Asking Directio-WPS Office

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Asking Direction

Setelah menyampaikan greetings, kalian bisa memulai menanyakan arah (asking directions) dengan
menggunakan modal auxiliary (could, would, dll), information questions (where, what, which, how), atau
interrogative sentence (is it…, do I…). Untuk lebih jelasnya kalian bisa menggunakan ungkapan asking
questions di bawah ini:

Menggunakan Modal Auxilary

Could you tell me how to get to …?

Could you tell me where the … is?

Would you give me directions to go to …?

Can you direct me to …?

Would you show me the way to …?

May I ask you the way to …?

Can you show me the … on the map?

I’m looking for …. Would you give me direction to get it?

Menggunakan Information Questions

Where is the …?

Where can I find the …?

How can / do I get to …?

How can / do I find …?

How far is the … from the …?

How do you get to … from …?

Which is the best way to …?

What’s the best way to get to …?

What’s the quickest way to get to …?

What’s the easiest way to get to the …?

Where are you exactly?

Menggunakan Interrogative Sentences

Is it the right way to / for …?

Is there a … around here / near hear?

Do you know where the … is?

Do you have a map to …?

Are we on the right road for …?

Am I in the right place to go …? How can I get there?

ika kalian tidak tahu jawabannya, gunakan ungkapan di bawah:

I am sorry, I don’t know the road of … (mohon maaf, saya tidak tahu jalan ke …)

I couldn’t show you the way to ... (saya tidak bisa menunjukkan jalan ke …)

I couldn’t help you to get … because I live here just now. (saya tidak bisa membantu anda untuk
menemukan … karena saya baru tinggal di sini)

I am stranger here. (saya orang asing di sini)

Jika kalian tahu arahnya, give directions:

Go ahead / go straight ahead = jalan lurus

go straight on main street = jalan lurus ke jalan utama

go straight on west street = jalan lurus ke barat

Go straight on for about 2 kilometers = Jalan lurus sekitar 2 kilometer

Go straight on until you come to the crossroad = Jalan terus sampai Anda tiba di perempatan

Go straight on left / right = Jalan lurus ke kiri / kanan

Go straight at the lights / at the roundabout /at the junction = Langsung ke lampu / di bundaran / di

galk down to ... = berjalan turun ke ...

Go past the ... = melewati ....

go past the school and turn left = melewati sekolah dan belok kiri

Keep going to ... = Terus berjalan ke...

Keep walking ahead = Terus berjalan ke depan

Take this road = Ambil jalan ini

Follow the road until you get to the hostpital = Ikuti jalan sampai kamu tiba di hostpital

Turn right = belok kanan

Turn left = belok kiri

Turn back ( go back) = Kembali

Pass the bank and then turn left = Lewati bank lalu belok kiri

Turn left after the bridge. = Belok kiri setelah jembatan.

Turn right from the first alley = Belok kanan dari gang pertama

Turn left on to Ahmad Yani Street = Belok kiri ke Jalan Ahmad Yani

Turn right / left at the traffic lights / roundabout, etc.= Belok kanan / kiri di lampu lalu lintas / bundaran,

Go right / left at the end of the road = Ke kanan / kiri di ujung jalan

Take the first / second / third street on the left / right = Ambil jalan pertama / kedua / ketiga di kiri /

Take a left / a right at the next traffic lights = Belok kiri / kanan di lampu lalu lintas berikutnya

Take a right / left at the junction = Ambil kanan / kiri di persimpangan

You will cross the cinema on right side = Anda akan melewati bioskop di sisi kanan

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