Student's Book Answer Key

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The document discusses different ways of working like freelancing, teleworking, job sharing, etc. and their advantages and disadvantages. It also provides tips for writing press releases.

Some different ways of working discussed are freelancing, teleworking, job sharing, shift work, part-time work, temping and hot-desking.

Some advantages mentioned are flexibility and being your own boss. Some disadvantages mentioned are lack of job security, difficulty in progressing career and disruption to employees.

Student’s Book

Answer Key
Total Business 2
Total Business 2 Student’s Book temping lots of variety hard to progress
Answer Key your career
consultancy well paid no job security
MODULE 1 flexitime good for work-life not good for
balance people who like
1.1 Ways of Working routine
Pages 6 and 7
hot-desking saves the disruptive to
Vocabulary 2 company money employees
1 F 2 H 3 A 4 G
5 C 6 I 7 D 8E Reading 5
1 Open your mind
Vocabulary 3 2 Plan for disaster
Possible answers 3 Get organised
Freelance, temping, consultancy: 4 Set your limits
It’s great because I’m my own boss but I still get to work 5 Put pen to paper
with lots of different people. 6 Don’t feel guilty
7 Two become one
It can get a bit lonely at times. And I miss my colleagues Pages 8 and 9
and all the office gossip.
Listening 1
Job-sharing: 1 Have a timetable and stick to it.
When one of us wants a week off, the other person does 2 Advantages:
a few extra days so it’s fairly flexible. – you spend more time with the children
– more flexibility
Shift work: – the company saves money on office space
The only problem is sleeping. Your body never knows if – no commuting.
it’s night or day! Disadvantages:
– sometimes you work in the evening
Part-time, teleworking: – you miss people and office news.
My children are at school so it lets me spend more time
with them. Listening 2
1 7.00 – get up, get the kids ready
Temping: 8.30 – take kids to school
I like it because it’s only for a couple of months and I’m 9.00 – start work
saving my money to go round the world. 12.00 – have lunch
14.30 – finish work
Hot-desking: 2 She’s been with her current employer since she left
I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything school, but she’s been home- working for five years.
around in my bag and sometimes there’s nowhere to sit. 3 She’s going to the office every day to meet visitors.

Vocabulary 4 Grammar 3
Possible answers 1 B 2 D 3 A 4C
Possible Possible Grammar 4
advantages disadvantages 1 Present simple
freelance you choose the no job security 2 Present perfect continuous
job 3 Present perfect simple
teleworking organise your you need to 4 Present continuous
work time be good at
self-organisation Grammar 5
1 need
job-sharing more free time need to
2 communicate
coordinate with
3 have escaped
other person
4 have been working
shift work gives you your tiring 5 have been
days free 6 ’m working
part-time more free time less money 7 answer

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Total Business 2
1.2 Making Contacts Writing 2
Pages 10 and 11 1 I am writing to …
2/3 Further to our previous meeting / With regard to your
Listening 1 letter dated …
work for 4 how about
responsible for 5 I would like to apologise for
report to 6 I’m sorry that …
specialise in 7 we are pleased to
involved in 8 Unfortunately
deal with 9 Can you
in charge of 10 Do you want me to
11 May I remind you …
Listening 3 12 Don’t forget
Possible answer 13 we look forward to working with you …
‘Networking’ is the skill of making contacts and can help 14 See you soon
people progress in their career through knowing the 15 Yours sincerely
‘right’ people. The skill is important in areas such as sales
where you need to develop relationships with potential Writing 3
customers. Possible answer

Reading 4 To: All Staff

1 A 2 A 3 C 4 C 5 B
6 A 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 C From: [Name of Student]

Reading 5 Date: 25th July

People network at:
– conferences Subject: Parental Leave
– trade fair events
– coffee breaks Further to our previous meeting, I am pleased to
– formal ‘networking’ events confirm that parental leave for fathers has been
The reasons are: extended to three weeks. The new system will come
– to help people maximise their potential into operation as from 25th September. May I remind
– to get to know other people you that your managers will require one month’s
– for people with little experience. notice?

Listening 6
1 C 2 A 3 D 4B MODULE 2

Listening 7/8 2.1 Company Benefits

1 D 2 I 3 C 4 J 5 A 6 E Pages 16 and 17
7 K 8 L 9 F 10 G 11 H
Vocabulary 2
Pages 12 and 13 1 a company car
2 flexible working hours
Writing 1 3 parental leave
1 The email and post-it note are not related to her work. 4 an impressive job title
2 The memo and the letter are formal because they are 5 a pension
giving information and replying to a customer with a
complaint. The language uses quite long and fixed Reading 3
expressions. opportunities for promotion, training and staff
3 The memo is ‘internal communication’ because it was development, a pension
sent within the company. Everyone in the company *Note that the article also mentions ‘a reward and
received a copy of it. recognition scheme’ which is another form of incentive.
4 The memo uses the To/From/Date/Subject headings.
It doesn’t require an opening salutation line Reading 4
(Dear …) or closing salutation (Best … Yours …). 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5C
Memos often have only one paragraph.
5 Tel. / asap / @ / RE

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Total Business 2
Vocabulary 5
1 take (Moloney’s comments) with a pinch of salt I have a good knowledge of English as I completed
2 takes care of a course at college and I am also fluent in Italian
3 Take (Carole Palmer) having lived in Rome for the summer in 2006.
4 took part in
Please note that my current manager has agreed to
5 takes on write me a reference. I look forward to hearing from
6 takes seriously you.

Pages 18 and 19 Yours faithfully

Speaking 1 [student’s name]

1 How long have you been working for the company?
2 When did you join (the company)?
3 What was your first job?
4 What are you responsible for? 2.2 Presenting Your Company
5 Where are you based? Pages 20 and 21
6 What would you like to do in the future?
Listening 2
Grammar 3 headquarters corporation divisions
Past simple: started
Present perfect: has moved Listening 3
Present perfect continuous: has been working sixteen billion
nine hundred and seventy-eight million
Grammar 4 one hunded and sixty
1 began fifty-five thousand
2 trademarked half
3 became four
4 has been six
5 has been working five billion
6 has been two billion
7 took part nineteen oh six
one hundred and twelve billion
Grammar 5
1 have been working Listening 4
2 joined 16,000,000,000 turnover
3 have had 978,000,000,000 final income
4 have been considering 160 countries
5 has expanded / has been expanding (we are unsure if 55,000 employees
the expansion has ended) half of 55,000 in the USA
6 completed 4 divisions
7 have been studying 6% of revenue dedicated to research & development
8 has agreed 5,000,000,000 dollars revenue in Europe
(over) 2,000,000,000 dollars rest of world revenue
Writing 6 1906 company founded
Possible answer 112,000,000,000 total market

Listening 5
Dear Sir or Madam 1 A 2 F 3 F 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 B
8 B 9 B 10 D 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 C
I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to 15 F
Overseas Sales Manager in yesterday’s newspaper
and I would like to apply for the position. Pages 22 and 23

As you can see from my attached CV, I have been Writing 4

working for a travel agency for the last six months, 1 All staff.
which I have really enjoyed. Before that I worked as
2 Any staff with a company-based pension scheme.
a receptionist and secretary for two years.
(cont.) 3 There have been changes in the government
pension laws.

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Total Business 2
4 This will affect the current company-based pension Reading 2
scheme. Possible answers
5 A presentation will be given by the Head of Finance on Becoming a franchisee:
the changes and any effects. – good if you don’t have much business experience
– less risky than being a sole trader
Writing 5 – you have a business relationship with someone else
presentation, changes, pension, scheme – only 0.9% of franchises fail
– doesn’t suit people who don’t like to follow other
Writing 6 sys tems/people
Possible answers – offers some independence and you don’t work for
Memo 1: Display of new factory plans someone else
Memo 2: Presentation on flexitime and home-working
Memo 3: Spanish classes Reading 3
1 launch
Writing 7 2 charge
Possible answer 3 fee
4 growth
5 concept
To: All Staff
6 branch out
From: [name of student]
Listening 4
– You must be someone who likes to follow rules and
Date: 1st October
have support from others.
– Choose a strong brand and something you are
Subject: Presentation of new insurance policy
interested in.
– You need start-up capital.
To offer staff a better health insurance scheme, we
are now working with a new insurance company.
Listening 5
Please note therefore that a representative from
1 it’s important when
this company will present the new staff policy on 9th
2 Secondly, I’d say
October at 2pm in the conference room. All staff are
3 For example
welcome to attend.
4 also think
5 Finally, there’s
3.1 Starting a Business
Pages 26 and 27 Pages 28 and 29

Vocabulary 1 Listening 1
Possible answers 1 Naunton
2 Launching your business online
Advantages Disadvantages 3 Sunday evening
4 nine fifteen/9.15
Sole trader You take all the If you go 5 [email protected]
profit bankrupt,
you lose Listening 2
everything 1 are opening the room at 3 2 set up 3 4pm
4 twelve 5 seven
Partnership You share the You might
pressure disagree on Grammar 3
strategy 1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5A
Franchise The business Part of your
model is profits Grammar 4
given to you so goes to the 1 won’t be setting 2 will be arriving
there is franchisor 3 ’ll have finished 4 ’ll have gone
less risk
Grammar 5
1 Sentences 1 and 2 are future continuous.
2 Sentences 3 and 4 are future perfect.

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Total Business 2
Grammar 6 Writing 4/5
1 ’ll call 2 won’t rise 3 ’re running Possible answers
4 ’m going to have 5 leaves 6 will be opening
7 will have started 8 ’s going to leave To: Kirsten
9 ’ll be receiving
Caller: Andrzej Welanetz
3.2 Leaving and Taking Messages
Pages 30 and 31 Message: Please email details of the next telephone
skills course to [email address]. He’s sending five
Listening 1 people so also include details of discounts on group
1 D 2 H 3 B 4 G 5C bookings.

Listening 3
A 2 B 6 C 3 D3 E2 F 4 G 7 H 5 To: Vanessa
I 4 J 6 K 7 L5
Caller: Sergiusz Parteka
Pages 32 and 33
Message: He’s sorry but he’s postponing his booking
Writing 1 for the seminar on the 13th. Please send dates for
1 on his home number the next seminar and explain if the course fee can be
2 that the next meeting is on the 23rd refunded.
3 the final dates
4 for any confusion
5 the meeting MODULE 4
6 to call
7 bring the interviews forward 4.1 Advertising
8 join us/them later Pages 36 and 37
9 order number 01-X33
Vocabulary 2
Writing 2 1 mailshots
Possible answers 2 TV commercials
1 Please email Ralph details of next month’s seminars at 3 word of mouth
[email protected]. 4 brochures
2 Maria Monblot wants to attend next month’s business 5 sample
breakfast meeting not this month’s. Confirm this 6 newspaper adverts
with her on 768 4556. 7 banners
3 Please call Jochen Anderson about the schedule for the 8 spam
25th between two and five o’clock. He wants to change
the time and length of his workshop. Vocabulary 3
4 Please call Jochen Anderson on behalf of Vanessa Possible answers
about the schedule on the 25th.
5 Bryan in security confirmed the opening arrangements
Types of Advantages Disadvantages
for Sunday. Call him on 07786 678 8890 if there’s
anything else.
mailshots quick to deliver not seen for long
Writing 3 TV commercials memorable and people
1 can be fun remember the
Dates: The event is on the 25th. advert but not
Times: The schedule says Jochen is speaking at 9.30pm the product
but he’s supposed to speak at 11am. He’d actually prefer word of mouth you trust this people can also
to speak at 2pm. form most spread bad news
Numbers: His mobile is 0778 890 8895.
2 brochures give you more expensive to
Checking and clarifying details: Let me check. So that’s time to study produce and
… / I see / Let me read that back to you. information send out to your
Confirming action: I’ll have to check … then call you back. target market
/ I’ll call you back in an hour. sample people can test expensive
Requesting further information: Could you give me before buying
your … ?

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Total Business 2
newspaper read by many read quickly or Grammar 5
adverts ignored The modal verbs in sentences 2–4 in exercise 3 refer to
the past. They are formed like this: modal verb + have +
banners you can target a they disappear
past participle
market by choice quickly
of website
Grammar 6
spam very cheap to people delete 1 should
produce and them 2 didn’t need to
deliver before reading
3 mustn’t

4 must have
Listening 4
5 couldn’t get
He mentions the following techniques:
6 needn’t have complained
– use search engines to put your name at the top of the
7 don’t have to
8 shouldn’t
– get links on other sites
– through a site review
4.2 Delegating
– get free advertising
– have a memorable domain name
Pages 40 and 41
– email campaigns (spam)
– send out a monthly newsletter
Reading 2
– have competitions or give something for free
1 A 2 E 3 C 4 D 5 G 6 F 7B
Listening 5
Listening 3
1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5C
The manager clearly doesn’t follow:
1 The manager says, ‘I don’t want to give you anything
Pages 38 and 39
too difficult.’ so it isn’t challenging.
3 He starts by saying, ‘I know you’re really busy but …’
Reading 3
5 He doesn’t ask the employee to explain the instructions
1 Case study 1
back to him.
2 Case study 3
6 He won’t be available to answer questions.
3 Case study 3
7 He doesn’t give any praise for the work the employee
4 Case study 2
did on the schedules last time.
5 Case study 1
6 Case study 2
Listening 4
7 Case study 1
A 3 B 4 C 4 D 5 E 7 F 7
G 3 H 2 I 5 J 6 K 4 L4
Grammar 4
1 could
Pronunciation 5
2 needn’t
4.3 Listening script
3 should
Can I borrow your expertise in something?
4 must
I’ve asked you because …
5 should
Let me know how it’s going once a week, please.
6 couldn’t
I’ll need a report on this with your findings and your rec-
7 mustn’t
So, let’s go through this one more time to check it’s clear.
Students then categorise these in the summary:
One thing you might want to think about is …
You’ve done a great job on this!
Possibility: could
I’ve got a job here that will really interest you …
Obligation: mustn’t
I’d like you to be in charge of all of it.
Advice: should
What are you going to do?
Criticism: should
Feel free to call me if you have any questions.
Deduction: must (have)
Can you give this priority because they need it as soon as
Lack of obligation: needn’t (have)*
No possibility: couldn’t
The deadline for this is next Thursday.
*Note that with verbs for lack of obligation, didn’t need to
Pages 42 and 43
means the action didn’t happen and wasn’t necessary,
whereas needn’t have means it wasn’t necessary but the
action happened.

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Total Business 2
Writing 1 Listening 4
Possible answer Draw up selection of possible artworks 3
Installation 5
Report on visits to website and proposed Select or commission artworks 4
marketing strategy Art consultant makes initial visit 1
__________________________________________ Present possible choices to client 2

Introduction Listening 5
The aim of this report is to comment on the number Overall, the speaker seems to be suggesting that
of people visiting the company website in the last modern artworks are a better choice to show you are a
three months and propose a marketing strategy for modern company and ‘planning for the future’. Traditional
the next three months. artworks say that a company is old or lacks new ideas.

Findings Listening 6
Over the last three months, the number of visitors 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6A
has increased by 650. There are two reasons for the
increase. First of all, we launched a newsletter for Pages 48 and 49
subscribers. Secondly in May, we ran a competition
which was very popular. Grammar 1
With regard to costs, banners have cost 3,200 1 We prefer
euros a month but very few people seem to visit the 2 they preferred
website as a result of these. 3 I’ve always disliked
On the other hand, the newsletter doesn’t cost 4 he’d always disliked
anything (other than my time) but has helped to 5 I’ll need
increase the number of visitors. 6 she would need

Recommendations Grammar 2
In order to increase the number of visitors, I would 1 She said that she wasn’t happy with the arrangements.*
recommend that we continue with the newsletter and 2 He said they were moving the following week.
run more competitions and quizzes. I also propose 3 They said they’d planned everything.
that we stop using banners and put more resources 4 He said that he’d left the company in 2001.
into setting up links with other sites to increase the 5 The caller said she would call back the next day.
* Note that if the fact of the sentence is still true we
sometimes do NOT change the verb, e.g. in 1, if the
Writing 2 woman still isn’t happy at the time of speaking, the
speaker could say: ‘She said that she isn’t happy with
Introduction the arrangements.’
The report sets out to …
The purpose of this report is to … Grammar 3
1 F 2 C 3 B 4 E 5 A 6D
In addition to … Possible answers
Alternatively 1 He concluded that the company could offer a 2% pay
As a result of rise.
This means … 2 She apologised for missing the deadline./ She
Recommendations apologised that she had missed the deadline.
In conclusion 3 He called to say he would be a few minutes late.
I would propose / suggest that … 4 They agreed that management was spending too much
The findings clearly show that we should … time on paperwork.
5 He argued that they could buy new computers with that.
MODULE 5 6 He asked if he could take a day off next/the following
5.1 The Workplace
Pages 46 and 47 Listening 4
Speaker 1 The picture on the bottom left.
Reading 2 Speaker 2 The picture on the bottom right.
1 A 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 D Speaker 3 The first picture.
8 B 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 C

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Total Business 2
Speaker 4 The third picture. How do you feel about that idea? / What do you think? /
Speaker 5 The second picture. How do you feel about that?

Listening 5 Agree with last opinion:

1 B, D, F I’d go along with you there. / I agree. / Sure.
Move to next item on the agenda:
I suggest we move on to the next item … / Let’s move
4 E, G on … / Moving on to point two …
You don’t understand the last point:
5.2 Participating in a Meeting Sorry, but I don’t quite follow you. / Sorry, I don’t under-
Pages 50 and 51 stand. / Can you explain what you mean exactly?

Reading 2 Ask for more explanation:

3 attend Would you mind telling us a little more about … ? / I’d like
4 such to know more about … / Tell us a little more about …
5 the
Ask if everyone agrees:
6 correct
Have we reached agreement on this? / Do we all agree? /
7 in
Is that OK with everyone?
8 for
9 to
Listening 3
10 about
Point 1: DZ agreed (not disagreed) and will go on the 7th
11 correct
(not the 6th).
12 its
Point 2: DZ didn’t offer but has already found a hotel.
13 correct
Point 3: HS suggests a lunchtime reception (not breakfast
14 that
buffet). DZ agrees.
Point 4: The brochure has incorrect prices (not dates). RS
Vocabulary 4
will make new price lists (not HS).
1 hold
2 run
Writing 4
3 see (also take your point is possible but see 6)
Possible answer
4 attend
5 set
6 take
7 move Minutes of the meeting to discuss plans for
Seattle conference
8 go
9 reach Participants: Robert Samuelson (Chair), Dahlia Zille,
10 give Hugo Sata.
Date: 27th November
Speaking 5
1 J 2 D 3 E 4 H 5 K 6 F RS opened the meeting and suggested that
7 G 8 I 9 B 10 C someone should arrive two days early to set up. HS
disagreed and suggested that one day was enough
Pages 52 and 53 time. DZ agree to arrive on the 7th.

1 DZ confirmed that she had already booked a hotel

and would book the flights.
Possible expressions
Give your opinion:
RS wanted to discuss the issue of sponsoring an
It seems to me that …
event for delegates. HS suggested that a lunchtime
I think …
event might attract more visitors to the exhibition
In my opinion …
stand. Everyone agreed and RS said he would give
HS a budget.
Suggest new idea:
I’d like to suggest that we … / Let’s … / Why don’t we …?
DZ raised the issue of the incorrect price lists. It
Disagree with last opinion:
was agreed that RS would make new price lists and
I’m sorry, but I just can’t agree with your there. / I disa-
include some offers.
gree. / No, because …

Ask for opinion:

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Total Business 2
honest with them that it is appropriate to leave.

Pages 58 and 59
MODULE 6 Grammar 1
1 ’s employed.
6.1 Recruitment 2 must have been asked
Pages 56 and 57 3 is hoped
4 are being made redundant
Reading 2 5 is to be looked at
1 A, C 2 B 3C 4A 5 A, B 6 were taken on
7 ’ll be fired
Vocabulary 4
give a job: hire, recruit, employ Grammar 2
take someone’s job away: dismiss, sack, fire, lay off, Present continuous 4
make redundant Present perfect 0
leave a job: give notice, walk out, resign, take voluntary Past simple 6
redundancy Will (future) 7
Present infinitive 5
Listening 5 It + passive 3
Speaker 1: E Modal 2
Speaker 2: G
Speaker 3: C Grammar 3
Speaker 4: A 1 are given
Speaker 5: B 2 is being reviewed
3 ’ve been offered
Speaking 6 4 was set up
Possible answers 5 will be given
1 Many people will respond that it is unethical, however, it 6 to be looked at
is also a cultural issue since people from some 7 is hoped
countries would take the attitude that if it gets you the 8 have been delayed
job then it is acceptable. It may also be the case that
an applicant doesn’t have the right qualification Grammar 5
but is still able to do the job well. 1 to assess
2 was unfairly dismissed
2 You would expect that all managers should talk to the 3 was followed
person in question about an issue and also to anyone 4 has been found
involved such as colleagues of the person. 5 had failed
6 is reported
3 Good communication can avoid problems before they 7 gave
get out of control. Staff problems can be caused by 8 was dismissed
problems at home or difficulties with other members of 9 appears
the team. By regularly talking to staff a manager might 10 is recommended
be able to predict issues even before they arise 11 should be carried out
and take action. 12 will help

4 This will often depend on the level of the post. Senior 6.2 Emailing
managers may often have three to six months as a Pages 60 and 61
notice period whereas the basic employee may only
have as little as a week in which to find a new job. Reading 2
1 B 2 F 3 D 4 A 5 E 6C
5 Responses will include qualifications, references,
character and personality, how they work with others, Vocabulary 3
reasons for leaving the other job, etc. 1 a computer
2 click
6 Many companies have a policy of one verbal warning, a 3 shut down
written warning and finally the employee is fired. 4 mouse
5 delete
7 Students might feel that if a company has not been 6 break

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Total Business 2
7 dismiss 2
8 sender Dear [name]
9 icon
Possible answers Thanks for reminding me. The training event
takes place on the 3rd September from 9–5 in the
1 Switch on the computer with this button here.
conference rooms. Please inform all department
2 Double click on the icon. managers and forward the attached documents
3 Shut down the computer and restart it. which are to be read before the event.
4 Use the mouse to move the cursor.
5 I deleted the email by mistake. Thanks
6 Put a page break in here.
7 Our company dismiss people who send per- [name]
sonal emails.
8 This email doesn’t say who the sender is.
9 Run the game by clicking on the icon. 3
Dear Department Managers
Pages 62 and 63
Would you all please note that the next health
and safety training event takes place on the 3rd
Reading1 September from 9–5 in the conference rooms. As
The order they were each sent is 3, 2, 4, 1. you know this is a legal requirement. Please also
find attached documents which you should be
Reading 2 familiar with before the event.
Request information: Please give me …
Announce: Would all staff note … Thanks for your cooperation.
Request action: Please / I’d be grateful if …
Suggest: Why don’t you … [name]
Thank: We appreciate …
Refer to: With regard to …
Explain reason: The reason is … 4
Offer: Would you like me to … Dear [name]
Apologise: I’m afraid …
Thanks for informing the managers. Unfortunately,
the training event has been postponed. The
Reading 3 reason is the trainer is unavailable. He has
Possible answers suggested the 23rd September, so can you let all
Request information: I’d like … managers know?
Announce: Please note …
Request action: I’d like to request that … Sorry for the inconvenience.
Suggest: How about …
Thank: We thank you for … [name]
Refer to: With reference to …
Explain reason: This is because …
Offer: Can I … 5
Apologise: I am sorry but … Dear Department Managers
Writing 4
Possible answers Following my previous email, I am writing to
inform you of a change in date to the health and
safety training event. Due to the unavailability
Dear [name] of the trainer on the 3rd September, the event
will now take place on the 23rd. All other details
remain the same.
Would you please send me details of the next
health and safety training event? I’m aware that it Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
is due in the near future.


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Total Business 2
MODULE 7 Pronunciation
7.1 Sales repetitive
Pages 66 and 67 repetition
Reading 2 challenge
Reasons for choosing marketing challenging
– sounds better at dinner parties vary
– has an air of glamour (whereas sales has an varied
unglamorous image) variety
– (many graduates believe) you work on creative PR payment
campaigns and go on lots of jollies frustrate
– marketing seems more attractive (than sales) frustrating
Reasons for choosing sales responsible
– it isn’t as bad as myths suggest responsibility
– unlike marketing, sales is tangible
– it has a direct impact on a company’s results Grammar 5
– you meet people and communicate with different – You add -er/-est to form short comparative and
personalities superlative adjectives.
– in sales there’s a buzz of a target-driven environment – You use more/most before longer adjectives.
– you can manage millions of pounds of business – The structure as + adjective + as shows two things are
– make customers happy equal.
– it’s incredibly rewarding
Grammar 6
Reading 3 1 bad
1 B 2 C 3 B 4D 2 most
3 most enjoyable
Vocabulary 4 4 more
1 E 2 D 3 B 4 F 5 A 6 G 7C 5 than
6 better
Pages 68 and 69 7 as
8 better
Reading 1
1 B, C 2A 3A 4C 7.2 Selling
Pages 70 and 71
Vocabulary 2
Possible answers Reading 1
Job A: frustrating, challenging Possible answers
Job B: repetitive, boring – persuasiveness
Job C: repetitive, boring, frustrating – knowledgeable
– trustworthy
Vocabulary 3 – believes in the product or service
– never gives up
adjective noun comparative superlative
form form Reading 2
1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 C
boring bore / more boring most boring
8 A 9 B 10 A 11 B 12 D 13 B 14 C
15 C
challenging challenge more most
challenging challenging
Listening 3
varied variety more varied most varied Salesperson 1: 3 – advertising
well-paid pay / better-paid best-paid Salesperson 2: 4 or 5 – car
payment Salesperson 3: 1 or 6 – stationery
frustrating frustration more most Salesperson 4: 4 – personal organisers
frustrating frustrating Salesperson 5: 7 – home improvements/insulation
responsible responsibility more most
responsible responsible

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Total Business 2
Listening 4 the warehouse isn’t as central so the proposal to Mr
1 June Burr will have to convince him that the benefits
2 radio outweigh this problem.
3 2007
4 five seconds Writing 4
5 design Possible answer
6 red
Dear Mr Burr
7 logo
8 house
Further to your enquiry about the warehousing at
9 a representative
the W1 site, I am delighted to say this space is still
available. However, with regard to your additional
Listening 5
requirements please note that you would have to rent
A 4 B 3 C 1 D 5 E 1 F 3 G 3
two separate spaces of 50 square metres and the
warehouse has limited parking for five cars only and
limited access.
Listening 6
Establish customer needs: B, D, F
As an alternative, you might wish to consider a
Suggest possible requirements: C, E
new storage option called Circular Storage that has
Compare: A, H
recently become available to Spacesaver. While it is
Close the sale: G
a little further from the centre of the city than W1, it
has the following features:
Pages 72 and 73
– easy access for lorries and adequate parking for
Reading 1
– security with CCTV
1 The client needs office space for twelve months.
– space availability of 100 square metres (and more
2 The salesperson can meet those needs and also wants
if required)
to try and sell a little more in addition.
3 The second location offered has these benefits:
Please also note that it would be two-thirds the price
– offices on the same floor
of W1, and the 10% discount for a two-year booking
– wonderful views
would still apply. A visit to these premises can be
– more convenient than the other location for
arranged, although I would like to suggest a prompt
decision on this second option.
– suitable parking facilities
I look forward to hearing from you in the very near
Reading 2
Possible answers
– Thank you for your order …
Yours sincerely
– Further to your request …
– I’d like to mention that I can also …
– please note …
– As an interesting alternative, you might wish to
consider … MODULE 8
– It has the following features …
– Please consider this possibility and note … 8.1 Training
– I would suggest a prompt decision … Pages 76 and 77
– I look forward to hearing from you.
Reading 1
Writing 3 Possible reasons
1 Mr Burr needs warehousing for 18 months. He needs – the teacher
100 square metres in space, security and parking for at – the other people on the course
least twenty people, as well as good access. – the facilities
2 Spacesaver can meet those needs if Mr Burr takes two – the approach / methods
spaces of 50 square metres (although this is – how much it responds to your needs
expensive). However, parking and access are poor. – the extras (lunch, comfort, etc)
3 Spacesaver is more positive about the warehouse at
Circular Storage because there is 100 square metres’
space. It’s also cheaper and has good access and
parking as well as security. The only drawback is that

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Reading 2 3 Little difference.
– The people in the first and fourth statement would prob 4 Big difference: A refers to the end of a continued
ably benefit from the Effective Leader course because activity. B implies that one activity was interrupted in
they are both having problems with their staff. favour of another.
– The other people in the second and third statement 5 Little difference.
refer to situations where people are not working
well with others. Grammar 4
1 Would
Listening 4 2 to ask
1 Sergio wants to take both of the courses because they 3 hate
will help him with his new role. 4 recommended
2 They disagree on whether online training is as effective 5 prefer
as face-to-face training.
8.2 Showing You’re Listening
Listening 5 Pages 80 and 81
Online training:
– you don’t need to go away Reading 2
– you arrange things around your work 1 SUCH 7 BEEN
– you can communicate with other people on the course 2 THAT 8 ON
– you can do it from home 3 AS 9 FEW
– it’s cheaper 4 CORRECT 10 BY
Face-to-face training: 6 TO
– you get new ideas from other people on the course
– networking Listening 3
– you can ask the tutor questions Conversation 1: Good. The person asks questions and
uses encouraging words like ‘Really?’
Speaking 6 Conversation 2: Bad. The person interrupts and gives an
It’s great because … opinion straightaway.
You’re right, but I also think … Conversation 3: Bad. The person says what to do without
The other thing (reason) is that … finding out how the other person feels.
The problem is that … Conversation 4: Good. The person checks and shows
I don’t think … understanding.

Pages 78 and 79 Listening 4

Let me check I’ve understood you.
Grammar 1 So what you’re saying is … Is that right?
1 for being I see what you mean.
2 suggested doing That’s interesting.
3 needed to speak I see.
Why do you think that is?
Grammar 2 Really?
1 doing
2 telling Listening 5
3 to enrol Let me check I’ve understood you. 4
4 to take So what you’re saying is … Is that right? 4
5 using Well of course the answer is simple, isn’t it? 3
6 doing Let me just stop you there … 2
7 to have I see what you mean. 4
8 networking That’s interesting. (not used)
9 to answer I see. 1
10 to do Can I tell you what I think? 3
Why do you think that is? 1
Grammar 3 Really? 1
1 Big difference: A is an invitation to play tennis in Well what you need to do is … 2
the future. B is a question about the person’s general
interests. Pages 82 and 83
2 Little difference. Like can be followed by either form and
for these two questions, the answer will be the same.

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Vocabulary 1
– The purpose is always in the first paragraph of the Despite having been very satisfied with your services
letter. In this case the purpose is to complain. in the past I may have to reconsider using your
– The explanation of what happened is in the second hotel in the future. I would be grateful to hear any
paragraph where more detail is generally given comments you have to make in writing.
in a letter to support the first paragraph. In this case
the trainer was late and sessions were delayed. Yours faithfully
The two members of staff also didn’t like the trainer’s
– The final paragraph should explain the action the Dear M…
sender requires. The sender wants to receive an
explanation. Thank you for your recent letter regarding your stay
at our hotel. I regret that the experience did not
Vocabulary 2 achieve your normal expectations. I have now spoken
1 Following 4 However to the staff involved and as a result I am in a position
2 due to 5 Despite* to comment.
3 As a result of 6 In addition to
Unfortunately, our online booking system has been
* Note the verb construction that follows this linker. undergoing some changes and this may have
affected both your booking of a room and the meeting
Vocabulary 3 rooms. I apologise for any delays but please note that
1 as a result of / due to / following all our meeting rooms are equipped with the same
2 Furthermore / Moreover level of services. With regard to the policy on towels,
3 However / Nevertheless the hotel feels that it must play its part in working
4 Despite towards helping the environment and so we have
5 Furthermore / Moreover recently considered a number of ways in which to
6 Following / As a result of / Due to achieve this. However, your comments on towels will
be raised at our next meeting on this policy.
Listening 5
(allow for some variation) Following your letter therefore, I wish to apologise for
1 the 26th April any inconvenience caused. I would like to offer you a
2 was unavailable at short notice free two-day voucher, which can be used at this hotel
3 we had to get a replacement trainer in the future. We look forward to your next visit and
4 we added the lost time on the end of the two days. any further feedback you have.
5 your company sent an extra person
6 discovery Best regards/Yours sincerely
7 positive feedback

Writing 6
Possible answers

Dear Sir or Madam 9.1 Branding

Pages 86 and 87
Following my recent experience of your hotel, I have
decided to send you some feedback in the hope that Reading 2
you can improve your services. 1 B 2 G 3 E 4 C 5 A 6 F 7D

I arrived at reception at 6pm on 7th November to Extension

find there was no record of my booking. As a result 1 Sugar and butter, vanilla and mandarin, white tea,
of this I waited 45 minutes. The following day, my lavender, cherry.
two clients and I were delayed due to the meeting 2 In stores to put customers in the mood for buying,
room being double-booked. Eventually we were attract customers to displays, make shoppers
given another smaller room. Finally, towels were not wait longer, visit a hotel ice cream shop, to create
changed overnight. Room service explained that this the perception that the product is good, on mobile
was because of the hotel’s ‘environmentally-friendly’ phone keypads and on billboards
policy. While I agree with the sentiment of this policy, 3 odour, scent, fragrance, aroma
I do not think that changing at least one towel is

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Speaking 3 Reading 7
Possible answers 1 which where
One thing that interests me about this is that smell can 2 what who
have such an effect on humans. 3 who’s whose
One thing that surprises me is that ScentAir’s turnover 4 where, (delete comma)
has quadrupled as a result. 5 when why
6 whose which
Pages 88 and 89 7 why where
8 nowadays, (delete comma)
Grammar 1
1 which 9.2 Getting Through
2 when Pages 90 and 91
3 who
4 whose Listening 2
5 why 1 GH Loans
6 where 2 The caller presses 2 because be wants to speak to an
Grammar 2 3 The caller reaches 3 on the scale before he puts the
We’re a Swedish company which has controlling shares phone down because the system uses speech
in three subsidiaries and a large stake in one smaller divi- recognition technology which requires him to answer
sion. It is recommended therefore that we focus our finan- ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.
cial interests on the smaller subsidiary, which incidentally
is also based in Sweden. Listening 3
1 Abi Kaye
Grammar 3 2 TI3662
1 defining 3 21st April 1981
2 non-defining 4 loan early last month
3 commas 5 statement
4 The sentences in the text on page 87 containing 6 five thousand euros
relative clauses are those which were completed with 7 0172443929
A–G in exercise 2 on page 86. 8 four

Grammar 4 Vocabulary 4
1 Let me introduce you to David who’s the director of our 1 unavailable / take
company. 2 hold
2 This is the main factory where we produce car parts. 3 put / through
3 This is our latest product which is also our biggest 4 One
seller. 5 take
4 The company had a turnover of about a million euros in 6 bear with me
2004 when it was founded in 2004. 7 put (you) on hold
8 call (you) back
Grammar 5 9 So that was
Possible answers 10 suit
I work for a company which produces software.
I study at a college that specialises in business courses. Vocabulary 5
The best kind of boss is someone who doesn’t interfere. 1 Let me call you back later.
2 Let me read that back to you.
Grammar 6 3 I’m just looking up his number on the computer. / I’m
1 My company, which is based in Sydney, has offices all just looking his number up on the computer.
over the world. 4 Do you mind if we put the meeting back to Tuesday? /
2 Mrs Sayers, who’s waiting in reception, says she has Do you mind if we put back the meeting to Tuesday?
an appointment with you. 5 We’ll bring the schedule forward by a week. / We’ll bring
3 The man, whose briefcase we found last night, called forward the schedule by a week.
this morning to see if we had it. 6 Hold on a moment.
4 The report, which I’ve just finished, is in your in-tray. 7 Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out.
8 Sorry, he’s tied up with something at the moment. Can
I help?
9 I’m just putting you on hold for a moment.

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Speaking 6
Possible answers Dear Mr Kay
Student A’s message (File 9.1):
Further to your message regarding next week’s brand
Caller: Mr/Ms Jakuczik development meeting, I can confirm that I will be able
to attend. Please also find attached ScentAir’s latest
Message: He/She rang to postpone meeting with
proposals, which we can discuss in more detail next
Mr Vathone on 24th in Hong Kong. week.
Account number: YE99-087
Call back at: 7pm (US time) I look forward to seeing you.

Best regards
Student B’s message (File 9.2):
John Taylor
Caller: Mr/Ms Jingshan
Message: He/She paid $3,760 into account, but it
isn’t on this month’s statement. MODULE 10
Account number: HIE364 4756
Call back at: [students decide time] on 980 765 55 44 10.1 Management
Pages 96 and 97

Pages 92 and 93 Reading 2

1 E 2 D 3 B 4 C 5A
Reading 2
1 B 2 B 3A Reading 3
Possible answers
Writing 5 – Managers shouldn’t ask staff to do things they aren’t
1 email prepared to do themselves.
2 capital – Managers need to be open to new ideas and ways of
3 spam (or) email newsletters doing things.
4 important
5 subject Vocabulary 4
6 inbox (other possibilities given in brackets)
succeed in business
Writing 6 achieve success (a great deal, targets)
Possible answers set targets
– With emails to people you don’t know, use formal miss opportunities (targets)
expressions such as Dear …, I am writing to …, I look recognise weaknesses (success)
forward to … . learn a great deal
– Organise your emails into folders. develop an understanding (a strategy)
– Send many attachments in separate emails.
– Only cc emails to someone else when it’s really Vocabulary 5
necessary. 1 succeeded in
2 missing
Writing 7 3 learned
The person broke the following rules: 4 developed
1 He/She didn’t check for things like spelling, grammar 5 recognised
and formality (e.g. recieved / I look forward to see 6 plan
you then / Hi …).
2 and 4 He/She used capitals and marked it Vocabulary 6
IMPORTANT! Possible answers
5 The subject line wasn’t short and clear. Madonna has succeeded in business because she
reinvents herself.
She has always planned a strategy for each stage of her
Writing 8 career.
Possible answer She has achieved success through hard work and
It’s been important for her to set personal targets.

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Total Business 2
When she has missed opportunities, she’s learnt from it. Listening 2
She also recognises her weaknesses and brings in other 1 site
people to help. 2 windows
Madonna has learnt a great deal from others. 3 south side
She realised early on that it’s important to develop an 4 four
understanding of the music industry. 5 1.5
6 manufacturer
Pages 98 and 99 7 architect
8 call her
Grammar 1
1 C / No, the action didn’t happen. Listening 3
2 A (Note that students might also answer D which is 1 The windows don’t fit.
correct. However it contains a modal verb so is also the 2 Send the window back to the manufacturer.
answer to 5.) 3 Make the space for the window wider.
3E 4 Solution A: it will take the manufacturer 16 weeks to
4B redo them, and the architect will need to do more de
5D signs.
Solution B: it’s a bit expensive but the people on the
Extension site are being paid anyway so they can make the space
Zero: A, D wider.
First: E 5 The best solution is probably the second solution (to
Second: B make the space wider).
Thirds: C
Listening 4
Grammar 2 We can worry about … later.
1 can’t do The main thing is to find a solution.
2 would happen What are our options?
3 ’d wanted If we do/did … it will/would …
4 know My other idea is to …
5 won’t succeed It’d have the advantage of …
6 knew Good idea. / I agree.
7 would have done
Pages 102 and 103
Grammar 3
1 C 2 A 3 G 4 E 5 D 6 F 7B Vocabulary 1
in time ( + )
Speaking 4 on time ( + )
Possible answers within budget ( + )
The problem will include: over budget ( – )
– their most recent album Talk to the world has received under budget ( +/– )
poor reviews by the music press on schedule ( + )
– according to the review the group sound similar to their behind schedule ( – )
previous album ahead of schedule ( +/– )
– the review also suggests they haven’t changed their
image or appearance Vocabulary 2
– since their second album, sales have fallen 1 over
– sales of merchandise have fallen. 2 on
3 in
10.2 Solving Problems 4 in
5 ahead
Pages 100 and 101 6 behind
7 in
Listening 1 8 in
1 Linda is in charge of construction of a building. 9 within
2 The windows don’t fit.
3 She wants her manager to call her back.

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Vocabulary 3 Reading 2
further to / following on from 1 10p (pence)
so that we are / in order to be 2 15
due to / because of / as a result of 3 50
therefore / so 4 50
5 rent
Writing 4 6 service charge
1 Further to / Following on from 7 coffee
2 due to / because of / as a result of 8 1.26
3 In order to / So that we
4 therefore / so Reading 3
5 so 1B
Writing 5 3F
Jan Feb Mar April May June 5C
D is the extra sentence.
Tickets printed
Vocabulary 4
Tour dates 1 middlemen
announced 2 disparity
Tickets go on 3 change hands
sale 4 overheads
Plans/design 5 factor in
merchandise 6 break-even total
Merchandise 7 mark-up
to be delivered 8 freight
Tour starts 9 gross domestic product
X(1st) 10 charities

Writing 6 Pages 108 and 109

Possible answer
Grammar 1
Subject: Further changes to schedule for LJ tour. 1 0 (Fairtrade is the name of the organisation)
Further to my previous email, I can confirm that 2 an (singular noun)
tickets need to be printed by January 31st. Please 3 a (singular noun mentioned for the first time)
also note that the client has increased the merchan- 4 the (before a superlative)
dising budget in order to include hats and scarves. I 5 the (there is only one)
appreciate your patience with these changes to the 6 an (singular noun)
schedule. 7 the (name of country)
8 a (singular noun)
9 the (refers to ‘foundation’ – there is only one)
10 0 (plural noun)
Listening 3
11.1 Ethical Economics 1 C 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 B 7 B
Pages 106 and 107
11.2 Discussing Trends
Reading 1 Pages 110 and 111
Possible answers
– coffee grown Speaking 1
– coffee picked Possible answers
– coffee transported a) Wind power has already been implemented in many
– coffee packed countries though some people say it can never provide
– coffee sold and shipped enough energy on its own. The initial cost is also very
– coffee sold on to shops high.
– coffee bought and drunk

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
b) Solar power is being widely used either on people’s Listening 2
own houses or in the form of huge areas of land with 1 because
solar panels. The cost of technology is falling for this 2 due to the fact that
energy so it looks like a good investment. 3 Another reason for
c) Bio fuels which make use of residue from plants are 4 as a result of
already used in some cars. They look set to provide 5 as
one solution to the lack of petrol fuels.
d) Coal is criticised for the pollution it creates and many Writing 4
countries are looking at alternatives which suggests Possible answers
it isn’t a good investment. However, in some parts of (based on information given)
the world such as China there are huge coal reserves
which are only now being mined and used in power Reasons for:
stations. In this case coal may still be a good – it has a new deal with Mainline Energy worth 190
investment but be bad for the environment. million euros
e) Wave power has many of the same pros and cons as – the company has over ten years’ experience in a
wind power. relatively new field
f) Nuclear power has attracted bad publicity in the past – it hit a high earlier in the year
but more recently many governments have returned – the recent fall is described by many analysts as a
to the idea of building nuclear power stations in short-term problem.
the next century in order to solve the potential short – it has developed a new silicon-saving technology
age of energy. Private investment may yet provide
good returns. Reasons against:
– its recent stock price fell by half
Reading 2 – there is a shortage of silicon.
1 B 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 C
8 D Writing 5
9 A 10 B 11 B 12 A 13 D 14A 15 C Possible answer

Reading 3
The graph shows that while solar power costs twice as Dear Mr Keating
much per kilowatt-hour than traditional energy sources
used on power grids at present, its costs have been Proposed Investment
falling continuously since the early nineties. The line In response to your enquiry about Sungreen Power,
showing the average price for power from the grid the company seems to be performing well.
for residential energy is also climbing. If these trends
continue, solar power may become more competitive, Findings
making it a good long-term investment. One thing to consider is their new sales agreement
with Mainline Energy, worth 190 millions euros. This
Vocabulary 4 should help their share price which recently halved.
1 peak (n) On the one hand this was caused by a shortage of
2 rising (v) silicon, but on the other hand Sungreen specialise in
3 soar (v) technology which requires less silicon.
4 remained stable (v)
5 crash (n) Recommendations
6 go down (v) So despite the fall, I would still suggest you con-
7 descent (n) sider investing. The fact that solar power costs have
8 declined (v) continuously fallen since the early nineties and look
set to equal normal energy costs in the next few year
Pages 112 and 113 makes this a good investment opportunity.
Listening 1 Feel free to call me to discuss any further queries you
A no speaker might have.
C4 Best regards

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Total Business 2
MODULE 12 Grammar 3
1 Do you think business will become …
12.1 Business Law 2 I was wondering what you think …
Pages 116 and 117 3 … a good product, isn’t it?
4 … by plane, won’t they?
Listening 1 5 Do you think employees can work …
In this case both phone operators are using logos which 6 … what your plans for your future career are?
use the same colour. One operator could argue that (or) … what your plans are for your future career?
customers will therefore confuse the brand and that their 7 … experience do you think would help …
competitor is making use of their brand image. 8 … for three years, haven’t you?

Listening 2 12.2 Handling Questions

1 TV commercials Pages 120 and 121
2 T-shirts
3 orange Listening 1
4 petrol company Possible questions
5 green A The customer might ask: Can I have a refund? Can I
6 shape exchange this for something else? The shop assistant
7 business might ask: When did you buy it? Do you have the
8 colours receipt? Did you pay by credit card or cash?
B The employee might ask: Why wasn’t I paid for that
Vocabulary 3 overtime I did? Why is the tax higher this month?
1 I 2 A 3 F 4 G 5 B C The student might ask: What did I get wrong? Why
6 E 7 H 8 J 9C was my mark so low? The teacher might ask:
What went wrong? Did you revise?
Reading 4 D The manager might ask: Have you read our policy on
1 C (the ‘premises’ refers to the petrol station) sending emails? Why did you
2 B (Normal people … aren’t likely to face legal send so many?
proceedings) E The journalists might ask: What is the company doing
3 A (The operator has followed the easyGroup trademark to solve the problem? Will you
branding and used orange.) be giving customers a refund?
4 B (Google has said it intends to stop …)
5 A (Orange may be taking easyMobile to court … though Listening 2
easyMobile is part of a bigger company called easy Conversation 1: C
Group.) Conversation 2: E
6 C (TOP is an Irish company but BP can only sue its Conversation 3: B
stations in Northern Ireland which come under United Conversation 4: A
Kingdom law.) Conversation 5: D
7 B (Google had said it intends to stop the use of its
name … / A spokeswoman said: We think it’s Listening 3
important to make the distinction between …) 1 E 2 F 3 C 4 B 5 A 6D

Pages 118 and 119 Listening 4

1, 2, 3: A, C, E
Grammar 1 4 F.
1 don’t they 5, 6: B, D
2 you can use the same colour
3 there’s anything else Speaking 5
4 you think the outcome will be Possible answers
1 Sorry, I didn’t understand the question.
2 I’m afraid I’m unable to answer that at the moment.
3 That’s a very good question.
4 I just need to check with someone first.
5 I’d like to come back to that point later on if that’s OK.
6 I’m afraid I’m unable to answer that at the moment.

Pages 122 and 123

© Summertown Publishing 2009

Total Business 2
Reading 1
1 When they have important news, company
announcements, or at any time when it’s possible to
give an ‘interesting slant’.*
2 When the story explains how your company has helped
the local community or has raised money for charity.
Also the story might be about success or relate to
other hot topics. They won’t use it if it seems like an
3 One advantage is that a press release is free publicity
and also that the public tend to take more notice
of the company than they would from seeing an
*‘interesting slant’. This often refers to newspaper
stories which take an ordinary or even politically
uninteresting event but manage to make it interesting in
some way.

Reading 2
Text C isn’t a good press release because it reads like
an advertisement. It announces a sale with discounts
and there is no suggestion that the company has done
anything useful for the community.

Reading 3
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 C 7B

Reading 5
– Introduces the news: I am writing / It is always good to
– Refers to reader’s knowledge: As many of you are
aware / As many local people will know
– Announces good news: we are therefore pleased to
announce / we are delighted / we are celebrating
– Handles bad news: Contrary to recent suggestions / we
are taking this very seriously

Writing 6
Possible answer

Dear Editor

Contrary to recent suggestions that the Everyman

Theatre may be closing, we are pleased to announce
the opening of our new café on May 1st. We are
celebrating this event with a party for local people at
7pm. After that, the café will be open during the day
for lunchtime shoppers as well as in the evenings
for theatre audiences. We also intend to hold regular
cabaret nights in the café.

Money for the café was raised by ‘Friends of the

Everyman’ and this also helped pay for the Internet
access facilities. Two days after the café opening,
the musical ‘Guys and Dolls’ will start on May 3rd in
the main theatre, starring well-known TV actor Rene

Please find enclosed designs for the new café.

Yours sincerely

© Summertown Publishing 2009

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