Student's Book Answer Key
Student's Book Answer Key
Student's Book Answer Key
Answer Key
Total Business 2
Total Business 2 Student’s Book temping lots of variety hard to progress
Answer Key your career
consultancy well paid no job security
MODULE 1 flexitime good for work-life not good for
balance people who like
1.1 Ways of Working routine
Pages 6 and 7
hot-desking saves the disruptive to
Vocabulary 2 company money employees
1 F 2 H 3 A 4 G
5 C 6 I 7 D 8E Reading 5
1 Open your mind
Vocabulary 3 2 Plan for disaster
Possible answers 3 Get organised
Freelance, temping, consultancy: 4 Set your limits
It’s great because I’m my own boss but I still get to work 5 Put pen to paper
with lots of different people. 6 Don’t feel guilty
7 Two become one
It can get a bit lonely at times. And I miss my colleagues Pages 8 and 9
and all the office gossip.
Listening 1
Job-sharing: 1 Have a timetable and stick to it.
When one of us wants a week off, the other person does 2 Advantages:
a few extra days so it’s fairly flexible. – you spend more time with the children
– more flexibility
Shift work: – the company saves money on office space
The only problem is sleeping. Your body never knows if – no commuting.
it’s night or day! Disadvantages:
– sometimes you work in the evening
Part-time, teleworking: – you miss people and office news.
My children are at school so it lets me spend more time
with them. Listening 2
1 7.00 – get up, get the kids ready
Temping: 8.30 – take kids to school
I like it because it’s only for a couple of months and I’m 9.00 – start work
saving my money to go round the world. 12.00 – have lunch
14.30 – finish work
Hot-desking: 2 She’s been with her current employer since she left
I wish I had my own space. I have to carry everything school, but she’s been home- working for five years.
around in my bag and sometimes there’s nowhere to sit. 3 She’s going to the office every day to meet visitors.
Vocabulary 4 Grammar 3
Possible answers 1 B 2 D 3 A 4C
Possible Possible Grammar 4
advantages disadvantages 1 Present simple
freelance you choose the no job security 2 Present perfect continuous
job 3 Present perfect simple
teleworking organise your you need to 4 Present continuous
work time be good at
self-organisation Grammar 5
1 need
job-sharing more free time need to
2 communicate
coordinate with
3 have escaped
other person
4 have been working
shift work gives you your tiring 5 have been
days free 6 ’m working
part-time more free time less money 7 answer
Listening 6
1 C 2 A 3 D 4B MODULE 2
Listening 5
Dear Sir or Madam 1 A 2 F 3 F 4 D 5 A 6 C 7 B
8 B 9 B 10 D 11 D 12 A 13 B 14 C
I saw your advert for the post of Personal Assistant to 15 F
Overseas Sales Manager in yesterday’s newspaper
and I would like to apply for the position. Pages 22 and 23
Vocabulary 1 Listening 1
Possible answers 1 Naunton
2 Launching your business online
Advantages Disadvantages 3 Sunday evening
4 nine fifteen/9.15
Sole trader You take all the If you go 5 [email protected]
profit bankrupt,
you lose Listening 2
everything 1 are opening the room at 3 2 set up 3 4pm
4 twelve 5 seven
Partnership You share the You might
pressure disagree on Grammar 3
strategy 1 E 2 C 3 D 4 B 5A
Franchise The business Part of your
model is profits Grammar 4
given to you so goes to the 1 won’t be setting 2 will be arriving
there is franchisor 3 ’ll have finished 4 ’ll have gone
less risk
Grammar 5
1 Sentences 1 and 2 are future continuous.
2 Sentences 3 and 4 are future perfect.
Listening 3
A 2 B 6 C 3 D3 E2 F 4 G 7 H 5 To: Vanessa
I 4 J 6 K 7 L5
Caller: Sergiusz Parteka
Pages 32 and 33
Message: He’s sorry but he’s postponing his booking
Writing 1 for the seminar on the 13th. Please send dates for
1 on his home number the next seminar and explain if the course fee can be
2 that the next meeting is on the 23rd refunded.
3 the final dates
4 for any confusion
5 the meeting MODULE 4
6 to call
7 bring the interviews forward 4.1 Advertising
8 join us/them later Pages 36 and 37
9 order number 01-X33
Vocabulary 2
Writing 2 1 mailshots
Possible answers 2 TV commercials
1 Please email Ralph details of next month’s seminars at 3 word of mouth
[email protected]. 4 brochures
2 Maria Monblot wants to attend next month’s business 5 sample
breakfast meeting not this month’s. Confirm this 6 newspaper adverts
with her on 768 4556. 7 banners
3 Please call Jochen Anderson about the schedule for the 8 spam
25th between two and five o’clock. He wants to change
the time and length of his workshop. Vocabulary 3
4 Please call Jochen Anderson on behalf of Vanessa Possible answers
about the schedule on the 25th.
5 Bryan in security confirmed the opening arrangements
Types of Advantages Disadvantages
for Sunday. Call him on 07786 678 8890 if there’s
anything else.
mailshots quick to deliver not seen for long
Writing 3 TV commercials memorable and people
1 can be fun remember the
Dates: The event is on the 25th. advert but not
Times: The schedule says Jochen is speaking at 9.30pm the product
but he’s supposed to speak at 11am. He’d actually prefer word of mouth you trust this people can also
to speak at 2pm. form most spread bad news
Numbers: His mobile is 0778 890 8895.
2 brochures give you more expensive to
Checking and clarifying details: Let me check. So that’s time to study produce and
… / I see / Let me read that back to you. information send out to your
Confirming action: I’ll have to check … then call you back. target market
/ I’ll call you back in an hour. sample people can test expensive
Requesting further information: Could you give me before buying
your … ?
Introduction Listening 5
The aim of this report is to comment on the number Overall, the speaker seems to be suggesting that
of people visiting the company website in the last modern artworks are a better choice to show you are a
three months and propose a marketing strategy for modern company and ‘planning for the future’. Traditional
the next three months. artworks say that a company is old or lacks new ideas.
Findings Listening 6
Over the last three months, the number of visitors 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 C 6A
has increased by 650. There are two reasons for the
increase. First of all, we launched a newsletter for Pages 48 and 49
subscribers. Secondly in May, we ran a competition
which was very popular. Grammar 1
With regard to costs, banners have cost 3,200 1 We prefer
euros a month but very few people seem to visit the 2 they preferred
website as a result of these. 3 I’ve always disliked
On the other hand, the newsletter doesn’t cost 4 he’d always disliked
anything (other than my time) but has helped to 5 I’ll need
increase the number of visitors. 6 she would need
Recommendations Grammar 2
In order to increase the number of visitors, I would 1 She said that she wasn’t happy with the arrangements.*
recommend that we continue with the newsletter and 2 He said they were moving the following week.
run more competitions and quizzes. I also propose 3 They said they’d planned everything.
that we stop using banners and put more resources 4 He said that he’d left the company in 2001.
into setting up links with other sites to increase the 5 The caller said she would call back the next day.
* Note that if the fact of the sentence is still true we
sometimes do NOT change the verb, e.g. in 1, if the
Writing 2 woman still isn’t happy at the time of speaking, the
speaker could say: ‘She said that she isn’t happy with
Introduction the arrangements.’
The report sets out to …
The purpose of this report is to … Grammar 3
1 F 2 C 3 B 4 E 5 A 6D
In addition to … Possible answers
Alternatively 1 He concluded that the company could offer a 2% pay
As a result of rise.
This means … 2 She apologised for missing the deadline./ She
Recommendations apologised that she had missed the deadline.
In conclusion 3 He called to say he would be a few minutes late.
I would propose / suggest that … 4 They agreed that management was spending too much
The findings clearly show that we should … time on paperwork.
5 He argued that they could buy new computers with that.
MODULE 5 6 He asked if he could take a day off next/the following
5.1 The Workplace
Pages 46 and 47 Listening 4
Speaker 1 The picture on the bottom left.
Reading 2 Speaker 2 The picture on the bottom right.
1 A 2 B 3 D 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 D Speaker 3 The first picture.
8 B 9 D 10 B 11 A 12 C
Pages 58 and 59
MODULE 6 Grammar 1
1 ’s employed.
6.1 Recruitment 2 must have been asked
Pages 56 and 57 3 is hoped
4 are being made redundant
Reading 2 5 is to be looked at
1 A, C 2 B 3C 4A 5 A, B 6 were taken on
7 ’ll be fired
Vocabulary 4
give a job: hire, recruit, employ Grammar 2
take someone’s job away: dismiss, sack, fire, lay off, Present continuous 4
make redundant Present perfect 0
leave a job: give notice, walk out, resign, take voluntary Past simple 6
redundancy Will (future) 7
Present infinitive 5
Listening 5 It + passive 3
Speaker 1: E Modal 2
Speaker 2: G
Speaker 3: C Grammar 3
Speaker 4: A 1 are given
Speaker 5: B 2 is being reviewed
3 ’ve been offered
Speaking 6 4 was set up
Possible answers 5 will be given
1 Many people will respond that it is unethical, however, it 6 to be looked at
is also a cultural issue since people from some 7 is hoped
countries would take the attitude that if it gets you the 8 have been delayed
job then it is acceptable. It may also be the case that
an applicant doesn’t have the right qualification Grammar 5
but is still able to do the job well. 1 to assess
2 was unfairly dismissed
2 You would expect that all managers should talk to the 3 was followed
person in question about an issue and also to anyone 4 has been found
involved such as colleagues of the person. 5 had failed
6 is reported
3 Good communication can avoid problems before they 7 gave
get out of control. Staff problems can be caused by 8 was dismissed
problems at home or difficulties with other members of 9 appears
the team. By regularly talking to staff a manager might 10 is recommended
be able to predict issues even before they arise 11 should be carried out
and take action. 12 will help
4 This will often depend on the level of the post. Senior 6.2 Emailing
managers may often have three to six months as a Pages 60 and 61
notice period whereas the basic employee may only
have as little as a week in which to find a new job. Reading 2
1 B 2 F 3 D 4 A 5 E 6C
5 Responses will include qualifications, references,
character and personality, how they work with others, Vocabulary 3
reasons for leaving the other job, etc. 1 a computer
2 click
6 Many companies have a policy of one verbal warning, a 3 shut down
written warning and finally the employee is fired. 4 mouse
5 delete
7 Students might feel that if a company has not been 6 break
Writing 6
Possible answers
Grammar 4 Vocabulary 4
1 Let me introduce you to David who’s the director of our 1 unavailable / take
company. 2 hold
2 This is the main factory where we produce car parts. 3 put / through
3 This is our latest product which is also our biggest 4 One
seller. 5 take
4 The company had a turnover of about a million euros in 6 bear with me
2004 when it was founded in 2004. 7 put (you) on hold
8 call (you) back
Grammar 5 9 So that was
Possible answers 10 suit
I work for a company which produces software.
I study at a college that specialises in business courses. Vocabulary 5
The best kind of boss is someone who doesn’t interfere. 1 Let me call you back later.
2 Let me read that back to you.
Grammar 6 3 I’m just looking up his number on the computer. / I’m
1 My company, which is based in Sydney, has offices all just looking his number up on the computer.
over the world. 4 Do you mind if we put the meeting back to Tuesday? /
2 Mrs Sayers, who’s waiting in reception, says she has Do you mind if we put back the meeting to Tuesday?
an appointment with you. 5 We’ll bring the schedule forward by a week. / We’ll bring
3 The man, whose briefcase we found last night, called forward the schedule by a week.
this morning to see if we had it. 6 Hold on a moment.
4 The report, which I’ve just finished, is in your in-tray. 7 Sorry, the battery on my mobile is about to run out.
8 Sorry, he’s tied up with something at the moment. Can
I help?
9 I’m just putting you on hold for a moment.
Best regards
Student B’s message (File 9.2):
John Taylor
Caller: Mr/Ms Jingshan
Message: He/She paid $3,760 into account, but it
isn’t on this month’s statement. MODULE 10
Account number: HIE364 4756
Call back at: [students decide time] on 980 765 55 44 10.1 Management
Pages 96 and 97
Reading 3
The graph shows that while solar power costs twice as Dear Mr Keating
much per kilowatt-hour than traditional energy sources
used on power grids at present, its costs have been Proposed Investment
falling continuously since the early nineties. The line In response to your enquiry about Sungreen Power,
showing the average price for power from the grid the company seems to be performing well.
for residential energy is also climbing. If these trends
continue, solar power may become more competitive, Findings
making it a good long-term investment. One thing to consider is their new sales agreement
with Mainline Energy, worth 190 millions euros. This
Vocabulary 4 should help their share price which recently halved.
1 peak (n) On the one hand this was caused by a shortage of
2 rising (v) silicon, but on the other hand Sungreen specialise in
3 soar (v) technology which requires less silicon.
4 remained stable (v)
5 crash (n) Recommendations
6 go down (v) So despite the fall, I would still suggest you con-
7 descent (n) sider investing. The fact that solar power costs have
8 declined (v) continuously fallen since the early nineties and look
set to equal normal energy costs in the next few year
Pages 112 and 113 makes this a good investment opportunity.
Listening 1 Feel free to call me to discuss any further queries you
A no speaker might have.
C4 Best regards
Reading 2
Text C isn’t a good press release because it reads like
an advertisement. It announces a sale with discounts
and there is no suggestion that the company has done
anything useful for the community.
Reading 3
1 C 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 B 6 C 7B
Reading 5
– Introduces the news: I am writing / It is always good to
– Refers to reader’s knowledge: As many of you are
aware / As many local people will know
– Announces good news: we are therefore pleased to
announce / we are delighted / we are celebrating
– Handles bad news: Contrary to recent suggestions / we
are taking this very seriously
Writing 6
Possible answer
Dear Editor
Yours sincerely