places Problems
1 restaurant A closed
2 disco B cold
3 swimming pool C dirty
4 theatre D expensive
5 sports field E full
F hot
G noisy
H wet
2. Listen to Jane talking to her friend Marian about her American cousins. For questions 1-5,
mark A, B or C. You will hear the conversation twice.
Before listening
• Read the questions and options carefully.
• Remember that the questions are in the order that you will hear them.
• Think about each question separately.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
1. Jane’s cousins will arrive on A. Sunday
B. Monday
C. Tuesday
3. The film they will see at the cinema is A. Friends and Enemies
B. Catch a Train
C. Purple Rain
1. Choose A, B or C to complete these conversations.
1. I’m keen on dancing. A. It’s better.
B. I like it too.
C. I don’t.
5. I bought tickets for the film. A. How much did they cost?
B. Where were they?
C. If you want to.
2. Read the text quickly and say what the pictures show.
Have you ever been to the Chinese State Circus? It’s like no other circus! It’s an
exciting and colorful display of acrobatics, music and dance by men and women
from China. You can see excellent martial arts such as Kung Fu. You can see
people juggling, people dancing in lion costumes and even Chinese ballet and
opera. It’s a traditional show, but the technology of the lights and the special effects
is amazing.
The Shaolin Warriors are a famous part of the show. They perform at different
times, before and after the acrobats. They are very strong and can break wood
and bricks with their hands and feet. This is a kind of martial art. In most circuses,
clowns come on between the acts. In the Chinese State Circus, the Monkey King
appears. The Monkey King is a character from a Chinese story. In the story, he
has magic powers and can control the wind and water. During the circus he makes
everybody laugh. He sometimes asks people watching to come onto the stage.
The Chinese State Circus is a brilliant night out. There is something for everyone
in the show: children, parents and grandparents. Everyone loves it and comes out
3. What is true about acrobatics in China? a. People have been doing it for many years
b. The acrobats use pots and plates
c. The acrobats sometimes do paintings
5. The Shaolin Warriors: a. are a type of acrobat
b. do martial arts
c. usually appear once
WRITING: Write about the entertaining activities that hold your attention, interest,
and give you pleasure and delight.
SPEAKING: speak about the entertaining activities that hold your attention, interest, and give
you pleasure and delight.
1. LISTENING: You will hear a girl asking about a film club. Listen and complete questions 1-
5. You will hear the conversation twice.
Before listening
• Read the information carefully.
• Decide whether the answer is a date, time, name, etc.
• Don’t write more than one or two words or a number.
• Check your spelling carefully – write numbers in figures, not words.
• Check your answers on the second listening.
Day of club: 1
Ask for: 4 Jon
Club is next to 5
2. WRITING: You are Jon’s assistant. He asked you to re-write the sentences underlined using
modals. These are the rules of the International Film Club.
2. If screen shows "THE END", goes black, or rolls credits, the film is over.
5. No cell phones.
7. If this is your first night at Film Club, you bring the popcorn.
SPEAKING: Talk with your classmate about the information given in exercises 1 and 2 about
the International Film Club. Would you be interested in joining the club? Why?
Pay attention to the few features that must be correct in any piece of writing that is to be marked.
If more than one minimum requirement error is found, the writing is returned for checking before
it is marked.
2. Pronoun-noun agreement Please call Maria to tell she about Please call Maria to tell
her mother her about her mother
3. Every sentence must I from Perú I am from Perú
contain a subject and a
4. No spelling errors I need to go witht you I need to go with you
Write your score for each reading passage at the bottom of the chart. Then put an X in one of the boxes
above the reading passage number to mark your time for each passage. Look on the right side of the
chart to find your reading speed for each reading passage. wpm: Words per Minute.
Time wpm
1.50 300
2.00 275
2.10 254
2.20 236
2.30 220
2.40 206
2.50 194
3.00 183
3.10 174
3.20 165
3.30 157
3.40 150
3.50 144
4.00 138
4.10 132
4.20 127
4.30 122
4.40 118
4.50 114
5.00 110
5.10 106
5.20 103
5.30 100
5.40 97
5.50 94
6.00 92
Reading 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Each time you do 10 minute writing, put the number of words you wrote on this graph. When your written
work has been marked and returned to you, put the number of errors per 100 words on the graph for
that piece of writing.
Number of words
Pieces of Writing 1 2 3 4 5