Irregular Verb List 170

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(The very almost-complete list)


1. Abide Abode, Abided Abode, Abided Complir/Tolerar,
2. Arise Arose Arisen Sorgir
3. Awake Awoke Awoken Despertar-se
4. Be Was/Were Been Ser, estar
5. Bear Bore Borne / Born* Suportar /Carregar/
6. Beat Beat Beaten Derrotar/
Apallissar, colpejar
7. Become Became Become Esdevenir, convertir-se

8. Begin Began Begun Començar

9. Behold Beheld Beheld Contemplar
10. Bend Bent Bent Doblegar(-se)
11. Bet Bet, Betted Bet, Betted Apostar
12. Bid Bid, Bade Bid, Bade Licitar, oferir diners
13. Bind Bound Bound Lligar, embenar
14. Bite Bit Bitten Mossegar/Picar (mosquits,
tàvecs, formigues)
15. Bleed Bled Bled Sagnar
16. Blow Blew Blown Bufar / Esclatar
17. Break Broke Broken Trencar
18. Breed Bred Bred Criar animals/Cultivar

19. Bring Brought Brought Portar cap aquí

20. Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Emetre (TV, radio)
21. Build Built Built Construir
22. Burn Burnt, Burned Burnt, Burned Cremar
23. Burst Burst Burst Rebentar, esclatar
24. Buy Bought Bought Comprar
25. Can Could /Managed to/Was Managed to/Been able Poder, saber (fer)
able to to
26. Catch Caught Caught Atrapar en moviment/
Agafar bus, tren...
27. Choose Chose Chosen Escollir
28. Cling Clung Clung Enganxar-se, quedar-se
29. Come Came Come Venir
30. Cost Cost Cost Costar
31. Creep Crept Crept Reptar, arrossegar-se

32. Cut Cut Cut Tallar

33. Deal Dealt Dealt Repartir cartes
/Tractar, comerciar
34. Dig Dug Dug Cavar, excavar
35. Do Did Done Fer
36. Draw Drew Drawn Dibuixar
37. Dream Dreamt, Dreamed Dreamt, Dreamed Somiar
38. Drink Drank Drunk Beure
39. Drive Drove Driven Conduir

40. Dwell Dwelt, Dwelled Dwelt, Dwelled Habitar, residir
41. Eat Ate Eaten Menjar
42. Fall Fell Fallen Caure
43. Feed Fed Fed Alimentar
44. Feel Felt Felt Sentir (emocions)
45. Fight Fought Fought Lluitar
46. Find Found Found Trobar (coses)
47. Flee Fled Fled Fugir
48. Fling Flung Flung Llançar
49. Fly Flew Flown Volar
50. Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir
51. Foresee foresaw Foreseen Preveure
52. Foretell Foretold Foretold Predir
53. Forget Forgot Forgotten Oblidar
54. Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar
55. Forsake Forsook Forsaken Abandonar, renunciar
56. Freeze Froze Frozen Gelar(-se), congelar(-se)

57. Get Got Got Obtenir/arribar

58. Give Gave Given Donar
59. Go Went Gone / Been Anar
60. Grind Ground Ground Moldre
61. Grow Grew Grown Créixer
62. Hang Hung / Hung / Penjar coses /
Penjar persones*
Hanged* Hanged*
63. Have Had Had Tenir
64. Hear Heard Heard Sentir (oïda)
65. Hide Hid Hidden Amagar(-se)
66. Hit Hit Hit Colpejar
67. Hold Held Held Sostenir
68. Hurt Hurt Hurt Ferir
69. Keep Kept Kept Guardar , mantenir
70. Kneel Kneeled, Knelt Kneeled, Knelt Agenollar-se
71. Know Knew Known Saber, conèixer
72. Lay Laid Laid Estirar/parar taula
73. Lead Led Led Liderar, guiar
74. Lean Leant, Leaned Leant, Leaned Inclinar-se/Recolzar-se

75. Leap Leapt, Leaped Leapt, Leaped Fer un salt

76. Learn Learnt, Learned Learnt, Learned Aprendre
77. Leave Left Left Marxar, abandonar,
78. Lend Lent Lent Prestar, deixar
79. Let Let Let Deixar, permetre
80. Lie Lay Lain Estar estirat
81. Light Lit, Lighted Lit, Lighted encendre (foc, gas)
82. Lose Lost Lost Perdre
83. Make Made Made Fer, fabricar, crear
84. May Might Poder
85. Mean Meant Meant Significar, voler dir/tenir
la intenció de

86. Meet Met Met Trobar-se algú/quedar
amb algú /conèixer algú
x 1r cop
87. Misread Misread Misread Llegir malament, mal
88. Misspell Misspelt, Misspelled Misspelt, Misspelled Escriure amb errades
89. Misunderstand Misunderstood Misunderstood Malentendre
90. Must Had to Had to Haver de
91. Overcome Overcame Overcome Superar
92. Pay Paid Paid Pagar
93. Put Put Put Posar
94. Quit Quit, Quitted Quit, Quitted Renunciar, abandonar
95. Read Read Read Llegir
96. Redo Redid Redone Refer
97. Remake Remade Remade Refer, tornar a crear

98. Reset Reset Reset Posar en hora (rellotge)

99. Resit Resat Resat Tornar a seure/ Tornar

a fer un examen
100. Rethink Rethought Rethought Repensar
101. Rewrite Rewrote Rewritten Reescriure
102. Ride Rode Ridden Muntar (cavall, bici,
103. Ring Rang Rung Sonar
104. Rise Rose Risen Aixecar-se, elevar-se
105. Run Ran Run Córrer
106. Saw Sawed Sawn Serrar
107. Say Said Said Dir
108. See Saw Seen Veure
109. Seek Sought Sought Buscar
110. Sell Sold Sold Vendre
111. Send Sent Sent Enviar
112. Set Set Set Col·locar / posar
l’alarma o l’hora al
113. Sew Sewed Sewn Cosir
114. Shake Shook Shaken Sacsejar / donar la mà

115. Shave Shaved Shaven Afaitar(-se)

116. Shine Shone Shone Brillar
117. Shit Shit, Shat Shit, Shat Cagar
118. Shoot Shot Shot Disparar
119. Show Showed Shown Mostrar
120. Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encongir(-se)
121. Shut Shut Shut Tancar
122. Sing Sang Sung Cantar
123. Sink Sank Sunk Enfonsar(-se)
124. Sit Sat Sat Seure
125. Sleep Slept Slept Dormir
126. Slide Slid Slid Relliscar
127. Sling Slung Slung Llançar (amb mandró o

128. Slit Slit Slit Tallar longitudinalment

129. Smell Smelt, Smelled Smelt, Smelled Olorar

130. Sow Sowed Sown Sembrar
131. Speak Spoke Spoken Parlar (idiomes)
132. Speed Sped, Speeded Sped, Speeded Accelerar, conduir amb
excés de velocitat
133. Spell Spelt, Spelled Spelt, Spelled Lletrejar
134. Spend Spent Spent Gastar diners/ passar
el temps
135. Spill Spilt, Spilled Spilt, Spilled Vessar, esquitxar
136. Spin Span, Spun Spun Girar, donar voltes a
137. Spit Spat Spat Escopir
138. Split Split Split Dividir
139. Spoil Spoilt, Spoiled Spoilt, Spoiled Malcriar/ Fer malbé
140. Spread Spread Spread Escampar
141. Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar, moure’s
142. Stand Stood Stood Estar dempeus
143. Steal Stole Stolen Robar
144. Stick Stuck Stuck Enganxar, encaixar
145. Sting Stung Stung Picar (vespes,
146. Stink Stank, Stunk Stunk Fer pudor
147. Strike Struck Struck, Stricken Donar un cop / donar
(les hores)
148. Strive Strove Striven Esforçar-se
149. Swear Swore Sworn Jurar/dir paraulotes
150. Sweep Swept Swept Escombrar
151. Swell Swelled Swollen Inflar-se
152. Swim Swam Swum Nedar
153. Swing Swung Swung Gronxar
154. Take Took Taken Portar (cap a allà)
155. Teach Taught Taught Ensenyar (profe)
156. Tear Tore Torn Esquinçar
157. Tell Told Told Dir, explicar
158. Think Thought Thought Pensar
159. Throw Threw Thrown Llançar, llençar
160. Understand Understood Understood Comprendre
161. Upset Upset Upset Molestar
162. Wake up Woke up Woken up Despertar(-se)
163. Wear Wore Worn Portar posat, vestir
164. Weave Wove Woven Teixir
165. Weep Wept Wept Plorar
166. Wet Wet Wet Mullar
167. Win Won Won Guanyar
168. Wind Wound Wound Donar corda (rellotge),
Fer girar
169. Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirar-se
170. Write Wrote Written escriure

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