Ashley Dimabuyu Week 5 Task

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Name: Ashley C.

Dimabuyu Date:

Part I. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

F 1. Diagrams are text representations of information.
F 2. A bar graph is used to see patterns of trends in data.
F 3. A legend is used in some diagrams to show different but related data.
T 4. A circle graph is also known as a pie graph.
F 5. The heading on the top of a table is called a boxheart.
F 6. Informal tables do not need to have a title anymore.
F 7. The bottom grid scale in a line graph usually denotes the amount of
T 8. A chart is graphical representation of data using symbols which are
usually boxes, lines, bows, and arrows.
F 9. Visuals do not contribute new knowledge to the material, and can
therefore be skipped.
T 10. A visual has to be self-explanatory, so paragraph discussions after
the visual are optional.

Part II. Look at the tables below. Provide three to five-sentence analysis
based on the title and the data given

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The graph tells us that the 15-19 age range has the largest level of internet
access, so today's generation is all about technology. Adults are more likely
to play games, social media, watch videos or film and so forth via the
internet. The elderly people, on the other hand, have the lowest proportion of
internet usage and certain people do not have sufficient knowledge of how to
use internet.

The data presented reveals the activity of seven age groups on internet use.
Teenagers mainly play games and get news, as seen in the numbers,
whereas middle-aged people mostly check and buy things. Teenagers often
play video games, search for news, browse, and buy goods while they are
online, according to the presentation. Among internet users aged 40 to 60
years, product buying is the most popular practice. The download activity
declines with the rise in age and the activity of looking for people increases.

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The data given in this chart are the percentage of work time management
wherein 40% of the chart is from usual work. Contacting and researching,
where all have the same number, 15 percent, is next to daily jobs. It is then
accompanied by workshops and surveys, and each is equivalent to 10
percent of the work time. Finally, 5% is used for travel and another 5% for
other activities.

Part III. Determine the diagram which would best present the data below.
Then, draw the diagram (graph/table/chart) in the space provided to present
the data. Make sure to add a title and a legend in each diagram.
1. Students in Hiraya School were surveyed about the social networking
sites they use. The following data were generated.
• Out of 500 students surveyed, 96% have Facebook accounts, 87% have
Twitter accounts, and 95.7% use Instagram.

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Social Networking Sites used by Students in Hiraya School

34.34% 34.45%


Facebook Twitter Instagram

2. According to literacy reports in the country of Oz, youth literacy went up

7% since 2000. Here is the data:
• In 2000, only
Literacy Report of Oz
43% of the youth
180 population was
Populaton of Literate Youth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

literate. In the next census in 2005, it went up by 2%. After five years, the

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literacy rate was at 47%. During the most recent survey on 2015, the rate is
already at 50%.
3. Oz has a complex form of government. It is governed overall by the King
and Queen. Directly reporting to these monarchs is the Chief Minister, who
supervises the lay of the land, and the Crown Prince and Princess, who are
training in politics and economics. The Chief Minister primarily convenes the
different ministers of various agencies: the Minister of Agriculture, Minister

King and Queen

Chief Minister
Crown Prince and

Minister of

Minister of

Minister of

Minister of

Minister of

Minister of
Minister of
5 Laws
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of Housing, Minister of Rights, Minister of Laws, Minister of Health, Minister
of Education, and Minister of Budget.

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