Warehousing Questions 2, SC

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1. How do you optimize warehouse operations? Identify and explain?

Warehouse operations can be optimized by:

1) Minimizing the number of touches that can cause errors and damages to
products and orders.

2) Offload some WMS processes to a Warehouse Control System (WCS). WCS

solutions help manage materials handling equipment in real time, which will
maximize system throughput and performance, and provide visibility to potential

3) Stock materials using logical sequencing that is meaningful for workers. Doing
this will Prevent goods from being misplaced by storing them where workers will
intuitively look for them.

4) Gather real-time operations intelligence on warehousing processes.

Benchmarking performance and analyzing collected data can facilitate more
informed decisions about how to respond to changing customer requirements
and business goals.

5) Upgrade selectively. Don’t just implement the latest, greatest module from your
WMS vendor. The added complexity may slow operations, befuddle staff, and
generate unnecessary work.

6) Gain end-to-end visibility throughout the facility and processes. Many

organizations, supply chain executives and corporate operations plan
independently, often negatively impacting corporate goals so warehouses need
to Maximize profits and establish competitive advantage with cross-functional
organizational plans.

7) Align warehouse operations with key business goals. Even if facing pressure
from customers to implement changes, don't ignore your overall business
objectives. Focus on actions that meet strategies.

8) Implement equipment to automate warehousing processes. Warehouse

automation increases throughput, eliminates errors, and heightens shipping,
picking, packing, storage, crossdocking, and labor performance.
9) Establish flexibility and agility in the warehouse. Select a WMS that seamlessly
integrates with your ERP and supply chain systems to be able to make changes
fast when you face competitive pressures. 

10)Establish key performance indicators. Measure results, and implement changes

to improve your business performance.

2. How does warehousing create value for firms and supply chains?
Elaborate and give example.

Warehousing creates value for firms and supply chains by identifying what would
be of value to an individual buyer and then finding or making a way for that
unique value to be realized. Unlike added value, created value is original and
unique to the one buyer it suits. To elaborate value creation is any process that
creates outputs that are more valuable that its inputs. This is the basis of
efficiency and productivity. Example of this is a firm that manufactures eye glass
frames on a product line. The eye glass frames have greater value on the market
than the cost of inputs such capital, labor, energy and materials.

Summarize what you learn (Possible student prompts: What did you learn? What
worked well? What was the most challenging aspect of this project? What will
you do differently next time?)

I learned that Warehouse operations efficiency is key to the success of any

company that processes, inventories, and ships orders. When efficiency lags,
products may not arrive at customer destinations on time, orders can get lost,
and low inventory levels can result in stockouts. And The most challenging
aspect of this project is to seek for a reliable resource and to have a good eye to
eye contact while recording yourself but I overcome it and finished the task given.

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