CHN2 Environmental Health and Sanitation
CHN2 Environmental Health and Sanitation
CHN2 Environmental Health and Sanitation
1. Discuss the legal mandates that provide the To manipulate the environment to prevent
framework for the various environmental contracting the disease by blocking disease
health and sanitation programs in the agents from entering and attacking his
Philippines body. However, if the man fails to keep the
2. Describe the elements of ecologic model of environment clean and healthy, this
health as it applies to environment health and provides a good breeding place for the
sanitation disease agents or vectors to live,
3. Describe the different programs and policies propagate, and eventually attack man who
related to major environmental health and will now serve as the host of the parasite or
sanitation activities disease-causing microorganisms. In order
4. Define the specific and varied roles that CHN to prevent this from happening, we need to
nurses play in environmental health have preventive strategies.
Preventive Strategies
1. Change people’s behavior to manipulate the
Branch in public health that deals with the environment and reduce exposure to
study of preventing illness by managing the biological and non-biological disease agents.
environment and changing people’s behavior to 2. Manipulate the environment to prevent
reduce exposure to biological and non-biological production or presence of disease agents.
agents of disease and injury. R.A. 9275 Clean Water Act of 2004 - aims to
abate and control water pollution from land-
What are the different environmental health
based resources.
3. Increasing the persons resistance to infectious
• Air, land, water, and noise pollution diseases as demonstrated in the various
maternal and child health programs of
Most of these environmental health
Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI)
problems are a result of man’s lifestyle, behavior
and Nutrition.
and the lack of concern for future generations.
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
The study of all factors in man’s physical Key areas that require improvement:
environment which may negatively affect his
health and well-being. Factors: 1. Specific policies and legislation for
environmental health
1. Water supply sanitation 2. Institutional development and intersectoral
2. Proper excreta disposal collaboration
3. Human resource development
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
o Every 6 months – for physical and chemical ▪ Generally suitable for rural areas
properties where houses are clustered densely to
o Annually – for biological quality and justify a single pipe system.
radiological properties when the need ✓ Level III or Waterworks System
arises ▪ Individual House Connection Type
× PD 856 (There is a supplemental IRR on chapter ▪ Is composed of a source, a reservoir, a
17 on sewage collection and excreta disposal and pipe distribution network, and
drainage of the sanitation code of the Philippines, household taps.
regulates and provides proper guidelines for LGUs ▪ Generally suited for densely populated
and establishments involved in dislodging, urban areas and requires minimum
collection, handling, and transport, and disposal of treatment for disinfection.
domestic sludge from pools, communal septic
tanks, domestic sewage treatment plants or
facilities, and seepage from household septic × Open Dug Wells
tanks.) × Unimproved Springs
× Wells That Need Priming
WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION These types of water supply are unapproved
PROGRAM because the water comes from doubtful sources.
APPROVED TYPES OF WATER SUPPLY DOH Secretary/duly authorized representative:
✓ Level I or Point Source Type issues the certification of potability of existing
▪ Protected well or developed spring water source
with an outlet but without a
distribution system
▪ Generally adaptable for rural areas
where the houses are thinly scattered
▪ Can normally serve 15 to 25 - By government or private laboratories duly
households and its outreach must not accredited by DOH and meets the provisions of
be more than 250 m from the furthest National Standards of drinking water
user. - Yearly
▪ Its yield discharge is from 40 to 140
✓ Level II or Communal Type DISEASES
▪ Communal Faucet System is otherwise
- Cholera (Commonly manifests first as diarrhea)
known as Standpost Type
- Typhoid fever (Accompanied by high fever,
▪ Composed of a water source, a
headaches, weakness, and constipation or
reservoir, a pipe distribution network,
abdominal discomfort)
and communal faucets.
▪ Designed to deliver 40 to 80 liters of
water per capital per day to an
average of 100 households with one 1. Newly constructed water supply facilities
faucet per 4 to 6 households 2. Water supply facility that has been
▪ Should be located not more than 25 m repaired/improved
from the furthest home 3. Water supply sources found to be positive
bacteriologically by laboratory analysis
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
4. Container disinfection of drinking water ▪ Non water carriage toilet facility (ex. Pit
collected from water facilities subject to latrines or Reed Odorless Earth closet)
recontamination (examples of this are: open
dug wells, unimproved springs, surface water)
3. Filtration (What do we use as filter? We can use ▪ Small amount of water required to wash
sand, piece of cloth, or any material to remove the waste (ex. Aqua privies/water sealed
suspended materials for water.) latrines)
4. Chlorination (Adding chlorine to water to kill
pathogenic microorganism)
5. Softening (Through boiling or adding certain
chemicals to reduce calcium and magnesium
salts which are believed to cause water to be
hard. A softened water does not cause
precipitates in pipes and tanks. The chemicals
used for softening water are: Ammonia, Borax,
Calcium hydroxide or Trisodium Phosphate.)
APPROVED TYPE OF TOILET FACILITIES 2. Level II Types (This includes on-site toilet
facilities of the water carriage type with
1. Level I Type water seal and flush type with septic vault
- 2 categories: or tank disposal facilities.)
5|R L CC
NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
3. Level III Types (This is the water carriage Antipolo Type – This is an elevated toilet
type of facilities connected to septic tanks house. The shallow pit is extended upwards.
or to sewerage system connected to
treatment plants.)
“Blind drainage” type of waste water collection
and disposal facility in rural areas. (This shall
continue to be the emphasis in rural areas until
sewer facilities and off-site treatment facilities
shall be made available to clustered houses in
rural areas.)
Conventional Sewerage facilities for población
and cities. (Promoted for construction in order
to attain control and prevention of fecal and
water borne disease.)
Water Sealed Latrine – A water sealed toilet
Terminologies Used in Proper Excreta bowl is placed over a pit privy.
Disposal Program Flushed Type Latrine – Waste is disposed by
flushing water through pipes into a septic tank
Pail System – A pail or a box is used, and a
or a sewerage system.
ballot system is included.
Open Pit Privy – This is a pit covered by
platform with uncovered hole. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT/GARBAGE
Closed Pit Privy DISPOSAL
Bored Hole Latrine – This is a deep but
relatively narrow hole made with a boring
• HAZARDOUS WASTE – Toxic wastes generated
from large industries, hospitals.
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
➢ Bronchitis
POLICIES ➢ Chronic Cough
➢ Chronic Phlegm
1. Appraisal of food establishment as to follow ➢ Wheezing
sanitary conditions: ➢ Shortness of breath
a. Inspection/approval of all food sources,
containers, and transport vehicle
b. Compliance of sanitary permit LEGAL ISSUES IN AIR POLLUTION
requirements for all food establishment
c. Provision of health certificate for food ➢ Industries control of air and water
handlers, cooks, helpers pollution and disposal of solid and
hazardous waste
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NCM 113 Community Health Nursing 2
Environmental Health and Sanitation
Presented by: Mrs. Ivy V. Rosales, RN, MAN (CAR)
➢ Buses and jeepney use of second-hand *Road safety is still an important concern in
engines the Philippines.
➢ Smoke belchers
➢ Pulmonary Disease
➢ Tuberculosis
➢ Bronchitis
➢ Pneumonia
▪ Traffic Crashes
▪ Traffic accidents injuries
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